Our Town October 22, 1937

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VOLUME 24, No.3

Favors Trade Training Realistic Setting Opponents for Narberth Tax Collector Fashion Show Feature
Many Fathers Attend of Narberth Wonlen;s
Parent-Teacher Night Promised by Players
Club Open Luncheon
Wirelcss Station Scene FeatUl'c
Double Quartet Pleases With
Songs; Schrcpfcr Spcaks
of "Pctticoat Fever" To- ' 129 W omcn See Models in N ew-
on Govcrnment
night, Tomorrow I
I cst Styles; Schedule
, is Listed
(hw (If the outstanding featurps of
"Fatlwr's Nig'ht," 111:1<\ hy t.he N'ar-
t Ill>i.ght 's perfOl'lllanCe of the Players'
herth Parpnt-Teacher A~sociation at. !HOSPITAL GIVEN $25.00
tlH' N'arbc'rth I'uhlie School. Monda,' production of "Petticoat Fever," that
<\l'lightful comedy succeSli, will Ill' tl\('
night. wa~ a hug'p ~uc('(,~:" for K, J.. The ~ilhouette of 1900, RequinR and
slH'ci:d sptting huilt and painted by
Stpven~, chairman, was rewarded with dots of gold on black, and hatR with
a committc(' headed hy Joseph Hon-
a larg(' attendance of fatherR, who I tall-pointed crowns were outstanding
glcl' :lnd ably assisted by George \Ver,
w('I'r' pagcr]y int('J'{'stpd in the pro- I at the fashion show, which followed
ner, Hoger Burns, Bill Farmer, Bill
gram and th(' worl; of tlw org'aniza- IOJ(' open luncheon of the 'Vomen's
'I Clipsham and Jack Clarke.
tinn, : Coml11unit~, Club of Narberth at
Henry A. Fryc gave thc invocation The setting shows a government i (; rcen II ill Farms Tuesday. One hun-
and the Salut(' to t he Flag W:lS Ipd ,yj l'l'leli~ station on the coast of Lab- I dl'ed and twenty-nine members and
hv Girl Scout Elaine Starr, :\11'", rador in mid-winter and is Ilerlwp" gue~tR saw models, under the direc-
\\-l'~ll'v P. Dunning'trlll, chairman of OIH' of the most realistic settings evp\, : tion of l\IiRs Mildred Jay, display
th(' Study Group, reported that ther,' il)'''ducl'd hy the Players. It prm'('s 'modes from the sheer silk or warm
\"aR a 11l0St <rl'atif~'inn' attendanc(' at -H:u,lIl':t('h :-:tllditl~.
incidentally that the handicap of mov- 'rabbit wool morning ne~ligee on
the last meeting and is looking- for- ElJ\\'AH]) II. SNOW n··.· to Elm Hall, Narberth, in connec-
Rl'/iIlMiclll/. cawli</lltc fo!' 'l'C-c!cc- OLIVE STARK O'SULLIVAX : through the day to the evening gown
ward to having a ~tiJl larger onc' at 1.11/1',1' .ll' I i"l1 ,flll/ior High tion with the preparations for the first Democratic nominee fm' tlte off!,'r'. lof tUlle over taffeta or of heavy bro-
the meeting of this g-roup at 10,aO 8,-//11,,1 1,I·il/c:l"tI. II'Ii" told tlie play wcre completely overcome by an , cade.
A. 1\1. on November 10, in the Anlc'r-
ican Legion Room of the COl11munity
81111/'//I/ls/ IrOI/I'I",~ C/lIh that
tratl, Cll'/I'"r's "liollid rcp[rlee L(ltin
('nthusiastic committee.
\Vith such capablc favorites in th.,
3 Hurt, Antiques Burn :
I A silver offerin~ of $25 for the
Bryn Mawr Hospital was t~ken up.
Building, when Mary 'Yentworth 1\lc- (/1/([ GI·"'I.- ill till' d('IIII'/lIcll'!! (l1/(1 h,ad as ,Iohn Flynn and Grace \Ver- Narberth Couple Celcbrate ! Mrs. E. W, Heymann, preSIdent of
Conaughy will speak on "Those Emo- hi!fli "cho"l" tu IIUlk" til" ill"titll- ncr a most excellent evening's enter- 50th W cddiug Aunivcrsary In Bryn M awr Blaze thc club presided.
tionR of Yourli." At one timc :'Ili><~ tiUllS "il/ore illt"'resting," 'tainment may be looked for tonight Mrs. E. n. Hoskins, chairman of
McConaughy was consultant psyeholo- and tomorrow night, and those who Mr. and 1\lrs, ThomaR C. Trot- llew member~hip, asked that any
gist at Mt. Holyoke Collcg-e. find that the spoken play after all "r
tel', Jr., 0 f 20"n I' I
00( SJ( e a\'C-
Narberth Fire Chief Notifies ~~'ue~b at the luncheon interested in
An innovation of the program was' Main Line Denl0crats i~ ~till thc most intereRting will h(' nue, Narherth, celehratcd their Owner That Home IS joining the club get in touch with
a doublc male quartet, who Rang sev- Ie· well rewarded by their attendance. fiftieth wedding anniver~ary Ablaze ' her, to help her rcach her goal of 100
eral groups of songs, Thl'Y werp: naugurate alupalgn The production is under the able di- quietly on WedneRday. 1\11'. and : new members. She has ten signed
RUlis('lI S, Ba><ll'r, ,Ir,•.IanH's Drpn-. rection of Faith Farmer, whose han- Mrs. Trotter have liverl in Nar- Three pC'r~ons were injun'd anll lIames to be vuted upon by the board
nan, H,'nry A. Frye, C. W. Tapp, E, lVII'S, Wilson Rcsigns as Vice- dling of "This Thing Called Lo\'C," I)('rth the paRt 46 years. Thl'y I several \'aluahle antique "collector's at their meeting TueRday morning at
Sarle Brown, Lewis Basby, T. A. EI- CI' D' C II ill 19.:36, was one of the outstanding han' two daughters, 1\Ir~. Ethl'l I pieccs" ineludillg a "pricelpss four- lO,:lO at the home of the president.
wood and Owen Schmidt, The accom-
lan'man; 1I1'nl1l to on-
,successes of the Narberth Players. As- Shyrock and 1\IrR. Clarpncp Ha~'- I )lostr'r hed" \\'el'(' dpstroyed when fire! 1\Irs. Joseph Gurbarg, ~hairman of
panist was Mrs, "Ii • 11, r~d 'V . n al'I y, tinuc as Lcader I sisting is Blanche Hongler. 1110nd Kaeber, who also reside in burned a garage and iiervants quar- Literature and InternatIOnal Rela-
Speaker of the e\"l'nlll~ was Frank I Narberth, I ters on the Bryn 1\Iawr e~tate of, tions, announced that the group will
A. Schrepfer, whose topic was the' Lower :\1l'1'ion and Narberth Demo- . MI'. Trotter is a charter melll- 'IJanws L.eon Alexandpr, early Satur- '. meet Tuesday afternoon a~ the home
"Modern Trend of Government," in, crats formally opt'ned their election COl11l1l1ttee Nanled to Study 1)('1' of the Narherth Fin' COIll- day. : of :'III'S. Henrv F. Dever, WIth Mrs. P.
which hp explained the hasic prin- campaign on i\londay nig-ht wit.h a Narbcrth School Lighting pany and is the secretary of the Among the motorists who notified: A. Wales as ~o-hostess. "The Return
cipks of g-overnment of Italy, GN-' rallv at headquarters, 12 Cricket ave- Narherth Building and Loan i Alexander of the blaze were Charles: to Religion" by Henry C, Link will
many and Hussia, and compared it tn' nue~ Ardmore,
that of the Unitt·d States.
A cOlllmittee of Mrs. H, R. Rine- •__A_S_S_o_cl_'a_t_io_l_l·
Frank J, Bradlev, Norristown at-j hart, Robert C. Collins and W . .J.
I .... V, Noel, Narherth fire chief and treas- be reviewed by Mrs, H. A. Frye. Re-
urer of the Montl'omery Count v Rc'-lligion in a lighter vein, through the
Rl'freshments were ~(,rved and a torl1e\' and i\Iol;tgomery County I ))'('nl1ell was named by Dr, LeRoy A. Conlnlunity Library ! publican Committee, and W, ~. R.: l'yes of a little colored boy, will ?e
soeial hour followed, 'Dl'!11l;cratic chaimw;l, reviewed the King, president of the Narberth • 'Evans, Narberth G. O. P. COml11lttee- taken up by Mrs. C. A. Farmer m

A d('!'RPrt luncheon and brid.gc: accomplishnwnb of the Earle Ad- School Board, Tuesday night, to Rt~dy Installs Equlpnlent l man and member of the horough her review of "Their Eyes were
party Rponsor('d by the Parent-Tpach-' ministration and predicted victury for lighting in the borough school buIld- ___ I Board of AdjuRtment. They were on Watching God" by ~ora Thurston,
PI' Association wilJ he 11l'ld next 'Ved- the Ih'mocratie ticket on November 2. ing and to report its recommenda-
, I C 't'
. II t heir way to the court hou.se at N.or-. A dessert luncheon Will be s.erved.
tions to the November Board meet- EffiCIency and Appearance Ill- risto",",'11, and helped mo\'f' furniturl'
nesday aftcrnoon, III t le ommUlli ~ I Other sjll'akers included Charles . Mrs. J. A. Hongler, chalrman of
Building-. on Windsor awnue. ; Lachman, Cynwyd estates, candidate m g . , . proved by Rearrangement from thc house. education, said that the art and edu-
Mr~, II. F. Darnes, chairman of the: for township treasurer; Henry Fried- The Board lIlcrea!'ed compensatlCln in Building The in iured were Alice McGuigan, cation departments would combine
Finance and Budget Committec, is in' man, Bryn :\lawr, magiRtrate candi- of substitute teachers to $5 per day, a domestic who in iured both shins in for a trip to view the cathedral at
charge, and the public is cordialJ~' in-: date; A. Paul Shalet, Cynwyd, and :'\('\\' equipment, recently authorized a fall; l\1i~hael J. 'Ciavin, Bryn Mawr Bryn Athyn t~is Friday, leav,in g from
Yited to attend. Tic];(':s an' 50 ccnls. :llr~.. ;\IcCarth~' lIanger, Bala, eandi-I Zig-Zag Driver Faces Court for purchase by the Board of Trustees fireman, overcome by smoke, and ,Io- Mrs. Hongler s home at ~.30. She
('ach, and may he obtalll('d from :\lr~, dates for school director; Joseph Ernest McKenna, Yeadon sales- of the Narbl'rth Community Library seph Corry Merion Fire Cumpany of also announced the openlllg of a
Contlnup.d on ra~e Two : ~lag~,ri,ty:, can~id~l,te. f~r rc-dec~ion !man, .was arrested .Iast week-end in has been installed. There arc three Ardmore, .cut , , Contlnuea on Page Two
nght hand.
• • • • ,a~ );.tlbllth m,lgl><llatc, Joseph Mc- Narbcrth by Officerli Brady Utz and additional section~ of standard The fire Waii extinguished after two
DIVISIon SupervIsor Elhatton,. W e~t COI~~hohoeken ,bu,rgess I Thomas W. Merkle. ~hclves in the reading room. making
hours by firemen frol11 the Bryn Talk on Advertising

and candidate for Jurv CUmmls~lOner., I' r h' auto was it possible to place the related groups Mawr, \Vest Conshohockpn and A ]'(1-
U rges ConservatIon' .
H. :\leade Smith, ihverford com- ,.'\ccorc,m g ttOWPO Ice, o<\lS
, . zlg'-zagglllg a ynnewo road and
-Travel. History, International Mind
more companies.
Given Rotary Club
mltteeman, presHled. I' Alcove, Pennsylvania Collection and
C \('~tnut avenue.
- - - .
F. A. l\1yCl'S Asks Sportsmen. :\,Irs. E. W:n:m g' W,ilson, Rosemunt, l\lag-i",trate H. C, Frit"ch held :Mc- same Refl'rence Histor~'-together in the bl Mcssage Should bc Direct to
'II G a n l e re><lgned as VIce-chaIrman and Mr. 1-\-enna f' or coun t r cour t un d cr $500 room. It abo relieves the main Choral Invites Pu ic
N ot to K I ,
SmIth was e!<'cted as her successor. I 'I I k d" h. d room shelves of overcrowding. A new A d . " ~~H
Buycr, Ralph S. Dunne
Wanton Iy . ' , ., HII on a (run en
Juhn T, DUlllln, Penn "~nne, who fined him $15 on a reckless dnvmg
I'lvmg c arg~ ~n eard catalog for the usc of the public to tten___ earmg I Tells Members
places the old file at the disposal of
recently r('siglwd as chairman, an- count.
A ))Iea to ~portsmen nut to kill
nuunced that ditl'erences had been the library staff for such special file~ C:ourtl'oOIll Atmosphere Prcvails I "Ad\'ertising should be a direct
game wantonly \\'a~ made by F. A. as the shelf li~t, and orders and re-I ..' " ,message to the man or woman who
Mr,'r><, division ~uperdsor of the
settJcod and that he would continue as
. 51 lOWS
Ph otos quests, Another much-needed piecc as Trial by Jury Goes i is interested in your merchandise at
P('nn,ylvania Game Commission" ,I. L. Minick. of \Vindsor avenue, of equipment is an additional metal Into Rehearsal i til(' tin1l' when hp or she has particu-
speaking' hefore the Lower l\lerion • Narberth, was the gUClit speaker Mon- file for pictures and pamphlets, : lar need for it," Ralph S. Dunne told
Rod and (iun Club, Wednesday eve-: Young Rcpublicans to day night at the Photographic Guild doubling the library's previous capa- The first "hearing" of the "Trial: members of the Bala-Cynwyd-N ar-
ning at the Narberth Community: Hear of Amendmcnts of Philadelphia. Mr. Minick, assiRt- city for such material. by ,Iury" (the Choral's fall Gilbcrt I herth Rotary Club, Tuesday, in an ad-
Building-. : ant to the Electrical Engineer of the Two wall-magazine rack~ to obvi- and Sullivan operetta) was conducted: dress on "Moving Your Merchandise."
:'111'. My,'r", discussed the game lawR I
A mceting- of the Young Hepubliean ppnnsylvania Railroad, gave an iI- ate the necessity for placing maga- to the ><atisfaction of the director, jury i Mr. Dunne prescnted neWRjJaper
and i1wir enforcement, with particu- Club o~ Narherth ha~ IWl'n calJel~ for lustrated travelog on the mountains zinps on the reading tablPii havp been and ~jl(>ctators-principals not heing: and magazine advertisements to iIlus-
lar r('j"'I'('nce to thc deer ~eason. next lhursday cvclllng, when Stall'lo!' eC'ntral Pennsylvania.
I ordered, Habitues of thp library's rcquired to appear-at the home of trate his points.
Nl'w members voted into the club R('p1'('s,'ntati~'e ,John H. Longakn, of Fred H, Hurd. of Chc'stnut an~ Es- reading rool11 will appreciate tI\(' eI- .1 ames Tilbury :llonday evening-. PI'eparation of copy is vitally im-
arc George Stewart, ,Jr.• Ardmore; Pott~town, will speak. ~ex :1\'enues, has been appomted how-room they will acquire, The courtroom (apologie~ to Mrs, portant, he said, pointing' out that
C, S, I{yan, Phila<lelphia, and S. Ar-. l\Ir. Longaker will discuss and ex- chairman of the Guild's Program The ><helves and filing easps Iwve Tilbury) was well fillcd hyoId faeps an in><urance company received 2,300
no!cl Peck, Ardmore Park. plain the Constitutional Anll'ndmcnts Comlllittee. b('('n purchasell from fund~ appro- and quite a numher of ncw onl'~, orders for a booklet titled "March-
The annual partieipation in awards to he \'oted on at the g-eneral e!c'l'- priated by the Borough Council, the prm'ing' that the l\lemhership Com- tll(' Dangcr :\Ionth," and flO,OOO rc-
of ~portsmen'~ equipment wa~ an- tion next month, The nwe!ing, to br' Legion Installation Monday magazine rack~ arc the gift of :III'S, mittce has seen itR duty and donl' it. qucsts for a pal11phld eallcd "Do
nounced to be held December 15, hdd at the American Legion room in Ib~'mond 1,. Hl'nllnerly, conllllandl'r, Rohert Fellows "'ood. Howcver, you do not I](,l'd a ><pl'eial. You \Vant To Get AI]('ad'!"
:\Ionday evening; tIll' local club was till' Community Building, will begin Ninth District, Amcrican Legion, will The librarian, l\Ii~s Clara E. Fol- invitation to witncss tI\(' progTcs>< of l He also discussed window display,.;
ho><t to auout 75 membel'~ from vari- at 7..t5. ill-jail thc nl'W ofllcl'l'~ of thl' }-Iar- Idt~', is attl'lHling the annual confer- this "Trial." I which, he said, often have too g;l'n-
ou~ units in the i\Iontg'ollll'ry Count~'. old n, Speakman Post at thl' Le.~ion ('11"(' of tIl(> Pcnnsyh'ania Library A~- The "case" will he continued nc'xt' eral an appeal. An at.tra~tive win-
Fl',kration of SportslllC'n Clubs. At The Threc l3's !to"111 of the COl11munity Building;. ><Ol'iation, whieh i~ Ill'ing 11l'Id at York, Monday l'\'('ning' at tl\(' honH' of 1\11',: duw may bring only adnllratlOn; make
this session it wa>< announced that A Bigg'el' alld Better Bazaar will Narbcrth, Monday evening.
I Pennsylvania, August 21, 22 and 2:t and M ;'s. (', S. Shinn, 107 l\lapk an'-: your appeal to the "ultimate con-
10,000 t rces for planting along Ill' a g-ood "log-an to adopt this year nut', llala. at S o'clock shal']~. MPIll-\ sunl(>r," he saic!'
county ><t1'('am~ would be available in· in \'('f"I'I'ing; to the Methodist Bazaar, ber~ of the chorus fill thc Jury hox, --------
til" spring; and it was rl'fjul'><ted that the annllal DeCl'mber event of Nar-
B",' Scout troops aid in this work. : hl'I,th. fill' it n'ally will be big'gel' and
Corsages and Free Admissions Will and courtroom, while thc llefendant,' Borough Republican Committce
plaintiff, judgl', et cetera, are sung by Urgcs "Straight" Party Vote
Th,' Fl'd,'ration i>< slHlnHlril1g- a big- better than l'\'('r beforl'. Conllnittees
~hoot ()('(o!l('r :1O at t hl' Ea~tl'rn State for tilt' \'arious t<lble~ arc working Feature Egyptian Anniversary Week the soloists, So do come and nwd
the perfectly g'rand peoJl!l' who ha\'(~ At a meeting of the Narherth He-
P,'nit('ntiary g;I'oulld, at (;raterforlI. h:\l'd to make their tables as attrac- been responsiblc for those splendid puhlican COlllnlittl'l' thi~ week, cn-
tivc as po~~iule. The datc set is De- In cl'lebration of it~ tl'nth annivel'- I'ely on Showman COII\\'a~"s ,iudg'nll'nt Gilhert and Sullivan performances of dorsement was given to all G. 0, P.
106,316 Registered in COllnty : ec'mher ,I. ,lot it down in your date ><al'~', the Eg'~'ptian in Bala-Cynwyd in recommending g;ood "howl" as wpll the past and sce for yourself-one: candidatl's nominated at the Septelll-
The Reg;i~tration COll1ll1i~sion of' book now while you think of it so you will this Saturday ushl'r in a weck a", in s(']ecting them. trial will convince you-you'll ~ticlL----' bl'r Primaries,
l\Iontgomer~' County announced this: won't make any other engagements of surprises, in ke('ping with its pol- Rowing to public demand, l\lr, ('on- F. D, I The committee also is instructing
week that the final l'('gistration is to prevent ~'ou cuming to the usual icy of innovations. Th~' tl1l'atrc, built way this Friday and Saturday i~ J'('-
I all party workers to urge citizens to
106,:316. i
good suppn tbat will bc served that t('n ypars ag'o by the latc Patrick .I. peating "Rosp l\!arip," the b,'autiful King's Daughters' County I \'ote "the straight Rcpublican ticket"
Of this oflicial tofal Hppuhlieall~ nig;hl. "'ateh for further announce- La\\'ler. umler ,Im;eph Conwa~"s man- drama in which Nl'lson Eddy and
Convcntion This Saturday! at the Novemuer 2 dcetion.
number 72,H:lH; Democl'ats, :H,072;: nll'nts. ag('m"nt, has \\'on conlllJ('!Hlation for Jeanette MacDonald made their big- ! Committee n\('mbl'r~ arc Charles V.
Non-Partisan, 2,245; Soeialist, 12;-;;: jt~ manv nm'pl ~tunt" that have suc- ge~t hit. singing' {{udolf Friml'R ]OVl'- l
The thirty-sixth annual cOll\'ention Nod, Mrs. Lllui><e V. Cockrill, John C.
Prohibitionist, 21; Hoyal Oak, 8; Com-' Needll'\\,ol·k Guild Sewing cc'edcd--'.liuch as balloting for Request \IY melodies. Beginning his Annin'l'-
of the King',s Daughters and Sons of natchelor. Mrs, Ethel Williams, W.
munist, 2; Industrial Lahor, 1: Town-: The Narberth Branch of tlH' Npedlto- \V('"k, annual expreSRion of public :-:ary 'Veek, Mr. Conway, who believes
Montg'omery County will he held thi~ D. R. I'~vans, Mrs. Margaret Gris-
sendite, 1. work Guild will hold its spwing and choicc of rl'peat shows; complete pro- in liaying it with flowcr><. will on Sat-
Saturday. Delegates wiII be guest~' wold,

Narbprth's total rl'gi~tl'ation is; hu~il1l'ss nll'l'ling; in the COlIJll1unity gTam of short subjects, winning wide urday night present a corsage tOl'\'pry
of the "Steadfast Circle" in the Pres-
2,508, I Building', next Wednesday, heg-inning popularity; Bank Night, three years woman in the audiencc.
Cynwyd Club Dance TOl11orrow
at 10 o'c\oek. at the Egyptian, amI reccntly adopted Monday night, all couples who th i:; byterian Church, Ambler.
The C\'Il\\'\'d Club will present a
Garden Club Mcets Monday ! This is the last scwing' bdore tlH' by nearlv C\'CI'\' other theatre in the month arc celebrating thc:r t,_·~~I~ The morning session w:1I be orH'n('d
"Harvest' Da~lce" tomorrow night at
The Penn Vall('\' Garden Club will: annual ingathering on NovellJhl'!' 10, siatp; pt;rchase' abroad of foreign lan- wedding anniversary, are ill\'itt'll to he at 10 A. 1\1. Deleg;ations from all
the clubhuuse under the chairmanship
meet Monday mOJ'!;ing, at 10,:30, at th," at the Lutheran Church. guap:e films for prcmiere presentation tIl!' Egyptian's guests on its anniver- ten county circles will attend.
home of 1\1 rs, Spencer Roberts, 3,11! As there iR an urg-ent demand for in this area; morning- pcrformances sary for the showing' of "The Toast Mrs. Fred Derby, State Pl'l'sident; of MI'. aIHI Mrs. E. Harmon Friel. On
November 6, the feature dance of the
l\1cClena!~han Mill road. Penn Vall,'y,: c!othing;, it is hoped all whu possibly cksigncd primarily for small children, of New York." The only requirement Mrs. Franci~ Bakel', Mrs. R. C. Kell-
Fall season, the "Hobo Dance," will
Mrs. Robert Fellows Wood, of Nar-: can will come out and help :-:ew. I that have won approval of parents and for admission is a marriage certifi- nedy and Mrs. William Fischer will
be given by the Entertainment Com-
berth,. wiII speak on the "Ten Great! Bring a box luncheon. T"a and!Children alike; and candidly honest ad- eate dated any time in October, 1927. represent the Evangel Circle of Nar-
IIc'rb~." : coffee wiII be served. vertising that enables the public to Continued on Page Four berth. mittee.
'," -, ~., ", ·:·t. '" '.

Page Two OUR TOWN October 22, 1937

- rn-~\t m..11 IFashion Show Featu~~--T"Vogues,,,Musical in Color "Wild and Woolly" Next
OUR Jl.. 0 W .1 ~ In the Schools
A Co-operative Communit1/ Newspaper
founded in 1914 b1/ the Na1'~e'rth On October ].1
----------------1Contlnued~ Pnt:... 0".. :
I of Women's Luncheoni

"Vog-ues of 1!J:l8," Walter 'Vanger's

the Narberth Children's Theatre Guild hy the Art mu~ical in color, now at the Narberth
Civic Association, and publ1shed School's foothall team 10Rt to Hat-I Alliance in Philadelphia, where chil-: Theatre, preRents many models in
Jane Withers, clever child actress,
is a feudist in her latest picture,
Now at Narberth Theatl'e Attraction at Suburban

everJl Friday at Narbe1·th. Pa. "\Vild and Woolly," which comes to This Friday and Saturday
boro'R Junior Hig-h School team, 1~-(i,: dren will be taught the background' ,'oming- fashionR aR the background
~~~~fn i~l~a~~:~~gr~~~~~rPublisher FI'ank l\Tariana mar]l' thl' touch,lowll! of the arts, on October 2a at 10 A. M, i for a story Rtarring ,Joan Bennett and t hc Suburban Theatre, Ardmore, this The Most
Anne Morgan Roberts, Social Editor for Narbcrth, A largo" 11Ilmlll'r "r; The first project will be a Persian; \ramer Baxtcr, which deals with the Saturday, for a three-day engage- EYE·FILLING
Office _ 209 Haverford Ave., Narberth girls turned out to Rec the g-anlP. : folk play and the children will de-: ri,'alrv of two fashion houses. Helen ment. Jane has her trouble:; wit h Spectacle of the Year
MI'. \Vethcrall and :III'. Harkness, sign and make costumes and scener~' \'i""o;\ l1l'ads the large supporting .T ackie Searl, and shc is ably ahetterl
Telephone: Narberth 4100
Ph ilacll'll)hia RCpl'csC1ltativcs:
the tcam's coaches, wcnt to the goa nil' 'and act the play.
to help cheer for thl' hn~·s.
MiRR Margaret cw;t which includes Victor Young and by Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer anrl Doug-
GaRSnl'r, of the Narberth Public his orcheRtru. las Scott.
NBVILLE & HITCHINGS, INC. MI'. Wethcrall ha(1 chargl' of a PI'2'. School, will be in charge of the work- i'lonriay (ROI1l1s at !1) and Tues- Meanwhile her gl'aJlllfather, Walter 01
12 South 12th Street meeting in assemblv on Octollf'r 1;" shop I "Y' C 't H E tl· " Brennan, carries on his own fight
~l' D"
,,1. lennen <1 C
h' rl I;ar "e of thl' rll'vo-'
g, ,
.. '" " . lay, ou an, ave' very 111lg,
Mrs. C. L. \\ ells, co-chan man of a backstag-e lllusleni comelh', features ag-ainst the town hankel', Berton
Jo:ntered as Recond-clas~ matter Octoher tions Alicc Cook and G('oq~'1' \\ oorl- I F II I' e ·tt . , ' 1'1 . , . .
13, 1914, at the Post Otlwe at Narherth, .. t 1e 'e ows lip Oll1ml ee, I cml11( e, A lice J' aye nR a pOOl' playwl'lght and Churchill. This feurl is pateherl up, Photographed in
Pa., under the Act of Marf'h 3, 1879,
Subscription rate. $2 per yeJr In advance row, who wcre chosen chl'l',r lead.crs, members and gucsts of the bridg-e Don Ameche as a successful author of however, when Jane CXpOSl'S a pInt by NATURAL COLORS
lerl a numlll'r of cheers. JIlISS Fricke luncheon to he beld at her bome on t.une-shows. III the enst arc Ritz gangsters to roh the bank.
F1'1'd ay, 0 eto b er 22 , 1937 conducted the sin,c;ing of Rcl1001 songs. Reechwood lane this Friday at 1 BI'ol!wrs Chadl's Winl1inger Rubin- • • • • •IIii• • • • • • • • •1III

Over $165,000 P e ge ,
Grcer Heind(,I, captain of the football Il'clock
d'squad, made a short s]lel'ch.
;\11'5. G. 11. Suplee, chairman of art,

announced two pilg-rimag'es, on 01'- ICash Award Ni,ght), stars Jane'

rl' '1'1'· '. I"
." an, liS VIO 111.
"W,ild and Woolly," 'Vednesday SUB URBAN , i"
Nell' and Beautiflll JOAN BENNETT
oB M DO: School Heporl('J'. tober 2G and Xovc'mber n. The first \\'itlll'rs and \\'alter Brennan as
m ryn awr rive I will be in Germantown in chal'!.(e of granddaughtcr nnd g-randfnthcr, who THE A TRE - with·
--- Merion Bi'anch Will Give :1[1'''. Fettl'rolf and will start at two eal'l'y on small-town feuds, respec- Hell'n Vinson Misch:t Auer
"Good Start," Says Chairman: Bridne Party Octobel' 28 o'clock at the stlH;io of :\Iary Town- (il'ely, ",ith Bel·toll Churchill, the !P~I~,~~~r:;:? A;,."d;"'~;~~%~ Alan Mowbray Jerome Cowan
Pew I'll Addressl'llg to "pnd :\1 a ".0 n, on .\,\ r.'st H,.lrtwpll lane. ";lnk,'I'. and .Jackie Searl. Carl "AI-' Victor Young and His Orchestra
II .::'), Ample Free Parking Facilities
Wk. The :\ll'l'ion Brandl of tlw Leag-ue The studIO of \\ J Iham Goode, falfa" Switzer is Janc',; huddy in the --'LAS-T'TIMESTODAY--
1000 or eiS oj' \\'lll11('n \'(,tel",' "'ill opl'n the spason (;('nnanto",n an'nue, will he visitpd at film, and the
!\lore than $165,000 in g-ifts to the with a hl'idgl' pal'l~' Oe!oh('J' ~x at th(, thrl'l' and at ,1.:]0 that of Violet a -
o k Tlw "", ... rican GILBERT
"Broadway l\Ielody of W:lS," Thurs- &: SULLIVAN Company in Walter Wanger Models
Brvn !\lawr Hospital's $1,000,000.'\V a~'ne I I('ll!'qlllll' t er" 0 j' tl w PI11'\'\, - lc~'. i'lcCallum and Sl. Georg'I"s road. da,', .
star" Eleanor Pow, ,II anll Rohert "THE GII'l, ,-_
"The Most Photographed Girls
"pay •
- the - mortgage" campaig-n al- Ii rII' \ jllla I' 1'1
'- et: t1'11'
' C oll1pan~·. TI 1.ere :\\rs. ,J. S. Harris "ent a J'l'minder Tadol' . in a musical pomer!y. of the STARTS SATURDAY, Oct, 23
ready haR been pleug-ed.
' ,I 1.
I "'Ill' n (emonS ra Ion 0 t t1': f ~I t c
1'1 a I for c1uh nwmhl'l's
' t l . I' : equipnll'nl awl sC"'l'l'al val'letllOs of Ill'W g-arnwnts for the "epdlework ~,,!,hi,' Tue[;c'I' in thc cast,
to hring the two I'a('(' traek. with Binnie Ral'ne" and (',OR '[f'IREE DA'VS
ill the IVarid"

TI IIR was announceu uy .,\1' IU1 ',. , . . (;uild to the :-\o\'('m!)('r ~ l1wetingo, any- EM
. I
P e\\, .1'., exec I ' ut've con1111l'ttnc - chair-'
, fOOl! jl1'l'pan'd w111(,h . WIll be g'I\'en as thing- but stockings. The g-al'l11entR HER BEST PICTURE BY FAR I
man of the llI'ive, as he pr('sided 0\'('1" lul'l;~' IIlln1l,,'1' jlI'lZ~", . I I Frank H. Vallette
t t' t C II rt Hall; 1\11'''' C. Alhert I'I'I'lhofel', of 1\1<'1'- \\'ill "C' on dis!, a~' that' ay. Frank n. Valk,ttl', G!l, l'l'"id"nt of, NARBERTH PLAYERS
a rl'jl~II" mele'lllllg- a I JOtOI ~al t "ion is the r:hairman and t11lO "oll1mit- :\Ir~. E. C. (;I'iswold, junior adl'isor, "al'!l"rth for :10 years, !,assl,d a\\'a~' present
B I'yn ,I awl' (l l'ge, as nlgl. " , . , announced that the :\Ial'ket strecl
t('C' asslstl1H~' her IS :\JI'S. Jo rank C. suddl'lIly Oe!o!lel' 17, at his hllln,', :201
Enthu~iasm was the ordl'r of the Smith, flf Pl'nn \"illey, :\ll's. G('org-l' l'Umlll,W(' sal" had bc'en postponed CI\l'stnut a\'l'n\l", Nal'I",!,th. "PETTICOAT FEVER"
evening as almost 1000 of the eap- ]'I';1I1O,h', .1r., alld :\ll's. Arthur Galll'1. until "ov,'mlll'r 11 and that Ka~' .\ !,mlllinl'lIt Illl'llll,,'1' of tIll' to,,] Broadway Comedy Success
by M:trk Reed
tains g-eneral,;, comll1ander,; and I' 'I : \\'hl'l.'l"r will pick UJl any g-arments
, . I'" . 0 ; 1 I'rlon, IllaJ;in,t.( industry Ill' was Jll'l'"id"nt or
privat,l's of the hosjllta s . campal~'n Tic];r't,; llla:: 1)(' pI'OCU1'l'rI frol11 :1I1~' Olrl'1'('d, Also that till' dl'awing' ,;tarls th,' \':I1I1,ttl' :\Iaehinl' COlllpany, "I' ELM HALL - 8.45 P. M.
army' g-athel'ed for the fIrst repol't "I' t11C'. ;\Il()"" 11,'\111('11. Frid:I\.' fol' tilt' jllniors' linc'n and 1)1 Ii I:u I "plla, I I' [ I'f 1 Forrest Ave .. N:trberth
J" was a I I' Illl'nl ",'
mpeting. In "onlll'('lion ",ith th,' hri,kl' p:lrt~·, hlanl,vt ('hanc('.
"This is n good fitnrt, hut WI' havc thl'r,' ,\'ill hI' a ca];" and ('alld~' ~aJro. :\11'''' (;. \\'. ()rth, pro,il'l'! chaiJ'lllan" and A. ;\1.
or ( hi' :'Ill. IIol'l'h I.()d~'", :;~~, Jo' Friday and Saturday
OCT. 22nd and 23rd
a long way to travel l)('fo1'(' we enn :\1"mh(,I''' who rll'sil'l' trallsportation allnOlllH'(,d that :\I1~'on(' in thl' COI11- II" i" s\!I'\'iv"d ],~' hi~ wi'rlo\\', l<:'lllll:'
Admission-50c pius tax
say Wl~ have won our ,'ictol'y," to thi, or anv of th,' oth,'1' m"l'ting-s. 11111nity \\'a" il1\'it .. d 10 a !lritlg-(' luneh- :'I!:tl'khalll Vall"It". a dau,l!;htl'l', :III"
W a I,IH~( I 1\11 1'.
I' \v
e . ' .
"all :III'S. lIa1'l'~' n, :llax\\'(,11. :\Iprion I'oll to ],(' 1]('ld h.y her ('onlJllilt"c' at tIlt' Willialll .J. Pun'is, of Ardlll'll"', an, I
SUNDAYS - Continuous from 2.15
Also present to urgc mc'mbl'r" of 11.1G. h"nu' of :\ll's. Hohc'rt :'\ash, NO\'t'ml)('r ,""ns. Fl'alik I:', of I'hiladl'lphia: II .. "
their committees to redouble!j plrorts ;i, at 1~.:;n. Tic!;r,(,; will hI' ,.;ixty al'd (;., "f WayJl!', and n"IJI'l't :'II.. "I ARROW TUX SHIRTS
were 1\1rs. Horace B, Hare, chairl11an Many Fathers Attend ("'lIts and prizc's will h(' g-iwn. :Ill''', :-\arl>,'rth.
of the women':; division, and Edwin I N I Orth l'ntl'rtainl'd thl' f"llowing n1('l11- FlInl'ral ,"'I'vi('(·s "'PI'" h"ld Till'"
'V. Ehmann, \\'ho heads the men. Parcllt-Tcac lcr ig
lt IWI'S ot. IIc'r ('ol1lnu'tt ee a,t I unc IH~on day \\'ith inl"I'III"1I1 :II \\'""t Laul',,1 REFRIGERATORS and AccessOI·ies at the
:\londa~' at hl'1' hOl11e, on S~'dl'nham and all appliances
, ~ Ilill (','nll't"I'~·.
Cant I nlll'rl f rolll I 'll;e "llb a""nUI', in Philadelphia: Mrs. E. II. SaLes Sen'ice
"International Relations" Gpor,gc L. Ridlit'll, l\arl>l'rth ,1017-R Narberth Men's Shop
Coekrill, :\Irs. R..1. Na,.;h, iUrs. John Narberth Elec. & Radio CO.
Federation Meeting Theme or ]\11'''. Darnps, :'\nrlll'rt h :2!II~,
The l11cl11lwr,.;hip driw \\'ill COil
,r"yn'. :\11's, \\'illiam I\lulholland, Mrs. GARDEN COURT NARBERTH 4182 Narberth The:tln> Building
Seven members of the \\'olllen'" tinue until the ]'\ovemhl'r n1l'ding- alld :III'S. 11, C. Fenno, :\Irs. C. II. Ereer-
V. It Woodcock, Mrs. Eo K. Baucr,. APARTMENTS w. G. Case Ph. N:trberth 2772
Community Cluh of Narberth attpnd,'d it j" hoppd that evpr~' family will wood, :\11''';. II. F. Stev('ns, !III'S. 46th and 47th Streets :tt Pine
, "I 1-1 . Philaddphia. Pa. -- --- ------- ,---
the fall meeting of the Montg-olllery h(' reprr'sent",l. This \\'ork is I ,,'ing'
County Fcderation of \Vomen'R Club;;, done hy the :\I('I11I>,'rship and tIll' IIos, , Mrs. HI'~'nJann aUc'lHII'd the J'('ci-
Spp('k and :\11'''. e. Eo \Val~h. SUBURBAN CHARM IN THE
Thursday, in Abing,tOll, as guests of Ilitalit,.· COllllllitll'es. Each roolll ha, '1 PHILADELPHIA Complete Hairdressing CuLture
proeity luncheon for elub Ill'es" enb Dinl' and entertain in our spacious
the Ahin,,,'ton ," Ci,'ic Cluh. Keclling' in a nHlth('l' in this g'l'oUp. Thl'y an': of :llontg-ol11l'ry County at Royersforu,I
Dining Rooms; play h:tndball and Specializing in Permanent Waving
mind the day's theme, "International, i'll'S. Thcodor,' Fischel', :III'S, I.(,\\'is
on \r(·dnesday.
Relations," Dr. Daniel A. Poling and Sauder, :\Irs. :\I,'nitt H,'eke], :\II'S, II. S W 1M Spiral, Croquignol or combination
Miss BesRe Howard spoke on phasf's A. Tholllson, :\J 1'''. Corwin 1'('l'isho. all year 'round in the beautiful Haircutting
of the subject. Miss Howard, who I'll'S. ,1;\lllf'S easl'Y. :\11'''' Lc'skr Jlalrl,,- Cynwyd Thcatrc Will Hold
Hallowe'en Midnight Ramble'
GARDEN COURT lH vllday • T lIesday - Wednesday - 3 S pedals for $'1
231 Haverfor~1 Avcnue
brought first-hand information from' Illan, i'll'S. 1\ll'l'J'itt H,'ckl'l, i'll'S. It I:.
Geneva, where she has until 1'l'ce'ntly. D"I'I'. :\Irs. G. LT. :lI:ll'yott, JIll'S. W. n.
SWIMMING POOL ; _~Second Floor)
Narberth, Pa.
__ ~':~r:t~1_ 2565
been on the American Commission, , (;ilc,.;, :\JI''';. G. Bail('~', :III'S. Rus,~,'11
wiII speak at the Narberth club "0-:
'" I)(,I't I1 resl(
Bas(Olt'l" :\Irs. P. E. Fe'ucht, :III'S. Wil, attend the' Hallowe'en Midnight R am-
. Ients arc .In\'l't e( I t 0:
Opt'll to the public daily
10 A. 111. to 10 P. M.
Und('r th" dirf'ction of
.......... ... ....... ... ... ,.
,." ..
vember 30. Mrs, Horace G. Wunderle Iliam DUl'hin, :\ll's, L. A. Young, :\11':... hit" 1 J.:lO P. 1\1., Saturday the 30th, I-!ERMAN A. RINGLER, fOrlner
gave an illustrated talk on Enll'I'g-- i C. E. Stan, I'll'S. Clark :llillt,\'. at the Egyptian Theatre in Bala-' Nation~1 and Middle Atlantic
cney Clll'ld IIealth. Mrs. Char!l's Rid-
ington, Montgomery County p1'('sidpnt, lVeefdillg Date AllllOlIllccd
Cynwyd. Cash prizl's will b" awarde'd
for the funniest and fanciest costumes
Divinl: Ch:tnIIPi?n,
Samue Gra lam,
Reside"t Mgr. A Bid
presidcd. i The murriag-e of :lliss Elizabeth WOI'U and t111'I'C will be a parade: '-;jjiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_
Those from the Narberth clu IJ werf': I hl'wbel ' ,
daug'Hel' I' ol ;,'I'I. an( 1:11" • IS. similar to llH' ;\la1'lli G"a" fdl's for- :•.' .
Mrs. E. \V. Hevmann, , ,
pl'l'slllr'nt; JIll's" . ,John S.' hl'l(' , . I)l'l, of I ona a\'t'nue, a ' 1n
William LeWis; treasurer; :\Irs. ,J. A.: :\11'. Rohl'l't .1. Sic'g-el. son of Mr. and, l'on lfol.t'l\hll ' \:'larmtl~lll:~ tl1<' the'atre.
me · held in Narberth. ' hut in the:
,1'1\' for St. Mary's
Hong-leI', county ch,lIrman 'f 0 Dramat- :III'S. A11)('rt "J S' cl('g-e,1 0 j' F'Oles . 't a'ie- . A l mlTI'
. . 0 f Cll (Or WI ue on tap, sou-
. !\lrs. Lcon 'V. Melcher, count~· ' Illle, Will , tuke place on s·. atull I',t~, V(!llIr,; wdl be pl'l'sl'nted en'l'\'one and •
'. ' .
chairman of Prcss and PublIcity; :\lrs. at t,'moon, No\'(Omlwr l.
' I t, I . f G.ar-,'
. '('
. .
tbere Will bl' eonllcal conte'stR---,luck-
, .. 1
lUg- for appll's, pll'-I'atllig', I our-, ,,'lIlg,
," IS a
J J 1\1 ar t 111, c UU c 1<\lrman 0 , ,
d ·ens'. 1\1 rs.'. F i~l\ . FI 'oy<, I CUI I I C I1:111'-
. " Autocar Dcvelops Ncw Cal) t u rUc , rac"s . and . h:llloon-hlowlllg.
. ',
man 0
, f P d P 1 r 't
rCRS an
U) lCI y, anr , 1'''.' Outstanding. in the 1!l:lS Autocar master of cl'l'l'lllonies.
Unele bzra. radIO el'! "b I' Its, will he
A' hill-billy for Pleasure
P. H. Marrow. line is the sIx-man . cah,. de,'e!oped
, . ,ore Iles t ra WI'11 p Ia\',:IIl( I tl I('re ' WI'II
l'slHOciallv. for the publIc utllItles , an(l:' I IC' a su rprlsc ','}
screen SlOW,
Lower Merion Sinfonietta representing se"'''l'al nl'W depa rturl's
in rlesign. This cab has one hll'ge win-' Social life is so important: Don't neglect it over back.
Opens its FOUl'th Season E. C. GRISWOLD
dow on the left, a 30-inch adjustahlt,
rear front scat, two doors on the right; is now associated with brcaking laundry we can do for you more satisfactorily
Thc Lower Merion Sinfonietta haR
re~ume(I Its ac IV! les
t' 't' f tl
or 1e our If tl and window, and an ad .
justabll' cah- Fidelity Investment Ass'n Protection for lour investment in
"Fidelity Income Pia,," • • • more economically• You'll have more time for fun!
season with rehearsalR each Wcdnes-I scope on the roof. clothes - longer Wear - better ap-
See Adv't Life. Oct. 25th
day evening, bcginning Octoher ~7, I · I C P . pearance-the}' are the important
at Church road and Montgomery ave- i \Vms Footba I ontl'st I'lZC 1 Chestnut Ave. N:trbcrth 4095-J
consideralions when your cleaning
nul', Ardmore. Several public per-; Onc' of the $G prize winnf'rs in the, :;;;;;::;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;=;;::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;::;:;;;;::;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;; is done h}'
formances llre planned for the Sl'ason., !'l'gular Wl'ekl~' football eontest spon-:
Pla\'ers of orchestra instruments,' sOl'l'd by an oil eomjlany is I. K.!
who <ieRire active mcmlwrship should HI'uiskr. Apt. 107-B, Narberth Hall,:
Come on oyer!
-to Bala,CYl/1I'yd to the
AJelizzi Bros. St. Mary's Laundry, Inc.
communicate with the secretary, i\I iss N a l'bl'l't h. FURRtI:US, CLEIINERS, DYERS
Ardmore 4400 Ardmore, Pa. '
Mary Slete, HI Levering' ;\Iill road, -,_,_,_ EG'I: I·TIJ:'N~S 102 "'51 ;\ "e. Narb. 2602
Bala-Cynwyd. Present llll'mbership alief thc /VIaill Lil/e's 22H /\,01" Avl'. CYllwyd 928
PHILADELPHIA GROCERS "Know where your laundry goes"
is approximatcly 50 playcrs, and the
conductor is Bruce C. Beach. FOOD SHOW Iiallo,velllell

Pledgcd to FI'atcl'l1itr
At the 155th opening of Dickin"on
OCTOBER 19 to 29
Ra•••ble SWEET
"It's Real"
Owned and Given by
College, at Carlisle, Samuel .lay :lle- THE RETAIL
Cartney, Jr., was pledged to thl' B(~t a
Theta Pi fraternity. MAYOR
Ho_n".r."_ry Chairma_n _ CASH PRIZES
------- O1:tde daily from

Clean, Washed
McCartney is the son of :Ill'. ant! Ready Kilowatt Apples of good
1\1rs. Sal11uel l\IcCartlll'y, of ·10:; MENU CONTEST for flll/I/iest alld
____F_lrst~:i~e.'_$250 _ quality
Woodside a"ellUI~, NadlcI·th.
fanciest costu/lles
Adventures in
He is a graduate of Lower 1\11'I'illn TABLE SETTING APPLE.DUNKING,
High School, where his ext ra act ivi- showing tables of Radio &. Screen ,~-!ars APPLES
Division of Home Economics pic-eating, etc. SMOKE HOUSE
ties inclurled bantl, dramatics, tI('hat- PUBLIC SCHOOLS GRIMES GOLDEN
ing, amI journalislll. Children's Advancement In Cider . . . Souvl'nirs JONATHAN
this branch of study_ _ Surprise SCI"el'n Show
Joins \Vell·Dressed Group I _ _ _-=I3~~~~ker UNCLE EZ1~A lOME-MADE
\Varrl'n Wilson, 5816 Arch str('ct,: GUEST STARS SAUSAGE
Hill-Billy Orcl1l'stra I SCRAPPLE Perfect team work with burner, oil and sen'ice is
this week joined the \\'ell-rlrcRRl'rl i IRENE RICH
g'rllUp thl'Ough tbe Narberth 1\1('n's i October 19 and 20 Sa jovial Guy Kibbee illlierit FRESH LAID EGGS the only way to enjoy trouble-free oil heating.
OTHERS, Announced Lat~r_ $2,000,000 ill "Big Shot"-at That is why you should order from Newton!
Shop Christmas Club. i 4 ELECTRiC KITCHENS
with latest equipment the regulclr BRAe -BILL'S
evelling S"OJI'S - :
VICTOR CONCERTS alief st(1Y for the lHidllight
PIANO STUDIO Special Programs Daily R<Illlble-lIo e::tra charge. FARM' '\RKETS
of the better beating OIL the pel/eet OIL BURNER
ELIJAH YARDUMIAN FOOD SHOW OFFCE MORE FUN! Mal" .." - Lincoln Highway Every gallon perfect and just like installed, guaranteed, serviced and
:tssistant instructor JOHN H. JOHNSON, Pres. TIME OF YOUR LIFE! AnI'" '-Ncar S. & C. Store the last ... prompt, clean delivery. fueled by NeWlon Supply Com.
ELGEN J. ROWE, Mgr pany,subsidiary ofGeo. B. Newton
Lily Condors COMMERCIAL MUSEUM Phone Ardmore 2550
Phone BARing 0110 Come-whether i/l costume Villall ',I - Lincoln Highway Coal Co.
300 Levering Mill Rd. Cynwyd 123 or flOt - but COME! or Allegheny 8400-W.., 5201 li',G,lJ, N, c.Co,
~, :t·,d Sproul Road
:_ .. >,', .'.. .,._:."', ., .•:.' ,>"'1.<. ...~ "
.-" I,'" .,".1:"
'~, 0/"'

OUR TOWN Page Three

October 22, 1937
THE FIRESIDE Majors for Roll Call I Girl Scout News That ~~Je ne sais qua" . . •
Store Hours 9.30·5.30 For that individual, well groomed look you need only to
:\11'. and i\'Irs. Hervey C. Keim, of Red Cross Tea Guests I Troop 125
rely on this better beauty service.
i Dudlev avenue this week are attend- Luncheon
: ing' the 50th' anniversary of the
at Merion Cricket The Troop meeting began with a
American Institute of Accountants, Club November 1; Cam- formal opening. The captain made 216 Dudley Avenue Narberth 2324
at the Waldorf Astoria, New York paigll Next Month some announcements which were fol-
___ lowed by patrol corners and the eol-
City. Mrs. Francis H. Scheetz. chairmull ' I eeting S of dues. h
ome of t I' girls .

Ilr. .and :\Irs. W. ,'l. Pearson,
LakeView Apartmellts, saIled on the
Qu('ell oj Bermuda
. TI
1 f
of the "I' Roll Call !\Iain Line Branch No. passe d fi re preven t'Ion W h'l

lurSl ay or e1-, '

. '
B' I I Southeastern PennsvlvanIa
1l1uda. The~' will return on Monday. I tel', Amcnean Recl Cros~, Hlf a1\I\I':I had finished it
. CI
Iw lIew "'iris studied it so that they i
could take their tests after the others
I e severa I 0 f

PHILADELPHIA !Jr. , alld. "Irs.. h

' 1 'carson asslste
de' I IcatlOn 01 t e newI
. d'In t h' e
' I labor'a- , clav,
c H'mlca
for all the Roll Call MaJors on
. at her home In A l'clnlllJ'{'.
on- .
\Vhen the new ones were taking
Iheir test the others played a game. ,
i National Bank of Narberth
t()r~' at the University of Dehl\\'u 1'1' , Among" Ihose prpsent wcn': Mrs../. We then closed with a Good Night Deposits Insured under the Go\-emment Plan •
on Saturda~' at Newark, Del. 'L. Canby, Ardmorc; Mrs. Erlwarcl L. CircIe.-Mary McCafferty, Troop
Dr. allll :\Irs. Garth 13m'ricke, of, FOl'stall, Penn Valley; l\Irs. IIr'rlll'rt: Scribe. • Member oj Federal Reserve System • i
.......' Kenilworth road, also sailed on the 1 II. Frilz, Bryn Mawr; !\II·S. .1. (~.: I
Queell of 13ermuda and will return on, I-Inck~'nl)("~·g',. WT~·n.nc\~·o~rl;
.l\Ir,;. I':. i Narberth Bridge Club • Open at 8 A. !VI. daily for your conveniencl'· I

:'Ilol1dav. A medical convention will' Rohl'lt Rltel, N,llhellh, 1\II~. ,T. h.,

"""'-. {W'"
" ,;
, I, 1,(' hcld'dUrIng-
' '
. the voyage.
" '
' ., , , Gladwyne' . , Mrs. ,J. H. R{'ad-,., October
inA', :'IIf>rion; !\Irs. Stephen E. S]OCUI1l" "1'ld~I' part~' an
1.l, wmners d atI the annual
lunCleon of the
- - -- -

:\11'. ,a.l1{~ :'III's. l' rank C. St!efel and A rdl11ore; l\I rs. W Hliam :'II. W{':,I, \\' omcn 's Division of the Club were

I ,:\11'';. S~lcl.el's mother, i\Irs. ~tta Rus- Rosemont; 1\Irs. C. S. Ashhy ITI'nr~', :,1 iss Anna V. Foley, Mrs. C. A.
s~'I\. ~>1 \\'oodsld~. a~:el.l~lc, TwIll s.pen.d ,-\rdmol"'; :'111'';. Chal"1es S. Starr, lIa\'- ilamnll'r, i\lr:. I-I. D. Simpson, Mrs.
\ ,,".I, SUlldolYln Asbul~ I ,\lk~ N. J.,. \\hell' prforrl; l\lr~. Tristram C. Coll'l't, :!nd, :\lal1lon C. Hmebaugh, Jr., Mrs. Roy
tlll'~: wIll atte.nd the 80th ,blr~.hday Villanova; Mrs. Charll's S. 1'o\\·n:"'lul,. (ircenwood and Mrs. Andrew Hutton. C E MET E R Y
allnl\'I'I'Sar~' 01 :\ll's. Russell:' Sister, I:rln :\Iawr; :\Irs. .John P. Twadllt-ll,: October l:l, top score, Roy Green-
:'III'S. Catherine Hug-g'. 11:;\', I'ford; :'II iss Eleanor n. Culin, wood and !\Irs. H. 1. McConnell; sec- A place of bcauty and charm. The satisfaction
:'Ilr. and :'III'S. ,J. 1'. White, of Essex ":-;I'euti\'r' s"Cl'dal'y, Main Lin" Branch I ond plael', !\Irs. Walter J. Scott and of lot-owners during 68 ycars is accentuated
awnlW. slwnt tlw weel,-cnd in West :.J ... 1, and 1\lrs. Ilr'nry C. Eal'l1sl1aw. :\ll's. Arthur Cooney. by permanent care guaranteed by trust funds of
Chl',;I{'1' C"unty, :-':ew York, as g'llests Brln l\Iawr, ehairl11an of Ihp :\lain, October 16, top score, Roy Grcen- $550,000. Lots vary in price from $125 upward.
of :\11'. White's pal'l'nts, ;\11'. and 1\Irs. Lit;e Branch No. 1. 'wood and Arthur Cooney; second
.fud:,on .J. White. S I' , ' t tIl ~I plaCI', :'III'S. Charles B. Stoudt and Mr. Belmont Ave. near City Line, Cynwyd
. ' ugg'es Ions wel'l' g'l\'en 0 {' -, a- ,
:'11'. and :\Ir:'../. II. Brown, oj B~'onx- iol's in reg-ani to IllP Annual Holl: I, ox.
_ _ _ il

\'i/i". :-.:, Y., II'('J'(' the g'uests of 1\11'.' c"a which starts l\O\"'lllIH'r II alit! Oclobl'r 18, top score, Roy Green-
and :\ll's. ,I. I!. Spee!" of Woodbine ('ontin\ll's through Thanks!-,'ivin~~' lla~', woo{l and \Villiam Thompson; second
a VI 'IlUI', O\'er tIll' week.end. ~__ "!an', .It'sse Harris and E. C. Gris-
;\11'1'. Edward .1. Corrigan, of Nal'- PATTEN-MODELL wold.
1"'l'tl1 llall. ha,; rl'1urncd from a two '1'1 ii' mOl niagl' "I' :\1 is~ .J oan :\lod,'I.
I ,----------------~
WI'I']'S' ,;ta~' in Hartford, Conn. 0;' Ili\·"rsidl'. :-.:. Y.. and :\Ir. T,'re{ I
:\1 is,; Elllis" IlarndclI, dau,1!;hter of Fj,:teilr'l' I'a It f'n. of :-.: a rl)('rt h, will
:\11'. and :'III'S. Charks E. Harndcn. of t<lb' plal'l' lhis Fl'ida~' at six o'clock
l\loreno rllad. gav{' a Illnclll'on :'Ilon- ill I\H' Chur"h or the Tran"!iguration,
l1a\.· in honor of :\Iis" :-':alla-Loui",~ Fi I't h <l\'enlll' and
:\lcKinlll'Y, daughtr'r of :'III'. and :'III'S. ,_ t ]"I '('\';, : \ ('\\' Y()\·k.
\Y. S. :\1 r-!\inll"y, of Pl'iner-ton road, 1~:\lIdoIJlh Hay. rf't'!or or thl' {'hurch,
Triple Color ('~'Ilwyd, who"I' lllarriag" III :\11'. Don-
,-"ill o!1i{'iate.
Reci pe Booklet
aid A. llulI{'all, .11'., son of :'Ill'. and, :\1 :~, :'Ilod"ll at t"n,h'd the American Private or Class Lcssons
:\Irs. Donald A. DUllcan, of \Vynne- ..\ear!emy of Dramatic A rt, and the
Play on Wool field. will lal,r' Jllac" Satu!'lla~' in St. . Cllmnwreial Art:, Studios I'll :-':I'W, All ages from 4- years up

:\lattlii<l' Church, Bala.
:\11'. I.a\HI'ncl' Ill'ath, Who has b""n
Yor!, City.
:\11'. Pat!{'n W:l,; honor man of the'
li\'in~ in Bermuda 1'01' SOml' tinH', will "la,,, of 1 ~1:~O. Vall"y Forge :'Ililital'~'
al'I'i\",· honl<' on Novl'ml11'r Ii for a, AC:1IIen1\.' <Inri was graduat('rl from
I azz ill 20 Lessolls
* J6 pages of "ealthful new Corn and Tomato Casserole

dairy recipes and menus Eggplant Casserole
Sheer wClClI. vcry sil11ply' t 111'1'" WI'I' I'" ' sta~·. l1:t\'('I'I'Ol'd Coll"gp in Hl:1fi. MARGARET SQUIER IIIustrafed in color Lima Bean Parisienne
tailored with ['('\'cr'S, cutTs, :\11'. alld :\Irs. Ellsworth Clarke, of Ill' stUdied the violin under Anne Absolutely FREE - nothing Stuffed Peppers
ascot and belt surprises!' Chl'"tnut a\'"IIIH', s]1l'nt th,' wI'l'k-pnd ,Jaek:,on Davi". anrl was a member of Studio: 305 Grayling Ave. to buy Cream of Peanat and Pea Soup
at th"ir l'oltage in Stone Harbor, ~ hi' :\Iain Linr S~'I11])hony Orchestra Narbcrth 4109-J Created in the Sealtest Laboratory Crab Newburg
, l\ . .J. '1'01' fin' ,I'asons, appearing as soloist, Kitchen, these 26 recipcs are Buttermilk Sweet Potato Pie
Winc with ~rc}' and blue. Cottage Cheese Ham Loaf
Bei~(' with brown and ~reen.
:'>Irs..John \\T. Iknni" or Anlhwyn, on IhrC'e occa"ions.
road, :'I1,'rion, has r('\url1l'd from a IIII'. Pa!tC'n is associated with thl' ,____
,,- - - -
wholesome,delicious, economical,
and easily prepared. Princess Cake
And many others
Green with two li~hlcr gret'nS. ""\'eral days' stay in New YOI·k. ..\t!luiral Fal'ra~ut Academy as assist- Business There are new ways to use late
vegetables, lunch-box suggestions This attractive booklet is pre-
:\11'. and :\It-s. Roland G. Holt, of ant to thp rpgistrar. He is a brother i ~d uration
E""'pli",,all, thor,
ollgiL I ral nln~ fur
for school children, as wdl as reci- sented to you with the compli-
S/JOI'I Shop, 'third fl S:tn Franci,co, havl' heen the ~uests of thp late Lieutenant Robert 1\1. Pat-, . ' P'I.':'1111l11 . .
a,:. sl,'n',l-:rapl"" .. t.'rIO .;I,.'[,·f(\r\"
pes for entertaining. Many are ments of Supplee. You don't have
001', of :'Ill'. and ilIrs. George D. Gless)1er,
, ten, U. S. N. I tYPI~' ho,d,I.;'·"IH'I. !\PI:;t 01 '"\I'('1Itl\;"'15
illustrated in full color. In addi- to buy a thing.
a""I."'alll f;"",j Jln"itilllll'lllhtnllL.·dIHT~rart
'"I' Ant hwyn road, l \ 1 e r i o n . ' , I':nr.d! 11')',\ fiJI da~ or lli~hl ~ll'h{)01.
~:~~:~~~_~-~_~_::::-:::~:-~:-=:: :\11'. and :\Irs. A. R Kneidler, of
'II"" oj
tion, there are 8 complete menus. You wiII find that Supplee Seal-
, , __ ,_. ,,1 Strayer's Business Schoo' Just look at this recipe-list: test Milk adds to the Ba"or of
,K,'no"ha, Wisconsin, forl11prly of Classified I 8u] Cheslnu' 51 Lombard 0854 these recipes. E"ery quart con-
__ " Philadelphia i~' Babd E99S
:\Iaplr' and Elmwood av{'nues, have tains a full teacup of cream. Your
ON Creamed CorD and Sausage

Everything to make your

1ll'l'n S]H'IHling a short time in Nar-
,IJprth. Tlll'ir son, l\Ir. A. R. Kneirller,
li~~~~~ Salad Rapide
Butter Pastry
family wiII like its creamy rich-
ness. Order by telephone:

COMBS ~tl~::ic
'.11'., is a junior at the University of, Lemon Sponge Pie Brrn M"wr 881
Hallowe'en Party a success: -wilt he eharg'ed only to re~ldent" 1
1 Pennsylnulia. whOHe nalneH uIJpear in the tele-

SUPPLEE Ir--------------
phone director'y or to f;ubRcrthere
Costumes I illr". Walter R. O'Sullivan, of Wind- to non 'l'OWN or the NEWS OF
FDUND,ED, 1885
"\LBEltTO .10:'0:,\8, director pi-
: SOl' avenm', and Mrs. R. A. :'IlizlH'l'. IlA (,A-CYNWYD, alia lh~lHLI·lJnent. Cotnplete Jllll- I I Supplee·WiIIs-Jones Milk Company
False Faces : of \Voor!hine avenul', spl'nt \Vl,r!n{'s<!:ty I '5c a line
:-;h'al educatiDll. 1'1'clHlralory I Dept. NO-2
<Ippal·l.mclIt for childrcn. Teach- st., I 1523 N. 26th PhiladelphIa. Pa.

Make-up Material , in Harrisburg- where thev altewli'd t 111" [or Both Newspapers l'r:-;' tl'ainill~ CQlll'HCS leading to I ( want to try tho!'le d~UcloD8 rec..
: Stale D. A.' R. COnfl'l:cncl' and till' dl'~n'l'S and dill}onlas. I lpes In uTht'J Seahl"!'It Food Ad",ISfOr I
COUllt five words to line I (or Fall." Please M!Qd it 10 me (ree.
Dennison Party Favors i tl'a ~i\"('n hy 1\lrs. Georg'e H. Earl", al : -wilt he accepted up to \Vednes- Enroll No.. HOWard 0206
I N"m~ I
1331 S. BROAD ST.
• and all kinds of
I the I'Xl'Cut ive mansion. i <lay. 5 o'clock, for Fl'ld!l.Y's Issue". Media branch-Medta 1665-R I A.ddre.. I

: Mrs. Rohert Edg'ar, of r,:l:! :'.Ionl-'
, g-oll1ery a\'enile, Narberth, who i~ w('l1,
Phone: NARBERTH 4100 MILK I Cily
1_-------------- S'arp 'I

Imown 1lI till' residl'nl:' of thr, bOI'oU1;h.

DAVIS' h a \'i ng' 1i\'(' d here for the l' a st :!;, '';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
years, cl'lehrated her ('ig'hty-sixth
birthday allni\'('rsary on Tuesday.
At YOllr Ser"ice
SI'IIU':LLA {'OI'~I,tit'r"-lh·mOIl~trations &
224 Haverford Ave. l\Ini../. B. Caldwell, of \Vintlsor and litti"g', givl''' \\itllllut ohligation. l\!r~,
Iona aVl'nucs, has as her gue"ts, her ~1ariall II, nra"l. Ililltop :W;,I-W, (,I)
Iti"';I~I:\P,~I;; l'AIU'I·:NTElt. alterations &
daughler, :\lrs. ,Tohn Adams, of Ty-: j"llioin,.;", Siorm windo\\". (}olllieb
ronI', Pa., and Mrs. Robert Collier, 1':~~li"gl'r, I~~ {'onwaY a\·c. :'o:arh. :1748-1(,
nr Stat"s\'ilil', N. C., and Mi~s Mary (tf)
IHtAi'I';HTF:S, Sill> Co\'ers. Veneflan
Brown, or Raeford, N. C. h1l11l18. Awning", F'ul'nltur". Upholster-
I\lrs. Sp{'ncer V. Smith, of Essex lng, Beddlng-e, Hug-s cleaned. rP1Htlr"d
a\,enUI\ has returned from a visit in and Mlnred. Challenger. 281 MOlltgolllery
. avenue. Cynwyd. I'hone, Cynwyd 86.
~l'\\' York and Baltimore. Formerly with .Iohll \\'anlllllnkAr. (If)
illl's. I r. 1. I\IcConnell, of Merion IT I'lIrW-;S-'i'I::Ttll\:r;'llld rcp. RJlriilg~ of
:lVr'nUl', returned TUl\.;day evening' :l-pi",'e suitl'S repaircII, $10: Ch"i!' re-
{'f)\"(>rpd, $!i. (;0;' nywlJ{'re. Call LeWis,
fl'om a stay in New York. ~~7 K La lil'a~t"I' :, "'e. WaYlle 1-1%,
- -------_._-
I\Irs. Anna Farson and her daugh- "AIU'ENTElt - BU'LI1I';R - Estimates
{IT, I'll iss Alberta Farson who Silent ehe",'fnlty furlli~he,t. .Jobbing promptly
, I attcIHlcfl to. Leander \,.. it~l{fnall. 305 Con~
sen'ral weeks with Mr. anrl l\l rs. way a vc, :'o:arherth 3R88, (tf)
.JanH's Tilhury, of the Barrie House,' - - -
lel't la"l Thursday for Miami, Fla., Unol/l5 for Uent
til ~pl'J1d the \vinter. J\ttrat,th"p flll'n. rOo illS. ('Oil\". to tl"anSfl..
1\liss Bptty Tilburv of the Barril' 1.11 No. Narl",~a~'c'. ",a~-,-~,~:S'. (fi1)
. ., FOlt I~I':NT---It()orn allc] hath lu'al' tral\S-
House, spl'nt the wl'ek-eI1l1 in Bridge- "orlation, Writl' "I:." no" :\11. Bala-
It's telephone time port, Conn., where shc visited her' 'Y II \\")'<1 , or phOIIl' r'YII, :1~7,1 or 1'),11. G8R
sist.l'r, :\Il's. Len)\" N u t t e r . '_'_"_l',_li_"..:..,,_,'_' _
'when the clock i '---- For Rent
strikes 7..... Juniors Plan Hallowe'cn Dance
Tl \ \V '. J . C'
1,'1'1::-':, ,\1"1'" '\d tit·" !i"illg nil,. h"tln)),.

le n111Cn ~ I
·HnlllUJll ~ llt •ar I r;IIl,~~': *
dint_'tt .. & kitl'tlt'll: !"4't1l'l'oratfld: oil hl'at;
1:,: t _~ IWllld,'. ~a I'h. :!!llifi.
qVhoOPS! Mr. Bigby Busby has yanked off the leg of a beautiful
Take advantage of the re- Club of Narbl'rth will give a costume (:n chicken roasted for tomorrow's bridge luncheon. No wonder Bess is testy I
duced rates on Long Dis- Ha lIowe'!'n dance at thc Cynwyd Clu h 1'1" IlltJo:i:;:-IUlI ):'1 ,\ 1''1". ill ;..;" "I,,'rl 11. ))ea j. ,
It. It. Ht:l t iOIl. (~lIil'l tl"l:l ntH dt'sirp(l.
tance calls in effect every Saturday evening, Oetobl'r :30. Prizes 1I'"if,' "~I," l:lIx :10. l:ala-CYllwy,L (tf) Time was when she wouldn't be so well prepared. But that was before
night after seven o'clock. will be awardpd for the most outstand- her Master gave her an electric refrigerator. Now she's a demon for
in,~ costumes. I-'or Salr
And remember-the same Orl'heslra, Burt Kinzel. Tickets, "1.\:'\:1) I'. .1. 111'lIp.· "lar\·,·II\I~ hahv quantity buying and beforehand cooking.
gr:l1ld; lillt' "Illiditioll. ":. I,:. :\lan~h, '·1
reduced night raies apply ~2. !\Iiss BUllny l\1innich is the chair- CheHtnut a\'(', Ilhol1l' :'\:arherth :W:~!I-.J. (a)
All Bigby sees is-plenty of ice ... lightning-fast freezing. And low cost.
man of the dance and Miss l\Iuriel IU~I:ll - AI "!'():\l:\:'TH , g'a~ hot ,vater
All Day Sunday! WalC's and 1\liss l\Iarjori" HofTman, l'Ilst 11I'afl'l". fIll J..~alltlll t:tlll,: \I~",l \'I'I'Y tilth,. No wonder! Consumption of electricity has been cut way down. And the
$11)11, ~\.1l fol' $:!;I. }'Ilflllt' ='=arht~l·th
Call friends and family ••• t II(' hostesses. 3685. (3) I refrigerator- added to other Busby electric servants-has a mighty nice
send cheer across the effect on the electric bill. While their comforts go up, the average cost
miles. If you hnve an opinion, write Ollr
WHY NOT gaGs down. All of which proves it's wise to be L,r;.iy-use more electricity.
: TOll'n a IC'tter.
Office Hours by Appointment and h"ve them held until
at Residence Office
417 Anthwyn Road, Merion
Dr. Wm. G. Walton I
Xmas hy placing a sl11,,1I dl'-
posit on tht'l11 at thc

Narberth Men's Shop

Phone: Narberth 2464 Narberth Theatre Building
Electricity- Cheap - in Quantity
I If no answer, Narberth 2570·J Ph. Narbcrth 2772 r . . .'~'• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
< ",;.,'
.,;..- . . . . _, c. '.·1' ". .:::,. , -:
~:':; '.'

Page Four OUR TOWN October 22, 1937

II Corsages and Free Admissions On F. and M. Student Paper

I Church Notes w;n:,~::"~,o~~:;::,Week Justin R. Peters, Jr., 80n of Mr.

;l11d Mrs. J. R. Peters, of 36 Narbrook You Won't Have To Say BOO 0 o o
Park, haR just heen appointed to the
I Narberth lvlethodist Episcopal "The ToaRt of New York," showing
business staff on the student weekly
TIM Rev. W. Vernon Middleton. Minister Monday and Tuesday, presents that
at Franldin and Marshall Collcge,
, Sunday, 9.45 A. M.-Church School; bluff, hearty rapRcallion, Edward Ar- Lancaster, where he is a sophomore.
if you make arrangements NOW to install STORM
SASH and STORM ENCLOSURES on the sides of
~ -. TO M M Y M 4C KL I" I 11.00 A. 1\1.-Morning Worship. Ser- nold, as Jim FiRk, Wall Street'R prize
~----------------I mon: "The Challenge of Church Mem- buccaneer, who engineered "mack Fri-
LOWC1' Merion viewed wilh prjd," hership." 6..t5 P. M. - Epworth day." Cary G1'ant, who starred in
your home exposed to the cold Wintry blasts. It isn't
the efforts of Coach Adam'" foothall League. Leader: Kathryn Burns. 7.45 "Topper," and FranceR Farmer and necessary that you have them on every window. They
team laRt Saturday on Penn~'pl1ck('r: P. l\1.-Evening WorRhip. Sermon: Jack Oalde help make thiR story, haserl
Field as the boys complet,'ly outplayed "Youth and the Church." on "The Robber Barons," a notable
a SCl'aJlPY IJa\,(:t'ford High (o]roven hy I Monday: 8.00 P. I\I.-Mpcting of the picturization of pioneer railroading
a Rcore of lH to O. Hawl'ford has Board of Trustees. and of New York in the Rizzling six-
EGYPTIAN BaJa Avenue below
do serve a very useful purpose and will add materially
to your comfort. The one thing you will not appreciate
prov('d h<'I' right to h" rat,·d high in TueRday: 7,45 P. 1\1.-Main Line tics. Montgomery, Cynwyd
Suhurhan circles by \'i1·tup of a vic- Leadership Training School in the For Wednesday and Bank Night the around your neck is a cold draft.
tory ovpr Radnor and a tie. gallle wit}l 'Vayne M. ~. Church. 8.?0 1'. M.-, Egyptian has ;uccecdpd in booking' ----NOW----
NOl'J'istown. Although ,-\Ilie ("orno g: s Sunshll1e Blhle Class Busll1ess Meet-' "Bad Guy," the timply object-lesson on
minion" \\'Cl'(' un:ddc to do lllt1ch III ing.
t1w way of scoring again:;t tlw Bull-
the folly of freeing too pasily a law-
Wpr!ne"day: R.OO P. ;'IL-l\lid-week I,rpakpr on parole. Thrilling- esca- JEANETTE MacDONALD
Shull Lumber Company
ring's, thpil' p1a~' was an~'lhin,g hut fu- Servicp. Head .John III. pades in love and lawlpssnesR al'p and NELSON EDDY The Link Bet»'ee1l Forest and Home
til<'. They tla~;!lpd pn\\'('!' and (!ecep- Fl'ida\': 7.:W P. l\I.-.Juninr Depart- "Ia"','cl bv H1'uce Cahnt, an clpctric
t inn on s('\'('ral ncca:inns an,.1 if Butch n1l'nt 1I:J1lm\"L"en Party. 8.00 P. M.- ('on~J:lny'~ trouhle-shooter. 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd CYNWYD 662
III a retl/rn cngage-
Farina had he('n g'IVl'n a 11((1(, mor(' Young' l'('op}p's Hallowe'en Party. I G }"'II . I 't t
Iwl> he' would . undouht<'dl\' ha\'(' .J~va uy "11 H'P 1111P1'l S \:'0 ment of their OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 3 P. M.
:~lillIon dollar:; and 111an~' a ca1'e, In
.... .....
,I , I l' .
crosscd tilt' :\1aroon g'oa 11]('
1'11,' Lnw"I' :\If'rjoll t,'am IlIokt'd
floil '!','illlf)' Lllfllt~ran Chrlrch
Re\'. C!ptus A. Senft, Pastor
"n'Ig- SI10, t" c0111111g
. tl It' PI]( I of 11""t
week And to culminate thc anniver-
greatcst SIlCceSS:
• Wi .... II¥' ... ~ -
-....- - - .... ".. ... _ .. =-

qz ---

Illlleh bl'ttcl' than at allY pl'l'\'ious t illle' Margaret Squier, 0rganist sarv celebration, Saturday, the :lOth,

Good -Milk and

this :;(~asnn. TIlt' end play "ho\\""d Sl1nda~', ~I.·I;' A. 1\I.-Bible School; the' public is invitcd to come masked: I Golden GlffiRNsms-
~rpat ill1 p 1.·o\'.empnt ::\·~'r. t.h:~p~~s\ \\·(,(·k II A. 1\1. The Morning- Service. and compt'te fnr fallcy-drl'ss p.riz,:s-
,lJld the h,lckfjpld \\ ,IS till kin". TIIt'IlIt': "Partnc'rs in the L~rd;" 6.45 cash-at the big- Hallo\\"e'(~n l\Iltll1lght
Tlw cnaches and pla~'('rs should I" 1'.:'11. Int('l'l1wdIate and SCillaI' Luther Ramble, starting' 11.:)0 P. 1\1. A sur-
cnng'l'atulated on the first :;coring' play 1:l':lglll'S; .7..1;'. P. 1\1. The Ves~er i pri>:c >:crcen >:hnw, anrl sou\'cnirs and Melodics by Cream Depends
of the game in thl' fading I11nn]('nl" Sc'rvlt·(, \\'Ith BIble Study on The Llfe I cider and Unclc Ezra of radio fame,
of the fil'st quartpr. It was a thine' or Chri,..;t: "Bpginning His Ministry." a hiil-billy orchestra, a parade, ap-
of bl'auty and its d('ct>ptian and suc \\'el!Il(',..;day, 1.:)0 P. M., Home De- pIc-dunking, pic-eating and other con-II-~L-
Rudolf Friml
JL,';c1e.t:' Tdhl~.MR1I
on Good Cows ---
cessful ('xpcution liftpd ('\'('ry specla- partnwnt annual party at the home tests. No advance in admission, and Brookmead Golaen Guernsey Milk and Cream comcs to you from
tor tn hi" f('(,t as tIlt' chc'('rs echol'd of Mrs. Van Newkirk, 303 Conway no extra charge to those who attend Pure Bred, Registered Cows-many of them Prize Winners and
from the hillsirles. The play was :1 aVl'n\1e; 7 P. 1\1., ,Junior Choir re- the regular show that ends at eleven CALL THE Record Holders-and is Guaranteed by the American Guernsey
Cattle Club.
short baskethall pass from Captain h('ar:;al. or so.
,Joe StingcI' to end Bill Strong, \\"1" Thur:;day, I P. M., Covered Dish
caught tIlt' pass high in tl1(' air m,d Hall~' Luncheon for all the women of
with a half twi~( ~hot a lateral te tl1C' chul'ch, ESTATE NOTICE
New Deal Junk Co. VOTE FOR Nearby Farms. Local Employment, and Main Line
Prosperity by REGISTERING your Order with Brookrnead, rather
Hi[!.hest Prices Paid For than for more Tank Cars and Tank Trucks from distant points.
Dom DiBatista on Ihe fal' ~ide of tl1l" Friday. 7 P. M., Confirmation Class;
Jine. It Wl'nt fol' fOl'ty yard~ and a::-: P. M.. Choir rehearsal; 8 P. M., J.;STATlo; OJ~ W. LJ<;IGII nUIUIAl\f, PAPER, RAGS, IRON Golden Guernsey Pasteurized Milk 15c per quart
touchdown without a sing-Ie hitch. If I P:lI'i~h Education Cabinet meeting at ery County. dcC'caHed, and METALS
Jail' of Borough of Narberlh. l\1ontgom-

it had n"t WOl'k,'d it would still hav(' tl.,' home of the Pastor, 317 Grayling IVe "'ill call anywhere-a".)' time Golden Guernsey Inspected Raw Milk 17c per quart
Lpttprs of adnlini~tration on the above
been a heautiful !'frOl'!. avc'nne. I·;"tat" having been granled 10 Ihe un- at YOllr convenience Buttermilk, Cottage Cheese, llIced Cream"
den;igned, all perHOIl~ illdt~bted to Raid
Captain .Ie'" Stingc~r wa~ the out Esta.te arc requcRtpd to nlaJ.~(> inullP<li- Wholesale •• Retail Daily Deliveries to All Parts of the Main Line
standing' play('r on the fIeld. lIi~ rh~ Pr~sbyterian Chllrch ate payrnent. and tho~e having- I(~gal I
to presput t hI' :4anlt~ without ue-
heart i:; ~till the heart of a lion Rev. Archer E. Anderson, Th.D., ('lainu~. Dally 7 A. M. to 5.30 P. M.
and Ill' will y,'l Iwcon1t' one of LoweI' Pastor.
Merion's g'J'('a\ football captains. 9.45 A. I\I.-Bible school.
Jay to
MAB),J·; 'I'H01;P In;nIlA~f
471 Br·ookhllI'.!-lt A\,PIlUe
N. W. Cor. 5<irh and Vine Su. Brookmead Guernsey Dairies
Die], :'IlilJ<or pla~'pd a l11l1ch inl 11 A. :\I.-:\Iorning worship. Dr. (O-I1-~6) :"arbt'rth, I'a. ALL eghny 0132 WAYNE, PA. 'Phone WAYNE 1121
prm~cl gall1e after he went il1~> tll("Ande~on \\"ill preach. ':~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~-~-~-~~~~-~-~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
lim'-up. II is wOl'k at Abing:lon wa'" ~ 11 A. I\I.-Thp junior church, con- ~
not so g'ood, lout hp ran the hall foJ' ducted by :\11"s. Dig-by.
many gains ::nd blocked wpll in Ih<' 11 A. M.-Children's nursery, un-
Havl'rford g'a, le. The plays were wC'! I del' the sup('fvision of Mi~s Tiuben.
chos"l1 and t'le (eam ag-ain look..d 6.45 P. I\I.-Th.. three Christian
like till' l,II"'('C\'(' comhination t1wt it: Endeavol' groups.
should I.... LoweI' Merion should ne'l' 7,45 P. :'II.-Nal'herth's h;lppy Bible
haw lost a game this season. Pc'r, hour. Sermon by the pastor.
haps it tm>!; t Ill' tie with Easton and' \\' ednesday:
IIYou'll be ahead with a
Styling a. dlHerent al It II
the sl'!hack at Abington to hl'ing- oul Ii P. 1\I.-PI·ayer meeting. kautlful, for tills bigger- II
the 1'cal PC1\v"1' that is present Oil i TlleRclay, Octobpr 26:
the squad. R P. I\I.-Men of the church 111eet-
Williamson Trade School comcs I", ing to hear how we g-ot our English
looking, better-loolclng low-
priced car.
, .""'~"
tlJWJl to)llOl'l'e.>w for a faothaJl gan1t'.; Bible and see wondprful manuscripts.
.lust w11\', \\'" don't kno\\', 1'01' ('C'l'taili You'll be ahead in style-beauty-
Iv Lo\\',:l' :'Ill rion ha~ no n'al reasol:; Baptist Chufch of the E...angel Smooth-powerful-polltive
f:ol' :,clll'dllling hattie \\"ith the 1\ledin: Robert E. Keightoll, Minister • • • the sofe brokes for
modem travel • • • giving
smartness -with this bigger-looking,
schoo}. P,·r:lap:, it is lwcaw:e Hn:: Sunday, n,45 A. l\t.-The Church ",axlmum motoring pro-
Byerly. as,i~tant Low..l' :\I,'rion' School; i I A. :'II.-:'Ilorning \Vol'ship. tection. better-looking low-priced carl
couch, It'arn(',l his first foo(ball at that Sermon: "Th .. Im'isible Thread'" 7
institution. Anyway, it.'s William- P. M., Young People's meeting. Lead-
~on Tradr', and wouldn't It be a shock er: Ruth Hag-cr. "You'll be ahead with a ellel/rolet!" That's the
if tlw vi~itol's InJll'..ned to win frol11 Tuesday, I ~.:{() P. 1\1., Covered Dish (WITH SHOCKPROOF enthusiastic verdict of more and more people
"our uoys." ,"~ I Luncheon l!:iv('n b~' the 'Vomen's Asso- So safe-so comfortoble-
as they sec, drive and compare the new 1938
. ciation; R P. :'II., :\Ionthly meeting of 10 dlHerent ••• "the world's cars. And we believe it will be your verdict, too,
.Dick :'Ilattis ~"Ilt s I.J.oys. 11~~0 t.l1<' I the. :'Ilt-n':; A~soeiation. The speaker finest ride." when you consider all the exclusive extra values
R1Uenhllll"" g"I,I1l' h, 1 Fl1d:l~ \\ Ith In- will hc' A. II, Cal'l11<111, Statp President this beautiful new Chevrolet brings to you.
:;lructions to win th,' I:'a 111 e. They (lid. of tlw Ne\\" .It'r>:pv Federation of (WITH SAFID GLASS AU
by a scon'.of 1·1 III I:!. The Orang"', :\len's Bibk Classes: AROUND) You'll be ahead in stylc-comfort-safety.
and Black work,'d k.rd, but consi~t-I A dass for instruction and discus- Larger Interiors-lighter, And you'll also be ahead in a/l-rourul economy,
pnOy, for t 11<' 1\\'" : ouchdowns they ~ion. brighter colors-ond Unl- for Chevrolet's famous Valt>e-in-Ilead Engine
Iteel conltruction, making
scored, but a coupl,' (If lapses during- Frida~', i' P. :\1.. a Hallowe'en each body a fortreu of uses less gas and oil, and operates with a mini-
the last half ('nabl(·" Rittenhouse to party given h~' t hp Young- People of lof"ty. mum of upkeep. Sec your nearest Chevrolet
score t wie(' on rUIl~ llf 70 yards. Cap- the Church.
tain Garde Goa~, 11('a\':: Lower Merion dealer today for a thorough demonstration of
tackl{', sav(,d the' day with his hroad If you ha\"(' an opinion, write Our
Chevrolet superiori t y.
Giving til" most efficient
toe. His two kicks flll' extra points Towll a Idter. combination of power, "can- CBEVIlOLET MOTOR DIVISION. Gnu>ral Mo'o" Sale> Ca,po-
split th.. uprighls. C'l<,etel' away ta- omy ond dependability. ratilln, DETIlOIT. MICIIIGAN. GPnmJ MolOrs In,tall,,,,,,,, I'lon
-monthly paym.nu 10 suit your pur!lt', A wnf'ral ftfotor, Valufo.

Hedgerow at L M. High
Giving proteetlon ogolnlt
Nov. :; in "Twelfth Night" Est. 1894 draftl, smoke, windshield
FERTILEPEAT clouding, and ossuring each
SllUte's Special Peat Moss passenger indiVidually con-
The lIl'dg-l'ro\\' PlaYl'rs 1'1'(1111 1{(1s(' With Cattle Manure Irolled ventilotlon.
Valley will maJ,,, tlwir initial :lJlfJC'ar- An unexcelled fertilizer for
Roses, Plants and Grass 'ON MASTER DE lUXE
al1C(' Oil tht> :'Ilain Lin" when the~' MODELS ONLY
100 lb. bag , $1.50
present the Shakespearean c0111edy. Special Price in Bulk
"Twelfth Night" in the audit(1)'illnl
Pe~t Moss. one bale $2.60
of Lower !\Il'rion II ig'h School, :\ I'd lOa Ibs. of Pulverized Cow Manure .. 2.75
111or", at R.15, No\'embel' :3. 100 Ibs. of Pulverized Sheep Manure. 2.75
100 Ibs. of Bone Meal ...... , ......... 3.00
A Student Committee consisting- of
Ellpn Louise Morgan. chail'l11:lTl: Anlll' WI1;~e Pine Shavings. per b~le 65
F'orsyth, B('tty .lennings. (;(,l'tnl{k A gO('ld f-'c'llitl')' Litter'
That Sweet Pin e Odor
(~('n'nhc'ck anrl A Ifn'd TUI'Jl('1' has
('harg'e of aITang·e111c'IIt." 1'01' 111<' I'pr If you bUy q",,:ity
Horse.Dai-··,Pou1tr.Y Feeds
fOl'1I1ance. Layi',o M.,"h Guaranteed to make them
Lay-l~J I;"S , ', $2.60
S~eciaJize in Choice 4(1 lb. Oats
i:) qL:.;H"It.:.y . . . . 54;; bL;~tltl

CEMETERY We ""y H~y and Straw

St:e.:i~1 Prices in large Quantities

MEMORIALS : All Prices subjer-t to Change without

I New Phlla. Phone. CHEstnut HIli 5454
E. L. SHUTF. ....< CO.
O:f1cc, ~it-e Lexington, Pa.

Belmont Ave. '" Levering Mill Rd.


Telephone MANayunk 0166

214-216 BaJa Avenue Phone, Cynwyd 81

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