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AURLTB003 Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems

Assessment 1 – Questioning – Written Assessment

Student Name Student ID Number

Unit Start Date Unit End Date

Assessment Due Date Date Submitted

This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student
competency in this assessment task

The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes / No

I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how. Yes/ No

I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision. Yes / No

I am aware that I can locate the RTO’sComplaints and Appeals Policy and Procedureon their Yes / No
website at (insert website address)

I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I require in order to
undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if Yes / No
applicable). e.g. Student Handbook and Access and Equity Policy(insert website address)

I have access to all required resources? Yes / No

Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration

Student Declaration: In accordance with the RTO’sPlagiarism Policy, I hereby acknowledge by signing this
declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the assessment tasks undertaken in this unit
of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged.
NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor

Signature Date: ______ / ______ / 20______

Satisfactory or Not YetSatisfactory

Assessment Results
(Please circle the assessment result for this task)

Feedback to Student - Please provide general feedback on the Student’s performance

Student Declaration: - I verify that the work completed Assessor Declaration: - I verify that I have adequately
is my own and that I was adequately informed of the explained and negotiated the assessment tasks with the
assessment process prior to commencing this student prior to commencing assessment.
assessment task.

Student Signature Assessor Signature

Date Date

Context and Conditions of Assessment

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AURLTB003 Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems

This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence and knowledge
evidence required and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in this unit assessment task.
 Read the assessment carefully before commencing.
 This is an open book assessment and will be conducted at the RTO address.
 Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide feedback / comment.
 You must answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own words and own handwriting.
 This assessment will be required to be completed in 8 hours
 Your Trainer / Assessor will inform you of the due date for this assessment task.
 Your Assessor will grade as either S – Satisfactory or NS – Not Satisfactory for the assessment. In all
cases your Assessor will provide you with feedback.
 Only when all assessment tasks have been graded as S – Satisfactory you will be deemed C – Competent
in the final result of the unit of competency; if you do not satisfactorily complete all the assessment tasks
you will be deemed NYC – Not Yet Competent.

Re-Assessment Conditions

 If the evidence is graded as NS – Not Satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this
case, you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so that
they can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
 Where a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ judgement is made, you will be given guidance on steps to take to improve
your performance and provided the opportunity to resubmit evidence to demonstrate competence. The
assessor will determine and discuss the reasons for NS –Not satisfactory on any of the criteria and will
assess you through a different method of assessment e.g. verbal/oral questioning, problem solving
 You will be notified within 10 working days of undertaking an assessment of their result in achieving
o If a student does not complete the assessment, they should notify their trainer as to why they did
not complete the assessment and if due to illness, a medical certificate must be produced. “This
process is detailed more in the “Training and Assessment Policy and Procedure”
o In the above scenario, student will be given an opportunity for reassessment within 5 working days
with no reassessment fee charged.
o Students who are deemed to be Not Yet Competent (NYC) will be provided with information
identifying the areas in which they failed to achieve competency. Students will then have the
opportunity to repeat the assessment task within 5 working days of notification with no
reassessment fee charged.
o If a student is deemed NYC in the reassessment or if the student did not approach the RTOwithin
five working days with a valid reason for not availing themselves of the reassessment opportunity,
then those students will be given a final chance to re-sit the assessment and will be charged at
o After this no further reassessment attempt will be provided to the student and the student will be
required to repeat the whole unit with full fee for the unit as per the fees policy of the RTO. The
student will be made aware of the impact of repeating the unit may have on their student visa.
o If a student is found to be cheating or plagiarising their assessment, a $200.00 reassessment fee
will be charged for reassessing the assessment within 5 working days.
o If the student is found to be plagiarising or cheating again after conclusion of the Intervention
meeting with the Course Co-ordinator, the matter will be referred to the CEO / Operation Manager
which may result in the suspension or cancellation of their enrolment
o The RTOhas intervention strategies, including student support services available to enable
students to complete qualification in the expected time frame. Students at risk of not completing
within this time frame are identified as early as possible and an intervention strategy is put in place.

The RTO will ensure access to:

 automotive repair workplace or simulated workplace

 workplace instructions
 manufacturer braking system specifications

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AURLTB003 Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems

 two different light vehicles with four-wheel hydraulic disc brake systems with faults
 one light vehicle with a rear drum brake system
 diagnostic equipment for light vehicle hydraulic braking systems
 tools, equipment and materials appropriate for repairing light vehicle braking systems

Evidence to be submitted by the student: -

Completed written responses to the questions in the assessment task

Assessment Decision Making Rules

Your assessor will assess the evidence submitted for the following elements, performance criteria, performance
evidence and knowledge evidence to confirm that the student evidence submitted demonstrates validity,
sufficiency, authenticity and confirms current skills and knowledge relevant to the unit of competency.
Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: -
 work health and safety (WHS) and occupational health and safety (OHS) requirements relating to
diagnosing and repairing light vehicle hydraulic braking systems, including procedures for:
o lifting and supporting light vehicles
o handling and controlling brake dust and brake fluids
 environmental requirements, including procedures for trapping, storing and disposing of brake dust and
brake fluid released from hydraulic braking systems
 operating principles of light vehicle hydraulic braking systems and associated components, including:
o levers
o friction
o hydraulics, including the relationship between force, pressure and area
 properties of brake fluids, including:
o Department of Transportation (DOT) classification
o synthetic and non-synthetic
o compatibility of fluid types
 application, purpose and operation of light vehicle hydraulic braking systems and components, including:
o front and rear split systems
o diagonal split systems
o master cylinders, including:
‒ tandem master cylinders
‒ compensating-type master cylinders
‒ centre-valve master cylinders
o drum braking system and components, including:
‒ self-energising or servo effect
‒ leading and trailing shoe braking systems
‒ duo-servo braking systems
‒ two-leading shoe braking systems
‒ wheel cylinders
‒ manual and self-adjustment systems of drum braking systems
o disc braking systems and components, including:
‒ types of brake discs
‒ disc pads
‒ self-adjustment of disc pads
‒ fixed, floating and dual-piston brake calipers
o parking brake systems and components, including:
‒ parking brake levers
‒ drum parking brakes
‒ disc parking brakes
‒ electronic parking brake systems
o braking system valves and switches, including:
‒ pressure differential valves and switches
‒ proportioning valves
‒ load-sensing proportioning valves

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‒ drum brake check valves

o fluid-level warning devices
o vacuum operated brake boosting systems
 diagnostic testing procedures for light vehicle hydraulic braking systems, including procedures for:
o checking brake pedal
o operational tests of brake booster
o operational tests of master cylinder
o testing brake fluid
o operational tests of hand brake
o operational tests of drum and disc brakes
o measuring and evaluating brake drums, shoes, discs and pads
 repair procedures for light vehicle hydraulic braking systems, including procedures for:
o removing, replacing and adjusting hydraulic system components, including master cylinder,
proportioning valves, switches, brake hoses and lines, disc calipers and wheel cylinders
o removing, replacing and adjusting braking system components, including brake booster, master
cylinder, hand brake lever and cables, brake shoes and drums, brake pads and brake discs
o bleeding brakes, including anti-lock braking systems (ABS)
 post-repair testing procedures for light vehicle hydraulic braking systems, including procedures for road
testing and bedding in brakes.

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Assessment 1 – Questioning

Written Assessment

1. Identify five (5) important items of personal safety when diagnosing and repairingbraking systems?

2. List three (3) precautions when jacking a vehicle on the floor.

3. Why should safety stands be placed under a raised vehicle?

4. What six (6) precautions should be observed if a vehicle is to be raised on a hoist?

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5. What three (3) practical methods of reducing the spread of asbestos should be followed in the workplace?

6. When handling, trapping, storing and disposing of new or waste hydraulic fluid, which document should you
use to find this information?

7. How should waste hydraulic fluid be stored and disposed?

8. When changing the hydraulic brake fluid, what should you use to catch the waste fluid?

A. Brake bleeder
B. Mop bucket
C. Storm water drain
D. Funnel

9. What are two (2) main aspects to dealing with asbestos in motor vehicle repairs?

10. The friction that is generated between the brake pads and rotors when the vehicle is descending a steep hill is
called ______.
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A. Static
B. Kinetic
C. Heat
D. Resistive

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11. A vehicle waiting at a stop light with the brakes applied is held in place by _____ friction.

A. Static
B. Kinetic
C. Both “static” and “kinetic”
D. Neither “static” nor “kinetic”

12. What is the coefficient of friction [COF]?

13. Friction is the use of a lever and fulcrum to create mechanical advantage.

True or False:

14. The use of leverage increases force and increases distance by the same factor.

True or False:

15. A fulcrumis the point at which one lever pivots or sits to apply force to another lever of device. A seesaw
would be an example.

True or False:

16. Frictionis the force that resists motion between the surfaces of two objects.

True or False:

17. A force of 150 pounds is applied to a master cylinder with a piston area of 1 square inch, how much force is
developed on a wheel cylinder that has a piston area of 2 square inches?

A. 75 pounds
B. 150 pounds
C. 300 pounds
D. 450 pounds

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18. Complete the following statement about hydraulic principles using the following words.

Words: Consistent, Decreased, Force, Hydraulic, Master, Size, System, Wheel

A __________ system uses a brake fluid to transfer pressure from the brake pedal to the pads or shoes. This
transfer of pressure is reliable and __________ because liquids are not compressible. That is, pressure
applied to a liquid in a closed system is transmitted by that liquid equally to every other part of that
__________. Apply a force of 5 pounds (35 kPa) per square inch (psi) through the __________ cylinder and
you can measure 5 psi (35 kPa) anywhere in the lines and at each __________ where the brakes operate.
The __________ can be increased at output (that is, at the wheel) by increasing the __________ of the
wheel’s piston, though piston travel decreases. The force at output can be __________ by decreasing the
size of the wheel piston, but the piston travel increases.

19. Name the four (4) Department of Transport (DOT) brake fluid classification.

20. Hygroscopic brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air.

True or False:

21. What colour is brake fluid?

A. Clear or amber
B. Red
C. Dark blue
D. Brown

22. As brake fluid absorbs moisture.

A. It becomes acidic
B. It becomes alkaline
C. It oxidises
D. Its boiling point drops

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23. What is the “Dry” and “Wet” boiling point of the following brake fluids?

Dry Wet
DOT 3:

DOT 4:

DOT 5.1:

24. All DOT 3 and DOT 4 brake fluid are fully synthetic brake fluid?

True or False:

25. DOT 5 is a fully synthetic brake fluid?

True or False:

26. Identify the two (2) dual brake system layouts.

27. Explain the operation of the “Front and Rear” brake split system.

28. What was the problem if the front brakes failed on the “Front and Rear” brake split system?

29. What happens in the event of a system failure on the “Diagonal” brake split system?

30. Explain the operation of the “Diagonal” brake split system.

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31. Name thecomponents of a dual master cylinder below.

1 7

2 8

3 9

4 10

5 11

6 12

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32. What is a tandem master cylinder?

33. The two inlet ports in a master cylinder are the vent port and the replenishing port.

True or False:

34. In a master cylinder, the vent port (forward port) has been called a compensating port.

True or False:

35. A dual brake system uses a tandem master cylinder.

True or False:

36. Brake fluid is stored above the master cylinder.

True or False:

37. If the master cylinder has a large rear chamber and a smaller front chamber.

A. The large chamber supplies fluid for the rear drum brake
B. The large chamber supplies fluid for the front disc brake
C. The vehicle has a dual diagonal split brake system
D. The vehicle has four (4) wheel disc brakes

38. A master cylinder that has a bulge at the rear, near the mounting flange, is a __________ type master

A. Self-compensating
B. Auto compensating
C. Dual stage
D. Quick take-up

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39. The purpose of the master cylinder is to?

A. Generate the hydraulic pressure needed to apply the brake mechanisms

B. Automatically pump the brakes during panic stops
C. Supply mechanical force to the brake mechanisms
D. All answers are correct

40. What is the function of the compensating port in the master cylinder?

41. What is a centre-valve master cylinder?

42. Both non-servo drum brake leading and training shoes are self-energizing as the brakes are applied and the
vehicle is moving forward.

True or False:

43. Duo-servo drum brakes are also known as what type of brake assembly?

A. Leading-trailing brakes
B. Self-energizing brakes
C. Non-servo brakes
D. None of these answers is correct

44. Both non-servo drum brake leading and training shoes are self-energizing as the brakes are applied and the
vehicle is moving forward.

True or False:

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45. Duo-servo drum brake systems use an adjusting screw assembly and spring to connect the lower ends of the

True or False:

46. On duo-servo drum systems, the forward brake shoe is often called the primary shoe.

True or False:

47. On a duo-servo brake, the primary shoe is connected to the secondary shoe by the automatic adjuster (star
wheel) screw.

True or False:

48. Name the components of the duo-servo and non-servo brake systems below.

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
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49. What is the difference between return springs and hold-down springs?

50. What does the term duo-servo mean?

51. Complete the following statement about two-leading shoe braking system using the following words.

Words: Action, Braking, Cylinder, Drum, Forces, Higher, Self-energising, Trailing, Wheel

This design has two single-acting __________ cylinders and these produce a wedging __________ on both
the front and the rear shoes.

Each cylinder __________ one end of its shoe outwards, and a__________ effect is imparted to each shoe
due to drum rotation. The other end of the shoe is located against the back of the wheel __________ which
acts as an anchor. Therefore, both shoes provide equal __________, with a force greater than that which
could be applied by normal means.

Some vehicles, with __________ brakes at both the front and rear, have two-leading-shoe brakes at the front
wheels and leading and __________ type brakes at the rear wheels. This provides the __________
percentage of braking required for the front wheels of the vehicle.

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52. Name the components of the Two-leading shoe braking system below.


53. Name the parts of a wheel cylinder below.


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54. The function of the wheel cylinder is to ______.

A. Convert hydraulic pressure to a mechanical force at the drum brakes

B. Maintain correct shoe position and clearance
C. Prohibit the shoe from following the movement of the rotating drum
D. Provide the rubbing surface area for the linings

55. The wheel cylinder bore is filled with brake fluid. When the pedal is depressed, additional brake fluid is forced
into the cylinder.

True or False:

56. A self-adjuster screw mechanism (star wheel) are non-directional and can be positioned on either the left or
the right side of the vehicle.

True or False:

57. The self-adjusters (star wheels) for the left side and the right side are interchangeable.

True or False:

58. On most vehicles, the automatic adjuster system ______.

A. Is installed on the primary shoe

B. Is installed on the secondary shoe
C. Operates when the brakes are applied as the vehicle moves forward
D. Operates when the brakes are not applied

59. Self-adjustment occurs on most duo-servo brakes whenever the foot brake is applied while backing up.

True or False:

60. What tool is used to adjust the brake shoes before the drum is installed?

A. Drum micrometer
B. Dial indicator
C. Dial caliper
D. Shoe set gauge

61. The lever that moves the star wheel on the self-adjuster is often called a(n) pawl.

True or False:

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62. What are the two basic types of brake rotors used on today’s vehicles?

63. Solid rotors are usually found on _____.

A. The front brakes of small, compact vehicles

B. The rear brakes of vehicles with rear disc brakes
C. The front brakes of large pickup trucks and SUVs
D. Both “the front brakes of small, compact vehicles” and “the rear brakes of vehicles with rear disc brakes”

64. A ventilated rotor helps cool the disc brake assembly.

True or False:

65. Rotors are typically made from ______.

A. Aluminium
B. Cast iron
C. Both “aluminium” and “cast iron”
D. Neither “aluminium” nor “cast iron”

66. Linings are ____ to disc brake pads.

A. Riveted
B. Bonded
C. Both “riveted” and “bonded”
D. Neither “riveted” nor “bonded”

67. Which of the following is NOT used as a friction material in NAO brake pads?

A. Nut shells
B. Asbestos
C. Powdered metals
D. Graphite

68. Name three (3) types of brake lining friction materials.

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69. Complete the following statement about self-adjusting calipers using the following words.

Words: Fluid, Hydraulic, Pads, Piston, Pressure, Retract, Ring, Rotor, Slightly, Wear

A piston hydraulic (square-cut) seal prevents __________ leakage between the cylinder bore wall and the
piston. This rubber sealing __________ also acts as a retracting mechanism for the piston when hydraulic
__________ is released, causing the piston to return in its bore. When __________ pressure is diminished,
the seal functions as a return spring to retract the __________.
In addition, as the disc brake __________ wear, the seal allows the piston to move farther out to adjust
automatically for the __________ without allowing fluid to leak. Since the brake pads need to __________
only slightly after they have been applied, the piston moves back only __________ into its bore. The additional
brake fluid in the caliper bore keeps the piston out and ready to clamp the surface of the __________.

70. Name the three (3) types of brake calipers used with disc brakes?

71. A typical fixed caliper housing is designed with one caliper piston.

True or False:

72. Sliding calipers move on bolts.

True or False:

73. Name the parts of brake caliper below.

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74. Explain the operation of an integral drum parking brake.

75. Parking brake mechanisms provide a hydraulic force to apply the brake shoes and keep the vehicle

True or False:

76. Name the parts of the drum park brake assembly below.


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77. A rear disc/drum parking brake uses the inside of each rear wheel hub and rotor assembly as a parking brake

True or False:

78. Rear disc parking brakes have a mechanism that forces the pads against the rotor hydraulically.

True or False:

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79. Name the parts of the disc park brake assembly below.

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7

80. All of the following statements about some electric parking brakes are true EXCEPT:

A. They use a cable to apply the rear calipers.

B. They apply when the vehicle is placed in drive.
C. They are integrated with the theft deterrent system.
D. They use an auto-hold feature.

81. Electric parking brakes are controlled by the driver and the Powertrain Control Module (PCM).

True or False: True

82. Electronically operated parking brakes are released when the vehicle is taken out of park.

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True or False: True

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83. Complete the following statement about electric parking brake system using the following words.

Words: Brakes, Cables, Door, Electric, Emergency, Engage, Fails, Hydraulic, Lever, Linkage, Mechanical,
Network, Parking, Release, Rolling, System

Electrically operated __________ brakes are becoming more common and are replacing __________
systems. These systems operate as a conventional __________ brake for normal braking and as an electric
brake for parking. With electric parking brakes, there is no need for a parking brake __________ or pedal.
This frees up space in the interior.

Electric parking __________ are seen as the first step toward brake-by-wire systems. Two different
techniques are currently being used by manufacturers. Some systems have an __________ motor mounted
on the rear brake calipers and others use an undercar motor to pull on the parking brake __________.

When the caliper is fitted with a motor, there is no need for parking brake cables and __________. The motor
is controlled by the PCM. The system interfaces with the vehicle’s controller area __________ (CAN) for
continuous monitoring and feedback. This allows the __________ to do many things besides apply the
parking brake, such as:

 Provide some control during __________ braking.

 Help stop the car if the hydraulic system __________.
 Automatically __________ the parking brakes when the throttle is opened.
 Automatically __________ when the ignition is turned off.
 Automatically engage when the driver’s __________ is opened.
 Keep the vehicle from __________ backward when stopped on a hill by applying the rear brakes until
the driver operates the clutch or throttle pedals.

84. The purpose of a pressure differential valve is to alert the driver if pressure is lost in either portion of a dual
braking system.

True or False:

85. Complete the following statement about the pressure differential valveoperation using the following words.

Words: Brake, Driver, Hydraulic, Pedal, Pressure, Switch, Warning

A pressure differential valve, in the event of a __________ leak, is used to shut off one hydraulic circuit and
operate a __________ light switch. Its main purpose is to tell the driver if pressure is lost in either of the two
hydraulic systems. Since each __________ hydraulic system functions independently, it is possible the driver
might not notice immediately that pressure and braking are lost. When a __________ loss occurs, brake
pedal travel increases and __________ feel typically becomes soft, spongy, and much less firm. This results
in a more-than-usual effort to slow and stop the vehicle. Should the __________ not notice the difference, the
warning light is actuated by the hydraulic system safety __________.

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86. A proportioning valve reduces fluid pressure to ______.

A. The front brakes during initial brake [low pedal force] application
B. The rear brakes during initial [low pedal force] brake application
C. The front brakes during hard braking
D. The rear brakes during hard braking

87. Complete the following statement about the proportioning valveoperation using the following words.

Words: Adjusts, Balance, Brakes, Fluid, Force, Rear, Valve

The proportioning __________ (balance valve) is used to control __________ brake pressures, particularly
during hard stops. When the pressure to the rear __________ reaches a specified level, the proportioning
valve overcomes the __________ of its spring-loaded piston, stopping the flow of __________ to the rear
brakes. By doing so, it regulates rear brake system pressure and __________ for the differencein pressure
between front and rear brake systems. This keeps front and rear braking forces in __________.

88. Describe the purpose of a height-sensing proportional valve.

89. The actuator lever on the height-sensing proportioning valve is connected to the rear suspension or lower
shock absorber bracket.

True or False:

90. A metering valve is found only on cars and trucks with ______.

A. Four-wheel disc brakes

B. Four-wheel drum brakes
C. Disc front and drum rear brakes
D. Dual diagonal brake circuits

91. A metering valve delays front braking unit the rear brakes are applied.

True or False:

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92. A brake fluid lamp will illuminate on the instrument panel if the fluid is contaminated and needs to be changed.

True or False:

93. Low fluid level sensors are built into the brake fluid reservoir body or cap.

True or False:

94. Brake fluid level is important to safe braking, many vehicles have a fluid level switch that causes illumination
of the instrument panel’s red brake warning lamp when the fluid level is too low.

True or False:

95. Name the parts of the vacuum brake booster below.


96. What checks and adjustments would you carry out on the brake pedal?

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97. The owner of a vehicle complains the car is hard to stop. The technician doing the diagnosis starts by
pumping the brake pedal several times with the engine off, and then starts the engine while holding firm
pressure on the brake pedal. The pedal falls away slightly and less pressure is needed to maintain the pedal
in any position. This test proves that ______.

A. The master cylinder is working

B. The vacuum booster is working
C. The front brakes require adjustment
D. There is air in the hydraulic system

98. After replacing a vacuum booster, the brakes lock up on a road test.

A. There is air trapped inside the brake lines. 

B. The power booster pushrod needs adjustment.
C. The master cylinder is leaking
D. None of these answers are correct

99. A technician is checking a car with an owner’s complaint of poor braking performance and a low brake pedal.
The master cylinder is full, and there are no signs of fluid leaks in the brake system. When he holds firm
pressure on the brake pedal, the pedal slowly drops. What could be the problem?

A. Internally leaking master cylinder

B. Internally leaking caliper
C. Leaking wheel cylinder
D. Frozen pressure differential valve

100. A technician is diagnosing a vehicle with a braking system problem. When she removes the filler cap to
check the fluid level in the master cylinder, she notices that the rubber seal on the cap is swollen and has
begun to disintegrate. What could be the problem?

A. Water in the brake fluid

B. Petroleum-based lubricants in the fluid
C. Fluid overheating
D. Incorrect type of brake fluid

101. From the image below, explain what the technician is checking for?

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AURLTB003 Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems

102. From the image below, explain what the technician is checking for?

103. Describe how to test a parking brake.

104. What three (3) checks should be made before conducting a road test for a brake problem?

105. A customer complains that the car pulls to the left during hard braking. An inspection shows that the front
pads and rear shoes are worn. After resurfacing the rotors and drums and replacing the pads and shoes, a
road-test reveals that the car still pulls to the left during hard braking. 

A. The wheel alignment should be checked

B. The tyres could be the problem and should be swapped left to right to check whether the direction of the
pull changes.
C. Both A and B are correct
D. None of the answers are correct

106. A grinding noise when the brakes are applied could be caused by ______.

A. Weak return springs

B. Weak hold-down springs
C. Worn shoes
D. All answers are correct
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AURLTB003 Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems

107. A clicking noise heard when the brakes are applied could be caused by ______.

A. Frozen star wheel

B. Play in the attachment of the pad or shoe
C. Brake fluid or grease on the linings
D. Scored drums

108. Brake rotors should be checked for?

A. Thickness
B. Parallelism
C. Runout
D. All answers are correct

109. A dial indicator is used to measure runout on a disc rotor.

True or False:

110. Complete the following statement about brake pad inspection using the following words.

Words: Calipers, Friction, Inspected, Manual, Minimum, Pads, Plate, Replacement, Thinnest

Disc brake __________ should be checked periodically. Some__________ have inspection holes in the
caliper body. Ifthey do not, the pads can be __________ from the outerends of the caliper.If you are not
sure the pads are worn enough towarrant __________, measure them at the __________ part of the pad.
Compare this measurement to the__________ brake pad lining thickness listed in theservice __________,
and replace the pads if needed. Typically, if the __________ material remaining on thebacking __________
is less than 1/8 inch (3.175 mm), the padsshould be replaced.

111. From the image below, explain what the technician is checking for?

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AURLTB003 Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems

112. Drum brake linings should be replaced when linings are?

A. Worn to within 1/32 inch (.8mm) of the rivet head

B. Contaminated with oil or grease
C. Contaminated with brake fluid
D. All answers are correct

113. List five (5) types of wear to look for when evaluating brake drums?

114. When must a wheel cylinder be replaced?

115. Explain the first step to remove the master cylinder.

116. Why should you plug the ends of the brake lines after disconnecting them from the master cylinder?

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AURLTB003 Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems

117. After installing the master cylinder or any hydraulic component, why bleeding air out of the hydraulic system
is important?

118. On some vehicles, the proportioning valves are built into the master cylinder body and must be replaced as
a complete assembly.

True or False:

119. The brake fluid level switch is built in the master cylinder brake fluid reservoir, and can only be replaced by
replacing the brake fluid reservoir.

True or False:

120. A technician is diagnosing a car that had both front brake hoses replaced 5,000 miles ago. An inspection
reveals that the right front brake hose has ruptured. What was the cause of the fault?

A. The specifications called for DOT 3 fluid; using DOT 4 fluid caused the failure.
B. The brake hose was twisted and stressed too much when installed.
C. Both A and B answers are correct
D. None of these answers are correct

121. Floating calipers must be removed from the steering knuckle when replacing brake pads.

True or False:

122. You need to support the brake caliper using safety wire while servicing the brakes.

True or False:

123. What care must be taken when installing new or reconditioned wheel cylinders on cars equipped with wheel
cylinder piston stops.

124. C-clamp is used to push the piston back into its bore when replacing pads.

True or False:

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125.  Adjust the vacuum booster pushrod screw to provide a slight pressure of approximately 5 pounds against
the gauge.

True or False:

126. When removing the vacuum booster, the master cylinder must be removed.

True or False:

127.  When disassembling an unfamiliar brake assembly, work on one wheel at a time and use the other wheel
as a reference.

True or False:

128. The primary or leading shoe is toward the front of the vehicle while the secondary or trailing shoe is toward
the rear of the vehicle.

True or False:

129. After resurfacing a brake drum, using a lint-free cloth dipped in a special brake cleaning solvent. She then
allows the drum to dry before reinstallation

True or False:

130. It is a good practice to replace disc brake hardware when replacing disc brake pads.

True or False:

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AURLTB003 Diagnose and repair light vehicle hydraulic braking systems

131. Complete the following statement about park brake cable replacementusing the following words.

Words: Brake, Cable, Disconnect, Lever, Slide

Almost all vehicles have two rear parking __________ cables that are connected to the equalizer or
adjuster. With the vehicle on a hoist, remove the cable adjusting nuts. Then __________ the front end of the
rear cable from the equalizer or from the front brake cable.

To remove the__________ from a drum brake, first remove the wheel and brake drum. Disconnect the end
of the rear cable from the rear parking brake __________ on the rear shoe. Use the proper size offset box
wrench or screwdriver to depress the conduit retaining prongs and __________ the pronged fitting out
through the hole in the backing plate.

132. When bleeding a dual diagonal split brake system, the bleeding sequence is usually _____.


133. While manually bleeding a brake system, loosens all the brake bleeder screws at the same time.

True or False:

134. Explain why bleeding air out of a hydraulic system is important.

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135. Complete the following statement about road testing and pad burnishing using the following words.

Words: Brakes, Burnishing, Cool, Customer, Driving, Hard, Operate, Pads, Refinished, Road, Rotor, Slow

New pads require __________ to establish full contact with the rotor and to heat and cure any resin left
uncured in the friction material. Whether the rotors were __________ or not, new pads do not initially make
full contact with the __________ surfaces but require a period of light wear to establish this contact. Also,
when brake linings are manufactured, some of the resin materials may remain uncured until the__________
are put into service. If fresh pads are subjected to __________ braking, the resins can boil to the surface of
the pads and cause glazing when they cool. The pads then may never __________ properly.

Burnish the brake pads during the initial __________ test by driving at 30 mph to 35 mph (50 kph to 60 kph)
and firmly but moderately applying the __________ to fully stop the car. Do this five or six times with 20
seconds to 30 seconds of driving time between brake applications to let the pads __________. Then drive
at highway speeds of 55 mph to 60 mph (85 kph to 90 kph) and apply the brakes another five or six times to
__________ the car to 20 mph (30 kph). Again, allow about 30 seconds of __________ time between brake
applications to let the brake pads cool. Finally, advise the __________ to avoid hard braking for the first 100
miles of city driving or the first 300 miles of highway driving.

136. Consider the various checks that you would make after repairingbrakes?

137. Which source of information will give you the most detail about diagnosing and repairing brakes on the
vehicle you are working on?

A. Workshop manual
B. Owner’s manual
C. Google
D. Textbooks

138. Why is it very important that the Job Card is completed correctly?

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