Tigolo - Unit 4 - Learning Activity 1 Case Study

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Activity No.

1 iPad –The PC Killer case study

Directions: Complete the requirements below and submit your work in the pigeon boxes
which are provided in your departments/college, or to Google class on or before the date as
reflected in your study schedule. Click this link
or https://www.cbsnews.com/news/why-apples-ipad-will-kill-the-pc/ and read it thoroughly
and analyze carefully. Answers the questions and use the space below for your answer. See
attach rubrics in the Google class or you may access on your module on page____.

Answer the following questions:

1. Identify the two most important of the Five Forces factors that are affecting the
PC market, why?

 - The possibility of substitution and competition between the existing players are two of
the major factors that affect the PC market of the Five Powers. The challenge to the
Personal Computing industry of substituting goods has increased. The growth in mobile
technology has led to a decline in demand for PCs, as consumers have great options
ahead of them in the form of portable devices such as large-screen smartphones and
tablets that can provide the same features but without the need to carry a large laptop.
The level of rivalry between existing players is high. The competition between current
players is strong. The five major players are battling for market share and HP is now
leading. Apple, Dell, Lenovo and Acer, however, are hard warriors too. The scale and
financial power of these players is contributing to a difficult marketing challenge and
intense rivalry. Overall, in PC industry, there has been a rise in the degree of
competitive competition and strength and a high number of PC replacements.
Therefore, these two factors influence the PC industry considerably.

2. Why will it be difficult to dislodge iPad as the clear market leader in the tablet
 It's hard to disload the iPad as a clear market on the tablet market as past iPad
technologies have been bundled up in a streamlined, multifunctional, large-scale
wireless system. As the PV did with the mainframe, Apple's iPad provides the majority
of people on their PCs with a better platform.

3. In addition to PC markets, what other two companies are clearly affected by

iPad’s success?
 Other are companies such as HP, Dell, Lenovo and Acer which are clearly affected by
iPAd performance. They tried to create their own devices like an iPad, but they did not
achieve the size of Apple. Even though they all follow android, the hell-of-a-head begins
with Apple.

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