Skylab 1/3 Onboard Voice Transcription Part 2 of 4

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_ _' National Aemnm:_L_cs and Space Adm_ _:


"_"_:-" ' OCTOB_ 1973

i 911

CC Skylab, Houston. We're about i minute from LOS.

We'll acquire you again at Guam at 21:...

227 21 25 46 PLT Okay, he's got his rates and attitude under
control. Translating slowl# downward and forward.
He's about 3 feet from the donning station.

PLT OMay, he has reached the donning station - in the

proper attitude. Pressure turns out to be
2300 psi. Now going into the baseline maneuver,
right, AI? Okay, we go to 11)-2.

227 21 26 53 PLT Okay. Fly with the same rates, fly to the banjo,
turn and face donning station and all that stuff.
He knows what to do. Going through the baseline
maneuver now.

PLT Okay, he's backing away from the donning station.

He's rotating to his right, vertical attitude.
He's translating toward the food lockers, a little
more rapidly than he would like to rather than
going up to the banjo. He's now in the process
of checking that position - that situation.

227 21 28 19 PLT Now rotating around the base of the donn_ug

station, although he's still down in the food
locker area. He stops his rotation neatly.

PLT NOW he 's about h feet off the workshop 's upper
floor, and facing straight up, and moving straight
up, like he wants to do.

PLT Okay, he's on his way to the don - banjo, trans-

lating straight up. Somehow another rivet got
loose; the kid picks it up, puts it in his trash

227 21 30 21 PLT Okay, he's stabilized at the banjo. Now trans-

lating away from the banjo area, on his way to
FMU number 2. Going to his left, pitching down,
heading down the OWS screen.

227 21 32 04 PLT Okay, now he's nearly to the FMU-2, he's rotated
over on his left side, and he's about 5 feet
_way from the objective.

227 21 33 37 PLT Another photo. FMU number 2, he's -


PLT Now translating away from FMU number 2. Heading

for 432.

PLT Okay, directly above the PSS stowage location,

and upright in the ASMU, rotating slowly to his
left. But playing with the water tanks. Stop-
ping his upward translation. Moving over toward
430 - correction, 404 at this time.

PLT Okay, he's been playing around the dome locker.

227 21 36 53 PLT Maintaining a i- to 2-feet separation from the

dome locker, between the dome locker and the
edge of the left-hand controller.

PLT Maintaining his desired upright position quite


PLT Cocked and rolled at this time to the right about

15 degrees.

227 21 39 23 PLT There he is, stabilized in front of 432.

PLT Now moving away from 432. Good aft thrust.

Rotation to the left.

227 21 40 47 PLT He's in the center of the workshop now, facing

the work - donning station; he's a little bit
down, but correcting it.

PLT On way.

PLT Stabilizing himself in front of the H - donning

station with the HHMU. There he is, in front of
the donning station.

PLT Okay, that's undocking. Huh?

PLT How much you got left?

CDR ...

227 21 42 12 PLT Yes. Plus a lot less darn effort.

CDR Huh?

PLT Lot less effort, too. He says it takes a lot of

gas to do that, down to 1500 psi, and -

CDR ...

PLT He thinks this is a pretty antiquated way to go.

He'll tell you about later, I'm confident of
that. You going to do it again?

CDR ... undocking ...

PLT Yes. Takes you forever to get somewhere, too;

that 's another thing.

CDR Try to fly it faster ....

227 21 43 22 PLT Okay, now he's going to take the - the H - HHMH
and try to fly it faster, he says. See how fast
he can make it around here with HHMU. Thinks he
may lose it, but he's going to give it a whirl.
He's had a couple of apricots, and so now he's
probably going to do better now. It's kind of
like spinach for Popeye. Apricots for Bean makes
him really go.

PLT Now backing away from don-_ng station, rotating

to the right.

227 21 44 50 PLT Okay, he's approaching thy banjo area very neatly.
Little bit of yaw to his right, which he's taking
out right now. Now he's putting on the brakes.

PLT And he's there, so he grabs on with his hand,

stabilizes himself on that ...

227 21 46 32 PLT Leaving the banjo area, coming straight down on

his back, past the ring lockers, yawing to his

PLT He's approaching it pretty well now, about 6 feet

away from it. About 25-degree left roll, face
the minus-Z SAL.

227 21 47 32 PLT Now he's going to play with the FMMU [sic] -
FMU 2, and pitching forward to reach it. About
2 feet off the deck, ,Just over the PSS, but, I'Ll
bet he wants to get a little higher which he's
working on right now. Stops the translation
toward the - toward the locker 523. And he reaches
the FMU-2, stabilizes himself with his hands, as
he would in an EVA. Pushes away, near the 404.

227 21 48 46 PLT Now he's turned and facing 404 .... on this one
• .. pretty much inside workshop. Got a little
roll right in, and a yaw left. He's translating;
however, seems that he has things under control•

227 21 49 33 PLT An attitude rate has built up now in the dome

locker area. About where the film vault ...
where the film vault ... Now he's going to ...
and turn it around again. Facing 404 with a
little pitch down. Pitch down out of there. He
feels that when he tries to go fast, he gets out
of control. Trying to get to - trying to move
as fast as he can.

PLT He's directly in the line - middle of the work-

shop now, upright position, film locker height.
Still trying to ... clearly. Film locker area.

227 21 52 02 PLT And flying around the dome locker area now.
Using sizable quantities of thrust. Now he's
stabilizing himself from the blue rail around
underneath these water tanks with his hand.
Underneath the condensate tank, getting himself
up film locker height again. Now holding on to
the condensate tank. Stabilizing his position
in that area.

227 21 53 06 PLT Okay, he's leaving 432 now and heading toward
the donning station, Just barely clearing the food
lockers; going down at a fairly good rate. Trans-
lating - Now he's rotating to the left, trying to
stop that downward translation. Doing a pretty
good Job of it. He's ... his rate toward the
workshop floor, now he's facing the donning sta-
tion, directly over the crew quarters hatch.
Looks to me like he seems to have it and then
lose it.

227 21 54 06 PLT Ready to dock. And he's at the donning station

now, holding on with a hand. He made a good
approach, stabilizing himself almost.

227 21 5_ 36 PLT Think the pressure's getting down, about 900 psi,
900 here.

CDR ...

PLT Five of what?

CDR ...

PLT What's that thing? Okay. Okay, now he's going

to try a pushoff maneuver and he Just pushed
himself free of the donning station and he's
going to do as he did before with the ASMU. He's
going to correct his attitude with RWMU and do as
much of it with his hands as he can. Heading up
toward the banjo, left shoulder toward the banjo,
about 4 feet from it now. Rotating around to the
left, and getting to the banjo in pretty good
shape• And he's stabilized at the banjo now,
hanging onto it with his hands, looking down at
the FMU number 2.

227 21 55 43 PLT Pushes off the banjo with his hands and feet a
little bit, and his left side facing the dome
locker. Going to the left, now he's stopping
again. Pretty much going straight down from the
_. banjo, trying to p1111 himself over to the FMU
now, with the HH_G. Does pretty at it, he's
still pretty much on his left side. He's in the
plane of the FMU-2 now, at least I think that he
is. And he's got it in his hand and stabilized
himself there. Torques himself around to be in
a position he likes.

227 21 56 34 PLT Purpose of this exercise, of course, is to -

using your hands as much as possible to get some-
where ... maneuvering unit. To get there most
expeditiously with the minimum use of fuel. If
you can do it perfectly with your hands you won't
•.. maneuvering ... hands to - might push you
around. He grabs up the water t=nk number 3 and
pulls himself hand over hand - by his hand up
to 406 where he stabilizes himself facing it and . ..
Now he's deciding what he'd like to do - go back
to where he was ... FMU-2 and try that one more
time. He's going down there by - by handrail.

227 21 57 32 PLT NOW they've lined FMU number 2, the preferred posi-
tion, looks up over his shoulders to see where
he needs to go, pushes off, in a backward pitch,
•.. translation ... He got there feet first and
using the HHMU, ... his head around a little bit,

and grabs on with his hands, and as he was pitching

down. Now hand over hand, and around the dome
locker over to 432.

227 21 58 49 PLT Okay, there he is at 432 .... down, fell back-

wards, rotates himself with the HHMU in a nice
line toward the docking station on the left side
now - or the workshop hatch. Now, we're rolling and
yawing further left with his face down now, approach-
ing the aft - HH - ... donning station about the
way he'd like to and he reaches out with his right
hand to grab one rail and the left with the other,
pIJ]]s himself into position at the mounting station.
The thing's awful loose on your back.

CDR What?

227 21 59 36 PLT Thing is real loose on your back.

CDR ...

PLT Yes. Okay, we're down to about 500 pounds.

227 21 59 54 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS at Guam for l0 minutes.

CDR ...

227 22 00 09 PLT Now he's leaving the donning station using the HHMU.

227 22 00 17 SPT ...

227 22 00 29 PLT Going straight up at this time heading for the

banjo. Facing the banjo now. And moving gen-
erally in that direction.

227 22 01 l0 PLT Okay, he's up by the banjo area now.

227 22 01 14 PLT DATA MARK. Leaves the banjo.

CC ...

SPT ...

CC ... pass ... update by the star tracker and we'll

give you the update ......

SPT ... understand ...

CC ...

227 22 0B h0 PLT Okay, he's down to the FMU number 2, the center
section, and now translating away. Up, pretty
much straight up and down the workshop now over
the PSS number 3 in the rack down there.

227 22 04 05 PLT About eye-level with the dome lockers. Rotating

to his left.

PLT Now facing h04 about 8 feet away. Tending more

to his left; his right side is facing 404 now,
correcting that.

SPT ...

CC Okay - ...

SPT ...

227 22 05 19 PLT Your head's going to hit.

CC Okay, 0wen, ... How's he doing in there?

SPT ...

227 22 05 59 PLT Okay, now he's stabilizing himself very nicely

in front of 404 and proceeding around to the
right to make the swing around the dome lockers.

CC ...

SPT ...

CC ... We'll get on it ...

227 22 07 03 PLT Okay, he's had enough of that. He's going to

go into the donning station now and we're going
to call it a day. Backing into the donning sta-

227 22 07 32 PLT Back on in, AI. You're in. Okay, that a boy.
Yes, you're there.

@ @ g

CC ... Nu z and number 3 is in the DAS

SPT ...

227 22 08 18 PLT Okay, folks, that completes run 509-2, and we're
goingto signoffnow.

227 22 25 ii SPT Okay, comments for the ATM Pls - planners. On

the present rev, which is due to end at about
22:45 Zulu today, the first task was to finish
up JOP 17A, step 6. And when I then moved up,
as required, to place the 54 - correction - the
S055 line 25 on the bright spot, I found that
DETECTOR number 3 m_×imized at the following
positions : DOWN, minus 24 ; RIGHT, 417, 417.
Now the DOWN, minus 24 is satisfactory, because
I went from minus 89 up 80 arc seconds for a
... of minus 8 - correction - minus 9. And then
it turns out the peak was 15 arc seconds below
that, but that checks because the preceding
orbit - the m-ximized position turned out to be
on line 12 instead of line 9.

227 22 26 26 SPT So they really want to shoot them there with

65 arc seconds up instead of 80, so that all
checks right. Now there is a little puzzle
about why I had to go to 417 instead of closer
to 405. And it could be that the bright spot
had moved a little bit or a different region of f-
the bright spot had simply become a little more
intense or something like that.

227 22 26 46 SPT But, at any rate, that's the spot where it max-
imized - for - except the DOWN, minus 24, and
RIGHT, 417. Now you told me about the new active
region that's Just emerging. I'm afraid I don't
see it at all yet.

227 22 27 02 SPT And so I've gone ahead and done the last steps
here of this orbit on active region 86.

227 22 28 51 CDR This is the 509 - Ed Whitsett, Lou Ramon,

Bruce McCandless, second half of the debriefing.
I'm discussing the HHMU. Was the HHMU kick
bothersome? No, it moved around, gave you a
nice cue ; it reminded you that you were putting
out too much thrust if it gave you a good kick,
so it wasn't bad.

227 22 29 12 CDR The second one, did the kick provide a useful
piloting cue? I guess you'd have to say it does
because it does tell you very quickly how - how
much thrust you're putting in. Do you feel the

thrust level is about right? Yes, I think

it is about right. If it was any larger, you'd
get yourself in trouble and if it were any _aSler,
you wouldn't have any action. By that I mean you
couldn't get to translate when you wanted to.

227 22 29 38 CDR Did you normally command full HHMU thrust? I'd
say today it was about half and half. I tried
to stick with power corrections today, particularly
the first time around. I wanted to see if I
could fly around good and precisely, and I could.
But doggone it! It's Just not the way to fly.
It's like riding a unicycle when you're supposed
to be going somewhere. You might want to ride
a unicycle for a stunt, but as far as going any-
where on one, you would never want to go anywhere.
It's the same way with this HHMU. I wouldn't
care if it was 50 times lighter than a backpack.
A guy'd be crazy to go outside with an HHMU.

227 22 30 13 CDR The thing is not intuitive, it takes too much

trainingtime. It's Just - it's Just not worth
it. We're - we're passed the day of having to
economize in weight like that. We got stuff on
this workshop that - that safe over there that
channels the film must weigh 3000 pounds or more.
And if we can ... - send one of those into space,
we can sure send a couple-hundred-pound backpack
that works right. If anybody ever built an HHMU
to go outside, I'd think he was crazy - crazy.
And we really ought to write this report up where
it says that this is - this is - It's Just an
interesting thing to look at. It's like a lot
of science. You do it and you really don't have
it in mind. Let's don't do any H]_U work for
real. I'd be the first one to stand up and say
forget it. If you ever got in bad trouble
out there with the HHMU, you'd be through. If
you ever lost your cues, if you ever started
looking off into black space, if your visor came
down over your face in the da_k or something,
you'd be finished. You'd spin up - you wouldn't
even know where you were. You'd be so tangled
up in your umbilical you'd never get away. Crazy

227 22 BI 25 CDR Did you sometimes command wrong thrusts with

the HHMU. Answer : Every once in a while but
not - not - enough to worry about. Mostly it
was in roll. The thing I found myself doing most
in the way of errors was I'd want to be translating
up and rolling left and so instead of sticking my
hand out to the right and give a kind of thrust
up that would achieve both ends, I'd put it over
my head and do it. And then, of course, then
I'd be translating left and would not have been
translating up.

227 22 31 55 CDR Did you experience any disorientation? No, but I

think when you're getting to close objects you
tend to get a little bit confused. You - When
you're getting close - There's no such such thing
as a pure maneuver. So you see your toes approach-
ing - You don't know whether to thrust up because
you know if you thrust up, you're not going to be
through your c.g. exactly, which means that you're
going to get some rotation. Or you don't know
whether to rotate because that's going to ms ke
you translate and bump into it. The whole - the
whole idea of HHMU is Just an interesting thing -
that's _.11 it is. Be like trying to fly in space
by turning around and shooting a rifle in the
opposite direction. You can probably do it but
who the heck wants to do it that way. It's -
We need a guidance system or something. We need
something standard.

227 22 32 45 CDR Did you have any difficulty aiming the HHMU? No,
because I knew the constraints in aiming it
and tried to aim it only in the places that I
could myself. But I'll Just have to admit that
your chances of finding your c.g. are small. I
hunted a.ll over for it today. I got above it,
below it, all around. One thing I did much
better today is get my arm out further so that
moments were more ... than they had been, in
reduced left translation. But still - I think
we're Just performing an experiment and not really
developing hardware for the future. And that's
what we ought to be in the business - particularly
you, Ed. You're in the Air Force. They don't
want any HHMU. They want something they can fly
around and do something with.

227 22 33 26 CDR Could you normally position the HHMU to get

translation without rotation? Answer, no. I
tried. Every once in a while I'd hit it, but
normally, no. But I could correct it, though.
Did thruster impingement on you or your HHMU
produce a noticeable effect? Answer, yes. It -
I noticed it when I was trying to get translation,
particularly in Y or to get a good - when I was
close to something. The thruster impingement
on me was b_1_y and bothersome. The thruster
impingement on whatever I was close to would he
bothersome. So all in all, that's - that's about
it for the thing. You can get around it. I flew
the first one without bumping into anything and
without having any trouble and decided that's -
it's Just - for show. It's a waste of time and
it's a waste of gas. So I said I'll fly it around
faster this time; I tried it faster. Well, I got
out of control a couple of times; not - not bad.
If I'd been out in the middle, I'd have stopped
it, but you're in a box. You Just reach out and
_- catch yourself. Still it's not the way you'd
like to be. I tried flying around by pushing
off and then midcoursing with the thing. I
found that if I pushed off slowly, I could do it
okay, but it's still not the way to do it. I
pushed off fast to get somewhere fast, then I
had trouble correcting my attitude - in translation.
You could learn to do it - I think you could
learn to do it. I could probably do it now,
having - That was the first effort at that. I
think that should go under worthwhile things to
try. I'm suspicious that we want - in the suit,
maybe do an HHMU one run, one time. I don't
think we want to use up our SOP for it, and I
don't think the HHMU is going to overcome the
forces of its umbilical. I'm really in a quandary
there. If we used our - our SOP for the HHMU,
I'd think we were mR_ing a - a drastic disservice -
doing a drastic disservice to the Air Force ...
that's because you Just aren't going to ever use
it. We only have one - AC - SOP. I hope that
we use it for - for flying it in DIRECT and then
whatever time we got left we can use it maybe
in CMG and RATE GYRO, but mostly we use it in
DIRECT because that's going to be the thing we're

going to use someday. And all this other is

interesting. I'd say RATE GYR0 has a better
chance of getting in than CMG but both of them,
that we talked about, are Just extra - extra problems
that we don't need. A nice, ..., direct and
you could fly this baby all over and do all the
things that you want to do.

227 22 35 56 CDR I got to go now. CDR out. That's the end of

the briefing on 509. It goes to Ed Whitsett,
Bruce McCandless, and Lou Ramon.

227 22 36 07 CDR CDR out.

227 22 51 54 CDR Okay, S019 again. Get ready for a mark. We're
going to close the shutter. The first exposure
is 270.

227 22 52 03 CDR MARK. SHUTTER CLOSED. Okay, let's go for the

big next one which is a 90-second exposure.
Let me give you a mark when I open it. I've got
a picture there.

227 22 52 17 CDR MARK. Just OPENED the SHUTTER. I'm going off
the comm for a few minutes.

227 22 53 31 CDR Stand by for a _rk. I'm CLOSING the SHUTTER now.
Stand by.

227 22 53 35 CDR MARK. As you know that was field 707, exposure 055.
Now we're going to the next one. 301.1, 301.1.

227 22 53 47 CDR Okay, got that. That's ROTATION; 24.5, that

ought to be easy. 24.5, that's perfect. Now
we're going for a 270; let me spin it up, and
give you the call. Okay, that's about it, right
there. Standing by. Pick up a new one.

227 22 54 15 CDR MARK. Okay, picked up a new one.

227 22 54 17 CDR MARK. We got it. Everything is good. Okay, we've

now got 301.1, 24.5. Field 705, 270-second
exposure. Right after this, we'll give you a
90 and an 30.

227 22 54 41 CDR CDR out for a minute.


227 22 58 24 CDR Okay; CDR. We're Just finishing up this 270-second

exposure on field 2 - 705. I'll give you a mark
in Just a moment.

227 22 58 43 CDR MARK; SHUTTER is CLOSED. Now let's go for a

90-second one. Same thing. Okay, let's pick up
a new slide and go back to STOWAGE. Stand by to
go OPEN.

227 22 58 58 CDR MARK. OPEN. This is a 90-second exposure, field

705. Nobody touches the machine save the operator
as he puts the slide home and takes it away. Slide
number 58, incidentaly.

227 22 59 17 CDR Going off the comm.

227 23 00 16 CDR Stand by.

227 23 00 17 CDR MARK. Okay, that was the completion of a 60 -

90-second exposure; we're now going for 30. Pick
up a new slide; put it in position. Let this go.
Here we go.

227 23 00 34 CDR MARK. Open on a 30-second exposure. That's

field 705, picture 59.

CDR When this gets finished we're going to go to a

brand new field, gentlemen. And it's approaching
finishing, so stay loose. Stand by for an OPEN.

227 23 01 0B CDR MARK. That's OPEN. Okay, let's go 318.8, 318.8,

31 - 318.8.

227 23 01 15 CDR There's one of them. And 23.5. That ought to be

easy to get to because we happen to be at 23.5 -
right there. Okay, what you want there is a
270-second exposure, field 413. Okay -

227 23 01 52 CDR MARK. Just put her in, gang. Everything's going
well. 61. Now what l've done a couple times -
and it might confuse you a little bit ; it's con-
fused me. I have moved a slide over there without
a picture in it. No, maybe it had the old picture
in there, a couple of times - maybe it had the old
picture in there. And I can feel that it - it
didn't feel the same way, so I knew that - so I
knew that I didn't have a new picture. Now I only
f_ left in there a second. I don't know whether it

bothered the original picture; I sort of doubt it,

but - that's why sometimes these numbers seem a
little bit larger than they should be. Two times
I think I've Jumped two numbers. So if you sud-
denly find that I've Jumped a couple numbers it's
prob - I've probably done this before at other
times and never realized it was significant, be-
cause I'd never thought about the counter doing
that. So, you better take this note, that I've -
I've run that in a couple of times real quick.
I hope that it hasn't affected the long exposures
we've had. I don't think it probably has but -
because I've never left it in there over a second,
because I can feel it when it doesn't go in there
right. It's conceivable that - no, that - that's

227 23 03 27 CC Skylab, Houston. We have you over Canaries for

l0 minutes.

227 23 03 57 CC And, Owen, your comment a while ago regarding

filament 28 is correct. That has turned into
prominence 28. And if anybody's available, we'd
like to suggest perhaps modifying this next ATM
pass that we got coming up that Al's going to run.

SPT Okay. Standby Just a minute.

SPT Okay, I'm ready to copy. Go ahead, Bob.

CC Okay. Do you have the schedule pad there? I can

refer to it. Or if not, I'll Just read this to

SPT No, I don't have it here. I'm downstairs. Go


CC Okay, at - on the 23:27 pass at 23 minutes time

remaining, we suggest m?_ning building block ll,
JOP 4A, step 4 on prominence 28.

SPT Okay, what about prior to time 23?

227 23 05 25 CC We'd llke to go ahead and maintain the current

pointing that we got there. It's - it should be
no problem. Actually, all we're doing is changing
a JOP _ Bravo - -

227 23 05 35 CDR Stand by for a mark - completion.

227 23 05 37 CDR MARK; completion, 270. Now we go for a 90. Okay,

pick up a new slide this time; do it right for a

227 23 05 50 CDR MARK. OPEN on the 90-second exposure.

CC Okay, at that time it calls for a h Bravo, step 1.

SPT What do you recommend us to do to that, since

there's no filament?

CC Stand by 1.

CDR There's 9 minutes and 9 -.-

227 23 ll 20 CDR Okay, stand by for the mark. This will be a com-
pletion of a 2y0-second exposure on star field 616.
It's frame number 063.

227 23 ii 39 CDR MARK. SHUTTER CLOSED. Let's go for a 90-second

exposure, which is what you want next. And there
it is, a picked up new one, hit it and stand by;
ready to go.

227 23 ii 51 CDR MARK. OPEN, on 90-second exposure, field 616.

23:13; I'm going to start 30 seconds late on that
last exposure. Well, probably about a minute ;
takes 30 seconds to adjust. So I won't get you
a 270, but I'll get you as long as I can.

CDR How' s supper there, Big O?

SPT ... up. I got a good pad for you.

227 23 12 35 CDR You got it on you? I'ii come get it right after
this one.

SPT I'ii give it to you right now. It's that block

stuff right there .... twice ... modifying ...

CDR 4A, 2, B 28.

SPT Pr_nence 28.

227 23 12 57 CDR 4A, 4 on prominence 28; 4A, 4 again. Okay, stand

/-_ by here. We're going to open the - CLOSE the

SHUTTER again. This was a 90-second exposure ; and

then I'm going to retrim. Stand by -

227 23 13 09 CDR MARK; SHUTTER OPEN. Okay, let's go to 098.8.

04.1. Okay, you want a 270 exposure. I'm Just
going to give you what I can give you, and I'll
call mark when I can. Okay, pick up a new one.
Stand by -

227 23 13 45 CDR MARK. Okay that's 65 and it's field number 611,
98.8, ROTATION; 4.1, TILT, and sunrise is at 23:18.
And so I'm going to watch my clock, and I'll give
you a mark at the end. And I'll stay on this time
so that you can time it on the tape if you want.
I'm watching you with my watch, too, so everything
should be okay.

227 23 15 12 CDR This would be incredible, but I'm not sure we're
not going to make it. It's only 23:15 right now.
Gives us 3 whole more minutes, and we're almost
at 60 percent, so we may Just make this.

227 23 16 50 CDR We're going to mske this full 270, space fans, as
Jack would say. I'll give you a mark at the com-
pletion, and that'll be the end of the game. We'll
go into the CARRIAGE RETRACTED, STOWAGE spot, and
that 's it. CARRIAGE RETRACTED, close the hatch -
repress. Not repress; leave it in vent until it
warms up.

227 23 17 31 CDE Stand by now.

227 23 17 32 CDR MARK; CLOSED. CARRIAGE RETRACTED, film hatch

CLOSED. Okay, we got every exposure; new record.
Okay, and I discussed the fact of cycling some of
those frames a couple of times. You should be
able to tell it by the fact that the counter num-
bers Jumped; I don't think any of them were in
their positions over a second, so I don't think
we've had any double exposures. We maybe had a
couple today of double exposures of - The second
exposure was a second long or something like that.
And my guess is I've probably done that several
other times, but I've always been able to feel and
say, "Oh, oh; that was wrong. I did not pick up
a frame." So you might be alert to that sort of
thing, otherwise. I'll try to do better next time.

227 23 18 20 CDR CDR out.

DAY228(AM) 927

228 00 06 38 SPT Okay, this is the SPT recording on channel A with

a message to the biomed people, especially to those
who are concerned about our drug stowage aboard
the spacecraft, and also a copy needs to go direct
to Dr. Paul Buchanan. This is in response to your
general message number 1928 Alfa on CB/drugs, on
day 19, which is today. The last portion inquires
about the drug stowage status, and this is the
following information. In W-706 there are three
slots for two cans each. In the left slot, the
first can, which is serial number 1034, is empty.
This is presumably all Skylab 2; in other words,
mission-1 drugs. Most of them are presnmably now"
found in 707 in the two boxes labeled "Topical
Drugs" and "Tablets and Capsules" containers. Now
the rear can of that left slot is number 1037. It
has been opened, and there are a number of loose
drugs inside, all gray taped, and the gray - the -
the can is taped over and marked "Command Module
Drugs for SL-3 and 4."

228 00 08 l0 SPT That's how I found it and that's where it still

remains, so I presume that Joe Kerwin brought this
up in the command module, put them all in there,
and left them for the next two missions. Now in
the second slot, there are two cans, both of which
I opened. The first can is serial number 1038 and
the second can is serial number 1033. I opened
one of them up to get out the scop/Dex tablets
early in the flight, and I believe the second one
was opened for Mylanta. Dr. Buchanan prescribe -
prescribed that for one of the crewmen who had
a little bit of an uneasy stomach at one point,
and the Mylanta, as I recall, was the reason I
opened the second can. Now the Mylanta and the
scop/Dex have been placed down under "Tablets and
Drugs" and the remainder of the can, all but those
two bottles, we'll repack and switch back into slot
number 2. Now the third slot contains cans 1035
and 1036, which remain unopened. I assume that
these were cans for Skylab 4.

228 00 09 22 SPT Now from our own comm_nd module, there were two
cans, one was labeled can A and the other can B.
Neither of those cans are opened as yet, and I
have temporarily stowed them in locker 732 here
in the wardroom until we have some other indica-
/_ tion of what I should be doing with them. So I

suspect that there is some rearrangement of drugs

that is required, and nothing in our activation
llst, as I recall, calls for any of this. And if
you would send me up a message describing whether
or not the present state is satisfactory and, if
not, how it can be modified, I would appreciate
it. This message goes to biomed and those in-
terested in dug - _rug stowage and Dr. Paul

228 00 l0 08 SPT End of message from the SPT.

228 00 ll 44 PLT Howdy, space fans, this is Jack on channel A. The

subject is M509. We got both bottles recharged
at 22:00; they're sitting at about 1500 pounds at
the moment, and the batteries ... charge as we
reported earlier. Thank you and good night.

228 00 16 06 CDR This is the CDR debriefing ATM run. I ran as ad-
vertised or as requested. I did JOP 4A, step 2
and a J0P 4A,_ step 4 and another JOP 4A, step 4.
When I did the second one, I made a good alignment _
on - When I did the first one, I m_ximized the
H-alpha portion. When I did the second one, I
moved to a different place and maximized the 82B
set again. On the third one, of which we only got
one half in - by that I mean we got the 82B, AUTO
and we got a mirror align - a MIRROR AUTO
RASTER, but we did not get a - We got a PATROL,
56. I moved to the bl_nk area. This - this looks
like a possible forming spot for an arch filament.

228 00 17 02 CDR Certainly, we have a very nice one about - since

we studied the first of two 82B - first two 4A ...
and the fol - the last one we - 4A, step 4 - 4A,
step 4, and then the small filament - I mean small
prominence, which is a little bit above - Let me
see which way that is, north _or south.

228 00 17 B6 CDR It would be south of the main arch and the

prominence part of it, visible in H-alpha on the
limb. And then it looks like there's Just a hint
that maybe there's an arch that you can't see there
in - a - H-alpha, but there is an arch. I checked
it in DETECTOR 3 of this ... ; didn't get any action,
but I decided to take some data there anyway. If _-_

it turns out there's nothing there, I don't think

we've lost much, except maybe 82B - a frame of 82B.
But maybe they can get some background information
there, or there, in fact, may be some data there for
them that they haven't yet observed. Other than
that, this was a completely nominal pass.

228 00 18 24 CDR CDR out. That information, by the way, goes to the
ATM backroom.


228 01 h4 23 SPT Okay, we're making the last run here which will
get finished up about 01:52. This is the - facts
here on shopping llst 13 item ... I could have
given Jim a photograph off Sun center, but I
wanted to give him one on Sun center so that he
could get the whole corona in. Although those
disks are, of course, going to be overexposed so
"_ you can't get the whole corona. I'm looking out
here at this prominence on the west limb right
now, and I did want to get in a long exposure
there, so I Just stopped off at shopping list 13.

228 01 44 53 SPT The shopping list I have I think is a particularly

interesting one because there's really a nice pro-
minence picking up over here, and the DETECTOR
number 3 peaked up very nicely about l0 - 20 arc
seconds off the limb. I gave 82B about a 6-minute
exposure. In limb-pointing mode, I noted that was
Just a little over 20 arc seconds off the limb -
20, 22, something like that, in LIMB POINTING.
So I hope the prominence exposures come out pretty
well. And I've also noticed on the XUV MON that
it's really getting bright over on the east limb.
This information may not ge t down to you to count
for anything on the planning, but look forward to
a little more activity in the next few days.

228 01 45 32 SPT End of this briefing from the SPT. Out. (whistle)

228 01 51 50 PLT Hello, space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

We're going to try a little more TO02 at the
moment. Time on my watch is coming up on 13:52 -
_. correction 01 :52.

228 01 52 08 PLT MARK. Day 228, and the temperature of the sextant
at this time is 67 degrees and rising, and the
diopters are minus 0.5, and we're going to do this
with the window cover removed; try a little more
star-to-Moon - see if I can get a few of them
before my phone call comes through here. And I see
my friend Diphda Just coming through the ozone
layer there, and when she gets above the ozone
layer, she's going to be mine.

228 01 53 i0 PLT I want to get the zero biases when this is all
done. Okay, I got her laying on the edge of the
limb of the Moon, there. Tell you why I wasn't
focused; doublecheck the window cover removed.
Had a little wasted effort earlier today. Don't
like that up here. Well, I guess that's a minus
0.5. It's a pain - why it wasn't turned all the
way around once. I'll check that later.

228 01 54 06 PLT Okay, Diphda is above the ozone layer& let's get
to work. Get the trusty flashlight out here.
They got the lights off in the area. This is _--
T002, for my friend, Bob Nute, Bob Randle from
the Ames Research Center, Sunnydale, California,
nice place to be from; one of my favorite places.

228 01 54 44 PLT MARK. Number i, 29.227.

228 01 55 ii PLT MARK. Number 2, 29.205. Getting these marks a

little better without that window cover in there;
that goofs you all up. Also goofs you up when
that star or whatever you're sighting on is below
the ozone layer, so don't ever do that.

228 01 55 36 PLT MARK. Number 3, 29.182.

228 01 55 57 PLT MARK. Number h, 29.161.

228 01 56 22 PLT MARK. Number 5, 29.146.

228 01 56 41 PLT MARK. Number 6, 29.130. Now that's more like it.

228 01 57 04 PLT MARK. That's about 7, I guess, 29.113.

228 01 57 26 PLT MARK. Number 8, 29.097; 29.097, that was.

228 01 57 47 SPT Hey, Jack, are you going to be off the tape
recorder this afternoon?

PLT In about 5 minutes, O.

SPT Okay. That 's fine.

228 01 57 59 PLT MARK. I don't know what that is but that's 29.073.
Give you one more - for good measure, Name
filters. Both filters on the Moon on - on the
lower path. No filters on Diphda.

228 01 58 50 PLT Having a hard time getting this one for good

228 01 59 00 PLT MARK. That's the last, 29.0 - 29.033. Okay, I

got Just a few minutes; we're going to take some
zero biases now. Temperature of this machine is,
present time, is 71, m-ke it 72 degrees. Sorry,
I got to quit here when we're going so good.
Chs]k us up another star-to-Moon. I think that's
two of them. Okay, there's Fomalhaut, for zero
bias. Hello, Fomalhaut.

228 02 O0 38 PLT MARK. 0.004.


228 02 00 55 PLT MARK. 0.001.

228 02 01 07 PLT MARK. 0.004.

228 02 01 19 PLT MARK. 0.00 - that's a bad one. Forgive me for

tampering with scientific data here.

228 02 01 30 PLT MARK. 0.003. And the final one.

228 02 01 51 PLT MARK. 0.000. Okay, that takes care of, I

believe, our second run on star-to-Moon. That
was Diphda to the Moon. And I'm going to have to
wrap it up now and go do something else, but that's
the end of TO02 for tonight. The w_y I read it,
we won't need to do anymore T00h's [sic]. I
figure myself complete on that, I believe. Let
me look it up one moment on my little checklist
here. Keeping track of all this somewhere.

228 02 02 27 PLT Wrong checklist. I believe that's two star-to-

Moons. I got four star-to-stars, two to go, and
we got all six Moon-to-Moons. So, that's com-
plete; that T002-3 I believe, is complete. And
also TO02-_, stadimeter orbital is complete
because we got two runs on that ; and I want to do

one extra one at night. I will do that, but

according to my tabulations T002-4 and T002-3 are
officially complete. So I'm going to sign off
now and I'll be back with you again tomorrow on

228 02 03 20 PLT Out. So long and good night.


228 02 h5 21 SPT Okay, here's some information on channel A from

the SPT. This information goes to Dr. Paul
Buchanan, to Dr. Bill Thornton, to Dr. Ed Michels.
And the first thing - I'd like for this to get to
them tomorrow morning as soon as possible, please.
The first thing I want to review is the exercise
that I have done for the last ii days, starting
on mission day 8. The first week I'm not going .--_-
to consider - as being a transient period and
not representative of any sort of level that we
have presume - hopefully stablized at. Starting
on mission day 8, SPT's exercise is 2/2/3000.
Mark I A's, 50 repetitions; Mark I B's, 20 repe-
titions. Mission day 9: SPT's 2/X/2000. 60
repetitions of A; 30 repetitions of B. On mis-
sion day 10, I did no exercise and the CDR and
PLT also did no exercise on that day.

228 02 46 57 SPT On mission day ll: SPT did 2/15/2100; A, 50 rep-

etitions; B, 30 repetitions; D's 20 repetitions.
On mission day 12: SPT did 2/15/2000. A's,
60 repetitions; B's, hO repetitions; C, 30 repeti-
tions. On mission day 13: 2/15/2000. A's, 50
repetitions; B's, 30 repetitions. Mission day 14:
2/22/3000. A, 60 repetitions; B, 40 repetitions.
Mission day 15: 2/33/5000. A, 60 repetitions;
B, 60 repetitions_ C_ 30 repetitions.

228 02 48 21 SPT Mission day 16: 2/17/2200. Mission day 17:

2/45 - that's 2/45/6000. A's, 60 repetitions;
B's, 60 repetitions; D's, h0 repetitions.
Mark II exerciser, 5 minutes. Mission-_ay 18:
2/35/5300; A, 60 repetitions; B, 60 repetitions;
D, h0 repetitions. _-_

228 02 49 13 SPT Mission day 19: 2/30/4400. A's, 80 repetitions;

B's, 60 repetitions; D_ hO repetitions. So
that brings us up to date, and since I started
there, I will go back and find out what d_V that
was. I believe it was mission day 8, I believe.
There's been only i day that I have not exer-
cised. Some of the earlier days, I would agree
that my exercise levels have been insufficient.
There appears to be a trend for increasing the
work levels at the present time that is associated
with increasing time available for the exercise,
and I expect that it will be maintained at approx-
imately the present level.

228 02 50 06 SPT In some ways another 60 to 4000 or 5000 watt-

minutes on the average and something like 60
reps of A - A's and so on, something like that
general neighborhood. Incidentally, my BMMD on
mission day 19 is about 5.984, and that is higher
than any day - stand by - that's higher than any
day since mission day 14. So I guess it's the
f--_ highest in about the last 5 days. So I'd appre-
ciate it if you would review these data and see
if they are the same information that you have
received on the down-link. On some of the -
several of my days I've worked fairly late in the
evening and the information was not available on
the status report. It came in late on channel A,
and may not have been incorporated in your data.
That sounds like a truth and you apparently had
some days of exercise missing, whereas I only
find 1 day missing all the way back through
mission day 8. I'd appreciate any comments you
have about this, and if you can send them up on
a pad so we don't have to crowd it all into a
very brief communication pass, that would be
appreciated. The information Just transmitted is
for Doctors Buchanan, Thornton, and Michels, and
please get it to them ASAP.

228 02 51 40 SPT End of message from the SPT.


228 12 36 58 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the ATM run which is
not quite over yet. Everything went nominally.
We made one error. I thought we were omitting
54 on this particular JOP, and much later in the
JOP as I was computing, I noticed we were not; so
I started it late, and I'll have to truncate it
at - so they'll only get three passes of their
informat ion.

228 12 38 38 CDR CDR once again with some information for the back-
room. 56-1 shopping list item - so while we're
at the same point, as it were, for J0P 15C, I've
given them a PATROL SHORT.

228 12 41 55 CDR This is the CDR again with - as we begin. We did

the procedures for the 400-kilometer level, so I
trust these X-ray/54 ... completed it; F30 [?] on
56. Everything else is nominal. I'm ... 55 run


228 13 18 05 CDR This is the CDR with information for Lou Ramon
and others interested in T013. I've begun the
T013 checkout.

228 13 19 06 CDR Okay, I'm going to cal now FMU-1. Following that,
I'll cal FMU-2, so the data should be on the tape,
starting about 30 seconds from now.

228 13 20 56 CDR CDR again on T013. I cal'd FMU plate 1 four

times because the little wire that runs from the
pin happens to interfere with the calibrate rod.
So I moved it out of the way and did it again.
I'm going - going over to FMU-2 now.

228 iB 22 46 CDR Okay, this is the CDR on TIB [sic] again. I -

have cal'd both plates, and it's interesting that
they drilled those holes and put those bolts in
Just at the right place - of all the places they
got on there, just at the right place so that
when you move the strut back and forth, it strikes
it. So I think you've probably found it out in
ground testing, but nevertheless that is what _-_
probably gives a little spike as it goes home.

228 13 23 12 CDR As it rests there for the 5 seconds, it - it doesn't

look like it interferes particularly.


228 14 17 51 PLT Howdy, space fans. This is Jack on channel A.

This is for the ATMworld. And this is the debrief
on day 228, second run of the day starting at
13:19. I completed all of that as advertised.
Everything came off without a hitch except for - I
did not do the four-limb coali_ment at the bot-
tom of the rev, opting instead to permit Owen to
do that since he did the first one. And I don't
know anybody who could do it better than him. And
so what we decided to do was to have 0wen do that
a couple of revs later, and instead I picked up
one of his little segments there and did it.

228 14 18 40 PLT I did the building block 1 Echo, step 1 from the -
two revs down;that is, the 16:36 rev. And I did
there a building block l0 although the snmmary
sheet calls for a building block ll, but you asked
for a building block 10. I assume that's no mis-
print because something like that occurred to me
the other day, too, and that is, in fact, what
you meant. So you got a building block l0 there
that is complete.

228 14 19 16 PLT I've noticed in the 13:19 rev, that pass, that
you - on S055 never wanted to turn on DETECTOR 5.
Now I don't mind turning DETECTOR 5 on when it
drifts off at all, so if you'd like to specify
DETECTOR 5, I'll be very happy to turn it back on
any time it cuts off. And, if necessary, let her
rest for a while and then turn her back on. So
don't leave DETECTOR 5 off of your schedule on my
account. I'd be very happy to work it for you.

228 14 19 51 PLT I gave you one extra GRATING SCAN on the step 1 -
correction - step l, building block 1 Bravo, gave
you one extra GRATING SCAN on that. And that
pretty much wraps up the debrief for this rev. I
used the persistent image scope on the XUV MONITOR
and it seems to work quite well. Very pleased
with the way it does work and it works better than

I had anticipated that it might, considerably

better than it does on the simulators.

228 14 20 34 PLT I also took the photograph "of the XUV MONITOR using
the Polaroid and we've got one of those sitting
here for use today. And as I mentioned earlier, it
looks like we got a couple of nice bright spots at
270 coming around the east limb. And it looks
like we got a - a lesser bright area. I shouldn't
have said bright spot. I meant a bright area on
the east limb. Also, a bright area, as you know,
going around the west llmb. And then Just above
cen- right at Sun center there appears to be a -
a very black spot, which is quite small. And then
right above it is the - a - another very bright
spot, which must be our little active region there.
So Owen's going to come on now. We'll have this
photograph for him and he'll pick you up on the
next rev.

228 14 21 37 PLT Thank you.

228 lh 25 19 SPT Here comes some PRD meter readings: 066 for the
SFT, 066.

228 lh" 25 35 SPT Okay, mske that 068; 068 for the SPT.

228 14 27 18 SPT 156 for the PLT; 156 for the PLT's PRD.

228 lh 27 58 SPT 165 for the CDR; 165 for the CDR's PRD.

228 14 28 22 SPT End of the PRD message.


228 15 17 31 PLT Help me.

CDR I'll be back ... make it and let's get it done.

PLT Yes, okay.

(Clattering noises)

228 15 18 i0 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

The subject is T013. This ought to go to Lou

Ramon. We have Just got things set up. The

EDS POWER is ON, and we - while I want to voice
recard - voice record the start of the T013
calibration check. Did you calibrate number 2
here ?

CDR ... calibrate, ... get everything ...

228 15 18 53 PLT And we're going to go right into the soaring thing,
huh? Okay. Since we're running behind in getting
all the TV and cameras and stuff set up, we're
going to - and we have to make a deadline with
Houston. We're going to perform the soaring
first, task number -

CDR ... cal ...

228 15 19 22 PLT Okay. And we're doing the cal on FMU-1 at this

228 15 19 47 PLT Okay. We're doing the cal on FMU number 2 at this
___ time.

PLT And I take it this is - okay, we're doing it three

times. This is task number 3 we're going to do,
right, Al? Okay, we did it four times on FMU
number 2.

CDR ... be the same, Just like you said before ....

228 15 20 40 PLT Okay. Now I got to reset the TV because we got

it in a different position.

228 15 21 44 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, and I'm on the FMU-1. I've
been moving around a little bit to make sure that
I know how to move between FMUs. So you're prob-
ably reading the data there. Now during the cal,
we ran into the little bar that comes up, that
gives the cal number, continues to run into the -
the -we'll - we'll Just have to live with that.
I assume it's satisfactory since -we'll have to
look at it - indicates it's far enough. We're
ready to go on sequence 3 Just as soon as we're
called, which will be about-2 minutes from now.

CDR ... out any of it?

_ PLT ...

228 15 24 34 CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOS Vanguard for lO minutes,

and I'll let you know when our data is locked up

CDR Roger. And we're recording on the VTR right now.

CC Understand. Owen, we would like you to let us

have the DAS for a few seconds. We're going to
command a dump enable and also turn some heaters ...

SPY I'ii try to get them right now.

CC And you got ... to go.

SPT Yes....

228 15 25 08 CC And for the guys doing the T013, we've got good
data locked up solid now. So you can proceed
through T03 - T013, task number 3.

CDR ...

228 15 25 35 CC Roger. Channel A record is fine, A1. And before

you go over there, one small request. Before you
turn the camera off after doing task number 3, we'd
like you to repeat step number 4 on page 30-1,
which is the time correlation sequence. Well,
actually, we only want ... cameras have been
turned on since that time. But since you were
a little ahead we thought you may have gotten
ahead of that. But before we do that we've got
a time correlation on that film for this task,
num1_er 3.

CDR Will do.

228 15 26 08 PLT Okay, I'm going to tell you what to do. Okay,
we're voice recording task number 3. Worst case
input Just starting. The subject is Alan Bean.
His position is feet in the FMU-1 restraints;
and Houston is locked up. These are your fixed-
position tasks. Rapidly move both arms up and
down, out from the side through an angle of 90
degrees like a bird flapping his wings for lO to
20 seconds.

CDR Give me a mark ....


PLT Okay, stand by for my mark.

228 15 26 50 PLT MARK. Okay, he'_ flapping his arms 90 degrees

out and back down to his sides. Stabilize and
repeat arm movement.

CC Skylab, Houston. We've finished our commanding

enable here.

PLT Twenty seconds. Stabilize and repeat arm marks -

arm movements - on my mark.

228 15 27 20 PLT MARK. Okay, he's repeating his arm movements now
for another 20 seconds.

CDR ... recording of the ... position minus 9 arc seconds

... And Just want you to ...

228 15 27 40 PLT MARK. That's 20 seconds. Now, A1, what I want

you to do is crouch and quickly straighten your
body as in a pushoff and stabilize. Perform this
five or six times for 30 to 40 seconds total.
Okay, I'm going to give him a mark for the - the
pushoff. Stand by.

228 15 28 01 PLT MARK. Five or six times in the 30 or 40 second

period, so you don't have to do it too rapidly.
That 's about right. Okay, he 's pushing off from
FMU-1. That's three; 20 seconds. Okay, we'd like
to make the co-,_ent that the pushoffs that he's
making are harder than any pushoff that you would
be likely to make in a zero-g situation. Okay,
now he's going to give some like you would make in
a zero-g situation. A typical pushoff for zero g.
Very - very much less force in this kind of a
pushoff than in the original one. Okay, that 's
four of them. Okay, there's five zero-g pushoffs.
Okay, disengage your seat from the restraints, A1.
Don't get snagged up in that cable. Okay, we're
going to soar between FMUs. I guess we need Owen
down here for this, don't we - or you going to do
this by yourself? Okay, ready to soar. Forcefully
push off with the feet from FMU-I and soar to 2,
and then reverse the process, soaring four times -
do four laps, as rapidly as practical for 30 to 40
seconds. Okay, on my mark he's going to soar from
FMU-1 over to FMU-2. Stand by.
228 15 29 51 PLT MARK. He touches FMU-2, he turns around, his feet
are on FMU-2, he's standing by to - Wart me to get
that cable for you? Let me get over there and
clear that cable for you, A1.

228 15 30 07 PLT MARK. Soar from FMU-2 to 1. Say again. Okay.

Now he's going to soar again to FMU-2.

228 15 30 18 PLT MARK. Soaring from 2 - or correction, from 1 to

2. Now he's on FMU-2 and he's getting ready to
soar back to 1.

228 15 30 28 PLT MARK. And he hits FMU-1. 0ks_y, now those are
pretty fast move maneuvering. He's doing some more
normally - normal speed now. He's at FMU-1 and
now he's going back to FMU - correction, he was
on FMU-2, now he's back at FMU-1. Okay, now,
these are normal zero-g pushoffs as opposed to
the earlier ones which were more forceful than
you would normally use. And he's - Okay, now
he's back at FMU-1. Now he's going to go
foot-to-foot. Those are all foot-to-hand. He _
makes a 180-degree rotation and lands feet up
on FMU-2. Going to do that again - going back
to FMU-1. There he goes, he had his feet on
FMU-1 Just like a cat, landing feet first.
Going to do more - off -

228 15 31 31 PLT MARK; FMU-2. Reverses his position, soars -

228 15 31 38 PLT MARK. Back to U - FMU-1 and lands feet first.

CDR ...

PLT Now another hard one - he's going to give you a

couple nominal zero-g pushoffs foot-to-foot.
There, he Just made one to FMU number 2. Pushing
off at 2 now.

228 15 31 56 PLT MARK. MARK to i. Landing on his feet. Pushing

off as you would normally do in zero g, very
easily and very gently.

228 15 32 ll PLT MARK; FMU-2. Now going back to FMU-1.

228 15 32 14 PLT MARK. Okay, that takes care of the soaring be-
tween 1 and 2.

PLT Okay, 0wen, we're ready for you to come down and

228 15 32 30 CC Skylab, Houston, we dropped out on comm there for

a second. We still have about 2 minutes left
here at Vanguard. And Owen, we did lose the ...
indication of limb offset when you go to limb scan.

PLT The correct way ...

CDR ... which one ....

CDR Now get the ...

PLT Now Owen's going to describe this?

CDR Yes....

PLT Okay....

SPT Okay.

228 15 33 46 SPT MARK. Start soaring, both of you.

228 15 33 54 SPT MARK. They Just then came back. There goes -
there they go again, stand by -

228 15 33 59 SPT MARK. They Just soared now, they Just landed
now. Turn around, come back, there they go,
soaring -

228 15 34 08 SPT MARK. They Just got back.

228 15 34 l0 CC Skylab, Houston. We're 1 minute from LOS. We'll

see you at Hawaii at 16:34.

SPT 0kay, stand by. Soar, both of you.

228 15 34 30 SPT MARK.

CDR 0kay, ... SI.

228 15 34 40 CC Skylab, Houston. For your information, we are

seeing clearly ... motions of the spacecraft but
we are seeing the data ...

/ - SPT Okay, I'm going to go to Sl right now.


PLT (Whistling)

PLT Whooee !

228 15 35 59 SPT Okay, you guys, let's cool it down there. We're
trying to get this thing stable so I can get you
,11 started. Got the DOORS OPENED, got the
H-alpha 1 on film. So you stable down there?

PLT (Whistling)

SPT Hey. Would you guys get stable so we can start,


228 15 36 21 CDR Okay, this is - this is the CDR. We finished

doing step 3, we're going to go back and do
step 1. Do FMU-1 again.

SPT Can you read me, Al?

PLT ...

SPT ... Can you hear me down there, Al?

CDR ...

SPT 0kay, we're ...

PLT ...

SPT Okay. Can you read me good?

228 15 37 09 CDR We're on A, but we don't hear you.

SPT Okay. I'm - I'm on A right now.

SPT Okay. Jump.

CDR Just a minute, we're disconnected. We'll do it

in Just a second.

228 15 37 24 SPT Okay, that was a false alarm apparently. They're

not ready yet.

PLT Ready.

CDR We will be ready in 5 seconds.


PLT ... don't you?

SPT Yes. He's - -

PLT Super ...

CDR Just wait ... put the ATM monitor on there, O?

SPT Yes.

CDR You're going to put the ATM monitor on now, huh?

SPT It's already on.

CDR Okay.

SPT Let 's go.

CDR Here we go.

228 15 38 05 CDR MARK.

SPT Okay. They Just Jumped off the wall and you
can see the excursion rather clearly on the
ATM monitor. It was probably an arc minute or
so. They're coming back and you can see the
excursion up and down on the monitor quite

228 15 38 41 SPT Okay, they're stopping now. And we'll see if this
transient damps out. It looks like it is damping
pretty well on the H-alpha scope right now and -
still drifting around a little, presumably under
CMG control, but it does not have the large oscil-
lations that it had while we were Jumping back
and forth. Okay, this is the end of the test.
Out. And SPT is going to go back to his EXPERIMENT

228 15 39 22 PLT Okay .... OFF .... ?

CDR Yes .... both - both of them.

PLT I had it in ... inertial ... EXPERIMENT POINTING.

You get to get ...

SPT ...

PLT I can tell, ... a request for ... plate.

CDR Holler when you're ready.

PLT Anytime.

SI°T Yes ....

228 15 40 52 SPT Okay, we are now stable in the EXPERIMENT POINTING

MODE. You have, again, a look at the H-alpha limb
and we're ready for the Jump.

CREW Let 's go.

228 15 41 00 SPT Okay. We're Just giving them a mark to Jump

right now. They're soaring across the room and
I can see no disturbance at all on the H-alpha
and you should be recording that on the video
right now. No disturbances visible and as far as
I can see from the display in EXPERIMENT POINTING.

PLT Okay. Turn off the VTR, 0.

SPT ...

PLT Okay, you got the VTR, OFF.

CDR You got the VTR, OFF, right.

SPT That 's right.

CDR Got to get a time ...

228 15 42 12 CDR This is the CDR on channel A. We finished doing

the TV sequence 3, on T13. What we're getting ready
to do now, is go back to l, put on the camera, and
go through the sequence precisely like the book,
l, 2, 3, 1. We'll get a time correlation for you
and everything else. So Just stand by and listen.

228 15 43 08 CDR MARK. That was time 15:43:05, 15:43:05. That

ought to time correlate pretty well with what we've
been doing. And we're going to give you another
one when we start - turn the recorder off for a

228 1544 50 CDR Okay, this is for TOI3 again, CDR. I'm going to
give you some new cals on the FMU. First it will
be i and then 2. CDR, out.

228 15 45 42 CDR That was FMU-I, now going to 2.

228 15 48 32 CDR The thing that you're picking up on FMU-I now,

as far as forces, is sort of the way that you do
when you got your triangle shoes on the floor
and you're just resting. Usually kind of move
your body back and forth - and you probably see
that on film, just - exercising. It's much more
comfortable than Just floating and you feel like
you're making some headway keeping your physical

228 15 50 07 PLT Okay, here we are again, space fans, on channel A.

We're going to start with task number i on TOI3.
These are gross body motions. The cameras are
running; the TV is on. This is task number l,
gross body motion. The subject is A1 Bean. He's
/--_ got his feet positioned in the FMU-I restraints.
Now, AI, what I want you to do is to knock on
FMU-2 at the approximate center of the sense plate
below the handhold with the side of the first as
follows: Four times at 1-second intervals.

PLT Oh, I need the VTR, OFF now, please.

228 15 51 ii SPT It's OFF.

PLT Thank you. Okay. You're supposed to come over

here and knock on this one right here.

CDR ...?

PLT Yes, just get off of there for a minute.

CDR ...

228 15 51 29 PLT Knock on FMU-2 at the approximate center of the

sense plate below the handhold over with the side
of the fist as follows: Four times at 1-second
intervals with a 9-inch hand travel. Nine-inch
hand travel, 1-second interval, four times.

_-- CDR ... my feet restrained, and I'll put my feet up ...

PLT Okay, he's doing the first one with his feet
restrained, 2, 3, 4. Now he's going to do it
with his feet unrestrained, l, 2, 3, 4. Okay,
now I want you to do it three times at half-second
intervals with a 5-inch hand travel. Okay,
he's going to restrain his feet first and knock
on FMU-2, l, 2, 3, 4, 5. Now feet unrestrained,
l, 2, 3, 4, 5. Okay, now four times at 2-second
intervals with 14-inch hand travel. He's going
to do it feet restrained first, 14-inch, 1,2,3,
4,5. That 's enough. Okay, he 's going to unres-
train his feet now. Do it again, l, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Okay. Now what we're going to do - it says re-
main stationary at FMU-2. I guess I do that while
the subject performs the experiment exercises.
Read the checklist, demonstrate maneuvers to
the subject. After each of the following exerclses,
the subject will stabilize for about 5 seconds.
Okay, the respiration exercises. Now it doesn't
say what one you get in. It's the only one you
can do, I guess because - get in FMU-1.

CDR ...

228 15 53 32 PLT Okay, that was the guy who was supposed to knock
on the plate over there. So you did it ; that's
aS1 right, I got the picture now. Okay, respira-
tion exercises. A1, breathe deeply approximately
six times. Okay, he's breathing deeply, standing
on the FMU-1 foot restraint.

228 15 53 58 PLT DACs are both on ana running. Okay, after this
I'd like you to cough five times.

CDR (Cough)
PLT One.

CDR (Cough)

PLT Two.

CDR (Cough)

PLT Three.

CDR (Cough) f_

PLT Four.

CDR (Cough)

PLT Five. Okay. I'd like you to simulate sneezing

five to six times.

CDR (Sneeze)

PLT One.

CDR (Sneeze)

PLT Two.

CDR (Sneeze)

PLT Three.

CDR (Sneeze)

PLT Four.

CDR (Sneeze )

PLT Five. Okay now we're going to do some arm

exercises. I got to get the VTR ON. Owen, m_
friend, I wonder if you could put the VTR on
again for me, please. Thank you. Now the VTR
is running and A1 is going to do his arm exercises
now. If I can get unlocked from the floor, I'm
going to get over here so I can demonstrate them.
AI, what I want you to do is - with your right
arm straight and rigid at the side, raise it out
90 degrees from the side and return. Like this.
Stand by.

CDR Okay.

228 15 55 25 PLT MARK. l, 2, 3. Okay, A1, that's enough. Next

exercise is B. Right arm straight and rigid at
the side, raise it in front of the body like so -
90 degrees and return.

CDR Three times?

PLT Three times, l, 2, 3. Okay, A1, in one continuous

movement this is C, raise arm - left arm out
90 degrees to the side and move the hand towards
948 _.

the shoulders through an angle of fif - 150 degrees,

return to the side of the arm - arm to the side
while straightening, in this manner.

228 15 56 09 PLT I'll get this. Okay. Now do your - how about -
your left arm is correct; l, 2, l, 1. Okay,
that's three of them. With the right arm straight
and rigid at the side, raise the arm 90 degrees
in front of the body, move it though 90 degrees
to the side, right side, and return. Okay, right
arm, straight out, 90 degrees to the side, and
return, like that, l, 2, B. Okay, now with both
arms straight and rigid to the side, raise them
simultaneous straight out 90 degrees from each
side. Move them through 90 degrees in front of
the bo_v then lower both arms to the side simulta-
neously, like so, three times. Let me get your
cable out of the way, l, 2, B.

228 15 57 12 PLT Okay, there's one more arm exercise,A1. In 4

one continuous movement, raise the left arm in
front of the body 90 degrees and move the hand
towards the shoulder to an angle of 150. Return
the arm to the side while straightening, in
this manner. Stand by. Left arm, l, 2, 3; very
well done. These are bodY exercises. Okay, I'd
like you to bend the upper body forward, bow,
zero to 180 degrees at the waist, three times, in
this manner. Okay, he's going to bow - bow down
now, l, 2, 3. Raise the right foot from the
restraints and stabilize. Okay, he's detaching
his right foot from EMU number 1 at this time.

228 15 58 15 PLT Perform each of the following, three times as

shown. With the right leg straight and rigid,
raise it out to the side to an angle of 35 to
_0 degrees and return, in this manner. Three
times. Ready, l, 2, B. Okay, with the right
leg straight and rigid, raise it out in front
of the body through an angle of B5 to 40 degrees,
in this manner, and return. Three times; l, 2, B.
Okay, in one continuous movement, raise the
right knee upward in front of the body through
angle of 45 de_rees while kee_in_ the lower leg
vertical and return it gently in this m=_ner.
Ready, l, 2, B. Okay, we're going to get the
VTR, OFF. Okay, O., I wonder if you could turn
the VTR OFF for me now, please.
_-_ 949

228 15 59 35 SPT It's done.

228 15 59 36 PLT Thank you. Okay, now we're to set up the TV for
soaring. We've already done enough of that.

CDR ... exercise.

PLT No, that was task n11mber - number 2. No, that

was task number l, excuse me, we're - yes, that
was a simulated console operation so we had to
finish off n11mber - nl_mher 2 - number 1. Turn
off the DAC for a minute, so we can do a TV.

PLT ...

CDR Well, we don't have to ...

PLT ...

i CDR Yes, yes.

PLT ... _ hotel.

228 16 02 26 PLT Okay. Here's the ... exercise ... Are you ready?

PLT Okay. Give me the ..., turn camera on.

CDR ...

PLT ...

228 16 04 37 CDR This is the CDR, I'm on F_J-1. Just a few minutes
previously I removed the screws from the pip pin
on FMU-1 and 2. So if you saw some Jiggling around,
that's what was going on, I was removing the screws.

PLT (Whistling)

CDR Starting to ...

PLT No ...

CDR ... how about ... back. Turn aroumd ...

228 16 05 49 PLT Push off from i with your feet, stabilize with
hands. Okay.

CDR All right.


PLT Okay. Stand by to ... stabilize with hand.

CDR All right, I'm ready.

PLT And after you push off l, you're going to have

to ...

228 16 06 17 PLT Okay, here's what I want you to do, is crouch for
your - We're beginning the soaring exercises.
Yes, the recorder's on. Beginning the soaring
exercises, release your left foot from the restraints
and crouch for free soaring. Use a handhold to
keep your feet on FMU-1. Now, when you push off,
you go to FMU-2, stabilize your hands only. Attaboy.
Now position your feet on FMU-2 and push off to
FMU-1, stabilizing with the hands only. Okay,
now pushing off there with your hands, turn and
stabilize at FMU-2 with hands only. So, it's
hands to hands, 180 degrees. Okay, there he is -
228 16 07 04 PLT MARK. His hand's on FMU-2. Okay, you did it Just
right, you went back hand to hand on FMU-1. Okay,
and that's all that's requested. Okay, voice
record the task number 1 gross body motions are
completed. And do you have any pertinent comments,
Al? Okay, I'm going to have to, before we go to
task 2, turn off the VTR. And let's see, you and
I'd like to do some more soaring back and forth
between lockers just to kill it off.

CDR ...

228 15 07 45 PLT Okay? Okay, this is the end of 2 - correction,

end of l, I'm going to turn off the VTR.

CDR ... we're running out of time ....

228 16 08 40 PLT Okay, T013 fans, we're beginning to start to

commence on task number 2. The PLT is stabilizing
himself over here in restraints. The cameras are
running. Task number 2, simu - simulated console
operation. The subject is A1 Bean. Attach your-
self to FMU-1. Okay, the SPT is not going to do
any gross motions because he's quietly doing his
job in another area. Read the following simulated
actions to the subject for him to perform. Allow
,_ 951

3 to 5 seconds pause between each item, A1. Okay,

the first item I'd like you to perform is with
your right hand, flipping switches, 3 to 5 seconds.

CDR A]S right, I'm flipping.

228 16 09 39 PLT Okay, he's flipping the switch on the 542 tape
recorder box, on and then off on the experiment 2
recorders, which we're not using. Don't do that
one. Okay, lamp test switch. Okay, now with
you right hand I'd like you to do a rotating
selector switch at chest height. Okay, he's going
down to the - don't do that one, do this one.
He's doing - do this one right here, would you
please. That's the one, you got it right to begin
with. He's doing rotary switch on SIA number 540.
Now, he's doing a fake one up above his - up above
542. Okay, A1, now with your right hand, do
flipping switches again. He's faking it this
, time. And then with your left hand do some of the
translational hand controller operations. Plus
on minus-X, left-hand THC. Okay, he's doin_
left/right, forward and aft, up and down motions
f-_ with his lefthand.

228 16 i0 46 PLT Okay, the next one is Echo with your right hand
now, flipping switches. Okay, he's flipping real
ones at 542. Now ... number 540. Okay, with
your left hand, make a keyboard entry. Okay, he's
simulating punching keyboard. Now, punching 542
his left index finger. Okay, now with your right
hand do a rotational hand controller attitude
nulling sequence. Okay, he's nulling his rates
with right hand simulated attitude controlling
with the ROT controller. Okay, now with your right
hand do some yaw inputs on the ROT controller.
Okay, he's doing all the yaw input, simulated now,
with the right hand. Okay, now with your left
hand do a keyboard entry. Keyboard entry, he's -
he's touching the 542. Now, with you right hand,
do some more ROT controller yaw input. Doing
yaw input.

228 16 ll 51 PLT Left-hand keyboard entry. Okay, he's punching

542. Now a keyboard entry, his left index finger.
Okay, now there's scae ROT controller pitch input
with your right hand. Okay, right hand, he's
doing pitch down, pitch up, simulated. Left

hand, do a keyboard entry. Okay, he's punching

542 with his left hand. Okay, now right hand
flipping switches, reach up and do it. There's
some - there's some switches above your head.

228 16 12 23 PLT Okay, he's rotating rotary switches and flipping

toggle switches. Okay, this is task number 2,
simulated console ops are completed. Do you have
any pertinent comments, Al? Okay, we're going
to press on to task 3, which is worst case inputs.
We've already done that for Houston contact. We're
supposed to have Houston acquisition for this so -
we don't have at this time. We've already done
it. So it looks like to me that we won't have to
do that again.

228 16 12 58 CDR Let's do this again on film.

PLT Okay, we're doing this for - -

CDR ...

PLT - - we're going to do this for film only this _

time. He's positioning his feet in the sat -
FMU restraints. This is task number 3, worst
case inputs. The subject is A1 Bean. Now,
we're not going to have Houston acquisition on
this, we've already done that, but we're going
to repeat the movements for the DAC. Rapidly
move both arms up and down, out from the side,
I'll get your wire here, to an angle of 90 degrees
like a bird flapping his wings for lO to 20 seconds.

228 16 13 34 PLT MARK. Started already. Okay, A1, that's

20 seconds. Stabilize and do it again.

228 16 13 48 PLT MARK. Started again.

228 16 14 O0 PLT MARK. That's complete. Crouch and quickly

straighten the body as in a pushoff, stabilize,
five or six times in a 30 - 40 second period.
Okay, he's done two of them now.

CDR ...

PLT Now he's pushing off with a force, which is

greater than what you would ever push off within
zero g.

CDR Normal.

PLT Now, he's going to do some normal pushoffs.

That's two of them. Okay, and that's complete.
Disengage your feet from the restraints. I'll
watch your cable for snagging. And now what I'd
like you to do is to soar between the FMUs.

CDR ...

228 16 lh 52 PLT Okay, he's going to push off forcefully, very

hard, landing on his hands on FMU-1, correction,
on 2. Now, he's going back to 1. Doing this
very forcef_llly this time. Okay, he's back to
1 again at - Okay, now, he's going to do some
normal pushoffs like he'd really do in zero g.
Much easier, much slower, much more smoothly.
Okay, there's one lap, pushing off on 1 going
back to 2 again. Okay, that's 2. And now these
are worst case tasks coming up. I don't think
we'll need the - well, we're supposed to have
a mark from the SPT when simultaneously soar.
You ready to give us some marks, 0wen? Going to
have to do withoutthe marks because Owen's in
the head.

CDR ... call them out?

PLT Okay .... three times.

PLT 0.? Could you give a couple of marks on

channel A when we push off ...

CDR Yes, Just ... channel A and holler mark, and so


SPT Okay, I'm on channel A, stand by for pushoff -

228 16 17 lh SPT MARK. There they go. Okay, stand by for the
next pushoff -

228 16 17 21 SPT MARK. Okay, here comes the next pushoff -

228 16 17 28 SPT MARK.

CDR ... about three more.

SPT Stand by for a pushoff -


228 16 17 35 SPT MARK. Stand by for a pushoff.

PLT ...

SPT Stand by -

228 16 17 50 SPT MARK.

SPT Stand by for a pushoff -

228 16 17 59 SPT MARK.

PLT Okay, folks, that takes care of soaring. And

now the next thing to do, after putting things
back we knocked all over, is to record that
task number 3, worst case inputs, are completed
and - TV is required. Well, we've done all that.
And you want to go back to do i, did you say?
Oh, I didn't know that.

CDR ...3. Doesn'tsay thathere. i

CDR ...

228 16 19 05 PLT Okay, now we're going back and do task number i
again, gross body motions. Subject once - -

CDR ...

228 16 19 23 PLT - - subject once again is Alan Bean, and we're

ready to proceed again with task number i, gross
body motions. Don't move around too much, O.
And we must inform the SPT to take it easy. And
the time on my mark is going to be 16:20, day 228.

228 16 20 00 PLT MARK it. Okay, AI, I go over here and knock on
FMU-2. Now, since you did it first, would you
like to do it again?

CDR You do it.

228 16 20 i0 PLT Okay, this time the observer is going to pound

on the FMU-2 number - number 2. And l'm doing
it with my right foot restrained first in the
grid with triangle shoes. Okay, l'm going to -
at 1-second intervals, with a 9-inch hand travel.
A 1001, a 1002, a 1003, a 1004. Okay, I'm going
to do it three set times at half-second intervals,
with a 5-inch hand travel, l, 2, 3. Okay, I'm
going to do it four times at 2-second intervals
_-_ 955

with lh-inch hand travel. A i001, a 1002, a 1003,

1004, a 1005, a 1006, a 1007, a 1008, a 1009,
a 1010. Okay, that's four of them - at least
four, maybe five. Okay, remRin stationary at
FMU-2 while subject performs the experiment
exercises, read the checklist, and demonstrate to
the subject. I'm going to get over here where he
can see me demonstrate. Can't see very well up
there. I didn't do that unrestrained, let me do
it unrestrained.

228 16 21 29 PLT Okay, I'm going to Just hand - hang on to the

handle on FMU-2 and do the same set of knocking
exercises on the FMU-2 plate. Okay, four times
at 1-second intervals. Here we go; 9-inch hand
travel. A 1001, a 1002, a 1003, a 100h. Okay,
three times at half-second intervals with 5-inch
hand travel, 1,22, 3. Okay, four times at a
| 2-second interval with lh-inch. A i001, a 1002,
q a 1003, a 1004, a 1005, a 1006, a 1007, a 1008,
a 100_, a 1G10. Okay, that was about five of
them. Okay, that was without being restrained by
feet,holdingby the hand. Okay, now going to
do respiration exercises first, A1, and breathe
deeply about six times.

CDR Okay.

228 16 22 33 PLT l, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. Okay, cough five times,

pleas e.

CDR ( Cough )

PLT One.

CDR (Cough)

PLT Two.

CDR (Cough
PLT Three.

CDR (Cough)

PLT Four.

CDR (Cough)

PLT Five.

CDR ...

228 16 23 07 PLT Every other one he put his hand to his mouth.
Simulate sneezing five to six times.

CDR (Sneeze)

PLT One.

CDR (Sneeze)

PLT Two. Hand to mouth.

CDR (Sneeze)

PLT Three.

CDR (Sneeze)

PLT Four. Handto mouth. _--

CDR (Sneeze)

PLT Five.

CDR (Sneeze)

228 16 23 24 PLT Six. Hand to mouth. Okay, arm exercises. Right

arm up side 90 degrees and back, 1 - -

CDR Three times?

228 16 23 35 PLT - - 2, 3, and that's it. Okay, right arm up

front and back 90 degrees, i, 2, 3. Okay, right
arm - left arm up 90 degrees from side, and then
move hand to shoulder, arm back to side, i, 2, 3.
Moves his arm up there fairly rapidly. More so
than he probably knew. Okay, right arm straight
and rigid at the side, raise your arm 90 degrees
in the front, then around to the side, back down,
i, 2 - Just like demonstrated, that's it, 3, very
good. Both arms straight and rigid at the side.
Raise them simultaneously out 90 degrees from
each side. And then through to the front
90 degrees and then to the side again, i, 2, 3,
very good. Okay, in one continuous movement,

raise the left arm in front of the body 90 degrees,

hand to shoulder, and then down to the side. Left
arm, i, 2, B, in continuous movement.

228 16 2h 53 PLT Okay, body exercises. Okay, bow, zero to

80 degrees at the waist, three times, don't bend
knees, l, 2, 3. Remove right foot from restraints
and stabilize; Perform each of the following three
times as shown. Raise - with the right leg
straight and rigid, raise it out to the side.
Angle 35 - 40 and return, l, 2, 3. Okay, do it to
the front now, A1, 2, 3. Okay, in one continuous
movement, raise the right knee upward in front of
the body to angle 45, while keeping the lower leg
vertical, and return gently. One, 2, kind of like
pedaling a bike, 3, okay.

228 16 25 49 PLT Soaring exercises; this is - picture - this is

going to be A1 flying between FMU-1 and 2. I
think we've alreadygot this on filmbut we can
do it again. Perhaps we do not. Okay, release
left foot from restraint, push off and stabilize
with hands only. Okay, and turn around, put your
_ feet on there, and stabilizewith hands only.
Okay, now turn around, put your feet on there and
stabilize with hands, turn and stabilize on FMU-2
with the hands only. Okay, he's turned, he's
landed on FMU-2, and now he's going to do the
same thing.

228 16 26 38 PLT Okay, now these are being done about the normal
speed used to move around in zero g. Okay, you've
completed that, A1. He's soaring one more time,
however, back to FMU-2, and then back to 1 with
a double somersault. Okay, that's about it, A1.
That is - the end of task number l, gross body
motions. And do you have any pertinent comment
you'd like to record at this time?

CDR ...

228 16 27 15 PLT Okay, he'll have - record his pertinent comments

later and says we've got to go back and do step
number 30. Say again what that is, A1.

CDR ... special thing they want us to do. Go back

to ...

PLT I don't even see a step 30. Well, maybe it's

30-1, the whole thing.

CDR Could be.

228 16 28 00 PLT Gross body motions is task l, which we Just

repeated. Maybe that was it. Task number l,
page 30-1. There's a checklist somewhere I'll
go take a look at it.

CDR ...

228 16 28 19 PLT Let's turn the cameras off, and I'll let you look.

PLT I don't think there's any checklist that goes up

to 30 steps.

CDR Okay. If you want to turn that off and do those

gross body motion things - I mean -

PLT You mean - we - use up the TV. Well we can use

up the film, also, if you want. Why don't we do
that? P

CDR Don't have ...

PLT We can always do it - I think they'd like to dump

this whole thing.

CDR ... Some other kind of soaring ... I just

think ...

PLT ...

CDR Why don't I Just ...

PLT ..°

228 16 30 21 CDR This is the CDR debriefing TI3. I think the

only problem you are going to have, Lou, is -
the experimenter is going to have is - deciding
which maneuvers are - or not which, I think you
can tell the difference between soaring and the
other. I think the important thing is to separate
out the soaring that we did, worst case, and
the soaring that we did that was normal. Same
thing with all the other things we did. We did
sort of normal things on s_ne, and then we did
some per the ... If anything and all that - we

Just did the best we could. The pushoff, we

pushed off hard to get data for you, but at the
same time we realized that probably pushoffs
aren't that way up here, and they are not that
way at all. You'd bang your head real hard, and
so, we did some nominal pushoffs. Right now I'm
going to cal FMU-1 and 2 again for you.

228 16 31 53 CDR Four cals on FMU-1, now I'll give four on FMU-2.

228 16 32 4_ CDR I gave you six on FMU-2. Now l'm going to stow


228 16 58 15 SPT Okay, for the ATM science room, here is the infor-
mation on the last four-limb coalignment done at
about 16:30 on day 228. That's the upper limb.
I'll read Just now the nonstippledblocks in our
ATM log. The upper limb is plus 1GO7, plus 1005,
plus 1005. And the lower limb: minus 892,
minus 895. The left limb: minus 915, minus 915,
minus 917. And the right limb, plus 975. The
55 MIRROR position is still 0932, line 9, col-
umn 32. For information for the stippled area,
the FINE SUN SENSOR readings: IN are plus 298,
plus 806: OUT, they are plus 355, plus 835. That
Just happens to be the location I was at when I
took them. Now I'll again comment on the fact
that the white light Sun on the XUV SLIT is about
1 arc second larger in radius than in the H-alpha
Sun inner limb. And so I've therefore set the
alignment to the inside edge of the white light
slit. That way they are presllm_bly in alignment,
sensor aligned with the center of the slit all
over the whole Sun. I presume that is because of
the very bright white light image. White m_gnifies
the image seen on the vidicon by Just about 1 arc
second, it appears.

228 17 O0 06 SPT End of message to the ATM PIs.

228 17 02 28 SPT Okay, recording on channel A with information

_-- relative to Mll0 experiment,and of interest to

blood analysis people, biomed area, and Dr. Paul

Buchanan. On mission day 20 after the Mll0 run,
I first of all - Stand by.

228 17 03 08 SPT Okay, back on channel A with the information to

the Mll0 group, and those interested in blood
analyses, Dr. Paul Buchanan. I first took samples
from the three syringes used from the Mll0 experi-
ment. I have all those hemoglobin numbers. And
I then pricked my left small finger, took another
set of samples from the blood in my left finger.
Those numbers follow. First of my syringes was
CDR using my right eye: 15.h, 15.2, 15.4, 15.2.
Average is about 15.3. With my left eye: 15.6,
15.5, 15.6, 15.4. Average about 15.5. Left eye
a little bit higher as it usually has been. The
pilot's blood from the syringe and, incidentally,
these samples were taken as soon as the blood was
transferred from the syringe to the ASP, the
centrifuge started, then I came back and ran the
hemoglobins _mmediately, so it's probably been in
the syringe no longer than, oh, 15 to 30 minutes.

228 17 04 21 SPT The pilot's numbers measured with my right eye:

16.4, 16.9, 16.2, 16.7, 16.9, 16.4; averaging
about 16.6. With my left eye: 16.8, 16.7, 16.9,
16.5, 16.4, 16.4. Average is 16.6. The SPT's blood
analyzed with my right eye: 14.7, 14.0, 14.0,
14.0, 13.8, 14.0. Average is 14.1. With my left
eye: 14.8, 14.4, 14.6, 14.5, 14.7, 14.6; averaging
14.6 on that run. Over all probably 14.3 or 4.
So these are remarkably different than those taken
just a week ago for the CDR and especially the SPT.
I then pricked my little finger, took some blood
in one of the capillary tubes, went through the
same analysis from the blood from my little finger
and here are these numbers. For the SPT, right
eye: 15.8, 15.6, 15.6, 15.8, 15.8, 15.4; averaging
15.7. With my left eye: 16.1, 15.6, 16.0, 15.5,
15.6, 15.9; averaging 15.6. Overall average, say
of 15.6 or 7. So there's a very significant dif-
ference then between the blood drawn from my little
finger and in that taken from the syringe. Stand

228 17 08 01 SPT Okay, looking at m_ finger average today, I got

15.6 or 7 and stand by.

228 17 i0 31 SPT Okay, continuing on where I was, looking back at

my finger check on day 225. About 3 days ago I
was getting 15.5 or 6 compared with 15.6 or 7
today; remarkably close. I therefore conclude, I
presume you would agree, that the hemoglobin mea-
surements with blood from a syringe are unreliable
and that's apparently conclusive with the result
that Bill Thornton got down there with the tests
on the ground and l'd appreciate any further com-
ments you might have about it.

228 17 ii 01 SPT End of message for the MII0 Pls.

228 17 22 05 PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack on channel A. The

subject is M509. Battery charge was terminated on
BAT 7 at 17:20 and at the same time was initiated
on BAT 6.

228 17 22 22 PLT That's for Lou Ramon and 509_ out.


228 18 52 40 CDR This is the CDR debrief - This is the information

for the ATM science room. I'm debriefing the
run I Just completed. The time now is 18:52. It's
not completed yet for another 5 minutes. I did
the remaining 4 - JOP 4A chips 1 and 3, and step 3,
and step i came off without a hitch, as far as I
know. For the time remaining, I'm doing shopping
list item number 16, and what I'm doing is taking
a long exposure. I'm not selecting LIMB SCAN or
LIMB POINTING; I'm Just putting it out there and
letting it sit. And I think that ought to give
us the information we want.

228 18 52 50 CDR That information was ... CDR out.

228 18 57 40 PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack on channel A.

Here we are with S019 for - for my friend and
associate, Karl Henize. We've got the mirror
extended. We've got the ROTATION and TILT set.
We're standing by for some clarification on the

Nu z and the time now is 18:58. The Nu z on pad

is minus 6.4. The Nu Z on the spacecraft is

minus 2.7.

SPT ... We got you the ...

228 18 58 17 PLT Stand by.

228 18 59 17 PLT Okay, we got the information we need on NuZ.

We'll subtract number 3.7 from each rotation on
the pad. That Delta number is 3.7, 6.4 minus 3 -
correction, 6.4 minus 2.7 equals 3.7, and get those
all done right this moment before we get into

CDR ...

CC Roger....

228 19 59 59 PLT That's 309.5.

SPT ...3 or 5. Duct2 ......

228 19 00 07 CC Okay, thank you very much.

228 19 00 12 PLT And 315.1.

228 19 00 36 PLT 333.7.

228 19 00 46 CC About 15 seconds from LOS at Ascension. We'll see

you at Vanguard at 20:19 and our TM indicates it
was about 350 over ... so it looks like ... We'll
call you when we do.

228 19 Ol 00 PLT 325.5.

CDR ...

228 19 01 12 PLT and 115.2.

228 19 01 20 PLT Okay, it's time to start on the first one. I have
309.5 set in, and I have 9.6. And I put the lever
to 270. I go to what we call HATCH, OPEN. I go
to SLIDE RETRACTED. And the time is 19:01, which
is the time that's down on the pad. And we're
standing by for the zero to come up. Stand by.
-_ 963

228 19 01 I_9 PLT MARK. SHU'ITER, 0PI_ED; frame 66; field _33, a
270-second exposure.

228 19 02 18 PLT A little confusion about the algebra on that

Nu Z right there. If my Nu Z were bigger than yours,
then I would have to add a number. I 'm not confident
that's clear with our little algebraic equation
there; we ought to get that cleaned up. Maybe you
guys could get to work on that formula a little
bit to _ke it more mathematically correct, so
we could never m-_e a mistake.

228 19 03 16 PLT The problem is in knowing whether or not the

difference in the Nu z pad and Nu Z actual is a
minus or a plus and whether or not you add it or
subtract it. In this case, I guess you added it
algebraically; therefore, the first rotation here
we have 313.2 plus a negative 3.7 gives 309.5,
which is the correct number as verified with the
ground a moment ago. However, in getting the
sign - It's not clear that the sign of 3.7 should
/_ be a negative because we have a minus 6.4, minus
a minus 2.7. I guess that does give us a minus 3.7,
algebraically; however, we ought to do it the-
other way around. For example, what if it were a
positive 2.7. Then we would have a negative 6.4
minus a positive 2.7.

228 19 05 03 PLT Well, we are coming up on 100 percent here. Coming

to the end of exposure 66, field 433, 270 seconds.
So stand by to terminate, KArl.


the next one is field 431, which was 318.8. Now
315.1. Let me doublecheck those numbers.

PLT Check, check. 1 - Okay, it's added backwards, so

it works. 315.1 on the ROTATION. I had an old
school teacher when I was in the 5th Erade. I
remember her saying frequently, "Always check your
subtraction by adding." 12.2 on the TILT. In-
creasing direction, direction of increasing numbers;
12.2. Set in. Okay, we got both 315.1 and 12.2;
lever is at 270; we go to SLIDE RETRACTED. Crank
the crank. Stand by to OPEN the SHUTTER.

228 19 06 h9 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED to frame 67, field 431, a

270-second exposure. Next one is a 90 on the same

228 19 07 40 PLT Going off the record mode for a while until this
exposure gets near to its end.

228 19 lO 09 PLT Okay, Karl. Here we are back again. We are getting
ready to terminate exposure 67 on field 431,
270 seconds. Stand by for my mark.


on is 90. We move lever - lever to 90 in the
same field. We go to the SLIDE RETRACTED. Crank
the crank. Stand by to OPEN the SHUTTER.

228 19 i0 46 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame 68, field h31, a

90-second exposure. Now we will take the next
rotational as it's going by, 337.h minus 3.7;

228 19 ii lh PLT 14733.

PLT That' s correct. 333.7.

228 19 ii 58 PLT Stand by to CLOSE the SHUTTER on frame 68.


now we change ROTATION and TILT. 333.7. Direction
of increasing numbers: 33 - 3.7 and 21.7.

228 19 12 35 PLT There we are. 21.7 and locked in there, Karl.

Make you a little sweeter. If you lock the lock,
it Jumps a little bit ; got to really hold it.
Okay, 333.7 ; doubleeheck. 21.7, doublechecked.
A 270-second exposure to begin with, and put the
lever over to 270, and go to SLIDE RETRACTED.
Crank the crank. Stand by to open the shutter.

228 19 13 03 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame 69, field hlg. A

270-second exposure which is now in progress.
Going to go off the recorder for a while. We'll
come back.

228 19 16 34 PLT Okay, here we are about to conclude frame number 69

on field 419, the 270-second exposure. In a
moment -
_ 965

228 19 16 50 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, CLOSED. Okay, the next one is a

90-second exposure in the same field. We put the
lever to 90. We go to SLIDE RETRACTED. We crank
the crank. Stand by to open the shutter.

228 19 17 07 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPEN. Frame number 70, field

number 419, a 90-second exposure. While we are
doing this we will check the rotation on the
following field which was 329.2 minus 3.7. Give
us a 225.5 [sic], and back 12, 9, 2, 3. Okay,
325.5 While we're going there we will rip off a
30-second exposure on the same field we are on
now. Okay, stand by to close the shutter on
frame 70, a 90-second exposure on field 419 -


the lever to 30 this time. Go to SLIDE RETRACTED.
Crank the crank. I'll wait around a second be-
cause it sneaks up on you in a hurry.

228 19 18 41 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame 71, field h19, a

30-second exposure. Will we be on time? Yes.
Karl's got these times worked out to a gnat's eye-
._ brow. There is no time for scratchingyour nose.
Stand by. Fooled you, didn't I?


go to the next one, 325.5. With haste we back off.
Come up on it from the increasing direction.
325.5 is in, and 4.8. Have to back that one off.
Other way, you d,mmy! Okay, there you go. Back
off, pass it, come up on it. Increasing numbers.
Ah! Went past it Just a sukoshi [sic]. It was
locked. Back off again. Lock it at 4.5. Double-
check 325.5, 4.5 - I need a 4.8. See? That's why
I doublecheck, right there. Some people don't have
to do that, but I do. Okay. 325.5 is checked.
4.8 is checked. The lever is at 27D. We go to
SLIDE RETRACTED. Crank the cr_n_. Okay, stand
by to open the shutter on this frame. I wish we
were about 1 minute ahead of where we are now,
but we're -

228 19 20 27 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame 72, field h51, a

270-second exposure. And I guess we'll go off
the air for a moment.
966 -_

228 19 23 49 PLT Okay, space fans. Here we are back again. We're
about to secure this frame, but before we do, let's
check the numbers on our next one. 118.9
minus 3.7 is 115.2. Stand by to terminate frame
72 on field h51.

228 19 24 09 PLT MARK. We have terminated a 270-second exposure;

the CARRIAGE RETRACTED. We now go to ll5.2. Boy,
that's way around there, Karl. 115.2.

228 19 24 33 PLT 115.2, 24.4.

228 19 24 42 PLT 24.4.

228 19 24 50 PLT Okay, 115.2 and 24.4 doublechecked. The lever is

at 270; we crank the crank, then go to SLIDE

228 19 25 03 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame 73, field 61, a

270-second exposure. Time is 19:25. We're Just
running awful close this time, Karl. We'll go
off record for a while.

228 19 28 34 PLT Okay, stand by to terminate frame number 73,

field 61, a 270-second exposure.

228 19 28 49 PLT Put it in the overage, _lease.


one is a 90-second exposure. The lever is to 90.
We go SLIDE RETRACTED. Crank the crank. Stand
by to OPEN the SHUTTER.

228 19 29 05 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame 74, field 61, a

90-second exposure.

228 19 30 02 PLT And the - Karl, looks like it's sunrise time,
19:30, and looks like we won't get that 30-second
exposure in. Well, we're going to probably be all
right, but we're not going to because that's what
the time says, and that 's what time we 're going
to quit. Stand by to close the shutter on
frame 74.


and leave it there. And that's where we're stopping.
Frame 74, field number 61, and we stopped with the
90-second exposure.
-_ 967

228 19 30 50 PLT Oh, we didn't get the 30-second exposure in on that

one, Karl, and perhaps you'll want to schedule
that for some other time. What we'll do now is do
what the checklist says. We'll get the mirror
back in. Go to zero zero. Zero zero. "Retract
the mirror," it says. Okay, we'll retract the

228 19 31 _8 PLT i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, i0, ii, 12, 13.

228 19 31 58 PLT Okay. It's in. Comes in very smoothly in zero

zero. And close the SAL door, steps 1 and 2.
Door closing. Verify -whoop! Door clear of
obstruction. That' s done. Close and lock.
Crank the door closed. The obstruction's out of
the way via the 13 turns inboard. Okay, there's
the door closed and locked and this is - well,
we'll put the levers in stowage before we turn
that off. CARRIAGE RETRACTED to stowage and
close down the hatch. And now we'll turn the
recorder off. That's all S019 for a while, Karl.
Enjoyed it very much.

F 228 19 32 51 PLT Thank you.


228 19 58 55 PLT How are you, space fans? This is Jack on Channel A.
The subject is M092/171 on Alan Bean, the CommAnder.
He's in the LBNP now, and his left leg measures
13 inches even. His right leg is 13-7/16 inches.
His left legband is Charlie India h.5. His right
legband is Alfa Queen 3.2.

228 20 Oh 07 PLT Okay, the BPMS werial number is a 0.011.


228 20 h8 36 PLT Okay, MI71 again. The METABOLIC ANALYZER,

CABIN AIR pressure, 5.102.

968 -_--

228 20 49 32 PLT Okay, PERCENT 02 in the CABIN AIR is 68.36.

PERCENT WATER in the CABIN is 3.10. And the

PERCENT CO 2 is 2.20.


228 21 15 32 PLT Okay, this is Jack; channel A. The subject:

M171 on A1. We Just took some MANUAL BLOOD PRES-
SURE readings. The resting blood pressure was
l0 over 75. His blood pressure at the first
workload was ll5 over 70. His blood pressure at
the number 2 workload was 135 over 70, and his
two blood pressures at the third workload were
150 over 60 and 170 over 60. At the same times,
the METABOLIC ANALYZER was reading - starting
red and going on down the line: 94 over 60, 109
over 54, 120 over 58, 154 over 57, and 170 over
53. That implies to me that as the blood pressure _
gets higher, the METABOLIC ANALYZER is more near
to MANUAL. However, at lower blood pressures,
the METABOLIC ANALYZER appears to be about
15 counts SYSTOLIC below the - below the MANUAL.

228 21 24 08 PLT Okay, this is Jack again on channel A. We're

securing M171 operation and closing down the
67.31 percent on the CABIN AIR, and the PERCENT
H20 is reading 4.05 percent. The PERCENT CO 2
is reading 2.28 percent. And I think that Just
wraps up the run on 092 and 171 on A1 for today.

228 21 24 57 PLT Now one other comment we ought to make here is

that we terminated the M092 run early at 6 minutes
mud h5 seconds. Al's heart rate was nearly
normal except it had been starting to drop from
its highest point, which was around ll0 to ll5.
His SYSTOLIC normally starts out low and it was
starting to come down. It was reading about 65
on the gage when we terminated, although we believe
that that reading is about l0 to 15 counts low.

A1 felt that he should terminate the run although

he was in no danger at any time. And we terminated
the run on a combination of cues; namely, lowering
of the SYSTOLIC PRR.qSURE, lowering of the HEART
RATE, and primarily the way that A1 felt. And so
we terminated at 06:45. He recovered without a
problem and went right on to the bicycle soon as
it was ready to go.

228 21 26 08 PLT And that concludes our run on M092 and 171.


228 22 B6 59 CDR This is CDR. I Just finished housekeeping 7D,

which is water reservoir check, so this goes to
EGIL. The three water reservoirs that I checked,
the ATM C&D and both SUS; the water reservoirs
look full, as you can see. It's difficult to
tell when the bladder gets down to the full end of
the tank whether - how full is full, but it looked
:_. to me like they were the last time that I checked
them. They both looked like - all three looked
like they had plenty of water. That goes to EGIL.

228 22 37 26 CDR CDR out.


228 23 39 03 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, and I'm getting ready to
operate SO19, so S019 interested parties should
be notified of this tape. We've got it set on
311.6, 13.4. It's field 427, and we are going to
do a 270-second exposure, and we are waiting approx-
imately 1-1/2 minutes now until the time 23:41 when
we can start. So everything is copacetic. It
should be frame number 75, star field 427.

PLT ...

228 23 40'01 CDR You ain't Just - I -

PLT ...
970 _..

228 23 40 i0 CDR What's the exact time now, Jack?

PLT 23:40:13.

CDR 40:13. Okay. I was either i0 seconds fast or

slow. I'm lO seconds slow. I'll be ready to go.

228 23 40 25 CDR Also, if you turn this all the way over to minus
lO percent, it takes a long time. Take up a slide,
re - slide. And we'll let this go in a minute.
Let me see how we're doing. We've got about
20 seconds to go. We going to start this baby
at 23:41 on the guh - nose. Okay, we are ready
to start. Stand by, everybody. Stand by to go.
±'m going to give you a few seconds, though,
Houston, to show you my heart's in the right place.
Stand by for a mark.

228 23 41 05 CDR MARK. Okay, frame 75. I'll be back in a little


228 23 44 40 CDR Okay, we are almost at the end of the 270-second

exposure. On the completion of this we are going
to do a 90, same field.

228 23 44 56 CDR MARK. SHUTTER, CLOSED. Okay, set at 90, go

around, turn the dial, widening dial. Okay.
Pick up new film. Stand by to clo - OPEN SHUTTER.

228 23 45 12 CDR MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame 076, field 427,

90-second exposure.

228 23 h6 16 CDR Stand by for a mark. Stand by for a mark. It's

going to be the completion of a 90-second expo-
sure, and we've got to change the fields now.

228 23 46 33 CDR MARK. Okay, the next is going to be a 270.

335.3 - 335.3 and 15.5 - 13, 15 - 15.5. Okay.
335.3, 15.5, 270-second exposure coming up. Pick
up new f_]m. Stand by to OPEN SHUTTER.

228 23 47 15 CDR MARK. OPEN SHD'±'I'_:R.

That's 077, and it's begun.
270-second exposure, field 429.

228 23 50 47 CDR Okay, stand by; we're getting ready to complete

the 270-second exposure, and we are going to do
a 90 one right afterwards. Stand by for my mark -
q _- 971

228 23 51 03 CDR MARK. SHUTTER, CLOSED. Okay, we're setting up

for a 90, right this minute. Stand by; it's
going to be the same field, namely 429.

228 23 51 13 CDR MARK. Nope, I goofed. Ready to go. Have to do

that again; cycled a bad one in there -

228 23 51 22 CDR MARK. 079 - it's going to be exposure 079. Be

aware now that I've put the one I Just took in
there for a second.

CDR Okay. Stand by. Going to open it again - stand

by. This will be the 90-second exposure. Stand

228 23 52 4i CDR MARK. CLOSED. Okay, we now have the 270-second

one, unwidened, and that's going to be on a new
field. 310.6 - 310.6, that's good, and 09.7.
09.7. Okay, stand by for a mark. Pick up new
slide. Stand by -

228 23 53 28 CDR MARK. Okay, we've begun a 270-second unwidened

_ exposure. Field 433, 310.6, 09.7. You'll notice
the difference because Nu Z on the pad was

minus 6.5; Nu z actual, minus 4.6; gives us the

correction of minus 1.9, so I subtracted 1.9 from
each of the numbers that was on the pad.

228 23 57 58 CDR MARK. That was the 270-second exposure. Now

we're getting ready to go to another field. It'll
be 313.1 - 013.1, that's it, and 031.1. 28, 29,
31. What you're looking for here I understand is
another 270 U, so stand by and we'll give you one.
Stand by -

228 23 58 28 CDR MARK. Frame 81, field _53, a 270 unwidened.

r DAY229(AM) 973

229 O0 02 46 CDR Okay, we are approaching the end of the 270-sec-

ond unwidened exposure. Stand by for a mark -

229 O0 02 58 CDR MARK.. Okay, we're going to a new field. It'll

be field 633, which goes lll.3 - lll.3 - that's
lll.3, per your suggestion, 16.7. Okay, this one
will be - not be an unwidened and we go for 270.
lll.3, pick up a new picture, stand by for mark -

229 00 03 41 CDR MARK. That was field 633, 270-second widened


229 00 07 19 CDR Okay, stand by, we are gettting ready to close

the shutter on our 270-second exposure. It looks
like we are going to make the next one, which is
90-second one, so we ought to make it. Stand by,
please -

229 00 07 31 CDR MARK. Okay, select 90 seconds, rotate, and pick

up another slide. Stand by; I'll give you a mark
when we open -

_- 229 O0 07 42 CDR MARK. That's an opening on a 90-second exposure.

We'll make it.

229 O0 08 43 CDR Well, we're getting better. Only slid that one
in there real quick. By the way, that was 83,
fram_ 83, and we're on field 633. Only one time
did I stick in the film that had been exposed
for a second. I hope it doesn't bother anything;
I don't think it will. Other than that, we got
everything done. So maybe we are learning here,
too. I hope so.

229 O0 09 23 CDR Okay, we pulled that off Just llke we planned

and got a good 90-second exposure Just before
sunrise and I'm going to bring it back in to let
it warm up before we repress. CDR out. This
information, of course, goes to S09 [sic] inter-
ested parties like Karl Henize, Wally Teague,
and others.

229 O0 09 4h CDR CDR out.

74 _" I

229 01 13 21 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A,

debriefing the last ATM run for the ATOM guys
there in the backroom. The 0019 pass this is.
As you know, we had to do a manual auto step,
and it came off pretty well. We thank you for
reminding us that we could use that manual step
in - device to set the mirror, and we did that,
and we thank you for catching that for us. That's
one we never seemed to use much back in training.
Turns out, the way we worked it, that the only
thing we lost some data on was your last 82B
exposure, which was supposed to be 1024 seconds
long. And I calculated that we lost 564 seconds
of it. However, it turns out with the kind of a
short time between the ESR and ESS that we've got
now about 51 minutes that - had we been in the
auto step mode we would have lost 360 seconds,
anyway. So it turns out that we lost 200 seconds
manually, more than we would have lost automatic-
ally, and what's a couple of hundred seconds among
friends, right, Paul?

229 01 14 38 PLT So the rest of it came off real good. 54 got one
run through on filter 3, and we got all of the
rasters in at the various grating positions. 82A
was omitted, and it looks like we're ready to
pick up at G1:52 on that rev. I turned off both
of the experiments that were running at the ESS
time. And 56 had all this time now, so we got
everything on 56. So, all in all, it looks like
we pretty much got the data that was necessary.
And with the exception of a couple hundred seconds
on that last frame, why - in 82B, looks like we're
in good shape on that rev.

229 01 15 21 PLT And see you later.


229 02 49 45 PLT Paul, one more comment. ATM fans, on the last
run, I forgot to mention I gave you one false
start. When we went JOP 6, building blo -
block 1B, I did the roll, and the pointing got
off a little bit and I did not repolnt before

I started S056 and S052. I noticed this immediately

after I started your experiments, and I turned
them both off, repointed, and started everything
out again. So I blew a couple of frames here for
you, but we got some better data by going back
to Sun center.

229 02 50 24 PLT And I think you'll like that better and sorry
about those and a couple of others.


229 ll 24 59 CDR Okay, this is the CDR with information for the
ATM group. I noted on this new bright region.
I noticed that the background intensity around
that area on DETECTOR 3 is in the 300 to hO0 range.
And where it's right on the bright spot, it's up
around 4500. I thought it might be interesting.
I gave it a twitch. Now I'm in the process of
giving it a quick shopping list item 5, and this
_" 54 wasn't on there. I decidedit might be wise
to -

229 ll 25 38 CDR - might be wise to give it something, so I gave

it an M30 f/256, which is the same thing they
have in synoptics, figuring that they might use
the information. I'm a little short on film;
I've only got 3000 frames remaining, but I used
up eight of them on that because I thought it
might be helpful.

229 ll 26 02 CDR CDR, out.

229 ll 27 13 CDR This - this is for ATM, again. And 82B, I gave
them a - I'll give them an exposure at all those
times. Namely, 240, 40, and 21 [?].


229 12 ll 56 S_T PRD readings: SPT is 071; 071 for the SPT.
76 --_

229 12 13 43 SPT 163 for the PLT. 163 for the PLT's PRD.

229 12 14 29 SPT 174 for the CDR's PRD; 174. That's the end
of today's PRD readings.


229 13 24 04 CDR Okay, this is a message for 509 interested indi-

viduals, Lou Ramon, probably the most interested
this - in this area. I Just completed MO - 509-C,
the battery charge.

229 13 24 15 CDR CDR out.

229 13 37 46 SPT Okay, this is the SPT debriefing the last run on
the ATM Just finished at 13:35 Zulu. This is
the one where we were picking up the network
cells, and it looks to have gone pretty well.
When I picked out the cell, it did have a nice
long boundary; the shape of the cell was more or
less elliptical, long axis up and down, and the
DETECTOR number 3 did maximize right on the cell
boundary with a ratio of about 2 to l, something
like 500 on the boundary and a couple of hundred
off the boundary toward the cell interior - or

229 13 38 22 SPT And the cell retained its general shape through-
out the whole orbit although there were some
brights which appeared and disappeared and some
change in the surrounding structure. All and
all, the cell looks reasonably stable for that
orbit. And the orbit at 12:50 - starting at 12:51
Zulu only called for four steps. I managed to
complete 6 steps, all the way from 1B, step l,
clear through step 6 on this one orbit. So that'll
give more continuous data than it would be if I
had to pick up steps 5 and 6 on the next orbit.
And then I'll pick up with steps 7 and 8 on this
JOP at the beginning of the next orbit.

229 13 39 06 SPT For the particular cell here we're, I think -

could be best determined by the one rather large,
dark clump at its lower extremity, in the roll
orientation that we are now at, and that might
be the best way to identifyit.
_L 977

229 13 39 23 SPT Its boundary was reasonably distinct, and I think

that it ought to be a fairly good cell for this
network study.

229 13 39 30 SPT End of the debrief from the SPT.


229 14 15 xx PLT ... We're going to start 509 now. The time is
14:15. One question I've got is I don't know
why we got two experiment recorders on, when we
only got a selection for one. That's on page ll-2.
And perhaps when Houston comes up again they'll
tell us to turn off number 2. In the meantime
they're both in 1-G. And so we're off to step 6
at this time on page ll-2.


229 15 ll 45 SPT Okay. Debriefing the last ATM pass. This goes
to the ATM PIs. Finished at 15:10. The re-
mainder of the network studies of JOP 1B, steps 7
and 8 went as planned. I'd already done steps 5
and 6 on the preceding orbit. And it was a good
thing that I did, because in H-alpha the network
cell was essentially unidentifiable. I - had to
point by coordinates.

229 15 12 i_ SPT Now one other interesting feature, at the begin-

ning of the first orbit, I did take an H-alpha 1
photograph off the Polaroid camera. And compar-
ing that with the view at sunrise on H-alpha l,
the network cells - the network structure was
simply not visible. M_ny of the dark clumps had
either moved around or disappeared or exchanged
places with bright clumps.

229 15 12 38 SPT And - I think at least partialSy answers the ques-

tion of whether or not there's a difference in
the H-alpha view between sunrise and sunset, or
whether or not it is really an evolution of the
network. And inasmuch as the pictures at the
two sunrises of the - the first picture in my
_-_ view of the two sunriseswere distinctly dif-

ferent, I think that it is an evolution of the

network and not Just simply a difference in view-
ing between sunrise and sunset. Following that
I - -

229 15 13 21 SPT - - noticed a small subflare in active region 92.

No X-rays associated with it, but I did pick up
a building - or shopping list item 3 on those -
on that subflare. Rather interesting two bright
spots either side of a neutral line. And then
towards the end of the sunflare there was a bright-
ening along one side of the neutral line, extend-
ing from one of the brighter two points.

229 15 13 51 SPT So I don't know whether 92 has ar4vthing of prom-

ise for us or not, but at least it was a - sort
of interesting little subflare. Following that
I went over to the east limb and picked up a shop-
ping list 6 on the new active region which had
Just come around the corner. We still have no
number on that active region on our SAP so I'm
ass_iming NOAA will provide one for us by tomor-
row. End of debriefing. -_

229 15 14 16 SPT This goes to the ATM PIs and - from the SPT;
message complete.


229 16 04 58 PLT Okay, space fans, we're starting M509 run. If

SPT's available, do a TV 36B of M509 ops with
and without LSU. TV power on; all that stuff.
Okay, here's what I want you to do, A1. PCU

229 16 05 24 CDR It is.

PLT Okay. PRESSURE select, OFF; verify.

229 16 05 31 CDR It is.

PLT FLOW select to IVA.

229 16 05 35 CDR IVA.

PLT Okay, wrist disconnect - -

229 16 05 40 CDR Although I don't feel any flow.


PLT Well, let me go through this - Did you leave the

pumps on? You snuck up on them, turned them
on, and all that, huh?

CDR Water's flowing; 02 is not turned on.

PLT Well, we can go up there and look at that.

CDR Okay. Water's okay.

229 16 06 14 CDR Okay; we got it; we got it. It's okay.

PLT You feel it?

CDR Yes, it's okay.

PLT Okay, let's see if there's something I got to do

while we're up here. Okay, we're going to get
your gloves and helmet on now.

CDR Okay.


229 16 07 14 PLT Okay, we'll do it like it says. Wrist disconnect,

_GAGE. Don IV gloves and lock.

229 16 07 25 CDR Okay.

PLT And then the helmet. Do not rotate helmet after

attachment. Then you go to BOTH.

229 16 07 34 cDR Okay.

229 16 07 43 CDR And now put this one on there, would you, Jack?
I'll hold that. Yes. That's fine.

CDR Good. Careful; do it, babY.

229 16 08 57 PLT Okay, go to BOTH. Verify 02 flow.

229 16 09 03 CDR Got 02 flow.


229 16 09 05 CDR It's off.



229 16 09 07 CDR LOW VENT FLOW, off.

PLT PCU checkout; cuff gage inaccuracy plus or

minus 0.15 psi max.

CDR Okay.

229 16 09 13 PLT REG i LOW FLOW and LOW VENT FLOW lights have
5-second time delay. PRESSURE select, REG i.

CDE Yes.


PLT Monitor cuff gage, and verify SUIT PRESS light

off about 2.9 or so.

229 16 09 39 CDR Suit pressure's coming up.

PLT Okay.

229 16 09 43 PLT MARK; about 3.0.

CDR Suit is at 3.7.

PLT How's the straps and everything feel?

CDR Feel okay to me.

PLT Okay. Verify cuff gage stable 3.6 to 3.9 - -

229 16 09 57 CDR It is.

PLT - - and all lights off.

CDR What ?

PLT A11 lights off.

CDR Yes, all lights off.

229 16 l0 0h PLT Okay, EMU integrity check. Next sequence term-

inates 02 flow; REG 1 LOW FLOW and LOW VENT FLOW
lights will come on. Monitor cuff gage for a
max decay of 0.8. FLOW selector, OFF.

229 16 l0 17 CDR FLOW selector, OFF.

PLT FLOW selector, OFF. PRESSURE seclector OFF for

1 minute.

229 16 l0 25 PLT MARK.

229 16 l0 27 PLT MARK. Now.

PLT No more than 0.8.

CDR Why are we doing this? I'm not sure.

PLT Me neither.

CDR What if it leaks, so what?

PLT Right.

229 16 l0 50 PLT This came out of the EVA checklist. You never
did it any other way before, did you? Then you
can't do it that way.

229 16 ll 04 PLT 20 seconds.

229 16 ll 18 PLT 10. After this you go to BOTH and IVA.

CDR Okay.

229 16 ll 27 PLT MARK; 1 minute.

229 16 ll 34 CDR Everything's okay.

PLT Okay, cuff gage, 3.6 and 3.9.

CDR All right.

PLT Tighten seatbelt nor - and Velcro all loose ends.

There aren't many - -

CDR These are so tight in here, it's ridiculous.

Okay, we're going to have to move this out.

229 16 ii 47 PLT Very well. Hope it doesn't have to go out any

further than that, Al.

CDR No. That's Just as far as it had tc go. Same

with this one.

PLT (Laughter)

CDR Say - -

PLT ... that one, right.

CDE Okay.

229 16 12 01 PLT Okay, verify the SPT has donned his ear protec-
tion. Stay clear of all thrusters, and OPEN

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay, the M509 checkout we don't have to do.

Okay, I want to ask you, wheel fo - WH_. SPk_n
LOW light, out.

22916 12 _6 CDR Yes. __.



PLT Okay, we' re going to go INTERNAL. We're INTERNAL.

229 16 12 59 PLT Okay, MAIN POWER, ON; CMG POWER, ON.

CDR Okay.

PLT Dual meter greater than 26 volts.

CDR It is.

PLT Okay, the time is 16:13; the time is duly noted.

Battery use is loaded - is limited up to
50 minutes with CMG POWER, ON.

PLT Charger OUTPUT, OFF. That 's OFF. Unstow dust

cover from behind TM receiver. Disconnect this

229 16 13 31 PLT Install s_newhere else. Open cr,nk back here.

Put this up there. Okay, that's up there, and
this's going down here. Like a Chinese puzzle.

229 16 14 02 PLT Stow EXTERNAL POWER cable on dmmm_j connector;

That's done. Okay, the next thing is THC,
neutral; verify.

229 16 14 09 CDR It is.

PLT SYNC light is on. WHEEL SPEED LOW light out;


229 16 14 16 CDR It is.


229 16 14 18 CDR MODE, DIRECT.

PLT Okay, now I got to turn on this DAC. Now first

on the lights, then this DAC.

229 16 14 34 PLT Okay, there's one light. Here's another one,

F right over here. Right where I pushed them.
Now we make sure we're on two frames a second.
That goes to 2. Sorry, Aba - Ara - Arabella.
I belted Arabella there. I'm glad she's not
out loose where she can bite. Does that look
like it's pointed into the center of the work-

229 16 15 04 CDR Yes; that's perfect.

PLT Here we go, AI. You're on - -

CDR Yes.

PLT - - candid camera. That one's running. Check

to see if that's running. (Laughing)

229 16 15 28 PLT It's running. Oh, I killed the darn light.

Okay, AI. Raise and lock the release lever out-
board. Did you get that?

CDR Okay.

229 16 15 43 PLT Okay, after that you've got your timeline to go

on. If difficulty is encountered when f/_ng
984 _"

with the LSU, the observer should try to tend

the umbilical. If that doesn't work, perform
the SOP portion of the run and then complete the
run without helmet and gloves. Okay?

229 16 15 59 CDR Go ahead.

PLT Okay, I'm - wait. Wait. We ain't loose yet.

229 16 16 12 PLT Okay. I'm going to unfasten you. Okay, you're

free to mosey out of there.

PLT Release the paddle locking pin, pull the lever

inboard; undock. Okay, you've got to go NORMAL,

229 16 16 37 PLT Okay, ATM [sic] fans; he's out of the donning
station. He's over the crew quarter's hatch
about B feet, facing - 432 and stabilizing his
position. He's pretty much stabilized now.
Fly clear of the donning station to verify all
commamds. That's what he's doing.

229 16 17 0)4 CDE All commands are good.

PLT All commands are verified. Okay, these handles

are down. Okay, single-axis calibrations, A1.

CDR Okay. I'm trying to rise a little bit; we'll

see how it works. How's my tether look? My

229 16 17 38 PLT It's all clear.

CDR Okay.

PLT It's not hanging loose around something. Head

for the work - the part of the workshop behind
you. Take two photos - Nikon.

229 16 18 lO CDR Okay, you will notice that I didn't stop going -
It stopped going up and started down without me
doing any thrusting down.

PLT Okay. You are recording all this on channel A,


229 16 18 19 CDR Okay. I'ii hit a DATA MARK button now, and I'ii
do what it says here, which is yaw left, 180

229 16 18 27 CDR Okay, we're starting the yaw. Let's see how it
works. We're getting a roll left. I'll correct
it. I'm also headed down; I think it's the
1_mbilical that's doing that. Okay, I'll stop
my rotation - -

CC Skylab, Houston. We are A0S at the Vanguard

for the next l0 minutes and I need to get a
word in to the 509 guys if they can listen.

CDR We're listening - -

PLT Sure. Weren't you hearing us - -

CDR Go ahead.

229 16 18 _5 CC Okay, AI. We're a little bit behind (coughing) -

we're a little bit behind on our recorder number 2
dump - dumping. We'd like you to - Just to hold
off on the run. We would like to dump the re-
corder 2 here at the Vanguard for the next 4 or
5 minutes and we'll get back to you. We are going
to start the dump and we'll get to you as soon as
the dump is complete to - so that you can continue
your run. Over.

229 16 19 21 CDR Okay, I'll Just go into a float mode here,

around the middle of the workshop. The tether,
as you can imagine, is pretty strong. I made
some attempts at a left turn - a left yaw. It
yawed about 90 degrees and stopped, and now it's
headed back the other way. And it's also push-
ing me beyond towards the bottom. So my suspi-
cion is that the gas is not going to last too

PLT Okay, he's yawed- -

229 16 19 51 CC A1, we're sorry to interrupt and why don't you

and Jack Just figure out the best way Just to
get stabilized there and wait a few minutes and
then I'll -

229 16 19 55 CC - - let you know as soon as we can continue.

229 16 19 58 CDR Okay, the tether's floating me over in the corner,

so I guess that'll be good enough.

229 16 20 ll CDR What luck do you think you can have operating the
umbilical, Jack?

PLT I think I'll grab it and see what happens.

CDR See what you can do with it.

229 16 20 19 PLT Looks like to me what I need to do is string it in

a normal position behind you somehow. It's coming
from your left side -

CDR Uh-huh.

PLT And I don't know; maybe I'll, as you rise to the

workshop, I'll have to go up there and feed it
into the alrlock.

229 16 20 43 CDR I don't know. I noticed when you touch it, it's
Almost like you've got a rigid pole, so I suspect
anything you do to it is going to - I could not
fire thrust - thruster and you could fly me around
the maneuver just maneuvering with the - -

PLT Let me see if I can - -

CDR - - the umbilical.

PLT - - find a place where you stop here.

CDR Okay.

PLT And where it seems a natural position to go.

CDR Seems natural, okay. Then maybe you can occupy

that position with the umbilical all the time.

229 16 21 06 PLT It's going to be hard if I don't have something

to hang on to. Pitches down; let me do this.
That's not your down pitch.

229 16 21 28 CC And Skylab, Houston. Jack, if you have time, we've

still got about 7 minutes here at Vanguard. We
were wondering if you could let us know how far
along A1 is in the run. Or, A1, if you could.
CDR We Just got started a few m_ents ago.

PLT Well, he Just moved out of the doming station and

he's - -

CC Understand.

PLT - - doing the checkout maneuvers. That's after

a- or checkout or thruster checkout.

229 16 21 _8 CDR In-suited operations take a little time to get

rigged out.

229 16 21 54 PLT We'll turn the cameras off. Okay, we've got the
cameras off while you wait here °

CDR Have you been able to find a place, Jack, yet,

where you could sort of keep the umbilical?

229 16 22 17 PLT Wait a minute. I'm working on something else.

Okay. Yes, right where it is right now except
you don't know how much of the twist up the line
affects you, you know.

CDR Uh-huh. I know it.

229 16 22 31 PLT If it goes in a different place, it's going to do

a different thing.

CDR Uh-huh.

229 16 22 36 PLT If I can grab up way up here somewhere -

229 16 22 37 CC Skylab, Houston. If I can break in real quickly.

One note for the SPT. We didn't get back to you
as we were going LOS there. We saw about an
18 arc second change in your pointing in that one
rev on that cell, and we expect only about 6 to
7 arc seconds. So apparently - you were pointing
at a different cell. And we were sorry we didn't
get the answer to you as we were going A0S - LOS
at Hawaii.

229 16 23 01 SPT Okay, now actually that was a two-rev change there,
because this is the third rev I've done it. And
so a 6 or 7 doubled is nearly the change that we
saw. So it looks to me like it might have actually
been the same film.
988 --_

229 16 23 19 CC Roger, 0wen. The way we arrived at that number,

we had looked at the telemetry from one rev pass,
so we think the number that we calculated was a
one-rev diff - difference and not two.

229 16 23 32 SPT Okay, here is the reason. The second rev I couldn't
find the cell with much certainty, so I used the
same numbers that I had on the original rev. And
so I think that the second rev I may have been mis-
pointed a bit. But the first and third revs dif-
fered by the 18 arc seconds and - and so that's
the reason I said two revs. And I think those
are reasonably close numbers.

CC Okay, good. We're going to go back and look at

that rev also, and we'll check it out.

229 16 25 ll CDR Since this - Dick, since this umbilical isn't part-
icularly large relative to any you might have to
have EVA - in fact, it's our EVA one, it kind of
makes you wonder if you had a maneuvering unit
whether you wouldn't have to include in it the
cooling and - and 02 requirements. Either that
or one whale of a lot of gas, because if you got
this umbilical out very far, it's going to really
have an idea of its own of where it wants to go.

229 16 25 37 CC Roger; understand.

CDR It not only wants - has an idea, when you get it

going it wants to keep going, too. When you stop,
then it's off your c.g. and it keeps going. So
it torques you and then you're back expending gas.
You can overpower it. We've got enough authority
to do it, it's Just that you fire a lot of bursts.

CC Roger, A1.

229 16 26 03 SPT Comment for the backroom there the - assuming that
I have got the correct cell there, which I believe
I have, it would have been impossible to locate it
without the time-exposure photograph of H-alpha l,
which I took at the beginning of rev 1 and only with
that photographing to come back and find it in a
very nearly uniform chromospheric network that we
see now.

229 16 26 30 CC Roger, Owen. And A1, we've completed the record-

er 2 dump, and it's running again and you can
continue with M509.

229 16 26 37 CDR Okay, we're off and flying. Thank you.

CC Okay.

229 16 26 41 PLT Let me get the cameras here.

CDR Get the cameras going and get the old umbilical.
Whenever you're ready, well, I'll attempt this
turn again.

229 16 26 54 PLT Okay, let me make sure they are running. Yes,
they're running.

PLT Okay.

229 16 27 20 PLT Well, the only way I could see to do it, A1, is
for me to grab back far enough so that I can hang
on to the ring underneath the water tank.

CDR Okay. Let me know when you are ready to go.

FLT Looks like you're not moving too much right now.
You're pitching down a little.

229 16 27 B9 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a minute from LOS

at Vanguard. We'll see you at Hawaii at 17:26
and we've cleaned off that recorder. We will not
have to dump it again until 509 is over, so you're
in good shape.

229 16 27 51 PLT Okay, thanks, Dick.

PLT Okay, A1, --

CDR You ready?

PLT I don't know - you're pitching down now. Yes, l'm

re ady when you are.

CDR Okay, well, l'm going to go - try to get back up

where we were.

229 16 28 14 PLT Try to keep this thing in the same relative posi-
990 4

229 16 28 19 PLT Okay, I 'm grabbing the umbilical at the 10-foot

mark so he can hang on to the ring underneath the
dome lockers. Trying to maintain the same umbil-
ical relationship at the ASMU interface by moving -
moving as the ASMU moves.

PLT What are you doing, Al?

229 16 28 51 CDR Trying to come up to operating height, here.

PLT Okay.

CDR We usually operate up in here, and I want to start

so that the data and everything is - is correct.

PLT I need to know where you're trying to go so that

I can make sure that I'm not - -

CDR I'm going to do a left yaw in a minute.

PLT I know - I'm - you're - thrusters, instead of me.

CDR Okay, here I go with a left yaw.

229 16 29 12 CDR MARK. Okay, now I'm not going to put in any cor-
rections. I'm Just going to let it do what it does.

PLT Do you want me to hang on to the umbilical? Or

let it do its own thing?

CDR No, no, you should try to - well, it just did its
own thing; I'm ground to a halt here, _,Imost.

229 16 29 25 PLT Well, I'm trying to ease around the ring here.

CDR I've come to a stop now, as you can see.

PLT Well, what's going to happen - -

229 16 29 32 CDR Now you're making me go faster again.

PLT Yes.

CDR I don't think there is going to be a simple way

to determine what you're doing or what this is

PLT I think the smart thing to do is to keep hands off

and let you fly it and that's what this part of the
evaluation is about.
...... 991

CDR I think you're right.. Let's do it.

PLT Okay.

229 16 29 h9 CDR There's no way. Otherwise, every time you move the
thing moves off like you know, I - you can turn me
left, too.

PLT Right. And you're not going to have somebody do-

ing that when you're EVA with it.

CDR That's right. Let's Just fly it this way and see
what happens. When we change bottles and batteries
we'll stick to the other, and we'll see how it works.

229 16 30 12 PLT We'll get the chance to fly with the SOP to get the
other side of the coin.

229 16 30 16 CDR Maybe. Let's start again with the yaw maneuver.

229 16 30 37 CDR Okay, here we go. This is about as close as I can

get to stop without wasting a lot of gas.

_ PLT Okay. Yawing left. Umbilical is swinging - swing-

ing behind him; it's kind of rotating on a pivot
at the workshop hatch. I think one big secret
is to keep that thing from rubbing on those dome

229 16 30 59 CDR Do what?

PLT Keep it from rub - keep it from rubbing on the

dome lockers.

229 16 31 17 CDR We're going to be out of gas here before I even

finish these maneuvers.

PLT Okay, he's suspended in front of the workshop in

a plane - the same plane as the water tank.

229 16 31 35 CDR Okay, here's a -

229 16 31 38 CDR MARK.

PLT Gives you a DATA MARK.

229 16 31 40 CDR Okay, I'm going to pitch up. Now these mar - maneu-
vers aren't as precise as you would like because I
don't want to waste the gas to do it.

PLT Okay, he's pitching up. Pitched up; got a transla-

tion to his left.

229 16 32 12 CDR There's a-

229 16 32 13 CDR MARK. l'm going to go right before we run out

of gas.

PLT And he's translating over toward the plus-Z side

of the workshop. Okay, he's rolling to - yawing
to his right now. He's still drifting aft, trying
to arrest his translation.

CDR Yes, I can arrest it, but I hate to do it.

PLT The umbilical is stringing behind him freely; it's

curved behind him, - -

229 16 32 h7 CDR Okay, there's a-

229 16 32 48 CDR MARK.

PLT Parallel to the - -

CDR Go upright.

PLT - - workshop floor and then over to the dome lock-

ers. About a foot from the dome lockers, and then
up, and then it's kind of coiled around the upper
area of the dome and through the hatch. Not - not
rubbing on the dome lockers, and it's not rubbing
in the hatch area. It's completely suspended from
the sphere in the airlock at the moment and - -

229 16 33 12 CDR DATA MARK.


CDR Going to go CMG.

PLT The 25 foot - -

CDR That 'ii be a laugh.

PLT - - 25-foot m-_k is right at the dome hatch. He's

in the center of the workshop upright above the
crew quarter's hatch. Yawing to his right. Tell
me what you're doing, AI.
.-_ 993

229 16 33 39 CDR I'm yawing right in CMG and the thing is desat-
_rating quite frequently.

PLT Okay, and he's also translating downward very

slowly. Something came loose.

229 16 33 50 PLT Somewhere. Right there. We got a Nikon photo of

him, and we'll get some more.

229 16 34 04 CDR Notice the desat firing. I'm not doing that.

PLT Okay, he's getting desaturated- desaturation

firing. He's also translating upward now, very

CDR Okay, now we're - we're steady. Have you given out
a mark?

229 16 3_ 16 PLT DATA MARK. He's stabilized. He gives the data mark.

229 16 3_ 18 CDR Okay, now I'm going to turn left.

PLT Yawing left. His Irmbilical is ... completely from

-_- the sphere. Not rubbing on anything.

CDR Seems to be working good at the moment.

229 16 34 34 PLT Okay. He's got a nice yaw left going. I don't
want to change the umbilical from where it is now;
it looks like maybe it's as good as we can get it,

CDR Think you may have found its spot, huh?

PLT Yes, the only thing I can see to do is perhaps to

stuff a little more of it back in the airlock but
it's not rubbing on anything. Missing the dome
lockers all the way.

CDR Well, it's desaturating a lot.

229 16 35 07 PLT The desaturation firing. The umbilical Just hit

food bag over in the overage locker. Let me go
over there and clear it -

229 16 35 16 CDR Starting to come down again.

229 16 35 21 PLT l'm going to stuff a little umbilical into the
airlock, AI.

CDR A] ] right.

229 16 35 25 CDR I'm going to pitch up.

229 16 35 27 CDR There's a DATA MARK for that one.

229 16 35 29 CDR I'm going to pitch up now.

229 16 35 33 PLT Watch out; your umbilical is in the - in the -

there you go.

229 16 35 37 CDR Desaturating a lot, as you can tell.

PLT Okay, I Just turned 5 feet into the airlock.

CDR Okay.

PLT We got the 20 - 21-foot mark at the workshop

hatch now. Are you trying to pitch up?

229 16 36 04 CDR Yes, I'm pitching up okay.

PLT Okay. He's got a good pitch up, let clear mY - -

CDR Firing an extreme amount of thrusters.

PLT Yes, and he's translating inward, too, and his

feet are going toward - feet are going toward the
dome lockers.

229 16 36 i0 CDR Okay, there's a -

229 16 36 ii CDR MARK.

229 16 36 12 PLT There's a DATA MARK. He's on his back with his
feet at 406. What are you doing now?

CDR Yawing right.

PLT He's yawing right. He's having to give it a

little aft translation. Looks like you got a -
a good - pretty good yaw right going there, AI.

CDR Yes.
i_ 995

229 16 36 42 PLT Okay, he's pretty much in the plane of the -

right between the water tanks and the film lockers
now. Right side down to the crew quarters floor.
And - -

CDR Okay.

PLT - - he's got his yaw right in - -

229 16 36 53 CDR The DATA MARK.

229 16 36 54 PLT DATA MARK. And it looks like he's - -

CDR Now for a roll left.

PLT - - ... translation. Now he's rolling left.

229 16 37 01 CDR The umbilical seems to like that one. It's not
firing any desats at the moment.

PLT Yes, and we might have a better umbilical position

there. It's very sensitive, however. We got
21 feet at the hatch mark.

CDR Okay.

229 16 37 12 CDR MARK.

PLT Okay, he's - -

CDR I guess I gave a good mark there.

PLT - - pitched upright again. He's upright in the

workshop. Looks as though he's translating - -

229 16 37 21 CDR Jack, how about moving me over so I'm sort of

facing those tapes so I can start there. Other-
wise, I'll never get through this RATE GYRO

PLT What do - what do you want to face, Al?

CDR Face the - out in the middle, facing those tapes

over there. Right over there.

PLT Oh, the - the tape recorders?

996 _"

CDR Yes - no, the dome locker with the two pieces of
tape on it.

PLT Oh, all right - 432?

229 16 37 44 CDR Yes. If you'll set me up there, then maybe I can

torque from there because I've only got about
500 psi left; and I'd Just like to get these
maneuvers done with RATE GYRO.

PLT You want to go to h32 and face it?

CDR No, no - in the middle, but facing it.

PLT Oh, I see. Okay.

CDR In other words, kind of the starting position

I've had - -

PLT Yes.

CDR - - for all these maneuvers.

229 16 38 09 PLT I got you. Okay, I'm positioning you about 3 feet _I
above the workshop hatch so the - -

CDR Yes, a little bit higher than that if you can get

PLT I'll get him up about 5 feet so he's facing 432.

How you like that?

CDR A little bit higher, if you can do it.

PLT Okay, I can do it with - with your feet here.

CDR Okay, that's the spot, right there.

PLT About 6 feet above the crew quarters hatch facing


229 16 38 32 CDR Okay. Let me - Okay, I go RATE GYRO, make a mark.

Okay, we're going to try a left turn. Multiple
firings, as you can hear.

229 16 38 45 PLT Multiple firings in the RATE GYRO MODE as he goes

to his left to maintain attitude against the

229 16 38 58 CDR I notice a tendency to fly faster Just because

you feel like you've got to overpower this umbil-
ical. Flying slow, you end up stopping all the
time. So you tend to fly a little bit faster,
which I _on't know if it is p_rtlcular_V good but
that's the way it is.

SPT Could you gu_s wait until I get a little of this

on TV in about 2 or 3 minutes?

229 16 39 15 PLT Oh, we got a lot of flying to do, Owen.

SPT Oks7.

CDR You want - you're supposed to get some of this

with the 1-,'-ilicalon, 0.

SPT Yes, I'Ii be out of here in about 3 minutes.

CDR You better _ake it fast though. We're A1-_st out

of gas.

229 16 39 25 PLT You have to do your - your baseline m-neuver, AI?

CDR Never make it.

229 16 39 35 PLT Okay, 0., when you come down, turn on the VTR.

SPT Okay, do you want it on now?

PLT No. When you come down and ready to do your thing.

229 16 39 40 SPT Okay. I'ii have to stop the Jets for a moment
before I come down - -

PLT ... multiple firings. I don't know whether the

,-,bilical's caught or what.

CDR Okay.

PLT Now the ,-,bilical's free. He's got multiple -

CDR Let 's roll right.

PLT Multiple RATE GYR0 firings and it's ... - -

CDR The only chance you got to get there is to go fast.


PLT - - Just like a machinegun burst. He's yawing

right now. Right back to the ... where ... - -

229 16 40 17 CDR And that's complete.

229 16 40 19 CDR Here's another MARK.

PLT Okay, now he 's rolling left.

CDR Seems to like rolls pretty good.

PLT Yes, it doesn't do too much - -

CDR Pitching, it doesn't like.

PLT - - machinegunfiring during rolls.

229 16 40 31 CDR Okay, there's a MARK. We've completed those


PLT That's the one you Just pitch down; it would be

different. It's the umbilical that's doing it,
A1, obviously. When you pitch up, I 'd have to
roll more umbilical out of there in order to
satisfy the - -

CDR Why don't you do this, Jack? Why don't you put
me up there by the banjo and I'll try to make the
translation maneuver before we run out of gas.

229 16 40 55 PLT Okay. Keep drifting. Come over on your right.

CDR By the banjo facing towards the donning station.

I'll make a translation maneuver, if I can.

299 16 41 05 PLT Facing the donning station, okay.

CDR Uh-huh.

229 16 hi 07 SPT Can you Just stay there, drifting for about
another minute and that way I can get down there
before you run out of gas.

PLT Well, we're going to put another bottle in anyway.

We got three bottles, A1.

CDR Yes, but - Are we Just supposed to use three bot-

tles of gas today?

PLT Yes.

229 16 41 18 CDR That's good. We may get through a baseline here.

When do we change the bottle?

PLT When it gets down. #bbh. Stop you a moment.

CDR Have this workshop at high pressure, all right.

229 16 41 37 PLT Okay, I got you back up against the banjo, here.
Try and get you aw_y from it a little bit.

CDR Okay.

PLT Something to hang onto here.

SPT We're shewing 5.2 or 5.3 right now.

PLT Wait until - -

229 16 hl 49 PLT They said it might go up to 5.7. Okay, you're

stabilized at the banjo facing the donning sta-
_ tion, AI.

229 16 41 56 CDR Okay, here I go.

229 16 41 57 CDR There's a DATA MARK.

PLT Okay, here he comes.

229 16 42 06 CDR I'm trying to get stabilized. Having a little

di ffi culty.

229 16 42 lO CDR Here's another DATA MARK. Here we hit. Okay,

we're translating on the way. I'll give you a
mark halfway down there.

229 16 42 22 CDR There's a MARK halfway down.

PLT Got you on film. We got a front shot and a side

shot with the Nikon.

CDR Going a little bit high.

PLT Put the Nikon away for a minute. Get the check-
list. Okay, he's almost at the donning station.

._ 229 16 43 00 CDR Okay, Jack, here's a -


229 16 43 02 CDR Here's a DATA MARK from that.

PLT Okay - -

CDR How abo1_ Just putting me in the center of the

workshop where you did before and I'll do some
limb motion real quick.

PLT Okay, we're going to the limb motion - -

CDR And we're about out of gas.

PLT - - mode.

229 16 43 13 PLT Let's find a place where the umbilical likes it

and you can do your limb motions. The only way
to have a backpack is to have a self-contained
one with your ECS in it, looks like to me. We'll
have you facing the camera, kind of overhere.

CDR Okay.

PLT Now let's see if you're stablethere.

CDR Stabilize me as best you can.

PLT Okay, I'm letting you go right now.

CDR All right, I'm going to do it.

PLT Okay, he's doing limb motions.

229 16 43 49 CDR Okay, there's a DATA MARK.

PLT You - he's wanting to pitch down.

CDR Okay. Let me go back and stop now, so we can

start again.

PLT The only thing I can do is yank out more umbilical,


CDR Do whatever you think does the Job best.

PLT Let me try that.

CDR You're yanking on me pretty hard.

PLT I know it - know. Let's see. I got 25 feet at

the workshop hatch now.
J_ 1001

229 16 44 17 CDR Okay, there's a MARK.

PLT Now it says, right arm up 90. Okay, i, 2, B -

229 16 44 25 CDR Go two DATA MARKS ....

PLT Looks like - -

CDR Both arms up 90 and we've stopped a little bit.

PLT Both arms up 90.

229 i6 44 35 CDR Done. DATA MARK.

PLT It doesn't do much. It Just -

CDR Okay, right arm out.

229 16 44 42 CDR MA_K.

PLT Right arm out. He Just rotates a little and then

rotates back and - -

CDR Doesn't rotate much, does it?

PLT No, Just rotates right back to where you were.

CDR Okay, here comes my right leg. I've got to go

up. I'm floating down to the bottom of the
workshop. Here we go. Right leg, 90 degrees,
three times, i, 2 - You don't get out 90 degrees
because the thing's in your way. Okay -

229 16 45 02 CDR MARK. Both legs.

PLT Back 90.

CDR i, 2, 3--

PLT ... - -

CDR - - ... the back 90. I'll try that.

229 16 45 13 CDR Here comes another mark - -

PLT You can't pitch forward in it - -

CDR 1 - -
1002 -_'_

PLT - - here you go.

CDR - - 2, 3. Okay, now let's go to - now we did it

in DIRECT. We do it in - -

PLT Let me see if you can see through the camera here.

229 16 h5 27 CDR Okay, I'll do it RATE GYR0 next. Kind of put me

closer to the center of workshop if you can, Jack.

PLT I'm losing it. Shoot. Let me get stable here, A1.

CDR Okay.

PLT Okay, here we are.

CDR Okay. Are you there?

PLT I'm letting you go now.

229 16 45 55 CDR Okay. Going to RATE GYRO now.

229 16 45 58 CDR Okay, here's the DATA MARK. l, 2 - fires like

crazy,doesn'tit? Three. ._-_-

PLT Lots of firing when he moves his arms in RATE GYRO.

CDR Okay.

PLT As you might suspect.

PLT Okay, ...

229 16 46 23 CDR I got to back up a little bit, so I'll back up.

We'd better park it, Jack. We're awful low on gas.

PLT Okay. I'll park you.

229 16 46 35 CDR Go back to DIRECT.

PLT Go around this way.

220 16 46 40 CDR Okay, let me make a few observations for the

recorder. First of all, that umbilical is bad
news. It's obvious that even if it isn't touching
anything, it torques you all the time. It takes
significant fuel to - to correct. Not only does
it take fuel, but it makes it difficult to fly
because the thing doesn't fly where you tell it
to. You give it a big right thrust and it doesn't

do anything, and the next time you give it one,

it kind of over centers or - or the thing starts
to move and then it goes twice as fast. So you
are continually correcting umbilical problems.
It doesn't fly consistently. The same command
doesn't result in the same results in the flying
business. But that wasn't true at - at the
s_-,llator. The simulator - no matter what you
did, it flew in the same way each time. One thing
I noticed, too, was the fact that - that as - as
we did maneuvers, we'd gradually drift off in
some direction, and it would interefere with doing
it with a nice clean maneuver for you, Lou or Ed.

229 16 47 58 CDR It Just - you could never do like a nice yaw left.
It Just wouldn't work. That's why I wanted to
try the translational maneuver. Also, I felt llke
with the gas we had left, there was no way I could
pull off a - a - baseline maneuver, and that the
only - the best idea would be to try to translate
down to the workshop and Just see what happens as
the umbilical moves across the workshop as opposed
_ to moving in circles and pitches and yaws. Gen-
erally, I 'd have to say that the performance on
the umbilical's unsatisfactory. Jack attempted
to move it and follow me but I could feel him
when he did it. There's no way to know what the
umbilical really has in mind, and so when someone
moves it on the end, it results in torques to you.
He could have very simply pulled me around all
the maneuvers and I wouldn't have had to fly a
thing simply by moving himself.

PLT Okay, I'm going to have to talk to you to change

this thing --

CDR Okay, go ahead.

PLT Would you like to keep debriefing or change out?

CDR What ?

229 16 49 01 PLT Would you like to keep debriefing or you want -

want to - -

CDR Change ? Let's change out.

PLT Okay. Okay, CMG is caged, verify.

1004 _

229 16 49 I0 CDR It's caged. ',

PLT Well, we're going to leave the battery in there.

What's your battery voltage, Al?

CDR 287.2.

229 16 49 19 SC Okay, we're going to leave it in there. We're

Just going to change the PSS.

PLT No, CMG's caged. MODE, DIRECT, AI.

229 16 49 28 CDR DIRECT.

PLT Okay, I opened the right cover .... I'm going to

have to pitch you up .... get you out of there.
Stand you on your back a while. I think you can
do that, can't you?

229 16 49 59 PLT Make sure your head doesn't scratch anything.

SPT Are you through thrusting now, Al?

CDR Yes, I'm through thrusting for a little while.

229 16 50 l0 PLT Okay, A1. Now I can get this out of here. Open
right cover, close valve. Could you turn the
recorder off for me for a while, 0.? Please.
Voice recorder. Huh?

229 16 50 28 PLT Okay, closed.

229 17 03 45 PLT Okay, space fans. Here we are back with our M509.
We changed out the PSS to number 2 and A1 is
flying it on the SOP now. We want to make sure
we - correction, we're on PSS number 3. A1 wants
to make sure that we have plenty of time for -
plenty of gas for running the SOP run. The umbil-
ical has been disconnected, of course, and I want
to get it out of the way. That's what I'm going
to do now. A1 is rotating to his left very smoothly
to - and freely controlled to face the donning
station and I'm going to yank his umbil - the um-
bilical up out of the way so he doesn't fly into
it, and kind of stuff it in the airlock. Maybe
I can short strap it over here. That would be
better, I guess.
_ 1005

229 17 Oh 56 PLT Okay, he's backing away from the donning station.
He's heading toward the banjo.

229 17 05 18 PLT He's got a nice rotation going, moving upward in

the workshop. His umbilical is snapped up out of
the way. He's translating upward a little bit
now to the banjo. He's facing the banjo. His
feet are coming up above the water tanks now.

PLT Okay, A1 is translating over to the ......

banjo. He's in the ...

229 17 07 05 PLT Okay, Irm going to photograph him on FMU. He's

got a nice stable position on FMU-2.

229 17 07 13 PLT DATA MARK. Now he's translating away from FMU-2.
Heading now for locker h04. He's rotated to his
right. He's got a little right roll in. He's
translating nicely. Now upright in the workshop
in the plane with the dome lockers. Now he's
giving it a yaw left. Don't notice any noticeable
cross couplings. The maneuvering unit is flying
very smoothly at this point - much better than it
f_ did with the umbilical hooked on to it. Much as
it did the other day without us suited.

229 17 08 19 PLT Now he's in front of _04, now translating around

the dome lockers, a distance out of about 2 feet;
not flying quite as close as he did unsuited.

229 17 08 46 PLT Flying around the dome lockers - a very smooth

rotation. He is remaining completely upright
all the time. No apparent difficulties.

PLT Translating to 432, now. Stopped in front of 432.

Nikon photo. Now he's rotating over to his left
and backing away. 432, translating downward.
Getting kind of close to the food lockers there,
but he's coming away from them. Moving towards
the donning station.

229 17 09 58 PLT I'll give you some time. Eight mlnutes yet. Okay,
he's positioning himself neatly in front of the
donning station with no problem at all. Give him
a photograph. Okay, there's a photograph of him.
He's backing off from the donning station now and
trying to find what mode he's in. He's in DIRECT,
1006 _-_

flying in DIRECT now, yawing to his right. Very
smooth yaw, translating as he does it. He's
directly above the crew quarters hatch at this
time. Now cross coupling noticeable. No dif-
ficulties in operating the hand control ... the
thrust controller with his left hand; the rotation
controller with his right hand. Pointing his
feet now to toward the food lockers. Flying up
to the banjo.

229 17 Ii 17 PLT Stabilizing in front of the banjo. There he is

in front of the banjo. There he is near the
workshop hatch, facing it. Now he's translating
away from it down to his number 2 position, which
is down by the scientific airlock. We've got a
TV book float - floating free. PLT goes over
and reaches that. It gets away. He goes down
and gets it again. It keeps getting away. He's
got it now.

229 17 12 29 PLT Okay, here he's coming over to position himself

in front of T013 - to - There he is. Now he's
backing off to his number B position which is up _
by dome locker 404. He is translating away; yaw-
ing, not noticeably, but rolling to his right.
Now he's started his yaw to the left. Flying
very smoothly and carefully in DIRECT. No
apparent difficulty whatsoever in controlling
the maneuvering unit. Without the umbilical, it
flies Just like it did usuited, apparently, from
the observer's position. Gave me a good blast
with the thrusters. That's why we're wearing the
goggles. Our friend Cecil B. DeGarriott is up
there getting TV pictures.

229 17 14 02 PLT Okay, now he's translating around the dome locker
ring. Approximately 2 to 3 feet separating the
dome lockers from the leading edge of the hand
controller. Now he's moving in closer and flying
in a little more closely to the dome lockers,
maintaining a good rotational rate so he's always
facing the dome lockers. No translation up and
down at all. Translating only to his right as
he yaws to his right. Maintaining a constant
attitude with respect to the dome lockers. Now
moving over to dome locker _B2 area, which is
point number 4 in his traverse.

i CDR ...
PLT Huh?

CDR ... 56 ...

229 17 15 06 PLT Okay. This is the best - well, okay. I guess

you got it all, huh? Now he's translating away
f from h32. He likes to go down when he does that.
He's translating downward and yawing to his left.
Now facing the donning station directly over the
crew quarters hatch. Moving in a very controlled
fashion. He's stopped his yaw rate to the left.
He has zero translation forward at this time.

229 17 15 _9 PLT We'll get out his ... and let him look at it.
We got 2-1/2 minutes left. Okay, we're going to
get his helmet and gloves off.

PLT Okay, we're backing him into the - Okay we'll

take his glove off first. Take his helmet off.

_-- SPT Jack?

229 17 17 09 PLT Get his hat off. Hold hat for a m_nute while I
put you into the donning station.

PLT Yes.

CDR ...

PLT What's the pressure reading?

CDR ...

PLT Want to go back to the umbilical, huh?

PLT Yes, I hear him.

PLT Okay, now let me put some of this stuff down,


CDR ...

229 17 18 01 PLT Yes, that's the next thing. Okay, we got the
cameras off now and A1 is in the donning station

with his helmet and gloves off and we'll also put _
the tape recorder off.

229 17 18 l0 PLT What we're going to do is change to the other

bottle and battery and then we're going to do some
more umbilical.

229 17 33 33 CDR You hear me?

CDR Something' s leaking.

229 17 33 38 CC Skylab, Houston. And this is for the PLT, if

he's listening. Later on today, Jack, you're
going to be scheduled to take some pictures of a
volcano down in New Guinea.

PLT I can't ta]k to you right now, Dick.

CC And you have on board that you carry your - -

SPT Hey, Dick-

CC Go ahead.

229 17 33 54 SPT He's sort of tied up right now and says he can't
talk to you for a minute.

229 17 33 58 CC Okay, fine. No hurry. We got - I was Just going

to try to tell him that sc_e time in the next
couple of hours I wanted him to get out a map and

I could point out exactly where that volcano is.

I knew he couldn't do it right now.

229 17 34 08 SPT Okay. He's tied up on 509 with A1, and they're
working on the pressures.

CC Okay.

229 17 34 14 PLT Unfortunately, the recorders aren't running, and

we got to move out of here cause the SOP's being

229 17 34 19 PLT You hear me, Dick? You hearing me now?

229 17 34 57 PLT Yes. Okay, they on? Hey, Owen. Hey, O.

SPT Yes.
_ 1009

PLT Come down and take some TV of this.

229 17 35 07 SPY Well, Jack, I'm Just setting up for a ATM thing
right now. It's going to throw the thing out of
kilter if I do.

PLT ATM what? You mean a JOP or something?

SPT Oh, yes. I'm in the middle of a limb scan thing.

PLT Okay, I'll--

229 17 35 19 CC Skylab, Houston. We're about a minute from LOS.

We'll see you at Vanguard at 17:58, and the last
two transmissions, Owen, were on air-to-ground.

229 17 35 29 SPT Okay, fine. Do you know whether or not the -

we're supposed to knock ATM ops so I can get some
VTR of this 509 at this interval?

PLT Could you - if you'll turn on the VTR, I'll get

it, O.

CC Stand by.

229 17 35 44 CDR Okay, Jack. We'll try to get it auy_ay, here then.

SPT You - TV with the ATM or - -

229 17 35 53 CC SPT, Houston. That's affirmative; that's the TV

36 Bravo that's listed on your pad, on your
details pad. And that was for you to support.

229 17 36 04 SPY Thank you.

229 17 36 06 PLT Okay, space fans, he's HHMUing it now. Okay,

there you go. They had lights on down there
s omewhe re.

22917 37 14 PLT Okay, folks, we're back o_ channel A again with

509. And A1 is fl_mg without the ,,mh_lical,
using the secondary oxygen pack, and he's flying
with the hand_held maneuvering unit at th_ time.
He's managed to maneuver h_maelf - up to the
banjo and he's running out of 02 • So ke's going
to get his helmet and gloves off. You got it?
You got it?

229 17 37 53 CDR Yes.

PLT Okay. You hang on to the helmet and stuff and I'll
drive you back there.

SPT ... Thank you.

CDR I got to go back.

229 17 38 13 PLT Okay. Were you at any time without oxygen?

PLT Were you without oxygen at any time there?

SPT ... TV.

PLT No, we've used up now, O.

SPT ..°

229 17 38 39 PLT I'll get it out of the way. Your TV, 0., or
whatever you want to do with it. No. Okay,
we're back in here. There you are; I'll Just
bring this beauty on board. Good thing to get _
your teeth knocked out with. Never be on the
business end of that thing; it'll whop you.
Whack you right in the head. Okay, now we want
to get rid of the HHMU. Oh, okay, you want to do
it on the umbilical, huh? Okay, I - Let me
get the cameras off.

229 17 39 25 PLT You down there, Dick?

229 17 39 27 PLT Okay, space fans, A1 maneuvered on SOP and HHMU

up to the banjo area and held on there; seemed
to get there in pretty good shape. But the dif-
ficulty was that we ran out of SOP oxygen at about
that point and went and grabbed him and we got his
helmet and gloves off and still had a little flow
but the pressure was going down, so we terminated
that. Now we're back at the donning station hook-
ing up the umbilical again and we're going to run
this last PSS bottle out.

229 17 40 04 PLT With the umbilical on, and - A1 is going to start

by flying the HHMU. Is that _11 right, Al? Okay,
and then we're going to finish the bottle off by
flying RATE GYRO and it'll _11 be on umbilical.
Here we go. Okay, let me hook you up over here and
I'll go get you some more air and water.
r_ i011

229 17 40 54 PLT Oh, maybe you better let that umbilical swing free
instead of tying it down like that. Let's try
that. At least it will be swiveling on the tether
connection of the PCU rather than being tied
rigidly to the arm. It all depends on your posi-
tion in the workshop. If you're down here, you need
more, but if you're up there, it's too much. C_ay,
now - what we need to do is go up there and -
Hey, you know that water dump - water pum@ isn't
on. Do you want to do this on air only? l'm going
to have to.

CDR ...

229 17 _i 33 PLT Yes, it calls for turning it off. Okay. I'ii

give you IZU power.

CDR ...

PLT Okay. Oh, I forgot the number. Is it 15 seconds

and then - -

.... CDR ... 30 seconds...

PLT Yes, that's right. It was a _4-ute off, though

Ahh! How you read me, AI?

CDR Real well. The reason we must turn it off is

because it was deadheaded down here.

229 17 42 31 PLT Yes, that's right and let's see, that was on 317
that you turn these.

CDR Yes.

PLT That's SUS i, ON. Okay, let me give you about

15 seconds. Okay?

CDR 15-second burst. I turned my flow up so it really

gets a good burst.

PLT Okay. Stand by. Now it's running. Notice


229 17 _2 59 CDR Yes.

PLT Ohhh boy! That cool water.


229 17 h3 i0 PLT Okay, that's a 15-second burst. That's all you get.

CDR 0kay, that 's enough.

PLT Okay. Let me get that HHMU secured.

CDR No, no, I want to use it.

229 17 43 28 PLT That's right, you want to fire with it, don't
you. Now - -

CDR Ready to go?

PLT - - helmet and gloves on.

CDR See here.

PLT Feel the 02?

229 17 43 36 CDR It doesn't flow until I put the thing on.

PLT Okay, how you doing?

229 17 44 30 PLT Okay, MAIN POWER, ON.

CDR Check.

PLT Okay, give an ID-1. And ID-1.

229 17 45 06 PLT Oh. Okay. Got the cameras going. Okay, you
ready to release?

CDR You bet.

PLT Let me see if that's on.

•229 17 45 18 PLT Okay, watch your top - -

CDR Kind of turn me around; I'll start from the

donning station again.

229 17 h5 26 PLT Okay, I'll turn you around thusly. Okay, space
fans, we're back on umbilical again. And Al's
going to fly with the HHMU now. He's facing the
donning station, holding on with both hands and
we've got 25 feet of umbilical into the workshop.
The 25 to 26-foot mark is at the workshop hatch

CDR Have you got your telemetry in the right position?

PLT I Just put it in i.

229 17 46 05 CDR Okay. Ready for me to go?

PLT Ready for you to go, A1.

229 17 46 09 CDR Okay. Give me a mark and press off.

229 17 46 14 PLT Okay, there he goes. He pressed off.

229 17 46 15 PLT DATA MARK. There goes his cuff checklist.

CDR Just keep it.

PLT All right. Okay, he is rotating to his right.

Giving it a few bursts with the HHMU. I don't
know who is rotating what? Maybe it's the umbil-
ical, maybe the HH - HHMU, it's hard to tell with
the small thrusts.

229 17 47 30 PLT Okay, I've got a note to make on the telemetry

_ down there. We've been kind of Jumpingaround
a little bit here. And I believe that I made the
baseline maneuver in CM ID-2 - correction, rather
than - rather than CM ID-2, I think it was 1.

229 17 48 07 PLT At any rate, it is in 1 now where it belongs for

HHMU transfer maneuvers. I don't tB_nk I put it
in 3 after disconnecting the LSUalthough I'm not
sure at the moment because of the way we've been
cycling around here. Apparently in l, nonetheless.

229 17 48 51 PLT Pink light is flickering on and off. Okay, A1 is

maneuvering with the HHMU and 1_Bilical. He was
able to maneuver up to the banjo area. He is down
now heading for the FMU-2. He is eye level with
the FMU-2, _Tmost rotated on his left side but
not quite. He is driftingslowly head first to-
ward the film vault. Facing it. Okay. Now he is
trying to catch - Now he's rolling - yawing himself
to the right on his back looking up the condensate
tank and pitching down a little bit. And trans-
lating upward. He's vertical to, the workshop now,
about 4 feet off the deck facing the minus-Z SAL.
He is translating upward all the while operating
in HHMU. Yawing slightly to his left now. Can
you hear - can you hear me, AI?
1014 _.

229 17 50 04 CDR Yes.

229 17 50 06 PLT Okay. Do you feel the umbilical?

CDR Well, you can't tell it so much here because you -

you're more out of control.

229 17 50 21 PLT Okay, he's up eye level with the dome lockers now.
And facing in the minus-Z direction. Now he's
yawing to the right.

229 17 50 54 PLT He's in the same relative location above the film
vault, doing some attitude controlling. He's
yawing to the right now. And now he's translating
the way - sort of generally up towards condensate
tank. He's facing it, stopping his attitude rates
quite well. It's difficult or - impossible for
the observer to have - observer to notice how much
of the control input is afforded by the umbilical.
I - I really can't tell.

229 17 51 28 PLT Now A1 is translating down toward the film vault.

Your arms are going to hit the S063 box there in
a minute. I'll help stabilize if you request.

CDR Okay, how about giving me a little spurt of cold


229 17 51 44 PLT All right, we're going to give him a shot of cold
water. We turned off the pumps as requested. Now
here - why don't we yank off the umbilical and

we'll give him about 15 seconds worth of cold

water. SUS 1 to 317.

229 17 52 23 PLT Okay, there's 15 seconds. I'll leave it off for a

minute. I'll Just sit right up here and watch
you, A1. He's getting more cold water now.

CDR Okay.

229 17 52 36 PLT Okay, he's - about to grab on to a water tank

under 404 locker.

CDR Okay, I'm going into a rest mode, here.

229 17 52 55 PLT Okay, he's going to stop and rest facing 404 ....
on the RATE GYRO, because he's getting a lot of
rate gyro firing now - or cluster firings from
rategyros, thatis.
f- io15

229 17 53 12 (Louder, more concentrated thruster sounds)

CDR That will give them an idea of what the umbilical

does to you, right there.

PLT Okay, I'm going to give you 30 seconds more of

cold water.

229 17 53 24 CDR Okay, give me some more.

PLT Okay, that's 30 coming on. Okay, he's on rate

gyros stabilizing in front of 404, but he's got
continuous machinegun firing of the attitude

229 17 53 48 CDR Okay, back to the HHMU.

PLT Okay, he's back to HHMU MODE now.

CDR Give it a mark. I'm getting set here.

229 17 53 58 PLT Okay, gives it a -

229 17 53 59 PLT MARK. Maneuvering away from 404, yawing to his

right slightly. He's in the process of pulling
h_m_elf around the dome lockers to his right in
an upright position and about a foot - foot and
one-half away from the dome lockers. Translating
slowly but surely to his right. PitcB_ng slightly
more to the right than he would like to, I think.
But nevertheless doing pretty well for Rl_MU. Get-
ting - 1,11 give you a minute of cold water, AI.

CDR That'd be good.

229 17 54 53 PLT One minute of cold water coming up.

229 17 55 07 PLT Had to stand in the way of the umbilical. And

he's translating in front of the locker 424 now.
Getting up close. He's up close to the dome lock-
ers. Now touching 428 and stabilizing himself
with the blue handrail below it. Okay, he's
going to stop and stabilize himself there. Oops.

229 17 55 46 CDR l'm off and running.

1016 _-_

229 17 55 47 PLT Yes, and I'm right here behind you. Where you want
to go?

CDR Right here's good.

PLT Okay. I've got to turn off your pump for a minute.
229 17 55 55 CDR Okay, good.

PLT Okay, that was a 1-minute shot.

229 17 56 33 PLT Okay. He's at 432 now and he's - translating

away from 432.

229 17 56 54 PLT Okay, there's another minute off on the pump;

we're coming on again with the water pump.

229 17 57 20 CC Skylab, Houston. AOS, Vanguard for 8 minutes.

229 17 57 23 PLT Okay, Dick, we're still HHMUing it here, on the

umbilical now, however.

229 17 58 07 PLT Okay. A1 is translating toward the donning sta-

tion now with the HHMU. He's coming left shoulder
first, and he grabs the handrail with his left
hand and he stabilizes himself.

CDR Okay, let's take the HHMU off, Jack.

PLT Okay, wait a minute. Let me get your pump going


CDR Okeydoke.

PLT I got to - turn it off in 30 seconds.

229 17 58 27 CDR All right. We got about a thousand pounds. Maybe

we cmu t_ke the rate gyro once around. I'm not

229 17 58 3h CC Skylab, Houston. We're AOB at Vanguard for the

next 8 minutes. And we'd like to get a status as
to where you are in the run. The cabin pressure
we're reading is toggling between 5.5 and 5.6.

229 17 58 48 PLT Okay, Dick. We're on the last PSS bottle. We've
got a thousand pounds left in it so we're near
the end. And Al's going to go off HHMU now and
fly it around on umbilical and RATE GYRO. And
we turned of the SUS-I pump while he was flying
on the SOP, and we're sneaking up on it again

and we're about ready to turn it on I_,11for

going into the 2-minute on time and then in I
minute off until we go back to primary.

229 17 59 27 PLT l'm going to wait 30 seconds before I go down

and help you, AI. I want to get this water coolant
going. You reading me, Dick?

• CDI_ Dick, did you read Jack?

229 17 59 _l CC CDR, negative. I did not.

229 17 59 _3" CDR Okay, here's essentially what we've done. We

used up the first bottle flying the maneuvers in
the middle of the workshop. Not the baseline
maneuvers, but the attitude maneuvers and the
limb motion. We then came back, put in the sec-
ond bottle and new batteries, put on the SOP,
took off the umbilical, and flew a baseline
maneuver in DIRECT - that was the second maneuver.

229 18 00 07 CDR The first one we flew in CS_Gand then DIRECT. Then
we cameback, got the HHMU and flewthe firstleg
of the baseline maneuver and then the SOP ran
out of oxygen. So we came back, put the ,_,bilical
back on - that's where we are at the moment - put
the third bottle on and we're down to i000 pounds
in the third bottle. I flew a baseline maneuver
with the HHMU and the umbilical, although it wasn't
very tidy. We did make it around. Now we're
going to - we have to - this last thousand pounds
I 'm going to attempt to do a baseline maneuver
with the 1_bilicai and RATE GYR0.

229 18 00 50 CDR But the amount of fUel we use in the RATE GYRO is
fantastic. And my guess is it'll never make it

CC Roger, AI. Understand.

229 18 01 04 CDR Without the umbilical on, it flies very well.

The SOP down at the bottom on the legs doesn't
seem to bother it. The thrusters don't mppear to
have impinged particularly on the suit or the equip-
ment l'm wearing, so that you get rather pure rota-
tions, translations, and the like, or at least as
pure as we did without the suit. Now I noticed
with the HHMU, such is not the case.
1018 _-_

229 18 01 45 CDR The HHMU is very - is much more unstabilizing

in the suit than out of it bacause the exhaust
from the handheld maneuvering unit strikes you
at different places - or your backpack in differ-
ent places depending on where your hand is. And
it upsets - upsets your apple cart a bit.

229 18 01 57 CDR So the HHMU is even more difficult to fly than

unsuited and not only because of, you know, the
cumbersome suit, but the fact that the thrusters
impinge all over the place on it. It's - it's
much different.

229 18 02 16 CC Roger, CDR.

229 18 02 19 CDR Hm, let me think. What else? The P - SOP lasted.
We had a full 6000 pounds in it audmy guess is
it lasted around 19 to 20 minutes.

PLT That's correct.

CDR And the way it runs out, I've often wondered - is

it keeps flowing, but it Just lowers the suit
pressure until finally you have no suit pressure
but you can still hear the flow. So there's
plenty of time to - to get your helmet and gloves
off. We were concerned about that because if you
suddenly run out you'd be standing there with no
oxygen, but such is not the case. And so there's
plenty of time to get your helmet and gloves off
and go back and regroup.

CC Roger.

229 18 03 01 CDR I think one interesting thing is your - you seem

to sit a little bit further away from the back-
pack in zero g than you did before. And I - I
find that the arm - the hand controller - the
rotational and translational - is - is a little
bit too close for me. It never was in training
or checkout. I don't - I've been trying to figure
it out. I assume it's Just the way the backpack
fits in zero g, the way the suit fits, or the way
I'm floating forward in the suit, or something
like that. That isn't true in - in zero - in
one g.

PLT How're you reading me, Dick?


CC Roger, AI.

PLT You reading me, Dick?

229 18 03 37 PLT How are you reading me now, Dick?

229 18 03 40 CC Loud and clear, Jack.

229. 18 03 42 PLT Okay, when are we going to get the tape recorder

229 18 03 47 CC It'll Just be about i more minute.

PLT Okay.

CDR We're Just sitting here disconnecting the HHMU


CC Roger. Stand by a second, please.

229 18 03 59 PLT Okay, we did that last HHMU around an ID n_,mber i,

which is where it needs to be. And we're going
to do this umbilical/RATE GYRO baseline maneuver
in ID-2 ***

CDR Okay.

229 18 04 24 CDR How's your cooling?

229 18 04 35 CC Skylab, Houston. On the 509 stuff, since you're

so close to the end of the run, we've carefully
taken a look at cabin pressure. We think it'll
be okay, so Just go ahead and finish it as you've
described. And we're ahoutamlnute and a half
or 2 from the LOS at the Vanguard. We're going
to go rotund one more rev and see you again at
Vanguard at 19:35.

229 18 04 59 CDR Okay, how do we look on our time line, Dick?

CC Stand by.

CDR Okay, that's why I was wondering. I hadn't got

a watch on but I'm suspicious we're quite a ways
behind. And we'll catch up eventually during
the day, but I'm Just hoping it doesn't affect
this SO19 pad that I have on board.

229 18 05 22 CC Okay, AI, the - on your time line you guys - you
and Owen are scheduled to eat on the time line at
about 19:00 which is 1 hour from now. Then the
S019 follows that at about, oh, the last half of,
oh, 19 :40 or something like that, Just looking
at it real quick.

229 18 05 41 CDR Okay, we'll make that, no trouble.

PLT And I got to - -

CC Yes, I think you will.

CDR 0kay, good.

229 18 05 45 PLT I need to be off of here in half an hour. That's

about right, I think.

229 18 05 46 CDR Okay.

CC Skylab, Houston. The tape recorder's yours.

229 18 05 51 PLT Okay, thank you, Dick. We're ready to go again, _

then. Okay, we're in ID-2, space fans; we're
back with M509.

229 18 05 57 PLT Okay, the configuration is umbilical. Cameras

are running. Configuration is lrmhilical and
RATE GYRO. Right, Al?

CDR Yes.

PLT And you're going to fly what, baseline maneuver?

CDR Uh huh.

PLT You got a thousand pounds.

CDR Ready to go.

PLT Let 's go.

CDR Okay.

229 18 06 21 PLT We're ID-2, which is apparently what they want

for baseline maneuver.

229 18 06 33 CDR Jack, can you tell any reason that I'm sitting
"_" 1021

PLT ... in your suit?

CDR Huh?

PLT Well, there's that back plate on there. Msybe

we should have taken that off.

229 18 06 52 CDR Can you move this out, Jack?

PLT Oh, you want this thing, don't you?

229 18 07 01 CDR Thank you. 0ops.

PLT Can't get it out.

229 18 07 08 PLT Get everything off, and I'ii get this thing

CDR Okay.

229 18 07 ii CC Skylab, Houston. As you go over the hill, we

heard the question about your sitting far for-
_ ward. It might be that the - You might make
sure the back *** piece *** is ***

PLT I never saw that anywhere. Take that out of


CDR I don't know; it _mst have been in there sn-_-

where. Take me back there and I'ii start again,

229 18 07 37 PLT Okay, he's starting over again from the donn_ug

229 18 08 03 PLT Okay, he's translating way in RATE GYR0. Tr-nn-

lating away from the donning station up toward
the banjo.

229 18 09 01 PLT Okay, he's facing the banjo at this time. He's
got lots of firings going. Sounds like a
machinegun firing. He's backing away now from
the donning station. Yawing - or rolling to his
left, he's now flying down to the FMU n_nnber 2.
The 1-,hilical is free and clear. It's - it's -
26-foot mark is at the workshop hatch opening.
He's Just coasting down to the _4U-2 getting
very - rather spasmodic firings, I guess you
might say.

229 18 i0 13 PLT Okay, he's stabilizing himself at FMU-2 now,

thrust - thrusters Just bursting away.

PLT Now he's translating away from FMU-2. Going

to _o_.

229 18 l0 51 PLT Okay, he's midheight in the workshop now - above

the donning station - Yawing to his left - and
approaching locker 404.

229 18 ii 15 PLT Okay, he's stabilized in front of 404 now, get-

ting spasmodic firings. Little burst every now
and then. Now he's translating to his right.

229 18 ii 51 PLT He's moving around neatly. Doesn't seem to have

any problem controlling, although the thrusters
are going off in rapid fire succession. Flying
about 6 to 8 inches between the dome lockers
and the leading edge of the armrest.

229 18 12 19 PLT And going to stop now in front of 432.

229 18 12 28 PLT Stabilized

now in front of 432.

229 18 12 42 PLT Okay, now he's leaving 432. He's translating

to the donning station.

PLT Got a nice translation in. He's Just about

over the workshop hatch. And about halfway
yawed to his donning station attitude. Now he's
... it quite neatly. We're still popping off
the thrusters in rapid-fire succession.

229 18 13 06 PLT Now he's facing the donning station about 3 feet
out - 4 feet out. Okay, he's got himself facing
in front of the donning station hands off, and
it's - -

229 18 13 26 CDR That's it!

PLT - - rapid firing. Okay, now he's hanging onto

the do_n{ng station and, we're going to have to
secure the run at this point. Okay, AI, let me
get you turned around here.

CDR Okay.

229 18 14 01 PLT Okay, we got him in. _Imost. Okay, there you
are, AI. Okay, I take helme.t - gloves. _
• lOZ3

229 18 14 38 PLT Let me get the cameras off.

229 18 14 _4 CDR Sounds like they're running. g

PLT Doesn't sound like they're running, but - Maybe

we got them backwards in the cycle. _.Ycuse me,
we did. Well, we got plenty of film. I don't
think they were out, anyway. Okay, l'm going
to release you from that and give you - take
you over there.

229 18 15 ii PLT You are released. I'ii take care of all that.

229 18 15 32 PLT Yes, (laughter). I looked it up; it was there.

CDR When you get over here, take that back thing off
and let me get in it ...

PLT Let me put your helmet and gloves sxay. You want
to be pressurized?

CDR Yes, ...

229 18 16 58 PLT Okay. Help me put this over here.

CDR ...

PLT Sure I will.

CDR ...

229 18 17 33 SPT Okay, debriefing the last ATM run; everything

went nominally, right on schedule and we did
get it all worked in in addition to the TV of
the 509-2 run. So everything's Just fine.

229 18 22 26 SPY Here's a note for the ATM PIs and planners rel-
ative to our studies of the network JOP 1 earlier
this morning. I wanted to clear up some of the
confusion about the coordinates. The coordinates
at which I started on the boun_-_ for the first
rev were ROLL, minus 8394; LEFT, minus 474 -
correction that -,_st be UP/DOWN - DOWN, minus 474,
and LEFY, minus 640. Now at the beginning of
the second orbit, I did not positively identify
that same cell. In fact I was inclined to think
I did not see it.

229 18 23 06 SPT However, I had taken a photograph of the cell at

the beg_nlug of the first rev. In spite of the
fact I have photographs and everything else, I've
got some cnmments on that earlier rev about it,
I do not feel that I can identify the same cell.
So I went back to those same coordinates that I
used for the first rev - minus 8394, minus 47_;
minus 6h0 - and then moved out the appropriate
number of arc seconds for the steps that were
called out. So that's the reason that my point-
ing on the second rev was not exactly the same
as it was on the first; but m_ boundary, initial
starting point, was still the same.

229 18 23 hi SPT And then on the third rev I once again compared
it with my H-alpha picture. And I believe I
did locate the boundary - same spot - at minus
8394; minus h90, DOWN; minus 644, LEFT. Now this
is further down about 16 arc seconds and left -
a further h. So it's about 16 or 17 arc seconds
away. And so that is reasonably close to the
apparent rotation rate expected. You mentioned
on the uplink it was 6 or 7 arc seconds per rev.
So that bleakly further confirms my opinion that
we were indeed on the same network cell on the
third rev.

229 18 24 30 SPT It would have been impossible to identify this

by sketches. I did make a sketch as well, but
it was essentially the H-alpha photographs with
the Polaroid camera which permitted the identi-
fication of this same cell. And asstmLing that
you will now concur that we probably did have
the same cell, I think it's probably essential
that we do take a - take a H-alpha photograph
of the network with H-alpha I. It's going to
be a little bit blurry because the Jitter of the
scope here sort of smears things out over the
integration time of the Polaroid camera.

229 18 25 05 SPT But after - even with the smearing, the network
cells are identifiable, and I think that's the
only way we can come back to the same one one
or two revs after we start it again. I hope
that clarifies your pointing, and if there is
still a disagreement as to whether or not we
were at the same one, why please let me know
either by real time or teleprinter. Thank you.

229 18 25 27 SPT End of message from the SPT for the ATM Pls and
planners. _

_ 1025

229 19 53 18 SPT Okay, this is SPT with his M487-B. These - which
is presumably subjective evaluation guide number 2.
Are you going to be using channel A, AI?

CDR Yes, I am. All the time ....

229 19 53 32 SPT Okay.

CDR ... work around it.

SPT Why don't you Just - Maybe we can both use it if

we'll try.

CDR Possible. ,

229 19 53 41 SPT Okay. If it gets to be too complicated sorting

these two out, why I'll shut off. We're going
to try to run both this and S019 on cbannel A at
the same time.

229 19 5B 53 SPT Wardroom. The general arrangement is fair. It

would be more convenient if the food trays were
_-_ where each of the three people could get them.
The SPT has to crawl over the other two every
time he gets to - goes to prepare a meal. Also,
there's no convenient place to store our menus
where they can be seen. No convenient place to
store our silverware, although they're within
reach. That little plastic holder with the Velcro
snapover is not a good arrangement for silverware.
There ought to be something that you could Just
put them into, cleaned, of course. And also to
clean them.

229 19 54 34 CDR Okay. This is the CDR, we're getting ready to rum
S019. And the first field is field 261. I made
a 0.2 correction to Nu z. The pad was minus 7.1,
actual was minus 6.9. That's a minus 0.2, and I
Just went ahead and made minus 0.2 for the RO-
TATION. So we got 255.0 and 5.7, TILT, field 261.
Stand by.

229 19 55 02 SPT Okay, I think he's going to knock off the evalua-
tion. I'll do it later.

229 19 55 05 CDR MARK. We got the picture right at 19:55.

SPT Standby and I'ii say it.

1026 _"

229 19 55 13 CDR The 90-second unwidened, prism out, field 261.

SPT Jack, the backroom says that was a very clear

debriefing and they don't have any questions.

PLT Okay, see you in about a half hour, then.

SPT Okay.

229 19 55 33 CDR Frame number 84.

CREW (Whistling)

CDR Stand by for a 90-second mark.

229 19 56 32 CDR MARK. OPEN. Go to our next one now which is

256.2 and 7.1, 256.2, 7.1. That's done. Okay,
we're going for a 90-second one. We pick up the
new one, go back to STOW, here we are. Get ready
for the next one. We'll give you a mark.

229 19 57 02 CDR MARK. That's the field - be field 261-A,

90-second unwidened, and 85 is the frame number.

CDR Stand by for a mark.

229 19 58 27 CC Go ahead. Because we're about 30 seconds from

LOS at Ascension. We're going to see you in
Guam at 20:35.

229 19 58 33 CDR MARK. SHUTTER, CLOSED, a 90-second exposure. Try

her again. Okay, we're setting up 254.1. Okay,
there's 254.1 and then 07.5, one of my favorite
numbers. That's it. Okay. Stand by. Ready to
go another exposure. I've pulled out the slides.
Stand by.

229 19 59 13 CDE MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. This is 261-B, 90-second

unwidened, frame 086. Upside down floating next
to it. Okay, Just a second, let me get it. I
had to go get something.

CDR Wait.

229 20 00 05 CDR Not supposed to put m_ hand on it. I'll play

like I'm Just doing it, okay? How's that grip
you? Amazing what this thing'll do.

229 20 00 21 PLT ... computer, though. However ... through the


CDR Stand by. l'm going to close the shutter in a

moment on this 90-second unwidened. Stand by for
the mark. Stand by for the big m_k.

229 20 00 42 CDR MARK. It's OPENED. Okay, 293.1.

CDR 293.1and24.4.

CDR Stand by for a mark and I pick up one. Over.

229 20 01 17 CDR MARK. Frame 87, field 264. Coming up with a

90-second unwidened.

CDR Stand by for a mark on OPEN.

229 20 02 47 CDR MARK. CLOSE, now. Ready for the next one. 291.1

CREW (Whistle)

_ 229 20 03 i0 CDR 23.7.


CDR Stand by. Pick up a new one. Ready.

229 20 03 33 CDR MARK. OPEN. SHUTTER, OPENED. That's frame 264-A,

I mean field 264-A, frame 88 and 291.1.

CDR I need a few more.

CDR Okay, stand by. I 'm going to CLOSE the SHLWI-I'_.

CREW ... up here.

229 20 05 02 CDR MARK. CLOSED. Okay, 293.4.

CDR 23.5.

CDR Stand by for a mark. Pick up one.

229 20 05 33 CDR MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Let me tell you which

one it is. 293.4, 23.5, field 264-B.

( ic)

CDR Okay, going to be a mark. SHU'I"I'ER's

going to
come CLOSED.


CDR Stand by.

229 20 o7 h0 CDR MARK.


CDR Okay, 3h5.1, 18.1, field 2615, frame 90, 090.


CDR Okay, stand by for the mark.

229 20 09 i0 CDR MARK. Okay, picking up a new one. Stand by for
a mark.

229 20 09 23 CDR MARK. Okay, SHUTTER, OPENED. Field 2615 again ._

except this time it says 345.1, 19.1 instead of
the 345, 18.1. Frame number 91 is the one that
has been worked.


CDR Okay, stand by we're getting ready to CLOSE the


229 20 i0 52 CDR MARK. 346.1, 18.1.

CDR Okay, stand by for a mark. Pick up frame -

229 20 ll 16 CDR MARK. Frame 92, we're doing this on field 2615.
We're headed 3_6.1 and for ROTATION 18.1 shaft,
not shaft, TILT. Sorry. 3h6.1 and 18.1. These
90-second exposures keep you hustling.


CDR Stand by.

229 20 12 h4 CDR CLOSE.

CDR Stand by, new frame -

10 9

229 20 13 15 CDR MARK. Frame 93. Doing it on 2 - field 2611,

_eld 2611, 037,7, 22.9. M-ke that 22. h, I said
it wrong.

CDR (singing: Where you belong. )

229 20 14 47 CDR MARK. It's OPEN now. Let's get ready and go for
the next one, 037.7, 23.4, Overlapping fields of
some sort. Pick up a new one. Stand by.

229 20 15 08 CDR MARK. 09h frame; 037.7, ROTATION; 23.4, TILT;

and it's called field 2611.

(Music: "Galveston" by Glenn Campbell)

CDR Okay, stand by for the mark for opening.

229 20 16 37 CDR MARK. It's OPEN. Go for the last one. 38.7,
_ same number 22.4. Pick up picture, reset watch,
start watch.

229 20 16 56 CDR MARK. There it goes, 095 picture; 2611; 37.7,



CDR Stand by for a mark.

229 20 18 26 CDR MARK. Okay. That was the last one you gave me,
20 - 21. We've got 2 minutes. I could give you
a 90-second widened, Just for fun if you want
it. I'll do it Just for kicks. I think you
might like it. You never know what you get. Okay,
stand by.

229 20 18 48 CDR MARK. You're now in the midst of a 90-second

widened exposure using the timer on top. Previous-
ly I used m_ friend/_ watch. Frame number 96.
It's field 26.11, which you seem to he interested
in, and the ROTATION is 037.7 and TILT is 22._.

CDR (Whistle)

229 20 19 20 CDR (Singing: Rhythm of the f,l!ing rain.) Okay,

I'm going to give you a mark. SHUTTER, OPENED.
This is the last exposure. Stand by.


film hatch, CLOSED. Going ROTATION, zero.

229 20 21 05 CDR Okay, no debriefing. Came_ off real well. I

think we gave you the right number of exposures
and the right amount of time. CDR, out.

229 20 21 18 CDR That goes to the S019 experimenters Dr. Karl Henize

229 20 29 12 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. We're getting ready to

begin an M092/93 run on SPT. For this information
you should go to biomed. May - I'm using the
BPMS that we've been using all along, namely
number ii, and we're using the term legbands that
we're using recently for Owen's area. The ones
that you sent up. Let me tell you the numbers.
CS, left; AQ, right. CS, left; AQ, right. I'll
be con_enting off and on but I'm going off now.
CDR out.

229 20 42 18 CDR This CDR again on M092. Owen, ... ask you try
position 6 on the saddle and we'll see how it

229 20 43 30 CDR CDR. Right leg measures 12-5/8 on the SPT, 12-5/8.

229 20 44 17 CDR And it's 12-3/4 inches on the SPT's left leg;
12-3/4, left leg.

229 20 54 07 CDR CDR on M092 again. I didn't like the calibration,

particularly, so I'm redoing it. I ... them up
again, and I noticed that the number - plus or
minus 0.1, and I noticed that the nl_bers increase
through the run. So I set them Just 0.1 low, and
now I hope, at the end of this run, that they'll
be exactly right or not 0.1 off the top.

229 21 00 44 CDR CDR on M092. We attempted to pump Owen down to

8 millimeters at 20 minutes. We could not do it.
We troubleshot the problem real quick and deter-
mined that the valve that decreases the pressure
was still pushed in the emergency release. So
we reset the valve. We're going to start again.
We'll give you a mark in 20 minutes.
f--_ 1031

229 21 02 39 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. In approximately lO. seconds

we're going to start the run in 20 minutes. You've
got about 7 or 8 minutes of resting data.

229 21 03 13 CDR Okay, I reset also the blood pressure cuffs so

that - starts i0 seconds after the minute. Just
as we did in his sleep.

229 21 18 B7 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. We still got 5 more

minutes to go on the SPT's run. It went completely
nominal. He looked very healthy and -

SPT Tell them about that electrode.

229 21 18 42 CDR Only one thing occured of interest. The neck

electrode fell off at midrun, and we replaced
it. So if you find a little funny data on the
neck, don't worry about it. We replaced it and
everything is okay, now. CDR out. We're going
to throw him on the bike for 9B minutes.

229 21 28 12 PLT Okay, space fans. This is the PLT on channel A

i f-_ I completed the

debriefing the last
JOP 9,
ATM step
run l, building
starting at block
20:29. 2.
I gave S082A one freebie there, inadvertently,
which he may not think is too much of a freebie
because he's getting low on frames, but I inadvert-
ently gave him a 3-minute exposure in the SHORT
WAVELENGTH and left the time on for exactly
3 minutes so he'd know what he had. I mentioned
to Crip over the real time there would not have
been time to complete building block 5 - correction,
JOP 5, b,11_d_ng block 6A, so I elected to save it
until the last rev of the day, which is also mine,
ana at which point I will have time to do it. And
instead wbat I did was I went to the last rev and
picked up that shopping item - list item 13 for
Milli_an's crew and I got about a 9-minute exposure,
FILTER 3, LONG. So when I come to that point later
on this evening, why I'll go ahead and do the
building block 6A, and there'll be plenty of time
at that point to complete that. So that takes
care of it for today, or for this pass, and Owen
will get you on the next one.

229 21 29 _5 PLT Thank you.


229 21 30 00 PLT Oh, for ATM - one more comment on the last rev. In
setting up for powerdown for unattended ops, I set
roll of minus 5400 and the GRATING - I ran out of
daylight as the GRATING was _nuing down so I went
to MECHANICAL REFERENCE and stopped it at zero and
then ram it up to 102 and reset the REFERENCE. So
it should be set at OPTICAL, four balls at this

229 21 46 34 CDR Okay, this is the CDR; we completed the 93 run.

Believe it or not, the SPT made it through, and
his total workload was a brilliant 304; 304, mind
you; all that in 2 minutes.

229 21 46 46 CDR CDR out.

229 22 04 36 CDR This is the CDR, and l'm doing M487-3B. And I'ii
be discussing the items that are on this list
trying to give them some sort of a rating. I'ii
try to give them a rating that's either excellent,
very good, adequate, poor, unacceptable, per the
guide found on page 3-2 of the Eval Checklist.
It looks a little different. It says evaluate
each of the following compartments with the
habitability parameters; it is not required to be
in the compartment being evaluated. 0kay, ward-
room - on each of these, I'm going to go down this

229 22 05 30 CDR Under wardroom, general arrangement and orienta-

tion of compartment. I think it's good. I think
the fact that we've got the wardroom on the
minus-Z, where we can have the best wind in the
place, and the minus-Z in the solar inertial
air - spacecraft, during the daylight hours, looks
down at the Earth. It's one of the wiser things
to do. Now we do need a bigger _-indow. That
window's marginal in size and should be much
larger. Of course, there should be several more
windows of equal size throughout the spacecraft.
Operating inside this little can Just doesn't
quite hack it. We have the - the ability now to
carry up a little more weight, and we - I think
one of the things to put them in is - is - is
very safe windows, and we can use them in, not
only good experiments - we got T002 out there, a
lot of handheld photography - but Just to relax,
these things.

229 22 06 24 CDR Some of those things about the orientation of the

ropm; it needs a desk in it. Wardroom seems to be
the place where we get all the data and dispense
it. Right now we got a little clipboard on the
wall, and we plant our feet in the floor - but
some sort of permanent desk with some snap/clip
things that would allow you to do your paper work.
A lot of it comes up in a space szamlon, ana you
need a permanent place to file things, to hold
things, and to set and correct items, Scotch tape
dispenser built in, things of that nature.

229 22 07 00 CDR Food? Food compartments: Okay. The - It could

be a little bit easier. I - I don't think it gets
the food hot - the food trays get the food quite
hot enough. And the restraints are a little bit
more flexible than they need to be. I - l'd like
to be able to go in there and hook on to something
and then Just stay. The water gun idea, one for
each person, is good. The watergun tip can be im-
proved; I think you could knock your teeth out if
you're not careful. It takes you a few days to be
very carefulabout it. But the main thing is, the
individual waterguns where if you're measuring
water or taking a drink, you don't have to worry
about what other people are doing, are okay.

229 22 07 38 CDR It's a little bit small for getting to the refrig.
Waste disposal now is fairly easy with the change
in the doors so that everybody's got a trash bag.
Do - do - The ability - the way your knife, fork,
and food is stored; the fact that all the spices
are all over in one place; the pills are over in
one place; all that's a little bit difficult.

229 22 07 59 CDR I personally favor a wardroom, or a - that has

sort of food dispensing in the pantry, as opposed
to - to individual meals in chronological order.
If - if we had everything in a row for example,
you knew the time to get peaches. You check your
menu and go right to the peach place. As it is,
you got to move things down in order, and if your
day's menu isn't right there, you have to go
hunt it. If you need some overage, you got to
go find it. If you Just had everything in the
pantry like you do at home, and then pulled out
whatever you needed, you'd be much better off.

229 22 08 35 CDR I know in - on Earth, if you feel like some

potato chips, you know where the potato chips
1031 .

are. You don't have to sift through i0 days of

cans of everything else to find one potato chip.
So I definitely recommend we get rid of this
serialized, chronological food arrangement.

229 22 0_ 54 CDR Comm is good in there. Lighting seems to be

good. Entertainment could stand much better
stereos around the room. And color scheme's okay;
could be a little different. It keeps clean,
even though we make a lot of mess in there. I
would recommend that we use the materials that we
have and then let's have Just several different

229 22 09 23 CDR Not enough places to put your feet on the floor,
tying them in. Trash wasn't thought of. It's
kind of an add-on and had a lot of difficulty
with trash, way too much time. I would say at
least 15 minutes to 30 minutes a day is spent
fooling with the trash in that room; no reason
for it.

229 22 09 51 CDR We need a compactor or something where we Just

throw it in, and forget it ; once a week empty it. _-_

229 22 i0 05 CDR Stowage is good. We got a lot of things stowed

in there that we don't use very often like clothes,
towels, and like I think maybe - if we could
somehow stow our food there, move it from one
side of the room to the other, instead of moving
from upstairs to downstairs.

229 22 lO 30 CDR Need more temporary restraints; need the same

bungees we've talked about several times. They
ought to be on all - all walls, all doors, built
in. Then any time you wanted to fix something
somewhere, you could.

229 22 l0 40 CC And, Skylab, Houston; for anybody, I got one

message I'd like to relay, please.

229 22 ll 58 CDR Get back to recording. Thermal comfort's okay.

Noise level's okay. Illumination: It could be
more, but satisfactory. Personnel mobility aids:
Well, I've noticed we always pull ourselves
around using those food trays. I don't think
that's particularly good. They're mounted with
handlocks which aren't that strong. I guess I'd
have to say that the mobility aids in there are
poor. You either use the ceiling grid or pull on

those food tables. Also when you're in front of

the trash disposal place it - it - you got to use
your foot restraints. There's no other little
handbar, or anything.

229 22 12 59 CDR Let's take the waste management compartment.

General arrangement, orientation: poor; too
small. The reason it's too small is only one
person can really operate in there at once. Also
there's no privacy. If a guy wants to shave and
the other guy wants to urinate, you can do it,
but - but it would have been much nicer if we'd
have somehow closed off the waste area from the
washing/clean up/mirror shaving area. It wouldn't
have been difficult at all, we could have had
a shine - sliding door or something. But that's -
I think that's a critical thing. Nobody likes
to have it all hanging out while the next guy is
shaving. And as a result, when people go in
there, they close the door, and then that keeps
you from going in Just to even get a towel, or
maybe you Just want to go in there to see if
something - what's in your eye. So I - I give
that volume, poor and general arrangementand
orientation is - is poor.

229 22 14 0h CDR Floor - ceiling/floor proximity: I don't know; it

could be a little higher. Ingress/egress provis -
provision: awful tight; can't get by anybody if
they're there. If anybody's in there and you
want to go past him, you can't. It should be

229 22 14 23 CDR Trash collection, okay: We have to stick our big

urine bags and things, and stick them outside.
There's no trash collection feature for anything
other than small, hand-size trash. Any other
trash hangs on the wall in a big white bag. Now
I don't think that's too good. We could have put
us big white bags inside doors; then we could have
opened the door and thrown in the trash and
closed the door, much like you do in your kitchen.

229 22 14 51 CDR Stowage volume: Not near enough in there. All

these things that are in use are stowed there;
any time you want anything else, you have to go
get it from somewhere else and move it down there
on a small basis. You can only have about four or
five towels in there at once; you use one a day.

Another feature that would be nicewas - no real

good stowage for - you open it - open the door
and then there's your dopp kit. Then you got to
open four flaps on your dopp kit to get anything.
there should have been some good stowage there
for shaving cream, shaver, and all that. Now you
can make it because there's female Velcro in there
and you put a m_le Velcro on your equipment, which
I did. But still it would have been better to
have springs, bungees, things inside some of those
compartments, and called them the - the cabinet
for your personal equipment and Just put it in
there, instead of in a bag that's in there too.

229 22 16 03 CDR Temporary equipment restraints are nonexistent

in there except for snaps. Should be some. I
won't go into that again; same as the wardroom.
Personnel mobility aids: They're pretty good;
restraint devices are lacking. We haven't come
up with a good one there. The ones presently in
there interfere with the urine boxes. We do need
something there; you're constantly floating all
over the place. The strap that you use when you're _-_
fecaling is marginal. It'll hold you down there
so-so, but it really needs to be better.

229 22 16 32 CDR Also when you're on the fecal device and your
head's over, you tend to be close to the ceiling,
which is troublesome. But mostly it blocks out
all your light; so if you want to read on the
John, you're - you're going to have to do it with
your book in the dark almost. It'd have been
much better if we'd have made that thing sit
vertical and not tried to save space and all
that stuff. Could have put it over there in the

229 22 17 04 CDR Therms_ comfort: You can't change the comfort

level in there, so if you decide to - you want
it a little bit warmer while you bathe, you know,
give yourself a sponge bath, you can't do it for
the simple reason if you turn off the fan, the
whiskers and things caught in the screens above
fall down on your head. Not fall down, but slowly
drift away. So you got to keep on that fan. When
you do, you got a draft in there. Should be a
little thermal control in there, so you can take
a nice sponge bath without getting cold. You
change the temperature of that compartment relative
f--_ 1037

to the others. That's about the only one. Should

be warmer.

229 22 17 47 CC Skylab, Houston. We're going LOS. We'll see you

at Honeysuckle at 22:24.

229 22 17 53 CDR Noise level: Okay. lll,_nation: Poor. All

illumination is directly above your head; can't
shave under your neck. You want to exAmlue a
spot on your face or something, you can't see it
worth a darn. Just not sufficient illumination
and it's all way up high; shaving your neck or
anything of that kind of - depilate, if that's
the word, to something else. So I'd recommend
we definitely increase the amount of lighting in
there for shaving, for getting specks out of the
eye, for all those other things. It Just isn't

229 22 18 34 CDR Sleep compartment general arrangements: It's

okay. Needs to be much more soundproof; it's
very lightproof. Needs to have a door on it that
when you close it's soundproof and gives real
privacy. Needs to have an area to hang your
clothes. You use a lot of clothes in this busi-
ness. You use clothes for when it's cold in the
MDA, when it's hot here. You got your gym clothes
for exercise, and you got your sleep clothes.
About the only way you could put them where they
could dry out and get some air is kind of out
blowing in the breeze on those little re - those
little rubber restraints, which are great. And
that's bad, it'd be nice if you had a - something
like a closet that you could open the doors, put -
hang those things in there and the breeze would
blow through and keep them dry and cool, yet they
wouldn't be out blowing in the breeze.

229 22 19 50 CDR I think that's about it. Volume of compartment

seems adequate; it does need a little more, like
I said, closet. But as far as where you want to
sleep, it's okay. Ceiling/floor proximity: That's
okay. Ingress/egress provisions are good. Trash
collection provisions I think are satisfactory,
-_ybe even exceptional. You don't have much trash
in there.

229 22 20 i0 CDR Stowage volume and access: You got lots of

stowage in there, and most of your personal equip-

1038 _-_

ment. Temporary equipment restraints: Needs

springs built in and several others. It's got
those little - little towel restraints that are
excellent. Personnel mobility aids: Doesn't
have any; doesn't need any, I don't think. In bed
I guess maybe a restraint on the floor and ceiling
to - for a handhold, would be good.

229 22 20 40 CDR Personal restraint devices: We talked about the

bugs before. Thermal comfort needs to be ad-
Justable; needs to be cooler than the rest of the
spacecraft. Needs to have the airflow, not from
your feet to your head, wich blows up your nose,
either from head to feet or either at the side
or something like that. And also needs to have
controls out where it can be deflected.

229 22 21 02 CDR Noise level: Needs to have - be able to decrease

the noise level from the rest of the workshop.
Right now everybody has to sleep at the same
time. It's hard to go to sleep when somebody
else is awake because of the light and - but
mostly because of the sound. We need to have _-_
little compartments where you can go in, in the
middle of the day, a fellow can do experiments,
and it's still quiet. There's no reason for - for
all that noise. It's Just impractical. Illumina-
tion: Needs a better reaa_ng light. That's
about it.

229 22 21 32 CDR Experiment compartment : Crowded; could he better;

needs more lighting. Just a little crowded. I
think you could do the things in there that we
want to do, but you really don't have a lot of
extra room. If - if one person's riding the
bike and the other fellow is monitoring near the
equipment that's so monitored, he has to be care-
ful he doesn't get kicked as he pedals the bike. It
Just - it Just needs to be larger to do the sorts
of work we're doing. This - I guess I'd have to
say it's - it's adequate but that's about it.
General arrangement's good, best - best you could
do, I think, with this. There's been some thought
about mounting some on the floor, and some on the
walls, some on the seat; this doesn't work out.
You tend to orient yourself when you're in a room
even though you're in zero g, and when you orient
yourself, you should find yourself in an attitude
that everything's about the ssme; you don't like

something up, something under ... You llke things

to be orderly like they always are on Earth.

229 22 22 34 CDR Now, if you want to put everything on the ceiling

and the floor you sure can handle that. It's Just
we don't w_nt half and half.

229 22 22 43 CDR Ingress/egress provisions: Just the ceiling hatch

I - in the middle, I think, is not enough. We
should have a small hatch over to the side, Just
as we do in the wardroom, and - and one sleep
compartment. There's Just a - Just don't want to
come down to one ingress/egress spot.

CDR Trash collection provisions: Not much, but you

don't need them.

CDR Stowage volume and access : Needs a little more

stowage volume; we've got tools in there and
trash bags and all that. It would be nice to
collect all the trash bags in one place, then you
_-_ can find them. Now they're kind of towed here
and there. And if you want a trash bag, you got
to remember where they are, if you want it - and
there 's about four places. When one runs out,
you got to remember that next time. You're not
the fellow that ran it out, so you don't remember
it and he does. So it takes three different
people traveling there once to find out it's
empty. Personnel mobility aids seems okay.
Once again, there's Just not much there. Most of
the time, you're moving around on the equipment,
or on the floor/ceiling. Seems satisfactory, but
if we had - didn't have this grid, you'd have to
come up with something.

229 22 2B 51 CDR Personal restraints: The floor and ceiling are

the only ones.

CDR Thermal comfort : Good.

CDR Noise level: Okay.

CDR Ill_m_ nation : Need more illumination. We 're

Just -we're low on ill,_m_nation.

229 22 24 02 CDR Forward dome needs more illumination by far. It

F_ bothers you having to read in this dim light all
1040 _-_

the time. It makes you have to use high intensity

lights on photographs and that makes it hotter up
here. Experiments are random, all over the place.
It sure'd be nice if we could have them stashed in
some sort of order in an experiment wall or
cabinet, like you'd have in a - a lab in - in
school. You wouldn't Just have things stashed
all over it; then you could have the floor free
to do the experiment. It'd be nice if this area
and the other area were all one and the same, with
everything stowed somewhere on the wall, except the
things that had to be permanently mounted, like
the ergometer or the LBNP, and then that's notched
by the floor space. And then when you needed
something, you could go get it.

229 22 2h 48 CDR One of the problems we have is the numbering

system is logical as it could be, but there's just
so many different places - cabinets on all sides
of the room in different places. There was some-
body - and on the floor - For example, I'm looking
right now at a cabinet sIgOB Earth terrain camera
accessories, called F-573. On one wall is 552,
on the other wall it's 524. So if somebody should
go to 524, he don't know whether to look on the
floor, look on the wall. It becomes Just a real
experiment. Things ought to be more essentially
located with a numbering system that i_nediately
tells you where things are. This one probably
does; probably all the 70's are on the floor, or
something like that. No, it isn't; because here's
one the floor called 594. But it's probably all
over - 60. In any event, it's important that we
do something about volume; got plenty of volume.
If you're going to do things like evaluate the
maneuvering unit, you're going to need more.
Ceiling/floor proximity: Good.

229 22 25 53 CDR Ingress/egress provisions: I don't like the fact

we've only got one hole leading back to safety,
which is the command module. One of the funny
designs we've got here is we live in one end and
our so-called safety hatch is at the other end,
the command module. That isn't the way it ought
to be. The experiment compartment ought to be the
fartherest from the come-home module. Sleep
compartment ought to be next to it, and everything

else in between. There Just is no reason to

separate yourself so far from safety, in the
event of a - of failure - big failure of some

229 22 26 31 CDR Temporary equipment restraints: There aren't too

may, except the floor and ceiling. They're not
adequate, I don't think.

CDR Personnel restraint devices: Nothing except the

floor/ceiling. I'd recommend a little bit more in
the way of restraints and mobility aids.

CDR Thermal comfort : Satisfactory.

CDR Noise level : Okay.

CDR llluminat ion : Poor.

CREW o..

CDR 30-minute time limit!

CREW ...

229 22 27 ii CDR He didn't say. Airlock, general arrangement,

orientation of compartment: Not big enough. It's
tubular when you'd really like it square like a
room. You have to lay sideways in it. And as
you lay sideways in it, you kick things. You
don't have any good restraints. What ought to be
in there is some way to go in that lock compartment,
secure yourself by the feet - some sort of foot
restraint - have your equipment all mounted around
you, and that foot restraint he in such a position
that you could open the hatch, and do all the
other hatch and maneuvering ... that you have to do.

229 22 27 42 CDR As it is, two of you get in there and float around,
bang into one another. One guy floats up and down,
tries to get cockeyed, brace his feet to do this,
tries to stay out of the way of the cameras that
are mounted on the wall. It Just - it's sure a
makeshift operation. You need something with a
nice floor, a nice way that you can restrain some-
thing, be protected, where you won't get bumped,
where you'll be nice and stable, and you can get
io42 _

to all the items you need to get to without float-

ing to them.

229 22 28 09 CDR Volume: Not enough.

CDR Ceiling/floor proximity: there ain't no ceiling/

floor. It's a round tube and you generally lay
from hatch to hatch. It's not the way it ought
to be built.

CDR Trash collection: No provision. I don't - I

think there's need, not for trash collection pro-
vision, but stowage provision that you can use
EVA. Now we ... here in suits (yawn) snap it to
the handrails or tied to the handrails with straps.
Now that's a pretty poor way to do. If we had
some nice pocket ... and restraints built in where
we could snap the stuff, or catch the stuff, and
not have to put tethers and things all over them,
unless you really needed them outside, it'd be
much better. It'd also be more organized; also
you wouldn't kick it, et cetera.

229 22 29 00 CDR There's just a lot that needs to be done to that

lock compartment to make it the type that - that
you'd really want to use. Now I'd have to say that
it's okay to doing our Job. But we're trying to
get improvements here and I would say, as a result
of that thought, that it Just - it Just needs a
shape redesign and a whole concept redesign.

CDR Stowage volume, we Just talked about .

CDR Temporary and equipment restraints: Not good

enough; poor. The only thing there is poles.
As far as mobility aids, they've got them. Good
mobility aids; you can get around in there, hold
the sides, hold the handrails. But when you want
to leave something in there for Just a minute,
it's hard to find it.

CDR Thermal comfort's okay. Noise level: Okay.

Illnmlnation: so-so.

229 22 29 45 CDR MDA/STS. General arrangements: A little bit

small. Trouble with the MDA is it's not oriented
like a room. So one guy goes by and he faces one
way and he hits the other guy in the back of the

_-_ i043

head, who's facing the other w_7, who's looking

at an experiment and doing Just the opposite.
Also by having circular rooms, you end up having
a problem knowing where different cabinets and
things are stowed. It's much better to have
rooms, like down in the workshop where you got a
floor and you got cabinets; you got certain places
to put certain things, and it Just seems to work
better. Now, this is certainly acceptable for
what we're doing.

229 22 30 22 CDR We don't have any trouble in there except bumping

into each other unless things accidentally slide
into spots and maybe, who knows, maybe that's a
thing of the future. But right now, my feeling
would be that you want to stick to something that
you put - things of a similar nature in the same
place: Puts all the stowage against one wall;
puts all this against the other wall; puts all the
equipment in a little corner. In other words, it
gets everything in a spot where it can be useful
and not have to try to hunt it. Now if we have
to find something in a stowage box in the MDA,
_ someone says get it out of M-323. Good luckl
Because you've got to hunt around until you find
M-323 and it's just more difficult than if you
had a nice stowage wall like these food lockers
are. You ought to try to get things like that
in every compartment.

229 22 31 16 CDR Ingressegress provisions: They're okay for the

size room. But, once again, you're stuck with a
single access down to the workshop and a single
access back into the 0WS. I mean back into the
command module.

CDR Temporary equipment restraints: Nothing there;

poor - especially poor. Ought to be springs on
top of every one of those boxes, ought to be
multiple restraints and things so that the people
could hold on. It - it's poor. Mobility aids:
In the form of special ones; poor also. There're
handles on top of boxes - boxes themselves. One
of the nice things is the restraint used for the
EREP C&B. There ought to be a similar thing for
the - for the VTS. Even though you can hold on
with your hands, why do it? It's much better to
have something with your feet that you could
f- movearound

CDR Thermal comfort: It's okay. Noise level: Okay.

Ill-m_nation: Needs more light; although I'll
have to sdmlt that it's better than some of the
other places we've worked at. So I think, for
the CDR, that completes subjective evaluation
guide 2, which is h87-2, 3 - correction 3B.

229 22 32 31 CDR CDR out.

nAY (AM) _0_5

230 00 14 38 CDR Okay, this is the CDR on - getting ready to debrief

the 509 run today. It took place much earlier,
but we Just didn't have time to debrief it. And
I plan to do it right now. Of course, I did a lot
of talking when we were on umbilical, little aid.
And by the way, this information 5 - M509 goes
to - to Bruce McCandless, EdWhitsett, and
Lou Ramon. As I said, I did a lot of debriefing
on the comm during the time. So I may repeat
myself here or may not say some of the things I
said then. But in any event here goes.

230 00 15 19 CDR Could you fly the baseline maneuver satisfactorily

in all modes? First of all, let's - let's tal_
about the two fundamental differences. One, if
you got the umbilical on, it's bad news. Because
the umbilical, like we said the other day from
our test without the suit, it's got a mind of its
own; nothing changed today. The umbilical torqued
everything around, particularly noticeable in
CMG MODE because it would constantly - would
change your attitude. But, if constantly, caused

230 00 15 49 CDR RATE GYRO, it would gradually torque your attitude

off because you would go out of the deadband and
it would fire, which reset the new deadband and
you'd keep going. So you'd gradually get out of
attitude with one whale of a lot of firing.
DIRECT Just took a lot of work. HHMU, it was a
lot of work and not only that, your correct - you'd
make a correction and you'd still keep going in the
same direction because your correction was not as
much as you thought it should be. So you'd put in
a big one and about then the umbilical would have
moved to where it wasn't resisting anymore and
then you'd go like crazy. So it was very upsetting
in HHMU because the same sort of positions and
forces didn't have the same effect time and time

230 00 16 36 CDR But let's talk, for example, let's go ahead and
talk about it mostly in the free mode because my
opinion is we Just could never stand to have an
umbilical like this. The most we could ever have
in a maneuvering unit is one - a tether, safety
tether of some sort that won't - of a very limp,

but strong strength; so that it can maybe keep

you from flying off somewhere. Now first of all,
I don't think that's what you need. The machine
should be made reliable. No reason to consider
that; but if you did, you sure wouldn't want to
feed oxygen and water and the other stuff through
it. So let's - let's Just forget that and start
talking about the untethered mode. By the way,
before I forget, Ed and Lou, what you got to do
I think is somehow figure a way to politick to get
another SOP or two on board for Jerry. Or if you
can't do that, at least to set up so you fly 509
after they go out on their final EVA and T20
[sic: T02O] then, too. So that you've got some

230 00 17 38 CDR Otherwise, his evaluation in suits is Just going

to be useless. It Just doesn't do - it Just is
poor. It Just doesn't any - He's got to figure a
_ay to get some SOP time. I'd almost recommend
not going in a suit if you had the tether. I
wouldn't recommend that. I would say, go ahead and
do it; but I wouldn't spend three bottles doing it. _
I would set aside two bottles and - and have it
Just as something for education, but not for - for
the experlm_mt. It's Just going to - it's going
to hother you.

230 00 18 13 CDR Could you fly the baseline maneuver satisfactorily

in all modes? Talking on it - Yes, you can fly it
okay in all modes. Same comments I had before.
It's Just harder in the suit. Hands don't work
as well. You're kind of enclosed in this little
bubble and divorced from the environment. So you
tend to fly further from things. When I flew the
ring lockers, I flew further away. You tend to
fly a little bit faster because your hands get
tired, and you - you Just don't want to - you
don't want to work too hard in that suit. It'll
beat you down; it wins every time. It can stay
in the game a lot longer than you can and so you
tend to want to minimize your efforts so you can
stay - when you get to a point, you'll be in good
physical condition. You don't want to use your-
self up Just flying around.
230 O0 19 Ol CDR 80 I guess, with that in mind, I'd have to say
that DIRECT, in some respects, was easiest to fly,
because even though it didn't keep your attitude
as precise, you didn't have to keep your hand out
of position as much. RATE GYR0 and CMG, you have
to keep your - your hand out of position and that
ta_es strength. And in DIRECT, you can blip it a
couple of times and Just kind of relax and it
_ould head that direction. It's sloppier; I
don't know _hat the fuel usage was. In m_ opinion,
that was a much superior mode to the other two.
As far as crew comfort (yaachl), As far as
accuracy and precise flying, it was not, of course.

230 00 19 38 CDR Which mode was baseline easiest to fly? I think

it was easiest to fly in DIRECT. You didn't
have to work as hard, for the reasons I Just
mentioned, although you were more accurate in
CMG. RATE GYRO was good, too. I didn't - remember
now I didn't fly RATE GYRO completely and in the
untethered mode.

230 00 20 01 CDR Did you feel com- By the way, let me go through
" what we did so that we're all squared away. We
went tethered; then we flew all three maneuvers
in the middle of the workshop. Not the baseline
maneuvers. Okay, when that was finished, I got
Jack to move me up and I flew a translation maneu-
ver Just to see what it was like in DIRECT. Then
we went out to the center and did some baud/arm
movements until we ran out of petrol.

230 00 20 32 CDR We stopped, docked, untethered. I flew a DIRECT

baseline. I flew a CMG baseline, came back, flew
a HHMU baseline, which was - went pretty good, as
you see. No, wait a minute. I - I don't tb_nk
that's true. Yes, I think it is. Wait a minute.
Jack, how far did I fly with that HHMU in - on -
on the untethered mode?

PLT ...

230 00 21 08 CDR Yes, I didn't fly a whole thing; I Just flew it

around a little bit, and flew it up to the banjo.
I co_d tell that it was no - was not any more
difficult than any other time, with one large
10_8 _"

exception. And that's this. The suit really

deflects the thrusters. Not only can you not
reach in the right places like you can on the simu-
lator. The simulator represents that pretty well.
But the fact is you get much thruster impingement
upon the suit, and it's defferent each time. If
you have your hand out in front of you, you get one
set of thruster impingment. If you have your
hand to the side, a different one. It's much
tougher to fly suited HHMU, relative to unsuited
HHMU, here than it is in the simulator. I believe
unsuited HEMU is easier here, whereas suited HHMU
is much harder here for the reasons I gave.

230 00 22 01 CDR Now another interesting point. When we're up there

flying the thing at - at Denver, that's all that's
on our mind. We fly for 3 or 4 days straight. We
get real handy at it, okay? In a space mission it's
never that way. You got a million thlngs on your
mind. You've got not only the next experiment,
hut the last experiment, or eating, or exercise,
or how you did in your medicals today, or whether
or not you're going to - you're getting physically
degraded to how's the entry going to go; ATM pass r_
last time, you made two or three mistakes you're
worried about that.

230 O0 22 36 CDR Everything's on your mind. You've - you've got

to have something that you can fly without -
semi-intuitively. Doesn't mean you have to be
stupid about it, but it does mean you're not going
to be honed to the fine edge you need to be. Now
you can be honed for launch. You can be honed
for rendezvous. You can be honed for entry. Be-
cause they're safety things. But nobody wants a
device that's supposed to just float around and
inspect something or take you somewhere where you
have to have the world's best skills to do it.
It Just isn't the way you want to operate. So
that's Just some more comments on the HHMU.

230 00 23 13 CDR As you can see, I'm - I wasn't very enthusiastic

about it to begin with, and I'm much less enthusias-
tic now because of the difficulties in the suited
work and because of the fact that you can't use
it very simply as a trajectory-correcting mechanism.
And finally, it's very eas_ to get out of control.
Zt is Just an unsafe. I'd have to give it an
unsafe. I don't have my little chart in front of
me that goes on Cooper rating, but I'd have to
give it the numbers that say unacceptable for
flying. It Just isn't good enough, and I think
you ought to think about that when you spend your
time, money, and effort with "Jerry" Carr and his
group. You ought to t_nk about it. It's a fun
thing, but I'd think about doing something more use-
ful to the future of the program.

230 00 23 58 CDR RATE GYRO, CMG, and DIRECT are much superior and
there isn't - they aren't even in the same strata.

230 00 24 08 CDR Was precision stationkeeping easier in some modes?

By the way, let me back up. Did you feel comfort-
able flying some modes faster than others? Yes.
All of them suited because - for the reasons I
Just talked about. CMG feels good to you because
you don't feel yourself wast - wasting energy.
RATE GYRO feels the worst because you're firing
all sorts of thrusters and you don't like to do
that. So onceagain,samething. You don'thave
to get in the suits to know that.

230 00 24 37 CDR Was precision stationkeeping easier? Not a th_ng

different there from suited. You're not in pre-
cision but nothing different that you couldn't
learn from unsuited. Same comments apply.

230 00 24 47 CDR Did some modes take more attention to flying than
others? Same as unsuited; no comment, except
HHMU took a lot more.

230 00 24 54 CDR Were you able to satisfactorily aim at the target

for the transfer maneuver, the baseline maneuvers?
Only did one transfer maneuver. The answer is
yes, same as the unsuited.

223 00 25 03 CDR Were thruster sounds a useful piloting cue? Yes.

You could hear them all, and they were great cues.

230 00 25 08 CDR Should ar_ maneuver he changed? You bet; get rid
of the HHMU.

230 00 25 13 CDR Controllability. Are translat - translational

acceleration levels too high, about right, or
too low? l'd say they're Just about right. With
the added mass of suit, things are good. But when
you get that umbilical on, you haven't got enough
sometimes. Sometimes you got too much; it - it
varies. One time you put in B seconds of pitch up
and you go 0.i of a degree per second. Next time
you do it, the umbilical's in a different percent -
different position. You go i degree per second.
So it's - it's a little rough.

230 00 25 43 CDR Could you null translational rates satisfactorily?

Yes, but not so - as well because we had our gloves
on and it's a little bit more clumsy, as you know.

230 00 25 50 CDR Could you command as small a minimum impulse with

the THC as you desired? Seemed to be able to today.

230 00 25 55 CDR When attempting minimum THC commands, did you

sometimes fail to activate thrusters? My impression
would be I'm - I don't remember not, but my impres-
sion would be I probably did fail to activate them.
But you'll be able to tell that from the data -_
much better than I. It didn't - wasn't bothering
me, I'll say that.

230 O0 26 14 CDR Are rotational acceleration levels too high, about

right. They're about right. I wouldn't want
them any higher.

230 00 26 20 CDR Could you null rotational rates satisfactorily in

DIRECT? Yes, I could have been more precise, but
I was happy. I could get there; I could fly on
the right - upside down or right side up; no

230 00 26 31 CDR Could you command as small a minimum impulse with

the RHC as you desired? Yes - Well, I take that
back. I don't think you could. I don't think
you could even with the suit mass commanded. I -
I noticed I was overcontrolling in DIRECT. I might
have been able to be more subtle but once again,
you've got an energy problem in your hand.

230 00 26 52 CDR When attempting a minimum RHC co-_and, did you some-
times fail to activate the thrusters in DIRECT? I
don't know; probably.

230 00 27 00 CDR During the single-axls cals, did you notice any
attitude disturbances when you co--,anded trans-
lations? I tried to notice them, but I did those
with the tether. And answer is, it masks everyth;ng
You have no idea. You thrust, you go somewhere;
you thrust again, you go somewhere; you thrust
the same way and you go somewhere different. So
forget it.

230 00 27 23 CDR Do you feel that the RATE GRYO MODE attitude rates
and displacement - That's one thing you might want
to ask Jerry to do in the suit. When he gets out
on his - his SOP, have him do some of those; see
what happens.

230 00 27 38 CDR Do you feel that the RATE GYRO MODE attitude rates
and displacement deadbands were so tight that
normal limb motions caused excessive thruster
activity? Definitely and I felt they were way
to tight to keep you happy as far as amount of
thrusters fired. It's great when you fire real
slow unsuited. But you fly suited and a little
bit rough, like you tend to do with suits pressur-
ized, then it's too much firing - way too much.

230 00 28 05 CDR During the single-axis cal, did you notice attitude
rates increase or attitude change about an axis
other than the axis commanded? You got to be
kidding. With that umbilical, you notice them all
the places. We talked about it already.

230 00 28 17 CDR Do you feel that the RATE GYRO MODE attitude rate
and displacement deadhands were so loose that
attitude rates were not satisfactorily nulled?
Definitely not. They were too tight for operational
happiness in that you tend to fire too many times.
They could be much looser and you'd be satisfied.

230 00 28 33 CDE Could you feel or hear the CMG locking solenoids
when caging or uncaging? I don't remember for sure.

230 00 28 _l CDR Could you hear the CMG gimbal whine during limb
motions? I don't think so, but could have during
attitude coznand. I think sot now I think, I did

230 00 28 52 CDR Were attitude disturbances due to normal limb

motions in the DIRECT MODE bothersome? No, because
when you move your arm out and back, you end up
in the same place so that doesn't bother you a
hit. And you don't move much anyway. I found out
in the arm motion that with all that mass, you
don't move too much.

230 00 29 08 CDR When you're arm motioning with your arms and you're
unsuited, you seem to move more than when you're
arm motioning suited. That's kind of funny;
that's going to be interesting data to see. It may
be that really is the problem. I didn't think it
was a problem. Now you can't kick out very far
because you got this friendly little SOP on the
foot. So when it says kick out 45, you only kick
out about i0. Jack suggested I kick back and I
did that, and it seemed to do a little something
for me.

230 OO 29 37 CDR Did you notice any motion inside the suit during
rotation or translation? No, not particularly.
Probably had some; Just didn't notice it. I didn't
think they were disturbing or anything abnormal.
That's the way the're going to be I suspect.

230 00 29 50 CDR Did the ISU tend to get in the way? No, it didn't.
I never bumped into it. It was always behind me

230 00 29 57 CDR Was the absence of the LSU influence noticeable

during SOP operation? You've got to be kidding
with numher 28. 29 answer, you know the answer
to that. Yes, it was - it was noticeable, -
happily noticeable.

230 O0 30 50 CDR Did you inadvertently contact the OWS? If so, how
often? I found that I did a couple of times,
and both times were on the food lockers and
the reason - Well, I'll take that back, even more
than that. I found that I - as I made my transla-
tion maneuver up to the banjo, I tended to stay
low and not go up high enough. I'm not sure that
wasn't hecause normally when we operate in here,
we operate from the floor to the dome ring lockers
or the floor right up to the center. We had no
reason to go over in the dome area. And I'm not

sure that wasn't the reason. So I'd contact m_

toes there. Another one was in the HHMU MODE,
I used my - I contacted the thing a couple of
t_m_s when the umbilical pushed me into it. I
also contacted it at the end, up at the banjo
because I ran out of air. But I didn't - really
wouldn't have had to have.

230 00 31 03 CDR Do you sometimes use your legs or hands to stop

or push off? Well, I did a couple of times
today. You wouldn't realize - I didn't too

230 00 31 l0 CDR Design features. Is automatic attitude hold

needed for the baseline maneuver? No. If so,
was the solid feel and absence of deadbands in
the CMG MODE a significant advantage? You bet
it was a great advantage. Not needed, but it
was an advantage.

230 00 31 25 CDR Is proportional rate command needed? No. If

so, was the nonlinear RHC for RATE GYR0 MODE
desirable? The answer is yes, desirable. You
_ don't need it, though.

230 00 31 36 CDR Is the six-degree-of-freedom control required?

You bet. Desired? You bet. If not, which
axis would you give up? None of them. You'd
be out of control. The minute you gave up one,
you're through.

230 00 31 47 CDR Is proportional thrust level for the HHMU needed?

' The HHMU needs to be canned; it stunk.

230 00 31 56 CDR OWS factors. Did you notice the OW ai - OWS

air velocity perturbating your translations? No.
Your stationkeeping? No.

230 00 32 05 CDR Were attitude - HHMU how - Were attitude

disturbances during the HHMU MODE due to HHMU
1 positioning bothersome? No. Didn't notice it

230 00 32 14 CDR Was the HHMU kick bothersome? No, you don't
notice it in the suit because the suit doesn't
want to bend.

230 O0 32 19 CDR Did the HHMU kick provide a useful cue? Yes, it
did, Just as before. It wasn't bothersome in
that it didn't move you, but you could still
feel it against your hand. That's the difference
in suited and unsuited.

230 O0 32 32 CDR Do you feel the HHMU thrust level is about right?
Yes, it's about right for suited operation.

230 00 32 39 CDR Could you modulate the HHMU thrust level as

desired? No, my hands were tired. Could have,
but too darn much work.

230 00 32 47 CDR Did you normally command full HHMU thrust? You
bet, and didn't keep it on too long, either.

230 00 32 52 CDR Did you sometimes command the wrong direction?

Sure I did; not too much, though.

230 00 32 57 CDR Could you hear the HHMU thrusters when suited?
Yes, very loud.

230 O0 33 02 CDR Did you have any difficulty almiug the HHMU?
You bet. Not only did I have difficulty putting
it where I wanted to, I didn't know exactly where
to put it. My CMG was not where I thought it was.
But most of all , I didn't know what the suit effects
were going to be, and nobody else is going to
know either until their first-time EVA. Then
they're going to find out what they thought they
could fly turns into a bucket of worms. And
they're blasting all over the place using up all
their gas and not getting anywhere because itts
impinging off different parts of their suit.

230 O0 33 31 CDR Could you normally position the HHMU to get

translations without rotation? No.

230 00 33 36 CDR Did thruster impingement on you or the ASMU produce

a noticeable affect? Yes, we already discussed it.
The main thing is this, my training level has not
decreased in HHMU that much. I've been able to
fly it around here first two or three times
unsuited, as you can see. It's a different
ballgame suited.
_ io55

230 00 33 56 CDR EVA evaluation. Would you feel confident flying

in an operational maneuvering unit employing any
one of the ASMU modes? Yes, definitely. Out to
the ATM Sun end and return? You bet, I think it'd
be fun to go back to the radiators and go around
and look at the quads A and B - or quads B and D
that we've got problems with. I'd fly that thing
out there in a minute. It'd be great. Now the
thing that I think you'd want to have is you'd
want to simplify and you'd want to have some back-
up modes in case you had some thruster problems.
Now I think you could probably develop it simply
by once again turning - turning the thrusters
off; have little switches there where you could
turn them off individually, the ones that didn't
work, and then you could fly to some other
degraded mode. Let's say if somehow you lost the
one for translation forward, you would turn it
off; in case it was stuck open, turn to the side
and yaw back. I think this could be very simply
done. I suggest a DIRECT MODE and cutoff
switch for each thruster. And I think you could
fly this thing anywhere with no - no tether or
_ anything else.

230 00 3h 58 CDR Rank the AS_J MODES in order of preference for

the above task. Okay, DIRECT: simple; you
could also put any electronics you wanted on it
that you had for safety, like cutting off
individual thrusters and the like. The next one
would be the CMG MODE because it's so darn stable
and so easy to fly. The last would be the RATE
GYRO. It uses lots of fuel, makes noise, doesn't
have any advantages. Has a great disadvantage in
that along with those RATE GYRO - CMG MODE and
that's you got to keep your hand out of the
detent as long as you want to turn and your hands
get tired. You want them, when you get to the
Sun end, to still work. You don't want to get
there and be tired.

230 O0 36 Oh CDR Okay. Do you feel the above task could be

accomplished with the H_4U? No, definitely not.
It's ... I would not consider it for
l0 seconds. It is a - a unacceptable safety
configuration and definitely not to be used; in
my opinion, as I said, in Gemini with a tether
on of l0 or 15 foot long, not going anywhere,

Just holding it in your hands for public relations

pictures is one thing. Trying to fly the little
thing somewhere is another. My opinion - it
would be irrational, I think, to ever assign an
HHMU to a mission.

230 00 36 24 CDR Do you feel - Okay, what sort of EVA tasks do

you feel the ASMU could be used for? Now I
didn't think of anything new up here, except the
ones I Just gave. You go over and inspect things.
You got problems on your - side of your vehicle.
You go over there, and if you got something you
can fix it with, you go over there and grab on,
turn off the HHMU and - and work at the site.
The HNMU [sic] on your back doesn't bother you;
even though this one's extremely heavy, it's not
bothersome. You can get there. You can crawl
along hand over hand with the HHMU. It does not
appear to encumber you particularly for work in
front of you. You can do so many things. We
could have deployed the twin-pole sunshade with
the HHNU. We wouldn't have had to put out the

2B0 00 37 05 CDR We could have gotten two pieces of line, flown

out to the end of the workshop, hooked them on
the end, come back and run the - the pulleys and
run the sail out. We could have done it in
30 minutes instead of B hours. It'd have been
much safer, better, - better design, lighter and
everything; Just - Just multiple tasks. But youtve
got to get one the people don't have to train much
on, that you don't have to fool with, that you
don't have to crank up CMGs, RATE GYROs. You got
to have one that you can throw on your back and
go. And that means DIRECT.

230 00 37 37 CDR What sort of - I Just mentioned. HHMU, no task,

zero. Only task I can - I won't even mention it.

230 O0 37 44 CDR Do you feel that the ASMU, if it was EVA qualified,
could have been used for the SL-2 CSM flyaround?
No doubt about it. What about the SAS deployment?
No, I think you could have used it to fly out the
SAS and inspect it. Now if that - They were able
to use a pole and get down there. Let's say they
could not have done that. You could have flown
_-_ 1057

up, grabbed on the side, turned off your ASMU and

worked on it, made it deploy.

230 00 38 07 CDR Any preference on mode? Sure, DIRECT, with some

cutoffs on each thruster. Okay we've - we've gone
over that thing. Let me mention a couple of other
things. In fact, we did fly the back pack with
the backspacer in. That's why I was standing so
far away from it. We took it off, flew it for Just
a few seconds without it ; the only thing I noticed
was that the hand controller, both translation and
rotation, were acceptable then and in the right
position. Everything elsewas precisely the same
as before. Batteries stay up much better than
the - We run out of gas all the time, but usually
the battery is still up to about 27 or so volts.
We've never come near 26 volts, that's even with
CMGs a lot. I think the thing that you've got to
do for "Jerr" is give him three bottles every

230 00 39 O_ CDR You've got to get rid of this _ baloney and-

don't - don't use that word - let me say you -
you've got to get rid of this HBH - HHMU works.
It's Just - It'd he like Ford fooling with a uni-
cycle and spending research money to see if he
could make a unicycle into something that everybody
on the street can use, or even one in a hundred.
And it just - You could teach somebody to use
a unicycle, but why bother? And this is - this
is an expensive experiment in time, safety, every-
thing else, and we're off doing something like
that. We ought to examine our heads. If I _hink
of any more, I'll let you know. Been good; we've
been looking forward to flying it again unsuited,
and maybe I can get around to all the baseline
maneuvers for you and do everything that's possible
with the three modes, and not the HHMU. I really
think we're beating our heads against the wall on
that thing.

230 O0 39 58 CDR I'd like to fly with those other three modes and
get as much baseline data that you can use to help
you understand the behavior or the RATE GYRO, CMGs,
the DIRECT, the pilot's ability and all those
things. And looking forward to doing it. This
goes to - this M509 information goes to Ed Whitsett,
Lou Ramon, and Bruce McCandless.
1058 _-_

230 00 40 18 CDR CDR, out.

230 00 41 33 SPT Okay, debriefing the last ATM pass. This informa-
tion goes to the ATM PIs and planners. I finished
about 00:30, and there's a question about the -
finding the coronal hole and using the magnesium lO
to find the boundary. The answer is as follows.
I used - used the magnesium lO, the persistent
image scope and the XUV monitor, and that persis-
tent image scope worked rather well to guide you
in the general direction of the coronal hole. And
I also took a picture with our Polaroid camera at
the beginning of the pass so I knew the general
outline, general shape of it. And that plus the
persistent image scope, I think, makes it fairly "
clear where to go to find the coronal hole. Then
I was also surprised to find that the magnesium l0
was also - it was a fairly short boundary. I made
some comment about that on the real-time down-link,
I believe. Let me give you those coordinates
again, however.

230 00 42 50 SPT Those coordinates inside the hole where the mag-
nesium l0 count was only 4 or 5 counts for either
time, was plus 641, plus 333. That's UP/DOWN
LEFT/RIGHT. And by moving only about 50 arc
seconds down to plus 591, plus 333, we got an in-
crease up to about 40 counts for either time. Now
I noticed later that the 55 mirror was in
position 2532, instead of being coaligned with
H-alpha. The 55 mirror is about 80 arc seconds
below all of the coordinates that I just - I Just
read to you.

230 00 43 33 SPT I did the two GRATING AUTO SCANS as requested

there. And found that it certainly was possible
to find boundaries in this way, rather short
boundaries of magnesium 10. J0P 15 Charlie went
okay. I did not do JOP 7 as I'll need a test on
real time, if they come up again, because I was
uncertain about the timing. There is no comment
about whether I should have been in CMP or Sun
timing, the SR/FS switch. There's about 30 seconds
difference between those two at the present time.
Sometimes more or less, but at the moment it's
about 30 seconds. And we Just inhibited a dump.
I wasn't sure whether that changed any of these

times. I didn't have a chance to look ahead and

get this clarified before we lost contact. The
rest of the pass was potentially wasted in the 82B
film. There is a fair amount of film involved in
JOP 7. I elected tQ not attempt JOP 7, and it
served as a shopping list 5 on the new active
region Just coming over the east limb as ... Again
55 was aperture 25/32. So every grating auto scan
which I did will not provide - that is, produce
the information, I don't imagine. But I got 56
data and 82B put into my three time exposures for
XUV on this new active region.

230 00 _4 59 SPT So I hope you'll reschedule JOP 7 again as soon

as possible, and I'll give it another try here and
try to get clarified on the t_ng arrangement be-
fore we come up to it.

230 00 _5 12 SPY End of message for the ATM PIs and planners.


230 02 07 26 PLT Good evening, space fans. This is Jack, on chan-

nel A, and the subject is ATM. This is the final
pass today and so first off, l'm going to read you
the fr_ counter readings. Now I read these last
night and somehow they got lost and - so here they
are tonight for sure. H-alpha was 4835; S056 read-
ing 2471; S082A is reading 85; S082B, 379; S052
reading 3133; S054 reading 3019.

230 02 08 12 PLT Now I want to debrief the last run. This is the
Ol:ll rev. I thought I b,d me a perfect day going
o_ the ATM until I got on this, and the th_ng that
happened to me was that I reversed the ROLL. I
I started out at minus 5400 instead of 10,800.

230 02 08 33 PLT And I noticed that Just after I started this, in

lieu of going hack and starting all over again,
why I was deep enough into it where I didn't want
to commlt any more exposures and Just waste them.
So I maintained a ROLL of a m_nus 5400 for a build-
ing block 1A. And then I did my ROLL to minus 10,800
for building block 1B - And the only thing
1060 _

I did different in building block IB - was I decided

that the S052 guy wouldn't care too much for a
bunch of continuous exposures and in the wrong roll
with the best part of his corona going behind the
pylon. So I didn't do the CONTINUOUS MODE on IB.
Instead, what I did was to complete IB for every-
body else and then I rolled back to minus 5400 and
I gave S052 the - about 4 or 5 minutes worth of
CONTINUOUS. At the same time I ran a GRATING AUTO
SCAN. Now I guess the only inconvenience it causes
is in rotating your picture 90 degrees when the
data's reduced except for the S082 guy where -
which is - spectrum is misplaced in the wrong
direction, although he has photographs on - two
photographs on each side of the roll. So although
they're different exposure times, hopefully he
won't be suffering too bad on account of the blun-
ders that I made there. So I tried to recoup it
as best I could without wasting frames.

230 02 i0 42 PLT Okay, so after that I had already done shopping

list item 13 earlier in the day. But I went back
and picked up something that I had been unable to
get, for which I had substituted that item 13.
And that was the JOP 5, building block 6A, back
in the rev we started at 20:29.

230 02 ll 09 PLT And my roll had pointed to the coordinates that

Owen had penciled in here. And I went ahead and
I completed your step as you had requested it,
step 3, that is, building block 6A. And that came
off - and I got that off all on time. So we've
been able to complete that. So with the exception
of a little bit of inconvenience on the part of
some of - of your data reduction and a little bit
of degradation on S082A, well, I think we recouped
the thing all right. We came out okay for today.
And I promise to do it perfect tomorrow.

230 02 ii 58 PLT Thank you and good night then.


230 12 58 47 PLT Good morning, space fans. This is Jack on chan-

nel A. The subject is ATM. Debriefing the last
run which began at 12:15. I ran off the JOP 9,
building block 2. No problem. Got down to the
27-minute mark for shopping list item 16. I
searched around for the gap in the limb brighten-
ing in the XUVMONITOR and the persistent Image
scope. And I found a place near where you sug-
gested and started the experiments going. About
6minutes after starting them, I found what I
thought to be a better place. And since - since
they weren't using but a couple of exposures, I
decided to stop it and to - repoint. And so I
did. I pointed to what appeared to me to be a -
a better break in the limb brightening. There
actually were two breaks in the limb brightening
and I selected the one which l've photographed;
however, l'm not satisfied it was the best one.

230 13 O0 i0 PLT I feel there's another one there which would be

equally good or better, and I hope that if time
permits later on in the day, I'ii be able to go
F back and get that because we want to make sure
we cover the waterfront on that, particularly
since l've only taken a couple of exposures. In
searching around for the - it took me a little
longer time to find the - and search around for
the - the break in the limb brightening than I
had hoped it might, so I was unable to complete
the second - the second shopping list item num-
ber 16 which begins at 10minutes prior to the
end of rev.

230 13 00 53 PLT And so my plan is to attempt later in the day to

go back and pick that item up as well as to give
you a better shot of the second break in limb
brightening. To trace the - the other break in
the limb brightening, which I would like to cover,
I would have to roll about 20 degrees counter-
clockwise. So there are two spots there which -
seem to meet the requirement, and l'd like to get
both of them.

230 13 01 29 PLT That concludes the debriefing on 12:15 rev and

Owen'll be up for the next one.

230 15 55 13 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the run on the ATM.
It's for the ATM backroom. Everything Just went
perfect. When I got finished, I ran building -
correction item 5 on the shopping list. On 82B
I got exposures at all settings: 240, 40, I0,
2, asdl.

230 15 55 39 CDR CDR, out.

230 15 56 B1 CDR CDR again. I also gave 56 a PATROL SHORT.

Thought they might like that.


2B0 16 25 28 SPT Okay, we're on channel A to give a M487-BB,

which is evaluation guide number 2. This is the
SPT. Let me go back to guide number 1 and comment
on something that I Just ran across. I don't
know if I mentioned it the other day or not, but
the tops of these food trays are absolutely lousy.
A11 three of ours are malfunctioning to some extent
or other. Either they open with great difficulty -
Jack had to about take a screwdriver to his one
day - or they won't latch or they do intermittently
and Just never function properly. The latch is
no good.

2B0 16 26 05 SPT Now on to guide number 2, habitability parameters

of the wardroom: I mentioned Just briefly all
stowage of stuff again today. Now the SPT's stuff
is over there between the PLT and CDR. And he
has to - to transfer across them or around them to -
or something every time he gets his food out. It'd
be a lot simpler if he had his food over where he
could reach it from the place where he eats. Of
course you only need one place to dispose of it,
but there's no way to get around that.

2B0 16 26 4B SPT Waste management compartment, ceiling/floor

proximity: All that stuff is satisfactory. I
think it is satisfactory to have the floors Just
about as far apart as they are. Ingress/egress
are okay.

2B0 16 26 56 SPT Sleep, trash collecti - sleep compartment: All

that looks reasonably good. However, all the
"_ 1063

stuff that you need to have stowed, you need to

have little compartments or cubbyholes or things
for it. It's a nice Jot packing all that amount
of clothes into that little tiny spot, but every
time you pull out one, why you pull out a whole
fistfull. We need to have a spot where we could
stow things. There's that one big locker up at
the top that's got Velcro around the sides, but
I think it would be better if it were divided
into four - four smaller compartments or at least
two or three compartments so that various things
could be put inside them. And we also need to
have Velcro attached to the things that need to
, go into them. For example - no - for example,
that can of M133 equipment with the large syringe,
and needle, and stuff. All that stuff is floating
around in there and I've had to Just tape it down.
It should have had some Velcro attached so that
you could put the stuff where it went - where it -
where it belongs.

230 16 27 59 SPT Experiment compartment: That rates pretty good.

230 16 28 04 SPT Forward area dome: It's obviously not arranged

for anything in particular. It's Just a big
volume. If you're going to do flyaround exercises,
why you need that volume. If you were going to do
experiments or something like that for the most
part, why it's very inefficiently arranged. There's
no reason to have those big volumes. It's fun from
the standpoint of aerobatics. It a11ows you a
little room to do t,s,hling, flips, rolls, and
dives, and so forth, but it's not functional from
the standpoint of making good use of the volume.

230 16 28 32 SPT The airlock is arranged satisfactorily, no com-

plaints. Noise levels are al1 satisfactory every-
where. Illnm_nation is all too low. We need, I
would think, a few places where we could get
higher illln,_uation for any sort of fine work
that's necessary. We don't have a11 that much
reading to do, but occasionally there are a few
things that require close examination, working on
some device or something of that nature. And we
don't have any locations like that without bringing
down one of those portable lights and sticking it
over where you want. So maybe that's the solution,
lO64 _-_

actually. It's a lot of bother to go bring one of

those big lights around. At the msment, the illum-
ination levels are all low. They're adequate
except for fine work.

230 16 29 31 SPT That's the end of the SPT's evaluation guide

number 2.


230 17 38 25 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A. De-

briefing the last ATMrun. The last run was 1644
run, 1644. I completed JOP 9, and J0P 15A, and
15A twice, step 2 and 5. They came off about the
way you wanted them. In fact, exactly the way you
wanted them. I used the same pointing coordinates
that A1 had set up in the previous rev. ROLL,
of 10,800, DOWN, to minus 1.9, and RIGHT to a
plus 475.

230 17 39 09 PLT Okay, then I had some time at the end of the rev,
and to go back and pick up something that I missed
earlier on rev number 1. I had earlier given you
a little conversation about brightening the gap
and the brightening around the limb on the XUV
monitor from the 1215 rev. This concerns shopping
list item number 16, which I pointed out that there
were two gaps in that area. And I had thought that
perhaps the other gaps that - other than the one
that I picked - would also have been a good one to
go to. And in discussing it with Owen and looking
at the XUVmonitor and - at photographs on the
XUV MON, why we decided that the - the gap in the
limb brightening that was selected in shopping
list item 16 on the first rev was very much accept-
able and probably better than the other one anyway.

230 17 40 13 PLT At the conclusion of the rev this time, I had the
time on it. They said to go back and to pick up
the part that I missed on the first rev. Namely
the shopping list item 16 which starts at lO min-
utes remaining. So that's what I did. I went
back to the same pointing coordinates. I rolled
about subcenter a little bit in order to get some
background conditions which was near the gap into
_ 1065

the slit and also into the field of view of S055,

and I proceeded to put 56 in the filter 4 and so
forth. And I wasn't able, quite, to get a 8-minute
exposure. I got 7 minutes and 38 seconds before
the ESS got it, but I think you'll find that

230 17 41 09 PLT So we have completed the first rev in regards to

coronal hole number 3, as you had requested. If
I do ever get time again I'll - I would like to
go back to that same area and pick up another
frame on the second gap on the limb brightening
in that area. If I do I will - if I do get time
I'll proceed back there and do that. Otherwise -
that concludes the briefing - debriefing on 1644
rev, and looks like we're all up to date and we'll
catch you next time around.

230 17 41 41 PLT Thanks a lot, fellows.


290 20 52 45 PLT Okay. Why don't we take a look in on the scene

and see what's going on in Skylab today. We've
been here about 22 days now and this is our first
real day off. We have to accomplish a few chores
that have been outstanding for sometime. We Just
thought we'd show you one of them. You notice we
have here Captain Alan Bean getting a haircut.
A1 is the commander of this flight, the leader of
this mob. Every mob's got a leader, you know. The
guy who's working on him is Owen Garriott, mad
scientist, distinguished professor, from Oklahoma.
Looks like it's going pretty well. A little hair
gets around, but we've got a blower up there that
Owen is using now to brush the hair into and it - -

290 20 53 47 CC ... We see the - the VTR is selected to the ATM

and just wanted to make sure that was intentional.

CDR Sure glad you reminded us.

CC Roger.

290 20 5_ 37 PLT Yes. Well, what's going on here? We thought we'd

show you a few scenes from Skylab. Here it is

the 22nd day of our flight. It's our first re_l

day off and we thought we'd show you one of the
things that goes on in here on a day off. We've
needed haircuts for quite a while, so that's
what's going on. Here's Captain Alan Bean who
is the - the leader of this mob - every mob has
a leader - and distinguished professor and mad
scientist, 0wen Garriott, trimming his hair.
Doing pretty well, too. He's flicking off the
hair up - _ith that little blower up there_ I
might show you the tools of the trade used in
Skylab, much like you might use on Earth - a
little comb with a razor in it. It seems to be
working quite well. Just a plain old hair comb.
We also have some bandage shears which - They
come out later when we have to patch him up.
Well, I can see it's not going to be a professional
Job, but there's no waiting and the price is

230 20 56 24 CC CDR, Houston. On the ATM console, we'd like the

MANUAL POINTING CONTROL switched to - ... and
we'd like to get ...

CDR What else do you want, Dick?

CDH ...

230 21 04 22 PLT Yes.

CDR ... tape recorder on?

230 21 04 40 PLT Well, here we are again, space fans. We thought

we'd drop back and see how it goes after a while.
It looks like it's getting cut pretty short.
A1, of course, has always had his hair trimmed
rather short. In fact, in the Navy they used to
call him "Skin Head." Now they call him Captain.
Owen is doing a great Job. See we have all the
comforts of the modern barbershop; music in the
background. We're doing this in the waste
management compartment. Thought it would be less
of a mess this way. One of the advantages, of
course, of having your hair cut in zero g is that
you don't have to sweep the floor. The hair
doesn't even get on your shoulders. It gets up
in the air sometimes and you Just vacu1_m it up
like this. That's what I'm doing - catching this

loose hair with the vacuum cleaner. Doing a nice

Job, Owen. You might wonder why we chose Owen
to do this Job.

230 21 05 47 SPT Yes, why?

PLT Well, we figured you could always trust a barber

with a moustache.

SPT You know, I think I could learn to ... hair - -

230 21 06 01 PLT Well, we'll come back and check on them a little
later and see how they're doing. You know there
aren't many folks that get their hair cut at
18,000 miles an hour.

230 21 24 19 PLT Well, here we are, folks. Let's take a look at

the finished product and see how's it going.
Boy, that's a real improvement, 0wen. You did
a great Job. AI, looks like that ought to last
you a couple more weeks. We've got another 5
or 6 weeks to go. Looks like Owen is next. You
may wonderwhy I'm wearingthis funny cap. You
may think it's for communication. It's not
though. It' s for protection.

230 21 24 43 PLT I'm not going to let these bums cut my hair'

230 21 38 h0 SPT Okay, this is the SPT t_]king about the last orbit.
We did find the second bright spot. It was much
brighter than the first bright spot viewed which
had faded from a peak intensity of say 1500 in
DETECTOR 3, GRATING, ZERO - In other words, oxygen
6 - down to about 300 or so by the end of that
orbit - second orbit. So after completing the
building block ii and i0, I then did pick up
another bright spot and ran a building block ii
and a modified i0. Its intensity was about
1500 counts, pretty good at times. And it was
also perhaps worth noting that its physical location
was off the end of a filament in H-alpha. There
was no H-alpha signature, but it was, say an
arc minute or so away from the end of the filament,
more or less in the direction of the extension of
that filament, suggesting the possibility that
it might be along the magnetic neutral line itself.
And whether that's true for bright spots in general

or even this one in particular, I don't Know, Put

it did appear to be related to the filament since
it was along the extension of that filament line.
End of message to the ATM PIs and planners.

230 21 39 58 SPT SPT, out.


230 22 17 19 PLT Hello, space fans, this is Jack on channel A.

The subject is ATM debriefing on the past run,
nt_nber - beginning at 21:24. Ran off everything
Just there - there Just the wa_ you like it. We
looked at the XUVMONITOR for the - per - persistent
scope - persistent image scope, and decided that
your coordinates had to be changed a little bit.
We reversed all the signs, of course_ 10,800,
minus 259, and a plus 558 for bright, but we
changed the UP/DOWN to a minus 70 because it
appeared to both Owen and myself that the 55 would
not be taking data in the coronal hole if we took
the coordinates you gave us. And so we moved up a
little bit. We attempted to check out the position
with the number 3 DETECTOR near the end of the
run but weren't able to get it because we were
too close to two parts of the sunset. But we're
confident after looking through the persist -
persistent image scope that we improved the point-
ing as far as the coronal hole was concerned. So
the numbers we're going with are: 10,800, ROLL;
UP/DOWN, minus 70; and RIGHT/LEFT is plus 558.

230 22 18 h9 PLT And we'll be checking in with yom on the next rev.

230 22 20 06 CDR Then I'll float down. No, you Just keep doing
anything. You run the dome lockers, dive, spin
in the middle, just do whatever you want. Just
don't get going too fast, so we won't bump into
each other.

230 22 20 17 CDR Do whatever you like. Oh, yes, we take turns.

I'll - I'll come down here soon as I take my thing
off; I'll come over here and - and kind of shine
on whoever is doing something, with the TV; try
to hold it steady. And - and after a few minutes,

somebody - less than a few minutes - s_mebody come

over there - there to repl_ce me, and then the
other one in a little while. So everybody'll get
a chance to do it. Just keep doing it, and we'll
get enough.

CREW What channel?


230 22 20 _9 CDR Okay, go to VTR, ON. You ready?

CREW ... ON.

230 22 21 l_ CDR You're now inside the experiment compartment of

our Skylab space station. You can't tell it when
you're inside, but we're going 18,000 miles an
hour and we're 270 miles above the Earth. We go
around once every 93 minutes. But when you're
inside, things are different. As you can see, I'm
floating. I'm not touching anywhere. That's one
of the things that makes space sort of interesting.
It not only makes it interesting when you're doing
your scientific work, like we do on these medical
experiments; it not only m_es it interesting when
you're sleeping, like we do in the compartment
behind you, or in the wardroom, or the head; but
it's interesting on your times off and you got a
little free time on your own. And if you'll go
upstairs - we'll go upstairs now, let's take a
look at some of the things we cam do with zero
gravity when we're trying to relax and take it

230 22 22 08 CDR This compartment is much bigger than below. It's

larger than a large room in a - in your house.

CRE_ ...

230 22 22 _0 CDR No, it's okay. He'll get it mounted. They can
cut this dead time out and make it right.

230 22 23 i0 CDR As you can see, it's a very big room. It's about
20 feet in diameter and it's even higher from
the hole in the command module down to the hole in
the floor. So there's a lot of things you can do.
For example, you can push out of the hole in the
command module - from the command module area,

and perform rolls or tumbles _J] the way down to

the floor. You can go as fast as you like or as
slow as you like. We've got 25 stowage lockers
around the periphery of the vehicle. And if you
give yourself a little push, the same forces that
will slide your car to the outside of a turn,
will give you some traction so that you can run
around these lockers.

230 22 23 55 CDR We can do stunts up here that gymnasts, and acro-

bats, and divers have never been able to do on
Earth. Let's try a few.

230 22 27 05 CC ... Madrid for 13 and a half minutes.


230 23 51 20 CDR We're on RECORD. We're on A CHANNEL, PUSH TO TALK.

... settled. Get ready to go.

CDR Wish that handmike worked. Okay.

CDR I'm going to eat.

PLT ...

CDR Huh?

230 23 52 07 PLT It's 7 o'clock. It's dark outside ...

CDR Uh-huh. What the heck's going on? I just got

tangled up.

CDR It can't be that ... Okay.

230 23 52 45 PLT Since you're going to t_Ik, I'm going to start get-
ting undressed .... talk With ... trousers ...

CDR Okay. Wait, what's all that light doing in that

one corner? We need that light dim. Hey, I didn't
... this thing good either.

PLT (Whistling)

230 23 54 14 CDR I'm on A. Yes. Okay. Yes, don't say too much.
Okay. Well, I - 0keydoke. -_

CDR Where am I? Am I in the picture? I was floating

too high. Don't move it now, I've got it _ust
right. Am I in the picture - completely?

CDR Okay.

230 23 54 53 CDR Why don't you tip it down, Just a little. Wonder
how that got there? ... Okay.

SPT Okay, are you guys ready?

CDR Not yet, not yet. We found a bright object.

230 23 55 12 CDR Okay, looks good Jack, come on in. Wait a minute,
let me see where I am. l'm right here. Wait a
minute, wait a minute. We got to have sc_e light.

CDR Okay, Just come on in, O. Wait a minute, wait a

minute. Start her running, O. Let me know when
you got it running.

230 23 55 _5 SPT It's running.

_ CDR Okay, good; come on in.

230 23 55 53 CDR Okay, here we are back in Skylab. We're above the
Earth now, 270 miles, and we're going 18,000 miles
an hour. And it's time to clean up. We've had
some hard days up here; we worked hard. Normally
we take a washrag-type bath with:a towel and a wash-
rag, in waste compartment there, but it's Saturday
night and I th_nk it's time to take a shower. So
Jack's going to give us one. Let me show you how
we do it. First of all, we got to get some water
from somewhere. We use this device right here.
It's not unlike a squirter that you have on your
family sink. Matter of fact, this nozzle design
was taken from a family sink squirter. You push
the trigger, the water comes out. Okay, how about
some soap, Jack? You're gonna need that.

PLT Got some right here.

230 23 56 4_ CDR Okay, here's some soap. It's special. It won't

clog up the filters. We catch every bit of the
water, put it back in a bag, and throw it out into
the spacecraft down inside the big tank below us.
This soap is a special kind. Push here and comes
f-_ out there. It's a liquid detergent.

230 23 57 01 CDR And then lastly, how do you get the water off of
you? We got a vacuum-cleaner-type arrangement.
Got a suction on it; water will come off Jack down
to here and into a bag. So his procedure is this.
He's going to get inside, bring up his shower, then
he's going to use the squirter to get wet, soap;
vacuum to get dry. And wet, vacuum, wet, vacuum,
until he's used all the water he's got, which is
up in this little tank right here, which is about
three quarts. So, we'll leave Jack to his own
devices here. Don't forget to take off your clothes,
Jack. Leave Jack to his own devices and see how it
comes out.

230 23 58 04 CDR We'll be back in a few minutes to see how it's

doing. Okay, Owen, cut.

SPT Okay, it's off. It's off.

230 23 58 23 CDR Jack, ... I'ii come back ... You go ahead ...

PLT ...

CDR ... shower ... wet.

SPT How you doing, Jack?

CC ... for 4 minutes.

SI_ ... Hank.

230 23 58 44 SPT There you go.

_ DAY 231 (AM) 1073

231 01 21 35 CDR You got your towel?

SPT He's rubbing off.

PLT ...

CDR Okay. You don't want a dry one now, do you?

PLT ... dry.

231 01 21 53 CDR Remember that's looking down in your bucket, so

you got to keep it up a little high until you float
out. Okay. Otherwise they're going to see your
pants. You got to keep that up a little high, or
we'll see you got your pants on to begin with.
Owen' I got to call him on comm. (Whistle) Gosh,
he's always got something he's got to do.

PLT ...

CDR Yes.

p SPT Be with you in 5 minutes.

CDR Here he c_nes. (Whistle)

SPT Turn on whatever light - Which one? Okay.

231 01 23 20 CDR Okay, space fans. Here we are again. Jack is

Just finishing up his shower. Let me start that
again. Here we are, space fans. Jack is - Just
finished hi s shower. It's taken him quite a long
time; roughly - roughly 35 minutes. He's - it
didn't take that long to wash, but to vacuum out
not onlyhimself but the inside of the container,
so the water won't all get out when he p1,11S it
down. It Just takes time. Come on out, Jack.
How did it feel?

PLT Great ...

231 01 23 53 CDR .... that's great. (Laughter) I want to congrat-

ulate you, too, on your new record - world
record-breaking shower. (Laughter.) It took
35 minutes which is - really is about 15,000 miles.
So I think he,s taken the longest shower in the
history of the world (laughter); if that's any con-
solation to you. You look clean, though.

PLT Well, I am. After 2 weeks you can't help but get
clean somehow.

231 01 2h 30 CDR I'll go turn it off.

231 01 25 02 PLT Is it off?

231 01 25 28 CDR ...


231 01 56 32 CDR Hey, is this comm box still putting out?

PLT Yes .... I Just put it in TV, Owen. Went over

there to check the TV.

CDR All right. That's true. A good thing to do.

Jack's in there. You got a towel? You got one?
You got everything you need to be happy?

PLT Yea! Yea!

CDR Put it in that book.

PLT Everything on? ...

231 01 57 lh CDR No, that'll be on in a minute. 0. - Owen's going

upstairs right now, I hope.

PLT You've got the ...?

231 01 57 18 CDR We're ready now. Thing's going to bl_nk on and

we're in biz. I'll tell you one thing that'll
have to blink on - that's if I plug it in. Okay?

PLT What'll blink on?

CDR ... you know, when the thingcomes on.

231 Ol 57 h2 CDR I'ii have a video. A little thing in video.

CDR It says any type performance by Jack Lous -

PLT You ought to, we've only rehearsed this about

six times.
CDR All right, let's go. Kick her on.

PLT ...

CDR No. Wonder why it's on?

PLT Whoopee!

PLT It's on.

231 01 58 35 CDR Okay, we're back again at the shower. It's been
35 minutes and Jack is - hasn't spent most of that
time washing. He spent a good percentage of it
wiping up the water that had been inside. Not
wiping up, but using the vacuum. He first vacuumed
himself, as you recall, two or three times and then
he came and vacuumed the inside of the - of the
tank. So how's it doing in there, Jack?

PLT Great. l'm all ready to come out.

CDR Come out, then.

CDR You look good.

PLT ... boy, I feel better, too.

CDR Clean Marine.

PLT Yes, sir.

231 Ol 59 07 CDR I want to congratulate you, too, Jack, on your

new world record. It took about 35 minutes and
near as I can figure, that's about 15,000 miles
you traveled. So you may have had the longest
shower (laughter) in the history of mankind.

PLT It was a fast shower.

CDR It was, huh?

231 Ol 59 26 CDR Okay, that's it. (Laughter)

i076 _

231 02 45 13 CDR This is the - this is the CDR. I Just attempted

... photograph with no luck at all. The area was
overcast except for a small hole off the northwest.
I took a picture of the hole right on time as
suggested bythe pad, but I have no hope that it
will result in anything. I Just pointed with the
500-millimeter - nine - 300-millimeter Nikon, one
with lO0-millimeter Hasselblad. But I'd say that
I was not successful at all. It should be done
over again sometime with better weather.

231 02 h5 43 CDR CDR out.

231 03 01 56 SPT Info for the biomed people, M092 PIs in particular_
Dr. Johnson at the Johnson Center. The serial
numbers on our blood pressure cuffs used on the
LBNP are as follows: serial number ii is the one
currently in use and has been for some time.

231 03 02 15 SPT We have serial number 5 standing by in case we

have a back-to-back run and the first one is too
sweaty. However, we haven't had to use it for
some time. We may have used serial number 5 soon
after - or early in our mission up here. But f-_
if so, it was only for a run or two and I cannot
recall for sure whether or not that we did. So
serial number ii is the basic one that we are using
now; 5 is standby.

231 03 02 40 SPT SPT with information for the biomed people at JSC.


231 12 27 05 SPT This is the SPT on channel A, recording a note to

Jack King and Jack Riley over in Public Affairs
Office at Johnson Space Center. Just thought I
might suggest to you fellows the possibility that
the men whose names are identified as being sort
of a special day on Skylab - for example, today
was Ted Buras and I'm sure he has others listed -
might be appropriate to have some little mention
or short note made - short note made of their
contribution to Skylab - Skylab in "Roundup."
I don't know whether you provide any of the inputs
to "Roundup" but if you do, why, perhaps you could
consider that. If not, perhaps you could get in

contact with the editors over there and make that -

that suggestion to them.

231 12 27 53 SPT End of message to Jack King, Jack Riley, Public

Affairs Office at Johnson, from the SPT.


231 13 50 27 PLT Okay, space fans this is Jack on channel A, de-

briefing the last ATM run which began at 12:5h.
We got some TV down-links to make up my observing
time. We ran off the next three building blocks,
Just as everybody had hoped we might. And I got
that completed. So there's no unusual - nothing
unusual to report there. As I mentioned on the
TV down-link already, that I saw a very, very
tenuous, faint prominence at 050 extending approxi-
mately 60 arc seconds off the limb. We were able
to Just barely detect it here by sharpening up
our contrast brightener. Apparently it was too
_ faint for you to get with your ground equipment.
We'll keep watching that.

231 13 51 29 PLT One other thing that I've noticed is in the corona.
I've daily been, in the morning, m_ing a sketch
on our transparent sketching disk - a sketch of
the corona. And unless I missed it yesterday,
there appears to be a - a sort of a brightening at
about 300 on the - on the Sun, the brightening
that I did not record yesterday. It looks like
it may develop into a - a ray. It is more northerly
than the pronounced ray that's been at 270 for
some time. This one is approximately, as I said,
east-northeast or 300 on the Sun. Just a little
brightening and a extension out into the corona
and we'll keep watching it and making sketches of
it. Perhaps it'll develop into something that
we haven't seen before in the last few days.

231 13 52 _5 PLT So that's all I got to report on and see you

next rev. Thank you.

231 13 55 0_ SPT Okay, here are the PRD readings. CDR, 201;
SPT, 083; PLT - 201, 083, o84.
1078 _
231 13 55 38 PLT And here's Jack for one more note for the ATM
world. I noticed when the Sun went down this
time that 82A DOOR's talkback is staying white.
I'll try to go to CLOSED and see what happens.
I think I already tried that and it worked. Also,
the EXPOSURE talkback stayed gray.

231 13 58 46 SPT Okay, SPT on channel A, getting set for the S063

231 13 59 31 SPT First photograph is l_:01:30, 1 second.

231 14 00 13 SPT No darn good.

231 14 00 53 SPT Son of a gun.

231 14 01 25 SPT Okay, transcriber, please cut out my last remark.

I forgot I was on channel A in RECORD, so it could
be omitted, and scratched from the record. I got
to figure out what's going on here.

231 14 04 56 SPT Okay, here's the debriefing of the attempt at

S063 for Doctors Packer and Wally Teague and
Jack Lew at Johnson Spacecraft Center. I Just
have been set up for S063 in an attempt to photo-
graph the twilight horizon with Nikon 02, film
cassette BV13. I had the timer all set up. After
we st - managed to get the windows opened and all
aligned, I found that there was no convenient place
to mount the bracket. I simply had to go handheld
on the thing. And then, in turning the timer on,
it may have been that the knob on the back of the
camera body was slightly out of position T. It
was not over into C, which I believe means con-
tinuous, but it might have been slightly out of T.
And when I turned the timer on, the camera went
into a continuous cycling.

231 l_ 06 15 SPT Now I only had about l0 frames left to begin with,
and by the time I had it stopped, it was essentially
at the end of the film. So, therefore, I had no
film remaining from the cassette Brava Victor 13
with which to take any photographs. Therefore,
we'll - this run has been unsuccessful, and I would
like to have it rescheduled again at the next
I _ 1079

231 14 06 h8 SPT And for the flight planners, l would like to have
a bit more time for preparation for S063. I
think I hurried too much this morning, although
that was not a factor in my messing up the oppor-
tunity. We'll Just have to reschedule it and do
it again right the next time. SPT with information
for the S063 PIs, Wally Teague and Jack Lew.

231 14 07 29 SPT Message out.

231 i_ 19 28 SPT Okay, SPT recording on channel A with additional

information for S063 PIs and the - Wally Teague,
Jack Lew. With Nikon 01 still using the old
cassette CXl2, which we intend to change out
promptly, there may be about six or eight color
photographs of the sunrise. They were done at
infinity, f/1.2, and either 1-second or 1/2-second
exposure with no filter on the front and the
55-millimeter visible lens. So we'll take a look
on this cassette, to see if we managed to get any.

231 lh 20 06 SPT This is the cassette that is now functioning at

_" the moment, in terms of the frame numbers, so
don't know exactly what frame these will be on,
except that they should be at the end of the roll.


231 15 02 36 PLT Hello, space fans. This is Jack with one comment
on the ATMpass that's currently in progress. I
started it, and I gave you a full start Just before
ESR, so I stopped it and then I started it over
again. And that's the reason for a few extra
frames getting shot off.

231 15 37 19 SPT This is the SPT on channel A recording information

about the M092/93, run on the PLT, Jack by name.
He has the standard legbands. That's the ones
that have been called out on the pad. Just a

231 15 37 _l SH _ Now that's BK, Baker King, on the left; Baker

Uncle, BU, on the right leg. His left leg calf
size was 14-1/2; his right leg calf size was -
1080 _"

calf size was 14-3/4, and we're using serial num-

ber ll on the blood pressure cuff, and that serial
n1:mberwill continue to be used unless otherwise

231 15 38 53 SPT Just to doublecheck. I wanted to make sure you

got it. That was Baker Uncle on the right leg as
the pad requires.

231 15 42 56 SPT And another change we want to mention. Jack is

using saddle position number 7 as a trial today,
number 7 to see if that fits him any better than
did number 8 which had been standard up to this
point. And he seems to think that it's about
right. It - the iris [?] comes down right at the
ilian crest, I believe you fellows would call it.
We would say that it's Just right at the top of
the hipbone there.

231 15 _3 2_ SPT And that seems to be about the configuration closest

to ground-level locations.

231 15 57 58 SPT Okay, on channel A. The PLT likes position 6 on

the saddle, so we're going to go with that. Excuse
me, position 7; so we're going to go with 6 for
the CDR, SPT, and 7 for the PLT as our standard
saddle settings from now on.

231 16 17 15 SPT Okay, Jack Just completed the pedaling portion of

the M093 and the wattmeter - reads - WATT-MINUTE
meter reads 3011 minutes.


231 16 39 25 SPT Okay, on channel A, SPT recording information about

the visual observations and photography of the
Straits of Magellan. This information goes to
the EREP officer and any others interested in
the visual observations. It was a - your forecast
for cloud coverage. Everything was pretty good.
It looked like to the west of the Andes there was
probably 0.9 cloud coverage and to the east more
like 0.3 - 0.2 or 0.3. And, also, there was a
great deal - good deal of snow aS1 over the
mountains and it took fairly close inspection, in

sc_e cases, to distinguish the clouds from the

snow. I expect the photographs with the Hasselblad,
which is the only thing I used, will be much better
information than that which I am able to relate
verbally. For example, I couldn't see that there
was any particular depression to the - to the
Andes, although it did look like the terrain was
fairly low with some ridges extending east-west.
The canyons near the Santa Cruz River did not look
particularly unique, Just that the terrain came
down fairly rapidly from the Andes, apparently.

231 16 40 45 SPY The cloud pattern was, as I mentioned before,

principally to the west of the Andes with relatively
little clouds to the east side of the Andes.

231 16 41 48 SPY Pardon me.

231 16 42 03 SPT The - sighting a waterflow was such that there

did appear to be a fair amount of the land
that had washed down out of the mountains and
could be seen as a brownish coloring as it ran
off into the ocean. I presume a good deal of that
was from the Santa Cruz River but from several of
the other rivers around there also. And it looked
like there might have been a flow pattern from
Pacific into the Atlantic also. I don't know
whether that flow reverses itself every day or
whether or not there's sort of a continuous flow
with the current, but it looked like there might
have been a flow from the Pacific toward the
Atlantic to the Strait. And that's about _II the
visual information I have to report. The photo-
graphs I took before should be quite a bit better.
And I did slip over to the other $TS window. I
guess it will be number 4, I think. I took one
photograph up to the north along the eastern coast
of Argentina, which might also be an interesting
terrain photograph.

231 16 43 06 SPT End of message to the EREP officer and others

interested in visual observation.

231 16 50 21 CDR Okay, this is the CDR brief - debriefing the

ATM run. I started a little bit before 6, at
sunrise, as I mentioned to you on - By the way,
this is for the ATM science room. Started before
detected sunrise. I got to quit doing that. I've
done that twice. I'ii try to be more careful.
i082 A

And I started a little bit before sunrise. I Just

kept running on the advice of y'all, through the
CAP COMM, as you know. Everything else went normal.
I went down at 82A. We're shooting WAVELENGTH,
SHORT, experiment 40 seconds. And I think in one
case, somewhere in there, I made an exposure that
was not 40 seconds long but was in fact probably
20 seconds long. This clock counts backwards up
here and when I subtracted B0, I then subtracted
another i0. And I went around the wrong way men-
tally on the clock. So, for example, if I started
at 45 and counted down to 15, I should have stopped
at 5, but I made it - made it go 15, 20, 25; so I
stopped at 25. So actually it was about a 20-second
exposure. But you'll be able to isolite [sic]
that. I think the rest of it went real well.

2BI 16 O0 45 CDR That's for the ATM ... science room. CDR out.

231 16 59 57 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A. The

subject is M509, battery recharge for the Lou Ramon.
BATTERY 7 - started its recharge at 17:00.
BATTERY 6 was terminated at that same time. Okay, ....
and the appropriate PSS bottles have been topped

2B1 17 00 22 PLT So long, Lou.


2BI 18 B0 54 CDR Okay, this is the CDR debriefing the last ATM run.
Everything went well except that apparently I didn't
do the third S054 exposure, which was an M, 2, 0,
S, 64. I thought I did, but I guess I got locked
up in that - that demonstration there to the ground
TV down-link. So I went back - I wasn't sure
whether it was a 6 or a 2, so I did a 6 and a 2
and then went back to - did the Sun center. Then
went back to building block 2 and I had already a
l, O, S, 6, 256, and so I tried to get in the
3, O, S, 64 and couldn't make it before we went
into darkness.

2B1 18 B1 42 CDR So I truncated that, and that's where we stand.

-"-_", 1083


231 20 37 23 PLT Okay, space fans. This is Jack on channel A.

The subject is T020. We're about to begin the
run. Al's got the backpack mounted. He's on
the FCMU. He's made his thruster checkout. The
camera has been checked out, and we're at the
point where we're ready to undock with the FCMU.
So I go down here and I release the lower latches,
and you do as I say. (Chuckle)

231 20 37 56 PLT Okay, we're in RELEASE. Now what you need to do

is raise the docking latch, and I unlock the
FCMU RELEASE. Okay. Okay, squeeze the FCMU RE-
T_ASE, grip the handlebars, and torque up and out
of the mounting fixture. I'll position you in the
center of the workshop.

231 20 B8 30 PLT They haven't told me to turn them on yet for some
reason. Oh, it must be they want to save film
_-_ because we don't do it until we start our first run.

231 20 38 44 PLT Okay, there you are. You're looking good, A1.

231 20 38 48 PLT Okay, here's what we're going to do. I'Ii position
you in the center of the workshop. Veri - verify
seat height adjustment. What you do is come over
here with me. This is where I mess around with your
foot height, okay?

231 20 39 19 PLT Okay. I'm going to get out of the way of the
thrusters, if you don't mind. And command a plus -
wait a minute. After you command this - during -
when you command this plus-Z translation, you
verify the shoeplates do not slide forward on the
foot controller and that the tendency to pitch
the toes up or down is minimal.

231 20 39 h0 PLT Okay, do a plus-Z. Okay. Now do it - Try it

again. Don't - don't do it; Just -

231 20 40 02 PLT Okay, I wanted to - verify that your toes don't

pitch up or down, necessarily. How do you feel?
Do you feel comfortable pushing now without -
Do you feel like you're - when you push - -
1084 _-_

231 20 40 ii CDR ... nee_ to be taller.

231 20 40 13 PLT You need to be taller. Okay. He needs to be

taller. I PULL TO RELEASE - seat height. That's
so hard I've got to have three hands to do that.
A little taller.

2BI 20 40 B1 PLT Okay, there's one right in the middleL In fact,

I could - I got some more yet. Now how does that
feel when you do a plus-Z? Does it feel like you
want to rock your - rock your feet to give you
some commands you don't want, like rotational
cow,hand? Verify that the shoeplates are not
sliding forward. Push down and see if you slide

2B1 20 41 0B PLT No, they don't slide forward. They don't rotate
either. Okay, now let's do a minus-Z and verify
that they do not slide forward and that the tendency
to pitch your toes up or down is minimal. Do an
up and do the same thing. Do an up now.

2B1 20 41 26 PLT Okay, straight up. It looks like the adjustments _

are pretty good, A1. It doesn't look like you're
putting any pitch commands in when - You feel like
you're not doing anyting but pure Z, huh? Okay.
Well, leave them like they are.

231 20 41 27 PLT Yes, the settings we've got are those that were
originally set in as per checklist. We have no
change thus far in the - the rotation of the
thrusters or in the position of the foot controller
from that which is in the checklist.

2BI 20 22 12 PLT Okay. I'm supposed to work these with both hands
to make sure that up and down is about the same.
I'm supposed to work the *** which is a four-handed

2B1 20 22 41 PLT I'm supposed to verify if the forces up and down

are about the same. The - The left one was.
Beats me. It looks like the right one's okay, too.
I don't know. Maybe there might be some launch
problem or something.

2BI 20 4B O0 PLT Okay, we - we don't need to change the forces on

the foot controllers. They seem to be equal in

both directions on both feet. You need to verify

that the toe-in adjustment is comfortable.

231 20 43 18 PLT Okay, I'm going to voice record the seat height
adjustment. He's got it at 50.


231 20 43 21 PLT Fifty on the seat. Now, AI, do you want that
changed at all?

CDR No, ...

PLT Now this thing is really slid up on your back here.

CDR ...

231 20 43 32 PLT And now this snap has come loose and it's - looks
like what you've done is you've tightened up the
shoulder straps and - well, this is - we're 2 inches
above you here now, and it says to be 1. Now if
z- you feel you're comfortablethat way, I'd recommend
leaving it that way.

CDR ...

231 20 43 51 PLT Okay.

PLT I'd do it in a three-handed operation.

231 20 4h 03 CC AOS over Guam for 8 minutes ....

231 20 44 19 PLT Now that's about an inch, a little more than

an inch, really. Yes, it's a little more than
an inch, but I think it's going to be okay. About
an inch and a half. Does it feel comfortable for
you? Okay, now I had a long strap here somewhere,
which I don't see anymore.

231 20 44 44 PLT Yes. That's what I'm looking for. Now what did
you say came off? No, that came loose, is what
happened. I got to tighten it up because I've
tightened the - the back adjustment.

231 20 45 16 PLT Okay, now you got to come back down here and we're
going to - -

231 20 45 20 CC Skylab, Houston. We've still got about

7-1/2 mlnuteB here at Guam and we'd appreciate
knowing fr_n the CDR and PLT as how the TO20 status
is going, if you have the time.

PLT Just a minute.

CC ...

PLT Now we can.

CC ...

PLT Hey, A1, take ...

CC ...

PLT Oh, Crip.

SPT Understand ...

231 20 46 06 PLT Well I'm going to have to modify this.

CDR ...

PLT Now, I'm putting it on my backstrap - butt strap.

Doesn't say that. It says hook it to the near
bracket, but I can do that, if you want.

CDR ...

231 20 h6 35 PLT Right down here. No; it's - it's going through
the back - backpack. Now the purpose of this is
to keep - -

CDR ...

231 20 46 44 PLT Yes. Boyl That thing is hot.

CDR ...

231 20 46 51 PLT No, not the battery; it's the - the connection.
Maybe they got a heater in there or something.
That's what they got. I bet you the heater's
where the - the - where the back PSS mates into
the umbilical going down to foot controller.
Like I say, that is hot! Now that's something I
never knew about. You ever know about that?

CDR ...

PLT ... to iso[late] propellant.

231 20 47 27 CC Skylab, Houston; we dropped out on S-band lock at

PLT Huh?

CC - - SPT 30 seconds or so.

CC - - back on the air now.

SPT ...

CC Yes, I did.

231 20 47 36 PLT I don't know, but boy, that's hot. That's what
it is.

PLT Here let me give you something to grab on to. Come

over here and hang on to -

CDR Okay .... about that.

PLT Yes.

CDR Because that thing is hot ...

231 20 47 50 PLT Yes, that doggone thing doesn't help.

PLT Hello, Houston, how do you read?

SPT Hello, Dick. Are you there?

CC Yes, sir. Go ahead.

PLT Okay, I got the ... on A1 and ... getting ready

to mA_e our first run. I grabbed ahold of the
solenoid valve on the backpack and it's - it's
almnst too hot to touch. I'm wondering if that's

CC Okay, stand by.

231 20 49 23 CC PLT, Houston. We - in the present configuration,

we have had electrical current on that solenoid
1088 _-_

... holding it closed and we would not be surprised

if it' s very warm. Over.

231 20 49 37 PLT Okay. Thank you very much, Dick.

CC Okay.

PLT Apparently you' re through with the ...

231 20 49 47 CC I'm sorry; if that was for me, Jack, I didn't

get it.

PLT Okay. It looks like you're through the


231 20 _9 57 CC Roger. We are dumping it. We will be through here

in just a few seconds. And I'll let you know when
you can have it back.

231 20 50 06 PLT Okay, here we are back again, space fans. We -

Don't do that, A1. Okay. I didn't know if you
saw it or not. We have had to check with Houston
on the temperature of the solenoid valve. It's _
quite hot and they believe that it's nominal.
It's - -

CC PLT, Houston. We're through dumping the data

recorder, and it 's yours.

231 20 50 35 PLT Okay. We got our tape recorder back, he says,

and we're ready to go again.

231 20 50 41 PLT Pick up on our checklist here at - Okay, now we

verify toe-in adjustment comfortable; voice
record the seat height. We've done that. At 50,
I think, right? And now the - Open your clip,
A1. Verify a thruster block adjustment; stabilize
test pilot where desired. Initiate plus-Z trans-
lation and note any pitch and roll due to c.g.
offset. Adjust the thruster blocks as required
to minimize pitch and roll due to c.g. offset;
repeat. Okay, now I'm going to stabilize you and
you're supposed to make a plus-Z - a pure -

CDR ...

231 20 51 58 PLT Oh, I see. Okay, that way; very well.


PLT Watch head on that thing there. Nine - -

231 20 52 09 CC ... Houston, We're 45 seconds from G1_m LOS.

We're going to see you at - at Vang_=_d at 21:23.
And be advised the purple team is going off duty
for a couple of days and we've enJoyed working
these day shifts with you guys. We'll see you on
the ... shift a couple of days from now.

231 20 52 29 PLT Okay, now -

SPT ... Dick. We've enjoyed it ....

CC Okay.

231 20 52 33 PLT Do a plus-Z, pure plus-Z, nothing else.

231 20 52 h5 PLT You're pitching down, huh?

PLT Oh, okay, give you a pitchdown so we got to

rotate the thrusters a little bit. We got to
rotate them this way. Okay, now I'm going to have
f-- to go andgeta -

231 20 53 02 PLT Hang onto that thing there, will you? I got to
get the pliers because they - there we go; I don't
have to get a pliers. Okay, I'm going to rotate
them plus - down to - that was at 7. How about
if I go to 97 Hard to know. I go to 9.

231 20 53 29 PLT Okay, the left one's at 9. Let me get the right
one. Okay, Houston, that gave him a little bit
of a pitchdown when he did that Z translation.
He did a up-Z, that's plus-Z, I believe. Is that
the way the axis is, Al? Plus-Z he did and he got
a little bit of a pichdown, so I'm adjusting the
thruster position from 7 to 9. Now we got to try
it again.

231 20 54 04 FLT Going to do a minus-Z? Oh, okay. He did a mlnus-Z

to begin with and he had a pitchdown. Right?

CDR ...

231 20 54 14 FLT Okay, now he's going to do a plus-Z. Yes.

231 20 54 24 PLT He likes it. He likes it, says perfect, You

got - you got a little bit of a left yaw, but
I don't think we can do anything about that.
1090 4

231 20 54 39 PLT Okay. Okay, the thruster blocks are set at 9.

The thruster blocks are set at 9; I had to re -
voice record that. Okay, now we're going to
run l, and don't begin any maueuvers with less
than 300 psi. We've gone over the rest of the
ground rules.

231 20 55 07 PLT Okay, and we want to voice record that run 1 has
started. PSS is reading - Let me go find that

231 20 55 26 PLT Think I can probably see it there on your left

side. PSS is starting out at 2400 psi. And we
want to verify we're in FRAME RATE 2 and we are;
verified. And that my DAC remote control cable
is also at 2. Now. I need to get that remote control
cable in a better place. Just hold on there for
a minute, A1. Hold on to the air.

231 20 56 ii PLT Okay, we're set on 2 with that. Sure wish there
was a better place for that, but I think right
there will have to do.

231 20 56 40 PLT Okay, let's bring it over here.

PLT I got a short strip here. It'll hold it up.

PLT Never go around without a few extra straps.

231 20 57 26 PLT Okay.

PLT Okay, I'm going to describe what goes on. I've

read the comments that ought to be pertinent.
Okay, we're going to go into attitude change and
hold maneuvers.

PLT All right, after I give you the mark. Right? Okay.
Now I'm going to go - take you out here and position
your head toward T027 facing the film vault.
Okay. Now I'm going to have to position you up - -

CDR ...

PLT - -here or so.

PLT What way?


231 20 58 3_ PLT Okay, let me get m_ foot in over here somewhere.

Where's the triangle I use every time?

231 20 58 54 PLT If I don't break that TV camera. You feel com-

fortable here? Okay, let me stabilize you. You
feel like you're horizontal and all that?

231 20 59 15 PLT Okay, now I go over here and I - I say mark.

PLT Are you ready? Okay -

231 20 59 28 PLT MARK. Cameras on; this is number 1. You can

begin the maneuver.

CDR I ...

PLT I know I want the lights in the back.

_R ...

PLT Yes, I hear it running. It's really grinding away.

There's a hole in the side, too, but it's not any
place I can see it. Okay, I've Just got to position
you again. That's all I can do, A1. Come out here
and position you again. Okay. Cameras are on.

231 21 00 i0 CDR MARK.

231 21 00 ii PLT MARK. Maneuver beginning.

PLT Okay, he's pitching at about i0 degrees a second,

I'd say. Pitching up, looks like - looks like he
got a little yaw to the left although it may have
been induced to begin with. He's Almost 90 degrees
now to where he wants to stop. Okay, he's stopping
his - -

231 21 00 33 CDR MARK.

231 21 00 34 PLT MARK. He's stopped his maneuver. Stand by for

i0. Okay, he's stabilizing h_maelf. He's
drifting downward in the workshop a little bit.

CDR Ten seconds.

231 21 00 h6 PLT Ten, I0 seconds.


231 21 00 h8 CDR MARK.

231 21 00 49 PLT MARK. He's beginning his - his downward pitch.

He's getting a little lower in the workshop.
He's about 3 feet off the deck now, as - whereas
he started about 6 feet off the deck. He has a
little yaw to the right; now he's almost to a
90-degree position, where he began. And he's going
to stop his maneuver now.

231 21 01 13 CDR MARK.

231 21 01 14 PLT MARK. Okay, he's yawed so he's almost face up

now; he's stabilizing himself. Okay, that's about
l0 seconds, A1. Okay, he's - you tell me when
you're ready for cameras off.

CDR Okay.

231 21 01 36 PLT MARK. Cameras off. Okay, I come back out here, and
I do this all over again. I got it right now,

231 21 01 46 PLT I'm going to wait for you to give me that stabili-
zing - when you feel like you're stabilized.
That'll be - -

CDR ...

231 21 02 05 PLT Yes. Okay, now I have to voice record this

pressure here. The pressure is 2300 psi. The
camera is checked to be off. And I already stabi-
lized you here. You got a little close to the
S019 that time.

231 21 02 35 PLT Okay, you're pretty stable there. Now what I'm
going to do is try to fasten this thing to me.

231 21 02 52 PLT It broke.

PLT A1, we got to figure out a better way. Come over

here and hold yourself for a minute, will you?
Just hang on there. I've got to get this camera
so it's on me.

231 21 03 44 PLT Now, I'ii see if it's any better. A better way
than - instead of having to run over there every
time. I'm going to have this thing where I can

231 21 04 16 PLT Okay, I'm Just going to permanently affix myself

right here, AI. Okay, let go; here we go again.

231 21 04 31 PLT Okay, here we go with - would you call that a

successful maneuver, AI? Okay, that was a success-
ful maneuver. We're back facing the film vault
again. I've got AI stabilized for a second maneu-
ver, pitchup. Okay, AI.

231 21 04 49 PLT MARK. Cameras on. Okay?

231 21 04 56 PLT MARK. Maneuver beginning_ he's pitching up.

Pitching up. Okay, he's almost 90 degrees now.

PLT MAR - no, excuse me. Stand by.

231 21 05 13 PLT MARK. That's the mark. 0kay_ he's stabilizing_

wait I0 seconds.

PLT I will.

231 21 05 23 PLT MARK; i0 seconds.

231 21 05 25 CDR MARK.

PLT Okay -

231 21 05 27 PLT MARK.

PLT He's starting his maneuver back. Pitching down.

Seems to be holding his position quite well this
time. Yawed to the right a little bit. And he's -

231 21 05 41 PLT MARK. He's continuing to yaw to the right. He's

stabilizing himself now. He's also got a - a
little roll left ; he's drifted up in the workshop
about 2 feet above where he began.

231 21 05 56 PLT Now he's correcting his roll, and - okay -

231 21 06 03 PLT Camera's off. Okay. Successful m-=euver. Had

two successful mAneuv - pitches. And looks like
you do quite a bit of jumping with your feet when
you put those controls in, A1. Is there some
particular control which is more difficult to
put in than another?


231 21 06 31 PLT Okay. Pulling his feet up is - I noticed that

he puts a lot more force or acceleration into
the - into the leg motion. He really Jerks up.
You can really see his feet Jerk up when he does
that. How about any others, Al? Is the down
okay? Okay, it ts only when he tries to translate
upward that he gets a real Jerking motion. Now
this is a roll, A1.

CDR ...

231 21 07 01 PLT Roll right and then roll left. Hold pitch and
yaw when - It doesn't say which way. The pictures
shows - roll or have him pitching up toward the
camera for this. The picture's a little ambiguous.
And what we want you to do is to roll. Okay, we'll
put you on the plus/minus-Z of the workshop. And
your backpack is horizontal to the deck now in
this new position. And I stop you here.

2B1 21 07 48 PLT Stand by -

231 21 07 51 PLT Cameras on; cameras on.

2B7 21 07 57 PLT MARK. There, the roll maneuver begins. He's

rolling right. Say left yaw or right? He gave
it a little right yaw there. Now let's see. You
didn't mean to, is that what you're saying? He
meant - Now he gave it a little left yaw to take
it out; he's almost 90 degrees. Looks like a
nice, nice roll maneuver.

2B1 21 08 21 CDR MARK.

231 21 08 22 PLT MARK. He's stabilized at his 90 degrees. Now

he's going to - -

CDR ...

231 21 08 29 PLT Okay, he's rising slowly. That's l0 seconds.

Ten seconds.

231 21 08 34 PLT MARK. He's starting back rolling to his left;

looks like he's yawing to his left a little, too;
he took that out. Giving it a few short bursts;
now he's yawing to his right. What did you say?

CDR ... floating up.


231 21 08 51 PLT He's floating up an_ there's nothing he aan do

&bo_t it, it seems llke. _t I'll let him float
until he gets his maneuver oemplete, an_ then
Z'II go an_ gr_ him. He'i yawing - still yawing.
He'a almost 90 _egrees. I - I guess you'i say it's
&bout _ _egrees a seoon_,roughly.

231 21 09 09 PLT Okay, now he's stabilizing himself.

231 21 09 13 PLT MARK. He's stabilized. Let me know when you're

ready to turn off the camera.

231 21 09 22 PLT Cameras off. Okay, that was number i. Now he's
floated up about 4 feet from where he began.
Directly upward in the workshop and he was facing
up to begin with. Now I'm going to pull him down
and we're going to do that again.

231 21 09 51 PLT I got to get down myself here somehow.

PLT World-fsmous TV book floating. Put that back.

... good handhold for the kid over here anywhere.

PLT Okay.

PLT , Actually it's the face-down maneuver, now that I

look at it. I don't think it m_es a lot of differ-
ence. It seems like it would be a - I think this
would be better.

CDR ...

231 21 i0 38 PLT Okay. Well, I'm going to start you a little lower
this time, A1. I'll get you pretty much on a
plus/mlnus-Z. And your backpack is parallel with
the deck.

231 21 ii 00 PLT I didn't get the pressure there.

231 21 ll 07 PLT Pressure there is 2000 pounds now. DAC is not

running. Now I've positioned you. Getting ready
for the second roll maueuver. Rolling right and
then left. That first was a successful maneuver.
Okay, that's pretty stable right there, A1. When
you're ready we'll get the cameras on.

231 21 ll 34 PLT MARK. Cameras on. Number 2.


PLT It' s rumning.

PLT Okay. Go ahead.

231 21 ll 51 PLT MARK. There he goes. Second maneuver.

PLT Rolling right.

231 21 12 17 CDR MARK.

231 21 12 18 PLT MARK. He's there. And I noticed he's got a

little bit of left yaw in. Stabilizing himself;
he's pointing his feet right at the film vault,
looking up. Ten seconds is up.

PLT Give me a mark.

PLT Ten seconds -

231 21 12 h2 PLT MARK. Maneuver's beginning. Yawing back to -

rolling back to his left. You're not floating up
in the workshop so much this time.

PLT Looks like you pitched down a little bit, A1. Yes,
he's pitched down about 20 degrees from where he
began. Okay, he's stabilizing himself now.

231 21 13 15 CDR MARK.

231 21 13 16 PLT MARK. He's there. Okay -

231 21 13 21 PLT Camera off. Okay, it's stopped running. Okay,

that's two successful maneuvers, A1. Now we're
going to yaw - yaw maneuvers. And I think he -
towards Karl Henize [S019] over there.

PLT I guess I Just got to read the pressure after each

set of maneuvers. The pressure is 2000, reading
2000 psi. The camera's off.

231 21 14 03 PLT How you like that position?

PLT Peachy keen?

PLT Okay, you're going to - You know what you're going

to do? Yaw right, then left. Pure yaw.

PLT What a minute. Don't - don't move around.

231 21 14 26 PLT Cameras on. Okay. Yaw m--euver. Yawing right.
Mar - stand by; not marking yet.

231 21 14 38 CDR MARK.

231 21 14 39 PLT MARK. Beginning to yaw right. He's having to

give it.

CDR Right ...

231 21 14 45 PLT It gave him a right roll; he's trying to correct

that roll. Okay, now he's facing the food lockers.
Gone past his 90-degree yaw right. He's - he's
correcting the roll back the other way. Now he's
rolling to his left, yawing back to the 90-degree
position. He's also floating downward, I noticed.
Now he's trying to correct it. He's getting his
roll out of there. Okay, the roll is pretty much
out; he's still drifting down. He's about a foot
and a half above the workshop floor.

231 21 15 20 PLT Looks like the - he moves around a little bit in

f_ the saddle when he works his feet. He's having a
hard time stabilizing this yaw m_ueuver. Okay,
we're going to have to start over. Turn cameras
off. •

231 21 15 37 PLT Cameras off. Cameras off. Okay, we got the

cameras off. I'm having to shout at A1, Just be-
cause he can't hear me. He's got his ear plugs
in. I know; I'm telling the recorder.

231 21 15 52 PLT Okay, we're going to have to repeat that m-neuver

because it Just didn't wind up right. Okay, this
is going to be maneuver 2 when we get going. And
he's vertical now, facing the minus-Z SAL. I'm
going to raise you a little higher, A1.

231 21 16 25 PLT Okay, he's pretty - he's stabilized now. He's

about 4 - 4 to 5 feet off the deck. And we're
ready to begin when cameras on. Okay, this is
number 2. On your m_k.

231 21 16 37 CDR MARK.

231 21 16 39 PLT MARK. Yawing right, ya -

CDR ...
1098 --_

231 21 16 41 PLT Okay. He's yawing right, and it gives him a

roll right every time. He's having to take that
roll out. Now he's going past his 90-degree yaw
a little bit. Trying to take the yaw; he's not
floating down as much this time. Got the roll out
of there, but he's going back the other way.
Rolling back to his left now. He's facing the
proper direction with the -

231 21 17 02 CDR MARK.

231 21 17 03 PLT MARK. We're going to call that stable. He's got
about a 15-degree left roll. That's l0 seconds,

231 21 17 12 CDR MARK.

231 21 17 13 PLT MARK. There he goes. Yawing back to his left.

That gave him a left roll. He yaws pretty fast;
he's there already. He probably yaws about 15 to
20 degrees a second. Okay, he's taken out the -
the roll. Getting back to - putting out the
minus-Z SAL.

231 21 17 35 CDR MARK.

231 21 17 36 PLT MARK.

PLT When you're ready, cameras off.

231 21 17 40 PLT Cameras off. Okay. A1, one suggestion I might

_ke from watching you is that you could try a
little lower rate on the yaw because you really get
over there in a hurry. Okay, this is going to be
run number 3. That was - I'd call that successful,
don't you? Okay, we had one successful yaw maneu-
ver. This will be the third yaw; it'll be the
second successful one. If you don't move around.
Okay, you're stable. When you're ready.

231 21 18 18 PLT MARK. Camera's on; number 3.

231 21 18 23 PLT MARK. There he goes. He's yawing - he gets that

right roll in there every time when he yaws to the
right. He's a little slower yaw rate this time.
And now he's yawed 90 degrees. He's going past a
little bit; now he's correcting. He's yawed -
rolled to his left again now. Stable in yaw.

231 21 18 50 PLT MARK. He's there. Okay. Giving himself a little

pitQhthere. He's flo&ting upw_f in the worEshop.

231 21 19 00 PLT Ten seaonds, i0 seconds.

231 21 19 0_ PLT Going to get stabilized before he goes. Okay, he's

stabilizing. His pitches were good; his roll is

231 21 19 i_ PLT MARK. Yawing back to his left. That gave him a
left roll. 90 degrees. He's going past his yaw.
Now he's stabilized his yaw; he's got his yaw
exactly 90 degrees. Pitch is good.

231 21 19 32 PLT MARK. He has another left roll in there, again.

He's stabilizing himself now. Okay, cameras off?

231 21 19 46 PLT Okay, cameras off. Okay, that was a successful

maneuver. He floated upward about to the 6-foot
level, and I'm going to check his pressure here.
His camera is off. And his pressure is reading
1600, 1600. Okay, A1, now we've - we've got to
do a single-axis translation maneuver. Two of
them. I'm going to take you over to the BMMD here.
Drifting over to get my foot locked in over here.

231 21 20 37 PLT Are you having any difficulty getting commands

in, Al? I noticed when you give a Z command -

CDR ...

PLT One - yes. I made that comment. I - I -

CDR ...

231 21 20 59 PLT He says it's very uncomfortable. It - it hurts

in the crotch. It's uncomfortable. And it moves
around all the time. I can notice when he moves
his legs, why the - he - you know, he sidesaddles
whenever he pushes one leg down. The whole thing
is not stable or rigid to his body and the straps
really don't seem to do the Job. Oh, I can try
to tighten them up some more, A1. I'll try to
tighten up these straps a little bit. The straps
are a lousy arrangement. They slip their ...,
keep coming loose. The whole harness is loose,
all the way. It Just keeps loosening up. The

clamps and the buckles don't hold. Now, AI, the

reason I wanted to keep you there while I moved
the TV, I Just want to get it out of the way. I
can't afford to lose that beauty. Put it over
hereby the other one. Bad deal; if one goes,
we both get it. Don't come over here by the TV.
Kind of like having all your hydraulic lines in
one place. Now my goldurned DAC tape cable is
gone way up there. Okay, we'll get that.

231 21 22 32 PLT Okay, we're doing all right here, space fans.
Proceeding through this T020. Okay, now I'm fast-
ened back into place here. I reckon I ought to
get some - Now, I wonder if there's anything you
can do about that yawand yaw roll?

231 21 22 54 CC Skylab, Houston .... Vanguard for 9 minutes ....

231 21 23 06 PLT This thing is loose.

CC ...

SPT , .. _

231 21 23 31 PLT Okay, A1, we're going to do this translation maneu-

ver now. And your objective is the minus-Z SAL.
Let's shoot right above it between the SAL and
the water tank. That's the level I'm going to
start you out at. All right. Okay, he's going
to shoot for the FMU number 2 because there's an
obstruction - yes.

231 21 24 06 PLT He's pretty well stabilized now. Now let's get the
cameras on. Okay, cameras on.

231 21 2h Ii PLT MARK. Okay, this is number i, wherever the camera

is. Okay, AI. Okay, I got to stabilize him
again. I got to stabilize myself first .... there.
Can't find a place to put m_ foot. To what?
Higher? Like this? Pitch up. That looks like
he's ... Let me know when you're ready.

231 21 2_ 54 CDR MARK.

231 21 24 55 PLT MARK. There he goes. He's starting his trans-

lation. Okay, I notice he's got a little bit
of a pitchdow_ and he's got a roll to the right,

that is his feet are downward as he moves. Now

he's correcting that. He's moving at a rate of
about a half a foot a second, I'd say. Three
feet from the FMU; 3 feet, 2 feet. Okay, he's
stopping his translation now.

231 21 25 29 CDR MARK.

231 21 25 30 PLT MARK.

PLT Okay, when you're stable we're going to turn the

cameras off. Mar - Cameras off. Okay, your
camera's off. So is mine. Okay, I'm going to
start you floating in this direction, then I'm
going to go over there. I hit _f nose. I'm
sloppy today. Maybe that's it. Okay, how do
you feel? Okay, let's get the cameras on.

231 21 26 28 PLT MARK. Cameras on. This is number 2. When you're

ready, I'll stabilize you. You look like you're
pretty good. How - how do you like to be, a_y
different?Okay,let me know.

231 21 26 42 CDR MARK.

231 21 26 43 PLT MARK. There he goes. He liked that one. There

he goes. He's translating smoothly this time.
There's no roll or yaw. It's a good translation
there, Al. Looks like you're going where you're
aimed, anyway. Four feet - h feet, 3 - No, h feet,
3 feet, 2 feet. Okay, he's stopping his trausla-
tion with - -

231 21 27 09 CDR MARK.

231 21 27 i0 PLT MARK. Translation has stopped. Okay, he's


231 21 27 18 PLT MARK. Cameras off. Okay, that's got two success-
ful translation maneuvers. Okay, now let me look
in the book and see what's next.

CDR ... translation ...

PLT Yes.

231 21 27 35 PLT Okay, and the pressure is 1500. Okay, now facing
the forward - forward in this area. Has to go
back to his translation. It's over here by -

CDR ... the same place. It always starts here and

goes to - -

PLT 0ops! That is right. You're correct. MMD.

CDR ...

PLT Yes, okay. Then you rotate to - I thought you

said you wanted to go over there. You grab on
to that because I'm floating. One gripe I got
about this food locker here; there's nothing to
hang on to. Got to remember to put that in the
habitability. If Lou Ramon will pass that along
to the habitability guys. There's nothing to grab
on to in the food locker or the film vault area.
..., I don't want to do that. Okay, I'm going to
position your feet toward the plus- or minus-Z SAL
and then you're going to pitch - pitch up and _-
thrust downward. Pitch up, thrust down, and
pitch down. Okay, I'd say your feet are pretty
well pointed. How do you like that? Okay, let's
get the cameras on.

231 21 29 22 PLT MARK. Cameras on. This is n_Tmber i. Okay,

let me stabilize you again. Okay, let go. Let
go and let me - stabilize you.

2B1 21 29 39 PLT MARK. He's pitching up; starting to pitch up,

moving very slowly. I'd say his feet are pretty
much pointed at the FMU. He's translated only
about foot and a half. Now he's going toward the
FMU. He's got himself a left roll going and a
right yaw. He's actually moving up toward the
water tank. Now he_s bringing that down. Now
he's pitching down. He's got a little right yaw
in yet. Looks like in that translation he might
have got a little attitude maneuver in there
that he didn't want to get. Okay, he's at a
pitch 90 degrees now, and he's drifting toward the
FMU. He's a little higher than he started but
he's reaching out with his hands now, floating
into it, and grabbing it.

231 21 30 34 CDR MARK.

231 21 30 35 PLT MARK. He's there.

CDR ... off.

PLT Cameras off. Okay. Okay, let me float you

over that way. Do you feel comfortable at the
rate you're going? I thought that was a good

CDR ...

PLT Put your hands out. Grab yourself. I'll free

float over this c_Immy area over here towards - -

CC ...

PLT Okay, here we are again, space fans, over in the

starting point. We're going to do the number 2 -
two-axis translation maneuver. I'll get your feet
pointed at the SAL, A1, and then you let go.
Okay, let's get our cameras on.

231 21 31 40 PLT MARK. Okay, I give him a number 2 to both

cameras, and you let go. And I'll stabilize you
one moment. Okay, you're stabilized.

231 21 31 59 CDR MARK.

231 21 32 00 PLT MARK. There he goes. Had a hard time getting

that pltchup in there it looked like this time.
But it's a - but it's a pure pitch.

231 21 32 09 PLT Okay, he stopped the pitch. Now he's translating.

Looks like you got a little pitchup on that
translation that you didn't want there, A1. Now
he's pitching down while he's translating. He's
maintaining his height above the deck very well.
His yaw is about 10-degreesyaw right. But he's
moving at a rate of about a half a foot a second.
Now he's got a little left - left roll in there,
but he's translating all right. You'll have to
get your feet down a little bit, AI.

CDR Okay.

PLT He's having to translate up a little bit. He

got shot a little lower than he wanted to. Now
he's reached out and touched it. He's at FMU-2.

231 21 32 48 CDR MARK.

231 21 32 _9 PLT MARK. Stabilized at FMU-2. Cameras off.

231 21 32 52 PLT MARK. GkaF, that's two successful translation

maneuvers. Now let me look and see what's next.
You probably know better than I.

CDR ...

PLT Okay, start - Same starting point?

CDR ...

PLT We started over - over the coffin over there.

Want me to float you in that direction?

CDR ...

231 21 33 16 PLT Okay, I'm going to float you kind of head first
there and then - I got to get over there. The
observer's Job isn't all that it was cracked up
to be in training.

CDR ...

231 21 33 30 PLT l'm working hard. There's Just no place to hold


CDR ... stabilize ...

PLT Yes, when you got something to grab on to, that

might be a good idea. Let's try that. Okay,
you're going to go toward that duct over there by
the food freezer. Okay, you're going to thrust,
and then you're going to pitch down, and then
you're going to thrust up when you get about half-
way and go up to FMU number 2 again. Okay, you're
already rolled a little - yawed a little there.
You don't want that. You want more like this.
Okay, I didn't read the pressures. Just a minute.
I don't know if that's the consumable ......
1500 pounds. Don't need as much gas with this

gear. That's one thing. Okay, when you're ready,

I am.

PLT Okay, cameras on.

231 21 34 39 PLT MARK.

PLT Okay there '9 a number i for that camera and for
that camera. When you're ready. Want me to help
you? There he goes.

231 21 35 O0 PLT MARK. He's on his way; thrusting down, maintaining

his height above the floor. Now he's pitching
down. He's stopping his pitch at this time. He's
over the crew quarters hatch. And he's yawed to
his right a little bit more than he wants to be,
but he's going to - he's getting that out. He_s
yawing back and he's translating toward FMU-2
now. He's riding a little high with his feet
but that doesn't matter. He's reached it. He's -
He's grabbed on to FMU-2.

231 21 35 35 CDR MARK.

231 21 35 36 PLT MARK.

PLT Okay, cameras off.

231 21 35 38 PLT MARK. Okay, he's successfully performed that


231 21 35 57 PLT Okay, he's got visibility there? I go - You

haven't - I haven't got a hold of you. You're on
your own. Okay, this will be the second dogleg
maueuver. And Al's going to stabilize himself
again. We're supposed to be TVing now. Well, O.
is supposed to come down here. We were supposed
to get it for that two-axis maneuver, too, and
I went right by it. Okay, we got plenty of gas.

231 21 41 07 PLT Give me a ma_k. Okay, we're res1_ug the dogleg


CDR ...

PLT Yes, do it. Let's turn it down, AI.


231 21 41 24 CDR MAI_.

231 21 41 25 PLT MARK.

PLT This is the second dogleg maneuver - coming out.

I'm having to help you here, AI. You got too
close. I had a - You were bumping that thing.

PLT Let's stop the camera. Stop your camera.

CDR ...

PLT Right. You were - you were lower that time than
you were before.

CDR ...

231 21 41 56 PLT Yes, that - that'll clear you. Okay, when you're
ready, let's get the cameras on.

231 21 42 06 PLT MARK. Cameras on, number 2. Your camera's


231 21 42 17 PLT MARK. There he goes, translating in a second

dogleg maneuver. Okay, he's pitching around.
0ops! He got himself a - a 90-degree right
yaw in there somehow, but I'm confident he can
get it out of there. He's floating on his back
over to the crew quarters hatch about 4 feet
above the hatch. Now he's yawing back to his
left, getting his feet down in the plane of
workshop floor. Nice Job, AI.

CC ... 14 minutes.

•231 21 _2 55 PLT Floating down a little more than he wants to.

But he's arrested his downward drift. He's
translating over to FMU-2, which was his objective,
so he's there. He's hanging on to it.

231 21 43 07 CDR MARK.

231 21 43 08 PLT MARK. Cameras off. Okay. Now I'm going to

reposition him. Now we're going to go back and do
a two-axis translation maneuver, okay? This is
a pitehup. Move from the B)_4D area. Now I've

got to get loose. Get over here and grab him.

Okay, I got you. Now I'm going to point your
feet over toward the scientific airlock.

SPT ...

PLT Okay, he's going to get-out of there in a minute,

0. We've already got this on f_]m. Let's not
put this on film, A1. They ought to take it here
anyway, don't they? They'll probably take it
here. You want to stabilize yourself, or do you
want me to do it? Okay, well, on m_ mark the
camera' s on. Ready?

231 21 4_ ll PLT MARK. Okay, this is a number 3 maneuver. Okay,

that camera's running, whenever you're ready.
Nmnber B two-axis translation maneuver. Okay,
you're going to - you're Just missing the food
locker with your feet. Doing a great Job. Okay,
he's pitched down so he faces FMU-2. He's got a
little right yaw in there, which he doesn't want
too much, but he's essentiaSly parallel to the
deck. Keep your feet down, A1. You're going to
hit the hose. Okay, attaboy' You're doing Just
right. Okay, now he's drifting over toward FMU
number 2 at about 4 inches a second or so. He
Just reached out and grabbed FMU number 2.

CDR ...

231 21 45 04 PLT MARK. He's there. Stand by for cameras off.

231 21 45 07 PLT MARK. Cameras off. Okay, now I'll go over here
and grab him, and float him over this way, and
then I go over here and wait for him so I can
catch him. This is where the observer gets to
be both the pitcher and the catcher.

CDR ... start to pitch up .... back.

231 21 45 29 PLT On your back? Okay, I'd like to p1111 you over
this way a little more. Okay, you want to get -
turn on the camera? Stand by.

231 21 45 52 PLT MARK. Cameras on. This is no particular mAneu-

ver. He's Just going to do a pitchup for the
benefit of the T020 _s. We've got the cameras
"_ x,,nning. I didn't give you any hand signal

because I couldn't reach that far, but this is a

pitchup. He's about h feet above the crew _,a_-
ters hatch with his head down now, his feet point-
ing straight up toward the workshop hatch. He's
rotating at approximately i0 degrees per second.
He's got a little bit of a float upward. Okay,
he's made a - almost a 180-degree pitch maneuver
now. He's looking down, facing the crew quarters
hatch, mud he's stabilizing himself in that posi-
tion. Now he's going to yaw around to his left
a little bit to face the crew - the workshop
hatch. Just doing kind of a - of a free - free
maneuver. Now he's pitching up again. He's
gradually floating up. He's in the plane of the
dome lockers with his thighs parallel to the -
to the crew quarters floor and he has flown him-
self up to the crew quarters - to the workshop
hatch. He's grabbing on to the handhold up there.

231 21 47 13 PLT Okay, now he's stabilizing himself up by the work-

shop hatch with his feet pointed down toward the
crew quarters hatch, facing the food lockers and --_
he's going to perform a translation in this direc-
tion, translating toward the food lockers and me.
Here he comes. He's translating downward very
slowly but surely. You can see the maneuver-
ing unit wiggling around on him a little bit as
he puts his foot controller inputs in. But he's
controlling this completely with his feet, leaving
his hands free to grab or touch whatever he is
going to or whatever he's carrying. On his back
he has a battery, which runs the solenoid valve
for the propellant supply and also has a bottle
of nitrogen on his back, which - which is the
thrust for the - for the thrusters. So the next
maneuver is a longitudinal dogleg. You already
did two doglegs? Next thing is a tumble recovery.

CDR ...

PLT Cameras off.

231 21 48 23 PLT MARK. Okay, well, you want to - -

CDR ..., Owen.

PLT Okay,0. Thank

you. _

S_T ••.

231 21 h8 33 PLT Okay, I'll do that.

CDR •.•

PT ..o

PLT Hold on to that• Thanks, 0. There's probably

some room left on there. We can put anything on
there we want. Watch your hands. Don't - Watch
your hands. Don't get on this light. Let me

231 21 h9 29 PLT 0kay, the light's on. And I read your pressure
to be 1000 psi so there's still plenty of gas in
that bottle. Okay, we're supposed to be finished
with this. I'm supposed to be doing coolant loop
inspection at 22:30, which is h0 minutes from now
so that that means we got to take some time to
secure this thing. So, I'd say, what? Twenty
_- more minutesor so? What do you think?

SPT ...

231 21 50 13 PLT Okay, we can change out the bottle you know. Oh,
these straps are - straps are no good for this
thing. Gee, they Just - Yes, its a lousy strap
arrangement. The straps don't hold. I got to
keep tightening them up a]] the time. The whole
maneuvering unit is loose on his - loose on his
butt and loose on his back. The thing woggles

SPT •.•

231 21 50 47 PLT It's uncomfortable, too. Okay, this is a tumble

recovery. You ready for that? Okay, I got you.
Huh? It didn't come on, huh-? Darn' I must have
hit the wrong switch. Okay, we'll get this light
on again. Yes, sure did. Thank you for ... it.
So far I think we've made every procedure and got
everything that's right. B_, there sure is noth-
ing around this doggone food locker for you to
hang ca to. Pain in the neck.

CD_ • •.


PLT Dumb' No, there's nothing to hang on to there

either. Nothing to hang on to there either.
0kay, I'm going to give you a three-axis - Where
you want - Where would you like to start?

CDR ...

PLT Why, you'd like to do it vertical? Okay, let me

see. I'm going to - Don't turn your camera on
yet. I'm going to give you a - a this, a this,
and a that. Okay? That darn - that darn back-
pack is swinging all over. Swing it, man, swing
it; and stand by for cameras on.

231 21 52 52 PLT MARK. Cameras on. Okay, I give you a l, and a

1 for that guy up there, wherever he is. Okay,
I'll stabilize you here. Okay, give you a pitch-
up, a roll, and a yaw. M_ybe I didn't give you

231 21 53 21 CDR MARK.

231 21 53 22 PLT MARK. That's over with. Okay, cameras off, A1.
Yes. Well, maybe by the time we got them all in,
that's all it had. Okay, I'll get the cameras on.

231 21 53 42 PLT MARK. Okay, that's number 2. (Whistling) Okay,

here you go. Okay, there we - gave him a tumble;
we're doing tumble recovery. I gave him a roll,
pitch, and a yaw. It looks like he's got the
pitch stabilized and the roll pretty well sta-
bilized. Well, he's getting a little roll.

231 21 54 12 PLT MARK. He's got her stabilized and he's wound up
heads down toward the BMMD. Cameras off. Okay,
your camera's off.

CDR ... spot ...

PLT You want do another tumble recovery? Well, we

might have to - we might have to have two to
fill the square. One successful; that's all we
need. Okay, let me look at the pressure. The
pressure is still a 1000. Okay?

CDR ...

PLT I got a sharp metal in my mouth. Locks like it's

out of a food can. Look at that. Found that in
my mouth. See that piece of metal. Looks 1_ke
a sliver off of that al_m_num can, doesn't it?

CDR ...

231 21 55 27 PLT Oh, we've got to do minimum foot controller inputs

sometime, too, with - You got - You going to do
crew discretionary first? Okay.

CDR ...

PLT Minimum foot controller inputs.

CDR ...

PLT Yes, we want - and I'm going to take some pictures

of you then when you're doing the baseline maneu-
ver. Let me put this little sliver of metal on
a piece of tape. Remember we tailed to the food
_-_ guys about that way long time ago, and they never
did anything about it - in training. Must have
been something - -

CC Skylab, Houston; 1 minute to LOS. Honeysuckle

at i..

231 21 56 20 PLT Must have been something that got blown around
in - with the maneuvering unit, and I ca1_bt it
in my frontal cavity. Hem?

CDR ...

231 21 56 39 PLT Oh, yes. Okay, I've got you positioned. Grasp
locker to stabilize. SUPPLY VALVE, CLOSED. Let
me get that first. Huh? No, I got it closed
back here. Okay, now I get the CAMERA cb open,
which is right here. Remove the DAC .... in
this manner. Connect the power cable from the
F-lO DAC the FMU DAC. @kay, I come over here,
turn off that televison, take these painful goggles
off for a minute. I get the cable from this
DAC here. Go do it. I'll plug it in there.
Okay, connect power cable DAC 2.8, 6 feet, 1/60.
2.8. There's 2.8; 6 feet, set; 1/60, set; and
24 frames a second there. I'm going to burn up
the film on this one. Okay, we stand about6 feet

fr_n the FC_U. Aim the DAC at FCMUbetween the

feet. I photograph your foot movements. I do
it right - I must do it right here, huh? What
did you say? Right here. I don't remember Lou
ever showing me that. What? Okay, get your
feet down like this. Like so. Can you do that?
Not much to grab on to, is there? Okay, perform the
- Oh, boyl Okay, okay, here's what you're going
to do. You're going to do five each of a plus and
minus roll, pitch, and yaw; five each of plus and
minus translation, okay? And I've got the DAC

231 21 59 44 PLT Okay, he's doing his foot controller inputs and
we'retaking pictures of it. Okay, the maneuvering
unit's moving all around when he does that. Now
he's doing the toe-down maneuver. Now he's doing
the translation. That it? Okay, that's the end
of the foot controller inputs. Now I connect the
power cable back here. And I come over here.
I'm trying to let loose of all these wires that
are floating around. And I reset this DAC to a
different setting again. Excuse me there, space
fans .... mY throat to make sure there's not any
more of that metal. Okay, I set it at - Probably
going back to 2 - I go to F-2, set; 5 feet; 1/60.
Crawl back in here and close the circuit breaker.
Okay, and I close the circuit breaker up here -
right there. And we had 1000 pounds there. Now
you can - I take three PA - PAO-type photos with
a Nikon and you fly any _Aneuvers desired. And
we use the FCMU DAC only. We don't use the other
one. The suggested is to fly M509-type touch
and go m_neuver. Fly around dome lockers is
optional. I describe the maneuvers being performed.
After that, why we turnoff the FCMU and the DAC
and use the subjective rating form. And the hour
now is 30 minutes from my next performance and
probably from yours.

CDR ...

231 22 02 41 PLT Yes, right. From there to here? Oh, heck. That
vertical strap is all goofed up, too. It's -
I'm telling you, this is a c_-_y strap arrange-
ment. Okay, I adjusted it back to an inch. It
comes loose every time you move. Okay. Let me
get the handlesup for you. _-_

CDR What?

PLT Want me to get the handles up for you in the

donning station. Watch head. Yes. Yes. Okay,
you're going to use your DAC to do this now, so
don't forget to turn that on. Oh, you can turn
it on anytime you're ready to go.

CDR ...

231 22 03 56 PLT Uh-huh. Okay, he's going to fly a M509 base-

line maneuver. He's hanging on station - the
M509 with the handlebars extended. Wait a
minute. Yes. You're ... ain't up. Did I miss
that or ain't that in there? Must be in there;
Lou wouldn't forget that. I thought I was going
to fly this without a mistake. It's another one
of those mistakes that didn't cost anything.
By gosh, it ain't in here, Lou. Okay, there he
goes from the M509. Release the handlebars.
He stabilized himself. He's yawing to his right.

231 22 04 58 PLT Now he's completely yawed over the crew quarters
hatch, and he's looking up at the banjo; on his
way to the banjo.

231 22 05 31 PLT Okay, he's doing pretty well. He's on his back
now, looking straight up the workshop hatch.
His feet are Just about 3 feet from the dome
lockers. You're getting too close to the dome
lockers. Okay, now you got to thrust up to stay
away from the overage food. Okay, now he ls
pitching himself down. He's near vertical in
the workshop now. He's yawed a little bit to
his left now. He's approaching the banjo area.

231 22 06 Ii PLT And he's hanging onto the banjo wi - for dear
life. And the kid is all snarled up in his
danged umbilical. Here he comes, space fans.
Huh? Got himl He's on his way down, stuff
blowing ,11 over. Okay, he's on his left side
now. He's heading toward the F_[G. He's still -
he's in about the plane of the dome locker's
water tank area at the moment. Looks like he's
translating akay.

231 22 07 12 PLT And he's coming head down facing FMU-2. Looks
like he's comfortable. The observer is wandering
around getting a few photos. Trying to stay Out
of his own - Might keep from hanging himself on
his own rope. Okay, he's on FMU-2. He's
thrusting away from there now.

231 22 08 06 PLT And he's translating directly upward in the work-

shop, but now yawing to his left. His position's
vertical. Now he's going to bang water tA_k 5
over there with his right foot - and the dome
locker above it. He's having trouble getting
away from there.

231 22 08 55 PLT Okay, looks like he's doing a little better now.
His straps keep coming loose. He's face down.
Okay, he drifted over to the lock - dome locker _42
in the process of getting over to where he wanted
to go and I had to rescue him.

CDR ... going to ...

231 22 09 51 PLT Okay, he drifted over and grabbed on to 414,

kind of a random, unplanned maneuver here. Having
trouble - getting h_mself on the way to where
he wants to go and kind of drifting around making
corrections. Now he's going back to FMU-2 to
start over again to see if he can do s/lybetter
from there. He's in position 2 over there. Now
he's Just pushed himself off with his hands in
the general direction of h04. Let's see if
he can - correct himself on the way over there.

CDR You have no axis control. You ... with one axis

231 22 l0 59 PLT Okay, the thing that's getting to him now is he

only has the one axis of translation, up and
down and that's it. And what's happening is he's
trying to get out - get out and go where he wants
to go, but he can only do it in one axis. Hold
yourself there, A1; don't move. Hang on. I'll
untangle you and get that dang thing out of the
way. Getting all snarled up in wires and stuff.

231 22 ll 34 PLT Okay, you're free now. Let me get this out of

231 22 12 28 PLT Okay, he let himself . .. He's in the middle of

the dome. Where you going to, AI?

CDR ...

PLT Where you going to?

CDR ...

231 22 12 49 PLT Now he's floating free and loose again - and -

CDR ... myself off ...

231 22 13 01 PLT Okay. Okay, he's going to work in the lower

area and try to - We - We're getting in trouble
down here. Can't get to where he wants to go is
the problem.

CDR ... hold back ...

231 22 13 25 PLT Attitude hold is great, but he can't go anywhere,

he says.

CDR ... hold ... going ...

231 22 33 _6 PLT He says as far as going places are concerned,

he likes the HHMU better because you can at least
go somewhere. The - the machine nearly - As far
as holding attitude is contro - concerned, the
foot controlled maneuvering ,m_t is better because
he can hold his attitude the way he wants to, but
he can't go anywhere.

231 22 i_ 16 PLT So for - translation and going places, the F -

the foot controlled maneuvering unit is better
than HHMU, but that ain't saying much. Look
at the camera and smile (chuckle). Okay, there
goes; he's - pitching up. He's trying to fly
up to the banjo area again. He's translating
up there slowly. He had luck going there before.

231 22 15 12 PLT Okay, he made it to the banjo. End-of-film light

on the DAC in there, A1; you might as well turn
it off. (_ay, we had end-of-fume - film llght
on the DAC. It's the - FCMU. I don't know how
much film is left on this other one. There's

probably quite a bit, so there's no point in running

it off. Yes, we've got a half a load in this other
one - the dome camera; we'll not take any more with
it, as it suggests in the procedure.

231 22 16 03 PLT Going to want the peanuts out of the way. You
got to come closer. Come on down to me, if you
can. Well, you got to be closer ...; you don't
fill the picture. That's better. Got you, feet

231 22 16 35 PLT Okay, he's pitched down now. The long axis is in
the plane with dome lockers. He's looking at the
donning - M509 donning station like he wants to go
there. He's heading in that direction now. He's
got himself pitched down there. His head's right
at it now; he can't see it very well. He's
really got to pitch his head up to see it, and
the darn backpack is a - is a - You got to grab
on to the ring locker in order to get over there.
The backpack is up around his bump pad now. It's
riding pretty high. Okay, we're going to dock the
FCMU. I'm going to put this camera away. A1, I
got one more picture in here. I'll take a picture
of your head. This is for your - memoirs. Let
me focus it in good. Now; look at me.

CDR ... last one.

231 22 17 58 PLT I can take some more if you want. I had - I Just
had it charged up and I didn't want to leave it.
Okay, we took a bunch of Nikon photos of A1 - fly-
ing around. Now we're breaking out the - checklist
again. He's over here in the docked area. And I'm
turning back to run number 1 back here, where it
says T020 shut-down. Move the test pilot to the
mounting fixture. Gra - grip the handlebars, A1,
and torque into the LOWER LATCHES.

CDR ...

231 22 18 _0 PLT No, you don't pass it down down here. LOWER
LATCHES. Watch it down here. Okay, hold your-
self down if you can there now. Now let me see
what I got to do. Okay, I go to MID. Now you
open the FC - MU release. Engage the DOCKING
LATCH and lock the F - CMU RELEASE. Lower the

DOCKING LATCH. You must be fastened in there

now. And - we're CLOSING the propellant VALVE.
And I'm reading over here about 400 psi remaining.
Okay, now I got to stay clear of the thrusters and
you open - you - I got the VALVE CLOSED; you OPEN
your little PROPELLANT. Activate the thrust to
bleed the man_fold. Doff the bump hat and tem-
porarily stow, and we all take our stuff off.
Discard the earplugs and clean earmolds .... CB
and the BATTERY open. And I - I'm - I reckon you
Just get out of that backpack, A1, and get off of
that, and you can go your merry way. And I'll
take care of the rest. CB BAT, open. I got to go
and work on the coolant loop, but it's going to
work Out about right. Okay, rotate the T-handle
on the right side of the DOCKING LATCH to lock.
You got that_ Dismount.

CDR ... lock ... position up and down.

231 22 20 32 PLT Oh, man, these goggles hurt; they're painful.

Okay, we're going to turn off this recorder.
That's the end of T020, Lou. See you later.

231 22 20 44 PLT Al's going to debrief.

231 22 29 47 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, debriefing the - T20 [sic_
run T20-1 run. Let me ie some general comments
before I go right into the debriefing. We've
got two major problems with this type of unit.
One, I think you can solve; the other I don't
think caube solved with the configuration that
we've got, and that's it. First, the one that
you can solve. The - the thing is entirely too
loose on you. The backpack, if you snug it in
real tight, along about 5 or 10minutes later,
under this zero-g condition and moving around
and the waythe straps are built and the low
friction in those buckles, it's loose again.
You don't notice it, but _I_ of a sudden you
determine that maybe for the last 3 or 4 or 5 min-
utes it hasn't been working right, that it's
been slopping all over the place. I don't
know how much trouble that gives you actu-]ly in
flying it, but you Just don't like it.

231 22 30 52 CDR It's not - it - it'd be llke driving a car that

/_ was all bumpity and the shocks were gone and -

the springs were out of the seats, and you were

going over rough roads. And every time you
hit a bump you nearly fell out of the seat. It's
like taking a Jeep over rough country, if the
Jeep were in bad shape and you were going fast.
You Just - Everything's loose; it's not a solid-
feeling backpack.

231 22 B1 17 CDR The seat is Just the same, only a little bit
worse. You tighten it the max you want, because
it hurts in the crotch - when you pull that
thing up tight. And don't let anybody tell
you it doesn't. That's not Just a one-g effect.
When you've got that thing tight on you so that
it's kind of rigid - no matter how tight you
put it it doesn't seem to ever get rigid -
it hurts, and you don't like it, so you release
it. So you try to ride sidesaddle. Now another
thing that happens, when - even when it is
tight and you thrust up, that means you're
p11]ling that thing up into your crotch, and
that hurts. It Just- it's a terrible, terrible _
design. What we're going to have to - -

CC ...

231 22 32 04 CDR What you're going to have to do is - We're going

to have to pad this thing somehow and - so that
you can pn11 yourself down tight on it and it
won't hurt you. In other words, if - Just
because you're in zero g doesn't make any differ-
ence. It feels Just like it does in one g in the
trainer; you Just can't take it. It hurts too
much down there. My bottom right now - I been
off of it for l0 minutes and it still hurts. I
imagine it's going to hurt the rest of the day.
Now in addition to that, ta - continue to talk
about restraints. That restraint comes loose.
The - the webbing is Just too thin for the buckle.
It doesn't have enough friction, and when you
tighten it up, then it Just doesn't take very
long until it's loose again. You tighten it up
and it's loose again.

231 22 32 46 CDR Now in addition to that point on the - on the -

the restraints, when you do tighten it up, it
still doesn't hold you right. Why not?

Because you got all thestraps either on your

lower side or the back. You got nothing in
front. So your body flexations, which is a bunch
of them up here in zero g, tend to - to misalign
your c.g. in - in the maneuvering unit. When
you move your feet around to fire the thrusters,
it moves the maneuvering unit Ali over the place.
The maneuvering unit doesn't have any tendency
to stay attached to your buttwhen you push down.
When you puS1 up, it tends to move back. When
you pick up, it tends kick off your rear, kick
back. In other words, the maneuvering unit
moves as much as the little pedals do.

231 22 33 31 CDR You put i0 pounds of force on the pedal, that's

i0 pounds on the maneuvering unit; it Just
moves away from yourbutt. This thing is like
being on a rickety automobile or a rickety,
bendable - machine like you might see in a
cartoon where, as they go over the bumps, the
wings flap or the - or the tail sags. That's
the way it feels. And that's the way it looks.
I'm sure on TV, when I'm firing the thrusters
and everything, you're seeing this thing Just
move all over. Nothing rigid about it. You
can't - it's a nonrigid flying machine. It isn't
even as rigid as that - rigid as that Goodyear
rubber airplane or whatever - Firestone or
whatever - Goodyear inflatable airplane.

231 22 3h 13 CDR At least when they inflate it, it was stiff. Now
we got to come up with some restraints, so that
this thing locks in to one another. Now I - my
guess is what you're going to have to do for Jerry
is come up here with s_me sort of metal stiffeners,
with screws or something. And you attach them
to that backplate and then you attach them to the
seat and that makes that one rigidstructure.

231 22 3_ 36 CDR You lock it in; screw it in tight. And then you
come in there with some sort of straps that fit
over his thighs and down between his legs and grab
onto that restraint there in front of it amdma_e
the whole thing one rigid operation. This whole
flexible thing is a pain. I Just - it doesn't
have it; it's unacceptable. It Just can't even
be flown inside correctly. You can fly it, but

it's a mess. Who wants to? It Just doesn't have

a good feel. It - it's not the kind - you don't
want to have a machine like this.

231 22 35 07 CDR Okay, that's one you can solve. If you send Jerry
up here with that sort of stuff, make it rigid.
Get yourself sc_e metal frames and screws, nuts
and bolts, and fix it rigid. And the next one is
that you can't fix. That's because the thing only
translates one waF. You got two ax - you got
three axes of rotation; you can fly that, no
sweat. You probably saw it in the movies. I can
pitch up, rotate, stop, translate, do any of
that, no trouble. It's much better in the HHMU,
not near as good as CMGs or DIRECT or RATE GYR0
in 509, but you can do it. It might even be as
good if it got to be a rigid vehicle, where you
were strapped in. You might find out it is good
enough; here it isn't.

231 22 35 48 CDR But don't forget. A]] the vehicles we've been
training in the simulator have been rigid. All _--
the air bearings. And then when you go to
six degree of freedom, it's rigid too. So
everything's been rigid, except here; when you
get in it, it's unrigid. Now, this isn't some-
thing that wasn't pointed out prior to flight.
It's been known. And the answer was: Don't
worry about it. When you get to zero g, every-
thing is going to be okay. It ain't, and as you
can see in the movie, it isn't.

231 22 36 16 CDR Okay, let's talk about - these translations. As

I say, in rotation you can do it. And it may end
up being as good as a - as anybody else's machine.
However, its translationis a complete bombout.
You could never us this thing EVA. It's com-
pletely unsafe. The HHMU is a safer vehicle,
outside. I gave it an unacceptable for several
reasons which I won't go into, but it is unaccept-
able EVA, and I would rather have the HHMU EVA
than this vehicle.

231 22 36 48 CDR Why? Because at least I can translate somewhere.

It is harder to hold attitude in the HHMU, but
at least if you can once hold attitude you might
be able to turn in a direction and fire that

direction. If you're not, if you're going side-

ways, you can stop your sideways motion. If you
are going front - fore and aft - you can - when
you come out of it you can - if you're headed to-
wards the target and starting to drift off to the
side, in the HHMU you can put your hands to the side
and correct it. Or you can put your hands up and
down and correct it. You got a fighting chance.
Here, you got no chance. And particularly inside
this vehicle; it is awfully small. It's not like
the six degree-of-freedom path where you are fly-
ing around the outside of the - of that spacecraft.

231 22 37 37 CDR The spacecraft you are flying around the outside
of isn't hardly as big as this. The length of
it's almost the width of it, I guess. This is
21 feet, minus about 6 feet, so that's about
15 feet in diameter here, and you're supposed to
fly around in it, and you can't do it. Now you
can do those canned maneuvers, and that's why
they're canned, no doubt about it. We ta1_ed about
that before flight. You get somebody to stabilize
it, so you don't go translate any way; you're
nice and solid. And then you translate the only
direction the vehicle will go, either up or down.
And then when you've done that, maybe you do a
dogleg maneuver in that plane.

231 22 38 lh CDR But if you start to drift out of that plane, you're
slmk. And that 's, of course, what happens here.
Even when you are stabilized and head for the -
for the FMU or towards the SAL, forget it. If you
start to drift up, you say, I Just hope I get
through before I drift away. Because you know
that's it. Now once - boy, if you want to operate
in that single plane - which isn't realistic EVA;
it's unsafe EVA; it's an unsafe assumption, un-
acceptable assumption EVA - you can do it.

231 22 38 h3 CDR But this doesn't mean the foot-controlled m_neuver-

ing unit can't be changed. It can be invented
to have six degrees of freedom, really, instead of
three rotation an_ two translation - one transla-
tion. And it would have to be - to be acceptable.
Now, if you want to t=l_ concept. The concept
is the vehicle as is now is unacceptable. Whether
or not you could get one that had six degrees

of freedom and controlled by your feet, it would

be acceptable. I'd say that's certainly possible.
You could take one - make it somehow, put the
thrusters at the cg - around the cg like the 509.
Have control with your foot - might be okay.

231 22 39 20 CDR I noticed there was a definite advantage to reach-

ing out and - and grabbing on. I'm not sure we -
that a vehicle where you had foot control instead
of hand control, but had the thrusters all around
your cg, wouldn't be a bad thing. This assumption
*** you could use your feet and you've been w_]king
_I] - on Earth all your life, so intuitive opera-
tion of your feet are going to let you fly. Com-
pletely ridiculous.

231 22 39 47 CDR Okay, let's go down one by one now. Are you bo -
let me - let me first - I want to go through this
rating card of these maneuvers, okay? Subjective
rating. - Now l'm going to give you two ratings.
l'm giving you ratings in here for that maneuver,
and I'm giving you ratings if you had to use it
EVA, okay? One: and that was the pitch _neuver.
l'd have to give that a 3. Performance, a 3 inside
here because if - if you screw it up, it doesn't
make a doggone bit of difference. Your monitor
gives - Outside, l'd give that thing a - 9.

231 22 40 36 CDR Okay? Was not tolerable. Could not take a chance
of that pitch maneuver going wrong and your trAns-
lating off and getting away from the vehicle; you'd
he finished. So 9 outside and the 3 inside. Okay.
Let's talk about those - the yaw maneuver and the
roll maneuver. Same thing; 3 inside, 9 outside;
3 inside, 9 outside. Okay, let's t_Ik about the
translational maneuvers. All the translational
maneuvers were 3, because inside - I take that back.

231 22 41 05 CDR The translational maneuvers, yes, l'd say they're

3-I/2. The workload was satisfactory level some-
times; sometimes it got away from you. Outside
translation, l've got to give it a i0. No, was
not controllable. The minute you got something
going, you could see drifts going, building up
other axes, and if the target wasn't close enough,
you'd go off. And for a target that close, you'd
stick out a pole and p_]] across. You'd dive
i • t


across; it's safer to dive across. I can come

closer to hitting the target diving across here in
a suit than I can on that maneuvering unit. I can
do a much better Job getting from point A to B
inside this volume than I can with the maneuvering
unit. l'd rather be outside going those short
distances without the maneuvering unit than I
would with it. l'd be a lot safer off. So I've
got to give it a i0, not controllable.

231 22 42 06 CDR Okay, t1_ble maneuver. I was able to - to stab-

ilize the tumble. But after the end of the t_hle,
I was drifting off in several directions. It
didn't - I used all m_ gas trying to stop it and
get going the right way. I've got to give it a -
an unacceptable. As you know, in the tumbling man-
euver, we try in the 6 degree. All you do is stop
the tumble. That's easy to do. The problem is
how do you stop the rates you've got when you got
them? Big problem.

231 22 42 34 CDR Okay, let's go now back to ... I think we've talked
about it. The whole point is in EVA this is not an
acceptable machine. Definitely isn't even close
to acceptable. There is no way you can go EVA
without a machine that cam go 6 degrees. If you
do, it's - it's wrong; it's bad; it's un - unsafe.

231 22 42 52 CDR Are your body and feet properly restrained by the
straps? No. Feet were. Body was not; we dis-
cussed it.

231 22 42 59 CDR Is the controller pedal action or feel, satisfac-

tory? It's - it's excessive here in zero g with-
out a suit. Now how it's going to be with a suit,
I don't know. But the forces are much too high
here. I have to push much too hard. That ought
to he changed for Jerry. Or you ought to come up
with a pad that tells me how Lto change it. Because
l'm telling you, you beat your butt to death up
here, pulling up and _,11ing - pushing down. It
hurts; not good. It's way excessive to what you
get. You put a huge force up and then you barely
translate up. When I move around the workshop, I
had little forces up - translate upvery fast. The
relationship between the force you put in and the
velocity you get is way out of harmony, way out

of it. I never knew that before until now. But

being in here, light forces do the Job.

231 22 43 52 CDR It seems to me we're going to have to come up with

a light - force machine to do the Job. So maybe
you don't really want a foot-controlled one. Maybe
you wsnt one that's a toe control, or somewhere
you can light - light movement. That sounds a lit-
tle funny, but the velocity of movements, we
get wish that unit are about the velocities you
get with your toes, if you toed off. If you get a
toe off in here, you go a little faster than that,
matter of fact. You're used to that. Unsat.
Your control of forces and travel - that's without
a suit; with a suit, it might be different, as I

231 22 _ 23 CDR Do controller forces and travels appear to be

too high? Yes. Travels, I don't know. It's the
forces that are noticeable, and they are way too

231 22 _ BB CDR Do thruster pairs appear to be generating equal

thrust as indicated by difference in noise levels,
responses, and cross-coupling? Answer: I don't
think so. I think they would if you could put
them in. But like I say, the forces are so out of
proportion to the velocity and out of - and it's
Just as] this loose banging around - like - like
they could put in equal forces with the legs.
Accidentally, could put them in Just right. The
maneuvering unit shifts; it moves somewhere else.
It doesn't stay positioned. It's not rigid. It
goes somewhere else. As it moves, then it makes
one fire long - one foot fire longer than the other.
This is for pitzh, yaw, roll, or anything else.
It Just - it's not a rigid body; it's got to be.

231 22 45 16 CDR Are the control responses steady, variable, or

erratic? The control responses are, I'd say
variable. If you make a small m_euver, you
might call them steady. S_a]l pitch up, small
pitch down. Now when you try to do any large pitch
up or like the one that you need to do the
two-axis maneuver or the dogleg, they're not, be-
cause the vehicle moves all over the place. That
could be corrected. I'd call that erratic. j_

231 22 45 46 CDR Describe the nature of control inputs. On, off -

no other way. Wasn't able to modulate; the whole
thing is loose. It Just can't be done, in my
opinion, until it's - it's repsyched [?].

231 22 45 59 CDR Are control responses satisfactory for commanding

attitude changes? No, and 1'11 tell you why.
The harmony is poor. Just a little bit of forces
give you some pretty good yaw rates. It takes
a whale of a lot of forces to give you roll rate
and it takes - in there, between there somewhere
for pitch. Now the thing that I noticed after
flying this awhile, if I had to yaw, I Just bare-
ly - I was very ginger. If I had to yaw, I gave
it all I had for several seconds. And pitching
seemed reasonable. If we could somehow get them
to have the feel that pitch does. Pitch, you
seemed to be on and off about the right amount of
time for the velocity you get. Yaw - too, too
sensitive; roll, not near sensitive enough. The -
the relationships were poor. Now I didn't
_ noticethat in the 509 - the backpack. It had
pretty good harmony and there's something to be
said there.

231 22 _6 56 CDR Position change. No, position change is - posi-

tion change is, forget it. You don't have posi-
tion changes worth a darn in here. Too much force,
too. The harmony is bad. As I said, too _ch
force for the - for the motion you get ; transla-
ting, too.

231 22 47 13 CDR Does control cross-coupling due to any of the

following factors appear to be excessive, toler-
able, or negligible for each - pitch due to
translation? It's okay. I don't think those are
the things that drive you crazy. The things that
drive you crazy is - are the fl_Tibility. Things
with roll due to the translation, yaw; you can
lick those if you Just - were - had a rigid body,
you were strapped in it good and - and harmony was
a little bit better, and the forces were a little
bit better - better on the seat. l'm not going to
answer B, C, and D. I Just did in 811 them.

231 22 47 48 CDR Do any of the following items _ppear to signifi-

cantly affect commanded responses in

cross-coupling? Body motion or "slosh" - you bet.

Body motion Just drives you nutty. Backpack motion?
I don't know if it affects it or not, but it dri -
it bothers you. It must affect it some way. Your
body is limber up here. You're not a rigid body
up here. You're - you're relaxed_ you're not
walking around here with a tight gut. You're
Just relaxed so the thing Just kind of flops

2BI 22 _8 i] CDR Thruster jet impingement on the body? I don't


2BI 22 _8 17 CDR What was the order of task dif - difficulty?

The most difficult was - by far was the - as far
as having acceptable, was dogleg maueuver. The
reason being, you had to do lots of trusting;
that means - meant you slopped around a lot.
Put in a lot of forces, hurt you on the rear end,
and then it also caused you to get off in - in -
in translation in the Y-Y direction, which you
can't control, incidentally as you know. And so
Z-Z, you could catch on, and X-direction sometimes
you could - make out. But that was the worst.
The next worse one was obviously the two axes
because you have to pitch up. That Just gave
you more time to - to get an error in Y. Anything
where you had time to get error in Y fouls you
up. All the rest of the maneuvers were about
equal. The easiest was the pitch; roll was fairly
easy, Just low authority. Yaw wasn't sensitive,
and also when you yawed (yawn), you got roll
and that was troublesome. Right yaw gave you
less roll, I believe, but I'm not sure. It will
show up.

231 22 _9 B0 CDR Was the time to perform the maneuver too high or
too low due to high or low rates or attitude
control problems? Attitude control problems
caused you to have problemsJ

231 22 _9 B9 CDR _ere the hum - were the number of control inputs
high, normal, or low? Intentional - I think
they were a little high. They were high, but
mostly they were in nm_mBer and they were - but
mostly they were high in I'd say - Wait a minute.
Let's do some thinking, say this right. They

were high in forces. Now in yaw, you didn't need

_Ach force, but the littlest yaw you put in got you
going pretty good. So you had to put in a lot
of them to kind of keep stabilized and it also
caused a roll. So you had to put some roll
correction. So there was - there was a lot of -
a lot more thruster firing than you'd llke.
Inadvertent commands - Although I don't think
it's that serious. Inadvertent commands. A few
at the first; towards the end, less because I
remembered how to do them.

231 22 50 31 CDR Did the control logic present any significant

problem? No.

231 22 50 34 CDR Were thruster sounds useful as a piloting cue?

Definitely, one of the best.

231 22 50 38 CDR What parts or features of your body or the

maneuvering system were used as visual reference
points? Nothing of my body except my toes, when
_ I was doing the translationmaneuver now that I
can translate pretty much in the general direction
that I wanted to. I didn't have any trouble
being off. I headed for somewhere in my X-axis
going there. The problem was as I put that in I
would introduce so_e slight Y-axis and then that
was it. And I wouldn't be stabilized in Y com-
pletely when I started. And that was the end, boy;
forget it. Then it was after that it was every
name of the game. We were all over the workshop.

231 22 51 18 CDR What parts or features of the OWS were used as

visual reference points or cues? _11 of it;
it was all around you, and no trouble upside down,
right side up. I tried to use mostly the FMU 2;
I used the SAL some and I used the film vault,
but that's it.

231 22 51 36 CDR Were lighting and shadows a significant problem?

They don't even - they're not even noticable
compared to the ones we've discussed.

231 22 51 hh CDR Was there any degree of spatial disorientation?


231 22 51 48 CDR Were the forces or dynamics resulting from either

planned or unintentional contact with the OWS
as expected? Pretty much, but I contacted the
OWS more than expected. Particularly with the
feet. If your feet are in front of you and
you're moving somewhere, you're - you're kind
of stuck. If you're translating directly toward
your feet, you can stop. But if you're sort of
floating towards the toes, you're kind of out
of luck. Pitching down doesn't help because
then your head hits the wall. Pitching up would
hit your toes f_ster. There is no way to stop
the translation your - once you get the least
little - little bit of translation in here you
don't want, you're sunk.

231 22 52 28 CDR You'll notice from the movies Just flying around
the workshop, as long as I stayed in one plane I
had it made. But the minute a drift started
building up in the Y, that was it. The whole thing
went to heck. I could roll or to try to take it
out, or I could Just fire one thruster using that _-
technique; not useful. It's no wonder we always
worked on the air bearing. And - and the tasks in
the six degree of freedom was - was as it is.
You don't - it doesn't bother you to be transla-
ting much. You got plenty of room to rotate
around and fake it, work it. But, in here,
forget it.

231 22 53 07 CDR Were the forces and dynast cs resulting from

either - Okay, did you think _ny procedural
anomalies that occurred might have influenced
task performance? Absolutely none.

231 22 53 16 CDR How would you rate the relative importance of

the FCMU for the OWS maneuvering tasks? Foot
controller configuration and operating character-
istics, l'd call it bothersome for the simple
reason that it takes too much force. Bothersome
to signif - No, l'd go to significant hindrance.

2Bl 22 5B 37 CDR Control logic. Useful to not a factor. One degree

of translation control. Significant hindrance,
unsafe. Not in here, but unsafe in the real
world, EVA.


231 22 53 53 CDR Visual reference. Nothing; everything was great.

No - no - you know, there was no problem.

231 22 54 00 CDR Control response. I'd have to give that a

bothers c_e-t o-signi fi cant hindrance.

231 22 54 12 CDR Unstabilized control system? I'd have to give

that, bothersome. Not a big deal. I don't
think - l'd have to give that - change that to -
to - it's a factor, but halfway between factor and
not bothersome - and bothersome.

231 22 54 33 CDR Hands-free operation? Good thing. That was

useful, Very useful.

231 22 54 38 CDR Equipment location? Terrible place to have it,

down there between your legs. You can't get
at it, b_nps into things, hard to adjust, you
can't get to the thrusters. Now, it isn't any
better on your back. So that's not a bad thing.
With that bubble on your back, of course, you've
got Just as ,mch back there as the backpack. So
_ there'sno advantageto having Ass this Jazz
between your legs when you've got mll the gas on
your back. Forget the thing between your legs ;
put your thrusters on the gas on your back. We've
got two disadvantages where the other Just had one.
Now they've got a big disadvantage, too. They've
got these two hand controllers out there in front
of you. That's bad news. Seems to me that what
we'd like to have is seme sort of flexible hand
controllers. The hand controllers that are down
by your si_e. You coul_ very easily mount h=._
controllers on the side of the - of - the 509.
Next time I fly it I'm going to fly it with them
down. And Just fly them there - not out in front.
Then you can have your hands free. You don't have
to have your hand controllers out parallel with
the axis as you do it. We learned that in the LM.
Didn't have any troubles flying - LM docking,
that is.

231 22 55 41 CDR FCMU configuration. Unacceptable; not unacceptable.

It's unsatisfactory because it's not a rigid bo_.
The whole thing is flexing. It's like an inflat-
able airplane with the air three-q,1-_ters let out.
It Just - got to get s_ rigidity in this thing,

Don. You got to get some nuts and bolts and

same rods and figure a way for Jerry Carr to bolt
this thing together. And then figure a way to
strap b_m in so that he's together. So he's one
rigid unit. This whole idea is - Backpack
envelope; too big.

231 22 56 17 CDR Piloting proficiency. Do you think that the

time you spent on the training simulators was
sufficient to permit you to develop and exercise
your skill for the planned maneuvers? The answer
to that is yes. But the simulators that we had
there did not permit you to understand the pro-
blem. If we'dput this on - T20 [sic] on the
one ... at Martin, Denver, we would have seen
i_ediately this drift problem and would have
realized that we - inside the dimensions of the
workshop we could not do the Job. That would
have been obvious from the very first day.

231 22 56 51 CDR It's Just - the minute you get any out of -
maybe l'm wrong here. Maybe if we had it up ---_
there, then we cotuld develop procedures, protec-
tion that would m_ke it satisfactory. But the
ones we have now are not acceptable. They -
they teach you how to do it within the limits of
their capability, and if you don't want to worry
about Y-translations, which is not a real-world
consideration in the real world - EVA - way -
world is Just as important as the other. But if
you want, for simulation testing purposes which -
which I don't agree with a bit - but for simula-
tion testing purposes, I guess you'd have to
say that they might be okay. One thing is true,
I don't think we ought to waste too much with
the - with - Well, I don't know. I don't know
the answer, l'm going to have to think more
about this simulator thing.

231 22 57 50 CDR Do you feel that the training and experience you
received in performing the planned maneuvers was
sufficient for the discretionary maneuvers
performed in the OWS? No, because nothing's
sufficient. You can't do them. You can't do
the baseline maneuvers, l'd like - I want to see
somebody do the baseline maneuvers.

231 22 58 08 CDR Do you think that your experience with 509 or

with Skylab EVA operations assisted or influenced
in any way the manner in which you performed
the T20 [sic]? I didn't go EVA the first time.
I go EVA here in another 5 or 6 days. It takes
experience for 509. Definitely. It should. Got
a good feeling for maueuvering around here. But
probably one of the biggest factors is the - Just
the fact how you move around in here without
any maneuvering unit. You can see what's possi-
ble. And then you get a maneuvering unit which
holds you back - it holds you back to an unsafe
degree; you don't llke it. As I said, if I were
going EVA, I'd rather have nothing than that unit.
That's - that simple.

231 22 58 h8 CDR Do you notice any influence of long-term

zero-gravity psychological [sic] effects on
your ability to operate the FCMU and perform the
task? Yes, it's better, l'm not worried about
being on my side, upside down, any of the atti-
_ tudes or rates. I think you are much better
acclimated to fly that machine here than you
would ever be if you stuck it in areal good
simulator on Earth like you do at Denver because
there the gravity - I noticed that in 509. I
flew baseline maneuvers in 509 upside down. No
sweat. Try that somewhere else.

231 22 59 21 CDR Comment on the expected and unexpected differences

between T20 [sic] operations in the OWS and the
air bearing and 6 degree in the following areas.
Okay, task performance. We've already discussed

231 22 59 36 CDR Pilot workload. Much higher here. Why? Because

you keep trying to solve the Y problem, and we
don't seem to be able to. Also it is more notice-
able - the mismatch of the yaw, pitch, and roll
is more noticeable because you don't have it
anywhere else. We got it here. You don't have
the bending we've got anywhere else in here.
It's all that - task performance is much more

231 22 59 56 CDR Pilot workload. Much higher for those reasons.


231 23 00 00 CDR Vehicle characteristics, erratic for those


231 23 00 03 CDR Piloting cues. Much better here; much better

here. You don't have to - you know where you
are; you know how far you are from things, except
you never really know how far your backpack is
from sc_ethlng because you can't see there, or
how far your foot unit is, because you don't see
too well there.

CDR Discuss the relative importance of the following

simulation artifacts. Jack, have you got your
schedule there? Look and see where I'm supposed
to be when. I may have to stop briefing to go
do that.

PLT ...

231 23 00 33 CDR Huh? Okay, I don't have ATM right now, huh? All
right, thank you. ---

231 23 00 38 CDR Discuss the relative importance of the following

simulation artifacts. Degrees of freedom. We
got - If you you want to learn to fly this machine,
you got to get something like at Denver for get-
ting in and out. The others are good for warmup,
beginning, and - before you to to Denver, but
forget it for otherwise. I Just personally don't
think you can make this acceptable with the degree's
of freedom it's got.

231 23 00 58 CDR Audio/visual cues. Acceptable. Gravity vector

orientation. Aceeptsble. Body suspension. Good.
Operating envelope. Poor, for the simple reason
that with these degrees of freedom in a small
envelope, it's a lot tougher. If YOu can somehow
fail [?] to several degrees, like they do in
3 degrees, as you do at the 8_r bearing tables,
great. It's easy to do; let's fly it there. No
sweat. Extraneous noise; no trouble.

231 23 01 25 CDR Using your EVA experiences, discuss the relationship

of the visual environmental in air bearing to Judge
the actual EVA conditions and possible maneuvering
tasks. We've discussed it already. The problem
with going EVA - first of _17, you're in the suit, _

which I wasn't in today. You're - don't have near

the good visible - visible cues. You're uptight.
You're in a hurry. Everything says it's goingto
be a lot tougher to do in EVA, if the vehicle we
got here isn't good enough to do it IVA. So, I
think that says it right there.

CDR Discuss the following operational factors: pro-

cedural anomalies. I don't know any'

CDR Equipment modification. We've already ta1_ed about

what should be done.

CREW ....

231 23 02 l0 CDR Huh? ... procedures. Have al] the procedures -

Set up and stowage.

CDR Okay. Camera operation. Complicated, but doable.

231 23 02 22 CDR Co-_,mications, acceptable.

CDR Body/foot restraints. We've ta1_ed about them.

CDR Influence of surrounding light; no influence.

CDR Volume, very much of an influence.

231 23 02 32 CDR External - well, we've discussed this. External

disturbances, none. Just turning off the air is
a waste of time. Jack can't stabilize me well
enough to overcome the forces of the MEDs [?].
The air is - is so down far - far down in the noise,
forget it.

CDR Pin impingment, I don't know. I didn't see over to

it doing much, but it could have. I was high in
the HHMU, but I don't know about him.

231 23 02 55 CDR Contact forces, dynamics. What's it say? Retriev-

al - it was - (yawn) time cons1_ng. The most
time-consumlug part of the whole day was Jack get-
ting me and putting me back i_ position. I think
maybe we've got to find out a way where he Just
puts me back in position, and leaves me and lets
me get stabilized and he can sort of go over to
where I'm coming. That way, when I get there, he

can bring me back instead of having to reposition

himself two or three times a pass. Have him Just
head me back over there soon as I'm hooked on, and
he heads back to where I'm going to be at the end
and works from that position. Don't you think
that's better, Jack? Too much trouble. Now you're
going to have to hold me for the pitch, roll, and
yaw; but that's okay; that hasn't been trouble.
You don't move away; you Just stay there.

2Bl 23 03 42 CDR Training adequacy and skill carryover. I've already

discussed the training. Was adequate for the
simulators we used. Maybe more than adequate for
the simulators we used.

231 23 03 52 CDR Long-term zero-g psy - psychological [sic] effects.

You're going to be less - less satisfied with the
performance of something like this. The longer
you're up here zooming around on your own, the
more you're going to want something that's better
than that. It's like hL_ng a car, and it can't
perform as well as you walking. So you can the
the car and walk. In the maueuvering unit you
really can't perform as good as you can Just
hand over hand.

CDR Other zero-g experience? Well, add something.

231 23 04 25 CDR Discuss - Okay. I believe that's it. And that

ought to - we ought to have covered everything,
Don. Now that's a pretty rough comment, hut I don't
think - I don't think it's out of line. I think
it's a realistic appraisal of T20 [sic] in this
environment and T20 [sic] - in the EVA enviroment.

231 23 04 53 CDR It seems to me we got tomske some changes in this

: thing before we fly it again, as far as the straps
are concerned, and rigidize. I'll start working
on it in some of _ off hours and try to get some-
thing better. You got to start working anthem,
too, and get something up here better. Put a drawing
on the teleprinter and some good words on the
teleprinter on how to stabilize; do it.

231 23 05 l0 CDR And I wish we could figure a way, up here, to get

same rigid members between that backpack and the
seat pack and get the straps around to the front.

I don't think we ought to fly this thing again

until we get some straps that go over my leg and
attach down to the front. All this business about
it works great in zero-g is not a fact. We're
going to have to get realistic, as far as straps
are concerned. And hang ourselves in this thing.

231 23 05 38 CDR And, Lou, good procedures. And looking forward to

getting some changes up here, so that we change it
and give it another go. I think we might be able
to do a better Job, more reasonable Job, if we can
rigidize this thing. We'll see how we feel about
it then. You're going to need - it seems to me -
I noticed we have this run, and a - and a suited

231 23 06 02 CDR That's not near enough for evaluation. And my

suspicion would be that if you could, you'd like
to get yourself another - at least another _nsuited
run, but only after we somehow rigidize this thing.
CDR, out. Now all that information goes to
Lou Ramon, on T20 [sic], Don Hewes, principal in-
/_ vestigator - primary investigator - and anyone
else with TO20 interests.

231 23 06 33 CDR CDR out.

DAY 232 (AM) 1137

232 00 h2 h0 SPT Oks.V. this is the SPT on channel A, debriefing the

last ATM pass, which finished here at 00:_0. This
is the one in which I inserted an extra _xilding
block i0 to look at active region - at 96, which
is undergoing a transient in the XUV right now.
The - There are two bright points to the north,
apparently with the same polarity, which then
show loops extending down to another location, now
forming a bright point to the south some 1 to
1-1/2 arc minutes away from the two brighter
points to the north.

232 00 43 26 SPT Now this is referring to the picture in the XUV MON.
And starting Just about, oh, 2 hours ago now, there
was what appeared to he a bright loop extending
from these two northern points around to the more
southerly point - 8 loop expanding out toward the
west limb and growing in size, a couple of arc
minutes long. And within the last hour, there's
also another loop formed, also out to the east,
between these two brighter points. And so it ap-
pears that there's a whole structure of arches now
forming between these two bright points.

232 00 _4 08 SPT And the whole - the whole evolution has occurred
within Just the last 2 hours, and the - I rather
expect that there is still some further evolution
to continue that we could be obeervin@. How in
that last orbit, which started at 23:h8, I did
tame one 15-minute observing interval there to do
a building block i0 located in this active region.
I did not only a MIRROR AUTO RASTER, but also a
GRATING AUTO SCAN centered on one of the brightest
points at the - in the northerly pair of bright

232 00 4h 55 SPT In H-alpha, there appeared to be two bright spots

in the northern region. The one to the southis
not yet visible in H-alpha. So I picked the
brightest one, by picking it up on DECECTORS 1
and/or 3, an_ then did a GRATING AUTO SCAN there
plus a MIRROR AUTO RASTER, and I believe it was 2,
ACTIVE i, LONG, atmospheric extinction, l'm sure
your telemetry will show all that.

232 00 45 14 SPT I've got a couple of segments of this evolution on

the - on the - VTR.

232 O0 45 27 SPT So you can at least get a glimpse of what the event
looked like by taking a look at these segments of
the VTR. And I th_n_ it would be rather interesting
to have been sitting right on active region 96
during MIRROR AUTO RASTER. And an occasional -
Well, probably have to be a time exposure on 823
because we're running pretty short on film now.
We're only down to - We're down to 1_2 frames.
Probably couldn't afford to do very much in
MODE AUTO. But at amy rate, I think we ought to
be observing this event, as this is the only one
of its kind that I've observed since we've been
up here.

232 00 46 08 SPT Now the next orbit we're starting at 01:23. Has a
building block 6 in it and then a [812B on active
region 93. So there's one brief interval in there
that we might be able to cut out without affecting
the JOP 9 sequence. Could cut out this look at
active region 93 and either do it later or wait
until tomorrow. We'll have to talk to you about
that on the ground.

232 00 46 35 SPT And this is the end of the debriefing of the

preceding orbit for the ATM science room and

232 00 46 41 SPT SPT out.


232 02 00 13 CDR Okay, this is the CDR on the effort I Just made
to locate the Antipodes Islands. No luck at all.
It was scattered to broken, and I expected to see
them, because it looked like it should be possible
to view at least some of them down through the
clouds. But not a single one was in view. CDR out.

232 02 00 32 CDR That goes to RETRO, I believe. No, it doesn't go

to RETR0. Believe it goes to EREP.

232 02 00 38 CDR CDR out.


232 02 15 38 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A. This

is for the ATMboys. Debriefing the 01:23 run.
We ran your J0P 6, building block 1A, without a
hitch, and we omitted the TV down-link. We sub-
stituted target 96 for target 93 to run the build-
ing block 10. We got that done, and we got some
information on the VTR on target 96. We didn't -
weren't quite able to complete a second MIRROR
AUTO RASTER on target 96.

232 02 16 26 PLT We - After running building block 10, we repointed

the ATM a little bit to take advantage of the XUV
enhanced area - that XUV transient area that Owen
had noticed which was not far from active region 96.
But we wanted to make sure that we pointed it
properly; so we had to offset from active region
a little bit. We gave the first h0 lines of the
We had to secure the auto raster's _0 lines in
order to have enough time to press on to the JOP 9,
building block 2, which I Just finished Just before
F- effectivesunset. So it looks like we got every-
thing you asked for, plus a little bit more on that
XUV transient area that Owen noticed. And we'll
be back in about a half hour to get another JOP 9.

232 02 17 36 PLT See you later.


232 03 i0 58 PLT Good evening, space fans. This is Jack on chan-

nel A, debriefing the last A_Mrun for al] the
ATOM boys back there. I Just ripped off a JOP 9,
building block 2, as you had requested, and we're
securing operations for the evening. Here are
the latest frame counts. H-alpha, 2060; S056 is
1689; S082A is _7; SO82B is i_; S052 is 2466;
SO_ is 2312. Ed, we're lookim 8 forward to worklmg
with you tomorrow. See you in the morning, gents.

232 03 ii 4h PLT Good night.


232 ii 14 07 CDR This is CDR on the ATM. I'm doing shopping list
item 13, and at the same time I'm doing a MIRROR
I've gone down to the bright XUV point. That
should be a ... XUV point that I see on the X-ray
monitor. The coordinates are: ROLL, 5400; DOWN,
534; and RIGHT, 185.

232 ii 14 37 CDR And I could - I could pick the XUV up from 200 or
so all the way up to 1200, which isn't that spec-
tacular but it was a spot that I hadn't seen there
before; so it might be of some - some interest.

232 ii 14 48 CDR CDR out.

232 ii 33 27 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the ATM run. I already
discussed the fact - This is for the ATM backroom,
by the way. I already discussed the fact of where
I pointed during the suggested building block
item 13.

232 ii 33 43 CDR I gave you an ll-minute exposure on that, and

everything else went Just like your pad.


232 ii 55 49 CDR PRDs. The pilot is 193; 193 for the PLT.

232 ii 56 34 CDR 087 - 087 for the SPT's PRD.

232 12 00 04 CDR Okay, CDR's PRD reading is 211; 211 for the CDR.

232 12 00 09 CDR End of the PRD message that goes to whoever's

interested in radiation dosimeters.


232 13 16 49 PLT Good morning, space fans. This is Jack on chan-

nel A. The subject this morning is S019 for our
friend, Karl Henize. We are about to c_nce to
begin to start the S019 ops pad, which is starting
at 13:17. Our field is 423. The Nu Z is

minus 10.5, and yours is minus 8.9; so the DELTA is

a minus 1.6, and I have subtracted 1.6 from every
rotational setting. The first ROTATION is 301.9;
therefore, TILT, 22.4. Let me doublecheck those
to be in. 301.9, 22.4. There will be no widening
at a_1 ; so these will be 90"second exposures on
my watch. Okay, we got the f_Im cassette - or
canister 003 in here, and the frame counters are
reading zero now. The temperature of it at -
before I took it out of the film vault, for
your information, was 73.4 degrees Fahrenheit.
It was read on the digital thermometer. And let's
begin this first one. Take off watch. The time is
13:17, which is the start time.

232 13 18 28 PLT Okay, we go to SLIDE RETRACTED, pick up a slide,

stand by to OPEN the SHUTTER.

232 13 18 47 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame number l, field 423,

a 90-second unwidened exposure. Now these are going
to be 90 seconds as on my watch, which is not equal
F to the time on your timer. As I recall, I am not
sure what the time was on your timer for that, and
I suggest that if you want it to be the same on
your timer next time, that you put down a time on
there somewhere.

232 13 19 30 PLT The prism is out, verified, and the focus was set
to prism out prior to the rim, so it looks like to
me that everything is all set up and ready.

232 13 20 12 PLT Okay, stand by to CLOSE the SHUTTER.


we'll set up for a new one here. It is field num-
ber 20-423, and the ROTATION is 302.9. And we'll
try to move further in now at 23.4, 302.9. 23.4.
Set. Doublecheck that. 302.9, 23.4. Here we go.

232 13 21 29 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame number 2, field 423,

a 90-second exposure at a ROTATION of 302.9 and a
TILTof 23.4


232 13 22 48 PLT Okay, stand by to CLOSE the S_ on field 423,

90-second unwidened.


one is 305.7. Okay, we got that set and take some
of 2 on the next one. Okay, 2 is set in, and once
again this is going to be a 90-second unwidened
exposure. 305.7 checked, and 2.0 checked. Okay,
we got to SLIDE RETRACTED. We get that wide open

232 13 23 46 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame number 3 on field

Mike 7 Alfa, 90 seconds, unwidened. Here's a
screwdriver. Were you using this, AI?

232 13 24 29 PLT Hey, AI, on an unwidened exposure, did Karl say

anything about the timing on them? You don't have
a timing deal, you _now. That's what I'm doing, too,
but that's not equal to his little deal up here.
I'm m-_ing a 90-second one, a true 90-second one.
And I've asked for the information, and if he wants
it to be something different - Yes.

PLT Makes you run behind though. Okay, stand by to



one is 305.4. 305.4 and 0.i. 0.i is set in. Check
them. 305.4, 0.i. Stand by to OPEN the SHUTTER.
Go to SLIDE RETRACTED. Here we go.

232 13 26 02 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame number 4, field Mike

7 Bravo, 90-second unwidened. I'm rnnning 2 minutes
behind. Started on time, Just running behind.
Might pick up a little- 0ops! .., We're not going
to catch up. Okay, the next one I calculate to be
ROTATION of 155.6; TILT of 11.9. That's the next
one; that's not this one. As I said before, our
NU Z on the panel is I,m_ing a minus 10.5, and you
have minus 8.9; so the difference is 1.6, which
I've - A minus 1.6, which I have subtracted off from
every ROTATION. Okay, stand by to CLOSE the SHUTT_I_
on field Mike 7 Bravo.


These are all unwidened. Let's go to the next
one, 155.6. 155.6, 11.9. Set and doublecheck that.


155.6, 11.9. Here we go. Stand by, Karl. SLIDE


232 13 28 19 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame number 5, Golf 68

field, and a 90-second unwidened. R,mning a min-
ute and a half behind. Terminate last exposure
at 13:38:30, it says. Use film canister 003,
which is what we're doing, and then we'll be
putting the prism in for the next go around.
Okay, I calculate the next ROTATION to be 156.6,
same TILT. Okay, this particular one is
field Golf 68; ROTATION, 155.6 [sic]; TILT, ll.9;
90-second unwidened. Stand by to CLOSE the


we whistle into the next one, which is 156.6.
Not too hard for a d,,-_Y_like me. Okay, there ;
it's set. 156.6 is doublechecked. 11.9. Stand
by to OPEN the SHUTTER. We go to SLIDE RETRACTmu.

232 13 30 l_ PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPEN_). Frame n_1_er 6, field is

Golf 68, 90-second unwldened, and the ROTATION is
156.6, and the TILT is 11.9. Okay, let's see.
What's next_ TV Lction on M509 business.

232 13 31 31 PLT Okay, stand by to CLOSE the SHUTTER on Golf 68,

156.6 and 11.9, 90-seconds unwidened.


we'll go to the next one - 155.6. Back to that
one - 155.6. And ch-nge the TILT a little bit.
There we go. 12.9. Run that baby up 1 degree.
Okay, there we are. 155.6 and 12.9 is doublechecked.
Stand by to start this one. I go to SLIDE
Stand by.

232 13 32 21 PLT MARK. Frame number 7; field Golf 68; 90-second

unwidened; ROTATION, 155.6; and TILT of 12.9.
Verified. How are we doing on time here? Well,
we ain't going to catch up, but we're going to be
a little closer.

232 13 33 19 PLT Now I'm supposed to terminate the last exposure

at 13:38:30. I interpret that to mean that if
I don't have a full 90 seconds in, Just go ahead
/_ and close the shutter, anyway. On the other hand,

if I had more than 90 seconds, what I would

probably do is cut it off at 90 seconds. But
it's a little ambiguous in that I could leave that
90-second exposure running until 38:30 and get
something greater than 90. Okay, stand by to
CLOSE the SHUTTER on Golf 68.


Next one is i17.0. That's set in and 30.6.
There we are. Doublecheck that one. i17.0, 30.6.

232 13 34 32 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame number 8, field is

Golf 75, a 90-second unwidened exposure at
ROTATION of i17.0 and a TILT of 30.6.

232 13 35 51 PLT Okay, stand by to CLOSE the SHUTTER on Golf 75,

at 117.0 and 30.6, frame n,,mher 8.


Step along to the next one at 118.0. Set in, and
30.6 remains. 118.0 checked, and 30.6 checked. _
Okay, here we go again. SLIDE RETRACTED.

232 13 36 26 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OP_-ED. Frame number 9, field

is Golf 75, 90-second unwidened exposure at
ROTATION of 118.0 and TILT of 30.6.

232 13 36 57 ,PLT Looks like we're going to Just make it. Only
have 2-i/2 minutes to go.

232 13 37 35 PLT Caution tone from the darn ... FLOW thing again.
Okay, here we go. Stand by to CLOSE the
on Golf 75 at 118.0 and 30.6.


to 117.0. Crazy numbers. There we go. 117.0
and 29.6. Back off a little bit. Crazy numbers
again. Okay, there; we're set. SLIDE RI_'I_ACTED.
Check those n11mbers, ll7.0 and 29.6. Standby.


232 33 38 34 PLT Fr--_ number i0, field Golf 75, ROTATION 117.0,
and TILT is 29.6; a 90-second unwidened exposure.
Now let me check the time here .... right down
here and take a look at - -


CDR Jack.

PLT Yes.

CDR What bed did we bake out?

PLT Bed A.

CDR ...

PLT Bed 1.

CDR ...

232 13 39 22 PLT 0kay.

232 13 39 39 PLT Well, there's 38:30 on my watch, MA_I; so we'll



position. And that was a 75-second exposure on
framenumberi0, field Golf 75. Now let me
check my watch compared to the mission timer
here. I thought I had it set up properly. Well,
Karl, my - my watch is a minute slow; so we've
probably gone over 1 minute into - into - past
the SHUTTER, CLOSED time on the last frame.
Therefore, we effectively went to 13 :39 :30 on
the last frame instead of 13:38:30. So your
last exposure there is going to be in question.
That 's exposure number l0 ; field Golf 75 ;
ROTATION, llT.0; and a TILT of 29.6. So - you'll
want to take a close look at frame number l0
to see what that extra minute of exposure past
the termination time did. Okay, I'll put the
little knob back to stowage and CLOSE the
FILM HATCH and proceed on with the rest of the
temporary securing operation on S019.

232 13 41 23 PLT So that concludes round number - starting

at 13:17. And we'll be back with you about 16:15.

232 13 41 36 PLT End of message.


232 14 17 23 PLT 0_.y, space fans. this is Jack on channel A. And

the subject is the TV-63 video test, which is now
in the process of being loaded on the VTR. The
serial number of the camera in use now is serial
number 3002.

CC ...

232 14 19 51 PLT Okay, space fans, here we are again back in the
TV-63 video test, using the second camera this time,
and the serial number is 3006. This is the one
we had the problem with during the rendezvous, and
we worked on the color wheel a little bit.

232 lh 2_ 05 PLT And this is the end of the message on TV-63 test.
And I think the people would like this are
Dave Brooks and the ...

232 14 35 38 SPT Okay, this is the SPT on channel A, debriefing

the run that is Just about to finish - about to
finish at 14:35 Zulu. Okay, the J0P 9's went as
planned. Now on this particular rev (It started
at 13:h7 Zulu), we were supposed to go back to
bright spot number 1. Now I had one short
building block, a building block l0 on bright
spot l, at the end of the last orbit. And the
coordinates that I used at the end of the last
orbit were minus 5398, ROLL; DOWN, minus 157;
and RIGHT, plus 131. We got a briefing; they
could verify it from the ground.

232 i_ 36 20 SPT Now at the conclusion of that, I found that that

was really not the bright spot I'd intended to
point at. It was a bright spot, but it was not
the best one and not the one I was wanting to
study. Now therefore, at the beginning of the
next run, I slightly redefined that bright spot
number 1 position, and I'll tell you the results
of that, I guess, here next. The bright spot 1
final coordinates are minus 5391, ROLL; minus 144,
DOWN; plus 98, RIGHT. Now this is very little
different, an arc minute or less, from the other
bright spot originally defined. So the MIRROR
AUTO RASTER should not be compromised in any way.
And so then with the new bright spot coordinates,
I completed steps l, 3, and 4. I thought this
was preferable to make sure the 82B data was really
optimum on that bright spot location,

2B2 14 B7 20 SPT I also reversed the left and right between

steps 3 and 4 because I found that there was
another bright spot near this one to the left,
and I didn't want to put the 82B slot ov - slit
over on this other bright spot when they thought
they were getting background or contrast informa-
tion. So I instead, on step S, moved to the right
5 arc seconds and then on step 4 moved to the
left 5 arc seconds where 82B had been omitted.
Had 82B been running both times, of course, it
would have made no difference.

232 14 37 49 SPT And then I had a few minutes left; so I gave

got down to about line 35. So that should further
verify that there was no compromise to the original
MIRROR AUTO RASTER made at the end of the last
orbit and should also give you some information
about any changes that may have occurred to the
bright spot or surrounding regions during the
hour and half intervening.

f-- 232 14 38 13 SPY So I think that it was a good study of bright spot
number l, and you should use these final coordi-
nates as the position of the - the bright spot
in which all central work was done. And we're
Just now finishing up the next building block 2
for JOP 9 on the end of this orbit.

232 14 38 32 SPT End of this debriefing from the SPT. This infor-
mation went to the ATM PIs and planners.

232 14 48 27 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A. The

subject is M487-3, evaluation guide number 2.
This info probably goes to my friend, professional
golfer Robert Bond. Okay, we're going to evaluate
various compartments in the spacecraft. First
question is general arrangement and orientation
of the compartment.

232 14 48 59 PLT Starting with the wardroom. I like the wardroom

fairly well, except for - I don't like the pantry
area. I noticed that every time 0wen wants to get
his chow, he has to stumble over A1 or myself to
get to it because it's directly across the table.
His - his food should have been stowed over where
he could reach it. Would have been much more handy
for everybody.

232 14 49 25 PLT The waste management compartment: General arrange-

ment seems to be satisfactory. The John on the
wall is okay setup. The urinal drawers work well.
The one that I have to pn11 out and the one AI
pulls out, though, conflict with the foot restraints.
I think we discussed that before.

232 14 h9 52 PLT The sleep compartments seem to be arranged satis-

factory. I've got no complaints about that. I
sleep well every night. I 'm able to keep all my
gear in there with minimal difficulty. Light is
not a problem. Trying to sleep, we turn out all
the lights except we leave some on up in the
airlock area. The baffle above my head doesn't
pass any air to speak of. Believe I've discussed
that, also. But it remains flat against the ceil-
ing. Blocks out the light all right but doesn't
let any air through it. I keep my little curtain
halfway open in the evening, at night to prevent -
permit - permit ventilation through the compartment.

232 14 50 3_ PLT The air coming up through the vent duct in the
floor flows fairly rapidly, and it's uncomfortable _-_
to have it pointed at you. You have to have it
pointed away and - Otherwise, it - it's too drafty.
Experiment compartment arrangement seems to be
okay. It's kind of crowded in between the ergo-
meter and the - and the ESS panel. A - Sure is
a crowded area when you get the shower erected.
But we know that wasn't originally planned to be
in there, and I think it was a good location for
it as an afterthought. I guess that's all I can
think of on the experiment compartment.

232 l_ 51 28 PLT Forward doom - dome area seems to genera]]y be

arranged satisfactorily and adequately. I've
got no major complaints about the arrangement
in there. One thing about the lower area that is
the poor arrangement is the fact that the head is
right next to the sleep compartment. And it's
not that fact so much as the fact that when
anybody goes in there to turn on the blower and
use the waste management system at night, it wakes
everybody else up. And that thing makes a fair
amount of noise that - and tends to wake you up
when somebody goes in there and uses it.
f--_ llh9

232 14 52 i0 PLT The airlock itself - its arrangement: It seems

to be satisfactory. During the EVAs, why you
tend to float around in there and grab on to
whatever you can grab on to. There's usually
other items and articles floating around in there,
too, and you seem to kick them and bump them.
And they're hanging on tethers and getting wrapped
up in your legs and wrapped up in one another.
And so it's - it's kind of a bowl of spaghetti
during EVA, but we've been able to manage with
it all right. But l'm sure there are some im-
provements that can be made to - to store equip-
ment better in airlock areas and keep it from
dangling all over and provide places for people
to hold on to.

232 lh 52 56 PLT MDA/STS area is arranged in a pretty hodgepodge

fashion. It looks more like a boiler room than
a spacecraft. Next time we build something like
that, we ought to m-_e it so things are fared in
better and there's not so many nooks and crannies
for stuff to get lost into; so many head knockers
and sharp objects sticking out from lack of things
_ to grab on to and to fastenyourselfdown to.
The - the general arrangement of the MDA is pro-
bably more hodgepodge than any other area in the
spacecraft, in my opinion.

232 14 53 35 PLT I - In going from the airlock to the command

module, seems like the orientation that you go
through there - that I go through there, anyway,
always winds me up direction of motion - direction
of motion directly at the little table in front
of the ATM. So I've always got to grab ahold of
it or rotate out of the way in order to miss it.
Easy to kick the ATMpanel when you're going by.
And so our arrangement in the MDA could have been
better somehow.

232 14 54 l0 PLT Volume of the compartments is adequate, I think,

except for possibly the airlock compartment.
That could have been bigger. When you're sitting
in there, why it gets pretty crowded with all
that in there, too. And could use more room in
the airlock. The rest of the compartments, the
volume seems adequate. I wouldn't ma_e the
sleep compartments any smaller than they are,
and I - I can't think of any - Neither the waste

mRuagement; that should not be sm-11er. Neither

should the wardroom. When going into the ward-
room, you always have to scoot around the tables
or over the top if there's somebody in the way.
And so you don't want to have that any smaller.
The - the commander pretty much blocks the en-
trance to the right side of the wardroom when
you go in.

232 14 55 02 PLT The volume of the MDA is probably about right,

but it's so cut up, it's hard to - hard to really
evaluate the volume in there. The volume is, in
my case, - is unusable because it's small sections
of volume tucked down behind boxes and around
boxes. And a lot of the volume in the MDA is
not available for use.

232 14 55 35 PLT The ceiling/floor proximity is adequate in the

crew quarters area. I'd - I'd say it's about
right. Got no complaints about it at all. i'll
frequently grab onto the ceiling and get around
in a vertical matter - manner and more frequently
in a horizontal manner. So in that case, why _-_
the ceiling/floor proximity has no bearings on
the situation. However, when you're in there
working the experiments or sitting at the ward-
room table, it's necessary to be vertical; and
you won't want to make the head clearance any
shorter than it is, although what we have seems
to be adequate. Ceiling/floor proximity is not -
not applicable in the other compartments.

232 14 56 28 PLT Ingress/egress provision: They're lousy in the

MDA. Just grab whatever seems to be sticking
out. More often than not, it's the table - work-
table at the ATM. So ingress and egress in the
MDA is not good. Coming out of the command module,
the only thing you can do, just about, is push
off at the hatch and float, actually, to the
first thing you run into. And there's no hand-
over-hand way to get around in the MDA to speak
of. Putting this little handrail around the crew
quarters' hatch (getting into the - going through
the hatch) to grab onto when you come down from
the dome and swing yourself into the lower compart-
ment, it'd been nice to have, but not required.
_'_ 1151

232 14 57 26 PLT Getting in and out of the waste management com-

partment is sort of a stunt, because once you get
in there - Getting in and out is okay, but getting
in there is not too good because there's nothing
to lock your feet into. Your feet Just slide all
over the floor; you sort of bounce and ricochet
from wall to wall. And you know the best way to
restrain yourself in there is to - in front of
the sink to put your knee up against the little
handrail there and your back against the tissue-
wipe dispenser area and kind of wedge yourself
in there to do whatever is necessary. Other than
that, you Just drift around in there. And you
have to wedge yourself with your feet and hands
between the walls in order to stabilize yourself.
So it's - Getting in and out is all right, but once
you get in there, it's anybody's guess as to how
your're going to handle the situation. Getting
in and out of the wardroom has been discussed.
If the SPT and the comm_uder is seated, why the
only way is to get over the table; there's no
way to get around it. Their - their backs are
.F prettymuch up to the wall in there.

232 14 58 33 PLT Egress/ingress into the forward dome area is satis-

factory. Coming from the airlock, of course,
they - you Just push off. If we had the firema_'s
pole mounted, why that'd be a perfect way to do
it; but we no longer find it necessary to use
it and undesirable to have it in the way. Ingress
and egress out of the airlock are satisfactory.
In fact, got a handrail to the airlock to take
care of that problem.

232 14 59 01 PLT Trash collection provision: It's satisfactory

in the wardroom. It's not satisfactory in the -
There's no trash bags that we ever use in the
experiment compartment. We alwayshave to go
over to waste management or into the - the ward-
room to throw things away unless we put - fold
the bag out and hang it on the wall, which is
what we typically do. The little trash bag
"deals" in the sleep compartments are good. It
takes a while to fill them up. I guess I've
only used one so far. And the one in the head
gets used a lot, but it's adequate. We never use
the one in the forward dome, because they're never
near you, it seems like. There aren't any provi-
sions in the airlockor in the MDA. You really

don't need any in the airlock, but we'd like to

have some in the MDA. And that was an omission,
an oversight that we should have taken care of
earlier, but what we've done is to install a bag
in there to dispose of our waste in a temporary
stowage bag, which we have to dump out every
once in a while. But I like the idea of having
the trash bags behind lockers, not away like they
are down in the lower compartment. That's the way
they ought to be all over.

232 15 O0 24 PLT And the little rubber - split rubber securing

devices are - are working well. Stuff doesn't
ever get out. Whenever you want to put some-
thing in, you can. They get a little messy
sometimes when you put something damp in there.
They get wet - particularly the ones in the
waste manage - or the food compartment, where
your cut the tops off your food bags and stick
them in there. They usually got some residue
on them, and it gets kind of sloppy on the - the
little split rubber entrance to the trash bag.

232 15 Ol 05 PLT Okay, stowage volume and access: We're limited

on stowage volume in the sleep compartment. We
could have used a little more stowage volume for
odds and ends that finally come your way, as far
as clothes and shoes and biomed stuff and the
tool caddy and all that, because you want to
stow your personal tapes in here and your music
tapes and a book or two, and there's no good
stowage for the tapes in the - the sleep compart a
ment, which is where everybody stows theirs,
because they got extras in the - Now that the
ward - wardroom tape recorder's broke, why there's
no sense in having your tapes in there. The
tapes Just drift around in the locker. Should
you slam the door, you could break one very
easily. And you can - never can find the one you
want unless you go through all 18 of them. What
you need is some little thing you can install in
the - the locker in the sleep compartment to keep
your tapes in, so that you can get at them and so
that, also, you can know what you - they are. I
would suggest Just having a catalog for each guy
to use independently in the sleep compartment (so
he knows Just what's on each tape and grab the
one that he wants) or have some better way of

-_rking them. The tapes come up, and they're

unmarked. Except for the ones that were launched,
the others are unmarked.

232 15 02 33 PLT They Just come in a cassette l, 2, or 3 indica-

tions; so there's no way of knowing what's on
them unless you go through every one of them.
You can't file them like you would at home, in
a - in a cabinet, and Just look at the sketches
of them, like you would at a book to see what
the title is. You got to go through the whole -
the whole stash.

232 15 02 53 PLT So my suggestion is that you figure out some way

to contain all these tapes and some way to mark
them on the outside so that you know what they
are without having to go through the whole heap
and have them float all over and then they float
out of the compartment. You find one or two
adrift during the day, somewhere around the

_P 232 15 03 ll PLT The rest of the stow - The rea - Like we said,
there should be more stowage area in the sleep
compartment. They're - The lockers that we do
have in here that we're not using are full of
trash bags or some other thing like that, that
you don't use very many of. And so if you Just
don't empty those lockers, they're not available
for personal use.

232 15 03 33 PLT There is no good way to stow your clothes at

night. You can't stow everything on these
little rubber towel holders, because it floats
all over and it Just kind of gets in your face
and everywhere. And so you need somewhere to
stow your clothes. It would be nice to have a
locker to dump those clothes into. And normally
what I do is I roll up my shirt and stick it
behind the SIA and the light to wedge it in
there. An my trousers - I roll them up, throw
them in the trash compartment. And then I got
T-shirt and a pair of skiwies I usually stick
in the towel holders, and they float around. And
the shoes - I still got a disposal bag down here
with extra clothes in it that we brought up, and
I got that bunched into the deck and out of the

way of the vent so I get some fresh air. And I

usually stick _ shoes down there, wedged in some-
where. But really not enough stowage area in the
sleep compartment.

232 15 04 29 PLT Looks like we got enough of it in the wardroom.

We're gradually using towels and things out of
there, and some of those lockers could be used
for other things. I've stowed the T002 hood in
one of those lockers instead of folding it up
every time and putting it back where it belongs;
so I take an empty locker and stuff it in there.

232 15 04 50 PLT Now there aren't too many stowage provisions that
are required in the head area. The compartment
where you keep the fecal - used fecal bags is a
little too small. Seem to be emptying that thing
all the time; seems like it's always full. And
so that could have been a bigger area. I really
don't stow much there.

232 15 05 ll PLT In the experiment compartment, you don't stow much

extra stuff there, either. And stowage volume that ___
we do have appears adequate. The area - We'll
get things out of there all right when you need
them. Up in the forward dome, we're starting to
use that extra stowage space up there. That
stowage seems adequate. The extra things we
brought up, however, are stowed somewhere on the
wall or tied to this, that, and the other thing.
And we don't really have a place to put them, like
extra poles for the sail and that kind of stuff
is kind of just lashed down wherever you can find
a place. The plenum is completely full. We got
one more bag in there than the sched called for.
And if you need to put more plenumbags down in
there, you can probably improvise away. But the
stowage area that we have plannedis completely

232 15 06 05 PLT We could go around. I noticed that the cable that

is fastened to the dome extends A11 the way around,
although the cable that's fastened to the wall to
hook the other end of the pol - plenum bag to is
completely filled up. If you need to use more
plenum area, you could take it down there and
improvise, someway using the cable that goes

around the dome, but somehow figure out a way

to attach it to the wall, I think, without any

232 15 06 BB PLT Stowage provisions in the - up in the MDA are -

We usually stow everything up there we need. One
thing that we don't have up there that we need is
a tissue and wipe dispenser. One thing I think
they should have made with these clothes is some
handkerchiefs. You got to go out of your way to
blow your nose; you got to pick up a tissue. You
don't do that on Earth. You walk - I walk around,
anyway, with a handkerchief in my pocket. When I
got to wipe something off, I puS1 it out and wipe
it. Here - Around here, you got to go around and
get a tissue from somewhere. Now there aren't
any up in the MDA. We had to take a box up there
and tape it to the wall. So that's also an over-
sight in the MDA.

232 15 07 14 PLT As far as stowage provision is concerned, volume

and access, you can get to it if you can find -
_ find a way to fastenyourselfto somethingto
get in there. There's Just not - no way to hold
yourself down unless you wrap your legs around
something. And haven't actually had too much
occasion to get things out of stowage in the
MDA. But here again, all the stowage is arranged
in real hodgepodge fashion, and lighting is all
different directions. And when you go up there,
you really got to look around to find out where
you are before you can find what you're looking

232 15 07 51 PLT Depends on the orientation you hit the MDA at as

to where you think you are, seems like every time
I go up there. Still, unless I enter it the same
way every time, I'm always a little confused as
to whether I go right or left to - to find what
I'm looking for. And I always got to go in there
and find EREP stuff, and - and then I can locate
myself with respect to that or with respect to
the ATM panel.

2B2 15 08 17 PLT There's not much stowage volume in the airlock, and
there ain't a whole lot required in there except
1156 "_

for the stuff that we take out EVA. Be nice to

have a place to put it instead of hooking on to
everything so it's in the way of your feet, kicking
it around and damgling on tethers and getting
wrapped up in your legs and your umbilical and
wrapping itself around other articles that are
also fastened to the tether. It's a big rat's
nest in there during EVA, as far as stowage is

232 15 08 _7 PLT Temporary equipment restraints: We should've had

more spring bungees, and we shouldn't have had
those sharp wires on them because those are eye
catchers. We found that with time and use, that
those bungees, those little wire hooks - The ones
from the com_nd module are real good, but the
ones that were built with the workshop, they're
starting to stretch out. And every once in a
while, they get loose and go snapping across the
room; and we're lucky so far we haven't put out
somebody's eye. And on some occasions, we've hit
people with them; and if they hit them in the
eye, we would have been in trouble. They're
tending to come loose sometimes because the
hooks are getting bent and straightened out, like
straightened-out fish hooks.

232 15 09 27 PLT And we should have had those springs built on the
doors without having to improvise and - and hook
them on there as an afterthought. We should have
had some kind of little stowage bungee or a
stretching device attached to every - every locker.
Every place there's a flat place, we should have
had something there to stow things underneath.

232 15 l0 02 PLT The other temporary equipment restraints - We use

the short straps quite a bit. The long straps -
we seem to use them, too, although the short
straps are nicer. But it looks to me like the
favorite is the spring bungee, and we yanked
them all out of the command module and yanked
them all out of the workshop. They're all fastened _i
somewhere, and we still don't have enough of them.
So that's something that we ought to, next time i
around, provide more of. _.............

232 15 i0 32 PLT Temporary equipment restraints in the MDA are

essentially nonexistent. Whenever you go up

there and try to fasten something down, there's

Just no place to put it. Now you got to take
springs up there and hook it under everything.
The question is not enough equipment restraints
up there for temporary use. Temporary equipment
restraints in the airlock are nonexistent. We
discussed that already. We need something other
than tethers dangling all over. Now I've got to
go and work on the ATM, and I'll come back and
finish this later.

232 15 ll 06 PLT So this is the temporary end of this message,

and I'll be talking to you later, Robert.


232 16 22 01 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack with S019
for our friend Karl Henize. We're about to start
the second run today. Nu z is minus 9.5 as op-
posedto your minus 9.0, and so my plan is to
mRke the correction of subtracting 0.5 from all
the ROTATIONS. And therefore, the first one
is set up at 297.5, and we'll get going here
pretty se - soon on the 270-second exposure with
the SLIDE R_I'I_ACTED. Lever set at 270, and this
will be a widened exposure. The prism is in, by
the way, and the focus is readjusted to prism
in. And pretty darn quick here, it's going to be
16:2B. Here we go on my mark. CrAnk the crank.
I've gone to SLIDE RETRACTED. Now I'm coming
back around. Stand by -

232 16 23 14 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. The frame is number ll;

a 270-second widened exposure on field 435 ;
ROTATION, 297.5; TILT, ll.9. All windows and
everything verified to be closed. Now, Karl, I
didn't have time to douse the lights and get ...
azimuth set up to see what the spacecraft drift
was on this, because I Just now got off the ATM.
But it doesn't matter anyway because you want the
unwidened exposure regardless; so that's the way
we're going to do it.

232 16 26 53 PLT Okay, Karl, stand by to terminate our first

exposure here in frame ll, field 435, 270 widened.
Coming up to a 100 here.
i158 _


now, as you wanted, here's a 270-second unwidened
exposure. So that's going to be on my watch,
270 full seconds. I'm going to CARRIAGE RETRACTED -
correction - SLIDE RETRACTED. Stand by to OPEN

232 16 27 27 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame number 12; time

has started; field 435; a 270-second unwidened
exposure this time. 270 seconds should be pre-
cisely 4-1/2 minutes. We're going off the air
for a while, while this is timeing out. See you

232 16 31 55 PLT Okay, Karl, we're getting ready to terminate

this exposure.


4 minutes and 30 seconds. Okay, let's go to the
next one. I get 317.3 on that computation:
317.3. Increase numbers. Here we go. And 24.8;
24.8 is set. Now let's check them. 317.3, 24.8,
270 seconds. The lever is in 270. The rest of _
these will be widened. And we go to SLIDE RE-
TRACTED. Crank the crank. Stand by to OPEN the
SHUTTER on a 270-second exposure.

232 16 32 59 PLT MARK. SHU_'IER, OPENED. Frame number 13;

field 425; a 270-second exposure. And we'll go
off the air again for a little while.

232 16 36 36 PLT Okay, here we are Just about ready to terminate

exposure number 13 on field 425, a 270-second
exposure. And then we're going to do a 90 and a
30 on the same field. Stand by -


Lever set to 90. Go to SLIDE RETRACTED. Crank
the crank. Here she goes. Stand by -

232 16 37 06 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame number 14; field

425; a 90-second exposure; ROTATION, 317.3; TILT,

232 16 38 18 PLT Okay. Stand by to terminate this exposure, frame

number 14.


now we got a 30-second one on the same one. The _-_

lever's in 30, and I go to SLIDE RETRACTED. I

crank the cran_. Standby -

232 16 38 38 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame number 15; field

425; a 30-second exposure. After this, we go to
346.4 and 2.0. Okay, standing by to terminate
the 30-second exposure on field 425.


ROTATION, 346.4. Okay, 346.4 set, and 29.6 set.
Okay, let's check those. 346.4 and - That's
wrong. That's why I check them. It's 2.0.
Where'd I get that number, anyway? I got that
off of the thing above, another pad. How about
that? 2.0. Okay, now we got her set. Time's
... we're Just going to make it. 346.4, 2.0. I
put the lever in 270, and I go to SLIDE RETRACTED
and crank the crank. Stand by. That'll work
out Just right.

232 16 40 35 PLT MARK. SHUTI_ER, OPENED. Frame n1_mber 16; field 847;
a 270-second exposure, which will, according to my
_P watch, terminate right at 16:45. And I'll go down
and check my watch to make sure that we get that
turned off at exactly the right time. And I'm going
off RECORD for a while.

232 16 44 01 PLT Okay, Karl, here we are again, about to terminate

the 270-second exposure in field 847, frame nis,ber 16.
Went down, checked my watch, and we're going to
make it for this ride. Going to be early. Stand
by to CLOSE the SHUTTER.

232 16 44 26 PLT MARK. SHUTYER, CLOSED. And the time is 16:44 and
28 seconds when we CLOSED that; so we're 32 seconds
ahead of the Sun. I'll Just go to CARRIAGE RE-
TRACTED this time and leave the lever there. We'll
get this mirror back in and close the door and
get the FILM HATCH CLOSED. And we'll go off the
air for now. This is the end of SO19 ops for
this particular pass. I'll be checking with you

232 16 45 01 PLT So long.


232 18 35 06 SPT Okay, this is the SPT with information to Drs.

Buchanan, Michel, _,w,,el, and Mike Whittle. Rela-
tive exercise and water-consumption loss: I
checked my body mass carefully, both before and
after exercise today. Before the exercise,
wearing shorts and socks tri - and triangle shoes,
about a 5-count average with 6.048 on the BMMD.
After exercise, the body mass was 6.026. I
haven't put this on the conversion chart yet, but
my guess is it's someplace between 1 and 2 pounds.
And all of this, of course, was lost within about
an hour. I did more or less my standard work
routine, 30 minutes of ergometer pedaling, put-
ting out 4300 watt-minutes. And with the Mark I,
60 repetitions of A, 60 repetitions of Baker,
and 40 repetitions of Delta. Now of this, my
guess is 1 to 2 pounds of water loss. My guess
is I lost about 75 percent of it on the ergometer
and 25 percent of it on the Mark I. If anything -
There are a couple of factors that might change
it a little bit. For one thing, I probably still
had a little bit of sweat in my hair and on my
shorts, but, of course, it could - would tend to
underestimate the amount lost.

232 18 37 01 SPT I also did not have a fan on me, and I do tend to
sweat heavily. Both - I've always done that on
the ground and am still doing it up here. And
since I did not have a fan, I was a little
warmer. I don't think this affected my sweating
very much. It might have kept me a little cooler,
but I would have probably sweated nearly as much
even with a fan on me. I do - I am surprised
about one factor, and this is the lack of any
salt remaining on your body after the sweat has
dried. Now after the workout, it's my normal
procedure to get a washrag and towel to wipe off
as much sweat as possible. But you can't get it
all off, and none of us have ever noted any re-
maining salt on our body after the workout. So
I don't know - It seems to be unusual to find
so little salt remaining. I do notice, however,
that the sweat from my brow does sting my eyes
slightly, and it also has a salty taste. So
perhaps it's normal, but it seems to be a bit
unusual. So that's about the amount of water
lost for what is a reasonably typical workout,

and I'd be interested in any comments you might

have. First of all, I would like to know the
amount of weight lost in pounds that corresponds
to those two different BMMD readings, to the
nearest 0.1 of a pound, please. And any other
comments you might have about it would be

232 18 38 53 SPT The message goes to Drs. Buchanan, Michel,

Mike Whittle, and anyone else interested
in the exercise or water-balance studies.

232 18 39 ii SPT SPT; end of message.

232 18 40 08 SPT SPT again on channel A. That last message, rel-

ative to exercise and weight loss, should also go
to Dr. Bill Thornton; Bill Thornton, also.

232 18 40 18 SPT End of addition.

232 18 51 24 PLT Okay, space fans, this is the PLT on channel A,

continuing M487-3 for Bob Bond, Subjective Evalua-
_ tion Guide number 2. The subject is, continuing
on, personnel mobility aids. I think the - There
aren't very mAny personnel mobility aids in the
wardroom. It's Just - You sort of grab onto the
table and ceiling to get around there. That seems
to do the Job pretty well, although we could have
a handlebar here and there, which would help some.
Waste management compartment - I think we've got
adequate handholds around the sink area, but
there are not enough handholds back in the fecal-
dryer area. Sleep compartment - you've got to use
the ceiling to get in and out, and that should be
adequate in there. Experiment compartment - there
aren't any handholds in there, but we do use the
ceiling a lot and whatever's available. I think
that the mobility aids there are adequate. The
forward dome - we don't have the fireman's pole
coming up anymore. The handholds - There are no
handholds around the food lockers and the f_Sm
vault, where you need some, and we have an in-
adequacy in that area. We have a number of
handrails in the upper dome, which seldom get used
because we're seldom in that area. In the airlock,
we have adequate mobility aids, probably about the

best there is to - We spend very little time in the

airloek itself. We're mostly in transit when we
go through airloek, and the handrails there are
used extensively. As I mentioned before, there
are no suitable ones - mobility aids in the MDA.
You Just sort of grab whatever you can and - Very
inadequate mobility aids availability in the

232 18 53 27 PLT Personnel restraint devices - Stand by i.

232 18 54 41 PLT Okay, here we go again on personnel restraint

devices, M487. The best restraint devices we've
got are the triangle shoes, and the more of them
you've got located around, the better we do. We
have quite a bit of it down in the experiment
compartment, and so that's the best restraint
device there is. We're not using any tethers at
all except to - to hang onto things and go EVA.
But then we're not hanging onto body; we're
hanging onto equipment against the ri - rip

232 18 55 19 PLT So the best personnel restraint device we've had

is the triangle shoes. I used the leg restraints
along with the triangle shoes or the toestraps in
the wardroom. And I think they do a very good
Job. Personnel restraint devices not employed
much in the sleep compartment. You Just sort
of drift in there, out without fastening yourself
down. The worst place - One of the worst places
is in the head. The restraint devices are in-
adequate there. You always hoist yourself be-
tween the ws/is to do the Job, to - to restrain
yourself. There should be some cutouts in the
floor for your triangle shoes. The toestraps
are inadequate because they don't fit over the
triangle shoes, even the lengthened ones. Even
though you can get your feet under them, why the
bottoms of the triangle are so slippery that if
you put any force at all, your feet slip out. So
we have inadequate restraint devices in the head.

232 18 56 24 PLT The only one that's adequate is the handholds and
the feet restraints that keep you down when you're
on the - one the one-holer. The - It's a - in fact,
a very annoying thing to go im there and try to
_ l_6S

do your work, to - to change your urine drawer out,

to change the fecal bags and weigh them and put
them in the fecal dryer. You're Just continually
floating around there. You can't even hold your-
self down to write something. You've got to wedge
yourself against the wall in order to write on the
little chart we've got in there. And it' s very
inadequate, poorly designed from the restraint
device standpoint. The airlock module doesn't have
any personnel restraint devices and probably doesn't
need any. The other place that the restraint
devices are poor is in the MDA. We've got a good
restraint device %n front of the EREP and in front
of the ATM panel with the triangle gridwork.
However, any other place that you want to work,
you got to wrap your legs around things.

232 18 57 36 PLT If you want to take pictures of TV out the window,

if you want to work on S192, or if you want to work
on the - do the VTS or any other place you want to
go in the MDA, there's Just nothing to grab onto.
You've got to find - find your - some place to
P_ wrap your legs around. And so MDA-wise, the re-
straint devices are something that has to be improved
on, also.

232 18 58 06 PLT ThermAl comfort: The temperature has been quite

satisfactory in here. It was a little warm in
the workshop when we first got here; the sail took
care of that. It gets cool in the night when we're
sleeping and most of the stuff is powered down.
Wind up putting a little extra blanket over late
in the mornings. The MDA is always quite cool,
and it's uncomfortable to come up here, matter of
fact, for me anyway, without any - or in my under-
wear, which is sometimes the way you work up here
because you have to work _ here Just before you
go to bed. And you come up here to get the pads
and do some other things. So the MDA is a little
cool but tolerable ; in fact, sometimes a pleasant
place to come when things get a little warm down
in the workshop.

232 18 58 57 PLT Whenever you get the high-intensity lights on down

there or midafternoon while we're working, it seems
to get a little warm down in the - the workshop
area. The sleeping compartment does cool off at
night near the ventilator -the - the floor.
l16h _-

Otherwise, the temperature is quite comfortable,

I think. The air is very dry, though. It's a
little too dry to suit me. My lips still are -
are dry. They haven't really cracked or anything,
but they're a little chapped; and requires putting
some ointment on them.

232 18 59 27 PLT And I still get a lot of dry nose, but that's
starting to go away. But it's taking an awful long
time to get acclimated to the dry climate up here,
although I'll have to admit that it's comfortable
to be able to work out and not sweat too much and
dry off in a hurry. It's probably better to have
it the way it is than humid like, say, in Houston,
where you sweat all the time. So thermalwise, I'm
quite satisfied with the - the way the workshop
is set up.

232 18 59 58 PLT Stand by l, please.

232 19 05 08 PLT Okay, this is the PLT again, back on Mh87-3,

evaluation guide number 2. As I was saying, the
thermal comfort is satisfactory, I think, in here.
It's - As I was saying, the dry climate is a little
dry for the nose and so forth, but for the rest of
the things you like to do, I think it's better.
You don't sweat much up here at all except when
you work out, and when you do, why you dry out
real quick. If you hang things up to dry, why
they dry rapidly, also. So from that point of
view, I think it's good.

232 19 05 _2 PLT Noise level is quite low. It's higher in the STS
area than anywhere because the fans - the mol sieves
are running. But otherwise, it's quite quiet.
There is no obJectional noise. It Just hums along
with a very comfortable noise level. It's not
objectionable at all. That's throughout the whole
spacecraft. And even the mol sieve fans - when
they're not running, you miss them. So I don't
have any complaints about the noise at all. It
gets a little noisy when you turn up the EREP
stuff, because there's a few coolers and so forth
running; but for the short period of time we use
those, it's not objectionable either.

232 19 06 28 PLT Okay, illumination seems to be generally a little

bit low. It could be higher everywhere, I guess,
although we're able to accomplish our work with _-_
the illumination that we have. Frequently, you get
_ 1165

out your flashlight to look at something more

closely; you've got to look down somewhere in a
nook or a cranny. So if you want to do a lot of
reading, you wouldn't like this light very much.
Just to work around in here and throw switches and
so forth, it seems adequate; but if you want to
read a book or something, it's best to find your-
self near the window or something like that, so that
you've got better illumination. But for Just working
and moving around and doing your Job, why the
illumination is adequate; although it could very
easily be higher and make everybody happier.

232 19 07 36 PLT If you want to work on a piece of equipment, you

have to get down in it - in a nook and a cranny.
In a nook or a cranny, you have to get your flash-
light out for sure, because, more often than not,
not only is the lighting a little low, when you do
get over to the place to work on it, why you block
out the light that there is_ It's inconvenient
to have all those - haul portable lights around every-
where, hook them up everywhere. So I don't think
we've ever used those. I've never seen anybody
use one of those portable lights.

232 19 08 ll PLT Well, I think that's going to conclude m_ briefing

for today. If I think of anything more on these
subjects, I'll put them on tape, but that will be
the end of my message for the pilot on Evaluation
Guide number 2 for M487-3.

232 19 08 25 PLT Enjoyed talking with you, Bob.


232 19 29 45 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack on channel

A, debriefing the last ATM run for the ATOM boys.
This is the 18:28 run; short debriefing this time.
All came off Just as advertised. Don't think I
made any mistakes. So nothing significant to

232 19 30 02 PLT Got it all and see you next pass.



232 20 51 01 PLT Hello there, biomed space fans. This is Jack,

the PLT, on channel A. We're _innlug an M092
and 093 on the captain, Alan Bean. Just measured
his left leg, and it is 12-7/8. I measured his
right leg, too, and that is 13-3/8. I'll be
talking to you later.

232 20 51 32 PLT Okay, his left legband is Charlle India h.5, and
his right leg is Alfa Quebec 3.2.

232 20 54 25 PLT Okay, the BPMB serial number is 011.

232 20 56 20 SPY Okay, debriefing the last ATM pass here, which
Just finished about 20:55 Zulu. The information
goes to the ATM Pls and planners. And nothing
particular to note about the pass, with the fol-
lowing exceptions. I didn't - On that one building
block, I had to cut off 55 after 50 lines instead
of the full 60 in order to work in the last JOP 9.

232 20 56 49 SPT And the X-ray experimenters will know - will no-
tice that I sometimes went over 400 kilometers
by, oh, perhaps a minute at these high beta angles
with the XU - affected by dropping a little below
400 kilometers, whereas that may not be so true
for some of the XUV experiments, which I did not
try to ... useful data below that altitude.

232 20 57 24 SPT Now one of the things that I think would be of

interest particularly to the NRL experimenters,
but perhaps to the rest as well. Now while we
were pointing off the limb, I took the opportunity
to leave the WHITE LIGHT display on i MONITOR
and checked for any disturbances produced by
closing some other doors - or another door.

232 20 57 50 SPT In the first place, I noticed that by looking at

the WHITE LIGHT display when the XUV FILT_
changes from LONG to SHORT, there is no vibration
noticed on the XUV white light mirror - on the
slit mirror. However, when it changes from SHORT
to LONG, as it does in an AUTO program, there is
a large vibratiom of the slit mirror. It appears
to be - It appears as a wavy line, vertically;
more like a corrugated edge during the scan of
the monitor. The height of each cycle is about a
quarter of an inch, and there are some 20 cycles
f-_ 1167

from top to bottom. That's a 5-inch scope. And -

since each scan is 1/60 of a second, that apparent-
ly is a mechanical vibration frequency of about
1200 hertz. And I expect that the Ball Brothers
people should decide whether or not that's a very
close approximation.

232 20 59 02 SPT The amplitude of the oscillation is about 5 arc

seconds, and it damps out in 2 or 3 seconds. There
was no apparent effect when the S056 mirrors di-
rected FILTER closed, and there was no effect when
the 82ADOORS were cycled OPENED or CLOSED. No
effect on the mirror was visible. So that may be
of some help to you on - in terms of a disturbance

232 20 59 36 SPT End of message to the ATM Pls and planners from
the SPT.

DAY 233 (AM) 1169

233 00 00 51 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack on channel A.

I'm going to debrief the - the out-the-window
sightings of the Great Barrier Reef over Austra1_a
and the pass over New Zealand. This is probably
for the EREP officer and anybody who is interested
in visual observations. I had no ... difficulty
in finding the Great Barrier Reef. I noted the
variation of coloration in the water from the shore-
line out to the reef. Near the shore it was tan
and brown. As it went outward, due to the depth
and the zero - lesser amount of sediments, the
water became bluer. It went from brown to kind of
a aqua blue, and then it went to a deeper blue before
it got out to the reef. I was unable to - to detect
any current flow by using - by looking at wave
refraction patterns. I didn't notice any wave
refraction patterns. I saw several riverborne and
sediment plumes that were along the coast and
emptying into the ocean. For example, I pinpointed
three of them in particular, the first of which
was emptying into a bay which is between Rockhampton
and the Cape. The second was emptying into another
bay between the - Gladstone and Rockhampton. The
-f third one was emptying into a very beautiful
half-Moon bay which was Just north of Maryborough
and that was muddying up that water. Now as we went
across New Zealand, ,Imost all of New Zealand was
covered with clouds.

233 O0 02 32 PLT I was able to, however, see one point of land
Jutting out from under the clouds, but on this
point of land there was a volcano that was cover-
ed with snow. It was one lone volcano. It was
a very beautiful sight. I took some closeup
pictures - a 300-millimeter picture of that.
However, I was unable through the clouds to see
any other volcanic activity in the area. And I
was unable to, due to clouds, see the depression
in the center of the North Island. Now I was
also able on this day that I was viewing at
New Zealand to detect the current wake along the
coast by observing the water color in the sedi-
ment plumes. It had much the same characteristics
as that along the shore between the Australian
coast and the Great Barrier Reef. And as you
went outward from - from the shore, the water

became bluer, of course, and I saw many (down

in the water) channels where the sediments had
caused the water to appear to be a different
color, much as you see in the Bahaman area.
So I was able to detect channeling along that
coastline of New Zealand because of the color-
ation in the water.

233 00 04 07 PLT If you've got any more questions, Just give me

a call and - Otherwise, that concludes the mes-
sage on the visual sightings out the window
today on the Barrier Reef and the southern tip
of the North Island of New Zealand.


233 01 23 13 CDR ATM room. I wanted to make sure that the frames
were sequenced right on 56, and so I decided
after that 6-minute exposure - So I've decided
to give them a - a PATROL, SHORT because it
doesn't take as many frames, and I've noticed
they like to have PATROL, SHORT in many of the
shopping list items. And it looked like we were
in a good position to pick up this active region,
and I thought it might be acceptable to ...

233 01 23 43 CDR CDR out.

233 01 35 20 CDR Okay, this is the CDR debriefing the ATM run. It
went well. I stuck Just per the pad. Got the
6-minute exposures on 56 and 82B, both limbs. I
got a 3 SCAN on the right limb. On the left
limb, I only had time for about I-i/2 scans. I
hope that's good for those 82B's. Everything
else went - was normal .... but we don't get
to talk to you too much except debriefings. I
think that the ATM - From m_ point of view, the
ATM is going real well. We think the pads,
particularly lately, have been Just about proper,
as far as the total amount of work to do during
that orbit. It gives you t_me to do a few extra
things, but not too many things. I'm personally
very happy with the way the ... is going up
here. We still make mistakes. I've tried to
evaluate whether the mistakes were because we
were rushed or because we did dare. And I have

a feeling it's because we _ed. It's not too

fantastic a world to operate this complex m_chinery.
And your mind tends to wander from time to time,
and that's when you mess up. But I don't think
the total number of runs that we have is causing
any problems. I think if we reduce it, we'll still
have the same number of errors. Maybe there's a
way we'll reduce them because of that advice ...
giving Owen ... good at it. I know l'm a lot better
now than to start with. Of course Owen and Jack
without question ... well. So l'm real happy
about the way it's going. We're going to get out
... new film here in another few daysi so we'll
have another go at it. We're going to stay on
it real hard for you.

233 01 36 59 CDR CDR out.


233 02 47 33 CDR This goes to EGIL. And that's - This is the

CDR repor - reporting the results of 60R-I.
Tank 2 had 5 parts per million; tank 8, 3 parts
per rain - million; t_ 9, no detectable iodine.
That's 5 parts per mi11_on, 2; S parts per
million, tank 8; zero, tank 9. That message
should go to EGIL, concerning the housekeeping
task 60R-1.

23B 02 5B 34 CDR This is the CDR. I wanted to record some in-

formation for S019. I had on m_ pad this eve-
ning an S019 film stow, and I don't believe there's
any way to do it with the present configuration.
So I did not.

2B3 02 53 _5 CDR CDR out. That goes to Karl Henize, I believe,

and others interested in SO19.

233 03 02 19 PLT Good evening, space fans. This is Jack on

channel A debriefing the last ATM run - 02:15,
begi-n_ng time. We ran off the JOP 9, the
15 Charlie, and the 2 Bravo; and we 're in the
process of powering down for usattended. Most
everything came off - Most everything came off
the way you'd hoped it might. However, I noted
that in powering down for unattended that the

O-ORDER detector - rather O-ORDER flag was in

MECHANICAL REFERENCE, which I did not notice when
I came up on the panel. So everything that was
taken at - for 55 is 102 - 102 off. I am now
in the process of running 55 by itself until
ESS ... in OPTICAL REFERENCE. All zeros and
running you a Sun-centered JOP 9, building
block 2. In order to help round out the series
of solar wind studies, we tended to get con-
sistent data. Unfortunately, we won't have the
opportunity to go back and get the rest of those
things, but hopefully the ... bunch will be able
to get something out of what we did. The FRAME
counters tonight are: the H-ALPHA, 1376; 56 is
1227; 82A is reading 24; 82B is reading 60; 52
is reading 2092; and S054 is reading 1914.

233 03 04 12 CDR Thank you.

233 03 Oh 20 CDR This is CDE. This is information for biomed.

Tods_v when I did MD92, I used position 5 in the
saddle, I think it was a little bit far out for
me, and I'm going back to position 6. This goes
to biomed.

233 03 04 32 CDR CDR out.


233 12 19 53 SPT PRD readings. The PLT is 7203 - 203 for the P -
for the PLT.

233 12 20 27 SPT 093 for the SPT. 093 for the SPT's PRD.

233 12 21 hl CDR CDR debriefing the ATM pass. Went entirely

nominal. Believe it or not, everything worked out
Just as planned.

233 12 21 47 CDR CDR out. This is for the ATM science room.

233 12 22 23 SPT 45226. That's 226 for the CDR's PRD, and all PRD
locations are the same standard ones they've been
a11 along here.

233 12 22 32 SPT End of message for those interested in radiation

doses and PRD readings.

233 12 23 06 SPT One more co_nent on the end of that last message.
I woundered, whoever is recordi,ng and logging these
PRD readings, if they would let me know that the
readings have been received every day and that the
numbers are satisfactory and that they are deriving
meaningf_ information from A11 this stuff that
I'm sending up - or sending down. Would you
please identify who is receiving it and that -
that it is being usei%111y used.

233 12 23 36 SPT This is the real end of message on radiation


233 12 30 30 PLT Good morning, space fans. This is Jack on channel

A. The subject this morning is T002. This infor-
mation goes to Bob Nute of NASA; Bob Randle, Ames
Research Center, and - It's Just getting dark, and
we're going to first off do some star-to-star -
correction - star-to-horizon sightings on two stars.
The stars called out are Diphda and Dabih. We
may have to decide that Dabih is not a good star.
But before it gets completely dark, we're going to
r take some zero bias sightings,and then we'll be
ready. Temperature of the stadimeter is 6 -
correction - of the sextant is 67 degrees, and
diopter setting is a minus 9-5. And let's pick us
a good star. Fomalhaut's a little lower than he
used to be, but that's the brightest one there;
so we may also decide that FomA]baut's a good one
to put on the horizon. And the window protector
is out.

233 12 32 01 PLT MARK. The first zero bias; 000 - 0.001. CrAnk
it out a little bit. Do it again.

233 12 32 25 PLT MARK; 0.004.

233 12 32 42 PLT MARK; 0.004.

233 12 33 05 PLT MARK; 0.004. One more.

233 12 33 30 PLT MARK; 0.004. That's 5.

PLT Okay, now it's not quite da_k yet. The Sun is
still shining on that discone antenna. I'm Just
barely now being able to pick up the horizon.
They want to lay the stars on the horizon and time
two stars. Femalhaut's going to be a goo_ one.
Diphda's not even up yet. Let me see if I can find
our friend - our dlm/v-lit friend, Dabih.

233 12 35 32 PLT What?

CREW ,..

PLT Yes.

CREW ...

PLT Underneath that spacer.

CREW ...

PLT It 's in there.

CREW He said it's under a spacer in there somewhere.

• .. spacer ...... Find it, 0.?

233 12 36 34 PLT Well, there's Dabih. I see her. Diphda ain't up

yet. Yes, there she is way down there. Now she's _--_-
starting to rise. Now it's getting dark here now.
Stand by to put it on him. Okay, let's see if
we can see anything through this here sextant now.

233 12 38 04 PLT ... about 5 degrees above the horizon. Stars are
cattywampus from where they "used to was" a few
days ago.

PLT Okay, there's Dabih, and we're going to put Dabih

on the horizon. There again, the best you can do
is Just kind of nestle it in there, because
there's no well-defined horizon. Just sort of
nestle it in that kind of white glow that is, I -
I know, on the horizon.

PLT I can see some stars through that white glow on

the horizon, so I know it is not the real horizon.
Okay, here we go with Diphda. Stand by for the
first mark.

233 12 39 32 PLT MARK. 0 - correction - 8.541, and the Greenwich

mean time is something like 12:39:50.

233 12 39 52 PLT MARK. Okay, now we're going to do this again.

PLT She'srisingfast. Standby. _-_

233 12 40 17 PLT MARK. N1_mber 2 is 10.184.


PLT Stand

233 12 40 38 PLT MARK. 11.036 and 11.028. That's _a_k number 4.

PLT Stand by.

233 12 41 Ol PLT MARK. 11.914. That's 5-

PLT Stand by.

233 12 42 01 PLT MARK. Number 6 is 14.238.

233 12 42 24 PLT MARK. 15.196 - correction - 15.186.

233 12 42 46 PLT MARK. 16.162.

233 12 43 05 PLT MARK. Number 8 is 16.981. 8 or 9; we'll call it 8.

I PLT Yes, I might have been putting her in the airglow

horizon; I'm not sure. Bet I was. Very, very
well-defined airglow horizon. At least I think
that's what it is. It's pretty tough to tell.
Yes, there are stars below it, so that must be it.
Let's start over again.

233 12 44 39 PLT MARK; 22.574.

233 12 44 53 PLT MARK; 23.043.

233 12 45 07 PLT MARK; 23.498.

233 12 45 17 PLT MARK; 24.010.

233 12 45 27 PLT MARK; 24.251.

233 12 45 hO PLT MARK; 24.924.

233 12 45 55 PLT MARK; 25.695.

233 12 46 ii PLT MARK; 26.110.

233 12 46 25 PLT MARK; 26.628.

233 12 46 43 PLT MARK; 27.395.

233 12 46 55 PLT MARK; 27.965.

233 12 47 08 PLT MARK; 28.373. That ought to be enough. Let's

see if we can find Dabih now. There it is, right

up there .... find Jupiter, we can find Dabih. At

least I thought we could. It's right above Jupiter
at the moment - my vantage point.

233 12 48 36 PLT Okay, there's Dabih.

CREW ...

PLT No, it's right above the airlock there.

PLT Okay, stand by for a mark on Dabih.

233 12 50 59 PLT MARK; 38.673.

233 12 51 17 PLT MARK; 38.085.

233 12 51 32 PLT MARK; 38.007.

PLT Where'd she go?

233 12 52 14 PLT MARK; 36.146.

23312 52 31 PLT MARK;35.446. 4

233 12 52 45 PLT MARK; 34.930.

233 12 52 58 PLT MARK; 34 - 34.572.

233 12 53 09 PLT MARK; 34.082.

233 12 53 20 PLT MARK; 33.720.

233 12 53 37 PLT MARK; 33.214.

233 12 54 28 PLT MARK. That ought to be enough of them. 31.754.

Okay, now let's find ourselves our friend, what's
her name, again - Diphda. Okay, there she is.
Now let me see if I can get her in the sextant.

PLT ... could find this ...

CDR Do you think the ... today?

PLT Yes.

233 12 55 50 PLT Well, we got this ... I don't care. If I could

go ahead and get her in the sextant, I'd be happy.

233 12 57 45 PLT Can't get her located in the sextant. Stand by. _

233 12 59 03 PLT Well, space fan-, the Sun's coming up, and I haven't
located Dahih age/n in the sextant. T'11 tell
you, the problem is that when the star gets well
above the horizon, it's difficult to pick it out.
The reason is because - the stars - sextant sees
a lot more stars than the - than the naked eye, and
you Just really can't pick them out too well. If
you use the filters, it's more difficult. But it
looks like to me that that's too many sightings to
take in the short period that we got to work in.

233 12 59 45 PLT So - We don't have from complete sunrise to - or

sunset to sunrise, because it starts to get light
before sunrise.

233 13 07 16 PLT Okay, space fans, I might he able to give you a

few more marks on Dabih before Sun - Sun - complete
sunrise here.

PLT I don't know. I don't knows It's ...

PLT Now Dabih's below the airglow horizon. It ain't

--_ going to work.

233 13 08 49 PLT Well, I guess we're going to have to wind up the

operation with the sighting of two stars. Now
I'ii tell you what the difficulty is, and I thine
I mentioned it before. The difficulty is one of
acquiring a star when it's well above the horizon
and with a few checkpoints around. You can see
stars in there, but you don't know the one you're
seeking for because the sextant gathers more light
than your eye can, and therefore you see more
stars through the sextant than you do through
the - with the naked eye. Now I'ii try it again.

233 13 09 24 PLT Perhaps I can get a little bit on the next night
rev after the stadimeter, but I don't know. But
it might take more. It might take longer to get
the number of sightings you Want. We got i0 marks
on each star, which is a start. And then we'll go
to the stadimeter operation now as soon as the
horizon gets well defined enough on every side.
For example, it's not going to occur right on the
time that you suggest. Okay, let's see_ I think
you suggested stadimeter sightings at 13:05.
Well, that's unrealistic because there ain't
any horizon out there to work on. You can only

work during the midpoint of daylight with that

stadimeter, because otherwise, the horizons are so
unde - so much - so undefined that it's impossible
to see what you're doing. So we'll go off the air
for now and wait until the horizon gets good for
the stadimeter.

233 13 lO 27 PLT And - No. And the temperature of the sextant is

not 77 degrees.

SPT Hey, AS, ...

233 13 13 00 PLT Okay, T002 again. , I noticed that your pad calls
for stadimeter up until 13:45, roughly. And that
should be enough time to get a fairly well defined
horizon during the day. Now the other way to do it
is to get them during the night. I got a hunch
that stadimeter reading during the night here is
going to be better than those during the day. So
the thing you want to plan on is to get them all
around the midpoint of daylight or darkness,
because that way you get well-defined horizons to
put end to end or next to each other. If you wait
until close to sunrise or sunset, why the horizons
are so diffused that although you may get two good
horizons, the third one won't be any good at all on
the up side because it's Just too diffuse to match
up to a more well defined horizon. But seems like
I was considering doing some of this at night,
although I don't think I've done it yet. I tried
it, and it looked like it would be easier and more
accurate even in the daytime.

233 13 14 17 PLT So I'll sign off for a little while, and I'll pick
you up in a few minutes when the horizon gets
better for stadimeter in the daytime.


233 13 38 h3 PLT Okay, space fans, here we are back again,

T002-6 Alpha. And we're performing operational
stadimeter sightings. This will be the second
set of sightings. The time since the last set
has been about l0 to 15 minutes. My ATM operator
informs me that we have 30 minutes of daylight

left, which means about 15 good minutes of

6 - 20 minutes of stadimeter time left. So this
will have to be the second series of sightings
coming up. I got two well-defined horizons and
one bad one at the moment. It varies. It changes
as you go. There's always at least one badly-
defined horizon, seems like.

233 13 40 12 PLT MARK. That is 3.995.

233 13 hl 36 PLT At the moment, the center horizon is so well

defined that it makes it difficult, with relation
to the two outer horizons, to find out where you
are. Don't mean to be doing all this complaining.
It's nothing really complaining; it's Just that
I want you to know that it's not like a classroom
situation up here. It's considerably different.
Everything is less well defined.

233 13 42 21 PLT MARK. 3.918. It's a matter of integrating the

total picture. You can't Just take the horizon.
You've got to take the blue above the horizon and
r_ the black above the blue and kind of all fit it
together, somehow, like a puzzle. And one time, maybe
the white horizon will match up very well. Other
times, like right now, you can't match the white
horizons at all. You got to kind of match the
blue band in with the black and kind of get all
the boundaries sort of looking like an integrated
picture, without relation to - to a specific one of
those horizons. You got to take them all together.

233 13 43 19 PLT MARK. 3.956. Okay, I'ii be back in about

i0 minutes to m_ke a few - the fin - the final
three sightings on this operational pass. And if
I have time, I might can try to get some more
stars at night and see if I can make 40 sightings
on two different stars. And I would - We'll have
to see how the rest of the housekeeping stuff goes,
and I'll be checking in with you in a little while.

233 13 53 32 PLT Okay, space fans, here we are back again for some
operational sightings on the horizon, the last set
for this pass. It looks like the horizon's off -
already so diffused that it's going to be unusable.

233 13 54 23 PLT Okay, the horizon is so diffused that it's impossi-

ble to tell where it is. How much time before
.I-" sundown, 0.?

233 13 5h 35 SPT Fifteen minutes.

PLT ThAnk you. Okay. And m_ ATM operator tells me

that it's still 15 minutes to sundown. So there
really isn't very much operational time available
during the daytime for the stadimeter - nor during
the night. You have to pick some time in the mid-
point of darkness or the midpoint of daylight to do
your best work. Tell you what I'll do. I'll give
you some sightings here, the vest I can do it with
what I got to work with, which ain't much, and
you'll be able to get a feeling for the problem.

PLT You can put itar4vwhere, and it looks all right.

Looks just as bad anywhere is what I mean.

233 13 55 41 PLT Call it a -

233 13 55 43 PLT MARK; 2.143. Okay, I'll take - crank this thing
way off and try to come back to where I was and
see how I can do.

PLT I tell you, if I depended on this for m_ way to

get home. I'd be mightily worried right now.

233 13 56 28 PLT MARK; 1.962.

PLT Crank it off again; try to get in there.

233 13 57 05 PLT MARK; 2.164, call that. Okay, that concludes

the operational stadimeter sightings, the first
set. And what I'd like you to do now is to look
at this data and see if we ought to modify our
procedures or if this is what you want to keep
doing. My suggestion, on - if we were really going
to do this operationally, is to limit our stadi-
meter sightings to plus or minus 15 minutes or
a plus or minus i0 to 15 minutes of midpoint of
daylight or plus or minus 5 to i0 minutes midpoint
of darkness.

233 13 57 53 PLT However, I'ii keep doing it your way if you want,
but I don't think I'd do it that way operationally
because it would - I'd be concerned that I wasn't
getting good enough data to get home on. And I'd
be very reluctant to rely on it at all. So I want
some-feedback on what we're doing, and I'll expect

to get that tomorrow. And this concludes

T002-6 Alfa for now, and if things work out right,
I'ii try to get some more star sightings on the
next darkside pass and see if there's any way to
get two sets of stars. But it'll all depend on
how the other part of the Flight Plan works out
this time.

233 13 58 36 PLT That's the end of message for now.

233 14 i0 59 CDR Okay, this is CDR getting ready to begin S019.

Nu Z, 9.2. The best estimate we have up here now
is minus 9.1; so they'll stay the same. 295.4,
26.1 to set in; star field hlT. I'm now going
to go over and pick up a picture. No, I can't
do that because I haven't OPENed the HATCH. OPEN
the HATCH, pick up a picture, go to STOWAGE.
Standing in STOWAGE now, waiting to OPEN the
SHUTTER, and I'm going to OPEN it at 14:12. I'm
going to give_ you a 270-second exposure. That's
a widened, and it's going to be frame number 17.
So I'm going over here now so I can start right
on time. Okay. Everything is in readiness.
Stand by.

233 14 14 05 CDR MARK. Okay, we're commenced; frame 17, star

field 417. Interesting coincidence. 295.4.
Everything's running along Just right. I'll be
off the co,,, for a minute. This information, of
course, goes to Karl Henize and other interested
SO19 parties, such as Wally Teague.

233 14 15 59 CDR Okay. We're back to S019 again. We're getting

ready to CLOSE the SHb'i-f_ on this 270-second
exposure, field hl7. Stand by.

233 14 16 ll CDR MARK. Okay. SHUTTER is CLOSED. Next, we go for

a 270-second at a different field. And I'll reset.
345.7, 345.7, 10.8. Rather simple readjustments.

CDR Okay, 10.8. I now read you 345.7, 10.8, and it's
a 270-second one. First, I go over and pick up
the slide, as I've done. I noticed it's a little
bit stiffer today, probably because it's cold.
Now I get ready to CLOSE - OPEN the SHUTTER. I
will on my mark. Field 845. Stand by for a m-_k.

233 14 17 09 CDR MARK. Frame 18. Going off the comm, 270 seconds.

233 14 20 53 CDR This is the CDR, back up on SO19. We're nearly

finished. Getting ready to CLOSE the SHUTTER on
our second exposure, star field 845, at 270, and
we're going to give you a 90 in Just a moment
and frame number 018. Standby for a mark.

233 14 21 12 CDR MARK. CLOSED. Now we're going for a 90-second.

It's set. Turn over to the minus l0 percent,
but don't pick up a frame. Bring it back
to CLOSED. Stand by for the mark.

233 14 21 26 CDR MARK. Frame 1R, 90-second exposure in progress

on field 845. After that, we must go to a new
setting. Be off the comm momentarily.

CDE Stand by. We're ready to complete. I'm going to

CLOSE the SHUTTER on this 90-second exposure.

233 14 22 48 CDR MARK. SHUTTER, CLOSED. Okay, we go to a new one,

6_2 and ll.1. Okay, 26._, 211.1. We're going _
for a 270-second one. Looking for 211.1, field 614,
I believe. Okay, I'm going to go over and pick
up a friendly little frame again. I've got it.
I've returned it to the CLOSED position. And I'm
standing by to move to the OPEN. Standby.

233 14 23 42 CDR MARK. We're OPENED on a 270-second exposure,

frame 20, field 614.

233 14 27 24 CDR Okay, this is CDR. We're getting ready to finish

the 270-second exposure, frame 20, on field 614.
Stand by for my mark.

233 lh 27 41 CDR MARK. SHUTTER is CLOSED. Now going to a new field,

which is 73, ROTATION and TILT of mere 13.5. Okay,
73 and 13.5. Very choice location for field 627.
We're going to give a 270-second exposure on this
because we like it so much. Stand by as I pick
up the new one. Go by to the CLOSE, and we're
standing by and waiting. Sunrise is 14:32. We
should have time to get this exposure in. Stand

233 14 28 31 CDR MARK. 021, 73.0, 13.5. 14:32 - We should have

no trouble meeting that restriction.

233 14 32 07 CDR Okay, CDE again. We're approaching the time when
I CLOSE the SHUTTER. We made the 14:32 restriction
or missed it by about i0 seconds, but I think we'll
live through it, maybe, I hope. Stand by.

233 14 32 30 CDR MARK. SHUTTER is CLOSED. We're in STOWAGE. I'ii

Just set it in CARRIAGE RETRACTED at the end of the
ball game. It was 32:30 or so when we CLOSED the
tent. So that m,y give you a feel for the problem.
I hope the son-of-a-gun gets there ... at the last.
I don't think it did ...


233 14 58 02 CDR Okay, this is the CDR in regards to the coronal

transients. We went to the ROLL and the UP/DOWN,
LEFT/RIGHT per instructions. Before we'd done that -
By the way, this is for ATM science room. Before
we' d done that, we looked at the white light corona-
.... graph, and, sure enon_h, in that area you could see
a big round bubble. It was about seven-eighths the
diameter of the Earth or about three-quarters the
diameter of the occulting Sun - occulting disk.
So it's a nice discontinuity out in the corona.

233 14 58 37 CDR _We took some data. We gave a little CONTINUOUS on

52 until we had to move off and point at it.
We stopped in the CONTINUOUS, moved off, and
we pointed in that vicinity. We cannot see it on
H-alpha. We haven't looked real hard yet in the
XUV, hut we are - we ran - in the process of running
a 5-minute exposure on 82B. 83 is not x-raying. We're
doing an ACTIVE i, LONG, which we looked at the J0P A
to decide if that might be what 56 needed, and we're
running an M03 -

233 14 59 19 CDR M, 3, O, S, 256 because it looked like that was

what, maybe, 56 wanted to do on these occasions. And
we're presently out there taking some data at the

233 i_ 59 30 CDR CDR out.


233 14 59 40 CDR Also, SPT suggested we put the wn1_e llgn_ corona-
graph on the VTR, so we got a couple of minutes of
that on there I think you'll enjoy.

233 14 59 50 CDR CDR out.

233 15 02 23 CDR Also, we're going to give you a little XUV M0N on
VTR. We'll INTEGRATE 5 to l0 seconds, see if we can
... out there. I'll give you 4, 6, 8, l0 integrations.

233 15 ii 5B CDR ATM run again. We went back to the center. The -
the disturbance in the coronal looked a little
different; so I took a couple of frames of WLC. I
ran a standard, and when it had taken a couple of
frames, I shut it off.

233 15 14 26 CDR This is the CDR, debriefing early some of the ATM
runs. This goes to the ATM science room. I've
already talked about what we did with the white
light coronagraph, what we did with the coronal
transients. I've been running building block ll.
It replaces building block 2 - building block ll,
JOP IB, step 2. And I'm going to be able to get
in everything except a final completion of 54,

233 15 Bl O0 CDR It's running now, but it won't run out until after
effective sunset. And what I understand from the
ground was to just let it run. So we've got every-
thing there. I threw in an extra MIRROR AUTO
RASTER on the network cell that we've been working
on, so that you make sure you have that. I got
three GRATING SCANS. So I think you'll have enough
to do just about anything you want. Now l'm going to
have to run the last exposure on 82A, WAVELENGTH,

233 14 31 28 CDR I'ii run it just before we get into the - the
effective sunset, and that'll space it out Just
about as much as we can.


233 17 07 40 PLT Hello, space fans. This is Jack on ch_n_el A, de-

briefing the last ATM run starting at 16:15. We

had a revision to the pass through Hawaii. I got

your building block 2 at the beginning of the end
of the run, and in the mladle I got the JOB _ Bravo
and the J0P - J0P 12 Dog. Everything came off
pretty much as advertised; in fact, exactly as ad-
vertised. And one - one thing I did that was a
little different, that JOP _B, building block 33B,
where you are asking for H-alpha i pointing. Since
the 82B was omitted, I did not change the pointing
there. I Just kept the pointing I had and ran the
AUTO RASTER and 5_ and 56. So that's the only dif-
ference. Due to the fact that the XUV wasn't run-
ning, there's no point to - to pointing at a dark
element in the filament. So that rev is complete.
Think it's the way you want it, and we'll see you
next rev.

223 17 08 54 PLT Thank you.

233 17 13 32 SPT Okay, the first message is for the ATM science room
Pls and planners in relation to the four-limb
coal_-_-nt, _hlckwsa accomplished on day233,
13:30, about 4 hours ago. Here are the results.
At the upper limb, plus 1005, plus 1005, plus 1008;
at the lower limb, minus 894, minus 894; at the
left limb, minus 920, minus 920, minus 920; at the
right limb, 82B was plus 971; 55 is plus 975. The
mirror position is now 1032. The coaligned posi-
tion, in other words, slit center, is 1032. That's
a shift of about 5 arc seconds from - in other
words, from line 9 to line 10. And I doublechecked
it a couple of times, and it really has apparently
moved into position relative to 82B by about the
5 arc seconds. So we'll be using slit center as
1032 from now on.

233 17 14 49 SPT End of message from the SPT to the ATM science room
PIs and planners.

233 17 15 13 SPT The next message relates to the first studies of the
rate gyro pack temperature variations. I'll give
you the results of the first hour.

SPT To begin with, the voltage measurements, the first

three or four, are not as accurate as I would like
for them to be because I - m_ teleprinter up-link
pad missed the first zero - correction - the
first 2 of the expected voltage. So as the

expected voltage of 2.95, m_ copy looked as if

it read 0.95 volts. Therefore, I was only
reading voltage to the nearest 01. volt.
233 17 16 12 SPT So I will not have the resolution that you would
probably like to have on the first three measure-
ments. So at times zero, the voltage measurement
was 2.70 volts. And the temperatures are as fol-
lows: X-5, 69.0; X-6, 68.7; Y-5 is 69.2:Y-6 is
69.7; Z-5 is 69.0; and Z-6 is 69.3. Now 5 minutes
later, I'm Just going to give you the X-5, 2.7 volts,
70.4 degrees; at l0 minutes, 2.8 volts, 71.7 de-
grees; at 15 minutes, 2.94 volts, 72.6 degrees; at
20 minutes, 2.97 volts, 74.4 degrees; 25 minutes
is 2.97 volts, 76.7 degrees; B0 minutes, 2.97 volts,
78.0; for X-6, 79.2; Y-6 - correction - Y-6 is 5,
79.2, 81.4. Nope, let me change that now. I'll
reread you here.

233 17 17 43 SPT At 30 minutes, the voltage was 2.97. X-5 and X-6
read 78.0, 79.2; Y-5 and 6 read 81.4, 80.9; Z-5
and 6 read 79.5, 79.6. At 45 minutes, 2.98 volts,
80.3 degrees. After 1 hour, 2.98 volts. X-5 and X-6
read 82.B, 85.5; Y-5 and 6 read 86.8, 86.8; Z-5
and 6 read 86.0 and 84.7. And I'll not call you
up for later readings, which will be made every
3 hours or so, more or less indefinitely, up to
36 hours. End of message and this message goes to -
let's see - whoever is associated with the rate gyros.
I know it goes to the Marshall personnel and who-
ever's interested in the rate gyro performance.

233 17 19 13 SPT End of message from the SPT.


233 18 46 59 PLT Hello, space fans. This is the PLT on channel A.

The subject is M487-1 Bravo, measuring air velocity
Just before M509. The air velocity of the M509
donning station was a half a foot per minute. At
FMU-2, it was a half a foot per minute. The banjo
area in the dome, it w_s 1 foot per minute. The
commander's sleep compartment, 5 feet. Above the
vent, the air velocity was 9 - 5 feet per minute.
I repeat that; 5 feet per minute.

233 18 47 31 PLT End of message.

233 18 55 i0 PLT Hello there, space fans. This Jack on chan-

nel A. The subject is M509, and the continuing
episode of Orville and Wilbur show is now begun.

233 19 06 03 SPT Okay, recording on channel A, SPT with information

for Dr. Bill Thornton and anyone interested in the
BMMD - BN_4D calibration. Okay, Bill, ran the sub-
Ject's stability test Just a little bit ago. We
ran it during the solar inertial time during the
daylight ; so there's no ET d,,-T, ing. And here are
the n,,mhers. With 131 belt: 6.08476, 465, 087,
265, 301. Of course, the first three digits were
not repeated at the end. The next, with both belt
and shoulder harness: 6.08299, 443, 351, 402,

233 19 07 05 SPT Now up to this point, I'd had my buttocks pulled

to the back of the seat by the - the 131 belt,
and so I was not squashed down in the seat the
way we norm lly ride it but instead was p,,11ed up
/-- towards the hack of the seat. Now on the next
sequence, I released the 131 belt, tucked it -
sort of rolled it and tucked it underneath my
shorts (so as to keep it from flopping around) the
same way I 'd rolled up the shoulder hm_ness for
the first sequence, and ran it again. But now I
slid down to the bottom of the chair the way I
norm, fly do, the way we were instructed to do
for the normal body mass measuring. So the sequence
now, I'm going to give you six numbers because I
think you may want to throw out the ffrst that
seem a little erratic or perhaps - for some reason.
Itll give you six numbers: 6.06992, 6.07563, 685,
46i, 400, 805.

233 19 08 l0 SPT Now the next sequence was with moderate tension.
The first one was supposedly max and the next one
%-as witkmoderate. 6.06242, 6.07475, 913, 285,
942, 937. Again, I gave you six n,mhers. The
next sequence with m_nimum tension: 6.09365,
.I06Q4, .07778, .06821, .09061. And that's the
end of the subject test, and I hope you can make
some sense out of those, Bill.

233 19 09 04 SPT SPT out.


233 19 44 30 PLT Okay, space fans, here we're back again for the
resumption of the Orville and Wilbur shoe, M509.
We've got the pilot all strapped into the machine,
and we're ready to undoek. Ready to undock, AI?
Okay. And you got the time line on your wrist there.

233 19 45 06 PLT Okay, release the paddle locking pin. (Whistling)

Okay, you ought to be free. He's un - unlocked
and drifting out from the ASMU - or in the ASMU.
Pulls on handrails with both bands. I go to ID-I.

233 19 45 35 PLT He flies clear of the donning station, and he's

verifying all of his THC commands at the present
time. l'm lowering the donning station handrails.
Right in the middle of the workshop, he's going
through his checkout. Floating above the crew _-_
quarters' hatch about 8 feet, facing 434 in an
upright position. Let me know when you're going
into your stunt. Okay, I verify that the - in
ID-1. What are you doing?

233 19 56 20 PLT Okay, he's doing his arm motions.

233 19 46 48 PLT Doing his leg motions. You in CMG, Al? He's in
DIRECT, doing limb motions. DM ID-1. Don't worry
about maintaining a precise attitude and to minimize
time. Moving his limbs at a natural rate, and now
he's translating back to the - to his right, to the
center of the workshop, still in an upright position
about 8 feet of the deck.

233 19 47 23 PLT When he made the limb motions, most in one direction -
One motion in one direction Just moved the whole
apparatus a little bit. When he moved his limb
back, why he regained his original position.

233 19 47 42 PLT Arms out - up at 90 degrees from his side. I heard

the CMGs agoing. Now arms up 90 degrees to his
front and up.

233 19 47 57 PLT We're getting some thruster firings now. Arms from
the hand controllers out to his sides laterally

90 degrees. Legs out. Right leg forward is - We're

getting a little thruster firing, and he's transla-
ting forward now - translating toward _34. He's
i checking that out with the THC; so his legs out
forward gave b_m a translation - gave him some
thruster firing and translation toward 434. What
mode are you in, AI?

233 19 48 34 CDR What?

233 19 48 35 PLT What mode are you in? Okay, he was in CMG. He's
going to RATE GYR0 now. He's in RATE GYRO MODE.
Moving his hand gives him a few small firings ;
moving his arms out 90 degrees to the side gives
_m multiple firings.

233 19 48 58 PLT Okay, moving his hands from the band controller up
over his head gives him multiple firings, and the
translation is forward. He's translating forward.

233 19 49 08 PLT And now he's regaining his position, approximately

8 feet over the S149 station.

233 19 49 18 PLT h34, he raises his hands over his head. Multiple
firings again and forward translation. Now he's
taking that translation out and hacking up; multiple
attitude firings. Translating back to the center
of the workshop. In RATE GYR0. He's moving his
legs forward; he's moving his right leg forward.

233 19 49 42 PLT Multiple firings again. There's another forward

translation, maybe a little bit of left translation
this time. Both legs forward now gives him the
multiple firings and even a greater forward trans-
lation at a higher rate. Maybe a half a foot a
second; not more than a half a foot a second.

233 19 50 03 PLT Now he's stabilizing, looking at his check - cuff

checklist. Now he's floating downward and aft a
little bit. You're supposed to do that MODE - in
CMG now, AI.

233 19 50 21 PLT Did you get it in CMG?

CDR A]] three modes.

PLT Okay, you got that in all three modes, did you?

233 19 50 26 PLT Now he's back DIRECT. You going to do the base-
line maneuver? Okay, he's trans - rotating to
translation toward the donning station. We're
going to CM ID-2. i

233 19 50 42 PLT We have a flashing SYNC light. Now we're in ID-2,

and we're getting a steady SYNC light. He's
facing the - Do you like that hand controller like
that, or do you want me to raise the arm? The arm
was down in the intermediate position.

233 19 50 58 PLT Now he has it upward in the 90-degree position.

But the left hand - the left arm - Hers translating
toward the donning station.

233 19 51 09 PLT The handrails are down. He's facing the donning
station; about 2 feet from it; drifting slowly but
surely toward it in DIRECT. Don't let this hand
controller hit over here. Give it a kiss and come
in line with R-1.

CDR ...

233 19 51 23 PLT Okay, he's stabilized now at the donning station.

We're in ID-2, at your request, and he's getting
ready to fly the baseline maneuver in DIRECT.
Stand by. Let me check the bottle pressure. The
bottle pressure is reading 1350. This takes 1050.
We'll have to change out the bottle probably after
this. Okay, here he goes with the baseline

233 19 51 53 PLT DATA MARK. Backing off, rotating right. Nice

translation; 4 to 6 inches per second. Rotating to
the right at about, I'd say, 5 to i0 degrees a

233 19 52 I0 PLT He's made 90-degree yaw - 90 degrees of his yaw so

far. He's directly over the crew quarters' hatch.
No apparent cross-coupling with that maneuver.
Nice, slow, steady maneuver under complete control.

233 19 52 24 PLT Now he's facing the banjo. He's stopping his - his
yaw. He's stabilized his yaw. He's pitching up
a little bit. He's still translating at a nice
rate; going approximately 4 to 6 inches a second,

233 19 52 43 PLT He's above the plane of the dome lockers now, about
4 feet from the banjo. Changing his attitude a. L
_ 1191

little bit. A little aft thrust now, stabilizing

about 2 feet from the banjo, head even with the

233 19 53 00 PLT Now he's leaving that position, backing off, and
he's rolling to his left. Not much translation.
Putting a little translation in now. He's rolled
about 45 degrees. Translating a little faster
now, probably 8 to 12 inches per second. He's sort
of - He'a stabilized his roll now.

233 19 53 28 PLT He's in a 45 - degree left b_nk in the plane of the

water tanks. Nice translation rate.

233 19 53 47 PLT Okay, now he's giving a little more left roll in
order to wind up at FMU-2 in the horizontal posi-
tion. The ax - long axis always _mning parallel
with the - the deck.

233 19 53 59 PLT Okay, he's reached FMU-2. He's stabilizing h_mgelf

with the thruster firings, most of them all over.
Okay, now stabilizing at FMV number 2 in the
_ position we all know and love so well, position
number 2.

233 19 54 18 PLT Now he's backed off. He's translating toward

position number 3, up by 404. He_s got himself a
right roll going, about 45 degrees of it already in.
And he'a hacking out very slowly.

233 19 54 27 PLT Okay, now he's Just about vertical in the workshop,
almost - He's directly over the exerciser or a
little ways away from PSSs - two PSS racks.

233 19 5h 42 PLT And now he's in front of the film vault up to the
level of the water tanks.

233 19 54 47 PLT Now he's facing 404 very neatly. Hers translating
in at the same nice slow rate, 8 to 12 inches per
second. Facing _04; he's checking in with 404.

233 19 55 02 PLT He's stopping, stabilizing his translation now

about i - (thruster firing) Oooh: You got me. -
about i foot fanlng between the leadingedge of
the hand controller and the dome lockers.

233 19 55 15 PLT Now he's translating around. He's been translating

around for about 15 seconds now. Translating around
the dome lockers, main - maintaining a position
about a foot from the dome lockers, upright posi-
tion. Every once in a while, he gives it a little

right - a little right thrust, a little aft thrust,

a little right yaw.

233 19 55 50 PLT Minimum - out in front of locker 420. Translating

about 4 to 6 inches per second.

233 19 56 04 PLT Watch your head' Now approaching the condensate

tanks. And approaching now 432, still in that
nice upright position, about a foot from the

233 19 56 34 PLT Stopping at 432. Stabilizing his position. MODE,

DIRECT. Now backing off from 402 - correction -
432, heading toward down the - down toward the
donning station.

233 19 56 50 PLT Yawing to his left; translating very slowly. And

he's almost directly over the crew quarters' hatch
now. And he's got his full yaw in, and he's helping
it yaw so that he's facing the donning station
with a little bit of pitch down. Translating
about 6 inches a second.

233 19 57 19 PLT Now about 5 feet from donning station, coming in

at the desired attitude. And after this, we turn
off the DAC.

233 19 57 35 PLT Okay, he's nulling out his rate, and -which is
what you're supposed to do, and - but stopping the
translation primarily. Reaching out and grabbing
onto the donning station, where he'll stabilize
b_elf, and I'll get the DACs off.

233 19 57 47 CDR Hey, Jack, how much more of this you want ...

233 19 57 57 PLT Hand movements and CMG. Okay, what he's going to
do now is go to the CMG MODE and do some limb
motions. We're going to get the cameras back on
for that. Okay, we're going back to ID-1 for that.
It'll he an ID-1 for the limb motions. I'm going
to try to give you a play-by-play description of
what's going on. Make sure I'm set up right first.

233 19 58 46 PLT Okay, he's doing the limb motions and the CMG
maneuver - CMG. And I can hear the CMGs correcting
and occasional - occasional firing.

233 19 59 00 PLT DATA MARK. Right leg out. Few thruster firings.
Both legs out. A few more thruster firings. No
apparent translation, however.
_" 1193

233 19 59 16 PLT Right arm's out. Mutliple firings. Right arm out
from his side. Now his right arm over to his
hand controller. Two - two thruster firings this
time. Both arms up.

233 19 59 29 PLT Longer thruster firings. He's translating downward

at a very slow rate. M_ntaining attitude. Right
arm out from the hand controller. Several thruster
firings. What mode are you in?

23B 19 59 45 PLT He's in RATE GYR0 MODE; I guess that's the reason
for the thruster firings. Right translation
downward. There's - Now he's yawing to his left.
Looks like he's coming back to the donning station
now, and we'll get the DACs off.

233 20 00 15 PLT Okay. The DACs are OFF.

233 20 00 26 PLT He's stopped thrusters.

PLT Okay. What are you going to do next, AI? We've

got 500 pounds.

233 20 01 07 CDR Okay, ... do that ... satisfactory because ...


PLT Okay.

CDR ...

233 20 01 29 PLT Okay, now he wasn't at the - The reason he repeated

the arm maneuvers was because - Before you go, let
me find my place, okay? Because he did the arm
motions with the left armrest in the intermediate
position, he wanted to repeat them with the left
armrest in the full-up position, and that's what
he did. Now those are all done in ID-1, and
we had the cameras on. And now he's steady at the
donning station. He's done the baseline _maneuver.
The DACs are off. We're not going to do a change-
out. At the moment, we have 500 pounds left. And
you're going to do what now, Al?

233 20 02 33 PLT Okay. He's going to do the CMG baseline. Now

that's supposed to take 700 psi, but wetve got
only 5. Says 5 in yours? Okay. That's DIRECT.
Oh - Oh, okay, that includes it. Okay, he Just
finished DIRECT. Now he's - Okay, he's going to

go into baseline maneuver. We are in I - in ID-I.

We're going to 2, again. Limb motions were done in
i, and the baseline - official baseline maneuver was
done in 2. And this one will also be done 2.

233 20 03 12 PLT Backing off the donning station in a moment, as

soon as I get the cameras on.

233 20 03 17 PLT There he goes. Cameras are ON; he's backing off.
He's in the CMG MODE. Making a yaw to the right
directly over the crew quarters' hatch, 5 feet
above it. He's got about half of his yaw in.
Translating up to banjo.

233 20 04 45 PLT Okay, he's translating over FMU n_her 2. On his

side over the crew quarters' hatch, moving steadily
towards the desired area. Where's the - AI, did
you get the flash out? Well, I didn't see it.
Oh, there it is.

233 20 05 35 PLT Okay, he's translating up toward the 404 now_

233 20 06 06 PLT Okay, he's stabilized now in front of 404, which _-_
is where he wants to be, about a foot away from it.
Nice steady attitude. He translates to his right
now. Little aft thrust. I can hear the - I can
hear the CMG running. He's got a nice yaw going.

233 20 06 37 PLT Backs off a little bit. He's flying at about 8 to

12 inches from the dome lockers.

CDR Flying a lot better ...

233 20 06 59 PLT He comments that he's flying a lot better today.

The restraint is much improved, and I've also
noticed, by the way, that when he makes thruster
firings, that the thing doesn't move around on his
back. He seems to be quite stable with this re-
straint mechanism. It's a good one. Glad you came
up with it, and I recommend that you Just go ahead
and train that way. We'll leave the restraints
right on there the way he's got them now, and Jerry
can fly it that way when he gets here.

233 20 07 26 PLT Watch your head, A1. Okay, he's passing underneath
the condensate tank. Floating very slowly. It
takes b_m about 6 seconds to pass one dome locker.
And nowhe's stopping in front of 432. He stopped
in front of 432.

233 20 08 05 PLT He's backing off and down. Yaw left; nice steady
yaw to the left. I can hear the CMGs running.
Okay, he's got 90 degrees of his yaw in. He's
rolling a little bit now in order to get into the
proper donning station attitude.

233 20 08 28 PLT Now he's directly over the crew quarters' hatch,
about h feet off the deck and now facing the don-
ning station. Gives it a pitch down; I can hear
the CMGs. He null - nulls out his yaw, transla-
ting ever so slowly - 6 inches per second.

233 20 08 57 PLT Okay, about 2 feet from the donning station now.

233 20 09 i0 PLT And stabilizing in front of the - front of the

donning station, no more than 2 inches from it.
What are you going to do now, AI? Okay, he wants
the data mark until after he's pitched up. Going
to turn around and park it.

233 20 09 36 PLT Yawing to his left. Feet Just a couple of inches

over the deck; having to raise them in order not
f_ to touch. Yawing to his left lO degrees a sec-
ond - maybe less; 5 to 1O degrees. I can hear
the CMGs running when he torques them around.

233 20 l0 06 PLT Huh? Yes, I'll GCA you in. You got to yaw to -
yaw a little left. He's backing in. I'm giving
him a GCA. Okay, translate to your right a little
bit. Okay, and now down Just a little. Yaw to
your left. That's it. Now stop your translation
to the left. Go back, directly back. There you -
you hit it. Oh, okay.

233 20 i0 38 PLT We GCAed him right in there with no problem at all.

Now we're going to zap you in there and lock you.
Pull the arm; let it go. There we go,

233 20 i0 52 PLT You are in, Magee. I'm going to turn off the
cameras. Turn off these lights, momentarily, while
he makes the swapout. We're now going to change
the PSS, and we'll change the battery, also. And
we're going off the headset for a minute; so we'll
turn off RECORD.

233 20 ll 42 PLT Don't go away, little lady; we'll be back.


233 20 16 31 SPT Okay, debriefing the last ATM run. We went through
all of the building block 27's as listed plus one
extra. Planniugto shorten up the time intervals
a little bit, and instead of six, I got seven of
those in. We got a number - Stand by. Now we got
a number of short segments on the VTR of that XUV
transient on the northwest limb. And at the end
of the orbit, we got one about 45-second segment
of S052 in FAST SCAN, which too cycled through all
of their time exposure lengths. And since there
was no S052 run on the entire pass, we thought
it important to get at least a few frames with
possible correlation for the XUVtransient. And
that Was the run which Just ended at 20:15. In-
formation goes to the ATMPIs and planners in ATM
science room.

233 20 17 30 SPT SPT; end of message.


233 20 28 Ol PLT Okay, space fans, here we are again - M509-3. We

Just changed out the cons_bles and the - Orville
here is ready to be unhitched. We'll free him
from his garage. Okay, you're - you're loose.

CC Skylab, Houston .... 3 seconds off the llmb the

next time you do it. And we're 15 seconds until
LOS here at Madrid. Next station contact at 2_-1/2
over Guam at 20:53.

SPT .o •

233 20 28 57 PLT Okay, we're going to do touch and go maneuvers.

DIRECT, I think.

CDR .o.


PLT Okay, he's translating up to banjo. Try to get

a picture of him up there.
_'--_ i197

PLT Going to change - Translating up to the banjo

to see if he's getting his picture.

233 20 29 54 PLT He touches banjo. Got a picture of him touching

banjo. Okay, now he's going to FMU-2. He gives
a little left yaw, left roll. Now he is on his
side, on his left side, in the plane of the dome
lockers, translating down in front of the conden-
sate t_nk about 3 feet from it.

233 20 30 21 PLT Maneuvering slowly but surely down to FMU-2.

233 20 30 48 PLT Okay, he's stabilizing himself near FMU-2, getting

ready to touch it. Touch it again! I need to
take your picture doing that, A1. Okay, soon
we'll give them a picture touching the dome
locker 404.

PLT Okay, he's getting in front of dome locker 404

now. Touch it again.

PLT Forgot to what?

_ CDR Forgot to say data m_rk.

233 20 32 3h PLT Okay. He forgot to give you a data m-rk in the

other two places. So he's forgotten to give you
data mark at the banjo and the FMU-2. But he did
give you one at h04, and now he's proceeding a-
round to 432. He reported earlier that he feels
more comfortable today in flying the machine than
he has ever, partly die to the fact that the
restraints are better and partly due to the learn-
ing curve. Just like he trained.

233 20 32 47 PLT In front of 432; got his picture taken there.

Now he's coming back around to the do_ng sta-
tion, and I'm putting the camera over here.

PLT Okay, slowly translating into the donning station, i

PLT What are you going to do now, Al?

CDR RATE GYRO baseline.

233 20 33 45 PLT Okay, now he's going to do a RATE GYR0 baseline

m_-euver. He's completed touch and go's. Stabi-
lized at the donning station 6 -
1198 _

233 20 33 51 PLT DATA MARK. Leaves go - go with his hands. RATE

GYR0. He backs off. We are in ID-2, and that's

PPT Okay. He's translating up to the banjo now, facing


PLT Stabilizing in front of the banjo. Backing off -

back and down. Now he yaws to his left. Paper
clip, floating. 0opsl He - Over on his left side
now. The plane of the water tank. He's over the
crew quarters' hatch.

PLT 0kay_ he's in the plane of the FMU now; he's drift-
ing forward and upward to reach it. Periodic
firings - firings of the Jets as you can imagine,
possibly hear, I hope .... he stabilized FMU.
Now he's moving. Translating to his right, his
back. Rolling right. Back up and rolling right ;
45 degrees of roll-in now. Still facing to -
still facing the FMU, however; he has not yawed yet.
However, l'm confident that he will .... before
he says he's feeling very comfortable in the machine
today and - Just like he really knows how to fly
it now, as compared to earlier. He feels like -
feels like he's benefit from - benefited from the
training of the earlier runs. I think it sounds
even better. Attaboy, Orville! There he is.
He's right in front of 404, about a foot away from
it, dropping his yaw in the translation.

233 20 37 03 PLT DATA MARK. In yaw to - translation to the right.

About a foot and a half from the dome locker. He's
giving a little forward thrust to get closer. Yaw-
ing ever so slowly to his right, and that's the
translation around the dome lockers.

PLT Okay. Translating about a foot away from the dome

lockers in an upright position. No difficulty
whatsoever. Close to the condensate tank.

PLT Okay, now he's backing off from 432, yawing to his
left, translating toward the crew quarters - to-
ward the center of the workshop and downward slight-
ly. Very slowly translation rate. He's yawing to his
left. Now pitching down a little bit to approach
the donning station at the right angle. He's got
most of his yaw in now. He's directly over the crew

quarters' hatch, about 4 feet above it, with his

feet. Now stopping his yaw, reducing his forward
velocity, coasting neatly down and forward about
h inches a second, or less. Gives it aft thrust,
and now he's right in front of the donning station,
safe distance from with the hand controller, facing
it. He reaches out and touches it after going
to m_4u - correction - DIRECT. Okay, now we do the
reverse baseline, looks like here, A1. And we're
in ID number 2; that's verified. Wonder how we're
doing on the cameras. They still got f_Im in them,
I guess. Okay, when you're ready. Time is 20 min-
utes until complete quit time.

233 20 39 50 PLT Okay. He let go of the donning station, backed off.

Aft thrust, yaw right, reverse baseline. Going
up to 432. Okay, he has 90 degrees of his yaw in,
and he's directly over the crew q,iArters' hatch,
about 4 to 5 feet above the deck with his feet.
Continuing to yaw, and on top of yaw now, he's
facing 432 in slightly pitched-up attitude. I'd
say about 20 degrees pitched up. Now he's taking
the pitch out, pitching down, forward; no cross-
coupling noticeable. Good clean mode. Periodic
multiple firings of the RATE GYRO controllers,
although I think that's with the hand and foot.
Now he's about a foot and a half in front of dome
locker h32.

233 20 40 47 PLT DATA MARK. Translates to his left. He's got a

little higher yaw rate than the translatlonwill -
would like at this time, but he's taking out his
yaw now. And he's - he's translating to the left
until he gets in the right position with the dome
locker, at which time he'll resume left yaw, which
he's done now, as he's under the condensate tank.
He seems to be getting a little ahead on his yaw.
Nowhe stops his yaw again and lets it - lets the
curvature of the dome locker catch him yaw. Trans-
lating to his left, _mmk alittle bit, back a
little more. Now he's getting behind in his yaw
around the locker. Now he's yawing tohis left,
and he's almost directly facing the dome locker at
this time. Going to 40h, about 6 inches away from
the dome locker, translating very neatly. Has the
shinbone about in the plane of the water tanks.
Little aft thrust to keep h_mself off the dome

locker - 6 inches away. Periodic firings to keep

the yaw rate going. And translating - giving it
some right translation to stop translating.

233 20 42 13 PLT DATA MARK. Moving backward and down, mostly down.
Yawing to his right now to face FMU-2. Backpack
seems very stable on his back today. I don't see
any of that wiggling around when the thrusters
fire. Everybody likes that better.

PLT And now he's in an upright position, facing FMU-2

in front of the film vault, a little above it.
But now he's rolling to his left as he approaches
over the PSS stowage area. And normal firing left
right now, about 3 or 4 feet off the deck, always
in a plane with the FMU, facing it. He's almost
in position to call it ... Now he's there, he's -

233 20 43 23 PLT DATA MARK. Leaving it, translating to his right,

rolling to his right. No noticeable cross-coupling
in that series of controller input. What the
RATE GYRO's taking out, it's hard to tell. RATE
GYRO takes that attitude out of there with trans-
lation ... So visually you cannot - cannot detect
the cross-coupling very well, although you do hear
some thruster firings when he translates. Unable
to tell if that's the new hand controller input
or attitude input through the rate gyro system.
He's translating up to the banjo in the dome locker
plane at the moment, facing the banjo, looking up
at it a little bit; so he's got to pitch up some
more. There, he's giving it some up.

233 20 44 26 PLT And he's nearly stabilized in the banjo area. Okay,
he's pulled himself into banjo area. Translating
right and yawing to his left. Translating backward,
downward a little. The downward translation is due
to his pitch up at the banjo. He's coming in a
little higher this time than he usually comes from
the dome locker, of course, because he's coming
from a higher point. He's over crew quarters'
hatch, about lO feet above it. And his - his
transfer from the banjo, he says, to the docking
station was about as comfortable - a comfortable
rate he would like to use during an EVA. Now he's
floating above the docking station, about 1 foot
from it, facing it. And he goes to the DIRECT,
reaches out, touches, and grabs hold of the station.

And now we're going to do the _neuver that was

up-linked. We got 600 pounds, A1 - 600 or
700 poumds.

233 20 h5 47 PLT Okay, addition to M509-4 maneuver is adjust the

seat to the seat ... position for all maneuvers.
We've done that already. Do the followin@ after
reverse baseline RATE GYR0. Okay, takes about
2-1/2 minutes and 800 psi; so we're goimg to be
nip and tuck on the - on the - what - PSS data
to flag. I got to flag the data. And ID towards
the 1. We've been in NORMAL ID-2 up to this point.
So this is the flag l, and the MODE is DIRECT.
Fire to the center of the workshop at data mark.

CDR ...

233 20 46 33 PLT It doesn't say. Fire to the center of the work-

shop and face whatever you want to face. Flying
to the center of the workshop now, space fans.
I think we won't have enough gas or time to do
the discretionary maneuvers. Okay, the first thing
_-_ you do when you get here, A1 - He's going to face
the minus - minus-Z direction. I'm Just tal_ing.
Okay, A1, MODE, DIRECT. Thrust plus -X for 1 second,
coast 5 seconds, and stop and data ma_k. One -
1 second, coast - coast for 5. Backing up now, and
he 's stopping it.

233 20 47 35 PLT DATA MARK. Okay, now thrusting forward for 1 sec-
ond, coasting 5 seconds. He's going forward, and
he stops it. He's stopping it now.

233 20 47 50 PLT DATA MARK. He had to give it a little up thrust

there to m_ntain attitude. Okay. Thrust plus-Y
for same deal, i second. Coast 5, stop, data m-_k,
plus-Y. Okay, stabilizing ... going plus-Y. No
apparent cross-coupling. Going to his right,
moving to his right towards the food locker. Now
stopping it.

233 20 48 16 PLT DATA MARK. Now go back. Minus-Y. Okay, thrusting

to his left; no cross-coupling noticed. He's
coasting to his left, dropping it, a little pitch
down in there. Don't know how it got in. Stopping
it. Okay - -

233 20 48 40 PLT DATA MARK. Thrust plus-Z for i second, coast for
5. Okay, he's goingplus-Z now, downward. He's
about 3-1/2 - 3 feet off the deck with his feet.
Stopping it. No apparent cross-coupling.

233 20 h8 58 PLT DATA MARK. Now minus-Z, 1 second. He's stabilizing

his attitude now. Yawing to his left a little bit.
You don;t want to do that, A1. Okay, he's reposi-
tioning himself now over the crew quarters; hatch,
feet about, oh, 2 feet above the deck. Stopping

233 20 49 23 PLT DATA MARK. He's yawing to the right. You got to
go minus-Z. Now he's facing the minus-Z SAL.
Giving a minus-Z thrust, 1 second. Okay, he's
going up; 1-second thrust, coasting upward, over
the crew quarters' hatch and he stops it. Looks
like you got a little forward translation in there
that time, A1. On the thrust up, he got a little
bit of forward translation. Okay, he stopped.
Now want to do the same thing with all attitudes.
You want to do a plus yaw for 1 second, coast for
i0 seconds, then stop. Okay, he's yawing to his
right, so he's facing - He's going to be facing the
dome lockers - correction - the food lockers. Okay,
he's stopping his yaw. He's almost facing the
lockers. He yawed about 80 degrees, I'd say.
Okay, yaw back, 10-second coast, data mark. Okay -

233 20 50 33 PLT DATA MARK. Yawing left. Coast for l0 seconds.

Okay. He's facing FMU 2 .... he stopped it.

233 20 50 50 PLT DATA MARK. Okay, want a plus pitch ... pitching
1 second. I'll give you a nmrk. Okay, he's
pitching up; he's going to face the dome hatch
at 9, 10. Okay, he's stopping his pitch, and he's
facing directly upward.

233 20 51 l0 PLT DATA MARK. And give her a pitchdown, A1.

233 20 51 16 PLT DATA MARK. Pitchdown for 1 second, and he's

coasting. Pitching down. Ten seconds; l0 seconds.
Okay, he's stabilizing his pitch.

233 20 51 35 PLT DATA MARK. He's not quite - he's pulling his pitch
down; he's about 5 to l0 degrees, looks like.

Straightening up. Now give it a plus roll next, AI.

Okay, about 2 feet across - over the crew q11_ters'
hatch, facing FMU number 2. Plus roll, therehe
goes. He's coasting, 5 seconds. He's on his right
side now, continuing to roll. Ten - i0 seconds.
Okay, l'd say he's about 30 degrees; head's down.

233 20 52 08 PLT DATA MARK. He's stabilizing, other way now. Okay,
i second to the left, left roll. No apparent
cross-coupling in there. About i0 seconds. Okay,
he's stopping his roll and he's got about 20 -
i0 to 20 degrees to go yet.

233 20 52 35 PLT DATA MARK. Okay, and that's about it. The only
other thing left is the crew discretionary maneu-
vers, if you have time and gas. I'm getting
around here to look.

233 20 52 52 PLT My gas is Just about zero. It's below the green.

PLT Huh?

_ 233 20 53 02 PLT Are you - are you - Okay, he's going to do a dis-
cretionary maneuver to do something; so I'll put
it on ID-3 for this; he's pitching up. He's
pitching up now ... he's pitching up not too far
from T020. He's head up - Head's down directly
now over the crew quarters' hatch. This is a dis-
cretionary m_neuver and I've got it in ID-3. He's
stopping his pitch. So he's face down, looking
right down the crew quarters' hatch. Rolling
around so his feet are facing the donning station
now. Flies to the observer. Okay, his feet are
facing the donning station, and he's looking
straight down. Now he's pitching down a little
bit more. He's approaching the donning station
upside down. He's translating toward it. DIRECT
or RATE GYR0 MODE, Al? Must be DIRECT, huh?

233 20 54 00 PLT He's in DIRECT. Approaching the donning station

upside down with his feet almost level with the
blue ring underneath the water tanks and hand
controllers are about 2 feet away from the -


12o4 -_

233 21 36 02 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, and we're getting ready to
flip Owen Garriott, the SPT, under the M092 treat-
ment. I Just measured his left calf at 12-3/4 in-
ches, that's 12.75. The blood pressure cuff is
number Ii, same old cuff. Saddle setting at 6,
right at 6. And the legbands are per your speci-
fications: Namely, - and this is the last time l'm
going to report these - TS for the left, AQ for the
right. And it's also the last time l'm going to
report the friendly little BPMS cuff unless it's
something besides ii. So if we're going the stand-
ard way, we'll give you - And the same thing with
the - with the saddle. If it's 6, ii, and those
two ones, we'll Just let it go.

233 21 37 44 CDR Owen's left leg - correction, right leg is "•_

12-5/8 inches, 12 and 5/8.

233 21 51 15 PLT OkaY, space fans, this is Jack on channel A de-

briefing the ATM run that started on 21:07. We got
a real-time update on the A_ schedule at that time
and ran off a building block 2, roll, minus 2400
and so forth, which you know about. And then we
did J0P 1 Echos on limb number 7, 1_mb number 8
points, and we completed on down through the last
one in llminutes there. One thing we had to do
at the - on the last one was to cut 82B's exposure
from 6 minutes down to 4 minutes and 50 seconds in
order to - that's 4 minutes and 50 seconds - in
order to stay outside of the ESS.

233 21 52 03 PLT And we'll pick it up at 22:29.


233 22 22 25 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. We Just finished M092 run
on Owen Garriott, who passedit with flying colors,
as you saw. We're now checking out the MS. And
the CAL N2, 02, C02 PRESSURE is 1439.

233 22 22 40 CDR CDR out.

233 22 27 46 CDR _Fnis is the CDR. The GAS PRESSURE for the CAL N2,
H20 is 1396.
_ 1205

233 22 30 53 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. The CABIN PRESSURE is 5.518.

233 22 32 16 CDR Okay, the following is CABIN AIR at this moment.

PERCENT 02, 65.81; PERCENT H20 , 2.96; PERCENT CO 2
is 2.41.

233 22 35 18 CC Skylab, Houston. We're through Carnarvon and Honey-

suckle for 13 minutes. And we 'ii be dumping the
data voice recorder at Honeysuckle at 41. Over.

233 22 35 46 CC And, Skylab, for info, we will be inhibiting momen-

tum dump on this pass.


233 23 05 13 CDR Okay, this is M092 information, CDR speaking. We

Just finished the 171 on - run on Owen. Went
completely nominal. I'll read you the blood
pressures - MANUAL blood pressures in a few moments.
-- The only thing that was a little bit different,
Owen took off the blood pressure cuff before we
checked the ISOLATION, which means it looked good.
Blood pressure cuff was a little bit wet.

233 23 05 34 CDR Okay, PERCENT 02, CABIN AIR, 64.66; PERCENT H20 ,
h.03; PERCENT C02, 2.h8.

233 23 13 08 CDR Okay, this is the CDR, and this is going to be

about T20 [sic T020]; should go to Lou Ramon,
Bruce McCandless, Ed Whitsett and others interested
in - not T20, 509 - M509, debrief. Have my card
in front of me. I'ii go through it and then I'Ii
make some casual coments afterwards. I - Could
you fly the baseline maneuvers satisfactorily in
all modes? Yes. Any modes deficient? No.
Which ones and why? No remark, except l'm still
convinced DIRECT's the best. CMG's stable, RATE
GYRO's the worst as far as getting all over the
place; you rock back and forth. DIRECT, I could
fly it so much better today than the other days.

233 23 13 47 CDR Let me Just say whoever invented that new restraint
did a good Job. It only lacks one thing. We

need to pad that seat post with Mosite. The

thing that we didn't realize - it's obvious now
that we're here - is that you've got to pull down
as hard on that as you do in one g. And man, you
know how it feels in one g, if you have to sit
there very long.

233 23 14 07 CDR Now the same thing is true with T20, so when we
fly it, we're going to have to have some good
restraints on there, better than 509. And better -
better than the improved 509 because - I mean
if it kept you as rigid as that they'd be good
enough, but I suspect two couple of straps Just
aren't going to keep you rigid. We got to have
something that regidizes T20 from back to bottom,
and this doesn't do the Job.

233 23 14 36 CDR Okay, much better with that new restraint. I felt
like I was strapped in. I didn't - every once in
a while the backpack would move relative to me in
roll. But most of the time when I was doing little
blips, paying attention, it really hung on there;
it was very pleasant. The next time I fly it - and _
I hope we can get to fly it a couple more times -
I'm going to put the Mosite pad on it and - on the
crotch - strap it even tighter, and I think it will
be even better.

233 23 15 02 CDR Did you feel comfortable flying some modes faster
than others? Yes, you feel more comfortable, I
believe, flying in DIRECT, because you don't feel
like you're using gas. You put in a good solid
DIRECT, and you keep rotating at no expense. And
so I think you tend to fly DIRECT a little faster.
The CMGs probably next fast for the same reason,
and last is RATE GYR0, because it Just makes so
much noise. Seems like you're using everything
you got.

233 23 15 27 CDR Were thruster sounds a useful piloting cue? Same

answer, yes. Should any maneuvers be changed for
the next mission? No, but I think we got to work
on the restraints more. I th_n_ maybe with
improved restraints that the whole name of the
game can change a little bit. I don't think we're
going to find - suddenly find out the HHMU is the
answer to our prayers or that DIRECT is not the
best, but I think new restraints - improved re-
straints will help the Job along.
_ 1207

233 23 15 58 CDR Let me mention something else about these three

pads. The restraints are made out of thin webbing.
The buckles are - to me, look like they are designed
for a thicker webbing. So you end up, if you're
tight at the first, it -very shortly after the
run begins, you're loose, because the backpack has
vibrated around with thruster firings. You've
vibrated around and you've sort of sneaked out
of the harness.

233 23 16 23 CDR Now this isn't true if you're flying an airplane,

of course, because you don't move around that
much. You don't get the constant vibration that
the thrusters give to this. And also the webbing
in an airplane is much thicker; it's harder to
get through. Now I don't know if you can bring
up any additional straps, but if you did what
you'd want to do is bring some up that were thicker.
I guess you can Just keep these. What I did was
ti - pull them tight and then tie a knot in them,
but i_ might be better to get some sort of clip
and bring it up so you pull it tight and then
_ clip it. Holds them good and tight, but the _ots
will do.

233 23 16 56 CDR If we ever build another one of these, we want

to build it with thicker straps or else thinner
buckles, so that together they hold fairly tightly
on their own.

233 23 17 05 CDR Did your performance improve noticeably or work-

load decrease with each successive run? Not par-
ticularly today, but I noticed that my proficiency
was up today. I think that Just flying it the
last few days had helped; the T20 helped; but
mostly I think the restraint helped. It felt
more like the simulator because it didn't wobble
around on you. You felt like you were flying a
firm machine. Before we've always felt sort of

233 23 17 33 CDR Did you tend to become bored or tired during the
baseline maneuver? Not particularly. If I did, I
tended to fly Just a little bit faster because I
thought that'swhat you'd do in real life. I don't
_, think we'll find I'm too much faster, but it felt
good to me. I didn't try to fly as close to things.
I don't think you would. What's the use of getting
6 inches from something? Stand back; give your-
self some room.
1208 _"

233 23 17 56 CDB Controllability. Did different acceleration levels

in different axes bother you? Not particularly.
Did different aCceleration in different axes bother
you? No. Same question, but meaning one's -
First is translation; the second is rotation. No,
not particularly; I - I think it's okay. Now
we can stand a little more in - in CMG, I think,
in roll, pitch, and yaw; but you accept it.

233 23 18 25 CDR Did you have a tendency to pulse the RHC in

ably, although I didn't notice it so much. The
first time I'd do it, well, I'd recognize it.
Then I wouldn't do it the rest of the time, until
the next maneuver maybe, and then I would do it.

233 23 18 41 CDR Did you make simultaneous multiple axis rotations?

Generally not. In which mode was this the easiest?
DIRECT was easiest, next CMG, and sometimes RATE

23B 23 18 53 CDR Did you feel llke you might los_ control for
some maneuvers? No, In some modes? No. Did _
you feel that the RATE GYRO MODE attitude rate
and displacement deadbands were so tight that
normal limb motions caused excessive thruster ac-
tivity? I do feel that way. Don't like it be-
cause you like the deadbands, seems to me, a little
bit tighter than they are now in RATE GYRO. (Yawn)
What you do, you find out that where they are, you
hit the stops back and forth too much. RATE GYRO
Just doesn't have it, for my money.

233 23 19 29 CDR Did you inadvertently contact the 0W8? Yes, one
time with my toes, going up to the banjo. Did
you sometimes use your legs or hands to push? No,
not today. Is automatic attitude hold needed for
the baseline maneuver? Definitely not.

233 23 19 47 CDR Was the solid feel and absence of deadbands in the
CMG a significant advantage? It was a significant
luxury feature. Is proportional rate command
needed? No. Was the nonlinear RHC for RATE GYRO
MODE needed? I think it is if you are going to do
RATE GYRO, because without it you get - have diffi-
culty moving small moment,_ or large ones. I
think it's needed if you ended up with that system.

223 23 20 15 CDR Do you feel that a rate greater than the 5-degrees-
per second maximum rate in the CMG MODE is needed?
No, I think it's okay. It could be nicer, but
it's okay. Did you - Do you feel that a rate as
high as 20 degrees per second in RATE GYRO MODE is
needed? No, I think - No, I don't think so; I
don't think so.

233 23 20 36 CDR Is six-degree-of-freedom control required? One

hundred percent required, yes. Desired. That's
the answer. I wouldn't give up amy AT_S; tOO

233 23 20 27 CDR What was most outstandingly different between

on-orbit and six-degree-of-freedom sim - sim-
ulator operations? I guess the - Today I - The
other days, I would have said the looseness of
the straps, the - the ricketiness of the total
feel as you flew it around. Today was fairly
solid. Today, I would say that the pronounced
difference would be the - The difference would
be - I don't know. I guess I'd have to say,
_ here today, I really for the first time felt like
I was flying. I felt like I was part of the
machine. Before, I was always kind of sitting
on a machine or strapped to a machine. I felt
that - the same way you'd feel in an airplane.
You don't - you don't look out to see if your
wing tips are in, but - you know you're in the
machine. The wingtips are so big, the landing
gear is so far below you, you're part of a
machine after you've flown it several times.
And that's the only wayyou can fly well. You -
you roll it. You - you - perform the strafing
run. Even though the airplane•is doing it,
you do it.

233 23 22 23 CDR Today was the first day that I honestly felt that
I was flying around instead of being on the ma-eu-
vering unti, the maneuvering ,m_t flying around
and me holding on. You nev- I never had that
feeling in the six degree-of-freedom simulator,
and the reason is you got the gravity vector. And
the gravity vector there makes you always hanging
onto the machine - flying the machine and hanging
on it.

233 23 22 47 CDR Here for the first time, I sad the machine were -
were sort of together. I think the restraints had
a lot to do with that.

233 23 22 56 CDR What was most outstandingly different between

on-orbit and air-bearing operations? Six degrees
of freedom. No doubt about it. The fact that
when you get moving, you keep moving. By the way,
one of the things I did, I got up there and flew
around for a few minutes with the THC in the
partially down mode. That was a sheer accident.
I didn't realize that it was down. I kept saying,
"Why am I getting these unusual thrusts during the
hand motion and the leg motion?"

233 23 23 22 CDR Finally, I believe Jack said something about it.

So I lifted it up, and I relay - realized imme-
diately that it had been interfering with the Jet.
And that - that was the problem. I had no - no - no
desire to keep it down; I didn't even know it was
there. And then that's why I went back and did
the arm - limb motions again for you, to try to
give you better data.

233 23 23 43 CDR Now today a couple of times I also forgot to put -

to push down the mark button, but I think you can
sort it out because I did most of the -
80 percent of the time, at least.

233 23 23 54 CDR Is there a big difference between standing on the

rigid, six degree-of-freedom simulator and floating
on-orbit in terms of response of the system and
feedback of accelerations? Definitely. Much
more difficult to fly. Wait a minute. Response
of the system and feedback of accelerations.

233 23 24 20 CDR I don't think so. I think that you learn to fly
real well on the simulator. I think the simula-
tor's good to learn to fly real well. Now you don't
need to learn to fly real well except for proce-
dures because you can fly this thing the first
time you try it with no trouble in all modes.
The only thing that's difficult, I think, is
learning how to fly around the baseline, getting
the data, and learning the procedures of how to
do it, how to read the cuff checklist, where you
are in the workshop. If you went out and did it
cold without the simulator, you'd screw it up

even more than you tend to anyway. But the only

way you can learn the procedural part is to have
a simulator and do it over and over.

233 23 25 03 CDR But as far as flying it, you don't really need
it for flying it. Flying is so much different
in terms of - You don't have the gravity vector
I remember flying the HHMU or any of those others,
getting over on m_ back, and having this problem.
Here, it's nothing. Just look around, and you're
Just as happy. Did you have a tendency to become
disoriented? No.

233 23 25 23 CDR Let me mention a couple of items here before I

forget. We got to do T20. We got to come up
with restraints similar to this so that a guy
flying it can feel he's part of a machine. No
way now. It's like he's on a pogo stick. And
being on a pogo stick, you know, you don't feel
good. You got to be strapped in. You got to be
part of it. We got to rigidize ourselves to that
seat. We got to pad it, and then we got to
rlgidlze that back to our back and the back to
_-_ the seat. That's the most _mportant thing. Of
all the things we've got here - we got C-clamps
on here; we've got screws, nuts, bolts -
we could fix this dang thing somehow. I don't
know the easy way, but you all came up with an
outstanding way before. And it se_ to me if we
could do that to T20, we'll have a couple of good
m-neuvering unit runs.

2BB 2B 26 i0 CDR I'd like to fly 509 again or a couple more times.
T20 several times, too. We got time. If you
don't want me to fly, if you feel - by that I
mean if you feel that you could get more benefit
from having Jack or O. pilot - try it, let's
do that - whichever you think is best or both_
But it looks like we got plenty of nitrogen, and
it looks like we're going to have the time.

233 23 26 34 CDR When S073 fell out the airlock, we had to Jettison
it; that gave us a bunch of free time. And I'ii
tell you, we're working a lot harder up here than
anybody thought. And as a result, they're looking
around for things for us to do. We've been doing
some experiments up here, but I believe yours
would have the higher priority. For example, we've

been running some calibrations on the BMMD. We've

been doing some house clesming and some maintenance
tasks, and my guess is yours would have a higher
priority than both of them. But I don't know
the answer, and you'd have to coordinate it.

233 23 27 i0 CDR But I wouldn't hesitate to say that I don't think

the possibilities of doing a better Job are dead,
doing a better Job as far as evaluating the
system. It seems to me, Ed, Lou, and Bruce, that
we could even look at it a little bit closer.
Things looked good today. This was a good run.
I think we owe it to the improved restraints.
It was a whole new vehicle. We might be able to
sell that - sell a new run on the basis of Just
the fact it was so different with the - the thing
strapped to us. We got to do T20. Let's don't
fly T20 until we get it fixed. CDR out. This
goes to 509 - Ed Whitsett, Lou Ramon, and Bruce
McCandless. You might send a copy of it to one
Jerr Carr and Vance Brand.

23323 27 59 CDR CDRout. _

233 23 29 19 CDR This is the CDR, recording some of interest to

the biomed. It doesn't have anything to do with
experiments, but it may be interesting to note
this information ... for you. I'll tell you,
something here is we don't sweat too much. When
we do sweat, we don't have body odor; and then
our bodies aren't stickly. And last, cleaning
my ears out up here, I've noticed that you don't
have much dirt in them, either - much wax. I
guess that mainly we're Just not excreting a lot
of - of dirt materials.

233 23 29 50 CDR CDR out.

233 23 30 26 PLT Okay, space fans, this Jack on channel A for

the ATM guys, debriefing the 22:20:30 run. We
got the JOP 15 Charlie, both step l's, and canceled
out the atmospheric distinction - extinction JOP,
J0P 7. In its place, we substituted a 82A photo
and shopping list item, iS that is, at the
following pointing: ROLL, minus 2400, on the
limb at - I believe it was - UP/DOWN was minus 19
and was - the RIGHT/LE_T was plus 558. I took
82A, WAVE, SHORT a minute and 20 seconds as
_- 1213

you've requested. At the same place, I also took

an 8-minute shopping list 13 for S056 on FILTER 3
and also caught a MIRROR AUTO RASTER at GRATING
all balls, with DETECTORS OFF.

233 23 31 35 PLT So that takes care of the - this rev, and we'll
see you at midnight.


23h(AM) 1215

234 00 57 27 PLT Hello again there, space fans. This is Jack debrief-
ing the last run - ATM run, that began at 00:03. We
pulled off both J0P 15 Charlies without a hitch.
Got the TV down-link. And when I got some observing
time, I tried to improve my technique for finding
bright spots; and I think I found one. And when I
got there, what I did was to give you a modified
shopping list item number 8, leaving out 82]3 because
we're a little short of film. But the ROLL on this
was 10,800. LEFT/RIGHT was a minus 322. UP/DOWN
was a plus 236. I gave you a 55A GRATING AUTO SCAN
on DETECTOR I, and I gave S056 a SINGLE FRAME 2,
LONG. And that was on the bright spot only, not
on the region next to it, because I only had about
i0 minutes to run and photograph, and I m_×imized
DETECTOR i on GRATING all balls to pinpoint the
bright spot. So that wraps up this rev, and I guess
Owen has the next run. And I'ii see you tomorrow.
Thank you again.

23h 00 58 55 PLT Good night.



234 02 45 29 CDR This is the CDR. And this is information for

biomed. Today during the 170 run for - i run
for Owen Garriott, I took the MANUAL blood pres-
sures, and I forgot to send them to them. Here they
go. At 21 minutes, I took a - at - he was indi-
cating 122 over 79; 16 minutes, 175 over 89;
ii minutes, 199 over 91; and at 6 minutes,
206 over 8h. I feel that these are fairly accu-
rate because I not only got them coming down
through, but when - when I got a - a reading, I
would pump back up slightly above it and let it
come down through again; so m_ feeling is that
these are pretty representative numbers of what
his blood pressure actl,allywas. Those go to

234 02 46 ii CDR CDR out.

23h 02 46 27 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on chan -


234 02 46 34 PLT Hello, space fans, again. This is Jack on

channel A. The subject is BMMD read - calibra-
tion readings. This goes to Bill Thornton. At
step number 5, my readings were as follows: - that's
step number 5 on cue card - 6.995, 6.997, 6.997,
7.003, 6.992. Step 6: 6.998, 7.000, 6.988, 6.996,
6.993. Step 7: 6.992, 6.999, 6.994, 7.000, 6.994.
Step 8: 6.995, 7.000, 6.998, 6.993, 6.990.
Step 9: 6.999, 7.003, 6.997, 7.002, 7.000. Okay,
that information, biomedwise, goes to Bill Thornton
and Dr. Mike Whittle. This is PLT out.

234 02 h8 05 PLT Thank you.


234 03 29 28 SPT Okay, I'm going to be recording on channel A with

message - with a - a message or messages that go
to the PAO group. This is information that I had
intended to record on the video tape recorder,
but I ran out of tape. And so I want to record _
this on channel A for use of the PA0. And so
it'll be necessary for them to get a high-quality
copy of this voice transmission so that they
can tie it in with some of the down-link video.
So this should to go - The information should
go to Dave Brooks. The information should go
to - stand by - well, to Dave Brooks and to
the PAO personnel. Make sure that it does get
to the people who are responsible for the down-link

23h 03 30 51 SPT Let's take a look at some of the images which have
been sent down from the Skylab spacecraft. First
is a white light coronagraph. This happens to be
in wavelengths which are visible to the human eye,
but they provide images that can very, very
infrequently be seen from the Earth. In this case,
the solar telescope has a number of disks out in
front of it which block out the very bright light
from the disk of the Sun and only allow the very
faint corona to be seen. This can only be seen
from the Earth's surface a few times per year at
very special locations when we are fortunate
enough to have a total eclipse of the Sun. As a
matter of fact, there won't be an eclipse within
the United States now for several years, I believe. _-_

2B4 0B BI B7 SPT In this case however, we can see a very good

eclipse of the Sun all the time, 24 hours a day
for days on end, right here on Skylab. And we've
been busy recording these photographs, following
the behavior of the - of the corona for over 2 months
now on the first mission and our mission now.
And we've seen some very interesting things. And
we've seen transients occur in which there's been
a whole gas bubble being blown out away from the
Sun. And it's fanned out in a big archlike loop.
And this'll extend far out into the corona. And
finally the gas will Just break out through the
confinement of the magnetic field and be blown
out into the solar wind, and eventually it'll
reach the Earth's environment. As a matter of
fact, when it does, it frequently causes things
like aurora.

234 03 32 28 SPT Now another instrument that has been fascinating

to observe here on the Skylab is a view from what's
called our extreme ultraviolet monitor. This
monitor views the Sun at wavelengths only some
_-- 20 times as - 20 times as far short [sic] than wave-
lengths to which are our eye responds. Now in
these very short wavelengths, the Sun looks quite
different than it does in visible light, the way
we see with the eye. Instead of being a more or
less uniform disk, it's very blotchy with active
regions providing much of the radiation. And so it
looks very blotchy and patchy where these active
regions occur. And in this event, there are little
bright points which have only recently been dis-

23_ 03 33 15 SPT And the other things are called coronal holes,
which are dark areas which have only been surmised
or guessed at until we had the opportunity to
study them in rather great detail for the last
few months. And then we've even seen a few
transients with our XUV monitor. As a matter of
fact, we saw one this afternoon. And there was
a large cloud of gas blown away from the northwest
limb of the Sun_ and it stretched the field lines
and caused a large loop to exist. And it continued
to carry right on out to the northwest part of
the - from the northwest limb of the Sun out into
the space beyond.

2B4 03 33 55 SPT So this has been a very valuable thing for us to

use and - in our studies. But we also have a
couple of other instruments which are similar to
those used in ground laboratories. These are called
hydrogen-alpha or H-alpha telescopes because the
light which is received comes from hydrogen atoms
which are emitted by vibrating hydrogen atoms
from the solar chromosphere. Now these telescopes
are used because they show a lot of the fine detail
on the Sun - not only the Sun spots but also
filaments and prominences, as they're called, of
the limb of the Sun, and a lot of fine structure
in the network on the Sun's disk. And when we
want to point at small details for these partic-
ularly interesting things, then we use our H-alpha
telescope for pointing the large array and then our
X-ray and ultraviolet telescopes for taking of
detailed data at wavelengths which we do not receive
on the ground.

234 03 B4 55 SPT Now another very interesting event that we've

observed several occasions now are flares. These
flares are very energetic events. As a matter of
fact, in X-ray wavelengths from one little spot
on the Sun, covering perhaps a fraction of 1 per-
cent of the total area of the Sun, is generated 100
to lO00 times as much energy at X-ray wavelengths
as is generated from the entire Sun. And so these
are really enormous events and very energetic
things. And we've had the good fortune to see
several of them on this flight. When they occur,
we very quickly point all of our instruments over
to that spot on the Sun and then begin taking
pictures very rapidly at all of the awpropriate
wavelengths. And then when we get these pictures
back home, it'll be of great interest to the solar
physicists to try to understand these better -
Just what releases this energy, what causes the
trigger to be set off. And it can even - not
only will tell us more about the Sun, but it has
potential applications for understanding better
how to release these sources of energy here on
Earth at some later time. End of message to the
PAO group, and make sure the message gets to
Dave Brooks, also, so he can alert the appropriate
people in PAO that there is a voice tape which
can be used with the previously down-linked
television photographs to time-tag in with this

discussion that I've Just made. So be sure and

get this information to Dave Brooks first thing,
and then it can also be sent over to the PA0

234 03 3_ 48 SPT End of message from the SPT.


234 ll 51 31 PLT Good morning, space fans. This is Jack. The

subject is M509. Battery recharge on BAT 6 was
started at ll:50. This info to go to Lou Ramon.

234 ii 51 43 PLT ThRnk you.


234 12 26 13 SPT 213 is the pilot's PRD, 213.

CDR ...

234 12 26 50 SPT 098 is the SPT's PRD; 098.

234 12 28 57 SPT The CDR's PRD is 239. All the locations are

234 12 32 14 SPT Okay, the following comment is for Drs. Buchanan,

R_m_el, Michels, and Mike Whittle. I appreciate
your comments about the reduced data here on the
B_MD exercise information, a 1.2-pound DELTA across
the exercise interval. Agree that obviously, much
went into evaporation. MY guess is probably two-
thirds of it evaporated and only one-third:
was removed by washrag after the exercise. So
I thought that point was understood, that most
of it was certainly evaporated.

234 12 32 55 SPT However, as towhether or not 1.2-pound DELTA is

not too large, I suppose depends on your point of
view. It had been my understanding that the food
and nutrition people had expected or plRnned no
correction at all for any amount of water lost
due to sweating. And since we're talking about

50G to 60Q milliliters now of water unaccounted

for every a_v, this is, I presume, a major DELTA
in their calculation. And that's the reason for
wanting this message addressed to Mike Whittle as
well, to mak% him aware of the sort of DELTAS in-
volved and to ask that a message be sent up to us
from Mike, or someone else in that area, letting
ua know how they intend to account for the amount
of water lost during sweating.

234 12 34 22 SPT We'll have more on this message in a moment. I've

got to stop for a moment now.

234 12 42 28 PLT Okay, here we are again, space fans, with the
T002-6. We're taking some stad_meter sightings.
The time on day 234 is 12:42:40 -

2B4 12 42 40 PLT MARK. And I'ii try to get you three stadimeter
sightings here. An@we'll take three more a little
later on, but they will not be at 15-minute inter-
vals because that's Just too long. We don't have
that k_nd of time up here_ Get a good horizon.
Standby for a mark. f

SPT ... PLT ...

PLT Tell them l'm busy.

234 12 43 19 PLT MARK. Okay, the first stadimeter mark is 4.110.

Get another one here. Turn it off a little bit and
run it back up.

2B4 12 43 46 PLT MARK. 4.115.

CC ... CDR ... PLT ...

2B4 12 44 ii PLT MARK. That's three, 4.108. Okay, I'Ii be back

in about 5 m_nutes to take some more of these.

CC ... get back on the -

234 12 48 12 SPT Okay, this is the SPT back on the recorder and
completing my comments relative - -

PLT ..., O. I - I'm using the headset. I'm sorry.


234 12 48 26 SPT Okay, these comments again go to Drs. Buchanan,

Michel, _,mmel, and Whittle, and I co_yletedmy
comments relative to that weight loss during exer-
cise. The problem only really pertains to the
- for the exercise people, but I was asked for
comments about the desirability of a walking-type
machine on board. My personal view is that there
is no particular advantage to having one. The
ergometer essentially exercises about the same
sort - set of muscles, your leg muscles for the
most part, although the walking machine might be
a little more exercise for the remainder of the -
of the torso.

23h 12 49 04 SPT But the walking machine requires your body to be

moving around over a larger volume, whereas the
ergometer can stabilize you to one position on the
chair. And it seems to me that a treadmill-type
device is not that much of an advantage. It de-
pends somewhat on Just what you have in mind, Just
somewhat to what you have in mind. If it's a
unique design that perhaps would provide a little
more variety to the exercise or a little more
_ interest to the subject, why it might be worth
considering. But I personal]y don't see anything
basically wrong with the ergometer, and the walking
machine or treadmill would have to have some
significant advantage, I would think, before you
would want to have it included.

23h 12 49 46 SPT End of message to the people mentioned before from

the SPT.

23h 12 52 20 PLT Okay, space fans, hereV_ Jack again with the TO02,
the stadimeter sightings. The time now is 12:52:30 -

234 12 52 30 PLT MARK. And I plan to start a set of these every

12 - l0 to 12minutes, as opposed to 15-minute
I intervals, in order to get a decent horizon. Stand

234 12 52 55 PLT MARK. That was 4.053; run it off a little bit.

234 12 53 26 PLT MARK. 4.019. Okay, I ran her off again; now I
even them up.

234 12 54 57 PLT MARK. 3.991. Okay, we'll take the next set in
about, oh, 7 or 8minutes starting.
1222 _-

234 12 56 22 PLT Okay, we'll go off the air for a whi]e here. I'll
let the recorder run. Don't go away, little lady.
I'll be back.

234 13 01 12 PLT Okay, space fans, here we are back again on T002
stadimeter sightings. On m_r mark, the time is going
to be 13:01:25.

234 13 01 25 PLT MARK. What I'm doing now in spacing these stadi-
meter marks is to - to start a sequence every
i0 minutes, roughly, starting at 40 minutes remaining
on the time-remaining clock on the ATM timer, at
30 minutes, and then 20 minutes. So there's about
20 m_uutes time remaining, and I think at about
15 we're going to start losingthe horizon; so
we'll work - try to work on this schedule today,
and if we can stretch it out a little more to -
as a result of what we find out today, why we'll
do that the next time.

234 13 02 00 PLT But I think 15 minutes is too long. The horizon

is still well enough defined, I believe, to get
some reasonable data.

234 13 02 23 PLT MARK. 3.967. Okay, let's crank it off of there

a little bit and try another one.

234 13 02 56 PLT MARK. 3.968; 3.968. And here's the third mark.
Crank it off a little bit. Bring it back in there.

234 13 03 26 PLT MARK. 3.964. Okay, that's three sets of three

operational marks each, the first mark being spaced
at 10-minute intervals. And I'll stand here and
watch the horizon for a while. And meanwhile, the
way I'm making these stadimeter marks is to kind
of integrate the whole horizon picture. The
horizon - The white edge of the Earth that you see
varies from horizon - from side to - from east to
west or whatever.

234 13 04 06 PLT We'll call it side to side on the horizon. The -

It depends on how many clouds you got and what the
buildups are like and how much cirrus you have and -
and so forth. In some places, the cirrus is - is
very regular. Other places, there's high cirrus, and
it's whispy. And you Just can't find a good, well-
defined horizon. So that's what makes it difficult
to match up horizons.

234 13 04 35 PLT For example, as I look out to my right now, the

white top of the cloud horizon is very well defined.
As I look straight out, the - to the white top of
cloud - horizon is less well defined, and as I look
out to my left, it's very poorly defined. So you
have three different kinds of white horizons or
top-of-cloud horizons right there. Now another
feature of the horizon is that we have this thin
layer of blue above it, which is the atmosphere.
And even that is apparently somewhat irregular.
It - Then it self-diffuses, of course, into the
black, and it's a very gradual diffusion. It's
not well defined. So if you have two well - two -
two boundaries which are both not well defined, well,
you really can't line up any white boundary or any
blue-to-black boundary.

234 13 05 36 PLT What I've been doing is kind of integrating the

whole white-to-blue-to-black picture and call it
kind of sandwichlike and - and kind of using a
little judgment to try to _tch them all up in
the optimum way, not using any one particular part
of the horizon but using the whole white, blue,-
black as a referenceto Join together. And if the
white looks a little irregular, I'll kind of Jump
to the blue-black edge and try to line it up. And
then when I get it lined up, I'll look back at the
white and see if it's pretty well lined up and Just
kind of iterate in there until you get what your
feeling is for the best picture of the total hori-
zon, as you scan it from left to center to right.

234 13 06 28 PLT And so that's the way I've been doing it, and it
looks like to me that's probably about the best
way. Now at night, I still want to do some of that.
We might do even better than that because night
horizon also has the airglow in it, which is another
reference point to try to match up. So I think
possibly, this stadimeter can be successfully used
at night as well as in daytime. And that's all
I'm going to say for now on TOO2.

234 13 07 00 PLT I'ii be back in a little while, same subject, to

give you some sextant sightings on stars Dabih
and Diphda.

234 13 i0 08 PLT Okay, space fans, here's another comment on T002-

T002-6 with the stadimeter. At about 15 - 12 to
15 minutes,'the horizon became indistinct to the
point of being unusable for stadimeter sightings
hut with 12 to 15 minutes of day remaining on our
tima-remalning clock in the - on the ATM. And
that horizon indistinctness is not directly to my
left - completely to my left. It's more, at this
time, out to my i0 to ii o'clock position,,- I guess
it ia -which is where the terminator is - is
coming up from.

234 13 ii 05 PLT So it looks like to me that we ought to work be-

tween the ranges of about 40 to 45 minutes of the
day remaining and - and - for a start and to
conclude it no later than 15 to 20 minutes prior
to sunset or sundown time on our time-remaining
clock on the ATM. Of course, the time-remaining
clock on the ATMhas a whole lot more daylight on
it than we have on the ground, and so that's
probably an additional factor that's entering the
picture here.

234 13 ll 50 PLT I think if we continue to make sta - stadimeter

marks at - starting at 40 to 45 minutes and con-
clude them at 15 to 20 minutes and take our mid -
middle series of marks at 25 to 30 minutes, time
remaining on our ATM clock, that we'll come out as
best as we can and having the maximum spread avail-
able yet having suitable horizons to make good
observations on. So I'll plan to do that some time
in the future. I'll start at 40 to 45 minutes
remaining, get another series at 25 to 30, and
another series at 15 to 20.

234 13 17 21 PLT Okay, here we are again, apace fans, on T002-6. And
this is the sextant part of this series of sightings.
It's starting to get dark. There aren't any stars
up yet, but they soon will be. There's a smudge
on the window I got to get offo Window protector
is and has been out. Pretty good deal.

234 13 18 29 PLT Okay, let's take a few zero bias sightings. Now
the temperature of this sextant, to begin with
here, is 66 degrees, and the diopter setting re-
mains at minus 0.5. It's not dark enough to see
many stars yet, but I got a - got the planet Jupiter

up there I can make some zero bias sightings on.

So we'll use him. Stand by.

234 13 19 ll PLT MARK. 0.006. Now Jupiter m_kes a brighter spot

in the aky thanFomalhaut does, and I can probably,
because of the way the optics are set up here, get
a half of Jupiter in between the two Jupiters that
I'm seeing on zero bias.

234 13 19 37 PLT MARK. 0.005. Zero bias numbers are a little bigger
when you use a bigger light source, it looks like
to me - or a brighter light source.

234 13 19 57 PLT _MARK. 0.007.

234 13 20 16 PLT MARK. 0.005 and one more.

234 13 20 34 PLT MARK. 0.005. Okay, that's the zero bias stuff.
Now Diphda and Dabih. There's Foma]haut above the
horizon. And I see Dabihup there. Diphda's not
up yet. Seems like she's going to be slow. Let's
see if we can go for our friend Dabih up there.
"Dabih is between Jupiter and two stars real
close together. And it's closer to the stars
now - stars that are close together. We don't
have a very well-defined horizon yet, but so be
it. Let's take what we've got and run with it.
Time marches on in this business right here.

234 13 22 Ol PLT Now there's Jupiter, and there's Diphda. I wonder

if the little lady down there has it.

234 13 22 09 CDR Okay, this is the CDR with some information on the
ATM backroom. Just completed the pass; started
late because of electrical problems. Got every-
thing completed nominally except the 240 exposure
on 82B, JOP 12D. Everything else was nominal. I
think we can probably go back and get that later
on. For the ATM science room.

234 13 22 32 CDR CDR out. Excuse me, Jack.

PLT That's all right, AI. Now today, we'll ma_e sure
we get it down on the real horizon and not in the

234 13 23 53 PLT Still cranking away at Dabih, trying to get her

down on the horizon. Looks like she ought to be
_ thereprettysoon.
1226 --_

234 13 24 43 PLT We've still got light on the discone antenna out
there, and it makes it almost impossible to see
the horizon. Got a few thunderstorms moving away
down there.

234 13 28 l0 PLT Okay, space fans, we're still waiting for the
Sum to go down. This is - one of the disadvantages
of this operation is that you really don't have
30 to 35 minutes of darkness, because the Sun is
still up, up here. It's reflecting off the window,
off the sextant as I hold it in the window, and I
Just can't make any sightings. This horizon isn't
well defined enough; so it's cutting down our time
significantly. Light's still shining on the
discone antenna, and I see that other solar panel
there. Very dimly - Very dim horizon out there,
but it's not good enough for taking marks. I can't,
through the sextant, tell exactly where it is.

234 13 29 16 PLT Sometimes I think I see it, but then I see shadows
on the window, too; and that's contradictory in-
formation. Diphda just coming up over there. We
got Dabih, but we don't have a horizon.

234 13 30 52 PLT Now things are starting to get better. I still

can't distinguish the difference between the
airglow horizon and the real horizon, however.
I'm going to have to wait a little. Not dark
enough yet. Occasionally, we get so dark that we
see all the stars and can't find out where we are.
That happens, too. I think this is the posit -
position we got caught in yesterday - where it wasn't
quite dark enough yet, and I mistook the real
horizon for the airglow horizon. And later on, as
it got darker, I noticed it.

234 13 31 37 PLT Or rather I mistook the airglow horizon for the

real horizon. I'm all set up andready. I got
Dabih, and I got some kind of a horizon out there
hut don't know which one it is. I can see stars
below the horizon that I'm looking at; so that,
obviously, must be the airglow horizon. The airglow
horizon is very well defined. It's a light ring -
a light-colored ring above the real horizon; it's
sort of a cream colored - pale, cream-colored
ring, and below that ring, the white diffuses grad-
ually to the black of the Earth. You can see the

light from cities below and thunderstorms and

fires and so forth, but it's difficult to tell
exactly where that Earth's horizon is because the
white diffuses into the black. And we're - we're
getting some reflection from somewhere. Maybe
we've still got a little bit of crescent - crescent
sunset reflecting off everything. That's what it
looks like to me. I can still see the discone out
there and the solar panel. Got some light on them.
It's really got to get dark. That cuts down -
that cuts - really cuts down your time. If I had
some numbers for the airglow horizon, we could use
that. Maybe you guys could - could come up with
some answers to whether or not it's okay to use
that airglow horizon, l've still got Dabih there.

234 13 35 47 PLT Well, l'm going to have to get going and get
something done here.

234 13 36 25 PLT Still don't see a well-defined night horizon

below the airglow. Maybe the smart thing to do
is to get going and to put it at the base of the
_ diffused light layer and call that the Earth horizon.

234 13 39 Ii PLT Now off to mY left, I can see a pretty well- defined
Earth horizon. Maybe l've got to wait until it
creeps over to where l'm working.

234 13 47 35 PLT Okay, space fans, here's a few marks on - Dabih's

on the horizon.

234 13 47 40 PLT MARK. 28.702.

234 13 48 07 PLT MARK. 27.821.

234 13 h8 27 PLT MARK. 27.249.

234 13 48 48 PLT MARK. 26.901.

234 13 49 12 PLT MARK. 25.839.

234 13 49 33 PLT',
MARK. 24.861.

234 13 50 25 PLT MARK. 23.00 - correction, 23 - 22.996'

234 13 51 01 PLT MARK. 21.872.


23h 13 51 15 PLT MARK. 21.272.

234 13 51 19 CC Skylab, this is Houston through Hawaii for

5 minutes. Over.

23h 13 51 25 SPT Okay, Bruce.

234 13 51 27 CC When you've - -

234 13 51 28 PLT MARK. 20.741.

234 13 51 29 CC - - got time on your hands there, I have some

changes to the EREP ... - -

234 13 51 32 PLT 20.741.

234 13 51 33 CC - - They're fairly minor ones ... take up on it or

not. Over.

234 13 51 36 SPT Okay. Jack's on channel A recording, and A1 and I

are doing 131 right now, Bruce; so why don't we
wait awhile?

234 13 51 46 PLT MARK. 20.035. You have to be a contortionist to

do this Job.

234 13 52 01 PLT MARK. 19.331. See if we can go for DiDhda before

it gets daylight. Okay, there's Pegasus and
Diphda right over there. Must be about 18 degrees
above the horizon or so. Don't know if I'll make
it or not. It's starting to get light. Sure is
hard to find these stars in the sextants.

23h lh 03 53 PLT Well, folks, I looked down there for a long time
but I never could find another star that I could
positively identify in the sextant. They're Just -
Unable to do it and I was wondering - I worked on
FomA1baut for a while, but it got too light to see
that. And I tracked to get back to Diphda, but
I couldn't positively identify it in the sextant
either, so we're Just going to have to try a differ-
ent time. And that's the way the ball bounces.

234 14 l0 08 PLT Here's a little more word on T002 on the last pass.
As you know, we only got one star positively identi-
fied and marked, a_d the difficulty is not making
the marks, once you identify the star. One problem

is that the first thing you select has got to be

on the side of the pointing in the direction where
the night horizon becomes well defined at the
earliest possible time. In this case, it - it
crept in from the left and then gradually proceeded
around to the right. So you waste a lot of time
waiting for a well-defined night horizon. The air-
glow horizon appears well before the Earth horizon
does, and so you could get earlier - an earlier
start if you could use the airglow horizon. But
l'm not sure that anybody knows the altitude on
that consistently.

234 14 ii 08 PLT The other problem, the one that we've discussed before.
And that is, it's difficult to locate or identify
stars in the sextant if it doesn't have landmarks
around it that are visible with the naked eye.
Diphda, for example, is a star that doesn't have
recognizable landmarks around the field of view of
the sextant.

234 14 ll 33 PLT Dabih, on the other hand, although it's a d4mmer star,
does have checkpoints around it and was relatively
easy to find on a couple of occasions - more, in
fact. It has Jupiter near it now, and it also has
that two - that two stars close together, which
are - are near it. Therefore, when you take your
eye out of the sextant to read the number or to
search for the horizon with the other optical path
[?], you can come back to it, because in the same
field of view you can both see Dabih and that - the
two stars near it, or you can see Dabih and
Jupiter. You can't see all three of those check-
points at once, but at least you have checkpoints
nearby that you can see in the field of view of
the sextant.

234 14 12 22 PLT Diphda, on the other hand, is a star that's all by

itself over there, and you can't see it and any
other checkpoints at the same time in the sextant.
It appears to me what would be an optimum would
be to - to enlarge the field of view of the
sextant, somehow, so that you could see other
checkpoints around thestars like Dabih or -
correction - like Diphda.

234 14 12 48 PLT Now another problem that I mentioned before is

this. And that is that the sextant gathers more
light than the naked eye does, and you can see more
stars with a sextant than you can with the naked
eye. Therefore, when you look out with your eye
to find a - a star, why you see fewer stars;
whereas when you use the sextant, why you might
see the star you're looking at, but it has so many.
other stars around it that you can't see with the
naked eye, that you can't positively identify it
in that manner. Now one solution to that problem
is to use filters, so that you filter out all the
light that you can't see with the naked eye so
that you have the same presentation through the
sextant as you do with the naked eye.

234 14 13 37 PLT I tried that with the filters that we had in the
sextant we're using, and with both of the filter -
with either one of the filters in, you can't see
anything. So the filters in the sextant that we
have right now optionally would be changed to
something else which would give you the same light-
gathering quality as - as the naked eye does, so P
that the - the out-the-window presentation and the
sextant presentation would then be the same. So
there's two comsiderations here. One is filters,
and the other is the field of view.

234 14 14 15 PLT And in the - We often discuss the idea of picking

the first star, such as near the horizon, that
appears in the center. Now I think the next
time that we do this, that I'm going to pick
the stars. And for one, I'm going to pick Fomalhaut
and possibly Dabih, or I'd like to pick one
of the stars in groups like A1 Na'ir, for example.
And I think I could do a better Job because I
can find Fomalbaut more easily than I can Diphda.
I can find Dabih more quickly than I could find
Diphda simply because there's - there are more
checkpoints within the fieid of view that are more
visible through the sextant and with the naked eye.

234 14 15 06 PLT Now, I mentioned having to be a contortionist, and

I _!11y agree with the principle of - of - of
rotating the sextant around the window. However,
when you get some of these stars that are at high
elevations, llke Diphda was getting to be there,

and when the horizon is - is con_letel_ 90 degrees

away, it's scaetimes pretty difficult to Just
purely rotate the sextant and find that star you're
looking for. I'm getting better at it, and I'll
try to improve; but sometimes you Just have to cock
yourselves - yourself around and use the - use the
sextant in that manner. Or when, for examDle, the -
the horizon is either low or high in the window
and the star's a long way from the horizon, why
then it becomes difficult to use the principle
you suggest, and you have to resort to twisting
yourself around instead. So I'll give this ano-
ther try and pick some other stars which are more
easily recognizable, if you don't mind. And we'll
give it a whirl again. I think we'll have better
succes s.

234 14 16 36 PLT That's the end of the message.


_ 234 14 53 35 CDR This is the CDR debriefing the ATM run. It's
not quite over yet. Hasn't gone too well because
I can't find a good network cell. I picked out
one that I thought would be acceptable. I think
I can find it again, but it's Just not the classic
kind of cell you want. But I Just looked all
around in roll angles, and this is - Just drifted
around the Sun and could never really discover a
cell that was not in an active area that was
yell defined. And some days up here you can't.
Today was Just one of them. Because of this delay
in trying to get it, I've not been able to do the
last step, which is step _, nor done the SHORT
EXPOSURE on 56, step 3. So we'll pick right up
there tomorrow, right on the beginning of the
next run. If we can find the cell, we're in good
business. We're not going to take time to locate
it because we're going to be even further behind.
But we don't have any other anticipated problem
other than doing it that way.

23_ i_ 5h hO CDR CDR out. That's for the ATM science room.

234 lh 57 50 SPT Okay, information goes to the biomed people.

M092/171 from the SPT; about to run a M092/171 on
1232 -_-_"

the PLT. On the CALIBRATE, I notice that the

SYSTOLIC/DIASTOLIC pressures were slightly out of
tolerance. Instead of reading the 128 minimt_m,
they were actually reading 126 - 125 and 26. Now
the - That's right, the m_nimum was supposed to
be 127. And in HIGH, they were actually reading
125 and.126

234 14 58 30 SPT In LOW, the minimum was 68, and the ESS was actually
reading 67. Also, the BODY T_gP minimum was
supposed to be 104; it was reading more like 103.
So it was slightly out of tolerance on the CALIBRATE,
HIGH and LOW. The legbands are the ones that
are Standard for the PLT per your up-link pad.
Had Baker King on his left leg, Baker Uncle on
his right; 36 on the left, 35 on his right. His
calf sizes are as follows: 14-3/8 on the left,
14-3/4 on the right.

234 15 17 30 SPT Okay, this is the SPT recording on channel A

relative to M092 run on the PLT. I just took a
MANUAL blood pressure measurement here, and I got
ll5 over 80, whereas the ESS at the same time
was getting about 103 over 70. And it looks to
me like all of these pressures are running - at
least particularly the SYSTOLIC - are running too
low. And occasionally Jack was showing about
98 to 100; like it is 100 right now. I have a
hard time believing that.

234 15 18 GO SPT I think that the MANUAL results of the 115 are
more typical and more - are more accurate than
the ESS at these low pressure settings.

234 15 20 20 SPT Okay, SPT back on channel A. One other anomaly

we have noticed, and that appears that the BODY
EMP measurement is either erratic or inoperative.
Maybe it's Just Jack's temperature sensor. I
don't know. But when he had it in his mouth, it
_as 103 plus, which is unreasonable because he
did not have a fever. And he's now taken it out
of his mouth, and it's still reading 102.7, which
I would also consider unreasonable inasmuch as I
our ambient temperature here is about 68 degrees.
So I don't know what's wrong with BODY TEMP:
I'd appreciate any comments you might have about
whether or not you think this is Just his own

temp sensor or what. I do remember the last

reading I had was a reasonable one with my own set
of electrodes and t_mperature sensor; 98 plus.
So perhaps we can Just cbA.nge his out. But let us
know what you tb_n_. If you're not concerned
about it, we aren' t.

234 15 21 56 SPT One more word for the M092/171 people. We did use
cuff ll again and Just as A1 reported what I ran
yesterday. I'm not going to report any longer on
the leghands used or the cuff used. It's always
going to be serial ll, and it's going to be Baker King/
Baker Uncle on Jack, Just the ones that have been
called up for his leghands unless there is some
change. And we'll let you know if we do change
any. SCm_]arly, the saddle is set again at
position 7. Before the run starts, the hipbone is
slightly outside of the iris, but as soon as we
get up to 30 millimeters or so, it pulls your
torso right down into the tank and the iris comes
right at the top of the hipbone. So we believe
that to be about the right saddle position for
_ Jack to use, and we will again continue to use
saddle position number 7 with no further
comments unless there's some reason to change that.

234 15 23 ll SPT End of this particular message to the 92/171 PIs.

234 15 30 30 SPT Okay, the N2, 02, C02 PRESSURE bottle reads 1437,

234 15 38 52 SPT Okay, the ambient pressure of the spacecraft this

morning is 5.450 psi. PERCENT 02 is 66._0.

PERCENT WATER is 2.89. PERCENT C02 is 2.10. Now

it's changing Just a little bit ; you can m-ke it
2.08 for the C02.


23_ 16 07 07 SPT Okay, more information on the 171 run Just completed
or Just - in the rest period at this moment, by the
PLT giving some blood pressure measurements.
When the EVENT TIMER read 20 minutes, MANUAL blood
1234 _-_

pressure was 132 over 80. ESS was 116 over 55.
Time remaining, 16 plus 30, MANUAL was 180 over 80.
ESS was 154 over 67. At 12:45, time remaining,
MANUAL was 205 over 65. ESS read 179 over 53. At
7 plus 45, time remaining, MANUAL was 220 over 70.
The ESS read 179 over 53. At 5 minutes, Just as
he was quitting, MANUAL was 125 over 60. The ESS
read 192 over 45.

234 16 08 07 SPT So for some reason, the ESS numbers are lower in
SYSTOLIC today than usual, and I think it's because
Jack was very careful to keep his left arm dangling
completely free and quiet amy time the blood pressure
cuff was inflated. Personally, I aannot do that,
because I need the left arm for stability on the
bicycle. But Jack managed to do it by mostly his
head, I suppose. But, at any rate, his left arm
was free during these ESS cuff measurements, and
I presume that's the reason they're lower. But
they still do not match well the m,nual measurements.
I have no reason to doubt the manual measurements;
I think they were taken reliably. And that's the
end of these commentsto the 171 Pls.

234 16 08 59 SPT SPT out.

234 16 12 35 SPT Okay, the PERCENT 02 is 55.45; PERCENT WATER is

3.94; the PERCENT C02 is 2.06. Part of the 1 - M171


234 16 15 39 SPT Okay, another comment that Jack Just made on the
possible reason for more shallow breathing. He
suggested that it might be related to the dry
atmosphere that we're in. And such a dry atmos-
phere tends to make your throat dry and feel a
little bit raw. Hurts your throat a little bit.
And he thought that might contribute toward more
shallow breathing. If, Ed Michel, _ If you have
any comment about that, why we' d be pleased to
hear your view on that, as well as the possibility
that I mentioned on the tape yesterday that part
of it might be related to the fact that we're
supporting part of the force exerted on the pedals
by a counter force with our head against the overhead.
And that downward compression on the chest might
also contribute to the more shallow breathing.

234 16 16 27 SPT End of this message to the 171 PIs.

234 16 21 00 CDR This is the CDR and information for the ATM science
room. I've completed the pass that should have
been for - that was - that began at lh:14. In
addition to that, the very first thing I did was
the last item, which was JOP 12D, step i, on the
previous pass that I had _m_tted because I started
late hunting for a proper cell. So essentially,
we're caught up now. The only problem, as I see it, is
to try to make sure that we continue to follow the
same cell. Now the cell, it appears to me, is
starting to break up. It doesn't have a good defined
outline anymore; however, there are checkpoints
near it. Another problem that hasn't been consid-
ered and would have really dealt misery if it had
not been for the fact that we kept the point at
the cell at all times is, initially, the cell was
at a minus 8007 ROLL, 246 and a i00. That's
2h6 DOWN, and it'd be a minus 2h6 and minus i00.
Now when we came around the next day pass, at the
same spot, the ROLL read minus 5255, the DOWN was
257, and the LEFT was 095. Now I don't think
/_ these - the other two are too bad because of rotation,
but this roll cb-nge without me chan_ing it is a
little bit strange. Now maybe it does that every
night_ I don't know. I tried to lock on a star
this time to get a real good one; could never get
a good lock on a star. So we'll point it right at
the cell, and then m-ybe tomorrow we'll find it.
And we'll see what our ROLL is then.

23h 16 22 34 CDR CDR out. That information is for the ATM science


234 16 51 25 PLT Okay, space fans, this is JAck on channel A. The

subject is M509 for Lou Ramon. They Just filled
some - topped off some PSS bottles, and the pressures
are as follows: number 2 is 2500, number 3 is lh00,
and number 4 is 2700. I guess we're going to leave
them like that unless you call for something
different. So if you want something other than
that, please let us know.


234 16 51 59 PLT End of message.


234 18 09 i0 CDR I'm waiting on the count. The CDR for informa-
tion for S019. Dr. Karl Henize might be one of
the prime ones; Wally Teague. The Nu Z per the
ATM was minus 12.2. Minus 12.2 subtracted from
the minus 9.1 yields 3.1. So plus 3.1. So I
changed the ROTATIONS to, for example: 283.4,
23.8 TILT, field 423, 270-second widened exposure.
We'll begin in about a minute and 15 seconds.
Incidentally, it will be frame number 22when
we push it in. CDR out. I'll be back in about
a minute.

234 18 ll 02 CDR Okay, the time is right. It's ii minutes after;

18:11. Let's go ahead and start with the first
exposure, 270-second. Standing here, I've picked
up a frame, ready to OPEN the SHUTTER. I'm wast-
ing preciousseconds. Standby. I.

234 18 ii 20 CDR MARK. SHUTTER, OPEN; 270-second exposure,

frame 022.

234 18 14 56 CDR Okay, this is the CDR. Stand by for CLOSING the
SHUTTER. It's been a 270-second exposure on
field 423. I'm i_nediately after this going to
give you a 90-second one; so standby.

234 18 15 16 CDR MARK. That was the completion of that exposure.

We're now going for a 90-second one. Pick up
frame; standby to OPEN.

234 18 15 27 CDR MARK. OPEN, SHUTTER. That was the 90-second

exposure beginning. It was frame 23, field 42 -
423. Frame 23 on field 423.

CDR Okay, stand by for a mark.

23h 18 16 47 CDR MARK. SHUTTER, CLOSED now. Okay, we're going

to a new one at 23.4 ROTATION and 19.3 TILT.
That's it. Okay, this is going to be a 270; so
stand by. Okay, I'll go pick up a frame. Got
it. Stand by to OPEN the SHUTTER.

234 18 17 26 CDR MARK. SHUTTER, OPEN. Going off the comm.

270-second exposure, field 555, frame 24.

234 18 21 05 CDR Stand by for a mark as we CLOSE the SHUTTER on

this field, field 555; 23.h ROTATION, 19.3 TILT.

234 18 21 14 CDR MARK. CLOSED. Now we're going to go for a new

one, 47.6.

234 18 21 30 CDR And TILT of lh.h.

234 18 21 45 CDR Okay, stand by for another exposure, 47.6, 14.h.

Pick up a new frame. Standby to OPKNSHD'I'I'KR
on m_mark.

234 18 21 59 CDR MARK. SHUTTER, OPEN. Frame 25, field 605. Be

off the comm for awhile.

234 18 25 41 CDR Okay, here comes S019. Shutter closed again; so

stand by. Been a 270-second exposure on field 605,
frame 25.

234 18 25 54 CDR MARK. OPEN. Go to the last one, which happens

to be 54, too. One of my favorite numbers.

234 18 26 04 CDR I don't believe it. I think they Just didn't see

PLT ...

CDR Okay, let's go at 270.

CDR Okay, pick up new frame. Standing by to put it


234 18 26 30 CDR MARK. It's in. Taking a pic. Call you back
later. Taking pic number 26, field 613, 270 sec-
onds, and we've until 32. And that's about
5 minutes from now; so we've got it made. Good

234 18 30 07 CDR Okay, standby for the final CLOSING, this time
at least, of the S019 SHUTTER, 32.


to HATCH, CLOSED. Now retracting the machinery.

234 18 30 53 CDR I tell you one way you could Jam this thing up and
that's trying to retract it when it wasn't at
zero, because there Just isn't that - any sort
of clearance in there. If you ever did, you'd
have to run it all the way back out and then
zero shaft and TILT - ROTATION and TILT because
you might get Ja-_ed in there cockeyed and rub.
Yes. That's good. Everything's good. O., we
did it. You know that. You know us by now.

234 18 32 06 CDR Close, nice and easy. Everything's Just perfect.

234 18 32 ii CDR That's done. Okay.

234 18 32 13 CDR SO19 is in the bag.


234 19 45 22 PLT - enhanced area on the X - XUV MONITOR on the limb.

And then I came inside the limb 8 arc seconds again,
as indicated by the 82B pointing system. And at r
that point, the ROLL was a minus 10,061 and the
UP was plus 4. I initiated the building block l0
at that point. It was there that you noticed that
I was in M, l, O, P, 64 versus M, l, O, S, 64
on S054, and I thank you for picking that up and
for calling my attention to it. I changed the
limb M, l, 0, S, 64 and I was able to run that
filter, although there was not time before sunset
to run FILTER 3 and 6 on S054. I cut the frames
at the time when I - Looks like I blew about five
frames in the PROGRAM MODE. I also got most of an
act - ACTIVE l, LONG for S056, and it took me a
while to run the GRATING around to zero. So I
probably didn't get a whole lot at - on S055A.
I think I got - it went to effective sunset at
about line 30 on the mirror auto raster. So I'd
consider JOP 2_A incomplete on that active region.
And active region 01 at the moment can be only
found by using the XUV MONITOR. There is no
signature so far in H-alpha. And that concludes
this run and we_ll press on from there later. One
other thing, however -

234 19 46 23 PLT And that other thing is, I've made another sketch
_of the corona from the S052 d/splay, and I note
z_'_, 1239

that the - that's separate from yesterday, of

course - is that we don't see that loop in the
corona on the northeast limb. But the only other
difference that I note is that on the southwest limb
at about zero - correction - i00 or ii0 degrees,
at any rate, about 4 o'clock around north, the -
we're picking up a streamer there that I did not
sketch in yesterday. Yesterday, I noted Just a
little brightening in that area that does not
extend out more than the - half a solar radius from
the limb, whereas now we're picking up a streamer
that's going off to the edge of the monitor. So
that's the only other observation I can make at
thispoint and that we'll pick you up on the next

234 19 47 23 PLT Th_nk you.


_--. 234 20 31 23 PLT Hello there, space fans. This is Jack on chan-
nel A. The subject is M131-2. The subject now
is Dr. Owen Garriott. Today is 234. And he's
going to answer the debriefing questions first,
and later on, some time today, I'll read down the
data when I get a chance.

234 20 32 O0 SPT Okay, degree of difficulty, ground-based trials.

I'll tell you, there's no problem in reaching a
decision, except that you are less confident that
the decision is a sound one.

234 20 32 18 SPT Experience any conflicts, sensory cues? No. I

would say no, you dontt really have clues outside
of the ones related to your body. Just sort of -
It's all you got to go by. And Just kind of make
some estimate of where the various references
were with respect to my body coordinates and try
to do it with respect to that. No other confusion.

234 20 32 41 SPT Positive sense of the upright? No, I didn't. The

only thing that even was close to that was when we
tipped from 30 - 30 to 42 degrees. I did have a
slight sense of tipping forward - pitching forward,
as if I were sort of going to fall on my nose or
in that direction, but, of course, it wasn't very
1240 _'_

much of ... and then I knew that there was no

essential difference in orientation - Just a slight
sense of the fact that you were tipping more, pitch

234 20 33 12 SPT Judgment influences by auditory cues? No. There

were not any significant ones.

234 20 33 17 SPT Target appear stable? Yes, it was stable, but it's
a lousy set of goggles. There's not a single ver-
tical line. It's about two or three different
lines, and it's not at all distinct and well fo-
cused. I noted no other direction or velocity or
apparent movement of the line.

234 20 33 39 SPT No other comments.


234 21 16 49 PLT Hello, space fans. This is Jack on ch_uel A.

The subject is S019, _ad number 2625. Time is 21:17,
day 234. And we're all shuttered - We're all set
up now for the first field, field 457. The Nu z
on the pad is minus 9.1; the Nu Z on board is minus
7.2. The correction is a minus 1.9, which has
been taken then from all ROTATION. Therefore,
the first ROTATION is 278.8. I have a corrected
TILT of a 6.4. And very shortly, we're going to
begin the - the run. This information goes to
Karl Henize.

234 21 17 50 PLT Okay, we've got the film lever in - or the widening
lever in 270. And now we're going to go SLIDE
RETRACTED. Pick up a slide and stand by to OPEN

234 21 18 07 PLT Okay, it's 21:18.

234 21 18 09 PLT MARK, S_ER, OPENED. Frame 27, field 45T, at

250 or 70-second exposure; 270 exposure, field 457.

PLT And we're going off RECORD here for a little while.

234 21 22 i0 PLT 0k_y, Karl, we're getting ready to CLOSE the

SH_I-±'_Ron field 457, frame number 27, a

270-second exposure, close to your 270 seconds.

Now I didn't get the crank cranked around to zero
and - until about a few seconds late; so I cranked
it around to about 5. So you'll want to get the
exact exposure length for this one from the time
hacks, but it's pretty darn close to time.
Stand by -


we'll do the 90-second exposure now. Lever to 90.
the cran_. Standby to OPEN the SHVI'fER.

234 21 22 57 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPEN. Excuse me, SHUTI_R OPENED.

Frame 28, field 457; 457, a 90-second exposure.
As I wss saying, in that earlier 270-exposure,
when I 0PENED'the SHUTTER, I had not cranked the
timing mechanism around, although I caught it
immediately after I OPENED the SHUTTER, and I
cranked it around to about 5 - 0 to 5 sumewhere.
So a real close 270-second exposure on your timer,
_although to get it precise, within a second, you'll
want to take the time hacks off the - off ch-n_el A.
_ So now we're in the midst of frame 28, a 90-second
exposure, field 457. ROTATION is 278.8. TILT
is 6.4 Standby to CLOSE the S_ on this


30 second on the same field. Next, we put the
lever to 30; we go to SLIDE RETRACTED; we crank
the crank. Stand by to OPEN this one. Goes by
in a hurry.

234 21 24 30 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPENED. Frame 29, field 457, and
30-second exposure. Now the next one, with a
correction of a minus 1.9 will go for 44.1 to
42.2 in ROTATION. But this is field 457, 30-second
exposure, frame 29, and we're about to terminate
it. Standby -


the lever to 270 before we forget. Set the
ROTATION to 42.2, correction on increasing n,_hers.
TILT and ROTATION end mirror in and out is working
good now, and it's nice and smooth and ... 42.2 is
set; ROTATION. And now we're going to set ii.0


on the TILT. There we are. Okay, we'll doublecheck

them, 42.2 and ii.0. They're both set in. And
we'll start a 270-second exposure. We go to
SLIDE RETRACTED, cr_n_ the crank. Stand by to

234 21 26 09 PLT MARK. SRI;TI_, OPENED. Frame 30 and a 270-second

exposure on field 609.

234 21 26 B1 PLT And we'll go off the air for a little while, but
don't go away, little lady; we'll be back.

234 21 28 08 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on channel A again.

We're in the midst of S019, but we're going to mix
a little biomedical data in here. The subject is
M131-2 on Owen Garriott. Here are his readings on
day 234. Time was roughly 20:00 to 20:30 when
this was accomplished - 20:45 or so. And chair at
30 degrees. This is chart number i, chair at 30 de-
grees. This goes to Jerry Homick, by the way, and
other interested individuals of the biomed world
in - in respect to the rotating chair. Chart
number i: Chair at 30 degrees, using otolith
test goggles. These are the readings. Five in-
ternal and then five external on the SPT. I'll
read pitch and roll and go right on down the line:
14.0, 70.9; 17.0 and 69.5; 15.0 and 80.2; 14.0 and
68.8; 15.1 and 69.6. External: 18.2 and 70.9;
15.0 and 73.3; 17.0 and 72.5; 17.4 and 71.9; 14.4 and
71. O. Now stand by to CLOSE the SHUTTER on frame
number 30, S019, field 609, 270-second exposure.
Stand by -


now we'll now go to the next, which I compute to
be ROTATION, 57.9. Set in, and TILT is 2.7. Sup-
posed to back off from that and sum up on it for
increasing numbers. Okay, doublecheck them, 57.9
and 2.7. Stand by for a 270-second exposure. We
got to SLIDE RETRACTED. We crank the crank. Stand
by to OPEN the S_.

234 21 30 39 PLT MARK. SHUTTER, OPEN. Frame 31, field 625, a

27G-second exposure.

234 21 30 51 PLT Now to go on with the biomed data, changed sub-

Ject. Back to M131-2. Chart number 2 on Owen
_ 1243

Garriott: Chair at 30 degrees with rod and sphere.

Here we go with pitch and roll. Internal: 197
and 184, 195 and 187, 192 and 188, 194 and 188,
196 and 189. External: 191 and 186, 194 and 186,
193 and 187, 197 and 190, 195 and 190.

234 21 31 41 PLT Chart number 3. Chair at 40 degrees, rod and

sphere. Pitch and roll. Internal: 200, 185;
199 and 186; 198 and 187; 203 and 187; 198 and 189.
External: 181 and 188, 184 and 186, 185 and 187,
187 and 188, 189 and 188. Chart number 4: Chair
at 40 degrees, otolith goggle. Pitch and roll.
Internal: 14.2 andyi.2, 16.0 and 68.6, 15.2
and 69.1, 13.4 and 69.2, 16.6 and 68.5. External:
19.0 and 73.2; 17.1 and 73.2 - correction - 73.4;
line number 3, external, 15.T and 71.0; 16.2 and
71.3; 14.0 and 71.5.

234 21 33 34 PLT Next is chart number 5: Litter mode, 32 degrees,

rod and sphere. Pitch and roll. Internal: 92 and
161, 91 and 158, 85 and 161, 84 and 162, 87 and 162.
External: 175 and 188, 172 and 182, 168 and 179,
.-- 170 and 183, 170 and 184. Chart 6: Litter tilted
to 41 degrees, rod and sphere. Pitch and roll.
Internal: 90 and 164, 90 and 162, 89 and 159,
89 and 156, 89 and 158. External: 171 and 190,
166 and 188, 163 and 186, 166 and 185, 164 and 185.
And that concludes those readings for biomed. I'll
answer my questions later. Break - break. S019
is now the subject. Standby to CLOSE the SHTJ'£-A'_A_
on frame number 31, field 625, a 270-second expo-
sure. Stand by -


now we'll go to the next one, which is 70.4.
ROTATION, 70.4. That'S it. And TILT, 14.1. CMay,
doublecheck. 70.4 and 14.1, 270-seconds, the lever's
in 270, and - I can't believe it. We got - No, we
got sunrise; there's plenty of time; 21:35. We're
right on. Okay, SLIDE RETRACTED, crank the crank,
lever's at 70, and wide OPEN SH_'_IE_.

234 21 35 22 PLT MARK. S_, OPt. Frame is 32; field 55; a

270-second exposure. Okay, we're going to have
to - the right -mount of time to complete this,
about 30 seconds a minute early, Karl. We'll
let her run and - Break, break. We'll go back to
M131-2, and I'ii answer the debriefing questions

on my own run. This is Lousma, PLT, answering

questions for M131-2. Question number i: Describe
the degree of difficulty relative to ground-based
trials in making spatial orientation Judgment.

234 21 36 05 PLT Well, I'd have to say that it's a - a little more
difficulty to know exactly where the X-axis is.
It's easier to know where your backbone is. I
found that the tighter you strap yourself into
the seat, which give you a sort of a one-g cue
on the seat of the pants, around from - across
the back, makes it easier to find your backbone.
When you first try to find the X-axis in the
external mode, it's relatively easy. But when
you get to the fifth - fifth measurement every
time, why you're starting to - I feel like I'm
starting to lose it. So there's a little more
difficulty in - in m_ing the Judgment.

234 21 36 5B PLT Did I experience any conflicts between sensory cues,

particularly when making Judgments with respect
to the external frame of references? If so, ex-
plain. No, I did not find any dif - conflicts
between sensory cues. I didn't feel any sense of
rotation or vertigo. I merely tried to picture
in my mind where my backbone was and I could feel
that pretty good because of the proximity of the
chair to my rear end and my back. I had to remember
some of the cases where the X-axis was when we were
external. And so it made it a little more diffi-
cult, but there weren't any conflicts.

234 21 37 B_ PLT Did I at any time experience a positive sense of

the upright? Yes, I felt a visual sense of the
upright as - as l've discussed before. The up-
right is what we're used to training in, in the
one-g trainer. So visually, there's an upright.
If I were suspended free in space without the
fastening down of the fastening - being fastened
to the chair, why would probably not have a par-
ticular sense of upright with my eyes closed. I'd
have to open - open my eyes to get a sense of the
upright with respect to the geometry of the inside
of the spacecraft.

234 21 B8 12 PLT Were your Judgments influenced by auditory cues

or other environmental factors? The answer is
/_ 1245

PLT Did the line target appear stable and under your
complete control during the settings? The answer
is yes. It was stable; it was under my control,
no apparent movement.

PLT Add/tional comments and observations. I think

I've already made additional comments and obser-
vations in answer to questions 1 and 2 and 3. So
that concludes the debriefing and the data for
Owen's run and the debriefing of the questions
for my -my own run on M131-2 for Jerry Homick.

234 21 38 55 PLT And we'll change the subject now to S019. We're
aboutto CLOSE the SHUTTER on frame 32, field 55,
a 270-second exposure. And we're going to give it
a CLOSE right on time; 21:39 is the time now.

234 21 39 ll PLT MARK. SHUTTER, CLOSED. We'll stop at CARRIAGE

RETRACTED. And we'll go on and - and look at the
checklist for what to do next. The - the - Retract
the mirror and after setting total ROTATION and
TILT - Guess maybe I'll do that on the headset in
the event that the folks are mere interested
_--- nowadays in what happens to the mirror when we
bring it in. CMay, the TILT is zero, very smoothly
to zero. ROTATION is proceeding to zero at a rea-
sonable rate and Just about there now. We're at
0.0. We'll crRn_ themirror in.

234 21 40 01 PLT i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, i0, ll, 12, 12-1/2, 13.

It's all the way in. Came in very smoothly. And
we'll close the SAL DOOR here. Door closing, 1 and
2. Verify clear of obstructions. The mirror is
in, so we'll CLOSE and LOCK .... Get the door
right. Okay, the door is CLOSED and LOCKED. And
we're going off the air. This concludes the mes-
sage on SO19. And we got all the frames in that
were requested on the pad. And the info goes to
our friend and associate, Dr, K_I Henize.

234 21 41 01 PLT End of message; thank you.


234 22 30 09 CDR This is the CDR and this information is for biomed.
l'm getting ready to answer some questions for the
MI31-10GI test. Did you have a sense of rotat-
ing or otherwise moving during the test? Definitely,
at certain times I did, although I think I did
rather poorly. I don't know how much of that is
sleepiness - drowsiness as I took the test. How
much was lack of practice on this for quite some
time, I don't know. But l'm - my feeling is I
probably did poorly. I noticed that even in the
STOP position, I think I looked at the line, it
appeared to move right. I felt, myself, I had a
right bias, but the data may show otherwise or
confirmed it.

234 22 30 54 CDR Did the line target ever move in a direction other
than expected? Yes. One time when I was - I don't
know what I was doing. All of a sudden, it Jumped
up a couple of times, rotated each way a little
jump, and then whipped back; and then everything
after that was okay.

CDR Additional comment. I don't think you'll have

any problems getting my data correlated with l-
the things we took before flight. Although we
didn't take anything close in, we did take a lot.
And I guess there's hope that you will be able
to get some useful data. I assume that you feel
so, too, or you wouldn't have suggested it.

234 22 31 37 CDR CDR out. That information is for biomed.

234 22 32 14 CDR The CDR recording; this is for biomed. I'm

recording the answers to the MI31-1 done earlier,
I believe. Describe the degree of difficulty
relative to ground-based trials in making spatial
orientation Judgement. I think it's more difficult
for the same reasons I said last time. And essen-
tially those are the fact that you have no gravity
vectors and you haven't - you have a difficult
time remembering which way - not your backbone
is, that's pretty straightforward - but which way
the vertical is, relative to it.

234 22 32 50 CDR You can do it mechanically by remembering where

your backbone is, and it's so many degrees from that.
[But if you try to visualize it in your mind ... At
least it did to me.

234 22 33 04 CDR Did you experience any conflicts between sensory

cues? Definitely. The muscular cues telling me
where the vertical - spacecraft vertical was and
my idea of where it was in my mind's eye. Often-
times they were different. In the internal frame,
no; everything was copaeetic ....

234 22 33 26 CDR Did you at any time experience a positive sense

of the upright? Yes, I usually have a positive
sense of it. And maybe I - I may know it's wrong,
but I seem to have a sense of it. Were your Judg-
ments influenced by auditory cues or other environ-
mental factors? I don't think so. Tried not to
let them be.

234 22 33 43 CDR Did the line target appear stable and under your
complete control during the settings? Well, it
was out of focus a lot, as I was drowsy. It didn't
seem to move. It was more that I couldn't get it
in focus often, in much the same as you have when
you're driving late at night and you need to go
to sleep. Things don't focus too well. Additional
_--_ comments and observations. None of - None.

234 22 34 08 CDR CDR out.

234 22 39 41 SPT Okay, this is the SPT recording on channel A, with

information for Ed Gibson and AI Holt and anyone
else interested in the design of a portable tele-
scope to be brought up on SL-4. And it is neces-
sary that this information be gotten to them as
soon as possible. It should be over there this
evening. Let's see; I'm recording this at 22:40
Zulu, 17:40 tonight. So some time tonight, could
be called out to their home telephones or what-
ever way it could get to them, as the - it should
be transmitted.

234 22 40 25 SPT Now Ed and A1 and others, I am sitting in front

of window 2_3 (that's the STS window 3) right
now, and it does appear to be a convenient window
in which to mount a portable telescope. Now there
are a number of places to mount it. There are
two - My head is pointed, incidentally, toward the
workshop, and my feet are pointed toward the command
module. And my shoulders are sort of overlapping
the - panel 225, the 02/N 2 CONTROL SYSTem, and my

right shoulder is up against the AM circulation


234 22 41 02 SPT And I can get down in toward the window just -
Well, I can't squeeze all the way into the window,
but with the telescope I expect my shoulders
would stop at Just about the front of this 02/N 2

CONTROL panel. Now as far as the mountings for

the telescope are concerned, the same mountings
that we've talked about before still - still appear
to be optimum.

234 22 41 24 SPT You may remember there was an old condensate tank
that at one time, for launch, had been placed over
this window. And there are four Zeus [? ] fasteners
still available for mounting that telescope. The
Zeus fasteners, the upper two towards the work-
shop, are in a longitudinal beam, and the other
two at the bottom of the window are in sort of a
transverse beam running circumferentially around
the MDA. And so these four Zeus fasteners could
be used for the design for - for mounting a portable
telescope. Now you'll want to remember that there
is a handle up here at the top of this window.
And by top, I mean the end of the window toward
the workshop, because that's the way my body is
oriented right now.

234 22 42 14 SPT Toward the top end of this window, there is this
handle that opens the shutter over STS window
number 3. And whatever mounting brackets you have,
it had ought to be able to clear that handle. And
it would have to be able to clear the handle. As
a matter of fact, the design should enable you to
open and close that outer window with the telescope

234 22 42 38 SPT Now the telescope, I think, should come straight

out away from the window. And then it'll have to
have a mirror at the font - front to bend it over
toward the Sun. And as I recall, we angle it about
35 degrees. It's either that or its complement,
but I believe, from this window, it's 35 degrees
toward the solar direction. So there'll be this
little mirror at the front of the telescope, and
then the long path would come right straight out
toward the observer. Now I noticed that your pad -
You mention 19 to 26 inches - -
Final Dump Tape 23h-ll/D-27h
_" Page h ofll 12h9

234 22 43 12 CC ... The probability of an aurora is high for the

next couple of days. In fact, one was observed
in Alaska ... - -

SPT - - I think that's a little bit too long. It se_,a

to me like about 15 inches is as far out as we
ought to come. Fifteen inches out from the window
will bring optics out to Just about the current
level of the blue handle here.

234 22 43 35 SPT Now it sticks up further. It's possible for the

telescope to come out further than that, but it
seems to be undesirable unless there are very
strong optical reasons for wanting it to be that
long. I don't think it's desirable for it to be
longer than about 15 inches, and that would bring
the eyepiece right out about parallel to this
blue handle on panel 225. And that would seem to
be about the optimum location.

234 22 _4 05 SPT As far as foot restraints are concerned, let me

tell you how my body is - my feet are located now.
_-_ My feet really straddle aft light fixture number 4 -
MDA light or MDA light number h. As a matter of
fact, that light doesn't work right now anyway.
I don't know whether it's going to get fixed or
not but at the moment that's where my feet are
located. My left foot is down on the left side
of it and goes all the way to one of these close-
out covers above the ATM panel. A_d so it's
possible that a foot restraint could be mounted
right in there.

234 22 h_ 41 SPT I think it would be desirable if there was some

sort of little shoe that you could put your foot
into. Over on the right-hand side, my right foot
Just tucked in between a couple of these air duct
pipes and I don't see any convenient place for a
foot restraint over there. Quite truthfully, I
don't think you'd have to have a foot restraint,
because I can brace myself with my legs and shoul-
ders and arms right in here quite solidly. But
it would be desirable if you could get one, to
have at least one foot restraint. It would be
above the RNBM number 2 and not in the way that
my body is, to allow my body to be oriented as
l'm presently describing it, with my head up
towards the workshop end.

234 22 45 25 SPT Now let's see if I've answered most of these

questions. Optimum length, I've discussed
15 inches being desirable. Mounting angle is sort
of checked if you come out this particular STS
windowltowards your eye, and I think that's the
desirable way .... alignment screws if it's
attached to those Calfax fasteners. Then you can
use any sort of an alignment screw that you would
want. It would be a question of how it could -
that the alignment screw would be attached to -
to that feature - -

234 22 45 50 CC Skylab, Houston....

SPT - - but I think the desirable thing is to tie

into those - -

CC ...

SPT - - Standby Just a mDment; I'll have to answer


234224720 CDR ....

SPT Okay, I'm on the hot line here. I'ii get it in a

little bit.

234 22 47 27 SPT I'm continuing with the discussions now relative

to the telescope. Crew restraints, we did - I
haven't mentioned them. Basically, I can see a
spot for that one shoe and not too many other - -

CC Skylab, Houston. One minute to LOS ... again

in ...

SPT - - locations. But I think that that one shoe

would probably be adequate.

234 22 47 46 SPT The design - now something pretty simple I think

is adequate. As far as the H-alpha is concerned,
we've had no indication that there's anything
marginal about our H-alpha telescope here on board.
They both look to be working well. The new mech-
anism has worked fine. The vidicons have given
us no problem, and it looks to me like the onboard
H-alpha is apt to be in pretty good shape. On
top of that, there is relatively little time during
the slmlight pass to come over here and fool around

tuning off-bands. Now it's true that there's a -

Might be a little different on your flight, Ed,
if you're going to get more film up. If you
do not get more film and do have extra time, then
the ability to tune off bands might be of - of an
advantage that we do not have here with these
telescopes. But as you can tell, we've been work-
ing at a great rate, consuming a lot of film,
and we do not have time to devote to ,_ny other
activities while we're running these JOPs. So
_mless you can foresee the free time available to
come over here and use this telescope more, I
don't think that you will have much time for fool-
ing around with the optical H-alpha.

234 22 49 00 SPT And I - At the moment, the - At the moment, it looks

like our present H-alpha telescope is going to be
working well. AI Bean Just mentioned a very per-
tinent co-,,ent, that the 4_Age is pretty _--II when
viewed through the eyepiece. I don't think you're
going to be able to get the. resolution with - that
we - that we can with the 5-inch monitors over
here. And so that's Just somethingto keep in
mind. I know it would be nice to have an extra
H-alpha telescope. But at this stage, if you're
in a hurry to get the thing, I'm inclined to think
that the alignment telescope for looking at the
comet will be the one of most use. As far as its
use for JOP 13 is concerned, I don't really have
any way to know right now, because we have yet to
perform a JOP 13.

234 22 49 49 SPT We have not had time during the first film load
to even attempt one. We certainly hope to Just
as soon as we get these rate gyros in on the
next pack. But as to whether or not we'll flnd
it of value or how much value, it can only be
speculation that you man m_e as well as I can at
this point, because we both are starting with
essentially zero experience in performing JOP 13.
l'm very hopeful that we will be able to do it
right on our gyros, but we'll have to see. So
if there are any other questions that you want to
ask in the morning before the CCB, please give us
a call and see when in - when in our schedule, we
can have a few minutes to t_Ik. So I think I
better stop here so that the transcribers can get

f_ this word through the mill tonight. Now this


information goes to Ed Gibson, A1 Holt, and any

others interested in the design of the portable
telescope for the SL-4 flight.

234 22 50 41 SPT SPT out.

234 22 50 54 CC Skylab, Houston. For the PLT in reference to his

request for private phone comm tonight. Your
wife's not available in the earlier part of the
evening and we've got the comm coming up on the
EVA and evening status report, the SO19 ops. It's
Just ... We'll try again tomorrow.

234 22 54 58 SPT 0kay, this is the SPT recording the 131 data on
the CDR that was taken earlier this morning. This
is the spatial localization mode, 131. Data per-
tains to the measurements of the CDR as obtained,
the observer being the SPT; Okay, on test l:
27.0, 24.0 - No, let me change that. Start over.
I'm going to read l0 pitches and then l0 rolls.
On test 1 for the CDR: 27.0, 24.0, 21.0, 14.0,
12.5, 16.0, 10.O, 16.0, 16.5, 13.0. Next the roll:
73.7, 74.3, 73.1, 72.6, 73.3, 76.2, 74.7, 72.9, ---
75.8, 78.6. While I'm on this page, I'ii also
read you the PLT's data also taken today; also
observer, SPT. And this is still for - for test
number 1. I'll give you l0 pitches and then
l0 rolls: 19.0, 19.0, 20.0, 15.0, 15.5, 15.0,
13.5, 9.0, 13.0, 14.0; 72.5, 72.7, 72.3, 71.3,
71.3, 71.3, 70.7, 70.9, 70.9, 72.0. Next will be
test 2.

234 22 57 23 SPT On test 2 for the CDR. I'ii read you i0 pitch,
then i0 roll: 181, 182, 187, 182, 180, 201, 197,
200, 194; 174, 174, 174, 175, 174, 181, 177, 179,
180, 181. Now for the PLT. Ten pitches: 205,
207, 208, 211, 212, 204, 210, 211, 213, 212. Now
i0 rolls: 185, 184, 184, 184, 183, 183, 183, 182,
183,-182. Next is test 3. First comes the CDR
and there'll be l0 pitches followed by l0 rolls:
187, 183, 184, 182, 183, 192, 192, 194, 194, 194.
Roll: 176, 179, 176, 177, 173, 186, 184, 184,
18h, 186.
Next data on the PLT. Pitch: 206, 205, 209, 211,
213, 192, 194, 194, 198, 198. Now the roll: 179,
178, 174, 173, 174, 188, 183, 183, 180, 181.

234 23 00 28 SPT Okay, now test number 4 - test number 4. The first
data comes on the CDR. Pitch: 22.5, 17.0, 18.5,
18.0, 17.5, 2h.0, 24.5, 17.0, 15.0, 13.5. Roll
is 73.8, 74.7, 72.6, 72.9, 72.2, 75.0, 7h.3, 75.1,
75.3, 73.9.

SPT Next is the PLT information. Pitch: 12.5, 9.0,

13.5, 12.0, 13.5, 22.5, 17.5, 19.0, 14.0, 17.0.
Roll - That is roll: 73.0, 72.4, 73.3, 73.0, 73,0,
77.0, 76.3, 77.9, 78.3, 78.0. Next test is test 5,
in full, on the CDR. Pitch, l0 numbers: 117, ll6,
116, 117, 117, 186, 185, 187, 189, 194. Roll:
166, 165, 165, 165, 165, 186, 182, 187, 189, 186.
Next on the PLT. Pitch: 118, 117, 115, ll6, 115,
183, 181, 180, 182, 181. Roll: 167, 167, 163,
164, 164, 184, 183, 183, 182, 182.

234 23 03 20 SPT Next is test number 6 on the CDR, Pitch: i14,

118, 117, 117, 117, 190, 192, 194, 192, 202. Roll:
167, 167, 166, 165, 167, 186, 188, 192, 195, 196.
PLT, pitch: 116, 125, 123, 122, 122, 181, 181,
180, 181, 181. Roll: 169, 163, 167, 166, 167,
182, 183, 181, 181, 179. That completes all of
the 131 spatial localization data on the CDR and
the PLT from this morning's run. Would Dr. Jerry
Homick or someone associated with 131 please give
me a verify on the - one of our up-link pads to-
morrow that the data has been received satisfac-
torily and that no repeats are necessary. Any
other questions about it could also be sent up
at the same time, and we think that takes care of
the data.

234 23 04 47 SPT End of message for the }4131 Pls, including Dr.
Jerry Hcmick. SPT out.

234 23 07 29 SPT Okay, SPT recording on channel A with information

to the EREP officer. Relative to the handheld
photography yesterday of the Great Barrier Reef
on the northeastern coast of Australia, I did have
good photographs at the beginning of the opening
of the window. I got several good Hasselblad photo-
graphs, in particular, of these reefs. However, I
did not see many of the reefs extending further to
the south. I haven't checked the map - or I don't
have a map which shows me the extent of the reefs.
I had the impression that they covered a larger,

longer portion of the coastline than that which


I was able to see. I suspect they really did only

cover the section which was visible, because there
were not too many clouds to the south; it was Just
that I couldn't see them. So I suspect that I
did see most of the extent of the reef.

234 23 08 32 SPT Now my guess as to the extent would be something

like 500 miles. It seemed like I had the oppor-
tunity for a couple of pretty good Hasselblad
photos, which would not have overlapped. And so
my guess is something like a 500-mile extent. As
far as the color of the water is concerned, of
course, it's very easy to see that they are reefs
because it turns into the very typical light green
coloring, Just like it does off the Keys, for
example, when we get into very narrow - very shal-
low waters.

234 23 09 18 SPT I suspect the photographs will have to be used to

be more specific as to how well water depth can
be estimated from color. But certainly, subjec-
tively, it can be done. As far as current flow
by observing sediment plumes, I think they were _
talking about current flow from the - However, the
next statement asks or was specific about river-
borne sediment plumes along the coast. We were
too far off the coast to see any of that. We must
have been a couple of hundred miles or so off the
coast for much of that pass, and I didn't notice
any opportunity for observing the riverborne sedi-
ment plumes. And also did not notice any refrac-
tion pattern in the water. So I really think
that a good part of this interpretation is going
to have to be done with the photos after we get
back. And the general comments, particularly like
today when we were taking a look at Rio - It's
difficult to find a target as small as a couple
of kilometers, a little small lagoon, and make
useful visual observations about it in termsof
such things as coloration, sediment plumes, and so
on, and at the same time get any sort of photog-
raphy. I really didn't see this - this site at all
until it was alread_ past us because of the cloud
coverage to the south of Rio. And even had it been
a perfectly clear day, which as it turned out it

really wasn't, I think it's a little too much to

hope to get both photography and useful visual
observations of targets as small as a couple of
kilometers in extent. However, we'll keep at it
and we don't want to discourage the discussion on
the pad. It's Just that I'm not too hopeful of
being able to provide you with answers to a large
fraction of the questions that you sent up on the
pad. So keep them coming, EREP, and we'll have
to take a closer look of the - at the photographs
whenwe get back and see what sort of useful inter-
pretation we can make.

234 23 ll 33 SPT Incidentally, I assume that you do have copies of

that book which we have on board, a little note-
book which was prepared by some of our friends up
at Goddard, Dr. Paul Lowman, Dr. Herb Frey. And
I noticed many of the targets that you are asking
for are also covered in there, both geographical
targets and the - some of the meteorological
phenomena. When possible, of course, to have tar-
gets that are listed both places, it seems to be
/f an advantage to do that, because it - for that
_a_es higher the probability that these targets
will be of interest to a larger number of people
and receive a greater amount of study.

234 23 12 21 SPT While I'm on that subject, I also was wanting to

make sure that you do plan to expose all of our
190B film that's on board. I did see - had the
impression that we didn't come to anywhere near
exposing half of the 190B film during the first
part of this mission. And if that's so, I wonder
if you are planning to expose all the film, and
if not, why we don't take that camera and put it
in the SAL and do some photography over the areas
of the world that are of particular interest for
this photographic coverage. So if you could com-
ment on that some time in the next few days, I
would appreciate it.

234 23 13 03 SPT This message goes to the EREP officers and SPT is

234 23 24 36 PLT Okay, space fans, this is Jack on chsanel A, de-

briefing the last ATM run for ATM guys. The run
was started at 21:48. I did all of your JOP 4

Bravos, and the filament that you referred to,

filament 42, is kind ef busted up right now. It's
broken up into three dark spots. And since we
don't have any H-alpha, I'll describe to you the
filaments and you can look back at some of your
more recent H-alpha photographs and know what I'm
talking about. Now the roll that these photos
were taken at was close to zero zero from norti_
and at the top. I went down to 220 at 0.8 and
picked up filament 47 and facing me in the monitor
in the Sun orientation I mentioned, filament 42,
was three black spots on a horizontal line, left
to right. The building block 36 Alfa was taken
on the middle black spot - the black spot in the
middle. There was no need to worry about roll
orientation because 82A and B weren't running. The
building block 36 Bravo was taken in the left -
left most spot; that's left. The first building
block ll was taken on the rightmost spot. And the
second building block and final one was taken on
the leftmost spot. In the first building block ll,
S056 hung up PATROL, SHORT in FILTER 3. However,

234 23 26 43 PLT And this concludes the debrief for that run.


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