Knight-Bagehot Fellowship: in Economics and Business Journalism

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Knight-Bagehot Fellowship

in Economics and Business Journalism

Annual Report of the Director


Table of contents
Letter from the Director................................................1

2016-2017 Funders.......................................................6

Financial Statements.....................................................7


2016-2017 Program......................................................9
Writing About Business: The New
Columbia Knight-Bagehot Guide to
Economics and Business Journalism, Selected Speakers (1975-2016)...................................11
written by Knight-Bagehot alumni and
edited by Terri Thompson. Published
by Columbia University Press.
2017-2018 Fellows.....................................................13


Board of Advisors.......................................................21

Alumni Award Winners...............................................22

Knight-Bagehot Fellowship
in Economics and Business Journalism

Annual Report of the Director


T he Knight-Bagehot Fellowship’s 41st year was domi-

nated by the 2016 election and its aftermath, and the
proliferation of fake news and alternate facts. It became
Street Journal, says, “In 20 years since my Bagehot Fel-
lowship, I’ve made the rounds. Every step of the way, my
experience at Columbia provided a well of perspective to
clear that in this “post-truth” world, the need for honest cover complex issues. Two decades later, I’m as thankful
and sophisticated reporting has never been greater. as ever that I had the Bagehot experience.”

And this is good news for the 382 accomplished jour- As the second Bagehot Fellow to direct this Program, I
nalists who have completed the rigorous Knight-Bage- strive to make the Knight-Bagehot experience as mem-
hot Fellowship in Economics and Business Journalism at orable for the incoming Fellows as it was for me. In his
Columbia University. Many of our graduates are setting letter to the Knight-Bagehot class of 2018, Doug Mac-
standards of excellence in fair and accurate reporting Millan, a reporter for The Wall Street Journal, wrote, “I
at publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The promise it will provide you with a new set of skills, life-
New York Times, Financial Times, The Washington Post, long friendships and a new perspective on your career
Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, Denver Post, Los that’s impossible to get while going to work every day.”
Angeles Times, Arizona Republic, Minneapolis Star-Tri- However, says Tim Craig of The Washington Post, “it will
bune, Detroit News, San Francisco Chronicle, USA To- be anything but an easy junket away from the office. If
day, Christian Science Monitor, The Globe and Mail, anything, at times, you may feel like your life was easi-
Money Magazine, Consumer Reports, BloombergBusi- er and less stressful in your current job.” John Tozzi of
nessweek, Forbes, Fortune, Barron’s, Kiplinger’s Per- Bloomberg News summed it up this way: “The Bagehot
sonal Finance, and Institutional Investor; at broadcast year is every bit as amazing as you’ve heard. You’re going
stations such as CNBC, Fox, and NPR; and at news ser- to learn a ton of stuff. You’re going to work your ass off.
vices such as Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg News, Dow And you’re going to have one of the best years of your
Jones, the Associated Press, ProPublica, Slate, TheStreet. life.”
com, MarketWatch and Business Insider. (See pages 14-
20 for a complete alumni list.) The ultimate beneficiaries of the Knight-Bagehot Fel-
lowship, of course, are the millions of readers, viewers
The Fellows themselves agree that the Knight-Bagehot and listeners who are the recipients of quality econom-
Program contributed to their career successes. “More ics and business journalism. By contributing to the
than ever, the world needs business reporters with deep Knight-Bagehot Program, many of our funders feel that
knowledge,” says Neil Irwin (‘07), senior economics cor- they are improving the level of public knowledge about
respondent for The New York Times. “I would have been business and economics generally, as well as improving
utterly adrift in covering it all were it not for the intense the sophistication of coverage that their own corpora-
education I received as a Knight-Bagehot Fellow.” Jon tions receive. All Knight-Bagehot Fellows share a com-
Hilsenrath (‘96), who covers the economy for The Wall mitment to accurate and thoughtful journalism, and, in-

Graduate School of Journalism

Columbia University, New York, NY 10027

212-854-2711 OR 6840
creasingly, the Knight-Bagehot Fellowship has become
a much sought credential. • In honor of the Program’s founders, former Colum-
bia Journalism School Dean Elie Abel, Soma Gold-
The Program’s reputation is due largely to the high re- en Behr and Steve Shepard, the Knight-Bagehot
gard for journalism excellence fostered by the faculty of alumni committee established a scholarship fund
the Graduate School of Journalism and the Fellowship’s in 2000 with a goal to raise $25,000 every year from
long-standing association with one of the nation’s finest former Fellows to help cover a portion of the cost of
Gradaute Schools of Business. The relationship between one Fellow’s tuition every academic year. This year,
the Knight-Bagehot Program and the Columbia Busi- 102 graduates of the program contributed a total of
ness School is special. Without the Business School’s $31,505. (All donors are listed on page 6.)
cooperation, it would be difficult, if not impossible, for
the Fellows to receive a thorough background in busi- • Thanks to this year’s successful fundraising, we
ness, economics and finance. The Fellowship continues are able to accept ten journalists into the Pro-
to have the support and respect of media organizations, gram and raise to $60,000 the living stipend paid
foundations, corporations, and individuals whose gifts to Fellows while they take their nine-month leaves
support an exceptional educational program. from their jobs to attend Columbia University.

• As participants in the Knight-Bagehot Program,

the Fellows this year partook in 24 seminars, at-
2016-2017 HIGHLIGHTS tended 25 dinners with 33 special guests, and went
on 11 field trips to various media organizations and
financial institutions in New York. (A complete list
Fiscal 2017 was a year filled with celebration and ac- begins on page 9.)
complishments, beginning with the 41st anniversary
dinner where we honored one of our alumni with the • A Wiegers Fellowship was awarded by the Co-
“Christopher J. Welles Memorial Prize.” It ended in May lumbia Business School to a deserving member of
with the graduation of this year’s ten Knight-Bagehot this year’s Knight-Bagehot class. This fellowship,
Fellows. made possible by a generous grant from George A.
Wiegers, former managing director of Dillon Read
• We celebrated the Knight-Bagehot Program’s 41st & Company, assists Knight-Bagehot Fellows who
anniversary with a reunion dinner held in New want to spend another year at Columbia to earn
York City on October 27, 2016, in the Broadway an MBA degree. This year’s Wiegers Fellowship re-
Ballroom of the Marriott Marquis in Times Square. cipient is Tim Stenovec, who is a host for Cheddar.
The dinner drew a crowd of more than 550, among
them 53 corporate and foundation sponsors and • In 1995, the Journalism School faculty approved
their guests, and featured a “fireside chat” with Ste- the granting of a Master of Science degree to qual-
phen Schwarzman, CEO of Blackstone. As part of ified Knight-Bagehot Fellows who take additional
the ceremony, the faculty of the Columbia School credits of journalism courses. Nine members of
of Journalism presented a prize for the best busi- this year’s class of Knight-Bagehot Fellows com-
ness journalism produced by a former Bagehot Fel- pleted the extra work and received an M.S. degree.
low during the past year. This year’s “Christopher Beginning with the 2017-2018 academic year,
J. Welles Memorial Prize” was awarded to Trudy Knight-Bagehot Fellows will be allowed to choose
Lieberman (‘77) for her article that appeared in from two academic tracks: the Certificate in Eco-
Harper’s Magazine, “The Failed Promise of the Af- nomics and Business Journalism or the Master of
fordable Care Act.” The next Chris Welles Prize will Arts in Journalism. Fellows who opt for the Certif-
be presented at the 42nd Anniversary Dinner Cel- icate may select any university courses relating to
ebration which will be another major fundraising business, economics or finance. To earn the M.A.
event held at the Marriott Marquis on October 26, degree, Fellows will take most of their courses at
2017. Dinner chairs for the 41st anniversary were the Journalism School and produce a master’s the-
Mark Hoffman, Chairman of CNBC, and Klaus sis; those who choose this track will not be able to
Kleinfeld, Chairman and CEO of Alcoa/Arconic. apply credits during their fellowship year toward
Through the efforts of our enthusiastic Co-Chairs, an MBA. Because of the demanding nature of the
a dedicated alumni, a committed board of advisors curriculum, Fellows are not permitted to take on
and an expert events consultant, our dinner raised outside assignments while school is in session.
• During the summer of 2016, the Journalism School by mid-February each year. The essay topic for the
completed a major refurbishment of the Knight-Bage- 2016 WERT Prize (Reporting in a “Post-Truth”
hot seminar room, including reconstruction of the World) was announced in September. Knight-Bage-
room; installation of new windows and carpet; re- hot Fellows (former and current) were limited to one
placement of all furnishings; and upgrading of tech- submission of no more than one thousand (1,000)
nology in the room. The cost of this entire renova- words. The essay question was: What issue(s) has
tion amounted to $325,000 and was covered by the been subject to distortion on the campaign trail and
Knight-Bagehot Program’s surplus funds. how should such issue(s) be covered with an eye
towards restoring lost credibility? The WERT Prize
• The Knight-Bagehot Board of Advisors met three judges, Peter Bakstansky, Maile Hulihan and Dan-
times during the academic year and spent the bulk iel Gross, made their recommendations for the win-
of each meeting discussing fundraising opportuni- ning essay, and passed them to me, Director of the
ties, program development and alumni relations. (See Knight-Bagehot Fellowship, and Dr. Amelia Augus-
page 21 of this report for a complete list of Board tus, Director of the Women’s Economic Round Table.
members.) In 2010, the Board established a $500 In January we announced the winner of the fourth
cash prize in memory of former Bagehot director WERT Prize for the best essay written by a current
Christopher J. Welles to be presented annually to a or former Knight-Bagehot Fellow. The winning en-
former Knight-Bagehot Fellow whose work most try was written by Stephen Kurczy (“The New Par-
epitomizes Chris’ ideals of thorough reporting, good anoid Style in American Politics”). A cash prize of
story-telling and timeliness. The Welles Prize this $2,000 was presented to Stephen at a Knight-Bage-
year was awarded to Trudy Lieberman (‘77) for her hot alumni event hosted on February 1 by Reuters,
article in Harper’s Magazine, “The Failed Promise of where alumni shared their opinions on prospects for
the Affordable Care Act.” the economy under the new Trump administration.

• The Knight-Bagehot Alumni Committee, chaired by THE PROGRAM

Greg Farrell (‘97), met several times during the year
and continued its campaign to encourage graduates The Knight-Bagehot Program is unlike most mid-career
of the program to make financial contributions. As a fellowships, which tend to be rather informal and unstruc-
result, 102 Knight-Bagehot alumni/ae contributed a tured, a kind of sabbatical for reflection and revelation and
total of $31,505 to the program. (The list of alumni/ contemplation. In distinct contrast, the Knight-Bagehot
ae contributors appears on page 6.) Knight-Bagehot Fellowship is designed to provide an extensive and inten-
alumni events, which were open to prospective Fel- sive exposure to economics, business and finance. Most
lows as well as graduates of the Program, were hosted Fellows report that they work harder at Columbia than
by Reuters in February and by the Journalism School they did on their jobs.
in April. In June, the alumni committee launched an
e-mail newsletter as a service to alumni, to highlight To qualify for the “Certificate in Economics and Business
work produced by former Bagehots, and to help keep Journalism,” Knight-Bagehot Fellows must complete 30
alumni connected. They also introduced an informal points in course credits. Fellows may select any Universi-
advisory network to help alumni find job opportuni- ty course relating to business, economics, or finance, but
ties. Alumni may contact the committee with news in practice, Fellows take most of their courses at Colum-
and ideas at bia’s highly regarded Graduate School of Business. One of
the required courses taught at the Journalism School is
• In the summer of 2013, the Knight-Bagehot Pro- produced by the Knight-Bagehot director and provides a
gram announced the establishment of a new business diverse schedule of specially arranged seminars and field
journalism prize underwritten by the Women’s Eco- trips, and a good number of informal off-the-record din-
nomic Round Table (WERT). Called “The WERT ners which expose the Fellows to the maximum amount
Prize,” it will be awarded annually for the best es- of useful information in the time available. One of the
say written on a specific topic by a Knight-Bagehot strengths of the Program is its proximity and access to
Fellow or Knight-Bagehot alumnus/na. The essay Wall Street and New York media companies. This year, the
topic will be announced in September of every year, Fellows took 11 trips off campus. Among our stops were
the deadline for entries will be November 30, and visits to The New York Stock Exchange, the Federal Re-
the winner, who will receive a cash prize of $2,000, serve Bank of New York, The Wall Street Journal, The
will be announced in January. The WERT Prize will New York Times, CNN, and Bloomberg. (See pages 9 and
be awarded at a Knight-Bagehot alumni event held 10 for a complete program list.)
Like any academic program, the Knight-Bagehot Fel- The chief criterion for selection of Knight-Bagehot
lowship does not intend to promote any special point Fellows is demonstrated journalistic excellence. The
of view. It seeks to expose the Fellows to a broad 2016-2017 Fellows were another exceptionally tal-
range of viewpoints. Speakers are chosen on the basis ented group:
of their ability to present an informed and well-ar-
ticulated lecture on the assigned topic, and, especial- Tim Craig was the Afghanistan-Pakistan bureau
ly in the case of dinner guests, on their standing in chief for The Washington Post.
the world of economics, business, finance or media,
and the importance of their opinions and ideas about Edward Krudy covered municipal finance and state
matters of topical interest. and local government for Reuters.

This year, our dinner guests, whose backgrounds Stephen Kurczy was a special correspondent based
and ideological persuasions ranged widely, included in Brazil for Americas Quarterly.
H. Rodgin Cohen, Jamie Dimon, Rob Kindler, Alan
Murray, Gretchen Morgenson, Robert Rubin, Vivian Douglas MacMillan was a technology reporter based
Schiller, Andrew Ross Sorkin, Paul Steiger, Jon Stein- in San Francisco for The Wall Street Journal.
berg, Joseph Stiglitz, Paul Volcker and Laura Walker.
Silvana Ordonez was a Spanish-language personal
finance correspondent for CNBC.
Tracey Samuelson covered business and economics
Over the past 42 years, Columbia Universi- for APM’s Marketplace.
ty has granted Bagehot Fellowships to 382 high-
ly qualified and energetic reporters. During Christie Smythe was a legal reporter for Bloomberg
their year at Columbia, the Fellows are treat- News.
ed as any other full-time graduate student and
are expected to take and pass at least 30 credits. Tim Stenovec received the Wiegers Fellowship and
will be staying on at Columbia to complete his MBA,
Despite the hard work, most Fellows look back while hosting a show for Cheddar.
fondly on the experience. At the end of his aca-
demic year, Iraki Kibiriti (‘97) wrote to the incom- Roshanak Taghavi wrote for Newsweek Middle East.
ing class of Knight-Bagehot Fellows: “The Program
will challenge your time management skills to the John Tozzi was a healthcare reporter for Bloomberg
limit. As designed, it leaves you free to do whatev- News.
er you like but takes away that freedom by virti-
ue of its intensity. You will work hard--extremely, SOURCES OF FUNDING
I must emphasize--but in the end will rejoice at
the skills and knowledge you will have amassed.” The Fellowship was intitated in 1975 with large
grants from eight firms (AT&T, Alcoa, Citibank,
During my 24 years as director, 59 Fellows have Exxon, General Electric, IBM, Mobil and Pru-
found the experience so invigorating that they ap- dential). Over the years, the roster of funders has
plied and were accepted for admission to Colum- expanded to include hundreds of contributors,
bia Business School to complete an MBA degree. including about four dozen Fortune 500 compa-
In so doing, they joined about a dozen other for- nies and more than a dozen media corporations.
mer Bagehots who have earned a business degree.
In 1987, the John S. and James L. Knight Foun-
Most gratifying is the fact that nearly three-quar- dation made a commitment to provide a $3 mil-
ters of our working graduates, including those with lion endowment that assures the Fellowship of an
MBAs, remain in the field and have turned their per- on-going source of funds and ensures its existence
sonal academic enrichment into enriched journal- for years to come. To recognize this commitment,
ism. Many have gone on to win impressive journal- the Fellowship was renamed the Knight-Bagehot
ism awards and honors. And several are sharing their Fellowship in September, 1987, in honor of John S.
knowledge and expertise as teachers and educators. and James L. Knight, founders of Knight Founda-
tion. The Fellowship continues to carry the name of
Walter Bagehot, the 19th century editor of The Econ- ter costs associated with the 41st anniversary dinner, the
omist, for whom the Program was originally named. Program ended the year with a surplus of $161,812. This
Over the years, Knight Foundation has contributed a surplus helped to offset the cost of the refurbishment of
total of $5 million to the endowment and $1,225,000 the Knight-Bagehot seminar room which began in June,
in operating funds. Included in this is a $2 mil- 2016, and was completed by the time the class of 2017 ar-
lion challenge grant, for which Knight Foundation rived on campus for orientation on August 14, 2016.
matched every dollar raised by Columbia University for
the Program’s endowment over a four-year period. The Our primary goal continues to be to improve economics
last matching gift of $500,000 was paid in early 1999. and business journalism by providing intensive and exten-
Income from the Knight-Bagehot endowments cov- sive training to an elite group of professional journalists
ered 85 percent of the operating budget in 2016-2017. so that their work will become more knowledgeable, fair
and accurate. Our basic funding strategy is to solicit the
The Knight-Bagehot Endowment Fund, which had a mar- employers of Knight-Bagehot Fellows, as well as the chief
ket value of $25,081,155 on June 30, 2017, distributed executive officers, senior communications and contribu-
$1,234,129 in fiscal year 2017 to the Program for expens- tions executives at major corporations and educational
es. The income from the endowment varies from year to foundations who share our goals. Thanks to the generosity
year, based on the market value of the shares held by the of our loyal supporters, the Knight-Bagehot Program con-
Fellowship in Columbia University’s endowment pools. tinues to thrive and remain financially strong.
We anticipate that the endowment will generate about
$1,235,000 in income to the Knight-Bagehot Fellowship
for the 2017-2018 academic year. Terri Thompson, Director

To cover the remaining Program costs, including tuition,

we must raise another $550,000 in fiscal 2018. Our annu- Terri Thompson became director of the Knight-­Bagehot Fellow-
al budget of about $1.46 million would be impossible to ship in Economics and Business Journalism at Columbia Univer-
meet were it not for the generous support of a committed sity Graduate School of Journalism in 1993. In her 20 years as a
group of long-time funders. We are, of course, extremely business journalist, she has reported, written and/or edited for the
gratefull to all of our funders, including the 102 gradu- Coralville (Iowa) Courier, Purchasing Magazine, BusinessWeek,
ates of the Program who made substantial contributions Institutional Investor, U.S. News & World Report and Lear’s.
of their time or money to the Fellowship in 2016-2017. (A A graduate of New York University, Columbia University Graduate
complete list of donors appears on page 6 of this report.) School of Journalism and a 1981 Bagehot Fellow at Columbia, she is
the author of “Biz Kids’ Guide to Success: Money­-Making Ideas for
FINANCES Young Entrepreneurs” (Barron’s, 1992) and editor of “Writing About
Business: The New Columbia Knight-­Bagehot Guide to Econom-
To ensure adequate financing for operations in 2016-2017, ics and Business Journalism” (Columbia University Press, 2000).
the Fellowship’s fundraising goal was $500,000. In the fis- A former president of the New York Financial Writers’ Association,
cal year ended June 30, 2017, the Fellowship was credited Thompson is the recipient of numerous journalism awards, includ-
with incoming revenues of $611,231 plus endowment in- ing the NYFWA’s Elliott V. Bell Award for making a significant,
come of $1,234,129 to cover operating costs. Costs associ- long­-term contribution to the profession of financial journalism.
ated with our 41st anniversary dinner, our primary fund-
raising event, amounted to $226,772.

Fellowship expenses are of four types: tuition, stipends,

program and administration. Total operating expendi-
tures for the year came to $1,456,776. Tuition and fees at
$58,749 per Fellow, were the largest expense, at a total cost
of $587,490. Stipends, at $55,000 for each of the ten Fel-
lows, amounted to $550,000. The program costs include
honoraria for seminars, which range from little or noth-
ing to $500 for individual speakers, and weekly dinners
which average about $1,200 each. To allow maximum
funding for the Fellows, the Fellowship purposely main-
tains a small administrative staff. Total program and ad-
ministrative expenditures for the year were $319,286. Af-
Knight-Bagehot Funders 2016-2017

Abraaj Group Financial Times/Nikkei The New York Times Company

Alcoa / Arconic Finsbury Winnie O’Kelley
ASC Advisors LLC Fitch Ratings Onex
AT&T Inc. Joele Frank, Wilkinson Prosek Partners
Peter Bakstansky Brimmer Katcher Prudential Financial, Inc.
Bank of America Glover Park Group Reuters
Bialkin Family Foundation Goldman Sachs S&P Global
Blackstone Hill + Knowlton Strategies Sard Verbinnen & Co
Bloomberg Innisfree M&A Incorporated Peter J. Solomon Company
The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) John S. and James L. Joseph Stiglitz
Brunswick Group LLC Knight Foundation Lise Strickler & Mark Gallogly
Business Insider JPMorgan Chase & Co. Strategy+Business
Citi MacAndrews & Forbes Incorporated Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
CNBC Mastercard TechCrunch
CNNMoney MBIA Foundation Temin and Company, Inc.
Columbia Business School McKinsey & Company Time Inc.
Comcast Corporation Moore Capital Management, Tusk Strategies
Edelman LP/Louis Bacon UnitedHealthcare
Elliott Management Corporation NASDAQ The Wall Street Journal
Fabrikant-Metz Charitable Fund Natixis Global Asset Management

Penelope Muse Abernathy, ‘85 Geraldine Fabrikant, ‘00 Andrew Leckey, ‘79 Debra Silimeo, ‘87
Thomas M. Anderson, ‘09 Greg Farrell, ‘97 David Lieberman, ‘04 Sara Silver, ‘00
Steve Askin, ‘91 Gregg Fields, ‘06 Trudy Lieberman, ‘77 Deborah Steinborn, ‘02
Anjali Athavaley, ‘14 Geoffrey Foisie, ‘88 Emilie Lounsberry, ‘03 Seth Stevenson, ‘11
Terry Atlas, ‘77 Loren Fox, ‘06 Tom Lowry, ‘92 Jenny Strasburg, ‘06
John Authers, ‘00 Gabriel Friedman, ‘13 Pamela Luecke, ‘87 Peter Svensson, ‘14
Daniel Bases,’00 Raul Gallegos, ‘10 Anora Mahmudova, ‘12 Paul Sweeney, ‘86
Peter Beller, ‘11 Mark Garrison, ‘15 Carolina Mandl, ‘16 Anne Tergesen, ‘97
Charley Blaine, ‘82 Roseanne Gerin, ‘14 Bruce Melzer, ‘00 Terri Thompson, ‘81
Sandra Block, ‘94 Paul Glader, ‘08 Dave Michaels, ‘12 Jamila Trindle, ‘16
Dan Bobkoff, ‘15 William Glasgall, ‘78 Michael Molinski, ‘98 Jaclyn Trop, ‘13
Christine Bockelmann, ‘83 Martha Graybow, ‘10 Nandagopal J. Nair, ‘13 Leslie Wayne, ‘80
Ira Breskin, ‘92 Howard Green, ‘07 Barbara Presley Noble, ‘96 Michael J. Weiss, ‘00
Charles J. Butler, ‘99 Peter Green, ‘04 Floyd Norris, ‘82 Carolyn Whelan, ‘06
Jeremy Caplan, ‘08 James Grimaldi, ‘93 Brian J. O’Connor, ‘01 Robert Wherry, ‘10
Laura Castaneda, ‘92 Quentin Hardy, ‘95 Bolaji Ojo, ‘98 Gerri Willis, ‘92
Marilen Cawad, ‘03 Elizabeth Harris, ‘09 Alexander Osipovich, ‘11 Amy Yee, ‘14
Mathis Chazanov, ‘80 Thomas C. Hayes, ‘79 John Oslund, ‘97 Sam Zuckerman, ‘89
David Cho, ‘06 Doreen Hemlock, ‘95 Bellamy Pailthorp, ‘06
Lauren Coleman-Lochner, ‘03 Jackson Hewett, ‘10 Natalie Obiko Pearson, ‘09
Porus Cooper, ‘02 Jon Hilsenrath, ‘96 Laura Petrecca, ‘02
Bryan Corliss, ‘07 Jan Hopkins, ‘83 Matthew Philips, ‘11
Jose Eduardo Costa, ‘08 Fredlintaz Igbeare, ‘92 Donna Rosato, ‘99
Dimitra DeFotis, ‘08 Neil Irwin, ‘07 Mica Rosenberg, ‘13
Emmanuel K. Dogbevi, ‘14 Aaron Kessler, ‘14 Susan Scherreik, ‘91
Justin Doom, ‘16 Sharon King, ‘96 Anya Schiffrin, ‘00
John J. Doran, ‘99 Annalyn Kurtz, ‘15 Chana Schoenberger, ‘06
Jim Edwards, ‘08 Pat Winters Lauro, ‘04 Donna Shaw-Bielski, ‘99
2016-2017 Income
Knight-Bagehot Endowment
(income distributed for expenses).......................................................................................................$1,234,129

Funds raised for operation.........................................................................................................................603,549

Application fees.......................................................................................................................................... 7,500

Royalties from book sales.......................................................................................................................... 182

TOTAL INCOME....................................................................................................................................$1,845,360

2016-2017 Expenditures

Tuition and fees ($58,749 for 10 Fellows).............................................................................................$587,490

Stipends ($55,000 for 10 Fellows)............................................................................................................550,000



Seminar program.........................................................................................................................................12,150

Dinner program...........................................................................................................................................32,284


Office expenses...............................................................................................................................................5,232

TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES.............................................................................................$1,456,776

41ST ANNIVERSARY DINNER EXPENSES.....................................................................................$ 226,772

2016-2017 Summary of Income and Expenditures

Total income..............................................................................................................................................$1,845,360

Total expenditures....................................................................................................................................$1,683,548

Balance........................................................................................................................................................$ 161,812
2017-2018 Budget (proposed)

Tuition and fees ($61,000 for 10 Fellows)..............................................................................................$610,000

Stipends ($60,000 for 10 Fellows).............................................................................................................600,000



Seminar program........................................................................................................................................20,000

Dinner program..........................................................................................................................................35,000


Office expenses..............................................................................................................................................5,000

TOTAL EXPECTED OPERATING EXPENSES..................................................................................$1,560,000

Previous Fellowship Operating Budgets









2012-2013 .............................................................................................................................................1,292,426

2013-2014 .............................................................................................................................................1,368,447

2014-2015 .............................................................................................................................................1,395,740



Knight-Bagehot Fellowship 2016-2017 Program


Excel Training. August 18. The Writing Process. September Understanding Financial State-
Al Chen. 29. Diana B. Henriques, author, ments. November 10 & 17. Ed
The Wizard of Lies. Martin, certified public accoun-
Storytelling. Sept 6.Tom Herman, tants, EisnerAmper LLP.
columnist, The Wall Street Journal. Ethics in Digital Journalism.
October 4. Richard G. Jones, ‘09, Post-Election Analysis: What Next
Campaign Finance. Sept 8. Leslie Associate Editor, News Administra- for U.S. Economic Policy? Novem-
Wayne, ‘81, adjunct professor, Co- tion, The New York Times. ber 14. David Wessel, ‘81, Think
lumbia Journalism School; former Tank Scholar, Brookings Institution.
reporter, The New York Times. Using Documents. October 6.
James Grimaldi, ‘93, senior writer, Being Your Own Online Publisher.
Translating the Numbers Into The Wall Street Journal. November 22. Dave Lindorff, ‘79,
English. September 13. Allan Freelance Writer, Author & Found-
Sloan, contributor, The Washington 100 Years of Global Muckraking. ing Member, ThisCantBeHappen-
Post. October 13. Anya Schiffrin, ‘00,
Director of Media & Communica-
Covering Healthcare. Septem- tions Program, Columbia’s School of Real Estate. November 29. Joseph
ber 15. Trudy Lieberman, ‘77, International and Public Affairs. Rubin, partner, Ernst & Young Real
contributor, Health News Review; Estate.
contributing editor, Columbia Jour- Private Equity & Venture Capi-
nalism Review. tal. October 18. R.A. Farrokhnia, Financial Analysis. December 1.
professor, Columbia Business Suresh Govindaraj, professor of
Central Banks and the Economy. School. accounting, Rutgers University.
September 20. Jon Hilsenrath, ‘96,
chief economics correspondent, The Fiscal & Monetary Policy. Octo- Advice from Career Services. De-
Wall Street Journal. ber 20. Stephen Buckles, professor cember 2. Julia Hartenstein and
of economics, Vanderbilt University. Gina Boubion.
Municipal Finance. September 22.
John Doran, ‘99, IFR Bureau Chief, Data Visualization: Resources for How to Record & Edit Audio. De-
Americas, International Financing Making Charts. November 1. cember 6. Tracey Samuelson, ‘17,
Review, Thomson Reuters. Deirdre Fretz, ‘97, Newsletter Edi- reporter for APM’s Marketplace.
tor, Bloomberg.
Entrepreneurial Journalism. Covering Mergers & Acquisitions.
September 27. Jeremy Caplan, ‘08, Power Pivot: A Free Data Journal- December 8. Donna M. Hitsche-
Education Director, Tow-Knight ism Tool. November 3. Peter Svens- rich, Professor, Columbia Business
Center for Entrepreneurial Journal- son, ‘14, Associate Consultant, Blue School.
ism, CUNY’s Graduate School of Ridge Partners.

Paul Steiger, Founder, Pro- Robert E. Rubin, Co-Chair- New York Stock Exchange
Publica. September 6. man, Council on Foreign Rela- Briefing and tour of trading floor.
tions; former Secretary of the February 3.
Steve Coll, Dean, Columbia Treasury. January 31.
Graduate School of Journalism. New York Federal Reserve
September 13. Alex Blumberg, CEO and Bank. Briefing with President
Co-Founder, Gimlet; and Lisa William Dudley. February 10.
James B. Stewart, author and Chow, ‘12, co-host Gimlet’s
Bloomberg Professor, Columbia StartUp. February 7. CNN. Briefing and tour with exec
School of Journalism. Sept. 20. editor Lex Haris. February 17.
Bruce Greenwald, Professor,
Gillian Tett, U.S. Managing Columbia Business School; and Overseas Press Club Founda-
Editor, Financial Times.Sept 27. Ava Seave, Principal, Quantum tion lunch. February 24.
Media. February 14.
Paul Volcker, Chairman, Volck- Wall Street Journal. Briefing
er Alliance; former Fed Chair- Laura Walker, President & with Matt Murray. March 3.
man. October 4. CEO, WNYC. February 21.
Thomson Reuters. Lunch with
Paul Levy, Founding Partner, Joseph Stiglitz, Columbia Uni- John Doran. March 24.
JLL Partners. October 18. versity Professor. February 28.
BuzzFeed. Briefing with edi-
Daniel Gross, Executive Editor, Tom Easton, American Finance tor-in-chief Ben Smith. March 31.
Strategy + Business; and Sree Editor, The Economist. March 7.
Sreenivasan, Chief Digital Offi- Bloomberg. Briefing with exec
cer, City of New York. Nov. 1. Troy Young, President, Hearst editor Winnie O’Kelley. April 7.
Digital Media. March 21.
H. Rodgin Cohen, Senior New York Times. Briefing and
Chairman, Sullivan & Cromwell. Gretchen Morgenson, assistant tour with Neil Irwin. Feb. 11.
November 15. business & financial editor, The
New York Times. March 28. Fitch Ratings. Briefing with CEO
Jon Steinberg, CEO, Cheddar. Paul Taylor and analysts. April 21.
November 22. Andrew Ross Sorkin and Nikh-
il Deogun, Senior V.P., Business Facebook. Briefing with Jennifer
Steve Shepard, Founding News, CNBC. April 4. Jenkins. April 28.
Dean, City University of NY
School of Journalism; and Lynn Alan Murray, Chief Content
Povich, author, “Good Girls Officer, Time Inc. April 18.
Revolt.” November 29.
Henry Blodget, CEO, Business
Robert Kindler, Vice Chair- Insider. April 25.
man, Global Head of M&A,
Morgan Stanley. December 6. Davia Temin, CEO, Temin and
Company, Inc. May 2.
Vivian Schiller, Executive
Editor-in-Residence, Weber Jamie Dimon, CEO, JPMorgan
Shandwick. January 24. Chase. May 9.
Knight-Bagehot Speakers 1975-2016
(Selected List / Title at Time of Visit)
Michael C. Armstrong, Chairman & Marshall N. Carter, CEO, State Audrey Freeman, labor economist, Doug Henwood, editor and publisher,
CEO, AT&T Street Bank and Trust. The Conference Board. Left Business Observer.

John Arnhold, chief investment Frank Cary, chairman, IBM. Mario J. Gabelli, chairman, Gabelli Leo Hindery, CEO, YES Network.
officer, First Eagle Investment. Funds, Inc.
Linda Chavez-Thompson, executive Carl Icahn, CEO, Icahn Manage-
Ken Auletta, author and columnist, v.p., AFL-CIO. John Kenneth Galbraith, professor ment, LP.
The New Yorker. of economics emeritus, Harvard.
Chris Christie, U.S. Attorney for NJ. Richard Jenrette, chairman, The
Jagdish Bhagwati, Columbia Univer- Clifton C. Garvin, Jr., chairman and Equitable.
sity professor. Abby Joseph Cohen, president, CEO, Exxon.
Global Markets Institute, Goldman Andrea Jung, CEO, Avon Products.
Nancy Barry, president, Enterprise Sachs. Luther Gatling, president, Budget &
Solutions to Poverty. Credit Counseling. Lillian Katz, president and founder of
Roy M. Cohn, partner, Saxe, Bacon Lillian Vernon Corp.
W. Geoffrey Beattie, deputy chair- & Bolan. Timothy Geithner, president, Federal
man, Thomson Reuters Reserve Bank of New York. Henry Kaufman, economist, Salo-
E. Gerald Corrigan, president, Fed- mon Brothers.
Alfred R. Berkeley, III, vice chair- eral Reserve Bank of New York. Rudolph Giuliani, U.S. Attorney.
man, Nasdaq Lamar Kelly, senior vice president
James Cramer, markets commenta- Robert N. Gordon, president, Twen- for asset sales, Resolution Trust Corp.
Lloyd Blankfein, CEO & Chairman, tor, ty-First Securities.
Goldman Sachs. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., senior attor-
Robert Crandall, former chief execu- Victor Gotbaum, exec. director, ney, Natural Resources Defense Fund.
Henry Blodget, CEO and Edi- tive officer, American Airlines. District Council 37, American Feder-
tor-in-Chief, Business Insider. ation of State, County and Municipal James M. Ketelsen, chairman &
Lester Crystal, executive producer, Employees. CEO, Tenneco Inc.
John Bogle, founder, Vanguard. MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour.
Robert A. Gough, senior economist, Alan Kistler, director of field organiz-
Barry P. Bosworth, senior fellow, Mary Cunningham, v.p. of strategic Data Resoures, Inc. ing, AFL-CIO.
Brookings Institution. planning, Joseph E. Seagram & Sons.
J. Peter Grace, chairman and chief Klaus Kleinfeld, CEO, Alcoa Inc.
Thorton Bradshaw, former chair- W. Bowman Cutter, managing direc- executive, W.R. Grace & Co.
man, RCA Corp. tor, Warburg Pincus. Sallie Krawcheck, chairman & CEO,
Richard Grasso, chairman, New Smith Barney.
Elizabeth R. Bramwell, president Jamie Dimon, president & COO, J.P. York Stock Exchange.
and chief investment officer. Gabelli Morgan Chase. Paul Krugman, economist and author.
Growth Fund. Andrew Grove, president, Intel Corp.
Michael Eisner, chairman & CEO, Edward S. Lampert, chariman, ESL
William J. Bratton, exec. v.p., First Walt Disney Co. John Gutfreund, former chairman, Investments.
Securities Consulting. Salomon Brothers.
Matthew Fink, president, Investment Lawrence Kudlow, president, Rod-
Warren Buffet, CEO, Berkshire Company Institute. Heidi Hartmann, president and man & Renshaw Economics Inc.
Hathaway. director, Institute for Women’s Policy
Jay Fishman, chairman, president & Research. Ben Lawksy, New York’s Superinten-
Willard Butcher, chairman and chief CEO, The St. Paul Companies. dent of Financial Services.
executive, Chase Manhattan Corp. Robert Heilbroner, economics
Malcolm S. Forbes, Jr., CEO & professor, New School for Social Dean LeBaron, president, Battery-
Samuel Butler, presiding partner, president, Forbes Inc. Research. march Financial Management.
Cravath, Swaine & Moore.
Gail Foster, chief economist, The John G. Heimann, comptroller of the Gerald Levin, chairman, Time-War-
Paul Calello, CEO Credit Suisse. Conference Board. currency. ner Inc.
Arthur Levitt, Jr., chairman, SEC. Thomas J. Peters, president, Palo Amartya Sen, master, Trinity Lester Thurow, professor of econom-
Alto Consulting Center. College. ics, M.I.T.
Loida Lewis, chairman and CEO,
TLC Beatrice. T. Boone Pickens, Jr., chairman and Donna E. Shalala, assistant secretary Myron E. Ullman, III, chairman &
chief executive, Mesa Petroleum. for policy development, Dept. of chief executive officer, R.H. Macy &
Martin Lipton, partner, Wachtell, Housing and Urban Development. Co., Inc.
Lipton, Rosen & Katz. Harvey Pitt, CEO, Kalorama Part-
ners. Walter Shipley, chairman, Chemical Sir Brian Urquhart, former Under
Carol Loomis, senior editor-at large, Bank. Secretary General, United Nations.
Fortune. Clyde Prestowitz, president, Eco-
nomic Strategy Institute. Paul Singer, CEO, Elliott Manage- Richard A. Viguerie, president, The
Gary Lynch, partner, Davis Polk & ment. Viguerie Co.
Wardwell. Richard Ravitch, chairman, NY Met-
ropolitan Transportation Authority. Anthony M. Solomon, president, Paul Volcker, chairman, Federal
Alice Tepper Marlin, executive Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Reserve Board.
director, Council on Economic Summer Redstone, chairman and
Priorities. CEO, Viacom. Peter J. Solomon, investment banker Hicks Waldron, chairman, Avon
and owner, Peter J. Solomon & Co. Products Inc.
Donald B. Marron, chairman & Donald T. Regan, chairman and chief
CEO, PaineWebber Inc. executive, Merrill Lynch & Co. Andrew Ross Sorkin, columinist, Charls Walker, Washington lobbyist;
The New York Times. former Deputy Secretary of the
Deryck Maughan, vice president, Robert B. Reich, lecturer, in public Treasury.
Citigroup, Inc. policy, Harvard University. Neil M. Soss, chief economist and
vice president, First Boston. Henry Wallich, governor, Federal
Robert McClements, Jr., president Robert Ritterelser, president and Reserve Board.
and chief operating officer, Sun Co. chief executive, E.F. Hutton. Jerry I. Speyer, president, Tishman
Speyer Properties. Bruce Wasserstein, chairman &
Joe Moglia, CEO, TD Ameritrade. Alice M. Rivlin, director, Congressio- CEO, Wasserstein Perella Group.
nal Budget Office. Stanley Sporkin, director, division of
Brian Moynihan, CEO, Bank of enforcement, Securities & Exchange Marina v.n. Whitman, vice president
America. Stephen Roach, senior economist, Commission. and chief economist, General Motors.
Morgan Stanley.
Dr. David Mullins, Jr., principal, Howard Stein, chairman, Dreyfus Byron R. Wien, investment strategist,
Long Term Capital Management. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, chairman, Corp. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter.
Institute for Political Economy.
Thomas Murphy, chairman, General Saul Steinberg, chairman, Reliance Mark Willes, CEO, Times Mirror.
Motors. James Robinson, chairman, Ameri- Group Holdings.
can Express Co. Michael J. Williams, president &
J. Richard Munro, president and William Steere, chief executive CEO, Fannie Mae.
chief executive, Time Inc. David Rockefeller, chairman, Chase officer, Pfizer Inc.
Manhattan Bank. Robert Wright, president, National
P.J. O’Rourke, foreign afairs editor, David Stern, commissioner, National Broadcasting Co.
Rolling Stone. Ray Rogers, director, Corporate Basketball Association.
Campaign Inc. Walter Wriston, chairman, Citicorp.
Mancur Olson, distinguished pro- Joseph Stiglitz, Economist.
fessor of economics, University of Felix G. Rohatyn, partner, Lazard Daniel Yergin, president, Cambridge
Maryland. Freres & Co. Manuel Suarez-Mier, Minister for Energy Research Associates.
economic affairs, Embassy of Mexico.
Eugene D. Orza, associate general David Rubenstein, co-founder & Dr. Muhammad Yunus, managing
counsel, Major League Baseball. managing director The Carlyle Group. Richard Syron, chairman, American director, The Grameen Bank.
Stock Exchange.
Alan J. Patricof, chairman, Patricof Jerry Rubin, director of business Fareed Zakaria, managing editor,
& Co. Ventures, Inc. development, John Muir & Co. Nancy Teeters, chief economist of the Foreign Affairs.
House Budget Committee.
Michael Pertschuk, chairman, Feder- Marjorie Scardino, president, The Mortimer B. Zuckerman, real estate
al Trade Commission. Economist Newspaper Group. Peter Thiel, CEO, Clarium Capital developer and owner, U.S. News &
Mangement, LLC. World Report & NY Daily News.
The 2017-2018 Knight-Bagehot Fellows
Ben Bergman, 35, is the senior business/economics reporter Jonnelle Marte, 30, is lead writer for the personal finance
at Los Angeles NPR News station, KPCC. He also regularly section of The Washington Post. Before joining the Post in
contributes business stories to national NPR and Marketplace 2014, she was a reporter for Marketwatch, WSJ Digital Net-
programs and anchors coverage of major breaking news for work and Wall Street Journal Sunday. As a student at Florida
KPCC. Bergman graduated cum laude with a B.A. in politics International University, from which she graduated cum laude in
from Occidental College in 2004. During his senior year, he 2008, she interned at the St. Petersburg Times, the Detroit News
interned for The New York Times and CBS Network News. and the Boston Globe. She also worked for four years as a metro
After graduation, he spent the next eight years as a producer for reporter for the Miami Herald.
NPR’s Morning Edition.
A. Humeyra Pamuk, 36, started working for Reuters in
Samuel Black, 31, is a journalist who has made award-win- 2002, while studying at Galatasaray University in Turkey for
ning documentaries for film, television, and radio. Most recently an M.A. in European Union Studies.; currently she serves as
he produced investigative documentaries for Fault Lines, Al a senior correspondent for Reuters based in Istanbul. In her
Jazeera English’s weekly current affairs program. Before that he nearly 15 years at Reuters, she has worked out of London, Cairo
worked at Alex Gibney’s Jigsaw Productions, where he co-pro- and Dubai, covering everything from commodities and energy
duced feature-length documentaries about subjects including markets to Turkey’s failed coup, and has reported from hostile
WikiLeaks, Eliot Spitzer, and Jack Abramoff. He has reported environments such as Syria and Iraq. She holds a B.A. in Inter-
stories for This American Life, and was researcher on HBO’s national Relations from Koc University.
feature film Too Big To Fail. A graduate of Yale University, he is
the recipient of numerous prizes, including an Overseas Press Club Hindol Sengupta, 37, joined Fortune India in 2010; as
Award for best international reporting dealing with human rights. Editor-at-Large for the Indian edition of Fortune, he writes from
Delhi on political economy. He has worked at CNBC-TV18,
Matt Jarzemsky, 31, is a reporter for The Wall Street CNN-IBN and Bloomberg TV (India), and is the author of
Journal, covering private equity, bankruptcy and equity capital seven books. Among his three upcoming books is a history of
markets since 2013. He joined Dow Jones Newswires as a re- the Indian free market by Simon & Schuster. He was declared
porter in 2011. Previously, he covered commercial real estate for a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2017
Institutional Investor News and interned for Bloomberg News and has been short-listed for the Hayek Book Prize given by
on its markets desk. He has a journalism degree from University the Manhattan Institute for economic writing in memory of the
of Missouri-Columbia. Nobel laureate economist F. A. Hayek.

Matthew Kish, 41, reporter for the Portland Business Jour- Brian Spegele, 29, has been a Wall Street Journal reporter in
nal, covers sportswear, banking and general assignment news China since 2011, documenting China’s slowing economy and
for this weekly business newspaper published by American City its disruptions on the global energy sector. A graduate of Indiana
Business Journals. The winner of seven SABEW awards, his University, where he majored in journalism and international
investigation about Oregon’s emergence as a hotbed for shell studies and minored in Chinese language, he interned at the St.
company abuse prompted the secretary of state to develop legis- Petersburg Times before joining the Journal.
lation to address the problem. He has reported for the Indianap-
olis Business Journal and The Arizona Republic, among others. Andrea Wong, 28, has covered the dollar and U.S. Treasury
He graduated summa cum laude from Ohio Dominican College, market for Bloomberg since 2013. Her investigation on the
earned a master’s degree from Reed College, and teaches news secret Treasury holdings of Saudi Arabia led the U.S. Treasury
writing and reporting at the University of Portland. Department to disclose the kingdom’s data for the first time
in four decades. A graduate of Hong Kong Baptist University,
Karen Langley, 30, is a state Capitol reporter for the Pitts- she joined Bloomberg as an intern in 2010, and for three years
burgh Post-Gazette, where she covers Pennsylvania’s governor covered the financial markets of China and Taiwan, with a focus
and legislature, annual state budgets and public pension debates. on currencies and government bonds.
As a student at the University of Notre Dame, where she gradu-
ated cum laude in 2008, she wrote and edited for the student-run
daily newspaper, The Observer. She went on to intern at The
Philadelphia Inquirer and then joined the Concord (N.H.)
Monitor, where she worked as a reporter for three years before
moving to Harrisburg, Pa.
Knight-Bagehot Alumni 1975-2017
1975-1976 Andrew R. McGill Debora (Greene) Modra Marianna Ohe
Professor Emeritus Director of Global Sourcing Retired
Ovid Abrams University of Michigan Modern Arts Packaging Business School Pavan Sahgal
Scott Aiken Kathryn Harris Editor-in-Chief
(deceased) Peggy Printz Freelance Writer & Editor Global Investment Technology
Douglas Campbell
Retired Thomas C. Hayes Mike Sheridan
Deborah Rankin Freelance Writer/Editor Freelance Journalist
Stephen Dunphy (deceased)
Freelance Harvey D. Shapiro Jared Kopel Charles J. Stein
Freelance Attorney Reporter
James Elsener Kopel Law Bloomberg News
1977-1978 Andrew Leckey John Wang
Robert Hagen President/Chair President
(deceased) Janet Bodnar Donald Reynolds National Asian-American Business Develop-
Editor-at-Large ment Center
Center for Business Journalism
John Holusha Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
Arizona State University
Leslie Wayne
Doreen Chu Jagoda John Collins Dave Lindorff Business Journalism Professor
Retired Retired Columbia Graduate School of Journal-
Freelance Writer, Author & Founding ism/New York University
Philip Moeller
Writer/Author Nigel Cushing
“Ask Phil,” PBS NewsHour Owner
“Get What’s Yours” books Eagle Pine Chalets
Robert A. Rankin 1980-1981
Retired Michael Connor
Jerome S. Morgan Caroline Donnelly Americas Editor, Global Markets
Freelance Retired Forum
Dennis Smith Retired Thomson Reuters
William Glasgall
1976-1977 Director, State & Local Programs Barbara J. French
James A. White Vice Chancelor of Strategic Communi-
The Volcker Alliance Retired
Terry Atlas cations & University Relations
Senior Writer (Foreign Policy)
University of California, San Francisco
Bloomberg News Robert L. Kearns
Washington Bureau State Street Global Advisors 1979-1980 J. Peter Gonigam
Peter F. Bird, Jr. Publisher
Dennis Chase Michelle Osborn CEO First Electric Newspaper
(deceased) Retired The Frist Foundation
David T. Cook Thomas Richman Dedra Hauser
Editor-At-Large (deceased) Neill Borowski Landscape Designer
Christian Science Monitor Executive Editor Enchanted Gardens Jonathan Williams Gannett Central New York Media
Retired Group
Alan Gersten Steven L. Hershberger
(deceased) Chairman & CEO
Jacob Wortham Mathis Chazanov SteadyServ Technologies, LLC
Rita Palmer Golden (deceased) Semi-retired
Efford Cottage
Bob Porterfield
1978-1979 David Kinney Director
Trudy Lieberman Retired World Free Press Institute
Contributing Editor Lisa Bergson-Riddle
Columbia Journalism Review Tiger Optics, LLC and MEECO, Inc.
Bob Raissman 1982-1983 Kathleen Stauder Pender Vesta Kimble
Sports Columnist Columnist Deputy Executive Director
New York Daily News Christine Bockelmann San Francisco Chronicle Maryland Department of Human Chair, Board of Trustees Resources
Highland Current Inc.
Linda Sandler Cold Spring, New York Susan Sachs
Freelance Writer/Editor Freelance Editor Bob Lowe Freelance
Aly Colon
Terri Thompson Knight Professor of Ethics Robin Schatz
Director Washington & Lee University Freelance Journalist/Contributor Craig Miller
Knight-Bagehot Fellowship Program Science Editor
Columbia School of Journalism KQED (San Francisco) Peter M. Gianotti
Restaurant Critic/Wine & Spirits Janice Simpson
David Wessel Reviewer Co-Director of the Arts and Culture Rosa Morales
Think Tank Scholar Newsday Reporting Program Freelance Journalist
Brookings Institution City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism
Peter Christian Hall Paul Sweeney
Writer/Filmmaker Senior Contributing Writer
1981-1982 Big Bad Productions, Inc. Eileen White Read Institutional Investor President & CEO
Charley Blaine Pasadena Community Gardens Conser-
Freelance Journalist & Writer vancy Inc.
Jan Hopkins 1986-1987
The Jan Hopkins Group
Gail Collins Jack Willoughby Mark Clifford
Op-Ed Columnist Senior Editor Executive Director
The New York Times Barron’s Asia Business Council
Elliott D. Lee
Communitas Consulting LLC
Gail Gregg
Yee Mee Fah
Freelance Writer & Artist 1984-1985 Strategist Mae Public Relations
Blanca Riemer Penelope Muse Abernathy
France Senior Correspondent
Knight Chair, Digital Media Economics
Merger Market
Udayan Gupta
and Journalism John Gallagher
Vice President University of N. Carolina Senior Business Columnist
Bayeux USA Detroit Free Press
John Saunders
Lee Cearnal
Ellen L. James Martin (deceased) Pamela Luecke
Co-Editor & Columnist Donald W. Reynolds Professor of
Washington News Service
Lawrence J. Tell Barbara Demick Business Journalism
(deceased) Beijing Bureau Chief Washington & Lee University
Los Angeles Times
Cynthia Kasabian Blickenstaff Mary Williams Walsh
Financial Writer
Managing Director, Founder
The New York Times
Debra Silimeo
CKB Consultants Inc.
Susan Feyder Executive Vice President Reporter Hager Sharp Inc.
Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Kevin Lahart 1983-1984
Retired Elyse Tanouye Victoria Rea Gits Carolyn Friday Managing Editor
Freelance French Teacher Bloomberg
Joshua Levine Ridgefield, CT
Freelance Peter G. Gosselin Ann Scott Tyson
Partner Frances Whittelsey Author
Floyd Norris Economy LLC Blogging at The Equalizer
Retired from President, Board of Trustees
The New York Times Gateway Community Garden Stephen J. Govoni 1987-1988
Senior Financial Writer
Jaye Robinson Scholl Lord, Abbett & Co.
Geoffrey Foisie
1985-1986 Investment Advisor
Hedge Fund Advisors, Inc. Jim Jubak Gus Hedberg
English & Journalism Teacher
Jubak Asset Management LLC
The Lawrenceville School P. Gunasegaram Freelance Consultant and Columnist
Question Time
Mel Laytner Linda Corman 1991-1992 John Swenson
Freelance Freelance Tech Writer Ira Breskin Microsoft
Senior Lecturer
Julia C. Martinez Lisa Dietrich SUNY Maritime College
Freelance Journalist 1993-1994
Micheline Maynard Laura Castaneda, Ed.D
Stanley Reed Managing Editor Professor of Professional Practice Sandra Block
Energy & Environmental Writer USC Annenberg School for Senior Editor
International New York Times Communications & Journalism Kiplinger’s Personal Finance Magazine
Hannah Moore Michael DuVally
Valerie Reitman Director of Philanthropy David Evans
Freelance Senior Vice President Managing Director, Media Relations
Temple Rodef Shalom Gerson Lehrman Group Goldman Sachs
Leah Beth Ward Ahmad A. Talib
Communications Manager Executive Director of Editorial Fredlintaz Igbeare Dawn Gilbertson
Yakima Herald-Republic Freelance Travel Reporter
New Straits Times Arizona Republic/
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tom Lowry
1988-1989 Fred Vogelstein Freelance Michael Gonzalez Vice President-Communications
Contributing Editor
S. Jayasankaran Wired Magazine
The Heritage Foundation
Bureau Chief Leslie Scism
Business Times of Singapore News Editor The Wall Street Journal Mike Hughlett
1990-1991 Reporter
Sarah E. Kidwell Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Director of Marketing Communications Steve Askin Mark Suchecki
Cate School Research Coordinator Service Employees International Union Gerri Willis Patrick McGeehan Metro Economy Reporter
Mara Liasson Fox Business News
The New York Times
National Political Correspondent Max Cacas
NPR (deceased) Stephen Schifferes
Howard Gold 1992-1993 Marjorie Deane Professor of
Elizabeth A. Obenshain Columnist Financial Journalism
Retired MarketWatch Barbara Belejack City University of London Freelance
Stewart Taggart Yoshikazu Mikami David Turner
Principal Professor of Journalism & Media Jer Jeng Chiu Retired
Grenatec Pty Ltd. Mejiro University of Tokyo James Grimaldi
Senior Writer
Pauline Tai Susan Scherreik The Wall Street Journal 1994-1995
Consultant Founding Director, The Center for
Hong Kong Entrepreneurial Studies, Stillman
Eleanor Barnes Babatunde Harrison Financial Services
School of Business
Freelance Writer/Photojournalist Morgan Stanley
Seton Hall University
Craig Torres Post News Group
Bloomberg News Michael Brush
Pamela Sharif Noriko Ito Columnist Digital Marketing Consultant
Freelance MarketWatch
Sam Zuckerman
Principal Mary Speck
Accessible Economics Janet Moore John Finotti
Project Director, Mexico & Central Vice President Transportation Reporter
America Project Tucker/Hall
Minneapolis Star-Tribune
International Crisis Group
Mary Beth Sheridan Quentin Hardy
Judith Burns Robin L. Updike Mideast/Africa Editor Editorial Head, Cloud
Writer/Editor Content Manager Google
The Washington Post
Office of Public Affairs
U.S. Securities & Exchange
Commission Peter Alan Harper
Doreen Hemlock Faith Keenan Arner Charles J. Butler Anya Schiffrin
Business Reporter Retired Instructor of Journalism Director, International Media & Com-
South Florida Sun-Sentinel University of Oregon School of munications Concentration Journalism and Communication SIPA, Columbia University
Iraki Peter Kibiriti
Cynthia Mayer Chief Executive Officer
Freelance Corpafrica Ltd. John J. Doran Kimberly Seals-Allers Bureau Chief Americas, IFR Founder
Reuters The Mocha Manual Company
Martha Moore Phillip Longman
President Senior Fellow
Roebling Museum New America Foundation Stephen Hirsch Sara Silver Founder and President Freelance
Cool Metro Media
John Oslund
1995-1996 Retired Shirleen Holt Michael J. Weiss International Communications Manager Vice President of Marketing
Paul Davies Asante Environics Analytics
Assistant Professor Anne Tergesen
University of Delaware Staff Reporter The Wall Street Journal Vincent Nwanma Freelance Journalist
Jon Hilsenrath
Chief Economics Correspondent
The Wall Street Journal 1997-1998 Donna Rosato Haris Anwar Freelance
Senior Editor
Sarah Bachman
Consumer Reports
Sharon King Freelance
Assistant Director Rachel M. Beck
EY Senior Consultant
Donna Shaw-Bielski mbaMission Jacalyn Carfagno Professor & Chair of
Editorial Writer
Journalism & Professional Writing
Barbara Presley Noble Lexington Herald-Leader The College of New Jersey
Independent Researcher
Tim Gray Freelance
Karl Taro Greenfeld
Terry Williams
Kim Norris Staff Writer Freelance
Freelance Writer & Editor Showtime/Ray Donovan
Barry Henderson Associate Portfolio Manager
T. Rowe Group Inc.
Mark Piesanen Michael Molinski
Chief Operating Officer Partner and Editor/Financial Professional 1999-2000
TouchCast Investing Across Borders/ New York Life Ward V.B. Lassoe John Authers Psychotherapist
Senior Investment Columnist Ward Lassoe Counseling
Bolaji Ojo The Financial Times
Joseph B. Treaster
Professor Publisher/Editor-in-Chief
University of Miami Electronics Purchasing Strategies Grainne McCarthy
School of Communications ( Daniel Bases Senior News Editor EMEA U.S. Public Finance Editor The Wall Street Journal
Thomson Reuters
Claire Serant
Ann Wozencraft Leslie Moore
Executive Director Professor, English Department
Crystal & Co. York College/CUNY Geraldine Fabrikant Senior Writer
The New York Times Brian J. O’Connor
Colin Stewart Finance Editor
Advocacy Blog Editor and Publisher Detroit News
1996-1997 Erasing 76 Crimes ( Julie Forster Public Affairs Officer
Greg Farrell Minnesota Dept. of Natural Resources Jeff Sommer
Reporter Lawrence C. Strauss Assistant Editor, Columnist, Sunday
Bloomberg News Senior Editor Business Barron’s Bruce Melzer The New York Times Retired
Deirdre Fretz
Newsletter Editor Teresa Tritch
Bloomberg News 1998-1999 Mark S. Murphy Editorial Writer Editor The New York Times
Julia Angwin Providence Business News
Pia Hinckle Senior Reporter
Publisher ProPublica
The FruitGuys
2001-2002 Carleen Hawn David Lieberman Helen Burggraf
Co-Founder and CEO Executive Editor Editor
Porus Cooper International Investment
Assistant Editor
The Philadelphia Inquirer Tim Larimer Nick Pachetti David Cho
Chief Marketing Communications Associate Principal Deputy Business Editor
Thomas Heath Officer Heidrick & Struggles The Washington Post
Reporter/Columnist Ropes & Gray
Washington Post Mark Whitehouse Ismaila Dieng
Leon Lazaroff Editorial Board Writer
Samuel Loewenberg Deputy Managing Editor Bloomberg View Le Journal de l’Economie
Freelance Journalist
2004-2005 Gregg Fields
Bruce Meyerson Emilie Lounsberry Real Estate Law Reporter
Adjunct Professor Associate Professor/Freelance Jour- Daily Business Review
Zhifang Cui
NYU Stern School of Business nalist Deputy GM The College of New Jersey CSM Media Research Loren Fox
Lori Nitschke Director of Research
Chief Marketing Officer, Global Risk & Raphael Minder Eleena de Lisser Money-Media
Specialties Spain & Portugal Correspondent
Director of Marketing Communications
Marsh Inc. International Herald Tribune
The Wharton School
University of Pennsylvania
Bellamy Pailthorp
Environment Reporter and News Host
Laura Petrecca Amit Prakash KNKX Public Radio (FM-88.5/npr)
NYC Bureau Chief/Senior Editor Deputy Team Leader: Asian EM Bonds
USA Today & Currencies
Jake Keaveny Bloomberg News
Partner Chana Schoenberger
Allen & Overy LLP Freelance Journalist, Columnist and Author
Lida Poletz
Strategic Communications Consultant Sakina Spruell Freelance Personal Finance Journalist
Joshua Levitt
Freelance Jenny Strasburg Reporter
Yasser Sobhi
Deputy Minister of Finance for The Wall Street Journal
Macro-Fiscal Policies
Carlos Lozada
Outlook Editor
Ministry of Finance
Cairo, Egypt
2003-2004 The Washington Post Carolyn Whelan Editor-in-Chief
Isabel Darrigrandi Risk Assurance Thought Leadership
Deborah Steinborn Senior Equity Research Analyst Aparna Mukherjee PwC
LarrainVial Contributor
Freelance Reporter New Yorker, WSJ
Karen Donovan 2006-2007
Geeta Sundaramoorthy Freelance Writer Stephen Ohlemacher
Head, News Analytics & National Reporter Lynn Cook
Customer Insight
The Associated Press Deputy U.S. Energy Editor
Thomson Reuters
Daniel Eisenberg The Wall Street Journal
Sally Sherry
2002-2003 Tom D. Fowler Founder & President Bryan Corliss
News Editor Media Strategy Experts LLC Freelance
Mickey Butts Argus Media
Deputy Editor
The Boston Consulting Group Joanna Slater Howard Green Peter S. Green New York Bureau Chief Author & Broadcaster
Publisher and Editor The Globe & Mail H&H Media Inc.
Marilen Cawad FoodMakers NYC
Managing Editor,
Audience Development Richard ten Wolde Jennifer Hughes Reshma (Kapadia) Gardner Founder/Partner Senior Markets Correspondent Senior Editor Falconwood Partners Financial Times
Barron’s Magazine
Lauren Coleman-Lochner
Retail & Consumer Reporter Neil Irwin
Bloomberg News Pat Winters Lauro Senior Economic Correspondent
Program Director/Assistant Professor The New York Times
of Journalism Paul Braverman
Kean University Freelance
Susan Kitchens Leoneda Inge Jackson Hewett Matthew A. Philips
Freelance Writer Changing Economy Reporter Head of Business Video Associate Editor North Carolina Public Radio The Australian Bloomberg Businessweek
Julie MacIntosh
Book Author/Freelancer Bryan Myers Roland Jones Seth Stevenson Producer Senior Editor for News Senior Writer
PBS-TV “WorldFocus” Fortune Slate
Dwight Oestricher
Copy Editor
Dow Jones Newswires Amit R. Paley 2008-2009 Management Consultant 2011-2012
McKinsey & Co.
Ruifeng Pang Thomas M. Anderson Lisa Chow
Senior Vice President Editor-in-Chief Host, Start-up Podcast
Guerilla Capital Management, LLC RealClearLife Joellen Perry Gimlet Media Head of Division, Web & Digital
European Central Bank
Lauren Weber Elizabeth Harris Thomas Gryta
Freelance Reporter
Reporter Rob Wherry The Wall Street Journal
The Wall Street Journal
Brian Hindo Vanguard
Strategy Consultant Noa Kolp
2007-2008 Innosight LLC
Nicole Wong
Jeremy Caplan Founder Anora Mahmudova
Director of Education, Tow-Knight Megan Johnston Upleveler Markets Reporter
Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism Senior Research Analyst MarketWatch
CUNY Graduate School of Journalism OppenheimerFunds Christine Young-Pertel
Communications Specialist Hajime Matsuura
Jose Eduardo Costa Richard G. Jones MYR Group Advisor to the Board of Directors/
Editor-in-Chief Annenberg Director of the Gallivan Senior Columnist
Editora Abril Program in Journalism, Ethics and The Sankei Shimbun Democracy
University of Notre Dame 2010-2011
Dimitra DeFotis Dave Michaels
Blogger & Columnist Jill Barshay Reporter, Financial Regulation
Barron’s & Natalie Pearson Contributing Editor & Columnist The Wall Street Journal Bureau Chief The Hechinger Report
Bloomberg News
Jim Edwards Karla Palomo
Editor-in-Chief Peter Beller New York-based Correspondent
Business Insider U.K. Daniel Sorid CFO El Financiero - Bloomberg TV U.S. Interest Rate Strategist Embarcadero Media
Deutsche Bank
Allison Fass Asher Price
Deputy Editor Christian Berthelsen Environmental Reporter Kyle Stock Staff Writer Austin-Statesman Associate Editor Bloomberg
Bloomberg Businessweek
Liza Featherstone Andres Schipani
Columnist for AM New York and Drew DeSilver Andes Correspondent
Journalism Professor Stuart Washington Senior Writer The Financial Times
NYU’s Literary Reportage Senior Business Reporter Pew Research Center
Columbia School for International Sydney Morning Herald
Affairs Nick Tattersall Jennifer Haley Managing Editor EMEA
James Wyss Coordinating Producer Reuters
Paul Glader South America Correspondent Bloomberg LP
Associate Professor The Miami Herald
The McCandlish Phillips
Journalism Institute Renae Merle 2012-2013
The King’s College 2009-2010 Wall Street Reporter The Washington Post Kate Davidson
Raul Gallegos Reporter
Greg Griffin Senior Associate Director Marketplace from APM
Investigations Editor Control Risks Alexander Osipovich
The Denver Post Reporter The Wall Street Journal Gabriel Friedman
Martha Graybow Editorial Manager
Vice President - Senior Research Writer Bloomberg BNA
Moody’s Investor Service
Lewis Krauskopf Prem Khanal Halah Touryalai Stephen Kurczy
Correspondent Consultant Deputy Editor Freelance
Thomson Reuters Investment Board of Nepal Forbes
Douglas MacMillan
Nandagopal J. Nair Margot Sanger-Katz Erin Zlomek Reporter
Deputy News Editor Health Care Correspondent Editor The Wall Street Journal
Bloomberg TV India The Upshot Bloomberg The New York Times
Silvana Ordoñez
Charlotte Raab de Miranda Business News Producer and
Deputy Head of the Politics Spencer Soper Correspondent
Department E-commerce Reporter 2015-2016
Agence France-Presse Seattle Bureau Bloomberg News Justin Doom Freelance Tracey Samuelson
Mica Rosenberg Reporter
Reporter Peter Svensson Marketplace
Reuters Data News Developer Kim Gittleson Bloomberg LP MBA Candidate Columbia Business School Christie Smythe
Barrett Sheridan Amy Yee Legal Reporter
In-Country Fellow Bloomberg
Freelance Tiffany Hsu
D-Rev Freelance
Timothy J. Stenovec
Katerina Sokou 2014-2015 Anchor
Washington DC Correspondent Iris Kuo Cheddar
Kathimerini Freelance Nathan Becker
Deputy Deals Director
The Wall Street Journal Roshanak Taghavi
Jaclyn Trop Carolina Mandl Freelance Reporter
Freelance Valor Economico
Dan Bobkoff
Editor Producer of Audio John Tozzi
Rachel Wehrspann Business Insider Reporter
Producer Steven Overly Bloomberg Reporter
Bloomberg Television/Planning
Strategy The Washington Post Maria Danilova
Education Reporter
Associated Press, Washington, DC Jeff Roberts Law & Tech Reporter
2013-2014 Fortune Magazine
Mark Garrison
Anjali Athavaley Supervising Producer
Reporter CNBC Cory Schouten
Thomson Reuters Senior Editor Columbia Journalism Review
Annalyn Kurtz
Emmanuel K. Dogbevi James Reston Reporting Fellow
Managing Editor Business Desk David Trilling The New York Times Research Reporter
Roseanne Gerin Alfred Lee
English News Editor Reporter
Radio Free Asia Jamila Trindle
The Information Freelance
Jeff Horwitz Angela Moon
Reporter Senior Reporter 2016-2017
The Associated Press Thomson Reuters Tim Craig
Aaron Kessler National Correspondent
Senior Investigator Producer
Niamh Sweeney Washington Post
Economic Growth Intiatives Manager
EMEA Lead at Facebook Edward Krudy
Senior Correspondent
Knight-Bagehot Fellowship Board of Advisors
Dr. Amelia Augustus Greg Farrell, ‘97 Rik Kirkland Matt Murray
Co-Founder/Director Reporter Director of Publishing Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Women’s Economic Round Table Bloomberg News McKinsey & Company Dow Jones and
The Wall Street Journal
John Authers, ‘00 R.A. Farrokhnia Stephen Labaton
Senior Investment Commentator Professor & Executive Director President Winnie O’Kelley
Financial Times Columbia Business School Finsbury Executive Editor
Bloomberg News
Peter Bakstansky David Fondiller Peter Lattman
Chairman Director, PR & Communications Managing Director Michael O’Looney
College & Community The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Emerson Collective Head of Communications
Fellowship Elliott Management
Daniel Gross Andrew Leckey, ‘79
Jeremy Caplan, ‘08 Executive Editor President & Chair Paul Steiger
Director of Education Strategy+Business Donald W. Reynolds National Executive Chairman
Tow-Knight Center for Center for Business Journalism ProPublica’s Board of Directors
Entrepreneurial Journalism Lex Haris
CUNY Grad. School of Journalism Executive Editor Jessica Liebman Davia B. Temin
CNNMoney Executive Managing Editor President & CEO
Reginald Chua Business Insider Temin & Company, Inc.
Editor, Data & Innovation Laurie Hays
Thomson Reuters Partner Steve Lipin Susan Thomson
Brunswick Group Senior Partner Principal
Nikhil (Nik) Deogun Brunswick Group Higher Ground Advisory
SVP Business News Jan Hopkins, ‘83
CNBC President Renae Merle, ‘11 Gerri Willis, ‘92
The Jan Hopkins Group Wall Street Reporter Anchor
Ned Desmond The Washington Post Fox Business News
Chief Operating Officer Maile Hulihan
TechCrunch Strategy Consultant Tim Metz
Managing Partner CHAIRMAN
Michael DuVally, ‘94 Neil Irwin, ‘07 Metz Group LLC
Managing Director Senior Economics Correpondent Gillian Tett
Goldman Sachs The New York Times Alan Murray U.S. Managing Editor
Chief Content Officer Financial Times
Joseph Evangelisti Myron Kandel Time Inc.
Managing Director Founding Financial Editor
JPMorgan Chase CNN

Knight-Bagehot Directors
Stephen Shepard (1975-1976)

Soma Golden Behr (1976-1977)

Chris Welles (1977-1985)

Mary Bralove (1985-1987)

Pamela Hollie Kluge (1987-1990)

Pauline Tai, ‘89 (1990-1993)

Terri Thompson, ‘81 (1993 - present)

Winners of the
“Best of Knight-Bagehot”
Award for Business Journalism

1996: Craig Torres (‘89), The Wall Street Journal

1997: Leslie Wayne (‘80), The New York Times
1998: James Grimaldi (‘93), The Seattle Times
1999: Janet Moore (‘93), Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Caroline Donnelly (‘78), Corporate Board Member
2000: Stephen Dunphy (‘76), The Seattle Times
Leah Beth Ward (‘88), Charlotte Observer
Peter Kibiriti (‘97), Enterprise Africa
2001: Paul Davies (‘96), Philadelphia Daily News
2002: John Authers (‘00), The Financial Times
2003: Jon Hilsenrath (‘96), The Wall Street Journal
Stanley Reed (‘88), Business Week
2004: Sara Silver (‘00), The Financial Times
2005: Peter Gosselin (‘84), The Los Angeles Times
2006: Anne Tergesen (‘97), Business Week
2007: Mark Whitehouse (‘04), The Wall Street Journal
2008: David Cho (‘06), The Washington Post
2009: David Wessel (‘81), The Wall Street Journal

Winners of the
“Christopher J. Welles Memorial Prize”

2010: Brian J. O’Connor (‘01), Detroit News

2011: Greg Farrell (‘97), Bloomberg News
2012: Peter S. Green (‘04), Bloomberg News
2013: Neil Irwin (‘07), The Washington Post
2014: Julia Angwin (‘99), ProPublica
2015: Daniel Bases (‘00), Reuters
Mark Clifford (‘87), Asia Business Council
2016: Trudy Lieberman (‘77), Harper’s Magazine

Winners of the
“WERT Prize” for best essay

2013: David Lieberman (‘04), “No Place Like Home:

Financial Journalism, Local News, and the Search for Relevance”
2014: Mark Garrison (‘15), “Covering Inequality: Lessons
from a Clever Boy”
2015: Sara Silver (‘00), “When Quants Take On Climate Change”
2016: Stephen Kurczy (‘17), “The New Paranoid Style in
American Politics”

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