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The Tata Steel Group’s Vision, having been co-created by its people, speaks o creating

value or all its stakeholders. It is a strong belie that this creation o value depends
on the proessional and personal well-being o its people. In keeping with the
demands o the uture, it is a strategic priority at the Tata Steel Group to be an
employer o choice in every country in which the Group operates. And this requires
ocussed eorts to recruit, train and retain skills on an ongoing basis.
A good recruitment methodology demands that there is continual emphasis on developing
and improving this area. To ensure a continued availability o a technically competent
bench strength o Engineers and Business Managers or the uture, Tata Steel’s
Management Trainee programme has recruited a large number o trainees rom
dierent premier Institutes across India. As part o an induction process, this group
will undergo a one year development programme beore being ready to take
independent responsibility in dierent businesses. The ocus this year has been to
increase the intake o Engineers and Business Managers through the Pre-Placement
Oer (PPO) route rom the campuses to cater to the next f nancial year.
The Corus graduate and apprentice recruitment programmes have also been enhanced in
the last year and remain a key ocus area. In the Netherlands, the Corus brand is rated as
a top employer in manuacturing and in the top f ve amongst all companies in any
segment. In the UK, the company is considered among the top 100 graduate recruiters.
Post recruitment, there is a continued eort at staying in touch with employees to ensure
that there is the right culture to engage them in perormance improvement. Employee
surveys will be continued on a consistent basis through the coming year.
Training and Development
Employee Training and Development received a major thrust with larger numbers o
employees making use o e-learning acilities available on the Company’s Intranet
which was acilitated by Computer Literacy training imparted to hundreds o
employees in the recent past. Apart rom several proprietary e-learning courses,
employees are being encouraged to learn on their own using Computer Based Training
packages and Multimedia training materials.
Saety training received special attention based on the DuPont guidelines. These skill
and saety training programmes will continue during the next year covering greater
With a view to urther improve the process o identif cation o skill gaps, there is a
plan in place to introduce a technical competency assessment system or all employees
in the Company. Simultaneously, it is also proposed to augment the training resources
including aculty support which would acilitate upgradation o technical capability
o employees.
With the continuing expansion o capacities at the existing units as well as installation
o capacities via greenfeld projects, one o the key challenges is to upgrade the skills
and improve the mix o workers and supervisors. The Company continued its
endeavours or up-skilling employees through process based, on the job training and
diploma courses through premium engineering institutes.
In order to bring in greater ocus in Training and Development o Executives the
training process has been re-engineered towards Directed Learning in order to align the
learning initiatives with the twin strategic imperatives o strengthening the leadership
pipeline coupled with emerging needs o growth projects across geographies.
In addition, Customised Training programmes in the unctional areas o Project
Management, Contract Management, Financial Management, Commercial Taxes, Supply
Chain Management, and Marketing and Sales Management have been developed.

ndustrial Relations
There are well-established and eective arrangements at each business location in all the
Group’s operations or communication and consultation with Works Councils and
Trade Union representatives. The Group has good relationships with trade unions and
employee representatives and views these relationships as contributing positively to the
success o the business.
To provide career and growth opportunities in the unionised category, in May 2007, Tata
Steel announced the creation o a new impact level, IL6 among the o cers. Since then,
about 219 workmen have been selected and placed in dierent divisions across the
As a result o the company’s continued ocus on good industrial relations, the
employee strength in the unionised sphere came down rom 33,275 to 31,896 during FY

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