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Name: Dian arnhy muhtar

Nim: N1D219046

Class: B (Genap)

Name: Dian Arnhy Muhtar

Title of Book: The Little Prince

Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

- Planet ( The prince mention his planet, Asteroid B612 is Little prince’s planet)
- The Sahara Desert ( When the pilot or narrator get an accident with his plane and when
the narrator meet with the little prince)
- The Eart ( The last plane visited by the little prince and the planet when little prince meet
the narrator,snack and fox)
- Six years ago ( when the plane of the pilot get an accident in Desert of Sahara and when
the little prince leave his planet)
- The first night The pilot sleep on the sand.
- the narrator starts narrating a particular series of incidents.
- past

Main Character:
1. The narrator/pilot
The narrator is really the author, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. The reader hears his voice
throughout the book as he relates the story of the Little Prince and of his own friendship
with him. The narrator says plainly that he is a romantic who does not like adults, whom
he finds too practical; instead, he prefers children, whom he finds natural and delightful.
2. The little prince
The little prince is the loveable person and mystical. The little prince also is people
always want to know all things. He is the sole inhabitant of a small planet, which the narrator
refers to as B-612. The Prince leaves his planet to visit other places and finally lands on Earth. In the
Sahara Desert, he meets the narrator and befriends him. 
3. The grown-ups
The grown-ups never undertand anything by themselves. makes the pilot insecure and
chooses to stop doing what he likes. The grown-ups are also people who have unique
thoughts and are sometimes difficult to understand
4. Snake
The first inhabitant of Earth that Little prince meets is the snake. The little prince meets the snake
in the desent. This snake reminds the prince that it is precisely in a crowd of people that we feel
even more lonely. This snake also claims to have the power to send someone to its origin. This
snake also who attack the little prince so that the prince can go back to his astroid .
5. Rose
The rose is a flower that mysteriously blooms on the Little Prince's planet, Asteroid B-

First, the problems start when the narrator draws the snake Boa preying on an elephant looks
inside and out. unfortunately the grown-ups who saw the picture did not understand it and said
that it was a hat and instead encouraged the narrator or pilot to study more important things such
as geography, history, arithmetic and grammar instead of questioning a boa that had just eaten an

Second, He childlike perspectives of the prince and, to some extent, those of the narrator are in
conflict with the stifling beliefs of the adult world.

In the end the Narrator becomes a pilot who is busy flying with adult affairs. until finally
meeting a little prince. The little prince said that he was from The sky is just like the Pilot who
fell from the sky and his planet name B-612. The pilot and the little prince shared everything
about their lives and trying to understand each other. The little prince also tells relationship with
Rose and how his journey to visit six astroids and meet the king of the ruler, the king who is
snobby, a drunkard, a businessman who is always busy counting stars, a lantern fixer, and an
geographer and until finally he reaches the earth.

The ending part of this story is when the little prince decided to go home or to his hometown, by
asking the snake to attack him with the strongest venom, ensuring that he would not suffer too
long. The prince tells the pilot or narrator that the only gift he can give as a farewell gift is
laughter. The laughter will always echo when the pilot looks up at the sky and thinks of the
prince. He also hopes that the pilot does not have to come at night when he returns to his home.

Why you recommend this book to a friend?why or why not?

Why I recommend this book because the story of this book is very uniqe and you can find many
moral value from this story. This book also is good for read because this story tells about how
children think about the grown-ups and how complicated their thinking is and they always need
an explanation about anything.

The part in this story that I liked the most was when the little prince asked the narrator to draw a
sheep. but the little prince refused the first picture of the narrator because in that picture the
sheep looked sick, and he also rejected the second and third pictures, until finally the narrator
drew a box and said that "the sheap you asked for is inside" but who really turned out that the
little prince said "That is exactly the way i wanted it!"

My Reading List 1
Title: The Little Prince

Author: Antoine de Saint-Exupery

I chose this book because…

Why I chose this book, because in my opinion the novel 'the little prince' is very unique. The first
time I saw this book I thought that this book was just a fairy tale for children, but it turned out
that after reading the synopsis, I felt that this book was only for children but also interesting
enough for adults to read.

I thought that…

This book is very an interesting story and also has a simple vocabulary.

I thought that because this story

Because the Little Prince's story is so easy to understand by readers, especially myself, because it
uses vocabulary that is easy to understand without having to go back and forth to open the

Next, I want to read…

The story that I want to read for the next is ‘Meiko and The Fifth Treasure’ by Eleanor Coerr.
Name: Dian Arnhy Muhtar

Title of Short Story: Meiko and The Fifth Treasure

Author: Eleanor Coerr


- Nagasaki ( The city of Meiko and the place of the atom bomb was dropped)
“The Thunderbolt-the atom bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Windows shattered and roof
tiles flew through the air. Mieko was knocked to the ground. When she had put up an arm
to shield her face, a jagged piece of glass had torn into her hand, ripping a deep gash from
her fingers to the wrist.”
- Grandpa’s farm (Meiko's father told Meiko to stay temporarily at her sister's
house and that's where the story of Meiko's journey, which is fun and scary,
in finding the fifth treasure begins).
“And now she had been shipped to Grandpa’s farm. “Just for a few months, Mieko,”
Mother had explained, forcing a smile. “We must remain here to take care of the injured.
Besides, the fresh air and farm food will be good for you.”
- The Backyard Tub( They enjoy the evening breeze)
“After supper they all had baths in the backyard tub and put on cotton kimonos. Twilight
fell and crickets began to sing. Mieko thought they sounded sad.”
- The tiny garden behind the house (Place a large rock belonging to Meiko's
grandfather with the words carved on it "Spilled water never returns to the
glass" which he lowered from a hill using a cart).
““Last year I hauled it down the mountain in the cart. Mieko, can you read the words
carved into my rock?” Mieko studied the strokes that formed the word-pictures, but they
were difficult to make out. She shook her head. “Spilled water never returns to the glass,”
Grandpa explained. “It means that one should not worry about things that cannot be
- School ( A very scary place for meiko).
““You must go to school,” Grandpa said. “It is important to keep up with your studies.”
Mieko knew all that. But a strange school? With children she did not know? And with a
hideous, twisted hand? “Maybe they won’t like me, ” she said in a low voice.”
- Schoolyard(The place where Meiko was bullied by a boy named Akira and
also the place where Meiko met Yoshi, a girl who became Meiko's best
friend and who helped her from Akira).
“As they filed out into the schoolyard, Akira came up behind Mieko and grabbed her
schoolbag. He dug into it and pulled out her painting brush. In a flash, he swaggered out
into the yard shouting, “Hey! Look what I’ve got! Monster-hand’s dirty old atom bomb
brush!” Mieko turned pale and ran after him, trying to grab her brush. “Give it back!” she
screamed. “It’s mine!” Other boys joined in the game. “Monster-hand! Monster-hand!”
they chanted, tossing the brush from one to the other, always just out of Mieko’s reach.
Suddenly she heard a girl’s voice. “Stop that! You’re acting like a bunch of babies.”
Mieko knew the girl was called Yoshi. She was small and dainty with a red bow in her
- Beach and A length of huge clay sewer pipe (Meiko's place of escape and
Meiko's secret hiding place whenever her grandmother's friends come to the
“Mieko avoided talking with anyone. The few times when Grandma had afternoon tea
with a friend, Mieko would escape to the nearby beach. Someone had left a length of
huge clay sewer pipe there, and its cool, shadowy interior was her secret hideaway. On
the sandy floor she scratched out wordpictures with a stick—Mother, Father, and Home.”
- Yoshi's aunt's house ( Where Meiko met about Hisako's aunt who is a
scholar of brush-painting)
““Do you paint word-pictures?” Mieko asked meekly. “Heavens no!” Aunt Hisako
replied in her deep voice. “I am only a scholar of brush-painting. In other words, I study
the work of famous writing masters. It gives me great pleasure.” She fixed her eyes on
- One Muggy September morning
“Grandma calmly said, “Mieko, you will be going to school next week. ””
- The Contest
“Something that scared Meiko but ultimately made Meiko feel very happy, don't Meiko
manage to find the fifth treasure again.”
- After suppert
“They all had baths in the backyard tub and put on cotton kimonos. Then they sat outside
to enjoy the evening breeze.”
- Atmosfer ( sad, happy, scare, lonely, nightmare, hopeless, insecure, trauma)
Main Character:

1. Meiko
Meiko is a Japanese girl who was one of the victims of the atomic bomb in Nagasaki.
Mieko loves to do calligraphy more than anything, but after the atomic bomb incident in
Nagasaki, her hand was badly injured, so now she can barely hold a paintbrush. Meiko
became a very secretive person after the incident, because she felt that she had lost
everything. But Meiko was able to find back what she was looking for, the fifth treasure
"Beauty in the Heart" thanks to the people around her.
2. Yoshi
Yoshi is an orphaned girl who lives with her aunt, Hisako. Yoshi is also a girl who helps
Meiko when being bullied by Akira and the boys at her school. In addition, Yoshi also
became Meiko's best friend who helped Meiko restore her confidence to paint again and
also followed the painting contents at school which made Meiko finally find her fifth
tresure again.
3. Grandmother
Meiko's grandmother is someone who cares and really loves her granddaughter, Meiko.
She was taking care of Meiko after the dropping of the atomic bomb on Nagasaki. She
also always tried to make meiko become confident again and always persuaded meiko to
go to school.
4. Grandfather
Meiko's grandfather is a person who really loves Meiko and has a face that is very similar
to Meiko's father, the only difference is that his grandfather's hair is thin and gray.
Meiko's grandfather was also the person who always calmed Meiko down when Meiko
had nightmares about the atomic bomb incident in Nagasaki. He also always advised
meiko that "there is no need to worry about things that can't be changed, everything will
be fine and your hands will quickly heal and you can come back to painting again"
5. Meiko’s Parents
Meiko's father was a doctor who had to deal with atomic bomb victims in the city of
Nagasaki, so Meiko's father had to send Meiko to his grandfather's farm. Meiko's parents
are very fond of Meiko and always control Meiko's development during Meiko's stay
with her grandparents. Meiko's mother always sends meiko letters saying that her hand
will be fine and meiko should go to school and make lots of friends, and meiko should try
painting again.
6. Aunti Hisako
Aunt Hisako is a scholar of brush-painting who is also Yoshi's aunt who took care of
Yoshi when Yoshi's parents died. According to Meiko Aunt Hisako is a very beautiful
person and a little cold. however, hisako's aunt really cares and cares for her. Hisako's
aunt was the one who made Meiko finally want to enter a painting contest at her school.
This happened after Meiko heard Aunt Hisako about a holy priest named Kobo Daishi
who was able to paint word pictures not only with him right hand but also with him left
hand, his legs and even his teeth. Aunt Hisako also gave meiko a book that can help her
practice brush strokes.
7. Ms. Suzuki
Miss Suzuki is Meiko's teacher at school and also helps Meiko a lot during school.
8. Akira
The boy who messed with meiko at school and said that her hands were like mustard

The problem from this story is start during the war in Japan and the dropping of the atomic bomb
on Nagasaki, many people died and were seriously injured. Meiko, a girl who really likes
calligraphy more than anything else and she had always dreamed to became a famous artist and
she had ability to do it. But that bomb spoiled all of her plans and she started to get discouraged.
She also felt that she would never paint again because she had lost her fifth treasure.

Another problem is meiko and herself and her inner thoughts that always feel that she will never
be able to do anything again. as well as a sense of trauma about the bombing incident in her city
that always haunts her.

Finally, her parents sent her to the country to live with her grandparents. But as time went on,
Meiko and so many conflicts that she passed, she finally managed to find that precious fifth
treasure she had lost, which she thought she needed so much to be able to paint again. Thanks to
the help of people around him who really care for him such as his grandparents, his parents, aunt
Hisako, Miss Suzuki, and Yoshi who are his best friends who always faithfully support her and
give her advice until he finally managed to find what she was looking for.

This story ends happily with Meiko returning to find her fifth treasure thanks to the help of
family, friends and people who really care about her.

Why you recommend this book to a friend?why or why not?

I really recommend this story to my friend, because for me this story is really good and we also
can take several lessons. From this story we see how the friendship between meiko and Yoshi,
and from that we can learn how a friend can restore the spirit of life as a friend after too long he
forgot. And also from this story we can learn that never give up your dream and we have to
become strong people.
When reading this story you will not feel bored and from this story you can also find out new
things about Japanese cities and calligraphy.

My Reading List 2

Title: Meiko and The Fifth Treasure

Author: Eleanor Coerr

I chose this book because…

Why I chose this book, because the novel ‘Meiko and The Fifth Treasure’ is a very simple story
but well written and I think this book is amazing because it makes me smile and cry at the same

I thought that…

This story by Elanor Coerr is a good story for a children,adult, and people who interesting about

I thought that because this story

Because this story have a simple vocabulary and has a story line that is not boring and very
interesting for children and adults to read. This story also discusses a lot about events in Japan,
culture, and the most interesting thing is that this story tells about Japanese calligraphy.

Next, I want to read…

The next I want to read is journal ‘International Business Strategy in Selling Korean Pop Music:
A Case Study of SM Entertainment’ By Annisa Pratamasari
Name: Dian Arnhy Muhtar

Title of journal: International Business Strategy in Selling Korean Pop Music: A Case Study
of SM Entertainment

Author: Annisa Pratamasari

Date: 10 February 2016

What material is discussed in the journal:

This journal discusses the Hallyu wave, how SM Entertainment became the
pioneer of the Hallyu wave, and the strategies used by SM Entertainment to
compete in the domestic and international music industry. As we know that the kpop music and
K-drama industry is popular in the world today, especially among millennials

The contents:
Hallyu Wave is sudden increase in popularity of South Korean culture around the world, largely
due to the Korean entertainment industry and the popularity of K-drama and K-pop. SM
Entertainment is one of the pioneers of the Hallyu Wave in the Korean music industry. To
compete in the domestic and international music industry, SM Entertainment uses 3 very good
strategies, namely: the distinct traineeship system, successful B2C strategy, and profitable B2B.

Bae Yong Jun's 'winter sonata' is the first k-drama to pioneer the development of k-drama
internationally. Several shooting locations in this film have become a test destination for tourists
from various countries. While for kpop itself pioneered by SM Entertainment. In 1996, SM
Entertainment debuted or produced the first boy band in Korea, namely H.O.T. And since then,
there have been hundreds Korean boy groups and girl groups are produced by many
entertainment companies and their worldwide popularity is increasing extraordinary. Because of
this, South Korea's state income has increased, especially in the tourism sector.

Korean pop business model from SM Entertainment includes several strategies. the first is the
traineeship, where the treiners are trained in good facilities. the second is the B2C (business-to-
consumers) strategy in which companies build a market niche to market their products. The
industry sells physical albums, digital songs, official merchandise, concerts, product
endorsements, and even the official fanclubs registration. and for the third strategy SM
Entertainment uses a B2B (Business to Business) strategy. For this strategy, SM Entertainment
began collaborating with well-known composers and choreographers. For example, 'Genie' by
SNSD written by Korean songwriters, compiled by Norwegian company, and choreographed by
Japanese Dancers. This is done to expand and globalize the Kpop market, especially since its
fans are currently spread all over the world.

Why you recommend this journal to a friend?why or why not?

I highly recommend this journal for kpop and k-drama fans because from this journal we can
find out how kpon and k-drama are so popular around the world. from this journal we can also
find out new things about the kpop music industry.

My Reading List 3

Title of Jounal: International Business Strategy in Selling Korean Pop Music: A Case Study of
SM Entertainment

Author: Annisa Pratamasari

I chose this journal because…

I chose this journal because I am very interested and really like South Korea, especially kpop and
kdram. And I think that this journal is very suitable to add to my insight about kpop, k-drama. In
this journal, I can also find out the strategies used by the company so that they can create quality
idols who are able to occupy the international music industry.

Next, I want to read…

The next I want to read is fairy Tale ‘The Princes Bride’ By William Goldman
Fairy Tale: The Princess Bride

Author: William Goldman

Country of origin: Amerika


- setting place: The fictional countries of Florin and Guilder

- setting time: Before Europe and after blue-jeans, the wedding end until 5:31, undefined

Main Character:

- Buttercup: Despite her imperfections the Buttercup is a beautiful brave girl. Buttercup
is also a girl who is very loved by Wetsely.
- Wetslay: Wetslay is a man who is very attracted to Buttercup. Because of his love for
the battery he was willing to do anything. Because it is his motivation for love for
Buttercup that makes him learn everything the world can teach him.
- Fezzik: Fezzik, who becomes a fighter because he doesn't want to lose his parents' love.
She is also a talkative person, but she is a fair person, loyal to Inigo, and a very good
follower, as she has been told time and time again that the only drive in life is not to be
left alone.
- Prince Humperdinck: Prince Humperdinck, the most powerful man in what would
one day become Europe, epitomizes everything crotchety, undeserved and dishonest.

What was the conflict:

The conflict of this story is when Buttercup and Westley reunite in completing their love story.
However, Humperdinck opposed this, because it was Humperdinck who wanted to marry

What did the main character have to do in order to overcome the problem
The problem in this story ends when Wetslay and Buttercup finally get married.
My Reading List 4

Title of Fairy Tale: The Princess Bride

Author: William Goldman

I chose this Feiry Tale because…

I chose this book because this book is quite interesting. Why do I say that because this book is
not only about romance, but also about friendship, revenge and also about the war between two
kingdoms. Because it has various conflicts and themes that make this book interesting to me.

Next, I want to read…

The next I want to read is

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