3rd IRCEB 2019 - Letter of Acceptance

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7/10/2019 3rd IRCEB 2019 - Letter of Acceptance

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3rd IRCEB 2019

3rd International Research Conference on Economics and Business 2019
Atria Hotel and Conference Malang, 22-23 October 2019
Website: http://irceb.fe.um.ac.id
Email: irceb.fe@um.ac.id

Date: 7 October 2019

Letter of Acceptance for Abstract

Dear Authors: Kussudyarsana, M.Si, Ph.d, Muhammad Halim Maimun, MM, Soepatini, M.Si, Ph.d

We are pleased to inform you that your abstract (ABS-65, Oral Presentation), entitled:

"Is Opportunism a Real problem for Family Business? Evidence from Indonesian Family Small
Medium Enterprises"

has been reviewed and accepted to be presented at 3rd IRCEB 2019 conference to be held on 22-23 October
2019 in Malang, Indonesia.

Please submit your full paper and make the payment for registration fee before the deadlines, visit our
website for more information.

Thank You.

Best regards,

Dr. Grisvia Agustin, S.E., M.Sc.

3rd IRCEB 2019 Chairperson

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