What Is Sustainable Development? What Are The Principles?

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1. What is sustainable development? What are the principles?

Sustainable development refers to the basic ideology that individual societies must meet
and live their needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their
own needs and wants. According to (textbook) sustainable development refers to the many
procedures and pathways to reconcile the ecological, economic and social dimensions of
life. The ecological, economic and social dimensions are the principles of sustainable
development as it indicates the steering of societal change between each of the principles.

The ecological principle of sustainable development involves the contribution of both the
social and the economic and their particular effect on the environment and its resources.
The aim of sustainable development is to conserve the earth and its resources, making the
ecological system durable for the future. Population management and control are essential
factors for the ecological principle of sustainable development. Population growth plays an
important factor in the increase of consumption of needs and wants including food,
housing, and clothing. Population growth allows individuals to maintain their needs by
consuming resources found on the earth which are limited.

The economy communicates the allocations and distribution of scarce resources. These
scarce resources include the needs and wants which fulfil a human, also referring to
fundamental economic problems. These resources can be commemorated from land, labour
resources or capital resources. An example of an economic factor which influences
sustainable development is recycling for money. Recycling is proven to be one of the most
effective and diverse ways to attain products and save money for individuals. Different kinds
of recycling includes return and earn (for bottles – plastic, glass or aluminium), through
websites or application, or clothing pawn stores. This makes it affordable for buyers to
purchase their desired product, also incorporating the use of recycling.

The social principle of sustainable development relates to human behaviours and values,
and relationships and institutions. In order to initiate the concept of sustainable
development, public participation should be increased. An effort from multiple individuals is
needed to be indispensable, as sustainable development cannot be maintained by one
individual. The social principle of sustainable development includes the sustainability of
society including, adequate health services, quality education and employment. If these
elements are available or develop for the individuals within a society, it essentially produces
a more sustainable economy, creating long-term optimal use of resources, recovery and
recycling of possessions.
1. What is ‘carbon tax’? How does it affect the economy?

Carbon tax is essentially a form of pollution tax. Carbon tax essentially charges a fee on the
fabrication, distribution or use of fossil fuels based on how much carbon their combustion
emits. The government sets a price per ton on carbon, then translates it into tax on
electricity, natural gas or oil. When these carbon-rich fuels are burned, they produce
greenhouse gases, commonly carbon dioxide and methane. The burning of these fuels
creates heat fundamentally leading to global warming.

Carbon taxes can achieve both climate and economic benefits. Putting a price on carbon
emissions can drive efficiency in the reduction of emissions, also allowing businesses and
households to choose how they reduce emissions. Carbon tax is used in many ways to cut
usage of fossil fuels, to make a difference prices would have to be high. Increasing the cost
motivates companies and households to switch to clean energy, through using essentials
such as wind energy, and solar energy.

Although a positive outcome is perceived through the higher use of clean energy due to high
carbon tax prices, a negative impact is apparent within the economy. High tax prices would
effectively reduce the purchasing power of people’s earnings, essentially reducing their

Energy intensity of gross domestic product

Carbon taxes discourage the use of fossil fuels

Carbon tax is used to cut usage to make a difference, they would have to be very high

They should be combined with other measures to be most effective

Carbon tax is effective at reducing carbon pollution, although the structure of the tax is the

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