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Senior Project To Do List:

Week of 12/8
➔ Attend the monthly Equity Council meeting on Thursday
● Speak about what I have done so far for my project, and what else I have yet to do

➔ Review and edit the interview questions I have for Mr. Leland’s interview on December
● Figure out how to record on a Zoom, and save the Zoom to my Drive
● Create and discuss a lesson plan with Leland during interview

➔ Continue to add to my Google Website

Week of 12/15
- Figure out how to record on a Zoom, and save the Zoom to my Drive
- Create and discuss a lesson plan with Leland during interview on 12/21

- Plan out if I’m going to do a youtube video, or podcast, or just have them in my
presentation as part of the lesson plans
● If I decide to do a YouTube video or podcast then I need to figure out when to film and
edit that

- Continue adding to my website

- Add to Weebly if necessary

Week of 12/22
- Literally just finish my website,
- everything else is done so far

- Review lesson plans for Leland’s class

● Make sure all links work etc, (which he already said, so just tidying up the website and
publishing it)

Week of 1/5/2021
- Email Leland about class schedule

- Project is complete
- Lesson Plan and Extra Credit Assignments are complete
- Google Form is complete

- Continue Weebly when given instructions

● Finalize homepage
Week of 1/11/2021
- Revise and work on Weebly

- Prepare materials for the class I’m teaching on Friday

- Teach Leland’s class on Friday

- Create a Loom presentation and send it to Leland!!

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