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____1. What is another term for landslide? A. Lava flow B. Landslip C. Debris Avalanche D.

Rock fall
____2. Which of the following is NOT a sign of a possible landslide?
A. Trees or walls shifting. B. Door/window jams for the first time.
C. Two full moons two nights in a row. D. Parking or paved driveways lots slowly beginning to crack.
____3.Which of the following is NOT the use of hazard map?
A. Use for leisure. B. Use to identify flood areas.
C. To be informed if you are vulnerable to a landslide. D. Shows highlighted areas that are risky to any hazards.
____4. Another step in being prepared for a landslide is the same as with the danger of fire; making an evacuation plan. When is it
best to make this evacuation plan?
A. I don’t need an evacuation plan. B. While your house is slipping down a hill.
C. As soon as possible, if not done already. D. Whenever you have time; the chances of a landslide are very slim.
____5. After a danger has passed, make sure to check your local radio or weather station for updates on landslide. Which of the
following do you NOT have do after returning home?
A. Replant ruined land.
B. Stabilize land as soon as possible.
C. Check foundation and chimney for damage.
D. Keep all electronics turned off for a month.
____6. Good can come from a volcanic eruption. Which of the following is NOT a benefit from an eruption?
A. Fertile soils B. Geothermal energy
C. Increased tourism D. Land destroyed.
____7. If local authorities told you to evacuate, what will you do?
A. Wait to see if the situation worsened, then decide.
B. Refuse to leave. Most "emergencies" don't turn out to be a big deal.
C. Follow the advice of local responders to ensure my safety and theirs.
D. Wait for word from the Governor; he's the only one who can order an evacuation.
____8. What is referred to as the age compared with the ages of other rocks?
A. Absolute age B. Extrusion age C. Intrusion age D. Relative Age
____9. What do you call the number of years since the rock formed?
A. Absolute age B. Extrusion age C. Intrusion age D. Relative Age
____10. Which among these is a mixture of ash, rock fragments and gas that move fast and made up of hot materials that leave
devastating effects on the area in which they flow?
A. Ballistic projectile B. Lahar C. Pyroclastic Flow and surges D. Volcanic bombs
____11. Which among these are rocks from an erupting volcano blasted into the air?
A. Ash fall B. Lahar C. Pyroclastic Material D. Ballistic projectile
____12. Which of the following is a potential hazard of landslide?
A. falling rocks B. Mud flow C. Ground breaking D. Falling debris
____13. In what period of the Paleozoic era did jawed-fish first appeared?
A. Cambrian B. Devonian C. Silurian D. Permian
____14. What is the longest portion of the geologic time?
A. Eon B. Era C. Epoch D. Period
____15. Which of the following principles explains how sedimentary rocks are normally laid down in order, one on the top of
A. Superposition B. Lateral Continuity C. Horizontality D. Unconformity
____16. Which of the following conditions makes fossil formation more likely?
A. Buried slowly B. Attacked by scavengers
C. Made of hard parts D. Composed of soft parts
____17.Which of the following principles explains how layers of sedimentary rock extend sideways in the same order?
A. Superposition B. Lateral Continuity C. Horizontality D. Unconformity
____18.It is a process in which rocks are continuously transformed between the three rock types; igneous, metamorphic, and
A. Compression cycle B. Layer cycle C. Rock cycle D. Stratify cycle
____19.Which of the following is NOT one of the possible stages in the rock cycle?
A. Weathering and Erosion B. Melting and cooling C. Melting and pressure D. Heat and Pressure
____20. This rock is formed when molten rock (magma) cools and hardens.
A. Igneous B. Metamorphic C. Sedimentary D. Lithified
____21.What step in the rock cycle would be required to change an igneous rock into a sedimentary rock?
A. Heat, pressure, compacting, cementing B. Melting, cooling, compacting, cementing
C. Melting, pressure, compacting, cementing D. Weathering, erosion, compacting, cementing
____22.Which of the following is NOT a kind of rock?
A. Igneous B. Magma C. Metamorphic D. Sedimentary
____23.Metamorphic rock changes from their original form by?
A. Cooling and solidification B. Heat and pressure C. Melting and weathering D. Weathering and solidification
____24.All of the following are examples of igneous rock, EXCEPT?
A. Granite B. Limestone C. Obsidian D. Pumice
____25.Students found a metamorphic rock in the campsite. Its presence is evidence that the rock found is from?
A. Dinosaur activity B. High pressure C. Pre-existing rock D. Wind-borne sand
____26.Which type of rock do fossils belong?
A. Igneous B. Magma C. Metamorphic D. Sedimentary
____27.You are in science class and want to see if the hot plates were used recently. You place your handover the hot plate. Without
touching the hot plate, your hand feels warmer. Heat is transferred to your hand by?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Termination
____28. One end of a copper rod is placed in a flame of a Bunsen burner. Small pieces of wax placed along the rod melt at
progressively larger distance from the flame. Heat is transferred through the rod by?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Termination
____29. Many Utah towns use water from wells for drinking. How does water get into wells?
A. It has to be poured into them from water tanks. B. Rain sinks down through the soil into them.
C. It is pumped by large engines into the well. D. It evaporates from the inside of Earth.
____30. What part of Earth's spheres is composed of a mixture of gases?
A. Atmosphere B. Biosphere C. Geosphere D. Hydrosphere
____31. Why only few lives exist below bathypelagic zone?
A. No sunlight penetrates on this zone. B. Water pressure is very low.
C. Water is very hot. D. It is too dark.
____32.When is the accumulated pile of snow become glaciers?
A. When it undergo cementation and compaction. B. Upon reaching a certain mass and acted upon by gravity.
C. When it piled up in huge amount and solidifies.D. When the temperature dropped very low.
____33.What is the importance of magnetic field?
A. It keeps our planet in orbit. B. It protects us from harmful UV rays.
C. It protects the earth from the solar wind. D. It gives us many minerals.
____34.An unidentified mineral can be scratched by orthoclase, but not by calcite. Which of the following best describes the mineral's
A. Less than 3 B. More than 7 C. More than 3 and less than 6 D. More than 4 less than 9
____35.Mike is identifying a mineral. His mineral scratches fluorite, but not orthoclase. Which could be Mike's mineral?
A. Apatite B. Calcite C. Quartz D. Rubidium
____36.Which statement comparing mineral hardness is true?
A. Calcite will only scratch gypsum B. Calcite will only scratch gypsum and talc
C. Calcite will scratch any mineral softer than 3 D. Calcite will scratch any mineral harder than 3
____37.Which of the following leads to the formation of an igneous rock?
A. At great depth within Earth. B. By crystallization of molten rock.
C. By changes in mineral composition. D. By weathering of pre-existing rocks.
____38.Which of the following does NOT refer to sedimentary rocks?
A. May contain fossils. B. May be economically important.
C. Hold important clues to Earth’s history. D. Formed because of heat and pressure at depths.
____39.What is the hardest known mineral on Earth?
A. Diamond B. Muscovite C. Native gold D. Silicate
____40.This rock is formed when molten rock (magma) cools and hardens.
A. Igneous B. Lithified C. Metamorphic D. Sedimentary
____41.This rock is formed through the processes of weathering and erosion of rocks exposed to the Earth’s surface.
A. Igneous B. Lithified C. Metamorphic D. Sedimentary
____42.It forms when any of the rock type is changed into a different kind of rock due to great heat and pressure.
A. Igneous B. Lithified C. Metamorphic D. Sedimentary
____43.A house burns down. On the house across the street, all of the vinyl siding is twisted and warped by the heat. The heat was
transferred across the street by?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Termination

____44.During convection, hot substances ___________ while cooler substances ____________.

A. rise, sink B. sink, rise C. rise, remains at rest D. sink, remains at rest
____45.Your best friend has a bunk bed. You move from the bottom bunk to the top bunk and notice that the air is warmer. The warm
air rises because of?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Termination
____46.You are in science class and want to see if the hot plates were used recently. You place your handover the hot plate. Without
touching the hot plate, your hand feels warmer. Heat is transferred to your hand by?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Termination
____47.You are doing your homework at a desk that is underneath a lamp. You start to feel hotter because of_ from the lamp. Heat is
transferred to your hand by?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Termination
____48.You are roasting marshmallows at a campfire. The metal skewer (stick) that you’re cooking your marshmallow on burns your
hand because of?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Termination
____49.A certain type of stainless steel cookware has a layer of copper applied to the bottom to help it heat evenly. The copper
transfers heat to the pan by?
A. Conduction B. Convection C. Radiation D. Termination
____50.What is the driving force for the plate movements?
A. Rifted plates. B. Earth’s Magnetic field.
C. Rotation of the Earth. D. Convection currents within the Earth’s Mantle.

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