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Virtual Advanced Writing 1 - Argumentative Essay

Assignment Specifications

Choose one of the following prompts:

-What are the key benefits to leisure activities?

-Should leisure activities involve challenging or difficult elements?
-Should leisure activities be simple, easy, and relaxing?
-Because technology often dominates our work environments, should leisure activities be free of

 Reading 1 ‘Laid Back Labour’ from Q5 Reading and Writing Unit 2 (along with content
from other skill focussed areas of the unit):
class discussions, grammar, writing skill, vocabulary, etc.)
Specific Instructions
 Use the Argumentative Essay outline (found in Sakai VADV 3 Resources, Week 2
Assignments) to plan your essay. This outline must be done first in order for the teacher to
assist in development of the essay.
 Students should write a 6-paragraph essay: introduction (with thesis statement); 3 body
paragraphs (each discussing one reason or controlling idea); counter-argument paragraph;
and a concluding paragraph.
 As per rubric, students should include vocabulary and grammar elements from the unit.


Essays should be approximately 600 words.

See rubric for marking guidelines.
Essays will be uploaded to Sakai Assignments.
Turnitin, an online academic integrity tool, will be used to check essays for academic integrity.

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