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CWG, common or corruption wealth games Expenditure – Know expenditure

and Get idea of corruption amount in CWG

CWG, common or corruption wealth games Expenditure – Know expenditure and Get idea of
corruption amount in CWG

Reality views by sm –
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Delhi Common wealth games will be held between 3 to 14 October.

Original promise was to hold the games within Rs 150 crore and this money were to be
recovered from endorsements and ticket sales.

India's bid document for the Commonwealth Games in 2003 estimated the cost of hosting the
event at Rs 1,899 crore.

"The first budget for the Games approved by the Cabinet in April 2007 estimated the total
expenditure at around Rs 3,566 crore,"

Now expenditure has already touched Rs 28,000 crore but actual expenditure is more than 60000
So much rise in budget, this is corruption.
We Indians are expert in making corruption legally as our laws are useless and toothless. And
there is no proper accountability.
Cost estimates have gone up by a whopping 1575% that is more than fifteen times.

Urban Development Minister S Jaipal Reddy said a total of Rs 28,054 crore have been spent on
the games out of which Rs 16,560 crore was given to the Delhi Government.
1. Rs 670 crore has been spent directly on the games -- on building stadium.
2. Rs 650 crore for street scraping
3. Rs 900 crore for development bus depots
4. Rs 3,000 crore for extension of Metro
5. Rs 18,000 crore for augmenting DTC bus services
6. Rs 3,700 crore on flyovers and bridges.

The Delhi Government has also spent Rs 400 crore on parking facilities
Rs 200 crore on communications and IT
Rs 2,000 crore on power plants

Centre spend Rs. 11,494 crore

1. Rs 2.934 crore was spent on sports infrastructure
2. Rs 678 crore on training of teams
3. Rs 182 crore has been given to MTNL
4. Rs 827.85 crore to the Ministry of Urban Development
5. Rs 487.57 crore to Information and Broadcasting Ministry
6. Rs 747 crore to Health Ministry

Indian government has given Rs 2,394 crore as loan to the organising committee, which is to be
returned by them after the games.

Further he said that "If you furnish and paint your house before your daughter's wedding, then
the money spent on that cannot be said to be part of the dowry," he said.

Sm - To the Minister
We do not do corruption in family affairs, and many times in India in a wedding of daughter, a
family of girls becomes a beggar family as demands keep rising from the boy’s family and girl’s
father keeps taking loans from banks and private sources.

This common wealth games expenditure list is not complete.

According to few reports
Total expenditure on the Games would be close to Rs 87,000 crore which would be higher than
the Rs 50,000 crore budget of forthcoming London Olympics 2012.
The difference between the Future London Olympics 2012 expenditure and CWG common
wealth expenditure clearly shows the corruption happened in India.
Further more London Olympics - their preparations are over and players are using them.

It was decided to hold the games in Bawana in north-east Delhi, poor undeveloped area [villages]
to ensure the growth and development of that region.
So how were the games shifted to the posh areas of Delhi, which is already developed?

"When the Games were given to India, Suresh Kalmadi claimed that the total expenditure to
stage it would be only Rs 1620 crores.
Now how is it possible expenditure is raising everyday?
This clearly shows the lack of planning, corruption,
One of the ingredients to do corruption is lack of planning in a given project.

In year 2003 India got this contract, and still we are making preparations for the games.
The games will be over on 13 October but our work will continue and our government will
continue patching the holes.

Corruption is our religion and we will follow our religion.

CVC Findings – Initial CVC Report on CWG, corruption common wealth games

CVC Findings – Initial CVC Report on CWG, corruption common wealth games 2010

The Central Vigilance Commission probing the Commonwealth Games has found a range of
discrepancies including a cost over-run of over 200 per cent on the rental of temporary fittings
and installations.

The CVC has also spotted wasteful expenses like fencing for the Noida Expressway. Material
was bought to cordon off the road from spectators.
But since all approach roads to the venues were blocked, the money was wasted.

The Commission also found prices in some cases were highly unjustified like
•over Rs 8 lakhs spent on per treadmill

•Rs 1 lakh per door

•Garbage bags ordered at Rs 4 each from one firm, the same bags for Rs 3000 from another

•unused overlays include water dispensers that were hired at 32 thousand rupees

Work known as overlays work was to be carried out across 62 venues for about 590 items.
The initial estimate for these works was estimated at Rs 221 crores.
But it was hiked 200 per cent to Rs 668 crores.
No proper negotiations happened and suffered loss of more than 150 or 200 crores.

cupboards that could have been ordered at Rs 8342 to be put up at the back of the flats, were
hired from the same company at Rs 15,764 a piece for the front.

Small refrigerator ordered at Rs 21,030 for back of the house, was hired for Rs 38, 261 for front
of the house.

Office chairs priced at Rs 1318 to be put up at the back of the house, were hired for Rs 4591.

Following 4 companies got the contract, and OC paid them money, the government of India gave
this money to OC as a loan.

•M/S Pico Deepali Overlays consortium

•Delhi, M/S Nussli (Switzerland) Ltd

•Switzerland, M/S ESAJV: D ART: Indo Consortium, New Delhi

•M/S GL - Meroform France

The CVC report says that twelve concrete samples taken from the upgraded two stadiums failed
to meet the 28-day strength test.
The CVC report also finds that at least two stadiums failed quality tests but reports were
tampered to show the contrary.

In flyover projects concrete core samples taken failed to meet the requirement of strength.
Specialized items of Aluminium and acoustic panes used were of inferior quality to what was
agreed upon.
The monthly inspection report on quality of work was never prepared.

The Income Tax (I-T) department investigating the broadcasting rights appears to have found
that London based SIS Live was given the Rs 246 crore contract by Prasar Bhrati, despite doubts
over its legal status.

CVC asked CBI to probe any criminal conspiracy angle in award of certain Games-related

The Income Tax department is now investigating the matter on whether Prasar Bharti favored the
British company.

It is alleged that the registration number of SIS Live was forged and that the company had no
valid service tax number - both a pre-requisite for the bidding process.

Under four invoices cleared so far an amount of Rs. 147.6 crore i.e. 60% of Contract value of Rs.
246 crore has been paid by PB to M/s SIS Live
It is important to mention that still 40 per cent payment is to be made and 10 per cent
performance guarantee is also with Prasar Bharati.
Thus, 50% of the amount is still with Prasar Bharti.

SIS Live is a partnership formed under English law by SIS and its subsidiary SIS Outside
Broadcasts Limited in order to provide outside broadcasting services.
The firm was a consortium at the time of bidding and later with proper legal advice they were
permitted to become "Partnership Firm" before contract.

The need is that Indian media should high light the names of owners of these above companies,
with their photographs and interviews.
Let the Indians know who is owner of these companies

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