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Alan G. Lurie1

Abstract—Diagnostic imaging is essential in dentistry. Doses range
from low to very low, benefits to patients can be immense, and safe IMAGING IS essential in oral and maxillofacial (omf ) diagno-
techniques are well known but widely ignored. Doses range from sis and treatment planning for almost every patient. Most
very low with properly executed intraoral, cephalometric, and
panoramic imaging to higher than multidetector computed to- dental pathology is unseen in the bone and soft tissues or
mography with cone-beam computed tomography. Benefits are moves into these places from visible intraoral structures
substantial: imaged dental disease, often obscured from direct vi- where their deeper effects are often hardly evident or not
sion by size and anatomy, can pose a mortal threat to the patient. evident at all.
Additionally, imaging is often central in planning complex dental
procedures. Safe imaging in dental environments is straightfor- Radiation doses from omf imaging tend to be very
ward; the means for minimizing dose and maximizing diagnostic small, ranging from 3–15 mSv for single intraoral images
efficacy have been widely and inexpensively available for decades. and 9–24 mSv for panoramic images (Table 1), with accom-
Such techniques reduce patient dose by some 80% over tradi- panying minimal risks to individual patients. However,
tional techniques but are infrequently used. Digital panoramic
equipment reduces doses markedly. For cone-beam computed to- doses from large volume cone-beam computed tomography
mography imaging, selection criteria are critical in defining ap- (CBCT) imaging can approach, and even surpass, doses
propriate fields of view and presets; several publications address from multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) head
this. It is treacherous to discuss risk in oral and maxillofacial radi- and neck imaging. The fact that CBCT delivers multiplanar
ology. There are more than 330 million dental x-ray examinations
annually, the majority being intraoral examinations, with steady views as well as aesthetically attractive three-dimensional
increases in panoramic and cone-beam computed tomography. (3D) emulations allows ease of overuse, particularly in
Radiation carcinogenesis from conventional imaging is unlikely, younger, more radiation-sensitive patients.
while large field-of-view, high-resolution preset cone-beam com- The vast majority of omf imaging in the United States
puted tomography can be comparable in carcinogenesis risk to cra-
niofacial multidetector computed tomography. Uncertainties in risk is conventional and consists of bitewing and periapical
estimation from low doses coupled with the huge numbers of dental intraoral projections that give highly detailed images of
images taken annually and the rapid growth of cone-beam com- the teeth and supporting structures and are the first line of
puted tomography dictate that safe oral and maxillofacial imaging imaging the most pervasive dental pathologies—dental
is in the interests of patients, staff, and the public. As low as rea-
sonably achievable (ALARA) practices and linear no-threshold caries and periodontal disease. Fig. 1 shows bitewing and
risk modeling continue to be prudent and appropriate. periapical images of patients with normal dentitions and
Health Phys. 116(2):163–169; 2019 supporting structures. Panoramic imaging is also widely
Key words: dose assessment; linear hypothesis; medical radiation; used for overall baseline evaluation of new patients, plan-
safety standards ning of third-molar extractions, evaluation of developing
mixed dentition, mandibulofacial trauma, and a variety of
other dental issues. Fig. 2 shows a panoramic image of a
patient with normal dentition and supporting structures.
Cephalometric imaging is used primarily by orthodontists
University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine, Division of and oral and maxillofacial surgeons to evaluate patients
Oral and Maxillofacial Diagnostic Sciences, Section of Oral and Maxillo- for malocclusion, monitor craniofacial growth and devel-
facial Radiology, 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, CT 06030-1605.
The author declares no conflicts of interest. opment, and plan for orthodontic treatment and some
For correspondence contact the author at the above address, or email orthognathic surgical procedures.
at CBCT imaging was introduced to dentistry at the end
(Manuscript accepted 14 October 2018)
0017-9078/19/0 of the 20th century, and its use has been steadily increasing
Copyright © 2019 Health Physics Society since then. CBCT is a powerful diagnostic and treatment
DOI: 10.1097/HP.0000000000001030 planning tool, especially in areas of dental implant treatment 163

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164 Health Physics February 2019, Volume 116, Number 2
Table 1. Effective dose from conventional radiographic examinations
(adapted from White and Pharoah 2014, 2014–2015 NEXT survey, and
multiple other sources).
Examination Effective dose (mSv)

Rectangular collimation
Single posterior bitewing: PSP or F-speed film 3–5
Full-mouth: PSP or CCD 17–35
Round collimation
Single posterior bitewing: D-speed film 11–15
Single posterior bitewing: F-speed film, CCD 6–10
or PSP Fig. 2. Panoramic image of a normal patient. This variable-thickness,
Full-mouth: D-speed film 388–1,000 curved-surface tomogram is widely used in dentistry throughout the
Full-mouth: Digital or F-speed film 85–171 world for a variety of purposes, ranging from intake baseline data to
evaluation of third molars and osseous temporomandibular joint
Panoramic with contemporary digital equipment 9–24
structures. The image shows all of the teeth and gnathic bones, as
Cephalometric with contemporary digital equipment 2–6 well as parts of midfacial structures such as maxillary sinuses, orbital
Full-mouth is 2–4 bitewings plus 14–18 periapicals; PSP: photostimulable floors, and buttress osteology.
phosphor plate; CCD: charge-coupled device; film speeds are American National
Standards Institute (ANSI). and F-speed film or digital detectors have dramatic and
patient-friendly effects on dose reduction from these image
planning, 3D positioning of impacted teeth, detailing bone acquisitions with no loss of diagnostic efficacy.
lesions, and defining root canal configurations and possible
root fractures in endodontic therapy (root canal treatment). DOSES FROM CBCT
Unfortunately, due to its 3D capabilities and beautiful soft-
ware emulations, as well as a widely held perception that Doses from CBCT acquisitions are extremely variable.
it is a fancy panoramic machine, CBCT has the capacity FOV, voxel size, full-swing vs. half-swing exposures, and
to be markedly overused. Effective dose ranges vary greatly, machine presets are the major variables that determine the
depending on presets and field of view (FOV), and range patient dose. Small FOV is used primarily for endodontic
from 19–1,073 mSv (Table 2). diagnosis, third-molar evaluation, and single-site dental im-
plants. Large FOV is used primarily for dentomaxillofacial
(DMF) trauma, complex orthognathic surgical treatment
DENTOMAXILLOFACIAL IMAGING planning, and, at times, orthodontic care. Medium FOV is
used for most other applications and is likely the most
Doses from conventional intraoral, panoramic, and widely used FOV in CBCT imaging.
cephalometric imaging are very small but highly variable Presets vary greatly amongst manufacturers. They
depending on collimation and receptor type. The most sig- carry names such as high resolution, standard, low dose,
nificant factors that control dose in intraoral imaging are super detail, etc. These presets are controlled primarily
(1) rectangular collimation, (2) receptor speed, (3) thyroid by voxel size, with smaller voxel sizes resulting in higher
shielding, and (4) selection criteria. resolution and higher doses while larger voxel sizes result
Representative doses from conventional imaging proce- in lower resolution and lower doses. High-resolution images
dures are shown in Table 1. Clearly, rectangular collimation are usually the most esthetically pleasing and as a result are

Fig. 1. Conventional intraoral images of normal patients. Left bitewing (a) shows crowns, coronal roots, interproximal bone, and alveolar crestal
bone for both maxillary and mandibular arches. Right mandibular molar periapical (b) shows crowns, complete roots, and surrounding alveolar
bone for these mandibular posterior teeth.

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Oral and maxillofacial imaging c A.G. LURIE 165

Table 2. Effective doses from full-arc CBCT and MDCT DMF imaging caries is largely preventable through diet and home oral hy-
(adapted from White and Pharoah 2014, Table 3-3). giene. The critical factor in treating existing dental caries is
Examination Effective dose range (mSv) to find it early. Carious lesions on the interproximal surfaces
Cone beam CT where the teeth contact each other are not clinically visible
Large FOV 68–1,073 unless large; radiology is the key diagnostic entity. The bite-
Medium FOV 45–860 wing radiograph remains the gold standard for early inter-
Small FOV 19–652 proximal caries detection (White and Pharoah 2014). This
Multidetector CT technique is highly reliable for detecting cavitated lesions
Head; conventional protocol 860–1,500 and 70–80% reliable for detecting lesions confined to
Head; low-dose protocol 180–534 enamel (White and Pharoah 2014).
Periodontal disease is a complex, multifactorial
seductive, especially when the images are being shown to inflammatory/infectious process which affects the gingiva
patients and parents. However, for most diagnostic needs, and alveolar bone that support the teeth. Periodontal disease
standard settings or low-dose settings generate more than has been shown to have associations with the overall health
adequate images for the required diagnostic task due to of the patient (Cullinan et al. 2009). Inflammatory peri-
the inherently superb spatial resolution of this modality. odontal disease begins in the gingival tissues and spreads
High resolution is rarely needed for the vast majority of progressively into the tooth-supporting periodontal liga-
DMF situations and should be avoided as such settings ment (PDL) and alveolar bone where it becomes the de-
can markedly increase patient dose. Some CBCT machines structive form of periodontal disease called periodontitis
now have the option for a 222° or a 180° arc rather than (Newman et al. 2014). This can ultimately lead to irrevers-
360° arc. Several studies have shown minimal or no loss ible bone loss and subsequent tooth loss. Moderate peri-
of detail on the resultant images (Tadinada 2017a and b; odontal diseases affect a majority of adults greater than
Yadav 2015), and absorbed dose is markedly reduced in 50 y of age, and severe periodontitis effects 5–15% of adults
almost all head and neck tissues with the half-arc acquisi- (NIH 2017). Mild or moderate periodontal disease is treat-
tion.2 Table 2 shows the range of doses from 360° arc able by conventional, noninvasive methods. Severe peri-
small, medium, and large FOV CBCT acquisitions. The odontitis requires more invasive treatments including efforts
numbers and manufacturers of such machines are con- to regenerate supporting bone but will often result in tooth
stantly changing, seeming to vary almost monthly. Thus, loss. The progression of periodontal disease into and through
these numbers are accurate for the instruments measured the alveolar bone results in loss of the periodontal ligament
at the time, but they are estimates for what is available today. attachment between teeth and bone and loss of bone in a va-
riety of patterns. Thus, as with dental caries, early detection
BENEFITS OF DMF IMAGING is critical to maintaining the health of the teeth and their
supporting structures. Marginal periodontal structures and
Diagnosis and treatment planning of most DMF pa- their relationships to the teeth are best imaged with bitewing
thology heavily relies on traditional or advanced imaging. projections in the posterior areas and periapical projections
The benefits of dentomaxillofacial imaging are substantial, in the anterior areas. These projections show the details of
especially when appropriate selection criteria and acquisi- the bone structure and its relationships to the teeth.
tion techniques are used. Apical periodontitis is usually the outcome of dental
Detection of common dental diseases with traditional caries penetrating into and infecting the pulp. Following
intraoral imaging pulp infection, microbial products may leach into the
Dental caries is the most prevalent infectious disease periapical tissues and cause periapical inflammation (apical
worldwide in both children and adults (Fejerskov et al. 2015; periodontitis). Periapical inflammatory diseases manifest
Ozdemir 2013). An infection resulting from the confluence themselves in a wide variety of clinical and radiographic
of tooth, substrate, and cariogenic bacteria if untreated results features, which include apical osteolysis which may be seen
in progressive demineralization of the enamel and dentin, inva- as a periapical radiolucent area in the radiograph. Transitory
sion and necrosis of pulpal tissues, and spread into the adjacent bacteria in periapical tissues may cause periapical infection
alveolar bone. Complications from dental caries, usually in the that can lead to severe and potentially life-threatening
form of an abscess at the root apex which may break through perioral infections (Hargreaves and Berman 2015). Tradi-
the bone and into the fascial spaces, can lead to extensive tional imaging has been with periapical radiographs, and
cellulitis and possibly to death (Kim et al. 2013). Dental panoramic images show overt periapical lesions; however,
early apical periodontitis with minimal bone demineraliza-
Private communication with Dr. Sunil Mutalik, University of Con-
necticut School of Dental Medicine, OMF Radiology, Farmington, tion will often not be detected with any conventional imag-
CT 06032; July 2018. ing techniques. The essence of the imaging diagnosis is

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166 Health Physics February 2019, Volume 116, Number 2

bone change at and surrounding the root apex and in the Treatment planning implant and extensive
case of maxillary posterior teeth, changes in the cortical surgical procedures
floor and mucoperiosteal lining of the maxillary sinus. Replacement of missing teeth with dental implants is a
The extent of bone demineralization and sclerosis, the pres- widespread and rapidly growing procedure: over 5.5 million
ence of cortical perforation, and the possible presence of implants were placed by US dentists in 2006, growth is some
root fractures are also critical features to demonstrate as they 500,000 per year, and it is estimated that the US market for
effect treatment decisions. Additionally, it is important to implants and their restorations will reach $6.5 billion by
develop a map of the root canal system so that all of the pulp 2018 (American Academy of Implant Dentistry 2017).
can be removed and all of the canals can be obturated if end- CBCT imaging demonstrates bone quality, quantity, and lo-
odontic treatment is planned. Traditional periapical imaging cation of critical structures in the projected implant sites
tends to show the canal system of single-rooted teeth rela- with great spatial resolution; as such, it is the gold standard
tively well; however, multirooted teeth such as molars and for implant treatment planning (Tyndall et al. 2012). Fig. 3
some premolars can have extra canals and require more shows a multiplanar display and maximum-intensity 3D
advanced imaging techniques to properly demonstrate rendering (MIP) from a large-volume CBCT acquisition,
the canal system. CBCT has become the primary imaging taken to plan mandibular implant placements in a young
modality for situations that demand detailed imaging of man with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
roots, canal morphology, extension of periapical lesions, Oral and maxillofacial surgery (omfs) can be complex
and identifying possible causes of prior endodontic treat- and require precise advanced imaging, at times to specific
ment failure (AAE/AAOMR 2015). protocols, for orthognathic surgical procedures. Most omf
surgeons will image their patients initially with panoramic
Imaging other DMF diseases and conditions acquisitions. Advanced imaging—MDCT, MRI, or CBCT—
There is a vast array of odontogenic cysts, neoplasms, is dictated by historical, clinical, and panoramic findings.
dental abnormalities, extensive infections, temporomandib- Typical imaging needs of omfs include impacted third mo-
ular joint disorders, and salivary gland disorders as well as lars, bone lesions, infections, TMJ disorders, dental implant
trauma to the teeth, supporting structures, and facial bones. treatment planning, and growth and development disorders.
Extensive DMF diseases which involve salivary glands and CBCT is especially useful in defining the relationships
fascial spaces are the domain of MDCT and magnetic between third-molar roots and the inferior alveolar canal;
resonance imaging (MRI) and will not be discussed here. showing bone quality, dimensions, and locations of critical
Diagnostic evaluation of growth and development abnormal- structures for implant treatment planning; defining extent
ities is complex and may involve panoramic, cephalometric, of bone lesions and extensive infections and their effects
CBCT, MDCT, and MRI imaging of the craniofacial and on adjacent structures; and planning complex surgical pro-
gnathic structures. Treatments are often multimodality, cedures for patients with craniofacial deformities. Imaging
involving teams of health care providers from a variety needs tend to be more extensive in this domain than for
of domains. other DMF diagnosis and treatment planning. Fig. 4 shows
Bone lesions of the gnathic structures and temporo- a multiplanar display from a small-volume CBCT acquisi-
mandibular joint (TMJ) disorders present, more often than tion, taken to evaluate the relationship between an impacted
not, with neurologic signs and/or swelling. Imaging such le- third molar and the inferior alveolar canal.
sions usually begins with a panoramic image. This may be
sufficient, but it is often followed by advanced imaging, RISKS FROM DMF IMAGING
with CBCT being superior for bone lesions due to its su-
perior spatial resolution. Where soft tissue involvement is Risks from DMF imaging are generally confined to
suspected, MDCT and/or MRI become the imaging of radiation carcinogenesis, as absorbed doses are far too
choice. CBCT is especially effective in defining the ex- small to have tissue effects or transmissible genetic effects
tent of intraosseous lesions and bone involvement by be considered. In general, the risks from DMF imaging are
extraosseous lesions. CBCT is the imaging of choice for extremely small. Doses from conventional intraoral imag-
defining the extent and severity of medication-related ing, panoramic imaging, and cephalometric imaging are
osteonecrosis of the jaws (MRONJ) in patients receiving almost always in the low microgray values (Table 1). Thus,
anti-bone-resorptive pharmacotherapy as part of treatment estimation of risk is based on studies of populations ex-
for malignant lesions. Osteoarthritic changes are frequently posed to larger doses with extrapolations to very low doses.
encountered in the TMJ. Evaluating TMJ area pain for Layered on these extrapolations are the unknown and con-
osseous pathology is the realm of CBCT, which gives flicting potential mechanistic modifiers of other carcino-
tremendous detail of the osseous fine structures, enabling genic and tumor promotor agents, sensitive and resistant
identification of the presence and severity of these changes. human subpopulations, adaptive response, and bystander

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Oral and maxillofacial imaging c A.G. LURIE 167

Fig. 3. Large volume CBCT of a young adult patient with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome who is being treatment planned for implant-supported full
dentures. Multiplanar views and a coronal 3-D, maximal-intensity projection are shown with the two projected implant fixtures superimposed
on the images where possible. Such imaging allows optimal implant size and position to be determined prospectively and minimizes risk to
nearby critical structures. It is the gold standard for imaging of planned dental implants.

effect. Thus, such risk calculations at doses less than 30 million panoramic images (CRCPD 2003) exposed an-
100 mSv are fraught with uncertainties (NCRP 2012; nually in the United States require careful consideration of
UNSCEAR 2015), and assigning risk values to individuals risks to the population. CBCT is the fastest growing imag-
undergoing DMF imaging is equivocal and controversial. ing modality in the United States with over 7,000 units in
The linear no-threshold hypothesis for cancer induction at use and more than 5 million examinations conducted annu-
doses below 100 mGy has been a prudent and practical ally in 2014–15 (CRCPD in press). Given that CBCT doses
guideline for decades, and continues to be so. The 296 mil- can equal or exceed those of MDCT for comparable exami-
lion intraoral examinations (CRCPD in press) and over nations, risk to the individual, while small, is considerably

Fig. 4. Small volume CBCT of a patient with an impacted mandibular left third molar (wisdom tooth). This display shows axial, corrected sagittal,
and multiple corrected coronal sections through the area of interest. The relationship of the crown and roots of this tooth to the inferior alveolar canal
are clearly defined and allow the surgeon to employ a surgical technique that minimizes risk of damage to the inferior alveolar nerve.

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168 Health Physics February 2019, Volume 116, Number 2

greater than with conventional DMF imaging and needs to Safe and effective CBCT imaging does not require
be considered even more carefully. purchasing anything extra for the instrument. It is a matter
of applying proper selection criteria and using factors and
SAFETY IN DMF IMAGING presets which minimize the FOV and the technical expo-
sure factors. FOVs should be the smallest that still pro-
The safest practices of oral and maxillofacial imaging vide coverage of the anatomic sites that are needed to
are easily and inexpensively accomplished using appropri- correctly diagnose and plan treatment for the patient
ate selection criteria, appropriate image acquisition presets problem. Most equipment comes with a variety of preset
on CBCT equipment, rectangular collimation for intraoral factors, carrying names such as high resolution, high detail,
imaging, contemporary digital receptors or E/F speed film, regular detail, low exposure, etc. High-resolution acquisi-
and thyroid shielding for children and young adults. tions deliver substantially larger radiation doses to the pa-
Intraoral imaging is by far the most widely used mo- tient and often do not provide information beyond that
dality in dentistry, with between 1 and 2 billion exposures from lower-dose protocols that are necessary to properly di-
annually in the United States. Such imaging delivers very agnose the patient problem. Table 2 shows the effective
low doses, in the 3–20 mGy range with correct techniques dose ranges for CBCT images based on FOV; the low doses
and equipment; however, the lower doses arise from using (19–68 mSv) are from low-mid dose protocols and presets,
ideal techniques. Rectangular collimation, which restricts and the high doses (652–21,073 mSv) are from high-
the size of the incident x-ray beam to the size of the image resolution and high-detail protocols and presets (White
receptor, lowers the dose per image by 50–80% when and Pharoah 2014). Significantly, high-detail/resolution
compared with round collimation and less-than-the-fastest CBCT protocols can deliver doses higher than MDCT pro-
receptors (White and Pharoah 2014). Several rectangular tocols, regardless of FOV. Additionally, some CBCT equip-
collimators are available commercially which adapt to ment now has the option for a 180° rotational arc rather
existing intraoral imaging equipment, are relatively inex- than a 360° arc. The 180° acquisition has been shown to
pensive, and often are integrated with image receptor- have diagnostic efficacy comparable to that of a 360° acqui-
holder beam-guiding devices (Fig. 5). The upper lobes sition for a variety of dental applications (Tadinada et al.
of the thyroid gland may be exposed during intraoral im- 2017a and b; Yadav 2015) and has the promise of dramatic
aging, especially of the maxillary structures as the beam dose reduction (Mutalik and Lurie, private communica-
is directed inferiorly; this is especially true with children tion).2 Finally, thoughtful use of appropriate selection
whose thyroid glands are higher in the neck than in adults. criteria for acquiring CBCT images and for the acquisition
Thus, thyroid shielding is an important safety factor in parameters is the most significant of all safety steps, as
pediatric and adolescent intraoral imaging. with all x-radiation-based imaging.

Fig. 5. Rectangular collimation of intraoral image acquisitions. Originally invented by Dr. Fred M. Medwedeff and Dr. William H. Knox in July
1961, this type of instrument restricts the size of the entry beam to slightly greater than the size of the intraoral rectangular image receptors used
in dentistry. This instrument is shown in the upper left of this figure, the “Precision Instrument.” Two representative contemporary rectangular
collimators, the XDR ALARA (XDR Imaging Through Science, Los Angeles, California, US) and RINN Universal (Dentsply RINN, Rinn Corp.,
Elgin, Illinois, US), are shown on the right. The lower left image shows the substantial reduction in incident radiation when the rectangular collimator
is used vs. the round collimator.

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Oral and maxillofacial imaging c A.G. LURIE 169

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