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Health Care Accreditation Council

Healthcare Certified Quality Practitioner

Study Guide

Participant’s Guide

Instructions: Use the questions in this study guide to assist you in understanding the content of
the handout:

Lynne Miller Franco, Diana R. Silimperi, TisnaVeldhuyzen van Zanten, Catherine

MacAulay,Karen Askov, Bruno Bouchet, and LaniMarquezSustainingQuality of Healthcare:
Institutionalization of Quality Assurance, September 2002

What is quality institutionalization?

What are the dimensions of quality?

What are the principles of QA for application in developing countries?

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What are the three QA activities?

What are the four steps to quality improvement?

What are the essential elements for institutionalization of quality? (8)

What are the key elements of the internal enabling environment for quality institutionalization?

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What are the three main types of capacity building that are needed for institutionalizing quality?

What are the phases of Institutionalizing Quality?

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