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July 2019

Volume V, No. 7

MHPS Technical Services Corporation
Contents 03
“Work Commitment”
Volume V, No. 7
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems
Technical Services Corporation
“ThreeP to Success”
Communique “Behavior-Based Safety”
“The Art of PC Building”
14 MY FAREWELL MESSAGE (Mr. Makoto Sato)
17 GALLERY (Quarterly)

About the cover Contributors



skills in writing to make contributions
to the next issues of this newsletter.
means more than putting


is to share
with the World”

JULY 2019



Magandang araw! My name is Atsushi Nakamura. I I played basketball when I was in elementary and
have taken over Mr. Sato on April 1, 2019 as an Admin- junior high school. I haven't played basketball for
istrative Director and Treasurer. I would like to take about 20 years, but I still love it. I'm looking forward
this opportunity to introduce myself. to playing basketball with you all. Other than that,
my hobbies are studying history, singing, drawing
About My Career
and making crafts. I also love eating and drinking, so I
I joined MHI Nagasaki in 2007 and then transferred to want to enjoy Philippine food here. (Actually I love
Tokyo, Yokohama and Kure. Since joining the company, balut!)
I have been mainly involved in the planning and man-
About Work
agement of employment rules and labor management.
In the past 10 years, MHI Group has undergone great I have worked for MHI and MHPS for 12 years after I
transformation, so there were many opportunities to graduated from university. During that period, I con-
struggle with labor management and coordination tinue to feel strongly that an attitude toward own
with the labor union. But I believe that those experi- work sincerely and a willingness to think inde-
ences have been a big help for me. I am also very hon- pendently lead to a sense of responsibility to own
ored to have this opportunity to work with you here at work and an interest in it. And I am confident that
MHPS-TS. In particular, MHPS-TS has a close relation- these will lead to greater enthusiasm and fulfillment
ship with Nagasaki, where I started working, so I feel to own work. These cannot be obtained by doing the
close to MHPS-TS. I believe MHPS-TS will be the most task at hand simply passively. I was fortunate to have
exciting place for me to grow and improve more than the opportunity to be in charge of overall corporate
ever. management. One of my most important tasks is to
support you, the outstanding employees of MHPS-TS,
About My Family and Private Life
so that you can work independently with a sense of
I have a wife and a six-year-old son. My son is very satisfaction. Your satisfactions lead to results, which
timid and shy, but he is really looking forward to com- in turn lead to the development of our company, and
ing to the Philippines. His name is "Itaru", which means which in turn leads to your happiness and further
plants grow freely under the sunshine. As the name satisfaction. I intend to do my best to help with such
suggests, I hope that he will grow up freely and health- a cycle.
fully surrounded by the bright sun, cheerful, and warm
I am looking forward to be working with you and I
am thankful for your cooperation.

33 Communique
Communique July
July 2019
By: Daniel Arguelles, Machinery Engineering Division

And I asked myself, is this also applicable

to employee – company relationship? In
my own perception, this is most likely appli-
“Do not rely on your feelings but rather on your cable. Being employed in an organization
commitment.” This is the line that I often heard means you are tied for sometimes that you
in a wedding ceremony or in the religious teach- need to give your best effort/knowledge to
ing. They say that failure of one’s relationship is stay with them for yourself, for your family
based on the feelings; because feelings often and for your future. Also, here you will have
changes, sometimes you like him/her some- self-worth that you will know your price and
times you don’t, sometimes you’re in the mood importance to the society and in the corpo-
sometimes you are not, and the likes. rate world.

4 Communique July 2019

Work commitment has been defined as the rela-
tive importance between work and one’s self. It
is seen as the person’s adherence to work ethic,
commitment to a career /profession, job involve-
ment and organizational commitment. Individu-
als can feel committed to an organization, top
management, supervisor or a particular work

The success or failure of an organization is

closely related to the effort and motivation of its
employees. The motivation of the employee is
often the product of their commitment towards
their job or career. Work commitment is an ex-
tremely important topic for organization to under-
stand. The level to which an employee engages
in his/her work (job involvement), commit to and
believes in the organization’s goals and purpose,
and desire to work and commit to a specific ca-
reer or profession can all have an impact in the
I’ve been working here in MTS for more than 21
years and in that long time I would say that MTS
and I have a good working relationship because
we are committed. We work together to achieve
our individual goals with great satisfaction.
I encourage all of you especially the young ones
that as long as we chose to stay here, continue
to be committed with MTS. Let’s continue to do
our part as all professional. The likes of continue
to work with good quality drawings and practice
its on-time delivery and working with good atti-
tude and enjoyment. This will help MTS to
achieve its Vision; to become world class Global
Engineering Center in Engineering of EPC and/
or Manufacturing. The success of MTS is also
our success.

5 Communique July 2019

By: Gian Ronald Quiambao, Civil Engineering Division

For this month’s edition of this segment, I will teach Regarding what I do here, my responsibility is to
you how to get the love of your life the moment you make sure that all documents, drawings, calcula-
step out of the airplane in Haneda, and never be tion sheets, 3D models are delivered on time to all
alone anymore. Of course, I am just joking as I am stakeholders (client, subcontractors, partners)
not an expert on those matters. and that includes managing all activities involved
to come to that point. I have to admit that this is
By the way, I am Gian Quiambao, from Civil Engi- my first time to handle huge responsibility on my
neering Department and I have been assigned (from ICT assignment here. Although I somewhat have
August 2018) as Sub-Key Person for a project being an idea of this kind of work since I had always
done in Yokohama, Japan. About Yokohama, being been working behind each process before. One
the busy place that it is, lots of renovation works for doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to do what I
the Tokyo 2020 Olympics are going on. Being very am doing here but I think aside from the technical
close to Tokyo (less than an hour by train), Yokohama things you must have something called ‘kapal ng
is also expected to accommodate tourists for next mukha’, which I think is not that hard to acquire.
year’s big event.

6 Communique July 2019

Despite being assigned twice in Yokohama be- the first stop is the Ushiku Daibutsu near the shop.
fore, there were still places that I haven’t been Just like the Kamakura Daibutsu, this statue also de-
to (both Tokyo and Yokohama). For the first picts Amitabha Buddha. Ushiku Daibutsu is the fourth
time, I was able to see the Great Buddha largest statue in the word. We then headed to the
(Daibutsu) of Kamakura last winter. It is just so strawberry farms where we ate as much fresh picked
fascinating that it took me to have a partner to strawberry in 30 minutes. Well it is just like what we
be able to go to Kamakura. We then went to have in Baguio. Although there are moments that I
see the shrines in Enoshima Island. I and my would just want to push people out of my way be-
partner were very lucky to have seen the illumi- cause they are taking so much time to pick and there
nation event last February in Enoshima. The are pabebe couples everywhere. It was raining when
very spectacular light shows are a must see we got to the Hitachi Seaside Park to see the beauti-
when visiting Enoshima during the winter. Dur- ful blue flowers (nemophila). It would've been nicer if
ing holidays, we sometimes go on a day trip just it was sunny to have better pictures of it.
like the one we had last spring in Ibaraki. It is a
relatively short trip (leaving Yokohama at 8:00 Pride month has just concluded and the gay scene in
and then returning at 19:00) and the people Tokyo is so alive. Hundreds of gay bars thrive in the
availing this are almost women and couples. very infamous gay district of Shinjuku-Nichome in To-
The tour has only three stops; a shopping out- kyo. There is lots of drinking of course, but I think it is
let, strawberry picking, and viewing of the ne- the establishing of a bond is the main benefit of these
mophila. The first stop is just the Ami premium kinds of venues. As Japanese are perceived as re-
outlet. This might explain why there are so served and shy, it is great how to see them not only
many women in this tour. I was surprised that have fun but to also open up themselves.
shopping in outlet store is considered as a tour,
but well, I cannot complain since they gave us
coupons to use. But what impressed me most in

I am able to appreciate weekends in Japan because of the very busy work-

days. To be fair, MHIENG has been very active in monitoring our overtimes
and work related stress. Mental health has been the primary focus in the re-
cent years when it comes to office related stress. I never had to work on a
weekend which is a good thing. I am one of the few MTS people who wake up
late during the weekends (around 14:00). However, there are some few occa-
sions where we wake up early, and it is to regroup and indulge in an all you
can eat breakfast (for just 790 yen) at Coco's Restaurant just meters away
from our home. I could say that 790 yen is a good price. Picnics and house
parties also help each and one of us to catch up with each other lives. Luckily,
everyone is a good cook that food being brought to these small MTS gather-
ings is so delicious. It is so overwhelming that I am now one of the kuyas in
here. I used to be the bunso during my 1st ICT assignment over a decade ago. These gather-
ings are usually welcome parties, farewell parties, Christmas parties, or just simple get-
together because we simply miss each other. There are people in-charge of hosting the venue,
sending invites, and even preparing games. I will always be very thankful to my co-MTS mem-
bers for being so caring. I think the same applies to every ICT or site locations where MTS
members always look out for each other.
7 Communique July 2019
MHIENG also makes sure that we develop our skills through
external seminars. Recently, I was able to attend a seminar
that's facilitated by ENAA (Engineering Advancement Associa-
tion of Japan). The topic is about Project Management for In-
ternational Projects. It is great that the seminar is plant engi-
neering-centric so it is so applicable to what I’m involved with.
We went thru the stages of an EPC project. The seminar is
so interactive that anytime there’s like a recitation/Q&A por-
tion, although most of the questions were taught in College,
so it tuned out well. I like how Japanese conduct these kinds
of seminars. It is fun and very relaxing. Despite of the com-
plexity of the topic, you won't feel burnt out. It is so cliché to
say this, but I am so inspired with the things I learned and
would love to share things I learned to MTS members.

We have now come to the last paragraph which is usually reserved for ranting. Again, that is just
a joke, but one thing I learned with working in MTS (and MHIENG) is that regardless of the nature
of your work, there will be times you’ll be thinking of giving up. Just like thinking about how I even
got here. People always say that attitude is the key but there are times that you'll be emotionally
triggered because of all the stress and pressure to deliver well. But one thing we have to remem-
ber is that all people go through all of these. There's no reason to be so affected by it. I feel like
my assignment this time has made me be in my superior’s shoes and to grow professionally. One
thing that’s very apparent here is that, whenever I have conversation with locals, you will think
that engineers are regarded so high in Japan.

8 Communique July 2019


9 Communique July 2019

10 Communique July 2019

What is behavior - based safety?

Behavior-based safety is a safety management system that specifies exactly which behaviors are required from
each employee. These behaviors are geared toward a safer work environment. The system must have controls
in place which will measure whether or not these behaviors exist as a routine element in the work environment.
Acceptable behaviors must be positively reinforced frequently and immediately as the behavior occurs.

11 Communique July 2019

Behavior behavior. People usually respond to positive reinforcement.
Behavior is what a person does or says. What causes a per- Positive Reinforcement and Behavior
son to take this particular behavior or course of action de-
pends on other influencing factors. Attitude and situational This approach holds that individuals can be motivated by
conditions cause the particular behavior. Behaviors are influ- properly designing their work environment and praising
enced by motivation, intelligence, emotions, experience, atti- their performance. Holds that punishment for poor perfor-
tude, situational conditions, desire, needs, abilities, skills and mance produces negative results. Goal setting with employ-
ambitions. ee participation is essential. Periodic re-evaluation is essen-
tial. Requires frequent work environment adjustments. Re-
Each employee has its own role in the behavior-based safety quires detailed planning and training of workforce.
from the management to the rank-and-file. We can consider
the following: Employee participation and behavior

Safety as part of the work environment People are motivated by being consulted on actions that
affect them. People know their jobs. What safety program
If a person understands that his or her safety at work is con- changes can they bring to the work environment? In many
trollable in a measurable way, acceptance of safety as an cases, people know the safety problems and safety solu-
essential part of the work environment will be increased. tions. Just ask. Participation in the safety program satisfies
Safe attitudes and behaviors will naturally follow. affiliation and acceptance needs. And workers must know
Once safe attitudes are a normal element in the work envi- that final decisions are reserved to management. But tell
ronment, behavior will be influenced. Then, peers and them why.
coworkers expect each other to practice safety as a part of Behavioral-based safety is important. A good program will
work and not a requirement of work. At this point coworkers help:
will expect each other’s protection and accident rates will
decrease. It improves quality, improve absenteeism, maintain a health-
ier work force, and reduce injury and illness rates. Workers
Sustaining Safe Behavior feel good about their work. Reduce workers’ compensation
Management is responsible to promote safety. Everyone is costs. Elevate safety to a higher level of awareness.
responsible for sustaining a safe work environment. Attitude The human factor
is the key to sustaining a safe work environment.
Personal dignity is critical to good behavior. We have to
What is behavior reinforcement? mind that people must be treated with respect no matter
Reinforcement is any consequence that increases the likeli- what their position in the company. For safety concern, al-
hood that the behavior it follows will occur in the future. In ways treat people with respect, equally. Assume people will
other words, if you promote a behavior and make someone talk. It will keep you straight. Never ridicule good behavior
feel good about performing that behavior, or give them a in jest. Remember, it takes two to argue (Draw a line). Walk
reason to perform that behavior, its occurrence in the future away from conflict, and address it later. Argue constructively
will likely increase. if necessary. If safety is critical to the issue, stand your
Acceptable behavior must be constantly reinforced. Never
miss an opportunity to give a pat on the back for acceptable “Motivation changes attitude and attitude drives behavior”

12 Communique July 2019


By: Ernani Ancheta, ICT Section


How many of you build your personal computer? Do you prefer 1. Building your own mid-range pc is cost efficient, but a gaming
prebuilt pc, an out of the box ready to use personal computer or pc is another thing.
you would rather deep dive into the Art of PC Building? Either of the 2. Allows you for an easier upgrades in the future.
two will work both ways, still going to finish the job. If that is the 3. You are in control of your pc temp, by attaching multiple flashy
case, what is the primary reason why people tend to build their own mod fans.
pc from scratch (by parts)? 4. You have the freedom of choice, in terms of branding.
Let me tell you how I imagine and see things. Building your own PC 5. Building your own pc can be a hobby.
is not as difficult as you might think. In fact, if you can follow instruc- 6. And lastly, the design, looks and how it perfectly perform to
tions and attaching one part from other, you are likely qualified your liking, it can be satisfying to know that you build it yourself
enough to build your own pc. If you are not confident enough, then with an astonishing smile.
there are a lot of available tutorials online that can give you an ade- Below are the essential parts that needs in order for you to build
quate information. your own pc.
What could I get in building my own PC? Most common question
I’ve heard, then let me summarized few of it.

If building your own computer is more bang for your buck, then why through the vendors.
there are some still preferred the pre-build pc? One thing comes to
PC building is like modding your car, or replacing a broken toilet.
my mind is the simplicity. You will buy the product in your local
Few do it themselves. But for those that do, the satisfaction is just
store, assemble it and you’re good to go.
as much a part of it as anything else.
My final verdict is that the majority of PC's are 'prebuilt'. Business-
“The Art of PC Building is not just a hobby but an extension of
es, all those computer units in our business environment are
prebuilt pc due to the hardware pro-support that we can get

13 Communique July 2019

By: Mr. Makoto Sato

Dear MTS Family,  New assignment

Good day. I will be assigned back to HR in Takasago works for both MHI
My assignment here will be finished at the end of June 2019 after and MHPS.
I transfer all jobs to my successor, Mr. Nakamura. It would be great if you come to see me when you have the
opportunity to visit Takasago. I’ll be working at the 2 nd floor of
I’d like to highly appreciate all your kind support and efforts.
the main building.
Please let me humbly say I have tried to make sincere efforts to
And I promise to utilize my experience and wide view there,
improve MTS’s Quality and Presence for MHI/MHPS group be-
which MTS and President Mr. Mishiro gave to me in these
cause I love this country and MTS Family very much.
three years, in order to repay him and all.
Thank you for this opportunity to tell about 3 messages as follows.

Last message for my dear Admin members,

 Appreciation for All managers,
Please let me say repeatedly “Master your own professional field,
I will never forget all your understanding and cooperation, for you will be the best person to handle concerns and issues and
especially when we changed into the current evaluation sys- to suggest possible solutions to the Management. Do not just rely
tem JTMDS last October 2017. on your manager.” I love your efforts and smiles.
I hope this system will fit to MTS and assist in good commu-
nication and motivation for all. However, as I said before in
Lastly I’ll never forget my countless memories here such as Christ-
the training, there is no perfect evaluation system in the
mas party, Summer Fun, all-night Admin party and Impressive
world, it just depends between both Manager’s and Employ-
OBL Basketball Championship etc.
ee’s effort. Let me kindly remind everyone, especially young
managers “You are the most suitable persons who will take Maraming Samalat po for all my friends!!
MTS and your subordinates to new heights”. Thank you very
I will certainly miss you…Good bye.
much po for your kind support.

~Makoto Sato

14 Communique July 2019

Mr. Ken Kawai, President of MHPS Ltd.
visits MHPS-TS

15 Communique July 2019

MHI Engineering Yokohama MHI Engineering Yokohama

Congratulations to our new regular employees from Process &

Plant Equipment Engineering Division on completing their pro-
bationary period. Please continue to strive more in improving your
working skills while learning and enjoying your journey here in
MTS. We are looking forward to see you grow in this company.


President Masahiko Mishiro and Ms. Klariz Villaflor (Expediter)

16 Communique July 2019

Administration Division Quarterly
June 21, 2019
Ace Water Spa Hotel

17 Communique July 2019

Turbine Engineering Department Team Building 2019
(Go Beyond the Zone: Nature-Explore-Team)
Beating the last heat of summer with the #travelgoals, Turbine Engineering Department indulged themselves
with their first team building for 2019 held at the head of MIMAROPA Region- the beautiful Puerto Galera, last
June 22.

18 Communique July 2019

Engaged themselves to "Go beyond the
Zone" by exploring the nature as a team
and by getting out of their comfort zone in
connotative and denotative sense, as an
individual and as a whole.
It was the first they've gone farther than the
usual out of town they've had previously as
a group. They've spent 2 days appreciating
the beaches, people, food and culture of the

19 Communique July 2019

20 Communique July 2019
21 Communique July 2019
Layout & piping Engineering Division
Piping Engineering No. 1 Department
Quarterly Event Dinner at Ace Water Spa Last June 26, 2019

22 Communique July 2019

Volume V, No. 7
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems
Technical Services Corporation









To provide the best engineering output continuously

for the PJs of MHI & MHPS, such as EPC PJ and

Manufacturing PJ, with everybody’s participation in

the positioned as right Figure.


We will become world class Global Engineering Center

in Engineering of EPC and/or Manufacturing.

January 1, 2015

Masahiko Mishiro Date


27th/F Robinsons Cybergate Center Tower 3, Pioneer St.,
Mandaluyong City, 1550 Philippines

Phone: 794-0220
Fax: 794-0202

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