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August 2019

Volume V, No. 8

MHPS Technical Services Corporation
Contents 03
“Keeping it real”
Volume V, No. 8
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems
Technical Services Corpora on
“5 Benefits of facial recogni on Time Tracking Solu ons”

Communique 13 ISO CORNER

“Cer fied as One”
“Common Rainy Season Diseases”
25 GALLERY (MBT 2019)

About the cover Contributors



skills in wri ng to make contribu ons
to the next issues of this newsle er.
means more than pu ng
on a page;
is to share
with the World”



“Allow your passion to become your purpose, and This simple but inspirational quotation
it will one day become your profession.” really helps me to get a spotlight in this
industry and it is indeed one of my life’s
changing achievements.

When I was on my young age, I used to

dream to be an Engineer and to have this
kind of job—working at the designing
company as a Mechanical Engineer but all
these things isn’t so easy to achieve, there
are lots of struggles, problems and life’s
difficulties who really attempts to assassi-
nate and/or destroy my life’s objectives
but these bone-breaking things becomes
my motivation and I certainly looked into
BY: ARNEL V. OGUITE, SECTION MANAGER it as an opportunities to persevere more in
life. There is one thing I truly realized in
life, if you’re precisely committed and
eager to bring about into something or
anything, you will not let anyone hamper
you in achieving what you are aiming for.
Jack Ma once said in his quotation
“Never give up. Today is hard, tomorrow
will be worse, but the day after tomorrow
will be sunshine.”

This month of August, MHPS-TS recog-

nize their dearest employees who really
served and showed their loyalties with
this prestigious company for about five
(5) years and above and I am one of those
employees who have been working here
more than fifteen (15) years already. One
of the reasons why I actually stayed here
is that--I really enjoyed and appreciated
the working environment, the ambiance
and the people around me in here, these
things boosted me to work hard while
contributing all my skills and knowledge.
“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will
never have to work a day in your life.” –
Mark Twain.

33 Communique
Communique August
August 2019
MHPS-TS really gave me lots of opportuni-
ties in order to enhance and upgrade my
In order to have a good life, we should be skills and knowledge and even by develop-
contented and happy on what we have but ing my personality that is why I am so
do not settle for the less—be delightful with thankful because MHPS-TS accepted me
what you have while working for what you and allowed me to be part of their amazing
want. DREAM big, FOCUS on you goals and team. This citation is surely won’t be the
STEP FORWARD one at a time. On the oth- last, we just always need to be optimistic,
er hand, if we encounter problems, don’t be best is yet to come.
frustrated, endured them as an opportunity
accordingly for the improvement of our After I received the fifteen (15) years of ser-
own selves. vice appreciation, I actually asked myself
these few questions…How will you measure
In everyday life, we should balance our time life?!?!?
to family, friends and of course for our
work. We should categorize bad traits from ……have you been thankful to those who
good in order to have a better life. In this guided you in life’s journey?
world, there are really a lot of negative peo- ……have you spent meaningful time with
ple around, we should neither allow them to your friends?
interfere nor remove our perspectives in ……have you helped your co-workers and
life. It would be fine to start outgrowing the colleagues succeed?
people who are not growing by themselves. ……have you given unconditional love to
There are some people which are better be your family and love ones?
left in the past no matter how bad you want
them to be in your present. You literally For another fifteen (15) years of service in
don’t have to be friends with anyone who the future in this prestigious company, I do
doesn’t support you and thereafter brings hope that my answers to these questions
your energy down. will be better than this day.


WORK” – Sister Mary Lauretta


4 Communique August 2019


By: Antero V. Bagon, Machinery Engineering Division

WARNING: This article may not be as awe-inspiring to, reports to submit, of having to leave my
as its predecessors but these are my thoughts in comfort zone, etc. contributed to my decision,
life and work that I want to share with you and there were actually deeper reasons behind it.
hopefully some can relate to or be enlightened with.
No frills, just keeping it real.
The quality of life we live depends on the choic-
es we make. From the simple choice of whether
My name is Antero V. Bagon, 44 years of age, a to go to work on one rainy Monday morning
Senior Engineer in Thermal Systems & Machine when there isn’t much work to do at the office or
Engineering Section, and approaching my 23 rd year just stay at home and use up a vacation leave
of service to this company. which you still a lot of, whether to buy a not so
famous model of car which you really like instead
Inside the office, I’m better known as Teroi. It’s a
of the model everyone in the office is raving
name I was never called until I became part of
about, whether to look for a partner, get married
MTS. For some or many of you who share this
and have a family instead of staying single for
same sort of second baptism, it somehow kicks off
the rest of your life, so forth and so on, we want
our corporate life; a new identity, a new beginning.
to make the best choices. So how do we do it?
For me, simple, I write down the two choices, or
Recently, as a result of significant turn of events in maybe more in some cases, one beside the oth-
Machinery Engineering Division, I was much hon- er, in my mind or in actual paper. Then I list
ored to be offered a managerial position in my down under each choice all the reasons why that
section. But what could have been a major step for choice is the better one. Obviously, the one with
me in this corporate ladder, I chose to decline the the longer list is the best choice. And I did just
offer and decided to stay put in the rank and file. that when I made my decision.

The obvious question is “WHY?”. When almost

everyone else is aspiring to reach that point, why
am I refusing a career-changing opportunity?
While it is true that the reality of added responsi-
bility, new set of tasks to fulfill, meetings to attend

5 Communique August 2019

With reference to what a good friend of mine wrote in this very same column last
time, we need to be committed to our work as long as we are part of this compa-
ny. We need to give our best effort and knowledge to achieve our individual
goals. This work commitment should be our foremost consideration in every work
-related decision we make. Having said that, being in the rank and file is where I
am and where I will be of greater service and significance to MHPS-TS. I will
keep doing what I do best not just to serve the company well but also because
this is what I want to do. I don’t see myself as a failure by making that choice.
Failure for me is to accept the challenge knowing that I do not have the willing-
ness to face it, that I have the option not to face it, and in the end let down not
only myself but my colleagues as well.

This is the part when I hear people say, “How can you be so sure when you
haven’t even tried?”. Well, let’s keep it real. Different strokes for different folks.
Every one of us has different priorities and perspective in life. People around us
will always have their own contradictory opinions regarding our choices but we
can always agree that there is always a possibility that the grass isn’t always
greener on the other side of the fence. Also, life has no “undo” button that will
enable us to go back and start over again should the first choice didn’t turn out
well. Bottom line, make the best choices in life and stand by it no matter what.

By the way, I’m still single. Lol

6 Communique August 2019




Hi. I’m Renee from Automo ve Turbo Engineering sec on. I was assigned in MHI
Sagami High-tech Ltd. located in Sagamihara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. My job descrip on
as an ICT doesn’t differ much from what I do in MTS. I’m s ll working with Turbocharger 3D
models and 2D drawings.

As a first mer, my days were filled with excitement as I wait. I looked forward to
learn new things and even to unlearn things. But as the days gone by, fear started to grab its
share. People tend to build in their minds the things they would fear a erwards. We’re a bit
crazy, aren’t we? I needed to remind myself that faith is the other face of the coin. Both re-
quired me to believe the unseen. I must choose wisely.

7 Communique August 2019

Wai ng ended, me to fly came. My expecta ons played in my head along with my music all throughout the
travel. Japan welcomed me in a cold rainy a ernoon. My colleagues s ll managed to give me a warm welcome. I was at
first surrounded with four men and now, seven. I feel like I am Snow White with 7 dinosaurs. I would call them anything
but dwarfs. Their big hearts couldn’t fit in such body. They are too easy to be with. They will care for you in a most annoy-
ing ways. Oh, but I am not here to write about these big boys. But really, they have a big part why being away from home
is somehow more bearable.

Japan is a very beau ful place. No one in history has ever doubted it. I wish I could tell you something you don’t
know. Probably, you have your first-hand experience or heard about this a lot. Maybe, I’ll just randomly drop anything
here. Bear with me.
I realized I cannot love a place for too long. Mesmerized by beauty, but not too long; Captured by the serenity,
but not too long. Excited for its newness, but then again, not for too long. Not un l it is filled with people and things you
love. I am blessed I found both.
Let’s begin with what's closer -- People. They are not just people actually, I call them friends. Aside from the
dinosaurs I men oned earlier, I have gained new ones. I am happy and proud to write about them. Friends are indeed
life's upgrade. They will introduce you to their lives and welcome yours as well. I’m talking about our Japanese friends
specifically. They’re our unexpected and unwrapped gi . They treat us as if we’ve known each other for the longest me.
They are never busy to lend a hand. They taught us things that can never be learned through books. They will laugh with
you and never laugh at you. I love them. I really do. Despite of all the beauty Japan has, I couldn't think of anything more
lovely than them.

8 Communique August 2019

Some of my friends visited me. Their presence gave
me and my apartment warmth. They are the kind of
noise I will always enjoy. We spent me going to
places a er places. We ate food a er food. I lacked
sleep but I feel at rest. With them, no ma er how
the day went, it will s ll be a me well spent. I also
got a chance to meet fellow Filipinos. There’s so
much encouragement in their tes monies. How
they le the comfort of home and took the path in
a foreign land. They have a pocke ul of courage
and dreams strengthened by prayers. I hope to see
them again someday in our hometown. Eat kwek-
kwek and watch Pinoy movies.

Next subject-- Things.

I started to love stoplights. They are almost everywhere. It doesn’t ma er if crossroad is just a few breaths
away; you’ll s ll find it right in front of you. Japanese people are much disciplined in obeying these lights. Green means
go. Yellow means ready. Red means stop. I once caught myself wishing that life will have its own light signals. You’ll know
if that opportunity is for you, green lights up. A big breakthrough is coming, yellow lights up. That choice will cause you
pain, red immediately lights up. How convenient! But I must admit it’s kind of boring. Too safe. No growth. I popped the
bubbles of that imagina on. I should be grateful that God provided two lights; the day and night. It’s a simple reminder
that it’s okay to make mistakes. Second chance will greet you ‘good morning’ the next day. What’s the big deal of seem-
ingly bad decisions if we have a good God. Comfor ng, isn’t it? Other things I started loving are the countless vendo ma-
chines, Ramen every Friday night, waste management, toilets, and 100 yen shops. Don't worry, I don't have another im-
agina on concerning the la er.
Time passed by faster than I thought it would. 10 months now ended. I haven’t done half the things I planned
to do. Nevertheless, I am excited to go back home. The very same excitement I had leaving home. Again, I want to learn
things and unlearn things. Expectant as always! Okay, I’ll end with a verse-- Rejoice in hope, be pa ent in tribula on, be
constant in prayer. (Romans 12:12)

9 Communique August 2019

10 Communique August 2019
Biometric technology is becoming increasingly pop-
ular for time and attendance tracking. Although fin-
gerprint biometrics is a popular choice, facial
recognition time tracking is an alternative biometric
solution with certain distinct advantages.

How Facial Recognition Time Tracking

Systems Work
Facial recognition time tracking uses biometric identification verification based on facial
characteristics. Facial recognition technology varies. The system may look at specific algo-
rithms of the distances between features, consult 2D images, or use 3D facial recognition
to identify specific facial features.
The first step in implementing facial biometrics is to get all employees registered in the fa-
cial database for future identification and biometrics authentication. From that point for-

11 Communique August 2019

Advantages of Face Recognition Time Tracking

Time tracking with facial recognition can about time fraud or “buddy punching”
benefit your company in a number of with a facial recognition time tracking
ways: system.
· Automated time tracking system: · Tighter security: Facial biometric time
Automation simplifies time tracking, tracking allows you to not only track
and there is no need to have person- employees but also add visitors to the
nel to monitor the system 24 hours a system so they can be tracked through-
day. To err is human, and with auto- out the worksite. Access can be denied
mated systems, human error is elimi- to any person not in the system. If an
nated. A time and attendance system incident should occur, facial recognition
using facial recognition technology software can provide evidence for an
can accurately report attendance, ab- investigation with a scanned image of a
sence, and overtime with an identifi- person or persons who have entered
cation process that is fast as well as the area.
· Time saving and reduced contagion:
· Labor cost savings: Facial recogni- When contagious illnesses such as
tion software can accurately track colds and viruses spread throughout
time and attendance without human the workforce, it can increase the inci-
error. It keeps track of the exact num- dence of employee absences and sig-
ber of hours an employee is working, nificantly reduce productivity. With faci-
which can help save the company al recognition, employees can enter
money. You will never have to worry and leave the facility in considerably
less time. There is no need to touch the
surface of the system to clock in or out.
This saves time, as well as minimizing
the spread illnesses due to physical

12 Communique August 2019

Cer fied as One
By: Josef Jus n M. Galicia – Quality Management Sec on

TUV-SUD Philippines conducted the first ISO 9001:2015 get our output (to polish our QMS). This means, it is
recer fica on audit of MHPS-TS last July 16-17, 2019. important to consider also the related issue surround-
Recer fica on audit is a standard ac vity if the organiza- ed by their findings, not only specific issue with the
on has completed the three cycle audit (1 cer fica on findings.
audit and 2 surveillance audit). Previously, MHPS-TS is
2. Elaborate engineering company process completely
maintaining two cer ficates for the two batches, but for
the recer fica on audit it was merged into 1 cer ficate. We are an engineering company and the most im-
This decision is beneficial for both company and employ- portant documents in our QMS are engineering pro-
ees in terms of cost reduc on and less me consuming cess and its explanatory documents with technical
for the audit ac vity. points (how to document), and checklist. Let's focus on
these documents more deeply.
The audit team consists of four auditors from TUV-SUD
Philippines namely Mr. Xavier Lance Dy, Mr. Nestor 3. Internal auditors
Frayco, Ms. Salvacion Ganot and Mr. Jofre Velasco. The I would like to increase the number of internal audi-
recer fica on audit aims to determine the effec veness tors. In comparison between the plan made by the en-
of MHPS-TS’ quality management system and its extent gineer with the knowledge and by the one without
of conformity based on ISO 9001:2015 Standard, also to knowledge, there is a world of difference between
ensure that applicable statutory, regulatory and contrac- their planning and output.
tual requirements are met so that client can reasonably
4. Auditors Impression
expect to achieve their specified requirements and lastly
to iden fy areas for poten al improvement. According to the auditors, the maturity of our organiza-
on is on high level considering that this is our first
A er the two day audit, there were 10 findings in which
recer fica on audit and a combina on of two batches
1 minor non-conformity and 9 opportuni es for im-
with less nonconformity. All processes are in place and
provement. Following this, MHPS-TS will be recommend-
the controls is very visible. Comparing with other com-
ed by the TÜV SÜD for cer fica on with ISO 9001:2015
pany, with a big number of employees and process
a er the submission and evalua on of correc ve ac-
complexity, we have a good result of recer fica on
ons. This means that the con nuity of the implementa-
on of our QMS in compliance to ISO 9001:2015 require-
ments are being carried out effec vely thru con nuous Let us be proud of ourselves!!!
monitoring and implementa on of ac on plan. The ac-
vity was an overall success through relentless efforts of
all divisions, our Top Management and all MHPS-TS em-
ployees who helped and cooperated before and during
For the closing mee ng, President Masahiko Mishiro
imparts some lessons and message to all par cipant:
1. Findings of an auditors are the source of our energy.

Their findings can be our energy. Let's make use them to

13 Communique August 2019

Recer fica on Audit Highlights . . . .
Opening Mee ng

Top Management and Managers

Layout and Piping Engineering Division

14 Communique August 2019

Digital Engineering Division

I&C/C&E Engineering Division

15 Communique August 2019

Civil Engineering Department

Administra on Division

16 Communique August 2019

Boiler Engineering Division

Process Plant and Equipment Engineering Division

Quality Management Sec on

17 Communique August 2019

Machinery Engineering Division

Closing Mee ng

18 Communique August 2019

19 Communique August 2019
20 Communique August 2019
21 Communique August 2019
22 Communique August 2019


Congratula ons to our 39 qualified employees on reaching a service milestone with MHPS-TS. We appreciate the
part you play in providing good standards and commitment to excellence in every hard work you did.

And as a symbol of gra tude and apprecia on, the loyalty awarding ceremony was held last August 2, 2019,
headed by our President Mishiro and a ended by our Engineering Director Mr. Ozaki together with our
Administra ve Director Mr. Nakamura. Cer ficates of apprecia on were given to our 20 awardees in recogni on
of their 5 years of service in the company, and plaques of recogni on to our 6 dedicated employees for their 10
years invaluable service, 12 employees for their 15 years of service, and of course, 1 employee for 25 years of
service. All awardees were also given a monetary award uploaded in their respec ve bank accounts.


(At the back: Mr. Atsushi Nakamura, Mr. Eiji Ozaki, Mr. Ron Jason Jabat, Mr. Ruel Manicdao, Mr. Rael Pimentel, Mr. Danilo Albarracin, Mr. Paul Bryan
Lorete, Mr. Jhofer Waltz Robado) (2nd row: Mr. Julius Solina, Mr. Jasper Peremne, Ms. Diana Ruth Sison, Ms. Chola Mae Sespeñe, Ms. Lyann Angel Valencia,
Ms. Anna Rosa Navarro, Ms. Dyna Mariz Tongco, Ms. Shyrylle Villarta, Ms. Judy Rose De Castro, Ms. Herlyn Concepcion, Ms. Monica Panganiban, Ms. Ju-
lienne Mar n, President Masahiko Mishiro) ***Not in the picture: Mr. Genesis Aguinaldo and Ms. Marissa Lizze e Manalo


(From Le to Right: Mr. Atsushi Nakamura, Mr. Eiji Ozaki, Mr. Bryan Sosa, Mr. Rolando Pido, Mr. Ryan Gulle, and President Masahiko Mishiro) ***Not in the
picture: Mr. Alvin Queddeng, Mr. Israel Ruiz, Ms. Mary Jane Tienzo

23 Communique August 2019


(From Top – Le to Right: Mr. Atsushi Nakamura, Mr. Eiji Ozaki, Mr. Randy Gita, Mr. Michael Angelo Renovilla, Mr. James Michael John Cabrera, Mr. Gre-
gorio Boquiron, Mr. Joseph Manansala, Mr. Richard Melchor, President Masahiko Mishiro) (From Bo om: Mr. David Garcia, Mr. Arnel Oguite, Mr. Larry
Jacob and Mr. Orville Manansala) ***Not in the picture: Mr. Darwin Castro and Mr. Victor Estrella


(From Le to Right: Mr. Eiji Ozaki, Mr. Atsushi Nakamura, Mr. Rexlyxx Vista, and President Masahiko Mishiro)

24 Communique August 2019

MBT 2019

"The 15th Season of MHPS Technical Services Corpora on Basketball Tournament (MBT) opened last July 6, 2019 at the G Court Basket-
ball Gym, Pioneer St, Mandaluyong City.
It was formally opened by no less than MHPS-TS President Masahiko Mishiro. The muse of BOILER/CIVIL/PPPED won the best in muse
award. The team Digital Division won the best in uniform award.
Everyone is invited to watch exci ng MBT games every Tuesday (August 20 to December 03, 2019) 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at the G Court
Basketball Gym in Pioneer St, Mandaluyong."
Volume V, No. 8
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems
Technical Services Corpora on









To provide the best engineering output continuously

for the PJs of MHI & MHPS, such as EPC PJ and

Manufacturing PJ, with everybody’s participation in

the positioned as right Figure.


We will become world class Global Engineering Center

in Engineering of EPC and/or Manufacturing.

January 1, 2015

Masahiko Mishiro Date


27th/F Robinsons Cybergate Center Tower 3, Pioneer St.,
Mandaluyong City, 1550 Philippines

Phone: 794-0220
Fax: 794-0202

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