United States Patent (19) : 11 Patent Number: 4,828,024 45) Date of Patent: May 9, 1989

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 4,828,024

Roche 45) Date of Patent: May 9, 1989

54 DVERTER SYSTEMAND BLOWOUT (56) References Cited
(75) Inventor: Joseph R. Roche, Humble, Tex. 3,589,667 6/1971 Lewis .................................... 166/97
4,378,849 4/1983 Wilks .................... ... 251/1.
(73) Assignee: Hydril Company, Los Angeles, Calif. 4,444,250 4/1984 Keithahn et al. ... ... 251/1.1
4,444,401 4/1984 Roche et al. ........................ 166/363
* Notice: The portion of the term of this patent 4,456,062 6/1984 Roche et al. ..... ... 137/869
subsequent to Oct. 15, 2002 has been 4,456,063 6/1984 Roche ............... w & a & as as a 66/84
Primary Examiner-Bruce M. Kisliuk
21 Appl. No.: 268,792 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Dodge, Bush & Moseley
22) Fied: Nov. 9, 1988 (57) ABSTRACT
A system is disclosed which may alternatively be used
Related U.S. Application Data as a diverter or as a blowout preventer for a drilling rig.
(63) Continuation of Ser. No. 888,287, Jul. 24, 1986, which The system comprises a blowout preventer attached
is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 882,022, Jul. 31, above a spool having a hydraulically driven sleeve/pis
1986, abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of ton. An outlet flow passage in the spool, which may be
Ser. No. 609,501, May 11, 1984, abandoned, which is a connected to a vent line, is closed off by the sleeve wall
continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 569,790, Jan. 10, 1984, when the spool piston is at rest.
Pat. No. 4,546,828.
Hydraulic ports are connected above and below the
(51) Int. Cl. .....
w a a 8 8 & 888 & 0 8 8 & t 8 8 4 & 0 & 0 & 880 & 8 w E21B33/06 blowout preventer annular piston and above and below
(52) U.S. Cl. ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. 166/84; 166/374; the spool annular piston. The ports below the blowout
137/869; 251/1.1 preventer piston and above the spool piston are in fluid
(58) Field of Search ................... 175/214, 218, 209, 7, communication with each other. A hydraulic circuit is
175/9; 166/82, 84, 95, 97, 75.1, 367, 53, 363, provided having two valves between a source of pres
368, 374,364, 358, 87, 319, 88,332, 321; surized hydraulic fluid and a drain.
251/1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 63.5, 63.6, 343; 137/862, 865,
869, 872, 883, 885, 114,861, 81.2, 236.1 12 Claims, 7 Drawing Sheets


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switches, mechanical linkages and valve actuators.
OVERTER SYSTEMAND BLOWOUT Such exposure has in the past caused occasional break
PREVENTER age and damage to such parts. Delicate parts can be
damaged or broken by impact with heavy equipment,
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 5 use as steps or handholds by working personnel, or
Cross Reference to Related Applications vibrations induced by running equipment. System mal
This application is a continuation of application Ser. functions which result from such damage can be cata
No. 888,287, filed July 24, 1986 which is a continuation
in-part of Ser. No. 882,022 filed July 3, 1986, now aban 10
Another hazard of prior art diverter systems has been
doned, which is a continuation-in-part of 609,501 filed the result of vent line blockage because the vent valve
May 11, 1984, now abandoned, which is a continuation has been remote from the diverter unit itself. A stagnant
in-part of Ser. No. 569,790 filed Jan. 10, 1984 now U.S. space has existed at a critical location in the vent line.
Pat. No. 4,546,828. Build up of ice or other solids and/or caking of mud in
such a dead space may cause the critically important
15 vent line to be choked off. A restricted or shut-off vent
This invention relates in general to diverters and line may cause a dangerous pressure increase while
blowout preventer systems for drilling rigs. In particu being called upon to divert.
lar, the invention relates to a system adapted for alterna Still another problem of priort art diverter systems
tive use as a diverter or a blowout preventer. 20 has involved the use of component sources from a num
DESCRIPTION OF THE PRIOR ART ber of different manufacturers. The annulus closing
device, vent and flow line valves, actuators, sequencing
Diverter systems are known for drilling rigs in which devices and control system components have typically
a diverter element is provided in the support housing each been provided by a different manufacturer. Rig
attached to the support beams beneath the drilling rig 25 operating personnel are usually burdened with devising
rotary table. Such diverter systems have provided a the vent line valve circuit interconnecting the compo
vent line and a flow line in the permanent housing be nents (which are often widely physically separated
neath the rotary table. Such systems have required ex when installed) and stocking a varied assortment of
ternal valve systems in the vent line to open the fluid spare parts using extraordinary caution to avoid mis
system to the vent line when the diverter is closed so 30 connections and keeping a number of rig personnel
that fluid flow may be directed away from the drilling trained to operate and maintain a diverse assortment of
rig. Such diverter systems have been provided not only complicated components.
for floating vessel drilling rigs, but also for bottom sup Some prior art diverter systems for bottom supported
ported offshore drilling rigs and for land rigs. rigs have included the use of a high pressure external
Fatal and costly accidents have resulted from the 35 valve in the vent line to control the diverting function.
complexity of the prior art diverter systems described Closure of such a valve has enabled the diverter to be
above. Typical prior art diverter systems have included
an annulus closing device, external vent and flow line converted to a blowout preventer after sufficient casing
valves, actuators, limit switches and sequence controls. pressure integrity has been established during drilling
This complicated valving and piping of the prior art has operations. However, if this valve should inadvertently
been further complicated by the inherent risks of manip be closed during an attempt to divert, breach of the
ulating loose packer inserts into the diverter itself. The casing or explosion of the diverter system could
complexity of the prior art systems has invited a variety threaten the safety of the rig itself.
of human error and equipment malfunctions. Still another problem of prior art diverter systems has
One problem with the prior art systems has involved 45
been the result of valve mismatch. While many different
the use of external valving in the diverter system. types of valves have been used in diverter systems,
Valves which are external to the diverter unit not only there has been no single valve that is especially well
add clutter to the diverter system and the rig configura suited to the particular application of a diverter system.
tion, they have also required multiple control functions Selection of the type, size and rating of such valves has
which are required to operate correctly. For example, been a vexing puzzle for designers of rig valve systems
prior art diverter system valves have required an actuat 50
which has been required to be solved usually when a
ing pressure signal that is regulated to a discrete pres new drilling rig is being built.
sure level different from the operating pressure level of Perhaps the most destructive problem of the prior art
the diverter unit. The need for separate and different diverter systems has been the inherent risk of pressure
control functions executed in only one safe sequence testing in situ. Pressure testing of prior diverter systems
has required separate pressure regulators and connect 55 has been accomplished by overriding the safety se
ing functional components that are in different locations quencing in the valves so that the vent line valve is
on the underside of the rig floor. Such a requirement has closed simultaneously with closure of the annulus. Such
invited mistakes and malfunctions.
In addition to the problem of multiple control func problem is inherent not only in the packer insert type
tions, there has existed problems with mistakenly diverter systems, but also the annular blowout preven
crossed hydraulic connections in prior art diverter sys ter/spool type diverter systems. Disastrous results have
tems. Misconnection of control lines can cause a valve been experienced when the safety overriding mecha
to be closed when it should be open or vice versa poten nism has been unintentionally left in place when testing
tially resulting in an explosion in the diverter system or is completed and drilling is resumed.
breach of the casing. 65 Still another problem in the prior art is the effects of
Another problem of the prior art diverter systems has the initial flow of fluid and solids in the event of a shal
been exposure to the working environment of delicate low gas kick. Forces from this initial flow create high
parts such as hydraulic tubing and fittings, limit pressures on the drilling rig including the blowout pre
3 4.
venter seals and huge reaction forces on supports for SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
the vent lines.
IDENTIFICATION OF THE OBJECTS OF THE According to the invention, a system is provided
achieving the above identified objects as well as other
advantages and features for use with drilling rigs, off
It is therefore a primary object of this invention to shore and land drilling rigs, which is adapted for alter
overcome the disadvantages and problems and inherent native use as a diverter or a blowout preventer, espe
safety risks of the prior art diverter systems. cially during the initial drilling phases of a borehole.
It is another object of the invention to provide a The system comprises a blowout preventer having a
system which may be remotely controlled for alterna O resilient packing means and having a closing port and an
tive use as a diverter system or as a blowout preventer opening port by which connection of a source of pres
system. surized hydraulic fluid to the closing port closes the
It is another object of the invention to provide a blockout preventer and connection of a source of pres
surized hydraulic control fluid to the opening port
system designed for alternative use as a diverter system 15 opens
or annular blowout preventer system in which in the vided intheseries blowout preventer. A spool means is pro
with and below the blowout preventer.
diverter mode, the opening of a vent line occurs sequen The spool means has a housing with vent outlet pas
tially before the closing of the annulus by the system. sages provided in its wall.
It is still another object of the invention to provide a A diverter piston having an annular wall is disposed
hydraulic control system for the operation of the system 20 within the housing. A lower port in the housing is pro
adapted for alternative use as a diverter or a blowout vided by which connection of a source of pressurized
preventer system. In other words, it is an object to hydraulic
provide via remote hydraulic controls a hydraulic sig ton from acontrol fluid to the lower port raises the pis
lower position to an upper position and an
nal to the unit for performing an inherently safe execu upper port by which connection of a source of pressur
tion of the rerouting of flow of a well kick or, after 25 ized hydraulic
deliberate reconfiguration of the system, for closing in said piston fromcontrol fluid to the upper port lowers
an upper position to a lower position in
the well in a blowout preventer mode. the housing.
It is another object of the invention to provide a The vent outlet passage in the housing wall is cov
system having no stagnant space, a system in which the ered
vent flow is immediately opened when the system is 30 in thebylower the annular wall of the piston means when it is
position. The vent outlet passage is open to
operating in a diverter mode and begins to divert flow the interior of the housing when the piston is above the
away from the work area. Avoiding the stagnant space lower position. Hydraulic circuit means are provided
eliminates a place for caking of solids that may obstruct for connecting a source of pressurized hydraulic control
or shut-off vent flow. fluid to the closing port of the blowout preventer
Another object according to the alternative embodi 35 thereby closing the blowout preventer while insuring
ment of the invention is to provide a combined diverter that the outlet passage in the diverter housing remains
system/blowout preventer system wherein the hydrau covered by the diverter piston wall. The hydraulic
lic circuit means comprises a single hydraulic valve circuit means is also provided for alternatively connect
having an open position and a close position thereby ing a source of pressurized hydraulic control fluid to the
providing in a first mode inherently safe execuiton of 40 lower port in the diverter housing thereby raising the
rerouting of the flow of pressurized well fluid and in a diverter piston from its lower position and uncovering
second mode a blowout preventer. the vent outlet in the spool wall and sequentially closing
It is another object according to the alternative em the blowout preventer.
bodiment of the invention to provide a diverter system In a first embodiment of the invention, the blowout
using a single hydraulic valve where a vent line may be 45 preventer of the novel system is an annular blowout
connected to an outlet passage in the diverter spool preventer adapted for closing the annulus between a
housing so that when the blowout preventer closes and drill pipe or other object and the interior vertical bore
the diverter piston raises, the vertical path is closed by of the preventer or completely closing and sealing the
the blowout preventer and a vent line to divert fluid 50 objectvertical bore of the preventer in the absence of any
flow through the outlet passage is opened. in the preventer. Other annulus sealing apparatus
may be used as a substitute for an annular blowout
It is another object according to the alternative em preventer,
bodiment of the invention to provide a blowout pre packer mayfor example an inflatable doughnut shaped
be used for certain applications of the novel
venter system using a single hydraulic valve having an system described below.
open position and a close position so that upon actuation 55 A vent line is preferably connected to the vent outlet
of the valve, the blowout preventer closes and the di passage provided in the housing wall of the spool to
verter piston raises in the diverter spool housing to open conduct pressurized well fluid away from the drilling
an outlet passage which is sealed by a blind flange or rig on the occurrence of a kick.
hub thereby presenting a blowout preventer pressure According to the first embodiment of the invention,
containment system.
It is another object according to an alternative em twohydraulic
the circuit means comprises a first hydraulic
position valve having an open position and a close
bodiment of the invention to provide a subsea diverter position and a second hydraulic two position valve
spool hydraulically connected to a blowout preventer having a BOP position and a divert position. Hydraulic
disposed above sea level, wherein the subsea diverter lines are connected respectively between the opening
spool is provided with vent lines extending from its 65 port of the BOP and the first hydraulic valve, between
outlet passage, and wherein the vent lines are economi the first and second hydraulic valves, between the sec
cally and effectively connected to longitudinal struc ond hydraulic valve and the lower port of the housing
tural members of the bottom supported drilling rig. of the diverter means, and among the upper port of the
5 6
housing of the spool means and the closing port of the opening port of the blowout preventer and the hydrau
blowout preventer and the second hydraulic valve. lic valve, between the hydraulic valve and the lower
A closed and sealed reservoir of hydrualic fluid is port of the housing of the diverter spool means, and
disposed in the diverter housing above the diverter between the closing port of the housing of the diverter
piston when the piston is in the lower position. When spool means and the closing port of the blowout pre
the first hydraulic valve is in the open position, a source Venter.
of pressurized hydraulic control fluid is applied to the A sealed reservoir of hydraulic control fluid is dis
open port of the BOP thereby opening the BOP and posed in the diverter housing above the diverter piston
maintaining the diverter position in its lower position. when the piston is in the lower position. When the
When the first hydraulic valve is in the closed posi O hydraulic valve is in the open position, a source of pres
tion and the second hydraulic valve is in the divert surized hydraulic fluid is applied to the opening port of
position, the source of hydraulic fluid is applied to the the blowout preventer thereby opening the blowout
lower port of the spool neans thereby raising the di preventer and maintaining the diverter piston in its
verter piston from a lower position to an upper position, lower position.
uncovering the outlet passage in the housing, forcing 15 When the hydraulic valve is in the close position, a
the reservoir of hydraulic fluid above the diverter pis source of pressurized hydraulic fluid is applied to the
ton to the closing port of the BOP via the hydraulic line lower port of the diverter spool means operably raising
between the upper port of the housing of the spool the diverter piston from a lower position to an upper
means and the closing port of the BOP thereby sequen position, opening the outlet passage in the housing,
tially closing the BOP after the outlet passage in the 20 displacing the reservoir of hydraulic fluid above the
diverter housing is opened. diverter piston to the closing chamber of the blowout
When the first hydraulic valve is in the closed posi preventer via the hydraulic line between the upper port
tion and the second hydraulic valve is in the BOP posi of the housing of the spool means and the closing port
tion, the source of hydraulic fluid is applied to the clos of the blowout preventer and operably sequentially
ing port of the BOP and the upper port of the spool 25 closing the blowout preventer after the outlet passage in
means thereby closing the BOP and maintaining the the diverter housing has opened.
diverter piston in its lower position. Preferably, in the second embodiment of the inven
According to a second embodiment of the invention, tion, the blowout preventer is an annular blowout pre
a system is provided for use with drilling rigs, both for venter adapted for closing the annulus between a drill
offshore and land drilling rigs, which is adapted for 30 pipe or other object and the interior vertical well fluid
alternative use as a blowout preventer or a diverter, flow path of the preventer or completely closing the
especially during the initial drilling phases of a bore vertical flow path in the absence of any object in the
hole. The system comprises a blowout preventer having preventer. As stated above, other annulus sealing
resilient packing means and having a closing port and an means, such as those having hydraulically actuated
opening port by which providing pressurized hydraulic 35 blowout preventer inserts may be used to seal the verti
control fluid to the closing port closes the blowout cal flow path about a drill pipe or other object.
preventer and providing pressurized hydraulic control In the second embodiment of the invention, a vent
fluid to the opening port opens the blowout preventer. line may be connected to the outlet passage provided in
Although an annular BOP is preferred for this second the housing wall of the diverter spool means thereby
embodiment of the invention, other types of BOP's providing a divert mode for the system when said di
which are adapted to seal about an object in its vertical verter piston raises from its lower position and opens
flow path may be used for certain applications. the outlet passage while sequentially closing the blow
A diverter spool means is provided in series with and out preventer. A blast deflector/selector may be con
below the blowout preventer. The spool means has an nected to the vent line.
outlet passage provided in its wall. A diverter piston 45 In the second embodiment of the invention, a blind
having an annular wall is disposed within the housing. flange or hub may be connected to the outlet passage
A lower control port in the housing is provided by provided in the housing wall of the diverter spool
which providing pressurized hydraulic fluid to the means thereby providing a blowout preventer pressure
lower port raises the piston from a lower position to an containment mode for the system when the diverter
upper position and an upper control port by which 50 piston raises from its lower position closing the blowout
providing pressurized hydraulic fluid to the upper port preventer whereby the blind flange seals the outlet
lowers the piston from an upper position to a lower passage thereby preventing fluid communication there
position in the housing. The outlet passage in the hous through. Such an embodiment obviates the need for a
ing wall is closed off by the annular wall of the piston selector valve in the control system.
when the piston is in the lower position. The outlet 55 In an alternative embodiment of the invention a sub
passage is open to the interior of the housing when the sea diverter spool is provided with the blowout pre
piston is lifted off. venter positioned above sea level. The subsea diverter
Hydraulic circuit means for the second embodiment spool is provided with a vent line which is attached to
of the invention provide pressurized hydraulic fluid to a bottom supported rig structural member. The subsea
the closing port of the blowout preventer thereby clos diverter spool may advantageously include an auto
ing the blowout preventer and provide pressurized matic opening device for the vent line and an apparatus
hydraulic fluid to the lower port in the diverter housing to effectively diffuse the fluids subsea resulting resulting
thereby raising the diverter piston from its lower posi from a kick.
tion and opening the outlet passage. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
According to the second embodiment of the inven 65
tion, the hydraulic circuit means comprises a hydraulic The objects, advantages and features of the invention
valve having an open position and a close position. will become more apparent by reference to the draw
Hydraulic lines are connected respectively between the ings which are appended hereto and wherein like nu
7 8
merals indicate like parts and wherein an illustrative FIG. 16 is a section view taken along lines 16-16 of
embodiment of the invention is presented of which: FIG. 13 and FIG. 16A is a detail view of the alternative
FIG. 1 illustrates the system, according to the inven securement of the vent line to a structural member of
tion, of an annular blowout preventer connected in the drilling rig, and
series above a spool having a diverter annular piston FIG. 17 is an elevational view of a floating drilling
and opening in the spool housing and a hydraulic circuit platform illustrating the location of the diverter.
for alternatively connecting the system as a diverter or DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION
a BOP. The system of FIG. 1 shows the system having
an opened vertical flow path; FIG. 1 shows a system 10 adapted for alternative use
FIG. 2 shows the system, according to the invention, O as a diverter or a blowout preventer for use with a
in which a hydraulic circuit controls the apparatus in a drilling rig. Although the system could find application
blowout preventer mode. The system is illustrated in a floating drilling rig or even a land rig, its preferred
where the annular packing unit of an annular BOP com application would be for bottom founded offshore dril
pletely closes off and seals the vertical flow path where ling rigs. This spatial arrangement will be discussed
no object such as a drill pipe, etc. is in the vertical flow 15 below and is illustrated in FIGS. 12-17.
path; According to the invention, a blowout preventer 20 is
FIG. 3 shows the system, according to the invention, connected in series above a diverter spool 30. Although
in which the hydraulic circuit controls the system to be illustrated schematically as two separate units, the di
connected as a diverter in which an opening to a vent verter spool housing 32 could be integral with the BOP
line is provided and the vertical flow path is sequen 20 housing 21. The flow line (not illustrated) directs mud
tially closed and sealed by the BOP unit; returns flow under ordinary drilling conditions is posi
FIG. 4 shows an alternative embodiment of the sys tioned above the blowout preventer so that closure of
tem, according to the invention, in which a hydraulic the blowout preventer shuts off mud return flow to the
valve controls the system set up in a diverter mode mud pit. Alternatively, the diverter spool 30 could be
where a vent line is provided; 25 separated vertically from the housing 21 of the BOP20
FIG. 5 shows the system, similar to FIG. 4, according by providing an intermediate spool between the two
to an second embodiment of the invention, in which a housings. Such a configuration would be adapted to the
hydraulic valve controls the system setup as a diverter spatial arrangement necessities of, for example, an off
but where the diverter piston is in an open position to shore drilling platform or bottom founded offshore
provide flow through the vent line and the vertical flow 30 drilling rig. A detailed disclosure of this spatial arrange
path is sequentially closed and sealed by the blowout ment will be presented below and is illustrated in FIGS.
preventer unit; 9-17.
FIG. 6 shows the system, according to an second According to the invention, the BOP 20 is preferably
embodiment of the invention, in which a hydraulic an annular type BOP having an annular packing unit 22,
valve controls the system to be connected in a blowout 35 an annular piston 24, an opening port 28 and a closing
preventer pressure containment mode where the outlet port 26. Such an annular blowout preventer (BOP) is
passage is sealed by a blind flange or hub; well known in the art and functions to close and seal the
FIG. 7 shows the system, similar to FIG. 6, according packing unit about an object in the vertical flow path or
to an second embodiment of the invention, in which a bore 12 or to completely close and seal the bore 12 in
hydraulic valve controls the system where the diverter the absence of an object. The BOP functions to close
piston is shown in an open position and the vertical flow about the vertical flow path when a source of pressur
path is closed and sealed by the blowout preventer unit, ized hydraulic control fluid is applied to the closing
FIG. 8 shows the system, similar to FIGS. 6 and 7 in port 26 or alternatively to open when a source of pres
which an insert type annular sealing means is used in surized hydraulic control fluid is applied to the opening
combination with the diverter spool according to the 45 port 28. As discussed below, other types of annular
invention where the diverter piston is in the divert sealing devices may be substituted for the BOP illus
mode such that drilling fluid returns exit via a vent line trated in FIG. 1 especially where only a divert mode for
and the vertical flow path of the system is closed by the system is desired.
means of an insert type annular sealing apparatus, As illustrated in FIG. 1, the opening port is con
FIG. 9 illustrates an elevational view of the subsea 50 nected to a source of pressurized hydraulic control fluid
diverter spool shown partially in section, in which the and the annular piston 24 is forced downwardly causing
diverter piston is shown in the closed position, the packer unit 22 to open in the usual fashion.
FIG. 10 illustrates an alternative embodiment of the According to the invention, the diverter spool 30 has
subsea diverter spool having a plurality of ports, a spool housing 32 in which is disposed a spool annular
FIG. 11 illustrates a section view along lines 11-11 55 piston 34. A cylindrical member 33 is also disposed in
of FIG. 9, the spool housing 32 defining an annular space between
FIG. 12 is an elevational view of a bottom supported the spool housing 32 and the cylindrical member 33 in
drilling rig illustrating the positioning of the subsea which the spool annular piston 34 is disposed. As illus
diverter spool relative to the blowout preventer, trated in FIG. 1, the spool annular piston 34 is in a lower
FIG. 13 is an elevational view illustrating the hydrau position. In such lower position, a reservoir 42 is pro
lic connection between the subsea diverter spool and vided between the upper part 34 and the uppermost
the blowout preventer and further illustrates secure portion 33 of sleeve member 33. The reservoir 42 is
ment of the vent line to the bottom supported drilling preferably filled with hydraulic control fluid.
rig, An outlet passage 36 is provided in the lower part of
FIG. 14 is a section view along lines 14-14 of FIG. 65 the spool housing 32, and when the spool annular piston
13 and FIG. 14A is a detail view of the connection of 34 is in the lower position, as illustrated in FIG. 1, the
the vent line to a structural member of the drilling rig, lower part 34" of the spool piston 34 covers and seals
FIG. 15 is a side view of FIG. 12, the outlet passage 36. A vent line 40 is connected to the
spool housing 32 for communication with the outlet line 54 and line 54 to the closing port 26 of BOP 20.
passage 36. In the lower position of the spool piston 34, Providing a source of pressurized hydraulic fluid be
the outlet passage 36 is closed from communication neath the piston 24 causes it to move upwardly operably
within the vertical flow path 12 of the system to the directing the annular packing unit 22 radially inwardly
vent line 40. Seal 39 serves to seal fluid from the vertical 5 until it completely closes off the vertical flow path 12.
flow path 12 to the outlet passage 36 and vent line 40 By applying the source of pressurized hydraulic fluid to
when the spool annular piston 34 is in the lower posi line 54 and line 54, the source of pressurized hydraulic
tion. In the preferred embodiment of the invention, a fluid is also applied to the upper port 41 operably retain
“sacrificial” seal seat ring 35 is provided below the ing the spool piston 34 in its lower position and opera
bottom with seal 39 in sealing the outlet passage 36 from 10 bly preventing fluid communication between vent line
the vertical flow path. The ring 35 may be easily re 40 and the vertical flow path 12.
placed if it should erode during the divert mode of the FIG. 3 illustrates the system, according to the inven
system 10. tion, after it has been put into the divert mode. FIG. 3
According to the invention, lower port 38 is provided should be viewed as the end result of providing first
for directing a source of pressurized hydraulic fluid 15 hydraulic valve 44 to the closed position after the sec
beneath the upper part 34 of spool annular piston 34 for ond hydraulic valve 46 has been moved to the divert
the purpose of raising spool annular piston 34 within the position. In other words, FIG. 3 should be viewed as
spool housing 32. An upper port 41 is provided for coming to the condition as illustrated from that illus
lowering the spool piston 34 within the spool housing trated in FIG. 1. In still other words, the second hy
32 when a source of pressurized hydraulic fluid is ap draulic valve 46 is first put to the divert position and
plied to the upper port 41. then the first hydraulic valve 44 is moved to the closed
According to the invention, a hydraulic circuit is position.
provided for alternatively connecting the system as a Before first hydraulic valve 44 is moved to the closed
diverter or as a blowout preventer. The hydraulic cir position, the vertical flow path 12 will be completely
cuit comprises a first hydraulic valve 44 and a second 25 open. That is, the spool piston 34 will be in the lower
hydraulic valve 46. A hydraulic line 48 is provided position as illustrated in FIG. 1 and the annular piston
between the opening port 28 of the BOP and the first 24 and the packing unit 22 will be in the relaxed or open
hydraulic valve 44. The hydraulic line 52 is provided position. When the first hydraulic valve 44 is moved to
between the lower port 38 and the second hydraulic the closed position, the supply of pressurized hydraulic
valve 46. Another hydraulic line 50 is provided between 30 control fluid is applied via the first hydraulic valve 44,
the first hydraulic valve 44 and the second hydraulic the hydraulic line 50 and the second hydraulic valve 46
valve 46. A hydraulic line 54 is provided between the to the hydraulic line 52 to the lower port 38. Applica
closing port 26 of BOP 20 and the upper port 41 of the tion of a pressurized hydraulic control fluid beneath the
diverter spool 30. (Where housing 21 of the BOP and upper part 34 of the spool piston 34 causes the piston to
housing 32 of the spool 30 are integral, line 54 may be 35 move upwardly to an upper position as illustrated in
provided within the combined integral housing). Hy FIG. 3. An upward movement of spool annular piston
draulic line 54 connects the second hydraulic valve 46 34 opens the outlet passage 36 allowing fluid communi
to the line 54 between the closing port 26 of BOP 20 and cation from the vertical flow path 12 to vent line 40.
the upper port 41 of the diverter spool 30. The upward movement of the spool piston 34 causes
In the positions illustrated of the first hydraulic valve the hydraulic fluid in reservoir 42, as illustrated in FIG.
44 and the second hydraulic valve 46, a hydraulic path 1, to move upwardly via the upper port 41 and line 54
exists from a supply of pressurized hydraulic fluid to the closing port 26 of BOP 20. Displacement of the
through the first hydraulic valve 44 to the opening port pressurized fluid from the reservoir 42 beneath the pis
28 of BOP 20. Providing a source of pressurized hy ton 24 causes it to move upwardly and thereby closing
draulic control fluid via the opening port 28 causes the 45 the annular packing unit 22 about an object in the verti
annular piston 24 to remain in the lower portion thereby cal flow path 12 or completely closing the vertical flow
maintaining the packing unit 22 in the relaxed or open path 12 even in the absence of any object in the well
state. The fact that the annular piston 24 is in the lower bore.
position causes any hydraulic fluid in space 60 beneath It should be observed that the annular piston 24 does
the annular piston 24 to be forced downwardly and 50 not move appreciably upwardly until the spool piston
simultaneously via the output to the drain of the hy 34 has moved upwardly sufficiently to open the outlet
draulic fluid via line 54 and line 54 through the second passage 36 to fluid communication with the vent line 40.
hydraulic valve 46 and hydraulic line 50. The spool Thus, the annular packing unit 22 sequentially closes
piston 34 remains in its lower position. In the position of after the outlet passage 36 has been uncovered. This
the first and second hydraulic valves 44 and 46, as illus 55 sequential opening of the diverter spool outlet passage
trated in FIG. 1, the spool piston 34 remains in its lower 36 and the closing of the annular BOP 20 insures that
position, operably closing off flow from the upward the system when in the divert mode can not be com
vertical flow path 12 to the vent line 40, and the annular pletely closed off in the event of a kick or other emer
BOP 20 remains in an open position. gency.
FIG. 2 illustrates the condition of the system after the The system 10 is returned to the open position by
hydraulic circuitry has been configured to put the sys returning the first hydraulic valve 44 to the open posi
tem into a blowout preventer pressure containment tion. As FIG. 1 illustrates, the supply of pressurized
mode. The second hydraulic valve 46 is shown remain hydraulic control fluid is applied via line 48 to opening
ing in the BOP position while the first hydraulic valve port 28 operably driving the annular piston 24 down
44 has been moved to the "close' position. 65 wardly and forcing hydraulic fluid in the annular space
In the closed position of the hydraulic valve 44, the 60 out the closing port 26 to the upper port 41 and
source of pressurized hydraulic control fluid is directed driving the spool piston 34 downwardly to the lower
via hydraulic line 50 and second hydraulic valve 46 to position. Thus, as illustrated in FIG. 1, the system is
11 12
returned to the open position of having the vertical flow sealing the outlet passage 36 from the vertical flow path
path 12 open for normal drilling operations with the 12. The seal seat ring 35 may be easily replaced if it
outlet passage 35 closed off by the lower part 34" of should erode during the divert mode of the system. A
spool piston 34. blast deflector/selector 70 is shown connected to the
FIGS. 4 and 5 illustrate an alternative embodiment of 5 vent line 40.
the system adapted for use as a diverter. Although the According to the second embodiment of the inven
system could find application in a floating drilling rig or tion, the lower control port 38 is provided for directing
even a land rig, its preferable application would be for a source of pressurized hydraulic fluid beneath the
bottom founded offshore drilling rigs. upper part 34 of diverter piston 34 for the purpose of
According to the alternative embodiment of the in- 10 raising diverter piston 34 within the diverter housing 32.
vention, a blowout preventer 20 is connected in series An upper control port 41 is provided for lowering the
above a diverter spool means 30. Although illustrated piston 34 within the housing 32 when a source of pres
schematically as two separate units, the diverter spool surized hydraulic fluid is applied to the upper port 41.
housing 32 could be integral with the blowout pre A hydraulic circuit is provided for connecting the
venter housing 21. Alternatively, the diverter spool 15 system alternatively as a diverter or as a blowout pre
housing 32 of the diverter spool means 30 could be venter. The hydraulic circuit comprises a hydraulic
separated vertically from the housing 21 of the blowout valve 44, similar to the first hydraulic valve 44 shown in
preventer 20 by providing an intermediate spool be FIGS. 1-3, having an "open' position and a "close'
tween the two housings. Such a configuration would be position. A hydraulic line 72 is provided between the
adapted to the spatial arrangement necessities of, for 20 opening port 28 of the blowout preventer and the hy
example, an offshore drilling platform or bottom draulic valve 44. The hydraulic line 74 is provided
founded offshore drilling rig. This spatial arrangement between the hydraulic valve 44 and the lower port 38 of
will be further discussed in detail below and is illus the housing 32 of the diverter spool means 30. A hy
trated in FIGS. 9-17. draulic line 54 is provided between the closing port 26
According to the alternative embodiment of the in- 25 of blowout preventer 20 and the upper port 41 of the
vention, the blowout preventer 20 is preferably an annu diverter spool 30. Where housing 21 of the blowout
lar type blowout preventer having an annular resilient preventer and the housing 32 of the spool 30 are inte
packing unit 22, an annular piston 24, an opening port 28 gral, line 54 may be provided within the combined
and a closing port 26. Such an annular blowout pre integral housing.
venter (BOP) is well known in the art and functions to 30 In the "open” position illustrated of the hydraulic
close and seal the packing unit about an object in the valve 44, a hydraulic circuit exists from a supply of
vertical flow path or bore 12 or to completely close and pressurized hydraulic fluid through the hydraulic valve
seal the vertical flow path 12 in the absence of an object 44 to the opening port 28 of the blowout preventer 20
therein. The blowout preventer functions to close about providing a source of pressurized hydraulic control
the vertical flow path 12 when a source of pressurized 35 fluid via the opening port 28 causing the annular piston
hydraulic control fluid is applied to the closing port 26 24 to remain in the lower position thereby maintaining
or, alternatively, to open when a source of pressurized the resilient packing unit 22 in the relaxed or open state.
hydraulic control fluid is applied to the opening port 28. The fact that the annular piston 24 is in the lower posi
As illustrated in FIG. 4, the opening port 28 is con tion causes any hydraulic fluid in space 60 beneath the
nected to a source of pressurized hydraulic control fluid 40 annular piston 24 to be displaced downwardly and si
and the annular piston 24 is forced downwardly causing multaneous via the opening port 26, hydraulic line 54,
the resilient packing unit 22 to open in the usual fashion. and upper port 41 into reservoir 42 forcing piston 34 to
According to an alternative or second embodiment of its lower position. In the "open" position of the hydrau
the invention, the diverter spool means 30 has a spool lic valve 44, as illustrated in FIG. 4, the piston 34 re
housing 32 in which is disposed an annular diverter 45 mains in its lower position, operably closing off flow
piston 34. A cylindrical member 33 is also disposed in from the vertical flow path 12 to the vent line 40 and the
the spool housing 32 defining an annular space between annular blowout preventer 20 remains in an open posi
the spool housing 32 and the cylindrical member 33 in tion. Any hydraulic fluid below upper part 34" is dis
which the annular diverter piston 34 is disposed. As placed through lower port 38 via hydraulic line 74 to
illustrated in FIG. 4, the annular diverter piston 34 is in 50 drain through the hydraulic valve 44.
a lower position. In such lower position, a sealed reser FIG. 5 illustrates the second embodiment of the in
voir 42 of hydraulic fluid is provided between the upper vention after the hydraulic valve 44 has been moved to
part 34 and the uppermost portion 33' of the sleeve or the "close' position.
cylindrical member 33. In the "close' position of the hydraulic valve 44, the
An outlet passage 36 is provided in the lower part of 55 source of pressurized hydraulic fluid is directed via
the spool housing 32, and when the annular diverter hydraulic line 74 via lower control port 38. Application
piston 34 is in the lower piston, as illustrated in FIG. 4, of a pressurized hydraulic control fluid beneath the
the lower part 34" of the piston 34 covers and seals the upper part 34 of the piston 34 causes the piston 34 to
outlet passage 36. A vent line 40 is connected to the move upwardly to an upper position as illustrated in
spool housing 32 for communication with the outlet 60 FIG. 5. Any upward movement of the piston 34 opens
passage 36. In the lower position of the piston 34, the the outlet passage 36 allowing fluid communication
outlet passage 36 is closed from communication within from the vertical flow path 12 to vent line 40.
the vertical flow path 12 of the system to the vent line The upward movement of the piston 34 causes the
40. Seal 39 serves to seal fluid from the vertical flow hydraulic control fluid in the reservoir 42, as illustrated
path 12 to the outlet passage 36 and vent line 40 when 65 in FIG. 4, to move upwardly via the upper port 41 and
the piston 34 is in the lower position. In the alternative line 54 to the closing port 26 of the blowout preventer
embodiment of the invention, a "sacrificial' seal seat 20. Application of the pressurized control fluid from the
ring 35 is provided below the bottom with seal 39 in reservoir 42 beneath the piston 24 causes the piston 24
13 14
to move upwardly thereby closing the annular packing The upward movement of the piston 34 causes the
unit 22 about an object in the vertical flow path 12 or, reservoir 42 of hydraulic fluid, as shown in FIG. 6, to
as illustrated in FIG. 5, completely closing the vertical move upwardly via the upper port 41 and hydraulic line
flow path 12 even in the absence of any object in the 54 to the closing port 26 of the blowout preventer 20.
flow path 12. Application of the pressurized control fluid from the
It should be observed that the annular piston 24 does reservoir 42 beneath the piston 24 causes the piston 24
not move upwardly until the piston 34 has moved up to move upwardly thereby closing the annular packing
wardly sufficiently to open the outlet passage 36 to fluid unit 22 about an object in the vertical flow path 12 or
communication with the vent line 40. Thus, the annular completely closing the vertical flow path 12 even in the
packing unit 22 sequentially closes after the outlet pas O absence of any object in the vertical flow path 12 as is
sage 36 has been adequately uncovered. This sequential illustrated in FIG. 7. The fluid in space 78, as shown in
opening of the diverter spool outlet passage 36 and the FIG. 6, is drained through opening port 28 in the blow
closing of the annular blowout preventer 20 insures that out preventer housing 21 via hydraulic line 72 through
the system when in the divert mode can never be com 15 the hydraulic valve 44 thereby permitting the move
pletely closed off in the event of a kick or other emer ment of the annular piston 24 upwardly.
gency. The hydraulic fluid used to open the piston 24, as The system illustrated in FIG. 7 in a blowout pre
shown in FIG. 4, drains via opening port 28 through venter pressure containment mode is returned to the
hydraulic line 72 and through valve 44 so as to permit “open' position by moving the hydraulic valve 44 to
the upward movement of piston 24. The system as the "open' position. As FIG. 6 illustrates, the supply of
shown in FIG. 5 is returned to the open position by pressurized hydraulic control fluid is applied via line 72
returning the hydraulic valve 44 to the open position. to opening port 28 operably driving the annular piston
As FIG. 4 illustrates, the supply of pressurized hy 24 downwardly and forcing hydraulic fluid in the annu
draulic control fluid is applied via line 74, as explained lar space 60 out the closing port 26 to the upper port 41
previously, to opening port 28 operable driving the 25 via hydraulic line 54 thereby driving the diverter piston
annular piston 24 downwardly and forcing the hydrau 34 downwardly to the lower position. Thus, as illus
lic fluid in the BOP closing chamber 60 out the closing trated in FIG. 6, the system is returned to the "open"
port 26 via hydraulic line 54 to the upper port 41 position of having the vertical flow path 12 completely
thereby driving the piston 34 downwardly to the lower open for normal drilling operations with the outlet pas
position. Thus, as illustrated in FIG. 4, the system is 30 sage 36 closed off by the lower part 34" of piston 34.
returned to the open position of having the vertical flow FIG. 8 illustrates the use of diverter spool 30 accord
path 12 completely open for normal drilling operations ing to the invention with an annulus sealing means of a
with the outlet passage 36 closed off by the lower part type other than that shown in FIGS. 1-7. As illustrated,
an insert type blowout preventer 100 is releasably fas
34" of the spool piston 34. tened to spool 30 by bolts 101. An insert 103 is provided
FIGS. 6 and 7 illustrate the second embodiment of 35 in housing 102, and has an annular mud guide 104. A
the system and alternatively configured as a blowout blowout preventer insert 106 is secured by ring 105.
preventer pressure containment system. FIG. 6 is simi Ring 105 has a spring latch mechanism 107 for latching
lar to FIG. 4 in positioning of piston 24 and piston 34 so a packer insert 108 inserted into the blowout preventer
that the outlet passage 36 is closed by the lower part 34" insert 106 and ring 105. The packer insert 108 extends to
of piston 34 and the annular piston 24 is shown in an sealingly engage pipe 112 and complets the closing of
open position allowing flow through the vertical flow the upper end 109 of the housing 102 to prevent escape
path 12. The hydraulic valve 44 is placed in "open' of mud therebetween. Blowout preventer insert 106 is
position similar to FIG. 4 so that the supply of hydraulic actuated by applying pressurized hydraulic fluid to port
control fluid operates via hydraulic lines 72, 54 and 74 111. An insert type blowout preventer 100 is illustrated
to position the pistons 24 and 34 in the positions shown. 45 in U.S. Pat. No. 3,791,442 to Watkins and is incorpo
FIG. 6 further illustrates a closure means, preferably a rated herein for all purposes.
blind flange or hub 76 secured to the diverter housing Blowout preventer 100 when connected to diverter
32 having an outlet passage 36 provided in its wall. The spool 30 as illustrated in FIG. 8 creates a diverter sys
blind flange or hub 76 is connected to the outlet passage tem comprising the preventer 100, the spool 30 and a
36 provided in the wall of the diverter housing 32 of the 50 hydraulic circuit for opening the diverter spool while
diverter spool means 30 so as to provide a blowout closing the blowout preventer. The hydraulic circuit of
preventer pressure containment mode for the system. FIG. 8 includes a valve 120 illustrated in the "close'
FIG. 7 illustrates the condition of the alternative position to open the diverter spool 30 and close the
embodiment of the invention where the hydraulic valve blowout preventer 100 via hydraulic lines extending
44 has been moved to the "close” position to put the 55 from the close port 111 of blowout preventer and the
system into a blowout preventer pressure containment lower port 38 of spool 30. A return line from upper port
mode. 41 also is connected to valve 120 such that when valve
In the "close' position of the hydraulic valve 44, the 120 is put in the "open' position, piston 34 of spool 30
source of pressurized hydraulic control fluid is directed is forced downwardly closing outlet 36 while blowout
via line 74 to the lower port 38 of the diverter housing preventer 100 opens because of removal of supply pres
32 beneath the upper part 34 of piston 34 causing the sure to closing port 111.
piston to move upwardly to an upper position as illus FIG. 9 illustrates a subsea diverter spool, generally
trated in FIG. 7. Upward movement of the annular designated 142, which is provided with an automatic
piston 34 opens the outlet passage 36. The blind flange opening device or safety exhaust valve to a vent line.
or hub 76, as illustrated in FIGS. 6 and 7, prevents fluid 65 This subsea diverter spool 142 exhaust valve may be
communication from the vertical flow path 12 so as to positioned subsea in the casing string, as best shown in
provide a seal containing pressure within the vertical FIGS. 12-17. The diverter spool 142 comprises a di
flow path 12. verter housing 144 having an interior wall 146 and an
15 16
exterior wall 148. The diverter housing 144 is adapted 172B provide equal pressure responsive areas on oppos
for connection in series with an upper casing string 150 ing sides and therefore their forces when acted upon by
and a lower casing string 152. An upper connection 154 the drill fluid pressure would cancel.
and the lower connection 156 are conventional quick Though not illustrated in FIG. 9, a hydraulic upper
connections known to those skilled in the art. The di port and a hydraulic lower port connected to hydraulic
verter housing 144 has a bore 158 and outlet passages lines, similar to upper port 41 and lower port 38 of FIG.
160A, 160B, 160C and 160D, as best shown in FIG. 11, 1, are preferably provided. These hydraulic lines could
provided in interior wall 146. be used to adjust the pressure in the upper chamber 168
Preferably, an annular diverter piston 162 having a and lower chambers 174 to accommodate different head
sleeve 162A is slidably disposed between the interior O pressures entering through the opening 166. Addition
wall 146 and the exterior wall 148 of the diverter hous ally, the hydraulic lines may be used as a primary means
ing 142. The piston 162 is movable relative to the di for moving the piston between the open position and
verter housing for closing the outlet passages 160A, closed position as earlier disclosed. It should be under
160B, 160C and 160D, as best shown in FIGS. 9 and 11. stood that the different arrangements and sequencing
The interior or bore 158 of the diverter housing is 15
for the hydraulic lines, as discussed previously and
opened to the sea when the diverter piston 162 is moved illustrated in FIGS. 1-8, may be used with the subsea
to the open position (not illustrated). diverter spool, as shown in FIGS. 9-17.
It is to be understood that the piston could alterna As best shown in FIG. 10, a plurality of ports may
tively be a gate valve or other non-annular shaped valve alternatively be provided in the exterior wall 148 of the
positioned between the interior wall 146 and the exte 20 diverter housing 144 to diffuse and exhaust the drilling
rior wall 148 adjacent its respective outlet passage 160. fluid to subsea when the piston 162 is moved to the open
FIG. 9 additionally illustrates the piston 162 having a position.
differential pressure sensor for automatic opening of the FIG. 10 discloses six ports 176A, 176B, 176C, 176D,
diverter spool 142. U.S. patent application Ser. No. 176E and 176F equally spaced radially about the exte
802,997 filed Nov. 29, 1985 for a Marine Riser Anti-Col 25
rior wall 148 of the diverter housing 144. The axis of
lapse Valve discloses fluid pressure actuated valves. each 12' API studded port 176 in FIG. 10 is spaced 60
U.S. patent application Ser. No. 802,997 is assigned to from its adjacent port though other spacing and sizing
the same assignee as the present invention and is incor of the ports could be used. Though FIGS. 10 and 11
porated herein for all purposes. The co-inventor Joseph
R. Roche of the U.S. patent application Ser. No. both show four outlet passages 160A, 160B, 160C and
802,997 is the sole inventor of the present invention. 160D provided in the interior wall 146, additional or
The differential pressure sensor comprises a first area fewer outlet passages could be provided to properly
164 of the piston 162 which is in communication with size the diffusion of the fluid.
and pressure responsive to sea water pressure. Sea The preferred embodiment of diverter spool 142, as
water pressure is provided through opening 166, shown 35 shown in FIG. 9, is provided with a thirty inch bore at
in dashed lines, to chamber 168 formed by the exterior a rating pressure of one hundred pounds per square
wall 148 and the interior wall 146. The annular piston inch. Additionally, the preferred diverter spool has an
162 is sealingly slidable between the wall 146 and wall operating fluid pressure of fifteen hundred pounds per
148. The sea water pressure is determined by the head square inch nominal.
pressure which is in turn determined by the depth of the The sizing and positioning of ports 176 and outlet
subsea diverter spool. The product of the sea water passages 160 provide a desired subsea exhaust and dif
pressure and the first area 164 of the piston 162 tends to fuse function. Exhausting and diffusing the flowing well
move the piston means 162 to the closed position, as fluid safely into the sea protects rig personnel from
shown in FIGS. 9 and 11. undesirable effects of thrust impact, erosion and fire.
A second area or shoulder 170 of the piston means 45 Additionally, the diffusion of the drilling fluids includ
162 is in communication with and pressure responsive ing gases into the sea has been shown to reduce, if not
to the drilling fluid pressure from the bore 158 of the obviate, the problem of combustion of gases in close
diverter housing 144. The product of the drilling fluid proximity to the drilling rig.
pressure and the second area or shoulder 170 tends to The diverter spool 142 as shown structurally in detail
move the piston means 162 to the open position (not 50 in FIG. 9, allows the spool to be driven with the casing
illustrated), but similar to the piston 34 location as string and therefore facilitates its recovery. This driva
shown in FIGS. 3, 5, 7 and 8. bility and recoverability of the diverter spool provides
The volume of the upper chamber 168 within the economic benefits to the user in installation of the spool
diverter housing 144 is variable in proportion to the 142.
horizontal position of the piston means 162 relative to 55 Turning now to FIGS. 12-17, the position of the
the diverter housing 144. As shown in FIG. 9, the subsea diverter spool 142 is illustrated relative to a
chamber 168 is provided with its full volume since the blowout preventer located above sea. FIG. 12 illus
piston is located in the fully closed position. trates a bottom supported drilling rig, generally desig
The piston means 162 remains closed, as shown in nated 178, having a plurality of longitudinal structural
FIG. 9, so long as the sum of the weight of the piston 60 members 180A, 180B, 180C and 180D, as best illustrated
162 and the product of the sea water pressure and the in FIGS. 12, 15 and 16. The structural members 180
first area 164 is greater than the product of the drilling extend upwardly from the sea floor 182. A first subsea
fluid pressure and the second area or shoulder 170. The vent line 184 is connected to and in fluid communica
piston automatically opens when the product of the tion with a diverter housing outlet passage 176, similar
drilling fluid pressure from within the bore 158 and the 65 to vent line 40 as shown in FIG. 1. A second vent line
second area 170 is greater than the sum of the weight of 186, located 180 degrees radially from the first vent line
the piston means and the product of the sea water pres 184, is connected in similar fashion to vent line 184 as
sure and the first area 164. The shoulders 172A and best shown in FIG. 12.
17 18
FIGS. 13 and 14 illustrate the similar placement of the foregoing description which does not depart from
the first vent line 188 and the second vent line 190. the spirit of the invention. For this reason, these
FIGS. 13 and 14 further disclose along with FIG. 14A changes are desired to be included in the appended
the quick connection means of the vent lines to the claims. The claims which follow recite the only limita
structural members 180. This quick connection means 5 tion to the present invention and the descriptive manner
comprises a T-shaped member 192 fixed to the exterior which is employed for setting forth the embodiments
surface of the structural member 180C which is re and is to be interpreted as illustrative and not limitative.
ceived to a corresponding exterior locking member 194. What is claimed is:
Other quick connection means as known in the prior art 1. A system adapted for alternative use as a blowout
may be used. 10 preventer or a diverter, comprising
FIGS. 12, 15 and 16 disclose an alternative connec a blowout preventer having a resilient packing means
tion means using high tension wires 196 and 198 which and having a closing port and an opening port by
are connected to the longitudinal support members which connection of a source of pressurized hy
180A and 180B and 180C and 180D, respectively to the draulic control fluid to the closing port closes the
drilling floor 200. A detail of a quick connection of wire 15 blowout preventer and connection of a source of
198 to member 180D is shown in FIG. 16A. The con pressurized hydraulic fluid to the opening port
nection comprises the wire 198 connected to an eye opens the blowout preventer, the blowout pre
hook 202 which is pivotably connected to a locking venter when open having a vertical flow path for
means 204. Locking means 204 is removably connect to drilling fluid returns,
T-shaped member 206 fixedly fastened to the structural 20 a diverter spool means having a vertical flow path
member 180D. Other quick connection means as known and disposed in series with and below the blowout
in the prior art may be used. preventer,
The fluid return system as shown in FIGS. 12, 13 and hydraulic lines connected respectively between the
15 includes a bottom supported drilling rig 178 with a opening port of the blowout preventer and said
drilling rig floor 200 supported above sea level by the 25 single hydraulic valve, between said single hydrau
structural members 180. Blowout preventer 208, as lic valve and the lower port of the housing of the
shown in dashed lines in FIGS. 12, 13 and 15, is dis diverter spool means, and between the upper port
posed above the sea level but below the drilling rig floor of the housing of the diverter spool means and the
200. The upper casing string 150 and the lower casing closing port of the blowout preventer, and
string 152 provide the desired placement of the subsea 30 a reservoir of hydraulic control fluid disposed in the
diverterspool 142 and are similar to casing string shown diverter housing above the diverter piston when
in FIG. 9. The upper casing string 150 disposed be the piston is in the lower position, whereby
tween the subsea diverter spool 142 and the blowout when the hydraulic valve is in the open position, a
preventer 208 provides a long column or long fluid source of pressurized hydraulic control fluid is
cushion. This long column reduces forces acting on and 35 applied to the opening port of the blowout pre
erosion to the blowout preventer by remotely position venter thereby opening the blowout preventer and
ing the preventer from the kick. Both the forces and maintaining the diverter piston in its lower posi
fluid action on the occasion of a kick are reduced on the tion, and
blowout preventer 208 in this spatial arrangement of the when the hydraulic valve is in the close position, a
diverter spool 142 relative to the blowout preventer source of pressurized hydraulic fluid is applied to
208. the lower port of the diverter spool means opera
Hydraulic circuit line 210, shown in FIG. 13, similar bly raising the diverter piston from a lower posi
to the hydraulic circuit line 154 as shown in FIGS. 1-4, tion to an upper position, opening said outlet pas
is used for the sequencing of the opening and closing of sage in said housing, forcing the hydraulic fluid
the blowout preventer and diverter spool as previously 45 from said reservoir above the diverter piston to the
discussed. closing port of the blowout preventer via the hy
It is to be understood that the different arrangements draulic line between the upper port of the housing
of hydraulic circuit lines and valving as discussed previ of the spool means and the closing port of the
ously may be used with the blowout preventer 208 and blowout preventer and operably sequentially clos
the diverter spool 142 now separated by an upper casing 50 ing the blowout preventer after the outlet passage
150, as shown in FIGS. 12-17. in the diverter housing is opened.
FIG. 17 illustrates a floating rig platform or vessel 2. The system of claim 1 further comprising a vent the
212 having a subsea diverter spool connected directly to spool means having
a well-head 214. The wellhead 218 is provided on the a diverter housing having an outlet passage provided
sea floor 182. The upper casing string 150, between the 55 in its wall,
blowout preventer 208 and diverter spool 142, also a diverter piston having an annular wall and disposed
provides the beneficial and desirable positioning to pre within the housing,
vent erosion of the elastomeric materials in the blowout a lower control port in said housing by which con
preventer 208. As can be seen by FIGS. 12-17, the nection of a source of pressurized hydraulic fluid to
deployment of the vent lines is quicker and less costly the lower port raises said piston from a lower posi
while providing a better support than the prior art tion to an upper position and an upper control port
methods for connection of vent lines. Additionally, it is by which connection of a source of pressurized
seen from the present invention that the elimination of hydraulic fluid to the upper port lowers said piston
valves and other fluid control means provides savings in from an upper position to a lower position in said
initial costs and in operation and maintenance of the 65 housing,
fluid return system. said outlet passage in said housing wall being closed
Various modifications and alterations in the described off by the annular wall of the piston when said
structures will be apparent to those skilled in the art of piston is in said lower position and being open to
19 20
the interior of the housing when in said upper posi hydraulic circuit means for connecting a source of
tion, and pressurized hydraulic control fluid to said lower
hydraulic circuit means for providing pressurized control port of said diverter housing, operably
hydraulic control fluid to said lower port in said raising said diverter piston from its lower position
diverter housing thereby raising said diverter pis- 5 and opening said outlet passage in the wall of the
ton from its lower position and opening said outlet diverter housing while forcing hydraulic control
passage and for providing control fluid to said fluid from said reservoir to said closing port of the
closing port of said blowout preventer thereby blowout preventer via said hydraulic conduit
closing said blowout preventer, means and operably closing said blowout pre
wherein said hydraulic circuit means includes, a 10 venter.
single hydraulic valve having an open position and a 7. The system of claim 6 further comprising
close position, line connected to said outlet passage a vent line connected to said outlet passage whereby
provided in the housing wall of the diverter spool when a source of pressurized hydraulic control fluid
means thereby providing a divert mode for the is applied to said lower control port of said diverter
system when said diverter piston raises from its 15 housing, fluid in said drilling spool is diverted via
lower position and opens said outlet passage while said vent line while the vertical flow path is closed
sequentially closing said blowout preventer, and by the blowout preventer.
further comprising a blast deflector/selector con 8. The system of claim 6 further comprising
nected to said vent line. a closure means connected to said outlet passage
3. The system of claim 1 further comprising 20
2. closing means connected to said outlet passage when a source of pressurized hydraulic control fluid
provided in the housing wall of the diverter spool is applied to said lower control port of said diverter
means for closing said outlet passage when said housing, fluid in said diverter and blowout pre
diverter piston raises from its lower position opera venter is contained therein by the closure means
bly providing a blowout preventer mode for the and the closing of the vertical flow path by the
system. 25 blowout preventer.
4. The system of claim 3 wherein said closing means 9. The system of claim 6 wherein
is a blind flange. said closure means is a blind flange.
5. The system of claim 3 wherein said closing means 10. A diverter spool adapted for use with a drilling rig
is a hub. annulus sealing means, the annulus sealing means hav
6. A system adapted for alternative use as a blowout 30 ing a closing port by which application of pressurized
preventer or a diverter, comprising hydraulic fluid to the closing port closes the annulus
a blowout preventer having a resilient packing means sealing means, the diverter spool comprising,
and having a closing port and an opening port by a diverter housing having an outlet passage provided
which connection of a source of pressurized hy in its wall,
draulic control fluid to the closing port closes the 35 means for connecting the diverter housing below the
blowout preventer and connection of a source of annulus sealing means,
pressurized hydraulic fluid to the opening port a diverter piston having an annular wall and disposed
opens the blowout preventer, the blowout pre within the housing,
venter when open having a vertical flow path for a lower control port in said housing by which con
drilling fluid returns, 40 nection of a source of pressurized hydraulic fluid to
a diverter spool means having a vertical flow path the lower port raises said piston from a lower posi
and disposed in series with and below the blowout tion to an upper position and an upper control port
preventer, the spool means having by which connection of a source of pressurized
a diverter housing having an outlet passage pro hydraulic fluid to the upper port lowers said piston
vided in its wall, 45 from an upper position to a lower position in said
a diverter piston having an annular wall and dis housing, and
posed within the housing, said outlet passage in said housing wall being closed
a lower control port in said housing by which con off by the annular wall of the piston when said
nection of a source of pressurized hydraulic fluid piston is in said lower position and being open to
to the lower port raises said piston from a lower the interior of the housing when said piston is
position to an upper position and an upper con 50 raised from said lower position.
trol port by which connection of a source of 11. The diverter spool of claim 10 further comprising,
pressurized hydraulic fluid to the upper port hydraulic conduit means for connecting with said
lowers said piston from an upper position to a lower control port of said diverter housing and
lower position in said housing, connectable with said closing port of said annulus
said outlet passage in said housing wall being sealing means.
closed off by the annular wall of the piston when 12. The diverterspool of claim 11 further comprising,
said piston is in said lower position and being means for applying a source of pressurized control
open to the interior of the housing when in said fluid to the diverterhousing lower control port and
upper position, means for alternatively connect to said closing port of said annulus sealing means
ing 60 whereby,
a vent line or a closure means to said outlet passage in connecting said hydraulic conduit means between
the wall of the diverter housing, said lower control port and to said closing port of
hydraulic conduit means for connecting the upper said annulus sealing means causes the diverter pis
control port of said diverter piston with the closing ton to move upwardly operably opening said outlet
port of the blowout preventer, 65 passage in said housing wall, and causes the annu
a reservoir of hydraulic control fluid disposed in the lus sealing means to close the annulus of the annu
diverter housing above the diverter piston when lus sealing means.
the piston is in the lower position, and k :k xx se se

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