Commun I Que: Farewell MTS

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MHPS Technical Services Corporation Newsletter April 2019, Volume V, No. 4

“Make it simple.
Make it memorable.
Make it inviting to look
at. Make it fun to read.”

Letter from the Editor News Bits

“Farewell MTS”
P. 02 “MHPS-TS 5th Global Quality, Health, Safety & Environment Meeting” P. 24

Manager’s Message Health Corner

“Enjoy the Journey not the Destination” P. 05 P. 25
“Dental HMO Awareness, Summer Time, Heat Stroke”

Editorial MHPS-TS Employees Regularization

P. 09 P. 28
“Millenials at work”

Voice From Abroad Meet our new Machinery Division Manager

Noborimashou!: Let’s Climb P. 13 P. 29

ISO Update
“Introducing the ISO 45001:2018”
P. 22 Gallery P. 30

Farewell MTS
“ I have enjoyed working in MTS for the last 28 years and still enjoying up to
my retirement as a
manager ”~continues reading.. Page 2
~by: Mr. Rene S. Golveo, Division Manager
A year ago, it seems that time became slow-
er as my retirement gets nearer. All of the
sudden, here I am writing my farewell let-
ter to MTS where I have work for almost
half of my life.
I dread the thought of retiring. It reminds
me I am getting old but at the same time
excited that I can wake up in the morning
any time I want. I used to wake up at 4
O’clock every weekday for the last 28 years
to go to office. It was a worthwhile sacrifice
for the best thing that MTS endowed to me.
Now, I look forward to the feeling of wak-
ing up in the morning freely without an
alarm clock hanging on my head.


2 Communique April 2019

When I graduated from college I was full of aspiration
and ambition. I thought that being a Mechanical Engi-
neer is just a walk in the park. I soon realized it was
not. What we have learnt in college is completely dif-
ferent in the real world. I have not even considered in
the equation the difficulty of finding a job back then.
As ambitious as I am, I tried my luck in the Middle
East for two years and money was good. I though this
is it, maybe. It was cut short when Iraq attached Ku-
wait in August of 1990. I end up going back to the
Philippines via Jordan after a week of cross-country
trip from Kuwait to Iraq (This was the safest route at
that time) sponsored by the United Nations. Before we
reached Jordan, we were held up in the middle of the
desert near Jordanian border under the scorching heat
of the desert sun with limited supply of food and water
and a makeshift of blanket over our head as shelter.
I promised that time that if ever I will be able to return
home, I will drink Coke as much as I can. The scarcity
of supply makes the price of soda in the desert unbe-
lievably high. Fortunately, I was able to return home
safely and eventually forget my promise. I did make
another promise, never to work in the Middle East
again and I have kept that promise until now when I
found MTS and MTS found me.

3 Communique April 2019

One colleague asked me, “Did you pre- I would like to take this opportunity to thank
pare an inspirational message to MTS MTS management for my colorful career,
members before you retire?” Well, there is the support and trust in me in running the
nothing really inspirational in my life but Machinery Division. I wish you more power
this is what I have to say. “MTS was able in the future. I would like to thank also to all
to give me a satisfying career and I was my colleagues who in one way or another
able to provide my family a comfortable has work with me in MTS. Thank you very
life with worry-free health care. I was much.
able to send my children to college with-
I also would like to thank all coordinators
out adversity.
and lay-out artists of Communique which I
I have enjoyed working in MTS for the am the Editor-in-Chief for more than 3 years,
last 28 years and still enjoying up to my for working with me and helping me every
retirement as a manager of Machinery month to publish the Communique even
Division. That is a great motivation for when it was late at times. You have work
me to stay in MTS.” But wait, if any- with me despite the fact that this job is pro
body wants inspiration you don’t have to bono and that I really appreciate very much.
look around but to your colleagues who
The last, but not the least, I would like to
work for more or less 10 years in MTS. I
extend my heartfelt gratitude to all mem-
have known some MTS members to have
bers of Machinery Division, for your sup-
own a new car, new condo/house or both.
port, cooperation and respect you have ac-
corded me while I was your Division Man-
Twenty years ago, I was already a Chief ager. It was my pleasure to work with you
Engineer by category but then I cannot throughout all these years. The tribute you
afford even a monthly amortization of a have thrown to me last Friday, March 22
new car. Now E3 members can easily was really amazing. I never thought I
avail this kind of luxury. My point is that, would cry in a situation like that but I was
gradually MTS management trying to im- wrong because I did and I was not embar-
prove the lives of its members without us rassed because that was sheer happiness and
as realizing it. Is this not enough of an tears of joy and excitement. I will always
inspiration? cherish and remember that moment for the
rest of my life. There is no word can de-
scribe how grateful I am to all of you.
Thank you very very much.

Goodbye everyone!
God Bless.

4 Communique April 2019

5 Communique April 2019
You will learn more from things that happen to you
in real life than you will from hearing about or stud-
ying things that happen to other people.

6 Communique April 2019

“Life is full of surprises; enjoy the journey not the destination”.

7 Communique April 2019

8 Communique April 2019
9 Communique April 2019
10 Communique April 2019
11 Communique April 2019
12 Communique April 2019

By: Pawell Jester De Villa, Piping Engineering No. 2

13 Communique April 2019

14 Communique April 2019
15 Communique April 2019
16 Communique April 2019
Mount Yufu or Yufudake is a
volcano located in Oita pre-
fecture. It has 2 peaks
namely Higashi-mine (東峰)
meaning East peak and Ni-
shi-mine (西峰) meaning
west peak. Nishi mine is
higher than Higashi mine by
only one meter

We departed at Nagasaki at around 4:30am and arrived at the

starting point at around 7am and immediately start the hike.
After three and a half hours of hike we reached the first peak
which was the Higashi mine. At the
top it was freezing at Negative 8 deg
Even though there was no snow at
that time, you can see the branches
of plants have ice on it. After an
hour and a half, we reached the sec-
ond peak which was the Nishi mine.
It was not as cold compared to Hi-
gashi mine and we managed to take
some decent photos at the peak.

17 Communique April 2019

I really do not consider this as a hike
but I want to add this on my list. This
mountain is about 20 minute walk/
climb from JR Kumamoto Station. This
was part of 5 day tour using the
Seishun 18 (Seishun jyuuhachi kippu)
around Kyushu.

It took me about 40
minutes to reach the peak
(about 133 MASL) because I
am not familiar with the
place. The peak has a Bud-
dhist tower and an amazing
overlooking view of the Ku-
mamoto City. You can also
see Mount Aso which is the
famous mountain in Kuma-

18 Communique April 2019

Located at Oita prefecture, this mountain is one of the
most memorable hikes for me due to the timing when
had our climb. 3 days, before our climb, the weather fore-
cast in the Oita was heavy snow storm about 15 cm of

Meanwhile, at the day of our climb, the forecast was sunny

weather although the temperature was negative 2 deg Celsi-
us (thus the mountain is covered with snow and the hike
was not that difficult because of the sunny weather).

19 Communique April 2019

Located in the towns of Hirayamamachi and Osakimachi of Na-
gasaki, Mount Hachiro has an amazing view of the towns of
Koyagi (where Mtsubishi Koyagi Shipyard is located) and Iojima
(A famous beach spot during summer) as well as the Megami

We started at Touhakkei Park and it took four hours to reach

the summit (the peak is about 590 MASL). The trail is mostly
covered with pine trees and some parts are side roads. Going
down, we took a much shorter trail (about two hours) to
HIrayamamachi then we took a bus from there going home.

20 Communique April 2019

It has been a wonderful thirteen months
stay in Japan as an ICT. Aside from the places
I visited, great people

I had met (although sometimes language

barrier becomes a hindrance), it is also
about the lessons learned in and out of
the office. What I really learned is about
the work and life balance.

In a country that the culture is much

focused on work/career, one must
find balance in order to achieve

21 Communique April 2019

ISO 45001:2018
By: Josef Justin Galicia, Quality Management Section

What is ISO 45001?

ISO 45001:2018 is one of the management systems of Internation- The High-Level Structure for ISO
al Standard that specifies requirement for an occupational health 45001:2018
and safety (OH&S) to proactively improve the OH&S performance
in preventing injury, fatalities and ill-health of the organization. It
is designed to be applicable for any industry, any size and any
location around the world. It was published last March 12, 2018
and supersedes the OHSAS 18001 standard. Any company that
cares for their employees can use this standard, even without
certification. The requirements of this standard are intended to be
integrated in the existing management systems of the organiza-
ISO 45001 Speaks To Leadership
One of the main clauses in ISO 45001 is the Leadership wherein it
focuses on the responsibility and commitment of Top Manage-
ment in maintaining a healthy and safe work environment. It also
speaks to need for worker participation in all the aspect of the
OH&S system because health and safety isn’t a standalone pro-
cess or the responsibility of one person or group but rather a
team effort of whole organization.

22 Communique April 2019

ISO 45001 is More Proactive attract lower insurance premiums as it proves the organiza-
ISO 45001 focuses on continually assessing opportunity to reduce tion is performing strong due diligence in managing and pro-
risks. Similar to the concept of risk and opportunity management tecting their employees.
in ISO 9001, organization shall determine the hazards and OH&S Improves individual safety as well as organisational
risks associated with all activities processes; seeking to eliminate ISO 45001 has been widely anticipated by the global business
them, or putting in controls to minimize their potential effects. For community because it addresses the personal health and
example, the purchasing manager should think about risks before safety risks to the individual of any process or use of machin-
they place every order for equipment that workers will use. ery within an organisation. This relates both to their mental
health and physical safety within your workplace.
Why Was The ISO 45001 Standards Created? Improves Managerial oversight
Based from the data gathered around the globe, over 7,600 peo- ISO 45001 has been widely anticipated by the global business
ple die each day from work-related accidents or diseases. This community because it addresses the personal health and
became a burden to employers and the wider economy, resulting safety risks to the individual of any process or use of machin-
in losses from early retirements, employee absence and rising ery within an organisation. This relates both to their mental
insurance premiums. Although there are health and safety stand- health and physical safety within the workplace.
ards locally and even nationally, there needed to be an official Preventative risk and hazard assessment
standard that transcends borders to create a safe and healthy Implementing ISO 45001 helps organization to prevent risks as
working environment everywhere. Hopefully, with the new inter- opposed to reacting to them once they are detected by oth-
national standard in place, it will create a more popular and acces- ers. The internal auditing system provides an ‘early warning
sible standard worldwide and the number of injured workers will system’ to help spot the potential threats to health and safe-
decrease over time. ty.
Increases return on investment (ROI)
How does ISO 45001 Help Workers? There are various ways that ISO 45001 will provide ROI for the
organization. By implementing ISO 45001, the efficiency of
The ISO 45001 standard provides a systematic, comprehensive
staffs will improve, whilst workplace injury reduces. This
approach to health and safety on the job. It answers many specific
means productivity levels can be improved significantly across
questions on how to prevent injury and illness, rather than just the board. This improvement in productivity and general em-
dealing with them as they arise. ployee safety can have a positive impact on the insurance
premiums for the organisation. A by-product of this is that
Benefits of ISO 45001 in the Organization
work-related insurance claims decrease and further improve
Good Reputation the cost of insurance for the business.
By implementing the most up-to-date occupational health Occupational focus
and safety standard, the organization will be seen as an The focus is primarily on the employee’s physical and mental well-
elite category of business, and be internationally recog- being at work as opposed to the quality management of the
nised. It is a level of excellence that is acknowledged workplace systems and tools that are used. This is an im-
worldwide and will help to set you apart from other com- portant factor to recognise when looking to implement ISO
petitors. 45001 into organisation, as it improves staff morale, which
Increase Trust has a significant impact on staff turnover and retention rates.
By demonstrating continuous improvement of employees’
morale, safety and performance, the organization will
enable people to trust them and hold socially accounta-
ble their staff’s well-being. Being transparent and pro-


moting corporate social responsibility efforts can have a Integrated



huge impact on how the public, future employees and

prospective clients perceive the business.
Consistency means efficiency
ISO 45001 creates an organization built around best practice.
This is then mirrored across the company and sets a
standard for managing risks. Having a strong, consistent Integration of ISO 45001 to ISO 9001
standard means that the organisation is more efficient If MHPS-TS will decide to adopt the ISO 45001 to its systems, it is
across the board. best to integrate it to the existing management of the company
Lowers insurance premiums which is the ISO 9001. With this integration, it will reduce the re-
By simply implementing ISO 45001, it provides a platform to dundancy of process and documentation requirements of both
standards thus this will result to improve efficiency.

23 Communique April 2019


MHPS-TS Quality Management Section members, MR. Adrian J. Leonor and Mr. Josef Justin M. Galicia attended
the 5th Global Quality Health, Safety and Environment Meeting in MHPS Americas Inc., Orlando, Florida, USA last
February 26-28,2019. The meeting aims to develop a synergy effect to MHPS group companies, discuss and share
information regarding issues encountered, build a strong relationship amongst MHPS group companies and to
have a common understanding regarding quality, health, safety and environment issues.
The meeting agenda is:
1. To adopt innovative/ breakthrough ideas
2. To solve the Quality, Health, Safety and Environment problems/ issues of attending Group Companies
3. To level up the skills of all attendees of the meeting
The meeting was attended by the following group companies: MHPS-TS, MHPS-PHL, MHPS-AP, MHPS-EU, MHPS

24 Communique April 2019


What is Oral Prophylaxis?
Oral prophylaxis is a thorough cleaning of your teeth to prevent or halt the pro-
gression of gum disease, remove dental plaque and other irritants from the oral
cavity. The coverage of your Oral Prophylaxis (OP) is twice a year.
What is Light cure or Amalgam?
Light cure, amalgam, permanent filling or in layman’s term “pasta”
helps to restore a damaged tooth by decay back to its normal function and
shape. Coverage for the permanent light cure is 2 surfaces only for the whole
year. But temporary filling coverage is unlimited.
Do you have Dental Clinics that was accredited by Eastwest?
Our accredited dental clinics are also written at the Eastwest booklet.
Before you proceed at your prefer clinic, you may call first and make an ap-
pointment. If your preferred clinic is not accredited but still written at the
Eastwest booklet, kindly advise the MHPS-TS HMO nurse.
Is Tooth Extraction covered by the health card?
Simple tooth extraction is covered by the healthcard except for wisdom
tooth, molars and impacted tooth. The coverage of your simple tooth extrac-
tion is unlimited.
Are Dental X-ray and Dental Braces included to our Dental Ben-
Dental X-ray and Dental Braces are not included to the dental benefits
since these are one of our general exclusions.
Can we reimburse our Dental availment?
Dental availment is not reimbursable. You may only visit our accredited
dental clinic to avoid any cash-out.
For other Dental Concerns,

25 Communique April 2019

March to May is vacation time and fiesta season in the country. To avoid food poisoning, diarrhea,
heat-associated ailments and recreation-associated injuries, the public is advised to take the fol-
lowing precautions.

 Food and Water-borne Diseases

 Typhoid
 Cholera
 Hepatitis A
 Food Poisoning
 Other Diarrheas

 Sore Eyes
 Measles (Tigdas)
 Mosquito-borne Diseases
 Dengue
 Malaria

 Other Conditions
 Sunburn
 Prickly Heat

Health Tips
Food and drinks

 Cook food properly.

 Preferably, foods must be eaten immediately after cooking (while still hot).
 Left-over food should be refrigerated and reheated before being eaten.
 Food handlers should wash their hands before and after food preparation.
 If sick, you should avoid preparing food for others.
 Avoid drinking water and iced beverages of doubtful quality.
 If water quality is doubtful, boil your drinking water for at least 2 minutes.
 Peel and wash fruits / vegetables before eating.
 Wash hands before and after eating.
At the beach
 Do not allow children to swim without the company of an adult who can swim and is not drunk.
 Avoid staying under the sun with scanty clothes for more than 3 hours as this predisposes to sunburn,
heat exhaustion and the worst, heat stroke.
 Should you want a tan, drink plenty of fluids so as not to dehydrate yourself.
While on the road
 Check your vehicle very well before going on a trip.
 Bring your repair kit with you.
 When drunk, never attempt to drive.

26 Communique April 2019

27 Communique April 2019
Photo from left to right: Mr. Atsushi Nakamura (Administrative Director), Mr. Christian Norman Dee
Isidro, Ms. Andrea Camille Oconer, Mr. Jayson Revilla, and President Masahiko Mishiro


Congratulations to our 3 employees who have successfully
passed their probationary period namely Mr. Christian Norman
Dee Isidro and Ms. Andrea Camille Oconer of Automotive Turbo
Engineering Section, Equipment Engineering Department, Ma-
chinery Division and Mr. Jayson Revilla of Construction Engi-
neering 1 Section, C&E Department, I&C/C&E Division.

Congratulations once again and we wish you a long & fruitful

journey here in MTS!

28 Communique April 2019

Meet our New Machinery Division Manager By: Adrian Leonor, Quality Management Section
Machinery Division was handled by Mr. Rene Golveo in Mr. Pio Farro Mapile Jr.
the year 1991 under OMS Design Philippines Inc. Ma-
He was hired in MHPS-TS on November 4, 1996 with a position
chinery Division was first named as Nagoya Division,
of Junior Engineer. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science in
then Airsei Division, then followed by the Reinetsu Divi-
Mechanical Engineering at Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State
sion until it was re-organized named as Machinery Divi- University in La Union. His is married to Ms. Susan L. Mapile and
sion on April 2010. Nagoya Division started with six(6) they have two children, Karen Piola L. Mapile(16) and Jan Piolo
employees with a product of 2D drawing of Aircondition- L. Mapile(12). His experiences being a Design Engineer were 1.
ing Units. Mr. Rene Golveo started to work on MHPS-TS Layout piping plans of RAC/PAC outside and inside Air-
on January 16, 1991 and now retiring to his service in conditioning Units, 2. Part Design of Mini Humidifier (Prototype)
our company until April 17, 2019. and 3. Layout piping plans of Air Handling Unit. He had sixteen
Successor of Mr. Rene Golveo as Machinery Division was (16) dispatch to Nagoya, Japan from 1998 to 2014. Then he be-
done through a process until one name stood out for the came the Section Manager of Reinetsu Department on January
position of Machinery Division Manager and he was

Mr. Rene Golveo Mr. Pio Mapile Jr.

29 Communique April 2019

The Service Engineering Division celebrated their first Quarterly Event by holding a bowling competi-
tion dubbed as “Make It Count” held at AMF
AMF--Puyat Coronado Bowling Lanes in Shaw Boulevard, Man-
daluyong City last March 19, 2019 . There are two teams, the Service Engineering Section which wear-
ing the stabilo yellow uniform competing with the Project Engineering team which wearing the charcoal
black uniform. The first game was won by the stabilo team while in the second set the charcoal team
fought back and won the game. The game was considered a tie and the deciding match was moved
until next event.

Service Engineering Team

Team-- (from Left to Right) Project Engineering Team
Team-- (from Left to Right)
Randy Martin, Zargie de Roxas, Bernard Abergas, Franklin Jose, Felicisimo Blanco,
Rey Corpuz and Gerome Ubaña, together with Benigno Pascual, Jo Graham Mauhay and Vicen-
invited team muse Miss Jessa Mae Antenorio. te Carreon together with invited team muse
Miss Katrina Mendoza.
Volume V, No. 4
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems
Technical Services Corporation













To provide the best engineering output continuously

for the PJs of MHI & MHPS, such as EPC PJ and

Manufacturing PJ, with everybody’s participation in

the positioned as right Figure.


We will become world class Global Engineering Center

in Engineering of EPC and/or Manufacturing.

January 1, 2015

Masahiko Mishiro Date


27th/F Robinsons Cybergate Center Tower 3, Pioneer St.,
Mandaluyong City, 1550 Philippines

Phone: 794-0220
Fax: 794-0202

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