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MHPS Technical Services Corporation

Merry Christmas

December 2018

Volume IV, No. XII


2 Communique December 2018



“Life’s Key Driver”
Volume IV, No. 12
“10 ways to spend your 13th month pay wisely”
Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems
Technical Services Corporation
“Days in the Land of the Rising Sun”
Communique “Customer Satisfaction”
QMS Update: Awarding of ISO 9001: 2005
“Top 3 Windows 10 Inconspicous Features”
17 “Lessons From Japan”
19 “Paglingap 2018: Handog Saya para sa mga Aeta”
“Redemption and Reigning Again”
“Meet 2018 Rookie and MVP of Ortigas Basketball League (OBL)”

Post scriptum: Staffs

We are inviting everyone who has Editor-In-Chief: Rene S. Golveo

Layout Artist: Jenny DIgnom
skills in writing to make contributions
MHPS-TS Newsletter Coordinators
to the next issues of this newsletter. JC Peñaloza . Brian Cañeba . Joshua Noel Apildo . Catyleen Manuel . Daniel Arguelles III

Hazel Renegado . Kenneth Johnson Libres . Beatriz M. Pitallano . Jeffrey Jospeh Fernandez . Antero Bagon
“TO WRITE Jonalyn Turla . Jhon Jeric Sevilla . Mike John Merano. Paul Dy . Arnold Zaide . Kim James Austria
means more than putting
on a page;
is to share MAKOTO SATO Administration Division
LARRY JACOB Boiler Engineering Division
with the World”
JOHN CESAR PEÑALOSA Equipment Department, Machinery Division

-Unknown MARVIN JASON LACAYANGA Turbine Engineering Department


RYAN GULLE Administration Division

ANNA NAVARRO Administration Division

JASPER PEREMNE System Engineering Section

Daniel Arguelles Machinery Division

Manager’s Message

By: Larry R. Jacob

By: James Michael John C. Cabrera
Section Manager
Section Manager
I&C Engineering Department
Boiler 3D Modelling Section, Boiler Engineering Division

Hi everyone I’m Larry Reyes Jacob, Section Manager from the Boiler Engineer- Self-motivation is a key life skill and something that everybody interested in
ing Division under Boiler 3D Modelling section. I was hired by MTS way back personal development should think carefully about.
May 3, 2004 under COMMTECH (now CB&T) and was absorbed when I be-
came a regular employee in November 3 that same year. I landed my very first
job at MTS after graduating from college and I’m positive that this is where I will What is Motivation?
Motivation is what pushes us to achieve our goals, feel more fulfilled and
What drives me to stay at MTS for a long time or should I say for the rest of my improve overall quality of life.
employment era? I will tell you that it is due to my SELF-MOTIVATION. I’ve
been in so many trials in life, say it financial or personal and I’m not even An author of several seminal books on Emotional Intelligence identified four
ashamed to admit that I’m experiencing and under the state of “depression” elements that make up motivation:
since a tragedy hit our family losing both our parent’s in an accident almost 2
years ago. This was the biggest challenge in my life and I even tried to consider
getting into early retirement.
 Personal drive to achieve, the desire to improve or to meet certain
I know I still have so many reasons to continue, but not anyone has the best standards;
solution. Until I realized I have MYSELF to depend on and of course GOD first
and foremost. This is where I like to share to you the value of SELF MOTIVA-
 Commitment to personal or organizational goals;
TION. I looked for articles available from the internet that shares same of my  Initiative, which he defined as ‘readiness to act on opportunities’; and
interests on self-motivation and I hope this also helps you.  Optimism, the ability to keep going and pursue goals in the face of

Self-motivation is, in its simplest form, the force that drives you to do things. It There are many advantages to self-motivation. People who are self-
motivated, for example, tend to be more organised, have good time man-
is far from being a simple topic; there are many books, web-pages and
agement skills and more self-esteem and confidence.
articles that attempt to explain self-motivation and some top academics
have dedicated their life’s work to trying to understand, model and de-
velop motivation theory.

4 Communique December 2018

What is Your Motive?
 Being able to deal with setbacks and continue to
pursue goals despite obstacles.
Fundamental to self-motivation is understanding what motivates you to do

Those who are motivated also find it much easier to moti-

vate others. This can be particularly important in leader-
ship roles.

Keep Motivated
There are two main types of motivation: ‘intrinsic’ and ‘extrinsic’ motivation. Finally, it is important to keep track of what you want to
achieve and stay motivated to do so. To keep your moti-
In their simplest form you can think about these two types of motivation as: vation levels up try to:
Intrinsic = love, because we want to. Learn and Acquire Knowledge
Extrinsic = money, because we have to.
“ Work smarter, not harder “
Read, study and talk to people – knowledge and infor-
mation are keys for feeding your mind and keeping
A more detailed definition is: you curious and motivated.
Intrinsic: To perform an action or task based on the expected or perceived satis- Output = (unit of work/hour) x (hours
faction of performing the action or task. Intrinsic motivators include having fun,
being interested and personal challenge. worked)
Keep the Company of Enthusiastic People
Extrinsic: To perform an action or task in order to attain some sort of reward, Try to avoid negative people and seek out positive,
including money, power and good marks or grades. well-motivated people. It is a lot easier to be motivat-
ed if the people around you are.
Different people are motivated by different things and at different times in their
lives. The same task may have more intrinsic motivators at certain times and
more extrinsic motivators at others, most tasks have a combination of the two
types of motivation.
Keep Positive
We all have a tendency to work better when we love what we are doing. It’s
easier to get out of bed in the morning, we are happier in our work, and happier Keep a positive attitude; see problems and
in general. Research shows that this is particularly important when we’re under set-backs as learning opportunities.
stress. It’s much easier to cope with stress and long hours if we generally enjoy
the work.

When thinking about what motivates you to perform a certain task, think about Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses
both intrinsic and extrinsic motivators – if you have trouble getting motivated to
perform specific tasks it may be useful to write them down and list the motiva- Work on ironing out your weaknesses and
tors for each.
building on your strengths.
The Importance of Obligation

What about if a task has neither intrinsic nor extrinsic motivators?

Do It
The obvious conclusion is that we are unlikely to do it, because it will be point-
less. We all know it doesn’t always work like that. There is a further issue: feel- Try not to procrastinate, assess the risks
ings of obligation. but keep working towards your goals.

Obligation motivators are not necessarily strictly intrinsic or extrinsic but can still
be very powerful. Obligation comes from our personal ethics and sense of duty,
what is right and what is wrong. Get Help and Help Others
You may feel obliged to go to a party because you were invited by somebody Don’t be afraid to ask other for help and
you know – there will be no obvious extrinsic or intrinsic benefit to you attending
don’t hold back if you can help them. See-
but you may worry if you don’t go. You are more likely to enjoy the party you
feel obliged to attend if you go with a positive and open attitude – this way you ing other people succeed will help to moti-
have also added an intrinsic motivator, fun and enjoyment. vate you to do the same.

Skills Involved in Self-Motivation

Since it’s almost end of the year, you may try to
There are a number of skills involved in self-motivation.
consider improving your self-motivation as your
These include: New Year’s resolution. Everything we take into
decision depends on our self-motivation so it’s
 Setting high but realistic goals. more important to have a positive motivation
before anything else. For me “self-motivation is
 Taking the right level of risk.
the key driver of our life”. Good luck to your
everyday challenges in life and I like to share
 Seeking constant feedback to work out how to improve.Being committed to
personal or organisational goals and going the ‘extra mile’ to achieve them. this one word I always keep in times of strug-
gle. RELAX
 Actively seeking out opportunities and seizing them when they occur.

5 Communique December 2018

By: John Cesar Q. Peñaloza
Equipment Department
Machinery Division

You may have a list of ideas on how you’re going to spend it but don’t be a
When Christmas season kicks off, nothing one-day millionaire. There’s nothing wrong in buying your wants with your
excites a Filipino employee better than the extra cash but if you want a change then you might want to think again and
13th month pay and other bonuses. Eagerly, become a wise spender. Below are some tips from various financial advisers
on how you can make the most out of your 13th Month Pay.
you wait for it. In your head, you are already
planning on the things that you want to buy. 1. INVEST IN STOCKS OR MUTUAL FUNDS.
A lot of us use these extra cash to surprise
our friends and family members with Christ- Most Filipinos dream of earning passive income, and stocks and mutual
funds are the answer. They are among the most affordable investments for
mas presents. Some use it to book their
Filipino employees to look into. You can choose from a variety of fund struc-
much-needed escapade or travel abroad, tures depending on your risk appetite and individual goals.
while others treat themselves with luxury You don’t even have to be a stock market expert to earn from stocks and
mutual funds. There are fund managers and financial institutions you can
items and new gadgets.
turn to who can manage your investment for you.

6 Communique December 2018

to develop your talents or skills by taking a certificate
2. START A SMALL BUSINESS course, joining a seminar or workshop, or buying books
that will enrich your knowledge and sharpen your skills.
Now is the best time to make a business idea come to life. You can use This will certainly improve your sense of well-being, widen
your extra cash to open up an online shop, a homemade goods business your horizons, and even open new doors for you. Who
or a franchise of your favorite snack or treats. Or maybe you can try a buy knows, maybe you can supplement your income with the
and sell business that’s easy to operate. It doesn’t have to be big already. new skills you acquired.
Just start with the money you have and make it grow through hard work
and determination
3. GET A LIFE INSURANCE Your home may need a few repairs. For this, it’s best to
Take this as an opportunity to protect you and your loved ones from un- resolve these sooner rather than later. Taking preventive
foreseen circumstances such as a critical illness, accidents, or disability rather than corrective measures may save you big bucks
and dismemberment. Let your 13th month pay cover the cost of your first in the future. If you put off repairing a plumbing leak,
life insurance premium. Purchasing life insurance in the Philippines is one you may end up spending big bucks when your flooring
of the smartest investments that you will ever make. Life insurance can
or walls are affected by the leak.
replace your income if you die. Your dependents can still enjoy the kind of
lifestyle they desire and your children can still fund their education thanks
to life insurance.

Share your blessings with others. Whether it’s donating

to your local church or a cause you feel strongly about,
An emergency fund acts as money cushion to help in you in case of un- never forget to give back. This develops the core value of
wanted/unplanned situation. Use your 13th month pay to open a separate sharing wealth with others in need and teaches you to
savings account you can tap into in case of emergency or urgent needs.
appreciate the material goods you have.
This emergency fund can prepare you for unforeseen events such as
healthcare expenses, home repairs, or even job loss.

Calculate your expenses every month. Your goal is to build an emergency 10. TREAT YOURSELF
fund that can shoulder at least 6 months of your living expenses. You don’t
have to allocate your full bonus to your emergency fund. Up to 40% to 50% Lastly, spend on yourself. It’s hard to penny pinch all the
of it will help you get started. Make it a habit of depositing even a small time. It’s important to prepare for your future, but it
percentage of your future income until you surpass your goal. shouldn’t be at the expense or to the detriment of your
present self. Decades down the road, when you’re reliv-
5. PAY-OFF YOUR DEBT ing your younger years to your grandchildren or to your
friends during your university’s 50th-year reunion, you
If you suffer from high-interest debts then this can be a good chance for
you to finally be debt-free. If there’s a pike of debt hanging over your head,
don’t want to stand on the sidelines without anything to
now’s your chance to settle the amount you owe, whether that’s credit card say. Once you’ve made sure you’ve saved up for your
debt, personal loans, amortization, or even borrowed cash from family and future self, treat your present self to something nice. To
friends. have an easier time managing your ‘fun’ money from
You don’t even have to pay it in full, but you can use your 13th month pay your savings or retirement fund, have separate accounts
to reduce it significantly. It’s a great way to save on interest expenses. depending on what you’ll use the money for.
Reducing or eliminating debt will help you start to build an emergency fund
and traverse the road to financial freedom.
The bottom line is proper money management. Money is
not a means to an end; it’s a vehicle for us to do what
6. BUILD UP YOUR RETIREMENT FUND we want—whether it’s living a comfortable retirement
Your retirement fund is different from your emergency fund. Where the or going on the vacation you’ve always dreamt of. When
latter protects you from unforeseen events in the near future, your retire- you receive your 13th month pay, don’t spend it all in
ment fund prepares you for the more long-term future. As mentioned a one go. Budget and plan it, and if you can, share it.
while ago, remove the money from low-yielding accounts such as your
savings or checking account, and put it in higher-yielding accounts such as Before you head to the mall, think about how you can
investments. turn this once-a-year bonus into a long-term financial
plan by putting your money in smart investments. Avoid
listening to the voices in your head telling you that you
7. INVEST IN YOURSELF need a new smartphone when you have a perfectly
You are your biggest investment. Don’t hesitate to spend your 13th month working phone right now. Be smart about money and
pay on your career or personal growth. Consider using part of your bonus spend your bonus wisely.

7 Communique December 2018


8 Communique December 2018

9 Communique December 2018
10 Communique December 2018
11 Communique December 2018
QMS Corner

By: Pauline B. Zaragoza

QM Section

In Quality Management System, we tend to think that by

complying with the requirements or passing the audit is
enough to know that the system is properly and effectively
functioning. But that is not true at all. As an organization
striving for quality, our main focus should be on the cus-
tomers. In fact, the goal of the ISO 9001:2015 is to satisfy
and maintain customer relations. Customers define the fate
of the company as they are the start and receiving end of
the products and services we provide. No matter how good
our products are, or how innovative our technology is, if we
don’t take care of our customers or listen to what they have
to say, none of that would really matter. They would still
look for another supplier that can cater to their needs and
possibly exceed their expectation which could leave us to
trouble in our business. So, how do we identify and meet
these needs and expectation?

What is customer satisfaction?

This allows you to make changes and fulfill their needs and expec-
This term is certainly familiar to all of us since tations therefore gaining their loyalty. Remember, the success of a
customer satisfaction surveys are utilized by company is not always determined by how many customers you
almost every business or companies. In MHPS- acquired but by the number of customers who are loyal to you.
TS, we know this as the survey form we send to You may gain a lot of new customers every year but if you cannot
our clients every 6 months that indicates the gain their loyalty, they wouldn’t come back. Loyal customers,
over-all rating of the products and services
on the other had tend to order
products or services more than
from the point of view of the client. This has a specific criteria and degree
new customers, thereforegiving
of performance. Also, in this survey form, we could also know the com-
you better profit and more
ments and suggestions of our clients. In general, it is a measure to quantify
importantly, credibility.
the degree to which the customer is satisfied with a product, service or

Tips in Improving Customer Satisfaction

Why do we need to measure Customer Satisfaction?
Since the importance of Customer Satisfaction was al-
In this highly competitive market and age of modernization, we always ready discussed earlier, now is the time to think and im-
have to strive for improvement at every given opportunity. Customer Satis- plement ways to improve Customer Satisfaction and real-
faction opens that door of opportunity since it gives you the feedback ize its benefits.
directly from your clients regarding what they like or do not like in terms of
your product or service.

12 Communique December 2018

A. Make your survey form simple and under- of company news. Building strong relationships with your
clients helps you to know them better and

Let’s face it; most customers won’t therefore it could be easier

prioritize answering your Customer for you to anticipate their
Survey forms. They won’t likely do it needs and improve on what
more if the survey forms are com- dissatisfies them. Having a
plicated and hard to answer which solid partnership with them
would take too much of their time.
So, avoid using complex words and could also open new opportunities for your business
such as referrals or even new business ventures in the
jargons that may confuse your customers. It would also be
helpful if the answers can be found in the survey form by
providing range of choices or ratings instead of making
them write their own answers on every question. Simplify D. Aim for Excellency
the survey as much as possible but, of course, without
compromising the results. The quality of your work plays a
big part of how your customers
see you. You must always aim for
B. Implement an effective complaints handling excellence and exceed their ex-
process pectations if given the oppor-
Mistakes are something every If the customers see that the product or services you
company avoids, but honestly, it’s provide is worth their money, chances are, they would
really difficult to do so. That is come back for more. But of course, excellence should-
why you should establish a good n’t be limited with your products or services only but
and effective complaints handling it should be implemented at every point of your or-
process. Customers should be ganization since they all play a vital role in the success
able to feel that their complaints and/or feedbacks are being of a business.
handled well and not just swept aside. Otherwise, they could
stop doing business with you or worse, share their disap-
pointment to other outlet such as social media which could
be damaging to the company’s reputation. But, if customers
see that you acknowledge your mistakes and work on it ra-
ther than disregarding it, the lesser the chance you lose them
since they know that you are committed to improving your
services to them.

C. Communicate with your clients

Another way to improve customer satisfaction is thru com-

munication. This could be in the form of client calls, email,
scheduled meeting or web meeting, or even thru sharing

13 Communique December 2018

By: Josef Justin M. Galicia,
Quality Management Section

14 Communique December 2018

15 Communique December 2018
16 Communique December 2018


~ Albert Einstein


7 Communique
17 Communique November
December 2018
18 Communique December 2018
By: Jasper Peremne
System Engineering Section

It’s that time of the year again! Along with the With the help of the company, donors and volun-
little-bit-colder air and Jose Mari Chan’s songs playing teers, we have gathered these goods:
on the radio, comes the so-called season of love and
giving. And System Engineering Section (SES)’ way of  15 full Sacks of Clothes
celebrating the season is setting the last quarter of  110 Grocery Bags (5 kilos of rice, 2 Canned
the month to hold its annual outreach program. Goods, 3 Noodles, 4 Coffees, 1 Family Soap, 1
Eco Bag)

With the guidance of Ms. Zai of TABAK, our activities’  120 School Kits (1 String Bag, 5 Notebooks, 1
leaders decided to hold this year’s outreach program Whole Pad Paper, 1 Educational Book, 2 Sets of
in Sitio “Mapali, Danum” (t/n: Hot water), home for Pencils and Pen, 1 Ruler, 1 Eraser, 1 Sharpener,
over a hundred Aeta families. There are no schools 1 Crayon Set)
and medical centers within the vicinity of the commu-  300* Random toys and treats for the children
nity. Also, the Sitio is subject for rehabilitation and
the people living there are subject for relocation.  250 Pair of slippers for adult and children

19 Communique December 2018
 120* Caps, Sombreros, Visors etc Going back to the outreach program, we still have one last
activity for Day 1, The Solidarity Night. We gathered in an
 2000* Medicines and vitamins open space along with the natives of the Sitio where the
only source of light is a bonfire and the moon. There, we
 770 Seedling Packs
sang and dance along with everyone. The children, all of
*rough estimate them present, sang Ex-Battalions’ Hayaan mo sila. Yup..
they really did .. up to the last line. *EXBI!*
After the time-pressured planning of the activity, collec-
tion of donations, buying school supplies, groceries, slip- After that, we gave the children a light-emitting-toy used as
pers, etc., and sorting it, came the day of the activity, Nov a projectile of a slingshot, a perfect match with the pitch-
17, 2018. black sky. The lights piercing the darkness along with the
children’s laughter is really a remarkable sight to see. All of
them enjoyed it, as well as the volunteers. *Lol* That ends
November 17, 2018 (Day 1) Day 1.
All of the volunteers meet at the basement of Robinsons
Cybergate Center Tower3 at 3:30am. We started transfer-
November 18, 2018 (Day 2)
ring the goods from MTS’ 24th and 25th floor offices to the
jeepneys parked at the basement and off we go as soon
as we finished. We are advised to wake up early and to gather at 6am for
the immersion. This is to further know them by experienc-
ing some of the tasks they are doing on their daily lives. We
After hours of butt-aching journey, we have arrived on
are set to go on a place where they pick fruits and vegeta-
our 1st rendezvous point, Junction, Capaz, Tarlac. There,
we grabbed our breakfast and met with Ms. Pia (Human bles and to visit a falls. We walked for more than 2 hrs to
Rights officer, Capaz, Tarlac), who will help us with this reach the place. We picked some pomelos and paco (fern)
activity, and the Valencia family who delivered the 11 leaves along the way. We also picked some banana blos-
sacks of rice we bought from Pampanga. We then pro- soms (puso ng saging). Everyone plunged into the water as
ceeded to the 2nd rendezvous point in Brgy. Bueno. Some soon as we reach the falls, a real life saver since everyone’s
volunteers went ahead to the Sitio for the initial prepara- last proper bath has been over 24hours by then. We went
tions while the others waited in Brgy. Bueno. After some- back to the Sitio after a while.We then immediately went to
time, our strongest workforce arrived, the Carabaos. We our designated areas to prepare and begin the gift-giving
loaded the goods, our stuffs and the sacks of rice to the program scheduled for Day2 (School supplies, toys, slip-
Carabaos’ carts. Some of us also rode it while most pers, and clothes for the children) which is also the last
walked for 45 mins to get to the Sitio. We need to pass part of the outreach program.As a reward for everyone
through a river whose flooring are the remains of the and is the best way to end the outreach program, we have
lahar from the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991 causing prepared a boodle-fight-style lunch. The main dish is the
difficulty to cross it. “Adobo ni Chit”.Before we went home, we conducted a
small wrap-up meeting for everyone to share their experi-
ences, insights, realizations and some small messages from
Upon arriving in the Sitio, we grabbed our lunch and
our foster families.
helped with the preparation of our designated areas
right after. Dr. Ana, who was part of the 1st group to ar-
rive at the Sitio, wasted no time and started with the
Final message:
medical mission assisted by the other volunteers. After
setting up, we have started the gift-giving program For everyone reading this, what we have done for the Aeta
scheduled for Day1 (clothes, seeds, groceries, rice, slip- community is just a temporary thing. But what you can do
pers, etc.) to each family representative while the other is help us in spreading the awareness that there, in Sitio
committees started hosting the games for the children. Mapali, Danum, lies a community, home for many Aeta
Also, SES’ head chef, Francis “Chit”, along with the feeding families. They are far from civilization. They have been de-
program committees started cooking the Pan-chit (Pancit) nied an easy access for medical help and education, but
and served it to everyone right after. *Yum!* what we mustn’t deny, is their right to live there.

Those activities finished right before dusk. We were then And for the Aeta community, one of the things we want to
paired and assigned to homes that will foster us until we impart you is the thought that “somehow, somewhere, some-
leave. This activity let us live among them, eat with them, one cares”On behalf of SES, we would like to extend our
and be one with them. Some qualities they have in com- deepest gratitude for the company, the volunteers, the do-
mon: they are kind, humble, simple, selfless and very nors, the ones who led this outreach program and for eve-
hospitable. They are closely-tied with each other. They ryone who extended their help to accomplish it. May you
plant and harvest their own food. Also, they don’t mind if continue to help everyone in need and we hope to see you
people come and go in their homes and some doesn’t again in PAGLINGAP 2019.
even have a door. As per Ms. Pia, stealing does not exist
in this community. With that last line, I will leave you with
this question: “Are we really the ones who are more edu-
20 Communique November 2018

REDEMPTION AND By: Daniel Arguelles III

Sports Editor
MEE Section, Machinery Division


NO MORE RUNNER UPS!!! This was in the mind of the two previous games. (Game 1 won by
all the players and coaches of Team MTS as MHPS 70-66 while Game 2 was by Denso Ten
they entered the Upper Deck basketball court 80-66).Huge supporters of both teams
last Nov.21 for the final game of the trilogy showed their full support as they roaring,
of 2018 OBL Finals against the defending chanting and even dancing all the time
champion Denso Ten. Team MTS was totally un- that brought more excitement in the game.
derman as two of its main man, John Cabangon And then the game starts. Team MTS did not
and Neil Nikki Hugo were out of the game allow same thing to happen during Game 1 &
while sweet shooting Ronald Divina was a 2 where in Denso pulled out 8-0 start.
doubtful starter because of the broken nose This time they exchanged baskets with Den-
injury suffered in Game 2. so and defended well from the start. The
1st canto ended with Denso up by 4 pts 15-
Tensions were everywhere between the two pro- 11 score.
tagonist even before the game starts. Unlike
before, bench has to be decided by lottery
while the coaches were arguing the outcome of In the 2nd quarter, Denso Ten continue to

22 Communique November 2018

dominate as the duo of Rosopa and Chua beaten the The Denso Ten was helpless, found themselves
whole MTS inside and out. Team MTS couldn’t find
behind, that they forced their shots and
the antidote to these woes while another blow
could not equalized the fast and fury of MTS.
came through as Jasper Arguelles was accidentally
And then the sound of dethronement was heard
hit in the nose by Chua’s elbow, got bleeding and
and MTS ended victorious by 71-67 Game 3 win.
was rushed to the hospital that add insult to the
Players and supporters rushed to the middle
injury. While MTS manage to cut the lead to 3pts
of the court, roaring, dancing and shouting
23-26, 1 min 30sec left, an 8-0 run by Denso to
to celebrate the unforgettable come from be-
end the period, put MTS in the 34-23 hopeless
situation. But MTS player’s determination and hind championship win. Players at one point
heart of a warrior couldn’t bring them down as carried their coach on their shoulder as ap-
the 3rd quarter ignited the run and gun plays led preciation for leading them to this win. Even
by the Rookie sensation King Reyes, muscle man President Mishiro, Mr. Sato, Mr. Hirayama
and tireless Christian Sadie, sweet shooter could not hide their happiness, join the
Ronald Divina and “Magic Hugot” Jhofer Robado whole MTS squad in celebration and confessed
brought the lead for the first time 43-41 under that they were very nervous and their stomach
2mins left, by the fast break layup of Robado. was in abnormal in the sideline when Denso
It was all team effort in this period shown by was leading.
MTS as they outscored Denso 22-13 in this period.
But Denso still managed to lead 47-45 at the end
of the 3rd period. The celebrations continue as the champion
team received the championship trophy, medal
for each player and commemorative champion-
4th quarter was tight for MTS as Denso throws a ship T-shirt for each player and coach. More-
lock down defense on King Reyes. But this served over everyone cheered and applause louder
as a blessing which allow the other players, the when King Reyes was announced as the Finals
likes of Earl Flores, Divina, Ralf Bumanlag, MVP chanting him “MVP… MVP…MVP”.
Robado and Sadie, to have full confidence to step
up and finish the game strong. The composure, de-
termination and will to win were evident in show- After 3 years of championship drought, WE
ing the offensive trademark form of MTS, an un- REDEEM AND WE ARE REIGNING AGAIN!!
stoppable ball rotation and relentless collective
effort. A three pointer by Earl Flores at 5:40
mark in the fourth quarter spark MTS. A steal by
King, two denials and base line drive by Flores
gave MTS the lead 65-64 under 2:40 minutes re-
maining. MTS never looked back from this point as
Ronald Divina join the fire fight with a lethal
pull-up jumper, a rebound and strong fastbreak
finish that brought the house down as the lead
goes up to 5pts with less than a minute to go.

23 Communique November 2018

We are the
25 Communique December 2018
One Café and Events Place, One Corporate Center, Ortigas Center, Pasig City

To provide the best engineering output continuously

for the PJs of MHI & MHPS, such as EPC PJ and

Manufacturing PJ, with everybody’s participation in

the positioned as right Figure.


We will become world class Global Engineering Center

in Engineering of EPC and/or Manufacturing.

January 1, 2015

Masahiko Mishiro Date


27th/F Robinsons Cybergate Center Tower 3, Pioneer St.,
Mandaluyong City, 1550 Philippines

Phone: 794-0220
Fax: 794-0202

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