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RESEARCH PAPER RUBRIC Name _______________________________________Date: Mark: /100

Exceeds Standard (A) Meets Standard (B) Nearly Meets Standard (C) Does Not Meet Standard (D) No evidence(F)
Title page Title, Your Name, Instructor’s Evidence of 4 Evidence of 3 Evidence of 2 or less
Name, Course, Date, Neatly
/5 finished-no errors.
Thesis statement Clearly stated and appropriately Clearly stated but focus Thesis phrasing too simple, Thesis lacks a clear objective Thesis not evident.
focused problem identification. could have been sharper. lacks complexity, or not clearly and/or does not “fit” content of
/10 worded. essay.
Introduction The introduction is engaging, The introduction states the The introduction states the main There is no clear introduction Absent, no evidence.
states the main topic and previews main topic and previews the topic but does not adequately or main topic and the structure
the structure of the paper. structure of the paper. preview the structure of the of the paper is missing.
/10 paper.
Body of Paper Each paragraph has thoughtful Each paragraph has sufficient Each paragraph lacks Each paragraph fails to develop Not applicable.
supporting detail sentences that supporting detail sentences supporting detail sentences. the main idea.
/10 develop the main idea. that develop the main idea.
The conclusion is engaging and The conclusion restates the The conclusion does not Incomplete and/or unfocused. Absent.
Conclusion /10 restates the thesis. thesis. adequately restate the thesis.
Supporting Thorough and relevant. All cited Less thorough but still Adequate; relevance made Insufficient; relevance not Irrelevant or missing
Research and works, both text and visual, are substantial and relevant. clear. Few cited works, both always made clear. Several evidence, relying
Citations done in the correct format with no Some cited works, both text text and visual, are done in a sources lack proper assertion rather than
errors. All sources are accurately and visual, are done in consistent format. documentation research. Sources are
documented in consistent format consistent format. Some not documented or
/10 inconsistencies evident. consistently formatted.
Integration of The paper demonstrates that the The paper demonstrates that The paper demonstrates that the The paper does not demonstrate Absent, no evidence of
Knowledge writer fully understands and has the writer understands and writer, to a certain extent, that the writer has fully knowledge integration.
applied concepts learned in the has applied concepts learned understands and has applied understood and applied
course by integrating own in the course. Some of the concepts learned in the course. concepts learned in the course.
insights. The writer provides conclusions, however, are
concluding remarks that show not supported in the body of
/10 analysis and synthesis of ideas. the paper.
Focus & Content Sharp, distinct focus; balanced, Clear focus; specific, Adequate focus, but unbalanced The topic is too broad for the The topic is not clearly
substantial, specific, and/or illustrative, and balanced content; more analysis needed. scope of this assignment. Paper defined. Absence of
illustrative content; sophisticated, content. The paper is about a specific contains too much research focus and relevant
mature ideas are particularly well- topic but the writer has not information without analysis or content; content doesn’t
/10 developed. established a position. commentary. “fit” thesis.
Organization Obviously controlled and/or subtle Logical and appropriate Organization attempted, but Inconsistent organization. Absence of planned
organization; strong topic organization; clear topic unclear or inappropriate topic organization.
/5 sentences. sentences. sentences.
Structural Writer demonstrates logical Paragraph development Logical organization; No evidence of structure or No apparent control
Development of sequencing of ideas through well- present but not perfected. organization of ideas not fully organization. Several awkward over sentence structure
the Main Ideas developed paragraphs. Writer’s Precision and variety in developed. Limited, but mostly and/or unclear sentences; and word choice.
voice is strong; precision in tone, sentence structure and word correct, sentence structure problems with word choice.
sentence structure, and word choice. variety and word choice.
/10 choice.
Mechanics & No errors in punctuation, Almost no errors in Many errors in punctuation, Numerous and distracting Mechanical and usage
Usage capitalization and spelling. Free of punctuation, capitalization capitalization and spelling. errors in punctuation, errors that significantly
mechanical and usage errors. and spelling. Few mechanical Some mechanical and usage capitalization, spelling, and interfere with the
and usage errors errors, but do not interfere with usage errors that interfere with writer’s purpose
/5 writer’s purpose writer’s purpose.
References Done in the correct format with no Done in the correct format Done in the correct format with Done in the correct format with Absent or the only sites
errors. Includes more than 5 major with few errors. Includes 5 some errors. Includes 4 major many errors. Includes 3 major are internet sites.
references (e.g. science journal major references (e.g. science references (e.g. science journal references (e.g. science journal
articles, books, but no more than journal articles, books, but no articles, books, but no more articles, books, but no more
/5 two internet sites.) more than two internet sites). than two internet sites). than two internet sites).

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