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Copyright © 2019 – Hair Loss Secrets

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of this publication is strictly prohibited and any storage of this docu-
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All rights reserved. The information provided herein is stated to be
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contained within is the solitary and utter responsibility of the recipient
reader. Under no circumstances will any legal responsibility or blame
be held against the publisher or author for any reparation, damages, or
monetary loss due to the information herein, either directly or indi-
rectly. Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.

Legal Notice:

This book is copyright protected. This is only for informational and

personal use. You cannot amend, distribute, sell, use, quote or para-
phrase any part of the content within this book without the consent
of the author or copyright owner. Legal action will be pursued if this
is breached.

Disclaimer Notice:

The information in this book is the opinion of the author and is based
upon the author’s personal experiences and observations. The author
does not assume any liability whatsoever for the use of, or the inability
to use any or all information contained in this book, and accepts no
responsibility for any loss or damages of any kind that may be incurred
by the reader as a result of actions arising from the use of information
found within this book. Use the information at your own risk. No
promises of cures, capabilities, hair loss results, or otherwise are given
by the author, herein.

Dedication����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� iv
Acknowledgments�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� vi
Foreword��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ix
Introduction����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� xvi

1. The Beginning��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������1

2. The Secret Why We Actually Lose Our Hair���������������������9

3. Big Pharma Secrets������������������������������������������������������������������������������19

4. Hair Loss Myths������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 30

5. Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery����� 33

6. Hair loss is history. Join the Adegen Army.��������������������� 56


To the guy out there who feels completely desperate and

hopeless about losing your hair. I’ve been in your shoes
and this book and all of the effort that went into writing
it is for you.

My goal is to help you and make you aware of what is really

happening in the hair loss industry and prove to you that
there is actually a real solution to hair loss.

I’ve dedicated the past 8+ years of my life and hundreds

of thousands of my own dollars to make that possibility
available to you despite what sometimes seemed like insur-
mountable challenges. You have given me the strength to
persevere and this book is for you.
After you read this book you
will never see the world the
same way ever again…


✅✅ The SECRET one and only reason why you are losing
your hair.
✅✅ How severely broken our medical system is and why
it’s keeping this breakthrough underground.
✅✅ Why you keep trying hair loss product after hair loss
product with ZERO results
✅✅ And finally how to once and for all stop and reverse
this terrible disease. Yes, I said DISEASE.

I’d like to thank many people that have contributed to the

writing of this book. First and foremost, I would like to
thank you “LASER” Helmet Guy. Seeing all of your Face-
book ads smiling with your guitar and those teddy bears
in the background have been fantastic. What a joke…

vi JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

To the big pharma company brands running endless
facebook advertisements for generic 5% minoxidil and
off-patent finasteride (giving people sexual side effects and
depression) with your fancy packaging and multi-million
dollar venture capital investment funding your advertising
campaigns blatantly lying to people, you have been helpful
in ways that you can’t imagine.

Selling a product that you can literally get off the shelves
at your local Costco or CVS for a premium price has
opened my eyes to what is really going on in the hair loss

Last, and certainly not least, I’d like to thank big pharma
and political corruption for keeping corporate greed pri-
ority numero uno. Why actually solve a problem when you
can continue profiting billions of dollars a year?

Who cares about the people? The people like me (and prob-
ably you) going through depression losing my hair and
freaking out while desperately trying to find a real solution?
So thank you, you have all given me the motivation and
ammunition to write this book. Knowingly mistreating
and misleading your customers cannot continue. You must
be stopped.

Ok. I have to at least genuinely thank one person. Mom,

You’re the kindest, most generous soul I’ve ever met in my
life. Thank you for all of your unconditional love and sup-
port and custom Rx topical formulations. You are the best!

viii JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets


I remember it like it was yesterday.

It was the day of my very first college football practice. Every

night after practice our team reconvened to eat together
in the dining hall next to the football building. I came to
Michigan State early to participate in Spring Practice, so I
didn’t know anyone. Everyone was in the dining hall telling
stories and laughing and it seemed like everyone had a great
group of friends to eat with except for me. Combined with
the fact that I felt like I just went ten rounds with Mike
Tyson, it was safe to say I was having a rough day. I felt like
I didn’t belong and questioned my decision moving from
my hometown to pursue my dream of D1 college football.

I got my tray, went through the food line and then aim-
lessly headed down the aisle, trying to stay out of the way.
I took a couple of more steps and before I knew it, I heard
a voice say “Hey man, sit down here with us, guys make
some room”. That was John Goss. Since that day, John and
I have been best friends.

We’ve been teammates who have played in front of 100,000

screaming fans. We have literally chased bad guys through

mountains, cried to each other after heartbreaks and have
almost died of laughter. We have both shared great suc-
cesses in life and we have also failed hard. Nonetheless,
John has been a constant person in my life. He has always
been there when I’ve needed him the most.

When I look back on our friendship over the past sixteen

years, there is one key underlying theme; the desire to be
great and not settle for a marginal, ineffective existence.
This book is a continuation of that journey. John would
not accept an ineffective solution for hair loss so he put
his heart and soul into finding a solution. He’s done what I
thought crazy, many thought impossible, and what I don’t
think anyone else would do. He traveled all over the world
and spent a fortune searching for a cure to what I thought
was an incurable problem.

It wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I started losing my

own hair. You don’t realize how emotional it can be until
it happens to you. I felt like I was losing my masculinity,
even though I’m 6’6 and 275lbs. Luckily for me, I knew
who to call and John shared his years of research and his
‘SECRET’ sauce. I was blown away. Here are my before
and after photos of the results I had in less than 3 months.


x JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

xii JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets
xiv JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets
All I did was follow the step by step plan and formula you’re
about to discover for yourself.

Reader, consider yourself blessed. Like me, you’ve been

walking around aimlessly spending a fortune on products
that are ineffective, or even perhaps considering surgery.
Well look no further, John is finally here to save your day.

Go Green!

Justin Kershaw
Michigan State Football Team Captain 2008


The hair loss industry has been built on a foundation of lies.

It has been one scam after another and lie after lie. These
billion dollar companies make a lot of money off of your
desperate situation. Make no mistake, while these com-
panies continue to profit from your loss don’t bet on them
putting your needs first. In 2020, the hair loss industry is
predicted to exceed $5 billion dollars.

HAIR LOSS SECRETS is a bold title. I completely under-

stand that and take it very seriously. This book contains
a lot of secrets. Secrets you should know about your own
personal hair loss as well as the secrets that are keeping
effective solutions underground.

I 100% believe in what I’m about to share with you. More

than just believe it, I live it. I am a product of the product.
I do what I’m about to tell you everyday and my hair is
better than it’s ever been.

I’ve helped a lot of people including family, friends, LA

celebrities and even rock stars who have performed in
Super Bowl halftime shows. I have fought harder than you
can possibly imagine and wouldn’t take no for an answer

xvi JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

in my mission to make this solution available and known
to the public.

My name is John Goss and if you’re reading this, unfor-

tunately, we have something in common: hair loss. Well
actually, I used to but thankfully not anymore. However,
I know exactly how you feel.

I can promise you I never intended to or wanted to write

‘The Book’ on hair loss... and I most certainly do not want
to be known as the ‘The Hair Loss Guy’.

You’ll hear my entire story, but I want you to know right

from the beginning why I’m writing this book. It is my
ultimate desire to genuinely help you because if you are
anything like me, you’re overwhelmed, confused, have
tried countless hair loss products and left with an overall
feeling of hopelessness. I know, I felt that way too. Don’t
give up. I promise there is hope and there is help.

What you’re about to read may shock you and most likely
really upset you, but it’s the truth. It’s taken me over fif-
teen years of obsessive research, trial and error, heartache,
rapid heart rates, literally breaking the law (true story) and
spending hundreds of thousands of my own hard-earned
dollars to discover what I now know.

I had to learn the hard way and it’s been a really trying
road, but you are now getting the opportunity to bypass
years of my frustration and get straight to the results and
information I wish I had when I began this difficult

P.S. This book was written by me in my own words. Most

people don’t know this, but many books are written by
“ghostwriters” or edited by professionals to take their words
and create a lot of extra fluff around them so they can fill
the pages. This is not that.

The goal is not to have a book so I can say I’m an author or

to be on the New York Times bestseller list. There is no fluff.
I made it as short and as easy to read as possible. I wrote

xviii JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

it in a way that would be as close as possible to if you and
I were sitting down and having a one on one conversation.

The only goal is to help you understand what I’ve discov-

ered and how I’ve not only stopped my hair loss but have
also regrown it. It’s not to write hundreds of pages for the
sake of having a novel. RESULTS are the one and only
thing I care about and I assume that you do as well. That’s
how this book was written.

Section 1

The Beginning

To be completely honest, I’ve always been really into my hair.

As early as I can remember, my hair has always been a big

part of my identity. I grew up in Ohio and played soccer
and before the popular man-bun became mainstream,
I was rocking shoulder-length hair with an undercut. I
thought I was pretty cool and nailed down the look with
a folded Nike bandana so the swoosh was centered below
my perfect hairline. It’s funny to look back now, but at the
time I thought I was pretty cool. I know, right...I peaked
too early.

My hair was my signature. So much so that I was even

voted “Best Hair” in the high school yearbook my senior
year. You can’t even make this up…

Section 1: The Beginning1

Growing up, we’ve all heard the myth that those who pos-
sess a full, healthy head of hair inherited it. I believed that
too. I thought I would live happily ever after with dark,
thick, flowing locks like my maternal grandfather. We have
great hair in our family and I was planning on that good
hair gene being passed down to me as well. Unfortunately,
like a lot of other information out there this wasn’t true.

Tragedy struck as my final days in high school were coming

to a close. I began noticing a slight difference in the hair
around my temples and hairline. It seemed like it was just
a little bit thinner compared to the hair over the rest of my
head. I shrugged it off and continued with life, thinking
it was no big deal.

I couldn’t even accept the possibility of my hair thinning

or receding. The thought of having a receding hairline or

2 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

worse, going bald at that time might as well have been a
death sentence to my self-confidence. That might sound
dramatic and it is but it’s the truth. I thought in disbelief,
could this really be happening to me?

I’m just graduating highschool and my adult life is just

starting. I’m single. I’m about to go away to college. My
best friend says that I have a face for radio (whatever that
means). This can’t happen to me. Don’t take away the best
thing that I have going.

Sure enough, things continued to get worse. As soon

as I graduated, my receding hairline was in full, white
flag, retreat. When I say I freaked out, that is a dramatic
understatement. I lost it. I panicked. I thought my life and
everything good in this world was over.

I went into a depressed state and if you had met me at

that time, you wouldn’t have recognised me. I was with-
drawn and my personal ambitions became smaller with
my decreasing self confidence.

Fortunately, I grew up in a medical family. My mom and

aunt are both life-long pharmacists and we also have three
M.D.s (Medical Doctors) in our immediate family. They
recommended the logical solution at the time and I started
on the then two current (2001) FDA approved and still

Section 1: The Beginning3

only two FDA approved hair loss “solutions”; Rogaine
(minoxidil) and Propecia (finasteride).

Eighteen years and no progress or developments? Well,

not according to the FDA, but much more on this later.

I thought, “well, thank God, at least there is a solution to

this terrible problem”.

Happily ever after? Not so much...

I continued using both of these products religiously but

they didn’t stop my problem. In fact, not only did they not
stop my hair loss, it kept getting worse. I was so confused.
This is the FDA approved signed, sealed, and delivered
promised solution to hair loss.

How then and why do I continue to lose my hair? I couldn’t

understand how a product that was FDA approved and
advertised as the solution to hair loss didn’t work.

4 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

I distinctly remember being 20 years old in junior college at
Scottsdale, Arizona and thinking that on my next birthday,
the big 21st, which I always dreamt of having a big party
and wild celebration, I was now thinking and afraid that
I might not even be able to get a date because my hair loss
looked so bad and I felt so terrible.

I love golf. I should have stuck with that sport in college

but decided to play football and be a quarterback. D1, 6’4,
rocket-laser arm. Just kidding, I was actually a placekicker
and punter.

I remember one weekend during summer when I came

home to visit my family in Ohio. I went to play golf and
my mom picked me up at the golf course. I took my hat
off and bent down to pick up my clubs and put them in
the car. When I bent over, my mom could see the top of
my head and said, “Oh John, your hair in the back is really
balding and thin…”

Do you know that scene in Wedding Crashers where Will

Ferrell yells “Ma! The meatloaf?!” I think it was the first
time I almost cursed at my mom. But honestly, it was like
I just got gut punched in the stomach. I felt sick that it was
so noticeably thinning. Apparently, it hurt pretty badly
because it’s now 16 years later and I can still remember it.

Section 1: The Beginning5

All I wanted was for my hair loss to stop. I couldn’t stop
thinking about it. I feel like it dominated the majority of
my daily thoughts. The rearview mirror was the worst. It
kept yelling back at me “hey man, you’re losing your hair”.

Every time I took a shower and washed my hair, I would

look down at my hands, full of hair, and say to them saying
“you quitters”. This might sound crazy and I’m glad I can
laugh about it now, but at the time it was honestly really
depressing. If you’ve struggled with hair loss, maybe you
can relate?

I became obsessed. I tried every shampoo you can imagine.

Shampoo after shampoo after shampoo. I spent hours
and hours reading every white paper and NCBI PubMed
research study I could get my hands on. I googled “new
hair loss breakthrough” multiples times throughout the day.

I scoured the blogs trying countless homemade remedies

promised to stop hair loss. I took just about every herb
and vitamin you can get your hands on and enough biotin
for a horse. I tried different hair loss topical solutions and
custom formulated prescription hair loss topical solutions,
one of which actually caused dramatically more hair loss.

I researched Minoxidil which is the active ingredient in

Rogaine. Minoxidil is a powerful hypertension drug (high

6 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

blood pressure) and one of its side effects is that it can
cause rapid and irregular heartbeats. I read about people
taking it orally for hair loss and took 10mg daily in hopes
of having results.

Did I know about this side effect? Yes. Did I care? No. I
wanted my hair back and I wanted it at all costs. Those
who have never had this problem may not understand.
They might be wondering “All these things just for hair?”.
Unless you have experienced it yourself, you don’t under-
stand. Warning: do not take oral minoxidil for hair loss.

Nothing worked. I spent thousands and thousands of dol-

lars, one product after the other, all claiming to be the
“next” or “real” solution to my hair loss problem, but they
all turned out to be nothing more than empty promises
that didn’t deliver. All hat and no cattle, as they say in Texas.

I talked to doctors about hair transplant surgery, but was

told that I would continue to need more surgeries as my
hair loss progressed and that the surgery would not be able
to meet my goals because you are limited to the donor hair
in the back of your scalp.

After years of experimenting with products that didn’t

work, I decided to take my experimentation to the next
level. I traveled internationally around the globe to search

Section 1: The Beginning7

for a real hair loss solution. Through all of my research, I
heard about some potential solutions and therapies that
were available in other countries but that were not avail-
able in the United States due to the restrictions set forth
by the FDA.

I flew to South Korea which is renownedly known as the

cosmetic capital of the world. My journey then took me
to China, the manufacturing capital of the world; Canada,
Germany, and other European countries. I met with
world-leading chemists, academic and medical doctors,
pharmacists and pharmacies, cosmetic and medical man-
ufacturing companies and laboratories, all desperately just
trying to find a solution to my hair loss problem.

This book is the culmination of that research and the final

solution. The trips I made and the thousands of dollars
and hours invested. If you have a hair loss problem, what
you are about to read is the answer you’ve been looking
for. What you hold in your hands will finally give you hope
and hopefully save you from the depression that my hair
loss caused me.

8 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

Section 2

The Secret Why We

Actually Lose Our Hair

Have you ever asked yourself or wondered why do we actu-

ally lose our hair?

What are the mechanisms and underlying cause and effect

that is making this happen?

During my years and years of research and extensive

self-experimentation, I discovered something. Something
that nobody talks about. Doctors don’t explain it. Research
publications don’t define it. Dermatologists don’t under-
stand it. Why do we actually lose our hair? If hair loss is
a symptom, which it is, what is the underlying cause that
is making it happen?

If you have been suffering from hair loss and done any
research at all, you have surely heard that 95%+ of hair loss
is what the so-called experts call androgenetic alopecia,

Section 2: The Secret Why We Actually Lose Our Hair9

which is also referred to as “male-pattern” or “female-pat-
tern” hair loss. The explanation submitted is that for the
majority of us, depending on our unique genetics, our
hair follicles are simply predisposed to losing their hair
at some mystical time.

Further research will lead you to the conclusion that tes-

tosterone is the problem. That testosterone gets converted
to DHT by an enzyme called 5α-Reductase and that is the
reason you’re losing your hair.

Ok. Well even if that is true, it still doesn’t answer my ques-

tion. What is it about DHT or why does DHT cause hair
loss? If you are anything like me, you have no idea why DHT
is killing your hairline and confidence and just accepted
it at face value, but that doesn’t really explain the problem.

The truth is that hair loss is a disease.

That might sound scary or dramatic, but let me explain.

10 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

Cardiovascular disease or heart disease is the number one
cause of death in the USA. The disease generally refers to
conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels
that lead to a heart attack.

A heart attack is the result of your heart not getting enough

blood flow. Without blood flow, it doesn’t get the oxygen
and nutrients that it needs to function properly or survive.
The exact same is true for your hair follicles.

Section 2: The Secret Why We Actually Lose Our Hair11

There is one reason and one reason only that is at the
root of your hair loss (pun intended).

The only reason why you lose your hair simply comes
down to one thing: BLOOD FLOW to the hair follicle.

This may or may not seem like a huge revelation to you right
now, but it’s extremely important and foundational for you
to understand this principle. Everything moving forward
will be building upon this fundamental understanding.

No one wakes up and all of a sudden their hair has disap-

peared. Last night I had hair and today it’s gone. No. That
is not the way it hair loss happens. Hair loss starts before
it’s even noticeable to the eye and then your hair gradually
starts thinning progressively. It’s actually a relatively slow
process at the beginning, but that doesn’t mean you don’t
want to address it as soon as possible.

12 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

Before you lose your hair it starts thinning. This is also
popularly referred to as “miniaturization”. Your hair starts
thinning and gets thinner and thinner until eventually, the
hair follicle is so weak it cannot produce a single strand of
hair noticeable to the eye.

The reason why the hair continues to thin is quite simple.

The hair follicle’s nutrients are being restricted. Your hair is
a fiber-like structure that is produced in the hair follicle. The
hair follicle-like every other organ in the body, including
our brain, heart, muscles, kidneys, etc. all get their nutrients
and oxygen through the blood via the circulatory system or
cardiovascular system. The system circulates and delivers
nutrient and oxygen-rich blood to all of the cells in our body.

Section 2: The Secret Why We Actually Lose Our Hair13

This was how actually how Guinter Kahn first discov-
ered minoxidil’s effect on hair growth in 1971, which later
became patented under the FDA and branded as Rogaine
for the treatment of hair loss.

Kahn was head of the dermatology department at the Uni-

versity of Colorado medical school. One day, a first-year

14 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

resident approached him and asked him to look at an odd
case he had just seen in the hospital. The patient was a
woman in her mid-40s and suffered from hypertension
so severe that she had had two strokes because of it. Since
she didn’t respond to ordinary medications, she had been
placed on an experimental program and given minoxidil,
a potent new drug that Upjohn pharmaceutical company
was testing hoping to get FDA approval.

The drug had dramatically lowered her blood pressure,

but there was this strange side effect, an increase in hair
growth. Before minoxidil, she said, she had never had to
shave her legs. Since taking the drug, she had to shave
more frequently. Before, she had gone to have her hair
cut every three or four months. Now, she was having to
go every three or four weeks.

Kahn realized instantly what the implications were right

away and said, ‘this would be great stuff if we could apply
it to the top of heads.’ So they took the powder and mixed
it with ethyl alcohol and propylene glycol at a 1% solution
and began testing it. After two months without seeing
any results, Kahn was ready to call it quits, but continued
experimenting with different percentages and began to
see some small but negligible results.

Section 2: The Secret Why We Actually Lose Our Hair15

Here is the kicker... Kahn then informed Upjohn Phar-
maceuticals of his findings of minoxidil’s potential with
hair growth and Upjohn quietly filed a patent for using
minoxidil for that purpose and reported Kahn to the FDA
for conducting unauthorized experiments on humans. Big
pharma at it’s finest.

After years of legal wrangling, Upjohn made a settlement

deal with Kahn issuing a joint patent entitled “Methods
and Solutions for Treating Male Pattern Alopecia.” In 2006,
Johnson & Johnson purchased Rogaine for $16.6 billion.

I included this story because this is what we’re up against.

Cutthroat big pharma companies that have billions of dol-
lars, a ton of political and lobbying power that only care
about the bottom line.

Million dollar question: If minoxidil was the solution,

why did I and why are millions of men and women con-
tinuing to lose their hair even after its consistent usage?

The only other FDA approved drug for hair loss was
approved in 1997 as finasteride under the brand name
“Propecia” which is also now off patent. This drug has an
interesting history. It began in 1942 when James Hamilton
observed that prepubertal castration prevents the later
development of male pattern baldness in mature men.

16 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

This research intrigued Pindaros who was then the Chief of
Research at Merck Pharmaceutical. Dr. Vagelos created a
drug which could mimic the condition found in these chil-
dren to treat older men who were suffering from benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), also called prostate gland
enlargement, an ailment common in older men.

Finasteride was born and again the discovery, just like

minoxidil, regarding hair loss was an accident. It was dis-
covered that by taking finasteride and reducing serum
DHT levels, the amount of DHT present in your blood, it
also slightly reduced the levels of DHT in the scalp.

Merck was granted FDA approval and patent for finasteride

and claims that finasteride can maintain or increase the
number of terminal hairs in the anagen phase by inhibit-
ing and sometimes reversing miniaturization of the hair

The treatment of finasteride claims to slow further hair

loss and only provides an estimated 30% improvement in
hair loss after six months of treatment. Finasteride has also
been tested for hair loss in women; however, the results
were no better than placebo.

There were a plethora of side effects reported with finas-

teride and Merck has now included a label warning, saying

Section 2: The Secret Why We Actually Lose Our Hair17

finasteride can cause sexual side effects in the men who
take them.

Finasteride as well as Dutasteride, which I took for years,

gave me a ton of negative side effects. Extreme fatigue and
depression being the worst.

18 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

Section 3

Big Pharma Secrets

If you read the previous chapter with attention, you will

see a pattern:

✅✅ Big Pharmaceutical Companies

✅✅ Patents
✅✅ The FDA
Now, I am not here to speak badly or to bash the FDA.
On the contrary, I believe the FDA was initially created
to help protect its citizens from being scammed by false
advertising and marketing. But the question begs to be
answered, how is that working out?

Here are two main secret reasons why there haven’t been
any breakthroughs in the hair loss industry or at least
that the average public knows about.

Section 3: Big Pharma Secrets19

Secret #1
In an attempt by the FDA to protect its citizens from hair
loss scams, they made it a law that even using the word
“Hair Loss” falls under FDA jurisdiction and that any com-
pany or product that made the claim for treating “hair loss”
would require FDA approval. Do you know how much
going through FDA approval costs?

20 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

Did you read that correctly?!

The average cost to develop a drug and go through FDA

approval is $2-$3 Billion dollars. Yes, with a B!

But what’s even harder to believe is that out of that enor-

mous cost, the cost of developing the actual drug is less
than 1%. The other 99% goes to getting approval from
the FDA and all of the red tape involved.

Less than 1% of the total cost actually goes to research

and development of the drug. Can you see a problem...?

Section 3: Big Pharma Secrets21

Think about the most innovative companies today. The
company’s products that you use every day and the com-
panies that have had the biggest impact on our society?
The companies that initially come to mind for me are com-
panies like Google, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Uber, etc.

Do you know how all of these companies started? In either

a dorm or garage. My point...? The greatest innovation
happens initially on a very small scale by people who are
incredibly passionate about an idea, working to solve a
problem, or provide a new solution.

The big problem that the FDA created for you and me is
that the only companies that can afford that kind of sig-
nificant investment are large pharmaceutical companies
with very deep, deep pockets.

That’s not the only problem though. As I mentioned the

hair loss industry is a $5+ billion dollar a year market. So
there would still be an incentive for companies to make
that investment. The problem is that for a big company
or any company for that matter to make such a sizeable
investment must plan on getting a financial return on their
investment, right?

That only makes business sense.

Well, the only way a pharmaceutical company could get

a return on such a large investment is if they had some

22 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

kind of protection or exclusivity to be able to sell their
new product. In the medical industry that is only accom-
plished by obtaining a patent which lasts a certain number
of years and allows the company exclusive rights to sell
their new product.

The problem is that to get a patent approved with the FDA

it has to be a completely new drug chemistry. Meaning no
existing chemistry qualifies, even if it’s shown promising
results in the past.

This means that there is no incentive and absolutely zero

research (and never will be) on any chemistry that is cur-
rently available or has shown potential. Because if it’s ever
shown improvement or promise in the past, it cannot be
patented. Without a patent, it’s not a profitable opportunity
for pharmaceutical companies.

The system is completely broken and you and I are paying

the price. This is the real reason why there hasn’t been
an FDA approved product in over 22 years.

This also means there is no research being done on any

existing chemistry in a different dosage or in combination
with other ingredients, say a different percentage of minox-
idil or minoxidil combined with any other ingredients
because minoxidil at the 5% concentration has already
been approved for hair loss.

Section 3: Big Pharma Secrets23

Finally, and perhaps most importantly it means that
there is no research and development on anything that
is all-natural because it can’t be patented either.

The money spent on research would be in vain and even

discovering a natural cure for hair loss would require FDA
approval, cost several billion dollars and they wouldn’t be
able to recoup their investment even if the company was
willing to invest.

So even though the cure for hair loss may be available, and
IT IS, it’s impossible to provide that solution to the public
because it would literally be breaking the law.

Frustrated yet?

So you would at least think that by having these FDA regu-

lations you and I would be protected from false advertising
and lied to about hair loss solutions on the market, right?
Unfortunately, that’s not the case.

Despite the FDA’s best intentions (benefit of the doubt)

companies have found many ways to advertise around the
“hair loss” claim using words like “thinning hair”, “hair fall”,
“miniaturization”, etc.

Secret #2:
It gets worse before it gets better, unfortunately.

24 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

The second main reason for keeping this hair loss break-
through from the market is that large companies have
figured out they can still make millions and millions of
dollars with false advertising and marketing even if the
product doesn’t work.

People are so desperate, like I was, that they are willing

to try anything and keep falling for the lies and hair loss

They have discovered that they can still make a fortune in

the “hair loss” industry as long as they legally dance around
label claims. Why go through the hard work and headache
of the daunting regulatory process when it’s easier to go to
the market and you can make more money easily selling
a lie.

If you’re a man you’ve surely seen the Facebook ads pro-

moting these products. Hims was recently projected to
have a valuation of over $1 billion dollars… Are you kid-
ding me?! They are selling nothing more than off patent
Rogaine (5% generic minoxidil). This is clear proof that
marketing is more profitable than providing an actual

Closely behind them is an almost exact business, Keeps.

They both selling nothing more than a generic, off-patent,

Section 3: Big Pharma Secrets25

5% minoxidil topical solution and finasteride. Something
you can grab off the shelf at your local CVS or at Costco
under the Kirkland brand.

But they’re making a fortune. How’s that possible?

Because they are great at marketing and advertising and

realized that’s where the money is, not actually trying to
help people by providing a real solution to their problem.
Did you know there are studies that prove if you see an ad
7 times you are likely to buy their product? If they can get
it in front of you enough times, you will buy it.

So, unfortunately, these companies are being financially

rewarded for taking advantage of your desperate situation.
I know how it feels. It’s not your fault. I spent years and
years falling for the same empty promises to a point that
I lost all hope and didn’t think there was actually a real
solution to hair loss.

Don’t even get me started on the “laser” helmet! Why is the

founder of the company balding himself if this product
actually worked? He is making millions though.

I’m not going to spend a lot of time here because it’s simply
not worth your’s or my time, but the “laser” is a red light
get rich quick scheme that isn’t anything new. Google
“laser brush” and you’ll see that this was a product that

26 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

was created in the 90s, made a lot of money fast and then
quickly fizzled because it failed to produce any results.
The same thing will happen with the laser helmet, but not
before they cash out big time.

It even claims to be FDA approved in some of its marketing

material, but the reason why it’s “FDA approved” is because
it doesn’t do anything that actually requires FDA approval.
It wasn’t approved by the FDA. It’s clear of the FDA the
same way that supplements and vitamins are.

Section 3: Big Pharma Secrets27

Again, great marketing, the fact that they can take pictures
of people smiling wearing this ridiculous “helmet” in com-
pletely staged scenes in the kitchen cooking and watching
tv and people actually believe it is hard for me to grasp,
but shows the incredible power of advertising.

Unfortunately, it also shows how desperate people are for

a real solution and that’s what drives me crazy. That these
companies are knowingly taking advantage of people in a
desperate situation. Probably because I was one of those
people for 10 years, so I guess I’m pretty bitter.

Please hear me on this, the companies selling the most

products are the companies who are the best at marketing
and advertising, not providing the best solutions.

Can I prove that? I most certainly can.

I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars of my own

money testing and analyzing different products on the
market. Analyzing and comparing their active ingredients
and the label claims they are making on their products.

I took the highest rated and best selling “hair loss” sham-
poo on tested. This particular shampoo is
selling over $500,000 per month and I had it analyzed in
a laboratory under mass spectrometry to determine the
level of the claimed active ingredients.

28 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

The results came back and the percentage of the main
active ingredient measured out at 0.01%!!! Far below the
clinical dosage required to have any impact or result, but
just enough to be able to make a label claim and steal your

How’s that possible with hundreds of 5-star reviews? Unfor-

tunately, you can manipulate the Amazon review system
and I know many people that do. People get paid to buy
a product on their account and leave a review. I’ve even
seen first-hand people for hire that can go into the Amazon
system and remove a negative review.

The Amazon ranking system is all based on what’s called

“sales velocity” so the more you sell the closer you get to
the front page, which is where all the money is, so this
can actually help shady companies get ranked higher and
make more money.

These companies are knowingly mistreating and deceiving

their customers and I fell victim to them for years. I do not
trust reviews or buy any cosmetic products from Amazon
specifically for this reason.

Section 3: Big Pharma Secrets29

Section 4

Hair Loss Myths

I want to address many of the urban legends around hair

loss and the myths floating around on the internet. This
is most likely not your first attempt at trying to stop your
hair loss and I have also fallen prey to many of them too.

There are a lot of opinions and so-called solutions to hair

loss circulating through the chat forums and Facebook
groups. Emu oil, black castor oil, headstands, lemon juice,
onions, garlic, cayenne pepper, special herbs like He Shou
Wu, etc. The list goes on forever. I’ve tried many of these
with absolutely zero results.

I’ve read many other hair loss books and ebooks that claim
if you eat this food or follow this specific diet or if you
abstain from sex that will stop your hair loss and regrow
your hair which is completely not true.

30 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

I’m not saying that diet is not extremely important to your
health and of course you should eat a healthy diet, but that
is not what’s causing your hair loss. I see many extremely
healthy people who are crazy about their health and diets
and have lost all of their hair. Tim Ferris being one of them.
He tests his blood sugar levels multiple times a day and
strictly adheres to the keto diet, but has lost all of his hair.

The diet argument for hair loss hinges on two main theories:

One is that if your diet is lacking certain foods, your hair

won’t get adequate vitamins and minerals that it needs
which is causing your hair loss. But as you now understand,
the deficiency is caused by a restriction of blood flow that
is supplying those nutrients and not because your diet is
lacking adequate vitamins or minerals.

If you were actually deficient in certain vitamins and

minerals to the extent that it was causing hair loss you
would have a plethora of other related health problems.
This argument is easily disproved by looking at the diets
of young men or teenagers or people who are obviously
not taking care of themselves from a diet perspective and
who are eating fast food and macaroni and cheese all day
long, yet their hair is perfectly fine.

The other argument related to diet is that certain foods

like sugar cause inflammation which attributes to hair loss.

Section 4: Hair Loss Myths31

While the fact that sugar and unhealthy foods definitely
cause inflammation and other health-related problems,
inflammation from these type of foods are not what’s causing
androgenetic alopecia, better known as male and female pat-
tern hair loss that 99% of hair loss sufferers are experiencing.

The one caveat to this is that if you are experiencing alopecia

areata which is an autoimmune disease and causes sudden
hair loss that starts with one or more circular bald patches
that may overlap. We aren’t exactly sure what “triggers” the
immune system to attack healthy hair follicles when people
have alopecia areata, but inflammation and diet may have
an impact. I’ve never experienced alopecia areata and that
is beyond the scope of this book. However if you are experi-
encing alopecia areata there are some promising treatments
becoming available so please don’t lose faith.

Scalp tension is another ridiculous old wives tale that I’ve

seen in various ebooks and blogs. Your scalp and my scalp
are no “tighter” than someone that isn’t experiencing hair

The promoters of these homemade remedies are just as

guilty at misserving their readers and customers as many
large companies selling their products knowing it is not
going to actually make a difference. Results are the only
thing that should matter to you.

32 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

Section 5

Secrets To Regrowing Your

Hair Without Surgery

Hopefully, now you have a solid understanding of what

really causes hair loss. I wanted to make sure to dispel a
lot of false beliefs about the hair loss industry and make
you aware of what’s really happening.

But now I’m excited to share with you what has painstak-
ingly taken me over 18 years to discover to completely stop
and reverse hair loss. This isn’t a unique solution that has
only worked for me personally, but hundreds of people
that have used the system.

One other thing I wanted to mention is that this system

works not just for hair loss on the crown (back of the
scalp), but it is also just as effective against hair loss on
the hairline, temples and frontal hair loss as well.

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery33

The reason I’m able to say that confidently is from experi-
ence and realizing that hair loss in the hairline and temples
is caused by the same mechanism that is causing hair loss
in the crown. The secret to restoring hair loss in both areas
is simply restoring sufficient blood flow to the hair follicle.

Secret Step #1: ARB Shampoo + Scalp Brush

There was a time when I completely gave up hope on
shampoo. I tried every shampoo you can imagine; Nizoral,
Nioxin, Revita, caffeine shampoos, ketoconazole sham-
poos, herbal and zinc shampoos, argan oil, and all-natural

I even had prescription strength shampoos made by com-

pounding pharmacies, but still, nothing stopped my hair
loss. I came to the conclusion that because of the limited
contact time there wasn’t any shampoo that could possibly
have any benefit against hair loss.

It wasn’t until I later discovered after testing many different

top selling shampoos that the ingredients that they were
claiming on the label didn’t disclose the percentages of
active ingredients. I also discovered they can claim ingre-
dients in the shampoo like caffeine or “DHT blocking”

34 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

ingredients but most don’t have near enough of the actual
ingredient to make any clinical significance or result.

Like I mentioned earlier the best selling “caffeine” sham-

poo on the market that I paid to have analyzed came back
to only have 0.01% caffeine which was their main active
ingredient. I was shocked!

The other problem with shampoos as well as liquid topical

solutions is that very limited amounts of active ingredients
are actually transferred to the hair follicle through the
epidermis layer of the skin.

Our skin, which is the largest organ in the human body,

is designed as a protective barrier to protect us from the
external elements. The outer protective layer of our skin
is called the epidermis and while it might not be as tough
as an alligator’s skin, it’s purpose is the same; protective

This understanding is eventually what led me to travel to

South Korea to meet with one of the best medical manu-
facturing companies in the world. We designed a device
similar to what is used in dermatology known as a derma
roller or microneedle roller except it was designed to be
used on the scalp. Here were some of the preliminary
designs we created for the roller device:

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery35

36 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets
Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery37
The final roller design was designed with a specific needle
configuration and depth to avoid damaging the hair follicle
but dramatically increasing absorption of the ingredients
through the scalp. The device creates microchannels in
the scalp which allow any topical formula to bypass more
effectively through the epidermis and dramatically increase
its effectiveness.

A side note on rollers. You have to be very careful because

many of the derma rollers on the market are not designed
for the scalp. Instead of individual needles they are actually
made out of stamped metal, which cuts the epidermis
like a knife rather than an individual needle that creates a
channel. The cutting can cause scarring and also severely
damage the hair follicle.

38 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

Stamped example:

Here is the design we used. Each needle is hand placed in

a specific pattern and depth to avoid pain and damage to
the hair follicle:

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery39

A side effect we noticed was that by using the roller and
making micropores in the skin is that it causes the body
to trigger its natural healing mechanism to the rolled area.
This makes sense because the body’s natural healing mech-
anism is to send blood flow to the area.

Just like when you sprain your ankle and it swells up like
a grapefruit. That is actually the body’s initial healing
mechanism. This increase in blood flow and increase in
absorption led to the discovery of a substantial increase
in hair growth.

We then took this same concept and created a brush spe-

cifically designed to stimulate the scalp in a similar way.
When combined with the arb shampoo that was specially
formulated from a dermatologist specializing in hair loss
including clinical percentages of caffeine, zinc, niacin and
other effective ARB (androgen receptor blocking) ingre-
dients, the results were amazing.

40 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

The brush was custom designed and molded with a special
plastic that has very strong yet thin bristles so it can easily
pass through the hair without pulling, but strong enough
to stimulate the scalp. Here are pictures of one of the pro-
totypes going through the design process:

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery41

And the final finished design:

42 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

The brush combined with the ARB shampoo was so effec-
tive that my college roommate in Arizona and good friend,
Derek, who was starting to lose his hair and I gave him the
shampoo with the brush and it has been 4 years and his
hair loss has completely reversed even without the use of
a topical solution or any other hair loss product.

Here is a text message I got from Derek:

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery43

There is a big misconception that people have when they
start to notice that their hair is thinning or when they are
losing their hair. They think that you need to be extra care-
ful with your scalp and hair to not cause further damage
and hair loss, but the exact opposite is true.

By aggressively brushing your hair and scalp, you stimulate

blood flow to your hair follicles and increase circulation
which is what the hair follicle needs to produce healthy
hair. By being gentle to your hair and scalp you are actually
contributing and making your hair loss worse. By using
the brush you are also removing sebum, dandruff, dead
skin and increasing the absorption of the shampoo’s active
ingredients to the hair follicle, similar to the roller.

44 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

I have read other articles and publications talking about
scalp massage which is attempting to accomplish the same
objective, but without a proper brush designed for the
scalp with stiff bristles and a configuration like the one
designed above, it is not nearly as effective.

Before making that brush I tried many other shampoo

brushes, but they were not designed for this purpose and
didn’t stimulate the scalp sufficiently. You do not want
to pull the hair when brushing, yet it needs to be strong
enough to stimulate the scalp to have an increase in

The shampoo procedure is as follows: As soon as you get

in the shower the first thing you want to do is shampoo
because the active ingredients need adequate contact time
to penetrate the epidermis. Before you apply the shampoo
rinse your hair with warm water. Apply a generous amount
of shampoo and massage into the scalp to create a generous
lather. Then take the brush and vigorously brush the scalp
(with shampoo in) about 10-15 times over every part of the
scalp, especially in any thinning hair areas.

You’ll notice that your skin will get slightly red which is
triggering the increased circulation of blood flow to the
follicle and increasing the absorption of active ingredients
to restore health to the hair follicle.

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery45

Again, this is counterintuitive to what most people think.
Do not be afraid to be aggressive when brushing.

I then apply a little bit more shampoo and massage it in and

let it sit for the duration of the shower. You want to allow as
much contact time as possible, so leave it on until the end
of your shower and then rinse out (5 minutes minimum).

If you use conditioner, applying it after you rinse out the

shampoo is fine. Again, this procedure also removes dead
skin, dandruff, and sebum from the pores and increases the
absorption of the caffeine and other effective ingredients
to the hair follicle.

Secret Step #2: How To Naturally Restore Circulation

and Vasodilation Without Side Effects
When I was taking high doses of oral minoxidil (Loniten)
in pill form years ago I did notice an increase in hair growth
but was forced to stop because of the serious side effects
and rapid heart rates. But this did help me to realize that
the circulation of blood flow was the secret key to hair loss
and the creation of new hair growth.

I started doing a lot of research on other possible solutions

and natural ingredients that could increase my circulation
and potentially be a replacement for minoxidil.

46 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

I first heard about Niacin, or vitamin B3, from my grand-
father. He immigrated from Europe during World War II
and came to America with practically nothing. He never
graduated from high school but is one of the most brilliant
people I’ve ever met. He started working for pennies per
hour in a machine shop in Ohio and eventually became
so successful that engineers from MIT and the Air Force
would come to consult with him on special projects.

The factory that he worked at was very cold without heat

and had cement floors, so as you can imagine in the winter
his feet were freezing. He said he would wear multiple
socks under his shoes but no matter what he did, they
just wouldn’t warm up. He mentioned this to his doctor
at the time and his doctor told him to take a specific kind
of niacin because it will dramatically increase your circu-
lation and blood flow.

Niacin (or vitamin B3) is also known as nicotinic acid

and is one of the essential human nutrients. Niacin is a
natural water-soluble vitamin known to dilate the blood
vessels and improve circulation. There are many additional
benefits from niacin in addition to your hair.

Niacin has been shown to improve cholesterol, reduce the

risk of heart disease, support brain function and protect

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery47

against Alzheimer’s disease. Some studies have also shown
a tremendous benefit against depression and anxiety.

Obviously, what I was most interested in were the benefits

relating to hair loss. Niacin increases the diameter of blood
vessels and improves circulation to the hair follicle.

There are two other common forms of niacin: niacinamide

and inositol hexanicotinate, which also serve as sources of
vitamin B3. This is why they can be referred to as “niacin.”
What many people don’t realize, however, is that these other
forms of niacin do not work in the same way as pure B3.

Pure niacin (nicotinic acid) creates what is known as “The

Flush” whereas niacinamide does not. The flush is a sen-
sation you feel as a by-product from the widening of the
blood vessels.

When you feel the flush for the first time you will most
definitely know it. Your skin will turn red, itchy and you’ll
get a warming sensation throughout your entire body from
the capillaries under the skin expanding from an increase
in blood flow.

The flush will last anywhere from 10-20 minutes usually

and will go away after a week or two of consistent use. I
rarely feel the flush anymore. I take 1500 mg twice per day,

48 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

once in the am and once in the pm on an empty stomach
for a total of 3000 mg per day.

I highly suggest working your way up to that does and not

starting with that high of a dose initially. Start with 500
mg twice per day and work your way up to the full dose
over a two to three week period gradually.

Secret Step #3: Liquid Gold - The Secret Topical

Solution That Is Guaranteed To Stop and Regrow Your
Just like all of the shampoos I tried and tested, I gave up
on topical solutions as well.

As soon as I started losing my hair at 18, I started on

Rogaine religiously and used it for years while my reced-
ing hairline continued. I lost hope about its benefits on
frontal hair loss because it clearly stated that it would not
work for hair loss on the hairline or around the temples.

But I had hopes that it would at least stop the hair loss on
the back or crown of my head. Unfortunately, even with
continued use, my hair loss steadily advanced to a balding
crown and general thinning throughout the entire top of
my scalp. Rogaine claims that it works for a percentage of
people, but I just assumed that I wasn’t one of them.

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery49

With my mom and aunt both being pharmacist and my
mom specializing in compounding pharmacy, I wondered
if there was something better than Rogaine or generic 5%

I discovered that because of the FDA restrictions there was

not any major testing going on with a stronger percentage
of minoxidil or a combination of ingredients in addition
to minoxidil. And that is what began my journey experi-
menting with different topical solutions.

I became a real-life Heisenberg like from the TV show

Breaking Bad. We had a chemistry lab with electronic
mixing equipment and digital scales to precisely meas-
ure out each ingredient. Compounding pharmacists also
have access to resources on different formulas, ingredients,
percentages and base carriers to ensure solubility and the
best vehicle to deliver the effective ingredients through the
epidermis. It is similar to a cookbook. The only problem
is there are a lot of recipes.

We experimented with different percentages of minoxidil

as well as natural ingredients studied to have anti-androgen
properties like saw palmetto, oleic fatty acids, beta-sitos-
terol, EGCG, and other plant-derived sterols. We also
compounded other prescription drugs like topical finas-
teride, and dutasteride.

50 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

I tried hundreds of different combinations. I read study
after study on ingredients that are anti-androgens, DHT
blockers, what carriers can maximize the absorption of
active ingredients through the epidermis in the scalp. Even
really small changes like adding 0.025% of retinol (Retin-A)
to propylene glycol or changing the ratio of ethanol can
have dramatic increases in absorption rates and efficacy.

We tried different formulations with varying percentages

of minoxidil. One that had a very high percentage caused
my hair to almost completely fall out. I took a shower and
started washing my hair and literally handfuls of my hair
fell out. That was the closest I ever came to just giving up.

But the breakthrough finally came when I understood that

blood flow restriction was the underlying mechanism
that is at the root cause of hair loss. That is when I started
focusing on ingredients that would target the cause and
not the symptom of hair loss.

The major problem with minoxidil and the reason why it

doesn’t stop hair loss is that it is treating the symptom
and not the underlying cause. It’s kind of like if someone
is standing on a water hose and their foot is restricting the
flow of water through the hose. Minoxidil is like going
over to the faucet and trying to turn up the pressure, with-
out taking your foot off from the hose. You might get a

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery51

little more flow, but without removing your foot you will
still have a major problem.

I heard of a dermatologist in Europe that published research

showing some promising results on a unique formula that
was compounded with minoxidil but also included ingre-
dients that were inhibiting the testosterone hormone DHT
from attaching itself to the hair follicle. It was not trying
to reduce DHT like Propecia and Dutasteride, but rather
using a plant-based derivative, he was successfully inhib-
iting or blocking DHT from attaching to the hair follicle.

The problem was I could not buy the product and have
it shipped to the USA because of FDA restrictions. So I
traveled to Europe and met with him and his chemists and

52 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

literally smuggled the formula back to the United States
so I could use and test them on myself.

I stayed consistent with the topical formula and after about

two weeks I started noticing less hair falling out in the
shower. Soon after I saw little hairs in my hairline and
temples were starting to come in. I almost couldn’t believe
it. I combined that with the roller I had manufactured in
South Korea and what happened next shocked me.

Since that day my hair loss problems have been over.

That was over 7 years ago. Since then I have hired some of
the best Ph.D. chemists in the world, spending hundreds of
thousands of my own dollars to perfect the formula. From
sourcing the purest pharmaceutical and natural ingredients
to ensure maximum results without any side effects.

The most effective hair loss solution and what I’ve now
shared with hundreds of people that has completely
stopped their hair loss is a compounded solution that
includes minoxidil and a proprietary linoleic–oleic organic
fatty acid complex that blocks DHT from attaching to the
hair follicle.

DHT is not the problem. In fact, DHT is a very important

and healthy hormone. You only need to block it from the
androgen receptor of the hair follicle.

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery53

We started with a 5% minoxidil formula and have experi-
mented and tested higher percentages up to 15% minoxidil.
I’ve had great results with both and suggest starting with
the 5% formula for 2 months and then you can increase
to 15% if necessary.

I was concerned about using a higher percentage of minox-

idil because of the possible side effects I experienced with
taking minoxidil orally, but because only a small percent-
age of the active ingredient actually passes through the
epidermis and into the bloodstream I have not had any
negative side effects and neither has anyone else I’ve shared
the topical formula with.

Again, depending on how soon you catch your hair loss,

you may not even need a topical solution. Like Derek, just
using the ARB shampoo and the brush you can have suc-
cess stopping your hair loss. His hair loss has completely
stopped and his hair is back to being thick and healthy
without the use of a topical solution.

But if your hair continues to thin the next step of action

is definitely a topical solution along with the niacin. I do
not recommend Propecia not only because of the terrible
side effects, but also because of its very limited efficacy.

54 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

The great news is that you absolutely do not have to
lose your hair.

If you restore the blood flow to the hair follicle your hair
will stay healthy and strong. My hair is as good as it was
in high school. It’s back to being full and thick and healthy.
As you can see, the texture and even the color of my hair is
darker and completely different than when I was struggling
with thinning hair and hair loss.

Section 5: Secrets To Regrowing Your Hair Without Surgery55

Section 6

Hair loss is history.

Join the Adegen Army.

So you may be wondering what is Adegen?

What would you do if you discovered the cure for a certain

disease? How far would you go to make that cure available
to those who needed it the most? My mom is a cancer
survivor and by no means am I comparing hair loss to
cancer, but would you do everything you could to make
it available for others?

How much adversity and opposition would you endure

to share that gift with others even though you were fine
yourself? How much of your personal money would you
spend to bring it to the market no matter how big your

56 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

Adegen has given me that very challenge, and let me assure
you it has tested my resolve and commitment to serve my
fellow man. I’ve been told by legal counsel, who graduated
magna cum laude from Harvard Law School specializing
in pharmaceutical and FDA law, that pursuing this is not
a wise business or financial decision because of the road-
blocks with the broken pharmaceutical system.

I was told not to pursue sharing the cure and to keep it

for myself and close friends, but I feel a deep obligation to
share this with people going through the same thing that I
went through. I would have done anything to stop my hair
loss and save myself the years of depression and struggle
to find an effective solution and I feel a strong obligation
to share it with others.

I know how bad it feels to lose your hair because it devas-

tated me probably more than most.

How can there be an effective solution for hair loss avail-

able and people are being taken advantage of and lied to
about products and solutions that simply do not work?

As I already mentioned, I’ve spent a fortune and many

years of my life desperately searching all over the world
trying to find a way to completely stop my own hair loss
and regrow my hair.

Section 6: Hair loss is history. Join the Adegen Army. 57

I had to travel around the world, spend thousands of dol-
lars to have solutions and products manufactured in bulk
just so I could have them made available for personal use.

I realize that most people do not have the time, nor the
financial resources to do that. Most people are not crazy
enough to hire a high-tech industrial designer and fly to
South Korea and have a roller made specifically for hair
loss or find the best chemists in the world to test and com-
pound different topical solutions.

Adegen is not just a product or company. Adegen is the

culmination of more than a decade worth of combined
research and development from the most brilliant minds
in the world.

Adegen is a private group of the best PhDs, chemists, phar-

macists, laboratories, and manufacturers from around
the world all coming together with the common goal of
making this cure to hair loss available to everyone.

I think it’s also important to mention that we have not

accepted any venture capital or investment money from
anyone despite having multiple opportunities. I want to
100% control and maintain the quality and the direction
of the organization, so the only focus is on the results we

58 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

are able to provide, not held hostage to the shareholders
demands for margins and sales.

Adegen’s focus is on serving and changing the world.

How would you feel if you never had to worry about hair
loss again? I know for me my life changed. I cannot tell
you the difference I have in my level of confidence and
self esteem not having to continuously worry about losing
my hair.

Personally I was so insecure and by being insecure you

don’t take the actions or have the confidence to do the
things that ultimately bring you the real things you want
in life.

I say all this because that can happen for you too, but you
need to take action and be consistent using the routine I
have outlined. If you do, the result you want will happen
and it can change your life the same way it has changed

I am committed to your success and supporting you

through this journey. I am in the process of creating
explainer videos on how to properly use and apply the
system to ensure successful application and protocol.

Section 6: Hair loss is history. Join the Adegen Army. 59

If you have questions, the best place to connect is on the Hair
Loss Secret’s private facebook group. Join and introduce
yourself at

I look forward to helping in any way that I can and appre-

ciate your time reading my book. I hope it has shed some
light on what’s really going on in the hair loss industry and
what you can to win the battle against hair loss.

To learn more about adegen’s products you can find them


60 JOHN GOSS: Hair Loss Secrets

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