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VHDL Basics

Teemu Pitkänen
(03) 3115 4778

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 1 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Motivation
‹ Design environment
‹ Design units
‹ Design description styles
‹ Processes
‹ Signals, variables
‹ Types
‹ Attributes
‹ Statements
‹ Subprograms and packages

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 2 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Why (V)HDL?
‹ Interoperability
‹ Technology independence
‹ Design reuse
‹ Several levels of abstraction
‹ Readability
‹ Standard language
‹ Widely supported
‹ • ...

=> Improved productivity

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 3 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
What is VHDL?
‹ VHDL = VHSIC Hardware Description Language
‹ (VHSIC = Very High-Speed IC)

‹ Design specification language

‹ Design entry language
‹ Design simulation language
‹ Design documentation language
‹ An alternative to schematics

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 4 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
A Brief History
‹ Was developed in the early 1980s for managing
design problems that involved large circuits and
multiple teams of engineers.
‹ Funded by U.S. Department of Defence.
‹ The first publicly available version was released in
‹ In 1986 IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics
Engineers, Inc.) was presented with a proposal to
standardize the VHDL.
‹ In 1987 standardization => IEEE 1076-1987
‹ An improved version of the language was relased in
1994 => IEEE standard 1076-1993.

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 5 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Related Standards
‹ IEEE 1076 doesn’t support simulation conditions
such as unknown and high-impedance.
‹ Soon after IEEE 1076-1987 was released, simulator
companies began using their own, non-standard
types => VHDL was becoming a nonstandard.
‹ IEEE 1164 standard was developed by an IEEE.
‹ IEEE 1164 contains definitions for a nine-valued data
type, std_logic.
‹ IEEE 1076.3 (Numeric or Synthesis Standard) defines
data types as they relate to actual hardware.
‹ Defines, e.g., two numeric types: signed and

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 6 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
VHDL Environment

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 7 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
When not Use VHDL?
‹ No time to learn?
– VHDL is large and quite complex language.
– But, there is no need to learn all of its features at the
‹ No money for tools?
– The most popular tools are still quite expensive.
‹ EDA tools have no common standard.
– Results can vary when a simulator or a synthesis tool is

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 8 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Design Units
‹ Segments of VHDL code that can be compiled
separately and stored in a library.

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 9 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ A black box with interface definition.
‹ Defines the inputs/outputs of a component (define
‹ A way to represent modularity in VHDL.

‹ Similar to symbol in schematic.

‹ Entity declaration describes entity.

entity Comparator is
port ( A, B : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
EQ : out std_logic);
end Comparator;

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 10 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Provide channels of communication between the
component and its environment.
‹ Each port must have a name, direction and a type.
‹ An entity may have NO port declaration
‹ Port directions:
– in: A value of a port can be read inside the component,
but cannot be assigned. Multiple reads of port are
– out: Assignments can be made to a port, but data from
a port cannot be read. Multiple assignments are
– inout: Bi-directional, assignments can be made and
data can be read. Multiple assignments are allowed.
– buffer: An out port with read capability. May have at
most one assignment. (are not recommended)
TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 11 Tampere University of Technology
© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
architecture Comparator1 of Comparator is
EQ <= ’1’ when (A=B) else ’0’;
end Comparator1;

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 12 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Every entity has at least one architecture.
‹ One entity can have several architectures.
‹ Architectures can describe design using:
– Behaviour
– Structure
– Dataflow
‹ Architectures can describe design on many levels
– Gate level
– RTL (Register Transfer Level)
– Behavioural level
‹ Configuration declaration links architecture to entity.

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 13 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Links entity declaration and architecture body
‹ Concept of default configuration is a bit messy in
VHDL ‘87.
– Last architecture analyzed links to entity?
‹ Can be used to change simulation behaviour without
re-analyzign the VHDL source.
‹ Complex configuration declarations are ignored in
‹ Some entities can have, e.g., gate level architecture
and behavioral architecture.
‹ Are always optional.

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 14 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Packages contain information common to many
design units.
‹ 1. Package declaration
– constant declarations
– type and subtype declarations
– function and procedure declarations
– global signal declarations
– file declarations
– component declarations
‹ 2. Package body
– is not necessary needed
– function bodies
– procedure bodies

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 15 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
package PackageExample is
constant ExampleConstant : std_logic := ’1’;
function IntegerToVector (Size : integer; Number :
return std_logic_vector;
end PackageExample;

package body PackageExample is

function IntegerToVector (Size : integer; Number :
return std_logic_vector is
end IntegerToVector;
end PackageExample;
TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 16 Tampere University of Technology
© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Packages are meant for encapsuling data which can
be shared globally among several design units.
‹ Consists of declaration part and optional body part.
‹ Package declaration can contain:
– type and subtype declarations
– subprograms
– constants, alias declarations
– global signal declarations
– file declarations
– component declarations
‹ Package body consists of
– subprogram declarations and bodies
– type and subtype declarations
– deferred constants
– file declarations
TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 17 Tampere University of Technology
© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ The second package declaration example:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
package IoPkg is
CONSTANT DataWidth: NATURAL := 16;
TYPE OBitsArray is array (0 to TotalOut) of NATURAL;
function INMUX(
Data : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(TotalWidth-1 downto 0);
sel : NATURAL)
end IoPkg;

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 18 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Collection of VHDL design units (database).
– 1. Packages
• package declaration
• package body
– 2. Entities (entity declaration)
– 3. Architectures (architecture body)
– 4. Configurations (configuration declarations)
‹ Usually directory in Unix file system.
‹ Can be also any other kind of database.

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 19 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Block Statement
‹ Partitioning mechanism that allows design to group
logically areas of design

architecture behav of CPU is

end block ALU;

end block REGS;
end behav;

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 20 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Guarded Block
‹ A block containing boolean expression which can
enable and disable driver inside block

architecture behav of guarded_latch is

atch:block(clk = ‘1’)
q <= guarded d after 3ns;
qn <= guarded not(d) after 5;
end block latch;
end guarded_latch

‹ Not synthesizable.

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 21 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Levels of Abstraction
‹ VHDL supports many possible styles of design
description, which differ primarily in how closely they
relate to the HW.
‹ It is possible to describe a circuit in a number of

‹ Structural
‹ Dataflow Higher level of abstraction
‹ Behavioral

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 22 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Structural VHDL description
‹ Circuit is described in terms of its components.
‹ From a low-level description (e.g., transistor-level
description) to a highlevel description (e.g., block
‹ For large circuits, a low-level descriptions quickly
become impractical.
‹ An example:
entity AndGate is
port(A, B, C, D : in std_logic;
Y : out std_logic);
end AndGate;
entity Tff is
port(Rst, Clk, T : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end Tff;
TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 23 Tampere University of Technology
© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Structural VHDL description
entity TCount is
port(Rst, Clk : in std_logic;
Count : out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0));
end TCount;

architecture Structural of TCount is

component Tff
port(Rst, Clk, T : in std_logic;
Q : out std_logic);
end component;

component AndGate
port(A, B, C, D : in std_logic;
Y : out std_logic);
end component;
end Structural;

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 24 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Dataflow VHDL Description
‹ Circuit is described in terms of how data moves
through the system.
‹ In the dataflow style you describe how information
flows between registers in the system.
‹ The combinational logic is described at a relatively
high level, the placement and operation of registers
is specified quite precisely.

‹ The behaviour of the system over the time is defined

by registers.
TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 25 Tampere University of Technology
© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Dataflow VHDL Description
‹ There are no build-in registers in VHDL-language.
– Either lower level description
– or behavioral description of sequential elements is
‹ The lower level register descriptions must be created
or obtained.
‹ If there is no 3rd party models for registers => you
must write the behavioral description of registers.
‹ The behavioral description can be provided in the
form of subprograms (functions or procedures)

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 26 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Behavioral VHDL Description
‹ Circuit is described in terms of its operation over
‹ Representation might include, e.g., state diagrams,
timing diagrams and algorithmic descriptions.
‹ The concept of time may be expressed precisely
using delays (e.g., A <= B after 10 ns)
‹ If no actual delays is used, order of sequential
operations is defined.
‹ In the lower levels of abstraction (e.g., RTL) synthesis
tools ignore detailed timing specifications.
‹ The actual timing results depend on implementation
technology and efficiency of synthesis tool.
‹ There are a few tools for behavioral synthesis.

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 27 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Behavioral VHDL Description
case CurrentState is
when WaitForStart =>
if SerEna = ’1’ then
NextOut <= (others => ’0’);
NextState <= ReadBits;
end if;
when ReadBits =>
if CurrentBitPos = OutWidth then
NextState <= OutputReady;
ParReady <= ’1’;
NextOut(CurrentBitPos) <= Serial;
NextBitPos <= CurrentBitPos+1;
end if;
when OutputReady =>
NextState <= WaitForStart;
ParReady <= ’1’;
end case;
TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 28 Tampere University of Technology
© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Concurrent vs. Sequential VHDL

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 29 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
Concurrent vs. Sequential VHDL
architecture ConcurrentAndSequential of Rotate is
signal QReg : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
Reg : process(Rst, Clk)
if (Rst = ’1’) then
QReg <= "00000000";
Concurrent elsif (Clk = ’1’ and Clk’event) then
if (Load = ’1’) then
QReg <= Data;
QReg <= QReg(6 downto 0) & QReg(0);
end if;
end if;
end process;
Q <= QReg;
end ConcurrentAndSequential;
TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 30 Tampere University of Technology
© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Basic simulation concept in VHDL.
‹ VHDL description can always be broken up to
interconnected processes.
‹ Quite similar to Unix process.

‹ Process keyword in VHDL.

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 31 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Process statement is concurrent statement.
‹ Statements inside process statements are sequential
‹ Process must contain either sensitivity list or wait
statement(s), but NOT both.
‹ Sensitivity list or wait statement(s) contains signals
which wakes process up.
‹ General format:
end process;

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 32 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Process with sensitivity list:
c <= a and b after 5 ns;
end process;
‹ Process with wait statement:
c <= a and b after 5 ns;
wait on a,b;
end process;
‹ Process with incomplete sensitivity list:
c <= a and b;
end process;
TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 33 Tampere University of Technology
© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Sequential signal assigment in a process.
entity Pitfall1 is
end Pitfall1;
architecture Ups of Pitfall1 is
signal A, B, C : std_logic;
begin -- Ups
A <= ’1’ after 5 ns,
’0’ after 15 ns,
’1’ after 25 ns;
B <= ’1’ after 0 ns,
’0’ after 10 ns,
’1’ after 20 ns;
process (A, B)
begin -- process
C <= A;
C <= B;
end process;
end Ups;
TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 34 Tampere University of Technology
© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Inertial delay
– intended to model the delay
through a gate
– minimum pulse length that must
maintained before an event is
c <= a after 5 ns;

‹ Transport delay
– models the delay on a wire
– pulses of any width are
c <= transport a after 5 ns;

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 35 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems
‹ Delta delay
– A simulation cycle, which occurs in zero simulated time
(the start and end time of the delta cycle are the same

entity rsff is
port (s, r: in bit; q, qn: out bit );
end rsff;
architecture beh of rsff is
q <= s nand qn;-- Executed once in t
qn <= r nand q;-- Executed twice in t
end beh;

TKT-1210 Digitaldesign II, Lect 2 36 Tampere University of Technology

© Teemu Pitkänen ( Institute of Digital and Computer Systems

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