Simple Past Tense Workshop NAME

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NAME: ___________________________________________________

1. Complete the sentences with correct verb between parentheses.

 Last night we ____ (walk) to the cinema.

 Sam ____ (stop) the car to take a picture.
 I ____ (study) for the exam for three hours.
 They ____ (be) happy to be home.
 Sally _____ (be) disappointed she _____ (miss) the party.
 Sally (be) disappointed she (miss) the party.

 When I was young, we always ____ (go) to Florida for the summer.

 Dan ____ (not/work) last week.

 _____ you _____ (wash) the dishes?

 you (wash) the dishes?

 I ____ (dream) I could fly last night.

 We ____ (meet) them at the restaurant.

 _____ you _____ (find) your book?

 you (find) your book?

2. Look at the sentence in Spanish and complete the sentence in English

 ¿Dónde te compraste esas botas?

Where ______________ you ______________ those boots?

 Las compré en una zapatearía nueva cerca de la oficina de correos.

I ____________________ them in a new shoe shop near the post office.

 Bien, pero llegamos a Londres bastante tarde.

Fine, but we _______________________in London quite late.

 Creo que ayer bebiste demasiado.

I think you ________________ too much yesterday.
 Viste la competición de monopatín por la tele ayer por la noche?

________________ you _____________________ the skateboarding competition on TV last night?

 Pues lo llevé al mecánico hace dos días. (Take)

Well, I ____________________ it to the mechanic two days ago.

 Al final no fuimos.

We ________________ in the end.

 Así que te alojaste en un hotel maravilloso.

So, you _______________________ in a lovely hotel.

 Sí, cuando entramos en la habitación encontramos champán y bombones.

Yes, when we __________________ the room we _________________ champagne and


 ¡Mis viejos cómics! ¡No sabía que todavía los teníamos!

My old comics! I ____________________ we still __________________ them!

3. Write what do you do yesterday, use ten sentences to do as the example as

 I went to the supermarket yesterday

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