Research Analysis 2

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Research Analysis

Since we want to introduce our products to Sabahan people, we have done some research among
the communities in Sabah on their attitude and preference towards our products. There were about
23 people have responded our analysis research questions and mostly is female around 73.9% of the
respondents which is between 21 to 29 years old. The rest is about 8.7% of respondents that is
between 40 to 49 years old and between 15 to 20 years old.
From the research, there are 82.6% of them prefer less sweet dessert than the sweeter one. Then,
about 56.5% of them are sometimes concern on the nutrients that taken from the foods they are
consumed including desserts, while 39.1% of the respondents are really concern about the health of
their foods even for the dessert.
Here, we are inspired to make an ice cream with Sabah Tea flavour, since there are many people in
Sabah which is about 87% of the respondents love tea. We also have asked them if they interested
on Sabah Tea ice cream which is one of our products and there are 91.3% of them really want to try
this ice cream if we introduce it, while 8.7% if them are not maybe of certain factor.

Other than that, mostly of Sabahan people loves the local fruits such as Tarap, Rambutan, Mango
and Bambangan. There are about 87% of them loves all these kinds of fruits. While 8.7% of them do
not like the certain kind of these fruits and the rest are not.
Since we want to introduce the new flavor of ice cream which are Tarap, Rambutan, Mango and
Bambangan, we have asked some questions related to their supports on our products. 65.2% of
them will support and want to try the Tarap ice cream while 34.8% are not. Then, 82.6% of them
love to try the Rambutan ice cream and 17.4% are not interested. Other than that, all of the
respondents are excited to try the Mango ice cream which is 100% of them and lastly, Bambangan
ice cream has 52.2% of supporters that love to try it and the rest 47.8% of them are not.

Hence, the conclusion is most of the ice cream lovers come from the younger generation who love
to try new things and love dessert. Moreover, many of them really concern about their foods and
health. However, sometimes they will not really strict on the nutrients of foods they are taken when
they are taking a dessert. Most of the Sabahan people also are the fans of Sabah local fruits and
Sabah tea which make them encouraged to try the new flavor of ice cream of our company. Then,
through the supports from them, we believe that our products and our company, Featie Sdn Bhd will
be developed throughout Malaysia or Asia in the future by providing a unique, healthy and tasty ice

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