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The Health Consequences

of Involuntary Exposure
to Tobacco Smoke

A Report of the Surgeon General

Department of Health and Human Services

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

National Library of Medicine Cataloging in Publication

The health consequences of involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke : a report of the

Surgeon General. – [Atlanta, Ga.] : U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, Coordinating Center for Health Promotion,
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on
Smoking and Health, [2006]

Includes bibliographical references.

1. Tobacco Smoke Pollution -- adverse effects. I. United States. Public Health

Service. Office of the Surgeon General. II. United States. Office on Smoking
and Health.

O2NLM: WA 754 H4325 2006

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Coordinating Center for Health Promotion
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Office on Smoking and Health

This publication is available on the World Wide Web at

Suggested Citation
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The Health Consequences of Involuntary
Exposure to Tobacco Smoke: A Report of the Surgeon General. Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Coordinating
Center for Health Promotion, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, 2006.

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,

Washington, DC 20402. ISBN 0-16-076152-2

Use of trade names is for identification only and does not constitute endorsement by the
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The Health Consequences
of Involuntary Exposure
to Tobacco Smoke
A Report of the Surgeon General



Public Health Service
Office of the Surgeon General
Rockville, MD
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Message from Michael O. Leavitt

Secretary of Health and Human Services

This Surgeon General’s report returns to the topic of the health effects of involuntary expo-
sure to tobacco smoke. The last comprehensive review of this evidence by the Department of
Health and Human Services (DHHS) was in the 1986 Surgeon General’s report, The Health Con-
sequences of Involuntary Smoking, published 20 years ago this year. This new report updates the
evidence of the harmful effects of involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke. This large body of
research findings is captured in an accompanying dynamic database that profiles key epide-
miologic findings, and allows the evidence on health effects of exposure to tobacco smoke to
be synthesized and updated (following the format of the 2004 report, The Health Consequences
of Smoking). The database enables users to explore the data and studies supporting the conclu-
sions in the report. The database is available on the Web site of the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) at I am grateful to the leadership of the
Surgeon General, CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health, and all of the contributors for preparing
this important report and bringing this topic to the forefront once again.
Secondhand smoke, also known as environmental tobacco smoke, is a mixture of the smoke
given off by the burning end of tobacco products (sidestream smoke) and the mainstream smoke
exhaled by smokers. People are exposed to secondhand smoke at home, in the workplace, and in
other public places such as bars, restaurants, and recreation venues. It is harmful and hazardous
to the health of the general public and particularly dangerous to children. It increases the risk
of serious respiratory problems in children, such as a greater number and severity of asthma
attacks and lower respiratory tract infections, and increases the risk for middle ear infections.
It is also a known human carcinogen (cancer-causing agent). Inhaling secondhand smoke causes
lung cancer and coronary heart disease in nonsmoking adults.
We have made great progress since the late 1980s in reducing the involuntary exposure of
nonsmokers in this country to secondhand smoke. The proportion of nonsmokers aged 4 and
older with a blood cotinine level (a metabolite of nicotine) indicating exposure has declined
from 88 percent in 1988–1991 down to 43 percent in 2001–2002, a decline that exceeds the Healthy
People 2010 objective for this measure. Despite the great progress that has been made, invol-
untary exposure to secondhand smoke remains a serious public health hazard that can
be prevented by making homes, workplaces, and public places completely smoke-free.
As of the year 2000, more than 126 million residents of the United States aged 3 or older
still are estimated to be exposed to secondhand smoke. Smoke-free environments are
the most effective method for reducing exposures. Healthy People 2010 objectives address
this issue and seek optimal protection of nonsmokers through policies, regulations, and laws
requiring smoke-free environments in all schools, workplaces, and public places.

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

from the Surgeon General,
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Twenty years ago when Dr. C. Everett Koop released the Surgeon General’s report,
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking, it was the first Surgeon General’s report to
conclude that involuntary exposure of nonsmokers to tobacco smoke causes disease. The
topic of involuntary exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke was first considered
in Surgeon General Jesse Steinfeld’s 1972 report, and by 1986, the causal linkage between
inhaling secondhand smoke and the risk for lung cancer was clear. By then, there was also
abundant evidence of adverse effects of smoking by parents on their children.
Today, massive and conclusive scientific evidence documents adverse effects of
involuntary smoking on children and adults, including cancer and cardiovascular diseases
in adults, and adverse respiratory effects in both children and adults. This 2006 report of
the Surgeon General updates the 1986 report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Smok-
ing, and provides a detailed review of the epidemiologic evidence on the health effects of
involuntary exposure to tobacco smoke. This new report also uses the revised standard
language of causality that was applied in the 2004 Surgeon General’s report, The Health
Consequences of Smoking.
Secondhand smoke is similar to the mainstream smoke inhaled by the smoker in
that it is a complex mixture containing many chemicals (including formaldehyde, cyanide,
carbon monoxide, ammonia, and nicotine), many of which are known carcinogens. Expo-
sure to secondhand smoke causes excess deaths in the U.S. population from lung cancer
and cardiac related illnesses. Fortunately, exposures of adults are declining as smoking
becomes increasingly restricted in workplaces and public places. Unfortunately, children
continue to be exposed in their homes by the smoking of their parents and other adults.
This exposure leads to unnecessary cases of bronchitis, pneumonia and worsened asthma.
Among children younger than 18 years of age, an estimated 22 percent are exposed to sec-
ondhand smoke in their homes, with estimates ranging from 11.7 percent in Utah to 34.2
percent in Kentucky.
As this report documents, exposure to secondhand smoke remains an alarming pub-
lic health hazard. Approximately 60 percent of nonsmokers in the United States have bio-
logic evidence of exposure to secondhand smoke. Yet compared with data reviewed in the
1986 report, I am encouraged by the progress that has been made in reducing involuntary
exposure in many workplaces, restaurants, and other public places. These changes are
most likely the major contributing factors to the more than 75 percent reduction in serum
cotinine levels that researchers have observed from 1988 to 1991. However, more than 126
million nonsmokers are still exposed. We now have substantial evidence on the efficacy
of different approaches to control exposure to secondhand smoke. Restrictions on smok-
ing can control exposures effectively, but technical approaches involving air cleaning or
a greater exchange of indoor with outdoor air cannot. Consequently, nonsmokers need
protection through the restriction of smoking in public places and workplaces and by a
voluntary adherence to policies at home, particularly to eliminate exposures of children.
Since the release of the 1986 Surgeon General’s report, the public’s attitude and social
norms toward secondhand smoke exposure have changed significantly—a direct result of
the growing body of scientific evidence on the health effects of exposure to secondhand
smoke that is summarized in this report.

Surgeon General’s Report

Finally, clinicians should routinely ask about secondhand smoke exposure, partic-
ularly in susceptible groups or when a child has had an illness caused by secondhand
smoke, such as pneumonia. Because of the high levels of exposure among young children,
their exposure should be considered a significant pediatric issue. Additionally, exposure
to secondhand smoke poses significant risks for people with lung and heart disease. The
large body of evidence documenting that secondhand smoke exposures produce substan-
tial and immediate effects on the cardiovascular system indicates that even brief exposures
could pose significant acute risks to older adults or to others at high risk for cardiovascular
disease. Those caring for relatives with heart disease should be advised not to smoke in the
presence of the sick relative.
An environment free of involuntary exposure to secondhand smoke should remain
an important national priority in order to reach the Healthy People 2010 objectives.

Richard Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S.

Surgeon General

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

This report was prepared by the U.S. Department of Terry F. Pechacek, Ph.D., Associate Director for Sci-
Health and Human Services under the general direc- ence, Office on Smoking and Health, National Center
tion of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, National Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, Centers
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health.

Richard H. Carmona, M.D., M.P.H., F.A.C.S., Surgeon The editors of the report were
General, United States Public Health Service, Office of
Jonathan M. Samet, M.D., M.S., Senior Scientific Edi-
the Surgeon General, Office of the Secretary, Wash-
tor, Professor and Chairman, Department of Epidemi-
ington, D.C.
ology, Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Johns
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
Kenneth P. Moritsugu, M.D., M.P.H., Deputy Surgeon
General, Office of the Surgeon General, United States
Leslie A. Norman, Managing Editor, Office on Smok-
Public Health Service, Office of the Secretary, Wash-
ing and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease
ington, D.C.
Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinating Cen-
ter for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control
Robert C. Williams, P.E., DEE, Chief of Staff, Office of
and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
the Surgeon General, United States Public Health Ser-
vice, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D.C.
Caran Wilbanks, Technical Editor, Office on Smoking
and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Pre-
Karen A. Near, M.D., M.S., Senior Science Advisor,
vention and Health Promotion, Coordinating Center
Office of the Surgeon General, United States Public
for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control
Health Service, Office of the Secretary, Washington,
and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Audrey Pinto, Technical Editor, Barrington, Rhode
Ron Schoenfeld, Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor, Office
of the Surgeon General, United States Public Health
Service, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D.C.
Contributing authors were
Julie Louise Gerberding, M.D., M.P.H., Director,
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Stephen Babb, M.P.H., Health Education Specialist,
Georgia. Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
Janet Collins, Ph.D., Director, National Center for Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, Centers
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. John T. Bernert, Ph.D., Supervisory Research Chem-
ist, Emergency Response and Air Toxicants Branch,
Barbara Bowman, Ph.D., Associate Director for Sci- Division of Laboratory Sciences, National Center for
ence (acting), National Center for Chronic Disease Environmental Health, Coordinating Center for Envi-
Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinating Cen- ronmental Health and Injury Prevention, Centers for
ter for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Derek G. Cook, Ph.D., Professor of Epidemiology,
Corinne G. Husten, M.D., M.P.H., Director (acting), Division of Community Health Sciences, St. George’s,
Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for University of London, London, England.
Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, Centers David B. Coultas, M.D., Professor and Chairman,
for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas
Health Center at Tyler, Tyler, Texas.

Surgeon General’s Report

Dawn DeMeo, M.D., Associate Physician, Brigham and David M. Mannino, M.D., Associate Professor of Med-
Women’s Hospital, Channing Laboratory, Instructor icine, Pulmonary Epidemiology Research Laboratory,
in Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Harvard Uni- Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medi-
versity, Boston, Massachusetts. cine, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.

Karen Emmons, Ph.D., Professor, Harvard School of John F. McCarthy, Sc.D., C.I.H., President, Envi-
Public Health, Deputy Director of Community-Based ronmental Health and Engineering, Inc., Newton,
Research, Department of Medical Oncology, Dana- Massachusetts.
Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, Massachusetts.
Murray A. Mittleman, M.D., Dr.P.H., Associate Pro-
Stanton Glantz, Ph.D., Professor of Medicine, Division fessor of Medicine and Epidemiology, Harvard Uni-
of Cardiology, University of California, San Francisco, versity at Beth Israel Deaconness Medical Center,
California. Boston, Massachusetts.

Steven N. Goodman, M.D., M.H.S., Ph.D., Associ- Patricia J. O’Campo, Ph.D., Alma and Baxter Ricard
ate Professor of Oncology, Pediatrics, Epidemiology, Chair in Inner City Health, Director, Centre for
and Biostatistics, Department of Oncology, School of Research on Inner City Health, St. Michael’s Hospital,
Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Toronto, Ontario.
William Parmley, M.D., The Seventy, Salt Lake City,
S. Katharine Hammond, Ph.D., C.I.H., Professor of Utah.
Environmental Health Sciences, School of Public
Health, University of California, Berkeley, California. Terry F. Pechacek, Ph.D., Associate Director for Sci-
ence, Office on Smoking and Health, National Center
Stephen S. Hecht, Ph.D., Professor, University of Min- for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
nesota Cancer Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
John R. Hoidal, M.D., The Clarence M. and Ruth N.
Birrer Presidential Professor and Chairman of Medi- Jonathan M. Samet, M.D., M.S., Professor and Chair-
cine, School of Medicine, University of Utah Health man, Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School
Sciences Center, Salt Lake City, Utah. of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Bal-
timore, Maryland.
Jerelyn H. Jordan, Program Consultant, Office on
Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Donald R. Shopland Sr., U.S. Public Health Service
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinat- (retired), Ringgold, Georgia.
ing Center for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. John D. Spengler, Ph.D., Akira Yamaguchi Profes-
sor of Environmental Health and Human Habita-
Ichiro Kawachi, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Social Epi- tion, Director, Environmental Health Department,
demiology, Harvard School of Public Health, Har- School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston,
vard University, and Associate Professor of Medicine, Massachusetts.
Channing Laboratory, Harvard Medical School, Har-
vard University, Boston, Massachusetts. David P. Strachan, M.D., Professor of Epidemiology,
Division of Community Health Sciences, St. George’s,
Nora L. Lee, Research Program Coordinator, Center University of London, London, England.
for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Epide-
miology, Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg Scott T. Weiss, M.D., M.S., Professor of Medicine,
School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins Univer- Harvard Medical School, and Director, Respiratory,
sity, Baltimore, Maryland. Environmental, and Genetic Epidemiology, Channing
Laboratory, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts.

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Anna H. Wu, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Preven- Neal Benowitz, M.D., Professor of Medicine, Psy-
tive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, University of chiatry, and Biopharmaceutical Sciences, and Chief,
Southern California, Los Angeles, California. Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Experimental
Therapeutics, University of California, San Francisco,
Reviewers were
Valerie Beral, F.R.C.P., Professor of Epidemiology,
Duane Alexander, M.D., Director, National Institute
Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University
of Child Health and Human Development, National
of Oxford, United Kingdom.
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
Michele Bloch, M.D., Ph.D., Medical Officer, Tobacco
David L. Ashley, Ph.D., Chief, Emergency Response
Control Research Branch, Behavioral Research Pro-
and Air Toxicants Branch, Division of Laboratory
gram, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sci-
Sciences, National Center for Environmental Health,
ences, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of
Coordinating Center for Environmental Health and
Health, Bethesda, Maryland.
Injury Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
William Blot, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer, Inter-
national Epidemiology Institute, Ltd., Rockville,
Edward L. Avol, M.S., Professor, Department of Pre-
Maryland, and Professor, Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer
ventive Medicine, Keck School of Medicine, Univer-
Center, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nash-
sity of Southern California, Los Angeles, California.
ville, Tennessee.
Cathy L. Backinger, Ph.D., M.P.H., Acting Chief,
Paolo Boffetta, M.D., M.P.H., Coordinator, Genetics
Tobacco Control Research Branch, Behavioral Research
and Epidemiology Cluster, International Agency for
Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population
Research on Cancer, Lyon, France.
Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Insti-
tutes of Health, Rockville, Maryland.
Michael B. Bracken, Ph.D., M.P.H., Susan Dwight Bliss
Professor of Epidemiology, Center for Perinatal, Pedi-
Stephen W. Banspach, Ph.D., Associate Director for
atric, and Environmental Epidemiology, Yale Univer-
Science, Division of Adolescent and School Health,
sity, New Haven, Connecticut.
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion, Coordinating Center for Health
Patrick Breysse, Ph.D., Professor, Division of Envi-
Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
ronmental Health Sciences, and Director, Division
tion, Atlanta, Georgia.
of Environmental Health Engineering, Bloomberg
School of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins Univer-
John Baron, M.D., Professor, Departments of Medicine
sity, Baltimore, Maryland.
and Community and Family Medicine, Dartmouth
Medical School, Hanover, New Hampshire.
John R. Britton, Professor of Epidemiology, Division
of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of
Rebecca Bascom, M.D., M.P.H., Professor of Medi-
Nottingham, Nottingham, England.
cine, Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care
Medicine, Department of Medicine, Pennsylvania
Arnold R. Brody, Ph.D., Professor and Vice Chair-
State University College of Medicine, Milton S. Her-
man, Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medi-
shey Medical Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
cine, Tulane University Health Sciences Center, New
Orleans, Louisiana.
Glen C. Bennett, M.P.H., Coordinator, Advanced Tech-
nologies Applications in Health Education, Office of
David M. Burns, M.D., Professor of Family and Pre-
Prevention, Education, and Control, National Heart,
ventive Medicine, School of Medicine, University of
Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of
California, San Diego, California.
Health, Bethesda, Maryland.

Surgeon General’s Report

Carl J. Caspersen, Ph.D., M.P.H., Associate Director Mirjana V. Djordevic, Ph.D., Bio-analytical Chemist,
for Science, Division of Diabetes Translation, National Tobacco Control Research Branch, Behavioral Research
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population
Promotion, Coordinating Center for Health Promo- Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Insti-
tion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, tutes of Health, Rockville, Maryland.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Lucinda England, M.D., M.S.P.H., Medical Epidemi-
Terence L. Chorba, M.D., Associate Director for Sci- ologist, Maternal and Infant Health Branch, Division
ence, National Center for HIV, STD, and TB Preven- of Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic
tion, Coordinating Center for Infectious Diseases, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinat-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, ing Center for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease
Georgia. Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.

Ralph J. Coates, Ph.D., Associate Director for Science, Michael P. Eriksen, Sc.D., Professor and Director,
Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, National Institute of Public Health, Georgia State University,
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Atlanta, Georgia.
Promotion, Coordinating Center for Health Promo-
tion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Brenda Eskenazi, Ph.D., Professor of Maternal and
Atlanta, Georgia. Child Health and Epidemiology, and Director, Center
for Children’s Environmental Health Research, School
Graham Colditz, M.D., Dr.P.H., Professor of Medi- of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley,
cine, Channing Laboratory, Department of Medicine, California.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical
School, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts. Jing Fang, M.D., M.S., Epidemiologist, Epidemiology
and Surveillance Team, Division of Heart Disease and
Adolfo Correa, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., Medical Epide- Stroke Prevention, National Center for Chronic Dis-
miologist, Division of Birth Defects and Developmen- ease Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinat-
tal Disabilities, National Center for Birth Defects and ing Center for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease
Developmental Disabilities, Coordinating Center for Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. Elizabeth T.H. Fontham, Dr.P.H., Dean, School of
Public Health, Louisiana State University Health Sci-
Daniel L. Costa, Sc.D., DABT, National Program ences Center, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Director for Air Research, Office of Research and
Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Alison Freeman, ETS Policy Specialist, Indoor Envi-
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. ronments Division, U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, Washington, D.C.
David B. Coultas, M.D., Professor and Chairman,
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Deborah Galuska, Ph.D., M.P.H., Associate Direc-
Health Center at Tyler, Tyler, Texas. tor for Science, Division of Nutrition and Physical
Activity, National Center for Chronic Disease Preven-
Linda S. Crossett, R.D.H., Health Scientist, Research tion and Health Promotion, Coordinating Center for
Application Branch, Division of Adolescent and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and
School Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinating Cen-
ter for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control Samuel S. Gidding, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics,
and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. Thomas Jefferson University, Nemours Cardiac Cen-
ter, A.I. duPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington,
Ronald M. Davis, M.D., Director, Center for Health Delaware.
Promotion and Disease Prevention, Henry Ford
Health System, Detroit, Michigan. Frank D. Gilliland, M.D., Ph.D., Professor, University
of Southern California, Los Angeles, California.

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Gary A. Giovino, Ph.D., M.S., Director, Tobacco Con- Jennifer Jinot, ETS Risk Assessment Scientist, Math-
trol Research Program, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, ematical Statistician, Office of Research and Devel-
Buffalo, New York. opment, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
Washington, D.C.
John Girman, Senior Science Advisor, Indoor Envi-
ronments Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Joel Kaufman, M.D., M.P.H., Associate Professor,
Agency, Washington, D.C. Department of Environmental and Occupational
Health Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle,
Thomas J. Glynn, Ph.D., Director, Cancer Science and Washington.
Trends, American Cancer Society, Washington, D.C.
Juliette Kendrick, M.D., Medical Officer, Division of
Keith L. Goddard, D.Sc., P.E., Director, Directorate Reproductive Health, National Center for Chronic
of Evaluation and Analysis, Occupational Safety and Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinat-
Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, ing Center for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease
Washington, D.C. Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.

Diane R. Gold, M.D., M.P.H., Channing Laboratory, Neil E. Klepeis, Ph.D., Post-Doctoral Researcher, Stan-
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Associate Profes- ford University, and Exposure Science Consulting,
sor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and Asso- Watsonville, California.
ciate Professor of Environmental Health, Harvard
School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston, William Kohn, D.D.S., CAPT, Deputy Associate Direc-
Massachusetts. tor for Science (acting), National Center for Chronic
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinat-
Allan Hackshaw, Deputy Director, Cancer Research ing Center for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease
UK and UCL Cancer Trials Centre, University College Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
London, London, England.
Petros Koutrakis, Ph.D., Professor of Environmen-
Thomas P. Houston, M.D., Professor, Public Health tal Sciences, Department of Environmental Health,
and Family Medicine, Louisiana State University School of Public Health, Harvard University, Boston,
Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, Louisiana. Massachusetts.

George Howard, Dr.P.H., Chairman, Department of Darwin Labarthe, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., Director (act-
Biostatistics, School of Public Health, University of ing), Division of Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention,
Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama. National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and
Health Promotion, Coordinating Center for Health
Gary W. Hunninghake, M.D., Professor, Department Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Preven-
of Internal Medicine, and Director, Pulmonary Pro- tion, Atlanta, Georgia.
gram in Internal Medicine, Department of Internal
Medicine, Carver College of Medicine, University of John Lehnherr, Director (acting), Division of Repro-
Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. ductive Health, National Center for Chronic Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinating Cen-
Jouni Jaakkola, M.D, Ph.D., D.Sc., Professor and ter for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control
Director, Institute of Occupational and Environmental and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Medicine, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston,
Birmingham, England. Youlian Liao, M.D., Epidemiologist, Deputy Associ-
ate Director for Science (acting), Division of Adult and
David R. Jacobs Jr., Ph.D., Professor of Epidemiology, Community Health, National Center for Chronic Dis-
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. ease Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinat-
ing Center for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease
Martin Jarvis, Professor, Cancer Research UK Health Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Behaviour Unit, Department of Epidemiology and
Public Health, University College London, London,

Surgeon General’s Report

Catherine Lorraine, Director, Policy Development Mark Parascandola, Ph.D., M.P.H., Epidemiologist,
and Coordination Staff, Food and Drug Administra- Tobacco Control Research Branch, Behavioral Research
tion, Rockville, Maryland. Program, Division of Cancer Control and Population
Sciences, National Cancer Institute, National Insti-
William R. Maas, D.D.S., M.P.H., Director, Division tutes of Health, Rockville, Maryland.
of Oral Health, National Center for Chronic Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinating Cen- Samuel F. Posner, Ph.D., Associate Director for Science,
ter for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control Division of Reproductive Health, National Center for
and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, Centers
Jennifer H. Madans Ph.D., Associate Director for Sci- for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
ence, National Center for Health Statistics, Coordi-
nating Center for Health Information and Services, Bogdan Prokopczyk, Ph.D., Associate Professor of
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Hyatts- Pharmacology, Department of Pharmacology, Penn-
ville, Maryland. sylvania State University College of Medicine, Milton
S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
Fernando D. Martinez, M.D., Director, Arizona Respi-
ratory Center, and Swift-McNear Professor of Pediat- Scott Rogers, M.P.H., Epidemiology and Genetics
rics, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. Research Program, Division of Cancer Control and
Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, Rock-
Kenneth P. Moritsugu, M.D., M.P.H., Deputy Surgeon ville, Maryland.
General, Office of the Surgeon General, United States
Public Health Service, Office of the Secretary, Wash- Dale P. Sandler, Ph.D., Chief, Epidemiology Branch,
ington, D.C. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,
National Institutes of Health, Research Triangle Park,
Matthew L. Myers, President, Campaign for Tobacco- North Carolina.
Free Kids, Washington, D.C.
Laura A. Schieve, Ph.D., Epidemiologist, National
Elizabeth G. Nabel, M.D., Director, National Heart, Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Dis-
Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of abilities, Coordinating Center for Health Promotion,
Health, Bethesda, Maryland. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta,
David Nelson, M.D., M.P.H., Senior Scientific Advi-
sor, Office on Smoking and Health, National Center Susan Schober, Ph.D., Senior Epidemiologist, National
for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promo- Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
tion, Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, Program, National Center for Health Statistics, Cen-
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, ters for Disease Control and Prevention, Hyattsville,
Georgia. Maryland.

F. Javier Nieto, M.D., Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Lawrence Schoen, M.S., President and Principal Engi-
Department of Population Health Sciences, University neer, Schoen Engineering, Inc., Columbia, Maryland.
of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison, Wisconsin.
Ron Schoenfeld, Ph.D., Senior Science Advisor, Office
Thomas E. Novotny, M.D., M.P.H., Education Coor- of the Surgeon General, United States Public Health
dinator, UCSF Global Health Sciences, and Professor, Service, Office of the Secretary, Washington, D.C.
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Uni-
versity of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, David Schwartz, M.D., M.P.H., Director, National
California. Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; Direc-
tor, National Toxicology Program; and Professor of
Medicine, Duke University Medical Center, Durham,
North Carolina.

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Harold E. Seifried, Ph.D., DABT, Chemist, Toxicolo- Noel S. Weiss, M.D., Dr.P.H., Professor, Department
gist, Industrial Hygenist, Nutritional Science Research of Epidemiology, School of Public Health and Com-
Group, Division of Cancer Prevention, National Can- munity Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle,
cer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Rockville, Washington.
Scott T. Weiss, M.D., M.S., Professor of Medicine,
Frank E. Speizer, M.D., Channing Laboratory, Brigham Harvard Medical School, and Director, Respiratory,
and Women’s Hospital; Edward H. Kass Professor of Environmental, and Genetic Epidemiology, Chan-
Medicine, Harvard Medical School; and Professor ning Laboratory, Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, Boston,
Health, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts. Massachusetts.

Margaret R. Spitz, M.D., M.P.H., Professor and Chair, Elizabeth M. Whelan, Sc.D., M.P.H., M.S., President,
Department of Epidemiology, M.D. Anderson Cancer American Council on Science and Health, New York,
Center, University of Texas, Houston, Texas. New York.

Meir J. Stampfer, M.D., Dr.P.H., Department Chair of Allen J. Wilcox, M.D., Ph.D., Senior Investigator,
Epidemiology; Professor of Epidemiology and Nutri- National Institute of Environmental Health Sci-
tion, School of Public Health; and Professor of Medi- ences, National Institutes of Health, Durham, North
cine, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, Carolina.
Boston, Massachusetts.
Walter C. Willett, M.D., Dr.P.H., Professor of Epide-
James W. Stephens, Ph.D., Associate Director for Sci- miology and Nutrition, and Chair, Department of
ence, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston,
Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Massachusetts.
Washington, D.C.
Gayle Windham, Ph.D., Research Scientist (Epidemi-
Gary D. Stoner, Ph.D., Professor, Division of Hema- ology), Division of Environmental and Occupational
tology and Oncology, College of Medicine and Public Disease Control, California Department of Health Ser-
Health, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. vices, Richmond, California.

Esther Sumartojo, Ph.D., M.Sc., Acting Associate Deborah M. Winn, Ph.D., Chief, Clinical and Genetic
Director for Science and Public Health, National Cen- Epidemiology Research Branch, Epidemiology and
ter on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Genetics Research Program, Division of Cancer Con-
Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, Centers trol and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute,
for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia. National Institutes of Health, Rockville, Maryland.

Ira Tager, M.D., M.P.H., Professor of Epidemiology, Alistair Woodward, Ph.D., Head, School of Population
Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, Health, Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, The
University of California, Berkeley, California. University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand.

Michael J. Thun, M.D., Vice President, Epidemiology

and Surveillance Research, American Cancer Society, Other contributors were
Atlanta, Georgia.
Nicole C. Ammerman, Sc.M., Ph.D. Candidate,
Research Assistant, Institute for Global Tobacco Con-
Edward Trapido, Sc.D., Associate Director, Epide-
trol, Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School
miology and Genetics Research Program, Division
of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Bal-
of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National
timore, Maryland.
Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health, Rock-
ville, Maryland.
Mary Bedford, Proofreader, Cygnus Corporation,
Rockville, Maryland.

Surgeon General’s Report

Caroline M. Fichtenberg, M.S., Ph.D. Candidate, Alyce Ortuzar, Copy Editor, Cygnus Corporation,
Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Rockville, Maryland.
Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Balti-
more, Maryland. Margot Raphael, Senior Editor, American Institutes
for Research, Silver Spring, Maryland.
Charlotte Gerczak, M.L.A., Research Writer and Spe-
cial Projects Coordinator, Department of Epidemiol- Susan Schober, Ph.D., Senior Epidemiologist, National
ogy, Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Johns Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)
Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Program, National Center for Health Statistics, Cen-
ters for Disease Control and Prevention, Hyattsville,
Roberta B. Gray, Senior Administrative Assistant to Maryland.
Dr. Jonathan M. Samet, Department of Epidemiology,
Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Johns Hop- Angela Trosclair, M.S., Statistician, Office on Smok-
kins University, Baltimore, Maryland. ing and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease
Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinating Cen-
Kat Jackson, Statistician, RTI International, Atlanta, ter for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control
Georgia. and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.

Mooim Kang, Graphics Specialist, Cygnus Corpora- Glenda Vaughn, Public Health Analyst, Office on
tion, Rockville, Maryland. Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinat-
Teresa Kelly, M.S., Project Director, Cygnus Corpora- ing Center for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease
tion, Rockville, Maryland. Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.

Elizabeth Khaykin, M.H.S., Sc.M., Ph.D. Candidate, Deborah Williams, Desktop Publishing Specialist to
Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Dr. Jonathan M. Samet, Department of Epidemiology,
Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Balti- Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Johns Hop-
more, Maryland. kins University, Baltimore, Maryland.

Nancy Leonard, Administrative Assistant II to Dr. Peggy E. Williams, M.S., Writer-Editor, Quantell, Inc.,
Jonathan M. Samet, Department of Epidemiology, Marietta, Georgia.
Bloomberg School of Public Health, The Johns Hop-
kins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
Database contributors were
Allison MacNeil, M.P.H., Health Scientist, Office on
Mahshid Amini, Health Education Specialist, Office
Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic
on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinat-
Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Coordinat-
ing Center for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease
ing Center for Health Promotion, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.
William T. Marx, M.L.I.S., Health Communications
Nicole C. Ammerman, Sc.M., Ph.D. Candidate,
Specialist, Office on Smoking and Health, National
Research Assistant, Institute for Global Tobacco Con-
Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
trol, Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School
Promotion, Coordinating Center for Health Promo-
of Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Bal-
tion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
timore, Maryland.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Erika Avila-Tang, Ph.D., M.H.S., Project Coordinator,
Linda McLaughlin, Word Processing Specialist, Cyg-
Institute for Global Tobacco Control, Department of
nus Corporation, Rockville, Maryland.
Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public Health,
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
Laura Nelson, M.A., Senior Writer, Cygnus Corpora-
tion, Rockville, Maryland.

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Jeffrey H. Chrismon, P.M.P., Project Manager, Georgette Lavetsky, M.H.S., Epidemiologist, Office
Northrup Grumman Mission Systems, Atlanta, of Substance Abuse Services, Howard County Health
Georgia. Department, Columbia, Maryland.

Oyelola ‘Yomi Faparusi, M.D., Ph.D., Department of Maria Jose Lopez, B.Sc., Ph.D. Candidate, Evalua-
Mental Hygiene, Bloomberg School of Public Health, tion and Intervention Methods Service, Public Health
The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Agency, Barcelona, Spain.

Caroline M. Fichtenberg, M.S., Ph.D. Candidate, Sharon Mc Aleer, Web Designer, Northrop Grumman
Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Mission Systems, Atlanta, Georgia.
Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Balti-
more, Maryland. Georgiana Onicescu, B.Sc., Master’s Candidate in
Biostatistics, Bloomberg School of Public Health, The
Ola Gibson, Software Engineer, Northrup Grumman Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland.
Mission Systems, Atlanta, Georgia.
Patti R. Seikus, M.P.H., Health Communications Spe-
Hope L. Johnson, M.P.H., Ph.D. Candidate, Depart- cialist, Office on Smoking and Health, National Center
ment of International Health, Bloomberg School of for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion,
Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Balti- Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, Centers
more, Maryland. for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia.

Bindu Kalesan, M.Sc., M.P.H., Biostatistician, Asthma Stephen Strathdee, User Support Specialist, Depart-
and Allergy Center, The Johns Hopkins University, ment of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of Public
Baltimore, Maryland. Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Elizabeth Khaykin, M.H.S., Sc.M., Ph.D. Candidate,
Department of Epidemiology, Bloomberg School of
Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Balti-
more, Maryland.

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

The Health Consequences of Involuntary

Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Chapter 1. Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 1

Introduction 3
Definitions and Terminology 9
Evidence Evaluation 10
Major Conclusions 11
Chapter Conclusions 12
Methodologic Issues 17
Tobacco Industry Activities 23
References 24

Chapter 2. Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 27

Introduction 29
Evidence of Carcinogenic Effects from Secondhand Smoke Exposure 30
Mechanisms of Respiratory Tract Injury and Disease Caused by Secondhand Smoke Exposure 46
Mechanisms of Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Heart Disease 52
Evidence Synthesis 64
Conclusions 65
Overall Implications 66
References 67

Chapter 3. Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 83

Introduction 85
Building Designs and Operations 86
Atmospheric Markers of Secondhand Smoke 93
Exposure Models 96
Biomarkers of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 100
Conclusions 115
References 116

Chapter 4. Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 127

Introduction 129
Methods 129
Metrics of Secondhand Smoke Exposure 130
Estimates of Exposure 132
Conclusions 158
Overall Implications 158
References 159

Chapter 5. Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 165
Introduction 167
Conclusions of Previous Surgeon General’s Reports and Other Relevant Reports 167
Literature Search Methods 167

Surgeon General’s Report

Critical Exposure Periods for Reproductive and Developmental Effects 169

Fertility 171
Pregnancy (Spontaneous Abortion and Perinatal Death) 176
Infant Deaths 179
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 180
Preterm Delivery 194
Low Birth Weight 198
Congenital Malformations 205
Cognitive, Behavioral, and Physical Development 210
Childhood Cancer 221
Conclusions 242
Overall Implications 244
References 245

Chapter 6. Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 257

Introduction 261
Mechanisms of Health Effects from Secondhand Tobacco Smoke 262
Methods Used to Review the Evidence 266
Lower Respiratory Illnesses in Infancy and Early Childhood 267
Middle Ear Disease and Adenotonsillectomy 292
Respiratory Symptoms and Prevalent Asthma in School-Age Children 310
Childhood Asthma Onset 355
Atopy 375
Lung Growth and Pulmonary Function 385
Conclusions 400
Overall Implications 401
References 402

Chapter 7. Cancer Among Adults from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 421

Introduction 423
Lung Cancer 423
Other Cancer Sites 446
Conclusions 484
Overall Implications 484
Appendix 7.1. Details of Recent Lung Cancer Studies 485
References 498

Chapter 8. Cardiovascular Diseases from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 507

Introduction 509
Coronary Heart Disease 509
Stroke 527
Subclinical Vascular Disease 529
Evidence Synthesis 531
Conclusions 532
Overall Implications 532
References 533

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Chapter 9. Respiratory Effects in Adults from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 537

Introduction 539
Biologic Basis 542
Odor and Irritation 545
Respiratory Symptoms 547
Lung Function 553
Respiratory Diseases 555
Conclusions 562
Overall Implications 563
References 564

Chapter 10. Control of Secondhand Smoke Exposure 569

Introduction 571
Historical Perspective 571
Attitudes and Beliefs About Secondhand Smoke 588
Policy Approaches 598
Technical Approaches 635
Conclusions 649
Overall Implications 649
References 651

A Vision for the Future 667

Appendix 671

List of Abbreviations 675

List of Tables and Figures 679

Index 685

The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Chapter 1
Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions

Introduction 3
Organization of the Report 8
Preparation of the Report 9

Definitions and Terminology 9

Evidence Evaluation 10

Major Conclusions 11

Chapter Conclusions 12

Chapter 2. Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 12

Evidence of Carcinogenic Effects from Secondhand Smoke Exposure 12
Mechanisms of Respiratory Tract Injury and Disease Caused by Secondhand Smoke Exposure 12
Mechanisms of Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Heart Disease 12
Chapter 3. Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 12
Building Designs and Operations 12
Exposure Models 12
Biomarkers of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 12
Chapter 4. Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 13
Chapter 5. Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 13
Fertility 13
Pregnancy (Spontaneous Abortion and Perinatal Death) 13
Infant Deaths 13
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 13
Preterm Delivery 13
Low Birth Weight 13
Congenital Malformations 13
Cognitive Development 13
Behavioral Development 13
Height/Growth 13
Childhood Cancer 13
Chapter 6. Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 14
Lower Respiratory Illnesses in Infancy and Early Childhood 14
Middle Ear Disease and Adenotonsillectomy 14
Respiratory Symptoms and Prevalent Asthma in School-Age Children 14
Childhood Asthma Onset 14
Atopy 14
Lung Growth and Pulmonary Function 14
Chapter 7. Cancer Among Adults from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 14
Lung Cancer 14
Breast Cancer 15
Nasal Sinus Cavity and Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma 15
Cervical Cancer 15

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 1

Surgeon General’s Report

Chapter 8. Cardiovascular Diseases from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 15

Chapter 9. Respiratory Effects in Adults from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 15
Odor and Irritation 15
Respiratory Symptoms 15
Lung Function 15
Asthma 16
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 16
Chapter 10. Control of Secondhand Smoke Exposure 16

Methodologic Issues 17
Classification of Secondhand Smoke Exposure 17
Misclassification of Secondhand Smoke Exposure 19
Use of Meta-Analysis 21
Confounding 22

Tobacco Industry Activities 23

References 24

2 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke


The topic of passive or involuntary smoking limited information regarding the health effects of
was first addressed in the 1972 U.S. Surgeon Gen- such exposure upon the nonsmoker is available”
eral’s report (The Health Consequences of Smoking, (p. 11–35). The chapter concluded with recommen-
U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare dations for research including epidemiologic and
[USDHEW] 1972), only eight years after the first Sur- clinical studies. The 1982 Surgeon General’s
geon General’s report on the health consequences of report specifically addressed smoking and cancer
active smoking (USDHEW 1964). Surgeon General (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Dr. Jesse Steinfeld had raised concerns about this [USDHHS] 1982). By 1982, there were three published
topic, leading to its inclusion in that report. Accord- epidemiologic studies on involuntary smoking and
ing to the 1972 report, nonsmokers inhale the mixture lung cancer, and the 1982 Surgeon General’s report
of sidestream smoke given off by a smoldering ciga- included a brief chapter on this topic. That chapter
rette and mainstream smoke exhaled by a smoker, a commented on the methodologic difficulties inherent
mixture now referred to as “secondhand smoke” or in such studies, including exposure assessment, the
“environmental tobacco smoke.” Cited experimental lengthy interval during which exposures are likely
studies showed that smoking in enclosed spaces could to be relevant, and accounting for exposures to other
lead to high levels of cigarette smoke components in carcinogens. Nonetheless, the report concluded that
the air. For carbon monoxide (CO) specifically, levels “Although the currently available evidence is not suf-
in enclosed spaces could exceed levels then permitted ficient to conclude that passive or involuntary smoking
in outdoor air. The studies supported a conclusion that causes lung cancer in nonsmokers, the evidence does
“an atmosphere contaminated with tobacco smoke raise concern about a possible serious public health
can contribute to the discomfort of many individuals” problem” (p. 251).
(USDHEW 1972, p. 7). The possibility that CO emitted Involuntary smoking was also reviewed in the
from cigarettes could harm persons with chronic heart 1984 report, which focused on chronic obstructive
or lung disease was also mentioned. pulmonary disease and smoking (USDHHS 1984).
Secondhand tobacco smoke was then addressed Chapter 7 (Passive Smoking) of that report included
in greater depth in Chapter 4 (Involuntary Smoking) a comprehensive review of the mounting information
of the 1975 Surgeon General’s report, The Health Conse- on smoking by parents and the effects on respiratory
quences of Smoking (USDHEW 1975). The chapter noted health of their children, data on irritation of the eye,
that involuntary smoking takes place when nonsmok- and the more limited evidence on pulmonary effects
ers inhale both sidestream and exhaled mainstream of involuntary smoking on adults. The chapter began
smoke and that this “smoking” is “involuntary” when with a compilation of measurements of tobacco smoke
“the exposure occurs as an unavoidable consequence components in various indoor environments. The
of breathing in a smoke-filled environment” (p. 87). The extent of the data had increased substantially since
report covered exposures and potential health conse- 1972. By 1984, the data included measurements of
quences of involuntary smoking, and the researchers more specific indicators such as acrolein and nicotine,
concluded that smoking on buses and airplanes was and less specific indicators such as particulate matter
annoying to nonsmokers and that involuntary smok- (PM), nitrogen oxides, and CO. The report reviewed
ing had potentially adverse consequences for persons new evidence on exposures of nonsmokers using bio-
with heart and lung diseases. Two studies on nicotine markers, with substantial information on levels of
concentrations in nonsmokers raised concerns about cotinine, a major nicotine metabolite. The report antic-
nicotine as a contributing factor to atherosclerotic ipated future conclusions with regard to respiratory
cardiovascular disease in nonsmokers. effects of parental smoking on child respiratory health
The 1979 Surgeon General’s report, Smoking (Table 1.1).
and Health: A Report of the Surgeon General (USDHEW Involuntary smoking was the topic for the entire
1979), also contained a chapter entitled “Involuntary 1986 Surgeon General’s report, The Health Conse-
Smoking.” The chapter stressed that “attention to quences of Involuntary Smoking (USDHHS 1986). In its
involuntary smoking is of recent vintage, and only 359 pages, the report covered the full breadth of the

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 3

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 1.1 Conclusions from previous Surgeon General’s reports on the health effects of secondhand
smoke exposure
Surgeon General’s
Disease and statement report

Coronary heart disease: “The presence of such levels” as found in cigarettes “indicates that 1972
the effect of exposure to carbon monoxide may on occasion, depending upon the length
of exposure, be sufficient to be harmful to the health of an exposed person. This would be
particularly significant for people who are already suffering from. . .coronary heart disease.”
(p. 7)

Chronic respiratory symptoms (adults): “The presence of such levels” as found in cigarettes 1972
“indicates that the effect of exposure to carbon monoxide may on occasion, depending
upon the length of exposure, be sufficient to be harmful to the health of an exposed person.
This would be particularly significant for people who are already suffering from chronic
bronchopulmonary disease. . . .” (p. 7)

Pulmonary function: “Other components of tobacco smoke, such as particulate matter and 1972
the oxides of nitrogen, have been shown in various concentrations to affect adversely animal
pulmonary. . .function. The extent of the contributions of these substances to illness in humans
exposed to the concentrations present in an atmosphere contaminated with tobacco smoke is
not presently known.” (pp. 7–8)

Asthma: “The limited existing data yield conflicting results concerning the relationship 1984
between passive smoke exposure and pulmonary function changes in patients with asthma.”
(p. 13)

Bronchitis and pneumonia: “The children of smoking parents have an increased prevalence of 1984
reported respiratory symptoms, and have an increased frequency of bronchitis and pneumonia
early in life.” (p. 13)

Pulmonary function (children): “The children of smoking parents appear to have measurable 1984
but small differences in tests of pulmonary function when compared with children of
nonsmoking parents. The significance of this finding to the future development of lung disease
is unknown.” (p. 13)

Pulmonary function (adults): “. . .some studies suggest that high levels of involuntary 1984
[tobacco] smoke exposure might produce small changes in pulmonary function in normal
subjects. . . . Two studies have reported differences in measures of lung function in older
populations between subjects chronically exposed to involuntary smoking and those who were
not. This difference was not found in a younger and possibly less exposed population.” (p. 13)

Acute respiratory infections: “The children of parents who smoke have an increased 1986
frequency of a variety of acute respiratory illnesses and infections, including chest illnesses
before 2 years of age and physician-diagnosed bronchitis, tracheitis, and laryngitis, when
compared with the children of nonsmokers.” (p. 13)

Bronchitis and pneumonia: “The children of parents who smoke have an increased frequency 1986
of hospitalization for bronchitis and pneumonia during the first year of life when compared
with the children of nonsmokers.” (p. 13)

Cancers other than lung: “The associations between cancers, other than cancer of the lung, 1986
and involuntary smoking require further investigation before a determination can be made
about the relationship of involuntary smoking to these cancers.” (p. 14)

Cardiovascular disease: “Further studies on the relationship between involuntary smoking 1986
and cardiovascular disease are needed in order to determine whether involuntary smoking
increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.” (p. 14)

4 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 1.1 Continued

Surgeon General’s
Disease and statement report

Chronic cough and phlegm (children): “Chronic cough and phlegm are more frequent in 1986
children whose parents smoke compared with children of nonsmokers.” (p. 13)

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): “Healthy adults exposed to environmental 1986
tobacco smoke may have small changes on pulmonary function testing, but are unlikely
to experience clinically significant deficits in pulmonary function as a result of exposure to
environmental tobacco smoke alone.” (pp. 13–14)

“The implications of chronic respiratory symptoms for respiratory health as an adult are
unknown and deserve further study.” (p. 13)

Lung cancer: “Involuntary smoking can cause lung cancer in nonsmokers.” (p. 13) 1986

Middle ear effusions: “A number of studies report that chronic middle ear effusions are more 1986
common in young children whose parents smoke than in children of nonsmoking parents.”
(p. 14)

Pulmonary function (children): “The children of parents who smoke have small differences in 1986
tests of pulmonary function when compared with the children of nonsmokers. Although this
decrement is insufficient to cause symptoms, the possibility that it may increase susceptibility
to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with exposure to other agents in adult life, e.g., [sic]
active smoking or occupational exposures, needs investigation.” (p. 13)

“An atmosphere contaminated with tobacco smoke can contribute to the discomfort of many 1972
individuals.” (p. 7)

“Cigarette smoke can make a significant, measurable contribution to the level of indoor air 1984
pollution at levels of smoking and ventilation that are common in the indoor environment.”
(p. 13)

“Cigarette smoke in the air can produce an increase in both subjective and objective measures 1984
of eye irritation.” (p. 13)

“Nonsmokers who report exposure to environmental tobacco smoke have higher levels of 1984
urinary cotinine, a metabolite of nicotine, than those who do not report such exposure.” (p. 13)

“The simple separation of smokers and nonsmokers within the same air space may reduce, but 1986
does not eliminate, the exposure of nonsmokers to environmental tobacco smoke.” (p. 13)

“Validated questionnaires are needed for the assessment of recent and remote exposure to 1986
environmental tobacco smoke in the home, workplace, and other environments.” (p. 14)

Sources: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare 1972; U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1984,

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 5

Surgeon General’s Report

topic, addressing toxicology and dosimetry of tobacco absorption of tobacco smoke materials during an
smoke; the relevant evidence on active smoking; pat- involuntary exposure, and the nature of dose-response
terns of exposure of nonsmokers to tobacco smoke; relationships for carcinogenesis. In the same year, the
the epidemiologic evidence on involuntary smoking National Research Council (NRC) also concluded
and disease risks for infants, children, and adults; and that involuntary smoking increases the incidence of
policies to control involuntary exposure to tobacco lung cancer in nonsmokers (NRC 1986). In reaching
smoke. That report concluded that involuntary smok- this conclusion, the NRC report cited the biologic
ing caused lung cancer in lifetime nonsmoking adults plausibility of the association between exposure to
and was associated with adverse effects on respiratory secondhand smoke and lung cancer and the supporting
health in children. The report also stated that simply epidemiologic evidence. On the basis of a pooled
separating smokers and nonsmokers within the same analysis of the epidemiologic data adjusted for bias,
airspace reduced but did not eliminate exposure to the report concluded that the best estimate for the
secondhand smoke. All of these findings are relevant excess risk of lung cancer in nonsmokers married to
to public health and public policy (Table 1.1). The lung smokers was 25 percent, compared with nonsmok-
cancer conclusion was based on extensive informa- ers married to nonsmokers. With regard to the effects
tion already available on the carcinogenicity of active of involuntary smoking on children, the NRC report
smoking, the qualitative similarities between second- commented on the literature linking secondhand
hand and mainstream smoke, the uptake of tobacco smoke exposures from parental smoking to increased
smoke components by nonsmokers, and the epidemi- risks for respiratory symptoms and infections and to a
ologic data on involuntary smoking. The three major slightly diminished rate of lung growth.
conclusions of the report (Table 1.2), led Dr. C. Ever- Since 1986, the conclusions with regard to both the
ett Koop, Surgeon General at the time, to comment in carcinogenicity of secondhand smoke and the adverse
his preface that “the right of smokers to smoke ends effects of parental smoking on the health of children
where their behavior affects the health and well-being have been echoed and expanded (Table 1.3). In 1992,
of others; furthermore, it is the smokers’ responsibil- the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pub-
ity to ensure that they do not expose nonsmokers to lished its risk assessment of secondhand smoke as a car-
the potential [sic] harmful effects of tobacco smoke” cinogen (USEPA 1992). The agency’s evaluation drew
(USDHHS 1986, p. xii). on toxicologic information on secondhand smoke and
Two other reports published in 1986 also reached the extensive literature on active smoking. A compre-
the conclusion that involuntary smoking increased hensive meta-analysis of the 31 epidemiologic stud-
the risk for lung cancer. The International Agency ies of secondhand smoke and lung cancer published
for Research on Cancer (IARC) of the World Health up to that time was central to the decision to classify
Organization concluded that “passive smoking gives secondhand smoke as a group A carcinogen—namely,
rise to some risk of cancer” (IARC 1986, p. 314). a known human carcinogen. Estimates of approxi-
In its monograph on tobacco smoking, the agency mately 3,000 U.S. lung cancer deaths per year in non-
supported this conclusion on the basis of the char- smokers were attributed to secondhand smoke. The
acteristics of sidestream and mainstream smoke, the report also covered other respiratory health effects in

Table 1.2 Major conclusions of the 1986 Surgeon General’s report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary

1. Involuntary smoking is a cause of disease, including lung cancer, in healthy nonsmokers.

2. The children of parents who smoke compared with the children of nonsmoking parents have an increased frequency
of respiratory infections, increased respiratory symptoms, and slightly smaller rates of increase in lung function as the
lung matures.

3. The simple separation of smokers and nonsmokers within the same air space may reduce, but does not eliminate, the
exposure of nonsmokers to environmental tobacco smoke.
Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 1986, p. 7.

6 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 1.3 Selected major reports, other than those of the U.S. Surgeon General, addressing adverse effects
from exposure to tobacco smoke
Place and date of
Agency Publication publication

National Research Council Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Measuring Exposures and Washington, D.C.
Assessing Health Effects United States

International Agency for Research on Monographs on the Evaluation of the Carcinogenic Lyon, France
Cancer (IARC) Risk of Chemicals to Humans: Tobacco Smoking 1986
(IARC Monograph 38)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Respiratory Health Effects of Passive Smoking: Lung Washington, D.C.
(EPA) Cancer and Other Disorders United States

National Health and Medical Research The Health Effects of Passive Smoking Canberra, Australia
Council 1997

California EPA (Cal/EPA), Office Health Effects of Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Sacramento, California
of Environmental Health Hazard Smoke United States
Assessment 1997

Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco London, United
Health and Health Kingdom

World Health Organization International Consultation on Environmental Tobacco Geneva, Switzerland

Smoke (ETS) and Child Health. Consultation Report 1999

IARC Tobacco Smoke and Involuntary Smoking Lyon, France

(IARC Monograph 83) 2004

Cal/EPA, Office of Environmental Proposed Identification of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Sacramento, California
Health Hazard Assessment as a Toxic Air Contaminant United States

children and adults and concluded that involuntary markedly expanded since 1986, as have the data on
smoking is causally associated with several adverse exposure to tobacco smoke in the many environments
respiratory effects in children. There was also a quan- where people spend time. An understanding of the
titative risk assessment for the impact of involuntary mechanisms by which involuntary smoking causes
smoking on childhood asthma and lower respiratory disease has also deepened.
tract infections in young children. As part of the environmental health hazard
In the decade since the 1992 EPA report, scientific assessment, Cal/EPA identified specific health effects
panels continued to evaluate the mounting evidence causally associated with exposure to secondhand
linking involuntary smoking to adverse health effects smoke. The agency estimated the annual excess deaths
(Table 1.3). The most recent was the 2005 report of the in the United States that are attributable to second-
California EPA (Cal/EPA 2005). Over time, research hand smoke exposure for specific disorders: sudden
has repeatedly affirmed the conclusions of the 1986 infant death syndrome (SIDS), cardiac-related illnesses
Surgeon General’s reports and studies have further (ischemic heart disease), and lung cancer (Cal/EPA
identified causal associations of involuntary smok- 2005). For the excess incidence of other health out-
ing with diseases and other health disorders. The comes, either new estimates were provided or esti-
epidemiologic evidence on involuntary smoking has mates from the 1997 health hazard assessment were

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 7

Surgeon General’s Report

used without any revisions (Cal/EPA 1997). Overall, secondhand smoke, reproductive and developmen-
Cal/EPA estimated that about 50,000 excess deaths tal health effects, respiratory effects of exposure to
result annually from exposure to secondhand smoke secondhand smoke in children and adults, cancer
(Cal/EPA 2005). Estimated annual excess deaths for among adults, cardiovascular diseases, and the con-
the total U.S. population are about 3,400 (a range of trol of secondhand smoke exposure.
3,423 to 8,866) from lung cancer, 46,000 (a range of This introductory chapter (Chapter 1) includes a
22,700 to 69,600) from cardiac-related illnesses, and discussion of the concept of causation and introduces
430 from SIDS. The agency also estimated that be- concepts of causality that are used throughout this
tween 24,300 and 71,900 low birth weight or pre- report; this chapter also summarizes the major conclu-
term deliveries, about 202,300 episodes of childhood sions of the report. Chapter 2 (Toxicology of Second-
asthma (new cases and exacerbations), between hand Smoke) sets out a foundation for interpreting
150,000 and 300,000 cases of lower respiratory illness the observational evidence that is the focus of most
in children, and about 789,700 cases of middle ear of the following chapters. The discussion details the
infections in children occur each year in the United mechanisms that enable tobacco smoke components
States as a result of exposure to secondhand smoke. to injure the respiratory tract and cause nonmalignant
This new 2006 Surgeon General’s report returns and malignant diseases and other adverse effects.
to the topic of involuntary smoking. The health effects Chapter 3 (Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand
of involuntary smoking have not received compre- Smoke) provides a perspective on key factors that
hensive coverage in this series of reports since 1986. determine exposures of people to secondhand smoke
Reports since then have touched on selected aspects in indoor environments, including building designs
of the topic: the 1994 report on tobacco use among and operations, atmospheric markers of secondhand
young people (USDHHS 1994), the 1998 report on smoke, exposure models, and biomarkers of exposure
tobacco use among U.S. racial and ethnic minorities to secondhand smoke. Chapter 4 (Prevalence of Expo-
(USDHHS 1998), and the 2001 report on women and sure to Secondhand Smoke) summarizes findings that
smoking (USDHHS 2001). As involuntary smoking focus on nicotine measurements in the air and coti-
remains widespread in the United States and else- nine measurements in biologic materials. The chapter
where, the preparation of this report was motivated includes exposures in the home, workplace, public
by the persistence of involuntary smoking as a public places, and special populations. Chapter 5 (Repro-
health problem and the need to evaluate the substan- ductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure
tial new evidence reported since 1986. This report sub- to Secondhand Smoke) reviews the health effects on
stantially expands the list of topics that were included reproduction, on infants, and on child development.
in the 1986 report. Additional topics include SIDS, Chapter 6 (Respiratory Effects in Children from Expo-
developmental effects, and other reproductive effects; sure to Secondhand Smoke) examines the effects of
heart disease in adults; and cancer sites beyond the parental smoking on the respiratory health of children.
lung. For some associations of involuntary smoking Chapter 7 (Cancer Among Adults from Exposure to
with adverse health effects, only a few studies were Secondhand Smoke) summarizes the evidence on can-
reviewed in 1986 (e.g., ear disease in children); now, cer of the lung, breast, nasal sinuses, and the cervix.
the relevant literature is substantial. Consequently, this Chapter 8 (Cardiovascular Diseases from Exposure to
report uses meta-analysis to quantitatively summarize Secondhand Smoke) discusses coronary heart disease
evidence as appropriate. Following the approach used (CHD), stroke, and subclinical vascular disease. Chap-
in the 2004 report (The Health Consequences of Smoking, ter 9 (Respiratory Effects in Adults from Exposure to
USDHHS 2004), this 2006 report also systematically Secondhand Smoke) examines odor and irritation,
evaluates the evidence for causality, judging the respiratory symptoms, lung function, and respiratory
extent of the evidence available and then making an diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pul-
inference as to the nature of the association. monary disease. Chapter 10 (Control of Secondhand
Smoke Exposure) considers measures used to con-
trol exposure to secondhand smoke in public places,
Organization of the Report including legislation, education, and approaches
based on building designs and operations. The report
This twenty-ninth report of the Surgeon Gen-
concludes with “A Vision for the Future.” Major con-
eral examines the topics of toxicology of secondhand
clusions of the report were distilled from the chapter
smoke, assessment and prevalence of exposure to
conclusions and appear later in this chapter.

8 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Preparation of the Report within U.S. DHHS. Publication lags, even short ones,
prevent an up-to-the-minute inclusion of all recently
This report of the Surgeon General was prepared published articles and data. Therefore, by the time
by the Office on Smoking and Health, National Cen- the public reads this report, there may be additional
ter for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Pro- published studies or data. To provide published infor-
motion, Coordinating Center for Health Promotion, mation as current as possible, this report includes an
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Appendix of more recent studies that represent major
and U.S. DHHS. Initial chapters were written by additions to the literature.
22 experts who were selected because of their knowl- This report is also accompanied by a companion
edge of a particular topic. The contributions of the database of key evidence that is accessible through
initial experts were consolidated into 10 major chap- the Internet ( The data-
ters that were then reviewed by more than 40 peer base includes a uniform description of the stud-
reviewers. The entire manuscript was then sent to ies and results on the health effects of exposure to
more than 30 scientists and experts who reviewed secondhand smoke that were presented in a format
it for its scientific integrity. After each review cycle, compatible with abstraction into standardized tables.
the drafts were revised by the scientific editors on Readers of the report may access these data for addi-
the basis of the experts’ comments. Subsequently, the tional analyses, tables, or figures.
report was reviewed by various institutes and agencies

Definitions and Terminology

The inhalation of tobacco smoke by nonsmokers distance it has traveled. The smoke particles change
has been variably referred to as “passive smoking” in size and composition as gaseous components are
or “involuntary smoking.” Smokers, of course, also volatilized and moisture content changes; gaseous
inhale secondhand smoke. Cigarette smoke contains elements of secondhand smoke may be adsorbed onto
both particles and gases generated by the combustion materials, and particle concentrations drop with both
at high temperatures of tobacco, paper, and additives. dilution in the air or environment and impaction on
The smoke inhaled by nonsmokers that contaminates surfaces, including the lungs or on the body. Because
indoor spaces and outdoor environments has often of its dynamic nature, a specific quantitative defini-
been referred to as “secondhand smoke” or “envi- tion of secondhand smoke cannot be offered.
ronmental tobacco smoke.” This inhaled smoke is the This report uses the term secondhand smoke
mixture of sidestream smoke released by the smol- in preference to environmental tobacco smoke, even
dering cigarette and the mainstream smoke that is though the latter may have been used more frequently
exhaled by a smoker. Sidestream smoke, generated in previous reports. The descriptor “secondhand” cap-
at lower temperatures and under somewhat different tures the involuntary nature of the exposure, while
combustion conditions than mainstream smoke, tends “environmental” does not. This report also refers to
to have higher concentrations of many of the toxins the inhalation of secondhand smoke as involuntary
found in cigarette smoke (USDHHS 1986). However, smoking, acknowledging that most nonsmokers do
it is rapidly diluted as it travels away from the burn- not want to inhale tobacco smoke. The exposure of the
ing cigarette. fetus to tobacco smoke, whether from active smoking
Secondhand smoke is an inherently dynamic by the mother or from her exposure to secondhand
mixture that changes in characteristics and concen- smoke, also constitutes involuntary smoking.
tration with the time since it was formed and the

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 9

Surgeon General’s Report

Evidence Evaluation

Following the model of the 1964 report, the evidence syntheses and other summary statements
Surgeon General’s reports on smoking have included may use either the term “increased risk” or “cause”
comprehensive compilations of the evidence on the to describe instances in which there is sufficient evi-
health effects of smoking. The evidence is analyzed dence to conclude that active or involuntary smoking
to identify causal associations between smoking and causes a disease or condition. This four-level frame-
disease according to enunciated principles, some- work also sharply and completely separates conclu-
times referred to as the “Surgeon General’s criteria” or sions regarding causality from the implications of
the “Hill” criteria (after Sir Austin Bradford Hill) for such conclusions.
causality (USDHEW 1964; USDHHS 2004). Applica- That same framework was used in this report
tion of these criteria involves covering all relevant on involuntary smoking and health. The criteria
observational and experimental evidence. The criteria, dating back to the 1964 Surgeon General’s report
offered in a brief chapter of the 1964 report entitled remain useful as guidelines for evaluating evidence
“Criteria for Judgment,” included (1) the consistency (USDHEW 1964), but they were not intended to be
of the association, (2) the strength of the association, applied strictly or as a “checklist” that needed to be met
(3) the specificity of the association, (4) the temporal before the designation of “causal” could be applied to an
relationship of the association, and (5) the coherence association. In fact, for involuntary smoking and
of the association. Although these criteria have been health, several of the criteria will not be met for
criticized (e.g., Rothman and Greenland 1998), they some associations. Specificity, referring to a unique
have proved useful as a framework for interpreting exposure-disease relationship (e.g., the association
evidence on smoking and other postulated causes between thalidomide use during pregnancy and
of disease, and for judging whether causality can be unusual birth defects), can be set aside as not relevant,
inferred. as all of the health effects considered in this report
In the 2004 report of the Surgeon General, The have causes other than involuntary smoking.
Health Consequences of Smoking, the framework for Associations are considered more likely to be causal as
interpreting evidence on smoking and health was the strength of an association increases because com-
revisited in depth for the first time since the 1964 peting explanations become less plausible alterna-
report (USDHHS 2004). The 2004 report provided tives. However, based on knowledge of dosimetry and
a four-level hierarchy for interpreting evidence mechanisms of injury and disease causation, the risk
(Table 1.4). The categories acknowledge that evidence is anticipated to be only slightly or modestly increased
can be “suggestive” but not adequate to infer a causal for some associations of involuntary smoking with
relationship, and also allows for evidence that is “sug- disease, such as lung cancer, particularly when the
gestive of no causal relationship.” Since the 2004 very strong relative risks found for active smokers are
report, the individual chapter conclusions have con- compared with those for lifetime nonsmokers. The
sistently used this four-level hierarchy (Table 1.4), but finding of only a small elevation in risk, as in the

Table 1.4 Four-level hierarchy for classifying the strength of causal inferences based on available
Level 1 Evidence is sufficient to infer a causal relationship.

Level 2 Evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to infer a causal relationship.

Level 3 Evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or absence of a causal relationship (which encompasses
evidence that is sparse, of poor quality, or conflicting).

Level 4 Evidence is suggestive of no causal relationship.

Source: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 2004.

10 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

example of spousal smoking and lung cancer risk in not be expected to be qualitatively different from that
lifetime nonsmokers, does not weigh against a causal of MS [mainstream smoke]” (USDHHS 1986, p. 23).
association; however, alternative explanations for a The 2004 report of the Surgeon General revisited the
risk of a small magnitude need full exploration and health consequences of active smoking (USDHHS
cannot be so easily set aside as alternative explana- 2004), and the conclusions substantially expanded
tions for a stronger association. Consistency, coher- the list of diseases and conditions caused by smoking.
ence, and the temporal relationship of involuntary Chapters in the present report consider the evidence on
smoking with disease are central to the interpretations active smoking that is relevant to biologic plausibility
in this report. To address coherence, the report draws for causal associations between involuntary smoking
not only on the evidence for involuntary smoking, but and disease. The reviews included in this report cover
on the even more extensive literature on active smok- evidence identified through search strategies set out
ing and disease. in each chapter. Of necessity, the evidence on mecha-
Although the evidence reviewed in this report nisms was selectively reviewed. However, an attempt
comes largely from investigations of secondhand was made to cover all health studies through speci-
smoke specifically, the larger body of evidence fied target dates. Because of the substantial amount
on active smoking is also relevant to many of the of time involved in preparing this report, lists of new
associations that were evaluated. The 1986 report key references published after these cut-off dates are
found secondhand smoke to be qualitatively similar included in an Appendix. Literature reviews were
to mainstream smoke inhaled by the smoker and con- extended when new evidence was sufficient to pos-
cluded that secondhand smoke would be expected to sibly change the level of a causal conclusion.
have “a toxic and carcinogenic potential that would

Major Conclusions

This report returns to involuntary smoking, the and more severe asthma. Smoking by parents
topic of the 1986 Surgeon General’s report. Since then, causes respiratory symptoms and slows lung
there have been many advances in the research on growth in their children.
secondhand smoke, and substantial evidence has been
reported over the ensuing 20 years. This report uses 3. Exposure of adults to secondhand smoke has
the revised language for causal conclusions that was immediate adverse effects on the cardiovascular
implemented in the 2004 Surgeon General’s report system and causes coronary heart disease and
(USDHHS 2004). Each chapter provides a compre- lung cancer.
hensive review of the evidence, a quantitative syn-
thesis of the evidence if appropriate, and a rigorous 4. The scientific evidence indicates that there is no
assessment of sources of bias that may affect inter- risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke.
pretations of the findings. The reviews in this report
reaffirm and strengthen the findings of the 1986 report. 5. Many millions of Americans, both children and
With regard to the involuntary exposure of nonsmok- adults, are still exposed to secondhand smoke in
ers to tobacco smoke, the scientific evidence now sup- their homes and workplaces despite substantial
ports the following major conclusions: progress in tobacco control.

1. Secondhand smoke causes premature death and 6. Eliminating smoking in indoor spaces fully pro-
disease in children and in adults who do not tects nonsmokers from exposure to secondhand
smoke. smoke. Separating smokers from nonsmokers,
cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot
2. Children exposed to secondhand smoke are at an eliminate exposures of nonsmokers to second-
increased risk for sudden infant death syndrome hand smoke.
(SIDS), acute respiratory infections, ear problems,

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 11

Surgeon General’s Report

Chapter Conclusions

Chapter 2. Toxicology of Secondhand 8. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure

Smoke to secondhand smoke causes endothelial cell
Evidence of Carcinogenic Effects
from Secondhand Smoke Exposure 9. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure
1. More than 50 carcinogens have been identified in to secondhand smoke causes atherosclerosis in
sidestream and secondhand smoke. animal models.

2. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal

relationship between exposure to secondhand Chapter 3. Assessment of Exposure
smoke and its condensates and tumors in to Secondhand Smoke
laboratory animals. Building Designs and Operations
3. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure 1. Current heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke causes a systems alone cannot control exposure to
significant increase in urinary levels of meta- secondhand smoke.
bolites of the tobacco-specific lung carcinogen
4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone 2. The operation of a heating, ventilating, and air
(NNK). The presence of these metabolites links conditioning system can distribute secondhand
exposure to secondhand smoke with an increased smoke throughout a building.
risk for lung cancer.
Exposure Models
4. The mechanisms by which secondhand smoke 3. Atmospheric concentration of nicotine is a
causes lung cancer are probably similar to sensitive and specific indicator for secondhand
those observed in smokers. The overall risk of smoke.
secondhand smoke exposure, compared with
active smoking, is diminished by a substantially 4. Smoking increases indoor particle concentrations.
lower carcinogenic dose.
5. Models can be used to estimate concentrations of
Mechanisms of Respiratory Tract Injury and Disease secondhand smoke.
Caused by Secondhand Smoke Exposure
5. The evidence indicates multiple mechanisms by Biomarkers of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke
which secondhand smoke exposure causes injury 6. Biomarkers suitable for assessing recent exposures
to the respiratory tract. to secondhand smoke are available.
6. The evidence indicates mechanisms by which 7. At this time, cotinine, the primary proximate
secondhand smoke exposure could increase the metabolite of nicotine, remains the biomarker of
risk for sudden infant death syndrome. choice for assessing secondhand smoke exposure.
Mechanisms of Secondhand Smoke Exposure 8. Individual biomarkers of exposure to second-
and Heart Disease hand smoke represent only one component of
7. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure to a complex mixture, and measurements of one
secondhand smoke has a prothrombotic effect. marker may not wholly reflect an exposure to
other components of concern as a result of
involuntary smoking.

12 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Chapter 4. Prevalence of Exposure Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

to Secondhand Smoke 4. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
1. The evidence is sufficient to infer that large relationship between exposure to secondhand
numbers of nonsmokers are still exposed to smoke and sudden infant death syndrome.
secondhand smoke.
Preterm Delivery
2. Exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke 5. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
has declined in the United States since the 1986 infer a causal relationship between maternal
Surgeon General’s report, The Health Consequences exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy
of Involuntary Smoking. and preterm delivery.

3. The evidence indicates that the extent of Low Birth Weight

secondhand smoke exposure varies across the
country. 6. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
relationship between maternal exposure to
4. Homes and workplaces are the predominant secondhand smoke during pregnancy and a small
locations for exposure to secondhand smoke. reduction in birth weight.

5. Exposure to secondhand smoke tends to be greater Congenital Malformations

for persons with lower incomes. 7. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
or absence of a causal relationship between
6. Exposure to secondhand smoke continues in exposure to secondhand smoke and congenital
restaurants, bars, casinos, gaming halls, and malformations.
Cognitive Development

Chapter 5. Reproductive and 8. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence

or absence of a causal relationship between
Developmental Effects from
exposure to secondhand smoke and cognitive
Exposure to Secondhand Smoke functioning among children.
Behavioral Development
1. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
absence of a causal relationship between maternal 9. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
exposure to secondhand smoke and female or absence of a causal relationship between
fertility or fecundability. No data were found on exposure to secondhand smoke and behavioral
paternal exposure to secondhand smoke and male problems among children.
fertility or fecundability.
Pregnancy (Spontaneous Abortion and Perinatal Death) 10. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
2. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or or absence of a causal relationship between
absence of a causal relationship between maternal exposure to secondhand smoke and children’s
exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy height/growth.
and spontaneous abortion.
Childhood Cancer
Infant Deaths 11. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
3. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence infer a causal relationship between prenatal and
or absence of a causal relationship between postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
exposure to secondhand smoke and neonatal childhood cancer.

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 13

Surgeon General’s Report

12. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence 4. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient
or absence of a causal relationship between to infer a causal relationship between parental
maternal exposure to secondhand smoke during smoking and the natural history of middle ear
pregnancy and childhood cancer. effusion.

13. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence 5. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
or absence of a causal relationship between or absence of a causal relationship between
exposure to secondhand smoke during infancy parental smoking and an increase in the risk of
and childhood cancer. adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy among children.

14. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to Respiratory Symptoms and Prevalent Asthma
infer a causal relationship between prenatal and in School-Age Children
postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
6. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal rela-
childhood leukemias.
tionship between parental smoking and cough,
phlegm, wheeze, and breathlessness among
15. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
children of school age.
infer a causal relationship between prenatal and
postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
7. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
childhood lymphomas.
relationship between parental smoking and ever
having asthma among children of school age.
16. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
infer a causal relationship between prenatal and
Childhood Asthma Onset
postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
childhood brain tumors. 8. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
relationship between secondhand smoke exposure
17. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or from parental smoking and the onset of wheeze
absence of a causal relationship between prenatal illnesses in early childhood.
and postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
other childhood cancer types. 9. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
infer a causal relationship between secondhand
smoke exposure from parental smoking and the
Chapter 6. Respiratory Effects onset of childhood asthma.
in Children from Exposure
to Secondhand Smoke Atopy

Lower Respiratory Illnesses in Infancy 10. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
and Early Childhood or absence of a causal relationship between
parental smoking and the risk of immunoglobulin
1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal E-mediated allergy in their children.
relationship between secondhand smoke exposure
from parental smoking and lower respiratory Lung Growth and Pulmonary Function
illnesses in infants and children.
11. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
2. The increased risk for lower respiratory illnesses relationship between maternal smoking during
is greatest from smoking by the mother. pregnancy and persistent adverse effects on lung
function across childhood.
Middle Ear Disease and Adenotonsillectomy
12. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
3. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal relationship between exposure to secondhand
relationship between parental smoking and smoke after birth and a lower level of lung
middle ear disease in children, including acute function during childhood.
and recurrent otitis media and chronic middle ear

14 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Chapter 7. Cancer Among Adults from heart disease from exposure to secondhand
Exposure to Secondhand Smoke smoke.

Lung Cancer 3. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to

1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal infer a causal relationship between exposure
relationship between secondhand smoke to secondhand smoke and an increased risk of
exposure and lung cancer among lifetime stroke.
nonsmokers. This conclusion extends to all
secondhand smoke exposure, regardless of 4. Studies of secondhand smoke and subclinical
location. vascular disease, particularly carotid arterial wall
thickening, are suggestive but not sufficient to
2. The pooled evidence indicates a 20 to 30 percent infer a causal relationship between exposure to
increase in the risk of lung cancer from secondhand secondhand smoke and atherosclerosis.
smoke exposure associated with living with a
Chapter 9. Respiratory Effects in Adults
Breast Cancer from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke
3. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to Odor and Irritation
infer a causal relationship between secondhand 1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
smoke and breast cancer. relationship between secondhand smoke exposure
and odor annoyance.
Nasal Sinus Cavity and Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma
4. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to 2. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
infer a causal relationship between secondhand relationship between secondhand smoke exposure
smoke exposure and a risk of nasal sinus cancer and nasal irritation.
among nonsmokers.
3. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient
5. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence to conclude that persons with nasal allergies
or absence of a causal relationship between or a history of respiratory illnesses are more
secondhand smoke exposure and a risk of susceptible to developing nasal irritation from
nasopharyngeal carcinoma among nonsmokers. secondhand smoke exposure.

Cervical Cancer Respiratory Symptoms

6. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence 4. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
or absence of a causal relationship between infer a causal relationship between secondhand
secondhand smoke exposure and the risk of smoke exposure and acute respiratory symptoms
cervical cancer among lifetime nonsmokers. including cough, wheeze, chest tightness, and
difficulty breathing among persons with asthma.

Chapter 8. Cardiovascular Diseases from 5. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
Exposure to Secondhand Smoke infer a causal relationship between secondhand
smoke exposure and acute respiratory symptoms
1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal including cough, wheeze, chest tightness, and
relationship between exposure to secondhand difficulty breathing among healthy persons.
smoke and increased risks of coronary heart
disease morbidity and mortality among both men 6. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
and women. infer a causal relationship between secondhand
smoke exposure and chronic respiratory
2. Pooled relative risks from meta-analyses indicate symptoms.
a 25 to 30 percent increase in the risk of coronary

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 15

Surgeon General’s Report

Lung Function Chapter 10. Control of Secondhand Smoke

7. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to Exposure
infer a causal relationship between short-term 1. Workplace smoking restrictions are effective in
secondhand smoke exposure and an acute decline reducing secondhand smoke exposure.
in lung function in persons with asthma.
2. Workplace smoking restrictions lead to less
8. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence smoking among covered workers.
or absence of a causal relationship between short-
term secondhand smoke exposure and an acute 3. Establishing smoke-free workplaces is the only
decline in lung function in healthy persons. effective way to ensure that secondhand smoke
exposure does not occur in the workplace.
9. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to in-
fer a causal relationship between chronic second- 4. The majority of workers in the United States are
hand smoke exposure and a small decrement in now covered by smoke-free policies.
lung function in the general population.
5. The extent to which workplaces are covered by
10. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or smoke-free policies varies among worker groups,
absence of a causal relationship between chronic across states, and by sociodemographic factors.
secondhand smoke exposure and an accelerated Workplaces related to the entertainment and
decline in lung function. hospitality industries have notably high potential
for secondhand smoke exposure.
11. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to 6. Evidence from peer-reviewed studies shows that
infer a causal relationship between secondhand smoke-free policies and regulations do not have
smoke exposure and adult-onset asthma. an adverse economic impact on the hospitality
12. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
infer a causal relationship between secondhand 7. Evidence suggests that exposure to secondhand
smoke exposure and a worsening of asthma smoke varies by ethnicity and gender.
8. In the United States, the home is now becoming
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease the predominant location for exposure of children
and adults to secondhand smoke.
13. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
infer a causal relationship between secondhand 9. Total bans on indoor smoking in hospitals,
smoke exposure and risk for chronic obstructive restaurants, bars, and offices substantially reduce
pulmonary disease. secondhand smoke exposure, up to several orders
of magnitude with incomplete compliance, and
14. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence with full compliance, exposures are eliminated.
or absence of a causal relationship between
secondhand smoke exposure and morbidity in 10. Exposures of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke
persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary cannot be controlled by air cleaning or mechanical
disease. air exchange.

16 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Methodologic Issues

Much of the evidence on the health effects of span may be of interest for lung cancer, while only
involuntary smoking comes from observational epide- more recent exposures may be relevant to the exacer-
miologic studies that were carried out to test hypothe- bation of asthma. For CHD, both temporally remote
ses related to secondhand smoke and risk for diseases and current exposures may affect risk. Assessments
and other adverse health effects. The challenges faced of exposures are further complicated by the multiplic-
in carrying out these studies reflect those of observa- ity of environments where exposures take place and
tional research generally: assessment of the relevant the difficulty of characterizing the exposure in some
exposures and outcomes with sufficient validity and locations, such as public places or workplaces. Addi-
precision, selection of an appropriate study design, tionally, exposures probably vary qualitatively and
identification of an appropriate and sufficiently large quantitatively over time and across locations because
study population, and collection of information on of temporal changes and geographic differences in
other relevant factors that may confound or modify smoking patterns.
the association being studied. The challenge of accu- Nonetheless, researchers have used a variety of
rately classifying secondhand smoke exposures con- approaches for exposure assessments in epidemio-
fronts all studies of such exposures, and consequently logic studies of adverse health effects from involun-
the literature on approaches to and limitations of tary smoking. Several core concepts that are
exposure classification is substantial. Sources of bias fundamental to these approaches are illustrated in
that can affect the findings of epidemiologic studies Figure 1.1 (Samet and Jaakkola 1999). Cigarette smok-
have been widely discussed (Rothman and Green- ing is, of course, the source of most secondhand
land 1998), both in general and in relation to studies smoke in the United States, followed by pipes, cigars,
of involuntary smoking. Concerns about bias apply to and other products. Epidemiologic studies generally
any study of an environmental agent and disease risk: focus on assessing the exposure, which is the con-
misclassification of exposures or outcomes, confound- tact with secondhand smoke. The concentrations of
ing effect modification, and proper selection of study secondhand smoke components in a space depend on
participants. In addition, the generalizability of find- the number of smokers and the rate at which they are
ings from one population to another (external valid- smoking, the volume into which the smoke is distrib-
ity) further determines the value of evidence from uted, the rate at which the air in the space exchanges
a study. Another methodologic concern affecting with uncontaminated air, and the rate at which the
secondhand smoke literature comes from the use of secondhand smoke is removed from the air. Concen-
meta-analysis to combine the findings of epidemio- tration, exposure, and dose differ in their definitions,
logic studies; general concerns related to the use of although the terms are sometimes used without sharp
meta-analysis for observational data and more spe- distinctions. However, surrogate indicators that gen-
cific concerns related to involuntary smoking have erally describe a source of exposure may also be used
also been raised. This chapter considers these meth- to assess the exposure, such as marriage to a smoker
odologic issues in anticipation of more specific treat- or the number of cigarettes smoked in the home. Bio-
ment in the following chapters. markers can provide an indication of an exposure or
possibly the dose, but for secondhand smoke they are
used for recent exposure only.
Classification of Secondhand People are exposed to secondhand smoke in a
Smoke Exposure number of different places, often referred to as “micro-
environments” (NRC 1991). A microenvironment is
For secondhand smoke, as for any environmen- a definable location that has a constant concentra-
tal factor that may be a cause of disease, the exposure tion of the contaminant of interest, such as second-
assessment might encompass the time and place of hand smoke, during the time that a person is there.
the exposure, cumulative exposures, exposure during Some key microenvironments for secondhand smoke
a particular time, or a recent exposure (Jaakkola and include the home, the workplace, public places, and
Jaakkola 1997; Jaakkola and Samet 1999). For example, transportation environments (Klepeis 1999). Based
exposures to secondhand smoke across the full life

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 17

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 1.1 The determinants of exposure, dose, and biologically effective dose that underlie the
development of health effects from smoking

Environment Human body

Dispersion Individual time (tj) Type and rate Metabolic

present in of breathing elimination
location (mj)

Microenvironmental (mj)
Outdoor Susceptible body surface
concentrations over time (tj)
sources ▲
t0 t1 t2 t3

m1 C10 C11 C12 C13

Concentration = Exposure Biologically
▲▲ ▲ ▲

m2 C20 C21 C22 C23

▲ ▲ ▲
Dose effective

Indoor m3 C30 C31 C32 C33 dose
Etot = ∑ cij * tij
sources ▲ m4 C40 C41 C42 C43


Source: Samet and Jaakkola 1999. Reprinted with permission.

on the microenvironmental model, total exposure and to characterize exposures over time. For example,
can be estimated as the weighted average of the con- in the multicenter study of secondhand smoke expo-
centrations of secondhand smoke or indicator com- sure and lung cancer carried out in the United States,
pounds, such as nicotine, in the microenvironments Fontham and colleagues (1994) assessed exposures
where time is spent; the weights are the time spent in during childhood, in workplaces, and at home dur-
each microenvironment. Klepeis (1999) illustrates the ing adulthood. Questionnaires that assess exposures
application of the microenvironmental model with have been the primary tool used in epidemiologic
national data from the National Human Activity Pat- studies of secondhand smoke and disease. Measure-
tern Survey conducted by the EPA. His calculations ment of biomarkers has been added in some studies,
yield an overall estimate of exposure to airborne par- either as an additional and complementary exposure
ticles from smoking and of the contributions to this assessment approach or for validating questionnaire
exposure from various microenvironments. responses. Some studies have also measured compo-
Much of the epidemiologic evidence addresses nents of secondhand smoke in the air.
the consequences of an exposure in a particular micro- Questionnaires generally address sources of
environment, such as the home (spousal smoking and exposure in microenvironments and can be tailored
lung cancer risk or maternal smoking and risk for to address the time period of interest. Question-
asthma exacerbation), or the workplace (exacerbation naires represent the only approach that can be used
of asthma by the presence of smokers). Some studies to assess exposures retrospectively over a life span,
have attempted to cover multiple microenvironments because available biomarkers only reflect exposures

18 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

over recent days or, at most, weeks. Questionnaires in detail in Chapter 3 (Assessment of Exposure to
on secondhand smoke exposure have been assessed Secondhand Smoke).
for their reliability and validity, generally based on Some epidemiologic studies have also incorpo-
comparisons with either biomarker or air moni- rated air monitoring, either direct personal sampling
toring data as the “gold” standard (Jaakkola and or the indirect approach based on the microenviron-
Jaakkola 1997). Two studies evaluated the reliability mental model. Nicotine, present in the gas phase of
of questionnaires on lifetime exposures (Pron et al. secondhand smoke, can be monitored passively with
1988; Coultas et al. 1989). Both showed a high degree a special filter or actively using a pump and a sorbent.
of repeatability for questions concerning whether Hammond and Leaderer (1987) first described a dif-
a spouse had smoked, but a lower reliability for fusion monitor for the passive sampling of nicotine in
responses concerning the quantitative aspects of an 1987; this device has now been widely used to assess
exposure. Emerson and colleagues (1995) evaluated concentrations in different environments and to study
the repeatability of information from parents of chil- health effects. Airborne particles have also been mea-
dren with asthma. They found a high reliability for sured using active monitoring devices.
parent-reported tobacco use and for the number of Each of these approaches for assessing expo-
cigarettes to which the child was exposed in the home sures has strengths and limitations, and preference for
during the past week. one over another will depend on the research ques-
To assess validity, questionnaire reports of cur- tion and its context (Jaakkola and Jaakkola 1997; Jaak-
rent or recent exposures have been compared with kola and Samet 1999). Questionnaires can be used to
levels of cotinine and other biomarkers. These studies characterize sources of exposures, such as smoking by
tend to show a moderate correlation between levels parents. With air concentrations of markers and time-
of cotinine and questionnaire indicators of exposures activity information, estimates of secondhand smoke
(Kawachi and Colditz 1996; Cal/EPA 1997; Jaakkola exposures can be made with the microenvironmental
and Jaakkola 1997). However, cotinine levels reflect model. Biomarkers provide exposure measures that
not only exposure but metabolism and excretion reflect the patterns of exposure and the kinetics of the
(Benowitz 1999). Consequently, exposure is only one marker; the cotinine level in body fluids, for example,
determinant of variation in cotinine levels among per- reflects an exposure during several days. Air moni-
sons; there also are individual variations in metabo- toring may be useful for validating measurements of
lism and excretion rates. In spite of these sources of exposure. Exposure assessment strategies are matched
variability, mean levels of cotinine vary as anticipated to the research question and often employ a mixture
across categories of self-reported exposures (Cal/EPA of approaches determined by feasibility and cost
1997; Jaakkola and Jaakkola 1997), and self-reported constraints.
exposures are moderately associated with measured
levels of markers (Cal/EPA 1997; Jaakkola and
Jaakkola 1997). Misclassification of Secondhand
Biomarkers are also used for assessing expo- Smoke Exposure
sures to secondhand smoke. A number of biomark-
ers are available, but they vary in their specificity Misclassification may occur when classifying
and in the dynamics of the temporal relationship exposures, outcomes, confounding factors, or modi-
between the exposure and the marker level (Cal/EPA fying factors. Misclassification may be differential on
1997; Benowitz 1999). These markers include specific either exposure or outcome, or it may be random (Arm-
tobacco smoke components (nicotine) or metabolites strong et al. 1992). Differential or nonrandom misclas-
(cotinine and tobacco-specific nitrosamines), nonspe- sification may either increase or decrease estimates of
cific biomarkers (thiocyanate and CO), adducts with effect, while random misclassification tends to reduce
tobacco smoke components or metabolites (4-amino- the apparent effect and weaken the relationship of
biphenyl–hemoglobin adducts, benzo[a]pyrene–DNA exposure with disease risk. In studies of secondhand
adducts, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon– smoke and disease risk, exposure misclassification
albumin adducts), and nonspecific assays (urinary has been a major consideration in the interpretation of
mutagenicity). Cotinine has been the most widely the evidence, although misclassification of health out-
used biomarker, primarily because of its specificity, come measures has not been a substantial issue in this
half-life, and ease of measurement in body fluids (e.g., research. The consequences for epidemiologic stud-
urine, blood, and saliva). Biomarkers are discussed ies of misclassification in general are well established
(Rothman and Greenland 1998).

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 19

Surgeon General’s Report

An extensive body of literature on the classifica- smoking tends to aggregate between spouses (smok-
tion of exposures to secondhand smoke is reviewed ers are more likely to marry smokers), misclassifica-
in this and other chapters, as well as in some pub- tion of active smoking would tend to be differential
lications on the consequences of misclassification on the basis of spousal smoking (the exposure under
(Wu 1999). Two general patterns of exposure mis- investigation). Because active smoking is strongly
classification are of concern to secondhand smoke: associated with increased disease risk, greater mis-
(1) random misclassification that is not differential classification of an actively smoking spouse as a non-
by the presence or absence of the health outcome and smoker among spouses of smokers compared with
(2) systematic misclassification that is differential by spouses of nonsmokers would lead to risk estimates
the health outcome. In studying the health effects of for spousal smoking that are biased upward by the
secondhand smoke in adults, there is a further con- effect of active smoking. This type of misclassifica-
cern as to the classification of the active smoking sta- tion is also relevant to studies of spousal exposure
tus (never, current, or former smoking); in studies of and CHD risk or other diseases also caused by active
children, the accuracy of secondhand smoke expo- smoking, although the potential for bias is less because
sure classification is the primary methodologic issue the association of active smoking with CHD is not as
around exposure assessment, but unreported active strong as with lung cancer.
smoking by adolescents is also a concern. There have been a number of publications on
With regard to random misclassification of this form of misclassification. Wu (1999) provides a
secondhand smoke exposures, there is an inher- review, and Lee and colleagues (2001) offer an assess-
ent degree of unavoidable measurement error in the ment of potential consequences. A number of mod-
exposure measures used in epidemiologic studies. els have been developed to assess the extent of bias
Questionnaires generally assess contact with sources resulting from the misclassification of active smok-
of an exposure (e.g., smoking in the home or work- ers as lifetime nonsmokers (USEPA 1992; Hackshaw
place) and cannot capture all exposures nor the inten- et al. 1997). These models incorporate estimates of the
sity of exposures; biomarkers provide an exposure rate of misclassification, the degree of aggregation of
index for a particular time window and have intrinsic smokers by marriage, the prevalence of smoking in
variability. Some building-related factors that deter- the population, and the risk of lung cancer in mis-
mine an exposure cannot be assessed accurately by a classified smokers (Wu 1999). Although debate about
questionnaire, such as the rate of air exchange and the this issue continues, analyses show that estimates of
size of the microenvironment where time is spent, nor upward bias from misclassifying active smokers as
can concentrations be assessed accurately by subjec- lifetime nonsmokers cannot fully explain the observed
tive reports of the perceived level of tobacco smoke. increase in risk for lung cancer among lifetime non-
In general, random misclassification of exposures smokers married to smokers (Hackshaw et al. 1997;
tends to reduce the likelihood that studies of second- Wu 1999).
hand smoke exposure will find an effect. This type of There is one additional issue related to exposure
misclassification lessens the contrast between expo- misclassification. During the time the epidemiologic
sure groups, because some truly exposed persons are studies of secondhand smoke have been carried out,
placed in the unexposed group and some truly unex- exposure has been widespread and almost unavoid-
posed persons are placed in the exposed group. Differ- able. Therefore, the risk estimates may be biased
ential misclassification, also a concern, may increase downward because there are no truly unexposed
or decrease associations, depending on the pattern of persons. The 1986 Surgeon General’s report recog-
misreporting. nized this methodologic issue and noted the need for
One particular form of misclassification has been further data on population exposures to secondhand
raised with regard to secondhand smoke exposure smoke (USDHHS 1986). This bias was also recognized
and lung cancer: the classification of some current or in the 1986 report of the NRC, and an adjustment for
former smokers as lifetime nonsmokers (USEPA 1992; this misclassification was made to the lung cancer
Lee and Forey 1995; Hackshaw et al. 1997; Wu 1999). estimate (NRC 1986). Similarly, the 1992 report of the
The resulting bias would tend to increase the appar- EPA commented on background exposure and made
ent association of secondhand smoke with lung can- an adjustment (USEPA 1992). Some later studies have
cer, if the misclassified active smokers are also more attempted to address this issue; for example, in a case-
likely to be classified as involuntary smokers. Most control study of active and involuntary smoking and
studies of lung cancer and secondhand smoke have breast cancer in Switzerland, Morabia and colleagues
used spousal smoking as a main exposure variable. As (2000) used a questionnaire to assess exposure and

20 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

identified a small group of lifetime nonsmokers who studies, the methods for meta-analysis, and dose-
also reported no exposure to secondhand smoke. With response associations (Fleiss and Gross 1991; Tweedie
this subgroup of controls as the reference population, and Mengersen 1995; Lee 1998, 1999). In a lawsuit
the risks of secondhand smoke exposure were sub- brought by the tobacco industry against the EPA,
stantially greater for active smoking than when the the 1998 decision handed down by Judge William
full control population was used. L. Osteen, Sr., in the North Carolina Federal District
This Surgeon General’s report further addresses Court criticized the approach EPA had used to select
specific issues of exposure misclassification when studies for its meta-analysis and criticized the use of 90
they are relevant to the health outcome under percent rather than 95 percent confidence intervals for
consideration. the summary estimates (Flue-Cured Tobacco Cooperative
Stabilization Corp. v. United States Environmental Protec-
Use of Meta-Analysis tion Agency, 857 F. Supp. 1137 [M.D.N.C. 1993]). In
December 2002, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals
Meta-analysis refers to the process of evaluat-
threw out the lawsuit on the basis that tobacco com-
ing and combining a body of research literature that
panies cannot sue the EPA over its secondhand smoke
addresses a common question. Meta-analysis is com-
report because the report was not a final agency action
posed of qualitative and quantitative components.
and therefore not subject to court review (Flue-Cured
The qualitative component involves the systematic
Tobacco Cooperative Stabilization Corp. v. The United
identification of all relevant investigations, a sys-
States Environmental Protection Agency, No. 98-2407
tematic assessment of their characteristics and qual-
[4th Cir., December 11, 2002], cited in 17.7 TPLR 2.472
ity, and the decision to include or exclude studies
based on predetermined criteria. Consideration can
Recognizing that there is still an active discus-
be directed toward sources of bias that might affect
sion around the use of meta-analysis to pool data
the findings. The quantitative component involves the
from observational studies (versus clinical trials),
calculation and display of study results on common
the authors of this Surgeon General’s report used
scales and, if appropriate, the statistical combination
this methodology to summarize the available data
of these results across studies and an exploration of
when deemed appropriate and useful, even while
the reasons for any heterogeneity of findings. View-
recognizing that the uncertainty around the meta-
ing the findings of all studies as a single plot provides
analytic estimates may exceed the uncertainty indi-
insights into the consistency of results and the preci-
cated by conventional statistical indices, because of
sion of the studies considered. Most meta-analyses are
biases either within the observational studies or pro-
based on published summary results, although they
duced by the manner of their selection. However, a
are most powerful when applied to data at the level of
decision to not combine estimates might have pro-
individual participants. Meta-analysis is most widely
duced conclusions that are far more uncertain than
used to synthesize evidence from randomized clini-
the data warrant because the review would have
cal trials, sometimes yielding findings that were not
focused on individual study results without consid-
evident from the results of individual studies. Meta-
ering their overall pattern, and without allowing for
analysis also has been used extensively to examine
a full accounting of different sample sizes and effect
bodies of observational evidence.
Beginning with the 1986 NRC report, meta-
The possibility of publication bias has been
analysis has been used to summarize the evidence on
raised as a potential limitation to the interpretation of
involuntary smoking and health. Meta-analysis was
evidence on involuntary smoking and disease in gen-
central to the 1992 EPA risk assessment of secondhand
eral, and on lung cancer and secondhand smoke expo-
smoke, and a series of meta-analyses supported the
sure specifically. A 1988 paper by Vandenbroucke
conclusions of the 1998 report of the Scientific Com-
used a descriptive approach, called a “funnel plot,”
mittee on Tobacco and Health in the United Kingdom.
to assess the possibility that publication bias affected
The central role of meta-analysis in interpreting and
the 13 studies considered in a review by Wald and col-
applying the evidence related to involuntary smok-
leagues (1986). This type of plot characterizes the rela-
ing and disease has led to focused criticisms of the
tionship between the magnitude of estimates and their
use of meta-analysis in this context. Several papers
precision. Vandenbroucke suggested the possibility
that acknowledged support from the tobacco indus-
of publication bias only in reference to the studies of
try have addressed the epidemiologic findings for
men. Bero and colleagues (1994) concluded that there
lung cancer, including the selection and quality of the

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 21

Surgeon General’s Report

had not been a publication bias against studies with Confounding

statistically significant findings, nor against the publi-
cation of studies with nonsignificant or mixed findings Confounding, which refers in this context to
in the research literature. The researchers were able to the mixing of the effect of another factor with that of
identify only five unpublished “negative” studies, of secondhand smoke, has been proposed as an expla-
which two were dissertations that tend to be delayed nation for associations of secondhand smoke with
in publication. A subsequent study by Misakian and adverse health consequences. Confounding occurs
Bero (1998) did find a delay in the publication of stud- when the factor of interest (secondhand smoke) is
ies with nonsignificant results in comparison with associated in the data under consideration with
studies having significant results; whether this pat- another factor (the confounder) that, by itself, increases
tern has varied over the several decades of research on the risk for the disease (Rothman and Greenland 1998).
secondhand smoke was not addressed. More recently, Correlates of secondhand smoke exposures are not
Copas and Shi (2000) assessed the 37 studies consid- confounding factors unless an exposure to them
ered in the meta-analysis by Hackshaw and colleagues increases the risk of disease. A factor proposed as
(1997) for publication bias. Copas and Shi (2000) found a potential confounder is not necessarily an actual
a significant correlation between the estimated risk of confounder unless it fulfills the two elements of the
exposure and sample size, such that smaller studies definition. Although lengthy lists of potential con-
tended to have higher values. This pattern suggests founding factors have been offered as alternatives to
the possibility of publication bias. However, using a direct associations of secondhand smoke exposures
funnel plot of the same studies, Lubin (1999) found with the risk for disease, the factors on these lists gen-
little evidence for publication bias. erally have not been shown to be confounding in the
On this issue of publication bias, it is critical to particular data of interest.
distinguish between indirect statistical arguments and The term confounding also conveys an implicit
arguments based on actual identification of previously conceptualization as to the causal pathways that link
unidentified research. The strongest case against sub- secondhand smoke and the confounding factor to
stantive publication bias has been made by research-
ers who mounted intensive efforts to find the possibly
missing studies; these efforts have yielded little—
nothing that would alter published conclusions Figure 1.2 Model for socioeconomic status
(Bero et al. 1994; Glantz 2000). Presumably because (SES) and secondhand smoke (SHS)
this exposure is a great public health concern, the exposure
findings of studies that do not have statistically sig-
nificant outcomes continue to be published (Kawachi
Direct path
and Colditz 1996).
The quantitative results of the meta-analyses, Lower ▲
Risk for adverse effect

however, were not determinate in making causal
inferences in this Surgeon General’s report. In par-
ticular, the level of statistical significance of estimates
from the meta-analyses was not a predominant fac- Causal path
tor in making a causal conclusion. For that purpose, ▲ Smoking ▲ SHS ▲
this report relied on the approach and criteria set active Risk for adverse effect

SES exposure
out in the 1964 and 2004 reports of the Surgeon Gen-
eral, which involved judgments based on an array
of quantitative and qualitative considerations that
included the degree of heterogeneity in the designs of
the studies that were examined. Sometimes this het-
erogeneity limits the inference from meta-analysis by ▲
weakening the rationale for pooling the study results. exposure
However, the availability of consistent evidence Lower ▲
from heterogenous designs can strengthen the meta- Risk for adverse effect

analytic findings by making it unlikely that a common
bias could persist across different study designs and
Arrows indicate directionality of association.

22 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

disease risk. Confounding implies that the confound- the last several decades show that secondhand smoke
ing factor has an effect on risk that is independent of exposure is associated with correlates of lifestyle that
secondhand smoke exposure. Some factors considered may influence the risk for some health effects, thus
as potential confounders may, however, be in the same increasing concerns for the possibility of confound-
causal pathway as a secondhand smoke exposure. ing (Kawachi and Colditz 1996). Survey data from the
Although socioeconomic status (SES) is often cited United States (Matanoski et al. 1995) and the United
as a potential confounding factor, it may not have an Kingdom (Thornton et al. 1994) show that adults with
independent effect but can affect disease risk through secondhand smoke exposures generally tend to have
its association with secondhand smoke exposure less healthful lifestyles. However, the extent to which
(Figure 1.2). This figure shows general alternative rela- these patterns of association can be generalized, either
tionships among SES, secondhand smoke exposure, to other countries or to the past, is uncertain.
and risk for an adverse effect. SES may have a direct The potential bias from confounding varies with
effect, or it may indirectly exert its effect through an the association of the confounder to secondhand smoke
association with secondhand smoke exposure, or it exposures in a particular study and to the strength of
may confound the relationship between secondhand the confounder as a risk factor. The importance of con-
smoke exposure and disease risk. To control for SES founding to the interpretation of evidence depends
as a potential confounding factor without considering further on the magnitude of the effect of secondhand
underlying relationships may lead to incorrect risk smoke on disease. As the strength of an association
estimates. For example, controlling for SES would not lessens, confounding as an alternative explanation
be appropriate if it is a determinant of secondhand for an association becomes an increasing concern. In
smoke exposure but has no direct effect. prior reviews, confounding has been addressed either
Nonetheless, because the health effects of invol- quantitatively (Hackshaw et al. 1997) or qualitatively
untary smoking have other causes, the possibility of (Cal/EPA 1997; Thun et al. 1999). In the chapters in
confounding needs careful exploration when assess- this report that focus on specific diseases, confound-
ing associations of secondhand smoke exposure with ing is specifically addressed in the context of potential
adverse health effects. In addition, survey data from confounding factors for the particular diseases.

Tobacco Industry Activities

The evidence on secondhand smoke and disease 2001; Hong and Bero 2002; Diethelm et al. 2004).
risk, given the public health and public policy impli- Through a variety of organized tactics, the industry
cations, has been reviewed extensively in the pub- has attempted to undermine the credibility of the sci-
lished peer-reviewed literature and in evaluations by entific evidence on secondhand smoke. The industry
a number of expert panels. In addition, the evidence has funded or carried out research that has been judged
has been criticized repeatedly by the tobacco industry to be biased, supported scientists to generate letters to
and its consultants in venues that have included the editors that criticized research publications, attempted
peer-reviewed literature, public meetings and hear- to undermine the findings of key studies, assisted in
ings, and scientific symposia that included symposia establishing a scientific society with a journal, and
sponsored by the industry. Open criticism in the peer- attempted to sustain controversy even as the scientific
reviewed literature can strengthen the credibility of community reached consensus (Garne et al. 2005).
scientific evidence by challenging researchers to con- These tactics are not a topic of this report, but to the
sider the arguments proposed by critics and to rebut extent that the scientific literature has been distorted,
them. they are addressed as the evidence is reviewed. This
Industry documents indicate that the tobacco report does not specifically identify tobacco industry
industry has engaged in widespread activities, how- sponsorship of publications unless that information
ever, that have gone beyond the bounds of accepted is relevant to the interpretation of the findings and
scientific practice (Glantz 1996; Ong and Glantz 2000, conclusions.
2001; Rampton and Stauber 2000; Yach and Bialous

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 23

Surgeon General’s Report


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report—summary of evidence from 42 studies. Samet JM, Jaakkola JJK. The epidemiologic approach
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and lung cancer risk. III: Adjusting for the biasing 1999:431–60.
effect of misclassification of smoking habits. Indoor Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health. Report of
and Built Environment 2001;10(6):384–98. the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health. Lon-
Lubin JH. Estimating lung cancer risk with exposure don: The Stationery Office, 1998.
to environmental tobacco smoke. Environmental Thornton A, Lee P, Fry J. Differences between smok-
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Characteristics of nonsmoking women in NHANES Thun M, Henley J, Apicella L. Epidemiologic studies
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Misakian AL, Bero LA. Publication bias and research Tweedie RL, Mengersen KL. Meta-analytic approaches
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Morabia A, Bernstein MS, Bouchardy I, Kurtz J, 14(5–7):545–69.
Morris MA. Breast cancer and active and passive U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The
smoking: the role of the N-acetyltransferase 2 geno- Health Consequences of Smoking: Cancer. A Report of
type. American Journal of Epidemiology 2000;152(3): the Surgeon General. Rockville (MD): U.S. Depart-
226–32. ment of Health and Human Services, Public Health
National Health and Medical Research Council. The Service, Office on Smoking and Health. 1982. DHHS
Health Effects of Passive Smoking. A scientific infor- Publication No. (PHS) 82-50179.
mation paper. Canberra (Commonwealth of Aus- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The
tralia): Canberra ACT, 1997. Health Consequences of Smoking: Chronic Obstructive
National Research Council. Environmental Tobacco Lung Disease. A Report of the Surgeon General. Rock-
Smoke: Measuring Exposures and Assessing Health ville (MD): U.S. Department of Health and Human

Introduction, Summary, and Conclusions 25

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Services, Public Health Service, Office on Smoking U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
and Health, 1984. DHHS Publication No. (PHS) The Health Consequences of Smoking. A Report of the
84-50205. Surgeon General: 1972. Washington: U.S. Depart-
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The ment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public
Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking. A Report Health Service, Health Services and Mental Health
of the Surgeon General. Rockville (MD): U.S. Depart- Administration, 1972. DHEW Publication No.
ment of Health and Human Services, Public Health (HSM) 72-7516.
Service, Centers for Disease Control, Center for U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
Health Promotion and Education, Office on Smok- The Health Consequences of Smoking. A Report of the
ing and Health, 1986. DHHS Publication No. (CDC) Surgeon General, 1975. Washington: U.S. Depart-
87-8398. ment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Pre- Health Service, Center for Disease Control, 1975.
venting Tobacco Use Among Young People. A Report DHEW Publication No. (CDC) 77-8704.
of the Surgeon General. Atlanta: U.S. Department of U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
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vice, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Washington: U.S. Department of Health, Educa-
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention tion, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Office of
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 79-50066.
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Alaska Natives, Asian Americans and Pacific Island- Other Disorders. Washington: U.S. Environmental
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tion and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and a publication bias? British Medical Journal (Clinical
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the Surgeon General, 2001. World Health Organization. International Consulta-
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The tion on Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) and Child
Health Consequences of Smoking: A Report of the Sur- Health. Consultation Report. Geneva: World Health
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tion, and Welfare, Public Health Service, Center for
Disease Control, 1964. PHS Publication No. 1103.

26 Chapter 1
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Chapter 2
Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke

Introduction 29
Composition of Tobacco Smoke 29

Evidence of Carcinogenic Effects from Secondhand Smoke Exposure 30

Carcinogens in Sidestream Smoke and Secondhand Smoke 30
Carcinogenicity of Sidestream Smoke and Secondhand Smoke 33
Human Carcinogen Uptake from Secondhand Smoke 34
Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis of Secondhand Smoke 42
Summary 45
Conclusions 45

Mechanisms of Respiratory Tract Injury and Disease Caused by Secondhand Smoke Exposure 46
Secondhand Smoke and Asthma 46
Secondhand Smoke and Infection 49
Secondhand Smoke and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 49
Secondhand Smoke and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 50
Secondhand Smoke and Nasal or Sinus Disease 51
Summary 51
Conclusions 52

Mechanisms of Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Heart Disease 52

Platelets 53
Endothelial Function and Vasodilation 54
Atherosclerosis 57
Effects on Children 57
Chemical Interactions with Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol 58
Experimental Atherosclerosis 58
Oxygen Delivery, Processing, and Exercise 59
Free Radicals and Ischemic Damage 59
Myocardial Infarction 63
Heart Rate Variability 63
Summary 63
Conclusions 64

Evidence Synthesis 64

Conclusions 65

Overall Implications 66

References 67

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 27

Surgeon General’s Report

28 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke


A full range of scientific evidence, extending from cardiovascular system and to cause nonmalignant
the molecular level to whole populations, supports the and malignant diseases and other adverse effects.
conclusion that secondhand smoke causes disease. The
scope of this evidence is enormous, and encompasses
not only the literature on secondhand smoke but also Composition of Tobacco Smoke
relevant findings on active smoking and on the tox-
The chemical and physical properties of tobacco
icity of individual tobacco smoke components. The
smoke from mainstream (drawn through the cigarette)
2004 report of the Surgeon General provides reviews
and sidestream (released by the smoldering cigarette)
on biologic considerations in relation to active smok-
smoke have been reviewed in a number of publica-
ing (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
tions (Jenkins et al. 2000; Hoffmann et al. 2001; Inter-
[USDHHS] 2004). The guidelines for causal inference
national Agency for Research on Cancer [IARC] 2004;
include coherence, which is defined as the extent to
California Environmental Protection Agency [Cal/
which all lines of scientific evidence converge in sup-
EPA] 2005). The IARC (2004) review indicates that
port of a causal conclusion. Beginning with the 1964
some 4,000 mainstream tobacco smoke compounds
Surgeon General’s report on smoking and health
have been identified (Roberts 1988), and the qualita-
(U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare
tive composition of the components is nearly iden-
[USDHEW] 1964), reports in this series have com-
tical in mainstream smoke, sidestream smoke, and
prehensively evaluated the full scope of evi-
secondhand smoke. An assessment by the National
dence supporting causal inference with regard to
Research Council (1986) of differences in the compo-
particular associations of smoking with disease. This
sition of mainstream and sidestream smoke indicates
chapter reviews the evidence relevant to coherence,
that some compounds are emitted at levels up to
and includes the mechanisms relevant to the patho-
more than 10 times greater in sidestream smoke com-
genesis of diseases caused by secondhand smoke.
pared with mainstream smoke (see also Table III-1 in
Studies reviewed for this chapter were selected
Cal/EPA 2005). The Cal/EPA (2005) report identified
from Medline and SciFinder literature searches.
19 gas-phase and 21 particulate matter compounds in
Search terms included “carcinogens,” “environmental
sidestream smoke with known carcinogenic and non-
tobacco smoke,” “DNA adducts,” “protein adducts,”
carcinogenic health effects (e.g., pulmonary edema,
“urinary metabolites,” “tobacco smoke,” and the
immune alterations, cardiac arrthythmias, and
names of specific carcinogens and their metabolites.
hepatotoxic and neurologic effects). The National
Recent reviews and cited references in recent papers
Toxicology Program (USDHHS 2000) estimates that at
provided additional sources for this chapter.
least 250 chemicals in secondhand smoke are known to
This chapter sets out a foundation for interpret-
be toxic or carcinogenic. Other published reports have
ing the observational evidence that is the focus of
additional listings of specific chemical compounds
most of the following chapters. The discussion that
in mainstream and secondhand smoke (Fowles and
follows details the mechanisms that enable tobacco
Dybing 2003; Cal/EPA 2005).
smoke components to injure the respiratory tract and

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 29

Surgeon General’s Report

Evidence of Carcinogenic Effects from Secondhand Smoke Exposure

Carcinogens in Sidestream Smoke and exposed to PAHs. These exposures are considered to
Secondhand Smoke be a cause of excess cancers among workers in these
settings (IARC 1983, 1984).
As a result of advances in chemical analyti- N-Nitrosamines are a large group of carcinogens
cal techniques and an expanded understanding of that induce cancer in a wide variety of species and
the mechanisms by which environmental agents tissues and are presumed to cause cancer in humans
are genotoxic, the number of known carcinogens (Preussmann and Stewart 1984). These carcinogens can
in tobacco smoke increased to 69 in the year 2000 be formed endogenously from amines and nitrogen
(IARC 2004). Table 2.1 summarizes representa- oxides and are found at low levels in foods (Bartsch
tive levels of carcinogens found in sidestream and and Spiegelhalder 1996). Tobacco smoke contains vol-
secondhand cigarette smoke, but includes only atile N-nitrosamines such as N-nitrosodimethylamine
30 compounds that have been evaluated by IARC and N-nitrosopyrrolidine, as well as tobacco-specific
and that have fulfilled certain other criteria: sufficient N-nitrosamines such as N’-nitrosonornicotine (NNN)
evidence of carcinogenicity in either laboratory ani- and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone
mals or humans and published data on levels found (NNK) (Hoffmann and Hecht 1990). Tobacco-
in sidestream or secondhand smoke. Field studies on specific N-nitrosamines are chemically related to nic-
the carcinogenic composition of secondhand smoke otine and other tobacco alkaloids and are therefore
cannot comprehensively evaluate all of the poten- found only in tobacco products or related materials
tial carcinogens in secondhand smoke. Some tobacco (Hecht and Hoffmann 1988). In laboratory animals,
smoke carcinogens that IARC evaluated were not many N-nitrosamines are powerful carcinogens that
included in Table 2.1 because there were no published display a striking organospecificity and affect particu-
data on their levels in sidestream or secondhand ciga- lar tissues often independently of the route of admin-
rette smoke (Hoffmann et al. 2001). It is likely, how- istration (Preussmann and Stewart 1984). For example,
ever, that these carcinogens (which include some NNN causes tumors of the esophagus and nasal cavity
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs], hetero- in rats, while the principal target of NNK in rodents
cycles, heterocyclic aromatic amines, nitro com- is the lung; NNK is the only tobacco smoke carcino-
pounds, and other miscellaneous organic compounds) gen that induces lung tumors by systemic administra-
are also present in sidestream and secondhand smoke. tion in all three commonly used rodent models—rat,
In addition, there may be carcinogens present that mouse, and hamster (Hecht 1998).
IARC has not yet fully characterized or evaluated. Among the aromatic amines first identified as
PAHs are a diverse group of compounds formed carcinogens in dye industrial exposures, 2-naphthyl-
in the incomplete combustion of organic material, and amine and 4-aminobiphenyl are well-established
are potent, locally acting carcinogens in laboratory human bladder carcinogens (IARC 1973, 1974).
animals. PAHs induce tumors of the upper respiratory These carcinogens are also found in tobacco smoke.
tract and lung when inhaled, instilled in the trachea, Aromatic amines cause tumors at a variety of sites in
implanted in the lung, or administered by other routes laboratory animals. Some members of this class, such
(Shimkin and Stoner 1975), and are found in tobacco as 2-toluidine, are only weakly carcinogenic (Garner
smoke, broiled foods, and polluted environments of et al. 1984).
various types. The best known member of this class of Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, weaker car-
compounds is benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P), which induces cinogens than PAHs, N-nitrosamines, and aromatic
tumors of the upper respiratory tract and lung when amines, have been measured in sidestream and
inhaled, instilled in the trachea, implanted in the lung, secondhand smoke. When inhaled, formaldehyde
or administered intraperitoneally, intravenously, sub- and acetaldehyde induce respiratory tract tumors in
cutaneously, or by other routes (Shimkin and Stoner rodents (Kerns et al. 1983; IARC 1999). Butadiene and
1975). When administered systemically, B[a]P causes benzene are volatile hydrocarbons that also occur in
lung tumors in mice but not in rats (IARC 1973, 1983; considerable quantities in sidestream and secondhand
Culp et al. 1998). Workers in iron and steel found- smoke. Butadiene is a multiorgan carcinogen that is
ries and aluminum and coke production plants are particularly potent in mice; benzene causes leukemia

30 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 2.1 Levels of carcinogens in sidestream and secondhand cigarette smoke

Representative amounts

Sidestream Secondhand (per

Carcinogen (per cigarette) cubic meter [m3]) Study

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons

Benz[a]anthracene 201 nanograms (ng) 0.32–1.7 ng Grimmer et al. 1987; Chuang et al. 1991

Benzo[a]pyrene 45–103 ng 0.37–1.7 ng Adams et al. 1987; Grimmer et al. 1987;

Chuang et al. 1991

Benzo[b]fluoranthene Grimmer et al. 1987; Chuang et al. 1991

Benzo[j]fluoranthene 196 ng 0.79–2.0 ng

Dibenz[a,h]anthracene NR* 1 ng Vu-Duc and Huynh 1989

Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene 51 ng 0.35–1.1 ng Grimmer et al. 1987; Chuang et al. 1991

5-Methylchrysene NR 35.5 ng Vu-Duc and Huynh 1989


N-Nitrosodiethanolamine 43 ng NR Brunnemann and Hoffmann 1981

N-Nitrosodiethylamine 8.2–73 ng 0–20 ng Brunnemann et al. 1977; Hoffmann et al. 1987

N-Nitrosodimethylamine 143–1,040 ng 4–240 ng Brunnemann et al. 1977; Hoffmann et al. 1987;

Klus et al. 1992

N-Nitrosoethylmethylamine 3–35 ng NR Brunnemann et al. 1977; Hoffmann et al. 1987

N’-Nitrosonornicotine 110–857 ng 0.7–23 ng Brunnemann et al. 1983, 1992; Adams et al.

1987; Klus et al. 1992

N-Nitrosopiperidine 4.8–19.8 ng NR Adams et al. 1987

N-Nitrosopyrrolidine 7–700 ng 3.5–27.0 ng Brunnemann et al. 1977; Hoffmann et al. 1987;

Klus et al. 1992; Mahanama and Daisey 1996

4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1- 201–1,440 ng 0.2–29.3 ng Brunnemann et al. 1983, 1992; Adams et al.

(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone 1987; Klus et al. 1992

Aromatic amines

2-Naphthylamine 63.1–128 ng NR Government of British Columbia Ministry of

Health Services 2001

2-Toluidine 3,030 ng NR Patrianakos and Hoffmann 1979

4-Aminobiphenyl 11.4–18.8 ng NR Government of British Columbia Ministry of

Health Services 2001


Acetaldehyde 961–1,820 268 µg Martin et al. 1997; Government of British

micrograms (µg) Columbia Ministry of Health Services 2001

Formaldehyde 233–485 µg 143 µg Martin et al. 1997; Government of British

Columbia Ministry of Health Services 2001

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 31

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 2.1 Continued

Representative amounts

Sidestream Secondhand (per

Carcinogen (per cigarette) cubic meter [m3]) Study

Miscellaneous organics

Acrylonitrile 42–109 µg NR Government of British Columbia Ministry of

Health Services 2001

Benzene 163–353 µg 4.2–63.7 µg Scherer et al. 1995; Heavner et al. 1996; Martin
et al. 1997; Government of British Columbia
Ministry of Health Services 2001; Kim et al.

Catechol 98–292 µg 1.24 µg Sakuma et al. 1983; Martin et al. 1997;

Government of British Columbia Ministry of
Health Services 2001

Isoprene 668–1,260 µg 657 µg Martin et al. 1997; Government of British

Columbia Ministry of Health Services 2001

1,3-Butadiene 98–205 µg 0.3–40 µg Heavner et al. 1996; Martin et al. 1997;

Government of British Columbia Ministry of
Health Services 2001; Kim et al. 2001

Inorganic compounds

Cadmium 330–689 ng 4–38 ng Wu et al. 1995; Government of British

Columbia Ministry of Health Services 2001

Chromium 57–79 ng NR Government of British Columbia Ministry of

Health Services 2001

Hydrazine 94 ng NR Liu et al. 1974

Lead 28.9–46.6 ng NR Government of British Columbia Ministry of

Health Services 2001

Nickel 51 ng NR Government of British Columbia Ministry of

Health Services 2001

Polonium-210 0.091–0.139 NR Ferri and Baratta 1966


*NR = Data were not reported.

Source: Adapted from Hoffmann et al. 2001.

in humans (IARC 1982, 1992, 1999). Metals such as centimeter (cm3) within a mixture of combustion
nickel, chromium, and cadmium are human carcino- gases (Ingebrethsen 1986; Guerin et al. 1992). Side-
gens that are also present in sidestream smoke (IARC stream smoke contains free radicals in about the same
1990, 1994). concentrations as does mainstream smoke (Pryor et
Mainstream cigarette smoke consists of a gas al. 1983). Pryor and colleagues (1998) detected reac-
phase and a particulate phase specifically composed tive yet long-lived radicals in the gas phase; in the
of several million semiliquid particles per cubic particulate phase, these investigators found a free

32 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

radical system that is a mixture of semiquinones, with mainstream smoke (Mohtashamipur et al. 1990).
hydroquinones, and quinones (Pryor et al. 1998). In a rat model using implanted sidestream smoke par-
Whether such agents can induce tumors in laboratory ticles, a fraction containing PAHs with four or more
animals is not known. rings produced tumors, while a fraction with semi-
volatiles and a PAH fraction with fewer rings had
little effect (Grimmer et al. 1988). Limited histo-
Carcinogenicity of Sidestream Smoke pathologic changes were observed in rats exposed
and Secondhand Smoke to cigarette sidestream smoke aged in the chamber
for 12 months (Haussmann et al. 1998). Research-
Numerous studies have demonstrated that ers have carried out a series of investigations on
mainstream cigarette smoke condensate, the solid the effects of secondhand smoke inhalation in A/J
materials in the smoke, induces tumors on mouse skin mice (Witschi et al. 1995, 1997a,b,c, 1998, 1999, 2000;
and, by implantation, in rat lungs (IARC 1986, 2004). Witschi 1998, 2000). Table 2.2 summarizes the data
Inhalation experiments with mainstream smoke have from these studies. Lung tumor multiplicity, the most
demonstrated that cigarette smoke and its particu- sensitive indicator of response in this model, increased
late phase induce preneoplastic lesions and benign significantly in all experiments, and lung tumor inci-
and malignant tumors of the larynx in Syrian golden dence increased in several experiments. The proto-
hamsters (IARC 1986). Studies with rats and mice col involved exposing mice to secondhand smoke
documented less consistent results (IARC 1986, 2004; (89 percent sidestream smoke and 11 percent main-
Hecht 1999). stream smoke) for five months followed by a four-
The carcinogenicity of sidestream smoke has month recovery period in air. Other experiments have
been less extensively investigated. Sidestream smoke demonstrated that to observe an increase in lung tumor
condensate was significantly more carcinogenic than multiplicity, there must be a recovery period. These
mainstream smoke condensate when tested on mouse same experiments also showed that the response is
skin: mice treated with sidestream smoke developed due to a gas-phase component of secondhand smoke.
two to six times more skin tumors than mice treated

Table 2.2 Inhalation studies of secondhand smoke (89% sidestream smoke and 11% mainstream smoke)
in A/J mice
Exposure (mg/m3* Lung tumor multiplicity† Lung tumor incidence‡
of total suspended
Study particulates) Filtered air control Smoke Filtered air control (%) Smoke (%)

Witschi et al. 1997a 79 0.5 ± 0.1 (24) 1.3 ± 0.3 (26)§ 42 58

Witschi et al. 1997b 87 0.5 ± 0.2 (24) 1.4 ± 0.2 (24)§ 38 83§

Witschi et al. 1998 83 0.9 ± 0.2 (29) 1.3 ± 0.2 (33)§ 69 73

Witschi et al. 1999 132 0.6 ± 0.1 (30) 2.1 ± 0.3 (38)§ 50 86∆

Witschi et al. 2000 137 0.9 ± 0.2 (30) 2.8 ± 0.2 (38)§ 60 100∆
137 1.0 ± 0.1 (54) 2.4 ± 0.3 (28)§ 65 89∆

Witschi et al., 134 1.2 ± 0.2 (25) 2.3 ± 0.3 (26)§ 60 88∆
unpublished data

*mg/m3 = Milligrams per cubic meter.

Mean ± standard error (number of animals is in parentheses).

Percentage of all animals at risk that had tumors.
Significantly different (p <0.05) compared with air controls by Welsh’s alternate test.

Significantly different (p <0.05) compared with air controls by Fisher’s exact test.
Source: Adapted from Witschi 2000.

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 33

Surgeon General’s Report

Although these results are of interest, there are some interpretation of these findings is complicated by dif-
poorly understood features of the model. The ani- ferences in excretion rates among participants and by
mals lose weight during exposure and never weigh as contributions from sources other than benzene, such
much as the air-treated controls even after the recov- as sorbate in food, to levels of this metabolite in urine
ery period. The consequences of the weight loss are (Yu and Weisel 1996; Ruppert et al. 1997; Scherer
unknown. The reason for the recovery period require- and Richter 1997). Benzene itself can be quantified in
ment also is not clear. In addition, the apparent tumor- exhaled breath. Breath measurements of nonsmokers
inducing effect of the gas phase is inconsistent with who reported secondhand smoke exposures at work
most of the earlier work on mainstream smoke inhala- from smokers showed elevated benzene levels, but
tion and with the tumor-inducing properties of side- nonsmokers living with smokers did not have increased
stream smoke condensate described above. Finally, levels (Wallace et al. 1987). A second study detected
recent data from De Flora and colleagues (2003) some- higher levels of exhaled benzene in nonsmokers living
what contradict the observations of Witschi and col- with smokers compared with nonsmokers living with
leagues (1995, 1997a,b,c, 1998, 1999, 2000). De Flora and nonsmokers (Scherer et al. 1995). Another study doc-
colleagues (2003) exposed Swiss strain mice to envi- umented no difference in levels of exhaled benzene
ronmental tobacco smoke continuously for a period of among children living with smokers compared with
nine months without a recovery period and observed children living with nonsmokers (Scherer et al. 1999).
a significant increase in the lung tumor response. Collectively, the biomarker data discussed here indi-
Collectively, these studies suggest the potential cate that benzene uptake in humans is not consistently
involvement of multiple carcinogens from sidestream found to be associated with secondhand smoke expo-
and secondhand cigarette smoke in tumor induction. sure, but there are other sources of benzene exposure
The results of the implanted mouse skin and rat lung that complicate efforts to estimate the contribution of
carcinogenicity assays demonstrate the importance of secondhand smoke to biomarker levels.
PAHs and other nonvolatile carcinogens. Moreover, Several methods have been used to estimate
sidestream and secondhand smoke contain potent PAH uptake by persons exposed to secondhand
lung carcinogens such as NNK. The results of the smoke. 1-Hydroxypyrene and hydroxyphenan-
mouse inhalation studies indicate that gas-phase con- threne are urinary metabolites of pyrene and phen-
stituents of secondhand smoke contribute to tumori- anthrene, respectively. These metabolites are widely
genesis. Prominent among these constituents could be used as biomarkers of PAH uptake although the par-
formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, butadiene, and benzene ent compounds, pyrene and phenanthrene, are non-
because of their tumorigenic activities and relatively carcinogenic. Exposure to secondhand smoke does not
high concentrations in secondhand smoke. increase 1-hydroxypyrene and hydroxyphenanthrene
levels in urine (Hoepfner et al. 1987; Scherer et al. 1992,
2000; Van Rooij et al. 1994; Siwińska et al. 1999). Other
Human Carcinogen factors such as smoking, occupational exposures,
Uptake from Secondhand Smoke and diet are significant contributors to urinary levels
of these compounds. Metabolites of B[a]P and other
Tables 2.3 and 2.4 summarize data from bio- PAHs form covalent binding products (adducts) with
marker studies on human uptake of specific second- hemoglobin and serum albumin and have been mea-
hand smoke carcinogens. These studies demonstrate sured using a variety of methods, including immuno-
that human exposures to secondhand smoke lead to assay and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
the uptake of carcinogens, a topic that Scherer and (GC–MS). Studies of adduct formation with hemo-
Richter (1997) have reviewed. globin and albumin have given mixed results. Using
trans,trans-Muconic acid is a urinary metabolite an enzyme-linked immunosorbent technique, one
of benzene, a known cause of leukemia, that has been group found increased levels of PAH-albumin adducts
widely used to estimate benzene uptake (Scherer et in children exposed to secondhand smoke (Crawford
al. 1998). Studies on the relationship of this metabo- et al. 1994; Tang et al. 1999), but two other studies did
lite to secondhand smoke exposure have documented not find increments in these levels (Autrup et al. 1995;
mixed results, with some studies showing some- Nielsen et al. 1996). Using GC–MS as the detection
what higher levels in persons exposed to second- method, researchers found no effect of secondhand
hand smoke while others found no effect (Scherer smoke exposure on B[a]P albumin and hemoglobin
et al. 1995, 1999; Weaver et al. 1996; Yu and Weisel adducts (Scherer et al. 2000). Thus, the evidence that
1996; Ruppert et al. 1997; Carrer et al. 2000). The

34 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 2.3 Representative biomarker studies of carcinogens in persons exposed to secondhand smoke

Exposed vs.
Exposure data (if significant
Carcinogen reported) Biomarker levels difference? Study

Benzene 11.5 µg/m3*, personal tt-MA† 92 µg/g creatinine No Scherer et al.

exposure (nonsmokers, 1995
nonsmoking homes,
n = 39)

13.6 µg/m3 126 µg/g creatinine

(nonsmokers, smoking
homes, n = 43)

Benzene NR‡ tt-MA 3.84 ± 1.6 ng/µL§ in 53 secondhand No Weaver et al.

smoke-exposed children 1996
4.02 ± 1.1 ng/µL in 26 unexposed

3.5 ± 1.4 ng/µL when urinary Yes

cotinine ≤44 ng/mL∆ (n = 39)
4.32 ± 1.4 ng/µL when urinary
cotinine >44 ng/mL (n = 39)

Benzene <0.19–22 µg/m3, tt-MA 34–74 µg excreted on nonexposure Yes Yu and

personal exposure, days Weisel 1996
5 females exposed to
secondhand smoke 42–95 µg excreted on exposure

Benzene 2–100 µg/m3, tt-MA was not correlated with benzene; No Ruppert et al.
personal exposure marginal difference in tt-MA of nonsmokers 1997
(n = 69 nonsmokers from smoking homes vs. those from
from smoking nonsmoking homes
and nonsmoking

Benzene 11.5 µg/m3, personal tt-MA 130 µg/g creatinine No Scherer et al.
exposure (children, 1999
smoking homes,
n = 24)

19.7 µg/m3 (children, 112 µg/g creatinine

nonsmoking homes,
n = 15)

Benzene 16.5 ± 2.3 µg/m3, tt-MA 38.9 ± 2.4 µg/L Yes Carrer et al.
(geometric personal exposure 2000
means) (nonsmokers, no
secondhand smoke,
n = 42)

25.4 ± 2.9 µg/m3 54.7 ± 2.9 µg/L

secondhand smoke,
n = 27)

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 35

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 2.3 Continued

Exposed vs.
Exposure data (if significant
Carcinogen reported) Biomarker levels difference? Study

NNK¶ 75–263 ng/m3 in a Significantly increased levels of NNAL** Yes Hecht et al.
16 m3 room plus NNAL-Gluc†† in urine of 5 men after 1993
secondhand smoke exposure

NNK NR Significantly increased levels of NNAL- Yes Parsons et al.

Gluc in hospital workers (n = 9) exposed 1998
to secondhand smoke compared with

NNK 2.4–50 ng/m3 in NNAL plus NNAL-Gluc levels correlated Yes Meger et al.
19 rooms where with nicotine on personal sampler in 2000
smoking took place secondhand smoke-exposed persons

NNK NR NNAL plus NNAL-Gluc levels were Yes Anderson et

significantly higher in women (n = 23) al. 2001
who lived with male smokers compared
with women (n = 22) who lived with male

NNK NR 34% of 204 children with cotinine Yes Hecht et al.

>5 ng/mL urine; 52/54 of these samples 2001
had detectable NNAL plus NNAL-Gluc;
NNAL plus NNAL-Gluc levels were
significantly higher in secondhand smoke-
exposed vs. unexposed children

Polycyclic NR 5 nonsmokers exposed to secondhand No Hoepfner et

aromatic smoke from 100 cigarettes (100– al. 1987
hydrocarbons 180 µg/m3 cotinine in the room) over
(PAHs) an 8-hour period; no effect on urinary

PAHs Benzo[a]pyrene No effects on urinary No Scherer et al.

(B[a]P), 21.5 ng/m3; hydroxyphenanthrenes (2.0 vs. 2.2 µg/ 1992
phenanthrene, 6.8 ng/ 24 hours before and after secondhand
m3; pyrene, 17.6 ng/m3 smoke exposure); no effects on urinary
in an experimental 1-HOP‡‡ (0.24 µg/24 hours before and after
room with 5 smokers secondhand smoke exposure); no effects
and 5 nonsmokers on 32P-postlabeling of DNA adducts

PAHs NR No differences in PAH-albumin levels No Autrup et al.

in umbilical cord blood from women 1995
exposed to secondhand smoke (n = 49) vs.
unexposed women (n = 54)

PAHs NR No effect of secondhand smoke on PAH- No Nielsen et al.

albumin adduct levels in 73 persons from 1996
Aarhus, Denmark

36 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 2.3 Continued

Exposed vs.
Exposure data (if significant
Carcinogen reported) Biomarker levels difference? Study

PAHs NR No difference in urinary 1-HOP levels of No Siwińska et

children exposed to secondhand smoke al. 1999
from their parents’ smoking (n = 286) vs.
unexposed children (n = 126)

PAHs NR 1-HOP: 0.140 µg/24 hours in NR Scherer et al.

19 secondhand smoke-exposed persons 2000
(urinary cotinine 12.3 µg/24 hours) vs.
0.171 µg/24 hours in 23 unexposed persons
(urinary cotinine 2.3 µg/24 hours)

B[a]P-hemoglobin (Hb) adducts: No

0.049 fmol/mg§§ Hb in secondhand
smoke-exposed persons vs. 0.083 fmol/mg
Hb in unexposed persons (same persons
as above)

B[a]P-albumin adducts: 0.021 fmol/mg NR

albumin in secondhand smoke-exposed
persons vs. 0.019 fmol/mg albumin in
unexposed persons (same persons as

PAH and 4- NR Significantly higher levels of Yes Tang et al.

aminobiphenyl 4-aminobiphenyl–Hb adducts and PAH- 1999
albumin adducts in children whose
mothers smoked (n = 23 for
4-aminobiphenyl Hb, n = 44 for PAH
albumin) compared with unexposed
children (n = 10 for 4-aminobiphenyl Hb,
n = 24 for PAH albumin)

4-Aminobiphenyl Estimated weekly Higher 4-aminobiphenyl–Hb adducts Yes Hammond et

average nicotine (27.8 pg/g∆∆ Hb) in 9 pregnant women al. 1993
concentration with >2.0 µg/m3 nicotine (personal
ranged from <0.5 to exposure) than in pregnant women with
≥2.0 µg/m3 0.5–1.9 µg/m3 (n = 20, 20.8 pg/g Hb) or
in pregnant women with <0.5 µg/m3
(n = 7, 17.6 pg/g Hb)

4-Aminobiphenyl NR No relationship of aromatic amine-Hb No Branner et al.

and other adducts to reported secondhand smoke 1998
aromatic amines exposure or cotinine/creatinine ratios in
73 pregnant women

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 37

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 2.3 Continued

Exposed vs.
Exposure data (if significant
Carcinogen reported) Biomarker levels difference? Study

4-Aminobiphenyl NR No increase in aromatic amine-Hb adducts No Richter et al.

and other among 224 children with increased 2001
aromatic amines exposures to secondhand smoke;
exposures were confirmed by cotinine

Unknown NR No effects of secondhand smoke exposure No Holz et al.

on 32P-postlabeled DNA adducts in 1990
monocytes of 5 nonsmokers exposed for
8 hours

Unknown 5 nonsmokers exposed A marginal, nonsignificant increase in No Scherer et al.

to secondhand smoke urinary thioethers was observed 1992
in an unventilated
room, 4,091 µg/m3
respirable suspended

Unknown NR No effect of secondhand smoke exposure No Binková et al.

on 32P-postlabeled DNA adducts in women 1995
(n = 31 exposed, 11 unexposed)

Unknown NR No difference in urinary thioethers No Scherer et al.

between persons exposed to low (n = 23) 1996
and high (n = 23) levels of secondhand
smoke based on plasma cotinine; no
difference in urinary thioethers between
persons exposed to low (n = 20) and high
(n = 19) levels of secondhand smoke
exposures in the home

Unknown NR No difference in placental levels of No Daube et al.

8-OH-dG¶¶ in 10 nonsmokers vs. 1997
9 nonsmokers exposed to secondhand
smoke, validated by plasma and urine
cotinine; no effects of secondhand smoke
on adducts were detected by

Unknown NR Significantly higher (63%) levels of Yes Howard et al.

8-OH-dG in blood DNA of persons 1998b
exposed to secondhand smoke in the
workplace (n = 38) than in unexposed
persons, verified by plasma cotinine
(n = 36)

38 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 2.3 Continued

Exposed vs.
Exposure data (if significant
Carcinogen reported) Biomarker levels difference? Study

Unknown NR No difference in 8-OH-dG levels in No van Zeeland

leukocytes of unexposed adults et al. 1999
(n = 36), adults exposed 1–4 hours/day
to secondhand smoke (n = 35), and adults
exposed >4 hours/day (n = 21)

Unknown NR Among 194 students in Athens and No/yes Geordiadis et

77 persons in Halkida, Greece, al. 2001
P-postlabeled DNA adducts in
lymphocytes showed no relationship to
secondhand smoke exposure in the entire
group, but did correlate with secondhand
smoke exposure measurements in winter
in a subgroup living in the Halkida
campus area
µg/m3 = Micrograms per cubic meter.

tt-MA = trans,trans-Muconic acid.

NR = Data were not reported.
ng/µL = Nanograms per microliter.

mL = Milliliter.

NNK = 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone, a tobacco-specific N-nitrosamine.
NNAL = 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol.
NNAL-Gluc = A mixture of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-(O-ß-D-glucopyranuronosyl) butane and
4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl-N-ß-D-glucopyranuronosyl)-1-butanolonium inner salt.
1-HOP = 1-Hydroxypyrene.
fmol/mg = Femtomoles per milligram.
pg/g = Picograms per gram.
8-OH-dG = 8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine.

secondhand smoke exposure significantly increases showed no consistent relationship between adduct
human uptake of PAHs is inconsistent. levels and secondhand smoke exposures (Bartsch et
Aromatic amines such as 4-aminobiphenyl form al. 1990; Branner et al. 1998). A recent study of German
adducts with hemoglobin that GC–MS can quantify, children also showed no significant increase in aro-
but studies of the effects of secondhand smoke on matic amine–hemoglobin adduct levels with increased
4-aminobiphenyl–hemoglobin adducts have provided secondhand smoke exposures; in fact, there was a sig-
mixed results. Hammond and colleagues (1993) dem- nificant decrease in ortho- and meta-toluidine adducts
onstrated that adduct levels were elevated in preg- (Richter et al. 2001). There is a background level of
nant women exposed to secondhand smoke. Maclure aromatic amine–hemoglobin adducts in apparently
and colleagues (1989) observed slightly higher unexposed humans. The origin of this background is
levels of 4-aminobiphenyl– and 3-aminobiphenyl– unknown, but it could be due in part to the uptake of
hemoglobin adducts in persons with confirmed corresponding nitro compounds from sources such as
secondhand smoke exposures compared with diesel emissions. Levels of aromatic amines in urine
unexposed persons. 4-Aminobiphenyl–hemoglobin were unaffected by exposures to secondhand smoke
adducts were also elevated in children exposed to in a study of nonsmokers (Grimmer et al. 2000).
secondhand smoke (Tang et al. 1999). However, two Because tobacco-specific nitrosamines are
other studies, including one of pregnant women, found only in tobacco products or in related

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 39

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 2.4 Relationship of specific biomarkers of carcinogen uptake to secondhand smoke exposure
Carcinogens Association with
in secondhand secondhand
smoke Biomarker smoke exposure Study

Aromatic amines Hemoglobin adducts Mixed results Maclure et al. 1989; Bartsch et al. 1990;
Hammond et al. 1993; Branner et al. 1998;
Tang et al. 1999; Richter et al. 2001

Benzene trans,trans-Muconic acid in urine Mixed results Scherer et al. 1995, 1999; Weaver et al. 1996;
Yu and Weisel 1996; Ruppert et al. 1997;
Carrer et al. 2000

NNK* NNAL† and NNAL-Gluc‡ in urine Consistently Hecht et al. 1993, 2001; Parsons et al. 1998;
increased Meger et al. 2000; Anderson et al. 2001

NNK/NNN§ Hemoglobin adducts None Branner et al. 1998

PAHs∆ 1-Hydroxypyrene in urine None in most Scherer et al. 1992, 2000; Crawford et al.
Hydroxyphenanthrenes in urine studies 1994; Van Rooij et al. 1994; Autrup et al.
Albumin adducts 1995; Nielsen et al. 1996; Siwińska et al.
Hemoglobin adducts 1999; Tang et al. 1999

*NNK = 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone, a tobacco-specific N-nitrosamine.

NNAL = 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol.

NNAL-Gluc = A mixture of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-(O-ß-D-glucopyranuronosyl) butane and
4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl-N-ß-D-glucopyranuronosyl)-1-butanolonium inner salt.
NNN = N’-Nitrosonornicotine.

PAHs = Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Source: Adapted from Scherer and Richter 1997.

nicotine-containing materials, their adducts or nitrosamine-selective detection (GC-TEA) (Hecht et

metabolites should be specific biomarkers of tobacco al. 1993, 2001; Parsons et al. 1998; Meger et al. 2000;
exposure. NNK- and NNN-hemoglobin adducts can Anderson et al. 2001). All studies reported to date
be hydrolyzed to release 4-hydroxy-1-(3-pyridyl)-1- show significantly higher amounts of NNAL plus
butanone (HPB), which GC–MS can then quantify. In NNAL-Gluc, or NNAL-Gluc alone, in the urine of
smokers, levels of HPB-releasing hemoglobin adducts secondhand smoke-exposed participants than in the
of NNK and NNN are low compared with hemo- urine of unexposed controls (Tables 2.3–2.5). In one
globin adducts of several other carcinogens, possibly study, the uptake of NNK was more than six times
attributable to the high reactivity of the alkylating higher in women who lived with smokers compared
intermediate (Carmella et al. 1990; Hecht et al. 1994). with women who lived with nonsmokers (Anderson
Considering the relatively low levels of these adducts et al. 2001). The amount of NNAL plus NNAL-Gluc
in smokers, nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke in these secondhand smoke-exposed women was
should not have significantly elevated amounts (Bran- about 5 percent as great as in their male partners who
ner et al. 1998). However, urinary metabolites of NNK smoked. Another study found an uptake of NNK in a
are readily measured in the urine of persons exposed group of economically disadvantaged schoolchildren,
to secondhand smoke. The metabolite 4-(methyl- and the range of levels varied approximately 90-fold
nitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) and its (Hecht et al. 2001). Most of the studies demonstrate
glucuronide conjugate (NNAL-Gluc) can be quanti- a correlation between levels of cotinine and NNAL
fied using GC with thermal energy analyzer (TEA) plus NNAL-Gluc in urine (Figure 2.1). Cotinine is a

40 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

valid biomarker for nicotine uptake in nonsmokers 63 percent higher than in unexposed persons; this
exposed to secondhand smoke. Therefore, NNAL plus finding represents a significant difference (Howard
NNAL-Gluc is a biomarker for the uptake of the et al. 1998b). Urinary 3-ethyladenine is a biomarker of
tobacco-specific lung carcinogen NNK in nonsmok- ethylating agents. In one study, exposure to second-
ers exposed to secondhand smoke. The NNAL plus hand smoke did not increase urinary concentrations of
NNAL-Gluc biomarker is more directly related to 3-ethyladenine (Kopplin et al. 1995). 32P-postlabeling
cancer risk than cotinine is because NNK (but not is a technique that can estimate levels of hydro-
nicotine) is carcinogenic. The uptake of NNK by non- phobic DNA adducts. Four investigations did not
smokers exposed to secondhand smoke thus provides find effects of secondhand smoke exposure on levels
a biochemical link between secondhand smoke expo- of 32P-postlabeled DNA (Holz et al. 1990; Scherer et al.
sure and lung cancer risk. 1992; Binková et al. 1995; Daube et al. 1997). However,
Studies of secondhand smoke exposure have a recent study conducted in Greece did find a rela-
also explored several other less specific markers. tionship between secondhand smoke exposure and
8-Hydroxydeoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) is a widely 32
P-postlabeled DNA adducts in lymphocytes from a
used biomarker of oxidative damage to DNA. Two subgroup (Georgiadis et al. 2001). Urinary thioethers
studies observed no increase in 8-OH-dG levels are conjugates of carbonyl-containing mutagens.
in placentas and leukocytes of persons exposed to Thioethers did not significantly increase as a result
secondhand smoke compared with unexposed per- of secondhand smoke exposure (Scherer et al. 1992,
sons (Daube et al. 1997; van Zeeland et al. 1999). How- 1996). 3-Hydroxypropyl mercapturic acid, possi-
ever, in a study of occupational exposure in Reno, bly from acrolein exposure, was identified as a pos-
Nevada, the average 8-OH-dG level in whole blood sible secondhand smoke-related product in urine
DNA of secondhand smoke-exposed workers was (Scherer et al. 1992). Studies investigating the effects

Table 2.5 4-(Methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) and NNAL-glucuronide (NNAL-Gluc*)

in the urine of nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke
Mean ± standard
deviation pmol/mL†
Correlation (number of samples
Study Population Analyte with cotinine analyzed) Range‡ (fold)

Hecht et al. 1993 Men exposed to NNAL plus Yes 0.16 ± 0.10§ (n = 7) 0.084–0.296 (4)
secondhand smoke NNAL-Gluc
in a chamber

Parsons et al. 1998 Hospital workers NNAL-Gluc Yes 0.059 ± 0.028 (n = 27) 0.005–0.11 (22)

Meger et al. 2000 Nonsmokers NNAL plus Yes 0.043 ± 0.044‡ (n = 16) 0.0038–0.148 (39)
exposed to NNAL-Gluc
secondhand smoke

Anderson et al. 2001 Women married to NNAL plus No 0.050 ± 0.068 (n = 23) 0.009–0.28 (31)
smokers NNAL-Gluc

Hecht et al. 2001 Elementary school- NNAL plus Yes 0.056 ± 0.076 (n = 74) 0.004–0.373 (93)
age children NNAL-Gluc

*NNAL-Gluc = A mixture of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-(O-ß-D-glucopyranuronosyl) butane and

4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl-N-ß-D-glucopyranuronosyl)-1-butanolonium inner salt.

pmol/mL = Picomoles per milliliter.

Detected values only.
Approximate, based on the assumption of 1,200 mL of urine excreted per day.
Source: Meger et al. 2000.

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 41

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 2.1 The correlation between levels of cotinine plus cotinine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-
butanol (NNAL) plus NNAL-glucuronide (NNAL-Gluc) conjugates in the urine of 74 school-age
children exposed to secondhand smoke*


90 F

Total cotinine (ng/mL† urine)

70 F

60 F

30 FF F
20 F F
10 F F
0 F F F F
0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40
Total NNAL plus NNAL-Gluc (pmol‡/mL urine)

*r = 0.71; p <0.001.

ng/mL = Nanograms per milliliter.

pmol = Picomoles.
Source: Hecht et al. 2001. Reprinted with permission.

of secondhand smoke on urinary mutagenicity have Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis

demonstrated conflicting results (Scherer et al. 1992; of Secondhand Smoke
Scherer and Richter 1997). In general, there seem to be
small and sometimes significant effects of secondhand Figure 2.2 presents a framework for considering
smoke exposure on urinary mutagenicity when diet is mechanisms of secondhand smoke carcinogenesis.
controlled (Scherer et al. 1996; Smith et al. 2000a). In a An analogous scheme proposes how cigarette smoke
recent study of 1,249 Italian women whose husbands generally can induce lung cancer (Hecht 1999). The
smoked, there was an inverse dose-response relation- broad mechanisms of cancer induction from expo-
ship between the intensity of the secondhand smoke sures to secondhand and mainstream cigarette smoke
and concentrations of plasma beta-carotene and are probably similar because the same carcinogens are
L-ascorbic acid found in the women. There also was present in both, although in different concentrations.
a significant inverse association between urinary coti- The major difference is the significantly lower carci-
nine and plasma beta-carotene (Farchi et al. 2001). nogenic dose from inhaling secondhand smoke com-
pared with active smoking.

42 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Exposure to secondhand smoke leads to a small the glutathione S-transferase form M1 (GSTM1) is null
but measurable uptake of NNK and perhaps other in 50 percent of the population.
carcinogens, as discussed in the previous section. Car- The complexity of carcinogen metabolism is
cinogens are enzymatically transformed into a series illustrated for B[a]P and NNK in Figure 2.3 (Hecht
of metabolites as the exposed organism attempts to 1999). The major metabolic activation pathway
convert them into compounds that are easily excreted of B[a]P is its conversion to 7,8-diol-9,10-epoxide
from the body (Miller 1994), a process called metabolic metabolites. One of the four enantiomers produced is
detoxification. An unintended consequence of this highly carcinogenic and reacts with DNA to form an
detoxification process is that the carcinogen sometimes adduct with deoxyguanosine, BPDE-N2-dG. GSTM1
converts to a form that is reactive with DNA and other is one of the enzymes competing for the metaboli-
cellular macromolecules. These reactive forms usually cally activated intermediates in this pathway. The
have an electron-deficient (or electrophilic) center that major metabolic activation pathways of NNK and
is reactive with the electron-rich (or nucleophilic) cen- NNAL occur by hydroxylating the carbons adjacent
ters in DNA. This process, called metabolic activation, to the N-nitroso group (α-hydroxylation), resulting in
forms adducts in DNA, RNA, and protein. the formation of a variety of DNA adducts including
Because most of the carcinogens in Table 2.1 7-methylguanine, O6-methylguanine, and pyridyloxo-
require metabolic activation to induce cancer, the butyl adducts (Hecht 1998). No specific carcinogen–
metabolism of a carcinogen is in most cases a key com- DNA adducts have been detected in nonsmokers
ponent of the mechanism of cancer induction. The bal- exposed to secondhand smoke, probably because
ance between metabolic activation and detoxification of the low carcinogenic dose. The characterization
will be important in determining individual risks for of such adducts in human tissues is difficult even in
cancer upon exposure to carcinogens in secondhand smokers, but has been accomplished for a number
smoke. The initial enzymatic steps are frequently of different tobacco smoke carcinogens (Hecht 1999).
catalyzed by cytochrome P-450 enzymes, which are The same adducts probably are present in nonsmok-
encoded by the CYP family of genes (Guengerich ers exposed to secondhand smoke, but at considerably
1997). These enzymes generally oxygenate the car- lower levels.
cinogen. Other enzymes, such as cyclooxygenases, Two studies examined the role of GSTM1 and
myeloperoxidases, lipoxygenases, and monoamine glutathione S-transferase form T1 (GSTT1) variants
oxidases, may also be involved. The oxygenated inter- as modifiers of risk for lung cancer in nonsmokers
mediates formed in the initial reactions may undergo exposed to secondhand smoke (Bennett et al. 1999;
further transformations by glutathione S-transferases, Malats et al. 2000). Neither study found an effect of
uridine-5’-diphosphate-glucuronosyl-transferases, GSTT1 variants, although opposing results were
sulfatases, hydratases, and other enzymes (Arm- obtained for GSTM1 null. One study documented an
strong 1997; Burchell et al. 1997; Duffel 1997). All of increased risk for lung cancer in secondhand smoke-
these enzymes occur in multiple forms with differ- exposed nonsmoking women (Bennett et al. 1999);
ent substrate specificity. Some of the forms are poly- the other found no significant effect in secondhand
morphic in humans (i.e., they occur in variants with smoke-exposed nonsmokers (Malats et al. 2000).
different types of metabolic activation). For example,

Figure 2.2 Scheme showing the steps linking secondhand smoke exposure and cancer via tobacco smoke

Secondhand Carcinogen activation DNA Persistence Mutations and other


uptake adducts Miscoding changes in critical genes

Metabolic Repair
▲ ▲ ▲
Excretion Normal DNA Apoptosis

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 43

Figure 2.3 Metabolic pathways of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK)
12 1 O N O
11 2 N NNAL NNAL-glucuronide
10 CH3

Chapter 2
8 4
7 6 5 P-450 1A2,2A6,3A4, NNAL-N-oxide
Surgeon General’s Report

BaP 2B6,2A13
P-450 1A1, 1A2 α-hydroxyNNALs
6-hydroxyNNK α-hydroxyNNKs
1B1,3A4,2C P-450 1A1, 1A2 sulfates NNK-N-oxide
1B1,3A4,2C glucuronides NO2-
1-OH ADP-adducts glucuronide
2,3-epoxide UGT1A6
4,5-epoxide NIH
phenols : 6-OH quinones 1,6
9,10-epoxide shift aldehydes + diazonium ions
7-OH 3,6
9-OH 6,12
EH GST M1-1,
glutathione alcohols
conjugates 9-OH-4,5-oxide DNA
4,5-diol quinols adducts
DNA 9-OH-4,5-diol UGT1A6
glucuronide UGT 7,8-diol DHD 7,8-catechol adducts
P-450 1A1,
sulfates 7,8-quinone
1A2, 1B1
7,8-diol-9,10-epoxides tetraols

glutathione conjugates

GST A1-1,M1-1,P1-1

Note: Metabolic pathways of B[a]P and NNK were modified from Cooper et al. 1983 and Hecht 1996, 1998. Some human enzymes involved in the various reactions
are indicated (Gelboin 1980; Pelkonen and Nebert 1982; Cooper et al. 1983; Ketterer et al. 1992; Smith et al. 1992; Yamazaki et al. 1992; Yun et al. 1992; Tiano et al.
1993; Conney et al. 1994; Friedberg et al.
al. 1996; Baird and Ralston 1997; Staretz et al. 1997; Sundberg et al. 1997; Kim et al. 1998; Penning et al. 1999). ADP = adenosine diphosphate; DHD = 4 dihydrodiol
dehydrogenase; EH = 4 epoxide hydrolase; GST = 4 glutathione S-transferase; NNAL = 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanol; NO2 = nitrogen dioxide;
P-450 = 4 cytochrome P-450; UGT = 4 UDP(uridine 5’-diphosphate)-glucuronosyl transferase; 1-OH, 3-OH: 4 1-hydroxy B[a]P, 3-hydroxy B[a]P; National Institutes
of Health shift (where the shift [a biochemical process] was first identified) = intramolecular hydrogen migration, which can be observed in enzymatic and chemi-
cal hydroxylations of aromatic rings.
Source: Hecht 1999. Adapted with permission.
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

DNA adducts are critical for the induction of exposure to spousal secondhand smoke only com-
tumors by carcinogens. A great deal of mechanistic pared with unexposed spouses (Husgafvel-Pursiainen
information is now available about the structures of et al. 2000). The risk was 1.5 (95 percent CI, 0.2–8.8) for
DNA adducts and their potential to produce muta- those ever exposed to spousal or workplace second-
tions (Hemminki et al. 1994; Geacintov et al. 1997). hand smoke compared with those who were never
Cellular repair mechanisms exist to protect the exposed. These estimates are statistically unstable
DNA from persistent adduction. There are five main because of the small numbers of cases. The findings
mechanisms of DNA repair: direct repair, base excision that G:C to A:T transversions were the most common
repair, nucleotide excision repair, mismatch repair, among lifetime nonsmokers are in agreement with
and double-strand break repair (Pegg et al. 1995; other studies. The second investigation reported a
Sancar 1996; Singer and Hang 1997). If the adducts variety of mutations in the p53 gene from tumors of
are not repaired, cells with damaged DNA may be lifetime nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke
removed by apoptosis (programmed cell death). (Vähäkangas et al. 2001). Mutations in codons 12 and
When DNA adducts persist they may cause miscod- 13 of the K-ras gene were also observed. The observed
ing, resulting in a permanent mutation. Depending on p53 and K-ras gene mutations are plausibly related to
the DNA polymerase involved, the sequence context, DNA adduct formation from carcinogens in second-
and other factors, DNA adducts will typically cause hand smoke. It is difficult to specify which carcinogen
specific mutations. For example, O6-methylguanine may be responsible for a particular mutation, but the
causes mainly G to A mutations, while BPDE-N2-dG predominance of G mutations observed in these stud-
frequently results in G to T mutations (Loechler et ies is consistent with the generally higher reactivity of
al. 1984; Shukla et al. 1997). If a permanent mutation G in DNA with metabolically activated carcinogens.
occurs in a critical region of a growth control gene, it
can lead to the loss of normal growth control mecha-
nisms and ultimately to cancer. There are six pro- Summary
posed hallmarks of cancer: self-sufficiency in growth
The evidence indicates that sidestream smoke,
signals, evasion of apoptosis, insensitivity to anti-
the principal component of secondhand smoke, con-
growth signals, sustained angiogenesis, tissue inva-
tains carcinogens. Exposure to secondhand smoke
sion and metastasis, and limitless replicative potential
results in the uptake by nonsmokers of many of these
(Hanahan and Weinberg 2000). Virtually all of these
carcinogens. Although data are sparse on the specific
processes are controlled by specific genes that can lose
elements in Figure 2.2 linking secondhand smoke
their normal function when miscoding occurs. The
exposure and tumor induction in humans via expo-
intricate circuitry of the cell, which involves multiple
sure to tobacco smoke carcinogens, substantial data
pathways of signal transduction, can be subverted
from active smokers support this framework of bio-
by inappropriate carcinogen–DNA adduction and
logic steps toward cancer. The most plausible mecha-
miscoding. Multiple events of this type lead to aber-
nisms involved in lung cancer reflect the continuing
rant cells with the loss of normal growth control. For
exposure of the lungs to DNA-damaging material,
example, lung carcinogenesis involves changes that
which leads to multiple genetic changes that culmi-
include the loss of heterozygosity at 3p, 5q, 8p, 9p,
nate in lung cancer. Available evidence points to these
9q, 11p, 11q, 13q, 17p, and 17q loci, which are known
same mechanisms as the cause of lung cancer in per-
or possible sites of tumor suppressor genes such as
sons exposed to carcinogens in secondhand smoke.
p53, p16, and others (Sekido et al. 1998; Vähäkangas et
al. 2001).
Although numerous studies describe mutations
in the p53 tumor suppressor gene and K-ras onco-
gene in lung tumors from smokers (Hecht 1999), few 1. More than 50 carcinogens have been identified in
investigations include lung tumors from nonsmokers sidestream and secondhand smoke.
with documented exposures to secondhand smoke,
mainly because lung cancer in nonsmokers is rela- 2. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
tively uncommon. Two studies have addressed p53 relationship between exposure to secondhand
mutations in nonsmokers. In one study, the risk of smoke and its condensates and tumors in
mutation in the p53 gene doubled (odds ratio = 2.0 laboratory animals.
[95 percent confidence interval (CI), 0.5–8.7]) with

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 45

Surgeon General’s Report

3. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure 4. The mechanisms by which secondhand smoke
of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke causes a causes lung cancer are probably similar to
significant increase in urinary levels of meta- those observed in smokers. The overall risk of
bolites of the tobacco-specific lung carcinogen secondhand smoke exposure, compared with
4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone active smoking, is diminished by a substantially
(NNK). The presence of these metabolites links lower carcinogenic dose.
exposure to secondhand smoke with an increased
risk for lung cancer.

Mechanisms of Respiratory Tract Injury and Disease

Caused by Secondhand Smoke Exposure

Although attention has centered primarily on oxygen taken up by red blood cells and carbon diox-
secondhand smoke and the risk for lung cancer and ide removed from the bloodstream. In addition, the
coronary heart disease (CHD), extensive epidemio- upper and lower airways have defense mechanisms
logic data support a broader range of adverse effects, against inhaled particles and gases that impact or are
particularly related to respiratory health. Information adsorbed onto the airway walls. The upper airways,
on the underlying mechanisms of these effects is cen- which clean and condition the inhaled air, prevent
tral to the interpretation of the epidemiologic data and most large particles and water-soluble vapors from
in the understanding of the pathogenesis of the non- reaching the airways of the lower respiratory tract.
malignant related disorders associated with second- The removal of small particles that reach the lower
hand smoke exposure. This review focuses primarily airways and alveoli is accomplished by mechanisms
on pathogenetic mechanisms that likely contribute to that include the mucociliary apparatus, macrophages,
secondhand smoke-induced respiratory diseases other and epithelial cells. This anatomical framework of the
than lung cancer. Respiratory effects of secondhand respiratory tract provides a large area for deposition
smoke exposure include a higher rate, an earlier onset, and adsorption of secondhand smoke components.
and an exacerbation of asthma (Wahlgren et al. 2000);
spirometric indicators of lung impairment (Cook and
Strachan 1999); an increased risk of lower respiratory Secondhand Smoke and Asthma
tract illnesses in children (Strachan and Cook 1997);
Extensive data describe an association that con-
sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (Cook and Stra-
nects secondhand smoke exposure, particularly from
chan 1999); and possibly chronic obstructive pulmo-
maternal smoking, with asthma in children (Stra-
nary disease (COPD) (Jaakkola 2002). This review also
chan and Cook 1998) (Chapter 6, Respiratory Effects
briefly discusses mechanisms of nonrespiratory dis-
in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke).
orders affected by secondhand smoke.
Studies also link secondhand smoke exposure with
The respiratory system is the portal of entry for
asthma in adults (Dayal et al. 1994; Flodin et al.
secondhand smoke and one of the key systems at risk
1995; Hu et al. 1997; Larsson et al. 2001) (Chapter 9,
for damage by secondhand smoke. Its structure and
Respiratory Effects in Adults from Exposure to
function are relevant to understanding the adverse
Secondhand Smoke). This section considers biologic
effects of secondhand smoke. The respiratory tract
mechanisms that could underlie these associations as
includes the upper (nose, pharynx, and larynx) and
they reflect exposures during different points of the
lower (trachea, bronchi, and bronchioles) airways and
life span.
the alveoli of the lung. Odor and irritant receptors
The biologic basis by which maternal smok-
are found primarily in the nose, but there are irritant
ing during pregnancy increases the risk of asthma
receptors in the upper and lower airways as well. The
is not fully understood, but a number of possible
airways conduct air to the alveoli where gas exchange
mechanisms have been identified. One mechanism is
occurs across the alveolar–capillary membrane, with

46 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

the impairment of fetal airway development. A num- paralleling the increase in α7 expression is a substan-
ber of studies have reported that infants of mothers tial increase in collagen expression surrounding large
who had smoked during pregnancy had abnormal airways and vessels (Sekhon et al. 1999). Nicotine also
results on lung function tests, including decreased increases collagen type I and type III mRNA expres-
expiratory flow rates (Hanrahan et al. 1992; Cunning- sions (i.e., copies of information carried by a gene on
ham et al. 1994; Tager et al. 1995) and increased airway the DNA) in airways and alveolar walls (Sekhon et al.
resistance (Dezateux et al. 1999; Milner et al. 1999). 2002). Collectively, these studies suggest that nicotine
These changes in lung mechanics that result from may be an important component of cigarette smoke
in utero tobacco smoke exposures persist through late responsible for increasing the airway wall thickness in
childhood (Cunningham et al. 1994) and perhaps into infants of mothers who smoke during pregnancy.
adulthood (Upton et al. 1998). Also, diminished respi- A second mechanism that may cause a pre-
ratory function in neonates precedes and is predictive disposition to asthma as a result of secondhand
of wheeze in early childhood (Martinez et al. 1988b; smoke exposure is the induction of bronchial hyper-
Dezateux et al. 1999; Young et al. 2000). Alterations reactivity (BHR). Secondhand smoke exposure report-
in airway wall structure, particularly increased air- edly increases BHR in both children and adults.
way wall thickness, were found in infants exposed to Martinez and colleagues (1988a) reported an increase
maternal smoking (Elliot et al. 1998). This increased in BHR following exposure to secondhand smoke in
wall thickness could explain a major effect of mater- 70 percent of nine-year-old children whose mothers
nal smoking on expiratory flow rates because it results had smoked regularly during pregnancy. Young and
in a smaller airway lumen, thereby increasing airway colleagues (1991) reported a modest increase in BHR
resistance. Supporting evidence comes from studies from inhaled histamine in infants (mean age four and
in rats that also indicated that exposure to smoking one-half weeks) of parents who smoked compared
during pregnancy impaired fetal airway development with unexposed infants. That study was unable to
and function (Collins et al. 1985). separate the effects of prenatal and postnatal exposure
A possible explanation for the impaired airway to cigarette smoke. Recent results from the multicenter
development, supported by recent data obtained in European Community Respiratory Health Survey
monkeys, is that the changes in airway structure are demonstrated that secondhand smoke was also sig-
attributable to in utero effects of nicotine on extracellu- nificantly associated with BHR in adults (Janson et
lar matrix synthesis (Sekhon et al. 1999, 2002). Nicotine al. 2001). This analysis included data from more than
readily crosses the feto-placental barrier and attains 7,800 adults who had never smoked. There were also
concentrations in amniotic fluid that are equivalent to significant dose-related trends between secondhand
or higher than maternal serum nicotine levels (Luck smoke and BHR. The increase in BHR caused by
and Nau 1984; Luck et al. 1985). At these concentra- secondhand smoke may be attributable, in part, to
tions, nicotine can exert profound biologic effects by cigarette smoke-induced increases of neuroendocrine
targeting specific ionotropic channel receptors termed cells in the lung. Located in the airway epithelium,
nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs). These neuroendocrine cells synthesize and release
receptors are a family of ligand-gated, pentameric bronchoconstrictors, including serotonin, endothelin,
ion channels. In humans, 16 different subunits have and bombesin. Airways of persons with asthma also
been identified that form a large number of homo- contained a higher number of neuroendocrine cells
pentameric and heteropentameric receptors with (Schuller at al. 2003). In rats, in utero and postnatal
distinct structural and pharmacologic properties secondhand smoke exposure caused BHR and in-
(Leonard and Bertrand 2001). Although the main focus creased the number of neuroendocrine cells in the
on this receptor family has been to elucidate its role lungs (Joad et al. 1995). That study exposed pregnant
in transmitting signals for the neurotransmitter ace- rats to filtered air or to secondhand smoke under con-
tylcholine at neuromuscular junctions, recent interest trolled conditions from day three of gestation until
has included its role in signaling events in nonneuro- birth. The female rat pups were then exposed post-
nal cells. In the developing lung, α7 nAChRs are the natally to either filtered air or secondhand smoke for
most abundant form of nAChRs. Prenatal nicotine 7 to 10 weeks. Exposure to prenatal and postnatal
exposure strikingly increases α7 nAChR expression secondhand smoke resulted in lungs that were less
and binding. Acting through α7 nAChRs, nicotine compliant and more reactive to methacholine, with a
markedly affects lung development. For example, 22-fold increase in the number of pulmonary neuro-
prenatal exposure of primates to nicotine significantly endocrine cells.
alters lung structure (Sekhon et al. 1999). Specifically,

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 47

Surgeon General’s Report

Nicotine may also be responsible for this increase et al. 1994) and in adults (Sapigni et al. 1998; Oryszc-
in neuroendocrine cells. Sekhon and colleagues (1999) zyn et al. 2000), although not all studies observed this
demonstrated that in utero nicotine exposure sub- association (Janson et al. 2001). Such enhanced IgE
stantially increased neuroendocrine cells in the lungs values might predict a later development of allergies
of monkeys. Studies also suggest that nicotine may (Marini et al. 1996).
cause the release of bronchoconstrictors. Schuller and Cigarette smoke exposure may also modify
colleagues (2003) recently demonstrated that nicotine the balance of immune cells in airways. Studies on
and its nitrosated carcinogenic derivative NNK bind immune cells in airways have primarily addressed
to α7 nAChRs on pulmonary neuroendocrine cells. active smoking, and the effects of secondhand smoke
This results in the influx of calcium, the release of exposure on airway immune cells remain unknown.
bronchoconstrictors, and the activation of (1) a mito- Hagiwara and colleagues (2001) examined whether
genic pathway mediated by protein kinase C, (2) the cigarette smoking could affect the distribution in
serine/threonine protein kinase Raf-1, (3) the mitogen- the human airway of cells secreting T-helper 1 (Thl)
activated protein kinase, and (4) the proto-oncogene or Th2 cytokines by identifying and quantifying the
c-myc. These findings thus identify a possible effector frequencies of cells spontaneously secreting cytokines
cell for the increased BHR resulting from secondhand in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). The research-
smoke exposure and indicate plausible mechanisms. ers collected BALF from nonsmokers or heavy
Researchers have also determined that second- cigarette smokers and performed cytokine assays to
hand smoke exposure affects the neural control of quantify cells secreting interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-4, and
airways. In particular, there are extensive studies on interferon gamma (IFN-γ) with or without phorbol
the role of secondhand smoke exposure on the lung 12-myristate 13-acetate stimulation. No cells sponta-
C-fiber central nervous system (CNS) reflex. The neously secreting IL-2 were detected in BALF from
stimulation of sensory nonmyelinated broncho- smokers, whereas the BALF from most nonsmokers
pulmonary C-fibers can trigger intense respiratory had detectable cells secreting IL-2. The number of cells
responses through local and CNS reflexes. Responses secreting IFN-γ also decreased substantially in smok-
include bronchoconstriction, mucous secretion, and ers compared with nonsmokers. Cells secreting IL-4
increased microvascular leakage, which are all hall- were not detected in samples from either group. There
marks of asthma (Coleridge and Coleridge 1994). were also significant decreases in mitogen-stimulated
C-fibers are stimulated by components of second- Thl cytokine-secreting cells in the airways of smokers.
hand smoke including nicotine (Saria et al. 1988), The frequency of cells secreting IL-2 and the lympho-
acrolein (Lee et al. 1992), and oxidants (Coleridge et cyte CD4/CD8 ratio in BALF had a weak positive cor-
al. 1993). In studies examining the role of secondhand relation. These results indicate that cigarette smoking
smoke in neural control, Bonham and colleagues depletes Thl cytokine-secreting cells in the human air-
(2001) exposed one-week-old guinea pigs to filtered way and may explain the susceptibility of smokers to
air or secondhand smoke for five weeks. Secondhand certain airway disorders, including allergic diseases.
smoke exposure increased the excitability of afferent Nicotine can impair antigen receptor-mediated
lung C-fibers and neurons in the CNS reflex pathway. signal transduction in lymphocytes, possibly con-
This pathway could underline the increased risk for tributing further to the asthma phenotype among the
respiratory symptoms attributable to secondhand huge number of other sensitizing chemicals in tobacco
smoke exposure. smoke (Geng et al. 1995). Nicotine can inhibit both
Altered immune responses may also play a T cell-dependent and T cell-independent antibody
role in the increased incidence of asthma in second- forming cell responses and thus contribute to the
hand smoke-exposed children. Active smoking is immunosuppression that leads to an increased risk
associated with higher concentrations of total serum of respiratory infections, which are common triggers
immunoglobulin E (IgE) (Sapigni et al. 1998; Oryszc- of BHR.
zyn et al. 2000). Magnusson (1986) extended these Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in the
studies and demonstrated that cord blood IgE con- physiologic regulation of human airways. Changes
centration was elevated significantly in infants whose in its production are implicated in the pathophysi-
mothers had smoked during pregnancy and that ology of airway diseases associated with cigarette
maternal smoking during pregnancy might predis- smoking (Barnes and Belvisi 1993). Studies show
pose infants to subsequent sensitization and allergy. that NO is a mild bronchodilator in persons with
Studies have also associated high serum IgE levels asthma when administered exogenously (Hog-
with secondhand smoke exposure in children (Wjst man et al. 1993). The inhibition of endogenous NO

48 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

synthesis by nitro-L-arginine methyl ester, a NO syn- smokers had increases in total inflammatory cell
thase (NOS) inhibitor, increases BHR in response counts and polymorphonuclear leukocyte (PMN)
to histamine in persons with asthma (Taylor et al. counts (tested by BAL), and nonsmokers exposed to
1998). This reaction suggests that there are protective secondhand smoke for as little as three hours expe-
effects against bronchoconstriction by the NO that rienced an increase in circulating PMNs, enhanced
is released within the airways. Of note, inhalation of PMN chemotaxis, and the augmented release of oxi-
NG-monomethyl-L-arginine, another NOS inhibitor, dants upon stimulation (Anderson et al. 1991). Air-
increases BHR to bradykinin in patients with mild way epithelial cells are likely involved in producing
asthma (Ricciardolo et al. 1996), but not in those with this inflammatory reaction because they line the respi-
more severe asthma (Ricciardolo et al. 1997), indicat- ratory tract and interact directly with inhaled ciga-
ing a possible relationship between disease sever- rette smoke to elaborate proinflammatory cytokines
ity and the bronchodilatory role of endogenous NO. (Yu et al. 2002). Human bronchial epithelial cell cul-
Several studies have demonstrated that exhaled NO tures exposed to cigarette smoke extract exhibited sig-
levels, indicators of endogenous production, were nificantly greater PMN chemotactic activity compared
lower in smokers than in nonsmokers (Persson et al. with the control cell cultures (Mio et al. 1997).
1994; Schilling et al. 1994; Kharitonov et al. 1995). Those
studies were more recently extended to secondhand
smoke exposure. Yates and colleagues (2001) dem- Secondhand Smoke and Infection
onstrated a rapid (within 15 minutes) fall in exhaled
The topic of active smoking and host defenses
NO levels during secondhand smoke exposure. The
against infectious agents has been covered in previ-
decreases in exhaled NO were observed at levels of
ous reports of the Surgeon General (USDHHS 1990,
secondhand smoke exposure frequently experienced
2004). Epidemiologic studies show that secondhand
in community settings (Yates et al. 1996). The inhibi-
smoke exposure enhances susceptibility to respiratory
tory effect of cigarette smoke on exhaled NO has also
infections and/or worsens infections in both adults
been demonstrated in vitro, where cigarette smoke
and children (Porro et al. 1992; Strachan and Cook
decreased NO production (Edwards et al. 1999). Thus,
1997; Jaakkola 2002). Although mechanisms under-
the decreased generation of NO in airways provides
lying the increased risk of infection associated with
an additional mechanism for the increased BHR in
secondhand smoke exposure have not been fully eval-
persons exposed to secondhand smoke.
uated, several studies have identified mechanisms that
A number of plausible mechanisms could
are likely to be involved. As reviewed earlier (Geng
account for the decrease in exhaled NO associated
et al. 1995), secondhand smoke can inhibit antibody
with secondhand smoke exposure. Cigarette smoke
responses that are either T cell-dependent or T cell-
contains high concentrations of oxides of nitrogen,
independent, thus contributing to impaired immune
and the reduction in exhaled NO may be attribut-
responses. Secondhand smoke hinders macrophage
able to the decreased production of NOS by a nega-
responsiveness, further impairing the proper func-
tive feedback mechanism (Kharitonov et al. 1995).
tioning of the immune system (Edwards et al. 1999).
Other possible mechanisms include an accelerated
It also impairs mucociliary clearance (Wanner et al.
uptake of NO following tobacco smoke exposure, or
1996), enhances bacterial adherence, and disrupts the
an increased breakdown or modification of NO by
respiratory epithelium (Fainstein and Musher 1979;
oxidants in cigarette smoke. NO reacts rapidly with
Dye and Adler 1994), a critical host defense barrier.
superoxide anion, yielding the harmful oxidant per-
Secondhand smoke exposure may also alter bacterial
oxynitrite. This mechanism would be similar to that
flora in pharyngeal mucosa of infants, thus providing
observed in cystic fibrosis where nitrite levels, indi-
an additional mechanism for enhanced susceptibility
cators of NO oxidative metabolism, are elevated in
to infection (Kilian et al. 1995).
breath condensate of afflicted persons but exhaled NO
is not (Ho et al. 1998).
The induction of BHR following exposure to
Secondhand Smoke and Chronic
secondhand smoke might also result from smoke-
induced inflammation. Lee and colleagues (2002) Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
demonstrated that airway inflammation markedly As a slowly progressive condition, COPD is
increased BHR. Saetta (1999) demonstrated that characterized by airflow limitation that is largely
cigarette smoking caused a profound inflammatory irreversible. Characteristic pathologic changes are the
response in airways and lung parenchyma. Cigarette accumulation of inflammatory cells in airways and

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 49

Surgeon General’s Report

lung parenchyma and the extensive derangement of Secondhand Smoke and Sudden Infant
the extracellular matrix, resulting in small distinct air- Death Syndrome
spaces that coalesce into much larger abnormal ones
(Niewoehner et al. 1974; Cosio et al. 1980; Jeffery 2001). Many epidemiologic studies document that
The inflammatory cells are regarded as the source of maternal smoking during pregnancy and after
enzymes (e.g., elastases) that cause the matrix destruc- birth is a major risk factor for SIDS (Haglund and
tion. Oxidative stress is also thought to play an impor- Cnattingius 1990; Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995; Taylor
tant role in the development of COPD. A number of and Sanderson 1995). Earlier reports have concluded
studies have shown an increased oxidant burden and that maternal smoking during pregnancy causes
consequently increased markers of oxidative stress in SIDS (USDHHS 2001, 2004). Research has identified
the airspaces, breath, blood, and urine of smokers and mechanisms in SIDS infants related to arousal failure,
of patients with COPD (MacNee 2001). Sources of the inadequate cardiorespiratory compensatory motor
increased oxidative burden in COPD patients include responses, and sleep apnea that are attributable to
cigarette smoke, which contains abundant amounts of developmental abnormalities in the brainstem and
oxygen-based free radicals, peroxides, peroxynitrites, autonomic nervous system (Avery and Frantz 1983;
and phagocytes (Pryor 1992). Alveolar macrophages Harper 2000; Slotkin 2004; Spitzer 2005; Adgent 2006).
and PMN from smokers release increased amounts Researchers have studied the potential mechanisms
of reactive oxygen species under certain conditions by which prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal exposures
when compared with the same cell types from non- to secondhand smoke are related to neurodevelop-
smokers (Hoidal et al. 1981; Ludwig and Hoidal 1982). mental abnormalities. The data suggest that the potent
The consequences of oxidative stress may include neurotoxic effects of nicotine are important (Slotkin et
oxidative inactivation of antiproteinases, airspace al. 1997; Önal et al. 2004; Slotkin 2004; Adgent 2006).
epithelial injury, and expression of proinflammatory Children who die from SIDS have higher concentra-
mediators (MacNee 2001), which are all elements of tions of nicotine in their lungs compared with children
the inflammatory process underlying the develop- who die of other causes (Milerad et al. 1998; McMartin
ment of COPD. et al. 2002). This association holds even when the par-
Although secondhand smoke clearly causes an ents report a nonsmoking environment. The specific
increased oxidant burden in the lungs, only a few role of nicotine and other tobacco smoke constituents
publications address secondhand smoke and COPD, in the pathogenesis of SIDS is not known. Research,
and the magnitudes of the associations observed are however, particularly animal exposure models, sug-
modest. A few studies have suggested an increased gests that many cardiorespiratory control deficien-
risk of COPD with a high level of exposure (Coultas cies are associated with nicotinic receptors within the
1998). One approach investigators have taken to peripheral and central nervous systems (Neff et al.
determine the potential risk of COPD from second- 1998; Adgent 2006). Animal studies have documented
hand smoke exposure is to examine the relationship effects that can be related to several potential mecha-
between lung function level and secondhand smoke. nisms that could cause SIDS, including the effects of
Although longitudinal data on the effects of active or perinatal exposure to secondhand smoke on increased
involuntary smoking and the development of COPD nAChR production in brains of monkeys (Slotkin et al.
are not available from childhood through adult- 2002); the disruptions in brain development through
hood, evidence suggests that COPD in adults may cholinergic mechanisms (Slotkin 2004); and adverse
result from impaired lung development and growth, effects on brain cell development, synaptic develop-
the premature onset of a decline in lung function, ment and function, and neurobehavioral activity. Peri-
and/or an accelerated decline in lung function (Samet natal exposure to secondhand smoke also has adverse
and Lange 1996; Kerstjens et al. 1997). As discussed effects on neurobehavioral development (Makin et al.
earlier in this chapter (see “Secondhand Smoke and 1991), and recent studies indicate that perinatal expo-
Asthma”), exposure to secondhand smoke in infancy sure to secondhand smoke induces adenylyl cyclase
and childhood and active smoking during childhood (AC) activity and alters receptor-mediated cell sig-
and adolescence contribute to impaired lung growth naling in brains of neonatal rats (Slotkin et al. 2001).
(Collins et al. 1985). In general, however, although In those studies, rats were exposed to secondhand
studies have identified plausible mechanisms, there smoke during gestation or during the early neonatal
is a need for additional evidence on the relationship period or both. Brains were examined for alterations
between secondhand smoke and COPD. in AC activity and for changes in beta-adrenergic and

50 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

M2 muscarinic cholinergic receptors and their link- one study of human newborns evaluated this theo-
age to AC. Secondhand smoke exposure induced an retical potential of apnea in relation to SIDS (Chang et
increase in total AC activity, which was monitored al. 2003). A controlled sleeping experiment included
with forskolin, the direct enzymatic stimulant. In the 10 infants either prenatally or postnatally exposed
brain, the specific coupling of beta-adrenergic recep- to tobacco smoke and 10 unexposed control infants.
tors to AC was inhibited in the groups exposed to The researchers found that five of the exposed infants
secondhand smoke despite a normal complement of did not have a behavioral arousal response to a stan-
receptor-binding sites. Because alterations in AC sig- dard sequence of audiology stimuli, whereas all of the
naling are known to affect cardiorespiratory function, unexposed infants were aroused.
the results provide a possible mechanistic link to the
action of secondhand smoke, including postnatal
secondhand smoke exposure, in disturbances culmi- Secondhand Smoke and Nasal
nating in SIDS. Secondhand smoke exposure causes or Sinus Disease
the same changes in AC signaling seen previously
with prenatal nicotine exposure: increases in AC pro- Some studies indicate an association, particu-
duction and the loss of specific receptor coupling to larly in children, between secondhand smoke expo-
AC. In a recent independent analysis of perinatal and sure and acute or chronic nasal and sinus symptoms
postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke in rhesus (Barr et al. 1992; Moyes et al. 1995; Benninger 1999). In
monkeys, researchers observed significant neural cel- children aged 4 through 11 years, frequent colds and
lular effects from postnatal exposures alone, includ- general sinus symptoms were significantly associ-
ing specific damage in the occipital cortex, in the ated with maternal smoking (Barr et al. 1992). Normal
midbrain, and in temporal cortex cell development. healthy persons have also developed nasal conges-
These effects are similar to those previously observed tion, irritation, and increased rhinitis from exposure
in other animal models for either prenatal nicotine to moderate levels of secondhand smoke (Willes et al.
or perinatal secondhand smoke exposure, or for con- 1998). Researchers have examined a number of poten-
tinuous prenatal and postnatal exposures (Slotkin et tial mechanisms (Samet 2004). Tobacco smokers have
al. 2006). abnormal nasal mucociliary clearance, and a study by
A second possible mechanism for the increased Bascom and colleagues (1995) demonstrated differen-
incidence of SIDS following secondhand smoke expo- tial nasal responsiveness to secondhand smoke. Using
sure relates to earlier cited evidence from a guinea the clearance of 99mTc-sulfur colloid as an indicator of
pig model of postnatal secondhand smoke exposure. mucociliary function, decreased clearance occurred
That model demonstrated an increase in the produc- in 3 out of 12 persons following exposure. Persons
tion or release of lung C-fiber CNS reflex responses to with delayed clearances all had a history of second-
secondhand smoke (Bonham et al. 2001). The responses hand smoke rhinitis (Bascom et al. 1995). In a follow-
invoked by the increased excitability of afferent lung up study comparing persons who were not sensitive
C-fibers and nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS) neurons with persons who were sensitive to secondhand
in the CNS reflex pathway include changes in breath- smoke, those who were sensitive had more rhinorrhea
ing patterns, such as prolonged expiratory apnea. following the intranasal administration of capsaicin,
The findings suggest that an increase in secondhand thus suggesting a role for C-fiber stimulation (Bascom
smoke-induced excitability of NTS neurons augment- et al. 1991). The researchers observed no changes in
ing C-fiber reflex output may contribute to SIDS. nasal vascular permeability or inflammation follow-
Findings of a study that used a piglet model ing secondhand smoke exposure. Studies have also
suggest that nicotine interferes with normal autore- shown secondhand smoke-induced increases in epi-
suscitation (Frøen et al. 2000). The effect of nicotine thelial permeability to environmental allergens, thus
was augmented by the additional administration of enhancing allergic reactions to inhaled allergens
IL-1B, which is released during infections. Studies (Kjellman 1981; Zetterstrom et al. 1981).
with a piglet model also suggest that early involun-
tary, postnatal nicotine exposure may be responsible
for some neuropathologic changes in apoptotic mark- Summary
ers that researchers have observed in SIDS infants Cellular, animal, and human studies indicate a
(Machaalani et al. 2005). number of mechanisms by which secondhand smoke
Although investigators have not established a injures the respiratory tract. There is extensive infor-
specific role for apnea as a potential cause of SIDS, mation on the harm from active smoking as well.

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 51

Surgeon General’s Report

There are limitations to many of the cited studies. Animal and human studies indicate several
Most clinical studies base secondhand smoke expo- potential mechanisms by which exposure to second-
sure on self-reports and have not included objective hand smoke may affect the neuroregulation of breath-
measurements of exposure, such as salivary, serum, ing, apneic spells, and sudden infant death. The role
or urine cotinine concentrations. An additional limi- of nicotine and other tobacco smoke constituents in
tation is that studies of secondhand smoke exposure the pathogenesis of SIDS is not known. However, the
frequently use a cross-sectional design and provide neurotoxicity of prenatal and neonatal exposures to
little data on the duration of the exposure. In addition, nicotine and secondhand smoke in animal models
mechanistic studies frequently rely on animal models can be related to several potential causal mechanisms,
or in vitro studies. Both have limitations, particularly including adverse effects on brain cell development,
in relation to the level and duration of the exposures synaptic development and function, and neuro-
and difficulties in simulating human exposures. behavioral activity.
There is very little information about the concentra-
tions of specific tobacco smoke constituents following
secondhand smoke exposure in the alveolar milieu Conclusions
and limited information about the interactions among
1. The evidence indicates multiple mechanisms by
the various constituents.
which secondhand smoke exposure causes injury
Obviously, the closer a model mimics human
to the respiratory tract.
exposure the more relevant this information will be.
In addition to more closely simulating conditions
2. The evidence indicates mechanisms by which
of human exposure, future studies should focus on
secondhand smoke exposure could increase the
individual susceptibilities. This approach will lead
risk for sudden infant death syndrome.
to the recognition of genetic profiles that influence
susceptibility to adverse effects of secondhand smoke
and will provide insights into the underlying mecha-
nisms of the health consequences.

Mechanisms of Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Heart Disease

When the association of CHD with secondhand 1994, 1998, 2001, 2004). Active smoking promotes
smoke was first reported, its plausibility and the mag- atherogenesis by unfavorably affecting many elements
nitude of the observed risk were questioned. The in the interface of the blood with the arterial wall
observed risk for involuntary smoking was thought and the cellular elements of the artery itself.
to be relatively strong compared with the well- Atherosclerosis is, in part, considered an inflamma-
documented risk of active smoking. In addition, it tory process (Ross 1993, 1999), and smoking results in
was uncertain whether the mechanisms underlying a potent, systemic inflammatory stimulus (USDHHS
the association of active smoking with CHD risk were 2004). Active smoking is associated with dysfunc-
relevant, considering the lower doses of smoke com- tional endothelial cells, the cells lining the inner arte-
ponents associated with typical secondhand smoke rial wall that are in contact with the circulating blood.
exposures. Subsequently, an understanding of the This dysfunction leads to the secretion of inflamma-
potential mechanisms associating CHD with involun- tory cytokines, the adhesion of monocytes and lym-
tary smoking has deepened, largely as a result of find- phocytes and their migration to the endothelium, the
ings from human and animal experiments involving proliferation of smooth muscle cells, and the reduc-
secondhand smoke exposure. tion of the normal antithrombotic properties of the
Clinical and experimental evidence contin- endothelium. Compared with nonsmoking controls,
ues to accumulate regarding the mechanisms by smokers also have less endothelium-dependent vaso-
which active smoking causes CHD (USDHHS 1990, dilatation (Celermajer et al. 1993).

52 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

The balance of the tightly regulated coagulation– Platelets

fibrinolytic system is critical to the prevention of
atherothrombotic events such as acute coronary Exposure to secondhand smoke activates
syndromes, which include unstable angina and myo- blood platelets (i.e., makes them sticky), and thereby
cardial infarction (MI) (Corti et al. 2003). Smoking has increases the likelihood of a thrombus. These acti-
a prothrombotic effect, tipping this system toward vated platelets can damage the lining of the coro-
clot formation, which comes from a variety of actions nary arteries and may facilitate the development
of smoking including impaired endothelial cell func- and progression of atherosclerotic lesions (Pittilo et
tioning, increased platelet aggregation, and reduced al. 1982; Sinzinger and Kefalides 1982; Burghuber
fibrinolysis (USDHHS 2004). et al. 1986; Davis et al. 1989; Sinzinger and Virgolini
Smoking is also associated with an adverse 1989; Steinberg et al. 1989). Increased platelet activa-
lipid profile (USDHHS 1990, 2004). Smokers tend to tion is associated with an increased risk for ischemic
have higher concentrations of total low-density lipo- heart disease (Elwood et al. 1991). Thus, increases in
protein (LDL) and very low-density lipoprotein and platelet activation observed in persons exposed to
decreased levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL). secondhand smoke would be expected to have acute
Smoking also increases oxygen demand while reduc- adverse effects.
ing oxygen-delivering capacity. In one experiment, two groups each smoked
This section reviews mechanisms that are con- two cigarettes: individuals who by history were non-
sidered to be the basis of the association between smokers and individuals who were reported smokers
exposure to secondhand smoke and CHD. The fol- (Burghuber et al. 1986). At the beginning of the experi-
lowing section reviews the relevant body of research ment, the platelets of the chronic smokers were less
and covers each of the systems affected unfavorably sensitive to stimulation by exogenous prostacyclin
by active smoking for which there is also research on than those of the nonsmokers; platelet sensitivity did
secondhand smoke exposure. The discussion also pro- not significantly change in the smokers in response to
vides a foundation for considering the observational smoking the two cigarettes (Figure 2.4). In contrast to
evidence in Chapter 8, Cardiovascular Diseases from these findings, nonsmokers who smoked just two cig-
Exposure to Secondhand Smoke. arettes had a significantly (p <0.01) decreased level of
response to the same stimulus, reaching a level close

Figure 2.4 Effect of active and involuntary smoking on platelet aggregation in smokers and nonsmokers

1.0 1.0

} p <0.01
Nonsmok p <0.01

p <0.01 J

0.5 p <0.05 J
} 0.5
} Not
} Not Smoker significant
Smoker significant

0 0
Before After Before After
Active smoking Involuntary smoking

Note: The sensitivity index, SIPGI , is defined as the inverse of the concentration of prostaglandin I2, which is necessary
to inhibit adenosine disphosphate-induced platelet aggregation by 50 percent. Lower values of SIPGI indicate greater platelet
Source: Burghuber et al. 1986. Adapted with permission.

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 53

Surgeon General’s Report

to that of the smokers. The findings indicate differing association between CHD and secondhand smoke
acute responses of platelets of nonsmokers and smok- exposure (Smith et al. 2000b, 2001). Smith and col-
ers to the toxins in cigarette smoke. leagues (2001) conducted an observational study
In an experiment more relevant to involun- that compared secondhand smoke-exposed and
tary smoking, the same investigators used the same unexposed adult nonsmokers and did not find dif-
platelet assay in another group of smokers and ferences in urinary metabolites of thromboxane and
nonsmokers before and after they sat in a room for prostacyclin.
20 minutes where cigarettes had just been smoked
(Figure 2.4) (Burghuber et al. 1986). The researchers
again found no significant change among smokers, Endothelial Function and Vasodilation
but a significant increase in platelet sensitivity to pros-
Arteries are lined by a cell layer known as the
tacyclin among nonsmokers brought them to a level
vascular endothelium. The endothelium plays a criti-
similar to that of the smokers. These data, together
cal role in controlling the ability of arteries to dilate
with findings from other human experiments (Davis
and constrict as they regulate blood flow. In addition,
et al. 1989), indicate that nonsmokers are sensitive
damage to the vascular endothelium facilitates the
to secondhand smoke, and even very low levels of
development of atherosclerosis. Evidence in both ani-
secondhand smoke exposure can have a major impact
mals (Hutchison et al. 1995, 1996, 1997a,b, 1998, 1999;
on platelet function in nonsmokers. Animal data also
Jorge et al. 1995; Zhu and Parmley 1995; Schwarzacher
show an effect of secondhand smoke exposure. Bleed-
et al. 1998; Török et al. 2000) and humans (Celermajer
ing time, another measure of platelet function, is sig-
et al. 1996; Sumida et al. 1998; Otsuka et al. 2001) shows
nificantly shortened by secondhand smoke exposure
that secondhand smoke interferes with endothelium-
(meaning more activated platelet activity) in both rab-
dependent vasodilation. Moreover, these effects can
bits (Zhu et al. 1993b; Sun et al. 1994) and rats (Zhu et
be attenuated by increasing the amount of L-arginine,
al. 1994).
an amino acid that is a precursor of NO, the mediator
With regard to the mechanisms, studies of
of endothelium-dependent vasodilation (Hutchison et
cigarette smoke extract on platelet function suggest
al. 1996, 1997a, 1998, 1999; Schwarzacher et al. 1998).
that the toxins in cigarette smoke increase platelet
Studies in rats have also demonstrated that invol-
function by interfering with and degrading platelet-
untary smoking reduces NOS in the penis (Xie et al.
activating factor acetylhydrolase (PAF-AH) (Miyaura
1997), indicating that secondhand smoke specifically
et al. 1992). Exposure of serum to cigarette smoke
interferes with the production of NO.
extract reduces the effectiveness of PAF-AH and may
Consistent with other results from animal stud-
thus increase the concentration of platelet-activating
ies, most human studies indicate that endothelium-
factor. The reduced efficacy of PAF-AH may explain
dependent vasodilation in nonsmokers is sensitive to
the increased serum concentration of platelet-
secondhand smoke following both chronic (Celerma-
activating factor in smokers. Nicotine appears to be
jer et al. 1996; Sumida et al. 1998) and acute (Otsuka et
one of the active agents in tobacco smoke, but other
al. 2001) exposures. Indeed, the effects of secondhand
specific compounds may also contribute to the effects
smoke on endothelium-dependent vasodilation in
of exposure on platelets (Davis et al. 1985; Miyaura et
human coronary circulation are comparable in mag-
al. 1992). This in vitro finding complements results of
nitude to the effects observed in smokers when com-
clinical studies that compared the effects of smoking
pared with nonsmokers (Sumida et al. 1998; Otsuka
and transdermal nicotine on platelets and on hemo-
et al. 2001).
static function. Benowitz and colleagues (1993) carried
Celermajer and colleagues (1996) studied
out a crossover trial that compared the effects of ciga-
endothelium-dependent vasodilation in 78 healthy
rette smoking and transdermal nicotine on eicosanoid
persons aged 15 to 30 years by measuring the extent of
formation and hemostatic function. Although both
reactive hyperemia in the brachial artery after occlud-
active smoking and transdermal nicotine produced
ing it with a blood pressure cuff (with the flow increase
similar nicotine levels, there was an increase in the uri-
determined by endothelium-dependent vasodilation)
nary excretion of several markers of platelet function
before and after administering nitroglycerine (an
while smoking cigarettes that was not seen with trans-
endothelium-independent vasodilator). Involuntary
dermal therapy (Benowitz et al. 1993).
smokers were classified by self-reported levels of
Some investigators have reported conflicting
chronic exposure to secondhand smoke. Investiga-
findings and have questioned whether platelet
tors found similar impairments in flow-mediated
aggregation is an underlying mechanism of the

54 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

dilation in both involuntary and active smokers when possibly similar levels of coronary endothelial dys-
compared with unexposed nonsmoking controls function among involuntary and active smokers.
(Figure 2.5). Among those exposed to secondhand Otsuka and colleagues (2001) used ultrasound
smoke, there was an inverse relationship between the in healthy young adult nonsmokers and smokers to
intensity of the exposure and flow-mediated dilation measure coronary flow velocity changes in response
(r = -0.67, p <0.001). Using similar methods, Woo to acetylcholine as a measure of endothelium-
and colleagues (1997) studied 72 rural Chinese per- dependent vasodilation (quantified as coronary flow
sons and 72 White persons in Australia and England. velocity reserve). The measurements were made
These researchers did not find a smoking effect among before and 30 minutes after breathing secondhand
adults living in rural China, but the analysis grouped smoke for 30 minutes in a hospital smoking room
active with involuntary smokers. An effect of expo- in Japan. Before the exposure, nonsmokers had a
sure was observed in White participants, but results significantly higher coronary flow velocity reserve
were also reported with active and involuntary smok- compared with smokers (Figure 2.6). The 30 minutes
ers combined. of exposure had no effect on the coronary flow veloc-
The adverse effects of chronic secondhand ity reserve among smokers, but significantly reduced
smoke exposure may be partially reversible. In a cross- the reserve in nonsmokers to a level that almost
sectional study of young adults, there was less evi- equaled the level found in smokers (Figure 2.6). This
dence for arterial endothelial dysfunction in former substantial acute response is similar in magnitude to
involuntary smokers compared with current invol- the effect observed with chronic exposures on brachial
untary smokers (Raitakari et al. 1999). Kato and col- (Celermajer et al. 1996) and coronary (Sumida et al.
leagues (1999) experimentally tested whether the 1998) arteries. However, the finding differs from the
reduction in endothelium-dependent vasodilation lack of effect seen for short-term (15 minutes) acute
from secondhand smoke is an acute phenomenon in exposures on the brachial artery (Kato et al. 1999).
nonsmokers. The experiment included a brief, acute The different findings in these two studies (Sumida
exposure to secondhand smoke (15 minutes). There et al. 1998; Otsuka et al. 2001) may be attributable to
were similar responses before and after exposure the duration of the exposure (30 versus 15 minutes) or
in the brachial artery flow to acetylcholine, which to differences in the responses of the coronary
stimulates endothelium-dependent vasodilation, arteries and the brachial arteries to secondhand
and to nitroprusside, which stimulates endothelium- smoke exposure.
independent vasodilation. The investigators An experiment in humans also showed that an
concluded that the consequences of exposure to acute exposure to secondhand smoke reduces the
secondhand smoke were attributable to chronic rather distensibility of the aorta (Stefanadis et al. 1998). In
than acute effects on the brachial artery. this study, the nonsmokers were exposed to second-
Two studies document the effects of second- hand smoke for five minutes at a mean carbon mon-
hand smoke on human coronary arteries (Sumida et oxide (CO) level of 30 parts per million; the smokers
al. 1998; Otsuka et al. 2001). Sumida and colleagues smoked one cigarette. The distensibility of the aorta
(1998) studied 38 women aged 40 to 60 years with no in nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke
known risk factors for CHD other than age and expo- for just five minutes was reduced significantly by
sure to tobacco smoke. The participants included three 21 percent compared with a 27 percent reduction in
groups: nonsmokers who had never smoked and had the active smokers. There was no change in the sham-
never been regularly exposed to secondhand smoke, exposed patients.
nonsmokers with a self-reported history of exposure Human experiments have indicated that even
for at least an hour a day for at least 10 years, and short-term exposures to active smoking (Přerovský
active smokers. The study examined the changes in and Hladovec 1979) or to other tobacco product con-
the diameter of the epicardial coronary artery (proxi- stituents significantly increase the number of nuclear
mal and distal segments of the left anterior descend- endothelial cell carcasses in the blood (Davis et al.
ing and left circumflex coronary arteries) in response 1989). The presence of these cell carcasses suggests
to an intracoronary injection of acetylcholine. damage to the endothelium. The number of endo-
Acetylcholine constricted most coronary arteries in thelial cell carcasses (i.e., remains of dead cells) in
both exposed nonsmokers and active smokers to nonsmokers after they were exposed to secondhand
a similar extent and dilated the coronary arteries smoke was almost as great as the number of carcasses
in unexposed nonsmokers. This result suggests observed in active smokers.

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 55

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 2.5 Flow-mediated (endothelium-dependent) and nitroglycerin-induced

(endothelium-independent) vasodilation in human brachial arteries

20 p <0.001
p <0.001 p = 0.048

Flow-mediated dilation (%)

10 J
5 J J
0 J J

Controls Involuntary Active

smokers smokers


Nitroglycerin-induced dilation (%)

30 J
25 J
20 J J J
15 J J J
10 J
Controls Involuntary Active
smokers smokers

Note: Flow-mediated (endothelium-dependent) vasodilation in human brachial arteries was significantly impaired in
chronically exposed involuntary smokers and in active smokers to a similar degree, compared with the controls, whereas
nitroglycerine-induced (endothelium-independent) vasodilation was similar in all three groups.
Source: Celermajer et al. 1996. Adapted with permission.

56 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 2.6 Coronary flow velocity changes before Platelets are also relevant to the development of
and after secondhand smoke exposure atherosclerosis (Ross 1986; Steinberg et al. 1989). Fol-
lowing damage to the arterial endothelium, platelets
5.5 interact with or adhere to the subendothelial connec-
K J Nonsmokers tive tissue and initiate a sequence that leads to the
5.0 formation of atherosclerotic plaque. When platelets
Coronary flow velocity reserve

H Smokers
interact with or adhere to subendothelial connective
4.5 J tissue, they are stimulated to release their granule
K contents.
K Endothelial cells normally prevent platelet
adherence because of the nonthrombogenic character
J of their surface and their capacity to form antithrom-
H botic substances such as prostacyclin (Corti et al. 2003).
3.0 However, platelets can stick to damaged endothelial
K K cells and release mitogens such as platelet-derived
2.5 K
growth factor and chemoattractants, which encour-
age the migration and proliferation of smooth mus-
cle cells in the region of the endothelial injury (Ross
Before After 1993). When platelet aggregation increases as a result
involuntary involuntary of exposure to secondhand smoke, platelet accumu-
smoking smoking lation at the injured site is also expected to increase.
Tobacco smoke exposure has also been associated
with the accumulation of glycosaminoglycans and
Note: Data are mean (standard deviation). Coronary flow
velocity reserve (CFVR) before involuntary smoking was
glycoproteins in vascular tissues of rats, another early
significantly higher in nonsmokers than in smokers. How- event in atherogenesis (Latha et al. 1991).
ever, CFVR after involuntary smoking was reduced signifi-
cantly in nonsmokers, but only slightly among smokers. Effects on Children
Source: Otsuka et al. 2001. Adapted with permission.
Adverse cardiovascular effects of secondhand
smoke exposure may begin in childhood. Adolescents
and children whose parents smoked exhibited lower
HDL levels than children who were not exposed to
Atherosclerosis secondhand smoke (Moskowitz et al. 1990; Feldman
et al. 1991). White and Froeb (1991) reported similar
Endothelial dysfunction may also contribute to results among adults exposed at work. These find-
the development of atherosclerosis. Normal endothe- ings indicate a less favorable lipid profile in persons
lial cells promote vasodilation and inhibit atheroscle- exposed to secondhand smoke.
rosis and thrombosis, in part through the release of Cross-cultural comparisons suggest that genetic
NO (Harrison 1997). Dysfunctional cells, on the other differences may influence how children are affected by
hand, contribute to vasoconstriction, atherogenesis, secondhand smoke. There was a small exposure effect
and thrombosis. Risk factors contribute collectively to on HDL cholesterol in Japanese children (Misawa et
endothelial dysfunction. For example, active smoking al. 1989) and no effect in Turkish children (Işcan et
interacts with LDL in a way that damages the endo- al. 1996), but the LDL cholesterol level and the ratio
thelium (Heitzer et al. 1996). One unifying hypothesis of LDL to HDL cholesterol were adversely affected
for the effects of cardiovascular risk factors is a com- in Turkish children (Işcan et al. 1996). These effects
bined action to increase damaging oxidative stress were similar to those found in smokers and may be
(Oskarsson and Heistad 1997). Thus, reducing expo- mediated by inhibiting the activity of the enzyme
sure to risk factors may improve endothelial func- plasma lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase in plasma
tion and lessen the risk for clinical coronary events. and altered clearance of chylomicron remnants by the
For example, lipid reduction improves endothelial liver (Bielicki et al. 1995; Pan et al. 1997). In children
function in patients with hyperlipidemia both acutely with severe hypercholesterolemia, a lower HDL cho-
(Tamai et al. 1997) and chronically (Treasure et lesterol level was associated with parental smoking
al. 1995). (Neufeld et al. 1997).

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 57

Surgeon General’s Report

Chemical Interactions with Low-Density of the rabbits the beta-blocking drug metoprolol. As
Lipoprotein Cholesterol expected, the animals receiving metoprolol developed
fewer lipid deposits than those receiving a placebo
Several animal studies (Albert et al. 1977; Penn
(saline), but this effect was independent of whether the
et al. 1981, 1996; Majesky et al. 1983; Revis et al.
rabbits were breathing secondhand smoke. Therefore,
1984; Penn and Snyder 1993, 1996a,b) demonstrated
increased levels of catacholamines did not mediate
that PAHs, in particular 7,12-dimethylbenz[a,h]
the effect of secondhand smoke on the development
anthracene and B[a]P, as well as 1,3 butadiene (Penn
of atherosclerotic-type lesions in the arteries.
and Snyder 1996a,b), accelerate the development of
Experiments exposing rabbits to secondhand
atherosclerosis. PAHs, including B[a]P and 1,3 buta-
smoke from standard (Marlboro) and nicotine-free
diene, are constituents of secondhand smoke. PAHs
cigarettes produced similar levels of lipid deposits.
appear to bind preferentially to both LDL and HDL
This finding suggests that nicotine is not the primary
subfragments of cholesterol and may facilitate the
atherogenic agent, and there are other combustion
incorporation of toxic compounds into the cells lining
products in cigarette smoke that may be responsible
the coronary arteries. Thus, exposure to PAHs may
for the atherosclerosis (Sun et al. 2001).
contribute to both cell injury and hyperplasia in the
Critics have questioned the findings of this rab-
atherosclerotic process. Adults who inhaled second-
bit model of atherosclerosis because the animals are
hand smoke for only five and one-half hours exhib-
fed a high-cholesterol diet in order to develop lesions
ited compromised antibiochemical defenses and an
within a reasonable time (Wu 1993). This experi-
increased accumulation of LDL cholesterol in macro-
mental model of atherosclerosis has been used since
phages (Valkonen and Kuusi 1998).
1908 (Zhu et al. 1993a). Supporting findings come
from a different model of plaque development that
Experimental Atherosclerosis
used young cockerels between the ages of 6 and
In addition to the studies of single tobacco smoke 22 weeks that were exposed to secondhand smoke for
components, animal experiments have demonstrated six hours a day, five days a week, for 12 weeks (Penn and
that exposure to secondhand smoke for only a few Snyder 1993; Penn et al. 1994). The cockerels ate a nor-
weeks significantly speeds the atherosclerotic process mal, low-cholesterol diet and were exposed to lower
(Table 2.6). These animal models provide an indica- secondhand smoke levels than the rabbits were. The
tion of the effect of exposure to more than one compo- incidence of plaque development was the same in
nent of tobacco smoke. the cockerels breathing secondhand smoke and those
Zhu and colleagues (1993b) exposed three groups breathing clean air. However, the growth rate of the
of rabbits to a high-cholesterol diet. Two of the groups plaques was greater in the exposed animals.
were also exposed to 10 weeks of secondhand smoke Some specific components have been evaluated
from Marlboro cigarettes for six hours a day, five days in that same model with effects that are not likely to be
a week. One group was exposed to levels compara- attributable to the CO in the smoke because exposure
ble to a smoky bar and the other group was exposed of cockerels to high doses of CO (Penn et al. 1992),
to much higher levels, with a nicotine level 30 times to tobacco-specific nitrosamines (Penn and Snyder
higher. The high-dose group experienced levels com- 1996b), or to the tar fraction of the smoke (Penn et al.
parable to those observed in a car with the windows 1996) did not produce similar effects. Thus, agents in
rolled up while four cigarettes per hour were smoked the vapor phase of the smoke appear to be the ath-
(Ott et al. 1992). With just 10 weeks of exposure (a total erogenic agents; 1,3 butadiene (Penn and Snyder
of 300 hours), the fraction of pulmonary artery and 1996a,b) and 7,12-dimethylybenz[a]anthracene (Penn
aorta covered with lipid deposits was nearly twice as et al. 1981) did increase the amount of atherosclerotic
high in the high-exposure group compared with the plaque in this experimental model.
control animals. There was a smaller increase in the Gairola and colleagues (2001) studied the effects
low-exposure group (Figure 2.7) (Zhu et al. 1993b). of secondhand smoke on apolipoprotein E -/- mice
This effect appears to be directly attributable to that were on a high-cholesterol diet, which is another
components in the cigarette smoke itself, rather than model for human atherosclerosis. After exposure
to an increase in adrenergic tone resulting from the to secondhand smoke from University of Kentucky
discomfort associated with the forced breathing of 1R4F research cigarettes for six hours a day, five
secondhand smoke. Sun and colleagues (1994) exposed days a week, for up to 14 weeks, there was a dose-
rabbits to secondhand smoke in an experiment similar dependent increase in the fraction of the aorta that
to that of Zhu and colleagues (1993b) and gave half was covered with atherosclerotic lesions. The exposed

58 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

mice had significant increases compared with control single 30-minute exposure to secondhand smoke, and
animals on the same diet who had breathed clean air the activity continued to drop with a prolonged expo-
for just seven days, with the effect increasing over sure; after eight weeks of exposure for 30 minutes per
time. The exposed mice had lesions that were about day, its activity was 50 percent of the level found in
twice the size of those found in the clean-air controls; controls (Gvozdják et al. 1987). Thus, not only does
there were similar increases in the cholesterol content secondhand smoke exposure reduce the ability of the
of the aortas in the exposed mice. blood to deliver oxygen to the myocardium, it may
Elements in the smoke rapidly affect the process also reduce the ability of the myocardium to effec-
of incorporating LDL cholesterol into the linings of tively use the oxygen it receives (Gvozdjáková et al.
arteries. Roberts and colleagues (1996) used isolated 1984, 1985, 1992; Gvozdják et al. 1987).
perfused carotid arteries from rats exposed to second- Secondhand smoke also significantly increases
hand smoke for two or four hours. The researchers the amount of lactate in venous blood with an exer-
demonstrated a synergistic effect between second- cise challenge (McMurray et al. 1985). Eight women
hand smoke and LDL that facilitated the binding of with and without exposure to tobacco smoke through
oxidized LDL to the vessel wall (Roberts et al. 1996). a mouthpiece (concentration not given) engaged in
Rats exposed to secondhand smoke for just two hours exercises. Compared with the unexposed group, the
had higher rates of incorporation of LDL cholesterol exposed group documented a lower maximum oxy-
into their carotid arteries. gen uptake and a higher blood lactate. People with
Secondhand smoke exposure induces CHD cannot exercise as long or reach a level of exer-
atherosclerotic-like changes in four different species cise as high after breathing secondhand smoke, even
of experimental animals after only a few weeks of relatively briefly, compared with breathing clean air
exposure to secondhand smoke at levels similar to (Aronow 1978; Khalfen and Klochkov 1987; Leone
those experienced by people in normal day-to-day et al. 1991). Another study showed that 10 persons
life. These findings provide strong support for the with a past MI were more likely to develop increased
epidemiologic evidence that exposure to secondhand arrhythmias from exercise following secondhand
smoke causes heart disease. The experimental studies smoke exposure (Leone et al. 1992).
on rabbits, cockerels, mice, and rats were not affected
by potential confounding and support a causal conclu-
sion by showing that atherosclerosis can be induced in Free Radicals and Ischemic Damage
experimental animals exposed to secondhand smoke.
Free radicals are highly reactive oxygen prod-
ucts (Church and Pryor 1985; Ferrari et al. 1991) that
are destructive to the heart muscle cell membrane as
Oxygen Delivery, Processing, and Exercise well as to other processes within the cell. Tobacco
Secondhand smoke reduces the ability of the smoke contains high levels of activated oxygen spe-
blood to deliver oxygen to the myocardium. The CO cies, and the inflammatory consequences of tobacco
in secondhand smoke competes with oxygen for bind- smoke components in various organs are thought
ing sites on hemoglobin and thus displaces oxygen to be a critical path of injury. Antioxidants provide
(USDHHS 1983, 1986; Leone et al. 1991; U.S. Environ- protection against the free radicals, but levels of anti-
mental Protection Agency 1991). Children of smoking oxidants, such as beta-carotene and vitamin C, tend to
parents have elevated levels of 2,3-diphosphoglycer- be lower in active smokers (USDHHS 2004) and pos-
ate, a compound that increases in red blood cells to sibly in involuntary smokers (Farchi et al. 2001).
compensate for reduced oxygen availability (Mos- Experiments have demonstrated that exposure
kowitz et al. 1990, 1993) and is associated with serum to secondhand smoke worsens the outcome of an
thiocyanate levels, a measure of secondhand smoke ischemic event in the heart through the activity of free
exposure (Moskowitz et al. 1990). radicals during reperfusion injury. Animal studies
Evidence from animal studies shows that in indicate that low exposures to nicotine or to other ciga-
addition to reducing the ability of the blood to deliver rette smoke constituents significantly worsen reperfu-
oxygen to the heart, secondhand smoke may reduce sion injury. Intravenous administration of the amount
the ability of the heart muscle to convert oxygen into of nicotine delivered by just one cigarette doubled the
the “energy molecule” adenosine triphosphate (ATP). reperfusion injury in a dog model of MI (Przyklenk
In a rabbit model, there was an approximate 25 per- 1994). This dose was low and had no effect on heart
cent reduction in cytochrome oxidase activity after a rate, blood pressure, regional myocardial shortening,

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 59

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 2.6 Studies of experimental atherosclerosis in animals exposed to secondhand smoke

Secondhand smoke exposure

Study Species Source Duration Measure

Penn and Cockerel 1R4F research 6 hours/day, 5 days/ Nicotine: 365–414 µg/m3*
Snyder 1993 cigarettes week for 16 weeks CO†: 35 ppm‡
Particulates: 8 mg§/m3

Zhu et al. Rabbit Marlboro 6 hours/day, 5 days/ Low exposure

1993a week for 10 weeks Air nicotine: 30 µg/m3
CO: 19 ppm
Particulates: 4 mg/m3

High exposure
Air nicotine: 1,000 µg/m3
CO: 60 ppm
Particulates: 33 mg/m3

Penn et al. Cockerel 1R4F research 1 cigarette/day, Nicotine: 90–130 µg/m3

1994 cigarettes 5 days/week for CO: 4 ppm
16 weeks Particulates: 2.5 mg/m3

Sun et al. 1994 Rabbit Marlboro 6 hours/day, 5 days/ Air nicotine: 1,100 µg/m3
week for 10 weeks CO: 60–70 ppm
Particulates: 38 mg/m3

Roberts et al. Rat Data were not 2 or 4 hours Nicotine: 615 µg/m3
1996 reported CO: 18 ± 2 ppm
Particulates: 3 µg/m3

Gairola et al. Mouse 1R4F research 6 hours/day, 5 days/ Blood CO hemoglobin: 10% in secondhand
2001 cigarettes week for 7, 10, and smoke-exposed mice
14 weeks Particulates: 25 mg/m3

Sun et al. 2001 Rabbit Standard or 6 hours/day, 5 days/ CO: 45–54 ppm
nicotine-free week for 10 weeks Particulates: 24–35 mg/m3
research cigarettes

*µg/m3 = Micrograms per cubic meter.

CO = Carbon monoxide.

ppm = Parts per million.
mg = Milligram.

LDL = Low-density lipoprotein.

60 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

End point Findings

Number and size of plaques in aortic segments • Exposure had no effect on the number of plaques
• Plaques in exposed animals were significantly larger (median size
about 1.5 times larger in each aortic segment) than in unexposed

Area of atherosclerotic lesions by planimetry in • High-exposure secondhand smoke group had dose-dependent lipid
aorta and pulmonary artery; bleeding time (to deposits with lesion size about 1.7 times larger than those in the
measure platelet activity) low-exposure group
• Low-exposure group was between the high-exposure and control
• Bleeding times were shorter in rabbits that breathed secondhand
• No differences between high-dose and low-dose exposures for
serum triglycerides, cholesterol, and high-lipoprotein cholesterol

Number and size of plaques in aortic segments • Exposure had no effect on the number of plaques
• Plaques in exposed animals were significantly larger (median
size about 1.5 times larger in each aortic segment) than those in
unexposed animals

Area of atherosclerotic lesions by planimetry in • Secondhand smoke exposure was associated with greater lipid
aorta and pulmonary artery; bleeding time (to deposits and shorter bleeding times
measure platelet activity) • Metoprolol did not block these effects, indicating that they are not
mediated by increased circulating catecholamines

Uptake of LDL∆ cholesterol in isolated perfused • Rate of LDL uptake more than quadrupled
carotid artery

Area of atherosclerotic lesions at several places • Increasing lesion size and cholesterol content over time in both
in aorta measured by planimetry; cholesterol groups
content of aortic segments • Secondhand smoke-exposed mice had approximately twice the level
of atherosclerosis as controls at any given time

Area of atherosclerotic lesions by planimetry in • Secondhand smoke increased the area of arteries with lipid deposits
aorta and pulmonary artery by about 50%
• There was no significant difference between nicotine and nicotine-
free cigarette smoke

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 61

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 2.7 Secondhand smoke exposure and lipid was more compromised during reperfusion injury
deposits in rabbits among rats exposed to these low doses than among
control rats.
Secondhand smoke exposure is associated with
Control Low High
lower levels of antioxidant vitamins in nonsmoking
60 women (Farchi et al. 2001). Despite a similar dietary
intake of beta-carotene, retinol, L-ascorbic acid, and
Surface covered by lesions (%)

50 alpha-tocopherol, women whose husbands smoked

exhibited a dose-dependent relationship between the
40 extent of exposure and plasma concentrations of beta-
carotene and L-ascorbic acid. These associations per-
sisted even after controlling for daily beta-carotene and
vitamin C intake and for other potential confounders
(vitamin supplementation, alcohol consumption, and
20 body mass index). A similar dose-response relation-
ship was observed when urinary cotinine was used as
10 the measure of exposure.
In a mouse model, a 30-minute exposure to
0 secondhand smoke also produced evidence of oxida-
Aorta Pulmonary artery tive DNA damage in the myocardium assessed by
increased levels of 8-OH-dG (Howard et al. 1998a).
There are also parallel human data. In a cross-
Note: Exposure to secondhand smoke increased lipid sectional study, persons exposed to secondhand
deposits in arteries of rabbits in a dose-dependent manner. smoke at work exhibited increased levels of 8-OH-dG
Bars are for controls (clear air), and low doses and high
(Howard et al. 1998b). The plasma cotinine levels were
doses of secondhand smoke exposures. Error bars
65 percent higher in the exposed group compared
represent standard error of the mean.
Source: Zhu et al. 1993b. Reprinted with permission. with controls, and increases in 8-OH-dG levels were
similar. In workers exposed to secondhand smoke,
8-OH-dG levels fell after 60 days of antioxidant
supplementation (Howard et al. 1998c).
There is also evidence that smokers are less sen-
or on other hemodynamic measures of cardiac func- sitive to free radical damage from cigarette smoke
tion that are commonly affected by nicotine in active than nonsmokers are because of changes in the levels
and involuntary smokers (Benowitz 1991). After of enzymes that control free radicals (McCusker and
an ischemic episode from ligation of the left ante- Hoidal 1990). When hamsters were exposed to second-
rior descending coronary artery for 15 minutes, the hand smoke from six cigarettes a day for eight weeks,
regional shortening during reperfusion was reduced the activity of antioxidant enzymes in their lungs
by 50 percent of the pre-ischemic values. When the nearly doubled. Similar changes found in the lungs
dog was exposed to nicotine from just a single ciga- of smokers compared with nonsmokers provide fur-
rette, the regional shortening during reperfusion was ther evidence that secondhand cigarette smoke may
reduced by 25 percent of control values. When the affect smokers and nonsmokers differently. Chronic
dog was given a free radical scavenger along with the exposures to cigarette smoke appear to increase
nicotine, this effect was obliterated. Thus, exposure to the capacity of free radical scavenging systems
a very low dose of nicotine doubled the impact of the in smokers.
reperfusion injury on the myocardium. In addition, human exposures to secondhand
The effects of free radicals induced by second- smoke sensitize lung neutrophils (Anderson et al.
hand smoke have been explored at the cellular level 1991). As with platelets, neutrophils are an important
(van Jaarsveld et al. 1992a,b). Rats exposed to second- element of the body’s defenses against infection and
hand smoke from two cigarettes a day for two months damage. Inappropriately activated neutrophils, how-
exhibited severely damaged mitochondrial function ever, release oxidants that can play a role in tissue
during reperfusion injury. Thus, the ability of car- damage. In a group of nonsmokers exposed to three
diac mitochondrial cells to convert oxygen into ATP hours of sidestream smoke at relatively high levels

62 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

(respirable particles >2,000 micrograms/m3), there Figure 2.8 Secondhand smoke exposure and
were significant increases in circulating leukocyte infarct size in rats
counts, in stimulated neutrophil migration, and in the
release of reactive oxidents by neutrophils.
Clean air Secondhand smoke
Myocardial Infarction
Several of the effects discussed above would lead

Infarct size/area at risk (%)

to the expectation that exposure to secondhand smoke
would increase the severity of MIs. Direct animal data n = 15
show that secondhand smoke increases tissue damage
n = 21 n = 16 n = 17
following a MI. Dogs exposed to secondhand smoke 40 n = 11
for one hour daily for 10 days and then subjected to
a coronary artery blockage developed MIs that were
twice as large as those found in controls breathing
clean air (Prentice et al. 1989). This effect was not due
to elevated circulating levels of nicotine or carboxy-
hemoglobin, because the infarcts were created the day
after the last day of secondhand smoke exposure. Zhu 0
and colleagues (1994) conducted an experiment in rats 18 90 180
to investigate the effects of secondhand smoke expo- Secondhand smoke exposure (hours)
sure on infarct size. Rats were exposed to secondhand
smoke six hours a day for three days, three weeks, Note: Exposure to secondhand smoke increased infarct
or six weeks, and then subjected to a left coronary size in rats subjected to a 35-minute occlusion of the left
artery occlusion for 35 minutes followed by reperfu- coronary artery in a dose-dependent manner. There is no
sion. There was a dose-dependent increase in infarct evidence of a threshold effect.
size, with the longest exposure of 180 hours yielding Source: Zhu et al. 1994. Adapted with permission.
infarcts nearly twice as large as in the control group
that breathed clean air (Figure 2.8). This effect could
be countered by feeding the animals L-arginine (Zhu
et al. 1996). This finding suggests that the effect of Activation of the sympathetic nervous system
secondhand smoke in producing an MI comes from would tend to reduce heart rate variability. One exper-
interference with the vascular endothelium. There is imental study has tested this hypothesis. Pope and
no evidence indicating a threshold level of exposure colleagues (2001) measured heart rate variability in
that is needed to produce this effect. healthy young adults for two hours in the smoke-free
areas of a U.S. airport, followed by two hours in the
smoking area, and then repeated this protocol. When
Heart Rate Variability the experimental participants were in the smoking
area, heart rate variability was 12 percent lower. The
Alterations in heart rates are caused by the
levels of secondhand smoke were not high enough
opposing effects of the sympathetic and para-
to affect mean heart rate or blood pressure, but the
sympathetic nervous systems on the sino-atrial node
secondhand smoke exposure was associated with
(the pacemaker of the heart) through the elevation
altered cardiac autonomic function in a direction con-
of catecholamines. The sympathetic nervous system
sistent with an increased risk of a cardiac event.
tends to oppose the rate-slowing effects of the para-
sympathetic (vagus) nervous system, and sympathetic
activation reduces heart rate variability. If sympathetic
tone is reduced and vagal activity enhanced, heart
rate variability increases. Clinically, decreased heart A source of uncertainty in interpreting evidence
rate variability predicts a higher risk of cardiac death on secondhand smoke exposure and heart disease has
or arrhythmic events after an acute MI, presumably been the apparently large size of the effect compared
reflecting the adverse effects of increased sympathetic with active smoking. Active smoking delivers doses
tone (Kleiger et al. 1987; Singh et al. 1996).

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 63

Surgeon General’s Report

of the toxins in secondhand smoke that are mark- those seen in association with active smoking of one
edly greater than the doses received by a nonsmoker, pack of cigarettes a day. Some evidence indicates
and active smoking approximately doubles, depend- lower levels of circulating antioxidants associated
ing on the amount smoked, the risk of heart disease with secondhand smoke exposure. The experimental
(USDHHS 1983). Thus, the effect of secondhand smoke and observational evidence reviewed in this chapter
may appear large for the associated doses of cigarette supports the plausibility of the findings of the epide-
smoke components, particularly since secondhand miologic studies reviewed in Chapter 8 (Cardiovas-
smoke exposure generally does not produce changes cular Diseases from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke).
in systemic physiologic measures such as heart rate or The large body of evidence documenting that second-
blood pressure (Celermajer et al. 1996; Hausberg et al. hand smoke produces substantial and rapid effects
1997; Sumida et al. 1998; Otsuka et al. 2001). However, on the cardiovascular system demonstrates that even
findings of a wide variety of clinical and experimental a brief exposure to secondhand smoke has adverse
studies of various designs demonstrate that the effects consequences for the heart, blood, and blood vessels
of secondhand smoke on the cardiovascular system (Glantz and Parmley 2001; Barnoya and Glantz 2005).
occur at low doses in nonsmokers, with some of the
effects (on platelets and vascular function) similar
to those in active smokers. For this reason, it is not Conclusions
appropriate to scale from the effects of active smok-
1. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure to
ing in a linear, dose-dependent approach to estimate
secondhand smoke has a prothrombotic effect.
the effects of exposure to secondhand smoke based on
comparative doses of smoke components (Howard
2. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure
and Thun 1999).
to secondhand smoke causes endothelial cell
Secondhand smoke interferes with the normal
functioning of the heart, blood, and vascular systems
in ways that increase the risk of a cardiac event. For
3. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure
some of these effects (changes in platelet and vascular
to secondhand smoke causes atherosclerosis in
function), the immediate effects of even short expo-
animal models.
sures to secondhand smoke appear to be as large as

Evidence Synthesis

This chapter reviews the substantial amount of established (

data from cellular, animal, and human studies sup- html). This chemical mixture includes more than 50
porting the overall conclusion that exposure to second- carcinogens, and both IARC (2004) and the National
hand smoke causes a broad range of adverse effects Toxicology Program (USDHHS 2000) have classified
in both children and adult nonsmokers. These data this mixture as a known human carcinogen. Research-
provide a strong foundation for the biologic plausi- ers have thus concluded that exposure to secondhand
bility of causal conclusions related to specific diseases smoke can cause DNA damage and genetic mutations.
and other adverse health effects that are reviewed For DNA-damaging carcinogens, the occurrence of
in Chapters 5 through 9. This chapter provides sub- permanent mutations implies that there is no level of
stantial additional evidence on the underlying patho- exposure that does not pose a risk.
genic mechanisms for major adverse health outcomes The complex mixture of chemicals in second-
associated with exposure to secondhand smoke. hand smoke also contains a large number of toxicants
Secondhand smoke is a complex mixture of harmful to the respiratory and cardiovascular sys-
thousands of chemicals emitted from burning tobacco. tems. Evidence from both animal and human studies
The toxicologic profiles of a large number of these indicates that exposures to secondhand smoke can
specific chemicals and compounds are well produce substantial and rapid adverse effects on the

64 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

functioning of the heart, blood, and vascular systems exposure may not exist, thus implying that any expo-
in ways that increase the risk of a cardiac event. Fur- sure carries some risk. For infants, children, and adults
thermore, many of these acute and chronic changes in with asthma or with more sensitive respiratory sys-
blood and vascular function appear to be as large as tems, even very brief exposures to secondhand smoke
those seen in active smokers. The immediate effects can trigger intense bronchopulmonary responses
in some measures of blood and vascular functioning that could be life threatening in the most susceptible
among nonsmokers from even brief exposures (i.e., individuals.
30 minutes or less) to secondhand smoke are com- Animal and human studies indicate that pre-
parable in magnitude to the effects observed in natal and postnatal exposure to nicotine and other
active smokers. Thus, the evidence reviewed in this toxicants in tobacco smoke may affect the neuroregu-
chapter supports the biologic plausibility of adverse lation of breathing, apneic spells, and sudden infant
cardiovascular health outcomes that are associated death. Experimental data on the neurotoxicity of
with exposure to secondhand smoke, which are prenatal and neonatal exposure to nicotine and sec-
reviewed in Chapter 8. ondhand smoke in animal models can be related to
As the portal of entry for secondhand smoke, several potential causal mechanisms for SIDS, includ-
the respiratory system is the initial site of deposition ing adverse effects on brain cell development, synap-
for the particulate and gaseous compounds found tic development and function, and neurobehavioral
in secondhand smoke. This chapter identifies the activity. Finally, studies have documented that expo-
multiple mechanisms by which secondhand smoke sure to tobacco smoke from active smoking has a broad
exposure can induce both acute and chronic adverse effect on immune function and host defenses against
health effects within the respiratory tract that affect infectious agents. Evidence indicates that exposure to
infants, children, and adults. The evidence for under- secondhand smoke appears to also impair immune
lying mechanisms of respiratory injury from exposure function in both children and adult nonsmokers,
to secondhand smoke suggests that a safe level of which increases susceptibility to infection.


Evidence of Carcinogenic Effects from Secondhand Smoke 4. The mechanisms by which secondhand smoke
Exposure causes lung cancer are probably similar to
those observed in smokers. The overall risk of
1. More than 50 carcinogens have been identified in
secondhand smoke exposure, compared with
sidestream and secondhand smoke.
active smoking, is diminished by a substantially
lower carcinogenic dose.
2. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
relationship between exposure to secondhand
Mechanisms of Respiratory Tract Injury and Disease
smoke and its condensates and tumors in
Caused by Secondhand Smoke Exposure
laboratory animals.
5. The evidence indicates multiple mechanisms by
3. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure which secondhand smoke exposure causes injury
of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke causes a to the respiratory tract.
significant increase in urinary levels of meta-
bolites of the tobacco-specific lung carcinogen 6. The evidence indicates mechanisms by which
4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone secondhand smoke exposure could increase the
(NNK). The presence of these metabolites links risk for sudden infant death syndrome.
exposure to secondhand smoke with an increased
risk for lung cancer.

Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 65

Surgeon General’s Report

Mechanisms of Secondhand Smoke Exposure and Heart 8. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure
Disease to secondhand smoke causes endothelial cell
7. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure to
secondhand smoke has a prothrombotic effect. 9. The evidence is sufficient to infer that exposure
to secondhand smoke causes atherosclerosis in
animal models.

Overall Implications

The biologic mechanisms reviewed in this chap- of evidence on the toxicology of secondhand smoke
ter underlie a wide range of acute and chronic adverse and on these biologic mechanisms indicates that any
health effects in infants, children, and adults examined exposure to secondhand smoke will increase risk for
in Chapters 5 through 9. This broadly reaching body adverse health outcomes.

66 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke


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Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke 81

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cine 1996;26(4):513–8. 1993b;21(1):225–32.

82 Chapter 2
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Chapter 3
Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke

Introduction 85

Building Designs and Operations 86

Determinants of Secondhand Smoke Concentrations 86
Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems 86
Building Ventilation Control 88
Operation of Ventilation Systems 89
Residential Ventilation 91
Conclusions 92
Implications 92

Atmospheric Markers of Secondhand Smoke 93

Concepts and Interpretations of Exposure Markers 93
Evaluation of Specific Markers 93

Exposure Models 96
Summary of Atmospheric Markers and Exposure Models 99
Conclusions 99
Implications 99

Biomarkers of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 100

Carbon Monoxide and Thiocyanate 100
Nicotine and Cotinine 101
Cotinine Analytical Procedures 106
Analytical Matrices for Cotinine Measurements 107
Nicotine and Cotinine in Hair 108
Dietary Sources of Nicotine 109
Cotinine Measurements as an Index of Nicotine Exposure 110
Protein and DNA Adducts 112
Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines 113
Evidence Synthesis 113
Conclusions 114
Implications 114

Conclusions 115

References 116

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 83

Surgeon General’s Report

84 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke


This chapter provides a review of key fac- Health 1998; International Agency for Research on
tors that determine exposures of people to second- Cancer [IARC] 2004).
hand smoke in indoor environments. The discussion People are exposed to secondhand smoke in
describes (1) the dynamic movement of secondhand multiple places where they spend varying amounts of
smoke throughout indoor environments, (2) the fac- time. The term “microenvironment” refers to places
tors that determine secondhand smoke concentrations that have a fairly uniform concentration of a mixture of
in these environments, (3) the atmospheric markers of pollutants across the time that is spent there (National
secondhand smoke that are measured to assess con- Research Council [NRC] 1991; Klepeis 1999a). In the
centrations, (4) the biomarkers that are measured to microenvironmental model, total human exposure
assess doses of tobacco smoke components, and (5) to an atmospheric contaminant, such as secondhand
the models that can be used to describe patterns of smoke, represents the time-integrated sum of the
human exposures. Chapter 4 (Prevalence of Exposure exposures in the multiple microenvironments where
to Secondhand Smoke) reports on findings of studies time is spent. The source of secondhand smoke—the
on exposures to secondhand smoke that applied these burning cigarette—produces the resulting concentra-
methods with a focus on measurements of nicotine in tions of secondhand smoke in the air of places where
the air and cotinine in biologic materials. The validity people spend time. The concentration depends on
of nicotine as a marker for secondhand smoke con- the intensity of smoking, dilution by ventilation, and
centrations supports the use of cotinine, a principal other processes that remove smoke from the air. The
metabolite of nicotine, as an exposure biomarker. consequent exposures lead ultimately to doses of
As described earlier, the term secondhand secondhand smoke components that reach and harm
smoke refers to a complex mixture of particulate (or target organs and manifest as adverse health effects.
solid) and gaseous components. The characteristics of This conceptual framework, which is central to this
secondhand smoke change over time, particularly the chapter, makes clear distinctions between cigarette
components of sidestream smoke that the smoldering smoking as the source, secondhand smoke concentra-
cigarette releases. Sidestream smoke dilutes quickly tions in the air (the amount of material present per
and changes as the particles release volatile com- unit volume), exposures to secondhand smoke (the
pounds and change in size and composition as they time spent in contact with secondhand smoke at vari-
age. Although few studies have made measurements, ous concentrations), and the doses from secondhand
available data indicate that the estimated median smoke exposure (the amount of material entering the
aerodynamic diameter of secondhand smoke particles body). The strength of the source—cigarette smok-
is 0.4 micrometers (µm), a size range where particles ing—depends on the number of smokers and the rate
tend to remain suspended in the air unless removed at which they are smoking. Total human exposure can
by diffusion to or impaction with a surface, or by air be estimated by measuring secondhand smoke con-
cleaning (Hiller et al. 1982; Jenkins et al. 2000). centrations in key microenvironments and assessing
The composition of secondhand smoke was the time spent in those environments. Concentrations
addressed in the 1986 report of the Surgeon Gen- are also determined by aspects of the design and oper-
eral, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking ation of a building (NRC 1986, 1991).
(U.S. Department of Health and Human Services The mass balance model is a conceptual approach
[USDHHS] 1986), and was the focus of a comprehen- that provides a framework for how the design and
sive monograph first published in 1992 and updated operation of a building may affect secondhand smoke
in 2000 (Guerin et al. 1992; Jenkins et al. 2000). The concentrations within the building (Ott 1999). In this
1986 report commented on the richness of secondhand model, which is considered in more detail later in this
smoke as a mixture and its inherent variability over chapter (see “Exposure Models”), the concentration of
time and space as it moves through the air (USDHHS indoor air contaminants (such as secondhand smoke)
1986). Nonetheless, the report concluded that second- is a function of the strength of the source(s) generat-
hand smoke and mainstream smoke were qualita- ing the contaminant, the dilution of the contaminant
tively similar, a conclusion that subsequent research by the exchange of outdoor with indoor air, and the
supports (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency rate of removal of the contaminant by air cleaning and
[USEPA] 1992; Scientific Committee on Tobacco and other processes.

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 85

Surgeon General’s Report

Building Designs and Operations

Determinants of Secondhand for air cleaning that typically removes large particles
Smoke Concentrations but not the smaller particles or the gases found in
secondhand smoke. The central air cleaning systems
When people are exposed to secondhand smoke in homes and in many commercial buildings gener-
in indoor environments, the concentrations to which ally are not designed to remove smaller particles or
they are exposed depend not only on the number of gases (Spengler 1999).
cigarettes smoked, which determines the strength of
the source, but on how air moves through buildings
and at what rate indoor air is exchanged with out- Heating, Ventilating, and
door air. The exchange of indoor with outdoor air is Air Conditioning Systems
referred to as ventilation (American Society of Heat-
ing, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers For modern public and commercial buildings,
[ASHRAE] 1989). In general, the concentration of an often with sealed windows, air ventilation is required
indoor contaminant in a building or in a space within to provide a safe, functional, and comfortable environ-
a building depends on the volume of the space and ment for the occupants, and is defined as “outside air”
the rate at which the contaminant is generated and delivered to or brought indoors. For many types of
then removed. The removal may be by ventilation, air indoor environments, mechanical ventilation systems
cleaning, or other processes such as chemical reactions are used to control contaminant concentrations and to
or adsorption onto surfaces. This set of relationships is meet the comfort needs of occupants. Such systems are
referred to as the mass balance model. It implies that almost always used in hospitals, large office buildings,
concentrations of secondhand smoke components in a theaters, hospitality venues, schools, and many other
space (1) increase as the number of cigarettes smoked larger buildings. This discussion addresses how these
increases, (2) decrease with an increase in ventilation, systems affect secondhand smoke concentrations in
and (3) decrease in proportion to the rate of clean- indoor environments and focuses on public and com-
ing or removal of secondhand smoke components mercial buildings where HVAC units are generally
from the air (Ott 1999). The cleaning or removal pro- in place. Mechanical systems are intended to provide
cesses might include active air cleaning with a device, thermally conditioned air, dissipate thermal loads,
the naturally occurring passive deposition of parti- and dilute contaminants (Bearg 2001). These systems
cles onto surfaces, and the adsorption of gases onto can also be used to maintain pressure differentials
materials. between areas when air is extracted and exhausted
The factors in the mass balance model vary from specific spaces, or to clean and recirculate the air
across different kinds of buildings. Buildings can be using filters, catalytic converters, and various sorbent
ventilated using natural or mechanical methods. Air beds. The efficiencies and costs for an entire ventila-
can be supplied naturally through windows, louvers, tion system vary depending on specific requirements
and leakages through building envelopes; air is sup- and settings (Liddament 2001). Although mechani-
plied mechanically through a heating, ventilating, cal systems are widely used for general ventilation,
and air conditioning (HVAC) system that usually their potential use as a control strategy for second-
includes fans, duct work, and a system for deliver- hand smoke requires a detailed understanding of
ing air in a controlled manner throughout a building the constituents to be controlled, the air distribution
(Figure 3.1). In most homes, ventilation occurs by a patterns within structures, the air cleaning or extrac-
naturally occurring exchange of indoor with outdoor tion techniques, and the requirements for ongoing
air. Commercial and public buildings generally have operation and maintenance (Ludwig 2001). If not
HVAC systems that move air through buildings to properly designed and maintained, mechanical sys-
accomplish the exchange of indoor with outdoor air. tems can increase the risk of exposures by distributing
Important considerations are variations in the range pollutants (including secondhand smoke) through-
of surfaces and their characteristics across different out the building, by direct recirculation, or by poor
kinds of buildings and microenvironments. For exam- pressure control.
ple, most HVAC systems incorporate a component

86 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 3.1 Schematic of a typical air handling unit

Fan Heating Cooling Filter

Powered exhaust coil coil
or passive relief

Supply air duct


Return air duct

Room Room Room

of outside air

Source: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 1994, with modifications.

Complex and dynamic processes affect the char- vary among buildings. Volatile components such as
acteristics and concentrations of secondhand smoke. nicotine are adsorbed and degassed by materials. As
As a foundation for considering ventilation systems a consequence, the smell of cigarettes emanates from
commonly found in buildings, here is a description of clothing, carpets, air conditioners, and other surfaces
the transport and fate of particles and gases released without the presence of active smoking, as previously
from a burning cigarette. In still air, the smoke plume deposited or adsorbed material is re-emitted by air
from a cigarette is often observed rising intact as high currents (Klepeis 1999b).
as several meters above the burning tip. If plume Although interactions in the air and at surfaces
gases remain concentrated, they are buoyant and have modify the secondhand smoke mixture, under most
a temperature several degrees higher than the sur- circumstances concentrations within the original
rounding room air temperature. If the room air is not space will depend strongly on an exchange of air in
still, as in buildings with mechanical air handling sys- the space with less contaminated air (Spengler 1999).
tems, or if people move within the space, there will be Mechanically delivered air disperses secondhand
some mixing that breaks up the plume and disperses smoke constituents through mixing (turbulence) and
“pockets” of smoke throughout the air space (Klepeis dilutes secondhand smoke by supplying less con-
1999b). Concentrations of secondhand smoke com- taminated air. Generally, mechanical mixing is sig-
ponents are then reduced and, as the smoke spreads nificantly more effective in reducing concentrations
and ages, its components change as a result of con- from a “point source” of pollution in a room, such
densation, evaporation, coagulation, and deposition as a burning cigarette, than is diffusion alone in still
to surfaces. The characteristics of secondhand smoke air. Air exchange and surface removal processes act
within a particular building thus depend, to an extent, together to lower secondhand smoke concentrations.
on chemical and physical characteristics of spaces that Surface removal is enhanced if air is forced through

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 87

Surgeon General’s Report

an air cleaning device and delivered back to the room Three major categories are used for airborne
with a reduced secondhand smoke concentration contaminant control: general or dilution ventilation,
(McDonald and Ouyang 2001). displacement ventilation, and local exhaust ventila-
tion. General or dilution ventilation requires mixing
large volumes of outdoor air with room air. Although
Building Ventilation Control this ventilation system is the most commonly used
method in buildings today for thermal comfort, it is
Mechanical HVAC systems that heat, ventilate,
not very efficient for controlling contaminant emis-
and air-condition indoor spaces achieve controlled
sions from human activities such as smoking. Its
building ventilation (Spengler 1999). The HVAC sys-
effectiveness is highly dependent upon the number
tems in buildings are composed of air handling units
and location of emission sources (the smokers), the
(AHUs) of various sizes and complexities that filter
volume of air supply to the room, the capacity of
and condition air supplied to the building with vary-
materials and surfaces to remove various constituents
ing degrees of effectiveness, depending upon need,
of secondhand smoke, and the mixing efficiency of
design, and maintenance. Components of AHUs
the room. Figure 3.2 demonstrates that the term “air
typically include fans, filters, cooling coils, and heat
exchange rate,” when applied to dilution ventilation,
exchangers. Air ventilated by air conditioning (i.e.,
is a misnomer. Mixing the supply air within the zone
mechanical cooling) can be ducted to separate areas
served by the AHU is often not uniform or complete.
within a building and removed with an air return
Even for a well-mixed space, one air change per hour
system that recirculates and/or exhausts the air. In
(ACH) means that only 63.2 percent of the original air,
Figure 3.1, a schematic demonstrates a typical AHU
including the corresponding airborne contaminants,
configured for general ventilation and pressure rela-
is removed in one hour. So even though an amount
tionship control (USEPA 1994).

Figure 3.2 Anticipated changes in concentrations of airborne materials for various air exchange rates

Decay at various air exchange rates


1.0 0.1 ACH†

0.5 ACH

0.6 2.5 ACH

10 ACH


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time in hours

*C/Co = Fraction of original concentration of contaminant at time t.

ACH = Air changes per hour.

88 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

of air equivalent to the volume of the room is intro- intakes. Restrictive compliance requirements limit its
duced during one hour, it does not completely replace application to secondhand smoke in general indoor
all of the air occupying the space previously. Short- environments, except in separately exhausted smok-
circuiting or moving air directly from inlets to the ing enclosures.
exhaust without mixing, obstructions to supply and
exhaust air, and thermal gradients can reduce the mix-
ing efficiency to much less than the theoretical limit. Operation of Ventilation Systems
Thus, an air exchange rate greater than that made with
Ventilation requirements for spaces such as
simple calculations based on the volume of the space
office buildings, classrooms, and various hospital-
may be required to effect a meaningful reduction in
ity venues are expressed as the volume of outside
airborne concentrations of various contaminants (Lid-
air per unit of time (e.g., liters per second, cubic feet
dament 2001). Simple mass balance and volumetric
per minute) per person, and/or volume flow rates of
calculations assume perfect mixing, no sink effects
outdoor air per square foot of the area of the build-
(the adsorption and possible re-emission of pollut-
ing. ASHRAE (1999) included the latter criterion in
ants by materials acting as “sinks” [Sparks 2001]), and
the revised Standard 62-1999 as a result of the recog-
constant emission sources; these conditions generally
nition that air pollutants are also released by build-
are not met in real-world indoor environments. Any
ing sources—building materials, furnishings, and
occupant of a space, particularly a space near a pollu-
the HVAC equipment itself—and that to protect the
tion source, may be exposed to much higher concen-
occupants, ventilation standards should also apply to
trations than estimated for the overall area.
these sources as well as to the occupants. ASHRAE
Displacement ventilation, which is also referred
develops standards to guide building designs and
to as piston or plug flow, conditions the space and
operations that often become part of municipal codes
removes contaminants by admitting air at one location
(Chapter 10, Control of Secondhand Smoke Expo-
and “sweeping” it across the space before exhaust-
sure). Consequently, ASHRAE standards are con-
ing it at the opposite “face.” This design often uses
sidered relevant to the control of secondhand smoke
low-velocity grills at or near floor level to admit cool
in the United States (Table 3.1). Building ventilation
supply air into the space that is then exhausted at ceil-
codes generally specify the total amount of air as well
ing level. For maximum effectiveness, displacement
as a minimum percentage of outdoor air that should
ventilation requires a more or less uniform and uni-
be supplied to occupied spaces. Minimum amounts
directional flow. This flow structure might easily be
between 10 and 20 percent are often specified, but
disrupted by large numbers of people moving about
in practice, outdoor air delivery into a building may
a space, or through the use of ceiling fans or supple-
vary from 0 to 100 percent over time. The variation
mentary ventilation systems. Displacement ventilation
depends on the design requirements of the space and
often uses specific characteristics of the contaminant to
operational characteristics of the ventilation system.
aid in its capture. For example, a heated plume from
Ventilation systems are often quite complex and
a computer, copier, or cigarette develops convective
have multiple components. Controls are in place to
(vertical) flows. If the displacement air is also moving
modulate the air intake louvers, airflow, air tempera-
vertically from floor to ceiling, pollutants and excess
ture, and sometimes the humidity to meet specified
heat can be captured, treated, or exhausted from the
thermal conditions (ASHRAE 1999). These control sys-
ceiling. With this strategy, however, contaminants on
tems often consist of combinations of sensors, signal
their way to the exhaust stage can still pass through
processors, computerized controllers, switches, damp-
the breathing zones of both smokers and nonsmokers.
ers, valves, relays, and motors. The operating strate-
Furthermore, vertical flows may be disrupted by fur-
gies for ventilation systems can have a major impact
niture that is in the space, thus limiting the effective-
on the control of secondhand smoke within buildings.
ness of displacement ventilation.
For example, many systems operate on economizer
Local exhaust ventilation extracts the air around
cycles that use the cooling or heating capacity of the
a specific point source. It has been used for many
outside air. During the economizer phase, the out-
decades to effectively control a variety of contaminants
side louvers open. Often, depending on the climate
from specific activities or processes, often in industrial
and season, a temperature range (generally between
settings. Its effectiveness relies upon strict compliance
50° and 65° F) will completely open the outside damp-
with control measures that can include source enclo-
ers (Spengler 1999; Bearg 2001). If ambient conditions
sure, high air exhaust rates, and direct ducting to the
become too warm and humid, the outside air vents
outdoors that minimizes entrainment into outdoor air

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 89

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 3.1 Outdoor air requirements for ventilation*

Estimated Outdoor air requirements
occupancy per cf/m/
Application 1,000 ft2‡ or 100 m2§ person∆ cf/m/ft2 Comments

Food and beverage services

Dining rooms 70 20 NR¶
Cafeteria, fast food 100 20 NR
Bars, cocktail lounges 100 30 NR Supplementary smoke-removal
equipment may be required

Kitchen (cooking) 20 15 NR Make-up air for hood exhaust

may require more ventilating
air; the sum of the outdoor air
and transfer air of acceptable
quality from adjacent spaces
shall be sufficient to provide
an exhaust rate of not less than
1.5 cf/m/ft2 (7.5 liters/second/m2)

Hotels, motels, resorts, dormitories cf/m/room

Bedrooms NR NR 30
Lobbies 30 15 NR
Conference rooms 50 20 NR
Casinos 120 30 NR Supplementary smoke-removal
equipment may be required

Offices Some office equipment may

Office space NR 20 NR require local exhaust

Public spaces Normally supplied by transfer

Smoking lounge 70 60 NR air; local mechanical exhaust
with no recirculation is

*This table prescribes supply rates of acceptable outdoor air required for acceptable indoor air quality. These values have
been chosen to dilute human bioeffluents and other contaminants with adequate margins of safety and to account for health
variations and varied activity levels among people.

Net occupiable space.
ft = Square feet.
‡ 2

m2 = Square meters.

cf/m/person = Cubic feet per minute per person.

NR = Data were not reported.
Source: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Standard 62-1999, Table 2.1 (1999).

will return to minimum or closed settings. To protect Most large, modern buildings use a building
coils from freezing or to minimize heating, outside air automation system (BAS) to provide direct digital con-
vents might be closed or set at minimum openings trol of ventilation through a central computer. Planned
during colder temperatures. Thus, contaminants such into the BAS is a sequence of operations for the HVAC
as secondhand smoke that are generated within a system (USEPA 1998). Knowledge of routine activi-
building are often subject to varying amounts of dilu- ties related to building occupancy allow engineers
tion air, and building occupants may face indoor air to program HVAC systems through the central BAS
quality that varies during a day or over longer periods to improve comfort and optimize energy efficiency.
of time (Spengler 1999).

90 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

However, a BAS is generally not programmed to con- southwestern regions of the United States continue to
trol indoor air pollutants such as secondhand smoke. be the fastest growing areas and lead in new hous-
Mechanical air handling systems exchange ing construction (Joint Center for Housing Studies of
indoor air with outside air by pressure-driven flows Harvard University 2002). Despite a decrease in the
through windows, doors, and cracks. Some buildings size of households, the size of single-family homes has
are not designed or constructed to be airtight; an esti- increased with more square feet per person. Homes
mated 40 percent of commercial buildings have opera- built in 1995 were 17 percent larger than those built
ble windows, and natural ventilation is more common just a decade earlier. During a 15-year period, new
in older and smaller buildings (Liddament 2001). apartment units increased in average floor space by
Pressure differentials across the building envelope are almost 10 percent (Diamond 2001).
caused by wind and by indoor and outdoor tempera- Most houses and apartments have heating sys-
ture differences. The wind that flows around a build- tems. Besides the size of the unit (i.e., volume), the type
ing creates static positive pressures as well as negative of heating, cooling, and exhaust system is an impor-
pressures in the wake flow that is downstream of tant factor in the dispersion, dilution, and removal of
objects. Pressure differences across openings can force indoor-generated secondhand smoke across a room
air into or out of a building. The HVAC system of or throughout a residence. More than 50 percent of
pressurized ducts and building exhaust fans also cre- U.S. residences have central warm air furnaces. These
ates an air exchange. Plumbing and electrical chases, systems include fan-forced directed air distributed to
elevator shafts, leaky air ducts, and cracks and open- rooms with a gravity or ducted return back to the heat
ings between floors can become unplanned pathways exchange unit of the furnace. Gravitational settling is
for pressure-driven internal flows. Thus, contami- not intended to remove the smaller particles found
nants such as secondhand smoke are not always con- in secondhand smoke, nor is it efficient at removing
trolled by HVAC airflows alone, and the HVAC ducts them. Filters upstream of the blower serve to protect
may transport and distribute secondhand smoke- the mechanical parts from objects and large particles,
contaminated air. Entrainment from doors, window but these filters also fail to remove the smaller second-
cracks, or loading docks can bring tobacco smoke hand smoke particles and gases.
back into a building even when smokers are restricted Air conditioning can affect the distribution and
to smoking outdoors. Even within buildings, second- concentration of secondhand smoke. Air condition-
hand smoke can move along unplanned or uncon- ing systems are common in U.S. residences, including
trolled pathways to annoy and irritate occupants in apartments. According to the Residential Energy Con-
other rooms or even on other floors far removed from servation Survey (U.S. Department of Energy 1999),
the smoking areas. 48 percent of residences were equipped with central
air conditioning and 27 percent had window units.
Forty-seven percent of the respondents with central
Residential Ventilation systems versus only 18 percent with window units
reported using their air conditioning “quite a bit” or
There are more than 100 million residential
“just about all summer.” Similar to forced warm air
units in the United States. The most common types
mechanical systems, central air-cooling systems can
are single family (73 percent) followed by multi-
rapidly mix secondhand smoke throughout the condi-
family structures that include both low-rise and
tioned space. Doors and windows are generally closed
high-rise apartments (21 percent) and mobile homes
when the air conditioner is in use and the system is
(6 percent). The United States has a high rate of
usually set to recirculate the indoor air. These closed
owner-occupied households (67 percent); 33 percent
conditions tend to reduce the dilution of second-
of households live in rental units (Diamond 2001).
hand smoke.
The age and size of housing vary around
Wallace (1996) comprehensively reviewed indoor
the country. In general, older homes are smaller
air particle concentrations and sources and quantified
(<2,000 square feet of conditioned space) and are more
the effect of air conditioning on the concentration of
common in the Northeast and Midwest. The average
secondhand smoke. His review included studies that
apartment unit is about half that size (approximately
measured indoor and outdoor particulate matter
1,000 square feet). Three million Americans live in
2.5 (PM2.5) concentrations across six U.S. communi-
public housing, most of which are two-bedroom units
ties (Dockery and Spengler 1981; Spengler et al. 1981;
built in the 1950s and 1960s; the total size is typically
Spengler and Thurston 1983; Letz et al. 1984; Neas et
500 to 600 square feet (Diamond 2001). The south and

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 91

Surgeon General’s Report

al. 1994). Estimated concentrations of fine particles indicate that apartment units and multifamily struc-
were 30 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) higher in tures with shared interior walls have less external
homes with smokers than in homes without smokers. surface area, less unplanned air leakage, and typically
According to Wallace (1996), “A mass balance model lower air exchange rates compared with single-family
was used to estimate the impact of cigarette smok- detached houses.
ing on indoor particles. Long-term mean infiltration
of outdoor PM2.5 was estimated to be 70% for homes
without air conditioners, but only 30% for homes Conclusions
with air conditioners. An estimate of 0.88 µg/m3 per
1. Current heating, ventilating, and air conditioning
cigarette (24-h average) was made for homes without
systems alone cannot control exposure to second-
air conditioning, while in homes with air condition-
hand smoke.
ing the estimate increased to 1.23 µg/m3 per cigarette”
(p. 100). The greater estimate for air conditioning is
2. The operation of a heating, ventilating, and air
consistent with lowered air exchange rates while the
conditioning system can distribute secondhand
air conditioning is operating, and is supported by a
smoke throughout a building.
1994 study (Suh et al. 1994).
Air exchange rates in homes are usually deter-
mined by one of two methods: blower door pressuriza-
tion or tracer gases. Blower door pressurization tests
identify air leakage areas that are then used to esti- These conclusions suggest that control strate-
mate air exchange rates. Sherman and Matson (1997), gies for indoor exposure to secondhand smoke cannot
who modeled the results of blower door tests, found use approaches based on HVAC system design and
that a typical single-family house constructed before operation. The benefits from HVAC systems include
1990 has an estimated air exchange rate of 1.0 ACH. a number of critical functions that help to maintain a
Homes built to meet more energy efficient building healthful and comfortable indoor environment. This
codes have estimated rates of 0.5 ACH. review of their functioning shows, however, that cur-
Tracer gases are emitted into a home and mea- rent HVAC systems cannot fully control exposures to
sured over time to calculate short-term (decay rate) secondhand smoke unless a complete smoking ban is
or long-term (mass balance method) air exchange enforced. Furthermore, unless carefully controlled,
rates. Murray and Burmaster (1995) examined the HVAC operations can distribute air that has been
Brookhaven National Laboratory tracer gas data contaminated with secondhand smoke throughout a
that included almost 3,000 households. The analysis building. Simple predictions cannot be made about the
derived best-fit, log-normal distributions from data consequences of these operations because they vary
classified by four regions or by heating degree days (a with the building and with the HVAC characteristics.
measurement used to relate a day’s temperature to the However, to develop models that assess the effects
demand for fuel to heat buildings: a 65° average daily of indoor secondhand tobacco smoke exposures, it is
temperature = the number of heating degree days), necessary to first develop an understanding of HVAC
and by the four seasons. In general, air exchange rates systems and their effectiveness in a particular struc-
are higher for homes that are in warmer climates. Air ture. However, this review indicates that a complete
exchange rates across all regions are higher during ban on indoor smoking is the most efficient and effec-
the summer months followed by spring, fall, and win- tive approach to control exposures to secondhand
ter. The summer mean air exchange rate is 1.5 h-1 (air smoke. Additional implications of these findings are
changes per hour) versus 0.41 h-1 for the fall. considered in Chapter 10, Control of Secondhand
Other characteristics of air exchange rates Smoke Exposure.
derived from blower door and tracer gas methods

92 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Atmospheric Markers of Secondhand Smoke

Concepts and Interpretations Evaluation of Specific Markers

of Exposure Markers Concentrations of secondhand smoke compo-
Secondhand smoke is a dynamic mixture that nents in indoor air have multiple determinants: the
contains thousands of compounds in its vapor and par- rate of smoking, the volume of the room or space,
ticle phases. Some of these components are specific to the air exchange rate, the exchange of volatile com-
secondhand smoke, such as nicotine, but others have ponents between vapor and particle phases, deposi-
additional sources and are not specific to secondhand tion rates on surfaces, rates of re-emission from the
smoke, as in the case of carbon monoxide (CO). Some surfaces, and chemical transformations (Daisey 1999).
of the more specific markers can be useful indicators Although studies have measured concentrations of
of secondhand smoke concentrations, but no particu- some of these chemicals in laboratory conditions, the
lar marker will be predictive of the full range of risks behaviors of only a few of these compounds as trac-
from exposures to secondhand smoke. Additionally, ers have been characterized in field settings. Studies
some components of particular interest for disease document that each component under consideration
risk, such as the tobacco-specific nitrosamines, are has potential limitations as a marker. These limita-
not easily measured at typical indoor air concentra- tions may be the result of photodegradation, variable
tions (Hecht 1999). Nonetheless, some components of partitioning between the particle and vapor phases, or
secondhand smoke can be quantified in indoor air. adsorption/re-emission rates that differ from those of
This quantification enables researchers to estimate other compounds of concern. No single compound or
exposures to secondhand smoke for research purposes component has been identified as a completely valid
and for tracking population exposures. In 1986, the marker for every constituent found in secondhand
NRC report on involuntary smoking proposed useful smoke. On the other hand, several useful markers
atmospheric markers that are believed to be unique to have a sufficient specificity for secondhand smoke
tobacco smoke or that are believed to have cigarette and they can be used to characterize exposures of
smoking as their primary source in most environ- the public in general or of particular groups. Of these
ments; the mass that is emitted is believed to be similar markers, nicotine is highly specific and is considered
across cigarette brands (NRC 1986). Subsequent stud- a valid marker of the PM component of secondhand
ies have evaluated some of the markers used to detect smoke across a wide range of concentrations in indoor
secondhand smoke in indoor environments (Guerin et environments (Daisey 1999).
al. 1992; Daisey 1999; Jenkins et al. 2000). Researchers have studied secondhand smoke
Researchers need sensitive and specific mark- characteristics in chambers, with different cigarette
ers of secondhand smoke for exposure surveillance brands as the source. In these studies, many different
and potentially for enforcement of regulations. For brands generated similar steady-state concentrations
research and for population risk assessments, mea- of both vapor phase nicotine and respirable particles,
surements of marker compounds can be used with and the relationship between these two markers was
microenvironmental models to estimate exposures similar among brands (Leaderer and Hammond
to secondhand smoke (Jaakkola and Samet 1999). 1991; Daisey et al. 1998). Sources other than smoking
Researchers can also estimate the relative contribu- also contribute to background concentrations of par-
tions of different environments to these exposures ticles found indoors, such as cooking and particles
and the potential consequences of exposure levels. that have infiltrated from the outdoors (Leaderer
Furthermore, the concentration of one marker may be and Hammond 1991). Thus, the models for estimat-
used to predict concentrations of other constituents if ing the relationship between nicotine and respirable
the concentration ratios between the marker and the particle concentrations involve regression approaches
other constituents of interest are known. that estimate increases in nicotine concentrations

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 93

Surgeon General’s Report

with increases in particle concentrations. In such lin- (Spengler et al. 1985). However, the high levels of
ear regression models, the intercept estimates the respirable particles from other sources and the vari-
background concentration of particles and the slope ability in the concentrations of these particles make
describes the relationship between concentrations of it difficult to use the respirable particle concentration
nicotine and secondhand smoke particles. In most as an indicator of secondhand smoke, particularly if
environments where people spend time, secondhand secondhand smoke concentrations are low.
smoke concentrations are usually much lower than in In most environments where the public spends
laboratory chambers, so background particles repre- time, nicotine in the air comes only from tobacco
sent a significant fraction of the particle concentration. smoke, so there is no background concentration
The relationship between concentrations of nicotine to be considered. This very high specificity, in
and respirable particles in indoor air has been con- combination with the development of inexpensive,
sistent across field studies in 47 homes (Leaderer and sensitive, and passive methods to measure nicotine
Hammond 1991), in 44 office samples (Schenker et concentrations in real-world environments, has led
al. 1990), and in 14 other workplaces (Miesner et al. to the widespread use of nicotine as a marker for
1989). The range of slopes for the increase of respirable secondhand smoke (Jenkins et al. 2000). A 1999 review
particulate matter (RPM) concentration with nicotine concluded that nicotine was a suitable marker for
concentration is narrow: 8.6 to 9.8 µg of RPM per µg of secondhand smoke (Daisey 1999).
nicotine. Daisey (1999) calculated a slope of 10.9 µg of Findings from initial secondhand smoke cham-
RPM per µg of nicotine using personal sampling data ber studies that used nicotine as a marker provide
that Jenkins and colleagues (1996) had compiled from evidence supporting its use (Hammond et al. 1987;
more than 1,500 people in the United States. Thus, for Leaderer and Hammond 1991). The ambient concen-
each microgram of atmospheric nicotine in the vari- trations of both nicotine and respirable particles were
ous environments where people spend time, there is similar when human volunteers smoked 12 brands
an estimated increase of about 10 µg in secondhand of cigarettes in separate tests. Nicotine and tar yields
smoke particle concentrations. varied in mainstream smoke over an order of magni-
Until recently, most studies incorporated either tude (0.1 milligram [mg] of nicotine per cigarette for
respirable particles or nicotine as markers for second- ultra-low nicotine cigarettes to 1.3 mg per cigarette
hand smoke, and they remain the most commonly for regular cigarettes). Subsequent studies showed
used markers. The literature on the concentrations of that nicotine decay in chambers did not follow first-
these markers is now substantial. In an early study order kinetics (where the speed of a chemical reaction
carried out in the late 1970s, Repace and Lowrey is proportional to the concentrations of the reactants),
(1980) evaluated secondhand smoke levels by con- and short-term measurements in chambers indicated
trasting the concentration of particles measured dur- varying ratios of nicotine when compared with other
ing a bingo game in a church with the concentration secondhand smoke constituents (Eatough et al. 1989a;
measured during a church service with a similar num- Nelson et al. 1992; Van Loy et al. 1998). However, fur-
ber of people present who were not smoking. The ther investigations showed that these findings were
particle levels were much higher during the bingo artifacts of the chambers themselves. In real-world
game (279 µg/m3) compared with during the service settings with longer sampling times, nicotine concen-
(30 µg/m3). Similarly, studies in the early 1980s of trations closely tracked levels of other secondhand
respirable particles in homes found that concentrations smoke constituents (Van Loy et al. 1998; Daisey 1999;
in the homes of smokers were substantially higher LaKind et al. 1999a).
than concentrations in the homes of nonsmokers
(approximately 74 µg/m3 versus 28 µg/m3, respectively)

94 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Concentrations of eight possible tracers for Table 3.2 Correlations between various
secondhand smoke (nicotine, 3-ethenyl pyridine, secondhand smoke constituents as
myosmine, solanesol, scopoletin, RPM, ultraviolet- selective markers of exposures
absorbing particulate matter [UVPM], and fluoresc-
ing particulate matter [FPM]) were measured in Secondhand smoke Secondhand smoke
constituent exposure marker R2*
469 personal samples collected in workplaces where
smoking was allowed (LaKind et al. 1999a). The first Nicotine 3-EP† .83
three chemicals were in the gas phase, while the lat-
ter five were in the particle phase. Concentrations of Myosmine .88
the three gas phase markers (nicotine, 3-ethenyl pyri- UVPM‡ .63
dine, and myosmine) were highly correlated (r2 >0.8,
where r2 = the coefficient of determination describing UVPM FPM§ .96
the strength of the model), as were those for three of
the particle phase markers (UVPM, FPM, and solane- Solanesol .84
sol) (Table 3.2). Scopoletin was also correlated with Scopoletin >1 .73
UVPM, but only at higher concentrations. Respirable
particle concentrations were not strongly correlated Scopoletin <1 .10
with concentrations of UVPM or of nicotine, probably Note: 469 personal samples collected from workplaces that
because respirable particles were present in the work- permitted smoking.
places from sources other than smoking. Nicotine *R2 = The coefficient of determination describing the
concentrations in the gas phase correlated with con- strength of the model.
centrations of the particle phase marker UVPM and †
EP = Ethenyl pyridine.
with the other particle phase markers that were cor- ‡
UVPM = Ultraviolet-absorbing particulate matter.
related with UVPM: FPM, solanesol, and scopoletin. §
FPM = Fluorescing particulate matter.
Several studies examined concentrations of some Source: LaKind et al. 1999b (from the 16 Cities Study).
of the toxic compounds that cigarette smoking emits
into the air. Two studies found that different brands of
cigarettes released very similar amounts of two nitro-
samines, N-nitrosodimethylamine and N-nitrosopyr-
rolidine (Mahanama and Daisey 1996). Other toxic for evaluating control programs and for surveillance.
volatile organic compounds in secondhand smoke, Some markers have this necessary degree of sensitiv-
including benzene, formaldehyde, 1,3-butadiene, and ity. In the 16 Cities Study conducted by Jenkins and
styrene, also exhibited little variation among brands colleagues (1996), researchers collected 469 samples of
(Daisey et al. 1998). This consistency in emissions these eight markers during one workday at worksites
among several different brands indicates that changes where smoking was allowed. Three markers were
in the concentration of a particular marker imply pro- quite sensitive: nicotine, FPM, and UVPM; less than
portional changes in the concentrations of other air- 2 percent of the samples had concentrations below the
borne toxic chemicals that are in secondhand smoke. limit of detection. More than 10 percent of the samples
The level of sensitivity is another key charac- fell below the limit of detection for myosmine, scopo-
teristic of a potential marker for secondhand smoke. letin, and solanesol (Figure 3.3). In fact, less than half
High sensitivity enables markers to detect low levels of the samples collected in workplaces where smok-
of secondhand smoke, which is a necessary quality ing was allowed had detectable levels of solanesol.

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 95

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 3.3 Sensitivity of markers for secondhand smoke exposure

Percentage of samples with less than detectable levels






Nicotine 3-EP* Myosmine FPM† UVPM‡ RPM§ Scopoletin Solanesol

Note: 469 personal samples from workplaces that permitted smoking.

*EP = Ethenyl pyridine.

FPM = Fluorescing particulate matter.

UVPM = Ultraviolet-absorbing particulate matter.
RPM = Respirable particulate matter.
Source: Calculated from data in LaKind et al. 1999a.

Exposure Models

Models and mathematical representations can contamination of indoor spaces from smok-
also be used to estimate human exposures to second- ing or from measurements made in the various
hand smoke (Ott 1999) because they are useful for microenvironments.
predicting secondhand smoke concentrations with Standard techniques that are used to model
different patterns of cigarette smoking and for com- concentrations of air contaminants indoors, based on
paring control measures. The microenvironmental the mass balance model, typically include terms that
model is a tool that can estimate population expo- account for the volume of the room, the generation
sures to secondhand smoke when there is information rate, and the removal rate. For secondhand smoke, the
on the places where people spend time and whether generation rate is the number of cigarettes smoked,
people are smoking. Secondhand smoke concentra- and the removal rate may include terms such as the air
tions can be inferred from models that characterize exchange rate, the rate of deposition on surfaces, and

96 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

terms for chemical transformations. In some cases, the loss rate (the second term). If conditions are stable,
rate of re-emission from surfaces may also be impor- then ∆C = 0, and the secondhand smoke concentration
tant. Van Loy and colleagues (1998) have written one depends only on source strength (nave gcig) and dilution
such equation: rate (Q). This model assumes a uniform mixing of the
g smoke throughout the space.
dCi Ei(t) 1 dMij
–––– = –––– – ACH * Ci – ––
dt V V Σj=1
Sj ––––
Klepeis and colleagues (1996) applied this
multismoker model to data collected from observations
of respirable particle and CO measurements in smoking
where Ci is the concentration of airborne chemical i, Ei(t) lounges in two airports. During 10 visits, the authors
is the emission rate of i, V is the volume of the room, carefully tracked the number of cigarettes smoked and
ACH is the air exchange rate, Sj is the area of surface j, measured continuous particle and CO concentrations.
and Mij is the mass of i deposited on surface j. The term A test with a cigar (several cigars at a time) generated
substantial concentrations of CO and RPM that were
dCi then tracked as they decayed exponentially. Because
dt CO does not react with surfaces, its decay rate was
used to determine the mechanical air exchange rate.
gives the rate of change of the concentration. The first Calculating the difference between the CO and RPM
term on the right is the emissions rate per volume, the decay rates provided estimates of the effective decay
second is the loss of concentration due to air exchange, rate, which takes into account physical and chemical
and the third is the loss to surfaces. reactions that affect particle concentrations in addi-
Adapted to secondhand smoke, the model implies tion to removal (dilution) by the mechanical ventila-
that secondhand smoke concentrations depend on the tion system. The report documented that the removal
number of smokers and their rate of smoking corre- of RPM by surface deposition and chemical reaction
sponding to Ei (t ) and the space, air exchange rate, and in both lounges was about 19 to 20 percent of the ven-
surface deposition—the factors that determine the net tilatory removal. Air exchange rates for these airport
removal of secondhand smoke. Ott (1999) has more spe- smoking lounges were high, approximately 11 and
cifically formulated this model for secondhand smoke, 13 ACH. Mechanically induced turbulence will
as have others (Daisey et al. 1998; Klepeis 1999a). increase particle removal by surface deposition, but
if the number of air changes is similar to that found
nave gcig ∆C
–––– = –––––– – ––––––– in office buildings (1 to 3 ACH) and homes (0.3 to
C(t) Q (ACH)t 3 ACH), the removal of RPM by deposition, evapora-
tion, and agglomeration would be a more substantial
The average secondhand smoke concentration at some fraction of the overall effective ventilation rate.
– ) depends on two terms. The first term
time ( C(t) Surface adsorption also removes gaseous con-
nave gcig stituents of secondhand smoke. Because different
–––––– physical and chemical processes are involved, differ-
Q ent decay rates are expected for different components.
Sorption, or the uptake and release of gaseous com-
has the source strength as its numerator: nave is the ponents of secondhand smoke, is a complex phenom-
number of smokers, and gcig is the emission rate enon involving physical and chemical processes on
from the cigarette as mass multiplied by time. The surfaces. Coverage of this topic is beyond the scope
denominator is the air flow rate, with higher air flows of this chapter. The model developed by Ott and
leading to lower concentrations. The second term colleagues (1992) and validated by Klepeis and
colleagues (1996) provided realistic estimates of
∆C time-varying concentrations of respirable sus-
(ACH)t pended particles associated with secondhand smoke
(Figure 3.4) (Klepeis 1999a). The estimated RPM from
captures changes in concentrations over the time of cigarettes (11.4 mg per cigarette) was similar to the
observation (∆C), the air exchange rate (ACH), and the value derived independently by Özkaynak and col-
time of observation t. Thus, the average concentration leagues (1996), who used a mass balance regression
is determined by source strength (the first term) and

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 97

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 3.4 Estimates of time-varying respirable suspended particle (RSP) concentrations associated with
secondhand smoke

A 600

S1 S2 S3 Cigar test
500 é
RSP concentrations (µg/m3*)

400 é
éé éé
éé é é
é é
ééé é é
300 é
éé éééé éé ééé éé
éé é é
é é é
éé é
éé é é
é é é
200 éé é é é ééé é é
é éé é é
éé é é é
éé éé é é
éé éé é
ééé é ééé
é éé é éé éééééééé
éé é
100 éé é é é é
é ééé
é é é
ééé éé é
éé é é
é ééé
éééé é é
é é ééé
é é éé é
é é ééé
é é é éé
é 0
12:30 1:10 1:50 2:30 3:10
Time (p.m.)

B 16 500
Number of
14 smokers RSP average Cigar test
Number of smokers

10 Concentration (µg/m3)



0 0
12:30 1:10 1:50 2:30 3:10
Time (p.m.)

Note: Figure A shows RSP concentration time series measured by piezobalances (labeled S1, S2, and S3) at three widely
spaced locations in the smoking lounge taken at the San Jose International Airport (SJC5) fifth study visit. The large decay
Figure B shows the cigarette count time series and the mean RSP concentration time series from the three piezobalances
taken at the SJC5 study visit.
*µg/m3 = Micrograms per cubic meter.
Source: Klepeis et al. 1996. Reprinted with permission.

98 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

model and indoor PM2.5 data from the Particle Total Summary of Atmospheric Markers
Exposure Assessment Study. The model predicted CO and Exposure Models
emissions per cigarette similar to the values presented
by Owens and Rosanno (1969). Researchers have suggested several markers for
The model for RPM exposures from secondhand measuring the concentration of secondhand smoke
smoke that Ott and colleagues (1992) developed is a (USDHHS 1986). Of the gas phase markers that
useful tool for estimating short-term concentrations researchers have most often used (nicotine, 3-ethenyl
in settings where the smoking rates and ventilation pyridine, and myosmine), concentrations were highly
rates are known. The model could also be used to correlated in various real-world environments and
advance exposure assessment studies and as a design were correlated with particle phase markers when
aid for designated smoking areas within buildings. these markers were detectable (Jenkins et al. 1996).
Mass-based models also successfully predict the con- Nicotine, FPM, and UVPM were the most sensitive
centration of nicotine. Repace and colleagues (1998) of these gas and particle phase markers, detecting
used a similar model to predict nicotine from sec- low levels of secondhand smoke when levels of other
ondhand smoke in office air and in salivary cotinine markers were below the limit of detection (LaKind et
among office workers exposed only in the office; the al. 1999b).
agreement between the predicted concentrations and
the levels observed in field studies was excellent: the
mean-predicted concentration was 13.8 µg/m3 and Conclusions
the observed mean of 61 samples in nine offices was 1. Atmospheric concentration of nicotine is a
15.8 µg/m3; the median-predicted salivary cotinine was sensitive and specific indicator for secondhand
0.49 nanograms (ng)/m compared with an observed smoke.
median of 0.5 ng/milliliter (mL) in 89 nonsmoking
office workers who had not been exposed at home. 2. Smoking increases indoor particle concentrations.
Both chamber and field studies have validated
these models. Experimental chambers differ from 3. Models can be used to estimate concentrations of
many real-world environments such as homes, res- secondhand smoke.
taurants, and workplaces in several important aspects.
For example, chambers typically have much greater
surface to volume ratios, which increase the oppor- Implications
tunity for adsorption onto those surfaces, and the air
exchange rates are carefully controlled and often kept A set of approaches is available for document-
low to maintain high concentrations. Thus, adsorption ing the exposures of people to secondhand smoke in
onto and desorption from surfaces may have a greater indoor environments. The atmospheric concentration
impact in chamber studies than in the field. In fact, of nicotine can be readily measured, offering a valid
the adsorption and desorption of secondhand smoke quantitative indicator of the presence of secondhand
chemicals onto surfaces have been studied in cham- smoke in the indoor air. Smoking increases levels of
bers, and concerns have been raised about the differ- other contaminants, including particles. Measure-
ent rates of adsorption and desorption with different ments of nicotine can be used for both research and
markers. However, this phenomenon was less impor- surveillance purposes. Models have also been devel-
tant in field studies than in chamber studies. Thus, the oped to estimate concentrations of secondhand smoke
concentrations of secondhand smoke marker chemi- in indoor spaces. These models can be used to assess
cals measured in the workplace are well correlated the consequences of various scenarios of controlling
with one another (Table 3.2). for secondhand smoke.

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 99

Surgeon General’s Report

Biomarkers of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke

A biomarker of exposure has been defined by smoke has been proposed (Yanagisawa et al. 1986)
the NRC (1989) as “…an exogenous substance or its but has not been confirmed by other investigators
metabolite or the product of an interaction between (Adlkofer et al. 1984; Verplanke et al. 1987; Scherer
a xenobiotic agent (an external, biologically active and Richter 1997), and hydroxyproline analyses have
agent) and some target molecule or cell that is mea- not been used in more recent studies. The tobacco-
sured in a compartment within an organism” (p. 12). specific nitrosamine 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-
Thus, measuring specific biomarkers in people can (3-pyridyl)-1-butanol (NNAL) may prove to be quite
provide evidence that exposure of the individual to useful as an exposure marker in the future (Hecht et
secondhand smoke has actually occurred. For some al. 1993b), although relatively few studies have been
agents, measurements of biomarkers that have inter- conducted of NNAL levels in nonsmokers (Hecht et
acted with a target site in the body may indicate the al. 1993b, 2001; Parsons et al. 1998; Meger et al. 2000;
biologically effective dose (Sampson et al. 1994; Per- Anderson et al. 2001). Levels of other compounds pres-
era 2000). However, biomarkers do not provide direct ent in tobacco smoke such as benzene, 2,5-dimethylfu-
information on exposure microenvironments and are ran, and benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) may be significantly
therefore complementary to environmental and per- higher among smokers compared with nonsmokers,
sonal monitoring (NRC 1991). In 1992, the EPA listed but such compounds are of limited value as biomark-
several criteria that a biomarker of exposure for a spe- ers of involuntary smoking because they are not spe-
cific air contaminant should meet (USEPA 1992). Based cific to tobacco smoke. Thus, although some of these
on those criteria, the ideal biomarker of exposure to compounds may be of value in classifying active smok-
secondhand smoke should (1) be specific for invol- ers and nonsmokers, only those compounds with the
untary smoking, (2) have an appropriate half-life in highest specificity and sensitivity are potentially use-
the body, (3) be measurable with high sensitivity and ful for assessing variations in exposure to secondhand
precision, (4) be measurable in samples collected by smoke. Feasibility and cost are additional consider-
noninvasive techniques, (5) be inexpensive to assay, ations. The biomarkers most commonly proposed for
(6) be either an agent associated with health effects this purpose have been CO, thiocyanate, and nicotine
or strongly and consistently associated with such an or its metabolites.
agent, and (7) be related quantitatively to a prior expo-
sure to secondhand smoke. Several biomarkers have
been used to assess involuntary smoking, but each has Carbon Monoxide and Thiocyanate
had limitations when matched against these criteria.
The compound CO is present in both mainstream
Nevertheless, these biomarkers have provided infor-
and sidestream smoke and can be measured in people
mation for tracking population exposures to second-
as either expired breath CO or as carboxyhemo-
hand smoke. There are several published reviews of
globin. Such measurements may be useful in con-
biomarkers of secondhand smoke exposure (Benowitz
firming the absence of active smoking, but they are
1996, 1999; Jaakkola and Jaakkola 1997; Scherer and
of limited value as markers of exposure to second-
Richter 1997; National Cancer Institute 1999; Wood-
hand smoke because of a relatively short half-life and
ward and Al-Delaimy 1999).
because of the nonspecificity of CO as a marker for
Compounds that have been used as biomarkers
exposure to tobacco smoke. In addition to tobacco
for involuntary smoking include CO in exhaled air,
combustion, CO has both indoor and outdoor sources,
carboxyhemoglobin (the complex form of CO found
including vehicle exhaust and incomplete combus-
in the blood), thiocyanate, nicotine and its primary
tion in furnaces, space heaters, and other similar
metabolite cotinine, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
devices. The human body’s own metabolic processes
(PAH) adducts in leukocyte DNA or plasma albu-
also produce CO, and nonsmokers have a typical car-
min, and hemoglobin (Hb) adducts of tobacco-related
boxyhemoglobin concentration of about 1 percent.
aromatic amines such as 3-aminobiphenyl (3AB) and
The half-life of CO in the body is about two to four
4AB. A relationship between urinary concentrations
hours (Castleden and Cole 1974). Therefore, although
of hydroxyproline, an indicator of collagen degrada-
this time period varies with individual activity levels,
tion (a marker of effect), and exposure to secondhand

100 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

CO is only useful as an indicator of recent exposures. urine, but on average, about 90 percent of the nicotine
Both expired breath CO and blood level carboxy- is further metabolized (Benowitz and Jacob 1994). Of
hemoglobin measurements have been used in studies this nicotine, about 70 to 80 percent is metabolized to
of exposure to secondhand smoke. In general, how- cotinine (range: 60 to 90 percent). Cotinine is the major
ever, a definite increase in these markers has only proximate metabolite of nicotine and the predomi-
been noted immediately following substantial expo- nant nicotine metabolite present in the blood; cotinine
sures (Table 3.3). Thus, levels of CO in exhaled breath is further metabolized to other chemicals, such as
or in carboxyhemoglobin in blood are of limited value hydroxycotinine and cotinine glucuronide. Nicotine
as routine markers of involuntary smoking. can be measured in physiologic fluids as an exposure
Cigarette smoke also contains significant biomarker, but its short half-life in the body of approx-
amounts of hydrogen cyanide, which is detoxified in imately one to three hours limits its utility as a marker
the body by conversion to thiocyanate. As a marker, of chronic exposure (Scherer et al. 1988; Benowitz et
thiocyanate is easily measured in serum, urine, or al. 1991). Consequently, cotinine, the primary metabo-
saliva by manual or automated colorimetric meth- lite of nicotine with a substantially longer half-life, is
ods. Thiocyanate has an estimated half-life of about regarded as the biomarker of choice for exposure to
one week—a period of time that is a fairly long inter- secondhand smoke (Jarvis et al. 1987; Watts et al. 1990;
val for the integration of an exposure (Junge 1985). Benowitz 1999). Participants in a workshop convened
However, thiocyanate lacks specificity as a marker to discuss analytical approaches suitable for assessing
of involuntary smoking primarily because of dietary involuntary smoking among people concluded with
contributions from cyanide-containing foods, such as a general consensus “…that the nicotine metabolite,
almonds, or from the presence of thiocyanate itself in cotinine, has the prerequisites of specificity, retention
certain cruciferous vegetables such as cabbage, broc- time in the body, and detectable concentration lev-
coli, and cauliflower. This lack of specificity restricts els that make it the analyte of choice for quantifying
the usefulness of thiocyanate in assessing exposure to exposures” (Watts et al. 1990, p. 173).
tobacco smoke. Although some studies have reported The estimated half-life of cotinine in serum,
significantly increased levels of thiocyanate among urine, or saliva averages about 16 to 18 hours
nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke (Table 3.3), (Table 3.4) (Jarvis et al. 1988). Some investigators have
two rather large studies with more than 1,000 persons reported that the cotinine half-life in nonsmokers may
apiece found no significant difference in serum thio- be significantly longer than in smokers, whereas other
cyanate levels between nonsmokers with and those studies have found a similar half-life in both groups
without reported exposure to secondhand smoke (Table 3.4). Kyerematen and colleagues (1982) used a
(Table 3.3) (Foss and Lund-Larsen 1986; Woodward relatively low dose of nicotine (less than 0.2 mg based
et al. 1991). Both expired breath CO and serum thio- on an assumed mean body weight of 70 kilograms) and
cyanate levels may be useful as confirmatory markers found a statistical, but small, difference in the half-life
in smoking cessation studies because no interference of labeled cotinine between smokers and nonsmok-
from nicotine replacement therapy occurs, but the lack ers. However, Sepkovic and colleagues (1986) and
of specificity of these markers limits their application Haley and colleagues (1989) reported a much longer
in studies of involuntary smoking. half-life of cotinine in nonsmokers than in smokers.
Both studies used a radioimmunoassay (RIA) for their
analyses, and the cross-reactivity or limited sensitivity
Nicotine and Cotinine of their assays during the terminal elimination phase
when cotinine concentrations would be low may have
Nicotine is a highly tobacco-specific compo-
contributed to their results. Benowitz (1996) pointed
nent of cigarette smoke that is present in abundant
out that more recent data indicate similar cotinine
amounts (approximately 7 to 8 mg per cigarette)
clearance rates for both smokers and nonsmokers.
(IARC 2004). Nicotine can be readily measured in
Benowitz (1996) suggested that any increase in the
both active and involuntary smokers in a number of
apparent half-life for nonsmokers at low nicotine con-
biologic materials including serum, urine, and saliva.
centrations may represent residual tissue storage of
Most of the nicotine emitted from a cigarette is found
nicotine with continued release over time. This notion
in sidestream smoke (NRC 1986), which is the major
would be consistent with the finding that the mean
contributor to secondhand smoke. Nonsmokers inhale
half-life for the elimination of cotinine derived from
nicotine, which is present as a gas, during involuntary
labeled nicotine among nonsmokers was slightly
smoking. Some of the absorbed nicotine is excreted in

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 101

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 3.3 Expired air carbon monoxide (CO), carboxyhemoglobin, and thiocyanate levels following
exposure to secondhand smoke
Study Analysis Method Unexposed Exposed Difference
Russell et al. Carboxy- CO oximeter 1.6% ± 0.6 2.6% ± 0.7 p <0.001
1973 hemoglobin

Jarvis et al. Expired air CO Data were not 4.7 ppm 10.6 ppm p <0.001
1983 reported

Poulton et Serum thiocyanate Colorimetric 54.2 ± 11.3 µmol/L† 97.3 ± 45.3 µmol/L p <0.002
al. 1984 n = 10 n = 14

Foss and Serum thiocyanate Colorimetric Men

Lund-Larsen 29.7 ± 14.2 µmol/L 30.9 ± 13.5 µmol/L NS‡
1986 n = 248 n = 328
30.2 ± 13.6 µmol/L 31.9 ± 15.8 µmol/L NS
n = 366 n = 229
Husgafvel- Carboxy- CO oximeter 0.6% ± 0.2 0.7% ± 0.3 NS
Pursiainen hemoglobin n = 20 n = 27
et al. 1987
Plasma thiocyanate Colorimetric 46 ± 16 µmol/L 58 ± 18 µmol/L p <0.01
n = 20 n = 27
Robertson et Serum thiocyanate Colorimetric 44.8 ± 21.2 µmol/L Group A
al. 1987 n = 57 44.1 ± 18.5 µmol/L NS
n = 69
Group B
49.6 ± 27.3 µmol/L NS
n = 21
Chen et al. Serum thiocyanate Colorimetric 26.9 (9.3–40.9) 35.8 (14.8–78.2) µmol/L p <0.05
1990 µmol/L n = 26
n = 20

Woodward Expired air CO Ecolyser Men

et al. 1991 2 ppm 3 ppm NS
n = 519 n = 259
2 ppm 2 ppm NS
n = 817 n = 461

Serum thiocyanate Colorimetric Men

37 µmol/L 35 µmol/L NS
n = 455 n = 244
40 µmol/L 39 µmol/L NS
n = 702 n = 401
Otsuka et al. Carboxy- Spectrophotometry 0.24% ± 0.18 1.57% ± 0.32 p <0.001
2001 hemoglobin

*ppm = Parts per million.

µmol/L = Micromoles per liter.

NS = Not significant.

102 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

longer (21 ± 4.6 hours) (Benowitz and Jacob 1993)

than the mean half-life measured in nonsmokers
(17 ± 3.9 hours) in a separate study that used labeled
cotinine (Benowitz and Jacob 1994). Zevin and col-
Comments leagues (1997) compared labeled nicotine with labeled
cotinine and reported similar results. However, a small
12 nonsmoking volunteers assayed before (unexposed)
and immediately after remaining in a smoke-filled room increase in the effective half-life resulting from tissue
for an average of 79 minutes; mean CO in the room was distribution effects would not be expected to influ-
about 38 ppm* ence estimates of secondhand smoke exposure based
on cotinine measurements made under steady-state
7 nonsmokers assayed before (unexposed) and after
2 hours of exposure to secondhand smoke in a bar;
conditions. Collier and colleagues (1990) reported a
peak ambient CO in the bar was 13 ppm significantly longer cotinine half-life in neonates and
children, but a more recent evaluation found a simi-
24 children or adolescents (mean age 7.6 years), with lar half-life in both newborns and adults (Dempsey et
14 living in homes with ≥1 smoker in the immediate
al. 2000).
family (exposed)
Besides possible differences in the effective
Nonsmokers in Norway with self-reported exposures to half-life of cotinine among smokers and nonsmok-
secondhand smoke at home or at work ers, research suggests that differences based on gen-
der, race, and ethnicity may exist. Two studies found
higher levels of serum cotinine per cigarette smoked
in Black smokers than in White smokers—a finding
that may reflect differences in nicotine metabolism or
Office workers with no reported exposure (unexposed) in the way that cigarettes are smoked (Wagenknecht
and restaurant employees exposed an average of
et al. 1990; Caraballo et al. 1998). Total and nonrenal
40 hours per week
clearance of cotinine were significantly lower among
Black smokers, and the metabolism of nicotine, coti-
nine, and N-glucuronidation activities were slower
Nonsmoking office workers who reported no exposure among Black smokers than among White smok-
to secondhand smoke; exposure to secondhand smoke
ers (Pérez-Stable et al. 1998; Benowitz et al. 1999).
only at work (Group A); or exposure to secondhand
smoke both at home and at work (Group B) The mean half-life of cotinine among Black smokers
(18 hours) was 12.5 percent longer than that found
among White smokers (16 hours). One report also
suggests that in comparisons with either Latinos or
Median and range of serum levels among infants in
the Chang-Ning Epidemiological Study who lived in
Whites, Chinese Americans metabolized nicotine
nonsmoking homes (unexposed) or in homes where more slowly; the mean increase in the cotinine half-
≥20 cigarettes/day were smoked life among Chinese American smokers was about
14 percent (Benowitz et al. 2002). Although Lynch
Nonsmokers in the Scottish Heart Health Study
(1984) found no gender differences in the cotinine
self-reported either “none” or “a lot” of exposure to
secondhand smoke half-life, Benowitz and colleagues (1999) found a
significantly shorter cotinine half-life in women
(14.5 hours) than in men (18.5 hours), a difference that
the researchers attributed to a smaller volume of coti-
nine distribution in women. The same group reported
higher metabolic clearance rates and a substantially
shorter half-life (about nine hours) for cotinine in preg-
nant women (Dempsey et al. 2002), a finding that may
require a slight revision of classification cutoff levels
when assessing active smokers and women exposed
to secondhand smoke during pregnancy.
15 healthy nonsmokers assayed before (unexposed) and
immediately after remaining in a room for 30 minutes
with people who were smoking; the mean CO level in
the room was approximately 6 ppm

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 103

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 3.4 Half-life of cotinine in smokers and nonsmokers from several studies

Cotinine half-life in
Study Exposure Assay hours (mean ± SD*) Comments

Kyerematen Intravenous dose of LC‡ separation; then 10.3 ± 2.3 6 male smokers; overnight
et al. 1982 14
C-labeled nicotine at measured radiolabeled n=6 abstention before dosing and
2.7 µg/kg† metabolite throughout the study; plasma

Same 13.3 ± 2.2 6 male nonsmokers


Benowitz et Intravenous cotinine GLC/NPD§ 15.8 ± 4 5 male and 3 female smokers;

al. 1983 infusion n=8 plasma assays

Cotinine washout GLC/NPD 19.7 ± 6.5 8 male and 4 female smokers

during 3 days of n = 12
smoking abstention

Lynch 1984 Cotinine washout GLC/NPD 14.6 (men) Averages from 47 male and
during 24 hours of 15.1 (women) 41 female smokers; cotinine
smoking abstention half-life was calculated from
2-point data only; plasma
Cotinine washout GLC/NPD 15.4 (men)
during 3 days of 15.7 (women) 8 male and 11 female smokers
smoking abstention in a smoking cessation
program; assayed once/day for
3 days

Sepkovic et Smokers abstained RIA∆ 18.5 (plasma) 10 smokers were followed

al. 1986 for 7 days 21.9 (urine) during 7 days of smoking

Nonsmokers exposed RIA 49.7 (plasma) 4 nonsmokers were exposed to

to secondhand smoke 32.7 (urine) secondhand smoke for
in a chamber 80 minutes/day for 4 days,
then followed for an additional
7 days

De Schepper Oral dose of cotinine GC–MS** 12.3 ± 2.6 4 male nonsmokers; cotinine
et al. 1987 at 10 and 20 mg¶ n=4 half-life was independent
concentrations of dose, so both doses were
averaged per person; the same
results were obtained with
infused cotinine; plasma assays

Jarvis et al. Oral dose of nicotine GLC/NPD 16.6 ± 3.4 3 male and 2 female
1988 at 28 mg/day for 2 labs performed each n=5 nonsmokers; plasma cotinine
5 days before analysis assay assays

15.9 ± 3.1 Salivary cotinine assays


18.0 ± 4.0 Urine cotinine assays


104 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 3.4 Continued

Cotinine half-life in
Study Exposure Assay hours (mean ± SD*) Comments

Scherer et Cotinine intravenous GLC/NPD 17.1 ± 4.4 6 smokers; 5 days of smoking

al. 1988 infusion n=6 abstention before infusion;
serum assays

Haley et al. Cotinine washout RIA 16.6 ± 3.4 9 smokers were followed for
1989 during 5 days of n=9 5 days beginning with smoking
smoking abstention cessation; urine assays

Nonsmokers exposed RIA 27.3 ± 5.9 10 nonsmokers were exposed

to secondhand smoke n = 10 to secondhand smoke for
in a chamber 8 minutes/day for 2 days, then
followed for 4 additional days;
urine assays

Curvall et Oral dose of cotinine GLC/NPD 14.9 ± 4.1 7 male and 2 female
al. 1990b at indicated amount n=3 nonsmokers; plasma cotinine
Followed for 4 days assays following 5 mg dose

15.6 ± 3.7 Plasma cotinine assays

n=9 following 10 mg dose

14.9 ± 4.3 Plasma cotinine assays

n=9 following 20 mg dose

16.3 ± 1.9 Salivary cotinine assays

n=3 following 5 mg dose

15.7 ± 2.9 Salivary cotinine assays

n=9 following 10 mg dose

14.9 ± 3.7 Salivary cotinine assays

n=9 following 20 mg dose

Benowitz Native and GC–MS 16.3 ± 4.4 3 male and 3 female

and Jacob isotopically labeled n=6 nonsmokers dosed with an
1994 intravenous cotinine average of 4.4 mg cotinine over
infusion 30 minutes (2 µg/minute/kg
body weight); plasma half-
life was measured for native

16.9 ± 4.3 Plasma half-life was measured

n=6 for dideuterated cotinine

17.2 ± 3.9 Plasma half-life was measured

n=6 for tetradeuterated cotinine

*SD = Standard deviation.

µg/kg = Micrograms per kilogram.

LC = Liquid chromatography.
GLC/NPD = Gas-liquid chromatography with nitrogen-phosphorus–specific detectors.

RIA = Radioimmunoassay.

mg = Milligram.
**GC–MS = Gas chromatography with mass spectrometry.

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 105

Surgeon General’s Report

Cotinine Analytical Procedures either HPLC with UV detection (Machacek and Jiang
1986; Hariharan et al. 1988; Oddoze et al. 1998), or
Cotinine can be measured by a variety of tech- capillary GLC/NPD (Jacob et al. 1981; Davis 1986;
niques, but for application to studies of involuntary Teeuwen et al. 1989; Feyerabend and Russell 1990).
exposure, methods of high specificity and sensitivity The sensitive GLC/NPD methods of Feyerabend and
are needed. The most commonly used methods have Russell (1990) and of Jacob and colleagues (1981), with
included RIAs and enzyme-linked immunoassays, reported detection limits of about 0.1 ng/mL, have
gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) with nitrogen- been used in support of several studies of exposure
phosphorus–specific detectors (NPD) or coupled to a to secondhand smoke. There has been a more recent
mass spectrometer, and high-performance liquid chro- increase in the use of mass spectrometry for these
matography (HPLC) using either ultraviolet (UV) or analyses (Daenens et al. 1985; Norbury 1987; Jacob
mass spectrometric detection. With the development et al. 1991; McAdams and Cordeiro 1993; James et
of suitable antibodies (Langone et al. 1973; Knight al. 1998). Gas chromatography (GC) with mass spec-
et al. 1985), RIAs were made available for relatively trometric detection provides a sensitive analytical
sensitive and rapid analyses of nicotine and cotinine method with inherently high specificity and enables
in biologic matrices. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent the optimal use of stable isotopically labeled forms of
assays that use monoclonal antibodies have also been the analyte as internal standards. This type of analysis
developed (Bjercke et al. 1986) that obviate radio- is particularly well suited for sensitive cotinine mea-
active reagents and provide a consistent antibody surements in complex biologic matrices. The recent
source. Immunoassays are well suited for screening availability of instrumentation combining HPLC with
large numbers of samples in epidemiologic investi- atmospheric pressure ionization tandem mass spec-
gations, but may be subject to cross-reactivity from trometry has enabled the development of methods
other compounds that can limit the specificity. Even that provide high sensitivity and analytical specificity.
the more sensitive immunoassays for serum cotinine These methods are also well suited for application to
provide reliable results only for more heavily exposed epidemiologic studies that analyze large numbers of
nonsmokers who have serum cotinine concentrations samples (Bernert et al. 1997; Bentley et al. 1999; Tuomi
of approximately 0.3 to 1 ng/mL or greater (Coultas et et al. 1999). Benowitz (1996) has compared the relative
al. 1988; Emmons et al. 1996). sensitivity, specificity, and costs of these analytic
Chromatographic procedures for nicotine and procedures (Table 3.5).
cotinine measurements have commonly involved

Table 3.5 Analytical methods for measuring cotinine in nonsmokers

Study Method Sensitivity Specificity Cost

Langone et al. 1973; Radioimmunoassay 1–2 nanograms/ Variable (poorest Low

Haley et al. 1983; milliliter (ng/mL) in urine)
Knight et al. 1985

Jacob et al. 1981; Gas chromatography 0.1–0.2 ng/mL Good Moderate

Feyerabend et al.

Hariharan and High-performance liquid chromatography ±1 ng/mL Good Moderate

VanNoord 1991

Jacob et al. 1991 Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry 0.1–0.2 ng/mL Excellent High

Bernert et al. 1997 Liquid chromatography/atmospheric <0.05 ng/mL Excellent Extremely

pressure ionization tandem mass high

Source: Benowitz 1996.

106 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Analytical Matrices for Cotinine relatively lipophilic molecule with little protein bind-
Measurements ing (Benowitz et al. 1983), its concentration in saliva
tends to closely parallel its concentration in blood.
Nicotine and cotinine have been measured in a Several investigators have found a linear relation-
wide variety of physiologic matrices, including amni- ship between blood and saliva cotinine concentra-
otic fluid (Lähdetie et al. 1993; Jauniaux et al. 1999), tions, with saliva levels typically about 1.1 to 1.5 times
meconium (Ostrea et al. 1994; Dempsey et al. 1999; higher than the corresponding serum concentrations
Nuesslein et al. 1999), cervical lavage (Jones et al. (Jarvis et al. 1988; Curvall et al. 1990a; Rose et al. 1993;
1991), seminal plasma (Shen et al. 1997), breast milk Bernert et al. 2000). Schneider and colleagues (1997)
(Luck and Nau 1984; Becker et al. 1999), sweat (Bala- compared cotinine levels in saliva samples that were
banova et al. 1992), and pericardial fluid (Milerad et obtained by using either sugar or paraffin wax to
al. 1994). However, most investigations of exposure to stimulate flow—unstimulated saliva samples were
secondhand smoke have involved assays of cotinine in collected from the same persons. The researchers
blood, urine, or saliva, or of nicotine or cotinine in hair. concluded that the significantly lower levels found
Nicotine is metabolized to cotinine mainly in the liver, in stimulated samples resulted from higher salivary
but also in the lungs and kidneys; cotinine then enters flow rates. Other investigators, however, concluded
the bloodstream. When an individual is subjected to that salivary flow rates did not influence cotinine con-
involuntary smoking on a regular basis, a steady-state centrations in their samples (Van Vunakis et al. 1989;
condition may be achieved in which blood cotinine Curvall et al. 1990a), and the use of stimulated saliva
levels remain fairly constant during the day (Benow- with a somewhat higher and more uniform pH may
itz 1996). Because of this stability in concentration lev- reduce both the interindividual and intraindividual
els, in conjunction with the reliable and well-defined variability in the saliva-plasma ratio of a weak base
composition of blood samples, blood serum or plasma such as cotinine (Knott 1989). Saliva cotinine assays
has been considered the matrix of choice for quantita- have proven to be a quite useful noninvasive approach
tive cotinine assays (Watts et al. 1990; Benowitz 1996). for assessing exposures to secondhand smoke,
Thus, in the past few years, plasma or serum cotinine although a greater consistency in salivary collection
measurements have been used in several large epide- methods among studies may facilitate subsequent
miologic investigations of secondhand smoke expo- comparisons of the results (Schneider et al. 1997).
sure (Tunstall-Pedoe et al. 1991; Wagenknecht et al. Urine can also be readily obtained. Urine coti-
1993; Pirkle et al. 1996). nine assays have several additional advantages over
Despite a preference for blood plasma or serum blood or saliva assays, such as the availability of the
as the matrix for cotinine assays, obtaining a blood large volumes that can usually be collected, and typical
sample is invasive, and collecting samples from cotinine concentration levels that average about five
younger children may be difficult. Consequently, to six times higher than serum levels for unconjugated
saliva cotinine has been suggested as a useful alter- cotinine (Jarvis et al. 1984; Benowitz 1996). Besides
native in many cases (Jarvis et al. 1987; Curvall et nicotine and cotinine, urine samples may also contain
al. 1990a; Etzel 1990). Saliva is secreted into the oral significant amounts of the cotinine metabolite trans-3’-
cavity primarily by the parotid, sublingual, and sub- hydroxycotinine (Dagne and Castagnoli 1972; Neur-
mandibular glands. These glands typically produce ath and Pein 1987) as well as several additional minor
between 18 and 30 mL of unstimulated saliva per hour metabolites including nicotine-1’-N-oxide, cotinine-
(Sreebny and Broich 1987); the flow of stimulated N-oxide, nornicotine, and norcotinine (Beckett et al.
saliva is three to six times greater. Oral fluids are a 1971; Jacob et al. 1986; Zhang et al. 1990; Benowitz et al.
mixture derived from the individual salivary glandu- 1994). Two additional metabolites that were described
lar secretions and oral mucosal transudates (gingival more recently are 4-oxo-4-(3-pyridyl)butanoic acid
crevicular fluid), which are filtrates of plasma. Specific and 4-hydroxy-4-(3-pyridyl)butanoic acid, which
secretions may be recovered, but mixed or “whole” possibly arise from 2’-hydroxylation of nicotine and
saliva is most commonly collected for cotinine analy- represent up to 14 percent of the nicotine dose (Hecht
sis either by direct collection in an appropriate vessel et al. 1999b, 2000). Nicotine, cotinine, and hydroxy-
or by adsorption onto commercially available collec- cotinine predominate in urine and are present in
tion pads (Sreebny and Broich 1987). both an unconjugated form and as their glucuronides
Many lipophilic drugs may pass from blood (Byrd et al. 1992), with nicotine and cotinine form-
into saliva by simple diffusion through the lipid ing N-glucuronides and hydroxycotinine forming an
membranes of acinar cells. Because cotinine is a small, O-glucuronide (Byrd et al. 1994; Benowitz et al. 1999).

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 107

Surgeon General’s Report

Hydroxycotinine is often the most abundant nicotine hair as a matrix for nicotine analyses, and several
metabolite present in urine, with a half-life of approxi- investigators have subsequently evaluated both nico-
mately six hours in adults when given alone, which is tine and cotinine in hair. Unlike other matrices, the
much shorter than that of cotinine (Scherer et al. 1988; concentration of nicotine in hair is greater than that
Benowitz and Jacob 2001). In the presence of cotinine, of cotinine (Haley and Hoffmann 1985; Kintz 1992;
however, the elimination half-life of 3’-hydroxy- Koren et al. 1992). Because both concentrations are
cotinine is similar to that of continine (Dempsey et al. assumed to be stable once they have been deposited
2004). Consequently, cotinine is the most commonly into the hair shaft, many hair analyses have included
used biomarker in urine samples. However, this half- nicotine measurements or assays of both nicotine and
life differential may not be present in newborns in cotinine. Studies of adult nonsmokers have reported
whom the half-life is about the same for cotinine and a significant increase in hair nicotine concentrations
3’-hydroxycotinine (Dempsey et al. 2000). As with with an increase in self-reported exposures to second-
saliva, urine cotinine concentrations are also highly hand smoke (Eliopoulos et al. 1994; Dimich-Ward et
correlated (r ± 0.8) with blood concentrations (Jarvis et al. 1997; Al-Delaimy et al. 2001; Jaakkola et al. 2001).
al. 1984; Thompson et al. 1990; Benowitz 1996). Mea- Studies of infants and children have documented sim-
suring a range of nicotine metabolites rather than coti- ilar findings (Nafstad et al. 1995; Pichini et al. 1997; Al-
nine alone may also be useful in some circumstances, Delaimy et al. 2000). Nafstad and colleagues (1998),
and for such analyses, urine would often be the matrix however, found no significant differences in hair
of choice. nicotine levels in a study of 68 nonsmoking women
Higher cotinine concentrations present in urine with no known exposure to secondhand smoke and
can enhance sensitivity in an analysis of secondhand 54 nonsmoking women with reported exposures.
smoke exposure. However, urine assays have the dis- Some studies also found that hair nicotine levels for
advantage of being subject to variability that results those most heavily exposed to secondhand smoke
from hydration differences among participants at the tended to overlap substantially with levels found in
time of collection, because 24-hour urine samples are active smokers (Dimich-Ward et al. 1997; Al-Delaimy
rarely available and random samples are most often et al. 2001).
used. Many investigators have attempted to circum- At this point, significant uncertainties remain
vent this limitation by measuring both cotinine and concerning the use of hair analyses for either nicotine
creatinine in the sample and expressing the results or cotinine to assess exposure to secondhand smoke,
as simple cotinine-creatinine ratios (NRC 1986), or including the influence of variations in hair growth
by normalizing to a standardized creatinine concen- rates and in hair treatments such as bleaching or per-
tration based on a regression between cotinine and manents. The mechanism of deposition and the influ-
creatinine in urine (Thompson et al. 1990). However, ence of pigmentation are questions that also need to
although daily urinary creatinine excretion is rather be addressed. The rate of hair growth, which varies
uniform within individuals, creatinine production is among individuals, normally averages about one
also directly related to muscle mass and varies by age centimeter per month (Wennig 2000). Selecting non-
and gender. Despite these potential limitations, creati- representative telogen stage (resting phase) hairs is a
nine adjustments of cotinine measurements are often risk when only a few strands are selected for analysis
used to provide an index of exposure to secondhand (Uematsu 1993). Researchers believe that the systemic
smoke from spot urine samples (NRC 1986). incorporation of nicotine or cotinine involves the pas-
sive diffusion of the substance from the blood into
the hair follicle, and then into the growing hair shaft.
Nicotine and Cotinine in Hair Findings from studies that administered nicotine to
animals are consistent with the systemic incorpora-
One of the primary limitations of blood, urine,
tion of both nicotine and cotinine into hair in this man-
or saliva cotinine as a biomarker of exposure is the
ner (Gerstenberg et al. 1995; Stout and Ruth 1999). In
short exposure period that is represented. Assuming
addition, Gwent and colleagues (1995) administered a
that substances such as nicotine are incorporated into
single dose of nicotine (Nicorette Plus chewing gum)
the growing hair shaft over time, the use of hair as an
to six nonsmoking volunteers and demonstrated the
analytical matrix has been suggested as an enhanced
incorporation of cotinine (but not nicotine) into beard
index of exposure to secondhand smoke covering a
hair. Cotinine levels peaked on the third day following
period of several months rather than just a few days.
the exposure. However, drugs may also be deposited
Ishiyama and colleagues (1983) first proposed using

108 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

in the hair from contact with apocrine and sebaceous consideration thus provides an important rationale
gland secretions, as well as directly into the hair shaft for the use of nicotine or its metabolites as biomarkers
from the environment (Henderson 1993). Nicotine is for secondhand smoke exposure. However, research-
present in apocrine and eccrine sweat (Balabanova et ers have suggested that nicotine could be detected
al. 1992), and studies have clearly demonstrated the in some samples of tea and in certain vegetables,
adsorption of nicotine into hair from the environment including potatoes and tomatoes, that belong to the
(Nilsen et al. 1994; Zahlsen et al. 1996). Thus, multiple same family (Solanaceae) as tobacco (Castro and Monji
sources may contribute to the presence and levels of 1986; Sheen 1988). Idle (1990) subsequently referenced
nicotine found in hair. Although each of these routes Sheen’s (1988) results and suggested that cotinine
still reflects exposure of the nonsmoker to second- measurements might be influenced by the ingestion
hand smoke, the proper interpretation of the results of significant amounts of nicotine from these or other
requires a better understanding of the relative contri- foodstuffs. Idle (1990) hypothesized that the uptake
butions of these various factors. Direct environmental of dietary nicotine would be similar to the nicotine
adsorption represents a form of personal air monitor- that is absorbed from the vapor phase in the lungs.
ing rather than a biomarker assessment. Because the However, Svensson (1987) proposed that at the acid
adsorption of cotinine directly from the environment pH of the stomach, nicotine would be protonated and
is expected to be quite low (Eatough et al. 1989b), the not readily absorbed. Using direct measurements,
analysis of cotinine in hair would seem to provide an Ivey and Triggs (1978) found essentially no absorp-
advantage in minimizing contributions directly from tion of nicotine from the human stomach at pH 1 and
the environment. However, studies have found coti- an approximate 8 percent absorption at pH 7.4. Even
nine hair measurements to be generally less useful under moderately alkaline conditions (pH 9.8), the
than nicotine hair measurements in assessing differ- mean absorption was less than 20 percent. However,
ences in exposure to secondhand smoke (Kintz 1992; extensive intestinal absorption of nicotine does occur.
Dimich-Ward et al. 1997; Al-Delaimy et al. 2000). Benowitz and colleagues (1991) found that the oral
An additional concern with hair analyses is the bioavailability of encapsulated nicotine administered
influence of hair pigmentation on nicotine incorpora- to 10 smokers averaged about 44 percent. Bioavail-
tion. Studies have documented a significantly greater ability is low because of first-pass metabolism, which
systemic accumulation of nicotine in pigmented versus is when nicotine is converted to cotinine and other
unpigmented hair in rodents (Gerstenberg et al. 1995; metabolites.
Stout and Ruth 1999), and in black hairs compared On the basis of their measurements and projec-
with white hairs from the same persons (Mizuno et tions of dietary intake, Davis and colleagues (1991)
al. 1993; Uematsu et al. 1995). This difference presum- proposed that from 9 µg to nearly 100 µg of nicotine
ably reflects the strong binding of nicotine to mela- per day might be ingested from food. However, this
nin (Stout and Ruth 1999; Dehn et al. 2001), which is projection was based on maximum intakes of each
a relevant issue because differences in deposition as of the foods of interest including large quantities of
a function of either pigmentation or hair structure tea; actual intakes at that level would be unlikely
could lead to a differential sensitivity of detection or (Benowitz 1999). In contrast, Repace (1994) used the
exposure classification among participants, includ- food-nicotine concentrations reported by Domino and
ing persons of differing ethnicity. This concern may colleagues (1993) as well as a more realistic average
be specific to nicotine deposition, however, because a consumption quantity of potatoes and tomatoes in the
similar differential response was not seen in a study diet. The estimated daily nicotine intake from these
of hair cotinine levels among children with either light foods was approximately 0.7 µg/day. Furthermore,
or dark hair (Knight et al. 1996). Although the analy- more recent analyses of nicotine content in foodstuffs
sis of nicotine or cotinine in hair is potentially useful by specific mass spectrometric procedures found val-
in assessing a longer-term exposure to secondhand ues that were somewhat lower than the earlier esti-
smoke, this approach needs additional work. mates. Siegmund and colleagues (1999a) developed a
validated method for the extraction and recovery of
nicotine from foods using capillary GC–mass spec-
Dietary Sources of Nicotine trometry analysis. This method was subsequently
applied to an analysis of a variety of foodstuffs includ-
Researchers consider the presence of nico-
ing solanaceous vegetables and tea (Siegmund et al.
tine or its metabolites in the body to be a specific
1999b). The estimated daily intake of nicotine from all
indicator of prior exposures to tobacco smoke. This

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 109

Surgeon General’s Report

dietary sources for 14 countries, including the United such as before and after an intervention, would prob-
States, was about 1.4 µg/day, with an estimated ably be unaffected by diet.
2.25 µg/day at the 95th percentile. These values, which
were derived from a Monte Carlo simulation that used
mean daily consumption and measured nicotine con- Cotinine Measurements as an Index
tents of the foods, are well below the earlier estimates of Nicotine Exposure
made by Davis and colleagues (1991) but are closer to
those reported by Repace (1994). Although the potential for overlap of levels
Calculations of dietary nicotine contributions are always exists between nonsmokers with an extensive
necessarily imprecise. Direct evaluations of dietary exposure to secondhand smoke and occasional or cur-
intake should be more meaningful, and these measure- rently abstinent smokers, the use of cotinine measure-
ments tended to produce lower results. For example, ments to separate smokers from nonsmokers provides
the dietary intake of nicotine estimated by Davis and a generally valid approach. Benowitz and colleagues
colleagues (1991) included an important contribution (1983) originally proposed 10 ng/mL as a reason-
from tea. Researchers assessed the contribution from able cutoff level for cotinine in serum to distinguish
tea in more than 1,800 nonsmokers, including many between smokers and nonsmokers. Consistent with
customary tea drinkers, in the Scottish Heart Health that proposal, Repace and Lowrey (1993) estimated
Study; no consistent relationship was found between median serum cotinine levels to be about 1 ng/mL
serum cotinine levels and a daily tea intake of up to for U.S. adult nonsmokers and about 10 ng/mL for
10 cups (Tunstall-Pedoe et al. 1991). Those who con- the most heavily exposed nonsmokers. In a study of
sumed 10 or more cups per day had a slight increase 211 people in London, England, a plasma cutoff of
in serum cotinine, but the effect of tea was noted to be 13.7 ng/mL provided an optimal classification with
inconsistent. In a large, national epidemiologic survey 94 percent sensitivity and 81 percent specificity based
conducted in the United States, Pirkle and colleagues on self-reported exposure levels (Jarvis et al. 1987).
(1996) used a 24-hour food recall diary, which was The authors attributed the relatively poor specificity
completed by each study participant, to compare the to “deception” in the self-reports of some participants
dietary intake of potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, cauli- with high serum cotinine levels. When the investi-
flowers, green peppers, and both instant and brewed gators reclassified those believed to be deceptive as
tea with serum cotinine levels. Using regression mod- smokers, sensitivities were 96 to 97 percent and speci-
els, these food items explained less than 2 percent of ficities were 99 to 100 percent using plasma, saliva, or
the variance in serum cotinine levels. urine cotinine as the biomarker for comparison. The
Benowitz and Jacob (1994) proposed a conver- optimal cutoff values in this study were 14.2 ng/mL in
sion factor between nicotine and serum cotinine and saliva and 49.7 ng/mL in urine (Jarvis et al. 1987).
suggested that it can be used to estimate nicotine Pirkle and colleagues (1996) used a serum coti-
exposure under steady-state conditions. For example, nine cutoff level of 15 ng/mL in a large U.S. epidemio-
using the most recent estimate from Siegmund and logic study. They found a strong agreement with the
colleagues (1999b) of 1.4 µg of nicotine per day in the self-reported nonsmoking status of the participants:
average diet, and assuming that 71.3 percent of the those with serum cotinine levels above 15 ng/mL
dietary nicotine is absorbed in the same manner as who claimed no tobacco use comprised only about
vapor phase nicotine from secondhand smoke (Iwase 1.3 percent of the adult participants and 2.6 percent
et al. 1991), applying this conversion factor would of the adolescents. Caraballo and colleagues (2001)
result in a predicted mean serum cotinine concentra- examined the participants in this study aged 17 years
tion of no more than 0.013 ng/mL; at the 95th per- and older in detail and used the same nominal cutoff
centile of dietary nicotine intake, the estimate would of 15 ng/mL. There was a 92.5 percent agreement
be 0.020 ng/mL. These estimates are consistent with between serum cotinine concentrations and self-
the results of Pirkle and colleagues (1996) and indi- reported active smoking status and a 98.5 percent
cate a minimal dietary contribution to serum cotinine agreement among self-reported nonsmokers. The
measurements. Thus, trace amounts of nicotine may researchers regarded the infrequent or low rate of
be consumed in the diet, but any contribution from cigarette use as an explanation for the disagreement
this source is likely to be quite small for most peo- with serum cotinine levels among self-reported smok-
ple compared with the amount of nicotine absorbed ers in most cases. However, there may have been some
from secondhand smoke exposure. Additionally, deception in the 1.5 percent with discrepant results
comparisons of cotinine within individuals over time, between their serum cotinine levels and self-reported

110 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

status as nonsmokers, particularly among those with Table 3.6 Calculation of nicotine dosage from
relatively high concentrations of serum cotinine. plasma cotinine concentrations
Wagenknecht and colleagues (1992) found similar
results in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Nicotine Mean plasma
(Young) Adults Study, which had a serum cotinine administered* cotinine†
(milligrams (nanograms/ Calculated
cutoff value of 15 ng/mL that produced a sensitivity
[mg]/day) milliliter) dose† (mg/day)
of 94.5 percent and a specificity of 96 percent. In gen-
eral, self-reports of smoking status validated with bio- 7.3 92 7.4
marker assays were accurate in most studies (Patrick
et al. 1994), although small adjustments to customary 14.6 185 14.8
cutoff values between smokers and nonsmokers may 22.0 278 22.2
be needed based on gender and race for both males
and females and for pregnant women. The accuracy 29.3 381 30.5
of questionnaire reports in determining the extent of
*From the dosage and plasma cotinine concentrations
exposure may be higher in population contexts than given in Galeazzi et al. 1985 (Table 1). Doses were adjusted
in clinical studies, particularly in investigations of to mg/day based on the reported mean weight of the
smoking cessation. participants (61 kilograms, n = 6).
The objective in many studies is not only to iden- †
Calculated from plasma cotinine multiplied by 0.08.
tify nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke, but Sources: Galeazzi et al. 1985; Benowitz and Jacob 1994.
also to estimate the relative extent of their exposure. If
a quantitative relationship exists between exposure to
nicotine in secondhand smoke and cotinine biomarker
concentrations, then investigators should be able to
estimate the average nicotine exposure of groups of 1997), and Benowitz (1996) noted that the factor for
individuals from their biomarker levels. Repace and nicotine exposure among nonsmokers should also be
Lowrey (1993) developed a model that related nico- similar. The results obtained by Curvall and colleagues
tine exposure to cotinine levels measured in both the (1990b) with short-term exposures and nonsteady-
plasma and urine of nonsmokers. Subsequent com- state correlations are in general agreement with that
parisons of the model predictions with data from expectation. After administering various low doses of
10 epidemiologic studies were consistent within nicotine intravenously to nonsmokers, the researchers
10 to 15 percent for median and peak levels of coti- concluded that the average intake of nicotine among
nine. Using the fractional conversion of nicotine to their participants could be estimated from the follow-
cotinine and estimated cotinine clearances in active ing relationship:
smokers, Benowitz and Jacob (1994) proposed a factor
(K = 0.08 with a coefficient of variation ±22 percent)
that could be used to estimate daily nicotine intake (in Cotinine concentration (ng/mL) ~ 0.5 * [nicotine
milligrams of nicotine) from the steady-state plasma infusion rate in µg/min] * [absorption time in hours]
cotinine concentration in ng/mL. The validity of this
factor is supported by the data from Galeazzi and col- where 0.5 represents the somewhat lower fraction of
leagues (1985). They administered measured doses of nicotine metabolized to cotinine among nonsmokers
nicotine intravenously to six volunteers on four con- as Curvall and colleagues (1990b) had reported. A
secutive days and assessed serum cotinine levels on comparison of this expression with that of Benowitz
the fourth day, when steady-state conditions had been and Jacob (1994) suggests that both should generate
reached. The results indicate that plasma cotinine similar results, with the main difference between them
concentrations could be directly and linearly related reflecting the lower fractional conversion of nicotine to
to daily nicotine intake. Predicted nicotine intake cal- cotinine among nonsmokers as Curvall and colleagues
culations, based on the factor proposed by Benowitz (1990b) had estimated. Curvall and colleagues (1990b)
and Jacob (1994), demonstrated a close agreement in noted that this conversion may represent a true dif-
all cases with the actual exposures (Table 3.6). ference, or may have resulted from differences in the
Although Benowitz and Jacob (1994) had derived experimental setups between the two studies. Zevin
their factor from smokers, the clearance of cotinine and colleagues (1997) reported that the mean conver-
was similar for smokers and nonsmokers (Zevin et al. sion of nicotine to cotinine is approximately the same

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 111

Surgeon General’s Report

for nonsmokers as for smokers. If that conclusion is modification typically observed, and by the removal
correct, then the factor derived by Benowitz and Jacob of adducts through DNA repair mechanisms. Conse-
(1994) should be applicable to both groups. quently, studies of adducts in response to the expo-
These estimates are based on studies in which sure of humans to secondhand smoke have largely
nicotine was infused into people, often at greater focused on the use of protein adducts as surrogate
concentrations than would result from involuntary markers because they are more abundant and are not
smoking. However, the estimates are consistent with subject to repair mechanisms.
a linear relationship between nicotine exposure and Maclure and colleagues (1989) found that con-
mean serum cotinine concentrations when measured centrations of both 4AB–Hb and 3AB–Hb adducts
under steady-state conditions. These findings suggest were significantly higher in nonsmokers with con-
that at least an approximate quantitative estimate of firmed exposures to secondhand smoke (based on
nicotine exposures within population groups might plasma cotinine concentrations) than in unexposed
be derived from their plasma cotinine concentrations. nonsmokers. The same investigators had previously
Because cotinine levels in an individual reflect not demonstrated that concentrations of 4AB–Hb were
only exposure variations but also individual differ- significantly higher in smokers than in nonsmokers,
ences in metabolism and excretion, the value of a sin- and that the concentrations declined during smoking
gle measurement within an individual may be limited. cessation to levels found in nonsmokers (Bryant et al.
However, the application of cotinine measurements in 1987; Skipper and Tannenbaum 1990). Hammond and
epidemiologic studies that involve large numbers of colleagues (1993) found a dose-response relationship
individuals may provide reliable estimates of average for 4AB–Hb concentrations in nonsmokers who were
group exposures to nicotine in secondhand smoke categorized into three levels of exposure to second-
(Benowitz 1999). hand smoke based on their personal monitoring of
nicotine exposure. These authors found that 4AB–Hb
concentrations in nonsmokers exposed to second-
Protein and DNA Adducts hand smoke were about 14 percent of those found in
smokers, whereas cotinine levels in nonsmokers were
Measurements of DNA or protein adducts of
about 1 percent of those in smokers. These relative bio-
carcinogens in secondhand smoke may indicate both
marker concentrations are consistent with the higher
the exposure (internal dose) and the interaction of the
concentrations of 4AB–Hb and nicotine in sidestream
carcinogen or its metabolite with the host tissue, thus
versus mainstream smoke of about 31-fold and 2-fold,
reflecting the biologically effective dose. Furthermore,
respectively (NRC 1986). These results implicate
if the adduct is stable, this approach can determine
secondhand smoke exposure as a contributing fac-
time-integrated exposures over the lifetime of the
tor to the amount of 4AB adducted to Hb. However,
modified biopolymer. In the case of protein adducts,
detectable background levels of 4AB–Hb adducts
this exposure interval corresponds to the lifetime of
are commonly observed among nonsmokers with no
the red cell (approximately 127 days) for Hb adducts
known sources of exposure to secondhand smoke,
and to the 21-day half-life of serum albumin adducts.
although they were possibly exposed to other com-
Based on continuing daily exposures, this integration
bustion emissions (Bryant et al. 1987; Maclure et al.
over time can lead to an approximate 60-fold ampli-
1990). As a consequence, the distributions of adduct
fication in Hb adduct levels and to a 30-fold amplifi-
levels in nonsmokers exposed to secondhand smoke
cation for serum albumin adduct levels (Skipper and
and in those who have no known exposure may
Tannenbaum 1990). DNA adducts in human target tis-
not be sharply separated. Additionally, at the time
sue, such as the lung, are of particular interest because
of these studies, secondhand smoke exposure may
they may be directly relevant to carcinogenesis, but
have been so ubiquitous that few persons were truly
such tissue is available only by surgery or biopsy.
Thus, many analyses have used white blood cell DNA
In a study of 109 children, 4AB–Hb and PAH–
adducts as surrogate markers. Many investigators pre-
albumin adducts were higher in children whose
fer to analyze adducts in lymphocytes because of their
mothers smoked and in children from households
significantly longer lifetimes (up to several years) than
with a smoker other than the mother, compared with
the lifetime of less than one day that monocytes and
children unexposed to secondhand smoke (Craw-
granulocytes have (Kriek et al. 1998). However, these
ford et al. 1994; Tang et al. 1999). Cotinine levels also
assays are limited by the small amount of DNA that is
increased with exposure and there were significant
available in peripheral blood, by the low rates of base

112 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

differences among the groups for both biomarkers. is that the concentrations are quite low, even among
After adjusting for the exposure group, the research- active smokers, and relatively large urine sample
ers found that these markers were higher among Afri- volumes combined with extensive cleanup and sen-
can American children than among Hispanic children. sitive analytical procedures are needed for assays
Conversely, in a study of 107 nonsmoking women, of nonsmokers.
Autrup and colleagues (1995) found no significant dif- Besides forming urinary metabolites, both
ference in PAH–albumin levels of those exposed and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone
those unexposed to secondhand smoke. Although (NNK) and another TSNA, N’-nitrosonornicotine,
serum cotinine measurements confirmed the status may also form adducts with Hb and DNA that release
of the nonsmokers, the researchers did not compare 4-hydroxy-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (HPB) on hydro-
cotinine and PAH–albumin levels of the participat- lysis (Hecht et al. 1994). However, the HPB yield has
ing smokers and nonsmokers. Scherer and colleagues been surprisingly low and was significantly elevated
(2000) also found no difference in B[a]P adducts of in only a minority of active smokers and in very few
either Hb or albumin in a study of 19 nonsmokers nonsmokers. There was also a substantial overlap in
exposed to secondhand smoke and 23 unexposed values from the samples of both groups. The reason
nonsmokers. This study measured nicotine from per- for this finding is unclear; it may reflect individual
sonal samplers on individual participants and cotinine metabolic differences in Hb alkylation (Hecht et al.
levels in both plasma and urine. Cotinine levels were 1993a) or limitations in the analytical procedures. If
significantly higher among those exposed to second- such limitations could be identified and resolved,
hand smoke; this finding confirmed the differences in the analysis of TSNA adducts might offer consider-
exposure. Additional work may be needed to resolve able promise. However, measurements of NNAL and
these findings for the PAH adducts. NNAL-glucuronide in urine appear to be the best
approach for monitoring exposures to NNK among
people exposed to secondhand smoke.
Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines
Tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) are of
Evidence Synthesis
considerable interest as biomarkers of exposure to
secondhand smoke because they combine both high Biomarkers are valuable for providing an objec-
specificity for tobacco exposure and additional rel- tive index of the internal dose of a component or its
evancy as presumed carcinogens. The formation, metabolite from secondhand smoke following expo-
metabolism, and role of these nitrosamines as signifi- sure. Biomarkers can be particularly useful in veri-
cant carcinogens in tobacco smoke were discussed in fying self-reports of exposure to secondhand smoke
detail in Chapter 2 (Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke). because individuals may differ in their awareness of
Several recent studies demonstrated that NNAL and the extent and duration of such exposures. Thus, the
its glucuronide can be measured in the urine of non- use of sensitive biomarker measurements may permit
smokers exposed to secondhand smoke (Hecht et al. the identification of previously unrecognized expo-
1993b; Parsons et al. 1998; Meger et al. 2000; Anderson sures within nominal control or unexposed groups,
et al. 2001). There were significant correlations with and thereby improve the reliability of classifica-
urine cotinine levels (Hecht et al. 1993b; Parsons et tions. However, biomarkers are also limited by inter-
al. 1998) and with nicotine exposures measured with individual and intraindividual variability, analytical
personal samplers (Meger et al. 2000). An additional constraints, and limitations on the exposure time-
advantage of NNAL and NNAL-glucuronide as bio- frame that can be monitored.
markers is that they are reportedly eliminated more For example, as tobacco smoke ages and decays,
slowly than either nicotine or cotinine in smokers fol- the physical and chemical composition of secondhand
lowing smoking cessation (Hecht et al. 1999a). Hecht smoke changes (NRC 1986), and the ratio of a marker
and colleagues (1999a) estimated that the elimination compound such as nicotine to other components of
half-life of NNAL was 45 days compared with 40 days interest may also change. Temporal variations in the
for NNAL-glucuronide. If a similar extended half-life ratio of a biomarker to other hazardous compounds
can be confirmed in nonsmokers, then these markers in tobacco smoke could thus complicate the inter-
may offer the promise of monitoring a longer period pretation of exposure based on the measurement of
of exposure than is possible with either nicotine or that marker. However, as Benowitz (1999) noted,
cotinine. The main limitation of NNAL measurements when ratios of nicotine to other constituents such as

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 113

Surgeon General’s Report

respirable suspended particulates are averaged over Besides cotinine, other promising biomarkers
exposure-time intervals of hours or days, as is of involuntary smoking include the tobacco-specific
typical of a human exposure, the ratios remain consis- nitrosamine NNAL, the 4AB–Hb adduct, and perhaps
tent. This consistency suggests that biomarkers such hair analysis for nicotine. Each of these markers has
as nicotine or its cotinine metabolite should provide the potential to provide an index of exposure over a
a valid assessment of exposure to other toxic constitu- period of at least several weeks rather than the few
ents in secondhand smoke. Nevertheless, the continual days afforded by cotinine, and both NNAL and Hb
changes in composition during aging will complicate adducts of aromatic amines are directly relevant as
the assessment of tobacco smoke exposure based on indicators of potential adverse health risks.
one specific marker such as nicotine.
Cotinine measurements in blood or other matri-
ces provide the most useful biomarker for assessing Conclusions
exposure to secondhand smoke because these mea-
1. Biomarkers suitable for assessing recent exposures
surements combine high levels of specificity and
to secondhand smoke are available.
sensitivity for exposure. However, as noted above,
cotinine measurements reflect an exposure only to
2. At this time, cotinine, the primary proximate
nicotine; they are limited to monitoring an exposure
metabolite of nicotine, remains the biomarker of
over the previous few days unless hair cotinine is
choice for assessing secondhand smoke exposure.
measured, and are susceptible to short-term fluctua-
tions that reflect metabolic variations. Even regular
3. Individual biomarkers of exposure to secondhand
smokers may display diurnal variations in plasma
smoke represent only one component of a complex
cotinine that average 30 percent from peak to trough,
mixture, and measurements of one marker may not
with higher concentrations occurring later in the day
wholly reflect an exposure to other components of
(Benowitz and Jacob 1994); similar fluctuations may
concern as a result of involuntary smoking.
be expected in nonsmokers regularly exposed to
secondhand smoke. Cotinine may also reflect an
exposure to nicotine previously adsorbed onto dust
or emitted from room surfaces rather than a direct
exposure to secondhand smoke (Hein et al. 1991), There is a need to refine the methodology used
although the extent of this indirect mode of exposure to measure biomarkers to increase their sensitivity
is believed to be trivial (Hein et al. 1991; Benowitz and for research into their validity as predictors of
1999). The interpretation of a result from a single coti- population risk. There remains a need for a biomarker
nine measurement for an individual is difficult, but capable of reliably indicating past exposures over an
multiple measurements over time and mean values extended time period. Until such a marker can be
from groups within a population may provide useful identified, long-term exposures to secondhand smoke
indices of typical exposure levels. As Benowitz (1999) can only be assessed through the use of questionnaires
noted, current evidence “…indicates that cotinine and similar approaches.
levels provide valid and quantitative measures of
average ongoing human ETS [environmental tobacco
smoke] exposure over time” (p. 353).

114 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke


Building Designs and Operations Biomarkers of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke

1. Current heating, ventilating, and air conditioning 6. Biomarkers suitable for assessing recent exposures
systems alone cannot control exposure to to secondhand smoke are available.
secondhand smoke.
7. At this time, cotinine, the primary proximate
2. The operation of a heating, ventilating, and air metabolite of nicotine, remains the biomarker of
conditioning system can distribute secondhand choice for assessing secondhand smoke exposure.
smoke throughout a building.
8. Individual biomarkers of exposure to secondhand
Exposure Models smoke represent only one component of a complex
mixture, and measurements of one marker may not
3. Atmospheric concentration of nicotine is a
wholly reflect an exposure to other components of
sensitive and specific indicator for secondhand
concern as a result of involuntary smoking.

4. Smoking increases indoor particle concentrations.

5. Models can be used to estimate concentrations of

secondhand smoke.

Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 115

Surgeon General’s Report


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Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 125

Surgeon General’s Report

126 Chapter 3
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Chapter 4
Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke

Introduction 129

Methods 129

Metrics of Secondhand Smoke Exposure 130

Questionnaires 130
Airborne Concentrations 131
Biomarkers 131

Estimates of Exposure 132

National Trends in Biomarkers of Exposure 132
Environmental Sites of Exposure 135
Exposure in the Home 137
Representative Surveys of Children 137
Representative Surveys of Adults 138
Susceptible Populations 139
Measurements of Airborne Tracers in Homes 140
Exposure in the Workplace 141
Surveys of Workplaces with Policies Regarding Smoking 141
Workplace Surveys 143
Exposure in Public Places 145
Restaurants, Cafeterias, and Bars 145
Other Locations 154
Special Populations 154
Prisoners 154
Evidence Synthesis 154

Conclusions 158

Overall Implications 158

References 159

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 127

Surgeon General’s Report

128 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke


The 1986 U.S. Surgeon General’s report, The concentrations in indoor environments and have
Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking, outlined discovered sensitive biologic markers of active and
the need for valid and reliable methods to more accu- involuntary exposures (Jaakkola and Samet 1999;
rately determine and assess the health consequences Samet and Wang 2000). These advances have gener-
of exposure to secondhand smoke (U.S. Department ated a substantial amount of data on exposure of non-
of Health and Human Services [USDHHS] 1986). The smokers to secondhand smoke and have improved
report concluded that reliable methods were neces- the capability of researchers to measure a recent
sary to research the health effects and to characterize exposure. However, many public health investigators
the public health impact of exposure to secondhand agree that more accurate tools are still needed to mea-
tobacco smoke in the home, at work, and in other sure temporally remote exposures, which, by neces-
environments. The report noted that without valid sity, are still assessed using questionnaires (Jaakkola
and reliable evidence, policymakers could not draft and Samet 1999).
and implement effective policies to reduce and elimi- The main methods researchers rely on to evalu-
nate exposures: “Validated questionnaires are needed ate secondhand smoke exposure are questionnaires,
for the assessment of recent and remote exposure to measurements of concentrations of the airborne com-
environmental tobacco smoke in the home, workplace, ponents of secondhand smoke, and measurements of
and other environments” (USDHHS 1986, p. 14). biomarkers (Chapter 3, Assessment of Exposure to
Since the publication of that report, public health Secondhand Smoke). The discussion that follows
investigators have made significant advances in the on the prevalence of secondhand smoke exposure
development and application of reliable and valid includes current metrics of exposure, changes in expo-
research methods to assess exposure to secondhand sure over time, exposure of special populations such
smoke (Jaakkola and Samet 1999; Samet and Wang as children with asthma and persons in prisons, and
2000). Several investigators have recently devel- international differences in exposure.
oped new methods to measure tobacco smoke


To identify research publications on biomark- the selected terms for secondhand smoke (second-
ers of secondhand smoke, the authors of this chapter hand smoke, environmental tobacco smoke, passive
reviewed the published literature for studies on pop- smoking, and involuntary smoking) with terms indic-
ulation exposures to and concentrations of second- ative of a location that included home, work, work-
hand smoke in different environments by conducting place, occupation and restaurants, bars, public places,
a Medline search with the following terms: tobacco sports, transportation, buses, trains, cars, airplanes,
smoke pollution, environmental tobacco smoke, and casinos, bingo, nightclubs, prisons, correctional
secondhand smoke. These terms were then paired institutions, nursing homes, and mental institu-
with the term population or survey. The authors then tions. The authors searched for these terms with and
reviewed abstracts of articles to specifically identify without other selected terms such as exposure, con-
studies that used representative surveys of the U.S. centration, and level of exposure. The authors also
population for inclusion in this report. included data from a review of studies on the com-
To specifically identify articles on concentra- position and measurement of secondhand smoke
tions of secondhand smoke, the authors used Boolean (Jenkins et al. 2000).
logic to search Medline and Web of Science, pairing

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 129

Surgeon General’s Report

This chapter focuses on measured concentra- nicotine. Thus, the abstracts of articles identified
tions of airborne nicotine—nicotine is a specific tracer through the literature search were further reviewed
for secondhand smoke and has therefore been widely for data that contained measured values of nicotine in
used in many studies. This discussion also focuses the air of selected environments.
on biomarker levels of cotinine, the metabolite of

Metrics of Secondhand Smoke Exposure

This chapter considers how researchers have may not smoke in the house. Nevertheless, compared
used the techniques for assessing exposure to with persons living in smoke-free homes, Hammond
secondhand smoke to determine the extent of expo- (1999) demonstrated that persons who are married
sure among populations. The discussion includes the to or living with smokers have higher exposures to
strengths and limitations of these techniques. secondhand smoke.
Several investigators have used questionnaires to
quantitatively estimate exposures by ascertaining the
Questionnaires number of hours per day of exposure and the number
of cigarettes smoked in a specific location, such as in
A questionnaire-based assessment of exposure
the home, at work, or in public places (Coghlin et al.
to secondhand smoke is the most widely used method
1989; Fontham et al. 1994; Pirkle et al. 1996). These esti-
to evaluate an exposure. Questionnaires have impor-
mates may be made either collectively or separately
tant advantages: they are relatively inexpensive; they
in each location where the respondents spend time.
can be feasibly administered in a variety of ways,
Although it may be necessary to ask many questions
including mail surveys, telephone surveys, or in per-
to cover all possible microenvironments of exposure,
son; and they are able to assess both current and past
questionnaires that capture objective measures may
exposures (Jaakkola and Jaakkola 1997; Jaakkola and
provide more accurate estimates of an exposure, and
Samet 1999). The disadvantages include difficulties
measured concentrations of airborne components of
in validation, particularly of a past exposure, and the
secondhand smoke can be used to calculate summary
potential for misclassification. Misclassification may
measures across exposure locations.
result from a respondent’s lack of knowledge about a
Studies have assessed secondhand smoke expo-
current or past exposure, the difficulty in characteriz-
sure by asking respondents to rate their perceived
ing an exposure in complex indoor environments, and
level of exposure (e.g., none, slight, moderate, heavy)
biased recall, whether intentional or unintentional
in various environments (Haley et al. 1989). However,
(USDHHS 1986).
this type of assessment cannot be readily standardized
Investigators have developed numerous ques-
and could potentially result in both random and non-
tionnaires that assess exposures to secondhand
random misclassification. For example, persons with a
smoke. The questionnaires address fundamental fac-
respiratory disease such as asthma may be more likely
tors such as duration, source strength (the number of
to perceive exposures to secondhand smoke and to
smokers or number of cigarettes smoked), room size,
classify them toward the higher end of the scale.
and distance from smokers, as well as the percep-
Questionnaires are the only means of assessing
tion of an exposure such as observations of tobacco
remote past exposures to secondhand smoke, absent
smoke, odor, and irritation. For example, the indirect
stored samples for biomarker measurements. For
index of being married to a smoker or of being in the
example, Sandler and colleagues (1989) used the smok-
presence of smokers has been widely used to exam-
ing status of the spouse as a surrogate for determining
ine the long-term effects of secondhand smoke expo-
household exposures to secondhand smoke. These
sure (Hirayama 1984; Sandler et al. 1989). However,
researchers found that 30 percent of nonsmoking men
a misclassification of total exposure may occur with
and 64 percent of nonsmoking women in Washington
indirect measures because they do not capture expo-
County, Maryland, reported an exposure in 1963. This
sures outside of the home, and because some smokers

130 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

information was used to assign an exposure in assess- indirect exposures (Henderson et al. 1989; Leaderer
ing subsequent disease risk. In a community-based and Hammond 1991; Marbury et al. 1993; Hammond
study in California, 60 percent of nonsmoking partici- 1999). Measurements of airborne contaminants can
pants reported secondhand smoke exposure during also evaluate the efficacy of various control measures
their lifetime, defined as at least one hour per day for (Vaughan and Hammond 1990; Hammond et al. 1995;
at least one year (Berglund et al. 1999). However, bio- Emmons et al. 2001; Hammond 2002). Concentrations
marker data from other studies indicate higher per- are typically assessed by measuring specific compo-
centages for secondhand smoke exposure. Data from nents of secondhand smoke referred to as tracers.
the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Studies have used several airborne constituents
Survey (NHANES III) showed a detectable level of of tobacco as tracers, and their advantages and dis-
cotinine in 88 percent of nonsmoking adults (Pirkle et advantages are reviewed in Chapter 3 (Assessment
al. 1996). of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke) of this report. As
Many investigators have validated question- noted in that chapter, the concentration of second-
naire assessments of current exposures to secondhand hand smoke in any given location will depend on the
smoke using biomarkers, specifically cotinine (Haley number of cigarettes smoked in that location, the size
et al. 1989; Jarvis et al. 1991; Hammond et al. 1993; of the room, the exchange of air in that room with out-
Pirkle et al. 1996; Al-Delaimy et al. 2000; Mannino et al. door air (whether windows are open, or how much air
2001). These studies have demonstrated that persons is circulated by natural means and by mechanical sys-
who were classified as having high levels of second- tems), and the interaction of the tobacco smoke with
hand smoke exposure (often defined as living with a surfaces in the room. Because each of these factors has
smoker) had higher levels of biomarkers in biologic a range of values across locations, the concentration of
samples of serum, urine, saliva, or hair when com- secondhand smoke varies across settings. This varia-
pared with persons who had low levels of exposure tion results in a distribution of secondhand smoke
(often defined as not living with a smoker). Because concentrations in each type of setting. For example,
there is no known biomarker that assesses long-term Rogge and colleagues (1994) found a wider range of
or temporally remote exposures, researchers still use concentrations in locations such as workplaces and
questionnaires. For example, Coghlin and colleagues restaurants than in the home because a wider range
(1989) evaluated the reliability of a questionnaire and a exists in the number of smokers, the size of the rooms,
personal diary by measuring the individual exposure and the exchange rates of indoor with outdoor air.
of each study participant during a one-week period.
The questionnaire and the personal diary were both
used to collect information on the number of smokers Biomarkers
the participants were exposed to, and the proximity
Biomarkers provide an indicator of the inter-
and duration of exposure. The investigators found a
nal dose of secondhand smoke and reflect exposure
high correlation (r2 [prediction values] = 0.98) between
(Chapter 3, Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand
the exposure score derived from data recorded in the
Smoke). Persons with comparable exposures to
personal diaries and the log of nicotine concentrations
secondhand smoke can have different levels of a
(r2 measures the strength of the linear model that
marker because of individual variations in factors that
was used).
determine uptake, metabolism, and elimination of
the biomarker (Pirkle et al. 1996; Jaakkola and Samet
1999). Cotinine is the biomarker most frequently used
Airborne Concentrations to measure tobacco smoke doses, including doses
Measuring airborne concentrations of second- from secondhand smoke (Benowitz 1999). Cotinine
hand smoke constituents provides estimates of the has a half-life ranging from 7 to 40 hours in adults and
level of an exposure and identifies the environments 32 to 38 hours in children (Jaakkola and Jaakkola 1997)
in which the exposure occurred. These measure- and can be measured in serum, urine, saliva, hair,
ments can be made using personal monitors, a form and breast milk. Studies show that cotinine measure-
of assessing direct exposures (Hammond et al. 1987, ments separated current active smokers from current
1988, 1993; Coghlin et al. 1989; Mattson et al. 1989; nonsmokers with a high degree of validity and were
Kado et al. 1991; Emmons et al. 1994; Jenkins et al. used to identify people with current and high levels
1996a), or monitors that evaluate the concentrations of secondhand smoke exposure (Pirkle et al. 1996;
in various microenvironments, a form of assessing Mannino et al. 2001). Given its half-life, investigators

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 131

Surgeon General’s Report

have demonstrated that cotinine levels are generally as nicotine patches or spit tobacco. Other biomarkers
not influenced by an exposure that occurred more of tobacco smoke exposure, such as 4-aminobiphenyl
than two to four days before the testing (Benowitz adducts or nitrosamines, have not been widely used
1996). However, cotinine levels increased in people in population studies and are not discussed in this
using nonsmoking-related sources of nicotine, such chapter (Jaakkola and Samet 1999).

Estimates of Exposure

National Trends in Biomarkers for participants aged four or more years in each study
of Exposure interval (Pirkle et al. 2006). Factors that affect nicotine
metabolism, such as age, race, and the level of expo-
Beginning in 1988, researchers used serum coti- sure to secondhand smoke, also influence cotinine lev-
nine measurements to assess exposures to second- els (Caraballo et al. 1998; Mannino et al. 2001). Because
hand smoke in the United States within the NHANES. cotinine levels reflect exposures that occurred within
The NHANES is conducted by the National Center for two to three days, they represent patterns of usual
Health Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease Control exposure (Jarvis et al. 1987; Benowitz 1996; Jaakkola
and Prevention (CDC), and is designed to examine a and Jaakkola 1997).
nationally representative sample of the U.S. civilian Studies document NHANES serum cotinine
(noninstitutionalized) population based upon a com- levels in both children and adult nonsmokers (Pirkle
plex, stratified, multistage probability cluster sam- et al. 1996, 2006; CDC 2001a, 2003, 2005). Nonsmok-
pling design (see ing adults were defined in these studies as per-
htm). The protocols include a home interview fol- sons whose serum cotinine concentrations were
lowed by a physical examination in a mobile examina- 10 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) or less, who
tion center, where blood samples are drawn for serum reported no tobacco or nicotine use in the five days
cotinine analysis. NHANES III, conducted from 1988 before the mobile examination center visit, and who
to 1994, was the first national survey of secondhand were self-reported former smokers or lifetime non-
smoke exposure of the entire U.S. population aged smokers. In NHANES III, the laboratory limit of
4 through 74 years. There were two phases: Phase detection was 0.050 ng/mL. However, the laboratory
I from 1988 to 1991, and Phase II from 1991 to 1994. methods have continued to improve, and the detection
There were no further studies between 1995 and 1998. limit was recently lowered to 0.015 ng/mL (CDC 2005;
In 1999, NCHS resumed NHANES on a continuous Pirkle et al. 2006). Additionally, researchers have cat-
basis and completed a new nationally representative egorized serum cotinine concentrations by age, race,
sample every two years. This more recent NHANES and ethnicity. The racial and ethnic categories are non-
(1999) also began to draw blood samples for serum Hispanic White, non-Hispanic Black, Mexican Ameri-
cotinine analyses from participants aged three years can, or “Other,” and are self-reported. The category
and older. of “Other” was included in these reports in mean and
Researchers have reported serum cotinine percentile estimates for the total population but not in
levels in nonsmokers from the NHANES for four the geometric mean estimates because of small sample
distinct intervals within the overall time period of sizes (CDC 2005; Pirkle et al. 2006).
14 years, from 1988 through 2002: Phase I and Phase II Figure 4.1 shows the overall proportion of all
of NHANES III, NHANES 1999–2000, and NHANES nonsmokers aged four or more years with serum
2001–2002 (Pirkle et al. 1996, 2006). Researchers have cotinine levels of 0.050 ng/mL or greater for the
reported additional data on serum cotinine levels in four survey periods. Pirkle and colleagues (1996)
nonsmokers from NHANES 1999–2002 in the National reported detectable levels of serum cotinine among
Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals nearly all nonsmokers (87.9 percent) during Phase I
(CDC 2001a, 2003, 2005). To maintain comparability (1988–1991) of NHANES III. Exposures among non-
among survey intervals, trend data are only reported smokers have declined significantly since that time

132 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 4.1 Trends in exposure* of nonsmokers† to secondhand smoke in the U.S. population, NHANES‡

Proportion exposed



1988–1991 1991–1994 1999–2000 2001–2002

Years surveyed

*Serum cotinine ≥0.05 nanograms per milliliter.

Aged ≥4 years.

NHANES = National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Source: Adapted from Pirkle et al. 2006.

(CDC 2005). The proportion of U.S. nonsmokers with concentrations during each of the four time periods,
cotinine concentrations of 0.050 ng/mL or greater fell concentrations among Mexican Americans were less
to 43 percent in NHANES 2001–2002 (Pirkle et al. than those of non-Hispanic Whites, which were less
2006). than those of non-Hispanic Blacks; the non-Hispanic
Pirkle and colleagues (2006) provided additional Black mean cotinine concentrations were significantly
data on the levels and distribution of serum cotinine higher during each of the four time periods (Pirkle et
concentrations in U.S. nonsmokers during 1988–2002. al. 2006).
Trends in the adjusted geometric mean cotinine con- Current patterns of secondhand smoke expo-
centrations (adjusted for age, race, and gender) are sure are reflected in the NHANES 1999–2002 serum
in Table 4.1. Since Phase I of NHANES III, second- cotinine concentrations (Table 4.2). As noted in Figure
hand smoke exposures measured by serum cotinine 4.1, the proportion of U.S. nonsmokers with serum
concentrations in U.S. nonsmokers aged four or cotinine levels of 0.050 ng/mL or greater has declined
more years have declined by about 75 percent (from since NHANES III to less than 45 percent. However,
0.247 ng/mL to 0.061 ng/mL). While declines among the proportion of children and nonsmoking adults
children aged 4 through 11 years and young persons with serum cotinine levels of 0.050 ng/mL or greater
aged 12 through 19 years also have been notable, the in NHANES 1999–2002 differs significantly by age,
declines have been smaller than those among adults from 59.6 percent among children aged 3 through
aged 20 through 74 years. Trends among racial and 11 years to 35.7 percent among nonsmoking adults
ethnic categories were also stratified by age: 4 through aged 60 through 74 years. Additionally, the median
11 years, 12 through 19 years, and 20 through 74 years. cotinine concentration in the serum is signifi-
Pirkle and colleagues (2006) noted that serum cotinine cantly higher in children aged 3 through 11 years
levels in NHANES differed by race and ethnicity. (0.09 ng/mL) than in older adults (0.035 ng/mL)
Overall, in the order of the adjusted mean cotinine (CDC 2005). Children aged 3 through 11 years and

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 133

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 4.1 Trends in serum cotinine levels (nanograms per milliliter) of nonsmokers* stratified by age,
gender, race, and ethnicity, United States, 1988–2002

% decline
Phase I Phase II NHANES NHANES 1988–1991 to
Population 1988–1991 1991–1994 1999–2000 2001–2002 2001–2002

Aged ≥4 years Geometric mean† 0.247 0.182 0.106 0.061 75.3
95% CI‡ 0.219–0.277 0.165–0.202 0.094–0.119 0.049–0.076

Aged 4–11 years

Male Geometric mean 0.283 0.234 0.166 0.098 65.4
95% CI 0.223–0.360 0.188–0.291 0.105–0.262 0.064–0.151

Female Geometric mean 0.328 0.285 0.172 0.115 64.9

95% CI 0.240–0.449 0.235–0.345 0.113–0.262 0.075–0.177

Race and ethnicity

Non-Hispanic White Geometric mean 0.295 0.255 0.171 0.100
95% CI 0.226–0.385 0.214–0.303 0.100–0.293 0.061–0.165

Non-Hispanic Black Geometric mean 0.534 0.460 0.284 0.261

95% CI 0.387–0.738 0.393–0.538 0.249–0.324 0.188–0.361

Mexican American Geometric mean 0.192 0.125 0.080 0.060

95% CI 0.148–0.250 0.107–0.145 0.066–0.097 0.042–0.086

Aged 12–19 years

Male Geometric mean 0.346 0.239 0.189 0.090 74.0
95% CI 0.255–0.470 0.190–0.300 0.138–0.258 0.061–0.132

Female Geometric mean 0.280 0.228 0.156 0.078 72.1

95% CI 0.223–0.353 0.175–0.298 0.124–0.197 0.048–0.126

Race and ethnicity

Non-Hispanic White Geometric mean 0.301 0.219 0.170 0.074
95% CI 0.228–0.396 0.174–0.276 0.139–0.210 0.044–0.123

Non-Hispanic Black Geometric mean 0.515 0.460 0.263 0.227

95% CI 0.392–0.677 0.374–0.567 0.229–0.303 0.191–0.270

Mexican American Geometric mean 0.179 0.143 0.095 0.063

95% CI 0.139–0.229 0.126–0.162 0.082–0.110 0.045–0.089

134 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 4.1 Continued

% decline
Phase I Phase II NHANES NHANES 1988–1991 to
Population 1988–1991 1991–1994 1999–2000 2001–2002 2001–2002

Aged ≥20 years

Male Geometric mean 0.293 0.199 0.106 0.067 77.1
95% CI 0.259–0.332 0.178–0.222 0.092–0.122 0.054–0.082

Female Geometric mean 0.188 0.138 0.078 0.042 77.7

95% CI 0.165–0.215 0.120–0.159 0.072–0.085 0.035–0.050

Race and ethnicity

Non-Hispanic White Geometric mean 0.215 0.151 0.085 0.044
95% CI 0.189–0.244 0.133–0.172 0.077–0.095 0.036–0.055

Non-Hispanic Black Geometric mean 0.401 0.299 0.135 0.129

95% CI 0.325–0.494 0.271–0.330 0.116–0.157 0.101–0.163

Mexican American Geometric mean 0.204 0.138 0.078 0.058

95% CI 0.165–0.251 0.117–0.162 0.066–0.093 0.040–0.083
*From four National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) study intervals.

Individuals with serum cotinine levels below the laboratory limit of detection (LOD) were assigned a value of LOD/square
root of 2.

CI = Confidence interval.
Source: Adapted from Pirkle et al. 2006.

youth aged 12 through 19 years are also signifi- Environmental Sites of Exposure
cantly more likely than adults to live in a household
with at least one smoker. Estimates of the num- The principal places where studies have mea-
ber of secondhand smoke exposures nationwide in sured exposures to secondhand smoke represent key
2000 can be extrapolated from national estimates of microenvironments: homes, worksites, and public
the proportion of children and nonsmoking adults places such as restaurants, malls, and bars. The con-
with measured serum cotinine concentrations of tributions of these different locations to total personal
0.05 ng/mL or greater. Overall, based upon serum coti- exposures vary across different groups. For example,
nine measures, approximately 22 million children aged the dominant site of exposure for children is the home,
3 through 11 years, 18 million nonsmoking youth whereas worksites are typically important exposure
aged 12 through 19 years, and 86 million nonsmoking locations for nonsmoking adults who may not be
adults aged 20 or more years in the United States were exposed at home.
exposed to secondhand smoke in 2000 (Table 4.2). People spend most of their time at home, which
Although the number of children and nonsmok- is potentially the most important location of second-
ing adults currently exposed to secondhand smoke hand smoke exposure for people who live with regu-
in the United States remains very large, there have lar smokers (Klepeis 1999). Because the workplace is
been significant declines in the proportion and mean second only to the home as the location where adults
concentrations of these exposures since 1988. In order spend most of their time, smoking in the workplace has
to characterize these trends in exposure, data on the been a major contributor to total secondhand smoke
principal environments where children and nonsmok- exposure. The National Human Activity Pattern
ing adults are typically exposed to secondhand smoke
are reviewed in the discussion that follows.

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 135

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 4.2 Serum cotinine levels among nonsmokers aged 3 years and older, NHANES* 1999–2002
% with at least Estimated number of
Median cotinine % with levels 1 smoker in the persons (in millions)
level (SE†) ≥0.05 ng/mL§ (SE) home (SE) Total population with serum cotinine
Age group (95% CI‡) (95% CI) (95% CI) (2000) levels ≥0.05 ng/mL

≥3 years <LOD∆ 47.0 (1.9) 11.1 (0.45) 270,005,230 126.9

(<LOD–0.52) (43.0–50.9) (10.2–12.0)

3–19 years 0.08 (0.01) 57.7 (2.8) 22.6 (1.4) 69,056,589 39.8
(0.06–0.11) (52.0–63.3) (19.9–25.6)
3–11 years 0.09 (0.02) 59.6 (2.9) 24.9 (1.8) 36,697,776 21.9
(0.06–0.12) (53.5–65.4) (21.5–28.7)
12–19 years 0.07 (0.01) 55.6 (3.1) 19.9 (1.3) 32,358,813 18.0
(0.05–0.10) (49.1–61.9) (17.4–22.7)

≥20 years <LOD 42.8 (1.9) 6.56 (0.32) 200,948,641 86.0

(<LOD–<LOD) (39.0–46.6) (5.93–7.25)
20–39 years <LOD 49.2 (2.9) 6.85 (0.77) 81,562,389 40.1
(<LOD–0.066) (43.3–55.2) (5.43–8.61)
40–59 years <LOD 41.6 (2.2) 7.3 (0.86) 73,589,052 30.6
(<LOD–<LOD) (37.1–46.2) (5.73–9.26)
≥60 years <LOD 35.7 (1.7) 5.12 (0.52) 45,797,200 16.3
(<LOD–<LOD) (32.3–39.4) (4.15–6.3)
*NHANES = National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

SE = Standard error.

CI = Confidence interval.
ng/mL = Nanograms per milliliter.

LOD = Limit of detection (0.05 ng/mL).
Sources: U.S. Bureau of the Census 2005; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics,
unpublished data.

Survey (NHAPS), conducted from 1992 to 1994, inter- Even for adults who live in homes where
viewed 9,386 randomly chosen U.S. residents about smoking routinely occurs, the workplace can add
their activities and exposures to secondhand smoke significantly to this exposure. Among NHANES III
(Klepeis 1999; Klepeis et al. 2001). For those persons participants who lived in smoke-free homes, a work-
reporting secondhand smoke exposure of at least one place that permitted smoking was typically the major
minute, the average daily duration of the exposure contributor to their total secondhand smoke exposure
and the percentage of respondents who reported an (Pirkle et al. 1996).
exposure in each indoor locale were as follows: Studies have shown that restaurants can be
important sites of exposures to children as well as
• 305 minutes in the home (58 percent); adults (Maskarinec et al. 2000; McMillen et al. 2003;
• 363 minutes in the office or factory (10 percent); Skeer and Siegel 2003; Siegel et al. 2004), and other
• 249 minutes in schools or public buildings public places may also contribute substantially to
(6 percent); exposures of selected segments of the population.
• 143 minutes in bars or restaurants (23 percent); Finally, persons who cannot move about freely, such
• 198 minutes in malls or stores (7 percent); as those who live in nursing homes, mental institu-
• 79 minutes in vehicles (33 percent); and tions, or correctional facilities, may find such expo-
• 255 minutes in other indoor locations (6 percent) sures unavoidable.
(Klepeis 1999).

136 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Exposure in the Home of households prohibiting smoking increased from

50.9 percent in 1993 to 72.8 percent in 1999 (Gilpin
Secondhand smoke exposure at home can be et al. 2001). The increase was greater in homes with
substantial for both children and adults (Jenkins et smokers, from 20.1 percent in 1993 to 47.2 percent in
al. 1996a; Pirkle et al. 1996; Klepeis 1999; Klepeis et 1999 (Pierce et al. 1998; Gilpin et al. 2001). The survey
al. 2001). This section considers children exposed to did not capture data from nonfamily members who
secondhand smoke at home separately from adults may have smoked in the home, nor would it have
who are exposed at home because the patterns are addressed the contamination of one dwelling from
different for the two groups (Mannino et al. 1996, smokers in another within a multiresidence building.
1997). The definition of “children” varies across the Other analyses have used questionnaires that
studies cited in this report. There are also separate ask specifically about the number of cigarettes smoked
data for special populations, including children with in the home to determine whether children were
asthma, pregnant women, and persons living in the exposed to secondhand smoke. A 1991 nationally rep-
inner city. resentative survey estimated that 31.2 percent of U.S.
children were exposed daily to secondhand smoke in
Representative Surveys of Children their homes, with an additional 5.8 percent exposed
Researchers have conducted a number of local at home at least one day in the previous two weeks
(Greenberg et al. 1989), state (King et al. 1998), and (Mannino et al. 1996). This exposure varied signifi-
national (Mannino et al. 1996) surveys of childhood cantly by socioeconomic status (SES) (46.5 percent for
exposure to secondhand smoke. One of the best data a lower SES versus 22.5 percent for a higher SES) and
sources available on children’s secondhand smoke by region of the country, with the lowest exposure
exposure in the home is the National Health Inter- (24.3 percent) in the western part of the United States
view Survey (NHIS). This information can be derived (Mannino et al. 1996). In Phase I of the NHANES III
from NHIS data by correlating data on smoking in (collected from 1988 to 1991), 43 percent of children
the home with data on households with children. aged 2 months through 11 years lived in a home with
NHIS data shows that the proportion of children at least one smoker (Pirkle et al. 1996). In NHANES
aged 6 years and younger who are regularly exposed 1999–2002, the proportion of children aged 3 through
to secondhand smoke in their homes fell from 11 years living with one or more smokers in the house-
27 percent in 1994 to 20 percent in 1998. Most surveys hold was 24.9 percent (Table 4.2). However, 59.6 per-
were primarily based on the indirect indicator of one cent of children aged 3 through 11 years had a serum
or more smoking adults in a home; estimates of the cotinine concentration of 0.05 ng/mL or higher. State
percentages exposed in the home ranged from 54 to and local surveys have documented higher levels of
75 percent of the children (Lebowitz and Burrows 1976; reported exposure. In a 1985 study from New Mex-
Schilling et al. 1977; Ferris et al. 1985). A 1988 survey ico, 60 to 70 percent of the children had been exposed
using an indirect indicator estimated that 48.9 percent to secondhand smoke (Coultas et al. 1987). In a 1986
of the children studied had experienced postnatal study of North Carolina infants, 56 percent had been
exposures to secondhand smoke (Overpeck and Moss exposed (Margolis et al. 1997). On the basis of self-
1991). Exposure prevalence was higher for children reported data on smoking among household resi-
in poverty (63.6 percent) or for those whose mothers dents, CDC estimated in 1996 that 21.9 percent of U.S.
had less than 12 years of education (66.7 percent). An children had been exposed to secondhand smoke in
analysis of National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) their homes (CDC 1997). The prevalence of exposure
data for 1994 showed that 35 percent of U.S. children varied by state, from a low of 11.7 percent in Utah to
lived in homes where they had contact with a smoker a high of 34.2 percent in Kentucky. However, the data
at least one day per week (Schuster et al. 2002). on serum cotinine concentrations suggest that these
Use of the indirect approach assumes that the estimates are low.
presence of a smoking adult in the household results As noted above, since 1988 the NHANES has
in exposure of children to secondhand smoke. Over provided nationally representative measurements
time, as more people recognized the health effects of serum cotinine levels in both children and adults
from exposure in the home and implemented in-home (Pirkle et al. 1996, 2006; CDC 2001a, 2003, 2005).
smoking policies, the presence of smoking adults in Figure 4.1 and Table 4.1 show overall U.S. trends in
the home has become a less valid indicator of expo- exposure measured by serum cotinine concentrations.
sure. In a 1991 survey of U.S. adults, 11.8 percent of Although exposures have declined among both chil-
current smokers reported that because no smoking dren and adults since Phase I of NHANES III (1988–
had occurred in their homes in the two weeks before 1991), the percentage of the decline was smaller among
the survey, their children had not been exposed to children aged 4 through 11 years. In the NHANES
secondhand smoke in the home (Mannino et al. 1996). 2001–2002, mean cotinine levels were highest among
Using data from the California Tobacco Survey, Gil- children aged 4 through 11 years (non-Hispanic Black
pin and colleagues (2001) found that the proportion

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 137

Surgeon General’s Report

children in particular) (Pirkle et al. 2006). Measured children (Mannino et al. 2001), this decline in reported
cotinine concentrations were more than twice as high home exposures to secondhand smoke suggests that
among children aged 4 through 11 years than among voluntary changes in home policies and smoking
nonsmoking adults aged 20 or more years, and the practices of adults in homes where children reside are
levels of non-Hispanic Black children were two to a major contributing factor to the observed declines in
three times higher than those of non-Hispanic White serum cotinine concentrations among children since
and Mexican American children. While metabolic Phase I of NHANES III.
factors can also influence cotinine levels (Caraballo Protecting children from secondhand smoke
et al. 1998; Mannino et al. 2001), the racial and ethnic exposure in homes has been the focus of the U.S. Envi-
differences in serum cotinine concentrations overall, ronmental Protection Agency’s parental outreach and
and particularly among children, presumably reflect educational programs to promote smoke-free home
greater exposures to secondhand smoke among non- rules for the last decade. The potential for exposing
Hispanic Black populations (Pirkle et al. 2006). children to secondhand smoke has dropped even fur-
Table 4.2 compares current estimates of national ther as more local and state governments restrict smok-
exposure by age. In Phases I and II of NHANES III ing in public areas (CDC 1999). Jarvis and colleagues
(1988–1994), 84.7 percent of children aged 4 through (2000) documented similar findings in data from Great
11 years had a serum cotinine concentration of Britain. From 1988 to 1996, the proportion of homes
0.05 ng/mL or greater; 99.1 percent of children with without smokers increased from 48 to 55 percent. Dur-
a reported exposure in the home and 75.6 percent of ing this same period, the geometric mean salivary coti-
children without any reported exposure had measur- nine levels decreased from 0.47 to 0.28 ng/mL among
able cotinine levels (Mannino et al. 2001). The stron- children with nonsmoking parents, and from 3.08 to
gest predictor of cotinine levels in children was the 2.25 ng/mL among children with two smoking par-
number of cigarettes smoked daily in the home, but ents (Jarvis et al. 2000).
other factors were also significant predictors, includ- Additional studies that document exposure of
ing race, ethnicity, age of the child, size of the home, children in the United States to secondhand smoke in
and region of the country (Mannino et al. 2001). In the the home include three studies that reported the pres-
most recent estimates of exposure (Table 4.2), 59.6 per- ence of some form of smoking ban at home in many
cent of children aged 3 through 11 years had a serum households (Norman et al. 1999; Kegler and Malcoe
cotinine concentration of 0.05 ng/mL or greater, and 2002; McMillen et al. 2003). Norman and colleagues
24.9 percent reported living with at least one smoker (1999) surveyed a representative sample of 6,985
in the household. Based upon this estimate of the California adults. Kegler and Malcoe (2002) studied
proportion of children aged 3 through 11 years liv- 380 rural, low-income Native American and White par-
ing with a smoker in the household, an estimated ents from northeastern Oklahoma. McMillan and col-
nine million children or more in this age range may leagues (2003) conducted a telephone survey of more
be exposed to secondhand smoke. However, serum than 4,500 eligible adults across the United States. Two
cotinine measurements indicate an even greater other studies also focused on prevalence and patterns
exposed population of almost 22 million children aged of childhood household secondhand smoke exposure
3 through 11 years in the year 2000. in the United States: CDC (2001b) reported on the
Trends in exposure of children to secondhand Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS)
smoke indicate that levels of exposure have declined telephone interviews that took place in 20 states, and
significantly since Phase I of NHANES III (Pirkle et al. Schuster and colleagues (2002) reported on personal
2006). The multiple factors related to this decline are interviews with 45,335 respondents from around the
still being studied. Several researchers have suggested country in the 1994 NHIS.
that a major component of this decline is related to the
decrease in parental smoking (Shopland et al. 1996) Representative Surveys of Adults
and to the increase in household smoking restrictions
Representative surveys of adult household
(Gilpin et al. 2001). Data from the 1992 and 2000 NHIS
exposures to secondhand smoke in the United States
(Soliman et al. 2004) indicate that self-reported expo-
were conducted at the national, state, and local lev-
sure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke in homes
els to determine the prevalence of exposure in the
with children declined significantly in the 1990s from
home (Mannino et al. 1997; King et al. 1998). When
36 percent in 1992 to 25 percent in 2000. Because
analyzing these surveys, researchers need to con-
researchers have identified parental smoking in the
sider that some current smokers may misclassify
home as a major source for exposure among younger

138 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

themselves as lifetime nonsmokers or as former smok- Susceptible Populations

ers (Haley et al. 1983; Coultas et al. 1988). Exposures
Some populations may be particularly suscepti-
at home were assessed using questionnaires and coti-
ble to secondhand smoke exposure. Examples include
nine levels. In a California study that was conducted
persons with asthma or other chronic respiratory
from 1979 to 1980, 24 percent of 37,881 adult lifetime
diseases, and fetuses exposed to tobacco smoke
nonsmokers and former smokers reported household
components in utero either by maternal smoking
exposures (Friedman et al. 1983). When data from
or maternal exposure to secondhand smoke. In one
Phase I of NHANES III (1988–1991) were analyzed,
1994 community-based study in Seattle, 31 percent of
Pirkle and colleagues (1996) showed that 17.4 percent
children with asthma reported household exposures
of nonsmokers reported exposures to secondhand
to secondhand smoke, but only 17 percent of chil-
smoke in the home. Mannino and colleagues (1997)
dren without asthma reported an exposure (Maier et
reported similar findings when they analyzed data
al. 1997).
from another national survey that was conducted
Studies have tracked smoking by pregnant
in 1991: 16.4 percent of lifetime nonsmokers and
women using several different data collection systems
19.2 percent of former smokers reported exposures in
including natality surveys, NHIS, BRFSS, National Sur-
the home. In findings similar to those among children,
vey of Family Growth, and since 1989, birth certificates
there is also evidence that certain subgroups of adults
in nearly all states and the District of Columbia (CDC
are more likely to be exposed to secondhand smoke.
2001a). The estimates from these different sources gen-
For example, in a 1985–1986 study of 4,200 persons in
erally agree that the proportion of women who report
Philadelphia, an industrialized and urban population,
smoking during pregnancy has decreased in recent
60 percent reported household exposures (Dayal et
years, from between 30 and 40 percent in the early
al. 1994).
1980s to between 10 and 15 percent in the late 1990s.
Table 4.1 shows trends in exposure among U.S.
By 2003, only an estimated 10.7 percent of mothers of a
nonsmoking adults aged 20 or more years measured
live-born infant reported smoking during pregnancy.
by serum cotinine levels. Among all adults in this age
However, the prevalence of reported smoking was
group, the geometric mean serum cotinine concentra-
not uniform across all population groups or education
tion declined more than 77 percent between Phase I
levels. For example, a CDC report (CDC 2005) docu-
of NHANES III (1988–1991) and NHANES 2001–2002:
mented that 18 percent of American Indian or Alaska
from 0.293 to 0.067 ng/mL among men and from
Native women reported smoking during pregnancy,
0.188 to 0.042 ng/mL among women. Analyses indi-
but only 3 percent of Hispanic women reported smok-
cate that serum cotinine levels of adult nonsmokers
ing during pregnancy. And women with 9 to 11 years
were higher among adults who reported exposures at
of education were far more likely to report smoking
home or in the workplace (Pirkle et al. 1996). Recent
(25.5 percent) compared with women with 16 or more
data from NHANES 1999–2002 (CDC, NCHS, unpub-
years of education (1.6 percent) (CDC 2005). Ebrahim
lished data) indicate that among younger nonsmoking
and colleagues (2000) showed that the declining trend
adults aged 20 through 39 years, the proportion who
in smoking during pregnancy in recent years is pri-
reported living with at least one smoker is much lower
marily attributable to a decrease in smoking preva-
(6.9 percent) compared with nonsmoking adults aged
lence among women of childbearing age, rather than
20 through 39 years with a current job who reported
to an increase in smoking cessation during pregnancy.
that they could smell smoke at work (13.2 percent).
Of the women who reported smoking during preg-
However, among older nonsmoking adults aged
nancy, most (68.6 percent) said that they had smoked
40 through 59 years, the proportion who reported
10 or fewer cigarettes daily.
living with a smoker (7.3 percent) was similar to the
Researchers have also found that pregnant
proportion of nonsmoking adults aged 40 through
women may conceal their smoking from clinicians
59 years with a current job who reported smelling
(Windsor et al. 1993; Ford et al. 1997). Thus, smoking
smoke at work (9.8 percent). Finally, while older non-
during pregnancy may be underestimated. Estimates
smoking adults reported a slightly lower portion of
of the prevalence of smoking during pregnancy are
nonsmokers living with at least one smoker (5.1 per-
also sensitive to how smoking was defined in a study,
cent), a significantly lower proportion of that age group
which may range from any smoking at any time
with a current job reported smelling smoke at work
during pregnancy to smoking during the final three
(2.0 percent). Thus, particularly for adults aged
months of pregnancy.
20 through 59 years, the worksite remains an impor-
tant environment for exposure to secondhand smoke.

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 139

Surgeon General’s Report

Complicating the interpretation of findings on nicotine samples ranged from 2 to 26 micrograms per
health effects of secondhand smoke exposure in very cubic meter (µg/m3) during the workday; most values
young children is evidence that a large proportion of ranged between 5 and 15 µg/m3. The 10-hour averaged
children are exposed both prenatally and postnatally. concentration was 10 µg/m3, which was based on a
Overpeck and Moss (1991) used CDC data to show shorter time period than that used by other studies to
that 96 percent of children with prenatal exposures obtain stable estimates. Most studies have measured
also had postnatal exposures. The investigators found concentrations averaged over longer periods of time,
that 29 percent of the children had been exposed pre- which include periods with and without smoking.
natally to maternal smoking and that an additional Studies have demonstrated a high correlation
21 percent had been exposed to secondhand smoke (Spearman rho correlation coefficient = 0.74, p <0.001)
postnatally. A second source of involuntary smok- between nicotine concentrations measured in the fam-
ing for a developing fetus is the exposure of a preg- ily activity rooms and in the kitchens (Emmons et al.
nant woman to secondhand smoke. The factors that 2001), as well as between concentrations in the activ-
predicted prenatal maternal exposure to secondhand ity rooms and in the bedrooms (Spearman correlation
smoke were similar to those associated with second- coefficient = 0.91; 0.90 for homes of smokers only)
hand smoke exposure in general, such as low SES, (Marbury et al. 1993).
low levels of education, and living in a small home The results of several studies that measured
(Overpeck and Moss 1991). nicotine concentrations in the homes of smokers
Although national surveys have not specifically in the United States are presented in Figure 4.2 and
asked about secondhand smoke exposure during Table 4.3. Median nicotine concentrations were gener-
pregnancy, they have provided estimates of expo- ally between 1 and 3 µg/m3 (averaged over 14 hours to
sure among women of childbearing age. In NHANES several weeks), with nicotine concentrations ranging
III, 18 percent of nonsmoking females aged 17 years from <0.1 to 8 µg/m3 across the span from minimum
and older reported exposures to secondhand smoke. to the 95th percentile. An exception was a study of
However, the percentages of reported exposures were 291 low-income homes in New England that found
higher among women of childbearing age: 31 percent 4 homes with concentrations above 18 µg/m3 (Emmons
for 17- through 19-year-olds, 30 percent for 20- through et al. 2001). Homes where smoking was restricted to
29-year-olds, and 26 percent for 30- through 39-year- the basement or the outdoors had lower mean nico-
olds (Pirkle et al. 1996). Of the nontobacco users sur- tine concentrations of 0.3 µg/m3 (Marbury et al. 1993).
veyed in 1988–1991, 88 percent had detectable levels of Personal sampling of secondhand smoke expo-
serum cotinine (>0.050 ng/mL), a finding that suggests sure has yielded similar results with measured home
an unreported or unknown exposure. These findings exposure. In a study of exposure away from work
are consistent with results from a 1985 study of (predominantly at home, lasting 16 hours), 306 non-
1,231 nonsmoking pregnant women in Maine, which smokers who reported secondhand smoke exposure
found that 70 percent of the participants had cotinine had a mean nicotine exposure of 2.7 µg/m3 (median
levels above 0.5 ng/mL (Haddow et al. 1987). 1.2 µg/m3), with a 95th percentile value of 7.9 in 1993
and 1994 (Jenkins et al. 1996a). Personal sampling of
Measurements of Airborne Tracers in Homes 100 people in Massachusetts during 1987 and 1988
found the median of a weekly average of nicotine con-
Numerous studies have measured secondhand
centrations to be 1.0 µg/m3 for nonsmokers married to
smoke concentrations in homes (Leaderer and Ham-
nonsmokers and 3.5 µg/m3 for those married to smok-
mond 1991; Hammond et al. 1993; Marbury et al. 1993;
ers; the respective maximum values were 9.5 and
Manning et al. 1994; O’Connor et al. 1995; Jenkins
14 µg/m3. These values included all exposures through-
et al. 1996a,b; Phillips et al. 1996, 1997a,b, 1998a–h,
out the week in homes, workplaces, and public places
1999a,b). Concentrations of secondhand smoke com-
(Coghlin et al. 1989, 1991). To evaluate secondhand
ponents are higher at the time that the cigarettes are
smoke exposure among pregnant women, partici-
smoked compared with a few hours later. Measure-
pants in two studies wore passive samplers (small
ments taken only during periods of smoking docu-
personal monitors that measure secondhand smoke
ment higher concentrations than samples measured
exposure) for one week. Although the two studies
during both smoking and nonsmoking periods. For
had similar designs, the investigators reported quite
example, Muramatsu and colleagues (1984) measured
different results. Among 36 low-income pregnant
both nicotine and particulate matter sequentially for
women in Massachusetts, 80 percent were exposed to
10 hours in an office. They found that the 30-minute

140 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 4.2 Concentrations of nicotine in homes of U.S. smokers


Mean Maximum
Nicotine (micrograms/cubic meter)




N = 13 N = 47 N = 306 N = 291 N = 11 N = 25
Hammond Leaderer and Jenkins et al. Emmons Henderson Marbury
et al. 1989 Hammond 1996a et al. 2001 et al. 1989 et al. 1993
Number of study participants

Note: Data are provided in detail in Table 4.3.

nicotine at 0.5 µg/m3 or greater, and 25 percent were reported a 0.1 µg/m3 weekly average concentration of
exposed at a concentration above 2.0 µg/m3 (Ham- nicotine in the homes of smokers (Hammond 1999).
mond et al. 1993). The measured exposure was lower
for 131 pregnant upper-middle-class women in Con-
necticut who reported secondhand smoke exposure, Exposure in the Workplace
with a median of 0.1 µg/m3 and a 90th percentile of
This section reviews studies that measured
0.6 µg/m3 (O’Connor et al. 1995).
secondhand smoke exposure in the workplace, an
International studies of secondhand smoke expo-
important source of secondhand smoke exposure for
sure sponsored by the tobacco industry (Jenkins et al.
nonsmoking adults (Klepeis 1999; Klepeis et al. 2001).
1996a; Phillips et al. 1996, 1997a,b, 1998a–h, 1999a,b)
These studies include surveys, biomarkers (Pirkle et al.
followed a similar protocol where participants wore
1996), or (more commonly) measurements of airborne
a sampling device for 16 to 24 hours. Figure 4.3 illus-
nicotine (Vaughan and Hammond 1990; Hammond et
trates the median nicotine concentrations observed
al. 1995; Jenkins et al. 1996a; Hammond 1999).
“away from work” (predominantly at home) in the
United States compared with homes in Australia and
Surveys of Workplaces with Policies
in several European and Asian locations. U.S. homes
Regarding Smoking
had the second highest reported values after Beijing,
which reported a median of 1.3 µg/m3. Hong Kong Large representative surveys of secondhand
homes reported 0.3 µg/m3, which was consistent with smoke workplace exposure have looked at patterns
a study of 300 Chinese homes in 18 provinces that of exposure and the impact of policies to reduce

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 141

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 4.3 Concentrations of nicotine in homes of U.S. smokers

Population Number of study

Study Year sampled Measurement duration participants

Hammond et al. 1989 North Carolina Weekly 13


Henderson et al. 1989 Lower income 14 hours 11

North Carolina

Leaderer and Hammond 1991 Randomly chosen 1 week (winter) 47

New York

Marbury et al. 1993 Children aged <2 years 1 week† 25

Living room and bedroom

Jenkins et al. 1996a Adults 16 hours 306

Personal sampling
16 cities

Emmons et al. 2001 Lower income Weekly 291


*NR = Data were not reported.

Following the initial measure of exposure, measures were taken weekly for 8 weeks.

exposure. Although not all workplaces are smoke- 30 percent in wholesale or retail trades to 73 percent
free, policies toward smoking in workplace settings in medical services. A similar analysis of the 1996 CPS
have changed dramatically since the publication of data showed that the proportion of smoke-free work-
the 1986 Surgeon General’s report (USDHHS 1986). sites ranged from a low of 44 percent in agriculture,
For example, using data from the California Tobacco forestry, fishing, mining, and construction to 82 per-
Survey, Gilpin and colleagues (2001) showed that cent in professional and related services (Sweeney et
the percentage of indoor workers in California who al. 2000).
reported smoke-free workplaces had increased from However, having a smoke-free policy in the
35 percent in 1990 to 93 percent in 1999. Shopland workplace does not assure workers that they will not
and colleagues (2001) analyzed data from the national be exposed to secondhand smoke. In a 1990 study from
Current Population Survey (CPS), a monthly survey California, 9.3 percent of nonsmokers who worked in
of about 50,000 households conducted by the Bureau a “smoke-free” worksite reported at least one episode
of the Census for the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and of exposure at work during the two weeks before
found that the proportion of workers who reported the survey (Borland et al. 1992). This proportion was
a smoke-free workplace policy had increased from higher at 51 percent among nonsmokers working
46 percent in 1993 to 69 percent in 1999. The 1999 data in sites without a smoking policy (Brancker 1990).
documented a low of 49 percent in Nevada and a high In data from Phase I of NHANES III (1988–1991),
of 84 percent in Utah (Shopland et al. 2001). In an 47.7 percent of adult nontobacco users who currently
analysis of the 1993 CPS data, Farrelly and colleagues worked reported exposures at home or at the work-
(1999) noted that the proportion of workers in smoke- site (Pirkle et al. 1996). Nonsmoking workers who
free worksites also varied by industry, from a low of reported workplace exposures had higher geometric

142 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Concentrations of nicotine (micrograms per cubic meter [µg/m3])

Standard 25th 90th 95th
Geometric mean deviation Median percentile percentile percentile Minimum Maximum

1.5 1.1 1.4 NR* NR NR 1.1 4.4

3.74 0.5 3.6 NR NR 7.5 0.8 9.0

2.2 2.4 1.0 0.2 8.0 8.5 <0.1 9.4

Living room 5.8 NR 3.0 NR NR 9.0 0.1 28.6

Bedroom 2.7 NR 2.1 NR NR NR NR 7.2

2.7 NR 1.2 NR NR 7.9 NR NR

3.3 5.0 1.6 0.3 8.5 10.4 0.3 45.1

mean levels of cotinine (0.32 ng/mL) compared with analyzed by job type; 84 samples were collected from
workers who did not report workplace or home expo- smokers and 191 from nonsmokers (Schenker et al.
sures (0.13 ng/mL) (Pirkle et al. 1996). Recent data 1986, 1992; Hammond 1999). Among workers such as
suggest that worksite exposures may be declining sig- clerks and brakers who worked in small spaces, non-
nificantly since Phase I of NHANES III (1988–1991). smokers and smokers were exposed to similar levels
In NHANES 1999–2002, the proportion of adults aged of nicotine. For workers in other types of jobs (nota-
20 or more years with a current job who reported bly the repair shop workers), exposure was lower by
smelling smoke at work was 8.94 percent (95 percent more than an order of magnitude, possibly because
CI, 7.84–10.10) (CDC, NCHS, unpublished data). of the large open space and ventilation of the shop.
The range of nicotine exposure at work was nota-
Workplace Surveys bly greater among the nonsmoking railroad workers
compared with exposures at home; minimum con-
Hammond (1999) reviewed studies of exposures
centration values for all job categories were less than
to secondhand smoke among U.S. workers. The earliest
0.1 µg/m3 and maximum values ranged up to
personal sampling of workplace secondhand smoke
38 µg/m3. Half of the nonsmoking workers were
exposure involved railroad workers studied between
exposed to more than 1 µg/m3 on at least one sam-
1981 and 1984. Investigators collected more than
pling day.
625 nicotine samples from participants wearing per-
Many investigators have studied offices in the
sonal samplers at four railroad locations (Hammond
United States. Where smoking was allowed, there was
et al. 1988; Schenker et al. 1990). In 1983 and 1984,
a wide range of nicotine concentrations, from less than
275 personal samples were collected and levels were

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 143

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 4.3 Concentrations of nicotine away from work in 12 locations

16-hour medians 24-hour medians


Nicotine (micrograms/cubic meter)































Sources: Jenkins et al. 1996a; Phillips et al. 1996, 1997a,b, 1998a–h, 1999a,b.

0.05 µg/m3 to about 70 µg/m3 (Table 4.4). For nearly averages at all worksites less than 1 µg/m3, except
half of the offices, the minimum value was more for one worksite, the weapons systems worksite that
than 1 µg/m3. For offices where five or more samples had a mean of 2.8 µg/m3. The maximum concen-
were collected, median values were between 1 and trations at three of these worksites were less than
17 µg/m3, and average values were between 2 and 1 µg/m3; the maximum concentrations for the other
24.8 µg/m3. Most worksites had at least one sample three were 1.9, 2.4, and 8.5 µg/m3. In one work-
above 10 µg/m3, and many studies reported concen- place, lower secondhand smoke concentrations were
trations greater than 40 µg/m3. observed at the same location comparing measure-
Offices at worksites that restricted smoking to ments taken before and after smoking was restricted.
designated areas generally had much lower concen- Concentrations had declined by more than 90 per-
trations of nicotine (Table 4.4 and Figure 4.4). Half cent as a result of restricting smoking (Vaughan and
of these worksites had a median concentration of Hammond 1990). Thus, workplace policies decrease
less than 1 µg/m3, and only one site (Newspaper A) nicotine concentrations substantially but do not com-
exceeded 2.5 µg/m3. The maximum concentrations in pletely eliminate them. These results are consistent
five out of eight workplaces were 1 to 2 µg/m3, but in with questionnaire survey results cited above, where
the other three the maximum concentrations were 6.3, 9.3 percent of nonsmoking California workers in
13.7, and 16.7 µg/m3. Workplaces with smoking bans “smoke-free worksites” reported some secondhand
had much lower concentrations, with the medians and smoke exposure.

144 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

A number of studies have measured the nico- previous day for an average of two and one-half hours
tine concentrations in a variety of other workplaces, (Klepeis 1999; Klepeis et al. 2001). Restaurants may be
including fire stations and manufacturing, printing, the principal point of secondhand smoke exposure for
and medical facilities (Table 4.5). Although concen- children from nonsmoking homes, and an exposure of
trations were lower in these settings than in offices, even a short duration may be relevant to acute effects,
the results of the analyses showed that one-third of such as inducing or exacerbating an asthma attack
the workplaces that allowed smoking still had mini- (Chapter 6, Respiratory Effects in Children from Expo-
mum values above 1 µg/m3, and most workplaces sure to Secondhand Smoke).
had detectable levels of nicotine on all of the collected In eating establishments, a wide variability in
samples (Table 4.5). Two workplaces had maximum factors determines the concentration of secondhand
values above 50 µg/m3, and most had at least one smoke, including the size of the room, ventilation
sample above 10 µg/m3. Most of the median values rate, number of smokers, and smoking rate. Further-
were between 1 and 4 µg/m3. Where smoking was more, these concentrations vary throughout the day
restricted, the median dropped from 2.3 to 0.7 µg/m3. and evening. Concentrations measured for one to two
Where smoking was banned, it dropped to 0.2 µg/m3 hours during lunch or dinner are likely to be much
(Hammond et al. 1995). Thus, smoking policies also higher than the average concentrations measured
effectively reduced secondhand smoke concentrations during a full day or week. The nicotine concentrations
in these nonoffice settings (Figure 4.5). measured in restaurants have ranged from less than
detectable to values of 70 µg/m3 (Table 4.6).
Tobacco smoke has long been considered a nui-
Exposure in Public Places sance that interferes with the enjoyment of food. One
approach to reducing exposures of nonsmokers has
Exposures to secondhand smoke in public places
been to establish smoking and nonsmoking sections in
have been particular public health concerns for more
restaurants. Nonsmoking sections generally do have
than two decades. Although these sites are workplaces
lower concentrations of secondhand smoke (Lambert
for some, they may now be the only source of second-
et al. 1993; Hammond 1999), but they neither eliminate
hand smoke exposure for most of the U.S. population
secondhand smoke nor reduce secondhand smoke
with no home or work exposures. Studies using bio-
concentrations to insignificant levels. The concentra-
markers confirm that secondhand smoke exposure in
tions of nicotine in nonsmoking sections of restaurants
public places continues to affect nonsmokers. Using
persist at high levels. For example, a study of seven res-
NHANES III data, several investigators have shown
taurants in Albuquerque, New Mexico, found that half
that persons with no home or workplace exposures
of them had concentrations above 1 µg/m3 in the non-
still had detectable levels of cotinine in their serum
smoking sections (Lambert et al. 1993). Similar results
(Pirkle et al. 1996; Mannino et al. 2001). This finding
were noted in more than half of 71 restaurants surveyed
suggests that many people are exposed to secondhand
in Indiana where nicotine concentrations were above
smoke in other locations.
2 µg/m3 in the nonsmoking sections (Hammond and
Perrino 2002). In a study of waiters exposed to second-
Restaurants, Cafeterias, and Bars
hand smoke, the average nicotine concentration was
Restaurants, cafeterias, and bars are worksites as high as 5.8 µg/m3, with the upper end of the range
as well as public places where smoking is frequently at 68 µg/m3 (Maskarinec et al. 2000).
unrestricted or restricted in a manner that does not Hammond (1999) reported that nicotine con-
effectively decrease exposure. Servers and bartenders centrations in cafeterias were somewhat higher than
working in environments where smoking is permitted in restaurants; average values were between 6 and
may be exposed to high levels of secondhand smoke 14 µg/m3. Out of the 37 samples from company caf-
(Jarvis et al. 1992; Jenkins and Counts 1999). In a sur- eterias in Massachusetts that allowed or restricted
vey of 1,224 residents from Olmsted County, Minne- workplace smoking, two-thirds had nicotine concen-
sota, 57 percent of the respondents reported exposures trations that were above 5 µg/m3. Secondhand smoke
to secondhand smoke: 44 percent reported exposures concentrations measured during lunchtime at a medi-
in restaurants, 21 percent reported exposures at work, cal center cafeteria revealed large gradients between
and 19 percent reported exposures in bars (Kottke et the smoking and nonsmoking sections. The concen-
al. 2001). A quarter of the respondents in the NHAPS trations were generally 25 to 40 µg/m3 in the smoking
study reported exposures in restaurants or bars on the section, 2 to 5 µg/m3 in a nonsmoking section that was

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 145

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 4.4 Occupational exposures to nicotine among nonsmoking office workers stratified by the
smoking policy in effect at the time of the measurements

Study Worksite description Year sampled Number of samples

Smoking permitted

Schenker et al. 1986, 1990, 1992 Railroad clerks (personal) 1983–1984 31

Carson and Erikson 1988 Multiple worksites Before 1988 28

Crouse and Carson 1989 Multiple worksites Before 1989 32

Eatough et al. 1989 Multiple worksites NR 28

Miesner et al. 1989 Two office buildings 1987–1988 3

Coultas et al. 1990 Social worker office (personal) 1986–1987 1

Attorney office (personal) 1986–1987 1
Stockbroker (personal) 1986–1987 1
Multiple worksites (personal) 1986–1987 5
Travel agent (personal) 1986–1987 2

Oldaker et al. 1990 Multiple worksites Before 1990 156

Turner and Binnie 1990 Multiple worksites Before 1990 33

Multiple worksites (naturally ventilated) Before 1990 17

Vaughan and Hammond 1990 Telephone company 1987 13

Guerin et al. 1992 Multiple worksites Before 1990 194

Hammond et al. 1995; Labels and paper products 1991–1992 7

Hammond 1999 Tool manufacturing 1991–1992 7
Die manufacturer 1991–1992 4
Textile finishing B 1991–1992 2
Sintering metal 1991–1992 7
Specialty chemicals 1991–1992 7
Textile finishing A 1991–1992 3
Newspaper B 1991–1992 19
Union headquarters‡ 1991–1992 15

Jenkins et al. 1996a Multiple sites (personal) 1993–1994 <136

Sterling et al. 1996 Building 2 (personal) 1994 12

Building 1 (personal) 1994 13

Smoking restricted

Miesner et al. 1989 Two office buildings 1987–1988 2

Vaughan and Hammond 1990 Telephone company 1988 19

Hammond et al. 1995; Filtration products 1991–1992 6

Hammond 1999 Fiber optics 1991–1992 4
Work clothing 1991–1992 4
Film and imaging 1991–1992 7
Valve manufacturer 1991–1992 8
Newspaper A 1991–1992 7

146 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Concentrations of nicotine (micrograms per cubic meter [µg/m3])

Mean Standard deviation Geometric mean Minimum Median Maximum

Smoking permitted

6.9 6.7 3.2 <0.1 5.7 25.7

NR* NR 7.2 LD† NR 70.0

NR NR 3.8 1.2 NR 24.0

6.0 NR NR 4.1 NR 7.8

1.7 2.3 0.8 LD 0.6 4.3

2.5 NR 2.5 NR 2.5 NR

5.9 NR 5.9 NR 5.9 NR
7.2 NR 7.2 NR 7.2 NR
24.8 22.8 16.8 2.5 10.0 50.0
48.4 2.3 48.3 1.0 48.4 50.0

NR NR 4.8 LD NR 69.7

7.2 NR NR NR LD 41.9
10.0 NR NR NR LD 41.9

2.5 1.7 2.1 0.9 1.9 6.7

3.5 8.3 1.7 <1.6 NR 71.5

2.7 1.9 1.4 <0.05 2.6 6.0

3.5 4.9 3.5 0.8 1.4 14.5
5.0 4.2 3.2 0.7 5.1 9.1
5.1 2.8 4.7 3.1 5.1 7.1
5.8 8.9 1.6 0.3 0.9 20.2
6.2 7.8 2.0 <0.05 3.7 22.4
9.7 0.9 9.6 8.8 9.6 10.6
15.8 14.5 8.0 0.2 10.8 47.7
22.0 12.4 17.2 1.1 17.0 45.1§

NR NR NR NR 1.9 >20.0§

1.8 NR NR 1.1 1.7 2.3

2.0 NR NR 0.3 1.6 4.7

Smoking restricted

1.0 NR NR LD 1.0 2.0

0.3 0.2 0.2 <0.1 0.2 0.7

0.4 0.7 0.1 <0.05 0.1 1.7

0.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.4 1.0
0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.4 1.4
2.7 2.2 2.0 0.6 1.8 6.3
4.2 4.5 2.5 0.5 2.5 13.7
7.9 5.9 5.2 0.6 7.6 16.7

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 147

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 4.4 Continued

Study Worksite description Year sampled Number of samples

Smoking prohibited

Miesner et al. 1989 Office building 1987–1988 2

Hammond et al. 1995; Hospital products 1991–1992 9

Hammond 1999 Radar communications 1991–1992 4
Computer chip equipment 1991–1992 1
Infrared and imaging systems 1991–1992 8
Aircraft components 1991–1992 5
Weapons systems 1991–1992 3
*NR = Data were not reported.

LD = Less than detectable.

Omits one data point, 130 µg/m3.
95th percentile, as given in paper.
Source: Hammond 1999.

Figure 4.4 Occupational exposures to nicotine among groups of nonsmoking office workers

Concentration of nicotine (micrograms/cubic meter)


60 Average





craf nd im quip.

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Filt phone gs

Com omm produ s

Bui ksites
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Film ork clo ptics

Mu le wo ksites

le w rksites
Offi e work ites

rne rker

ared hip ons

Soc uildin s

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Mu headq aper B
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ltip ephone tes

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le wkbroke

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apo ponen
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rk s


Rad Hospi build





Mu lroad w



ns s
le w

ce b
ce b

ty c




t co
e l



O ffi

O ffi






ar c


Smoking permitted Smoking restricted Smoking prohibited

Note: Data are provided in detail in Table 4.4.

148 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Concentrations of nicotine (micrograms per cubic meter [µg/m3])

Mean Standard deviation Geometric mean Minimum Median Maximum

Smoking prohibited

0.2 NR NR LD 0.2 0.4

0.1 0.2 0.1 <0.05 <0.05 0.4

0.4 0.3 0.2 <0.05 0.3 0.8
0.6 NR NR NR 0.6 NR
0.7 0.8 0.3 <0.05 0.4 1.9
0.8 1.0 0.4 <0.05 0.4 2.4
2.8 4.9 0.2 <0.05 <0.05 8.5

Figure 4.5 Mean concentrations of nicotine in nonoffice workplace settings with different smoking

Mean concentration of nicotine
(micrograms/cubic meter)




er A
Tex scellan B

on p hing



New optics

k e rs

p ro e r
ufac ts
ape shing B

com nents

and ducts
Fibe ging
New metal

Bar ers B

Fire endant


aft c system

pe r



Flig inishin








l pr
r pr

rk c






ty c

ht a


els a extile f

F i re


ve m

l ma



Com ations

nd p

er c
omm Aircr


nd i


pu t
ed a


ar c

Smoking permitted Smoking restricted Smoking prohibited

Note: Data are provided in detail in Table 4.5.

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 149

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 4.5 Occupational exposures to nicotine in nonoffice workplace settings among nonsmokers only,
stratified by the smoking policy in effect at the time of the measurements

Study Type of company Year sampled Number of samples

Smoking permitted

Schenker et al. 1986, 1990, 1992 Railroad workers (personal) 1983–1984 152

Mattson et al. 1989 Flight attendants (personal) 1988 16

Coultas et al. 1990 Barbershop (personal) 1986–1987 2

Hospital (personal) 1986–1987 5

Guerin et al. 1992 Miscellaneous Before 1990 282

Hammond et al. 1995; Specialty chemicals 1991–1992 8

Hammond 1999 Tool manufacturing 1991–1992 13
Textile finishing B 1991–1992 11
Labels and paper products 1991–1992 1
Die manufacturer 1991–1992 12
Sintering metal 1991–1992 12
Newspaper B 1991–1992 5
Textile finishing A 1991–1992 11
Firefighters A† 1991–1992 16
Firefighters B 1991–1992 24

Smoking restricted

Hammond et al. 1995; Work clothing 1991–1992 9

Hammond 1999 Filtration products 1991–1992 10
Film and imaging 1991–1992 6
Fiber optics 1991–1992 13
Newspaper A 1991–1992 4
Valve manufacturer 1991–1992 10
Rubber products 1991–1992 2

Smoking prohibited

Hammond et al. 1995; Infrared and imaging systems 1991–1992 1

Hammond 1999 Hospital products 1991–1992 5
Weapons systems 1991–1992 12
Aircraft components 1991–1992 12
Radar communications components 1991–1992 13
Computer chip equipment 1991–1992 10

Note: Concentrations were calculated by assuming that all smoking occurred during the workweek, although samplers were
in place for 1 full week. Therefore, the nicotine was assumed to have been collected over 45 hours. The exceptions were the
fire stations, where 112 hours were assumed.
*NR = Data were not reported.

Omits one data point, 101 µg/m3.
Source: Hammond 1999.

150 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Concentrations of nicotine (micrograms per cubic meter [µg/m3])

Mean Standard deviation Geometric mean Minimum Median Maximum
Smoking permitted

0.8 3.3 0.2 <0.1 0.1 38.1

4.7 4.0 2.3 0.1 4.2 10.5

8.8 NR* NR 4.0 NR 13.7

24.8 22.8 16.8 6.3 10.0 53.2

4.3 11.8 1.7 <1.6 <1.6 126.0

0.6 0.9 0.2 <0.05 0.5 2.8

1.6 1.0 1.2 0.2 1.8 3.4
1.7 1.7 1.1 0.3 0.9 5.1
2.3 NR NR NR 2.3 NR
2.7 1.3 2.5 1.2 2.4 5.4
2.9 2.6 2.1 0.6 2.2 9.7
3.0 1.4 2.7 1.2 2.8 4.6
4.3 8.8 1.8 0.5 1.4 30.7
5.4 3.8 4.1 1.2 4.8 13.4
5.8 6.8 3.8 0.7 3.6 27.5

Smoking restricted

0.2 0.3 0.06 <0.05 <0.05 0.9

0.3 0.9 0.08 <0.05 <0.05 2.8
0.8 0.8 0.4 <0.05 0.7 2.2
1.3 2.8 0.6 0.2 0.6 10.6
4.9 6.6 2.6 0.9 1.8 14.8
5.8 7.8 3.6 1.2 3.3 27.3
5.8 5.4 4.2 2.1 5.8 9.6

Smoking prohibited

<0.05 NR NR NR <0.05 NR
0.08 0.17 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.39
0.08 0.20 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 0.63
0.20 0.18 0.13 <0.05 0.21 0.61
0.31 0.36 0.14 <0.05 0.26 1.08
0.51 0.33 0.41 0.15 0.39 1.08

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 151

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 4.6 Concentrations of nicotine in restaurants

Number of Number of Number of

Study Year sampled State restaurants days samples

All sections

Coghlin et al. 1989 1987 Massachusetts 6 NR* NR

Crouse and Carson 1989 NR NR 36 NR NR

Miesner et al. 1989 1987–1988 NR 2 NR NR

Thompson et al. 1989 NR NR 34 NR NR

Coultas et al. 1990 1986–1987 NR 1 NR NR

Crouse and Oldaker NR NR 21 NR NR


Oldaker et al. 1990 NR NR 170 NR NR

Jenkins et al. 1991 1991 NR 7 NR NR

Lambert et al. 1993 1989 New Mexico 7 NR NR

McFarling 1994 1994 Massachusetts 1 NR NR

Maskarinec et al. 2000 1996–1997 Tennessee NR NR 32

Waiters Tennessee NR NR 83

Nonsmoking sections

Lambert et al. 1993 1989 New Mexico 7 NR NR

Moschandreas and Before 1998 Illinois 1 theme restaurant 8 NR

Vuilleumier 1999
Before 1998 Illinois 1 gourmet restaurant 8 NR

Hammond and Perrino 1998–1999 Indiana 71 NR NR


*NR = Data were not reported.

LD = Less than detectable.

152 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Concentrations of nicotine (micrograms per cubic meter [µg/m3])

Mean Standard deviation Geometric mean Minimum Median Maximum

All sections

NR NR NR 18.0 NR 70.0

NR NR 4.1 1.0 NR 36.0

4.1 NR NR 2.0 4.1 6.2

5.4 6.4 3.5 0.5 4.1 37.2


4.3 NR NR LD† 2.9 24.0

6.3 NR NR 0.3 4.2 24.8

NR NR 5.1 LD NR 23.8

3.4 NR NR LD NR 16.1

NR NR NR 1.5 3.2 3.8


6.0 11.9 NR <0.24 0.8 49.3

5.8 11.9 NR <0.24 1.2 67.9

Nonsmoking sections

NR NR NR 0.2 1.0 2.8

0.5 NR NR 0.1 NR 1.2

1.1 NR NR 0.1 NR 1.6

3.7 5.1 NR 0.02 2.2 26.7

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 153

Surgeon General’s Report

within 25 feet of the smoking section, and less than Evidence Synthesis
0.5 µg/m3 in a nonsmoking section that was 30 feet
from the smoking section (although on one day, the Since 1986, investigators have reported a sub-
average in that section was 1.8 µg/m3). stantial amount of new evidence on exposure to
Among the highest concentrations of nicotine secondhand smoke. The more recent data provide
measured in public places were those found in bars insights into typical patterns of exposure, exposure in
and lounges, where reported values were generally key microenvironments, and the consequences of var-
greater than 50 µg/m3 and occasionally were above ious policies intended to reduce exposure. As noted in
100 µg/m3 (Table 4.7). Bartenders had higher expo- Figure 4.1 and Table 4.1, exposures of nonsmokers to
sures than waiters, at an average concentration of secondhand smoke have declined significantly
14 µg/m3 and a maximum exposure of more than between 1988 and 2002. These declines have been
100 µg/m3 (Maskarinec et al. 2000). observed in both children and nonsmoking adults, in
both men and women, and in all racial and ethnic cate-
Other Locations gories. However, significant levels of exposure persist
for the U.S. population in general and for suscep-
Casinos and bingo halls are other public loca- tible populations. Table 4.2 notes estimates for 2000;
tions where both nonsmoking workers and the pub- approximately 127 million children and nonsmoking
lic are exposed to high concentrations of secondhand adults were exposed to secondhand smoke. This esti-
smoke (Table 4.7). A 1986 study in California found mated total includes almost 22 million children aged
a median nicotine concentration of 65.5 µg/m3 (Kado 3 through 11 years, and 18 million nonsmoking youth
et al. 1991). A study in Massachusetts the following aged 12 through 19 years.
year reported a median concentration of 56 µg/m3 The findings consistently show the importance
(Coghlin et al. 1989). In 1995, a study of casino work- of two microenvironments as places for second-
ers in Atlantic City, New Jersey, showed increased hand smoke exposure: the home and the workplace.
levels of serum cotinine at baseline (geometric mean Although microenvironments such as bars and res-
cotinine 1.34 ng/mL) that rose following a workshift taurants may also be important for patrons, the home
(geometric mean cotinine 1.85 ng/mL) (Trout et al. and the workplace are particularly significant because
1998); nicotine levels in the personal breathing zone of of the amount of time spent in these two locations.
casino workers ranged from 6 to 12 µg/m3. For the workplace, restrictions and smoking bans lead
Reported nicotine concentrations in bowling to much lower concentrations of secondhand smoke
alleys were between 10 and 23 µg/m3 (Coghlin et al. than in locations where smoking is allowed.
1989; Jenkins et al. 1996a) (Table 4.7). And although National surveys indicate that progress in
indoor exposures are expected to be higher than out- reducing secondhand smoke exposure has been vari-
door exposures, McFarling (1994) reported one nico- able across the country. Certain states, such as Cali-
tine sample at an outdoor baseball game that was at fornia, Maryland, and Utah, have made significant
a concentration of 2.4 µg/m3. Researchers have previ- advances in protecting nonsmokers, but others, such
ously reported data for commercial aircraft, an envi- as Kentucky and Nevada, have not (Gilpin et al. 2001;
ronment now entirely smoke-free in the United States Shopland et al. 2001). Even in locales with smoking
(Holm and Davis 2004). restrictions in place, significant pockets of exposure
remain, most notably in homes, some worksites such
as restaurants and bars, and in automobiles. Expo-
Special Populations sures in some of these locations can be remedied by
changing public policy. Exposures in other locations,
Prisoners particularly homes and automobiles, can perhaps
Some of the highest concentrations of second- only be addressed through education that alters life-
hand smoke in living quarters have been measured in style behaviors.
correctional facilities (Hammond and Emmons 2005). It is likely that geographic differences in second-
Although most living and sleeping areas averaged hand smoke exposure are related to trends in tobacco
3 to 10 µg/m3, Hammond and Emmons (2005) reported use and policies that determine where tobacco use is
nicotine concentrations that averaged 25 µg/m3 in a permitted (Giovino et al. 1995; Gilpin et al. 2001). Wide
gym that was used as a bunkroom. regional differences exist within the United States

154 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

in secondhand smoke exposure and cotinine levels. concentrations in individual locations may be signifi-
In the NHANES III data, children with and without cantly higher than average. Concentrations of second-
reported exposures had lower cotinine levels if they hand smoke are also typically higher in the workplace
lived in the western part of the United States (Man- and in restaurants than in the home (Figure 4.6). Poli-
nino et al. 2001)—a finding that may reflect lower cies that restrict smoking to particular areas reduce
community exposures to secondhand smoke. Where but do not eliminate secondhand smoke exposure.
smoking is allowed, especially at worksites and in Smoke-free polices reduce secondhand smoke con-
public places, concentrations are highly variable, so centrations far more effectively.

Figure 4.6 Average concentrations of nicotine in homes, offices, other workplaces, and
restaurants where smoking is permitted

Concentration of nicotine (micrograms/cubic meter)



Mar son et l. 2001
Hen mons al. 199 1

scha Cro Mie mmon 1991
Hammond 989



arli 1990

Tur mon innie 92

Mat ammo l. 1992

Gueammo d 1999
y et l. 1989

and et al. 990

Jenk ammo l. 1989

Tur t al. 19 et al. 1992

Hammond 999
amm t al. 19 6
Ster ing et a . 1989

l. 19 0
Eato rin et d 1990

Ham and B 1990,19 9

Ham ond 1 999

Cou mon 1999

Tho uilleu ker 1989


et a 1999

Old on et a 1989
McFr et al. 89
et a 999

Tho pson e ier 19 0

Hamn et al. 1999

and nd Old t al. 19 5


ltas nie 19 5

Ham mond 92
Em s et d 199




l. 19
l. 19

l. 19
s 20

ng 1
ugh al. 1


rin nd 1
al. 1

Ham ,1990,1

t al.
Ham ond


et a

Ster r et a

et a

H mon

nd Hond et


d an ins e




ndr use a sner

n an ling





mon enk
G ue



der Hamm


t al.


er e

er e
er a

g ha







Home Offices Other workplaces Restaurants

Note: Data are provided in detail in Tables 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, and 4.6.

Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 155

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 4.7 Concentrations of nicotine in bars, lounges, and other public venues

Number of Number of Number of

Study Year sampled State venues days samples


Coghlin et al. 1989 1987 Massachusetts 11 NR* NR

Loefroth et al. 1989 NR North Carolina 1 2 NR

Miesner et al. 1989 1987–1988 NR 3 NR 5

Oldaker and Conrad 1989 NR NR NR NR NR

Jenkins et al. 1991 NR NR 8 NR NR

Guerin et al. 1992 NR NR 2 NR NR

Bergman et al. 1996 NR NR 3 NR 17

Maskarinec et al. 2000 1996–1997 Tennessee NR NR 53

Bartenders NR NR NR 80

Bingo halls

Coghlin et al. 1989 1987 Massachusetts NR NR 2

Kado et al. 1991 1986 California NR NR 6

McFarling 1994 1994 NR NR NR 1

Casinos and other betting establishments

Jenkins et al. 1991 NR NR NR NR 2

Kado et al. 1991 NR NR NR NR NR

Trout et al. 1998 1996 New Jersey 1 NR 1

Bowling alleys

Coghlin et al. 1989 1987 Massachusetts NR NR 2

Jenkins et al. 1991 NR NR NR NR 4

Professional baseball games

McFarling 1994 1994 Massachusetts NR NR 1

*NR = Data were not reported.

156 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Concentrations of nicotine (micrograms per cubic meter [µg/m3])

Mean Standard deviation Geometric mean Minimum Median Maximum


NR NR NR 6.0 NR 82.0

65.5 NR NR 60.0 NR 71.0

7.4 4.4 6.0 1.1 7.0 13.0

59.2 NR NR 6.1 NR 109.0

17.6 NR NR 1.8 NR 91.0

12.9 NR NR 4.1 NR 21.6

37.1 6.9 36.0 28.0 34.9 50.0

14.4 16.9 NR <0.2 5.8 61.1

14.1 20.9 NR <0.2 4.4 116.0

Bingo halls

NR NR NR 53.0 56.0 60.0

NR NR NR 4.4 65.5 85.4


Casinos and other betting establishments



10.0 NR 8.0 6.0 NR 12.0

Bowling alleys

18.0 NR NR 13.0 18.0 23.0


Professional baseball games


Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 157

Surgeon General’s Report


1. The evidence is sufficient to infer that large 4. Homes and workplaces are the predominant
numbers of nonsmokers are still exposed to locations for exposure to secondhand smoke.
secondhand smoke.
5. Exposure to secondhand smoke tends to be greater
2. Exposure of nonsmokers to secondhand smoke for persons with lower incomes.
has declined in the United States since the 1986
Surgeon General’s report, The Health Consequences 6. Exposure to secondhand smoke continues in
of Involuntary Smoking. restaurants, bars, casinos, gaming halls, and
3. The evidence indicates that the extent of
secondhand smoke exposure varies across the

Overall Implications

Exposure to secondhand smoke remains a adults. Although progress has been made to protect
serious public health problem in the United States, nonsmoking workers, continuing efforts are needed
with exposure of almost 60 percent of children aged to protect these workers, and particularly younger
3 through 11 years and more than 40 percent of non- workers, in all occupational categories.
smoking adults. Since the publication of the 1986 Sur- Research questions remain regarding exposure
geon General’s report, measured levels of exposure in to secondhand smoke. As noted in the 1986 report,
the United States have declined significantly. How- no indicator has been developed that can objectively
ever, the proportional decrease has been larger among estimate long-term exposure or early-life exposure.
adults than among children, and the most recent data Secondhand smoke exposure from “shared air spaces”
suggest that children aged 3 through 11 years have within a building is also of concern, as a significant
serum cotinine concentrations that are more than twice proportion of the population lives in apartment build-
as high as those among nonsmoking adults. Data sug- ings or condominiums where smoking in another part
gest that the home remains the most important target of the building might increase tobacco smoke expo-
for reducing exposures to secondhand smoke, partic- sure for households of nonsmokers.
ularly for children but also for middle-aged and older

158 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke


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Prevalence of Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 163

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164 Chapter 4
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Chapter 5
Reproductive and Developmental Effects
from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke

Introduction 167

Conclusions of Previous Surgeon General’s Reports and Other Relevant Reports 167

Literature Search Methods 167

Critical Exposure Periods for Reproductive and Developmental Effects 169

Fertility 171
Biologic Basis 171
Epidemiologic Evidence 172
Evidence Synthesis 173
Conclusion 173
Implications 173

Pregnancy (Spontaneous Abortion and Perinatal Death) 176

Biologic Basis 176
Epidemiologic Evidence 177
Evidence Synthesis 178
Conclusion 178
Implications 178

Infant Deaths 179

Epidemiologic Evidence 179
Evidence Synthesis 179
Conclusion 179
Implications 179

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 180

Biologic Basis 180
Epidemiologic Evidence 180
Evidence Synthesis 193
Conclusion 194
Implications 194

Preterm Delivery 194

Biologic Basis 194
Epidemiologic Evidence 195
Evidence Synthesis 195
Conclusion 195
Implications 195

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 165

Surgeon General’s Report

Low Birth Weight 198

Biologic Basis 198
Epidemiologic Evidence 198
Evidence Synthesis 204
Conclusion 205
Implications 205

Congenital Malformations 205

Biologic Basis 205
Epidemiologic Evidence 205
Evidence Synthesis 209
Conclusion 209
Implications 209

Cognitive, Behavioral, and Physical Development 210

Biologic Basis 210
Cognitive Development 210
Epidemiologic Evidence 210
Evidence Synthesis 211
Conclusion 211
Implications 211
Behavioral Development 211
Epidemiologic Evidence 211
Evidence Synthesis 220
Conclusion 220
Implications 220
Height/Growth 220
Epidemiologic Evidence 220
Evidence Synthesis 220
Conclusion 220
Implications 220

Childhood Cancer 221

Biologic Basis 221
Epidemiologic Evidence 224
Leukemia 224
Lymphoma 225
Central Nervous System 225
Evidence Synthesis 225
Conclusions 242
Implications 242

Conclusions 242

Overall Implications 244

References 245

166 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke


This chapter concerns adverse effects on repro- and congenital malformations (U.S. Department of
duction, infants, and child development from exposure Health and Human Services [USDHHS] 2001). The
to secondhand smoke. Previous Surgeon General’s effects of active smoking by the mother during preg-
reports have not comprehensively addressed the nancy were comprehensively reviewed in the 2004
relationship between secondhand smoke exposure report (USDHHS 2004). This new report reviews the
and reproductive outcomes, infant mortality, or child possible effects of secondhand smoke exposure on
development. The 2001 Surgeon General’s report reproductive and developmental outcomes, incor-
(Women and Smoking) did summarize the literature on porates the substantial amount of evidence that has
developmental and reproductive outcomes in relation emerged since the 1986 Surgeon General’s report (The
to secondhand smoke exposure, focusing on the spe- Health Consequences of Involuntary Smoking, USDHHS
cific outcomes of fertility and fecundity, fetal growth 1986), and expands upon the 2001 report.
and birth weight, fetal loss and neonatal mortality,

Conclusions of Previous Surgeon General’s Reports

and Other Relevant Reports

The early literature on secondhand smoke Environmental Protection Agency and released in 1997
exposure and child health focused on adverse respi- (National Cancer Institute [NCI] 1999). These topics
ratory effects. Initial relevant reports were first pub- were also addressed by a number of other agencies
lished in the 1960s (Cameron et al. 1969), followed by and groups, including the United Kingdom Depart-
larger studies in the 1970s (Colley 1974; Colley et al. ment of Health (1998), the World Health Organization
1974). The first summary report to comprehensively (WHO 1999), and the University of Toronto (2001).
address reproductive and perinatal effects of second- Table 5.1 summarizes the conclusions for reproduc-
hand smoke exposure was prepared by the California tive and perinatal outcomes from these reports.

Literature Search Methods

The authors identified most of the literature on after 1966. For example, the MeSH term “Tobacco
secondhand smoke exposure and adverse reproduc- Smoke Pollution” was not introduced until 1982. The
tive and perinatal effects through a systematic search following text terms were also used in the search for
of the National Library of Medicine’s indexed jour- articles: environmental, tobacco, smoke, secondhand
nals, which date back to 1966. The relevant Medical smoke, paternal smoking, and passive smoking. By
Subject Headings (MeSH) terms and text terms were combining these text terms and MeSH terms using
used to search PubMed. Text terms were used because “or” as the Boolean connector, nearly 4,500 citations
many of the relevant MeSH terms were not introduced were identified. The authors also used this strategy
into the PubMed key wording scheme until some time to identify relevant research on outcomes. The results

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 167

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.1 Findings on secondhand smoke exposure and reproductive and perinatal effects

Report Outcome Conclusion

Report of the Scientific Sudden infant death “Sudden infant death syndrome. . .is associated with
Committee on Tobacco and syndrome exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. The association
Health is judged to be one of cause and effect.” (p. 10)
(United Kingdom
Department of Health 1998)

Health Effects of Exposure to Low birth weight/small “Taken together. . .[the studies] support a slight increase
Environmental Tobacco Smoke: for gestational age in LBW [low birth weight] or IUGR [intrauterine growth
The Report of the California retardation] in association with ETS [environmental
Environmental Protection tobacco smoke, equivalent to secondhand smoke]
Agency exposure.” (p. 102)
(National Cancer Institute
1999) Preterm delivery “There was little evidence found for an association with
preterm birth.” (p. 102)

Spontaneous abortion “. . .there is some epidemiologic evidence that ETS ex-

posure may play a role in the etiology of spontaneous
abortion. . . .” (p. 113)

Congenital malformations “. . .it is not possible at this time to determine whether

there is an association of ETS exposure with birth defects.”
(p. 119)

Sudden infant death There is “sufficient evidence that postnatal ETS exposure
syndrome (SIDS) of the child is an independent risk factor for SIDS.” (p. 139)

Childhood cognition and “The evidence that ETS exposure of a nonsmoking

behavior pregnant woman can result in neuropsychologic deficits
in the child. . .is inconclusive.” (p. 154)

“No conclusions regarding causality can be made on the

basis of these studies, but they do provide suggestive
evidence that [postnatal] ETS exposure may pose a
neuropsychological developmental hazard.” (p. 155)

Postnatal physical “. . .there is little to no epidemiological evidence that

development ETS exposure has a significant effect on height growth of
children.” (p. 162)

Female fertility and “. . .the data are inadequate to determine whether there is
fecundability an association of ETS exposure with effects on fertility or
fecundability.” (p. 178)

Other female reproductive “. . .there is a paucity of data on the association of ETS

effects exposure and lowered age at menopause or other measures
of menstrual cycle dysfunction, and conclusions regarding
causal associations cannot be reached.” (p. 179)

Male reproductive toxicity “. . .due to the paucity of data it is not possible to

determine whether there is a causal association between
ETS exposure and male reproductive dysfunction.” (p. 180)

Childhood cancers “. . .the evidence for a role of parental smoking and

childhood cancers is inconclusive.” (p. 282)

168 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 5.1 Continued

Report Outcome Conclusion
International Consultation on Low birth weight “ETS exposure among nonsmoking pregnant women can
Environmental Tobacco Smoke cause a decrease in birth weight. . .” (p. 4)
(ETS) and Child Health:
Consultation Report SIDS “. . .infant exposure to ETS may contribute to the risk of
(World Health SIDS.” (p. 4)
Organization 1999)
Neurodevelopment “. . .the effects of prenatal and postnatal ETS exposure on
cognition and behaviour remain unclear.” (p. 9)

Childhood cancer “. . .there is suggestive evidence linking exposure to

tobacco smoke and childhood cancer.” (p. 10)
Women and Smoking: A Low birth weight/small “. . .maternal exposure to ETS appears to be causally
Report of the Surgeon General for gestational age associated with detrimental effects on fetal growth.”
(U.S. Department of Health (p. 364)
and Human Services 2001)
Fertility, spontaneous “Studies of ETS exposure and the risks for delay in
abortion, perinatal conception, spontaneous abortion, and perinatal mortality
mortality are few, and the results are inconsistent.” (p. 372)
Protection from Second-Hand SIDS “Exposure to second-hand smoke causes the following
Tobacco Smoke in Ontario: diseases and conditions. . . Sudden infant death syn-
A Review of the Evidence drome. . .” (p. v)
Regarding Best Practices
(University of Toronto Low birth weight/ “Exposure to second-hand smoke causes the following
2001) small for gestational age diseases and conditions. . . Fetal growth impairment
including low birth-weight and small for gestational
age. . .” (pp. v–vi)

Spontaneous abortion “Exposure to second-hand smoke has also been linked

to other adverse health effects. The relationships may be
causal. These include. . . Miscarriages. . .” (p. vi)

of each outcome-relevant search were then combined information, the authors selected the relevant articles
with the secondhand smoke-relevant search using for review. Finally, the references in the articles were
“and” as the Boolean connector. These citations were reviewed for additional citations that were not identi-
imported into a database. Using title and abstract fied through the PubMed searches.

Critical Exposure Periods for Reproductive and Developmental Effects

Assessing exposures to secondhand smoke in number of potentially different biologic mechanisms

studies of fertility, fetal development, infant develop- of injury exist from exposure to secondhand smoke.
ment, and child health and development is complex. Even within the nine months of pregnancy, vulnera-
For each of the three biologically relevant periods— bility to the effects of secondhand smoke may change,
preconception, pregnancy, and postdelivery—a reflecting differing mechanisms of injury as fetal

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 169

Surgeon General’s Report

organs develop and the fetus grows. Moreover, there insults are more likely to lead to minor malformations
are multiple environments where the woman or child or functional defects (Sadler 1990).
is exposed to secondhand smoke (e.g., workplace, Finally, secondhand smoke exposure in the post-
home, and day care), as well as multiple sources of partum period could affect the developing infant and
secondhand smoke exposure for each of these envi- child, resulting in a number of adverse health out-
ronments (e.g., household members, day care provid- comes. Given the developmental processes in prog-
ers, and coworkers). Finally, because of the potential ress, infants and children are considered to be more
impact of active maternal smoking (USDHHS 2004), vulnerable to the effects of environmental exposures
active smoking before and during pregnancy needs than are adults (Goldman 1995; Dempsey et al. 2000).
to be taken into account when assessing the potential Mechanisms that could lead to compromised physi-
independent effects of exposure to secondhand smoke. cal and cognitive development as a result of exposure
Maternal smoking has well-characterized adverse to secondhand smoke may be similar to the pro-
effects for several outcomes, such as fertility, sudden cesses that affect fetal development, such as hypoxia
infant death syndrome (SIDS), and child growth and (USDHHS 1990; Lambers and Clark 1996). One review
development. Thus, the effects of exposure to second- of the impact of prenatal exposure to nicotine sum-
hand smoke may be confounded by those of maternal marized numerous animal studies that demonstrated
smoking. the effects of nicotine on cognitive processes among
Secondhand smoke exposure may have adverse exposed rats and guinea pigs, such as impeded learn-
effects potentially throughout the reproductive and ing abilities or increased attention or memory defi-
developmental processes (Table 5.2). During the cits (Ernst et al. 2001). In animal and human studies,
preconception period, maternal exposure to second- prenatal nicotine exposure affected aspects of neural
hand smoke can potentially affect female fertility by functioning such as the activation of neurotransmit-
altering the balance of hormones that affect oocyte ter systems, which may lead to permanent altera-
production, including growth hormone, cortisol, tions in the developing brain through changes in gene
luteinizing hormones, and prolactin (Mattison 1982; expression. The proposed consequences of altered
Daling et al. 1987; Mattison and Thomford 1987), or gene expression included disturbances in neuronal
by reducing motility in the female reproductive tract pathfinding and in cell regulation and differentiation
(Mattison 1982; Daling et al. 1987). However, separat- (Ernst et al. 2001). Other animal studies have shown
ing the potential effect of secondhand smoke exposure that newborn rats exposed to sidestream smoke have
on the mother’s reproductive process and the effect of reduced DNA and protein concentrations in the brain
active paternal smoking on the father’s reproductive (Gospe et al. 1996). Ideally, researchers should have
process is very difficult. Although the evidence is mixed, information on secondhand smoke exposures for all
active smoking has been shown to affect sperm mor- relevant periods that relate to the outcome under
phology, motility, and concentration (Rosenberg 1987; study, because different physiologic processes may
USDHHS 2004). Cigarette smoke may also lead to be affected across developmental periods (Table 5.2).
infertility through a combined effect of decreased However, this information is frequently unavailable
sperm motility with active paternal smoking and in a particular study.
decreased tubal patency with active maternal smok- Secondhand smoke exposures most commonly
ing and secondhand smoke exposure. occur in the home or workplace, and exposures
During pregnancy, maternal exposure to in public places tend to be more sporadic. Recent
secondhand smoke could potentially affect the preg- exposure assessment and monitoring studies have
nancy by increasing the risk for spontaneous abortion shown that the home tends to be a greater source of
or by interfering with the developing fetus through secondhand smoke exposure than the workplace
growth restrictions or congenital malformations (NCI (Emmons et al. 1994; Pirkle et al. 1996; Hammond
1999; WHO 1999). During gestation, windows of 1999), particularly since workplace smoking bans
susceptibility exist when the developing embryo or have become more restrictive (Marcus et al. 1992)
fetus is vulnerable to various intrauterine conditions (Chapter 3, Assessment of Exposure to Secondhand
or exposures. Organogenesis occurs mainly during Smoke, and Chapter 4, Prevalence of Exposure to
the embryonic period (weeks three through eight of Secondhand Smoke). In the home, the major sources of
gestation), which is also the time when major mal- exposures to secondhand smoke have been smoking
formations are most likely to develop. During weeks by the spouse or partner and other household mem-
9 through 38 of gestation, susceptibility decreases and bers. Paternal smoking has been the most commonly

170 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 5.2 Potentially relevant exposure periods for reproductive and perinatal outcomes

Relevant exposure periods

Outcome Preconception Prenatal Postnatal

Fertility (female) X

Spontaneous abortion X X

Low birth weight, small for gestational age, intrauterine X X

growth retardation

Congenital malformations X X

Infant death (including sudden infant death syndrome) X X X

Cognitive development X X X

Childhood behavior X X X

Height/growth X X X

Childhood cancer X X X

measured source of secondhand smoke in the home smoking could be a significant source of secondhand
(USDHHS 1986), and paternal smoking status smoke exposure for women (Pattishall et al. 1985;
tends to be constant across the three developmen- Rebagliato et al. 1995a; Pirkle et al. 1996; Ownby et
tal periods: preconception, prenatal, and postnatal al. 2000; Kaufman et al. 2002). Studies on workplace
(USDHHS 1986). Although many studies have not exposure have focused on whether or not the person
considered smoking in the home by other household was exposed, but less attention has been paid to quan-
members, some studies have documented that such tifying the exposure (Misra and Nguyen 1999).


Biologic Basis studies, numerous investigators have demonstrated

the biologic effects of nicotine in disrupting oviduct
Infertility is commonly defined as a failure to function (Neri and Marcus 1972; Ruckebusch 1975)
conceive after 12 months of unprotected intercourse. and in delaying blastocyst formation and implanta-
Infertility should not be confused with fecundabil- tion (Yoshinaga et al. 1979). Investigations of assisted
ity, which is defined as the probability of conception reproduction among humans who actively smoke
during one menstrual cycle and measured by time to have also provided information on possible mecha-
pregnancy. Thus, low fecundability is delayed con- nisms of infertility and delayed conception from
ception. The biologic plausibility that secondhand secondhand smoke exposure. Several studies of
smoke exposure affects human fertility and fecund- assisted reproductive techniques have suggested that
ability is supported by both animal and human stud- active maternal smoking reduces the estradiol level in
ies of active smoking, which include exposure to the follicular fluid (Elenbogen et al. 1991; Van Voorhis et
same materials as involuntary smoking. In animal al. 1992), impedes ovulation induction (Van Voorhis

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 171

Surgeon General’s Report

et al. 1992; Chung et al. 1997), reduces the fertilization al. 1994). The epidemiologic studies that have exam-
rate (Elenbogen et al. 1991; Rosevear et al. 1992), and ined the effect of active paternal smoking on fertility
retards the embryo cleavage rate (dose-dependent) are not as consistent in their findings as the studies
(Hughes et al. 1992). Metabolites of cigarette smoke that have investigated active maternal smoking and
have been measured in the follicular fluid of active fertility (Underwood et al. 1967; Tokuhata 1968; Baird
smokers at assisted reproduction clinics (Trapp et al. and Wilcox 1985; de Mouzon et al. 1988; Dunphy
1986; Weiss and Eckert 1989; Rosevear et al. 1992) and et al. 1991; Pattinson et al. 1991; Hughes et al. 1992;
in the cervical mucus of active smokers in a cervical Rowlands et al. 1992; Bolumar et al. 1996; Hull et al.
cancer study (Sasson et al. 1985). 2000). One review concluded that paternal smoking
Together, the evidence from studies of biologic had no effect on fertility (Hughes and Brennan 1996).
mechanisms and the findings of numerous epidemi- Several studies that were conducted in repro-
ologic studies have led to the conclusion that active ductive clinics measured tobacco smoke biomarkers
maternal smoking causes reduced fertility. An early in nonsmoking men and women exposed to second-
review by Stillman and colleagues (1986) of stud- hand smoke. Cotinine was measurable in follicular
ies of natural reproduction in addition to the two fluid, with measurements related to dose (Zenzes et
most recent Surgeon General’s reports (USDHHS al. 1996), and benzo[a]pyrene adducts were found in
2001, 2004) support this conclusion of a causal ovarian cells (Zenzes et al. 1998). Both nicotine and
association, and findings of meta-analyses have pro- cotinine were measured in semen of nonsmoking,
vided estimates of the magnitude of the effect of secondhand smoke-exposed men attending a clinic
maternal smoking on fertility. Hughes and Brennan specializing in infertility (Pacifici et al. 1995).
(1996) combined the results of seven studies on in vitro
fertilization with gamete intrafallopian transfer. Com-
paring smokers and nonsmokers, the researchers Epidemiologic Evidence
obtained a combined odds ratio (OR) for conception
Although active maternal smoking has been
of 0.57 (95 percent confidence interval [CI], 0.42–0.78).
causally associated with infertility (USDHHS 2004),
Similarly, Augood and colleagues (1998) pooled
less evidence is available on maternal exposure to
nine studies that compared smokers with nonsmok-
secondhand smoke and fertility, and no data were
ers and found a combined OR of 0.66 (95 percent CI,
found on paternal secondhand smoke exposure and
0.49–0.88) for the number of pregnancies per cycle of
fertility. Two studies specifically addressed maternal
in vitro fertilization. In their meta-analysis of 12 stud-
exposure to secondhand smoke in relation to infertil-
ies, Augood and colleagues (1998) compared smokers
ity, although they examined different outcome mea-
with nonsmokers and found that the overall OR for
sures (Chung et al. 1997; Hull et al. 2000). Chung and
infertility was 1.60 (95 percent CI, 1.34–1.91). Several
colleagues (1997) studied infertile patients under-
investigators found a dose-response trend between
going a gamete intrafallopian transfer procedure
the level of active maternal smoking and decreased
(Table 5.3). The researchers found that a higher propor-
fertility (Baird and Wilcox 1985; Suonio et al. 1990;
tion of active smokers had anovulation and required
Laurent et al. 1992).
significantly higher amounts of human menopausal
Although active paternal smoking could also
gonadotropins (hMG) to stimulate ovulation than
play a role in infertility by affecting sperm quality,
did nonsmokers. However, the investigators found
the 2004 Surgeon General’s report found conflict-
no significant differences in these same parameters
ing evidence on active smoking and sperm quality
when they compared unexposed nonsmokers and
(USDHHS 2004). In another review, investigators per-
secondhand smoke-exposed nonsmokers, defined as
formed a meta-analysis of 20 study populations (from
having at least one household member who smoked.
18 published papers) on cigarette smoking and sperm
Among the unexposed nonsmokers, 3.0 percent had
density and found a weighted estimated reduction of
anovulation and required an average of 26 vials of
13 percent in sperm density (95 percent CI, 8.0–17.1)
hMG. Among the exposed nonsmokers, 7.8 percent
among smokers compared with nonsmokers (Vine et

172 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

had anovulation and required an average of 24 vials Evidence Synthesis

of hMG. The two groups also did not differ in preg-
nancy rates (45.5 percent in the unexposed group The observational evidence is quite limited. The
and 46.2 percent in the exposed group) or birth rates four studies that directly address maternal second-
(33.3 percent versus 23.1 percent, respectively). This hand smoke exposure and fertility differ substantially
study included only 98 patients, of whom 13 were in study design and methods. For example, Chung
secondhand smoke-exposed only. Hull and col- and colleagues (1997) investigated patients who
leagues (2000) assessed secondhand smoke exposures were attending a clinic for fertility-related problems
from the workplace and the home among more than and examined the success rate of assisted reproduc-
8,000 women with a planned pregnancy (Table 5.3). tion. Hull and colleagues (2000), on the other hand,
Nonsmoking women with any secondhand smoke included pregnant women and examined delayed
exposure (n = 1,987) had an increased risk for concep- natural conception. In the former study, the investi-
tion delay of more than six months compared with gators did not account for potential confounders and
unexposed nonsmoking women (n = 4,133) (adjusted obtained retrospective information about exposure
OR = 1.17 [95 percent CI, 1.02–1.37]). In this study, to secondhand smoke from telephone interviews
the investigators also included an analysis of active (Chung et al. 1997). Hull and colleagues (2000) relied
paternal smoking (adjusted for active maternal smok- on a self-administered questionnaire to ascertain
ing); they found that the fathers who smoked more exposure information during pregnancy, and used
than 20 cigarettes per day had an increased risk for potential confounders in the analysis such as parental
conception delay of more than six months compared age, body mass index, and alcohol consumption. The
with nonsmoking fathers (OR = 1.39 [95 percent CI, evidence from this larger study on natural conception
1.14–1.68]). is consistent with the biologic framework established
Two other studies examined maternal exposure by the studies on active maternal smoking and fertil-
to secondhand smoke in addition to active mater- ity (Hull et al. 2000).
nal smoking in relation to fertility (Table 5.3) (Baird
and Wilcox 1985; Olsen 1991). Using regression
analysis, Baird and Wilcox (1985) adjusted for active Conclusion
maternal smoking to examine the impact of active 1. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
paternal smoking among 678 pregnant women. No absence of a causal relationship between maternal
effect was found after adjusting for active mater- exposure to secondhand smoke and female
nal smoking, although the data were not presented fertility or fecundability. No data were found on
(χ2 = 0.000, p = 0.953). Olsen (1991) analyzed only non- paternal exposure to secondhand smoke and male
smoking women without a history of infertility treat- fertility or fecundability.
ments. Olsen’s analysis categorized paternal smoking
as 1 to 9, 10 to 19, and 20 or more cigarettes per day, and
calculated the ORs for time to pregnancy of more than
6 and more than 12 months. There were increased Implications
risks for both time outcomes. The greatest risks were
at exposures of 10 to 19 cigarettes per day for more As exposure of women of reproductive age to
than 6 months (OR = 1.32 [95 percent CI, 1.10–1.58]) secondhand smoke continues, this topic needs further
and for more than 12 months (OR = 1.39 [95 percent rigorous investigation. In particular, the frequency
CI, 1.10–1.75]). and extent of current exposures should be charac-
The limited epidemiologic evidence on maternal terized. Further epidemiologic studies also merit
secondhand smoke exposure and fertility does not consideration.
warrant a meta-analysis of the relevant studies.

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 173

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.3 Studies of secondhand smoke exposure and fertility

Study Design/population Source of exposure Outcome Exposure categories

Baird and Wilcox 678 pregnant women who were Husband Time to Yes/no
1985 not using contraceptives before pregnancy
conception, recruited through
early pregnancy classes and
obstetric practices

Olsen 1991 Population-based survey Time to >6 months:

conducted in Denmark between Father pregnancy 0 cigarettes/day
1984 and 1987, completed by Father 1–9 cigarettes/day
10,866 women in their third Father 10–19 cigarettes/day
trimester of pregnancy who Father ≥20 cigarettes/day
had no history of infertility
treatments >12 months:
Father 0 cigarettes/day
Father 1–9 cigarettes/day
Father 10–19 cigarettes/day
Father ≥20 cigarettes/day

Chung et al. 1997 98 infertile women undergoing Home Anovulation Data were not reported
a gamete intrafallopian transfer Pregnancy rate
procedure Birth rate

Hull et al. 2000 12,106 pregnant women with Work and home Time to Yes/no
due dates between April 1991 pregnancy
and December 1992

*OR = Odds ratio.

CI = Confidence interval.

174 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Findings Comments

No effect (data were not presented) Adjusted for maternal smoking and potential risk factors; paternal
χ2 = 0.000, p = 0.953 smoking did not affect fertility

>6 months: Results are for nonsmoking mothers

OR* = 1.16 (95% CI†, 0.95–1.41)

OR = 1.32 (95% CI, 1.10–1.58)
OR = 1.32 (95% CI, 0.96–1.80)

>12 months:

OR = 1.34 (95% CI, 1.05–1.72)

OR = 1.39 (95% CI, 1.10–1.75)
OR = 1.11 (95% CI, 0.72–1.71)

Anovulation: 13 were secondhand smoke-exposed only (nonsmokers); this study

3.0% in unexposed group demonstrated that active, but not involuntary, cigarette smoking has
7.8% in exposed group an adverse impact on the pregnancy and live-birth rates in gamete
intrafallopian transfer producers
Pregnancy rate:
45.5% in unexposed group
46.2% in exposed group

Birth rate:
33.3% in unexposed group
23.1% in exposed group

Conceived after >6 months: Findings are based on 4,133 unexposed and 1,987 secondhand smoke-
OR = 1.17 (95% CI, 1.02–1.37) exposed nonsmokers; trends by categories of cigarettes/day smoked by
Conceived after >12 months: partners of nonsmoking women were not statistically significant; this
OR = 1.14 (95% CI, 0.92–1.42) study provides new evidence of delayed conception if a woman
is exposed to secondhand smoke at home or in the workplace

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 175

Surgeon General’s Report

Pregnancy (Spontaneous Abortion and Perinatal Death)

Biologic Basis abnormalities in the developing embryo; others are

related to factors associated with maternal age, with
Fetal loss or spontaneous abortion is defined as the pregnancy itself, or to other types of exposures
the involuntary termination of an intrauterine preg- (e.g., occupational exposure, alcohol consumption, or
nancy before 20 weeks of gestation (Anderson et fever). Moreover, relatively few animal studies have
al. 1998). Because most early fetal losses are under- been conducted to gain an understanding of how
reported and unrecognized, spontaneous abortions are exposure to sidestream smoke may affect the processes
extremely difficult to study. Twenty to 40 percent of all of spontaneous abortion (NCI 1999). In one study of
pregnancies may terminate too early to be recognized sea urchins, investigators noted that exposure to nic-
or confirmed (Wilcox et al. 1988; Eskenazi et al. otine prevented the cortical granule reaction, which
1995). Furthermore, the etiology of spontaneous typically prevents the entry of additional sperm into
abortion is multifactorial and not fully understood. the egg once fertilization has occurred (Longo and
Some early miscarriages result from chromosomal

Table 5.4 Studies of secondhand smoke exposure and pregnancy loss

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Koo et al. 1988 Cross-sectional • Unexposed • Husband

136 nonsmoking wives • Secondhand smoke only • Some work exposure
Hong Kong • Light (1–20 cigarettes/day)
1981–1983 • Heavy (>20 cigarettes/day)

Ahlborg and Bodin Prospective • Unexposed • Maternal smoking

1991 4,701 pregnancies • Secondhand smoke only • Secondhand smoke
Sweden (Orebo County) • Active smoking (1–9 cigarettes/ exposure
1980–1983 day, 10–19 cigarettes/day, or
≥20 cigarettes/day)

Windham et al. 1992 Case-control • Exposure ≥1 hour in a room • Smoking behavior 1 month
626 cases and where someone else was before pregnancy
1,300 controls smoking • Any smoking changes
United States (Santa • No maternal smoking during pregnancy
Clara County, California) • Mother smoked • Paternal smoking
1986–1987 1–10 cigarettes/day
• Mother smoked >10 cigarettes/
• Any smoking

*RR = Relative risk.

CI = Confidence interval.

OR = Odds ratio.

176 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Anderson 1970). If this same process occurs in the Epidemiologic Evidence

human fertilized ovum as a result of nicotine expo-
sure, this may be a mechanism by which abnormali- Among five studies that reported on involun-
ties in the developing embryo result in spontaneous tary smoking and miscarriage or spontaneous abor-
abortions (Longo and Anderson 1970; Mattison et al. tion, three studies found an increased risk among
1989). Several tobacco components and metabolites exposed women compared with unexposed women.
are potentially toxic to the developing fetus, includ- In a study conducted in Hong Kong, Koo and col-
ing lead, nicotine, cotinine, cyanide, cadmium, carbon leagues (1988) reported that if husbands were heavy
monoxide (CO), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocar- smokers (>20 cigarettes per day), their wives were
bons (Lambers and Clark 1996; Werler 1997). Finally, two times more likely to have a miscarriage or spon-
with regard to active smoking and spontaneous abor- taneous abortion than were women whose husbands
tion, many studies have reported a greater increase in did not smoke. Windham and colleagues (1992) exam-
risk for smokers than for nonsmokers, and some stud- ined active and secondhand smoke exposures among
ies have demonstrated dose-response relationships 1,926 pregnant women and measured exposure to
(USDHHS 2004). secondhand smoke two ways: the amount smoked
by the “father of the unborn child,” and maternal
exposure to secondhand smoke for more than one
hour per day (Table 5.4). After adjusting for maternal

Outcome Findings Comments

Miscarriage/abortion Percentage with ≥1 miscarriage/abortion: Participants were interviewed in their

Nonsmoking husband: 33% homes by trained interviewers
Husband was a light smoker: 43%
Husband was a heavy smoker: 59% 44% of wives with nonsmoking
husbands had been exposed to
p value = 0.12 for wives with smoking husbands secondhand smoke at home or at work

Spontaneous abortion • Secondhand smoke exposure at work (RR* = 1.53 Source exposure data were self-
Preterm birth [95% CI†, 0.98–2.38]) for spontaneous abortion reported (questionnaires)
Low birth weight • Adjusted RR for active exposure from smoking
(LBW) 10–19 cigarettes/day = 2.18 (95% CI, 1.51–3.14) for
preterm birth and 2.38 (95% CI, 1.22–4.65) for LBW
• RR for active exposure from smoking ≥20 cigarettes/
day = 2.30 (95% CI, 1.19–4.44) for preterm birth and
2.71 (95% CI, 0.86–8.53) for LBW

Spontaneous abortion • OR‡ = 1.31 (95% CI, 0.92–1.88) for mothers who Source exposure data were self-
smoked >10 cigarettes/day reported; there was no conclusive
• OR = 1.5 (95% CI, 1.2–1.9) for mothers exposed to evidence of an association between
secondhand smoke for ≥1 hour/day active smoking and spontaneous
• OR = 2.1 (95% CI, 0.8–6.0) for fathers who smoked abortion; a moderate association was
1–10 cigarettes/day observed with secondhand smoke
• 40% of mothers smoked during pregnancy if fathers exposure; findings were adjusted
smoked (highly correlated) for maternal factors of age, race,
education, marital status, prior fetal
loss, tobacco use, alcohol consumption,
bottled water intake, employment,
insurance, and nausea

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 177

Surgeon General’s Report

factors of age, race, education, marital status, prior miscarriage among 136 nonsmoking wives who were
fetal loss, tobacco use, alcohol consumption, bottled part of a larger study on cancer. These 136 women
water intake, employment, insurance, and nausea, were the controls in this study, which ascertained life-
women exposed to secondhand smoke for one hour time smoking histories of the husbands and reproduc-
or more per day had an adjusted OR of 1.5 (95 percent tive histories of the wives. Social and demographic
CI, 1.2–1.9) for second trimester losses compared with factors differed between families with smoking and
nonsmokers. Windham and colleagues (1992), how- nonsmoking husbands. The crude OR for more than
ever, found no association for their second measure two miscarriages among wives with husbands who
of involuntary smoking, which was paternal smoking smoked was 1.81 (95 percent CI, 0.85–3.85) (adjusted
(examined by dose). Ahlborg and Bodin (1991) exam- ORs were not reported). Ahlborg and Bodin (1991)
ined involuntary smoking and spontaneous abortion reported on nonsmoking women who were exposed
among nonsmoking mothers in Sweden. Women who to secondhand smoke at home. Two estimates were
were exposed to secondhand smoke at work were at provided, one for first trimester losses (OR = 0.96
an increased risk for first trimester losses (relative risk [95 percent CI, 0.50–1.86]) and for one second or third
[RR] = 2.16 [95 percent CI, 1.23–3.81]), but exposure trimester losses (OR = 1.06 [95 percent CI, 0.55–2.05]).
to secondhand smoke at home was not associated Windham and colleagues (1999b) reported adjusted
with spontaneous abortion. In Finland, Lindbohm ORs for paternal smoking among women who were
and colleagues (1991) examined paternal exposures nonsmokers. When maternal age, prior spontane-
to occupational lead and paternal smoking among ous abortion, alcohol and caffeine consumption, and
513 pregnancies (213 of which ended in spontaneous gestational age at initial interviews were taken into
abortion). Without adjusting for potential confound- account, the investigators obtained an OR of 1.15
ing factors, the authors observed that paternal smok- (95 percent CI, 0.86–1.55) for secondhand smoke expo-
ing did not increase the risk of spontaneous abortion sure at home. The pooled estimate from these three
(OR = 1.3 [95 percent CI, 0.9–1.9]). Windham and col- studies (with the two estimates from Alborg and Bodin
leagues (1999b) conducted another prospective study [1991] included separately) for secondhand smoke
that involved 5,000 women who resided in California exposure in the home or from fathers who smoked
from 1990 to 1991. The investigators examined expo- and who were married to nonsmoking women was
sure to secondhand smoke only among nonsmoking 1.18 (95 percent CI, 0.92–1.44).
women and ascertained the number of hours per day Future studies not only need to ensure an ade-
that a woman was near others who smoked (includ- quate sample size, but they should give particular
ing paternal smoking). There was little evidence for attention to the difficult issues of confounding and to
increased risks, and all ORs were an estimated 1.0. accurate estimates of secondhand smoke exposures in
the workplace and in the home.

Evidence Synthesis
The few studies that have examined the rela-
tionship between involuntary smoking and sponta- 1. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
neous abortion have inconsistent findings (Table 5.4). absence of a causal relationship between maternal
Although some studies reported an increased risk exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy
for spontaneous abortion among women exposed to and spontaneous abortion.
secondhand smoke at work or at home, many found
no association. However, for the studies that showed
no associations, the study samples may have lacked Implications
adequate statistical power.
As for other outcomes that have very few stud-
Three studies examined secondhand smoke
ies, further research is warranted (see “Overall Impli-
exposures among women who were nonsmok-
cations” later in this chapter).
ers. Koo and colleagues (1988) examined rates of

178 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Infant Deaths

Infant mortality is defined as the death of a rates for neonatal mortality, Yerushalmy (1971) found
live-born infant within 364 days of birth. Many of (without considering maternal smoking) that rates for
the major causes of infant deaths, such as low birth both Blacks and Whites were elevated among infants
weight (LBW), preterm delivery, and SIDS, are also whose fathers smoked compared with infants of non-
associated with exposure to tobacco smoke during smoking fathers; there were no adjustments for any
and after pregnancy. The biologic mechanisms by other confounding factors.
which secondhand smoke exposure leads to these par-
ticular outcomes are discussed in other parts of this
chapter and will not be discussed here. In 2002, the Evidence Synthesis
infant mortality rate for infants of smokers (11.1 per-
Only two studies examined the relationship of
cent) was 68 percent higher than the rate for infants
involuntary smoking with neonatal mortality. Both
of nonsmokers (6.6 percent) (Mathews et al. 2004).
studies reported associations of secondhand smoke
For each race and Hispanic-origin group, the infant
exposure from paternal smoking with neonatal
mortality rate among infants of smokers was
mortality. There is significantly more literature on
higher compared with the rate among infants of
active smoking by the mother during pregnancy and
neonatal outcome. Although the strength of the rela-
tionship in these two studies was strong, causality can-
not be inferred because of the small number of studies
Epidemiologic Evidence and because of inadequate controls for potential
Numerous studies have demonstrated associa- confounders.
tions of active maternal smoking with neonatal and
perinatal mortality (Comstock and Lundin 1967;
Rush and Kass 1972; Cnattingius 1988; Malloy et al. Conclusion
1988; Schramm 1997). Even with modern neonatal
1. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
intensive care, children of smokers are at an increased
absence of a causal relationship between exposure
risk for neonatal mortality (death of a live-born infant
to secondhand smoke and neonatal mortality.
within 28 days) (Cnattingius 1988; Malloy et al. 1988;
Schramm 1997), with reported OR estimates of
1.2 for infants of smokers compared with infants of
nonsmokers. Two studies have assessed neonatal mor-
tality among infants exposed to secondhand smoke. In addition to the consistent relationship demon-
Comstock and Lundin (1967) examined neonatal mor- strated between exposure to secondhand smoke and
tality among a sample of 448 live births, 234 stillbirths, neonatal mortality, numerous studies have reported
and 431 infant deaths that occurred between 1950 and significant associations between active maternal
1964 in Washington County, Maryland. When com- smoking during pregnancy and infant mortality.
parisons were made between families with paternal Thus, the association of secondhand smoke expo-
smokers only and families with two nonsmoking sure during pregnancy and infant mortality warrants
parents, neonatal mortality rates that were adjusted further investigation. Moreover, the data cited were
for gender and paternal education were higher: from older studies, and smoking patterns and levels
17.2 (father smoked) versus 11.9 (neither par- of secondhand smoke exposure may have changed
ent smoked) neonatal deaths per 1,000 live births. since the time some of the studies were conducted. To
Yerushalmy (1971) examined active and involuntary clarify the association between maternal smoking and
smoking and perinatal outcomes among an estimated infant mortality, more evidence is needed.
13,000 births in California. After examining crude

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 179

Surgeon General’s Report

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

The sudden, unexplained, unexpected death function, and neurobehavioral activity (Slotkin 1998;
of an infant before one year of age—referred to as Slotkin et al. 2001, 2006; Machaalani et al. 2005). Stick
SIDS—has been investigated in relation to exposure and colleagues (1996) observed newborns in the hos-
of the fetus and infant to smoking by mothers and pital and reported reductions in respiratory function
others during the preconception, prenatal, and post- among infants of smokers compared with infants of
partum periods. The death rate attributable to SIDS nonsmokers. Other proposed mechanisms for post-
has declined by more than half during the past two partum reductions in respiratory function have
decades (Ponsonby et al. 2002; American Academy included irritation of the airways by tobacco
of Pediatrics [AAP] Task Force on SIDS 2005). SIDS smoke, susceptibility to respiratory infections that
has decreased dramatically because of interventions increases the risk of SIDS, and a change in the ven-
such as the “Back to Sleep” campaign implemented tilatory responses to hypoxia attributable to nicotine
in the 1990s (Gibson et al. 2000; Malloy 2002; Malloy (Anderson and Cook 1997).
and Freeman 2004). Numerous studies have exam- A diagnosis of SIDS requires supporting evi-
ined the association between active smoking among dence from an autopsy so as to exclude other causes.
mothers during pregnancy and the subsequent risk Thus, SIDS is a difficult outcome to study. Numer-
of SIDS. The evidence for active smoking has demon- ous studies have examined the association between
strated a causal association between maternal smok- active smoking among mothers during pregnancy
ing during pregnancy and SIDS (Anderson and Cook and the subsequent risk of SIDS. The evidence for
1997; United Kingdom Department of Health 1998; active smoking has demonstrated a causal associa-
USDHHS 2001). The 2004 Surgeon General’s report tion between maternal smoking during pregnancy
concluded that the evidence is sufficient to infer a and SIDS (Anderson and Cook 1997; United Kingdom
causal relationship between SIDS and maternal smok- Department of Health 1998; USDHHS 2001, 2004).
ing during and after pregnancy (USDHHS 2004).
This new 2006 Surgeon General’s report considers
exposure of the infant to secondhand smoke from the Epidemiologic Evidence
mother, father, or others.
Anderson and Cook (1997) and the California
Environmental Protection Agency (Cal/EPA 1997,
2005) have provided systematic reviews of the effects
Biologic Basis of secondhand smoke exposure on SIDS. The 1997
Although studies have identified social and Cal/EPA review identified and selected 10 epide-
behavioral risk factors for SIDS, the biologic mecha- miologic studies with the best data that examined the
nism or mechanisms underlying sudden, unex- relationship between secondhand smoke and SIDS.
plained, unexpected death before one year of age are On the basis of the the results from the quantitative
still unknown (Joad 2000; AAP Task Force on SIDS meta-analysis and the qualitative review of results on
2005). Chapter 2 (Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke) paternal and other smokers in the household, Ander-
reviews the animal and human studies that provide son and Cook (1997) concluded that the epidemiologic
evidence on how prenatal and postnatal exposure to evidence points to a causal relationship between SIDS
nicotine and to other toxicants in tobacco smoke may and postnatal exposure to tobacco smoke.
affect the neuroregulation of breathing, apneic spells, The discussion that follows includes a review of
and risk for sudden infant death. Experimental data the epidemiologic studies that examined the associa-
from animal models on the neurotoxicity of prena- tion between household secondhand smoke exposure
tal and neonatal exposure to nicotine and second- and SIDS among postpartum infants. Consideration
hand smoke can be related to several potential causal was given to the most appropriate study design that
mechanisms for SIDS, including adverse effects on controlled for the confounding factors that are critical
brain cell development, synaptic development and

180 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

to delineating the independent risk related to second- Dwyer et al. 1999). Two of the studies did not consider
hand smoke exposure and SIDS among postpartum potential confounders (Bergman and Wiesner 1976;
infants. Because researchers have established the McGlashan 1989), and three studies did not adjust for
causal risk of maternal smoking during pregnancy maternal smoking during pregnancy (Ponsonby et al.
(USDHHS 2001, 2004), there are epidemiologic studies 1995; Brooke et al. 1997; Dwyer et al. 1999). Among the
that provide appropriate controls in the study design four studies (and five samples, including the separate
for the analysis of prenatal maternal smoking and analyses for Whites and Blacks within the Schoendorf
other potentially important confounding factors (e.g., and Kiely [1992] study) with more complete adjust-
infant’s sleeping position and birth weight, parental ments for important confounders such as prenatal
use of drugs or alcohol, and the potentially synergistic maternal smoking, the adjusted ORs for postnatal
effect of maternal smoking and bed sharing) (Lahr et maternal smoking were all statistically significant.
al. 2005). Although self-reported information on the The ORs ranged from 1.65 (95 percent CI, 1.20–2.28)
smoking behaviors of adults living in the household (Mitchell et al. 1993) and 1.75 (95 percent CI, 1.04–2.95)
is an indirect measure of the potential for exposing a for White infants and 2.33 (95 percent CI, 1.48–3.67)
newborn to secondhand smoke, researchers evaluate for Black infants (Schoendorf and Kiely 1992), to 2.28
analyses of postnatal secondhand smoke exposure (95 percent CI, 1.04–4.98) (Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995)
from the father or other smokers in the household and 2.39 (95 percent CI, 1.01–6.00), respectively
because these studies have the potential to more (Ponsonby et al. 1995). In one study that controlled for
fully control for the possible confounding of mater- prenatal maternal smoking in addition to many other
nal smoking during pregnancy. Table 5.5 provides a factors in a multivariate model, the effect for postnatal
summary of the design, methods, and findings of the maternal smoking was no longer significant (p = 0.16),
Anderson and Cook (1997) meta-analysis and of the possibly because of the strong correlation between
nine primary studies identified in that review, which maternal smoking during pregnancy and postnatal
evaluated the risks of postnatal maternal or paternal smoking (Blair et al. 1996). However, this study
smoking. Table 5.5 also includes the four epidemio- observed a significant OR for the additive effect of post-
logic studies that were published subsequent to the natal maternal smoking to the risk of smoking during
review by Anderson and Cook (1997). The methodol- pregnancy (OR = 2.93 [95 percent CI, 1.56–5.48]). The
ogy varied across these studies; many used autopsies remaining three studies in Table 5.5 (Mitchell et al. 1991;
to determine that SIDS was the likely cause of death. Nicholl and O’Cathain 1992; Alm et al. 1998) were
The “Comments” column of Table 5.5 provides other included because they provide additional data on
important methodologic aspects of each study. Only paternal and other smoking in the household or on
one study evaluated maternal exposure to secondhand dose-response relationships.
smoke during pregnancy (Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995), Two studies provided data that assessed expo-
and only one study used urinary cotinine levels to sure of the infant to secondhand smoke with greater
biochemically validate secondhand smoke exposures precision than with classification by the postpartum
among newborns (Dwyer et al. 1999). Many studies smoking status of the mother alone (Klonoff-Cohen
controlled for potential confounders that included et al. 1995; Dwyer et al. 1999). Dwyer and colleagues
sleeping position, parental bed sharing, social class, (1999) assessed urinary cotinine levels in 100 infants
parental use of drugs or alcohol, birth weight, gesta- as part of a prospective study of more than 10,000
tional age, and prenatal maternal smoking. births in the Tasmanian Infant Health Survey. Of the
Of the 13 individual studies in Table 5.5 that 53 mothers who reported postnatal smoking, only
examined the association between household second- 32 reported smoking sometimes or always in the
hand smoke exposure and SIDS among postpartum same room as the infant. Maternal smoking in the
infants, 10 studies independently examined the effects same room significantly increased infant urinary coti-
of postpartum maternal smoking. Each study found nine levels (p <0.0001) and the OR of the risk of SIDS
a significant association between postnatal mater- (1.96 [95 percent CI, 1.01–3.80]). Klonoff-Cohen and
nal smoking and SIDS (Bergman and Wiesner 1976; colleagues (1995) collected more extensive interview
McGlashan 1989; Schoendorf and Kiely 1992; Mitch- data on sources of infant exposure to tobacco smoke
ell et al. 1993, 1997; Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995; Pon- from the mother, father, and other live-in adults,
sonby et al. 1995; Blair et al. 1996; Brooke et al. 1997; including data on whether the person smoked in the

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 181

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.5 Studies of secondhand smoke exposure and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)
Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Bergman and Wiesner Case-control (56 cases, • Mother smoked after pregnancy • Mother and father
1976 86 controls, matched for • Father smoked
gender, race [all Caucasian],
and date of birth)
United States (King county,
Washington state)

McGlashan 1989 Case-control (167 cases, • Smoking status of parents • Mother and father
334 controls, matched • Cigarettes/day smoked by mother
for gender, born in same (habitual, during pregnancy, and
hospital, and proximate during the infant’s first year)
date of birth)
Australia (Tasmania)

Mitchell et al. 1991 Case-control (128 cases, • Cigarettes/day smoked by mother • Mother
503 controls randomly during the 2 weeks before the
selected from all births) interview
New Zealand

Nicholl and O’Cathain Case-control (303 cases, • Prenatal and postnatal smoking • Mother’s partner
1992 277 controls, matched for status of the mother’s partner
date and place of birth)
United Kingdom

Schoendorf and Kiely Case-control (435 cases • None (no prenatal or postnatal • Mother (smoked
1992 ≥2,500 grams [g], maternal smoking), mother prenatally and
6,098 controls ≥2,500 g) smoked after pregnancy postpartum)
All infant deaths were from (secondhand), and mother • Other household
causes other than SIDS smoked during and after members (smoking
Sample was stratified by pregnancy (combined) status at time of
race: • Secondhand smoke exposure from survey)
Black infants (103 cases, other household members (none
2,423 controls) vs. any)
White infants (89 cases,
1,987 controls)
Data from the National
Maternal and Infant Health
United States

182 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

SIDS Maternal smoking Exposure data were self-reported (mailed

OR* = 2.42 (95% CI†, 1.22–4.82) questionnaire); all cases were autopsied;
Paternal smoking OR and CI were calculated from prevalence
OR = 1.53 (95% CI, 0.78–3.01) estimates provided in the paper; exposure to
Unadjusted secondhand smoke appears to enhance the
risk of SIDS; potential confounders were not

SIDS Father was habitual smoker Exposure data were self-reported (interview);
RR‡ = 1.73 (p = 0.05) all cases were autopsied; RR was based on
Mother smoked during infant’s first year statistical analysis of case-2 matched control
RR = 2.20 (p <0.01) “triples”; dose-response for level of paternal
During infant’s first year, mother smoked smoking was noted but RR was not reported;
>10 cigarettes/day: RR = 2.37 (p <0.05) parental smoking carries a high relative risk
>20 cigarettes/day: RR = 3.11 (p <0.05) for SIDS

SIDS In the past 2 weeks, mother smoked Exposure data were self-reported (interview);
1–9 cigarettes/day: OR = 1.87 (95% CI, 0.98–3.54) all cases were autopsied; maternal smoking is
10–19 cigarettes/day: OR = 2.64 (95% CI, 1.47–4.74) an independent risk factor for SIDS
≥20 cigarettes/day: OR = 5.06 (95% CI, 2.86–8.95)

SIDS Neither mother nor her partner smoked during pregnancy Exposure data were self-reported (interview);
1.0 (reference) all cases were autopsied; adjusted for birth
Mother did not smoke during pregnancy, partner did smoke weight, maternal age and gravidity, and
prenatally and postnatally condition of the family’s housing; RR for
RR = 1.63 (95% CI, 1.11–2.40) paternal smoking increased over 4 age-at-
death intervals; postnatal secondhand smoke
exposure from the father plays a role in the
risk of SIDS

SIDS From mothers Race of infant defined as Black non-Hispanic

Black infants and White non-Hispanic; control variables
Secondhand: OR = 2.33 (95% CI, 1.48–3.67) were selected from birth certificates; survey
Combined: OR = 3.06 (95% CI, 2.19–4.29) questionnaire was completed by the mother;
White infants possible bias in self-reported smoking
Secondhand: OR = 1.75 (95% CI, 1.04–2.95) behaviors of case and control mothers; 92% of
Combined: OR = 3.10 (95% CI, 2.27–4.24) cases were autopsied; both intrauterine and
Adjusted for marital status and maternal age and education secondhand smoke exposures are associated
with an increased risk of SIDS
From other household members (none vs. any)
Black infants (by mother’s smoking category)
None: OR = 1.00 (95% CI, 0.62–1.58)
Secondhand: OR = 1.03 (95% CI, 0.43–2.47)
All infants: OR = 0.93 (95% CI, 0.68–1.27)
White infants
None: OR = 1.33 (95% CI, 0.77–2.27)
Secondhand: OR = 1.63 (95% CI, 0.58–4.74)
All infants: OR = 1.41 (95% CI, 1.04–1.90)
Adjusted for marital status and maternal age and

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 183

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.5 Continued

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Mitchell et al. 1993 Case-control (485 cases, • Mother smoked during pregnancy Smoking in the past
1,800 controls randomly • Father smoked during the past 2 weeks by
selected from all births) 2 weeks • Mother
Data from the New • Other household members • Father
Zealand Cot Death Study smoked during the past 2 weeks • Other household
1987–1990 • Cigarettes/day smoked by mother members
during the past 2 weeks, stratified
by father’s smoking status

Klonoff-Cohen et al. Case-control (200 cases, • Postpartum secondhand smoking • Mother

1995 200 controls) status of household members was • Father
United States assessed using multiple methods • Other adult live-in
(southern California) including any smoking, quantity residents
1989–1992 smoked, smoking in same rooom • Day care providers
as the infant, number of hours
spent smoking around the infant

184 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

SIDS Maternal smoking Extended the Mitchell et al. 1991 study using
OR = 1.65 (95% CI, 1.20–2.28) similar methods; exposure data were from
Paternal smoking obstetric records and self-reports (interview);
OR = 1.37 (95% CI, 1.02–1.84) autopsies were carried out in 474/485 (97.7%)
Smoking by other household members of SIDS cases; infants of smoking mothers who
OR = 1.17 (95% CI, 0.84–1.63) were breastfed had a lower risk than infants
Adjusted for region, time of day, infant’s age, maternal of mothers who were not; secondhand smoke
marital status, infant’s gender, socioeconomic status, exposure is causally related to SIDS
birth weight, infant’s race, season, maternal age, sleeping
position, bed sharing, breastfeeding, and maternal smoking
during pregnancy; also adjusted for either maternal
smoking during pregnancy, paternal smoking in the
2 weeks before the interview, or smoking by other
household members in the past 2 weeks

Father did not smoke

In the past 2 weeks, mother smoked
0 cigarettes: 1.0 (reference)
1–19 cigarettes/day: OR = 2.56 (95% CI, 1.73–3.75)
≥20 cigarettes/day: OR = 3.43 (95% CI, 2.04–5.77)

Father smoked
In the past 2 weeks, mother smoked
0 cigarettes: OR = 1.0 (95% CI, 0.64–1.56)
1–19 cigarettes/day: OR = 4.40 (95% CI, 3.26–5.95)
≥20 cigarettes/day: OR = 7.40 (95% CI, 4.92–11.13)

SIDS Maternal smoking Exposure data were self-reported (interview);

Any: OR = 2.28 (95% CI, 1.04–4.98) all reported ORs were adjusted for birth
In same room as infant: OR = 4.62 (95% CI, 1.82–11.77) weight (in grams), routine sleep position,
Paternal smoking medical conditions at birth, prenatal care,
Any: OR = 3.46 (95% CI, 1.91–6.28) breastfeeding, and maternal smoking during
In same room as infant: OR = 8.49 (95% CI, 3.33–21.63) pregnancy; breastfeeding was protective in
Smoking by other live-in adults nonsmokers but not in smokers; secondhand
Any: OR = 2.18 (95% CI, 1.09–4.38) smoke exposure in the same room as an
In same room as infant: OR = 4.99 (95% CI, 1.69–14.75) infant increases the risk for SIDS; risk of SIDS
All combined household smoking associated with secondhand smoke exposure
Any: OR = 3.50 (95% CI, 1.81–6.75) was similar among different racial groups
In same room as infant: OR = 4.99 (95% CI, 2.35–10.99)

Exposure to cigarettes from all sources (mother, father,

live-in adults, and day care providers
Total number of household smokers
One: OR = 3.00 (95% CI, 1.51–5.97)
Two: OR = 5.31 (95% CI, 1.94–14.54)
Three–four: OR = 5.13 (95% CI, 0.72–36.61)
Number smoking in same room as infant
One: OR = 3.67 (95% CI, 1.66–8.13)
Two–four: OR = 20.91 (95% CI, 4.02–108.7)
Total daily cigarette exposure
1–10: OR = 2.40 (95% CI, 1.06–5.44)
11–20: OR = 3.62 (95% CI, 1.50–8.75)
≥20: OR = 22.67 (95% CI, 4.80–107.2)

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 185

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.5 Continued

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Ponsonby et al. 1995 Case-control (58 cases, • Postpartum smoking status of • Mother
62 age- and region- mother
matched controls, 58 age-,
region-, and birth weight-
matched controls)
Australia (Tasmania)

Blair et al. 1996 Case-control (195 cases, • Smoking status of mother, father, Postpartum exposure
780 controls, 4 per case and others in household from
matched for age) • Number of smokers in household • Mother
United Kingdom • Number of cigarettes smoked • Father
(Southwest, Yorkshire, daily in household • Other household
and Trent) members

Anderson and Cook Meta-analysis • Maternal prenatal and postnatal • Mother

1997 Systematic qualitative smoking
review of epidemiologic
evidence (studies were
identified by electronically
searching EMBASE§ and
39 relevant studies were
assessed (43 papers)

186 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

SIDS Mother smoked postnatally (full multivariate model) Exposure data were self-reported
OR = 2.39 (95% CI, 1.01–6.00) (questionnaire); all cases were autopsied;
Mother smoked postnatally (multivariate model excluding adjusted for maternal age, usual sleeping
family history of asthma) position, employment status, and family
OR = 3.10 (95% CI, 1.36–7.09) history of asthma; postpartum maternal
smoking is a predictor of SIDS

SIDS Parental smoking status Exposure data were self-reported

Only father smoked: OR = 3.41 (95% CI, 1.98–5.88) (questionnaire); multivariate analysis found
Only mother smoked: OR = 7.01 (95% CI, 3.91–12.56) nonsignificant effect for other smoking
Both parents smoked: OR = 8.41 (95% CI, 5.08–13.92) members of household; unclear if postnatal
Adjusted for maternal smoking during pregnancy dose-response analyses adjusted for maternal
prenatal smoking or other confounding
Multivariate analysis factors; dose-response analyses were limited
Postnatal paternal smoking, additive to maternal smoking to households where smoking was allowed
OR = 2.50 (95% CI, 1.48–4.22) in the same room as the infant; exposure
Adjusted for mother’s age, mothers without partners, to secondhand smoke in the home has an
parity, multiple births, short gestation, socioeconomic independent effect on the risk of SIDS
status, sleeping position, maternal alcohol consumption,
parental use of illegal drugs, parental bed sharing,
breastfeeding, and birth weight

Postnatal paternal smoking, additional adjustment for

maternal smoking during pregnancy
Nonsignificant (p = 0.1601)

Number of smokers at home

1 smoker: OR = 2.44 (95% CI, 1.36–4.37)
2 smokers: OR = 5.15 (95% CI, 3.24–8.21)
>2 smokers: OR = 10.43 (95% CI, 3.34–32.54)

Cigarettes/day smoked at home

1–19 cigarettes/day: OR = 2.47 (95% CI, 1.29–4.73)
20–39 cigarettes/day: OR = 3.96 (95% CI, 2.40–6.55)
>39 cigarettes/day: OR = 7.57 (95% CI, 4.00–14.32)

Infant’s daily exposure to tobacco smoke (hours)

1–2: OR = 1.99 (95% CI, 1.14–3.46)
3–5 : OR = 3.84 (95% CI, 1.97–7.48)
6–8: OR = 6.78 (95% CI, 3.17–14.49)
>8: OR = 8.29 (95% CI, 4.28–16.05)

SIDS Prenatal maternal smoking Pooled adjusted ORs were calculated using
OR = 2.08 (95% CI, 1.96–2.21) a fixed effects model; calculated results
Postnatal maternal smoking are also available using a random effects
OR = 1.94 (95% CI, 1.55–2.43) model; results are also available for pooled
unadjusted ORs; the relationship between
maternal smoking and SIDS is almost
certainly causal—maternal smoking doubled
the risk

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 187

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.5 Continued

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Brooke et al. 1997 Case-control (147 cases, • Smoking status of mother and • Mother and father
276 controls, 2 controls father
per case from births
immediately before and
after index case, thus
matched for age, season,
and maternity unit)

Mitchell et al. 1997 Case-control (232 cases, • Maternal cigarettes/day and • Mother and father
1,200 population controls) paternal smoking status when
New Zealand infant was 2 months old

Alm et al. 1998 Case-control (244 cases, • Postnatal household secondhand • Mother
869 controls, matched for smoke exposure • Father
gender, date of birth, and • Other household
hospital) members
Denmark, Norway, and

188 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

SIDS Only father smoked Exposure data were self-reported

OR = 2.12 (95% CI, 0.99–4.55) (questionnaire); all cases were autopsied;
Only mother smoked adjusted for sleeping position, old mattress,
OR = 5.05 (95% CI, 1.85–13.77) maternal age, deprivation score, moved
Both parents smoked under sheets, maternal marital status,
OR = 5.19 (95% CI, 2.26–11.91) social class, use of cot bumper, sleeping
with parents, symptoms in previous week,
gestational age, was usually swaddled
in previous week, history of infant death
in family, sweaty upon waking, warmth,
maternal education, beastfeeding, parity, and
birth weight; parental smoking is confirmed
as a modifiable risk factor for SIDS

SIDS Maternal smoking (at 2 months home visit) Exposure data were self-reported (interviews
0 cigarettes/day: 1.0 (reference) conducted at postpartum and at 2 months
1–19 cigarettes/day: OR = 4.90 (95% CI, 2.65–9.06) postpartum); maternal smoking and bed
≥20 cigarettes/day: OR = 21.42 (95% CI, 6.89–66.52) sharing increase risk; maternal smoking is
a significant risk factor for SIDS
Paternal smoking (at 2 months home visit)
No: 1.0 (reference)
Yes: OR = 3.21 (95% CI, 1.81–5.71)

Risks from maternal/paternal smoking combinations

Nonsmoking mother
Smoking father: OR = 1.54 (95% CI, 0.67–3.45)
Smoking mother:
Nonsmoking father: OR = 4.15 (95% CI, 2.05–8.38)
Smoking father: OR = 10.09 (95% CI, 5.89–17.37)

Adjusted OR (maternal smoking and bed sharing

Nonsmoking/no bed sharing: 1.0 (reference)
Nonsmoking/bed sharing: OR = 1.03 (95% CI, 0.21–5.06)
Smoking/no bed sharing: OR = 1.43 (95% CI, 0.58–3.51)
Smoking/bed sharing: OR = 5.02 (95% CI, 1.05–24.05)

Adjusted for maternal age, marital status, age mother

left school, number of previous pregnancies, infant’s
gender, ethnicity of infant, birth weight, sleep position,
breasfeeding, and the combination of bed sharing and
maternal smoking

SIDS Maternal postnatal smoking Exposure data were self-reported

OR = 3.7 (95% CI, 2.5–5.5) (questionnaire); all cases were autopsied;
Paternal postnatal smoking adjusted for age, maternal age, and maternal
OR = 1.2 (95% CI, 0.8–1.9) education; exposure to secondhand smoke is
Smoking by other household members (after pregnancy) an independent risk factor for SIDS
OR = 1.2 (95% CI, 0.6–2.2)

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 189

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.5 Continued

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Dwyer et al. 1999 Nested case-control study • Postnatal household secondhand • Mother
with prospective cohort smoke exposure • Other household
study (35 cases, 9,765 members
controls); urinary samples
for cotinine analysis were
collected from 105 infants
(August–October 1995)
Australia (Tasmania)

*OR = Odds ratio.

CI = Confidence interval.

RR = Relative risk.
EMBASE = Excerpta Medica Database.

same room as the infant and the number of hours the three approaches to classify increasing exposures of
adult spent smoking in the presence of the infant. newborns to secondhand smoke, the investigators
Although the researchers did not report the proportion estimated unadjusted and adjusted ORs (controlling
of smoking mothers who smoked in the same room as for birth weight, routine sleeping position, medical
the infant, the OR for any maternal postpartum smok- conditions at birth, prenatal care, breastfeeding, and
ing was 2.28 (95 percent CI, 1.04–4.98), adjusted for maternal smoking during pregnancy). Although the
birth weight, routine sleeping position, medical con- OR was decreased slightly for one measure (total
ditions at birth, prenatal care, breastfeeding, and pre- number of household smokers) by adjustment for
natal maternal smoking. The adjusted OR increased other factors, the adjusted ORs for the other two mea-
to 4.62 (95 percent CI, 1.82–11.77) when limited to sures were somewhat stronger than the unadjusted
mothers who reported smoking in the same room as measures. The adjusted ORs were 3.67 (95 percent CI,
the infant. 1.66–8.13) if one adult smoked in the same room as
Of the 10 studies that independently evaluated the infant, and 20.91 (95 percent CI, 4.02–108.7) if two
postnatal maternal smoking, researchers observed a to four adults smoked in the same room as the infant
significant dose response in risk with the level of post- compared with infants from nonsmoking house-
natal maternal smoking in the unadjusted ORs from holds. Using the total cigarette exposure per day as
5 studies (Bergman and Wiesner 1976; McGlashan the measure of exposure, the OR for 1 to 10 cigarettes
1989; Mitchell et al. 1993, 1997; Dwyer et al. 1999), in comparison with nonsmoking households was
and in other measures of overall household postna- 2.40 (95 percent CI, 1.06–5.44), which increased to
tal smoking levels (maternal, paternal, and/or other) 22.67 (95 percent CI, 4.80–107.2) for 21 or more ciga-
from 2 studies (Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995; Blair et al. rettes per day.
1996). One study examined the risk of SIDS associated Nine studies examined paternal smoking as a
with increasing levels of postnatal exposure to ciga- source of exposure to secondhand smoke (Bergman
rettes from all sources in three ways: total number of and Wiesner 1976; McGlashan 1989; Nicholl and
household smokers, total cigarette exposure per day, O’Cathain 1992; Mitchell et al. 1993, 1997; Klonoff-
and the number of adults smoking in the same room Cohen et al. 1995; Blair et al. 1996; Brooke et al. 1997;
as the infant (Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995). Using these Alm et al. 1998). Three of the nine (McGlashan 1989;

190 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

SIDS Postnatal smoking Exposure data are from self-reports

Maternal postnatal smoking (breastfed infants) (interview) and from urinary cotinine
OR = 5.29 (95% CI, 1.16–24.11) measures (results from n = 100); all cases
Maternal postnatal smoking (bottle-fed infants) were autopsied; adjusted for breastfeeding,
OR = 2.35 (95% CI, 0.73–7.62) birth weight, and smoking in same room
Smoking by other household members as infant; analyses of postnatal smoking
OR = 0.69 (95% CI, 0.34–1.40) among 34 cases and 9,464 controls; cotinine
data provide estimates of exposure levels by
Dose-response of maternal postnatal smoking self-reported categories; there is a positive
None (no maternal postnatal smoking): OR = 1.0 association between maternal smoking and
1–10 cigarettes/day: OR = 2.80 (95% CI, 1.08–7.27) SIDS, but cannot separate risks from prenatal
11–20 cigarettes/day: OR = 3.01 (95% CI, 1.22–7.42) and postnatal smoking
≥21 cigarettes/day: OR = 5.31 (95% CI, 2.04–13.81)

Mitchell et al. 1997; Alm et al. 1998) observed a sig- the mothers were nonsmokers. Of the four studies that
nificant risk for SIDS from paternal smoking without evaluated households with smoking fathers and non-
adjustment for several potential confounding factors, smoking mothers compared with nonsmoking house-
including maternal smoking during pregnancy. Four holds, two studies reported significant ORs and one
of the remaining six studies reported significantly study reported a borderline significance for the risk
higher risks of SIDS among infants whose fathers were of SIDS. Blair and colleagues (1996) reported an OR of
smokers compared with infants whose fathers were 3.41 (95 percent CI, 1.98–5.8); Nicholl and O’Cathain
nonsmokers (Nicholl and O’Cathain 1992; Mitchell et (1992) reported an OR of 1.63 (95 percent CI,
al 1993; Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995; Blair et al. 1996). 1.11–2.40); and Brooke and colleagues (1997)
The fifth and sixth studies reported an association reported an adjusted OR of 2.12 (95 percent CI,
of borderline significance (OR = 1.76, p <0.20) (Berg- 0.99–4.55). In the study with nonsignificant results
man and Wiesner 1976) and (OR = 2.12 [95 percent CI, for paternal smoking (OR = 1.54 [95 percent CI,
0.99–4.55]) (Brooke et al. 1997). Across the five stud- 0.67–3.45]), smoking by both parents significantly
ies with controls for maternal smoking, ORs ranged increased the risk above maternal smoking only
from 1.37 to 3.46, with the higher OR in the study with (OR = 10.09 [95 percent CI, 5.89–17.37] versus
the stronger assessment of infant exposure to pater- 4.15 [95 percent CI, 2.05–8.38]) (Mitchell et al.
nal smoking (Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995). This study 1997). In a case-control study, Alm and colleagues
also reported an OR of 8.49 (95 percent CI, 3.33–21.63) (1998) reported that when the mother did not
for infants of fathers who smoked in the same room smoke during pregnancy but the father smoked
compared with infants of nonsmoking fathers, after after pregnancy, the OR was 1.2 (95 percent CI,
adjustment for birth weight, routine sleeping posi- 0.8–1.9) compared with nonsmoking parents. The
tion, medical conditions at birth, prenatal care, breast- results reported by Mitchell and colleagues (1997)
feeding, and maternal smoking during pregnancy and Alm and colleagues (1998) suggest that postnatal
(Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995). Five studies that mea- paternal exposure has a stronger effect if it augments
sured paternal smoking provided the opportunity to the effect of prenatal maternal smoking. However,
examine secondhand smoke among families where the significant effects for paternal smoking noted by

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 191

Surgeon General’s Report

Mitchell and colleagues (1993), Klonoff-Cohen and and 1.2 (95 percent CI, 0.6–2.2) (Alm et al. 1998); one
colleagues (1995), and Blair and colleagues (1996), remained significant: 2.18 (95 percent CI, 1.09–4.38)
adjusting for prenatal maternal smoking and compared (Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995). In this study by Klonoff-
with households with nonsmoking mothers, indicate a Cohen and colleagues (1995), the OR for other live-
likely effect from exposure to postnatal paternal smok- in adults who smoked in the same room as the infant
ing that is independent of prenatal maternal smoking. was 4.99 (95 percent CI, 1.69–14.75), adjusted for birth
In addition, as noted above for maternal smoking, data weight, routine sleeping position, medical conditions
from the two studies that provided more complete at birth, prenatal care, breastfeeding, and maternal
assessments of the infant’s exposure (Klonoff-Cohen smoking during pregnancy.
et al. 1995; Dwyer et al. 1999) suggest that using the A recent report by the European Concerted
smoking status of the father as an indirect indicator Action on SIDS (ECAS) provides additional support-
for exposure of the infant to tobacco smoke may result ive evidence (Carpenter et al. 2004). ECAS conducted
in a misclassification that would bias the estimated a multicenter case-control study involving 745 SIDS
risk downward. Specifically, Klonoff-Cohen and cases (all with autopsies) and two or more live-birth
colleagues (1995) reported that the adjusted OR for controls per case (n = 2,411) matched by age and sur-
paternal smoking increased from 3.46 (95 percent CI, vey area. The multivariate analysis confirmed a sig-
1.91–6.28), based on the postpartum smoking status of nificant increase in risk for SIDs after adjusting for
the father, to 8.49 (95 percent CI, 3.33–21.63) when the sleeping position, older maternal age, more previous
father smoked in the same room as the infant. live births, and lower birth weight. The multivariate
Assessments of postnatal exposures from analysis of maternal smoking and household postna-
“other” smokers in the household are likely subject to tal smoking (controlling for sleeping position, mater-
more misclassification errors and may thus provide a nal age, number of previous live births, birth weight,
weaker measure of exposure. In addition, sometimes and other variables) found no significant increase
these “other” exposures were reported for “other than in risk for SIDs associated with bed sharing among
maternal,” thus including paternal smoking. Of the six mothers who did not smoke (OR = 1.56 [95 percent
studies that examined such “other” smoker estimates CI, 0.91–2.68]), but a highly significant risk associ-
of postnatal exposure, two included smoking fathers ated with bed sharing among mothers who smoked
in the “other” category and found nonsignificant over- (OR = 17.7 [95 percent CI, 10.3–30.3]). Among moth-
all effects (Schoendorf and Kiely 1992; Dwyer et al. ers who did not bed share, postnatal maternal smok-
1999). But one of the studies that limited the “other” ing (unadjusted for prenatal smoking) significantly
category to “mother’s partner or other adult some- increased the risk of SIDs (<10 cigarettes per day,
times or always smokes while in the same room OR = 1.52 [95 percent CI, 1.10–2.09]; ≥10 cigarettes
as infant” reported an OR of 1.96 (95 percent CI, per day, OR = 2.43 [95 percent CI, 1.76–3.36]). In the
1.01–3.80) (Dwyer et al. 1999, p. 596). Four studies multivariate analysis (adjusting for all of the above
excluded postnatal parental smoking in the assess- factors including maternal smoking but not prena-
ment of smoking by other adult residents (Klonoff- tal smoking directly), researchers observed a risk
Cohen et al. 1995; Blair et al. 1996; Mitchell et al. associated with postnatal smoking by others
1997; Alm et al. 1998). Each of these studies observed in the household that increased from an OR of
a statistically significant effect without adjustment 1.07 (95 percent CI, 0.71–1.61) for 1 to 9 cigarettes per
for other confounders; three of the studies provided day to 1.54 (95 percent CI, 1.11–2.14) for 10 to 19 ciga-
adjusted ORs. The one study without adjustment rettes per day, 1.73 (95 percent CI, 1.21–2.48) for 20 to
found a weak dose-response effect for the amount 29 cigarettes per day, and 3.31 (95 percent CI, 1.84–5.96)
smoked by others, but found an unadjusted OR of for 30 or more cigarettes per day. These data provide
4.12 (95 percent CI, 1.85–9.08) for 20 or more cigarettes additional evidence that postnatal smoking by other
per day smoked by other members of the household adults in the household independently increases the
(excluding the parents) (Blair et al. 1996). Of the three risk of SIDS.
studies with adjusted ORs, two were nonsignificant:
1.17 (95 percent CI, 0.84–1.63) (Mitchell et al. 1997)

192 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Three studies used a case-control design to eval- age, birth weight, and bed sharing. The nine studies
uate nicotine or cotinine as a biomarker of exposure all observed significant positive associations between
at postmortem examinations in relation to the risk for postpartum maternal smoking and SIDS. Moreover,
SIDS. Rajs and colleagues (1997) measured nicotine several studies demonstrated a dose-response rela-
and cotinine in pericardial fluid of SIDS and non-SIDS tionship for secondhand smoke exposure attributable
victims, all younger than one year of age at the time to postpartum maternal smoking, with increasing
of their death. Mean values were similar in the two ORs for higher levels of postpartum maternal smok-
groups, but the children who died from SIDS included ing. Finally, among the studies of postnatal maternal
a greater proportion with cotinine values above smoking with better adjustment for confounding, the
30 ng/mL. In a 1998 report based on a study with a adjusted ORs are sufficiently large, all greater than
similar design, Milerad and colleagues (1998) docu- 1.5 and three of the five greater than 2.0. These ORs
mented higher cotinine levels in children younger than make it unlikely that this association is attributable to
seven years of age who had died suddenly compared any residual confounding from unmeasured factors.
with controls who had died of an infection. Because The epidemiologic evidence for secondhand
involuntary smoking increases the risk for childhood smoke exposure from postpartum maternal smok-
respiratory infection, the use of this control group ing associated with the risk of SIDS is consistent and
may have underestimated the association of cotinine strong, and demonstrates a dose-response relation-
with a risk for sudden death. In addition, the inclu- ship. Evidence for secondhand smoke exposures from
sion of children up to seven years of age extends well fathers and “other” smokers (as well as higher concen-
beyond the traditional newborn period associated trations of nicotine and cotinine in children who die
with SIDS. Finally, McMartin and colleagues (2002) from SIDS compared with children who die of other
compared lung tissue concentrations of nicotine and causes) provides additional supporting evidence that
cotinine in deceased SIDS and non-SIDS infants who secondhand smoke exposure increases the risk of SIDS.
were younger than one year of age when they died. Although measures of paternal and “other” smokers
Both nicotine and cotinine concentrations were higher in the household are not typically considered to be a
in the lungs of the SIDS victims. comprehensive indicator of the infant’s exposure to
secondhand smoke, designs that can evaluate paternal
smoking have the potential to more fully control for
Evidence Synthesis the possible confounding of maternal smoking during
pregnancy. However, when considering evidence that
The biologic evidence, especially from animal
supports an association between SIDS and paternal
models, indicates multiple mechanisms by which
and “other” smokers, researchers also recognize the
exposure to secondhand smoke could cause SIDS
possible misclassification of actual infant exposures
(Chapter 2, Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke). The
to tobacco smoke from these sources (Klonoff-Cohen
evidence for secondhand smoke exposure and the
et al. 1995; Dwyer et al. 1999). Despite this methodo-
risk of SIDS consistently demonstrates an associa-
logic challenge, researchers observed an elevated OR
tion between postpartum maternal smoking and SIDS
in all nine studies of paternal smoking, ranging from
(Table 5.5). The 1997 meta-analysis of 39 relevant stud-
1.4 to 3.5, with many estimates around 2 or higher.
ies produced an adjusted OR for postnatal maternal
Of these nine studies, five observed an elevated OR
smoking of 1.94 (95 percent CI, 1.55–2.43), a level of
for households where the fathers smoked compared
risk that the authors concluded was almost certainly
with households where neither parent smoked, and
causal (Anderson and Cook 1997). Data from the four
an OR of 8.5 for infants of fathers who smoked in the
studies in Table 5.5 published since the 1997 meta-
same room as the infant, adjusting for maternal smok-
analysis add additional support for this conclusion.
ing during pregnancy, routine sleeping position, and
Nine of the thirteen studies in Table 5.5 more fully
other factors. Also, out of the nine studies that exam-
controlled for the major potential confounders (e.g.,
ined paternal smoking, five found a statistically sig-
maternal smoking during pregnancy and routine
nificant association between paternal smoking and
sleeping position), and many controlled for a broad
SIDS after adjusting for maternal smoking during
range of other relevant factors including maternal

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 193

Surgeon General’s Report

pregnancy. Despite the potential for misclassification Conclusion

bias linking paternal smoking to an actual exposure of
the infant to secondhand smoke, the pooled risk esti- 1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
mate was 1.9 (95 percent CI, 1.01–2.80) from the five relationship between exposure to secondhand
studies of paternal smoking with stronger designs that smoke and sudden infant death syndrome.
used meta-analytic approaches and random effects
modeling. Finally, all of the studies of “other” smok-
ers in the household observed an elevated OR; how- Implications
ever, the results that adjusted for maternal smoking On the basis of the epidemiologic risk data,
during pregnancy and other important confounders researchers have estimated that the population attrib-
were more mixed. The one study with the strongest utable risk of SIDS associated with postnatal exposure
assessment of infant exposures from “other” smoking to secondhand smoke is about 10 percent (Cal/EPA
residents (i.e., live-in adults smoking in the same room 2005). Therefore, the evidence indicates that these
as the infant) reported an OR of 4.99 (95 percent CI, exposures are one of the major preventable risk fac-
1.69–14.75), with adjustment for multiple risk factors tors for SIDS, and all measures should be taken to pro-
including maternal smoking during pregnancy and tect infants from exposure to secondhand smoke.
routine sleeping position (Klonoff-Cohen et al. 1995). There is a need for additional research to further
Researchers have established prenatal mater- characterize the risk of SIDS associated with prenatal
nal smoking as a major preventable risk for SIDS and postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke, and to
(USDHHS 2001, 2004; AAP Task Force on SIDS evaluate the relationship between maternal smoking
2005). Evidence indicates that exposure of infants to and infant sleeping positions and bed sharing. Future
secondhand smoke from postpartum maternal smok- research should also focus on better assessments of
ing has a significant additive effect on risk if the mother actual exposures of infants to secondhand smoke
smoked during pregnancy. In studies that accounted using biochemical assessments and/or more detailed
for maternal smoking during pregnancy, evidence interviews, rather than indirect assessments based
indicates that postpartum maternal smoking, particu- on the smoking status of household adults. Because
larly in proximity to the infant, significantly increases of the continuing and significant racial disparities
the risk of SIDS. In addition, epidemiologic evidence in infant mortality from SIDS (Malloy and Freeman
indicates that postnatal exposure of infants to second- 2004), there is a need to study the preventable risks
hand smoke from fathers or other live-in smokers can factors that could be involved.
also increase the risk of SIDS. Thus, the full range of
biologic and epidemiologic data are consistent and
indicate that exposure of infants to secondhand smoke
causes SIDS.

Preterm Delivery

Biologic Basis these pregnancy complications (U.S. Department of

Health, Education, and Welfare [USDHEW] 1979b;
Pregnancy complications, including premature USDHHS 1980, 2001; Andres and Day 2000). Preterm
labor, placenta previa, abruptio placentae, and pre- delivery is also associated with active maternal smok-
mature membrane rupture may lead to preterm deliv- ing (USDHEW 1979a; USDHHS 1980, 2001; van den
ery (<37 completed weeks of gestation). Although Berg and Oechsli 1984; Andres and Day 2000). Smok-
the underlying mechanisms are not yet fully charac- ing cessation during pregnancy appears to reduce the
terized, maternal active smoking is associated with risk for preterm delivery (van den Berg and Oechsli

194 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

1984; Li et al. 1993; Mainous and Hueston 1994b; (1997) classified secondhand smoke exposure dichot-
USDHHS 2001), placenta previa (Naeye 1980), abrup- omously as yes/no and also found an increased risk
tio placentae (Naeye 1980), and premature membrane among nonsmoking women aged 30 or more years
rupture (Harger et al. 1990; Williams et al. 1992); but for preterm delivery when exposed to secondhand
the risk remains high for those who continue to smoke smoke (OR = 1.88 [95 percent CI, 1.22–2.88]), but the
throughout pregnancy. Tobacco-specific nitrosamines risk was not observed among nonsmoking women
and cotinine have been measured in the cervical mucus younger than 30 years of age (OR = 0.92 [95 per-
of women who were active smokers and women cent CI, 0.76–1.13]). Jaakkola and colleagues (2001)
who were nonsmokers (McCann et al. 1992; Prokop- used the hair nicotine level, a biologic measure of
czyk et al. 1997). Given that active maternal smok- exposure to secondhand smoke among nonsmoking
ing is associated with preterm delivery, this finding women. Those with the highest hair concentrations
provided further support for the biologic plausibil- of nicotine (≥4.0 µg/gram [g]) had an adjusted OR of
ity that secondhand smoke has a role in the injuri- 6.12 (95 percent CI, 1.31–28.7) for preterm delivery
ous processes leading to preterm delivery. Although when compared with women with the lowest or
the biologic pathway from active maternal smoking undetectable concentrations of hair nicotine. The lim-
to preterm delivery is not clear, the evidence for this ited epidemiologic evidence on maternal secondhand
association is strong enough to infer that maternal smoke exposure and preterm delivery currently does
secondhand smoke exposure may also lead to preterm not warrant a meta-analysis of the relevant studies.

Evidence Synthesis
Epidemiologic Evidence
The few studies that have evaluated the
Few data are available on the effects of mater- association between secondhand smoke exposure
nal secondhand smoke exposure on preterm delivery, and preterm delivery have shown inconsistent find-
and published findings are inconsistent across stud- ings. Of the four studies that found significant
ies. Four studies did not find a statistically significant associations, two studies documented that the risk
association between maternal secondhand smoke was significant only for women aged 30 years or older.
exposure and preterm delivery (Table 5.6) (Martin Jaakkola and colleagues (2001) provided the strongest
and Bracken 1986; Ahlborg and Bodin 1991; Mathai evidence for an association using hair nicotine mea-
et al. 1992; Fortier et al. 1994), but several others did surements, which reduce the probability of exposure
report significantly increased risks with exposure to misclassification. There is a biologic basis for consid-
secondhand smoke (Ahluwalia et al. 1997; Hanke et ering this association to be causal.
al. 1999; Windham et al. 2000; Jaakkola et al. 2001).
Hanke and colleagues (1999) reported an adjusted OR
of 1.86 (95 percent CI, 1.05–3.45) for preterm delivery Conclusion
among nonsmoking mothers who were exposed to
1. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
secondhand smoke for at least seven hours per day
infer a causal relationship between maternal
compared with unexposed mothers. Using the same
exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy
secondhand smoke exposure category—exposed for
and preterm delivery.
at least seven hours per day—Windham and col-
leagues (2000) found an adjusted OR of 1.6 (95 percent
CI, 0.87–2.9) for exposed, nonsmoking mothers com-
pared with unexposed mothers. The risk increased
to 2.8 (95 percent CI, 1.2–6.6) among women aged Further research should be carried out, although
30 or more years. Similarly, Ahluwalia and colleagues studies of substantial size will be needed.

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 195

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.6 Studies of secondhand smoke exposure and preterm delivery

Study Design/population Source of exposure Outcome Exposure categories

Martin and 3,891 antenatal women seen Home and work, Preterm delivery Yes/no
Bracken 1986 between 1980 and 1982 ≥2 hours/day

Ahlborg and 4,687 prenatal women Home only Preterm delivery Yes/no
Bodin 1991 between October 1980 and Work only
June 1983 Both

Mathai et al. 1992 994 nonsmoking women Home Preterm delivery Yes/no
receiving obstetric care at a
hospital between January and
May 1990

Fortier et al. 1994 Sample of 4,644 women Home only Preterm delivery Yes/no
delivering between January Work only
and October 1989 Both

Ahluwalia et al. 17,412 low-income women Household members Preterm delivery Yes/no
1997 who received services from
public maternal and child
health clinics

Hanke et al. 1999 1,751 nonsmoking women Home Preterm delivery No exposure
from a randomly selected Work 0–1 hour/day
group of women who gave Other 2–3 hours/day
birth between June 1996 and 4–6 hours/day
May 1997 ≥7 hours/day

Windham et al. 4,454 pregnant women in their Home and work Preterm delivery No exposure:
2000 first trimester at their first Very preterm 0 to <0.5 hour/day
prenatal appointment through (<35 weeks)
a health plan Moderate exposure:
0.5–6.5 hours/day
N = 625

High exposure:
≥7 hours/day
N = 134

Jaakkola et al. 389 nonsmoking women who Home and work Preterm delivery Hair nicotine
2001 gave birth between May 1996 concentrations:
and April 1997 <0.75 µg/g∆
0.75 to <4.0 µg/g
≥4.0 µg/g
*RR = Relative risk.

CI = Confidence interval.

OR = Odds ratio.
AOR = Adjusted odds ratio.

µg/g = Micrograms per gram.

196 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Findings Comments

4.64% in unexposed nonsmokers No change in crude findings using regression analysis (data were
4.66% in exposed nonsmokers not presented); secondhand smoke exposure showed no effect on
preterm delivery

RR* = 0.49 (95% CI†, 0.23–1.06) Adjusted; secondhand smoke exposure in the workplace was
RR = 1.86 (95% CI, 1.0–3.48) weakly associated with preterm birth
RR = 0.84 (95% CI, 0.53–1.33)

3.8% in unexposed nonsmokers Not statistically significant (data were not presented)
5.8% in exposed nonsmokers

OR‡ = 0.93 (95% CI, 0.58–1.51) Adjusted; secondhand smoke exposure was not related to preterm
OR = 0.92 (95% CI, 0.64–1.31) birth
OR = 0.98 (95% CI, 0.56–1.73)

Nonsmokers aged <30 years The association between secondhand smoke exposure and adverse
OR = 0.92 (95% CI, 0.76–1.13) pregnancy outcomes appears to be modified by maternal age
Nonsmokers aged ≥30 years
OR = 1.88 (95% CI, 1.22–2.88)

Urine cotinine was measured in 71 women to verify nonsmoking

AOR§ = 0.54 (95% CI, 0.77–4.45) status; maternal secondhand smoke exposure lasting ≥7 hours was
AOR = 1.24 (95% CI, 0.68–2.27) a significant risk factor for preterm delivery; adjusted for maternal
AOR = 1.73 (95% CI, 0.86–3.19) age, height, parity, employment, and marital status
AOR = 1.86 (95% CI, 1.05–3.45)

Nonsmokers, high secondhand smoke exposure High secondhand smoke exposure was moderately associated with
Preterm: AOR = 1.6 (95% CI, 0.87–2.9) preterm birth and most strongly associated with very preterm birth;
Very preterm: AOR = 2.4 (95% CI, 1.0–5.3) adjusted by logarithmic regression for prior pregnancy history, race,
body mass index, life events, and education
Aged <30 years, high secondhand smoke exposure
Preterm: AOR = 1.1 (95% CI, 0.46–2.6)
Very preterm: AOR = 2.2 (95% CI, 0.75–6.6)

Aged ≥30 years, high secondhand smoke exposure

Preterm: AOR = 2.8 (95% CI, 1.2–6.6)
Very preterm: AOR = 2.7 (95% CI, 0.74–9.7)

Adjusted for gender, birth order, maternal age, body mass

index before pregnancy, marital status, socioeconomic status,
alcohol consumption during pregnancy, and employment during
AOR = 1.30 (95% CI, 0.30–5.58) pregnancy; results suggest an increase in the risk of preterm
AOR = 6.12 (95% CI, 1.31–28.7) delivery

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 197

Surgeon General’s Report

Low Birth Weight

Biologic Basis growth retardation (r was not presented, p <0.01)

(Maier et al. 1993).
Low birth weight (LBW), defined as less than Studies have detected nicotine and its metabo-
2,500 g or less than 5.5 pounds, can result from pre- lites perinatally in umbilical cord serum in infants
term delivery or intrauterine growth retardation born to nonsmoking mothers, and in the cervical
(IUGR), which can occur simultaneously in a preg- mucus of nonsmoking women; consequently, many
nancy. Reduced fetal physical growth during ges- researchers agree that the information on active mater-
tation, or IUGR, can lead to a small for gestational nal smoking is directly relevant to understanding the
age (SGA) infant (≤10th percentile of expected birth possible association of maternal secondhand smoke
weight for a given gestational age) that is either pre- exposure and preterm delivery and LBW (USDHHS
term or full term (≥37 weeks of gestation), and may or 2001). More direct evidence supports the hypothesis
may not be LBW. The established link between active that maternal secondhand smoke exposure, specifi-
maternal smoking and LBW is known to occur mainly cally to nicotine, may lead to LBW through a pathway
through IUGR rather than through premature birth of fetal hypoxia (Çolak et al. 2002). One would expect
(Chamberlain 1975; Coleman et al. 1979; Wilcox 1993). attenuated physiologic effects from exposures to
Fetal growth is greatest during the third trimester, secondhand smoke than from active smoking based
and studies of active smoking during pregnancy dem- on relative dose levels, but the same biologic mecha-
onstrate no reduction of infant birth weight if smok- nisms of effect may apply.
ing ceases before the third trimester (USDHHS 1990,
2004). In 2003, 12.4 percent of births among smokers
were LBW (Martin et al. 2005). Epidemiologic Evidence
A number of researchers have postulated that the
limitation of fetal growth from active maternal smok- A large body of literature is available on
ing comes from reduced oxygen to the fetus, which secondhand smoke exposure and LBW (Table 5.7).
is directly attributable to CO exposure and nicotine- The first studies that reported an association were
induced vasoconstriction leading to reduced uter- conducted in the 1960s (MacMahon et al. 1965; Com-
ine and umbilical blood flow (USDHHS 1990, 2004; stock and Lundin 1967; Underwood et al. 1967; Terris
Bruner and Forouzan 1991; Rajini et al. 1994; Lambers and Gold 1969). These early studies found reductions
and Clark 1996; Werler 1997; Andres and Day 2000). in mean birth weight that ranged from 3 g (Under-
Studies have shown elevated nucleated red blood cell wood et al. 1967) to 42 g (Comstock and Lundin 1967)
counts, a marker of fetal hypoxia, among neonates (CIs were not calculated) among infants with fathers
of women who actively smoked during pregnancy who smoked compared with infants of nonsmoking
(Yeruchimovich et al. 1999) and among women who fathers. A few relevant studies were published in the
were exposed to secondhand smoke (Dollberg et al. 1970s (Yerushalmy 1971; Mau and Netter 1974; Borlee
2000). Several investigators have also found elevated et al. 1978), and one showed a statistically significant
erythropoietin, the protein that stimulates red blood association. Borlee and colleagues (1978) found that
cell production and another indicator of hypoxia, in the mean birth weight of infants of nonsmoking moth-
cord blood of newborns whose mothers had smoked ers and smoking fathers was 228 g less than the mean
during pregnancy (Jazayeri et al. 1998; Gruslin et birth weight of infants with two nonsmoking parents.
al. 2000). Because erythropoietin does not cross the This study has been criticized, however, because the
placenta, it most likely originated from the fetus. A study population came from a case-control study of
number of researchers have also reported that the infants with malformations, and some evidence now
concentration of erythropoietin is positively corre- indicates that both LBW (Xiao 1989; Xu 1992; Lin 1993;
lated with the concentration of cotinine measured in Samuelsen et al. 1998) and paternal smoking (Knorr
cord blood (r = 0.41, p = 0.04) (Gruslin et al. 2000), the 1979; Davis 1991; Savitz et al. 1991; Zhang et al. 1992;
number of cigarettes smoked per day by the mother Fraga et al. 1996; Wasserman et al. 1996) are associated
(r = 0.26, p <0.0001) (Jazayeri et al. 1998), and fetal with birth defects.

198 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Interest in the topic of LBW and secondhand exists between secondhand smoke exposure and birth
smoke grew in the 1980s after the association between weight. Haddow and colleagues (1988) measured
active maternal smoking during pregnancy and LBW maternal serum cotinine during the second trimester
had been established (USDHHS 1980; Stillman et al. and found higher levels among nonsmoking moth-
1986). Several investigators have reported RR esti- ers whose infants had lower mean birth weights.
mates and adjusted OR estimates from studies pub- The adjusted mean birth weights were 3,535 g,
lished in the last two decades. These estimates have 3,531 g, and 3,481 g for low, medium, and high coti-
ranged from an OR of less than 1.0 (Sadler et al. 1999; nine levels, respectively. These results led Haddow
Matsubara et al. 2000) to an OR of 2.31 (Mainous and and colleagues (1988) to “suggest that the linear model
Hueston 1994a) and, as a whole, have suggested that may not best reflect the true dose-response relation-
having a LBW infant is associated with maternal ship” (p. 484). The difference in adjusted mean birth
exposure to secondhand smoke. Some investigators weights between the low- and high-exposure groups
have compared mean birth weights of infants whose was statistically significant (p <0.001). Mainous and
mothers were exposed to secondhand smoke with Hueston (1994a) obtained secondhand smoke expo-
infants of unexposed mothers. The results from these sure information from the 1988 National Health Inter-
studies showed reductions in birth weights among view Survey and found statistically significant trends
the exposed groups that ranged from 1 g (Sadler et al. between increasing levels of maternal secondhand
1999; Haug et al. 2000) to 253 g (Luciano et al. 1998). smoke exposure and an increase in proportions of
In a 1998 meta-analysis of 11 studies, Peacock and col- LBW infants (p = 0.01) and a decrease in mean birth
leagues (1998) found that the mean birth weight for weights (p = 0.007).
infants of secondhand smoke-exposed mothers was Although the other three studies that evaluated
31 g less (95 percent CI, 19–44) than infants of un- dose-response relationships did not find any trends,
exposed mothers. Similarly, in a 1999 meta-analysis of two of those studies did find evidence of an associa-
secondhand smoke and LBW literature (19 studies), tion between maternal secondhand smoke exposure
the summary estimates were an OR of 1.2 for LBW and reduced birth weight. Nafstad and colleagues
at term or SGA (95 percent CI, 1.1–1.3), and a differ- (1998) measured hair nicotine levels and found that
ence in mean adjusted birth weights of -28 g (95 per- nonsmoking mothers whose nicotine levels were
cent CI, -41 to -16) for infants of nonsmoking mothers within the two middle quartiles were at an increased
exposed to secondhand smoke compared with infants risk for having a SGA child compared with nonsmok-
of unexposed mothers (Windham et al. 1999a). The ing mothers whose nicotine levels were within the
1999 meta-analysis included most of the studies that lowest quartile (OR = 3.4 [95 percent CI, 1.3–8.6]). For
were in the earlier 1998 analysis, plus a retrospective nonsmoking mothers with hair nicotine levels in the
study of 992 nonsmoking pregnant women contacted highest quartile, the estimated risk of having a SGA
by Windham and colleagues. The estimated reduc- child was 2.1 (95 percent CI, 0.4–10.1). Zhang and
tions for the meta-analysis in mean birth weight were Ratcliffe (1993) used paternal smoking as a measure
statistically significant in both meta-analyses, but a of exposure to secondhand smoke and found that,
reduction of 30 g (approximately 1.24 ounces) would compared with infants from the unexposed group,
not be clinically significant to individual infants at low the exposed group had a mean birth weight that was
risk. On a population level, however, a slight shift in 30 g lower. The mean birth weights did not decrease
the birth weight distribution could put infants already in a linear or monotonic manner with increasing expo-
at risk into greater risk for complications associated sure levels. Rebagliato and colleagues (1995b) also
with LBW. examined dose-response associations and did not find
Some investigators have evaluated dose- any significant trends with exposures at home, at work,
response associations using cotinine or nicotine from the partner, from all reported sources combined,
measures (Haddow et al. 1988; Nafstad et al. 1998), or with measured cotinine levels. Increases in mater-
self-reported levels of exposure to secondhand smoke nal exposures to secondhand smoke in public places,
(Zhang and Ratcliffe 1993; Mainous and Hueston however, did show a significant dose-response trend
1994a), or both (Rebagliato et al. 1995b). Of the five with decreases in mean birth weights (p = 0.028).
studies that examined these trends, findings in two Another means of looking for an exposure-
studies (Haddow et al. 1988; Mainous and Hueston response trend is by dividing exposure sources
1994a) suggested that a dose-response relationship into home and work. One would expect that

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 199

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.7 Summary of published literature on secondhand smoke and low birth weight (LBW)
Source of
Study Population secondhand Cotinine
Location Design size smoke measure Findings

MacMahon et al. Cohort 12,192 Husband NR* • Mean birth weight difference: -0.7 ounces
1965 (oz.) in boys
United States • Mean birth weight difference: -0.8 oz.
in girls
• No association

Comstock and Cohort 448 Husband NR • Mean birth weight difference: -42 g†
Lundin 1967 • No association
United States

Underwood et al. Cohort 24,674 Husband NR • Mean birth weight difference: -3 g

1967 • No association
United States

Terris and Gold Case- 197 Husband NR • No significant difference

1969 control 197 • No association
United States

Yerushalmy 1971 Cohort 13,000 Husband NR • Significant association with LBW among
United States Whites but not among Blacks
• Possible association

Mau and Netter Cohort 3,696 Husband NR • RR = 1.2 for IUGR‡

1974 • RR = 1.4 for LBW
Germany • No significant association

Borlee et al. 1978 Cohort 238 Husband NR • Mean birth weight difference: -228 g
Belgium (statistically significant)
• Significant association

Hauth et al. 1984 Cohort 163 All (serum NR • No difference in birth weights for infants
United States thiocyanate) of involuntary smokers compared with
those of nonsmokers
• No association

Magnus et al. 1984 Cohort 3,130 Husband NR • Mean birth weight difference: -4.9
Norway (standard deviation = 9.3) per
10 cigarettes/day
• No association

Karakostov 1985 Cohort NR NR NR • Mean birth weight difference: -84 g

Bulgaria • Mean height difference: -0.5 cm§
• No significant association

Martin and Cohort 4,186 Both home NR • Mean birth weight difference: -23.5 g
Bracken 1986 and work (95% CI∆, -59.9–12.8)
United States • RR¶ = 2.17 (95% CI, 1.05–4.50)

Rubin et al. 1986 Cohort 500 Husband NR • Mean birth weight difference: -120 g/
Denmark pack/day
• Mean birth weight difference: -6.1 g/
cigarette/day (p <0.03)
• RR = 2.17 (95% CI, 1.05–4.50)

200 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 5.7 Continued

Source of
Study Population secondhand Cotinine
Location Design size smoke measure Findings

MacArthur and Cohort 180 Husband NR • Mean birth weight difference: 123 g
Knox 1987 (p <0.02)
Britain • No association

Schwartz- Cohort 38 Home Breast milk • Mean birth weight difference: -200 g
Bickenbach et al. and infant’s • Association
1987 urine

Campbell et al. Cohort 518 Husband NR • Mean birth weight difference: -113 g
1988 (95% CI, -216 to -8), p = 0.03
Britain • Significant association

Haddow et al. Cohort 1,231 Both home Serum • Mean birth weight difference: -108 g
1988 and work (p <0.0001)
United States • 29% had LBW
• Sufficient evidence for an association
(possible nonlinear dose-response)

Brooke et al. 1989 Cohort 1,018 Home NR • -0.5% in birth weight ratio (p = 0.56)
Britain • Mean birth weight difference: -18 g
• No association

Chen et al. 1989 Cohort 1,058 Home NR • Mean birth weight difference: -15 g
China (p = 0.92)
• 0.7% had LBW (p = 0.67)
• No association

Ueda et al. 1989 Cohort 259 Both home Maternal • No specified findings
Japan and work urine, • Significant association
cord blood

Lazzaroni et al. Cohort 1,002 Both home NR • Mean birth weight difference: -16 g/
1990 and work hour/day of secondhand smoke exposure
Italy (p <0.07); -38.16 g (95% CI, -106.9–30.7)
overall birth weight
• -0.26 cm (95% CI, -5.6–0.03) overall length
• Possible association

Mathai et al. 1990 Cohort 300 Home Urine • Mean birth weight difference: -66 g
Britain (questionnaire)
• Nonsignificant association

Ahlborg and Cohort 4,687 Both home NR • RR = 0.99 (95% CI, 0.45–2.21) for both
Bodin 1991 and work home and work
Sweden • RR = 0.69 (95% CI, 0.21–2.27) for home
• RR = 1.09 (95% CI, 0.33–3.62) for work
• RR = 1.83 (95% CI, 0.53–6.28) for work in
the third trimester
• Nonsignificant association

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 201

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.7 Continued

Source of
Study Population secondhand Cotinine
Location Design size smoke measure Findings

Ogawa et al. 1991 Cohort 5,336 Both home NR • Mean birth weight difference: -24 g
Japan and work (95% CI, -5 to -54)
• RR for IUGR = 1.0 (95% CI, 0.7–1.5)
• No association

Saito 1991 Cohort 3,025 Husband NR • RR = 1.21

Japan • Significant association

Mathai et al. 1992 Cohort 994 Both home NR • Mean birth weight difference: -63 g
India and work (95% CI, -114 to -12)
• Significant association

Pan 1992 Cohort 253 Husband NR • Higher SGA** rate in the exposed group
China • No specified association

Zhang and Cohort 1,785 Husband NR • Mean birth weight: -30 g (95% CI, -66–7)
Ratcliffe 1993 • LBW: 0.17%
China • SGA: 0.20%
• Possible association

Fortier et al. 1994 Cohort 4,644 Both home NR • OR†† = 0.94 (95% CI, 0.60–1.49) for both
Canada and work home and work
• OR = 0.98 (95% CI, 0.67–1.44) for home
• OR = 1.18 (95% CI, 0.90–1.56) for work
• Nonsignificant association/inconclusive

Mainous and Cohort 3,253 Both home NR • Mean birth weight difference: -84 g
Hueston 1994a and work • 3.6% had LBW
United States • OR for LBW = 1.59 (95% CI, 0.92–2.73)
• OR for LBW in non-Whites = 2.31
(95% CI, 1.06–4.99)
• Association with high exposure (threshold

Martinez et al. Cohort 1,219 Husband Cord serum • Mean birth weight difference: -88 g
1994 • Significant association
United States

Chen and Petitti Case- 111 Both home NR • OR = 0.50 (95% CI, 0.14–1.74)
1995 control 124 and work • No association
United States

Eskenazi et al. Cohort 3,896 NR Serum • Mean birth weight difference: -42 g
1995 • RR for LBW = 1.35 (95% CI, 0.60–3.03)
United States • Nonsignificant association

202 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 5.7 Continued

Source of
Study Population secondhand Cotinine
Location Design size smoke measure Findings

Rebagliato et al. Cohort 710 Both home Saliva • Mean birth weight difference:
1995b and work -88 g (measured by cotinine);
Spain -41 g (questionnaire)
• Nonsignificant association

Roquer et al. 1995 Cohort 76 Both home NR • Mean birth weight difference: -192 g
Spain and work • Association

Jedrychowski and Cohort 1,165 NR Serum • Mean birth weight difference: -73.1 g
Flak 1996 • Significant association

Ahluwalia et al. Cohort 17,412 Home NR • Mothers aged <30 years

1997 Mean birth weight difference: -8.8 g
United States (95% CI, -43.7–26.1)
• Mothers aged ≥30 years
Mean birth weight difference: 90.0 g
(95% CI, -0.8–180.9)
• Inconclusive for SGA
• Association for LBW in the group aged
≥30 years

Dejin-Karlsson Cohort 872 Both home NR • OR for SGA = 2.3 (95% CI, 1.1–4.6)
et al. 1998 and work • OR for LBW = 1.3 (95% CI, 0.7–2.5)
Sweden • SGA crude OR in nonsmokers = 2.4 (95%
CI, 1.02–5.8)

Luciano et al. 1998 Cohort 112 Both home NR • Mean birth weight difference: -253.5 g
Italy and work

Nafstad et al. 1998 Case- 58 Both home Hair • OR in nonsmokers = 1.4 (95% CI, 0.4–4.4)
Norway control 105 and work

Hanke et al. 1999 Cohort 1,751 Both home NR NR

Poland and work

Sadler et al. 1999 Cohort 2,283 Both home NR • OR for SGA = 0.82 (95% CI, 0.51–1.33)
United States and work • Mean birth weight difference: -1.2 g (95%
CI, -43.3–41.0)

Windham et al. Cohort 992 Husband NR • OR for LBW = 1.8 (95% CI, 0.64–4.8)
1999a • OR for SGA = 1.4 (95% CI, 0.79–2.5)
United States

Haug et al. 2000 Cohort 34,799 Husband NR • Mean birth weight difference: -1 g
Norway • No association

Matsubara et al. Cohort 7,411 Husband NR Husband

2000 Both home RR for LBW = 0.92 (95% CI, 0.71–1.20)
Japan and work RR for IUGR = 0.95 (95% CI, 0.72–1.26)
Both home and work
RR for LBW = 0.99 (95% CI, 0.77–1.30)
RR for IUGR = 0.95 (95% CI, 0.71–1.26)
No association

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 203

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.7 Continued

Source of
Study Population secondhand Cotinine
Location Design size smoke measure Findings

Windham et al. Cohort 4,454 Both home NR • Adjusted OR for LBW = 1.8 (95% CI,
2000 and work 0.82–4.1)
United States • Moderate association

Jaakkola et al. 2001 Cohort 389 Both home Postpartum • OR for LBW = 1.06 (95% CI, 0.96–1.17)
Finland and work maternal • OR for SGA = 1.04 (95% CI, 0.92–1.19)
hair • Nonsignificant association
*NR = Data were not reported.

g = Grams.

IUGR = Intrauterine growth retardation.
cm = Centimeters.

CI = Confidence interval.

RR = Relative risk.
**SGA = Small for gestational age.
OR = Odds ratio.

combined exposures from both sources would lead studies show a reduction in the mean birth weight
to greater risks of LBW than would exposure from and an increased risk for LBW among infants whose
only one of the two sources, but Ahlborg and Bodin mothers were exposed to secondhand smoke. Across
(1991) did not find this to be the case. The adjusted the studies, diverse potential confounding factors
RR for LBW among nonsmokers with any second- have been considered. Despite the lack of statistical
hand smoke exposure either at home or at work was significance in many of the studies, the consistencies
0.99 (95 percent CI, 0.45–2.21), but the risks with expo- seen in the literature have been summarized in sev-
sure in the home only and in the workplace only were eral published reviews and have provided the stron-
0.69 (95 percent CI, 0.21–2.27) and 1.09 (95 percent gest argument for an association between secondhand
CI, 0.33–3.62), respectively. Similarly, Fortier and col- smoke and LBW. There are several plausible mecha-
leagues (1994) did not find any exposure-response nisms by which secondhand smoke exposure could
trend for SGA when risks were estimated for second- influence birth weight. Three comprehensive reviews
hand smoke exposure in the home only (OR = 0.98 of the literature on secondhand smoke and LBW that
[95 percent CI, 0.67–1.44]), at work only (OR = 1.18 were published in the past decade all found a small
[95 percent CI, 0.90–1.56]), and at both home and increase in risk for LBW or SGA associated with
work (OR = 0.94 [95 percent CI, 0.60–1.49]). For any secondhand smoke exposure (Misra and Nguyen
exposure either at home or at work, the estimated risk 1999; Windham et al. 1999a; Lindbohm et al. 2002).
for SGA was 1.09 (95 percent CI, 0.85–1.39). Based on all of the studies that reported on LBW at
term or SGA and secondhand smoke exposure, a
meta-analysis provided a weighted pooled risk esti-
Evidence Synthesis mate of 1.2 (95 percent CI, 1.1–1.3) for this association
(Windham et al. 1999a). Given the published review
The risk estimates for secondhand smoke
and meta-analysis by Windham and colleagues
exposure and LBW have generally been small and
(1999a), an updated meta-analysis of the relevant
have been consistent with the expectation that
studies on maternal secondhand smoke exposure and
exposure to secondhand smoke should produce a
birth weight currently is not warranted.
smaller effect than exposure to active smoking. Most

204 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Conclusion Implications
1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal Secondhand smoke exposure represents an
relationship between maternal exposure to avoidable contribution to birth weight reductions.
secondhand smoke during pregnancy and a small Women, when pregnant, should not smoke or be
reduction in birth weight. exposed to secondhand smoke.

Congenital Malformations

Biologic Basis smoking (Hwang et al. 1995; Shaw et al. 1996; van
Rooij et al. 2001, 2002; Lammer et al. 2004).
Because of the direct fetal effects observed with
exposure to tobacco smoke and because of the chemi-
cally complex and teratogenic nature of cigarette Epidemiologic Evidence
smoke, researchers have addressed the association
between exposure to tobacco smoke and congenital Of six studies that collected data on invol-
malformations. Most of this literature has focused on untary smoking and congenital malformations,
active smoking during pregnancy by the mother, but a two had very large sample sizes (Table 5.8). Holm-
few studies have examined secondhand smoke expo- berg and Nurminen (1980) examined occupational
sure. The etiology of most congenital malformations exposures among parents of infants born with con-
is not fully elaborated (Werler 1997), and no studies genital malformations and of control infants matched
have been conducted to identify the mechanisms by for date of birth and geographic area in Finland
which exposure to secondhand smoke may result in from 1976 to 1978. The researchers found that the
congenital malformations in humans. The few studies distribution of paternal smoking around the time
that have assessed the effects of sidestream smoke in that the woman became pregnant was similar in the
animals have produced little evidence to support an cases with CNS defects and their matched controls.
association of secondhand smoke exposure and mal- Savitz and colleagues (1991) analyzed data collected
formations (NCI 1999). Some recent studies suggest between 1964 and 1967 on children five years of age
that susceptibility to some malformations may depend from the Child Health and Development Studies
in part on the presence of genes that increase suscepti- (N = 14,685). The researchers examined 33 different
bility to tobacco smoke (Wyszynski et al. 1997). Other malformations in relation to paternal smoking and
proposed mechanisms include teratogenic effects of 4 malformations—cleft lip with or without cleft palate,
high concentrations of carboxyhemoglobin and nico- hydrocephalus, ventricular septal defect, and urethral
tine, or malformations that are the result of exposure stenosis—for dose-response relationships. Although
to some yet unidentified component of the tobacco prevalence ORs were 2.0 or greater for selected out-
plant shown to be teratogenic if ingested by animals comes, the lower 95 percent confidence limits reached
(Seidman and Mashiach 1991). below 1.0 once adjustments for potential confound-
The evidence on the relationship between mater- ers were made for maternal smoking, maternal age,
nal smoking during pregnancy and congenital malfor- maternal race, and maternal education. These selected
mations is inconsistent. Most studies have reported no outcomes were hydrocephalus (OR = 2.4 [95 percent
association between maternal smoking and congeni- CI, 0.06–9.3]), ventricular septal defect (OR = 2.0
tal malformations as a whole. However, for selected [95 percent CI, 0.9–4.3]), and urethral stenosis
malformations, particularly oral clefts, several stud- (OR = 2.0 [95 percent CI, 0.6–6.4]). Strabismus
ies have reported positive associations with active (OR = 0.7 [95 percent CI, 0.5–0.9]) and pyloric stenosis
smoking during pregnancy by the mother (Little et (OR = 0.2 [95 percent CI, 0.2–0.8]), however, occurred
al. 2004a,b; Meyer et al. 2004). In fact, recent studies in significantly fewer infants with smoking fathers
on gene-environment interactions have furthered the compared with infants of nonsmoking fathers.
etiologic understanding of oral clefts and the role of

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 205

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.8 Studies of secondhand smoke exposure and congenital malformations

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Holmberg and Case-control (200) NR* • Paternal secondhand smoke

Nurminen 1980 Children who were reported to the • Mothers were nonsmokers
national birth defects registry and
matched controls

Seidman et al. 1990 Retrospective cohort (17,152) 0 packs/day • Maternal prenatal

Women on first or second <1 pack/day
postpartum day ≥1 pack/day

Savitz et al. 1991 Prospective longitudinal (14,685) <20 cigarettes/day • Paternal secondhand smoke
Children enrolled in Child Health and ≥20 cigarettes/day
Development Studies between 1964
and 1967 in the San Francisco East Bay
area of California
United States

Zhang et al. 1992 Case-control (2,024) Nonsmokers • Paternal

Birth defects were identified in 1–9 cigarettes/day
the Shanghai Municipality during 10–19 cigarettes/day
October 1986–September 1987 ≥20 cigarettes/day

Shaw et al. 1996 Population-based case-control study 0 cigarettes/day • Paternal periconceptional

Mothers of infants with orofacial cleft 1–19 cigarettes/day
(731) and nonmalformed controls (734) ≥20 cigarettes/day

206 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

Congenital defects of • No significant association was found All data were self-reported through maternal
the CNS† between smoking and CNS defects interviews; smoking was not the primary
aim of the study; no adjustments were made
except for maternal smoking status

Congenital anomalies • No correlation was found between smoking Reproductive histories were self-reported
behaviors and malformations of the through maternal interviews; maternal
cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, and CNS, smoking may be a preventable risk factor for
or incidence of hypospadias congenital anomalies among mothers aged
• Slightly higher but not statistically ≥35 years
significant incidence of cleft palate, cleft
lip, spina bifida, and genitourinary system
• Together with increased age (>35 years),
smoking increased the risk of congenital
malformations (p <0.002)
• Maternal age alone was associated with
congenital malformations (p <0.005)

Congenital anomalies • Urethral stenosis (POR‡ = 2.4 [95% CI, Source exposure data were reported through
0.7–8.5]), cleft lip, and cleft palate (POR = maternal intake interviews; assessment
1.9 [95% CI, 0.5–7.3]) were more commonly of paternal age, smoking, and alcohol
seen in children of fathers who were heavy consumption on fetal birth outcomes;
smokers outcomes were assessed independently
by two physicians; this study does not
strongly support the hypothesis that paternal
smoking behavior is associated with birth

Congenital anomalies • A modest relationship was detected Source exposure data were reported through
between overall birth defects and paternal maternal interviews; a paternally mediated
smoking behavior (OR§ = 1.21 [95% CI, effect of smoking on birth defects is
1.01–1.45]) suggested and further research is encouraged
• Higher overall ORs (not broken down
by the amount of exposure) for parental
smoking and anencephalus (OR = 2.1),
spina bifida (OR = 1.9), pigmentary
anomalies of the skin (OR = 3.3), and varus/
valgus deformities of the feet (OR = 1.8)

Orofacial cleft • OR = 2.1 (95% CI, 1.3–3.6) for cleft lip with Parental smoking information was obtained
or without cleft palate and OR = 2.2 from telephone interviews with mothers;
(95% CI, 1.1–4.5) for isolated cleft palate DNA was obtained from newborn screening
when mothers smoked ≥20 cigarettes/day blood spots and genotyped for the allelic
• Clefting risks were even greater for infants variants of TGFα; controlling for the
with the transforming growth factor α potential influence of other variables did not
(TGFα), ranging from 3-fold to 11-fold reveal substantially different results
across phenotypic groups in White infants
• Paternal smoking was not associated with
clefting among the offspring of nonsmoking
• Secondhand smoke exposures were
associated with slightly increased risks

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 207

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.8 Continued

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Wasserman et al. Case-control 0 cigarettes/day • Maternal prenatal and

1996 Mothers of infants with conotruncal 1–19 cigarettes/day postnatal
heart defects (207), neural tube defects ≥20 cigarettes/day • Paternal prenatal and
(264), limb deficiencies (178), and postnatal
live-born controls (481) • Home environment
• Work environment
• Any environment

*NR = Data were not reported.

CNS = Central nervous system.

POR = Prevalence odds ratio.
OR = Odds ratio.

Seidman and colleagues (1990) conducted The researchers also investigated 25 types of malfor-
immediate postpartum interviews with mothers mations and observed that selected malformations
of 17,152 infants from the three largest obstetrics were associated with paternal smoking when dose-
units in Jerusalem; the data yielded crude ORs that response relationships were examined. Infants with
showed no significant associations between paternal pigmentary anomalies of the skin were more likely
smoking and major anomalies (e.g., chromosomal to have fathers who were moderate smokers (10 to
anomalies, CNS anomalies, heart defects, cleft lip with 19 cigarettes per day, OR = 4.1 [95 percent CI,
or without cleft palate, omphalocele, diaphragmatic 1.2–14.7]); infants with spina bifida were more likely
hernia, bowel atresias, hermaphroditism, and con- to have fathers who were heavy smokers (≥20 ciga-
joined twins). Zhang and colleagues (1992) studied rettes per day, OR = 3.2 [95 percent CI, 1.1–9.2]); and
1,012 infants with birth defects and 1,012 infants infants with multiple defects were more likely to have
without birth defects (control group) from 10 urban fathers who smoked 1 to 9 cigarettes per day (OR = 1.74
districts and 29 hospitals in Shanghai. Mothers were [95 percent CI, 1.16–2.61]). Most malformations, how-
interviewed while in the hospital. Although no adjust- ever, were not associated with involuntary smoking.
ments were made for potential confounding variables, Using maternal interviews, Shaw and colleagues
the investigators noted that the sample had very few (1996) assessed the association between secondhand
families with characteristics pointing to potential con- smoke exposure during pregnancy and oral clefts.
founders and that the two mothers who smoked were There were conflicting results for nonsmoking moth-
eliminated from the sample. In age-adjusted analyses, ers exposed to secondhand smoke, with very few sig-
the investigators found that paternal smoking was nificant associations among seemingly small numbers
associated with a slightly elevated risk among infants of observations. Wasserman and colleagues (1996)
with birth defects (OR = 1.2 [95 percent CI, 1.01–1.45]). examined associations between secondhand smoke
exposure among nonsmoking women and risks for

208 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

Conotruncal heart • OR = 1.9 (95% CI, 1.2–3.1) for conotruncal All data were self-reported through maternal
defects heart defects when both parents smoked interviews; observed risks did not change
Neural tube defects compared with neither substantially when adjusted for maternal
Limb deficiencies • OR = 1.7 (95% CI, 0.96–2.9) for limb vitamin use, alcohol use, and gravidity
deficiencies when both parents smoked
compared with neither
• No significant increase in risk was
associated with maternal smoking in the
absence of paternal smoking
• An increased risk was associated with
heavy paternal smoking in the absence of
maternal smoking for limb deficiencies in
offspring (OR = 2.1 [95% CI, 1.3–3.6])
• For conotruncal defects, the risks associated
with parental smoking differed among
racial and ethnic groups
• Parental smoking was not associated with
increased risks for neural tube defects
(Father only, OR = 1.1 [95% CI, 0.76–1.7];
Mother only, OR = 0.56 [95% CI, 0.30–1.0];
Both parents, OR = 1.0 [95% CI, 0.62–1.7])

heart malformations, neural tube defects, and limb study specific malformations. To date, few clues are
defects. With one exception, secondhand smoke expo- available regarding the hypothesized biologic mecha-
sure was not associated with these congenital malfor- nisms of tobacco smoke and congenital malforma-
mations. For tetralogy of Fallot, nonsmoking women tions. Although two studies have reported elevated
exposed at work (but not at home or at “any location”) rates of neural tube defects in association with invol-
had an OR of 2.9 (95 percent CI, 1.3–6.5) for exposure untary smoking, this association should be examined
to secondhand smoke compared with those who were further in future studies.
not exposed. However, given the multiple associations
examined in this study, and given the inconsistent
results for this malformation and the other sources of Conclusion
secondhand smoke, this particular association may
1. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
have resulted by chance alone.
or absence of a causal relationship between
exposure to secondhand smoke and congenital
Evidence Synthesis
The evidence regarding the relationship between
involuntary smoking and congenital malformations is Implications
inconsistent. The few studies that have been conducted
The topic of tobacco smoke exposure and con-
have reported no association between involuntary
genital malformations merits further investigation,
smoking and specific or all congenital malformations.
particularly in part because of the teratogenic nature
Investigating congenital malformations is chal-
of tobacco smoke.
lenging because of the sample size that is necessary to

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 209

Surgeon General’s Report

Cognitive, Behavioral, and Physical Development

Biologic Basis Bruner and Forouzan 1991; Lambers and Clark 1996;
Werler 1997). Studies document that components of
In recent years, studies have suggested that secondhand and mainstream smoke are qualitatively
exposure to tobacco smoke during pregnancy and similar to those of sidestream smoke, but quantita-
childhood may affect the physical and cognitive tive data for doses of tobacco smoke components that
development of the growing child. Researchers who reach the fetus across the placenta from active and
examine the effects of these exposures on childhood involuntary maternal smoking have not been avail-
outcomes need to account for potential confounding able (Slotkin 1998). This consideration is particularly
factors that reflect the various correlates of second- important for outcomes assessed after one year of age
hand smoke exposure that also affect development. because the child’s exposure will have occurred for a
For example, factors that may affect physical and period of time longer than the exposure of the fetus
cognitive development include social class, parental during the nine months of pregnancy.
education, the home environment as it relates to stim- For cognitive development, investigators have
ulation and developmentally appropriate exposures, proposed a number of effects on CNS development
and pregnancy-related factors such as voluntary from smoking in general and nicotine in particular.
and involuntary smoking and alcohol and substance First, the fetus may suffer from hypoxia as a result
use. Birth weight may also be a confounding fac- of reduced blood flow or reduced oxygen levels
tor because it is associated with both smoking (vol- (USDHHS 1990; Lambers and Clark 1996). Alterations
untary and involuntary) and physical and cognitive in the peripheral autonomic pathways may lead to an
development. However, some researchers argue that increased susceptibility to hypoxia-induced, short-
adjusting for birth weight may overcontrol because term and long-term brain damage (Slotkin 1998). In
it may be in the causal pathway from exposure to one review of prenatal nicotine exposure, Ernst and
tobacco before birth to the time when childhood out- colleagues (2001) summarized numerous animal
comes are assessed (Baghurst et al. 1992). studies that document the impact of nicotine on cog-
Another methodologic challenge lies in differen- nitive processes of exposed rats and guinea pigs, such
tiating the effects of exposure to tobacco during and as slowed learning or increased attention or memory
after pregnancy. This differentiation is often not pos- deficits. These investigators identified animal as well
sible because of the high correlation of tobacco smoke as human studies that have demonstrated adverse
exposure for these two time periods. Studies with suf- effects of nicotine exposure on neural function-
ficient populations and detailed information on smok- ing. Exposure to nicotine alters enzyme activity and
ing status during both pregnancy and the postpartum thus affects brain development, and alters molecular
period have been able to stratify participants into processes that affect neurotransmitter systems and
exposure groups: no prenatal or postpartum expo- lead to permanent neural abnormalities (Ernst et
sure, no prenatal but some postpartum exposure, and al. 2001).
both prenatal and postpartum exposures. Other stud-
ies have examined the effects of secondhand smoke
exposure from adults other than the mother among Cognitive Development
those children whose mothers did not smoke during
pregnancy. These categories have served to partially Epidemiologic Evidence
address the timing of the exposures and, in particular,
to control for exposures during pregnancy. Twelve studies have examined the effects of
The mechanisms by which exposures to second- secondhand smoke exposure on cognitive devel-
hand smoke may lead to compromised physical and opment in children (Table 5.9) (Rantakallio 1983;
cognitive development have not been fully explained Bauman et al. 1989, 1991; Makin et al. 1991; Baghurst
and may be complex. Some of the mechanisms may et al. 1992; Roeleveld et al. 1992; Schulte-Hobein et
be similar to those proposed for maternal smoking al. 1992; Byrd and Weitzman 1994; McCartney et al.
during pregnancy, such as hypoxia or the potentially 1994; Olds et al. 1994; Fried et al. 1997, 1998). The age
teratogenic effects of tobacco smoke (USDHHS 1990; ranges of the children varied from infants to older

210 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

adolescents. Hence, the tools used to assess cognitive Evidence Synthesis

development also varied and included measures of
The literature cited in this discussion examined
intelligence, reading and language scores, school grade
the effects of involuntary smoking on children’s cog-
retention (staying in a grade for an additional year),
nitive development. However, it is difficult to syn-
and various standardized cognitive functioning tests.
thesize the results of these studies because the ages
Four studies found no association between second-
of the children, the assessed exposures, and the out-
hand smoke exposure and cognitive outcomes among
comes vary across and even within studies. More-
infants and children (Baghurst et al. 1992; Schulte-
over, some of the findings across and within studies
Hobein et al. 1992; McCartney et al. 1994; Fried et al.
are inconsistent. Eight of the 12 studies that examined
1997); four other studies reported findings that varied
associations between involuntary smoking and chil-
across outcome measures (Bauman et al. 1991; Makin
dren’s cognitive development reported associations
et al. 1991; Olds et al. 1994; Fried et al. 1998). For exam-
between secondhand smoke exposures and reduced
ple, Makin and colleagues (1991) used standardized
levels of cognitive development; these investiga-
assessments to measure skills in the following areas:
tors had used a variety of assessments, such as per-
speech, language, intelligence, and visual and spatial
formance on standardized tests, grade retention, or
processing. The authors examined involuntary smok-
a diagnosis of mental retardation. The use of vari-
ing during pregnancy and controlled for potential con-
ous cognitive measures across studies precludes an
founders such as maternal education, maternal age, and
assessment of consistency with specific associations.
family income. Results from 14 specific standardized
Yet the finding that secondhand smoke exposure was
tests indicated significant differences between exposed
associated with several different outcomes suggests
and unexposed groups in 11 of the tests. Similarly,
that exposure may, indeed, impact the cognitive
Fried and colleagues (1997) examined the effects of pre-
development of children. More studies are clearly
natal and postpartum secondhand smoke exposures on
needed; of the studies that have been conducted, there
131 children aged 9 through 12 years who were given
is a need for additional efforts to replicate findings.
standardized reading and language assessments. For
the prenatal period, the investigators considered only
those mothers who were not smokers and found no
association between prenatal or postpartum exposures 1. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
and reading skills. For language skills, however, post- absence of a causal relationship between exposure
partum secondhand smoke exposures were associated to secondhand smoke and cognitive functioning
with lower language levels among exposed versus the among children.
unexposed children (Fried et al. 1997). Several other
investigators also reported associations with cognitive Implications
development (Rantakallio 1983; Bauman et al. 1989),
Further research is needed but there are complex
mental retardation (Roeleveld et al. 1992), or school
challenges to carrying out such studies, given the need
performance (Byrd and Weitzman 1994). Roeleveld
for longitudinal design and consideration of the many
and colleagues (1992) examined cigarette, pipe, and
factors affecting cognitive functioning.
cigar smoking; only secondhand smoke exposures to
pipe and cigar smoke during pregnancy and in the
first six months of the infant’s life were associated
Behavioral Development
with an increased risk for mental retardation. Bauman
and colleagues (1989) studied unexposed adolescents
Epidemiologic Evidence
and adolescents who had been exposed to second-
hand smoke from family members. The investiga- Three studies examined associations between
tors examined overall and domain-specific California secondhand smoke exposures and behavioral prob-
Achievement Test scores for math, language, reading, lems among children (Table 5.10) (Makin et al.
and spelling to identify differences between these 1991; Weitzman et al. 1992; Fergusson et al. 1993).
two groups of adolescents. After considering several Weitzman and colleagues (1992) studied children
potential confounding factors, including active ado- aged 4 through 11 years and reported that after
lescent smoking, the investigators found that test per- adjusting for several potential confounders, heavy
formance decreased as smoking levels of the family maternal smoking after delivery was associated with
increased. greater behavioral problems reported by the parents.

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 211

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.9 Studies of secondhand smoke exposure and cognitive development

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Rantakallio 1983 Prospective cohort (3,392) • Light smokers (<10 cigarettes/day) • Prenatal and involuntary
Mothers who smoked • Heavy smokers (≥10 cigarettes/ exposure to parental
during pregnancy day at end of second month of smoking
and controls from two pregnancy)
northernmost provinces in • Father never smoked
Finland • Father formerly smoked
• Father currently smoked

Bauman et al. 1989 Secondary data analysis • None • Secondhand smoke

(2,008) • 1 cigarette–1 pack/day exposure to family
Eighth-grade students • 1–2 packs/day smoking behaviors
from Guilford County • >2 packs/day • Alveolar breath specimens
Public Schools in North • Adolescent CO* levels of ≥9 parts • Adolescent reports of
Carolina per million, an indication of sibling smoking behaviors
United States smoking

Bauman et al. 1991 Longitudinal cohort • Mother smoked at time of exam • Parental smoking and
(year 5 exam, n = 5,342; • Father smoked at time of exam in utero exposure from
year 10 exam, n = 3,737; • Average number of cigarettes maternal smoking during
adolescent exam, n = 2,020) smoked/day by mother and father pregnancy

Pregnancies from
1960–1967 among women
enrolled in the Kaiser
Foundation Health Plan
in the San Francisco East
Bay area

Children were all from

the Child Health and
Development Studies

United States

Makin et al. 1991 Cross-sectional During pregnancy, mother was • Mother

(91 children) • Active smoker • Others
Aged 6–9 years • Exposed to secondhand smoke
Canada (Ottawa) • Nonsmoker, not exposed to
secondhand smoke

212 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

Respiratory disease • Children of smoking parents had the most Source exposure data were from maternal self-
School performance frequent incidences of hospital admissions for reports (mailed questionnaires), school public
Retarded growth respiratory illness (p <0.024) health nurses, and hospital admission records
• Significant height reduction among children from 5–10 years ago; these findings are a subset
of smokers at 6 months (p <0.001), 12 months of overall characteristic studies within this
(p <0.004), and 14 years of age (p <0.023) birth cohort; school performance was based on
• Controlling for height, children of maternal school office reports; maternal smoking had
smokers had highly significantly reduced an effect on children’s physical and mental
school performance (p <0.001 by F-test) development, even when these factors were
• Maternal and paternal sources of secondhand controlled with regression analysis
smoke exposures had similar associations
with physiologic and performance outcomes

Test performance • Stepwise regression identified 8 significant Source exposure data were from maternal self-
control variables reports; test performance was based on the
• Pair-wise interactive analysis identified CAT; CAT test scores significantly decreased
6 interactive social and psychologic control as family smoking increased (p <0.001); other
variables potential variables accounting for an observed
• Controlling for all 14 variables, a statistically association may be active maternal smoking
significant relationship remained overall during pregnancy, tobacco smoke ingredients
between family smoking and CAT† scores other than CO, and short-term exposures to
(p <0.017) secondhand tobacco smoke

Cognitive • PPVT‡ scores and RAVEN§ scores for children Source exposure data were from maternal
performance in of nonsmoking parents were statistically self-reports; cognitive measurements were
3 testing periods significant, averaging 5.9% higher than for made with Goodenough-Harris Drawing
(aged 5, 9–11, and children of smokers (p <0.05) test, the Quick Test, PPVT, and RAVEN;
15–17 years) • Analyses of covariance confirmed that husband’s smoking status was not measured
parental smoking had a significant effect on in one 5-year examination group and in
PPVT and RAVEN scores at the 10-year exam adolescent measurements; child physiologic
• Following adjustments for covariates responses, such as middle-ear effusion and
(e.g., age, low birth weight, race, parental respiratory illness, were related to secondhand
education, and income), a linear dose- tobacco smoke and might influence cognitive
response relationship was observed between performance; family cigarette smoking is
parental smoking and cognitive performance associated with selected child cognitive
• No significant interactions were identified performance skills, and some outcomes
between maternal prenatal and current exhibited a dose-response relationship with
smoking status exposure to smoking

Speech and • Children of nonsmoking, unexposed mothers Source exposure data were self-reported
language, performed better than children of smoking or (interview); children of active and secondhand
intellectual, secondhand smoke-exposed mothers on tests smoke-exposed mothers are at risk for a
motor, visual/ of speech and language skills, intelligence, pattern of negative developmental outcomes
spatial, academic visual/spatial abilities, and on mother’s rating
achievement, and of behavior
behavior skills

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 213

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.9 Continued

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Baghurst et al. Prospective cohort (548) • Nonsmokers (never smoked or • Prenatal and involuntary
1992 Children enrolled in the smoked ≤5 cigarettes during exposures to maternal
Port Pine Cohort Study, pregnancy) smoking
aged birth to 4 years, • Smokers (>5 cigarettes ever)
whose mothers attended
antenatal care between
May 1979 and May 1982

Roeleveld et al. Epidemiologic (628) • Average number of cigarettes/day • Prenatal and secondhand
1992 Cases and referent group reported by parents smoke exposures to
were 0–15 years of age, • Daily amount of paternal pipe or parental smoking
selected from medical files cigar smoking
of the Pediatric or Child
Neurology Department
of Nijmegen University
Hospital, or from local
rehabilitation centers
between 1979 and 1987

Schulte-Hobein et Prospective longitudinal • Smoked >5 cigarettes/day during • Mother’s milk and
al. 1992 matched pair (69 cases, pregnancy secondhand smoke
69 controls) • Never smoked exposures during first year
Mothers were selected of life
soon after delivery from
3 maternity hospitals
Germany (Berlin)

Byrd and Cross-sectional data • Household exposures to cigarette • Maternal prenatal and
Weitzman 1994 analyses (9,996) smoke at time of survey involuntary exposures
Children aged 0–17 years
whose parents participated
in the National Health
Interview Survey, a
nationally representative
civilian population
United States

214 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

Neuropsychologic • Children with postnatal exposures had Self-reports and interviews with trained
development significantly lower scores on the MDI∆ nurse interviewers were used to assess
(p <0.03) and MSCA¶ verbal (p <0.03), postpartum secondhand smoke exposures;
perceptual performance (p <0.01), and motor neuropsychologic development was measured
(p <0.01) by the BSID**, MSCA, and MDI; social and
• A statistically significant inverse association environmental factors are major confounders
was found between maternal smoking of the association between maternal smoking
behavior and neuropsychologic development and neuropsychologic development in
until other determinants of development were childhood; more precise measures of
controlled (e.g., gender, mother’s intelligence, exposures to secondhand tobacco smoke and a
birth weight, and socioeconomic status) comprehensive assessment of confounders are
• Children of smoking mothers performed required for future studies
significantly lower (2.4–4.1%) in testing
sessions (p <0.03)
• There was no strong evidence that maternal
smoking exerted an independent effect on
neuropsychologic development in early

Mental and • Paternal pipe or cigar smoking was associated Source exposure data were from parental
psychomotor with an OR†† of 2.4 (95% CI‡‡, 1.2–5.1) for cases reports obtained in a structured interview;
retardation to referents paternal smoking before, during, and
after pregnancy is a risk factor for mental
retardation among offspring

Somatic • 41% of children of smokers and 32% of Physiologic measurements (weight and
development children of nonsmoking mothers suffered head circumference) and secondhand smoke
Mental from bronchitis and pneumonia exposures were gathered through home
development • Cotinine levels present in infants of smokers interviews with mothers (self-reports) and
Infant cotinine were 3-fold to 10-fold higher than in infants of from medical records (biologic markers); BSID
levels nonsmokers measured development; to prevent health risks
• No confirmation of mental/developmental to infants, mothers should be encouraged to
retardation among exposed infants stop smoking during pregnancy and while
nursing, and both parents should avoid
smoking when children are present

History of repeating • OR = 1.4 (95% CI, 1.1–1.7) for children Source exposure data were from maternal self-
kindergarten or first repeating kindergarten or first grade who had reports (questionnaires); behavior problem
grade a history of exposures to household smoke assessments were dropped from the analyses
because behavior interviews were conducted
after the child had repeated kindergarten or
first grade, an experience that may account
for behavior; the survey was designed to
assess a multitude of social and environmental
exposures; smoking in the home may
contribute to social and individual factors
that influence the decision to retain a child in
kindergarten or first grade

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 215

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.9 Continued

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

McCartney et al. Longitudinal (quasi- • Nonsmoking controls • Prenatal and postnatal

1994 experimental) (190) • Light (>0 mg∆∆ nicotine/day to secondhand smoke
Children aged 6–10 years 16 mg nicotine/day) exposures
enrolled in the OPPS§§ • Heavy (>16 mg nicotine/day)

Olds et al. 1994 Prospective follow-up • 0 cigarettes/day • Prenatal exposure

(400) • 1–9 cigarettes/day
Children aged 1–4 years • ≥10 cigarettes/day
from a semirural county
in New York state
participating in a home
nurse visitation program
United States

Fried et al. 1997 Longitudinal (131) • Nonsmoking controls • Maternal prenatal

Children aged 9–12 years • Light (>0 mg nicotine/day to exposure
enrolled in OPPS 16 mg nicotine/day)
Canada • Heavy (>16 mg nicotine/day)

Fried et al. 1998 Longitudinal (131) • Nonsmoking controls • Maternal prenatal

Children aged 9–12 years • Light (>0 mg nicotine/day to exposure
enrolled in OPPS 16 mg nicotine/day)
Canada • Heavy (>16 mg nicotine/day)

*CO = Carbon monoxide.

CAT = California Achievement Test.

PPVT = Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test.
RAVEN = Raven Colored Progressive Matrices Test.

MDI = Mental Development Index.

MSCA = McCarthy Scales of Children’s Abilities.
**BSID = Bayley Scales of Infant Development.
OR = Odds ratio.
CI = Confidence interval.
OPPS = Ottawa Prenatal Prospective Study.
mg = Milligrams.
WISC = Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children.

216 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

Central auditory • Secondhand smoke exposures both during Source exposure data were from maternal self-
processing task and after pregnancy were not significantly reports obtained through interviews with a
(SCAN) associated with SCAN results woman interviewer; maternal smoking rates
were averaged over the trimester interview

Intellectual • Children whose mothers reported smoking Source exposure data were obtained from
functioning during ≥10 cigarettes/day during pregnancy had maternal self-reports; BSID, MDI, Cattell,
the first 4 years reduced and adjusted Stanford-Binet scores and Stanford-Binet were used to measure
by 4.35 points (95% CI, 0.02–8.68, p <0.049) intellectual functioning outcomes; smoking
during pregnancy poses a unique risk of
neurodevelopmental impairment for exposed

Reading scores • Maternal prenatal secondhand smoke Source exposure data were obtained from
Language scores exposure was not associated with language maternal self-reports through interviews
or reading outcomes in the home of the participant; multiple
• Postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke was measures used to assess reading and language
associated with lower language scores abilities included the WISC¶¶-III, Wide Range
• An association was observed between Achievement Test—Revised, PPVT, Fluency
prenatal cigarette smoking and altered Test, Woodcock Reading Mastery Test, Oral
(reduced) auditory functioning among Cloze Task, Seashore Rhythm Test, and
offspring Regular and Exceptional Pseudoword Task;
maternal smoking negatively impacts reading
and language capabilities of exposed children

Cognitive • After discriminant functional analysis and Source exposure data were from maternal
performance key covariate adjustments, a strong linear self-reports obtained through interviews in the
association persisted with prenatal exposures home of the participant; a battery of cognitive
among the 3 smoking categories (p <0.01) performance tests included WISC-III, Fluency
• After discriminant functional analysis Test, Auditory Working Memory, Tactual
and key covariate adjustments, a strong Performance Task, Category Test, Gordon
linear association persisted with postnatal Delay Task, and the Gordon Vigilance Task;
secondhand smoke exposure and the there was a dose-response association between
3 smoking categories (p <0.05) prenatal cigarette exposure and lower global
intelligence scores

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 217

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.10 Studies of secondhand smoke exposure and behavioral problems among children
Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Makin et al. 1991 Prospective longitudinal • Nonsmokers • Maternal prenatal and

study (90) • Involuntary smokers postnatal secondhand
Children aged 6–9 years • Active smokers smoke exposures
Subsample of Ottawa
Prenatal Prospective Study

Weitzman et al. 1992 Longitudinal (2,256) • <1 pack/day • Prenatal and

Children aged 4–11 years • ≥1 pack/day involuntary exposures
participating in the National • Prenatal (mother smoked during to parental smoking
Longitudinal Survey of pregnancy only)
Youth • Involuntary smoking (mother
United States smoked only after pregnancy)
• Prenatal and involuntary smoking
(in utero and postnatal exposures
to maternal smoking)

Fergusson et al. 1993 Longitudinal (1,265) • Mean number of cigarettes • Maternal smoking
Children aged 8, 10, and smoked/day during pregnancy during and after
12 years born in (reported during each trimester) pregnancy
Christchurch, New Zealand, • Annual questions regarding
enrolled in the Christchurch daily maternal smoking habits
Health and Development for the first 5 postnatal years and
Study converted to a daily cigarette
intake amount

218 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

Behavioral, • The active smoking group demonstrated the This study was designed to assess a
language, and poorest performance on the speech, language, spectrum of long-term consequences of
mental development intellectual, and behavioral battery of exams active and involuntary smoking during
• Involuntary smokers had intermediate scores pregnancy; secondhand smoke exposure
• Nonsmokers had the best scores of the 3 groups was primarily based on the husband’s
• Stepwise discriminant analysis was performed smoking habits; source exposure data
between the involuntary smoking and were obtained from maternal self-reports
nonsmoking groups and identified a significant through controlled interviews; pregnant
difference (χ2 = 28.15, p <0.001) mothers, and other persons who may
• Children in active and involuntary smoking be sources of secondhand smoke, need
groups rated higher in behavioral problems, education and factual information about
with an apparent dose-response relationship the deleterious effects smoking can have
on the developing fetus

Behavioral problems • Increased rates of children’s behavioral problems Source exposure data were obtained from
were independently associated with all maternal self-reports through interviews;
categories of maternal smoking behaviors and behavioral problems were measured by
with evidence of a dose-response relationship the 32-item Child Behavior Problem Index
• Among children exposed during and after and six subscales; this study suggests that
pregnancy, there were 1.17 additional problems increased behavioral problems among
associated with smoking <1 pack/day and children should be added to the spectrum
2.04 with ≥1 pack/day (p <0.001) of adverse health conditions associated
• Odds ratios for extreme behavioral problems = with children’s prenatal and involuntary
1.41 for <1 pack/day (p <0.01) and 1.54 for exposures to maternal smoking
≥1 pack/day (p <0.02)

Behavioral outcomes • There was a consistent dose-response Source exposure data were from maternal
(disruptive) relationship between the amount smoked during self-reports; outcomes were adjusted for
pregnancy and mean problem behavior scores; confounding factors potentially associated
all behavior assessment measures that compared with maternal smoking and childhood
exposures from 0 to >20 cigarettes/day were behavioral problems; smoking during
statistically significant (p <0.001) pregnancy is associated with a small but
• Postnatal exposures identified associations detectable increase in the risk of childhood
between maternal smoking during preschool behavioral problems; there was no
years and child behavioral problems (p <0.01) association between behavioral problems
• Assessments of the independent influence of and exposure to maternal postnatal
prenatal vs. postnatal exposures indicated that smoking
behavioral problems were typically associated
with smoking during pregnancy

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 219

Surgeon General’s Report

Makin and colleagues (1991) also noted that com- 11 years. Eskenazi and Bergmann (1995) used bio-
pared with children of nonsmokers, children exposed chemical confirmation of secondhand smoke expo-
to secondhand smoke had higher levels of maternal- sure and proposed that the height differences between
reported behavioral problems even after consider- exposed and unexposed children were attributable to
ing potential confounders. Fergusson and colleagues the effect of tobacco smoke exposure on fetal growth.
(1993) studied behavioral problems reported by After adjusting for birth weight, however, any
mothers and teachers of middle school children in associations between secondhand smoke exposure
New Zealand. After adjusting for confounders, the and height were eliminated. Rona and colleagues
researchers found small but statistically detectable (1981) found that differences in height remained
increases in rates of childhood problem behaviors among children of smokers even after adjusting for
associated with smoking during pregnancy, but did birth weight. Rantakallio (1983) examined second-
not observe any associations between exposures to hand smoke exposures from fathers during preg-
maternal smoking after pregnancy and behavioral nancy and found that after adjusting for potential
outcomes (Fergusson et al. 1993). confounding factors, children exposed to paternal
smoking during pregnancy were shorter than were
Evidence Synthesis children of nonsmoking fathers. Similarly, Rona and
colleagues (1985) examined height among children
The evidence for an association between expo-
aged 5 through 11 years and found small decreases
sure to secondhand smoke and behavioral problems
among children exposed to secondhand smoke. Both
in children is inconsistent. Because so few studies
of these studies found relatively small differences
have been carried out on this topic, more studies are
(1 centimeter or less) even among children exposed to
clearly warranted.
heavy smokers.
Evidence Synthesis
1. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
The evidence for an association between second-
absence of a causal relationship between exposure
hand smoke exposure and children’s height/growth
to secondhand smoke and behavioral problems
is mixed (Table 5.11). Those studies that do report
among children.
associations find relatively consistent deficits associ-
ated with secondhand smoke exposure. However,
the magnitude of the effect is small and could reflect
Further research is needed, but the same chal- residual confounding.
lenges remain that confront research on other effects
such as cognitive functioning. Conclusion
1. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
or absence of a causal relationship between
Height/Growth exposure to secondhand smoke and children’s
Epidemiologic Evidence
Five studies examined the association between Implications
children’s growth and secondhand smoke exposure
The evidence suggests that any effect of second-
(Table 5.11) (Rona et al. 1981, 1985; Rantakallio 1983;
hand smoke exposure on height is likely to be small
Chinn and Rona 1991; Eskenazi and Bergmann 1995).
and of little significance. Research on secondhand
Two of the studies (Chinn and Rona 1991; Eskenazi
smoke exposure and height is complicated by the
and Bergmann 1995) reported no association for chil-
many potential confounding factors.
dren aged 5 years and for children aged 5 through

220 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Childhood Cancer

Biologic Basis and/or working with someone who smoked at least

10 cigarettes per day). Manchester and Jacoby (1981)
Tobacco smoke contains numerous carcino- also found similar cord blood levels of thiocyanate
gens and is a well-established cause of cancer in unexposed (34 ± 3 µmol/L) and secondhand
(USDHEW 1964, 1974; USDHHS 1980, 1986; Smith smoke-exposed (35 ± 3 µmol/L) infants of nonsmok-
et al. 1997, 2000a,b). Numerous animal studies eluci- ing mothers (exposure was defined as living with
date evidence for, and mechanisms of, transplacental someone who smoked).
carcinogenesis (Rice 1979; Schuller 1984; Napalkov Studies of maternal smoking during pregnancy
et al. 1989). For example, when the oncogenic com- found enhanced transplacental enzyme activation
pound ethylnitrosourea (ENU) was administered (Nebert et al. 1969; Manchester and Jacoby 1981) and
intravenously or intraperitoneally to pregnant rab- placental DNA adducts (Everson et al. 1986, 1988;
bits, the offspring developed renal and neural cancers Hansen et al. 1992), and several animal studies sug-
(Stavrou et al. 1984). Monkeys are also susceptible to gested that embryonic exposure to tobacco smoke
transplacental carcinogenesis, with offspring develop- components increased tumor rates (Mohr et al. 1975;
ing vascular and a variety of other tumors following Nicolov and Chernozemsky 1979). For example,
prenatal administration of ENU to the mother (Rice diethylnitrosamine administered to female hamsters
et al. 1989). The strongest human evidence that trans- in the last days of pregnancy produced offspring
placental carcinogenesis is biologically plausible may that developed respiratory tract neoplasms in nearly
be the occurrence of vaginal clear-cell adenocarcinoma 95 percent of the animals. Cigarette smoke condensate
among young women whose mothers were prescribed in olive oil that was used in another study of preg-
diethylstilbesterol during pregnancy (Vessey 1989). nant hamsters was injected intraperitoneally; it pro-
Limited biologic evidence suggests that invol- duced a variety of tumors in the offspring, including
untary exposure to cigarette smoke may also lead to tumors of the pancreas, adrenal glands, liver, uterus,
transplacental carcinogenesis. Maternal secondhand and lung (Nicolov and Chernozemsky 1979). Human
smoke exposure during pregnancy, as with mater- studies document an increased frequency of genomic
nal active smoking during pregnancy, can result deletions in the hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl-
in increased measurable metabolites of cigarette transferase gene found in the cord blood of newborns
smoke in amniotic fluid (Andresen et al. 1982; Smith whose mothers were exposed to secondhand smoke
et al. 1982) and in fetal blood (Bottoms et al. 1982; (compared with newborns of unexposed mothers).
Coghlin et al. 1991). For example, thiocyanate lev- This finding strongly supports a carcinogenic effect
els in fetal blood were less than 50 micromoles per of prenatal secondhand smoke exposure, particularly
liter (µmol/L) when the mother was not exposed since these mutations are characteristic of those found
to secondhand smoke during pregnancy (Bottoms in childhood leukemia and lymphoma (Finette et al.
et al. 1982). Among mothers who were prenatally 1998). Prenatal exposure to secondhand smoke may
exposed to secondhand smoke, fetal blood levels of also play a role by enhancing any effect of postnatal
thiocyanate were as high as 90 µmol/L, and among exposure on the development of childhood cancer
mothers who actively smoked, the measurements (Napalkov 1973), but the potential effects of prenatal
were about 170 µmol/L. Notably, however, two and postnatal exposures are difficult to separate given
studies that measured thiocyanate levels in umbili- the high correlation between prenatal and postnatal
cal cord blood found no differences between second- parental smoking. Several studies have assessed post-
hand smoke-exposed and unexposed nonsmoking natal exposures by measuring cotinine and nicotine
women (Manchester and Jacoby 1981; Hauth et concentrations in the saliva and urine of infants. The
al. 1984). Hauth and colleagues (1984) found thio- investigators found that those infants with reported
cyanate levels of 23 µmol/L in umbilical cord blood secondhand smoke exposures had significantly higher
from unexposed infants of nonsmoking mothers and concentrations than those infants with no reported
levels of 26 µmol/L in secondhand smoke-exposed exposure in the 24 hours before measuring the concen-
infants of nonsmoking mothers (defined as living trations (Greenberg et al. 1984; Crawford et al. 1994).

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 221

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.11 Studies of secondhand smoke exposure and children’s growth

Study Design/population Exposure categories Source of exposure

Rona et al. 1981 Longitudinal (1,800) • Children with no smokers in the • Parental secondhand
Children aged 5–11 years home smoke exposure at home
from England and Scotland • One smoker in the home
who participated in the • Two or more smokers in the home
National Study of Health
and Growth
United Kingdom

Rantakallio 1983 Longitudinal (12,068) • Maternal smoking • Mother

Finnish children (mothers • Paternal smoking (exposures were • Father
enrolled during pregnancy not clearly defined)
and children followed until
14 years of age)

Rona et al. 1985 Editorial prospective NR* • Prenatal and secondhand

(5,000–6,000) smoke exposures from
Primary school children parental smoking
(aged 5–11 years) from
England and Scotland
United Kingdom

Chinn and Rona Observational study (11,224) • Number of cigarettes smoked by • Secondhand smoke
1991 English and Scottish inner- parents at home (recorded as a
city and representative continuous variable) = 0, 1–4, 5–14,
children aged 5–11 years 15–24, 25–34, and ≥35
United Kingdom

Eskenazi and Longitudinal cohort (2,622) • Nonsmokers exposed to • Maternal secondhand

Bergmann 1995 Children (aged 5 years secondhand smoke (cotinine levels smoke exposure during
± 6 months) enrolled 2–10 ng/mL‡) pregnancy and prenatal
in Child Health and • Unexposed nonsmokers maternal smoking
Development Studies • Serum cotinine levels of smokers: • Serum cotinine sample
between 1964 and 1967 0–79 ng/mL during pregnancy
in the San Francisco East 80–163 ng/mL
Bay area 164–569 ng/mL
United States

*NR = Data were not reported.

mm = Millimeters.

ng/mL = Nanograms per milliliter.

222 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Outcome Findings Comments

Height • There was a strong inverse association between Source exposure data were obtained
height and the number of household smokers from parental self-reports through
(p <0.001 in England and p <0.01 in Scotland) questionnaires; children’s heights were
• After adjusting for confounding variables such measured across all 28 study areas; persons
as maternal smoking during pregnancy, paternal identified regarding exposures smoked
social class, maternal and paternal heights, ≥5 cigarettes/day at home; secondhand
and the number of siblings, a significant trend smoke at home seems to affect the growth
remained only in the English sample (p <0.01) of children

Height at 14 years • Children of smokers were shorter at 14 years Source exposure data were self-reported
of age of age compared with children of nonsmokers (questionnaire); children of smokers were
• Regression coefficient: shorter than children of nonsmokers
-0.034 (maternal smoking, p = 0.056)
-0.032 (paternal smoking, p = 0.072)

Height (in mm†) • Children of mothers who smoked during NR

pregnancy and whose parents smoked at home
had significantly reduced (p <0.01) heights by
2 mm for children aged 5–11 years

Height, respiratory • There were no regression coefficients of height Source exposure data were from maternal
illness (wheeze) standard deviation scores on involuntary self-reports (questionnaires); heights were
smoking; controlling for confounders was measured by Holtian stadiometer, and
significantly different from zero respiratory symptoms were gathered from
• Significant usual coughs were observed in maternal reports; overall risk of respiratory
English inner-city boys and girls (p <0.01 and conditions resulting from secondhand
p <0.05, respectively) smoke is small but not negligible
• Persistent wheeze was significant for Scottish
boys (p <0.05)

Height • Children of smokers and those of nonsmokers in Source exposure data were from maternal
unadjusted analyses were 0.1, 0.2, and self-reports of smoking status; secondhand
0.5 centimeters shorter for each smoker’s smoke exposure was measured using
cotinine tertile, respectively cotinine as a biomarker; self-reported
• Only the adjusted heights of children of mothers smoking status and serum cotinine
who smoked prenatally and postnatally were levels showed good agreement in height
significantly different from those of nonsmokers measurements collected by trained
(p <0.05), but when birth weight and gestational personnel; children whose mothers were
length were added to the model, the finding was heavy smokers during pregnancy were
no longer significant shorter at 5 years of age compared with
children of nonsmokers; this effect appears
to be attributable to in utero exposure
rather than to postnatal secondhand smoke

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 223

Surgeon General’s Report

Epidemiologic Evidence cohort, which was lower than the cancer rate for the
general Danish population (standardized incidence
In the case of active maternal smoking dur- ratio 0.9, 90 percent CI, 0.6–1.2). The cohort also did
ing pregnancy, investigators who have reviewed the not have any statistically significant excesses for any
evidence have not found an association between specific cancer sites.
maternal smoking and a transplacental effect on child- Seven of the case-control studies on secondhand
hood cancer (Pershagen 1989; Tredaniel et al. 1994; smoke exposure evaluated all cancer types together as
Sasco and Vainio 1999). One meta-analysis found a well as some specific types of cancers (Stjernfeldt et al.
10 percent increase in risk (RR = 1.10 [95 percent CI, 1986; John et al. 1991; Sorahan et al. 1995, 1997a,b, 2001;
1.03–1.19]) for all cancers based on 12 studies, but the Ji et al. 1997). Of another nine studies that examined
quality of the available studies and the diversity of only CNS tumors (Preston-Martin et al. 1982; Howe
the cancer types considered precluded establishing et al. 1989; Kuijten et al. 1990; Gold et al. 1993; Bunin
a causal relationship (Boffetta et al. 2000). In a recent et al. 1994; Filippini et al. 1994, 2000; McCredie et al.
monograph on involuntary smoking, the International 1994; Norman et al. 1996a), four focused on leukemias
Agency for Research on Cancer (2004) concluded that (Magnani et al. 1990; Shu et al. 1996; Brondum et al.
the evidence regarding exposure to parental smok- 1999; Infante-Rivard et al. 2000)—one included non-
ing and childhood cancer is inconsistent. Similarly, Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Magnani et al. 1990)—and two
two other literature reviews of secondhand smoke other studies analyzed soft-tissue sarcomas (Gruffer-
exposure and childhood cancer also found no strong man et al. 1982; Magnani et al. 1989). Four of the seven
evidence of an association (Tredaniel et al. 1994; studies that examined the overall cancer risk were
Sasco and Vainio 1999), but a pooled risk estimate conducted by the same primary investigator who
that combined studies of specific cancer sites as well studied cancer deaths in the United Kingdom during
as all cancer sites was 1.23 (95 percent CI, 1.14–1.33) four time periods: 1953–1955 (Sorahan et al. 1997a),
for paternal smoking (Sorahan et al. 1997a). Another 1971–1976 (Sorahan et al. 1997b), 1977–1981 (Sorahan
meta-analysis of paternal smoking and risk of child- et al. 1995), and 1980–1983 (Sorahan et al. 2001). All
hood cancer yielded a statistically significant increase four of these studies as well as a study from China
in risk for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma based on 4 stud- (Ji et al. 1997) found positive exposure-response trends
ies (RR = 2.0 [95 percent CI, 1.08–3.98]) and for brain that were also statistically significant for the amount
tumors based on 10 studies (RR = 1.22 [95 percent CI, of paternal smoking and overall cancers, with ORs
1.05–1.40]) (Boffetta et al. 2000). The summary esti- ranging from 1.08 (adjusted, 95 percent CI, 1.03–1.13)
mate from the meta-analysis for acute lymphocytic (Sorahan et al. 1995) to 1.9 (adjusted, 95 percent CI,
leukemia (ALL), the most common type of childhood 1.3–2.7) (Ji et al. 1997).
leukemia, was not statistically significant (RR = 1.17 Because of the heterogeneity in the quality of
[95 percent CI, 0.96–1.42]). A separate review of the the epidemiologic evidence on maternal secondhand
available studies on childhood brain tumors and smoke exposure and childhood cancers, a meta-
tobacco smoke found mixed results for maternal analysis of the relevant studies is not currently
exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy warranted. In addition, the level of epidemiologic
(Norman et al. 1996b). evidence on individual types of childhood cancers
Given the relative rarity of childhood cancer, the is limited.
epidemiologic evidence on secondhand smoke expo-
sure and childhood cancer comes almost exclusively Leukemia
from case-control studies (Table 5.12). One cohort
study that addressed cancer outcomes among off- The studies that focused on childhood leukemia
spring (including adults) who had reported at least one (Magnani et al. 1990; Shu et al. 1996; Brondum et al.
parent with lung cancer assumed that these offspring 1999; Infante-Rivard et al. 2000) did not find statisti-
had been exposed to secondhand smoke (Seersholm cally significant associations with paternal smoking.
et al. 1997). Lung cancer patients were identified using Findings from one of these studies, which also inves-
the Danish Cancer Registry and their offspring were tigated the modifying effect of three polymorphisms
identified through the Danish Population Registry. of the CYP1A1 gene, showed no effect of paternal
Records of the offspring were then linked back to the smoking on childhood leukemia (nonsignificant OR
cancer registry to obtain the overall cancer rate in this of 1.0 for all levels of reported paternal smoking), but

224 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

did suggest a protective effect with postnatal pater- Evidence Synthesis

nal smoking for children with the CYP1A1*2B allele
but not for children without it (OR = 0.2 [95 percent The strongest evidence for any childhood
CI, 0.04–0.9]) (Infante-Rivard et al. 2000). Two of cancer risk from maternal secondhand smoke
the studies that examined overall and specific can- exposure is specific to leukemias, lymphomas, and
cers did find significantly increased risks for ALL at brain tumors, although the causal pathway may actu-
the highest levels of paternal smoking, with ORs of ally be through DNA damage to the father’s sperm
3.8 (95 percent CI, 1.3–12.3) for five or more from active smoking rather than through maternal
pack-years1 of smoking before conception (p for secondhand smoke exposure during pregnancy.
trend = 0.01) (Ji et al. 1997) and 5.29 (95 percent CI, Some of the epidemiologic studies suggest a slightly
1.31–21.30) for 40 or more cigarettes per day before the increased risk in childhood cancers from prenatal and
pregnancy (p trend = 0.06) (Sorahan et al. 2001). postnatal secondhand smoke exposures, but most of
the studies were small and did not have the power to
Lymphoma detect statistically significant associations. In addition,
most of the studies lacked exposure assessments for
Lymphoma was significantly associated with relevant exposure periods (preconception, prenatal,
paternal smoking in three of the studies that analyzed and postnatal), which may also have reduced the risk
multiple cancer sites (Ji et al. 1997; Sorahan et al. 1997b, estimates because of nondifferential misclassification
2001). The highest risk was associated with 10 or more of exposure status. Risk estimates may be inflated by
pack-years of smoking (among nonsmoking mothers) recall bias, especially since interviews to assess expo-
before conception and postnatally (adjusted OR = 5.7 sures took place up to 15 years after birth. Parents
[95 percent CI, 1.3–26.0], p for trend = 0.03) (Ji et al. of children with cancer may be more likely to think
1997). One study that was based on 17 cases of non- about possible causes for their child’s illness, thereby
Hodgkin’s lymphoma found large, increased risks improving their recall of exposure experiences around
with paternal smoking before the birth of the child the time of the pregnancy and birth. Parents of healthy
(overall and by levels of smoking), although these children, however, have no particular reason to think
estimates had lower confidence limits of 0.9 and 1.0, about their exposure experiences and their recall may
respectively (Magnani et al. 1990). Using the broader not be as good. Differential recall is a potential prob-
category of reticuloendothelial system neoplasms, lem common to all case-control studies. If differential
Sorahan and colleagues (2001) also found a large positive recall between cases and controls is present, it
increased risk (RR = 3.69 [95 percent CI, 1.49–9.15]) will inflate the risk estimate for childhood cancer.
with paternal cigarette smoking of 20 to 29 cigarettes Researchers have observed exposure-response
per day when cases were compared with controls trends for overall cancers as well as for leukemia,
identified from the general practitioners of the cases. lymphoma, and brain tumors in a number of stud-
ies. Most of the studies adjusted for potentially con-
Central Nervous System founding factors such as the child’s date of birth, age
Four of the nine studies that analyzed only CNS at diagnosis, parental education level, parental age at
tumors found statistically significant associations child’s birth, socioeconomic status, residence, and race
with maternal secondhand smoke exposure dur- by multivariate adjustment or case-control matching.
ing pregnancy ranging from 1.5 (p = 0.03) (Preston- Only four studies, however, considered other cancer
Martin et al. 1982) to 2.2 (95 percent CI, 1.1–4.6, p for risk factors such as maternal x-rays, drug use, and con-
trend = 0.02) (Filippini et al. 1994). One study of multi- sumption of foods containing sodium nitrite (Preston-
ple cancer outcomes found significant associations for Martin et al. 1982; Howe et al. 1989; Kuijten et al. 1990;
neuroblastoma and CNS cancers with paternal smok- Bunin et al. 1994). Although active maternal smok-
ing after combining three study populations from ing during pregnancy does not appear to be related
different time periods (Sorahan et al. 1997b). to childhood cancer, it was not clear in some studies
whether mothers who actively smoked were excluded
from the various analyses that estimated risks from

Pack-years = The number of years of smoking multiplied by the number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day.

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 225

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.12 Case-control studies of childhood cancer by cancer type

Study Population Exposure period Source of exposure

All cancers combined

John et al. 1991 Children aged 0–14 years, 1 year before birth Father smoked
diagnosed in Denver between
1976 and 1983; controls were
selected by random-digit dialing
1 year before birth Father smoked
Father smoked 1–10 cigarettes/day
Father smoked 11–20 cigarettes/day
Father smoked ≥21 cigarettes/day

Sorahan et al. 1995 Cancer deaths among children Prenatal Father smoked <10 cigarettes/day
in England, Wales, and Scotland Father smoked 10–19 cigarettes/day
between 1977 and 1981; included Father smoked 20–29 cigarettes/day
less than 50% of population Father smoked 30–39 cigarettes/day
cancer cases Father smoked ≥40 cigarettes/day

Prenatal Father smoked <10 years

Father smoked 10–19 years
Father smoked ≥20 years

Prenatal Father smoked <10 cigarettes/day

Father smoked 10–19 cigarettes/day
Father smoked 20–29 cigarettes/day
Father smoked 30–39 cigarettes/day
Father smoked ≥40 cigarettes/day

Prenatal Father smoked

226 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Risk (95% CI*) status Confounding Comments

All cancers combined

1.2 (0.8–2.1) Nonsmokers Matched for age, gender, and None

geographic area; adjusted for
paternal education

1.3 (0.9–2.0) Smokers and Matched for age, gender, and

1.9 (0.9–3.9) nonsmokers geographic area; no adjustments
1.3 (0.8–2.1)
1.0 (0.6–1.8)

1.20 (0.81–1.78) Smokers and Matched for gender and date of None
1.24 (0.98–1.56) nonsmokers birth; no adjustments
1.26 (1.05–1.50)
1.35 (1.03–1.78)
1.47 (1.07–2.01), p trend <0.001

1.41 (1.16–1.72) Smokers and Matched for gender and date of

1.24 (1.04–1.47) nonsmokers birth; no adjustments
1.10 (0.81–1.50)

1.23 (0.82–1.86) Smokers and Matched for gender, date of

1.17 (0.92–1.49) nonsmokers birth, and paternal alcohol
1.24 (1.02–1.49) consumption; adjusted for
1.30 (0.98–1.73) maternal smoking and alcohol
1.39 (1.00–1.92), p trend = 0.003 consumption

1.37 (1.12–1.68) Nonsmokers Matched for gender and date

of birth; adjusted for alcohol
consumption, SES†, and
maternal age at child’s birth

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 227

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.12 Continued

Study Population Exposure period Source of exposure

All cancers combined

Ji et al. 1997 Children aged <15 years in NR‡ Father smoked <10 cigarettes/day
Shanghai (China), diagnosed Father smoked 10–14 cigarettes/day
between 1985 and 1991; Father smoked ≥15 cigarettes/day
population-based controls were
from household registry NR Father smoked <10 years
Father smoke 10–14 years
Father smoked ≥15 years

Preconception Father smoked <5 years:

<10 cigarettes/day
10–14 cigarettes/day
≥15 cigarettes/day

Preconception Father smoked 5–9 years:

<10 cigarettes/day
10–14 cigarettes/day
≥15 cigarettes/day

Preconception Father smoked ≥10 years:

<10 cigarettes/day
10–14 cigarettes/day
≥15 cigarettes/day

Preconception Father smoked ≤2 pack-years§

Father smoked >2 to <5 pack-years
Father smoked ≥5 pack-years

Postnatal Father smoked ≤2 pack-years

Father smoked >2 to <5 pack-years
Father smoked ≥5 pack-years

Preconception Father smoked

228 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Risk (95% CI*) status Confounding Comments

All cancers combined

1.5 (1.1–2.3) Nonsmokers For all analyses: Data were not collected on
1.1 (0.8–1.6) Matched for gender and paternal smoking during
1.5 (1.0–2.3), p trend = 0.07 birth year; adjusted for: birth mother’s pregnancy; interviews
weight; income; and paternal took place ≥10 years after
1.2 (0.7–1.8) Nonsmokers age, education, and alcohol pregnancy
1.1 (0.8–1.7) consumption
1.7 (1.2–2.5), p trend = 0.007

1.2 (0.7–2.1) Nonsmokers

0.9 (0.5–1.9)
0.7 (0.2–2.9)

1.2 (0.7–2.0) Nonsmokers

1.2 (0.8–1.9)
2.4 (1.3–4.4)

1.5 (0.9–2.5) Nonsmokers

1.3 (0.8–2.3)
2.0 (1.2–3.4)

1.2 (0.8–1.8)
1.3 (0.9–2.0) Nonsmokers
1.7 (1.2–2.5), p trend = 0.006

1.2 (0.9–1.7)
1.4 (1.0–2.0) Nonsmokers
1.1 (0.8–1.7), p trend = 0.57

Diagnosis at 0–4 years of age

1.8 (1.2–2.6) Nonsmokers
Diagnosis at 5–9 years of age
0.9 (0.5–1.5)
Diagnosis at 10–14 years of age
1.9 (0.5–1.8)

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 229

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.12 Continued

Study Population Exposure period Source of exposure

All cancers combined

Sorahan et al. Deaths of children in England, Current Father smoked 1–9 cigarettes/day
1997a Wales, and Scotland between Father smoked 10–20 cigarettes/day
1953 and 1955; included 79% of Father smoked >20 cigarettes/day
population cancer cases

Current Father smoked

Current Father smoked

Sorahan et al. Deaths of children in England, Current Father smoked 1–9 cigarettes/day
1997b Wales, and Scotland between Father smoked 10–19 cigarettes/day
1971 and 1976; included 51% of Father smoked 20–29 cigarettes/day
population cases Father smoked 30–39 cigarettes/day
Father smoked ≥40 cigarettes/day

Current Father smoked

Current Father smoked

Sorahan et al. 2001 Children aged <15 years in the Preconception

United Kingdom, diagnosed Father smoked <10 cigarettes/day
between 1980 and 1983; hospital Father smoked 10–19 cigarettes/day
controls were acute surgical Father smoked 20–29 cigarettes/day
and accident patients; general Father smoked 30–39 cigarettes/day
practitioner controls were Father smoked ≥40 cigarettes/day
population based
Preconception Father smoked (same as above)

230 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Risk (95% CI*) status Confounding Comments

All cancers combined

1.03 (0.81–1.29) Smokers and Matched for gender, date of Exposure assessment for current
1.31 (1.06–1.62) nonsmokers birth, and residence; adjusted smoking only; time from birth to
1.42 (1.08–1.87), p trend <0.001 for SES, age of father and mother interviews was not reported
at child’s birth, sibship position,
obstetric radiography, and
maternal smoking

1.13 (1.05–1.23), p <0.01 Smokers and Matched for gender, date of

nonsmokers birth, and residence; adjusted
for maternal smoking

1.30 (1.10–1.53), p <0.01 Nonsmokers Matched for gender, date of

birth, and residence; adjusted
for SES, age of father and mother
at child’s birth, sibship position,
and obstetric radiography

1.02 (0.78–1.34) Smokers and Matched for gender, date of Exposure assessment for current
1.37 (1.13–1.65) nonsmokers birth, and residence; adjusted smoking only; median time
1.33 (1.13–1.55) for SES, age of father and mother between birth and interviews for
1.42 (1.09–1.84) at child’s birth, sibship position, cases was 8.5 years, and 97% of
1.63 (1.23–2.15), p trend <0.001 obstetric radiography, and cases were interviewed before the
maternal smoking fourth anniversary of the child’s
death; nonsmokers included
1.29 (1.10–1.51), p <0.01 Nonsmokers Matched for gender, date of former smokers
birth, and residence; adjusted
for SES, age of father and mother
at child’s birth, sibship position,
and obstetric radiography

1.09 (1.05–1.14), p <0.001 Smokers and Matched for gender, date of

nonsmokers birth, and residence; adjusted
for maternal smoking

General practitioner controls Smokers and No adjustments (nonsignificant None

0.94 (0.53–1.66) nonsmokers in analysis: paternal age at
1.63 (1.10–2.41) child’s birth, SES, and ethnic
1.46 (1.05–2.03) origin)
0.95 (0.52–1.73)
1.77 (0.94–3.34), p trend = 0.02

General practitioner controls Smokers and Adjusted for maternal smoking

p trend = 0.03 (risks were not nonsmokers

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 231

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.12 Continued

Study Population Exposure period Source of exposure

Acute lymphocytic leukemia

Magnani et al. Pediatric hospital cases in Italy, Preconception and Father smoked
1990 diagnosed between 1974 and prenatal (up to child’s Father smoked 1–15 cigarettes/day
1984 and still under observation birth) Father smoked ≥16 cigarettes/day
(prevalent cases)

John et al. 1991 Children aged 0–14 years in 1 year before birth Father smoked
Denver, diagnosed between 1976
and 1983; controls were selected
by random-digit dialing
1 year before birth Father smoked
Father smoked 1–10 cigarettes/day
Father smoked 11–20 cigarettes/day
Father smoked ≥21 cigarettes/day

Sorahan et al. 1995 Deaths of children in England, Prenatal Father smoked

Wales, and Scotland between
1977 and 1981; included less
than 50% of population cancer

Shu et al. 1996 Cases aged ≤18 months, 1 month before Father smoked
diagnosed between 1983 and conception
1988; identified through clinical
trial registries in the United Prenatal Father smoked
States, Canada, and Australia

1 month before Father smoked 1–10 cigarettes/day

conception Father smoked 11–20 cigarettes/day
Father smoked >20 cigarettes/day

Ji et al. 1997 Children aged <15 years in NR Father smoked <10 cigarettes/day
Shanghai (China), diagnosed Father smoked 10–14 cigarettes/day
between 1985 and 1991; Father smoked ≥15 cigarettes/day
population-based controls were
from household registry NR Father smoked <10 years
Father smoked 10–14 years
Father smoked ≥15 years

Preconception Father smoked ≤2 pack-years

Father smoked >2 to <5 pack-years
Father smoked ≥5 pack-years

Postnatal Father smoked ≤2 pack-years

Father smoked >2 to <5 pack-years
Father smoked ≥5 pack-years

Sorahan et al. Deaths among children in Current Father smoked

1997a England, Wales, and Scotland
between 1953 and 1955; included
79% of population cancer cases

232 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Risk (95% CI*) status Confounding Comments

Acute lymphocytic leukemia

0.9 (0.6–1.5) Smokers and No adjustments (nonsignificant Findings did not differ when
0.9 (0.5–1.6) nonsmokers in analysis: years of smoking, considering paternal smoking
0.9 (0.6–1.5) age at smoking initiation, and from birth to diagnosis or during
cumulative cigarette smoking) the year before birth

1.4 (0.6–3.1) Nonsmokers Matched for age, gender, and None

geographic area; adjusted for
father’s education

1.9 (1.0–3.7) Smokers and Matched for age, gender, and

2.6 (0.9–7.9) nonsmokers geographic area; no adjustments
1.6 (0.7–3.7)
1.6 (0.7–4.0)

1.16 (1.06–1.27) Smokers and Matched for gender and date of Risk is for 1 level increase in daily
nonsmokers birth amount of cigarettes smoked
(e.g., 6 levels from nonsmokers
to ≥40 cigarettes/day)

1.56 (1.03–2.36) Smokers and Matched for telephone area code None
nonsmokers and exchange number; adjusted
for gender, paternal age and
1.45 (0.95–2.19) Smokers and education, and maternal alcohol
nonsmokers consumption during pregnancy

2.40 (1.00–5.72) Smokers and

1.33 (0.79–2.34) nonsmokers
1.51 (0.82–2.77), p trend = 0.12

1.5 (0.7–3.9) Nonsmokers For all analyses: Data were not collected on
0.9 (0.4–1.5) Matched for gender and paternal smoking during
1.9 (0.8–4.6), p trend = 0.27 birth year; adjusted for: birth mother’s pregnancy; interviews
weight; income; and paternal took place ≥10 years after
0.9 (0.3–2.3) Nonsmokers age, education, and alcohol pregnancy
1.0 (0.5–2.2) consumption
1.7 (0.8–3.7), p trend = 0.23

0.8 (0.2–2.5) Nonsmokers

1.0 (0.4–2.7)
3.8 (1.3–12.3), p trend = 0.01

1.1 (0.4–2.8) Nonsmokers

1.8 (0.6–5.2)
1.8 (0.6–5.5), p trend = 0.33

1.08 (0.91–1.27) Smokers and Matched for gender, date of Exposure assessment for current
nonsmokers birth, and residence; adjusted smoking only; time from birth
for maternal smoking to interviews was not reported;
risk is for 1 level increase in daily
amount of cigarettes smoked
(e.g., 4 levels from <1 cigarette/
day to >20 cigarettes/day)

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 233

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.12 Continued

Study Population Exposure period Source of exposure

Acute lymphocytic leukemia

Sorahan et al. Deaths among children in Current Father smoked

1997b England, Wales, and Scotland
between 1971 and 1976; included
51% of population cancer cases

Brondum et al. Children aged <15 years, Ever Father smoked

1999 diagnosed between 1989 and
1993; identified through clinical
trial registries in the United Ever Father smoked

1 month before Father smoked

conception and prenatal

Father’s lifetime Father smoked <10 cigarettes/day

Father smoked 10 to <20 cigarettes/day
Father smoked ≥20 cigarettes/day

Father’s lifetime Father smoked <10 years

Father smoked 10 to <20 years
Father smoked ≥20 years

Infante-Rivard et Children aged 0–9 years in Postnatal up to Father smoked 1–20 cigarettes/day
al. 2000 Quebec (Canada), diagnosed diagnosis Father smoked >20 cigarettes/day
between 1980 and 1993;
identified from tertiary care
centers for childhood cancers

Sorahan et al. Children aged <15 years in the Preconception

2001 United Kingdom, diagnosed Father smoked <10 cigarettes/day
between 1980 and 1983; hospital Father smoked 10–19 cigarettes/day
controls were acute surgical Father smoked 20–29 cigarettes/day
and accident patients; general Father smoked 30–39 cigarettes/day
practitioner controls were Father smoked ≥40 cigarettes/day
population based


Magnani et al. Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases Preconception and Father smoked

1990 admitted to a pediatric hospital prenatal (up to child’s Father smoked 1–15 cigarettes/day
in Italy, diagnosed between birth) Father smoked ≥16 cigarettes/day
1974 and 1984 and still under
observation (prevalent cases)

234 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Risk (95% CI*)
) status Confounding Comments

Acute lymphocytic leukemia

1.07 (0.99–1.16) Smokers and Matched for gender, date of Exposure assessment for current
nonsmokers birth, and residence; adjusted smoking only; median time
for maternal smoking between birth and interviews for
cases was 8.5 years, and 97% of
cases were interviewed before the
fourth anniversary of the child’s
death; nonsmokers included
former smokers; risk is for
1 level increase in daily amount
of cigarettes smoked (e.g.,
6 levels from nonsmokers to
≥40 cigarettes/day)

1.04 (0.90–1.20) Smokers and Adjusted for income and None

nonsmokers paternal race and education

1.04 (0.86–1.26) Nonsmokers Adjusted for income and

parental race and education

1.07 (0.91–1.25) Smokers and Adjusted for income and

nonsmokers paternal race and education

1.16 (0.88–1.51) Smokers and Adjusted for income and

1.04 (0.83–1.31) nonsmokers paternal race and education
1.06 (0.88–1.26), p trend = 0.56

1.12 (0.91–1.38) Smokers and Adjusted for income and

1.22 (1.00–1.47) nonsmokers paternal race and education
0.91 (0.72–1.14), p trend = 0.79

1.0 (0.7–1.4) Smokers and Matched for age and gender; None
1.0 (0.7–1.3) nonsmokers adjusted for maternal age and

General practitioner controls: Smokers and No adjustments None

0.99 (0.35–2.85) nonsmokers
1.34 (0.62–2.91)
1.32 (0.72–2.45)
2.33 (0.71–7.63)
5.29 (1.31–21.30),
p trend = 0.06


6.7 (1.0–43.4) Smokers and No adjustments None

6.4 (1.0–45.5) nonsmokers
5.6 (0.9–37.5)

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 235

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.12 Continued

Study Population Exposure period Source of exposure


Sorahan et al. 1995 Deaths among children in Prenatal Father smoked

England, Wales, and Scotland
between 1977 and 1981; included
less than 50% of population
cancer cases

Ji et al. 1997 Children aged <15 years in NR Father smoked <10 cigarettes/day
Shanghai (China), diagnosed Father smoked 10–14 cigarettes/day
with lymphoma between 1985 Father smoked ≥15 cigarettes/day
and 1991; population-based
controls were from household NR Father smoked <10 years
registry Father smoke 10–14 years
Father smoked ≥15 years

Preconception Father smoked ≤2 pack-years

Father smoked >2 to <5 pack-years
Father smoked ≥5 pack-years

Postnatal Father smoked ≤2 pack-years

Father smoked >2 to <5 pack-years
Father smoked ≥5 pack-years

Sorahan et al. Deaths among children in Current Father smoked

1997a England, Wales, and Scotland
between 1953 and 1955; included
79% of population cancer cases

Sorahan et al. Deaths among children in Current Father smoked

1997b England, Wales, and Scotland
between 1971 and 1976; included
51% of population cancer cases

Sorahan et al. 2001 Children aged <15 years Preconception

in the United Kingdom, Father smoked <10 cigarettes/day
diagnosed with cancer (other Father smoked 10–19 cigarettes/day
reticuloendothelial system Father smoked 20–29 cigarettes/day
cancers) between 1980 and 1983; Father smoked 30–39 cigarettes/day
hospital controls were acute Father smoked ≥40 cigarettes/day
surgical and accident patients;
general practitioner controls
were population based

236 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Risk (95% CI*) status Confounding Comments


1.14 (0.99–1.31) Smokers and Matched for gender and date of Risk is for 1 level increase in daily
nonsmokers birth amount of cigarettes smoked
(e.g., 6 levels from nonsmokers to
≥40 cigarettes/day)

3.4 (0.8–14.0) Nonsmokers For all analyses: Data were not collected on
1.1 (0.3–4.8) Matched for gender and paternal smoking during
3.8 (0.9–16.5), p trend = 0.09 birth year; adjusted for: birth mother’s pregnancy; interviews
weight; income; and paternal took place ≥10 years after
1.3 (0.2–7.0) Nonsmokers age, education, and alcohol pregnancy
3.4 (0.9–12.7) consumption
3.5 (0.9–13.7), p trend = 0.05

3.1 (0.8–11.4) Nonsmokers

1.8 (0.4–7.8)
4.5 (1.2–16.8), p trend = 0.07

3.9 (0.9–16.0) Nonsmokers

2.7 (0.8–9.6)
5.0 (1.2–22.4), p trend = 0.08

1.37 (1.02–1.83), p <0.05 Smokers and Matched for gender, date of Exposure assessment for current
nonsmokers birth, and residence; adjusted smoking only; time from birth
for maternal smoking to interviews was not reported;
risk is for 1 level increase in daily
amount of cigarettes smoked
(e.g., 4 levels from <1 cigarette/
day to >20 cigarettes/day)

1.07 (0.92–1.23) Smokers and Matched for gender, date of Exposure assessment for current
nonsmokers birth, and residence; adjusted smoking only; median time
for maternal smoking between birth and interviews for
cases was 8.5 years, and 97% of
cases were interviewed before the
fourth anniversary of the child’s
death; nonsmokers included
former smokers; risk is for a
1 level increase in daily amount
of cigarettes smoked (e.g.,
6 levels from nonsmokers to
≥40 cigarettes/day)

General practitioner controls: Smokers and No adjustments None

1.32 (0.32–5.51) nonsmokers
2.65 (0.83–8.46)
3.69 (1.49–9.15)
0.29 (0.03–2.56)
1.20 (0.29–5.05), p trend = 0.35

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 237

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.12 Continued

Study Population Exposure period Source of exposure

Central nervous system (CNS) cancers

Preston-Martin et Brain tumor cases aged Prenatal Mother lived with a smoker
al. 1982 <25 years, residents of Los
Angeles County, diagnosed
between 1972 and 1977; identified
through the Los Angeles County
Cancer Surveillance Program

Howe et al. 1989 Brain tumor cases aged Prenatal Father smoked
≤19 years, diagnosed at two
hospitals in Toronto between
1977 and 1983

Kuijten et al. 1990 Astrocytoma cases aged Prenatal Maternal exposure to secondhand
<15 years, diagnosed between smoke
1980 and 1986; identified through
tumor registries in 8 hospitals in
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and
Delaware; controls were selected
by random-digit dialing

Gold et al. 1993 Brain tumor cases aged During the year of Father smoked <1 pack/day
<18 years, diagnosed between child’s birth Father smoked ≥1 pack/day
1977 and 1981; identified
through 8 SEER∆ Program 2 years before child’s Father smoked <1 pack/day
registries birth Father smoked ≥1 pack/day

Bunin et al. 1994 Astrocytoma cases aged Prenatal Maternal exposure to secondhand
<6 years, diagnosed between smoke
1986 and 1989; identified
through clinical trial registries Prenatal Father smoked
in the United States

Filippini et al. 1994 Brain tumor cases aged 3 months before Father smoked
≤15 years, diagnosed between conception
1985 and 1988; identified
through 8 hospitals in northern
Italy Before mother was ≤2 hours/day secondhand smoke
aware of pregnancy exposure
>2 hours/day secondhand smoke

After mother was ≤2 hours/day secondhand smoke

aware of pregnancy exposure
>2 hours/day secondhand smoke

McCredie et al. Brain tumor cases aged Preconception Father ever smoked
1994 <15 years in New South Wales
(Australia), diagnosed between Prenatal Father smoked
1985 and 1989; identified
through the New South Wales
Central Cancer Registry

238 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Risk (95% CI*) status Confounding Comments

Central nervous system (CNS) cancers

1.5 (p = 0.03) Smokers and Matched for gender, race, and None
nonsmokers birth year (within 3 years)

1.13 (0.615–2.09) Smokers and Matched for gender; adjusted None

nonsmokers for age at diagnosis

0.8 (0.5–1.3) Smokers and Matched for age, race, and None
nonsmokers telephone area code and

0.68 (0.39–1.19) Smokers and Matched for age, gender, and None
1.07 (0.79–1.45) nonsmokers maternal race

0.90 (0.53–1.51)
1.15 (0.85–1.56)

0.9 (0.6–1.5) Smokers and Matched for race, birth year, and None
nonsmokers telephone area code and prefix;
adjusted for income
1.0 (0.6–1.7)

1.3 (0.8–2.2) Smokers and For all analyses: Mean age at diagnosis was
nonsmokers Matched for birth date, 8.5 years, so interviews took place
gender, and area of residence; more than 8 years after birth
adjusted for paternal
1.5 (0.7–3.5) Nonsmokers education

1.7 (0.8–3.7), p trend = 0.08

1.7 (0.8–3.8) Nonsmokers

2.2 (1.1–4.6), p trend = 0.02

2.0 (1.0–4.1) Nonsmokers Matched for age and gender; None

adjusted for paternal education
2.2 (1.2–3.8) Smokers and

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 239

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 5.12 Continued

Study Population Exposure period Source of exposure

Central nervous system (CNS) cancers

Norman et al. Brain tumor cases aged Prenatal Father smoked

1996a ≤19 years, diagnosed between
1984 and 1991; identified
through 19 U.S. West Coast SEER
Program registries

Sorahan et al. CNS cancer deaths among Current Father smoked

1997a children in England, Wales, and
Scotland between 1953 and 1955;
included 79% of population
cancer cases

Sorahan et al. CNS cancer deaths among Current Father smoked

1997b children in England, Wales, and
Scotland between 1971 and 1976;
included 51% of population
cancer cases

Filippini et al. CNS tumor cases aged ≤15 years 5 years before Father smoked
2000 in northern Italy, diagnosed conception
between 1988 and 1993; cases
were identified through hospital Before mother was ≤2 hours/day secondhand smoke
records aware of pregnancy >2 hours/day secondhand smoke

After mother was ≤2 hours/day secondhand smoke

aware of pregnancy >2 hours/day secondhand smoke

Before mother was Secondhand smoke

aware of pregnancy

After mother was Secondhand smoke

aware of pregnancy

*CI = Confidence interval.

SES = Socioeconomic status.

NR = Data were not reported.
Pack-years = The number of years of smoking multiplied by the number of packs of cigarettes smoked per day.

SEER = Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results.

240 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Risk (95% CI*) status Confounding Comments

Central nervous system (CNS) cancers

1.2 (0.9–1.5) Nonsmokers Adjusted for gender, age at None

diagnosis or selection as control
participant, birth year of child,
and maternal race

CNS cancers Smokers and Matched for gender, date of Exposure assessment for current
1.20 (0.96–1.51) nonsmokers birth, and residence; adjusted for smoking only; time from birth
Neuroblastoma maternal smoking to interviews was not reported;
1.48 (1.09–2.02), p <0.05 risk is for 1 level increase in daily
amount of cigarettes smoked
(e.g., 4 levels from <1 cigarette/
day to >20 cigarettes/day)

CNS cancers Smokers and Matched for gender, date of Exposure assessment for current
1.02 (0.93–1.11) nonsmokers birth, and residence; adjusted for smoking only; median time
Neuroblastoma SES, age of father and mother between birth and interviews for
1.13 (0.99–1.29) at child’s birth, sibship position, cases was 8.5 years, and 97% of
obstetric radiography, and cases were interviewed before the
maternal smoking fourth anniversary of the child’s
death; nonsmokers included
former smokers; risk is for 1 level
increase in daily amount
of cigarettes smoked (e.g.,
6 levels from nonsmokers to
≥40 cigarettes/day)

1.2 (0.9–1.7) Smokers and Adjusted for age, gender, and Time from birth to interviews
nonsmokers residence was ≤20 years

1.7 (1.1–2.7) Nonsmokers

1.8 (1.1–2.9)

1.7 (1.1–2.6) Nonsmokers

1.7 (1.1–2.6)

Astroglial: 2.0 (1.2–3.4) Nonsmokers

Astroglial: 1.8 (1.1–3.0) Nonsmokers

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 241

Surgeon General’s Report

paternal smoking. Thus, some of the elevated risks for 5. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
cancer in their offspring from paternal smoking may infer a causal relationship between prenatal and
have been compounded by the child’s postnatal expo- postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
sure to active maternal smoking. childhood lymphomas.

6. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to

Conclusions infer a causal relationship between prenatal and
postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
1. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
childhood brain tumors.
infer a causal relationship between prenatal and
postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
7. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
childhood cancer.
absence of a causal relationship between prenatal
and postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
2. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
other childhood cancer types.
absence of a causal relationship between maternal
exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy
and childhood cancer.
3. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence Childhood cancers are diverse in their charac-
or absence of a causal relationship between teristics and etiology. Although the evidence is inade-
exposure to secondhand smoke during infancy quate for some sources and periods of exposure, there is
and childhood cancer. some evidence indicative of associations of childhood
cancer risk with secondhand smoke exposure. Further
4. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to research is needed to provide a better understanding
infer a causal relationship between prenatal and of the potential causal relationships between types
postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and of exposures to secondhand smoke and childhood
childhood leukemias. cancer risks.


Fertility Infant Deaths

1. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or 3. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
absence of a causal relationship between maternal absence of a causal relationship between exposure
exposure to secondhand smoke and female to secondhand smoke and neonatal mortality.
fertility or fecundability. No data were found on
paternal exposure to secondhand smoke and male Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
fertility or fecundability.
4. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
relationship between exposure to secondhand
Pregnancy (Spontaneous Abortion and Perinatal Death)
smoke and sudden infant death syndrome.
2. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
absence of a causal relationship between maternal Preterm Delivery
exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy
5. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
and spontaneous abortion.
infer a causal relationship between maternal
exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy
and preterm delivery.

242 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Low Birth Weight postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and

childhood cancer.
6. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
relationship between maternal exposure to
12. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
secondhand smoke during pregnancy and a small
absence of a causal relationship between maternal
reduction in birth weight.
exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy
and childhood cancer.
Congenital Malformations
7. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence 13. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
or absence of a causal relationship between or absence of a causal relationship between
exposure to secondhand smoke and congenital exposure to secondhand smoke during infancy
malformations. and childhood cancer.

Cognitive Development 14. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to

infer a causal relationship between prenatal and
8. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
absence of a causal relationship between exposure
childhood leukemias.
to secondhand smoke and cognitive functioning
among children.
15. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
infer a causal relationship between prenatal and
Behavioral Development
postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
9. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or childhood lymphomas.
absence of a causal relationship between exposure
to secondhand smoke and behavioral problems 16. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
among children. infer a causal relationship between prenatal and
postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
Height/Growth childhood brain tumors.
10. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
17. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence or
or absence of a causal relationship between
absence of a causal relationship between prenatal
exposure to secondhand smoke and children’s
and postnatal exposure to secondhand smoke and
other childhood cancer types.
Childhood Cancer
11. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
infer a causal relationship between prenatal and

Reproductive and Developmental Effects from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 243

Surgeon General’s Report

Overall Implications

Because infant mortality for the United States is need for studies that examine exposure to secondhand
quite high compared with other industrialized coun- smoke and childhood cancers to further evaluate the
tries, identifying strategies to reduce the number of risks for specific cancer types. The evidence reviewed
infant deaths should receive high priority. The epide- in this chapter points to germ-cell mutations among
miologic evidence for the association of secondhand fathers who smoke as a possible pathway. Additional
smoke exposure and an increased risk of SIDS indi- studies may be warranted that focus on childhood
cates that eliminating secondhand smoke exposures cancer and active paternal smoking, with improved
among newborns and young infants should be part of controls for maternal secondhand smoke exposure
an overall strategy to reduce the high infant mortality and active smoking during pregnancy and the expo-
rate in the United States. sure of infants to secondhand smoke. For secondhand
The available evidence for five reproductive smoke and spontaneous abortions, studies using
and childhood outcomes—childhood cancer, cogni- samples with adequate statistical power are needed.
tive development, behaviors, LBW, and spontaneous For all outcomes, investigations should include bio-
abortion—calls for further research with improved chemical measures of exposures, and these measures
methodologies. The methodologic challenges and should be used to determine the presence of dose-
issues that were discussed in relation to exposure response relationships—determining dose-response
assessment and reproductive outcomes might act as relationships will greatly facilitate the assessment of
a guide for future research on these topics. There is a causality.

244 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke


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256 Chapter 5
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Chapter 6
Respiratory Effects in Children
from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke

Introduction 261

Mechanisms of Health Effects from Secondhand Tobacco Smoke 262

Introduction 262
Lung Development and Growth 262
Immunologic Effects and Inflammation 263
Summary 265

Methods Used to Review the Evidence 266

Lower Respiratory Illnesses in Infancy and Early Childhood 267

Relevant Studies 267
Evidence Review 268
Community Studies of Lower Respiratory Illnesses 268
Studies of Hospitalizations for Lower Respiratory Illnesses 268
Studies of Upper and Lower Respiratory Illnesses Combined 283
Effects of Retrospective Recall 283
Independence of Potential Confounding 283
Exposure-Response Relationships 283
Biomarkers of Exposure 288
Specific Respiratory Diagnoses 288
Parental Smoking at Different Ages 288
Susceptible Subgroups 289
Smoking by Other Household Members 289
Prenatal Versus Postnatal Exposure 290
Publication Bias and Meta-Analyses 290
Evidence Synthesis 291
Conclusions 292
Implications 292

Middle Ear Disease and Adenotonsillectomy 292

Relevant Studies 293
Evidence Review 293
Acute Otitis Media 293
Recurrent Otitis Media 293
Middle Ear Effusion: Population Surveys and Birth Cohorts 300
Middle Ear Effusion: Clinic Referrals 308
Middle Ear Effusion: Natural History 308
Hearing Loss 308
Adenoidectomy and Tonsillectomy 309

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 257

Surgeon General’s Report

Evidence Synthesis 309

Conclusions 309
Implications 309

Respiratory Symptoms and Prevalent Asthma in School-Age Children 310

Relevant Studies 310
Symptom Questionnaires 311
Evidence Review 311
Asthma 311
Wheeze 319
Chronic Cough 326
Chronic Phlegm 326
Breathlessness 327
Pooled Odds Ratios 327
Restricting Analyses to Preteens 327
Effect of Parental Smoking at Different Ages 329
Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure 329
Former Parental Smoking 353
Publication Bias and Wheeze 353
Evidence Synthesis 354
Conclusions 355
Implications 355

Childhood Asthma Onset 355

Relevant Studies 355
Evidence Review 356
Cohort Studies of Incidence 356
Natural History 364
Prevalence Case-Control Studies 364
Atopic and Nonatopic Wheeze 367
Severity 368
Effects of Reducing Tobacco Smoke Exposure 370
Evidence Synthesis 374
Conclusions 375
Implications 375

Atopy 375
Immunoglobulin E 376
Allergic Sensitization During Childhood 376
Atopic Disease 380
Evidence Synthesis 384
Conclusion 385
Implications 385

Lung Growth and Pulmonary Function 385

Neonatal and Infant Lung Function and Growth 390
Childhood Lung Function and Growth 392
Lung Function 393

258 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Evidence Synthesis 398

Conclusions 399
Implications 400

Conclusions 400

Overall Implications 401

References 402

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 259

Surgeon General’s Report

260 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke


Adverse effects of parental smoking on the respi- the literature and, where appropriate, carried out
ratory health of children have been a clinical and pub- meta-analyses (DiFranza and Lew 1996; Uhari et al.
lic health concern for decades. As early as 1974, two 1996; Li et al. 1999); the most comprehensive system-
articles published in the journal Lancet alerted readers atic review was commissioned by the Department of
to a possible link between parental smoking and the Health in England (Scientific Committee on Tobacco
risk of a lower respiratory illness (LRI) among infants and Health 1998). Updated versions of these reviews
(Colley et al. 1974; Harlap and Davies 1974). Although were then published as a series of articles in the jour-
adverse effects on children from exposure to second- nal Thorax (Cook and Strachan 1997, 1998, 1999; Stra-
hand tobacco smoke had already been suggested chan and Cook 1997, 1998a,b,c; Cook et al. 1998). These
(Cameron et al. 1969; Norman-Taylor and Dickinson papers later served as a foundation for the 1999 World
1972), the association with early episodes of acute Health Organization (WHO) consultation report on
chest illnesses was of immediate and continuing inter- environmental tobacco smoke and child health (WHO
est because of the suspected long-term consequences 1999). This chapter of the Surgeon General’s report
for lung growth, chronic respiratory morbidity in presents a major update of those reviews based on
childhood, and adult chronic obstructive lung disease literature searches carried out through March 2001.
(Samet et al. 1983). The methodology for these reviews is described later
Subsequently, many epidemiologic studies have in this chapter (see “Methods Used to Review the
associated parental smoking with respiratory diseases Evidence”). Selected key references published subse-
and other adverse health effects throughout childhood. quent to these reviews are included in an appendix
The exposures covered include maternal smoking of significant additions to the literature at the end of
during pregnancy and afterward, paternal smoking, this report.
parental smoking generally, and smoking by others. In The section that follows focuses on the biologic
1986, the evidence was sufficient for the U.S. Surgeon basis for respiratory health effects; Chapter 2 (Toxi-
General to conclude that the children of parents who cology of Secondhand Smoke) of this report provides
smoked had an increased frequency of acute respira- further background. Separate sections review the
tory illnesses and related hospital admissions during evidence for different adverse effects of secondhand
infancy (U.S. Department of Health and Human Ser- smoke exposure of children: LRIs in infancy and early
vices [USDHHS] 1986). The 1986 Surgeon General’s childhood, middle ear disease and adenotonsillec-
report also noted that in older children, there was an tomy, frequency of respiratory symptoms and prev-
increased frequency of cough and phlegm and some alent asthma in school-age children, and cohort and
evidence of an association with middle ear disease. case-control studies of the onset of asthma in child-
The report also commented on an association between hood. There is also a review of the evidence for the
slowed lung growth in children and parental smoking. effects of parental smoking on several physiologic
Several authoritative reviews by various agencies fol- measures, lung function, bronchial reactivity, and
lowed the 1986 report (U.S. Environmental Protection atopic sensitization. Each section concludes with a
Agency [EPA] 1992; National Cancer Institute [NCI] summary and an interpretation of the evidence.
1999). Some researchers have systematically reviewed

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 261

Surgeon General’s Report

Mechanisms of Health Effects from Secondhand Tobacco Smoke

This section reviews the biologic impact of the lung, possibly affecting lung mechanics by sup-
secondhand smoke on the respiratory system of the pressing the fetal respiratory rate. Studies have dem-
child. Subsequent sections summarize the evidence onstrated a decrease in fetal movement for at least
for adverse health effects on infants and children and one hour after maternal smoking, which is consistent
describe postulated mechanisms for these effects. with fetal hypoxia (Thaler et al. 1980). Smoking dur-
Chapter 2 of this report provides additional general ing pregnancy may also negatively affect the control
data on these mechanisms. of respiration in the fetus (Lewis and Bosque 1995).
Researchers have proposed several mechanisms
that explain the effects of maternal smoking during
Introduction pregnancy on infant lung function. Animal and human
studies suggest that morphologic and metabolic alter-
Pregnant women who smoke expose the fetus
ations result from in utero exposure to tobacco smoke
to tobacco smoke components during a critical win-
components that cross the placental barrier (Bassi et
dow of lung development, with consequences that
al. 1984; Philipp et al. 1984; Collins et al. 1985; Chen
may be persistent. In infancy and early childhood,
et al. 1987). One study with monkeys that involved
the contributions of prenatal versus postnatal expo-
infusion of nicotine into the mother during pregnancy
sures to secondhand smoke are difficult to separate
showed lung hypoplasia and changes in the devel-
because women who smoke during pregnancy almost
oping alveoli (Sekhon et al. 1999). The investigators
invariably continue to smoke after their children are
postulated that the effect was mediated by the nico-
born. For children, exposure to secondhand smoke
tine cholinergic receptors, which showed an increased
may lead to respiratory illnesses as a result of adverse
expansion and binding with nicotine administration.
effects on the immune system and on lung growth
Further research with this model indicated altered
and development.
collagen in the developing lung (Sekhon et al. 2002).
Studies with this and similar models have shown a
variety of effects from nicotine on the neonatal lung
Lung Development and Growth (Pierce and Nguyen 2002). The programming of fetal
Active smoking by the mother during pregnancy growth genes in utero may have a lifelong effect on
has causal adverse effects on pregnancy outcomes that lung development and disease susceptibility, areas of
are well documented (USDHHS 2001, 2004). Exposure ongoing research in other diseases. There is now sub-
of pregnant women to secondhand tobacco smoke has stantial research in progress on early life events and
also been associated with prematurity (Hanke et al. future disease risk that follows the general hypothesis
1999), reduced birth weight (Mainous and Hueston proposed by Barker and colleagues (1996).
1994; Misra and Nguyen 1999), and small for gesta- Exposure to secondhand smoke may also lead
tional age outcomes in some studies (Dejin-Karlsson to structural changes in the developing lung. In a rat
et al. 1998). However, the developmental effects on model, Collins and colleagues (1985) found that intra-
the respiratory system from maternal smoking dur- uterine exposure of the pregnant rat to secondhand
ing pregnancy extend beyond those that might be smoke was associated with pulmonary hypoplasia
expected based on prematurity alone—the airways in the baby rats with decreased lung volumes; in this
are particularly affected. Studies have demonstrated rat model, exposure reduced the number of sacules
that lower measured airflows associated with second- but increased their size. Brown and colleagues (1995)
hand smoke exposure are not completely explained assessed respiratory mechanics in 53 healthy infants,
by the reduction in somatic growth caused by mater- and interpreted the pattern of findings to suggest that
nal smoking (Young et al. 2000b). Researchers suspect prenatal tobacco smoke exposure from smoking by
that fetal growth limitations are mediated in part by the mother may lead to a reduction in airway size and
the vasoconstrictive effects of nicotine, which may changes in lung properties.
limit uterine blood flow and induce fetal hypoxia Lung maturation in utero is regulated by the
(Philipp et al. 1984). Fetal hypoxia, in turn, may lead endocrine environment, and the timing of secondhand
to slowed fetal growth and may have direct effects on smoke exposures with regard to lung development

262 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

may have a lifelong impact on respiratory function. smoke provide further support for the contention
Secondhand smoke components may increase in utero that infants of mothers who smoke during pregnancy
stress responses that then speed lung maturation at have smaller airways. Increased airway wall thickness
the expense of lung growth. Several studies have and increased smooth muscle, which can both lead to
demonstrated an effect on the fetal endocrine milieu a decreased airway diameter, were found in infants
secondary to secondhand smoke exposure (Divers exposed to tobacco smoke in utero who had died of
et al. 1981; Catlin et al. 1990; Lieberman et al. 1992). sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (Elliot et al.
Studies have also associated maternal smoking with 1999). In animal models of secondhand smoke expo-
more advanced lung maturity measured by lectin/ sure, fetuses of rats exposed to mainstream smoke
sphingomyelin (L/S) ratios that were out of proportion (from active smoking) or to secondhand (sidestream)
to fetal size in human infants (Mainous and Hueston smoke had reduced lung volume, decreased elastic
1994). Cotinine levels measured in the amniotic fluid tissue within the parenchyma, increased density of
were positively correlated with L/S ratios. Studies interstitial tissue, and inadequate development of
also noted an increase in free, conjugated, and total elastin and collagen (Collins et al. 1985; Vidic 1991).
cortisol levels, suggesting a potentially direct or indi- These animal and human data provide clear evidence
rect role for hormonal effects of secondhand smoke for an adverse effect of in utero exposure to tobacco
on the fetus (Lieberman et al. 1992). Other researchers smoke on the developing lung. Studies also document
have demonstrated higher levels of catecholamines in structural changes in animal models and in exposed
amniotic fluid in pregnant smokers compared with children who have died from SIDS. The physiologic
pregnant nonsmokers, further supporting an endo- findings suggest altered lung mechanics and reduced
crine mechanism for the effect of secondhand smoke airflow consistent with changes in structure.
(Divers et al. 1981).
Multiple studies suggest that the effect of
secondhand smoke on the development of the respi- Immunologic Effects and Inflammation
ratory system begins with in utero exposure (Tager
The development of lung immunophenotype
et al. 1995; Stick et al. 1996; Lodrup Carlsen et al.
(i.e., the pattern of immunologic response in the lung)
1997). Stick and colleagues (1996) reported a dose-
is considered to have a key role in determining the
dependent effect of in utero cigarette smoke exposure
risk for asthma, particularly in regard to the T-helper 1
in decreasing tidal flow patterns that were measured
(Th1) pathway (which mediates cellular immunity) and
during the first three days of life (i.e., before any
the Th2 pathway (which mediates allergic responses).
postnatal exposure). This effect was independent of
Secondhand smoke exposure may promote immuno-
the effect of smoking on birth weight. Hoo and col-
logic development along Th2 pathways, thus contrib-
leagues (1998) evaluated respiratory function in pre-
uting to the intermediate phenotypes associated with
term infants of mothers who did and did not smoke
asthma and with a predilection to chronic respiratory
during pregnancy, with the goal of investigating
disease. Gene-environment interactions that begin in
whether the effect of prenatal tobacco smoke expo-
utero and persist during critical periods of develop-
sure is limited to an influence during the last weeks
ment after birth represent the least understood, but
of gestation. The researchers observed that respira-
potentially the most important, mechanistic route for
tory function was impaired in infants born preterm
a lasting influence of secondhand smoke. Although
(an average of seven weeks early), suggesting that the
a meta-analysis of epidemiologic evidence suggests
adverse effect of prenatal tobacco smoke exposure is
that parental smoking before birth (or early childhood
not limited to the last weeks of in utero development.
secondhand smoke exposure) does not increase the
The ratio of time to peak tidal expiratory flow to expi-
risk for allergic sensitization, other lines of mechanis-
ratory time (TPTEF:TE) was lower in infants exposed to
tic investigation do show a variety of influences from
secondhand smoke in utero compared with unexposed
secondhand smoke on immune and inflammatory
infants (mean 0.369 standard deviation [SD] 0.109 ver-
responses (Strachan and Cook 1998b).
sus mean 0.426 SD 0.135, p ≤0.02). Because TPTEF:TE is
Secondhand smoke effects on T cells may influ-
associated with airway caliber, these data imply that
ence gene regulation, inflammatory cell function,
cigarette smoke exposure in utero may affect airway
cytokine production, and immunoglobulin E (IgE)
development. Lower maximal forced expiratory flow
synthesis. These effects are particularly important
at functional residual capacity (VmaxFRC) (Hanrahan
to consider in regard to immune system ontogeny
et al. 1992) and diminished expiratory flows (Brown
and for the subsequent development of allergies in
et al. 1995) in infants exposed in utero to secondhand

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 263

Surgeon General’s Report

childhood. Researchers have demonstrated that main- phenotype) (Forsthuber et al. 1996). Human fetuses,
stream and sidestream smoke condensates selectively under the influence of the maternal system mediated
suppress the interferon gamma induction of several through the placenta, may develop a Th2 preference
macrophage functions, including phagocytosis of as a response to an antigen (Michie 1998). Magnus-
Ig-opsonized sheep red blood cells, class II major son (1986) studied newborn children of nonallergic
histocompatibility complex expression, and nitric parents and found evidence suggesting that tobacco
oxide synthesis, which are all representative of effects smoke exposure in utero may promote an allergic
on immunity (Braun et al. 1998; Edwards et al. 1999). phenotype. A threefold increase in risk for an elevated
Alterations in antigen presentation may occur not IgE level was observed in children whose mothers
only in the respiratory tract but also in the rest of smoked compared with the IgE levels in children born
the body where absorbed toxicants are distributed. to nonsmoking mothers. Total cord blood IgE concen-
Macrophages are potent effector cells for immune trations were substantially higher in infants of mothers
responsiveness; suppression of their ability to respond who smoked (60.8 international units [IU]) compared
to environmental challenges could have lifelong con- with infants of nonsmoking mothers (9.8 IU).
sequences on immune function. Atopy may be characterized by either a positive
Immune responses may also be increased as a IgE-mediated skin test or elevated specific IgE serum
result of secondhand smoke exposure. Animal stud- levels. Atopy represents a risk factor for asthma, and
ies demonstrate increases in IgE, eosinophils, and an increase in bronchial responsiveness has been
Th2 cytokines (especially interleukin [IL]-4 and IL-10) associated with higher serum IgE levels. Human stud-
with exposure to secondhand smoke. These increases ies provide mixed evidence as to whether secondhand
may augment the potential for allergic sensitiza- smoke exposures are associated with an increase in
tion and the development of an atopy phenotype. In IgE-mediated responses (Weiss et al. 1985; Martinez
mice sensitized to the ovalbumin (OVA) antigen and et al. 1988; Ownby and McCullough 1988; Stankus et
exposed to secondhand smoke for six hours per day, al. 1988). Weiss and colleagues (1985) demonstrated
five days per week, for six weeks, researchers mea- that maternal smoking was associated with atopy
sured increases in total IgE, OVA-specific immuno- in children aged five through nine years who were
globulin G1, and eosinophils in the blood (Seymour evaluated by skin tests to four common allergens.
et al. 1997). These measures indicate an increase in the Ronchetti and colleagues (1990) demonstrated an effect
allergic response to inhaled antigens. On the basis of of exposure on IgE levels and on eosinophil counts.
the results from this mouse model, the investigators Eosinophil counts were at least three times higher in
concluded that allergen sensitization with the increase boys exposed to secondhand smoke compared with
in Th2 responses may contribute to the development unexposed boys. There was a dose-response relation-
of allergies in individuals exposed to secondhand ship between the number of cigarettes to which each
smoke (Seymour et al. 1997). Other studies have dem- boy had been exposed and the level of eosinophilia
onstrated an increase in IL-5, granulocyte-macrophage (Ronchetti et al. 1990).
colony-stimulating factor, and IL-2 in bronchoalveo- Researchers showed decades ago that main-
lar lavage fluid in mice exposed to OVA along with stream cigarette smoke causes airway inflammation
secondhand smoke. In these mouse models, interferon (Niewoehner et al. 1974) and an increase in airway
gamma levels decreased. Because mice exposed to permeability to small and large molecules in young
OVA alone did not experience these cytokine changes, smokers (Simani et al. 1974; Jones et al. 1980). Given
secondhand smoke appears able to induce a sensitiza- the qualitative similarities between mainstream smoke
tion phenotype to a usually neutral antigen (Rumold and secondhand smoke, these effects may be relevant
et al. 2001). Although the animal data are stronger than to involuntary smoking (USDHHS 1986).
the human epidemiologic data, studies in humans are There are many specific components of second-
supportive of an effect of tobacco smoke exposure on hand smoke that may adversely affect a child’s lung.
allergic phenotypes. For example, a bacterial endotoxin known as lipopoly-
Allergies are caused by multiple interacting saccharide (LPS) can be detected in both mainstream
factors in people with underlying susceptibility. and sidestream tobacco smoke. Studies have detected
Secondhand smoke exposure both in utero and after biologically active LPS in mainstream and sidestream
birth may promote the development of an allergic smoke from regular and light experimental refer-
phenotype. Antigens presented during the neonatal ence cigarettes used in the studies (mainstream: 120 ±
period in mice skew the immune development and 64 nanograms [ng] per regular cigarette, 45.3 ± 16 ng
response along a Th2 pathway (i.e., toward an allergic per light cigarette; sidestream: 18 ± 1.5 ng per regular

264 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

cigarette, 75 ± 49 ng per light cigarette). The investiga- inflammation may be an intermediate phenotype with
tors suggested that chronic LPS exposure from ciga- cough and wheeze in early childhood. Investigators
rette smoke may contribute to the inflammatory effects used a guinea pig model of secondhand smoke expo-
of secondhand smoke (Hasday et al. 1999). Other sure to study sensory nerve pathways for cough and
studies show that LPS exposure may alter responses airway narrowing in an effort to explain the devel-
to allergen challenge (Tulić et al. 2000). opment of cough and wheeze symptoms in children
Researchers need to consider this hypothesized of smokers. When guinea pigs were exposed to side-
role of endotoxin because of the known pathologic stream smoke for six hours per day, five days per
effects of endotoxins on susceptible individuals. As week, from one through six weeks of age, they dem-
a component of the cell wall of gram-negative bac- onstrated an increase in excitability of pulmonary C
teria, endotoxins are ubiquitous in the environment fibers (Mutoh et al. 1999) and rapidly adapting recep-
and may be found in high concentrations in house- tors (Bonham et al. 1996), which are believed to be
hold dust (Michel et al. 1996) and in ambient air pol- primarily responsible for eliciting the reflex responses
lution (Bonner et al. 1998). Macrophage activation in defending the lungs against inhaled irritants and
may result from exposure to low concentrations of an toxins (Lee and Widdicombe 2001). These studies
endotoxin, leading to a cascade of inflammatory cyto- have led to the conclusion that cough and wheeze
kines (such as IL-1, IL-6, and IL-8) and arachidonic may be produced by neural pathway stimulation
acid metabolites, which are important in the forma- and irritation.
tion of prostaglandin molecules (Bayne et al. 1986;
Michie et al. 1988; Ingalls et al. 1999). Studies have
documented increased levels of neutrophils in bron- Summary
choalveolar lavage fluid after a challenge with dust
Childhood respiratory disease covers a spectrum
that contained endotoxins (Hunt et al. 1994). Revers-
of diseases and underlying pathogenetic mechanisms
ible airflow obstruction has been associated with the
that include infection, prenatal alterations in lung
inhalation of endotoxins in the air. In a cohort study
structure, inflammation, and allergic responses. There
of infants in Boston, Park and colleagues (2001) used
is a potential for secondhand smoke to contribute over
a univariate model and found a significant association
the long term to the development of respiratory dis-
of wheeze in the first year of life with elevated dust
ease through altered organ maturation and immune
endotoxin levels (relative risk [RR] = 1.29 [95 percent
function. Mechanisms underlying the adverse health
confidence interval (CI), 1.03–1.62]). In a multivariate
effects of secondhand smoke vary across the phases
model, elevated endotoxin levels in dust were associ-
of lung growth and development, extending from the
ated with an increased risk for repeated wheeze ill-
in utero period to the completion of lung growth in
ness in the first year of life (RR = 1.56 [95 percent CI,
late adolescence. The long-term effects of secondhand
1.03–2.38]) (Park et al. 2001). Exposure to endotoxins
smoke is a field of ongoing research. These effects may
from secondhand smoke in utero, during infancy, and
vary among individuals because of individual genetic
in childhood may increase airway inflammation and
susceptibilities and gene-environment interactions.
may interact synergistically with additional second-
The discussions that follow summarize the available
hand smoke exposures.
observational evidence concerning health effects of
Smoking contributes generally to the particu-
secondhand tobacco smoke on children, which are
late load in indoor air, and research documents that
presumed to reflect the mechanisms reviewed above.
inhaling particles in the respirable size range contrib-
The discussions also interpret the evidence in the con-
utes to pulmonary inflammation (National Research
text of this mechanistic understanding.
Council 2004). One consequence of particle-induced

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 265

Surgeon General’s Report

Methods Used to Review the Evidence

The search strategies and statistical methods for across studies. If the number of participants was not
pooling that were used for this report were identical provided, the published OR and its 95 percent CI were
to those applied to the earlier reviews of this topic car- used. For some studies, it was necessary to derive an
ried out by Strachan and Cook (1997). The authors con- approximate standard error (for the log OR) based
ducted an electronic search of the EMBASE Excepta on the marginal values of the relevant multiplication
Medica and Medline databases using Medical Subject table (2 × 2). In situations where ORs were given sepa-
Headings (MeSH) to select published papers, letters, rately for different genders, a pooled OR and 95 per-
and review articles relating to secondhand tobacco cent CI were calculated by taking a weighted average
smoke exposure in children. The EMBASE strategy (on the log scale) using weights inversely proportional
was based on text word searches of titles, keywords, to the variances. The papers that quoted an incidence
and related abstracts; non-English language arti- rate ratio rather than an OR are identified in the
cles were not included. The search was carried out summary tabulations.
through 2001. The literature review also identified informa-
Information relating to the odds ratio (OR) for tion on the extent to which the effects of parental
the outcome of interest among children with and smoking were altered by adjustment for potential
without smokers in the family was extracted from confounding variables, and whether there was evi-
each study. Data regarding children exposed and dence of an exposure-response relationship with,
unexposed to maternal smoking prenatally or post- for example, the amount smoked by either parent.
natally were extracted separately. This review also Where the presented data could be standardized for
specifically addresses the effects on children of smok- age, gender, or occasionally for another confounder,
ing by other household members (usually the father) the Mantel-Haenszel method was used to provide an
when the mother was not a smoker. Not every study adjusted value. Because there may be multiple pub-
provided information on all of these indices. The most lished reports for a single study, only one paper from
common measures were smoking by either parent each study (usually the most recently published) was
versus neither parent, and the effects of smoking by included in the quantitative meta-analyses. In some
the mother versus only by the father or by neither par- studies, however, information from other papers con-
ent. Few studies distinguished in any detail between tributed to the assessment of potential confounding or
prenatal and postnatal maternal smoking, but those a dose-response relationship.
that did were included in the discussion. The ORs for Updated meta-analyses of the health effects
the effects of smoking by both parents compared with from parental smoking were conducted specifically
neither parent were also extracted from cross-sectional for this chapter. All pooled estimates were calculated
surveys of school-age children. using both fixed and random effects models (Egger et
Because most studies have used self-reported al. 2001). All updated analyses were carried out using
parental smoking behaviors as the principal exposure Stata. For some outcomes, studies were grouped
indicator, and because the major sources of exposure according to the timing of the secondhand smoke
in western countries are overwhelmingly maternal exposure (e.g., maternal smoking during pregnancy,
followed by paternal smoking (Cook et al. 1994), the parental smoking from infancy to four years of age,
terms parental, maternal, and paternal smoking are and parental smoking at five or more years of age).
used throughout this chapter to refer to major sources The meta-analysis of the cross-sectional evi-
of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure for children. dence relating parental smoking to spirometric indi-
The OR was chosen as a measure of association because ces in children updates the 1998 meta-analysis (Cook
it can be derived from all types of studies—case- et al. 1998). Both the earlier and the more recent meta-
control, cross-sectional, and cohort. In general, ORs analyses used the same effect measure: the average dif-
and their 95 percent CIs were calculated from data ference in the spirometric index between exposed and
in published tabulations using the actual numbers unexposed children, expressed as a percentage of the
of participants, or numbers estimated from percent- level in the unexposed group. The updated synthesis
ages of published column or row totals. This approach considered four different spirometric indices: forced
allowed for flexibility in combining categories of vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in one
household tobacco smoke exposure for comparability

266 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

second (FEV1), mid-expiratory flow rate (MEFR), and versus the lowest cotinine category, and high levels
flow rates at end expiration. Pooled estimates of the of household secondhand smoke versus none. To test
percentage differences were calculated using both for effects on the relationship between parental smok-
fixed and random effects models (Egger et al. 2001). ing and lung function from adjustment for variables
To determine whether the exposure classification other than age, gender, and body size, studies were
influenced the relationship between parental smoking pooled separately depending on adjustment for other
and lung function, studies were pooled within the fol- variables. Lastly, this meta-analysis also assessed
lowing exposure groups: both parents did versus did whether adjusting for socioeconomic measures, such
not smoke, mother did versus did not smoke, either as parental education and social class, affected the
parent versus neither parent smoked, the highest pooled results.

Lower Respiratory Illnesses in Infancy and Early Childhood

This section summarizes the evidence relat- onset of asthma symptoms later in childhood, and per-
ing specifically to acute LRIs in the first two or three sistent disease (Martinez et al. 1995; Stein et al. 1997).
years of life and updates the previous review by Stra- These findings have yet to be replicated in a compre-
chan and Cook (1997). Separate discussions review hensive way in other large population samples, and
studies of asthma incidence, prognosis, and severity few large cohort studies are in progress that provide
as well as studies (mostly cross-sectional) of school- the needed longitudinal data. The classification of
age children. phenotype in the epidemiologic studies is relevant to
In developed countries, the specific microbial secondhand smoke if the association of secondhand
etiology and determinants of some common lower smoke with risk varies across the phenotypes.
respiratory tract illnesses in infancy remain a subject
of uncertainty and research (Silverman 1993; Wilson
1994; Monto 2002; Klig and Chen 2003). Although Relevant Studies
many LRIs result from viral infections, there is an
In the 1997 review, 75 publications were con-
indication of a prenatally determined susceptibility
sidered in detail as possibly relevant to illnesses
related to lung function abnormalities that is already
in infancy and early childhood. Of those studies,
detectable at birth (Dezateux and Stocks 1997). As
50 were included in the review, and 38 of those
reviewed in the introduction to this chapter, lasting
50 were included in quantitative meta-analyses:
effects of in utero exposure to tobacco smoke from
21 cohort studies, 10 case-control studies, 2 controlled
maternal smoking may increase airway resistance
trials, and 5 cross-sectional surveys of school-age
and the likelihood of a more severe LRI with infection.
children (Strachan and Cook 1997). The latter were
This review covers the full spectrum of LRIs, includ-
included because they related parental smoking to
ing categories considered to reflect infection and the
a retrospective history of chest illness before two
category of wheeze, which may be a consequence of
years of age, information that was obtained using
infection but may also indicate an asthma phenotype.
the American Thoracic Society’s children’s question-
There is also an emerging consensus that there
naire (Ferris 1978). No additional references were
are several phenotypes of childhood wheeze, each
identified by citations in the above papers or in
with a different pattern of incidence, prognosis, and
previous overviews.
risk factors (Wilson 1994; Christie and Helms 1995).
Of 26 papers published since 1997, 17 contain
However, there is much less certainty about how these
quantitative information relevant to this review
different “asthma phenotypes” should be character-
without duplicating the content of the other papers
ized for either research or clinical purposes. Findings
(Margolis et al. 1997; Nafstad et al. 1997; Baker et
from the Tucson (Arizona) birth cohort study suggest
al. 1998; Gergen et al. 1998; Chen and Millar 1999;
physiologic and immunologic differences between the
Dezateux et al. 1999; Gold et al. 1999; Karaman et al.
phenotypic syndromes of early childhood wheeze, the

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 267

Surgeon General’s Report

1999; Mrazek et al. 1999; Nuesslein et al. 1999; Rusconi Wright et al. 1991; Forastiere et al. 1992; Marbury et
et al. 1999; Yau et al. 1999; Diez et al. 2000; Gürkan et al. 1996; Richards et al. 1996), six contributed infor-
al. 2000b; Hjern et al. 2000; Lux et al. 2000; Young et al. mation on bronchitis and pneumonia (Leeder et
2000a). Most of these papers are community studies al. 1976; Fergusson and Horwood 1985; Chen et al.
of wheeze illnesses: seven cohort studies, two case- 1988a; Håkansson and Carlsson 1992; Gergen et al.
control studies, and four surveys that ask about 1998; Nuesslein et al. 1999), and two focused on ill-
past illnesses. Only a few studies included data on nesses diagnosed as bronchiolitis (McConnochie and
the effects of smoking by only the father. The two Roghmann 1986b; Hayes et al. 1989). Twenty-three
most substantial papers analyze data from the Third studies focused specifically on illnesses associated
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey with wheeze (Fergusson and Horwood 1985; Bis-
(NHANES III) (Gergen et al. 1998) and from a large gaard et al. 1987; Chen et al. 1988a; Burr et al. 1989;
Swedish study of hospital admissions that focused Lucas et al. 1990; Halken et al. 1991; Arshad et al. 1993;
mostly on pneumonia (Hjern et al. 2000). A comple- Tager et al. 1993; Martinez et al. 1995; Elder et al. 1996;
ment to the Swedish study examined asthma admis- Margolis et al. 1997; Nafstad et al. 1997; Baker et
sions, but only from two years of age and older, and al. 1998; Gergen et al. 1998; Chen and Millar 1999;
was therefore not included in the quantitative synthe- Dezateaux et al. 1999; Gold et al. 1999; Karaman et al.
sis (Hjern et al. 1999). That study does provide evi- 1999; Mrazek et al. 1999; Rusconi et al. 1999; Yau et al.
dence relevant to effect modification by age. 1999; Diez et al. 2000; Lux et al. 2000; Young et al. 2000a).
Publications listed in another systematic review The studies by Baker and colleagues (1998) and Lux and
(Li et al. 1999) were also considered, but those stud- colleagues (2000) both reported on the Avon Longitu-
ies were already included in other reviews for dinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood (ALSPAC),
either LRI or asthma. Three studies from this new and three publications contributed independent data
search were excluded: one Danish study of hospi- on both bronchitis/pneumonia and wheeze illnesses
talizations for any reason that described findings of (Fergusson and Horwood 1985; Chen et al. 1988a;
respiratory problems, but presented no data related Gergen et al. 1998).
to secondhand smoke (Wisborg et al. 1999); a case- Table 6.2 and Figures 6.1–6.3 summarize the
control study from The Gambia that considered admis- results of these studies. All except one study (Nuesslein
sions for acute LRI and implied that neither maternal et al. 1999) found an elevated risk of LRI associated
nor paternal smoking was significantly associated with parental smoking, including by the father only,
with the outcome at p <0.05, but presented no data among the studies where that exposure variable was
(Weber et al. 1999); and a cohort study of acute respi- included. The one study not finding an increased OR
ratory infections in children younger than five years associated with maternal smoking reported a sig-
of age that reported increased risks of 2.5 for pneu- nificant association with cotinine levels measured in
monia and 2.3 for other “severe disease” in children meconium (Nuesslein et al. 1999). Table 6.3 presents
of smoking parents, but included no standard errors the results of meta-analyses that pooled the results
(Deb 1998). from studies of early wheeze separately from those
of an unspecified LRI, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, or
pneumonia. Although the effect of smoking by either
Evidence Review parent was similar for both wheeze and LRI, maternal
smoking appeared to have a somewhat greater effect
Community Studies of Lower Respiratory Illnesses than paternal smoking in studies that specifically
ascertained wheeze illnesses (Table 6.3).
Combining studies from the 1997 review with
subsequent publications, 34 community studies were
Studies of Hospitalizations for Lower
related to parental smoking and LRIs in a community
Respiratory Illnesses
or ambulatory clinic setting (Table 6.1). There were
20 prospective cohort studies, 1 panel (short-term The literature search identified 14 studies on
cohort) study, 1 cohort study carried out through hospitalizations for lower respiratory complaints in
record linkage, 2 controlled trials, 4 case-control early life (Harlap and Davies 1974; Sims et al. 1978;
studies, and 6 prevalence surveys of schoolchildren Mok and Simpson 1982; Ekwo et al. 1983; Hall et
that asked parents about past illnesses. Seven stud- al. 1984; Taylor and Wadsworth 1987; Anderson et
ies combined all lower respiratory diagnoses (Gard- al. 1988; Stern et al. 1989b; Reese et al. 1992; Jin and
ner et al. 1984; Ferris et al. 1985; Pedreira et al. 1985; Rossignol 1993; Victora et al. 1994; Rylander et al. 1995;

268 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.1 Design, sample size, and recruitment criteria for studies of illness associated with parental
smoking included in meta-analyses
Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Community studies of lower respiratory illnesses (LRIs)

Leeder et al. Cohort 2,074 Acute bronchitis Population-based BR/PN

1976 Aged <1 year (BR)/pneumonia birth cohort
United Kingdom (PN) (reported)

Gardner et al. Panel 131 LRI (reported) Virologic surveillance LRI

1984 Aged <1 year panel
United States

Fergusson and Cohort 1,144 BR/PN consultation Population-based BR/PN

Horwood 1985 Aged <2 years birth cohort
New Zealand

Ferris et al. 1985 Survey 8,528 Physician-diagnosed Population survey LRI

Aged <2 years respiratory illness (children aged
United States before 2 years of age 6–9 years)
(Six cities)

Pedreira et al. Cohort 1,144 LRI consultation Pediatric practice LRI

1985 Aged <1 year
United States
(District of Columbia)

McConnochie Case-control 212 First physician- Pediatric outpatient BL/wheeze

and Roghmann Aged <2 years diagnosed acute lists (no wheeze)
1986b United States bronchiolitis (BL)/
(New York) wheeze

Chen et al. Cohort 2,227 Physician-diagnosed Population-based BR/PN

1988a Aged <18 months BR/PN birth cohort

Hayes et al. Case-control 80 Respiratory Well-child clinics BL

1989 Aged <1 year syncytial virus
Samoa (RSV); epidemic LRI

Wright et al. Cohort 797 Physician-diagnosed Health maintenance LRI

1991 Aged <1 year LRI organization (HMO)-
United States based cohort

Forastiere et al. Survey 2,797 BR/BL/PN before Population survey LRI

1992 Aged <2 years 2 years of age (children aged
Italy 7–11 years)

Hakansson and Cohort 192 Antibiotics for Population-based BR/PN

Carlsson 1992 Aged <12 months BR/PN birth cohort

Marbury et al. Cohort 1,424 LRI consultation HMO-based cohort LRI

1996 Aged <2 years
United States

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 269

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.1 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Community studies of LRIs

Richards et al. Survey 726 Physician-diagnosed Survey of 2 schools LRI

1996 Aged <2 years respiratory illness (children aged
South Africa before 2 years of age 14–18 years)

Gergen et al. Survey 7,680 Parental report/ Representative sample Chronic BR

1998 Aged 2–36 months recall of physician- from NHANES III*
United States diagnosed asthma

Nuesslein et al. Cohort 65 Parental report/ Population-based LRI

1999 Aged <6 months recall of cold with birth cohort
Germany cough

Community studies of wheeze illnesses

Fergusson and Cohort 1,144 Wheeze/chest cold Population-based Wheeze

Horwood 1985 Aged <2 years birth cohort
New Zealand

Bisgaard et al. Cohort 5,953 >1 episode of Population-based Wheeze

1987 Aged <1 year wheeze birth cohort

Chen et al. Cohort 2,227 Physician-diagnosed Population-based Wheeze

1988a Aged <18 months asthma birth cohort

Burr et al. 1989 Trial 480 Wheeze by 1 year of Infants from families Wheeze
Aged <1 year age (reported) with allergies
United Kingdom

Lucas et al. 1990 Trial 777 >3 episodes of Infants <37 weeks of Wheeze
Aged <18 months wheeze or asthma gestation
United Kingdom

Halken et al. Cohort 276 >2 episodes of Random sample of Wheeze

1991 Aged <18 months wheeze births

Arshad et al. Cohort 1,172 >3 episodes of Population-based Wheeze

1993 Aged <2 years wheeze birth cohort
United Kingdom

Tager et al. 1993 Cohort 97 Wheeze or LRI Special lung function Wheeze
Aged <12 months admission study
United States

Martinez et al. Cohort 762 LRI with wheeze HMO-based birth Wheeze
1995 Aged <3 years cohort
United States

270 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.1 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Community studies of wheeze illnesses

Elder et al. 1996 Cohort 525 Bronchodilator Infants <33 weeks of Wheeze
Aged <1 year therapy gestation

Margolis et al. Cohort 325 Parental report/ Population-based Wheeze

1997 Aged ≤12 months recall of cough or birth cohort (no
United States wheeze high-risk infants)

Nafstad et al. Cohort 3,038 Bronchial Births in 2 clinics Bronchial

1997 Aged ≤24 months obstruction (no high-risk infants) obstruction
Norway confirmed by
physician diagnosis

Baker et al. Cohort 8,561 Parental report/ ALSPAC† birth cohort Wheeze
1998; Lux et al. Aged ≤30 months recall of wheeze by
2000 United Kingdom 6 months of age

Gergen et al. Survey 7,680 Parental report/ Representative sample Asthma

1998 Aged 2–36 months recall of physician from NHANES III
United States diagnosis (ever) of

Parental report/ Wheeze

recall of ≤3 episodes
in 12 months

Chen and Survey 5,888 Parental report/ Representative Asthma

Millar 1999 Aged ≤36 months recall of physician sample of Canadian
Canada diagnosis of asthma population

Dezateux et al. Cohort 101 >1 episode of Population-based Wheeze

1999 Aged <12 months physician-diagnosed birth cohort
United Kingdom wheeze

Gold et al. 1999 Cohort 499 Parental report/ Birth cohort of parents Wheeze
Aged <12 months recall of >1 episode with asthma and
United States of wheeze allergies

Karaman et al. Case-control 68 Parental report/ A general practice Wheeze

1999 Aged 6–24 months recall of >1 episode (children with no
Turkey of wheeze allergies)

Mrazek et al. Cohort 150 Recurrent asthma in Birth cohort of Wheeze

1999 Aged ≤36 months medical records mothers with asthma
United States

Rusconi et al. Survey 16,333 Parental report/ Population survey LRI with
1999 Aged ≤24 months recall of wheeze at (children aged wheeze
Italy 6–7 years of age 6–7 years)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 271

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.1 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Community studies of wheeze illnesses

Yau et al. 1999 Cohort 71 Parental report/ Healthy full-term Wheeze

Aged <24 months recall of LRI with infants
Taiwan wheeze

Diez et al. 2000 Nested case-control 310 Parental report/ Premature infants or Wheeze
Aged ≤12 months recall of wheeze others at high risk

Young et al. Cohort 160 Parental report/ Population-based Wheeze

2000a Aged <24 months recall and/or birth cohort
Australia physician diagnosis
of wheeze

Community studies of upper and lower respiratory illnesses (U/LRIs)

Ogston et al. Cohort 1,542 U/LRIs recorded by Population-based U/LRIs

1987 Aged <12 months a health visitor to the birth cohort
United Kingdom home

Woodward et Case-control 489 High U/LRIs Population survey U/LRIs

al. 1990 Aged 1–3 years “score” based on (children with low
Australia values assigned scores)
to responses to

Hospitalizations for LRIs

Harlap and Cohort 10,672 BR/PN admission Population-based BR/PN

Davies 1974 Aged <1 year birth cohort (inpatients)

Sims et al. 1978 Case-control 70 RSV-positive BL Schoolmates at 8 years BL

Infants admission of age (inpatients)
United Kingdom

Mok and Case-control 400 LRI admission Classmates at 7 years BR/PN

Simpson 1982 Aged <1 year of age (inpatients)
United Kingdom

Ekwo et al. 1983 Survey 1,139 LRI admission Population survey LRI
Aged <2 years before 2 years of age (children aged (inpatients)
United States 6–12 years)

Hall et al. 1984 Case-control 87 RSV and LRI Acute nonrespiratory BL

Aged <2 years admission admission (inpatients)
United States
(New York)

Taylor and Cohort 12,727 LRI admission Population-based LRI

Wadsworth Aged <5 years birth cohort (inpatients)
1987 United Kingdom

272 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.1 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Hospitalizations for LRIs

Anderson et al. Case-control 301 PN/BL admission Outpatient clinics PN/BL

1988 Aged <2 years (inpatients)
United States

Stern et al. Survey 4,099 LRI admission Population survey LRI

1989b Aged <2 years before 2 years of age (children aged (inpatients)
Canada 7–12 years)

Reese et al. 1992 Case-control 96 BL admission Nonrespiratory BL

Aged 5–15 months admission (inpatients)

Jin and Cohort 1,007 BR/PN admission Population-based BR/PN

Rossignol 1993 Aged <18 months birth cohort (inpatients)

Victora et al. Case-control 1,020 PN (x-ray) Neighbors PN

1994 Aged <2 years (inpatients)

Rylander et al. Case-control 308 Wheeze and Population sample Wheeze

1995 Aged 4–18 months breathlessness (same area) (inpatients)

Gürkan et al. Case-control 58 Symptoms plus RSV Infants without RSV

2000b Aged 2–18 months antigen respiratory distress (outpatients)
Turkey seen in the emergency

Hjern et al. 2000 Record linkage 350,648 ICD-9§ 480–487 at All children in PN
Aged 0–24 months patient- discharge 3 metropolitan areas (inpatients)
Sweden years‡ (1990–1994)

Hospitalizations for URIs or LRIs

Rantakallio Cohort 3,644 URI or LRI Birth cohort drawn URI or LRI
1978 Aged <5 years admission from smoking and (inpatients)
Finland nonsmoking mothers

Ogston et al. Cohort 1,542 URI or LRI Population-based URI or LRI

1985 Aged <12 months admission birth cohort (inpatients)
United Kingdom

Chen 1994 Cohort 3,285 Any respiratory 2 population birth URI or LRI
Aged <18 months admission cohorts (inpatients)
*NHANES III = Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

ALSPAC = Avon Longitudinal Study of Pregnancy and Childhood.

Patient-years only were reported in this study.
ICD-9 = International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision (USDHHS 1989).

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 273

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.2 Unadjusted relative risks (odds ratios) of illness associated with parental smoking
Dose- Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)
Cases/ response
Study controls relationship Outcome Either parent Mother Father/other* Both parents

Community studies of lower respiratory illnesses (LRIs)

Leeder et al. 239/1,835 Yes; number Acute 1.96 NR† NR 2.79

1976 of smokers bronchitis (1.38–2.80) (1.87–4.15)

Gardner et al. 31/‡ NR LRI 1.25 NR NR NR

1984 (0.81–1.93)

Fergusson 204/940 Yes; BR/PN 1.56 1.83 1.04 1.83

and cigarettes/ (1.15–2.12) (1.35–2.49) (0.65–1.65) (1.22–2.74)
Horwood day by the
1985 mother

Ferris et al. 820/7,708 Yes; LRI 1.85 1.69 1.51 1.36

1985 cigarettes/ (1.56–2.20) (1.47–1.96) (1.22–1.86) (1.11–1.66)
day by the

Pedreira et al. 221/‡ NR LRI 1.27 NR NR NR

1985 (0.97–1.66)

McConnochie 53/159 NR Acute 3.21 2.33 NR NR

and bronchiolitis (1.42–7.25) (1.19–4.57)
Roghmann (BL)

Chen et al. 925/1,302 Yes; BR/PN 1.25 None 1.25 NR

1988a cigarettes/ (1.03–1.52) smoked (1.03–1.52)
day in the

Hayes et al. 20/60 NR BL 3.86 NR NR NR

1989 (0.81–18.4)

Wright et al. 256/541 Yes; LRI NR 1.52§ NR NR

1991 cigarettes/ (1.07–2.15)
day by the

Forastiere et 473/2,324 NR LRI 1.32 1.21 1.25 1.34

al. 1992 (1.05–1.65) (0.99–1.48) (0.97–1.62) (1.02–1.75)

Hakansson 20/172 NR BR/PN 3.25 NR NR NR

and Carlsson (1.27–8.34)

Marbury et 1,107/‡ NR LRI NR 1.50§ NR NR

al. 1996 (1.20–1.80)

274 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.2 Continued

Dose- Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)
Cases/ response
Study controls relationship Outcome Either parent Mother Father/other* Both parents

Community studies of LRIs

Richards et 100/626 NR LRI 1.75 2.18 NR NR

al. 1996 (1.07–2.87) (1.25–3.78)

Gergen et al. 155/4,264 Yes; Chronic 1.97 2.44∆ NR NR

1998 cigarettes/ bronchitis (1.42–2.61) (1.74–3.40)
day in the

Nuesslein et 49/16 NR LRI 1.08¶ 0.87∆,¶ NR NR

al. 1999 (0.17–6.81) (0.17–4.53)

Community studies of wheeze illnesses

Fergusson 733/411 No; Wheeze 1.32 1.43 1.09 1.50

and cigarettes/ (1.04–1.69) (1.10–1.86) (0.77–1.53) (1.05–2.12)
Horwood day by the
1985 mother

Bisgaard et 120/5,833 No; Wheeze NR 2.85 NR NR

al. 1987 cigarettes/ (1.93–4.19)
day by the

Chen et al. 78/2,149 NR Wheeze 1.27 None 1.27 NR

1988a (0.71–2.28) smoked (0.71–2.28)

Burr et al. 166/314 NR Wheeze 2.04 2.25 1.38 NR

1989 (1.39–3.01) (1.52–3.33) (0.81–2.37)

Lucas et al. 175/602 NR Wheeze 1.70 NR NR NR

1990 (1.19–2.42)

Halken et al. 59/217 NR Wheeze 1.88 NR NR NR

1991 (0.97–3.63)

Arshad et al. 127/1,045 NR Wheeze NR 2.24 NR NR

1993 (1.51–3.32)

Tager et al. 59/38 NR Wheeze NR 3.16 NR NR

1993 (1.24–8.04)

Martinez et 247/515 NR Wheeze NR 2.07 NR NR

al. 1995 (1.34–3.19)

Elder et al. 76/449 Yes; Wheeze NR 1.98 NR NR

1996 cigarettes/ (1.21–3.23)
day by the

Margolis et ‡
NR Wheeze 1.62** NR NR NR
al. 1997

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 275

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.2 Continued

Dose- Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)
Cases/ response
Study controls relationship Outcome Either parent Mother Father/other* Both parents

Community studies of wheeze illnesses

Nafstad et al. 271/2,777 Yes; Bronchial 1.6¶ 1.6¶ 1.5¶ 1.5¶

1997 cigarettes/ obstruction (1.3–2.1) (1.0–2.6) (1.1–2.2) (1.0–2.2)
day by both

Baker et al. 1,565/ Yes; number Wheeze 1.32 1.55∆ NR NR

1998; Lux et 6,885 of hours/ (1.19–1.47) (1.36–1.77)
al. 2000 day of

Gergen et al. 197/4,222 Yes; Asthma 1.33 1.75∆ NR NR

1998 cigarettes/ (0.99–1.77) (1.29–2.39)
day in the

432/3,981 Yes; Wheeze 1.88 2.15∆ NR NR

cigarettes/ (1.54–2.29) (1.74–2.67)
day in the

Chen and 326/5,214 NR Asthma NR 1.56 NR NR

Millar 1999 (1.24–1.96)

Dezateux et 28/73 NR Wheeze 4.08 5.10 NR NR

al. 1999 (1.12–14.9) (1.97–13.3)

Gold et al. 96/403 NR Wheeze NR 2.29§,∆ p >0.05 NR

1999 (1.44–3.63)

Karaman et 38/30 NR Wheeze 5.6 4.2∆ NR NR

al. 1999 (1.9–15.9) (1.2–14.6)

Mrazek et al. 14/136 NR Wheeze NR 1.5 NR NR

1999 (0.29–7.16)

Rusconi et al. 1,892/ NR Wheeze NR 1.55∆ NR NR

1999 14,441 (1.37–1.74)

Yau et al. 8/23 NR Wheeze 1.04 NR NR NR

1999 (0.35–3.05)

Diez et al. 64/246 NR Wheeze 2.0 NR NR NR

2000 (1.1–3.5)

Young et al. 81/79 NR Wheeze NR 2.7∆ NR NR

2000a (1.3–5.2)

276 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.2 Continued

Dose- Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)
Cases/ response
Study controls relationship Outcome Either parent Mother Father/other* Both parents

Community studies of upper and lower respiratory illnesses (U/LRIs)

Ogston et al. 486/1,056 No; number U/LRIs 1.68 1.52 1.50 1.74
1987 of smokers (1.33–2.11) (1.22–1.89) (1.12–2.01) (1.33–2.27)

Woodward et 200/200 NR U/LRIs NR 2.43§ NR NR

al. 1990 (1.63–3.61)

Hospitalizations for LRIs

Harlap and 1,049/ Yes; BR/PN NR 1.43 NR NR

Davies 1974 9,623 cigarettes/ (1.18–1.75)
day by the

Sims et al. 35/35 NR BL NR 2.65 NR NR

1978 (0.99–7.11)

Mok and 200/200 NR BR/PN NR 1.26 NR NR

Simpson 1982 (0.83–1.92)

Ekwo et al. 53/1,086 Inverse to LRI 2.09 1.32 2.30 1.59

1983 the number (1.12–3.89) (0.74–2.32) (1.13–4.70) (0.74–3.44)
of smokers

Hall et al. 29/58 NR BL 4.78 NR NR NR

1984 (1.76–13.0)

Taylor and 434/ Yes; LRI 1.46 1.63 1.05 1.69

Wadsworth 12,293 cigarettes/ (1.19–1.79) (1.34–1.97) (0.78–1.41) (1.33–2.14)
1987 day by the

Anderson et 102/199 NR BL 1.99§ NR NR NR

al. 1988 (p <0.05)††

Stern et al. NR NR LRI NR 1.85§ NR NR

1989b (1.53–2.23)

Reese et al. 39/57 Yes; urinary BL 2.15 2.66 1.27 3.29

1992 cotinine (0.76–6.10) (1.15–6.15) (0.38–4.22) (1.77–6.14)

Jin and 164/843 Yes; BR/PN 1.78 None 1.78 NR

Rossignol cigarettes/ (1.18–2.68) smoked (1.18–2.68)
1993 day in the

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 277

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.2 Continued

Dose- Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)
Cases/ response
Study controls relationship Outcome Either parent Mother Father/other* Both parents

Hospitalizations for LRIs

Victora et al. 510/510 No; PN 0.94 1.02 0.89 0.94

1994 cigarettes/ (0.72–1.22) (0.79–1.30) (0.64–1.24) (0.69–1.29)
day in the

Rylander et 112/196 Yes; urinary Wheeze 2.17 2.04 1.77 2.23

al. 1995 cotinine (1.38–3.59) (1.26–3.28) (0.85–3.66) (1.23–4.05)

Gürkan et al. 28/30 NR Respiratory 2.0 3.6 1.1 2.3

2000b synctial (0.6–6.8) (0.7–18.3) (0.2–4.8) (0.5–10.1)

Hjern et al. ‡ NR LRI NR 1.3∆ NR NR

2000 (1.2–1.4)

Hospitalizations for URIs or LRIs

Rantakallio 490/3,154 NR URI or LRI NR 1.89 NR NR

1978 (1.55–2.30)

Ogston et al. 41/1,501 Yes; number URI or LRI 1.94 2.68 0.87 2.76
1985 of smokers (0.94–3.99) (1.41–5.10) (0.29–2.56) (1.28–5.96)

Chen 1994 239/3,046 No; URI or LRI 1.49 None 1.49 NR

cigarettes/ (1.05–2.10) smoked (1.05–2.10)
day in the
*In households where the mother did not smoke (compared with smoking by neither parent).

NR = Data were not reported.

Results were published as person-time incidence rates; rate ratios, rather than odds ratios, are shown.
Odds ratio or relative risk was cited in the paper without tabulated numerical data. (Elsewhere, odds ratios were calculated
from tabulated numbers or percentages.)

Maternal smoking during pregnancy. (Elsewhere, maternal postnatal smoking was used.)

Adjusted rates only were available (see Table 6.4 for factors adjusted for).
**Based on children exposed to ≤10 cigarettes/day vs. none, as so few were exposed more heavily. Confidence limits for the
meta-analysis were assumed to be based on confidence limits for the adjusted analysis (1.20–2.18).
95% confidence interval was estimated at 1.0–3.96 for purposes of the meta-analysis.

278 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 6.1 Odds ratios for the effect of smoking by either parent on lower respiratory illnesses during
Leeder et al. 1976
Gardner et al. 1984
Fergusson and Horwood 1985
Ferris et al. 1985
Pedreira et al. 1985
McConnochie and Roghmann 1986b
Chen et al. 1988a
Hayes et al. 1989
Forastiere et al. 1992
Hakansson and Carlsson 1992
Richards et al. 1996
Gergen et al. 1998
Nuesslein et al. 1999
Fergusson and Horwood 1985
Chen et al. 1988a
Burr et al. 1989
Lucas et al. 1990
Halken et al. 1991
Margolis et al. 1997
Nafstad et al. 1997
Gergen et al. 1998 (asthma)
Gergen et al. 1998 (wheeze)
Dezateux et al. 1999
Karaman et al. 1999
Yau et al. 1999
Diez et al. 2000
Lux et al. 2000
Ogston et al. 1987
Ekwo et al. 1983
Hall et al. 1984
Taylor and Wadsworth 1987
Anderson et al. 1988
Reese et al. 1992
Jin and Rossignol 1993
Victora et al. 1994
Rylander et al. 1995
Gürkan et al. 2000b
Ogston et al. 1985
Chen 1994

Pooled (fixed)
Pooled (random)

0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0 4.8

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
Note: Individual studies are denoted with the following symbols:
Circles = Studies of lower respiratory illnesses.
Squares = Studies of wheeze illnesses.
Diamonds = Studies of upper and lower respiratory illnesses.
Open symbols = Community studies.
Closed symbols = Studies of hospitalized illnesses.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 279

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 6.2 Odds ratios for the effect of maternal smoking on lower respiratory illnesses during infancy
Fergusson and Horwood 1985
Ferris et al. 1985
McConnochie and Roghmann 1986b
Wright et al. 1991
Forastiere et al. 1992
Marbury et al. 1996
Richards et al. 1996
Gergen et al. 1998
Nuesslein et al. 1999
Fergusson and Horwood 1985
Bisgaard et al. 1987
Burr et al. 1989
Arshad et al. 1993
Tager et al. 1993
Martinez et al. 1995
Elder et al. 1996
Nafstad et al. 1997
Gergen et al. 1998 (asthma)
Gergen et al. 1998 (wheeze)
Chen and Millar 1999
Dezateux et al. 1999
Gold et al. 1999
Karaman et al. 1999
Mrazek et al. 1999
Rusconi et al. 1999
Lux et al. 2000
Young et al. 2000a
Ogston et al. 1987
Woodward et al. 1990
Harlap and Davies 1974
Sims et al. 1978
Mok and Simpson 1982
Ekwo et al. 1983
Taylor and Wadsworth 1987
Stern et al. 1989b
Reese et al. 1992
Victora et al. 1994
Rylander et al. 1995
Hjern et al. 2000
Gürkan et al. 2000b
Rantakallio 1978
Ogston et al. 1985

Pooled (fixed)

Pooled (random)

0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0 4.8

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
Note: Individual studies are denoted with the following symbols:
Circles = Studies of lower respiratory illnesses.
Squares = Studies of wheeze illnesses.
Diamonds = Studies of upper and lower respiratory illnesses.
Open symbols = Community studies.
Closed symbols = Studies of hospitalized illnesses.

280 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 6.3 Odds ratios for the effect of paternal smoking on lower respiratory illnesses during infancy

Fergusson and Horwood 1985

Ferris et al. 1985
Chen et al. 1988a
Forastiere et al. 1992
Fergusson and Horwood 1985
Chen et al. 1988a
Burr et al. 1989
Nafstad et al. 1997
Ogston et al. 1987
Ekwo et al. 1983
Taylor and Wadsworth 1987
Reese et al. 1992
Jin and Rossignol 1993
Victora et al. 1994
Rylander et al. 1995
Gürkan et al. 2000b
Ogston et al. 1985
Chen 1994

Pooled (fixed)

Pooled (random)

0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0 4.8

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)

Note: Individual studies are denoted with the following symbols:

Circles = Studies of lower respiratory illnesses.
Squares = Studies of wheeze illnesses.
Diamonds = Studies of upper and lower respiratory illnesses.
Open symbols = Community studies.
Closed symbols = Studies of hospitalized illnesses.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 281

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.3 Pooled odds ratios (ORs), 95% confidence intervals (CIs), and heterogeneity tests from
meta-analyses of lower respiratory illnesses associated with parental smoking


Either parent
Study description smoked Mother smoked Father smoked

All studies Number of studies 38 41 18

Heterogeneity χ2 73.1 (p <0.001) 110.5 (p <0.001) 19.3 (p = 0.311)

ORs (95% CIs) (fixed) 1.51 (1.44–1.59) 1.56 (1.51–1.62) 1.31 (1.20–1.42)
ORs (95% CIs) (random) 1.59 (1.47–1.73) 1.72 (1.59–1.86) 1.31 (1.19–1.43)

Excluded studies with upper Number of studies 35 37 15

respiratory illnesses Heterogeneity χ2 71.8 (p <0.001) 99.0 (p <0.001) 17.2 (p = 0.247)

ORs (95% CIs) (fixed) 1.50 (1.43–1.58) 1.54 (1.48–1.61) 1.28 (1.17–1.40)
ORs (95% CIs) (random) 1.59 (1.46–1.74) 1.70 (1.56–1.84) 1.28 (1.15–1.42)

Community studies of lower Number of studies 13 9 4

respiratory illnesses (LRIs), Heterogeneity χ2 24.7 (p = 0.016) 18.2 (p = 0.020) 3.03 (p = 0.387)
bronchitis, and/or pneumonia
ORs (95% CIs) (fixed) 1.55 (1.42–1.69) 1.61 (1.47–1.75) 1.31 (1.16–1.48)
ORs (95% CIs) (random) 1.60 (1.38–1.84) 1.66 (1.42–1.94) *

Community studies of wheeze Number of studies 13 17 4

illnesses Heterogeneity χ2 23.7 (p = 0.022) 29.9 (p = 0.018) 1.72 (p = 0.633)

ORs (95% CIs) (fixed) 1.48 (1.38–1.59) 1.71 (1.60–1.83) 1.29 (1.05–1.59)
ORs (95% CIs) (random) 1.57 (1.39–1.79) 1.85 (1.66–2.06) *

Studies based on surveys that Number of studies 4 6 3

relied on recall over many years Heterogeneity χ2 6.0 (p = 0.109) 12.08 (p = 0.034) 3.02 (p = 0.221)

ORs (95% CIs) (fixed) 1.66 (1.46–1.89) 1.58 (1.47–1.71) 1.43 (1.22–1.68)
ORs (95% CIs) (random) 1.65 (1.33–2.06) 1.58 (1.38–1.81) *

All studies excluding those that Number of studies 34 35 15

were based on recall over many Heterogeneity χ2 64.1 (p <0.001) 98.3 (p <0.001) 14.4 (p = 0.419)
ORs (95% CIs) (fixed) 1.49 (1.41–1.57) 1.56 (1.49–1.63) 1.26 (1.14–1.39)
ORs (95% CIs) (random) 1.58 (1.45–1.73) 1.77 (1.62–1.94) 1.26 (1.14–1.39)

Hospitalizations for LRIs, Number of studies 9 11 7

bronchitis, bronchiolitis, or Heterogeneity χ2 22.5 (p = 0.004) 28.4 (p = 0.002) 11.8 (p = 0.067)
ORs (95% CIs) (fixed) 1.46 (1.27–1.66) 1.39 (1.31–1.47) 1.20 (1.0–1.44)
ORs (95% CIs) (random) 1.73 (1.31–2.28) 1.49 (1.29–1.73) 1.31 (0.98–1.76)
*The number of studies was too small for reliable random effects modeling; there was no significant heterogeneity of effects.

282 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Gürkan et al. 2000b; Hjern et al. 2000). Four did not The findings of these studies are summarized
distinguish between different forms of chest illnesses in Table 6.2. Their inclusion in the overall meta-
(Ekwo et al. 1983; Taylor and Wadsworth 1987; Stern analysis changes the estimates of the effects only
et al. 1989b; Hjern et al. 2000), four examined bron- slightly (Table 6.3).
chitis and/or pneumonia (Harlap and Davies 1974;
Mok and Simpson 1982; Jin and Rossignol 1993; Effects of Retrospective Recall
Victora et al. 1994), and six focused on hospital admis-
For the six studies based on surveys of school-
sions for wheeze illnesses (Rylander et al. 1995) or for
age children that relied on parental recall of LRIs
bronchiolitis with (Sims et al. 1978; Hall et al. 1984;
during early childhood (Ekwo et al. 1983; Ferris et al.
Gürkan et al. 2000b) or without (Anderson et al. 1988;
1985; Stern et al. 1989b; Forastiere et al. 1992; Richards
Reese et al. 1992) confirmation of respiratory syncytial
et al. 1996; Rusconi et al. 1999), separate meta-analyses
virus (RSV) infection.
were carried out and overall estimates that excluded
One cohort study included in the meta-analysis
these studies were calculated (Table 6.3). A separate
presented detailed findings only for hospital admis-
analysis was carried out because this outcome mea-
sions of children from birth to five years of age, and
sure is subject to a greater degree of misclassification
not just for early life (Taylor and Wadsworth 1987).
than that of a prospective recording of illnesses. There
Data presented by age at admission suggest a simi-
was no clear pattern of differences for the findings of
lar strength of association between maternal smoking
this group of studies compared with the other groups.
and admissions across this age span for bronchitis or
Excluding the six studies from the overall meta-
pneumonia. The results for all ages were therefore
analysis had only a small effect on the pooled ORs.
included in the meta-analyses.
Only one of these studies, which was carried
Independence of Potential Confounding
out in Brazil, did not find an elevated risk associated
with parental smoking (Table 6.2 and Figures 6.1–6.3 ) About half of the cohort studies, but only a
(Victora et al. 1994). Table 6.3 summarizes the results quarter of the case-control or cross-sectional studies,
of the meta-analyses; the pooled ORs are similar in included estimates of the effects of parental smoking
magnitude to those derived from community studies. both with and without adjustment for potential con-
One case-control study from South Africa founding variables. Although different potential con-
(Kossove 1982) and one from the United Kingdom founding variables were controlled for in each study,
(Spencer et al. 1996) were excluded from the quan- the effects of parental smoking changed little or only
titative overview because they present only general modestly after adjustment for the potential confound-
results for a smoky atmosphere in the home and ers measured in these studies (Table 6.4).
not specifically for secondhand smoke. In the South
African study, the principal source of exposure was Exposure-Response Relationships
wood smoke. In the British study, infants admitted
Of the 22 studies that present evidence of an
with suspected bronchiolitis were almost three times
exposure-response relationship within smoking fami-
more likely to have a smoky atmosphere recorded
lies, 17 found a statistically significant relationship
by health visitors after visiting the home when the
either with the number of smokers or with the amount
infant was one month of age (OR = 2.93 [95 percent CI,
smoked in the household, or specifically with the
amount of maternal smoking (Table 6.2). However,
a formal dose-response meta-analysis could not be
Studies of Upper and Lower Respiratory
carried out because of the nature of the data. In con-
Illnesses Combined
trast, the risk when both parents smoked compared
Five studies related parental smoking to all with smoking by either parent only was not sub-
respiratory illnesses without distinguishing upper stantially greater. Thirteen studies compared smok-
from lower respiratory tract diagnoses (Table 6.1) ing by both parents with smoking by neither parent
(Rantakallio 1978; Ogston et al. 1985, 1987; Woodward (Leeder et al. 1976; Ekwo et al. 1983; Fergusson and
et al. 1990; Chen 1994). Two of these studies were Horwood 1985; Ferris et al. 1985; Ogston et al. 1985,
based in the community (Ogston et al. 1987; Wood- 1987; Taylor and Wadsworth 1987; Forastiere et al. 1992;
ward et al. 1990), three related to hospitalizations for Reese et al. 1992; Victora et al. 1994; Rylander et al. 1995;
respiratory illnesses (Rantakallio 1978; Ogston et al. Nafstad et al. 1997; Gürkan et al. 2000b). The pooled
1985; Chen 1994), and one (Chen 1994) synthesized OR is 1.67 (95 percent CI, 1.42–1.96).
the results of three earlier papers (Chen et al. 1986,
1988b; Chen 1989).

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 283

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.4 Effects of adjusting for potential confounders of illness associated with parental smoking
Odds ratio

Study Exposure Factors adjusted for* Outcome Unadjusted Adjusted

Community studies of lower respiratory illnesses (LRIs)

Leeder et al. 1976 Both parents vs. Family history of chest Acute bronchitis 2.95 2.78
none symptoms, gender, siblings, (BR)/pneumonia
sibling illnesses (PN)

Gardner et al. 1984 NR† None LRI NR NR

Fergusson and NR ‡
Horwood 1985

Ferris et al. 1985 NR None LRI NR NR

Pedreira et al. 1985 NR None LRI NR NR

McConnochie and Mother smoked (Age), socioeconomic Acute bronchiolitis 2.33 2.68
Roghmann 1986b status (SES), breastfeeding, (BL)
siblings, crowding, family
history of asthma

Chen et al. 1988a Mother did not Gender, birth weight, day BR/PN 1.33 1.31
smoke, but others care, education, cooking fuel
≥10 cigarettes/day

Hayes et al. 1989 NR (Age) BL NR NR

Wright et al. 1991 Mother smoked Family history of chest LRI 1.82 1.74
≥10 cigarettes/ illness, season of birth, day
day care, crowding

Forastiere et al. Either parent Age, gender, area, SES, LRI 1.32 1.3
1992 smoked siblings, domestic crowding,

Hakansson and NR None BR/PN NR NR

Carlsson 1992

Marbury et al. Mother smoked Family history of asthma, LRI §

1996 breastfeeding, birth order,
day care, housing

Richards et al. NR None LRI NR NR


Gergen et al. 1998 Mother smoked Age, gender, ethnicity, birth Chronic bronchitis 2.44 2.2
prenatally weight, day care, family (CBR)
history of allergy

≥20 cigarettes/ Age, gender, ethnicity, birth CBR 3.0 2.5

day in the home weight, day care, family
vs. none history of allergy

Nuesslein et al. NR None NR NR NR


284 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.4 Continued

Odds ratio

Study Exposure Factors adjusted for* Outcome Unadjusted Adjusted

Community studies of wheeze illnesses

Fergusson and NR ‡
Wheeze NR NR
Horwood 1985

Bisgaard et al. Mother smoked Gender, SES Wheeze 2.85 2.7

1987 ≥20 cigarettes/

Chen et al. 1988a Family members None Wheeze NR NR

who smoked
≥20 cigarettes/day

Burr et al. 1989 NR None Wheeze NR NR

Lucas et al. 1990 NR None Wheeze NR NR

Halken et al. 1991 Any smoking Gender, SES Wheeze 1.88 2.4

Arshad et al. 1993 Mother smoked Gender, low birth weight, Wheeze 2.24 2.2
family history of allergy,
season of birth∆

Tager et al. 1993 NR None Wheeze NR NR

Martinez et al. Mother smoked Gender, ethnicity, past Wheeze 2.07 2.25
1995 allergy, family history of

Elder et al. 1996 Mother smoked Duration of breastfeeding Wheeze 1.98 1.77

Margolis et al. ≤10 cigarettes/ Age, season, SES, crowding, Wheeze 1.6 1.5
1997 day in child’s family history of respiratory
presence disease, day care

Nafstad et al. 1997 Secondhand Gender, family history Wheeze 1.52 1.6
smoke in the of atopy, duration of
home breastfeeding, day care,
having siblings

Baker et al. 1998 Mother smoked (Age), housing tenure, Wheeze NR 1.38
prenatally at mother’s education,
8 months persons per room, parity,

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 285

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.4 Continued

Odds ratio

Study Exposure Factors adjusted for* Outcome Unadjusted Adjusted

Community studies of wheeze illnesses

Gergen et al. 1998 Mother smoked Age, gender, ethnicity, birth Asthma 1.75 1.7
prenatally weight, day care, family
history of allergy

Mother smoked Age, gender, ethnicity, birth Wheeze 2.15 2.1

prenatally weight, day care, family
history of allergy

>20 cigarettes/ Age, gender, ethnicity, birth Asthma 1.63 2.0

day in the home weight, day care, family
vs. none history of allergy

>20 cigarettes/ Age, gender, ethnicity, birth Wheeze 2.26 2.7

day in the home weight, day care, family
vs. none history of allergy

Chen and Millar Mother was a Age, gender, mother’s Asthma 1.56 1.3
1999 current smoker age and education, family
type, income, birth weight,
gestational age

Dezateux et al. NR None Wheeze NR NR


Gold et al. 1999 Mother smoked LRI, low birth weight, Wheeze 2.29 1.61
prenatally maternal asthma, dog
exposure, cockroach
allergen, ethnicity, income

Karaman et al. NR None NR NR NR


Mrazek et al. 1999 NR None NR NR NR

Rusconi et al. 1999 Mother smoked (Age), gender, area, father’s Transient wheeze 1.48 1.33
prenatally education, respondent
to questionnaire, family
history of asthma, birth
weight, maternal age,
breastfeeding, number of
siblings, day care, child’s
eczema or rhinitis

Mother smoked (Age), gender, area, father’s Persistent wheeze 1.71 1.77
prenatally education, respondent
to questionnaire, family
history of asthma, birth
weight, maternal age,
breastfeeding, number of
siblings, day care, child’s
eczema or rhinitis

Yau et al. 1999 NR None NR NR NR

286 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.4 Continued

Odds ratio

Study Exposure Factors adjusted for* Outcome Unadjusted Adjusted

Community studies of wheeze illnesses

Diez et al. 2000 NR None NR NR NR

Lux et al. 2000¶ Mother smoked (Age), housing tenure, Wheeze 1.55 NR
prenatally mother’s education,
persons per room, parity,

Young et al. 2000a Mother smoked NR Wheeze 2.7 NR


Community studies of upper and lower respiratory illnesses (U/LRIs)

Ogston et al. 1987 Both parents vs. Mother’s age, heating fuel U/LRIs 1.74 1.54

Woodward et al. Mother smoked Gender, siblings, family U/LRIs 2.43 2.06
1990 history of respiratory
disease, day care, SES,
stress, breastfeeding

Hospitalizations for LRIs

Harlap and Davies Mother smoked Birth weight, SES BR/PN NR NR


Sims et al. 1978 NR (Age, gender, SES) BL NR NR

Mok and Simpson NR (Age, height, school) BR/PN NR NR


Ekwo et al. 1983 NR Gas cooking LRI NR NR

Hall et al. 1984 NR (Age, gender, race, season, BL NR NR

form of health insurance)

Taylor and NR None LRI NR NR

Wadsworth 1987

Anderson et al. NR (Age, gender) PN/BL NR NR


Stern et al. 1989b NR None LRI NR NR

Reese et al. 1992 NR None BL NR NR

Jin and Rossignol Others smoked Gender, breastfeeding, birth BR/PN 2.0 2.4
1993 ≥20 cigarettes/ weight, education, maternal
day age, cooking fuel

Victora et al. 1994 NR (Age) PN NR NR

Rylander et al. Both parents (Age), family history Wheeze 2.23 2.0
1995 smoked of asthma, duration of

Gürkan et al. NR None NR NR NR


Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 287

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.4 Continued

Odds ratio

Study Exposure Factors adjusted for* Outcome Unadjusted Adjusted

Hospitalizations for LRIs

Hjern et al. 2000 Mother smoked Age, gender, maternal LRI 1.42 1.3
prenatally education, living in
apartment, single parent,
country of birth, number of

Hospitalizations for URIs or LRIs

Rantakallio 1978 NR None URI or LRI NR NR

Ogston et al. 1985 NR None URI or LRI NR NR

Chen 1994 Any smoking Low birth weight URI or LRI 1.49 1.48
*Matching variables are in parentheses.

NR = Data were not reported.

An analysis of incidence to 1 year of age (Fergusson et al. 1980) shows that smoking effects are independent of breastfeeding
and housing.
No unadjusted relative risk was reported.

Additional adjustments for family history of asthma, pets, and SES (in Arshad and Hide 1992); matched for incidence to
1 year of age.

Same study as Baker et al. 1998 but with different definitions of exposure.

Biomarkers of Exposure ≥20 cigarettes per day) was 14 percent in each sub-
group. This finding is not entirely consistent with the
Cotinine was measured as an objective marker
pooled ORs obtained from community studies that
of tobacco smoke exposure in four studies that used
suggest a stronger effect from maternal smoking spe-
urine (Reese et al. 1992; Rylander et al. 1995), serum
cifically in studies of wheeze than in studies that in-
(Gürkan et al. 2000b), or meconium (Nuesslein et al.
cluded a broader range of chest illnesses (Table 6.3).
1999). In all four studies, cotinine levels were sig-
Seven case-control studies that focused specifi-
nificantly higher in the case group. These results are
cally on bronchiolitis or illnesses associated with evi-
consistent with another small case-control study of
dence of RSV infection yielded a somewhat stronger
emergency room visits for wheeze illnesses (Duff et
effect compared with studies of other outcomes (Sims
al. 1993), which measured urinary cotinine but did not
et al. 1978; Hall et al. 1984; McConnochie and Rogh-
report details of parental smoking patterns.
mann 1986b; Anderson et al. 1988; Hayes et al. 1989;
Spencer et al. 1996; Gürkan et al. 2000b). This finding,
Specific Respiratory Diagnoses
however, may reflect a positive publication bias (see
Some studies assessed the effects of parental “Publication Bias and Meta-Analyses” later in this
smoking on specifically diagnosed illnesses. One chapter).
study addressed tracheitis and bronchitis (Pedreira
et al. 1985), another examined wheeze and pneumo- Parental Smoking at Different Ages
nia but not bronchitis or bronchiolitis (Marbury et
The early report by Colley and colleagues (1974)
al. 1996), and the NHANES III study found stronger
suggested that the effects of parental smoking on bron-
effects for chronic bronchitis, asthma, and wheeze
chitis and pneumonia incidence were most marked
than for pneumonia (Gergen et al. 1998). One cohort
in the first year of life (OR = 1.96 [95 percent CI,
study explicitly distinguished between LRIs with and
1.30–2.99]), and declined thereafter with the increasing
without wheeze (Wright et al. 1991). The proportion
age of the child to an inverse relationship in the fifth
of cases exposed to maternal smoking (defined as
year. Results from the Dunedin (New Zealand) cohort

288 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

showed a similar pattern, with a slightly greater effect 0.8–2.0], respectively), but not for diagnosed asthma
in the first year than in the second year (Fergusson et (1.7 [95 percent CI, 1.1–2.6] versus 1.7 [95 percent CI,
al. 1981) and little evidence of an association with con- 1.1–2.8], respectively).
sultation for bronchitis or pneumonia after two years
of age (Fergusson and Horwood 1985). One study Susceptible Subgroups
reported a decline in the risk ratio for pneumonia
Infants born prematurely are one group poten-
admissions and maternal smoking during pregnancy
tially at an increased risk from parental smoking
from between 1.2 to 1.3 up to three years of age and
because of the still immature lungs at birth and, for
to 1.0 at three to four years of age, but a formal test
some, the development of bronchopulmonary dyspla-
of statistical significance was not carried out for the
sia after birth. The effects of parental smoking on early
trend (Hjern et al. 2000).
respiratory illnesses were reported in two controlled
A study in Shanghai documented that the effects
trials (Burr et al. 1989; Lucas et al. 1990), three cohort
of smoking by persons other than the mother on hos-
studies (Elder et al. 1996; Gold et al. 1999; Mrazek et
pitalizations for respiratory diseases were stronger
al. 1999), and one nested case-control study (Diez et al.
for admissions before 6 months of age than for admis-
2000) that recruited infants at high risk based on pre-
sions at 7 through 18 months of age (Chen et al. 1988a).
maturity (Lucas et al. 1990; Elder et al. 1996), a paren-
However, a significantly increased risk persisted after
tal history of allergy (Burr et al. 1989; Gold et al. 1999;
six months of age for children exposed to more than
Mrazek et al. 1999), or both (Diez et al. 2000). The ORs
10 cigarettes per day in the home (incidence ratio = 1.83
obtained from these studies are within the general
[95 percent CI, 1.03–3.24]). In the 1970 British cohort,
range of the data (Table 6.2) and have therefore been
the effects of maternal smoking on hospitaliza-
included in the meta-analyses.
tions for wheeze illnesses, bronchitis, or pneumonia
Only one study permits a direct comparison
were similar at all ages up to five years (Taylor and
between high- and low-risk infants (Chen 1994). In
Wadsworth 1987).
two Chinese cohorts, an adverse effect of household
The ALSPAC is a cohort study that examined
smoking on hospitalizations for a respiratory disease
and measured both maternal smoking during preg-
was evident among both low birth weight (<2.5 kilo-
nancy and secondhand smoke exposure during the
grams) (OR = 6.87 [95 percent CI, 0.89–53.0]) and nor-
first six months of life. The study measured the num-
mal birth weight (OR = 1.36 [95 percent CI, 0.96–1.93])
ber of hours the infant was exposed as a predictor of
infants. There was an indication of a significant effect
wheeze between 6 and 18 months of age and from
modification by birth weight (test for interaction:
18 through 30 months of age (Lux et al. 2000). There
p = 0.06).
was no evidence of any reduction in the ORs across
age strata. In the Isle of Wight cohort study (Arshad
Smoking by Other Household Members
et al. 1993), ORs of asthmatic wheeze with maternal
smoking declined from 2.5 (95 percent CI, 1.7–3.7) at The effects of smoking by other household mem-
one year of age to 2.2 (95 percent CI, 1.5–3.4) at two bers when the mother did not smoke are summarized
years of age and to 1.2 (95 percent CI, 0.3–2.7) at four in Tables 6.2 and 6.3. These findings are derived from
years of age (Tariq et al. 2000). three studies in China (Chen et al. 1988a; Jin and
In a Swedish study based on record linkage Rossignol 1993; Chen 1994) that included nonsmok-
(Table 6.1), the authors reported a clear decrease ing mothers, and 14 studies from westernized coun-
with increasing age of the child in the OR for hospi- tries with data only for paternal smoking. The results
tal admissions for asthma associated with maternal are quantitatively consistent and only two of the
smoking during pregnancy (Hjern et al. 1999). The OR OR estimates are less than unity. The pooled OR
was 1.6 (95 percent CI, 1.4–1.8) at two years of age, obtained in the meta-analysis is 1.31 (95 percent CI,
but was lower and not significantly different from 1.19–1.43). In the Chinese studies, this effect is inde-
1 at three to six years of age. In the NHANES III study pendent of birth weight and a range of other potential
(Gergen et al. 1998), patterns of effect by age varied confounding factors (Jin and Rossignol 1993; Chen
with the outcome. The OR for chronic bronchitis in 1994). Another study from Malaysia, which was not
children under two years of age (2.2 [95 percent CI, included in the meta-analysis because the age range
1.6–3.0]) was higher than the OR for children three to of the participants was one to five years, also found an
five years of age (1.0 [95 percent CI, 0.6–1.8]). ORs for increased risk when the fathers smoked and the moth-
the younger age group were also higher for wheeze ers did not report smoking (OR = 1.20 [95 percent CI,
(2.1 [95 percent CI, 1.5–2.9] versus 1.3 [95 percent CI, 0.86–1.67]) (Quah et al. 2000). A large national survey

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 289

Surgeon General’s Report

from Australia with an age range from birth to four noted the difficulty of distinguishing between the
years reported a significant risk of asthma associated two time periods and did not assess the independent
with maternal smoking (adjusted OR = 1.52 [95 percent effects of smoking by fathers only.
CI, 1.19–1.94]); there was evidence of a dose-response One controlled intervention study (the control
relationship, but no effect from paternal smoking arm is included in the meta-analysis) (Margolis et
(OR = 0.77 [95 percent CI, 0.60–0.98]) when adjusted al. 1997) monitored the incidence of acute LRI after
for maternal smoking (Lister and Jorm 1998). an intervention that was designed to reduce post-
natal tobacco smoke exposure (Greenberg et al. 1994).
Prenatal Versus Postnatal Exposure Among 581 infants followed to six months of age,
there was no difference in the incidence of episodes
Few studies have evaluated the effects of pre-
of cough, wheeze, or rattling in the chest between the
natal and postnatal maternal smoking in the same
intervention group (1.6 episodes per year of observa-
sample. In western countries, too few mothers change
tion) and the control group (1.5 episodes per year of
their smoking habits in the perinatal period to offer
observation). However, the effectiveness of the inter-
the statistical power to reliably separate prenatal
vention in reducing tobacco smoke exposure was
from postnatal effects. For example, in a large study
uncertain because the mean cotinine levels did not
based on a national British cohort, half of the children
differ between the study groups despite a reduction
were born to mothers who had smoked during preg-
in reported tobacco smoke exposure of infants in the
nancy (Taylor and Wadsworth 1987). Only 8 percent
intervention group.
of those mothers subsequently quit, and 6 percent of
the prenatal nonsmokers smoked after the child was
Publication Bias and Meta-Analyses
born. The rate of having a hospitalization for LRI dif-
fered between these two groups, but not significantly Publication bias might occur if studies were
(5.9 percent for those whose mothers smoked only more likely to be published that were “positive” (i.e.,
during pregnancy versus 3.1 percent for those whose with statistically significant increases in risk), or that
mothers smoked only after the child’s birth; OR = 1.94 tended to show greater effect estimates of second-
[95 percent CI, 0.96–3.94]). Postnatal smoking by hand smoke (“Use of Meta-Analysis” in Chapter 1).
mothers who did not smoke during pregnancy com- Figure 6.1 suggests evidence of such a bias because
pared with lifetime nonsmoking mothers increased there are few small studies with wide confidence
the risk, but not significantly (OR = 1.36 [95 percent CI, limits below the pooled estimate of effect, an inter-
0.73–2.54]). The magnitude of the effect is consistent pretation confirmed formally by Begg’s test (Begg
with the pooled effect in this study and in other studies and Mazumdar 1994) for a nonparametric correlation
when only the father smoked (Table 6.3). More recent between effect estimates and their standard errors
evidence for the independent effects of prenatal and (p = 0.030 after continuity correction). Egger’s test
postnatal maternal smoking comes from the ALSPAC (Egger et al. 1997) provides even stronger evidence for
cohort study (Lux et al. 2000). The effects of mater- a publication bias (p = 0.002). Maternal smoking data
nal smoking during pregnancy were compared with also showed evidence of a publication bias (Begg’s
those of secondhand smoke exposure by assessing test, p = 0.221; Egger’s test, p <0.001). For smoking
the number of hours the mother smoked in the child’s by fathers only, there was no evidence of hetero-
presence and by including both prenatal and post- geneity in the ORs and no evidence of a publication
natal smoking in the same logistic regression model. bias (Begg’s test, p = 0.880; Egger’s test, p = 0.890), per-
For wheeze illnesses occurring between 18 and haps reflecting the fact that publication was unlikely
30 months of age, independent effects were found for to hinge on the presentation or significance of the data
each smoking pattern: ORs of 1.19 (95 percent CI, 1.02– for paternal smoking.
1.39) for prenatal maternal smoking and 1.17 (95 per- One approach that mitigates the consequences
cent CI, 1.03–1.32) for postnatal secondhand smoke of any publication bias is to restrict analyses to the
exposure. These effects were adjusted for the other largest studies; for this sensitivity analysis, all studies
exposure as well as for multiple other potential con- with more than 800 cases were selected. For maternal
founding variables. smoking, there were six studies with a pooled random
The reported ORs in the NHANES III survey for effects estimate of 1.49 (95 percent CI, 1.36–1.64). For
diagnosed asthma, chronic bronchitis, wheeze, and smoking by either parent, such an analysis was not
pneumonia were similar for prenatal and postnatal possible. Of only three large studies that provided
maternal smoking (Gergen et al. 1998). The authors estimates, one Chinese study included only fathers

290 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

who smoked (Chen et al. 1988a), and the findings of was 1.56 and the random effects estimate was 1.72.
the other two studies were too divergent in their esti- Regardless, the pooled estimates were statistically sig-
mated ORs of 1.85 (Ferris et al. 1985) and 1.32 (Lux et nificant and it is highly unlikely that the association
al. 2000). emerged by chance.
Three studies (Fergusson and Horwood 1985; The papers that have been cited were selected
Chen et al. 1988a; Gergen et al. 1998) appear in more using keywords relevant to passive/involuntary
than one row in Table 6.2 and were thus included smoking and children in the title or abstract. When
as separate and independent studies in the meta- cross-checked against previous reviews of involun-
analysis. However, a sensitivity analysis confirmed tary smoking in children, major omissions were not
that restricting the inclusion of each study to its identified (USDHHS 1986; USEPA 1992; DiFranza
most frequent outcome had little effect on the pooled and Lew 1996; Li et al. 1999), whereas the system-
estimates. atic search identified relevant references not cited
elsewhere. There is a possibility that the selection
was biased toward studies reporting a positive asso-
Evidence Synthesis ciation; it is more likely that statistically significant
findings would be mentioned in the abstract in com-
The finding of an association between parental
parison with nonsignificant or null findings. Three of
smoking and LRI is consistent across diverse study
the higher ORs were derived from small case-control
populations and study designs, methods of case ascer-
studies in which involuntary smoking was not the
tainment, and diagnostic groupings (Table 6.2). The
focus of the original research (Hall et al. 1984; McCon-
association cannot be attributed to confounding or
nochie and Roghmann 1986b; Hayes et al. 1989), and
publication bias. Only two studies found an inverse
for these three studies publication bias may have been
association. One small study that reported an inverse
operative. The slightly higher pooled ORs obtained
association for maternal smoking had wide confidence
by the random effects compared with the fixed effects
limits and a positive association with cotinine levels in
method (Table 6.3) reflect the greater weight assigned
meconium (Nuesslein et al. 1999). A study from Brazil
by the random effects approach to these small stud-
found an inverse association with pneumonia (Victora
ies with a relatively large OR. However, inclusion of
et al. 1994). Studies in developing countries generally
the large Chinese studies (Chen et al. 1988a; Jin and
have tended not to find an increased risk associated
Rossignol 1993; Chen 1994) in the meta-analysis of the
with exposure of infants and children to parental
effects of smoking by either parent would have had
smoking. This pattern may reflect the different nature
a conservative effect (i.e., a smaller pooled estimate),
of LRIs in developing countries where bacteria are
because few mothers smoked in these communities.
key pathogens and there is a powerful effect from
The biologic basis for the association of paternal
biomass fuel combustion (Smith et al. 2000; Black and
smoking with LRI is possibly complex, and may reflect
Michaelsen 2002), and where levels of secondhand
mechanisms of injury that are in play before and after
smoke exposure are possibly lower because of hous-
birth. These mechanisms operate to make respiratory
ing characteristics and smoking patterns.
infections more severe or to possibly increase the like-
Some variation among studies in the magnitude
lihood of infection. Although viral infection is a well-
of OR estimates would be anticipated as patterns of
characterized etiologic factor (Graham 1990), there is
smoking differed among countries and over time, and
evidence that the severity of the illness may be deter-
the methods of the studies were not consistent in all
mined in part by lung function abnormalities detect-
respects. This variation is reflected in statistically sig-
able from birth that result from maternal smoking
nificant heterogeneity in some of the pooled analyses
during pregnancy (Dezateux and Stocks 1997). Many
(Table 6.3). For this reason, the summary ORs derived
early childhood episodes of wheeze, including bron-
under the fixed effects assumption should be inter-
chiolitis, probably form part of this spectrum of viral
preted with caution. The random effects method may
illnesses, although other episodes may be the first
be more appropriate in these circumstances because
evidence of more persistent childhood asthma with
its wider confidence limits reflect the heterogeneity
associated atopic manifestations (Silverman 1993;
between studies. This method is, however, more sus-
Martinez et al. 1995). The evidence does not indicate
ceptible to the effects of any publication bias because
that parental smoking increases the rate of infection
the random effects method gives greater weight to
with respiratory pathogens. Respiratory viruses are
smaller studies. Thus, considering the largest studies
isolated with equal frequency among infants in smok-
only, the fixed effects estimate for maternal smoking
ing and nonsmoking households (Gardner et al. 1984).

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 291

Surgeon General’s Report

The effect of parental smoking on the incidence of first two years of life. The studies that were reviewed
wheeze and nonwheeze illnesses appears similar, sug- also suggest a clear reduction in the estimated effect
gesting a general increase in susceptibility to clinical after two to three years of age, particularly for pneu-
illness upon exposure to respiratory infections rather monia and bronchitis. The failure to find statisti-
than to influences on mechanisms more specifically cally significant associations in some studies of older
related to asthma. children should not be interpreted, however, as indic-
The pooled results from families with nonsmok- ative of no effect of secondhand smoke exposure at
ing mothers suggest that the effects of parental smok- older ages.
ing are at least partly attributable to postnatal (i.e.,
environmental) exposure to tobacco smoke in the
home. The somewhat stronger effects of smoking by Conclusions
the mother compared with other household members
1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
may be related to the role of the mother as the princi-
relationship between secondhand smoke exposure
pal caregiver, which would explain a higher degree
from parental smoking and lower respiratory
of postnatal exposure of the child from the mother’s
illnesses in infants and children.
smoking. However, there is also evidence pointing to
altered intrauterine lung development as a specific
2. The increased risk for lower respiratory illnesses
adverse effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy
is greatest from smoking by the mother.
(Tager et al. 1993).
The effect of parental smoking is largely inde-
pendent of potential confounding variables in studies
that have measured and incorporated such variables
into the analyses, suggesting that residual confound- Respiratory infections remain a leading cause of
ing by other factors is unlikely. It thus appears that childhood morbidity in the United States and other
smoking by the parents, rather than characteristics of developed countries and are a leading cause of child-
the family related to smoking, adversely affect chil- hood deaths worldwide. The effect of parental smok-
dren and cause LRIs. The evidence supports the con- ing, particularly maternal smoking, is of a substantial
clusion found in other recent reviews that there is a magnitude. Reducing smoking by parents, beginning
causal relationship between parental smoking and with maternal smoking during pregnancy, should
acute LRIs (USDHHS 1986; USEPA 1992; DiFranza reduce the occurrence of LRI. Health care practition-
and Lew 1996; WHO 1997; Li et al. 1999; California ers providing care for pregnant women, infants, and
EPA 2005). The findings are consistent, properly tem- children should urge smoking cessation; parents who
poral in the exposure-outcome relationship, and bio- are unable to quit should be encouraged not to smoke
logically plausible. The evidence is strongest for the in the home.

Middle Ear Disease and Adenotonsillectomy

A possible link between parental smoking and Uhari et al. 1996). Strachan and Cook (1998a) system-
the risk of otitis media (OM) with effusion (OME) in atically reviewed the evidence relating parental smok-
children was first suggested in 1983 (Kraemer et al. ing to acute otitis media (AOM), recurrent otitis media
1983). A number of subsequent epidemiologic stud- (ROM), OME (glue ear), and ENT surgery in children.
ies have investigated the association of secondhand This section updates that 1998 review following the
tobacco smoke exposure with diseases of the ear, methods described earlier. Full journal publications
nose, and throat (ENT), and the evidence has been cited in an overview by Thornton and Lee (1999) were
summarized in narrative reviews (USEPA 1992; also considered, but abstracts and conference proceed-
Gulya 1994; Blakley and Blakley 1995; NCI 1999) and ings were not included.
quantitative meta-analyses (DiFranza and Lew 1996;

292 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Relevant Studies and Cook 1998a), several publications offered insuf-

ficient quantitative data for a meta-analysis (Jackson
In combination with the 45 reports included and Mourino 1999; Rylander and Mégevand 2000). In
in the previous review, there are now 61 relating to one study of Swiss children attending preschool med-
59 studies of possible associations between parental ical examinations, the OR for ear infection (not clearly
smoking and AOM, ROM, middle ear disease, and defined as single or recurrent) was 1.04 (95 percent
adenotonsillectomy in children: 19 cross-sectional CI, 0.54–1.98) for exposures of 1 to 19 cigarettes daily
surveys, 20 prospective cohort studies, 17 case-control at home, and 1.18 (95 percent CI, 0.58–2.39) for expo-
studies, 2 uncontrolled case-series, and 1 controlled sures of 20 or more cigarettes per day, with an appar-
trial of surgical intervention for middle ear effusion. ent reference group of unexposed children (Rylander
Studies were grouped according to the outcome and Mégevand 2000). The other report only stated that
measure and whether they were included in the meta- parental smoking was not a significant risk factor for
analysis, as shown in Tables 6.5 and 6.6. Some stud- AOM (p = 0.52) (Jackson and Mourino 1999).
ies contributed data to more than one outcome or age Several papers compared the effects of parental
group. In total, there were 17 studies of AOM (5 were smoking on AOM and recurrent or subacute OM in
included in the meta-analysis); 28 studies of ROM the same population sample. Although the effect was
with 1 study (Ståhlberg et al. 1986) that also included stronger for AOM among Inuit children in Greenland,
adenotonsillectomy (13 in the meta-analysis); 7 studies for example, the effect did not reach statistical signifi-
of ear infections or hearing loss in schoolchildren (all cance (Table 6.6) (Homøe et al. 1999). In an Austra-
were unsuitable for the meta-analysis); and 6 studies of lian birth cohort, the risks associated with maternal
adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, or sore throat (4 were smoking did not differ significantly across the out-
included in the meta-analysis). Studies of middle ear comes considered: AOM, subacute OM, and a history
effusion were subdivided into 2 studies of incidence of ear surgery (predominantly grommet insertion)
(not suitable for the meta-analysis), 8 prevalence stud- (Table 6.6) (Stathis et al. 1999). In another Australian
ies (reported in 9 papers) based on population surveys national health survey, OM (not further specified)
(6 were included in the meta-analysis), and 11 clinic- was associated with maternal smoking (OR = 1.31
based studies of referral for glue ear surgery (all were [95 percent CI, 0.95–1.80]), but the OR for health ser-
included) and postoperative natural history (1 trial vices utilization was weaker (OR = 1.04 [95 percent CI,
was reported in 2 papers). 0.71–1.53]) (Lister and Jorm 1998).
Stathis and colleagues (1999) examined the inde-
pendent effects of exposure to prenatal and postnatal
Evidence Review maternal cigarette smoking on the three outcomes in
their study at different ages. However, results were
Acute Otitis Media not presented for the various specific combinations
Episodes of acute middle ear infection are com- of exposure, thus limiting the interpretation. In gen-
mon in young children, and a variety of methods eral, maternal smoking at the first prenatal visit had a
have been used to establish the diagnosis and identify greater effect compared with exposure at older ages.
the incidence of the condition. For this reason, and Smoking during the third trimester and at five years
because few studies present quantitative information of age had few independent effects. These results
in relation to parental smoking, a quantitative meta- need to be interpreted cautiously as there is likely to
analysis was not included in the previous review be co-linearity between early prenatal and postnatal
(Strachan and Cook 1998a). However, a conclusion smoking patterns.
was reached that the limited available evidence was The pooled OR for the three studies that docu-
consistent with a weak adverse effect of parental ment the effects of smoking by either parent provides
smoking on the incidence of AOM in children, with less convincing evidence (OR = 0.99 [95 percent CI,
ORs ranging from 1.0 to 1.5. 0.70–1.40]) (see “Respiratory Symptoms and Prevalent
More recent publications address AOM. Some Asthma in School-Age Children” later in this chapter;
specifically excluded recurrent episodes (Gryczyńska see also Table 6.14).
et al. 1999; Lubianca Neto et al. 1999), but others
offered no clear distinction between infrequent and Recurrent Otitis Media
frequent ear infections (Lister and Jorm 1998; Stathis The epidemiologic evidence is more abundant
et al. 1999; Tariq and Memon 1999; Rylander and for ROM, which is usually defined as greater than a
Mégevand 2000). As in the previous review (Strachan

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 293

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.5 Design, sample size, and recruitment criteria of studies of illness associated with parental
smoking excluded from meta-analyses
Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Acute otitis media (AOM) in preschool children

Vinther et al. 1979 Cohort 494 AOM episodes Random sample of AOM
Aged 3 years children

Pukander 1982 Case-control 200 AOM in the past Health center AOM
Aged 0–4 years year controls

van Cauwenberge Survey 2,065 AOM, “Healthy” AOM, otitis

1984 Aged 2–6 years tympanogram kindergarten pupils media with
Belgium effusion (glue
ear) (OME)

Vinther et al. 1984 Cohort 681 History of AOM Random sample of AOM, OME
Aged 3–4 years birth cohort

Fleming et al. 1987 Survey 609 AOM in the past Random sample of AOM
Aged 0–4 years 2 weeks households
United States

Sipila et al. 1988 Cohort 1,294 AOM episodes Random sample of AOM
Aged 0–3 years urban area

Harsten et al. 1990 Cohort 414 AOM, OME, upper Population-based Acute RTI
Aged 0–3 years respiratory tract birth cohort
Sweden illness (URTI),
lower respiratory
tract illness (LRTI)

Alho et al. 1996 Cohort 825 AOM episodes Population-based AOM

Aged 0–2 years birth cohort

Salazar et al. 1997 Cohort 414 >1 physician- Health AOM

Aged <6 months diagnosed AOM maintenance
United States by 6 months of age organization
(Minnesota) (HMO)-based birth

Jackson and Survey 200 Physician- General pediatric AOM

Mourino 1999 Aged <1 year diagnosed AOM clinic
United States

Tariq and Memon Case-series 75 AOM presented 1,724 outpatient AOM

1999 Aged <2 years to the outpatient visits
Pakistan department

294 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.5 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

AOM in older children

Tariq and Memon Case-series 38 AOM presented 5,401 outpatient AOM

1999 Aged 2–14 years to the outpatient visits
Pakistan department

Rylander and Survey 304 Reported ear Routine preschool AOM, recurrent
Megevand 2000 Aged 4–5 years infection screening otitis media
Switzerland (ROM)


Daly et al. 1999 Cohort 596 >1 physician- HMO-based birth AOM
Aged <6 months diagnosed AOM cohort
United States by 6 months of age

Middle ear effusion (MEE) incidence

Paradise et al. Cohort 2,253 Tympanometry Primary care-based OME

1997 Aged 0–2 years and otoscopy birth cohort
United States

Engel et al. 1999 Cohorts 250 Tympanometry Healthy and high- OME
Aged 0–2 years and otoscopy risk birth cohort

Ear infections in schoolchildren

Goren and Survey 1,449 Ear infection (ever) 2nd and Infection
Goldsmith 1986 Age data were not 5th graders

Porro et al. 1992 Survey 2,304 Otitis (ever) Random sample of “Otitis”
Aged 6–14 years schoolchildren

Goren and Survey 6,302 Ear infection (ever) 2nd and Infection
Hellmann 1995 Age data were not 5th graders

Chayarpham et al. Survey 2,384 History and 3 primary schools AOM or OME
1996 Aged 6–10 years examination

MEE prevalence

Reed and Lutz Survey 45 Flat tympanogram Outpatients (half OME

1988 Age data were not with AOM)
United States

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 295

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.5 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

MEE prevalence

Zielhuis et al. Cohort 1,439 Flat tympanogram Population-based OME

1988* Aged 3 years birth cohort

Takasaka 1990 Case-control 201 Tympanometry Population OME

Aged 4–5 years plus examination screening survey

MEE natural history

Maw and Bawden Trial 66 No effusion Untreated ears with Resolution

1993 Aged 2–11 years OME
United Kingdom

Maw and Bawden Trial 133 No effusion Trial participants Resolution

1994 Aged 3–9 years with OME
United Kingdom

Hearing loss

Lyons 1992 Survey 87 Distraction test Routine postnatal Impairment

Aged 10 months screening

Bennett and Cohort 10,880 Parental report Population-based Hearing loss

Haggard 1998 Aged 5 years birth cohort
United Kingdom

Stathis et al. 1999 Cohort 5,627 Physician Population-based Hearing loss

Aged 5 years consultation birth cohort

Sore throat, tonsils, and adenoids

Gryczynska et al. Survey 60 Histology of General population Adenoidectomy

1999 Aged 3–14 years excised tissue sample

Rylander and Survey 304 >1 sore throat/year Routine preschool Sore throat
Megevand 2000 Aged 4–5 years screening
*Zielhuis et al. 1988 and 1989 analyze the same study, but the 1989 paper provides more details (OME prevalence).

296 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.6 Design, sample size, and recruitment criteria of studies of illness associated with parental
smoking included in meta-analyses
Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Acute otitis media (AOM)

Lister and Jorm Survey 4,281 Definition unclear Population sample AOM
1998 Aged <5 years with no AOM

Daly et al. 1999 Cohort 596 Physician- Health maintenance AOM

Aged <6 months diagnosed AOM organization-based
United States by 6 months of age birth cohort

Homøe et al. Survey 740 Only 1 reported Population sample AOM

1999 Aged 3–8 years AOM with no AOM

Lubianca Neto et Survey 192 >4 physician- Same hospital AOM

al. 1999 Aged <3 years diagnosed outpatient
Brazil AOM/year, no department as cases
otitis media with
effusion (glue ear)

Stathis et al. 1999 Cohort 5,627 AOM lasting Population-based AOM

Aged 5 years <1 month birth cohort

Recurrent otitis media (ROM)

Pukander et al. Case-control 395 >3 physician- Same health center ROM
1985 Aged 2–3 years diagnosed AOM as cases
Finland (outpatient clinic)

Ståhlberg et al. Survey 321 ≥3 recorded ≤3 AOM (population ROM

1986* Aged <4 years physician- sample)
Finland diagnosed AOM

Tainio et al. 1988 Cohort 108 >5 physician- No physician- ROM

Aged <2 years diagnosed AOM diagnosed AOM,
Finland by 2 years of age same physician

Teele et al. 1989† Cohort 877 >3 physician- Clinic-based birth ROM
Aged <1 year diagnosed AOM cohort
United States by 1 year of age

Cohort 698 >3 physician- Clinic-based birth ROM

Aged <3 years diagnosed AOM cohort
United States by 3 years of age

Cohort 498 >3 physician- Clinic-based birth ROM

Aged <7 years diagnosed AOM cohort
United States by 7 years of age

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 297

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.6 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome


Daigler et al. Case-control 246 >2 physician- Private clinic health ROM
1991 Aged about 4 years diagnosed AOM check
United States in 8 months
(New York)

Alho et al. 1993 Cohort 2,512 >3 physician- Population-based ROM

Aged <2 years diagnosed AOM birth cohort
Finland by 2 years of age

Stenstrom et al. Case-control 170 >4 physician- Ophthalmology ROM

1993 Aged <5 years diagnosed AOM clinic
Canada in 12 months

Collet et al. 1995 Cohort 918 >4 recalled AOM Population-based ROM
Aged <4 years birth cohort

Ey et al. 1995 Cohort 1,013 >3 physician- Population-based ROM

Aged <1 year diagnosed AOM birth cohort
United States in 6 months

Stenström and Case-control 484 >4 reported AOM General pediatric ROM
Ingvarsson 1997 Aged 3–7 years clinic

Adair-Bischoff Case-control 625 >3 reported AOM Population survey ROM

and Sauve 1998 Aged 4–5 years or OME (nested case-control)

Homøe et al. Survey 740 >4 reported AOM Population sample ROM
1999 Aged 3–8 years with no AOM

Stathis et al. 1999 Cohort 5,627 Subacute OM Population-based ROM

Aged 5 years (duration of birth cohort
Australia 1–3 months)

Middle ear effusion (MEE) prevalence

Iversen et al. Cohort 337 Flat tympanogram Day care center OME
1985 Aged 3–6 years (6 tests)

Zielhuis et al. Cohort 435 Flat tympanogram Population sample OME

1989 Aged 2–4 years (9 tests)

Strachan 1990 Survey 864 Flat tympanogram Population sample OME

Aged 7 years (1 test)
United Kingdom

Etzel et al. 1992 Cohort 132 Otoscopy plus Day care center OME
Aged <3 years symptoms
United States
(North Carolina)

298 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.6 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

MEE prevalence

Saim et al. 1997 Survey 1,097 Flat tympanogram Population sample OME
Aged 5–6 years and no reflex (1 test)

Apostolopoulos Survey 4,838 Flat or C2 Population sample OME

et al. 1998 Aged 6–12 years tympanogram and (1 test)
Greece no reflex

MEE referral for surgery

Kraemer et al. Case-control 152 Operation for OME General surgical OME
1983 Age data were not clinic (outpatients)
United States
(Washington state)

Black 1985 Case-control 442 Operation for OME Clinic and OME
Aged 4–9 years community conrols (outpatients)
United Kingdom

Hinton and Case-control 70 Ear, nose, and Orthoptic clinic OME

Buckley 1988 Aged about 6 years throat outpatient (outpatients)
United Kingdom referrals

Hinton 1989 Case-control 151 Grommet insertion Orthoptic clinic OME

Aged 1–12 years (outpatients)
United Kingdom

Barr and Case-control 230 Grommet insertion Orthopedic and eye OME
Coatesworth Aged 1–11 years clinics (outpatients)
1991 United Kingdom

Green and Case-control 328 Otalgia and Various pediatric OME

Cooper 1991 Aged 1–8 years deafness clinics (outpatients)

Rowe-Jones and Case-control 163 Bilateral OME Orthopedic and OME

Brockbank 1992 Aged 2–12 years >3 months surgical clinics (outpatients)
United Kingdom

Rasmussen 1993 Cohort 1,022 Grommet insertion Population-based OME

Aged <7 years birth cohort (outpatients)

Kitchens 1995 Case-control 350 Grommet insertion General pediatric OME

Aged <3 years clinic (outpatients)
United States

Ilicali et al. 1999 Case-control 332 Grommet insertion Otorhinolaryngology OME

Aged 3–7 years clinic (outpatients)

Stathis et al. 1999 Cohort 5,627 Ear surgery Population-based OME

Aged 5 years (93% grommets) birth cohort (outpatients)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 299

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.6 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy

Said et al. 1978 Survey 3,920 Recall of surgery General population Adenoidectomy/
Aged 10–20 years sample tonsillectomy

Ståhlberg et al. Case-controls 425 Adenoidectomy General population Adenoidectomy

1986* Aged <4 years and ROM sample

Willatt 1986 Survey 154 Tonsillectomy Children of hospital Tonsillectomy

Aged 2–15 years visitors
United Kingdom

Hinton et al. Case-control 120 Tonsillectomy Orthoptic clinic Tonsillectomy

1993 Aged about 6 years
United Kingdom
*Ståhlberg et al. 1986 appears twice but with mutually exclusive comparisons.

Teele et al. 1989 appears with three potentially overlapping comparisons but with sample attrition.

specified number of episodes of physician-diagnosed enough papers provided results for smoking by each
AOM in a defined interval (Table 6.6) (Pukander et al. parent separately to derive summary measures for
1985; Ståhlberg et al. 1986; Tainio et al. 1988; Teele et maternal and paternal smoking. All four additional
al. 1989; Daigler et al. 1991; Alho et al. 1993; Stenström studies contribute to a pooled estimate for maternal
et al. 1993; Collet et al. 1995; Ey et al. 1995; Stenström smoking and three contribute estimates for paternal
and Ingvarsson 1997; Adair-Bischoff and Sauve 1998; smoking. The findings suggest that the effects are
Homøe et al. 1999; and Stathis et al. 1999). Studies that stronger for maternal smoking.
tested for the presence of a dose-response relationship Figure 6.4 summarizes the results comparing
generally found significant relationships (Table 6.7). children from smoking and nonsmoking parents.
Several studies adjusted for multiple potential con- There was some evidence for heterogeneity among
founding factors and found similar ORs before and the nine ORs for smoking by either parent (χ² = 16.3,
after adjustment (Table 6.8). These results suggest that degrees of freedom [df] = 8, p = 0.038). Some variation
uncontrolled confounding is unlikely to be a major is to be expected given the different age ranges and
issue in the interpretation of the crude ORs. case definitions in the studies. Under the fixed effects
One birth cohort study documented the relation- assumption, the pooled OR for ROM if either par-
ship of parental smoking to ROM at one, three, and ent smoked is 1.32 (95 percent CI, 1.14–1.52). Using
seven years of age (Teele et al. 1989). The size of the the random effects model, the pooled estimate is
cohort differed for each age because of sample attri- 1.37 (95 percent CI, 1.10–1.70). Under the fixed effects
tion, but the case group increased because of an accu- assumption, the pooled OR for ROM is 1.37 (95 per-
mulation of children with at least three episodes of cent CI, 1.19–1.59) for an association with maternal
OM. For purposes of the meta-analysis, results from smoking and 0.90 (95 percent CI, 0.70–1.15) for an
the three-year follow-up were used because this age association with paternal smoking.
corresponds most closely to the populations in other
similar studies. Middle Ear Effusion: Population Surveys
Four additional studies were included in the and Birth Cohorts
updated meta-analysis (Stenström and Ingvarsson
The 1997 review identified four cross-sectional
1997; Adair-Bischoff and Sauve 1998; Homøe et al.
or longitudinal studies of general population samples
1999; Stathis et al. 1999). In the previous review, not

300 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.7 Unadjusted relative risks for updated meta-analysis of illness associated with parental smoking
Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Study controls Dose-response effect Outcome Either parent Mother Father

Acute otitis media (AOM)

Lister and Jorm 232/4,049 NR* AOM NR 1.31 NR

1998 (0.95–1.80)

Daly et al. 1999 221/346 NR AOM 0.98 NR NR


Homøe et al. 102/193 NS† (p = 0.51) AOM 1.64 NR NR

1999 (0.85–3.19)

Lubianca Neto 71/121 NR AOM 0.82 NR NR

et al. 1999 (0.67–1.02)

Stathis et al. 722/4,591 Slight (p = 0.054) AOM NR 1.23 NR

1999 (1.04–1.44)‡

Recurrent otitis media (ROM)

Pukander et al. 188/207 NR ROM 1.96 NR NR

1985 (1.28–3.0)

Ståhlberg et al. 100/221 NR ROM 1.54 NR NR

1986 (0.93–2.56)

Tainio et al. 28/80 NR ROM 2.40 NR NR

1988 (0.91–6.33)

Teele et al. 1989 129/748 NR ROM before 1.42 NR NR

1 year of age (0.96–2.11)

303/395 NR ROM before 1.04 NR NR

3 years of age (0.76–1.43)

368/130 NR ROM before 1.18 NR NR

7 years of age (0.77–1.80)

Daigler et al. 125/246 NR ROM NR 0.90 0.83

1991 (0.54–1.50) (0.50–1.39)

Alho et al. 1993 960/1,552 NR ROM 1.0 NR NR


Stenstrom et al. 85/85 Yes; total cigarettes/day ROM 2.54§ NR NR

1993 (1.23–5.41)

Collet et al. 1995 164/754 Yes; total cigarettes/day ROM 1.69 NR NR


Ey et al. 1995 169/844 Yes; mother smoked ROM NR 1.33 NR

>20 cigarettes/day (0.90–1.95)

Stenström and 179/305 NS (p = 0.71); mother ROM NR 1.30 0.73

Ingvarsson 1997 smoked >20 cigarettes/ (0.89–1.88) (0.48–1.10)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 301

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.7 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Study controls Dose-response effect Outcome Either parent Mother Father


Adair-Bischoff 227/398 NS; mother smoked ROM 1.11 1.37 1.11

and Sauve 1998 >10 cigarettes/day (0.78–1.57) (0.93–2.0) (0.77–1.63)

Homøe et al. 117/193 NS (p = 0.64) ROM 0.96 NR NR

1999 (0.55–1.69)

Stathis et al. 360/4,852 NS (p = 0.56) ROM NR 1.53‡ NR

1999 (1.24–1.91)

Middle ear effusion prevalence (MEE)

Iversen et al. 183/154 NR OME 1.55 NR NR

1985 (0.98–2.46)

Zielhuis et al. 128/307 No; total cigarettes/day OME 1.11 NR NR

1989 (0.59–2.09)

Strachan 1990 82/782 Yes; number of OME 1.41 NR NR

smokers∆ (0.87–2.28)

Etzel et al. 1992 Total = 132 NR OME 1.38¶ NR NR


Saim et al. 1997 151/946 NR OME 0.87 NR NR


Apostolopoulos 308/4,530 NS (p = 0.85) OME 1.60 NR NR

et al. 1998 (1.23–2.08)

OME referral for surgery

Kraemer et al. 76/76 Yes; number of OME 1.45 NR NR

1983 smokers (outpatients) (0.72–2.94)

Black 1985 150/292 Yes; cigarettes times OME NR NR NR

years (outpatients)

Hinton and 26/44 No; total cigarettes/day OME 1.10 NR NR

Buckley 1988 (outpatients) (0.37–3.23)

Hinton 1989 115/36 NR OME 2.04 NR NR

(outpatients) (0.89–4.71)

Barr and 115/115 No; total cigarettes/day OME 0.72§ 1.23§ NR

Coatesworth (outpatients) (0.41–1.27) (0.70–2.15)

Green and 164/164 No; total cigarettes/day OME NR 1.92 1.37

Cooper 1991 (outpatients) (1.20–3.06) (0.87–2.17)

Rowe-Jones and 100/63 NR OME 1.21 NR NR

Brockbank 1992 (outpatients) (0.61–2.39)

Rasmussen 1993 176/846 NR OME 0.87 NR NR

(outpatients) (0.49–1.55)

302 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.7 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Study controls Dose-response effect Outcome Either parent Mother Father

OME referral for surgery

Kitchens 1995 175/175 No; number of smokers OME 1.65 1.28 1.54
(outpatients) (1.05–2.59)** (0.65–2.54)** (0.89–2.66)**

Ilicali et al. 1999 166/166 NS (p = 0.61) OME NR 3.93 1.57

(outpatients) (2.42–6.41) (1.01–2.45)

Stathis et al. 290/4,971 NS (p = 0.13) OME NR 1.71 NR

1999 (outpatients) (1.35–2.17)‡

Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy

Said et al. 1978 1,490/2,430 Yes; cigarettes smoked Adenoidectomy/ 2.07 1.68 1.89
by each parent tonsillectomy (1.80–2.38) (1.44–1.95) (1.64–2.17)

Ståhlberg et al. 114/321 NR Adenoidectomy 2.06 NR NR

1986 (1.30–3.26)

Willatt 1986 93/61 NR Tonsillectomy 2.06 NR NR


Hinton et al. 60/60 Yes; estimated Tonsillectomy 2.10 2.29 1.26

1993 secondhand smoke (1.01–4.35) (1.02–5.13) (0.55–2.90)
*NR = Data were not reported.

NS = Not significant.

Maternal smoking during pregnancy at first prenatal visit. For maternal smoking when their children were 5 years of age,
odds ratios were 1.14 (0.97–1.34) for AOM, 1.38 (1.11–1.72) for ROM, and 1.47 (1.16–1.87) for middle ear surgery (OME
outpatients). OME = Otitis media with effusion (glue ear).
Matched analysis.

Dose-response effect was assessed by salivary cotinine levels that appear in a separate paper (Strachan et al. 1989).

Incidence density ratio.
**95% confidence interval was derived from the p value.

that objectively measured the presence of OME by The pooled (random effects) OR for smoking by either
tympanometry (Iversen et al. 1985; Zielhuis et al. 1989; parent is 1.33 (95 percent CI, 1.12–1.58).
Strachan 1990) or otoscopy (Etzel et al. 1992). Regard- Two more recent studies followed children pro-
less of the diagnostic method, all studies found an spectively from birth with examinations by tympa-
increase in the prevalence of OME in children exposed nometry and otoscopy at intervals of three months
to parental smoking (Table 6.7). Two additional cross- throughout the first two years of life (Paradise et al.
sectional studies, one from Malaysia (Saim et al. 1997; Engel et al. 1999). These studies are not readily
1997) and the other from Greece (Apostolopoulos et integrated into the earlier meta-analysis, but they do
al. 1998), were included in this meta-analysis (Figure show that OME in infancy is extremely common. For
6.4, middle). The former study showed no association instance, among 2,253 children in Pittsburgh, 48 per-
of OME with household smoking but the latter study cent had at least one episode of effusion by 6 months
found a significant relationship, with an OR of 1.60 of age, 79 percent by 12 months of age, and 91 per-
(95 percent CI, 1.23–2.08) for smoking by either parent cent by 24 months of age (Paradise et al. 1997). In the
but no dose-response trend in relation to the number Netherlands, parental smoking was not a risk factor
of cigarettes smoked daily by the parents (p = 0.85). for early OME (OR = 1.09 [95 percent CI, 0.84–1.41]),

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 303

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.8 Effects of adjusting for potential confounders in each study of illness associated with parental
Odds ratio for smoking
Factors adjusted for or
Study Outcome Exposure Unadjusted Adjusted addressed in the text

Acute otitis media (AOM)

Lister and Jorm AOM Mother NR* 1.31 Gender, lived in the capital,
1998 income, occupation, no
English at home, maternal
education, family size,
paternal smoking

Daly et al. 1999 AOM Both parents 1.5 1.3 Family history of OM, birth
season, day care, infections,
infant feeding, number of

Homøe et al. AOM Either parent NR NR NR


Lubianca Neto AOM Either parent 0.82 0.80 Gender, age, race,
et al. 1999 socioeconomic status (SES),
infant feeding

Stathis et al. AOM Mother smoked 2.3 2.6 Gender, age, maternal age,
1999 10–19 cigarettes/ SES, infant feeding, day care,
day vs. 0† number of siblings

Recurrent otitis media (ROM)

Pukander et al. ROM NR NR NR None


Ståhlberg et al. ROM NR NR NR None


Tainio et al. 1988 ROM NR NR NR SES was similar in cases and


Teele et al. 1989 ROM before NR NR NR None

1 year of age

ROM before NR NR NR None

3 years of age

ROM before NR NR NR None

5 years of age

Daigler et al. ROM NR NR NR None


Alho et al. 1993 ROM Either parent 1.0 0.99 Gender, siblings, day care,

Stenstrom et al. ROM Either parent 2.54 2.68 Age, gender, family history
1993 of OM, atopy, SES, day care,

304 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.8 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
Factors adjusted for or
Study Outcome Exposure Unadjusted Adjusted addressed in the text


Collet et al. 1995 ROM Both parents 2.08 1.80 Gender, family history of OM,
day care, SES

Ey et al. 1995 ROM Mother smoked 2.10 1.78 Gender, siblings, day care,
>20 cigarettes/day breastfeeding, family history
of hay fever

Stenström and ROM Both parents NR NR Age was similar in cases and
Ingvarsson 1997 controls

Adair-Bischoff ROM 2 or more 1.85 1.88 Day care, infant feeding, SES,
and Sauve 1998 household prenatal and postnatal health
smokers vs. 1 or 0 service utilization

Homøe et al. ROM Both parents NR NR NR


Stathis et al. ROM Mother smoked 2.4 2.6 Gender, age, maternal age,
1999 10–19 cigarettes/ SES, infant feeding, day care,
day vs. 0† number of siblings

Middle ear effusion prevalence (MEE)

Iversen et al. OME‡ Either parent 1.55 1.60 Age


Zielhuis et al. OME NR NR NR None


Strachan 1990 OME Both parents 1.89 1.80 SES, crowding, cooking fuel,

Etzel et al. 1992 OME NR NR NR Gender, race, infection, atopy,

breastfeeding, heating

Saim et al. 1997 OME Either parent NR NR NR

Apostolopoulos OME Either parent NR NR Gender, age, SES, area,

et al. 1998 medical history

MEE referral for surgery

Kraemer et al. OME Both parents 2.81 2.80 Age, gender

1983 (outpatients)

Black 1985 OME NR NR NR None


Hinton and OME NR NR NR None

Buckley 1988 (outpatients)

Hinton 1989 OME NR NR NR None


Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 305

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.8 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
Factors adjusted for or
Study Outcome Exposure Unadjusted Adjusted addressed in the text

MEE referral for surgery

Barr and OME NR NR NR Age, gender, race, SES (by

Coatesworth (outpatients) matching)

Green and OME NR NR NR Age, gender (by matching),

Cooper 1991 (outpatients) SES (all armed forces)

Rowe-Jones and OME NR NR NR Area and SES were similar in

Brockbank 1992 (outpatients) cases and controls

Rasmussen 1993 OME NR NR NR None


Kitchens 1995 OME NR NR NR Age, area, and SES were

(outpatients) similar in cases and controls

Ilicali et al. 1999 OME Both parents NR NR Gender, age, and SES were
(outpatients) similar in cases and controls

Stathis et al. OME Mother smoked 1.4 1.7 Gender, age, maternal age,
1999 (outpatients) 10–19 cigarettes/ SES, infant feeding, day care,
day vs. 0† number of siblings

Tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy

Said et al. 1978 Adenoidectomy/ NR NR NR Gender, siblings (separate

tonsillectomy stratified tabulations)

Ståhlberg et al. Adenoidectomy NR NR NR None


Willatt 1986 Tonsillectomy NR NR NR None

Hinton et al. Tonsillectomy NR NR NR Age, gender, and SES were

1993 similar in cases and controls
*NR = Data were not reported.

Maternal smoking during pregnancy at first prenatal visit, adjusted for smoking prenatally in the third trimester and
6 months and 5 years postnatally.

OME = Otitis media with effusion (glue ear).

306 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 6.4 Odds ratios for the effect of smoking by either parent on middle ear disease in children

Daly et al. 1999

Homøe et al. 1999
Lubianca Neto et al. 1999

Acute otitis media (AOM) pooled odds ratio (OR)

Pukander et al. 1985

Ståhlberg et al. 1986
Tainio et al. 1988
Teele et al. 1989
Alho et al. 1993
Stenstrom et al. 1993
Collet et al. 1995
Adair-Bischoff and Sauve 1998
Homøe et al. 1999

Recurrent otitis media (ROM) pooled OR

Iversen et al. 1985

Zielhuis et al. 1989
Strachan 1990
Etzel et al. 1992
Saim et al. 1997
Apostolopoulos et al. 1998

Middle ear effusion (MEE) prevalence pooled OR

Kraemer et al. 1983

Hinton and Buckley 1988
Hinton 1989
Barr and Coatesworth 1991
Rowe-Jones and Brockbank 1992
Rasmussen 1993
Kitchens 1995

Pooled OR of outpatients referred for MEE

0.5 0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)

AOM studies contributing to the pooled OR.

ROM studies contributing to the pooled OR.
MEE studies contributing to the pooled OR.
Outpatient referral for MEE studies contributing to the pooled OR.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 307

Surgeon General’s Report

but a more appropriate measure for such a common Middle Ear Effusion: Natural History
outcome may be the duration of the effusion (Engel et
Studies document that OME commonly resolves
al. 1999). The Pittsburgh study documented consistent
spontaneously, and about one-third of the cases may
gradients in the cumulative percentage of days with
remit between outpatient referrals and operative treat-
OME during the first year of life, from 18.4 percent
ments. For example, in a follow-up of a case series in
among children not exposed to smokers in the home
the United Kingdom, the rate of spontaneous resolu-
to 24.8 percent among children living with three or
tion in children with at least one smoking parent was
more smokers; in the second year of life the gradients
31.5 percent, similar to the rate in children of non-
ranged from 15.7 percent to 19.4 percent, respectively.
smoking parents (31 percent) (Hinton 1989).
Each dose-response trend was statistically significant
Insights into the long-term natural history of
(p <0.001), but there were no adjustments for poten-
untreated effusions emerge from controlled trials of
tial confounding variables. The effects of secondhand
operative interventions for glue ear (Maw and Bawden
smoke exposure during the first year of life remained
1993, 1994). Among 133 children followed for five
significant after adjustment for area of residence,
years after adenoidectomy or adenotonsillectomy, the
gender, socioeconomic status (SES), family size, day
persistence of fluid at the end of the study was three
care, and infant feeding. The adjusted effect of having
times more likely if either parent smoked (OR = 3.32
smokers in the home was not significant in the second
[95 percent CI, 1.17–9.41]) (Maw and Bawden 1994).
year of life (Paradise et al. 1997).
A similar finding emerged using a survival analy-
sis from a trial of unilateral grommet insertion for
Middle Ear Effusion: Clinic Referrals
OME (Maw and Bawden 1993). Among 66 untreated
The 1998 review considered nine studies that ears followed for five or more years, a spontaneous
examined the relationship between secondhand resolution of fluid was less common among chil-
smoke exposure and outpatient referrals or operative dren of smokers (hazard ratio = 0.44 [95 percent CI,
interventions for glue ear (Table 6.6) (Kraemer et al. 0.22–0.87]), implying a twofold or threefold difference
1983; Black 1985; Hinton and Buckley 1988; Hinton in the rates of resolution between children of smokers
1989; Barr and Coatesworth 1991; Green and Cooper and children of nonsmokers.
1991; Rowe-Jones and Brockbank 1992; Rasmussen
1993; Kitchens 1995). Seven of these studies that were Hearing Loss
suitable for the meta-analysis (Figure 6.4, bottom)
Researchers have related middle ear effusion to
yielded a pooled OR for smoking by either parent of
hearing loss (Roland et al. 1989; Roberts et al. 1995).
1.20 (95 percent CI, 0.90–1.60). Two additional studies
However, only one study was found that related
from Australia (Stathis et al. 1999) and Turkey (Ilicali
parental smoking to objectively confirmed hearing
et al. 1999) that have also been included strengthen
impairments (Lyons 1992). This study was based on
the evidence for an association with parental smok-
a sample of 87 Irish children having routine devel-
ing, particularly by the mother (Table 6.7). The pooled
opmental screening at 10 months of age. A persis-
OR for maternal smoking is 1.84 (95 percent CI,
tently abnormal distraction test was five times more
1.54–2.20) compared with 1.49 (95 percent CI,
common in infants involuntarily exposed to cigarette
1.13–1.96) for paternal smoking.
smoke, and the authors calculated that 75 percent of
Most of the studies in this category use the case-
the cases of hearing loss were attributable to second-
control design. Only one compared ORs before and
hand smoke exposure.
after adjusting for confounders but only for age and
Parental reports of “suspected or confirmed
gender (Kraemer et al. 1983). However, several case-
hearing difficulty” by five years of age were analyzed
control studies were either matched for age, gender,
in a British birth cohort of more than 10,000 children
and SES, or the reports comment that these variables
born in 1970 (Bennett and Haggard 1998). The lifetime
were similarly distributed among cases and controls
incidence was 8.4 percent, and was somewhat higher
(Table 6.8). The Australian cohort study controlled
among children five years of age whose mothers had
for a wider range of covariates and found a stronger
smoked (unadjusted OR = 1.22; no CIs were supplied).
association after adjustment compared with the uni-
After adjustment for gender, SES, day care, and mouth
variate tabulations (Table 6.8) (Stathis et al. 1999). This
breathing, the adjusted OR for maternal smoking was
finding weighs against residual confounding.
1.31 (95 percent CI, 1.14–1.51).

308 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

In a birth cohort of more than 5,000 children meta-analysis (Strachan and Cook 1998a), although
from Brisbane (Australia), 10 percent of the children quantitative summarization can now be extended to
had parental reports of consultations with a physician AOM. No single study addresses all of the potential
for hearing problems by five years of age (Stathis et al. methodologic concerns about selection (referral) bias,
1999). There were significant univariate associations information (reporting) bias, or confounding. How-
with maternal smoking at the first prenatal clinic visit ever, multiple studies that have considered these
(OR = 1.35 [95 percent CI, 1.13–1.62]) and at five years potential methodologic problems using objective mea-
of age (OR = 1.31 [95 percent CI, 1.09–1.57]). surements, matched designs, or multivariate analyses
have found that the association of secondhand smoke
Adenoidectomy and Tonsillectomy exposure with middle ear disease persists with little
alteration in the magnitude of the effect across stud-
The 1997 review identified four studies relat-
ies, or within studies that controlled for potential
ing to adenoidectomy, tonsillectomy, or adenoton-
confounding. There are multiple potential patho-
sillectomy without a specific reference to OME as an
genetic mechanisms related to the effects of tobacco
indicator (Table 6.6) (Said et al. 1978; Ståhlberg et al.
smoke components on the upper airway (Samet 2004)
1986; Willatt 1986; Hinton et al. 1993). These studies
(Chapter 2, Toxicology of Secondhand Smoke). A
documented consistent ORs relating to smoking by
causal association between acute and chronic middle
either parent, with a pooled OR of 2.07 (95 percent CI,
ear disease and secondhand smoke exposure is thus
1.82–2.35). However, that pooled analysis was domi-
biologically plausible.
nated by one large population survey of French sec-
ondary schoolchildren (Said et al. 1978). A large
British cohort study was identified that showed an OR
of 1.0 for parental smoking with tight 95 percent CIs
(0.90–1.11) (Strachan et al. 1996) that did not overlap 1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal relation-
with those of the French study (Said et al. 1978). ship between parental smoking and middle ear
More recently published data do not add sub- disease in children, including acute and recurrent
stantially to this contradictory evidence, but one Polish otitis media and chronic middle ear effusion.
study reported large differences in adenoid histology
between children involuntarily exposed to cigarette 2. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient
smoke and those who were not exposed (Gryczyńska to infer a causal relationship between parental
et al. 1999). Epithelial thickening, significantly fewer smoking and the natural history of middle ear
ciliated cells, and an increase in squamous epithelium effusion.
were more common in the exposed children. These
findings are consistent with chronic inflammatory 3. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
changes related to cigarette smoke exposure. or absence of a causal relationship between
parental smoking and an increase in the risk of
adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy among children.
Evidence Synthesis
Evidence from different study designs and
for different chronic or recurrent disease outcomes
related to the middle ear in young children is remark- The etiology of acute and chronic middle ear
ably consistent in showing a modest elevation in risk disease is still a focus of investigation. Nonetheless,
associated with parental smoking. Although the out- the finding that parental smoking causes middle ear
come measures used are subject to misclassification, disease offers an opportunity for the prevention of
the evidence is nonetheless consistent in spite of this this common problem. Health care providers mak-
heterogeneity. ing diagnoses of acute and chronic middle ear disease
Subsequent publications over the last four years need to communicate with parents who smoke con-
have not substantially affected the findings of the 1997 cerning the consequences for their children.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 309

Surgeon General’s Report

Respiratory Symptoms and Prevalent Asthma in School-Age Children

The first reports (based on telephone surveys) Relevant Studies

documenting an adverse effect of parental smoking on
the health of children were published in the late 1960s In the 1997 review, 100 articles were identi-
(Cameron 1967; Cameron et al. 1969). By the early fied from their abstracts as possibly containing data
1970s, studies with more formal designs addressed that related the prevalence of respiratory symptoms
respiratory symptoms (Norman-Taylor and Dickin- or asthma to secondhand smoke exposure (Cook
son 1972; Colley 1974; Colley et al. 1974). Since then, and Strachan 1997). If a study resulted in additional
many epidemiologic studies have found an association publications, those publications were used to extract
between parental smoking and respiratory symptoms the necessary data. Data from cohort studies were
and diseases throughout childhood. These outcomes included only if a prevalence estimate for the cohort
were considered in the 1984 and 1986 reports of the was available at some point. However, 39 studies
Surgeon General (USDHHS 1984, 1986). The narra- were excluded for various reasons.
tive review of the 1992 EPA risk assessment (USEPA Out of 47 new studies identified as possibly
1992) concluded that the evidence causally relating relevant, 19 were excluded for the following rea-
secondhand smoke exposure at home to respiratory sons: 7 papers did not present any findings despite
symptoms was very strong among preschool-age having data on symptoms and secondhand smoke
children, but less compelling in school-age children. (Asgari et al. 1998; Jedrychowski et al. 1998; Goren
A subsequent quantitative review did not distinguish et al. 1999; Kalyoncu et al. 1999; Suárez-Varela et al.
between different types of secondhand smoke expo- 1999; Hölscher et al. 2000; Moreau et al. 2000); 3 stud-
sure and their effects at different ages (DiFranza and ies presented data that were insufficient for inclusion
Lew 1996). in a meta-analysis, although there was usually a com-
This section summarizes the evidence on the ment about either the lack of statistical significance
prevalence of respiratory symptoms and asthma (Garcia-Marcos et al. 1999) or the statistical significance
in children aged 5 through 16 years, assessed from of the findings (Faniran et al. 1998; Peters et al. 1999);
surveys carried out in schools or populations. This 1 study presented no separate data on children (Nriagu
review includes primarily cross-sectional studies and et al. 1999); 3 were non-English language publications
cohorts studied at a single point in time, and updates (Galván Fernández et al. 1999; Vitnerova et al. 1999;
an earlier 1997 review by Cook and Strachan (1997). Kardas-Sobantka et al. 2000); 2 publications related to
A subsequent section of this chapter addresses stud- studies already included (Renzoni et al. 1999; Forast-
ies on the onset of asthma and exposure to second- iere et al. 2000); 2 studies presented data on other end-
hand smoke. These two sets of outcome measures points (Gomzi 1999; Heinrich et al. 1999); and 1 study
for asthma—prevalent and incident disease—were was based on sharing a room with a smoker as the
separated because disease prevalence reflects not only exposure indicator (Odhiambo et al. 1998).
factors determining incidence, but factors affecting Three additional papers presented relevant
persistence. The studies of asthma prevalence, how- data but were not considered suitable for inclusion in
ever, receive further consideration when assessing the a meta-analysis: a study in Taiwan (Wu et al. 1998)
evidence related to asthma onset. There are additional that merited some attention because of its size but
complexities in comparisons across studies of varied appears to overlap with a study already included
designs that arise from the different approaches used that is based on another report (Wang et al. 1999); a
to ascertain the presence of asthma, and from the het- Danish study that focused on the underdiagnosis of
erogeneity of the asthma phenotype by age. Addition- asthma (Siersted et al. 1998); and a study with cohorts
ally, wheeze, cough, phlegm, and breathlessness are of secondhand smoke-exposed and unexposed chil-
common symptoms for children with asthma. dren aged nine years. This study addressed postnatal
secondhand smoke exposure versus in utero exposure
in relation to risk for all respiratory infections, upper
and lower combined (Jedrychowski and Flak 1997).

310 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

In addition, a publication from 2001 that lies outside apart from colds, and provided information used to
the period of the search is also included because it is distinguish allergic from nonallergic asthma (Ferris
based on NHANES III data and is therefore relevant 1978). More recently developed questionnaires focus
to the United States (Mannino et al. 2001). on symptoms in the past 12 months and use a number
Table 6.9 summarizes the characteristics of of methods to assess severity (Asher et al. 1995). One
88 studies that were included in the quantitative over- particularly important questionnaire was developed
view. Some papers cover more than one study and, for the International Study of Asthma and Allergy in
because they may present data on different age groups Childhood (ISAAC) (Asher et al. 1995). This question-
or outcomes, results may be included in several rows naire has been used in many recent studies. The dif-
in subsequent tables. The rows that are included in ferences in definitions are explicitly identified in this
any particular meta-analysis are clearly identified. review where possible, but for some studies a clear
One study that was not published in the peer- definition was not provided in the published report.
reviewed literature (Florey et al. 1983) is presented Many papers published since the 1997 review
separately from the main meta-analyses because of have been based on the multicountry ISAAC proto-
the uniform protocol, the size of the study (approxi- col (Asher et al. 1995). A parental questionnaire was
mately 22,000 children), and because only two centers used for younger children in ISAAC while the adoles-
appear to ever have separately published their find- cents themselves completed the questionnaire or, in
ings on secondhand smoke in a peer-reviewed journal some locations, were administered a video question-
(Gepts et al. 1978; Melia et al. 1982). Using a standard naire. As a result of the widespread use of the ISAAC
questionnaire to parents that was based on the WHO study protocol, more of the recent publications relate
questionnaire (Colley and Brasser 1980), the main to asthma (N = 17) and wheeze (N = 21) than to cough
purpose of this European study was to investigate (N = 12), phlegm (N = 5), or breathlessness (none).
the relationship between air pollution and respiratory
health in schoolchildren; data were also collected on
the number of smokers in each home. Evidence Review

Symptom Questionnaires Asthma

With a few exceptions, the studies reviewed here A total of 41 studies contained quantitative infor-
are based on data collected from questionnaires filled mation (Table 6.10); 2 studies presented two separate
out by the parents. Inevitably, definitions of asthma sets of results (Søyseth et al. 1995; Selçuk et al. 1997).
and symptoms varied and reflected the state of devel- Most studies reported on “asthma ever,” which is typ-
opment of standard questionnaires. Many early stud- ically a positive response to “Has this child ever had
ies, particularly in the United Kingdom, used the asthma?” Some studies focused on current asthma,
respiratory questionnaire developed by the Medical usually defined as in the past year, while other stud-
Research Council (MRC) for adults as a starting point ies specifically asked whether the diagnosis had been
(MRC 1966). The purpose of this questionnaire was to made by a physician. One study that reported phy-
study chronic respiratory symptoms, and its two most sician consultations for wheeze is included under
important characteristics are (1) that it did not ask asthma for purposes of consistency (Strachan and
about symptoms in a defined period but asked whether Elton 1986).
“a person usually coughed first thing in the morning” The OR estimates for asthma in children from
(cough usually in the a.m.), or whether “a child’s chest families in which either parent smoked compared
ever sounded wheezy or whistling” (wheeze ever); and with children of nonsmoking parents were consis-
(2) if the answer was yes, a second question was usu- tently above 1; only three ORs were below 1 (Moyes
ally asked to elicit the severity: “Does he/she cough et al. 1995; Peters et al. 1996; Lam et al. 1999), but the
like this on most days or nights for as much as three majority of confidence limits included 1. The pooled
months each year?” (persistent cough) or “Does he/ estimate was 1.23 (95 percent CI, 1.14–1.33), but
she get this [wheeze] on most days or nights?” (persis- there is evidence of heterogeneity among the studies
tent wheeze). In 1978, the American Thoracic Society’s (χ230 = 78.8, p <0.001). The studies reporting the high-
Epidemiology Standardization Project published a est ORs were more likely to be early publications
questionnaire for children based on the adult ques- that had small study populations and did not adjust
tionnaires (Ferris 1978). The children’s questionnaire for potential confounders Table 6.10 and Figure 6.5.
determined whether symptoms occurred only with or The pooled OR for the unadjusted studies is

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 311

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.9 List of secondhand smoke exposure analyses included in the meta-analysis
Study Population (sample size) rate (%) Respiratory symptoms

Norman-Taylor and All St. Albans school entrants NR* Chronic cough
Dickinson 1972 Aged 5 years (1,119)
United Kingdom

Colley 1974 7 schools in Aylesbury 93 Chronic cough

Aged 6–14 years (2,426)
United Kingdom

Lebowitz and Burrows Stratified cluster sample of Tucson homes 72 Asthma, wheeze, chronic
1976 Aged 0–15 years (626) cough, chronic phlegm
United States (Arizona)

Schilling et al. 1977 Families from 3 towns NR Wheeze, chronic cough

Aged 7–18 years (816)
United States

Bland et al. 1978 Random sample of Derbyshire schools 86 Chronic cough,

Aged 11–12 years (5,835) breathlessness
United Kingdom

Kasuga et al. 1979 2 schools 99 Wheeze

Aged 6–11 years (1,896)

Stanhope et al. 1979 1 college 96 Wheeze

Aged 12–18 years (715)
New Zealand

Weiss et al. 1980 Random sample of children aged 5–9 years 42 Wheeze, chronic cough
attending school in East Boston in 1974, plus
siblings (383)
United States (Massachusetts)

Dodge 1982 Schools in 3 Arizona communities 76 Asthma, wheeze, chronic

Aged 8–12 years (628) cough, chronic phlegm
United States

Ekwo et al. 1983 Primary school in Iowa City 55 Chronic cough

Aged 6–12 years (1,138)
United States (Iowa)

Schenker et al. 1983† Stratified sample of Pennsylvania schools 93 Wheeze, chronic cough,
Aged 5–14 years (4,071) chronic phlegm
United States

Charlton 1984 65 schools in northern England NR Chronic cough

Aged 8–19 years (6,988)
United Kingdom

Ware et al. 1984 6 cities NR Wheeze, chronic cough

Aged 6–9 years (8,380)
United States

Burchfiel et al. 1986 Residents of Tecumseh NR Asthma, wheeze, chronic

Aged 0–19 years (3,460) cough, chronic phlegm
United States (Michigan)

312 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.9 Continued

Study Population (sample size) rate (%) Respiratory symptoms

Goren and Goldsmith Sampling unclear; near coal-fired power station 86 Asthma, wheeze, chronic
1986 2nd and 5th graders (sample size not reported) cough, breathlessness

McConnochie and Historical birth cohort 62 Wheeze

Roghmann 1986a Aged 6–10 years (223)
United States

Park and Kim 1986 Households in Wonsung County NR Chronic cough

Aged 0–14 years (3,651)

Strachan and Elton 1986 Born in 1976 from 1 general practice 83 Asthma, wheeze, chronic
Aged 7–8 years (165) cough
United Kingdom

Andrae et al. 1988 7 areas near Norrkoping 94 Chronic cough

Aged 6 months–16 years (4,990)

Somerville et al. 1988 Stratified sample from 22 areas in England 75 Asthma, wheeze, chronic
Aged 5–11 years (5,169) cough
United Kingdom

Strachan 1988‡ 30 primary schools in Edinburgh 91 Wheeze, chronic cough

Aged 7 years (1,001)
United Kingdom

Hosein et al. 1989 3 North American towns >90 Wheeze, chronic

Aged 7–17 years (1,357) cough, chronic phlegm,
United States breathlessness

Stern et al. 1989a 2 rural communities 81 Asthma, wheeze, chronic

Aged 7–12 years (1,317) cough

Stern et al. 1989b§ 5 rural communities in Ontario 81 Asthma, wheeze, chronic

and 5 in Saskatchewan cough, chronic phlegm
Aged 7–12 years (4,003)

Dijkstra et al. 1990 9 schools in southeast Holland 72 Wheeze, chronic cough,

Aged 6–12 years (1,051) breathlessness

Chinn and Rona 1991 National stratified sample >90 Asthma, wheeze, chronic
Aged 5–11 years (14,256) cough
United Kingdom

Dekker et al. 1991 30 communities 83 Asthma, wheeze

Aged 5–8 years (14,059)

Henry et al. 1991 2 schools: 1 in a polluted area and 1 in a control 72 Wheeze

Aged 5–12 years (602)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 313

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.9 Continued

Study Population (sample size) rate (%) Respiratory symptoms

Forastiere et al. 1992 Random sample of schools in 3 areas 94 Asthma, chronic cough
Aged 7–11 years (2,929)

Duffy and Mitchell 1993 Stratified sample of 36 schools 94 Wheeze

Aged 8 and 12 years (4,549)

Florey et al. 1983 19 European centers 62–99 Wheeze

Aged 6–10 years (22,078)

Halliday et al. 1993 2 areas 86 Wheeze

Aged 5–12 years (787)

Jenkins et al. 1993 Children born in 1961 (7 years of age) (8,585) 99 Wheeze
Australia (Tasmania)

Schmitzberger et al. 3 zones of air pollution 88 Asthma

1993 Aged 6–15 years (1,626)

Brabin et al. 1994 15 primary schools in 3 areas around Liverpool 92 Asthma, wheeze,
Aged 5–11 years (1,872) breathlessness
United Kingdom

Shaw et al. 1994 1 town 82 Wheeze

Aged 8–13 years (708)
New Zealand (Kawerau)

Soto-Quiros et al. 1994∆ Stratified random sample of 98 schools 89 Asthma

Aged 5–17 years (2,534)
Costa Rica

Bråbäck et al. 1995 All schools in 1 area 97 Wheeze, chronic cough

Aged 10–12 years (665)

1 school in Konin 97 Wheeze, chronic cough

Aged 10–12 years (410)

11 schools in Tallin and 4 in Tartu 96 Wheeze, chronic cough

Aged 10–12 years (1,519)

Cuijpers et al. 1995 2 primary schools 88 Wheeze, chronic cough,

Aged 6–12 years (470) breathlessness

Goren and Hellmann 3 coastal towns 95 Asthma, wheeze, chronic

1995¶ 2nd and 5th graders (6,822) cough

314 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.9 Continued

Study Population (sample size) rate (%) Respiratory symptoms

Kay et al. 1995 Large, urban general practices 98 Asthma

Aged 3–11 years (1,077)
United Kingdom

Lau et al. 1995 4 selected Chinese middle-class schools 89 Asthma

Aged 3–10 years (433)
Hong Kong

Moyes et al. 1995 All children in defined area 85 Asthma, wheeze, chronic
Aged 6–14 years (2,614) cough
New Zealand

Ninan et al. 1995 Primary schools in Aberdeen NR Chronic cough

Aged 8–13 years (259)
United Kingdom

Søyseth et al. 1995 2 western valleys 96 Asthma

Aged 7–13 years (620)

Stoddard and Miller Stratified cluster sample of all U.S. households NR Wheeze
1995 Aged <18 years (7,578)
United States

Volkmer et al. 1995 All school entries 73 Asthma, wheeze, chronic

Aged 4–5 years (14,124**) cough
Southern Australia

Abuekteish et al. 1996 Primary schools in and around 1 city 90 Wheeze

Aged 6–12 years (3,186)
Jordan (Irbid)

Beckett et al. 1996 Older children of mothers who gave birth in 91 Asthma
Aged 1–18 years (5,171)
United States

Bener et al. 1996 Sampling unclear 86 Asthma

Aged 6–14 years (729)
United Arab Republic

Chen et al. 1996 1 town NR Asthma

Aged 6–17 years (892)
Canada (Humboldt)

Peters et al. 1996†† 17 schools in 2 areas with different air pollution 96 Asthma, wheeze, chronic
levels phlegm
Aged 10–13 years (3,521)
Hong Kong

Wright et al. 1996 Birth cohort from Tucson 78 Wheeze, chronic cough
Aged 6 years (987)
United States (Arizona)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 315

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.9 Continued

Study Population (sample size) rate (%) Respiratory symptoms

Zejda et al. 1996 Cluster sample of primary schools in 2 towns 75 Chronic cough
Aged 7–9 years (1,622)

Austin and Russell 1997 Schools in Scottish Highlands 85 Wheeze, chronic cough
Aged 12 and 14 years (1,537)
United Kingdom

Butland et al. 1997 All children attending school in Croydon 81–87 Wheeze
Aged 7.5–8.5 years (7,237)
United Kingdom

Dales et al. 1997 Sampling unclear; 1 community (138) NR Chronic cough


Farber et al. 1997 The 1992–1994 Bogalusa Heart Study survey NR Asthma
Aged 5–17 years (2,975)
United States

Forsberg et al. 1997 Schools in Oslo, Malmo, Umea, and Kuopio 90 Asthma, chronic cough
Aged 6–12 years (15,962)

Hu et al. 1997 13 schools in Illinois with mostly Black students NR Asthma, wheeze
Aged 10–11 years (707)
United States

Leung et al. 1997 13 randomly selected schools NR Wheeze

Aged 13–14 years (>3,733)
Hong Kong

Maier et al. 1997 Schools in Seattle 31 Asthma, wheeze

Aged 5–9 years (925)
United States (Washington state)

Selçuk et al. 1997 Random sample 86 Asthma, wheeze

Aged 7–12 years (5,412)

Chen et al. 1998 1 town 88 Chronic cough

Aged 6–17 years (892)

Chhabra et al. 1998 2 schools in Delhi 91 Wheeze

Aged 4–17 years (2,609)

Kendirli et al. 1998 Random selection of schools in Adana 88 Asthma, wheeze

Aged 6–14 years (2,334)

Lam et al. 1998 2-stage cluster sample from 172 classes 88 Asthma, wheeze, chronic
in 61 schools cough, chronic phlegm
Aged 12–15 years (4,482)
Hong Kong

316 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.9 Continued

Study Population (sample size) rate (%) Respiratory symptoms

Lewis and Britton 1998 Birth cohort born in 1 week in 1970 NR Wheeze
Aged 16 years (6,000)
United Kingdom

Lewis et al. 1998 Primary schoolchildren from industrial and 77 Wheeze, chronic cough
nonindustrial areas
Aged 8–11 years (2,340)

Peters et al. 1998 27 schools within 2 districts 95 Wheeze, chronic cough,

Aged 8–13 years (10,615) chronic phlegm
Hong Kong

Rönmark et al. 1998 3 areas in northernmost Sweden 97 Asthma

Aged 7–8 years (3,431)

Saraçlar et al. 1998 12 schools in Ankara 88 Wheeze

Aged 7–14 years (2,784)

Withers et al. 1998 86 general practitioners in Southampton 75 Asthma, wheeze, chronic

Aged 14–16 years (2,289) cough
United Kingdom

Agabiti et al. 1999 School-based sample aged 6–7 years from 96 Asthma, wheeze
10 centers in northern Italy; SIDRIA‡‡ (children)
sample (18,737)

School-based sample aged 13–14 years from 93 Asthma, wheeze

10 centers in northern Italy; SIDRIA
(adolescent) sample (21,068)

Belousova et al. 1999 All primary schools in 7 regions within 76 Wheeze

New South Wales
Aged 8–11 years (6,394)

Burr et al. 1999 93 schools in Great Britain 79 Wheeze, chronic cough,

Aged 12–14 years (25,393) chronic phlegm
United Kingdom

Chhabra et al. 1999 9 randomly selected schools in Delhi NR Asthma, wheeze

Aged 5–17 years (18,955)

Lam et al. 1999 30 schools in Hong Kong NR Wheeze, chronic cough,

Aged 8–13 years (3,480) chronic phlegm

Nilsson et al. 1999 Residents of Ostergotland NR Asthma

Aged 13–14 years (1,878)
Southwest Sweden

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 317

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.9 Continued

Study Population (sample size) rate (%) Respiratory symptoms

Shamssain and 78 schools in northeast England 80 Asthma, wheeze, chronic

Shamsian 1999 Aged 6–7 years (3,000) cough
United Kingdom

Wang et al. 1999 Cross-sectional study of 2 communities 97 Wheeze

Aged 11–16 years (165,173)

Csonka et al. 2000 All 40 primary schools in 1 city (Tampere) 90 Wheeze

Aged 6–13 years (1,814)

Ponsonby et al. 2000 All children aged 7 years from Tasmania who NR Asthma
had participated in an earlier infant health
survey (863)

Qian et al. 2000 3 large cities NR Asthma, wheeze, chronic

Aged 5–14 years (2,060) cough, chronic phlegm

Räsänen et al. 2000 5 consecutive birth cohorts of 16-year-old twins NR Asthma

*NR = Data were not reported.

Data for standard errors are from Wright et al. 1996.

Data for cotinine are in Strachan et al. 1990.
Prevalence data are from Beckett et al. 1996.

Note error in Table 3 in this paper.

See also Bener et al. 1996.
**Number of families.
1991 data were used.
SIDRIA = Italian Studies on Respiratory Disorders in Childhood and the Environment.

1.26 (95 percent CI, 1.15–1.38, χ221 = 51.3, p <0.001). potential confounders (Figure 6.5). There was clear
In contrast, the relative odds for the 18 studies that evidence of heterogeneity of effect estimates among
adjusted for various potential confounders are quanti- the unadjusted studies (pooled OR = 1.30 [95 percent
tatively consistent and slightly lower than those for the CI, 1.20–1.41], χ228 for heterogeneity = 152.1, p <0.001).
unadjusted studies (pooled OR = 1.22 [95 percent CI, Among the adjusted studies, the pooled OR was only
1.12–1.32], χ217 for heterogeneity = 39.1, p = 0.002). For slightly lower at 1.25 (95 percent CI, 1.17–1.33), again
the 11 studies reporting both adjusted and unadjusted with evidence of heterogeneity (χ224 = 88.4, p <0.001).
ORs, the adjustment had very little effect (Table 6.10) Studies that provided both adjusted and unadjusted
(Somerville et al. 1988; Dekker et al. 1991; Forastiere et ORs found a similar but very small effect of adjust-
al. 1992; Brabin et al. 1994; Kay et al. 1995; Beckett et al. ment (Table 6.11), except for one early Japanese study
1996; Maier et al. 1997; Selçuk et al. 1997; Agabiti et al. (Kasuga et al. 1979). The overall pooled OR from all
1999; Chhabra et al. 1999; Ponsonby et al. 2000). of the studies, using adjusted values if available, was
Only one of the ORs for asthma where either 1.23 (95 percent CI, 1.14–1.33) (see Table 6.14).
parent smoked was below 1; the highest ORs One foreign language article published in the
were from small studies that had not adjusted for Chinese Journal of Public Health also merits attention

318 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

because of the study size: 359,000 children aged source: maternal smoking, paternal smoking, and/or
12 through 14 years were screened, making it larger other household members. Data from Taiwan were
than all other cross-sectional studies combined. There not presented in the 1997 WHO publication Tobacco
is an overlap between this study in Taiwan and the or Health: A Global Status Report (WHO 1997), but in
data presented in another publication included in the mainland China it was uncommon for women to
meta-analysis (Wang et al. 1999). Disease definitions smoke. Although the ORs presented in both papers
were based on an ISAAC protocol that included both from Taiwan are thus broadly compatible with those
a written questionnaire to parents and a video ques- in Table 6.14, they are more in keeping with the effects
tionnaire to children. “Asthma” was based on a some- of smoking by fathers or others only, as opposed to
what restrictive definition requiring the following maternal smoking or smoking by either parent.
three criteria: (1) in the parent’s questionnaire, the stu-
dent’s asthma was diagnosed by a physician; (2) after Wheeze
watching the video, the student reported a shortness
Using a variety of definitions (Table 6.11),
of breath similar to what was depicted in a particular
58 studies were identified with data on wheeze that
scene of the video; and (3) in the past 12 months, the
could be broadly grouped under three headings:
student reported a shortness of breath similar to what
wheeze ever, current wheeze, and persistent wheeze.
was shown in the first scene of the video and had also
Wheeze is a common but nonspecific manifestation of
awakened during the night (Crane et al. 2003). “Sus-
asthma, as it has other underlying causes, including
pected asthma” was based on a much broader defini-
respiratory infection.
tion that included cough as well as wheeze.
Of the 43 studies reporting effects of smoking
Although the univariate analyses of the larger
by either parent, the 2 studies with the highest ORs
study did not show an association between either the
reported on wheeze that was classified as both current
number of cigarettes per day smoked by household
and persistent (Weiss et al. 1980) and on wheeze most
members or the number of household smokers and
days or nights (Lebowitz and Burrows 1976), rather
asthma risk, there was an exposure-response rela-
than wheeze ever or current wheeze. These two stud-
tionship for “suspected asthma” with the number of
ies also reported the lowest prevalence rates (Table
cigarettes smoked by household members. However,
6.11), suggesting that the definitions probably reflected
these univariate results were potentially confounded
more severe wheeze. In two studies that reported on
by age, gender, air pollution, and area as well as by
both wheeze ever and wheeze most days or nights,
correlates of SES. Adjusted ORs were presented only
the ORs were greater for wheeze most days or nights
for asthma (not suspected asthma), and were con-
(Somerville et al. 1988; Chinn and Rona 1991). More
trolled for gender, school grade, air pollution, burning
recently, one study in Hong Kong reported a slightly
incense, area, and physical activity. Although unad-
higher OR for current than for severe wheeze (Table
justed ORs tended to be below 1.0 for students living
6.11) (Leung et al. 1997). Two large studies from the
in smoking households, the adjusted ORs showed
United Kingdom found higher odds for maternal
an elevated risk that increased with an increasing
smoking in relation to frequent attacks than for less
number of household smokers. Adjusted data for the
frequent attacks (Butland et al. 1997), and for speech-
number of cigarettes smoked by household mem-
limiting wheeze than for all wheeze in the past year
bers are difficult to interpret because the results were
(Table 6.11) (Burr et al. 1999). However, a smaller
adjusted for the number of household members who
United Kingdom study reported stronger associations
smoked. The ORs of 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 in households
with wheeze ever than for wheeze in the past year or
with one to two, three to four, and four or more smok-
for speech-limiting attacks (Table 6.11) (Shamssain
ers, respectively, are compatible with results from
and Shamsian 1999). The overall pooled OR from
the related Taiwanese paper that offers an OR of
all studies using adjusted values if available was
1.08 for any exposure after adjustment. An over-
1.26 (Figure 6.6) (see also Table 6.14).
all effect of household smoking cannot be derived
Similar to the findings for asthma, all but one
because the number of children exposed in the differ-
of the ORs for smoking by either parent were above
ent groups was not reported. Two other design issues
1. The highest ORs were from small studies that had
are unclear: consideration does not appear to have
not adjusted for potential confounders (Figure 6.6).
been made for active smoking by these 12- through
There was clear evidence of heterogeneity of effect
14-year-olds, although it was controlled in the anal-
among the unadjusted studies (pooled OR = 1.30
ysis reported by Wang and colleagues (1999); and
[95 percent CI, 1.20–1.41], χ228 for heterogeneity = 152.1,
secondhand smoke exposure is not specified as to the

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 319

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.10 Studies of asthma prevalence associated with parental smoking

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of asthma (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Lebowitz and 0–15 Physician diagnosis 7.6 3.53 NR*

Burrows 1976 United States (2.13–5.86)

Dodge 1982 8–12 NR 4.1 1.61 NR

United States (0.78–3.33)

Burchfiel et al. 0–19 NR 11.5 NR 1.14

1986 United States (0.92–1.41)

Goren and 2nd and 5th graders Ever 8.9 1.07 NR

Goldsmith 1986 Israel (0.74–1.56)

Strachan and 5–7 Wheeze consultations 13 1.60 NR

Elton 1986 United Kingdom (0.56–4.60)

Somerville et 5–11 An attack in the past year 4 1.0 1.18

al. 1988 United Kingdom (0.78–1.28) (0.86–1.62)

Stern et al. 7–12 Current 3.6 NR NR

1989a Canada

Stern et al. 7–12 Physician diagnosis 4§ NR NR

1989b Canada (ever)

Chinn and 5–11 In the past year NR NR 1.02

Rona 1991 United Kingdom (0.86–1.20)

Dekker et al. 5–8 Current 4.8 1.53 1.49

1991 Canada (1.30–1.81) (NR)

Forastiere et al. 7–11 Ever (or symptoms) 6.3 1.4 1.3

1992 Italy (NR) (0.9–1.8)

Schmitzberger 6–15 Physician diagnosis 3.4 NR NR

et al. 1993 Austria

Brabin et al. 5–11 Ever 17 1.09 1.06

1994 United Kingdom (0.85–1.41) (0.83–1.37)

Soto-Quiros et 6–12 NR NR NR NR
al. 1994 Costa Rica

Goren and 2nd and 5th graders Ever 9.6 1.19 NR

Hellmann 1995 Israel (1.01–1.41)

Kay et al. 1995 3–11 Current (definition 17 1.42 1.31

United Kingdom unclear) (1.05–1.92) (0.96–1.81)

320 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents vs. Mother only vs. Father only vs.
vs. neither neither neither neither Confounders adjusted for


1.36 1.94 NR NR NR
(0.57–3.21) (0.81–4.50)

0.84 1.62 1.28 0.76 Age, gender, socioeconomic status

(0.63–1.13) (1.18–2.22) (0.68–2.40) (0.56–1.04) (SES), family size

NR NR 1.36 0.91 NR
(0.87–2.14) (0.59–1.39)


NR NR NR NR Child’s age, gender, birth weight, and

triceps skinfold; mother’s age and
education; number of siblings; and
father’s social class and job

NR NR 1.11† 1.41‡ NR
(0.63–1.98) (0.80–2.48)

NR NR 1.43∆ NR NR

NR NR NR NR Birth weight; father’s social class

and job; mother’s age, education,
and smoking during pregnancy; and
family size and ethnic origin

1.4 1.59 NR NR Dampness, gas cooking, type of

(1.13–1.73) (1.28–1.98) heating, pets

NR 1.50 1.70 1.0 Age, gender, area, SES

(1.04–2.20) (1.04–2.70) (0.70–1.50)

NR NR 2.11† NR NR


NR NR 1.53† 1.19‡ NR
(1.14–2.04) (0.97–1.45)

1.13 1.33 1.27† 1.19‡ NR

(0.94–1.36) (1.07–1.66) (1.04–1.55) (1.0–1.41)

NR 1.81 1.13 1.3 SES

(1.16–2.84) (0.71–1.80) (0.86–1.97)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 321

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.10 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of asthma (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Lau et al. 1995 3–10 Current (definition 7 1.35 NR

Hong Kong unclear) (0.60–3.06)

Moyes et al. 6–7 Ever 25 1.06 NR

1995 New Zealand (0.89–1.27)

13–14 Ever 23 0.94 NR

New Zealand (0.79–1.13)

Søyseth et al. 7–13 Ever 7.7 NR NR

1995¶ Norway

7–13 Ever NR NR NR

7–13 Ever NR NR NR

Volkmer et al. 4–5 Ever NR Not significant Not significant

1995¶ Australia

Beckett et al. 1–18 Physician diagnosis 10.3 1.56 1.40

1996 United States (1.30–1.88) (1.13–1.72)

Bener et al. 6–14 Ever 12.7 1.28 NR

1996 United Arab (0.82–1.99)

Chen et al. 6–17 Physician diagnosis 10.0 1.14 NR

1996‡‡ Canada (ever) (0.72–1.79)

Peters et al. 8–11 Current physician 6.1§ NR 0.90

1996 Hong Kong diagnosis (definition (0.69–1.17)

Farber et al. 5–17 Ever 15.9§ NR 1.39

1997 United States (1.11–1.72)

Forsberg et al. 6–12 Treatment by physician 3.5§ NR 1.4

1997 Scandinavia in the past 12 months (1.1–1.7)

Hu et al. 1997 10–11 Physician diagnosis 25.3 NR NR

United States (ever)

Maier et al. 5–9 Physician diagnosis 11§ 1.5 1.6

1997 United States (ever) (1.0–2.4) (0.9–2.7)
(Washington state)

322 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents vs. Mother only vs. Father only vs.
vs. neither neither neither neither Confounders adjusted for




NR NR 1.17† 0.72‡ NR
(0.66–2.07) (0.39–1.31)

NR NR 1.26** NR NR

NR NR 1.99†† NR NR


NR NR NR NR Ethnicity, gas stove, mold, maternal

age, maternal allergy, number of
children at home


0.92 1.55 1.17† 1.0‡ NR

(0.53–1.63) (0.84–2.84) (0.71–1.95) (0.61–1.64)

0.76 1.22 NR NR NR
(0.55–1.07) (0.78–1.92)

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, ethnicity

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, area, fitted carpets, pets,

mold, stove use, parental asthma, early
day care

NR NR 1.22 NR None

NR NR NR NR Gender, ethnicity, allergy, SES, parental


Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 323

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.10 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of asthma (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Selçuk et al. 7–12 Ever 13.1 1.41 1.35¶

1997 Turkey (1.19–1.67) (1.12–1.62)

7–12 Current 4.6 1.34 1.28

Turkey (1.02–1.77) (0.94–1.75)

Kendirli et al. 6–14 Ever (by questionnaire) 12.9§ 1.41 NR

1998 Turkey (1.16–1.72)

Lam et al. 1998 12–15 Physician diagnosis 8.5 NR NR

Hong Kong (ever)

Rönmark et al. 7–8 Physician diagnosis and 6.4§ NR NR

1998 Sweden current

Withers et al. 14–16 Physician diagnosis 22.3§ NR p >0.05

1998 United Kingdom (ever)

Agabiti et al. 6–7 Asthma with symptoms 5.0 1.33 1.34

1999 Italy in the past year (1.10–1.60) (1.11–1.62)

13–14 Asthma with symptoms 5.9 1.26 1.17

Italy in the past year (1.07–1.49) (0.99–1.39)

Chhabra et al. 5–17 Current 10.8 1.61 1.51

1999 India (NR) (1.34–1.69)

Lam et al. 1999 8–13 Physician diagnosis 6.8 NR 0.91¶¶

Hong Kong (ever) (definition unclear) (0.69–1.18)

Nilsson et al. 13–14 Ever (International Study 9.3§ 1.0 NR

1999 Sweden of Asthma and Allergy in (0.7–1.4)
Childhood [ISAAC] child

Shamssain and 6–7 Ever 20.6 NR NR

Shamsian 1999 United Kingdom

Ponsonby et al. 6–7 Has your child ever had 30.0 1.16 1.03
2000 Australia asthma (0.85–1.57) (0.83–1.26)

324 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents vs. Mother only vs. Father only vs.
vs. neither neither neither neither Confounders adjusted for

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, place, animals, atopic

family, breastfeeding



0.89 NR 1.32 0.92§§ Age, gender, area, housing type

(0.69–1.12) (0.71–2.45) (0.72–1.17)

NR NR 1.6∆∆ NR Gender, area, pets, dampness, family

(1.1–2.3) history

NR NR 1.50 p >0.05 Parent and child atopy, sibling with

(1.14–1.98) asthma

NR 1.35 1.46 1.26 Age, gender, area, father’s education,

(1.09–1.69) (1.13–1.87) (1.01–1.58) crowding, dampness, gas heating,
parental asthma, other smokers

NR 1.29 1.23 1.04 Age, gender, area, father’s education,

(1.06–1.56) (0.98–1.53) (0.86–1.27) crowding, dampness, gas heating,
parental asthma, other smokers, active

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, atopic family

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, area, active smoking

NR NR 1.4** NR None

1.35 1.55 1.39† NR None

(NR) (NR) (1.12–1.74)

NR NR 1.08** NR Gender, family history, breastfeeding,

(0.90–1.30) gas heat, mother’s education, number
in household

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 325

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.10 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of asthma (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Qian et al. 2000 5–14 Recall of asthma ever 0.8–3.6 NR 2.11

China with physician diagnosis (0.79–5.66)

Räsänen et al. 16 Physician diagnosis 3.2 NR NR

2000 Finland (ever) by questionnaire

*NR = Data were not reported.

Mother currently smoked vs. did not smoke.

Father currently smoked vs. did not smoke.
Overall prevalence.

Mother smoked vs. did not smoke during pregnancy and infancy.

Not included in the meta-analysis.
**Mother smoked vs. did not smoke prenatally.
Mother smoked vs. did not smoke postnatally.
Estimates were determined by combining data for allergic and nonallergic participants.
Father smoked vs. neither parent smoked where only 2.5% of the mothers smoked.
Approximate confidence limits were derived from the given p value.
Analyses excluded active smokers.
***Mother ever vs. never smoked.

p <0.001). Among the adjusted studies, the pooled importance of cough as a symptom. There is no sug-
OR was only slightly lower (OR = 1.25 [95 percent CI, gestion that the studies reporting the lowest preva-
1.17–1.33]), which again provided evidence of hetero- lence rates (implying a more restrictive definition)
geneity (χ224 = 88.4, p <0.001). For those studies with contributed the highest ORs. The pooled OR for the 26
both adjusted and unadjusted ORs, there was a simi- studies with no adjustments for potential confounders
lar, very small effect of adjustment except for one early was 1.45 (95 percent CI, 1.34–1.58, χ225 for heteroge-
Japanese study (Table 6.11) (Kasuga et al. 1979). neity = 84.0, p <0.001), somewhat greater than for the
For the 19 centers participating in the European 16 studies that adjusted for various factors: pooled OR
Communities (EC) Study, it was possible to extract = 1.27 (95 percent CI, 1.21–1.33, χ215 for heterogeneity
data for wheeze ever. There was no evidence of het- = 18.0, p = 0.26) (Figure 6.7). In four studies reporting
erogeneity between centers (χ218 = 18.6, p = 0.42); the both adjusted and unadjusted estimates, the adjust-
pooled OR across the 19 centers was 1.20 (95 percent ments had little impact (Bland et al. 1978; Somerville
CI, 1.09–1.32). et al. 1988; Wright et al. 1996; Burr et al. 1999); the
study conducted by Forastiere and colleagues (1992)
Chronic Cough was excluded because CIs were not reported for the
unadjusted category. It is worth noting, however, that
A total of 44 published studies of cough have
Wright and colleagues (1996) and Burr and colleagues
used a variety of symptom definitions (Table 6.12).
(1999) adjusted for active smoking.
Although most of the studies were based on either
the MRC or American Thoracic Society question-
Chronic Phlegm
naires, the largest study was based on a study-specific
questionnaire (Charlton 1984). Two studies reported Out of 12 studies reporting on phlegm, 4 used
raised ORs for cough without wheeze (Ninan et a definition of persistent phlegm and 3 were unclear
al. 1995; Wright et al. 1996), thus emphasizing the with regard to the definition in the study report

326 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents vs. Mother only vs. Father only vs.
vs. neither neither neither neither Confounders adjusted for

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, ventilation, family

history, mother’s education, coal use,

NR NR 1.49*** NR Gender, parental asthma and hay

(1.02–2.18) fever, number of older siblings,
father’s occupation

(Table 6.13); 7 out of 10 studies reported significant evidence of an increased risk of respiratory symptoms
ORs for smoking by either parent, although all ORs if only one parent smokes, regardless of whether it is
were above 1 (Figure 6.8). The pooled OR for smoking only the mother or the father. Exposure to smoking
by either parent was 1.35 (95 percent CI, 1.30–1.41), only by the mother appears to have a greater effect, but
with no evidence of heterogeneity between studies a formal comparison of smoking by only the mother
(χ29 for heterogeneity = 4.6, p = 0.87). or father is not possible because it requires within-
study estimates of standard errors for the calculation.
Breathlessness Evidence exists of a dose-response relationship with
the number of parents who smoke; the summary ORs
Six studies reported on shortness of breath using
for smoking by both parents are greater than for one
various definitions (Table 6.13). Only two studies
parent only in all cases (Table 6.14).
reported statistically significant effects even though
results were above 1 for all but one of the ORs (Fig-
Restricting Analyses to Preteens
ure 6.8). The pooled OR for smoking by either parent
was 1.31 (95 percent CI, 1.14–1.50), with no evidence Because a number of the cited studies cover
of heterogeneity (χ25 for heterogeneity = 4.6, p = 0.47). teenagers who may be active smokers, and only
some studies have included controls for active smok-
Pooled Odds Ratios ing, the analyses have been repeatedly restricted to
those studies in Table 6.9 with no children older than
The pooled ORs for smoking by either parent
11 years of age. The results are presented in Table 6.15.
compared with smoking by neither parent are consis-
Although the number of studies is markedly reduced
tent across different outcomes, ranging from 1.23 for
and confidence limits are widened, the estimated ORs
asthma to 1.35 for cough and phlegm (Table 6.14). For
are similar to those in Table 6.14.
asthma, wheeze, and cough—for which there are suffi-
cient studies to justify a pooled analysis—there is clear

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 327

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 6.5 Odds ratios for the effect of smoking by either parent on asthma prevalence

Lebowitz and Burrows 1976

Dodge 1982
Goren and Goldsmith 1986
Strachan and Elton 1986
Dekker et al. 1991
Goren and Hellmann 1995
Lau et al. 1995
Moyes et al. 1995 (aged 6–7 years)
Moyes et al. 1995 (aged 13–14 years)
Bener et al. 1996
Chen et al. 1996
Kendirli et al. 1998
Nilsson et al. 1999

Unadjusted pooled odds ratio (OR)*

Burchfiel et al. 1986

Somerville et al. 1988 x x
Chinn and Rona 1991

Forastiere et al. 1992


Brabin et al. 1994


Kay et al. 1995


Beckett et al. 1996


Peters et al. 1996


Farber et al. 1997

x x

Forsberg et al. 1997

Maier et al. 1997

Selçuk et al. 1997

x x

Agabiti et al. 1999 (aged 6–7 years)

Agabiti et al. 1999 (aged 13–14 years)

Chhabra et al. 1999


Lam et al. 1999


Ponsonby et al. 2000


Qian et al. 2000


Adjusted pooled OR†

Pooled OR‡

0.5 0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)

*Studies that did not adjust for potential confounders.

Studies that adjusted for a variety of potential confounders.

Based on all studies.

328 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Effect of Parental Smoking at Different Ages children, but the contrast is less marked than has been
suggested (USEPA 1992). Moreover, it is necessary to
Modification of the effect of parental smoking
consider the level of exposure when comparing esti-
as children age is quite plausible. The relationship of
mates of the effects, which some earlier reviews did
parental smoking to the personal exposure of their
not provide (DiFranza and Lew 1996). For the same
children may change as the children age, and sus-
level of maternal smoking, biomarker cotinine assess-
ceptibility to secondhand smoke may also change. In
ments showed that personal exposure of children
addition, the constellation of symptoms, signs, and
to secondhand smoke declined markedly between
physiologic abnormalities leading to a diagnosis of
infancy and school age (Irvine et al. 1997).
asthma may vary by age. A comparison across differ-
Even after entering school, salivary cotinine lev-
ent studies is unlikely to provide a valid assessment of
els provided evidence that exposure of nonsmoking
the risks associated with exposure to parental smok-
children to secondhand smoke continues to fall as
ing at different ages because of the considerable over-
children grow older; exposures also are affected by
lap of age range in many studies, different definitions
gender, geographic area, and time of year (Jarvis et al.
of symptoms, and the need to control for active smok-
1992; Cook et al. 1994; Pirkle et al. 1996). This decline
ing in older children. However, within-study com-
in cotinine levels with an increase in age is consistent
parisons can be made if comparable information is
with large, nationwide U.S. study data, and strongly
available across age groups. For example, a large U.S.
suggests that the adverse effects of parental smoking
study found evidence of a reduction in the OR asso-
on respiratory symptoms in their children decline
ciated with maternal smoking and current wheeze
with age even among schoolchildren (Stoddard and
from 1.9 among infants to 1.07 among teenagers
Miller 1995).
(Table 6.11) (Stoddard and Miller 1995). Recent analy-
ses of NHANES III data documented similar results,
Prenatal and Postnatal Exposure
where ORs for current wheeze in the top versus
the bottom tertile of cotinine levels declined from Few studies have separately analyzed the effects
4.8 (95 percent CI, 2.4–9.9) at 4 through 6 years of age to of past versus current exposure to secondhand smoke.
1.5 (95 percent CI, 0.7–3.3) at 7 through 11 years of An early study reported a slightly lower prevalence
age, and to 0.9 (95 percent CI, 0.3–2.2) at 12 through of cough during the day or at night in children of for-
16 years of age (Mannino et al. 2001). Similarly, a large mer smokers (14.2 percent of 634) than in the offspring
questionnaire survey in the United Kingdom found a of lifetime nonsmokers (15.6 percent of 320) (Colley
reduction in the OR for cough from 1.60 at 8 through 1974). A more recent New Zealand study found that
10 years of age to 1.50 at 11 through 13 years of age, smoking by the current primary caregiver was associ-
and to 1.12 at 14 through 19 years of age (Table 6.12) ated with current wheeze (OR = 1.4 [95 percent CI,
(Charlton 1984). A Korean study found that the OR 1–2.1]), whereas maternal smoking during pregnancy
for cough during a two-week period fell from 3.9 for was not (OR = 0.9 [95 percent CI, 0.7–1.4]) (Shaw et
5-year-olds and younger to 2.6 for 6- through 11-year- al. 1994). In a Norwegian study, postnatal smoking
olds, and to 2.0 for 12- through 14-year-olds (Park by the mother was more strongly related to asthma
and Kim 1986). The Italian Studies on Respiratory compared with either prenatal or current smoking
Disorders in Childhood and the Environment reported (Table 6.10) (Søyseth et al. 1995). A recent Scottish
a reduction in the odds of current asthma from study reported slightly stronger effects for current
1.34 at 6 through 7 years of age to 1.17 in adolescents maternal smoking versus prenatal maternal smoking
(Table 6.10) (Agabiti et al. 1999). In contrast, a rela- for both wheeze (OR = 1.15 versus 1.10, respectively)
tively small New Zealand study found slightly higher and cough (1.93 versus 1.42, respectively) (Beckett et
ORs for current wheeze and cough at 13 through al. 1996).
14 years of age than at 6 through 7 years of age Findings of an analysis of NHANES III data are
(Tables 6.11 and 6.12) (Moyes et al. 1995). relevant to the U.S. experience. In general, the effects
For a given level of parental smoking, the of in utero exposure to maternal smoking did not
reported ORs in this review of the effects of parental explain the effects of current secondhand smoke expo-
smoking on LRIs in schoolchildren were somewhat sure (Mannino et al. 2001). Specifically, being in the
lower than ORs found in infancy and early childhood. top tertile of current cotinine levels, after excluding
For LRIs, the pooled OR for either parent smoking any active smokers, was associated with an increased
was 1.57 (95 percent CI, 1.42–1.74). This pattern is con- risk of both current asthma and wheeze, regardless of
sistent with previous claims of smaller effects in older prenatal maternal smoking. In contrast, a small U.S.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 329

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.11 Studies of wheeze prevalence associated with parental smoking

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of wheeze (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Lebowitz and 0–15 Most days 1.4 2.86 NR*

Burrows 1976 United States (0.92–8.87)

Schilling et al. 7–15 Ever 11.7 1.99 NR

1977 United States (1.28–3.10)

Kasuga et al. 1979 6–11 Current (or asthma) 9.8 2.08 1.15
Japan (1.49–2.91) (0.83–1.61)

Stanhope et al. 12–18 Current (or asthma) NR NR NR

1979 New Zealand

Weiss et al. 1980 5–9 Current and persistent 1.8 5.89 NR

United States (0.79–44.1)

Dodge 1982 8–12 Ever 27.9 1.32 NR

United States (0.94–1.85)

Schenker et al. 5–14 Persistent 7.2 0.93 NR

1983 United States (0.73–1.19)

Ware et al. 1984 6–9 Persistent 9.9 NR 1.2

United States (1.05–1.37)

Burchfiel et al. 0–19 NR 18.4 NR 1.28

1986 United States (1.08–1.52)

Goren and Grades 2–5 Wheeze with a cold 12.7 1.27 NR

Goldsmith 1986 Israel (0.95–1.70)

McConnochie and 6–10 Current 10.2 NR NR

Roghmann 1986a United States

Strachan and 7–8 Ever 20 2.1 NR

Elton 1986 United Kingdom (0.87–5.1)

Somerville et al. 5–11 Ever 11 1.09§ 1.22

1988 United Kingdom (0.95–1.26) (1.02–1.45)

5–11 Most days/nights 3 1.66 1.54

United Kingdom (1.01–2.12) (1.16–2.04)

Strachan 1988 7 In the past year 12.1 1.04 NR

United Kingdom (0.72–1.52)

Hosein et al. 1989 7–17 Current 13 NR 1.23

United States (0.88–1.72)

Stern et al. 1989a 7–12 Ever 22.9 NR NR


Stern et al. 1989b 7–12 Persistent 9∆ NR NR


330 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents Mother only Father only

vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither Confounders adjusted for


1.47 4.57 2.08 1.07 NR

(0.90–2.4) (2.45–8.51) (1.14–3.79) (0.57–1.99)

NR NR NR NR Distance from a major road

NR NR 0.53 NR NR

4.12 7.52 NR NR NR
(0.52–32.9) (0.99–57.3)

1.01 1.8 NR NR NR
(0.67–1.52) (1.19–2.73)

1.08 0.74 NR NR NR
(0.82–1.40) (0.53–1.04)

1.11 1.32 1.18 1.08 Age, gender, city

(0.95–1.29) (1.14–1.53) (0.95–1.48) (0.92–1.28)

1.1 1.53 1.42 1.03 Age, gender, parental education

(0.87–1.39) (1.19–1.97) (0.85–2.36) (0.80–1.33)

NR NR 0.98 1.44 NR
(0.66–1.46) (1.05–1.98)

NR NR 2.16† 1.20‡ NR
(0.97–4.80) (0.55–2.62)


NR NR NR NR Age, gender, birth weight, obesity,

socioeconomic status (SES), mother’s
age, number of siblings

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, birth weight, obesity, SES,

mother’s age, number of siblings

1.0 1.13 NR NR NR
(0.65–1.54) (0.67–1.90)

1.32 1.14 NR NR Gender, active smoking

(0.91–1.91) (0.78–1.68)

NR NR 1.59 1.03 NR
(1.24–2.03) (0.80–1.31)

NR NR 1.26 NR NR

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 331

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.11 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of wheeze (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Dijkstra et al. 1990 6–12 In the past year 7.1∆ NR 1.86

Netherlands (0.99–3.49)

Chinn and Rona 5–11 Ever NR NR 1.11§

1991 United Kingdom (1.0–1.22)

5–11 Most days or nights NR NR 1.31

United Kingdom (1.11–1.55)

Dekker et al. 1991 5–8 Current 7.2 1.6 1.55

Canada (1.39–1.83) (NR)

Henry et al. 1991 5–12 In the past year 17.3 NR 1.4

Australia (0.8–2.3)

Duffy and 8 and 12 Ever 22∆ NR NR

Mitchell 1993 Australia

Halliday et al. 5–12 Current NR NR 1.02

1993 Australia (0.71–1.47)

Jenkins et al. 1993 7 Ever (or asthma) NR NR NR


Brabin et al. 1994 5–11 Ever 18 1.32 1.28

United Kingdom (1.03–1.69) (1.0–1.64)

Shaw et al. 1994 8–13 Current 22 1.0 NR

New Zealand (0.7–1.4)

8–13 Current 18 NR NR
New Zealand

8–13 Current§ 22 NR NR
New Zealand

Bråbäck et al. 1995 10–12 NR 11.9 NR NR


10–12 NR 9.4 NR NR

10–12 NR 7.1 NR NR

Cuijpers et al. 6–12 Ever (definition 14.7∆ NR 1.08

1995 Netherlands unclear) (0.67–1.74)

Goren and 2nd and 5th graders Wheeze with a cold 13.1 1.25 NR
Hellmann 1995 Israel (1.09–1.44)

332 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents Mother only Father only

vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither Confounders adjusted for

NR NR NR NR Age, parental education

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, country, birth weight,

obesity, SES, mother’s age, number of
siblings, ethnicity, gas cooking

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, country, birth weight,

obesity, SES, mother’s age, number of
siblings, ethnicity, gas cooking

1.39 1.72 NR NR Dampness, gas cooking

(1.17–1.65) (1.44–2.05)

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, area, dust mite allergy

NR NR 1.36 0.94 NR
(0.96–1.93) (0.70–1.26)

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, area, atopy

NR NR 1.35† 1.10‡ NR
(1.2–1.52) (0.97–1.23)



NR NR 1.4¶ NR NR

NR NR 0.9** NR NR

NR NR 0.73 NR Gender, atopy, dampness, overcrowding


NR NR 1.54 NR Gender, atopy, dampness, overcrowding


NR NR 1.45 NR Gender, atopy, dampness, overcrowding


NR NR NR NR Age, gender, dampness, father’s

education, dog, unvented geyser

1.24 1.27 1.25† 1.27‡ NR

(1.07–1.45) (1.06–1.53) (1.06–1.48) (1.10–1.47)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 333

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.11 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of wheeze (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Moyes et al. 1995 6–7 Current 23 1.06 NR

New Zealand (0.88–1.27)

13–14 Current 28 1.16 NR

New Zealand (0.98–1.37)

Stoddard and 0–17 Current (or asthma)§ NR NR NR

Miller 1995 United States

0–2 Current (or asthma) 11.6 NR NR

United States

3–5 Current (or asthma) 8 NR NR

United States

6–12 Current (or asthma) 7.5 NR NR

United States

13–17 Current (or asthma) 8.5 NR NR

United States

Volkmer et al. 4–5 In the past year NR 1.12 Not significant§

1995 Australia (NR)

4–5 Ever NR 1.24 1.18

Australia (NR) (1.08–1.30)

Abuekteish et al. 6–12 In the past 3 years 12.4∆ NR NR

1996 Jordan

Peters et al. 1996 10–13 NR 7.1∆ NR 1.01

Hong Kong (0.79–1.29)

Wright et al. 1996 6 Current 26.4 1.32 NR

United States (0.98–1.80)

Austin and 12 and 14 Current 16.6 1.13 NR

Russell 1997 United Kingdom (0.87–1.48)

Butland et al. 1997 7.5–8.5 ≤4 attacks in the 6.6 NR NR

United Kingdom past year; parent

7.5–8.5 >4 attacks in the 2.6 NR NR

United Kingdom past year; parent

Hu et al. 1997 10–11 In the past year 29.0 NR NR

United States

334 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents Mother only Father only

vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither Confounders adjusted for



NR NR 1.36 0.83 Gender, race, area, SES, family size

(1.14–1.62) (0.67–1.02)

NR NR 1.90 NR Gender, race, area, SES, family size


NR NR 1.53 NR Gender, race, area, SES, family size


NR NR 1.35 NR Gender, race, area, SES, family size


NR NR 1.07 NR Gender, race, area, SES, family size


NR NR NR NR Method of heating and ventilating

NR NR NR NR Method of heating and ventilating

NR NR 1.87† 1.31‡ NR
(1.28–2.75) (1.05–1.63)

0.94 1.70 NR NR Age, gender, district, father’s education,

(0.69–1.28) (1.15–2.54) housing


NR NR 1.15 NR NR

NR NR 1.27** 1.04†† Study period

(0.93–1.74) (0.76–1.43)

NR NR 1.55** 1.06†† Study period

(1.02–2.34) (0.69–1.62)

NR NR 0.79 NR None

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 335

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.11 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of wheeze (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Leung et al. 1997 13–14 Current‡‡ 12∆ 1.14 NR

Hong Kong (0.92–1.42)

13–14 Severe attack‡‡ 2.4∆ 1.05§ NR

Hong Kong (0.64–1.74)

Maier et al. 1997 5–9 In the past year (no 7∆ 1.7 1.8
United States asthma diagnosis) (1.0–2.9) (1.0–3.2)
(Washington state)

Selçuk et al. 1997 7–12 Ever 16.1 1.29 1.25§

Turkey (1.10–1.51) (1.05–1.48)

7–12 Current 4.1 1.39 1.52

Turkey (1.02–1.90) (1.10–2.09)

Chhabra et al. 4–17 Current wheeze 15.3 1.62 NR

1998 India (1.27–2.05)

Kendirli et al. 1998 6–14 Wheeze (ever) 8.4 1.63 NR

Turkey (1.29–2.08)

Lam et al. 1998 12–15 In the past 3 months 4.8 NR NR

Hong Kong

Lewis and Britton 16 Current wheeze NR NR NR

1998 United Kingdom

Lewis et al. 1998 8–11 >3 episodes of wheeze 8.6 NR 1.16

Australia in the past year (0.85–1.59)

Peters et al. 1998 8–13 Physician consultation 2.2 1.22 NR

Hong Kong for wheeze in the past (0.96–1.57)
3 months

Saraçlar et al. 1998 7–14 Ever (International 4.7∆ NR 1.33

Turkey Study of Asthma and (1.03–1.76)
Allergy in Childhood

Withers et al. 1998 14–16 Current wheeze 18.2∆ NR 1.48

United Kingdom (1.17–1.88)

Agabiti et al. 1999 6–7 Wheeze in the past 5.2 1.09 1.13
Italy year (no asthma (0.90–1.32) (0.93–1.37)
diagnosis); parent

13–14 Wheeze in the past 8.4 1.42 1.24

Italy year (no asthma (1.23–1.63) (1.07–1.44)
diagnosis); child

336 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents Mother only Father only

vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither Confounders adjusted for



NR NR NR NR Gender, ethnicity, allergy, SES, parental


NR NR NR NR Age, gender, place, animals, atopic

family, breastfeeding




1.21 NR 1.71 1.24†† Age, gender, area, housing type

(0.91–1.60) (0.84–3.49) (0.93–1.64)

NR NR 1.27** NR Gender, SES, breastfeeding, maternal

(1.16–1.39) age, parity, birth weight, gestational age

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, PM10§§, SO2∆∆, gas heating,

maternal allergy

1.04 1.57 NR NR Age, gender, housing type, area, father’s

(0.76–1.41) (1.02–2.43) education

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, pets, parental atopy, SES

NR NR p >0.05 p >0.05 Maternal asthma, child eczema and hay

fever, atopic sibling, pets, gas cooking;
active smoking was “not significant”

NR 1.24 1.18 1.14 Age, gender, area, father’s education,

(0.99–1.56) (1.0–1.39) (0.97–1.36) crowding, dampness, gas heating,
parental asthma, other smokers

NR 1.31 1.26 1.09 Age, gender, area, father’s education,

(1.11–1.56) (1.13–1.41) (0.96–1.24) crowding, dampness, gas heating,
parental asthma, other smokers, active

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 337

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.11 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of wheeze (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Belousova et al. 8–11 Wheeze in the past 23.8 NR NR

1999 Australia year

Burr et al. 1999 12–14 Wheeze in the past 31.8 1.22 1.14¶¶
United Kingdom 12 months; child (1.15–1.28) (1.09–1.19)

12–14 Speech-limiting 7.6 1.40 1.27§,¶¶

United Kingdom wheeze in the past (1.28–1.52) (1.17–1.36)
12 months

Chhabra et al. 5–17 Current wheeze 10.8 1.69 1.61

1999 India (definition unclear) (NR) (1.47–1.78)

Lam et al. 1999 8–13 Wheeze (ever) 9.6 NR 1.12

Hong Kong (0.89–1.41)¶¶

Shamssain and 6–7 Wheeze in the past 15.5 NR NR

Shamsian 1999 United Kingdom year

6–7 Speech-limiting attack 2.7 NR NR

United Kingdom in the past year

6–7 Wheeze (ever) 25.6 NR NR

United Kingdom

Wang et al. 1999 11–16 Wheeze in the past 13.2 1.02 1.08
Taiwan year; video; written (0.99–1.05) (1.05–1.12)

Csonka et al. 2000 6–13 Current wheeze >9.6 1.6 NR

Finland or asthma (1.0–2.6)

Qian et al. 2000 5–14 Wheeze (ever) 6.9–17.4 NR 1.31

China (0.96–1.78)
*NR = Data were not reported.

Mother currently smoked vs. did not smoke.

Father currently smoked vs. did not smoke.
Not included in the meta-analysis.

Overall prevalence.

Primary caregiver smoked vs. did not smoke.
**Mother smoked vs. did not smoke prenatally.
Father smoked vs. neither parent smoked where only 2.5% of the mothers smoked.
Based on a written questionnaire.
PM10 = Particulate matter (levels of particles [particulate pollution] with an aerodynamic diameter of less than
10 micrometers).
SO2 = Sulfur dioxide.
Derived from pooled results of all household smokers.

338 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents Mother only Father only

vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither Confounders adjusted for

NR NR 1.33† NR Atopy, parental asthma, early life

(1.2–1.5) bronchitis

NR NR NR NR Gender, area, pets, cooking fuel, heating

fuel, housing type, active smoking

NR NR NR NR Gender, area, pets, cooking fuel, heating

fuel, housing type, active smoking

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, family atopy

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, area, active smoking

1.11 1.50 1.15 NR None

(NR) (NR) (0.86–1.54)

NR NR 1.12 NR None

NR NR 1.46 NR None

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, parental education,

area, Chinese incense, exercise, active
smoking, alcohol consumption


NR NR NR NR Age, gender, ventilation, family history,

mother’s education, coal use, area

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 339

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 6.6 Odds ratios for the effect of smoking by either parent on wheeze prevalence
Lebowitz and Burrows 1976
Schilling et al. 1977
Weiss et al. 1980
Dodge 1982
Schenker et al. 1983
Goren and Goldsmith 1986
Strachan and Elton 1986
Strachan 1988
Dekker et al. 1991
Shaw et al. 1994
Goren and Hellmann 1995
Moyes et al. 1995 (aged 6–7 years)
Moyes et al. 1995 (aged 13–14 years)
Wright et al. 1996
Austin and Russell 1997
Leung et al. 1997
Chhabra et al. 1998
Kendirli et al. 1998
Peters et al. 1998
Csonka et al. 2000

Unadjusted pooled odds ratio (OR)*

Kasuga et al. 1979

x x

Ware et al. 1984

Burchfiel et al. 1986

Somerville et al. 1988


Hosein et al. 1989


Dijkstra et al. 1990


Chinn and Rona 1991


Henry et al. 1991


Halliday et al. 1993


Brabin et al. 1994


Cuijpers et al. 1995


Volkmer et al. 1995


Peters et al. 1996


Maier et al. 1997


Selçuk et al. 1997


Lewis et al. 1998


Saraçlar et al. 1998


Withers et al. 1998


Agabiti et al. 1999 (aged 6–7 years)


Agabiti et al. 1999 (aged 13–14 years)


Burr et al. 1999


Chhabra et al. 1999


Lam et al. 1999

x x

Wang et al. 1999

Qian et al. 2000

Adjusted pooled OR†

Pooled OR‡

0.5 0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
*Studies that did not adjust for potential confounders.

Studies that adjusted for a variety of potential confounders.

Based on all studies.

340 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 6.7 Odds ratios for the effect of smoking by either parent on cough prevalence
Norman-Taylor and Dickson 1972
Colley 1974
Lebowitz and Burrows 1976
Schilling et al. 1977
Weiss et al. 1980
Dodge 1982
Ekwo et al. 1983
Schenker et al. 1983
Charlton 1984
Goren and Goldsmith 1986
Park and Kim 1986
Strachan and Elton 1986
Andrae et al. 1988
Strachan 1988
Goren and Hellmann 1995
Moyes et al. 1995 (aged 6–7 years)
Moyes et al. 1995 (aged 13–14 years)
Ninan et al. 1995
Wright et al. 1996
Austin and Russell 1997
Dales et al. 1997
Chen et al. 1998
Peters et al. 1998

Unadjusted pooled odds ratio (OR)*

Bland et al. 1978


Ware et al. 1984


Burchfiel et al. 1986


Somerville et al. 1988


Hosein et al. 1989


Dijkstra et al. 1990


Chinn and Rona 1991


Forastiere et al. 1992


Cuijpers et al. 1995


Zejda et al. 1996

x x

Forsberg et al. 1997

Lewis et al. 1998

Withers et al. 1998


Burr et al. 1999

x x x

Lam et al. 1999

Qian et al. 2000

Adjusted pooled OR†

Pooled OR‡

0.5 0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)
*Studies that did not adjust for potential confounders.

Studies that adjusted for a variety of potential confounders.

Based on all studies.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 341

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.12 Studies of cough prevalence associated with parental smoking

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of cough (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Norman-Taylor and 5 Recent recurrence 3.1 0.89 NR*

Dickinson 1972 United Kingdom (0.44–1.80)

Colley 1974 6–14 Usually, in winter 14.7 1.47 NR

United Kingdom (1.17–1.85)

Lebowitz and 0–15 Persistent 4.8 2.28 NR

Burrows 1976 United States (1.20–4.32)

Schilling et al. 1977 7–18 Cough and/or 12.8 1.22 NR

United States phlegm, usually (0.82–1.82)
(definition unclear)

Bland et al. 1978 11–12 Day or night 19.4 1.56 1.36

United Kingdom (1.36–1.79) (1.12–1.64)

Weiss et al. 1980 5–9 Cough and phlegm 1.7 1.88 NR

United States (0.24–15.0)

Dodge 1982 8–12 NR 14.1 2.03 NR

United States (1.35–3.06)

Ekwo et al. 1983 6–12 With colds 30 1.40 NR

United States (1.09–1.80)

Schenker et al. 1983 5–14 Chronic 6.3 1.21 NR

United States (0.95–1.54)

Charlton 1984 8–19 Frequent recurrences 22 1.47 NR

United Kingdom (1.31–1.66)

8–10 Frequent recurrences 33.5 1.60† NR

United Kingdom (1.33–1.96)

11–13 Frequent recurrences 17.5 1.50† NR

United Kingdom (1.26–1.79)

14–19 Frequent recurrences 8.5 1.12† NR

United Kingdom (0.83–1.52)

Ware et al. 1984 6–9 Persistent 7.7 NR 1.19

United States (1.02–1.39)

Burchfiel et al. 1986 0–19 NR 8.5 NR 1.0

United States (0.78–1.27)

Goren and 2nd and 5th graders With sputum 6 1.17 NR

Goldsmith 1986 Israel (0.77–1.78)

342 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents Mother only Father only

vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither Confounders adjusted for

0.62 1.4 NR NR NR
(0.25–1.46) (0.61–3.2)

1.25 1.66 NR NR NR
(0.94–1.66) (1.28–2.16)


1.06 1.99 1.1 1.04 NR

(0.68–1.63) (1.06–3.73) (0.56–2.15) (0.64–1.69)

1.2 1.57 NR NR Active smoking, gender

(0.96–1.49) (1.25–1.94)

1.64 2.09 NR NR NR
(0.18–15.0) (0.25–17.8)

1.84 2.29 NR NR NR
(1.15–2.95) (1.41–3.73)

1.33 1.50 1.38 1.32 NR

(1.0–1.78) (1.10–2.04) (0.87–2.17) (0.96–1.80)

1.12 1.35 NR NR NR
(0.84–1.49) (1.0–1.83)

1.36 1.64 1.36 1.34 NR

(1.19–1.56) (1.41–1.91) (1.15–1.62) (1.13–1.59)




1.09 1.38 0.99 1.13 Age, gender, city

(0.91–1.30) (1.16–1.63) (0.75–1.29) (0.94–1.36)

0.93 1.27 0.78 0.97 Age, gender, parental education

(0.67–1.30) (0.89–1.81) (0.37–1.64) (0.67–1.41)

NR NR 1.22 1.15 NR
(0.72–2.07) (0.73–1.81)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 343

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.12 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of cough (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Park and Kim 1986 0–14 In the past 2 weeks 5 3.04 NR

Korea (2.09–4.43)

Strachan and Elton 7–8 Night 49.1 1.7 NR

1986 United Kingdom (0.85–3.44)

Andrae et al. 1988 6 months–16 years Exercise induced 5.1 1.39 NR

Sweden (1.10–1.76)

Somerville et al. 5–11 Usually in the 4 1.24 1.24†

1988 United Kingdom morning (1.0–1.53) (0.94–1.65)

5–11 Usually day/night 8 1.46 1.26

United Kingdom (1.27–1.68) (1.02–1.56)

Strachan 1988 7 At night in the past 9 1.91 NR

United Kingdom month (1.29–2.82)

Hosein et al. 1989 7–17 Persistent 0.9 NR 2.02

United States (0.68–6.03)

Stern et al. 1989a 7–12 With phlegm 5.3 NR NR


Stern et al. 1989b 7–12 Persistent 8‡ NR NR


Dijkstra et al. 1990 6–12 Persistent 4.6‡ NR 2.46

Netherlands (1.07–5.64)

Chinn and Rona 5–11 Usually NR NR 1.25

1991 United Kingdom (1.13–1.38)

Forastiere et al. 7–11 With phlegm 5.5 1.3 1.3†

1992 Italy (NR) (0.9–1.9)

7–11 Night 3.4 1.8 1.8

Italy (NR) (1.2–2.7)

Bråbäck et al. 1995 10–12 Night 8.4 NR NR


10–12 Night 6.7 NR NR


10–12 Night 7.4 NR NR


344 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents Mother only Father only

vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither Confounders adjusted for

3.2 3.0 NR NR NR
(2.11–4.85) (2.05–4.38)



NR NR NR NR Age, gender, birth weight, obesity,

socioeconomic status (SES), mother’s
age, number of siblings

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, birth weight, obesity, SES,

mother’s age, number of siblings

1.64 2.45 NR NR NR
(1.05–2.56) (1.5–4.02)

1.84 2.23 NR NR Gender, active smoking

(0.55–6.18) (0.69–7.19)

NR NR 0.98 0.85 NR
(0.60–1.62) (0.52–1.39)

NR NR 1.45§ NR NR

NR NR NR NR Age, parental education

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, country, birth weight,

obesity, SES, mother’s age, number of
siblings, ethnicity, gas cooking

NR 1.7 1.2 1.0 Age, gender, area, SES

(1.1–2.5) (0.7–2.0) (0.7–1.6)

NR 2.5 1.5 1.2 Age, gender, area, SES

(1.6–3.9) (0.8–2.8) (0.8–2.0)

NR NR 2.09∆ NR Gender, atopy, dampness, overcrowding


NR NR 1.10∆ NR Gender, atopy, dampness, overcrowding


NR NR 2.27∆ NR Gender, atopy, dampness, overcrowding


Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 345

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.12 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of cough (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Cuijpers et al. 1995 6–12 Chronic 12.6‡ NR 1.10

Netherlands (0.67–1.8)

Goren and 2nd and 5th graders With sputum 8.1 1.25 NR
Hellmann 1995 Israel (1.06–1.49)

Moyes et al. 1995 6–7 Night 30 0.91 NR

New Zealand (0.77–1.08)

13–14 Night 24 1.78 NR

New Zealand (1.50–2.11)

Ninan et al. 1995 8–13 Isolated, persistent, NR 1.61 NR

United Kingdom nocturnal (0.70–3.70)

Volkmer et al. 1995† 4–5 Dry NR Not significant Not significant


Wright et al. 1996 6 Persistent 27.4 1.44** NR

United States (1.07–1.94)

6 Persistent, without 11.8 1.67†,** 1.93†,**

United States wheeze (1.10–2.54) (1.09–3.45)

Zejda et al. 1996 7–9 Chronic 31.9‡ NR 1.3

Poland (1.02–1.71)

Austin and Russell 12 and 14 Chronic 7.2 1.58 NR

1997 United Kingdom (1.11–2.27)

Dales et al. 1997 NR Recorded night 86 3.25 NR

Canada cough (1.16–9.09)

Forsberg et al. 1997 6–12 Dry cough at night 8–19‡ NR 1.3

Scandinavia apart from colds in (1.2–1.5)
the past year

Chen et al. 1998 6–17 Night 5.5‡ 1.97 NR

Canada (1.10–3.52)

Lam et al. 1998 12–15 Saw a physician for 7.3 NR NR

Hong Kong cough in the past
3 months

346 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents Mother only Father only

vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither Confounders adjusted for


1.12 1.51 1.42∆ 1.25¶ Age, gender, dampness, father’s

(0.93–1.36) (1.22–1.87) (1.17–1.73) (1.05–1.48) education, dog, unvented geyser






NR NR NR NR Gender, hay fever, lower respiratory

infection in the first year

NR NR NR NR Crowding

NR NR 1.93 NR NR


NR NR NR NR Age, gender, area, fitted carpets, pets,

mold, stove use, parental asthma, early
day care

2.01 1.91 NR NR None

(1.04–3.88) (0.84–4.33)

1.19 NR 0.73 1.31†† Age, gender, area, housing type

(0.94–1.51) (0.32–1.70) (1.03–1.65)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 347

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.12 Continued

Odds ratio for smoking
(95% confidence interval)
Population age Prevalence
(years)/ in unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location Definition of cough (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted)

Lewis et al. 1998 8–11 Dry night cough that 19.1 NR 1.0
Australia lasted >2 weeks in (0.81–1.23)
the past 12 months
without a cold

Peters et al. 1998 8–13 Physician 12.5 1.18 NR

Hong Kong consultation for (1.06–1.32)
cough in the past
3 months

Withers et al. 1998 14–16 Current 12.4‡ NR 1.47

United Kingdom (1.11–1.95)

Burr et al. 1999 12–14 Cough without colds 25.5 1.49 1.29∆∆
United Kingdom in the past 12 months (1.41–1.57) (1.24–1.35)

Lam et al. 1999 8–13 Cough for 3 months 4.8 NR 1.29¶¶

Hong Kong (0.93–1.78)

Shamssain and 6–7 Nighttime cough in NR NR NR

Shamsian 1999 United Kingdom the past 12 months

Qian et al. 2000 5–14 Often, with or 41–84 NR 1.30

China without colds (1.05–1.61)
*NR = Data were not reported.

Not included in the meta-analysis.

Overall prevalence.
Mother smoked vs. did not smoke during pregnancy and infancy.

Mother currently smoked vs. did not smoke.

Father currently smoked vs. did not smoke.
**Reference group = Children without cough or wheeze.
Father smoked vs. neither parent smoked where only 2.5% of the mothers smoked.
PM10 = Particulate matter (levels of particles [particulate pollution] with an aerodynamic diameter of less than
10 micrometers).
SO2 = Sulfur dioxide.
Derived from pooled results of all household smokers.
Analyses excluded active smokers.

348 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

One parent only Both parents Mother only Father only

vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither vs. neither Confounders adjusted for

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, PM10‡‡, SO2§§, gas heating,

maternal allergy

1.15 1.33 NR NR Age, gender, housing type, area, father’s

(1.01–1.32) (1.08–1.64) education

NR NR p >0.05 p >0.05 Maternal hay fever, child’s eczema and

hay fever, active smoking, single parent

NR NR NR NR Gender, area, pets, cooking and heating

fuel, housing type, active smoking

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, area, active smoking

1.04 1.10 1.05 NR None

(NR) (NR) (0.85–1.29)

NR NR NR NR Age, gender, ventilation, family history,

mother’s education, coal use, area

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 349

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.13 Studies of phlegm and breathlessness associated with parental smoking

Population age Prevalence in Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)
(years)/ unexposed Either parent Either parent
Study location (%) (unadjusted) (adjusted) One parent
Lebowitz and 0–15 3.1 1.96 NR* NR
Burrows 1976 United States (0.88–4.38)
Bland et al. 1978 11–12 9.8 1.42 1.33 1.26
United Kingdom (1.22–1.66) (1.08–1.65) (0.99–1.60)
Dodge 1982 8–12 6.7 1.85 NR 1.77
United States (1.05–3.25) (0.93–3.37)
Schenker et al. 1983 5–14 4.1 1.09 NR 1.18
United States (0.81–1.48) (0.84–1.67)
Burchfiel et al. 1986 0–19 11 NR 1.37 1.25
United States (1.12–1.68) (0.95–1.65)
Goren and 2nd and 5th graders 10.7 1.07 NR NR
Goldsmith 1986 Israel (0.76–1.43)
Hosein et al. 1989 7–17 1.4 NR 1.05 0.76
United States (0.40–2.79) (0.23–2.51)

7–12 4.6 NR 0.99 1.05

United States (0.57–1.71) (0.57–1.95)
Stern et al. 1989b 7–12 8.0† NR NR NR
Dijkstra et al. 1990 6–12 4.6† NR 1.95 NR
Netherlands (0.91–4.19)
Brabin et al. 1994 5–11 10 1.54 1.44 NR
United Kingdom (1.13–2.09) (1.06–1.95)
Cuijpers et al. 1995 6–12 11.9† NR 1.58 NR
Netherlands (0.98–2.56)
Peters et al. 1996 10–13 8.7† NR 1.40 1.26
Hong Kong (1.13–1.75) (0.96–1.64)
Lam et al. 1998 12–15 4.8 NR NR 1.14
Hong Kong (0.86–1.52)
Peters et al. 1998 8–13 4.7 1.32 NR 1.26
Hong Kong (1.12–1.57) (1.02–1.54)
Burr et al. 1999 12–14 17.7 1.58 1.35∆ NR
United Kingdom (1.48–1.67) (1.30–1.42)

Lam et al. 1999 8–13 6.7 NR 1.44 NR

Hong Kong (1.09–1.90)
Qian et al. 2000 5–14 14–57 NR 1.36 NR
China (1.08–1.72)

*NR = Data were not reported.

Overall prevalence.

Mother currently smoked vs. did not smoke.
Father smoked vs. neither parent smoked where only 2.5% of the mothers smoked.

Derived from pooled results for all household smokers.

350 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)

Both parents Mother only Father only Outcome Confounders adjusted for
NR NR NR Persistent phlegm NR

1.42 NR NR Shortness of breath (SOB) Gender, active smoking

(1.11–1.83) on exertion
1.95 NR NR Sputum NR
0.98 NR NR Chronic phlegm NR
1.53 1.3 1.24 Phlegm Age, gender, socioeconomic
(1.14–2.05) (0.71–2.39) (0.91–1.70) status, family size
NR 1.26 0.92 SOB NR
(0.85–1.87) (0.64–1.32)
1.37 NR NR Persistent phlegm Gender

0.93 NR NR SOB when hurrying Gender, active smoking

NR 1.15‡ NR Persistent phlegm Parental symptoms, gas cooking
(0.90–1.47) (not area)
NR NR NR SOB plus wheeze in the past Age, parental education (not
year school)
NR NR NR SOB (ever) Area

NR NR NR SOB Age, gender, dampness, father’s

education, dog, unvented geyser
1.75 NR NR Phlegm Age, gender, area, housing type,
(1.19–2.56) father’s education
NR 2.03 1.22§ Phlegm in the past 3 months Age, gender, area, housing type
(1.05–3.92) (0.92–1.62)
1.33 NR NR Physician diagnosis of Age, gender, housing type, area,
(0.97–1.83) phlegm in the past 3 months father’s education
1.38 1.24 1.26 Phlegm without colds in the Gender, area, pets, cooking and
(1.25–1.53) (1.12–1.37) (1.14–1.38) past 12 months heating fuel, housing type, active
NR NR NR Phlegm in the past 3 months Age, gender, area, active smoking

NR NR NR Frequent phlegm Age, gender, ventilation, family

history, mother’s education, coal
use, area

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 351

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 6.8 Odds ratios for the effect of smoking by either parent on phlegm and breathlessness

Lebowitz and Burrows 1976
Dodge 1982
Schenker et al. 1983
Burchfiel et al. 1986
Hosein et al. 1989
Peters et al. 1996
Peters et al. 1998
Burr et al. 1999
Lam et al. 1999
Qian et al. 2000

Pooled odds ratio (OR) for phlegm*

Bland et al. 1978
Goren and Goldsmith 1986
Hosein et al. 1989
Dijkstra et al. 1990
Brabin et al. 1994
Cuijpers et al. 1995

Pooled OR for breathlessness*

0.5 0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)

*Adjusted and unadjusted studies.

study found stronger effects of maternal smoking smoking, but not among adolescents (Agabiti et al.
during pregnancy compared with current postnatal 1999). Moreover, the authors acknowledged that even
maternal smoking (Hu et al. 1997). in this very large study, disentangling current from
A study in Tasmania found that prenatal and past effects was problematic.
postnatal exposure had similar health effects, with Raised ORs for respiratory symptoms in studies
some evidence for an effect of smoking in the child’s from China (Qian et al. 2000), Hong Kong (Lau et al.
presence (Ponsonby et al. 2000). A Swedish study 1995; Peters et al. 1996, 1998; Leung et al. 1997; Lam et
reported a borderline significant effect from mater- al. 1998, 1999), and Taiwan (Wang et al. 1999), where
nal smoking during pregnancy (1.4 [95 percent CI, maternal smoking is uncommon, also suggest a role
1.0–2.0]) but no effect from current parental smok- for postnatal secondhand smoke exposure. One Hong
ing (1.0 [95 percent CI, 0.7–1.4]) (Nilsson et al. 1999). Kong study found that symptoms were more strongly
The Italian collaborative group study tended to find related to smoking by grandparents than by fathers,
greater ORs in preadolescent children from pre- which fit the role of grandparents as caregivers (Lam
natal maternal smoking than from current maternal et al. 1999).

352 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.14 Summary of pooled random effects (odds ratios) of respiratory symptoms associated with
parental smoking
Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)
Symptom of studies Either parent One parent Both parents Mother only Father only

Asthma 31* 1.23 (1.14–1.33)

7 1.01 (0.84–1.22)
10 1.42 (1.30–1.56)
21 1.33 (1.24–1.43)
12 1.07 (0.97–1.18)

Wheeze† 45*,‡ 1.26 (1.20–1.33)

13 1.18 (1.10–1.26)
14 1.41 (1.23–1.63)
27§ 1.28 (1.21–1.35)
14 1.13 (1.08–1.20)

Cough 39 1.35 (1.27–1.43)

18 1.27 (1.14–1.41)
18 1.64 (1.48–1.81)
16§ 1.34 (1.17–1.54)
10 1.22 (1.12–1.32)

Phlegm∆ 10 1.35 (1.30–1.41)

7 1.24 (1.10–1.39)
6 1.42 (1.19–1.70)

Breathlessness∆ 6 1.31 (1.14–1.50)

*Two age groups from Moyes et al. 1995 were included as separate studies.

Excluded the European Communities Study, which had a pooled odds ratio of 1.20.

Agabiti et al. 1999 was included as two separate studies.
Bråbäck et al. 1995 was included as three separate studies.

Data for phlegm and breathlessness are restricted because several comparisons were based on fewer than five studies.

Former Parental Smoking Publication Bias and Wheeze

On balance, limited evidence suggests that there Researchers have found evidence of publication
is no increase in the prevalence of respiratory symp- bias, particularly for wheeze, in small published stud-
toms among children of former smokers (Colley 1974; ies that have higher ORs. Some studies that reported
Shaw et al. 1994). Symptom prevalence seems to be estimated effects and confidence limits only for those
more closely related to current maternal smoking than exposure and outcome combinations that were sta-
to prenatal maternal smoking (Søyseth et al. 1995; tistically significant further sugest publication bias
Beckett et al. 1996; Mannino et al. 2001), although the (Withers et al. 1998). However, the effect of this source
data are not entirely consistent (Agabiti et al. 1999). of bias on the pooled ORs is small because there are so
Although the data are compatible with the hypoth- many large published studies. The similarity between
esis that current rather than past exposure makes the the pooled OR for wheeze in published studies and in
predominant contribution to symptoms, the evidence the unpublished EC Study provides further reassur-
is not strong. There are only a few relevant studies. ance that the association is not an artifact of selective
One major limitation of these studies is that the expo- publication. Notably, however, the two EC centers
sure data were not collected prospectively and conse- whose published data have appeared in journals—
quently, recall bias is a potential problem. Middlesbrough (Melia et al. 1982) and Ardennes

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 353

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.15 Summary of pooled random effects (odds ratios) associated with parental smoking restricted to
studies of children aged ≤11 years
Odds ratio for smoking (95% confidence interval)
Symptom of studies Either parent One parent Both parents Mother only Father only

Asthma 13 1.18 (1.06–1.31)

5 studies 1.47 (1.29–1.68)
7 1.31 (1.15–1.50)
4 1.13 (0.99–1.29)

Wheeze* 15 1.27 (1.16–1.38)

4 1.21 (1.10–1.45)
5 1.41 (1.16–1.71)
8 1.26 (1.15–1.38)
5 1.10 (1.02–1.20)

Cough 13 1.28 (1.13–1.44)

4 1.17 (0.84–1.61)
5 1.85 (1.29–2.64)
4 1.07 (0.91–1.24)
3 1.12 (0.95–1.38)
Note: The symptoms “phlegm” and “breathlessness” were not included in this table because of an insufficient number of
*Excluded the European Communities Study, which had a pooled odds ratio of 1.20.

(Gepts et al. 1978)—had ORs of 1.36 and 1.37, respec- other factors. This robustness supports the conclusion
tively, which were above the overall average for the that residual confounding is unlikely to be an issue
EC Study. and that the associations between parental smoking
and the prevalence of asthma and respiratory symp-
toms in schoolchildren are causal.
Evidence Synthesis The case for a causal interpretation is further
strengthened by the trend for the OR to increase with
This report has described multiple mechanisms
the number of parents who smoke (i.e., none, one, or
by which secondhand smoke exposure could increase
both). In the meta-analysis, the trends with the num-
the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and asthma
ber of smoking parents were statistically significant
in childhood. Secondhand smoke exposure might
for asthma, wheeze, and cough, and trends were
increase the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and
evident in most of the individual studies as well.
asthma through in utero effects or through inflam-
The effect of maternal smoking is greater than that
mation and an altered lung immunophenotype from
of paternal smoking, but there is nevertheless evi-
postnatal exposure. Multiple studies from diverse
dence for a small effect of paternal smoking. Maternal
countries consistently show that parental smoking is
smoking is associated with higher cotinine levels in
positively associated with the prevalence of asthma
school-age children, implying that maternal smoking
and respiratory symptoms (including wheeze) in
probably has a greater impact on the exposure of chil-
schoolchildren; the findings of individual studies as
dren to secondhand smoke (Cook et al. 1994). These
well as the pooled analyses show that these associa-
results also imply that the increased risk for asthma
tions are unlikely to be attributable to chance alone.
and other symptoms reflects postnatal exposure,
The magnitude of the effects is similar for the different
although prenatal exposure may also be a contribut-
outcome measures. The estimated effects, particularly
ing factor. First, there is an effect of paternal smok-
for wheeze, were robust to adjustments for a wide
ing; second, risk tends to rise with the number of
range of potentially confounding environmental and

354 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

household smokers; third, many women who do not phlegm, wheeze, and breathlessness among
smoke while pregnant smoke after the birth of their children of school age.
children; and fourth, limited evidence shows no
increase in symptoms in children of former smok- 2. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
ers. Few studies have examined dose-response trends relationship between parental smoking and ever
with the number of cigarettes smoked in the house- having asthma among children of school age.
hold per day or dose-response trends among exposed
children alone.
The prevalence of symptoms ascertained by Implications
cross-sectional surveys is determined by both dis-
Respiratory symptoms are common among
ease incidence and prognosis, and the pattern of mor-
children, even among those without asthma. Second-
bidity tends to be dominated by a large number of
hand smoke exposure increases the risk for the major
children with mild symptoms. There are indications
symptoms; these symptoms should not be dismissed
that secondhand smoke exposure is associated with
as minor because they may impact the activities of
more severe wheeze, both in studies where ORs were
the affected children. Secondhand smoke exposure is
reported for different severity measures and in stud-
causally associated with asthma prevalence, perhaps
ies where ORs were highest when the prevalence of
reflecting a greater clinical severity associated with
wheeze was low.
exposure. Secondhand smoke exposure, particularly
at home, should be addressed by clinicians caring for
any child with a respiratory complaint and particu-
Conclusions larly children with asthma.
1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal relation-
ship between parental smoking and cough,

Childhood Asthma Onset

As discussed earlier in this chapter (see “Lower that provide findings complementary to the surveys
Respiratory Illnesses in Infancy and Early Child- of schoolchildren. This section represents an update
hood”), parental smoking is causally associated with of the 1998 review by Strachan and Cook (1998c).
an increased incidence of acute LRIs, including ill-
nesses with wheeze, in the first one or two years of a
child’s life. Prevalence surveys of schoolchildren show Relevant Studies
that wheeze and diagnosed asthma are more common
The study findings are separated into categories
among children of smoking parents, with a greater
by outcomes: incidence, natural history, and preva-
elevation in risk for outcomes based on definitions of
lence. Incidence data come largely from prospective
wheeze that reflect a greater severity. Evidence pre-
cohort studies that follow groups of children without
sented in the prior section supported conclusions that
asthma and monitor the development of wheeze ill-
parental smoking was causally associated with respi-
nesses or a new diagnosis of asthma. Incidence studies
ratory symptoms and prevalent asthma; the cross-
provide evidence for factors that cause the develop-
sectional evidence did not address asthma onset.
ment of asthma, including exposure to secondhand
This section reviews cohort and case-control studies
smoke. The prevalence of asthma reflects not only the
of wheeze illnesses that provide evidence concerning
incidence but also the duration of the disease or its
the effects of parental smoking on the incidence, prog-
natural history. Factors that increase the severity of
nosis, and severity of childhood asthma. The design
asthma tend to increase prevalence, particularly if the
of these studies addresses the temporal relationship
definition of prevalent asthma incorporates elements
between exposure and disease onset. This discussion
of clinical severity.
also considers case-control studies of prevalent asthma

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 355

Surgeon General’s Report

This review includes cohort and case-control years of age (“transient” early wheeze), 112 developed
studies of asthma or wheeze that occurred after infancy wheeze after three years of age (“late-onset” wheeze),
and includes case series of patients with asthma that and 100 developed wheeze before three years of age and
investigated parental smoking and disease severity. had wheeze at six years of age (“persistent” wheeze).
The literature search identified 66 relevant papers that The incidence of wheeze before three years of age—
included 11 cohort studies, 24 case-control studies, transient and persistent combined—doubled if the
16 uncontrolled case series, and 1 large record-linkage mother smoked 10 or more cigarettes per day. The
study. Because only a small number of cohort stud- incidence of a later onset of wheeze was less strongly
ies were identified, ORs relating parental smoking to associated with maternal smoking (Table 6.17). These
the incidence and prognosis of wheeze illnesses were associations were unchanged after adjustment for
pooled using weights inversely proportional to their gender, ethnicity, eczema, noninfective rhinitis, and
variance (the “fixed effects” assumption). The ORs maternal asthma. For a comparison with other stud-
from the larger number of case-control studies were ies of early childhood wheeze, the cumulative inci-
pooled using a “random effects” model. A quantita- dence of wheeze by six years of age is also presented
tive meta-analysis was not possible for studies of dis- in Table 6.17. Although these incidence data are pre-
ease severity. sented and analyzed by maternal smoking, another
publication from the same cohort study has suggested
that for children in day care, smoking by the caregiver
Evidence Review may also be of importance as a determinant of the
frequency of wheeze illnesses in the third year of life
Cohort Studies of Incidence (Holberg et al. 1993).
In a similar population-based birth cohort study
The earlier review by Strachan and Cook (1998c)
in Christchurch, New Zealand, 1,032 children were
identified 10 papers based on six cohort studies that
followed at annual intervals until six years of age
documented the incidence of wheeze illnesses after the
(Fergusson and Horwood 1985; Horwood et al. 1985).
first two years of life in relation to parental smoking
In contrast to other studies, the cumulative incidence
behaviors (Table 6.16) (Taylor et al. 1983; Fergusson
of asthmatic symptoms that parents reported was
and Horwood 1985; Horwood et al. 1985; Anderson et
lower if the mother smoked and higher if the father
al. 1986; Neuspiel et al. 1989; Sherman et al. 1990; Mar-
smoked. The incidence was also lower if both parents
tinez et al. 1992, 1995; Lewis et al. 1995; Strachan et al.
smoked versus if neither parent smoked. Analyses
1996). Five papers addressed mainly wheeze during
that used medical consultations for asthma (Horwood
the preschool years (Taylor et al. 1983; Fergusson and
et al. 1985) and the frequency of asthma attacks in the
Horwood 1985; Horwood et al. 1985; Lewis et al. 1995;
first six years of life (Fergusson and Horwood 1985)
Martinez et al. 1995), two studies focused on the prev-
showed a similar pattern.
alence of wheeze for the first time during the school
The incidence of all forms of wheeze in the
years (Sherman et al. 1990; Strachan et al. 1996), and
nationwide 1970 British birth cohort was ascertained
three papers included both early and later childhood
retrospectively by parental recall at five years of age.
(Anderson et al. 1986; Neuspiel et al. 1989; Martinez
The direction and strength of dose-response relation-
et al. 1992). Only one additional birth cohort study,
ships with smoking during pregnancy (Table 6.17)
based on very low birth weight infants, has been pub-
and when the child was five years of age were almost
lished since the 1998 review (Darlow et al. 2000). These
identical (Lewis et al. 1995). The cumulative incidence
studies complement the larger number of studies that
of wheeze among children of smoking mothers was
address wheeze illness incidence in infancy and are
elevated and changed little after adjustment for gen-
reviewed in the next section. The results are summa-
der, birth weight, and breastfeeding, which may have
rized in Table 6.17 and Figure 6.9 and are discussed
potentially confounded or modified the association
briefly in the next section.
(Lewis et al. 1995). There was also an increased inci-
Investigators in Tucson (Arizona) followed a
dence of asthma by five years of age if the mother
birth cohort registered with a health maintenance
smoked (Taylor et al. 1983). Another study based on
organization (Martinez et al. 1995). Among 762 chil-
the same birth cohort explicitly excluded wheeze in
dren followed for the first three years of life and also
the first year of life and included information from
at six years of age, 403 had no history of wheeze,
follow-up data gathered at 5 and 10 years of age
147 had wheeze by three years of age but not at six

356 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.16 Design, sample size, and recruitment criteria for studies of asthma incidence and prognosis
associated with parental smoking included in this overview
Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Incidence studies

Taylor et al. 1983 Cohort 12,530 Reported wheeze National birth Wheeze
Lewis et al. 1995 Aged 0–5 years cohort incidence
United Kingdom

Fergusson and Cohort 1,032 Reported asthma Population-based Asthma

Horwood 1985 Aged 0–6 years birth cohort incidence
Horwood et al. 1985 New Zealand

Anderson et al. 1986 Cohort 4,583 Reported National birth Asthma/

Strachan et al. 1996 Aged 0–16 years asthma/bronchitis cohort bronchitis
United Kingdom with wheeze with wheeze

Neuspiel et al. 1989 Cohort 9,670 Reported wheeze National birth Wheeze
Aged 1–10 years cohort incidence
United Kingdom

Sherman et al. 1990 Cohort 722 Physician- Schools-based Asthma

Aged 5–17 years diagnosed cohort incidence
United States asthma

Martinez et al. 1992 Cohort 739 Physician- Random Asthma

Aged 0–11 years diagnosed household sample incidence
United States asthma

Holberg et al. 1993 Cohort 762 Reported wheeze Health Wheeze

Martinez et al. 1995 Aged 0–6 years maintenance incidence
United States organization-
(Arizona) based birth cohort

Hjern et al. 1999 Cohort Approxi- Hospitalization Record linkage in Asthma

Aged 2–6 years mately 3 cities incidence
Sweden 156,000

Darlow et al. 2000 Cohort 299 Reported Very low birth Asthma
Aged 0–7 years physician- weight babies incidence
New Zealand diagnosed

Natural history studies

McConnochie and Cohort 236 Wheeze 8 years Bronchiolitis Early prognosis

Roghmann 1984 Aged 0–9 years later before 2 years of
United States age
(New York)

Welliver et al. 1986 Cohort 27 Recurrent wheeze Parainfluenza Early prognosis

Aged 0–2 years bronchiolitis
United States
(New York)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 357

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.16 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Natural history studies

Geller-Bernstein et Cohort 80 Persistent wheeze Atopic infants Early prognosis

al. 1987 Aged 0–5 years at 5 years of age with wheeze

Toyoshima et al. Cohort 48 Wheeze 22–44 Infants with Early prognosis

1987 Aged 1–4 years months later wheeze

Rylander et al. 1988 Cohort 67 Wheeze 4 years Respiratory Early prognosis

Aged 0–7 years later syncytial virus
Sweden plus illness before
3 years of age

Lewis et al. 1995 Cohort 1,477 Wheeze at Wheeze before Later prognosis
Aged 5–16 years 16 years of age 5 years of age
United Kingdom

Martinez et al. 1995 Cohort 247 Wheeze at 6 years Wheeze before Early prognosis
Aged 0–6 years of age 3 years of age
United States

Strachan 1995 Cohort 1,090 Asthma/ Asthma/ Later prognosis

Aged 7–23 years bronchitis with bronchitis with
United Kingdom wheeze at 11 and wheeze before
23 years of age 7 years of age

Wennergren et al. Cohort 92 Asthma at Bronchitis with Early prognosis

1997 Aged 0–10 years 10 years of age wheeze before
Sweden 2 years of age

Infante-Rivard et al. Case-control and 394 Asthma First emergency Early prognosis
1999 follow-up symptoms at room asthma visit
Aged 3–10 years 9–10 years of age

Rusconi et al. 1999 Survey 1,892 Wheeze at Lower respiratory Early prognosis
Aged 0–7 years 6–7 years of age illness with
Italy wheeze before
2 years of age

Case-control studies

O’Connell and Aged 2–16 years 628 Outpatients with Other outpatients Asthma
Logan 1974 United States asthma (no atopic (outpatients)
(Minnesota) disease)

Palmieri et al. 1990 Aged 1–12 years 735 Outpatients with Routine health Asthma
Italy asthma check (outpatients)

Daigler et al. 1991 Aged 0–17 years 383 Hospital Private pediatric Asthma
United States admission or practice (inpatients/
(New York) 2 outpatient visits outpatients)

Willers et al. 1991 Aged 3–15 years 126 New outpatient 2 local schools Asthma
Sweden referrals (outpatients)

358 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.16 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Case-control studies

Butz and Rosenstein Aged about 9 years 346 Outpatients with Private pediatric Asthma
1992 United States asthma practice (outpatients)

Ehrlich et al. 1992 Aged 3–14 years 114 Emergency room Other emergency Asthma
United States visit for asthma room patients (emergency
(New York) room)

Infante-Rivard 1993 Aged 3–4 years 914 First emergency Population Asthma
Canada room visit for sample (inpatients)

Rylander et al. 1993, Aged 1½–4 years 212 Bronchitis with Random Bronchitis
1995 Sweden wheeze treated in population with wheeze
the hospital sample (inpatients)

Clark et al. 1994 Aged 5–7 years 62 Outpatients with Surgical Asthma
United Kingdom asthma outpatients (outpatients)

Fagbule and Aged about 5½ years 280 Outpatients Neighbors Wheeze

Ekanem 1994 Nigeria with wheeze (no (outpatients)
family history)

Leen et al. 1994 Aged 5–11 years 211 Reported asthma Population Asthma
Ireland survey (survey)

Mumcuoglu et al. Aged 3–15 years 400 Asthma treatment Neighbors Wheeze
1994 Israel (outpatients)

Azizi et al. 1995 Aged 0–5 years 359 First asthma Nonrespiratory Asthma
Malaysia admission admissions (inpatients)

Henderson et al. Aged 7–12 years 342 ≥2 wheeze Pediatric clinic Wheeze
1995 United States attacks sample (outpatients)
(North Carolina)

Lindfors et al. 1995 Aged 1–4 years 511 Asthma Random Asthma
Sweden outpatient population (outpatients)
referral sample

Strachan and Carey Aged 12–18 years 961 Frequent/severe Population survey Wheeze
1995 United Kingdom wheeze (no wheeze) (survey)

Ehrlich et al. 1996 Aged 7–9 years 620 Asthma Population survey Asthma/
South Africa symptoms (no wheeze) wheeze (survey)

Moussa et al. 1996 Aged 6–18 years 406 Physician- School classmates Asthma
United Arab Emirates diagnosed (survey)
asthma on

Oliveti et al. 1996 Aged 4–9 years 262 Physician- Adjacent birth Asthma
United States diagnosed records (outpatients)
(Ohio) asthma on

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 359

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.16 Continued

Sample Source of cohort
Study Design/population size Case definition or controls Outcome

Case-control studies

Jones et al. 1999 Aged 4–16 years 200 Physician- General practice Asthma
United Kingdom diagnosed population (primary care)
asthma on

Chang et al. 2000 Aged 0–16 years 271 Wheeze on Nonrespiratory Wheeze
United States auscultation emergencies (emergency
(Virginia) room)

Other studies

Kershaw 1987* Case-control 1,285 ≥3 wheeze Neonates in Wheeze

Aged 0–5 years attacks locality (outpatients)
United Kingdom

Murray and Case-control 620 Asthma diagnosis Allergy clinic Asthma

Morrison 1990* Aged 1–17 years patients (outpatients)

Duff et al. 1993* Case-control 114 Emergency room Other emergency Wheeze
Aged 2–16 years visit for asthma/ room patients (emergency
United States bronchiolitis room)

Chen et al. 1996* Survey 892 Physician- Survey of Recent asthma

Aged 6–17 years diagnosed complete town (survey)
Canada asthma and

Knight et al. 1998* Case-control 152 Physician- General pediatric Asthma

Aged 2–18 years diagnosed clinic (outpatients)
Canada asthma
*Not included in the meta-analysis of case-control studies in Table 6.3.

(Neuspiel et al. 1989). Maternal smoking was asso- 1986; Strachan et al. 1996). As in the 1970 cohort, early
ciated with wheeze that was labeled as bronchitis wheeze illnesses were ascertained retrospectively, in
with wheeze (incidence ratio 1.44 [95 percent CI, this case at seven years of age, and were more com-
1.24–1.68]), but not with wheeze that was labeled as mon if the mother had smoked during pregnancy.
asthma (incidence ratio 0.96 [95 percent CI, 0.77–1.22]). This association was independent of other risk factors
Most of the published analyses related only to the for- (Strachan et al. 1996). Among 4,583 children without a
mer category, which accounted for only 38 percent of history of asthma or bronchitis with wheeze reported
all wheeze incidents (Strachan and Cook 1998c). In the by parents at 7 years of age, the incidence from 7 to
absence of maternal smoking, smoking by the father 16 years of age differed little according to whether
was not associated with an increased risk of bronchi- the mother had smoked during pregnancy; however,
tis with wheeze (incidence ratio 0.99 [95 percent CI, there were weak, nonsignificant, and positive associa-
0.76–1.29]) and was not assessed for other forms of tions with smoking by both the mother and father at
wheeze. the 16-year follow-up (Table 6.17).
An earlier national British birth cohort of persons A smaller cohort study in Boston also found little
born in 1958 contributes information on both early evidence for a relationship between parental smoking
and later onset of wheeze illnesses (Anderson et al. and asthma incidence (Sherman et al. 1990). The study

360 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.17 Incidence and prognosis of asthma or wheeze in relation to parental smoking
(years) at Odds ratio
Population start/end for smoking
(length of (95%
Non- follow-up confidence
Study Cases cases period) Smoking exposure Outcome interval)

Incidence studies

Fergusson and 141 891 0/6 Mother smoked Asthma 0.88* (0.61–1.27)
Horwood 1985
141 891 0/6 Father smoked Asthma 1.27 (0.89–1.81)

Neuspiel et al. 1,662 8,016 1/10 Mother smoked at any age Asthma 0.96 (0.77–1.22)
1989 Wheeze 1.44 (1.24–1.68)

Sherman et al. 43 679 5–9/NR† Mother smoked Asthma 0.97* (0.51–1.84)

1990 (9 years)

43 679 5–9/NR Father smoked Asthma 0.91 (0.49–1.69)

(9 years)

Martinez et al. 86 653 <5/NR Mother smoked Asthma 1.68* (1.10–2.58)

1992 (12 years) ≥10 cigarettes/day

78 622 <5/NR Father smoked Asthma 1.06 (0.67–1.69)

(12 years) ≥10 cigarettes/day

Lewis et al. 2,616 9,914 0–1 years Mother smoked during Wheeze 1.34* (1.22–1.45)
1995 pregnancy

Martinez et al. 247 515 0/3 Mother smoked Wheeze 2.07 (1.34–3.19)
1995 ≥10 cigarettes/day

112 403 3/6 Mother smoked Wheeze 1.59 (0.89–2.84)

≥10 cigarettes/day

359 403 0/6 Mother smoked Wheeze 1.91* (1.28–2.86)

≥10 cigarettes/day

Strachan et al. 1,026 4,583 0/7 Mother smoked during Asthma or bronchitis 1.25* (1.08–1.44)
1996 pregnancy with wheeze

368 4,215 7/16 Mother smoked during Asthma or bronchitis 0.99 (0.78–1.25)
pregnancy with wheeze

368 4,215 7/16 Mother smoked at 16-year Asthma or bronchitis 1.14* (0.92–1.41)
follow-up with wheeze

368 4,215 7/16 Father smoked at 16-year Asthma or bronchitis 1.10 (0.88–1.36)
follow-up with wheeze

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 361

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.17 Continued

(years) at Odds ratio
Population start/end for smoking
(length of (95%
Non- follow-up confidence
Study Cases cases period) Smoking exposure Outcome interval)

Natural history studies

McConnochie 26 33 <2/8 Either parent smoked Persistent wheeze 1.45* (0.45–4.70)

and Roghmann

Geller-Bernstein 26 54 <2/5 Either parent smoked Persistent wheeze 3.10* (1.08–8.91)

et al. 1987

Toyoshima et 18 22 <3/NR Household members Recent wheeze 11.80*

al. 1987 (22–44 smoked (1.32–105.0)

Rylander et al. 22 45 <3/NR Either parent smoked Recent wheeze 0.80* (0.28–2.27)
1988 (4 years)

Lewis et al. 218 1,259 <5/16 Mother smoked during Wheeze in the past 0.86* (0.64–1.15)
1995 pregnancy year

Martinez et al. 100 147 <3/6 Mother smoked Recent wheeze 0.99* (0.53–1.86)
1995 ≥10 cigarettes/day

Strachan 1995 203 887 <7/11 Mother smoked during Asthma/bronchitis 0.56* (0.40–0.78)
pregnancy with wheeze in the
past year

101 989 <7/23 Mother smoked during Asthma/bronchitis 0.70 (0.50–0.98)

pregnancy with wheeze in the
past year

Wennergren et 28 64 <2/10 Household member(s) Asthma symptoms 3.14‡

al. 1997 smoked during the child’s

28 64 <2/10 Household member(s) Asthma symptoms 1.08 (0.69–1.71)

smoked when the child
was 10 years of age

Infante-Rivard 288 105 3–4/9–10 Mother smoked when the Asthma symptoms 1.06 (0.67–1.67)
et al. 1999 child was 3–4 years of age

Rusconi et al. 671 1,221 <2/6–7 Mother smoked during Recent wheeze 1.16* (0.92–1.45)
1999 pregnancy
*Odds ratios were used in the meta-analysis.

NR = Data were not reported.

Odds ratios were used in the meta-analysis; confidence intervals were not provided.

362 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 6.9 Odds ratios for the effect of maternal smoking on asthma or wheeze incidence throughout
childhood (cohort studies)

Fergusson and Horwood 1985 (aged 0–6 years)

Lewis et al. 1995 (aged 0–6 years)
Martinez et al. 1995 (aged 0–6 years)
Strachan et al. 1996 (aged 0–7 years)


Neuspeil et al. 1989 (aged 1–10 years)

Sherman et al. 1990 (aged 5–18 years)
Martinez et al. 1992 (aged 1–17 years)
Strachan et al. 1996 (aged 7–16 years)


0.5 0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)

*Studies that included the first year of life (exact incidence period shown on left in parentheses), derived by the fixed effects

Studies that excluded the first year of life (exact incidence period shown on left in parentheses), derived by the fixed effects

had a mean annual follow-up of nine years among associated with an increased cumulative incidence
722 children with no history of asthma upon entry of physician-diagnosed asthma (OR = 2.0 [95 percent
into the study at five to nine years of age (Table 6.17). CI, 1.2–3.3]), but a decreased risk of requiring daily
In a second cohort study in Tucson (Arizona) that was medication for asthma at seven years of age (OR = 0.6
based on a random sample of households, physician- [95 percent CI, 0.3–1.3]). This unique group was not
diagnosed asthma was ascertained at one- to two-year included in the meta-analyses described below.
intervals (Martinez et al. 1992). Maternal smoking was In quantitative meta-analyses of studies of early
associated with an increased risk of asthma, whereas and later incidence of asthma and wheeze illnesses,
smoking by the father was not (Table 6.17). The effect the association with maternal smoking was signifi-
of maternal smoking was stronger among less edu- cantly stronger for the first five to seven years of life
cated families, although the effect modification by (the pooled OR for the four studies = 1.31 [95 percent
educational level was not statistically significant. CI, 1.22–1.41], χ² for heterogeneity = 8.58, p = 0.036)
A national cohort study followed 299 very low (Fergusson and Horwood 1985; Lewis et al. 1995;
birth weight children born in New Zealand in 1986 Martinez et al. 1995; Strachan et al. 1996) than for the
(96 percent of all survivors) through seven years of school years (Sherman et al. 1990; Strachan et al. 1996)
age (Darlow et al. 2000). In this potentially vulner- or throughout childhood (Neuspiel et al. 1989; Marti-
able group, maternal smoking during pregnancy was nez et al. 1992), excluding infancy (the pooled OR for

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 363

Surgeon General’s Report

the four studies = 1.13 [95 percent CI, 1.04–1.22], χ² for age, parity, birth weight, and SES (Lewis et al. 1995).
heterogeneity = 3.71, p = 0.29). The pooled OR for maternal smoking with a follow-
up to 11 (1958 cohort) or 16 years of age (1970 cohort)
Natural History is 0.71 (95 percent CI, 0.57–0.89, χ² for heterogeneity =
3.58, p = 0.058).
Tables 6.16 and 6.17 summarize 11 studies that
A study in Canada that initiated a follow-up at
related parental smoking to the natural history of
three to four years of age found no effect of maternal
wheeze illnesses in childhood (McConnochie and
smoking on the persistence of symptoms six years later
Roghmann 1984; Welliver et al. 1986; Geller-Bernstein
(OR = 1.06 [95 percent CI, 0.67–1.67]) (Infante-Rivard
et al. 1987; Toyoshima et al. 1987; Rylander et al. 1988;
et al. 1999). This result is consistent with prevalence
Lewis et al. 1995; Martinez et al. 1995; Strachan 1995;
studies that found a declining influence of parental
Wennergren et al. 1997; Infante-Rivard et al. 1999;
smoking on asthmatic symptoms as the child grows
Rusconi et al. 1999). Five studies addressed the short-
term prognosis of all forms of wheeze from infancy
through school age (Geller-Bernstein et al. 1987; Toy-
Prevalence Case-Control Studies
oshima et al. 1987; Martinez et al. 1995; Wennergren
et al. 1997; Rusconi et al. 1999). Two studies reported Tables 6.16 and 6.18 summarize 21 case-
specifically on the prognosis of wheeze following control studies that relate parental smoking to asthma
RSV infection (Rylander et al. 1988) or bronchiolitis or wheeze illnesses after the first year of life (O’Connell
in infancy (McConnochie and Roghmann 1984). The and Logan 1974; Palmieri et al. 1990; Daigler et al.
results of these seven studies are all consistent with an 1991; Willers et al. 1991; Butz and Rosenstein 1992;
association between parental smoking and a small but Ehrlich et al. 1992, 1996; Infante-Rivard 1993; Clark et
increased risk of wheeze persisting after early child- al. 1994; Fagbule and Ekanem 1994; Leen et al. 1994;
hood (pooled OR = 1.49 [95 percent CI, 1.24–1.78], Mumcuoglu et al. 1994; Azizi et al. 1995; Henderson
χ² for heterogeneity = 28.4, p <0.001). et al. 1995; Lindfors et al. 1995; Rylander et al. 1995;
The short-term prognosis of bronchiolitis from Strachan and Carey 1995; Moussa et al. 1996; Oliveti
a parainfluenza virus infection in infancy was evalu- et al. 1996; Jones et al. 1999; Chang et al. 2000). The
ated among 27 children after an approximate follow- studies are based mostly on outpatient or inpatient
up period of three years (ranging from 8 to 51 months) cases, although four ascertained more severe forms of
(Welliver et al. 1986). The mean number of subsequent wheeze illnesses using a population survey (Leen et
wheeze episodes was significantly higher (p <0.05) in al. 1994; Strachan and Carey 1995; Ehrlich et al. 1996;
children whose parents smoked compared with chil- Moussa et al. 1996). These papers complement the
dren whose parents were nonsmokers (3.0 versus results of population surveys of diagnosed asthma or
1.6 episodes, respectively), but the findings cannot be symptoms of wheeze reviewed earlier in this chapter
expressed in the form of an OR for a direct compari- (see “Respiratory Symptoms and Prevalent Asthma in
son with other prognostic studies. School-Age Children”) by more specifically address-
A contrasting pattern of effect of parental smok- ing the relationship of parental smoking to the preva-
ing on prognosis emerges from a follow-up of a lon- lence of more severe forms of asthma that require
ger duration in two British birth cohort studies (Lewis clinical care.
et al. 1995; Strachan 1995). Among children from For asthma, the results for smoking by
the 1958 cohort with a history of asthma or bronchi- either parent (from 15 studies) are summarized in
tis with wheeze by 7 years of age, maternal smok- Figure 6.10. There is evidence for borderline signifi-
ing was associated with a significantly reduced risk cant heterogeneity between studies (χ² = 23.3, df = 14,
of these illnesses at 11 and 23 years of age (Strachan p = 0.06), but the size of the effect does not appear
1995), despite the tendency of children of smoking to be systematically related to the age ranges stud-
parents to become active smokers, which is strongly ied or to the sources of cases or controls. The pooled
associated with the recurrence of symptoms (Stra- OR for smoking by either parent, derived by random
chan et al. 1996). In the 1970 cohort, children younger effects modeling, is 1.39 (95 percent CI, 1.19–1.64). In
than 5 years of age with wheeze whose mothers had a comparison of the effects of maternal and paternal
smoked during pregnancy were less likely to experi- smoking, there is a consistent finding of an association
ence wheeze in the past year at 16 years of age. This with maternal smoking (pooled OR = 1.54 [95 percent
inverse association was not statistically significant but CI, 1.31–1.81]) but not with paternal smoking (pooled
changed little after adjustment for gender, maternal OR = 0.93 [95 percent CI, 0.81–1.07]). This finding

364 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.18 Unadjusted relative risks associated with parental smoking for asthma (meta-analysis of
case-control studies)
Odds ratios for smoking
(95% confidence intervals) Dose-
Population response Cotinine
Study (cases/controls) Either parent Mother Father effect* measured

O’Connell and 400/213 1.30 NR† NR NR NR

Logan 1974 Aged 2–16 years (0.93–1.83)

Palmieri et al. 1990 302/433 1.0 NR NR No‡ NR

Aged 1–12 years (0.70–1.42)

Daigler et al. 1991 137/246 NR 1.43 0.71 NR NR

Aged 0–17 years (0.92–2.23) (0.44–1.15)

Willers et al. 1991 49/77 1.97 2.56 0.87 Yes Yes

Aged 3–15 years (0.90–4.35) (1.23–5.32) (0.42–1.80)

Butz and Rosenstein 102/105 1.43 NR NR NR NR

1992 Aged about (0.75–2.71)
9 years

Ehrlich et al. 1992 107/121 1.13 2.0 NR Yes Yes

Aged 3–14 years (0.67–1.90) (1.16–3.48)

Infante-Rivard 1993 457/457 NR 1.16 0.81 NR NR

Aged 3–4 years (0.89–1.51) (0.62–1.06)

Clark et al. 1994 19/43 0.71 NR NR NR Yes

Aged 5–7 years (0.22–2.22)

Fagbule and Ekanem 140/140 2.12 NR NR NR NR

1994 Aged about (1.32–3.42)
5½ years

Leen et al. 1994 115/96 0.76 NR NR NR NR

Aged 5–11 years (0.44–1.31)

Mumcuoglu et al. 300/100 0.90 Few smoked 0.95 NR NR

1994 Aged 3–15 years (0.57–1.42) (0.60–1.50)

Azizi et al. 1995 158/201 1.80 NR NR NR NR

Aged 0–5 years (1.20–2.70)

Henderson et al. 193/149 2.0 NR NR NR Yes

1995 Aged 7–12 years (1.22–3.27)

Lindfors et al. 1995 193/318 1.62 NR NR NR NR

Aged 1–4 years (1.13–2.32)

Rylander et al. 1995 75/137 1.46 1.70 1.02 No Yes

Aged 1½–4 years (0.83–2.58) (0.93–3.14) (0.42–2.46)

Strachan and Carey 486/475 NR 1.38 0.96 Yes NR

1995 Aged 12–18 years (1.18–1.61) (0.69–1.34)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 365

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.18 Continued

Odds ratios for smoking
(95% confidence intervals) Dose-
Population response Cotinine
Study (cases/controls) Either parent Mother Father effect* measured

Ehrlich et al. 1996 348/272 1.57 1.70 1.23 Yes Yes

Aged 7–9 years (1.06–2.33) (1.23–2.34) (0.90–1.70)

Moussa et al. 1996 203/203 NR Few smoked 1.03 NR NR

Aged 6–18 years (0.63–1.70)

Oliveti et al. 1996 131/131 NR 2.79 NR Yes NR

Aged 4–9 years (1.66–4.67)

Jones et al. 1999 100/100 NR 1.17 0.85 NR NR

Aged 4–16 years (0.62–2.21) (0.48–1.49)

Chang et al. 2000 165/106 1.90 1.30 NR Yes Yes

Aged 0–16 years (1.10–3.40) (0.70–2.30)
*Urinary cotinine was measured (not all such studies reported dose-response relationships).

NR = Data were not reported.

Dose-response relationship was only evident for participants with negative skin pricks.

contrasts with prevalence surveys of asthma and 2.79 to 2.82 after adjustment for maternal asthma, his-
wheeze among schoolchildren that found an effect of tory of bronchiolitis, and a range of obstetric and peri-
paternal smoking. natal variables (Oliveti et al. 1996).
Six studies provided findings before and after Seven studies included measurements of uri-
adjustment for potential confounding variables nary cotinine as an objective marker of tobacco smoke
(Fagbule and Ekanem 1994; Henderson et al. 1995; exposure (Willers et al. 1991; Ehrlich et al. 1992, 1996;
Rylander et al. 1995; Strachan and Carey 1995; Ehrlich Clark et al. 1994; Henderson et al. 1995; Rylander et
et al. 1996; Oliveti et al. 1996). Only one study from al. 1995; Chang et al. 2000). Generally, the results of
Nigeria (Fagbule and Ekanem 1994) reported a sub- questionnaire and biochemical assessments were
stantial reduction in the OR for smoking by either similar, although one study (Clark et al. 1994) found
parent (from 2.12 to 1.41) after adjustment for poten- a stronger association between asthma and exposure
tial confounders that included pet ownership, indoor classified by cotinine levels rather than by parental
mold, cockroaches, wood smoke, and the use of mos- smoking assessed from a questionnaire. At least one
quito coils. The OR for parental smoking changed study suggested that children with asthma may differ
little (from 1.32 to 1.3) after adjustment for family from other children exposed to secondhand tobacco
history of asthma and duration of breastfeeding in smoke in terms of a lower clearance rate for nico-
Sweden (Rylander et al. 1995); in the United Kingdom tine metabolites, raising the possibility of a pharma-
the OR changed from 1.44 to 1.49 after adjustment for cokinetic predisposition underlying the association
age, gender, SES, gas cooking, indoor mold, feather between parental smoking and childhood asthma
bedding, and pet ownership (Strachan and Carey (Knight et al. 1998).
1995); in the United States the OR changed from Four studies found a significant dose-response
1.74 to 1.8 after adjustment for family history of asthma relationship of parental smoking with cotinine con-
and skin-prick positivity to common aeroallergens centrations (Willers et al. 1991; Ehrlich et al. 1992,
(Henderson et al. 1995); in South Africa the OR 1996; Chang et al. 2000), but a fifth did not (Rylander
changed from 1.97 to 1.87 after adjustment for per- et al. 1995). Two other studies with findings for
sonal and family histories of atopic disease, SES, exposure-response trends based on a questionnaire
indoor mold, and salt preference (Ehrlich et al. assessment have inconsistent results (Palmieri et al.
1996); and in the United States the OR changed from 1990; Strachan and Carey 1995), whereas a third, based

366 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 6.10 Odds ratios for the effect of smoking by either parent on childhood asthma or wheeze
prevalence (case-control studies)

O'Connell and Logan 1974

Palmieri et al. 1990
Willers et al. 1991
Butz and Rosenstein 1992
Ehrlich et al. 1992
Clark et al. 1994
Fagbule and Ekanem 1994
Leen et al. 1994
Mumcuoglu et al. 1994
Azizi et al. 1995
Henderson et al. 1995
Lindfors et al. 1995
Rylander et al. 1995
Ehrlich et al. 1996
Chang et al. 2000


0.5 0.7 1.0 1.4 2.0 2.8 4.0

Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)

*Derived by the random effects method.

on obstetric records, reported a strong exposure- 1.13 (95 percent CI, 0.71–1.80) and 0.83 (95 percent CI,
response relationship for daily cigarette smoking by 0.48–1.44).
the mother during pregnancy (Oliveti et al. 1996). In this context, it is relevant to note that a large
Three studies compared the effects of parental record-linkage study of hospital admissions for asthma
smoking at different ages. In the Swedish study by in Sweden (see “Respiratory Symptoms and Prevalent
Rylander and colleagues (1993, 1995), the effect of Asthma in School-Age Children” earlier in this chap-
parental smoking was greater at 18 months of age than ter) found a significant effect of maternal smoking
at a younger age. This pattern was the same, regard- only on hospital admissions for children under three
less of whether exposure was assessed by the number years of age (Hjern et al. 1999).
of smoking parents or by urinary cotinine concentra-
tions (Rylander et al. 1995). A U.S. case-control study Atopic and Nonatopic Wheeze
that measured urinary cotinine concentrations found
In the 1958 British birth cohort, the increased
a positive association with wheeze before two years
incidence of bronchitis with wheeze or asthma by
of age, but a nonsignificant inverse relationship at
16 years of age among children whose mothers had
older ages (Duff et al. 1993). An Italian case-control
smoked during pregnancy occurred only among the
study compared the effect of parental smoking before
3,815 participants with no history of hay fever, aller-
and after six years of age (Palmieri et al. 1990). The
gic rhinitis, or eczema (cumulative incidence was
ORs for smoking by either parent were, respectively,

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 367

Surgeon General’s Report

24.5 percent versus 18.9 percent among those with a Because the study data were not fully displayed, effect
history, OR = 1.39 [95 percent CI, 1.18–1.63]) (Strachan modification by atopy cannot be formally evaluated
et al. 1996). Among the 1,794 participants reporting for statistical significance.
hay fever, allergic rhinitis, or eczema at one or more A contrasting pattern was found in a study
follow-up visits, maternal smoking had little effect on of allergy clinic patients aged 1 through 17 years in
disease incidence (cumulative incidence was 32.2 per- Vancouver (Canada) (Murray and Morrison 1990).
cent among those whose mothers had smoked during Among 224 patients with atopic dermatitis, maternal
pregnancy versus 33.5 percent among those whose smoking was associated with an increased risk of diag-
mothers had not smoked during pregnancy, OR = nosed asthma (OR = 3.42 [95 percent CI, 1.60–7.30]),
0.95 [95 percent CI, 0.76–1.18]). The difference in the whereas among 396 patients without atopic dermati-
effect of maternal smoking during pregnancy by the tis there was no association (OR = 0.93 [95 percent CI,
presence or absence of hay fever, allergic rhinitis, or 0.57–1.51]). This interaction is statistically significant
eczema was statistically significant (p <0.01). at the 1 percent level, but the findings are difficult
In the Italian case-control study, cases (but not to interpret biologically without the consideration of
controls) were tested by skin prick with six locally rel- possible referral biases in this clinic-based study.
evant aeroallergens (Palmieri et al. 1990). Fewer prick-
positive cases were exposed to any parental smoking Severity
than were prick-negative cases (77 percent versus
The severity of an episodic disease such as
82 percent, respectively, OR = 0.72 [95 percent CI,
asthma has several dimensions: frequency of wheeze
0.37–1.41]). The association of exposure with a posi-
episodes, persistence of symptoms between “attacks,”
tive skin-prick result was more marked and statisti-
occurrence of clinically severe or life-threatening
cally significant at the 5 percent level with exposure
bronchospasm, the need for preventive and/or rescue
to more than 20 cigarettes a day (44 percent for those
medications, health services utilization, and interfer-
exposed to ≤20 cigarettes per day versus 60 percent
ence with daily activities. Seven population surveys
for those exposed to >20 cigarettes per day, OR = 0.54
(Gortmaker et al. 1982; Weitzman et al. 1990a,b; Stra-
[95 percent CI, 0.31–0.92]). Among 70 children with
chan and Carey 1995; Ehrlich et al. 1996; Chew et al.
asthma aged younger than six years in a British out-
1999; Schwartz et al. 2000), 1 case-control study (Hen-
patient series, maternal smoking was less common if
derson et al. 1995), 11 uncontrolled case series (Ader-
the serum IgE was elevated (>1 SD above the popula-
ele 1982; Evans et al. 1987; Murray and Morrison 1989,
tion mean): 54 percent versus 69 percent among those
1993; Chilmonczyk et al. 1993; LeSon and Gershwin
who did not have an elevated serum Ig (OR = 0.54
1995; Macarthur et al. 1996; Minkovitz et al. 1999;
[95 percent CI, 0.21–1.45]) (Kershaw 1987). A cross-
Wafula et al. 1999; Gürkan et al. 2000a; Sandberg et al.
sectional survey of Canadian children also identified
2000), and 1 record-linkage study (Hjern et al. 1999)
a stronger association between parental smoking and
present data on asthma severity in relation to parental
recent asthma among children with no reported his-
smoking (Table 6.19). Various dimensions of sever-
tory of an allergy (OR for current smoking by either
ity were used and some studies combined a number
parent = 2.93 [95 percent CI, 0.83–10.3]) than among
of indices into a composite “severity score” (Aderele
children with an allergy (OR = 0.73 [95 percent CI,
1982; Murray and Morrison 1989, 1993).
0.37–1.46]) (Chen et al. 1996). Although these differ-
Because each study employed different
ences are nonsignificant, they are consistent with the
approaches, a formal quantitative meta-analysis was
1958 British birth cohort study results and thus sug-
not carried out, but Table 6.20 presents a qualitative
gest a stronger association between parental smoking
review. These studies suggest greater disease sever-
and nonatopic “wheezy bronchitis” than with “aller-
ity in children exposed to smoking at home, a pattern
gic asthma.”
that is more consistently found among persons with
A recent cross-sectional study of six- to seven-
asthma who are hospital outpatients or inpatients
year-old children in northern Sweden presented
than among children with asthma identified through
results separately for atopic and nonatopic asthma
population surveys (Table 6.20).
defined by the presence or absence of positive skin-
Several studies adjusted for potential confound-
prick tests (Rönmark et al. 1999). Maternal smoking
ing variables, and it is possible that some of the
was significantly associated with nonatopic asthma
associations of parental smoking with health service
(OR = 1.67 [95 percent CI, 1.04–2.68]) but not with
utilization, in particular, may reflect a common associ-
atopic asthma (OR = 1.17 [95 percent CI, 0.68–2.01]).
ation with a lower SES and correlates of SES that affect

368 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.19 Design, sample size, and severity index for studies of asthma severity associated with parental
smoking included in this overview
Study Design/population Severity index

Aderele 1982 Case series of 380 outpatients with asthma Severity score
Aged 1–13 years

Gortmaker et al. 1982 Survey of 272 patients with reported current asthma Functional impairment
Aged 0–17 years
United States

Evans et al. 1987 Case series of 276 outpatients with asthma Emergency room visits
Aged 4–17 years per year
United States
(New York)

Murray and Morrison Case series of 415 outpatients with asthma Severity score
1989 Aged 1–17 years

Weitzman et al. 1990a Survey of 99 patients with reported current asthma Asthma medication
Aged 2–5 years
United States
(All states)

Weitzman et al. 1990b Survey of 117 patients with reported current asthma Hospitalizations
Aged 0–5 years
United States
(All states)

Chilmonczyk et al. 1993 Case series of 199 outpatients with asthma Attack frequency
Aged 0–13 years
United States

Murray and Morrison Case series of 807 outpatients with asthma Severity score
1993 Aged 1–17 years

Henderson et al. 1995 Case-control study of 149 children from a pediatric clinic sample >1 wheeze attack
Aged 7–12 years
United States
(North Carolina)

LeSon and Gershwin Case series of 300 inpatients with asthma Intubation
1995 Aged 5–12 years
United States

Strachan and Carey Survey of 486 patients with current wheeze Frequent/severe wheeze
1995 Aged 12–18 years
United Kingdom

Ehrlich et al. 1996 Survey of 325 children with current asthma/wheeze Asthma symptoms
Aged 7–9 years
South Africa

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 369

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.19 Continued

Study Design/population Severity index

Macarthur et al. 1996 Case series of 68 inpatients with asthma Readmission within 1 year
Aged 1–10 years

Chew et al. 1999 Survey of 2,222 children with current wheeze “Increased morbidity”
Aged 6–13 years

Hjern et al. 1999 Routine data of about 2,500 admissions in 3 cities Readmission by 6 years
Aged 2–6 years of age

Minkovitz et al. 1999 Case series of 107 inpatients with asthma Readmission within 1 year
Aged 0–14 years
United States

Wafula et al. 1999 Case series of 150 inpatients and outpatients with wheeze >1 attack in 2 months
Aged 0–9 years

Gürkan et al. 2000a Case series of 140 inpatients with asthma Readmission within 4 years
Aged 3–15 years

Sandberg et al. 2000 Case series of 90 outpatients with asthma New asthma attacks
Aged 6–13 years
United Kingdom

Schwartz et al. 2000 Survey of 74 current patients with asthma Daily medication and peak
Aged 7–12 years expiratory flow

utilization. On the other hand, the striking association According to the early case-control study by O’Connell
of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure with near- and Logan (1974), 67 percent of the 265 children who
fatal asthma, evaluated retrospectively in a tertiary were exposed to parental smoking considered that it
medical care center in California, was stronger than had aggravated their symptoms. In addition, tobacco
a range of psychosocial variables, which suggests that smoke exposure was considered a “significant factor”
the association cannot be entirely explained by SES for symptoms in 10 percent (16/158) of children if one
confounding (LeSon and Gershwin 1995). However, parent smoked and in 20 percent (21/107) if both par-
a mutually adjusted analysis was not possible as only ents smoked. These 37 children were included in an
2 of the 13 patients who required intubation came empirical study of antismoking advice that included
from nonsmoking households. a follow-up 6 to 24 months later of 35 of the children.
Symptoms improved in 90 percent (18/20) of the chil-
dren whose parents had stopped smoking, and in
Effects of Reducing Tobacco 27 percent (4/15) of the children who remained invol-
Smoke Exposure untarily exposed to tobacco smoke. These results
suggest a benefit from reducing exposure, but inter-
Information on secondhand smoke exposure pretation is limited by the nonrandomized nature of
and asthma severity can also be found in studies the intervention.
that track the consequences of exposure reduction.

370 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.20 Summary of studies on asthma severity associated with parental smoking
Association of disease severity with secondhand
smoke exposure
Population Index of Index of
Study age (years) exposure severity Direction Significance Comments

Population-based case series

Gortmaker et 0–17 Mother Functional Positive p = 0.47 Functional impairment

al. 1982 smoked impairment was reported for 22% of
those with asthma whose
mothers smoked (n =
144), and for 18% of the
remaining population with
asthma (n = 128)

Weitzman et 2–5 Mother Asthma Positive p = 0.08 Medication was taken by

al. 1990a smoked medication 41% of those with asthma
whose mothers smoked
≥10 cigarettes/day (n = 23),
and by 19% of others with
asthma (n = 76)

Weitzman et 0–5 Mother Hospitalizations No trend p = 0.88 Mean admission rates were
al. 1990b smoked 1.1 per year if mother was
a nonsmoker, 1.3 if mother
smoked <10 cigarettes/day,
and 1.0 if mother smoked
≥10 cigarettes/day

Henderson 7–12 Household Attack Inverse p = 0.59 35% (29/82) of those with
et al. 1995 smoker frequency infrequent wheeze and
30% (20/67) with
≥5 attacks/year were
exposed to secondhand
smoke; urinary cotinine
levels were similar in the
2 groups

Strachan and 12–18 Mother Frequency and Positive p = 0.02 34% (38/113) of children
Carey 1995 smoked intensity with both frequent and
intense attacks, and
23% (84/373) of children
with less severe cases had
mothers who smoked

Ehrlich et al. 7–9 Mother Frequency and Weak NR* Published odds ratio (OR)
1996 smoked intensity positive of 2.04 (95% confidence
interval [CI] ,1.25–3.34)
for severe wheeze
(179 cases) is similar to the
1.87 (95% CI, 1.25–2.81) for
all wheeze cases (325)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 371

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.20 Continued

Association of disease severity with secondhand
smoke exposure
Population Index of Index of
Study age (years) exposure severity Direction Significance Comments

Population-based case series

Chew et al. 6–13 Father “Increased Weak p = 0.34 Father smoked in

1999 smoked morbidity” positive 14% (122/899) of cases in
(<1% of the children with “increased
mothers morbidity,” and in
smoked) 12% (160/1,323) of other
cases in children with

Hjern et al. 2–6 Mother Multiple No effect NR Large record-linkage study;

1999 smoked admissions there was no difference in
during the adjusted OR for any
pregnancy asthma admission
(1.3 [95% CI, 1.1–1.4]) and
for multiple admissions
(1.3 [95% CI, 1.0–1.6])

Schwartz et 7–12 Smoking Daily Positive p = 0.02 Secondhand smoke

al. 2000 in the medication exposure on the previous
home (day- day increased the use of
by-day bronchodilator medication
exposure) (OR = 10.3 [95% CI,
1.3–83.7]); there was also
a dose-dependent effect
of secondhand smoke on
morning and evening peak

Clinic-based case series

Aderele 1982 1–13 Household Composite score Positive p = 0.15 Exposure (mainly to
smoker nonmaternal smoking):
23% (43/186) mild,
26% (23/87) moderate, and
31% (33/107) severe cases

Evans et al. 4–17 Any Emergency Positive p = 0.008 Mean visits of 3.1 per year
1987 secondhand room visits per in 137 smoking homes,
smoke year 1.8 per year in
exposure 122 nonsmoking homes

Murray and 1–17 Mother Composite score Positive p <0.01 Severity score was related
Morrison smoked to maternal smoking
1989 (p <0.01) but not to
paternal smoking (p >0.5)

Chilmonczyk 0–13 Urinary Attack Positive p <0.05 Mean of 3.6 episodes per
et al. 1993 cotinine frequency year if cotinine was
>39 ng/mL† (n = 30),
2.8 per year if cotinine was
10–39 ng/mL (n = 53), and
2.1 per year if cotinine was
<10 ng/mL (n = 116)

372 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.20 Continued

Association of disease severity with secondhand
smoke exposure
Population Index of Index of
Study age (years) exposure severity Direction Significance Comments

Clinic-based case series

Murray and 1–17 Mother Composite score Inverse p <0.01 Reversal of previous
Morrison smoked relationship in Aderele
1993 (1982) after introducing
antismoking advice

LeSon and 5–12 Any Intubation Positive p <0.001 85% (11/13) of intubated
Gershwin secondhand patients and 20% of
1995 smoke 287 nonintubated
exposure patients were exposed to
secondhand smoke
(OR = 22.4 [95% CI,

Macarthur et 1–10 Household Readmission Positive p = 0.24 53% (17/32) of children

al. 1996 smoker who were readmitted and
36% (13/36) of children
not readmitted were from
smoking homes (OR = 2.0
[95% CI, 0.8–5.3])

Minkovitz et 0–14 Household Readmission Inverse p = 0.19 49% (16/33) of children

al. 1999 smoker with multiple admissions
compared with
62% (46/74) of single
admissions were exposed
to smoking in the home

Wafula et al. 0–9 Household >1 attack in Positive p = 0.09 51% (36/71) of persons
1999 smoker 2 months with moderate and severe
asthma were exposed,
compared with 33% of
persons with mild asthma
cases (OR = 2.1 [95% CI,

Gürkan et al. 3–15 Household Readmission Positive p = 0.04 Among children with
2000a smoker multiple hospitalizations,
53% (16/30) were from
Mother p = 0.02 smoking households and
smoked 23% (7/30) had mothers
who smoked; among other
children these figures were
31% (34/110) and
7% (8/110), respectively

Sandberg et 6–13 Parents New asthma Positive p = 0.05 Adjusted OR for asthma
al. 2000 smoked attacks exacerbation during
follow-up in offspring of
smoking parents was
1.33 (95% CI, 1.01–1.77)
*NR = Data were not reported.

ng/mL = Nanograms per milliliter.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 373

Surgeon General’s Report

A composite score was used to grade severity The earlier section on LRIs in infancy presented
among 415 children aged 1 through 17 years diag- evidence of an increased risk from postnatal exposure
nosed with asthma who attended an allergy clinic in to smoking by the father in households where the
Vancouver (Canada) from 1983 to 1986 (Murray and mother did not smoke, but there was insufficient evi-
Morrison 1989). The severity score was significantly dence to distinguish the separate effects of prenatal
higher among children of smoking mothers (p <0.01), and postnatal smoking by the mother. Several of the
but when the analysis was repeated for an additional cohort studies reviewed here have reported findings
387 children attending the same clinic from 1986 to in relation to maternal smoking during pregnancy.
1990, the relationship between maternal smoking These data are limited, and the potential role of pre-
and the asthma severity score was reversed, reflect- natal exposure as an independent cause of asthma is
ing a highly significant (p <0.001) decline in severity still unclear. The published data are insufficient to
among children of smoking mothers, and little change assess the independent effect of nonmaternal smok-
in severity for children whose mothers did not smoke ing on the incidence or natural history of childhood
(Murray and Morrison 1993). The authors attrib- asthma after the first few years of life. Most cohort
uted this change to an alteration in parental smoking studies show a weak association of asthma incidence
behaviors following advice from clinicians to avoid with paternal smoking. In case-control studies, mater-
smoking in the home or in the presence of the child. nal smoking has the dominant effect, with little effect
However, this interpretation was based on anecdotal from smoking by the father.
reports, and no objective data were presented to con- Although wheeze in infancy is more likely to
firm the postulated reduction in the personal expo- recur if both parents smoke, at least maternal smoking
sure of the children. alone is associated with seemingly little long-term risk
(Table 6.17). This indication could also reflect a stron-
ger association of parental smoking with nonatopic
Evidence Synthesis wheeze (“wheezy bronchitis” than with “allergic
asthma”), which is associated with a better progno-
The results summarized in this discussion and
sis. On the other hand, atopic children tend to have
in previous sections present a complex picture of the
more severe and more frequent or persistent wheeze,
associations of parental smoking with asthma inci-
and case-control studies of (“clinic”) children with
dence, prognosis, prevalence, and severity. The rates
more severe asthma show a positive association with
of incidence and recurrence of wheeze illnesses in
maternal smoking that again appears to be of greater
early life are greater if there is smoking in the home,
importance. Indeed, the pooled OR for smoking by
particularly by the mother, whereas the incidence of
either parent from these case-control studies (1.39)
asthma during the school-age years is less strongly
is somewhat greater than the corresponding pooled
affected by parental smoking. A similar age-related
ORs from cross-sectional surveys of wheeze (1.27) and
decline in the strength of the effect of secondhand
asthma (1.22) among schoolchildren. Furthermore,
smoke exposure is evident in cross-sectional stud-
most studies have found a greater severity of disease
ies. These findings may simply reflect the diminish-
among children with asthma if the parents smoke
ing level of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure
(Table 6.20), and prevalence surveys among school-
from household sources as children age (Irvine et al.
children suggest a stronger association with more
1997; Chang et al. 2000). Alternatively or additionally,
restrictive (presumably more severe) definitions of
parental smoking may have differential effects on the
wheeze than with any recent wheeze.
incidence of various forms of wheeze illnesses; there
These findings by age and phenotype are com-
may be a stronger effect on the viral infection associ-
plex to interpret: studies of incidence and prognosis
ated with wheeze that is common in early childhood,
suggest an association of parental smoking primarily
and a weaker effect on the atopic wheeze that occurs
with early, nonatopic wheeze that tends to run a mild
often as a later onset component of asthma (Wilson
and transient course, whereas studies of prevalence
1989). Five studies comparing the effect of smoking on
and severity suggest that secondhand tobacco smoke
wheeze in atopic and nonatopic children lend support
exposure increases the risk of more severe symptoms
to the latter hypothesis (Kershaw 1987; Palmieri et al.
and more outpatient clinic visits or emergency hospi-
1990; Chen et al. 1996; Strachan et al. 1996; Rönmark
tal admissions. One explanation for this pattern would
et al. 1999), but a sixth does not (Murray and Morrison
be to consider secondhand tobacco smoke as a cofac-
tor operating with intercurrent infections as a trigger

374 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

of wheeze attacks, rather than as a factor initiating or evidence for secondhand smoke exposure and onset of
inducing persistent asthma. This distinction between asthma comes from studies of older children at an age
induction (initiation) and exacerbation (provocation) when there is reasonable diagnostic certainty. This evi-
also emerges when considering the role of outdoor air dence comes from only a small number of studies and
pollution as a cause of asthma (Department of Health their statistical power is limited, particularly within
Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants specific age strata. In addition, all studies are inher-
1995). There is also strong familial aggregation for ently limited by the difficulty of classifying the out-
childhood asthma that certainly has genetic determi- come, and there may be variations in the phenotypes
nants, although research on the genetics of asthma is that were considered across the studies. Within these
still inconclusive. constraints, the evidence indicating an association of
The incidence of both wheeze and nonwheeze secondhand smoke exposure from parental smoking
LRIs in infancy increases to a similar extent if both with asthma incidence is inconsistent. The evidence
parents smoke, and the increase reflects, at least in for asthma prevalence, by contrast, was sufficient to
part, postnatal secondhand (environmental) tobacco support an inference of causality.
smoke exposure. It is likely that the clinical severity
of viral respiratory infections in older children is also
exacerbated by secondhand smoke exposure, which Conclusions
leads to an increased risk of respiratory symptoms
1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
in general, including wheeze. Among children at low
relationship between secondhand smoke exposure
risk for wheeze, secondhand smoke exposure at the
from parental smoking and the onset of wheeze
time of an intercurrent infection may be sufficient to
illnesses in early childhood.
cause occasional episodes of asthmatic symptoms and
thus increase the risk of a mild, often transient wheeze
2. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
tendency that the child outgrows as the airways
infer a causal relationship between secondhand
become larger or less reactive with increasing age.
smoke exposure from parental smoking and the
In a previous section of this chapter, the conclusion
onset of childhood asthma.
was reached that secondhand smoke exposure from
parental smoking causes LRIs in infants and children.
The wheezing that accompanies many of these LRIs
may be clinically classified as asthma, although the
cohort study findings suggest that this phenotype is The etiology of childhood asthma includes the
not generally persistent as the child ages. interplay of genetic and environmental factors. The
Some previous reviews have concluded that asthma phenotype likely comprises several distinct
exposure to secondhand smoke is causally associated entities. The evidence is clear in showing that second-
with an increase in the incidence of childhood asthma hand smoke exposure causes wheeze illnesses in early
(USEPA 1992; Halken et al. 1995). This association has life and makes asthma more severe clinically. This
been attributed to chronic (but possibly reversible) evidence provides a strong basis for limiting expo-
effects of parental smoking on bronchial hyperreactiv- sure of infants and children to secondhand smoke,
ity rather than to the acute effects of cigarette smoke even though a causal link with asthma onset is not yet
on airway caliber (USEPA 1992). The most relevant established for asthma incidence.


The hypothesis that secondhand tobacco smoke (specifically from maternal smoking) in allergic sen-
exposure might increase allergic sensitization was sitization remains uncertain despite many investiga-
first proposed more than 20 years ago (Kjellman 1981). tions since that time. Some studies have documented
However, the role of secondhand smoke exposure an association between maternal smoking during

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 375

Surgeon General’s Report

pregnancy and elevated cord blood total IgE, as well A study by Kaan and colleagues (2000) exam-
as an elevated risk for the development of allergic dis- ined cord blood IgE and cotinine levels in a cohort of
ease (Magnusson 1986; Bergmann et al. 1995). Other 62 infants. The infants were part of a randomized trial
studies, however, have not replicated these findings of primary intervention for the prevention of asthma
(Halonen et al. 1991; Oryszczyn et al. 1991; Ownby et and allergic disease. As expected, infants of mothers
al. 1991). Many studies have investigated the relation- who smoked at the time of study recruitment had sig-
ships of secondhand smoke exposure from parental nificantly higher cotinine levels when compared with
smoking with cord blood IgE concentrations, IgE unexposed children and with children exposed to
levels later in childhood, skin-test reactivity, and secondhand smoke from smoking by the father or
allergic manifestations such as rhinitis (Strachan and other household adults. Although cord blood IgE was
Cook 1998c). The comprehensive, systematic review a significant predictor of food allergy at 12 months
reported by Strachan and Cook (1998c) of the effects of age, cord blood IgE and cotinine levels were not
of secondhand smoke exposure from parental smok- correlated. The investigators concluded that the cord
ing covered IgE levels, skin-prick test reactivity, and blood IgE level is not influenced by maternal smoking
allergic rhinitis and eczema. The review included (Kaan et al. 2000). It should be noted that cord blood
9 studies of IgE levels in neonates, 8 studies of IgE IgE values have the weakest relationship with allergy
levels in older children, 12 studies of skin-prick tests, and these data should be considered separate from
and 10 studies of allergic symptoms (Strachan and measures of whole blood IgE obtained at postnatal
Cook 1998c). The quantitative summary did not show and childhood time points.
a significant association of maternal smoking with In a cohort study of 342 children followed from
total serum IgE, allergic rhinitis, or eczema. The meta- birth to early childhood, prenatal and postnatal
analysis for skin-prick test positivity and smoking tobacco smoke exposure was investigated to assess
during infancy and pregnancy yielded a pooled OR whether secondhand smoke exposure has a role in
estimate of 0.87 (95 percent CI, 0.62–1.24), suggesting the development of allergic sensitization to food
no effect of secondhand smoke on skin-prick positiv- allergens during infancy and childhood (Kulig et al.
ity during these stages of development. The summary 1999). The researchers collected cord blood and used
estimate supported a conclusion that maternal smok- a questionnaire to evaluate secondhand smoke expo-
ing before birth or parental smoking during infancy is sure. At three years of age, children with a history of
unlikely to increase the risk of allergic sensitization. prenatal and postnatal tobacco smoke exposure had a
This conclusion remains consistent with results higher risk of food allergen sensitization than children
from studies conducted since this systematic review, with no exposure (OR = 2.3 [95 percent CI, 1.1–4.6]).
which also found no increase in risk for allergic sen- There was no association between secondhand smoke
sitization from secondhand smoke exposure. The dis- exposure and quantitative measures of cord blood IgE
cussion that follows reviews some of the key studies (p = 0.58) (Kulig et al. 1999). Another birth cohort
published since 1997 (Table 6.21). study of 1,218 infants measured cord blood IgE levels
in 1,064 infants (Tariq et al. 2000). Maternal smoking
was evaluated at birth and again when the children
Immunoglobulin E were one, two, and four years of age; 20.5 percent of
the mothers reported smoking during pregnancy and
Evidence for the level of cord blood IgE as a
25.2 percent reported smoking after childbirth. Mater-
predictor of IgE-mediated disease is inconsistent.
nal smoking during pregnancy was not associated
Some studies suggest that cord blood IgE predicts
with cord blood IgE levels at birth (Tariq et al. 2000).
the development of allergic disease (Michel et al.
1980; Magnusson 1988), but others do not support
that hypothesis (Halonen et al. 1991; Ruiz et al. 1991;
Allergic Sensitization During Childhood
Hansen et al. 1992). If maternal smoking during preg-
nancy influences immune system development and Other studies published since 1997 have inves-
gene expression in the fetus, then the cord blood IgE tigated childhood IgE levels and exposure to second-
concentration may be a biomarker for the effects of hand tobacco smoke. Lindfors and colleagues (1999)
smoking. However, expression of genes primed in the investigated 189 children with asthma aged one to
fetal environment may not be manifest until later in four years. The researchers explored the association
life, so the complete effect of in utero tobacco smoke between exposures to dog and cat allergens and the
exposure on allergic phenotypes may not be apparent
until adulthood.

376 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.21 Atopy studies of markers for exposure to secondhand smoke

Study Design/population Measures Findings Comments

Farooqi and Retrospective cohort • Log regression of • 45.4% (879) developed No significant
Hopkin 1998 1975–1984 birth cohort predictors of atopic atopic disorder association was found
N = 1,934 disease (OR* = 1.16 [95% CI†, between maternal
United Kingdom • Maternal atopy 0.95–1.43]) smoking and atopic
(Oxfordshire) • Maternal smoking • 25% developed symptoms
asthma (OR = 1.29
[95% CI, 1.03–1.63],
p <0.05)
• 25% developed hay
fever (OR = 1.04
[95% CI, 0.82–1.32])
• 19% developed
eczema (OR = 0.97
[95% CI, 0.75–1.26])

Lewis and 1970s birth cohort • Wheeze • Wheeze increased Suggested that an
Britton 1998 N = 6,068 with • Eczema at 16 years of age in independent effect
complete follow-up • Hay fever relation to maternal of smoking reduced
data smoking the effect of allergic
Follow-up at 5, 10, and • There was no disease; hay fever
16 years of age evidence to support was less common
United Kingdom maternal smoking as with high levels of
a contributing factor maternal smoking
to the development of

Tariq et al. 1998 Birth cohort Serum and cord IgE‡ • 27% had symptoms of Family history of
N = 1,218 allergic disease by atopy was deemed
Followed to 4 years of 4 years of age the most important
age • Parental smoking did risk
not increase allergen
sensitization among

Kalyoncu et al. N = 738 • Questionnaire • Secondhand smoke None

1999 358 boys, 380 girls • Prevalence of exposure affected
Aged 6–13 years asthma, wheeze, occurrence of allergic
Turkey rhinitis, and atopic rhinitis (OR = 1.84
(Ankara) dermatitis in the [95% CI, 1.3–3.0])
last 12 months • Occurrence of any
type of allergic disease
or symptoms in
the past 12 months
was associated with
secondhand smoke
exposure (OR = 1.74
[95% CI, 1.18–2.56])

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 377

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.21 Continued

Study Design/population Measures Findings Comments

Kulig et al. Birth cohort • Specific IgE • Allergic sensitization Effect was restricted
1999 N = 342 of 1,314 from • Questionnaire to food and to food allergens;
initial cohort assessed parental aeroallergens there were no
Studied from infancy to smoking at birth, • By 3 years of age with consistent dose-
early childhood and at 18 and prenatal exposure response patterns; no
Measured at 1, 2, and 36 months (OR = 2.3 [95% CI, association between
3 years of age 1.1–4.6]) and postnatal secondhand smoke
Children were grouped exposure (OR = 2.2 and sensitization to
into 4 exposure [95% CI, 0.9–5.9]) to inhaled allergens was
categories, depending secondhand smoke, found
on parental smoking there was an increased
Germany risk of food allergy
• There was no
association between
secondhand smoke
and cord blood IgE

Lindfors et al. N = 189 children with • Specific IgE Secondhand smoke There was an
1999 asthma antibody to cat and increased the risk for interaction between
Aged 1–4 years dog allergens sensitization to cat secondhand smoke
Sweden • Questionnaire (OR = 2.2 [95% CI, exposure, window
• House dust analysis 0.9–4.9]) and dog pane condensation,
(OR = 2.0 [95% CI, and a high level of
0.9–4.5]) cat allergen (OR = 42
[95% CI, 3.7–472.8]);
wide CI

Suárez-Varela Cross-sectional • Rhinitis • Severity of atopic None

et al. 1999 N = 3,948 • Atopic dermatitis disease increased in
Aged 6–7 years • Asthma lower social classes
Spain • Secondhand smoke • Secondhand smoke
(Valencia) exposure exposure increased in
lower social classes

Vinke et al. N = 20 Immunohistochemical There were more Secondhand smoke

1999 10 exposed and staining for IgE-positive cells and leads to a tissue
10 unexposed Langerhans cells, eosinophils in the nasal infiltrate that
T cells, B cells, mucosa of children resembles infiltrates
granulocytes, exposed to secondhand in the nasal mucosa
macrophages, mast smoke of children with
cells, and eosinophils allergy; no significant
in the nasal mucosa sensitization was
found in nasal
mucosa with
increased IgE on cell

Kaan et al. 2000 397 high-risk infants • Total IgE There was no correlation None
in a controlled trial to • Serum cotinine in between cord blood IgE
prevent asthma and cord blood taken at and cotinine levels
allergic disease birth
(Vancouver and

378 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.21 Continued

Study Design/population Measures Findings Comments

Tariq et al. 2000 Birth cohort • Skin testing • Maternal smoking did Smoking while
N = 1,218 • Cord blood IgE not increase allergen pregnant has no effect
Tested at 1, 2, and sensitization at 4 years on cord blood IgE at
4 years of age of age birth
981 were skin-prick • There was an inverse
tested association between
Cord IgE from 1,064 maternal smoking
United Kingdom during and after
(Isle of Wight) pregnancy and
allergen sensitization
at 4 years of age

Ulrik and 408 participants from • Skin-prick test There was an increased None
Backer 2000 case histories of • Total serum IgE risk of a positive skin
983 children • Pulmonary function prick at second survey
Aged 7–17 years • Airway with exposure to
Longitudinal surveys responsiveness maternal smoking
were 6 years apart (OR = 2.0 [95% CI,
Denmark 1.3–3.1], p = 0.002)

Zacharasiewicz N = 18,606 children Nasal symptoms • Maternal smoking There was a

et al. 2000 Aged 6–9 years suggestive of atopic during pregnancy demonstrated dose-
Austria rhinitis and/or breastfeeding response pattern for
increased risks for allergic symptoms
rhinitis in the last depending on
12 months (OR = 1.28 the amount of
[95% CI, 1.07–1.52]) secondhand smoke
• ≥50 cigarettes smoked exposure
at home: OR = 2.9
(95% CI, 1.21–6.95)
*OR = Odds ratio.

CI = Confidence interval.

IgE = Immunoglobulin E.

risk for allergic sensitization, and assessed whether OR = 2.0 [95 percent CI, 0.9–4.5]). With joint exposure
the risk of allergen sensitization was modified by to cats, secondhand smoke, and home dampness, the
secondhand smoke exposure (Lindfors et al. 1999). In OR of 42.0 indicated a very high risk for allergic sen-
this study, questionnaires were completed regarding sitization to cats, although CIs were broad (95 percent
exposures to dogs, cats, home dampness as indicated CI, 3.7–472.8). The investigators concluded that sec-
by window pane condensation, and secondhand ondhand smoke exposure may promote atopic sensi-
smoke, which was evaluated from questions about tization in children with asthma. The study did not
parental smoking in the home during the child’s first control for in utero exposure to smoking (Lindfors et
two years of life; house dust was also analyzed. Expo- al. 1999).
sure to secondhand tobacco smoke increased the risk A six-year prospective cohort study of 408 Dan-
for allergic sensitization to cats (Radioallergosorbent ish children and adolescents aged 7 to 17 years ini-
Test [RAST] e1 cat ≥0.35 kilounit per liter (kU/L), tially included measurements of IgE and skin tests to
OR = 2.2 [95 percent CI, 0.9–4.9]; RAST e1 cat common allergens. Only a single measurement of IgE
≥0.70 kU/L, OR = 2.1 [95 percent CI, 0.7–6.5]). Expo- was available when the study began. An analysis of
sure to secondhand smoke also increased the risk individuals who were not atopic at the time of the first
for sensitization to dogs (RAST e5 dog ≥0.35 kU/L,

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 379

Surgeon General’s Report

examination showed that exposure to secondhand was significant heterogeneity among the studies. The
tobacco smoke from maternal smoking increased the heterogeneity does not seem to be explained by study
risk for a positive skin-prick test at the second evalu- characteristics such as design, location, age group, or
ation (OR = 2.0 [95 percent CI, 1.3–3.1]), but changes exposure measure.
in IgE levels could not be assessed. The authors con- The results of studies of perinatal exposure
cluded that exposure to secondhand smoke was associ- were the least heterogeneous; the pooled ORs sug-
ated with an increased risk of sensitization to common gest a nonsignificant reduction in risk among chil-
aeroallergens in adolescence (Ulrik and Backer 2000). dren exposed to secondhand smoke (Table 6.23 and
Other recent investigations have focused on chil- Figure 6.11). The evidence is less consistent for child-
dren in the first three to four years of life, a critical time hood exposures (Figure 6.12 and Table 6.23). The
for alveolar and immune system development. In a random effects estimate, which is more appropriate
birth cohort study, 981 children of the original cohort than the fixed effects given the significant hetero-
of 1,218 children were tested by skin prick for com- geneity, shows a small and nonsignificant increase in
mon aeroallergens at one, two, and four years of age risk associated with exposure, although this conclu-
(Tariq et al. 2000). An inverse association was noted sion is limited by the small number of studies included
for exposure to maternal smoking during pregnancy in this analysis.
and childhood and the development of allergic sensi- Considering all of the studies together, the ran-
tization at four years of age. Among children whose dom effects estimate is 1.10 (95 percent CI, 0.85–1.42),
mothers smoked during pregnancy and/or after birth, a nonsignificant increase in risk among exposed chil-
31.4 percent were not sensitized to aeroallergens ver- dren (Figure 6.13 and Table 6.23). The results of these
sus 21.2 percent who were (p <0.05). Paternal smok- studies confirm those of the previous meta-analysis:
ing was not associated with allergen sensitization parental smoking during pregnancy or childhood is
or skin-test reactivity (17.2 percent of those exposed not consistently associated with an increased risk of
versus 20.5 percent who were not exposed to paternal allergic sensitization.
smoking). The investigators noted that secondhand
smoke exposure from paternal sources may have been
underestimated because more mothers than fathers Atopic Disease
were available for interviews (Tariq et al. 2000). Kulig
Findings from recent investigations of atopic
and colleagues (1999) found that in children three
disease indicators such as allergic symptoms, eczema,
years of age who had been exposed to secondhand
rhinitis, and dermatitis are generally consistent with
smoke prenatally and postnatally, secondhand smoke
the earlier systematic review. Studies document that
exposure and sensitization to aeroallergens were
secondhand smoke exposure affects cellular biomark-
not associated.
ers. Vinke and colleagues (1999) demonstrated that
For the updated meta-analysis of the evidence
IgE-positive cells and eosinophils were higher in the
relating parental smoking to allergic sensitization in
nasal mucous of children exposed to secondhand
children as measured by a skin-prick test (Strachan
smoke than in unexposed children. The researchers
and Cook 1998b), 50 potentially relevant studies were
concluded that although secondhand tobacco smoke
identified, 3 of which yielded sufficient data to calcu-
exposure led to a tissue infiltrate in biopsy specimens
late the effect measure of interest. One of these papers
that resembles that in the nasal mucosa of children
was not included in the synthesis (Burr et al. 1997)
with allergy, a key difference was the lack of IgE-
because it measured allergic sensitization in neonates
positive mast cells in biopsy specimens from the non-
instead of in children. Two papers (Arshad et al. 1993;
atopic children exposed to secondhand smoke (Vinke
Tariq et al. 2000) analyzed the same data, and the more
et al. 1999).
recent results (Tariq et al. 2000) are included here. In
In a prospective cohort study of 6,068 children
both the 1998 synthesis and this meta-analysis, the
born in 1970, a follow-up for indicators of atopy was
effect measure compared the relative odds of positive
carried out at 5, 10, and 16 years of age by questioning
skin-prick reactions in exposed versus unexposed chil-
parents (Lewis and Britton 1998). Maternal smoking
dren. Studies were grouped according to the timing of
was measured as “maternal smoking during preg-
secondhand smoke exposure: perinatal (maternal
nancy” and “current maternal smoking.” The findings
smoking during pregnancy and parental smoking from
did not support the hypothesis that maternal smok-
infancy to four years of age) and childhood (parental
ing during pregnancy or current maternal smoking
smoking at five or more years of age). The updated
contributes to the development of atopy. In fact, the
meta-analysis includes 10 papers (Table 6.22). There
occurrence of hay fever at 16 years of age was less

380 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.22 Studies relating parental smoking to skin-prick positivity in children

Odds ratio
Design/ (95% confidence
Study/location population Exposure measure Outcome measure interval)

Perinatal secondhand smoke exposure

Kuehr et al. 1992 Survey Mother smoked during Any of 7 SPT* ≥3 mm† 0.6 (0.3–1.1)
Germany N = 1,470 pregnancy
Aged 6–8 years

Bråbäck et al. 1995

Estonia Survey Secondhand smoke in home Any of 8 SPT ≥0 mm 1.2 (0.9–1.8)
N = 1,519 during infancy
Aged 10–12 years

Poland Survey Secondhand smoke in home Any of 8 SPT ≥0 mm 0.6 (0.3–1.1)

N = 410 during infancy
Aged 10–12 years

Sweden Survey Secondhand smoke in home Any of 8 SPT ≥0 mm 1.3 (0.9–1.8)

N = 665 during infancy
Aged 10–12 years

Henderson et al. 1995 Survey Mother smoked during Any of 14 SPT ≥4 mm 0.8 (0.4–2.0)
United States N = 219 pregnancy
(North Carolina) Aged 7–12 years

Søyseth et al. 1995 Survey Mother smoked during Any of 8 SPT ≥3 mm 0.6 (0.4–1.0)
Norway N = 529 pregnancy
Aged 7–13 years

Tariq et al. 2000 Cohort Mother smoked when child Any of 12 SPT ≥3 mm 1.1 (0.6–1.6)
United Kingdom N = 1,456 was 4 years of age
Aged 0–4 years

Childhood secondhand smoke exposure

Weiss et al. 1985 Cohort Mother currently smoked Any of 4 SPT >0 mm 2.2 (1.1–4.4)
United States N = 163
(Massachusetts) Aged 12–16 years

Ronchetti et al. 1992 Cohort Either parent smoked Any of 10 positive 1.7 (0.8–3.8)
Italy N = 142 SPT
Aged 13 years

von Mutius et al. 1994 Survey Mother currently smoked Any of 6 SPT ≥3 mm 0.8 (0.7–0.9)
Germany N = 8,653
Aged 9–11 years

Henderson et al. 1995 Survey Parental smoking when child Any of 14 SPT ≥4 mm 1.1 (0.6–1.9)
United States N = 219 was 5 years of age
(North Carolina) Aged 7–12 years

Søyseth et al. 1995 Survey Mother currently smoked Any of 8 SPT ≥3 mm 0.8 (0.5–1.2)
Norway N = 529
Aged 7–13 years

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 381

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.22 Continued

Odds ratio
Design/ (95% confidence
Study/location population Exposure measure Outcome measure interval)

Childhood secondhand smoke exposure

Zeiger and Heller 1995 Trial Regular smoking at home Any of 9 positive SPT 2.9 (1.1–7.7)
United States N = 165
Aged 7 years

Ulrik and Backer 2000 Cohort Maternal smoking during Any of 9 SPT ≥3 mm 2 (1.2–3.1)
Denmark N = 408 childhood
Aged 7–17 years
*SPT = Skin-prick test.

mm = Millimeter.

Table 6.23 Summary of pooled odds ratios (95% confidence intervals) in skin-prick positivity comparing
unexposed children with children exposed to secondhand smoke at various time points
Perinatal exposure Childhood exposure Perinatal or childhood exposure

Number of studies 7 7 12
Fixed effects 0.97 (0.81–1.15) 0.90 (0.81–1.01) 0.92 (0.84–1.02)
Random effects 0.90 (0.68–1.18) 1.35 (0.91–2.01) 1.10 (0.85–1.42)
Q (p value) 13.1 (0.042) 29.5 (0.000) 42.2 (0.000)
Note: Q is the chi-square distributed test statistic for the null hypothesis of no heterogeneity between studies.

common in those with the highest levels smoked by 0.75–1.26]) (Farooqi and Hopkin 1998). The authors
the mother (current smoking OR = 0.78 [95 percent CI, concluded that genetic factors constitute the main
0.67–0.92]). A risk for eczema at 16 years of age was risk for the development of atopy in children. With an
not associated with current maternal smoking. OR of 1.97 (95 percent CI, 1.46–2.66), maternal atopy
Kalyoncu and colleagues (1999) conducted was a predictor of the development of atopy in these
two questionnaire surveys five years apart to evalu- children (Farooqi and Hopkin 1998).
ate prevalence rates for asthma, allergic disease, and As part of ISAAC, parents answered a supple-
risk factors among primary school-age children. The mental questionnaire regarding indoor environmental
second survey included 358 boys and 380 girls aged exposures and childhood symptoms of atopic rhinitis.
6 through 13 years. In this sample, smoking at home For participants in Austria, there were questionnaire
was associated with the occurrence of allergic rhinitis responses for 18,606 children aged six through nine
(OR = 1.84 [95 percent CI, 1.3–3.0]), and the occurrence years (Zacharasiewicz et al. 2000). Multiple indoor
of allergic symptoms during the past 12 months was environmental exposures were considered in the anal-
associated with secondhand tobacco smoke exposure yses, including maternal smoking during pregnancy
(OR = 1.74 [95 percent CI, 1.18–2.56]) (Kalyoncu et al. and/or while breastfeeding, secondhand smoke expo-
1999). sure, mattress and bedding type, home dampness,
In a retrospective cohort study of 1,934 chil- cooking fuels, home heating, and indoor pets. Overall,
dren, there was no significant association between there was no difference between indoor environmen-
maternal smoking and atopy (OR = 1.16 [95 percent tal exposures in children with rhinitis symptoms only
CI, 0.95–1.43]), hay fever (OR = 1.04 [95 percent CI, during the pollen season versus those with symptoms
0.82–1.32]), or eczema (OR = 0.97 [95 percent CI, year round. Maternal smoking during pregnancy and

382 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 6.11 Odds ratios for the association between parental smoking during pregnancy and infancy and
skin-prick positivity

Kuehr et al. 1992


Bråbäck et al. 1995 (Estonia)

Bråbäck et al. 1995 (Poland)


Bråbäck et al. 1995 (Sweden)


Henderson et al. 1995


Søyseth et al. 1995

Tariq et al. 2000



0.3 0.5 1 1.5 2
Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)

Note: Size of boxes is proportional to the weight of each study in the pooled odds ratio (OR). Solid line represents an OR of 1,
dotted line is the combined result.
*From random effects meta-analysis.

Figure 6.12 Odds ratios for the association between parental smoking during childhood and skin-prick

Weiss et al. 1985



Ronchetti et al. 1992



von Mutius et al. 1994


Henderson et al. 1995


Søyseth et al. 1995


Zeiger and Heller 1995



Ulrik and Backer 2000



0.5 1 2 5 7
Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)

Note: Size of boxes is proportional to the weight of each study in the pooled odds ratio (OR). Solid line represents an OR of 1,
dotted line is the combined result.
*From random effects meta-analysis.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 383

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 6.13 Odds ratios for the association between parental smoking and skin-prick positivity

Weiss et al. 1985


Kuehr et al. 1992

Ronchetti et al. 1992


von Mutius et al. 1994

Bråbäck et al. 1995 (Estonia)

Bråbäck et al. 1995 (Poland)


Bråbäck et al. 1995 (Sweden)

Henderson et al. 1995


Søyseth et al. 1995

Zeiger et al. 1995


Tariq et al. 2000

Ulrik and Backer 2000


0.3 0.5 1 2 5 7
Odds ratio (95% confidence interval)

Note: Size of boxes is proportional to the weight of each study in the pooled odds ratio (OR). Solid line represents an OR of 1,
dotted line is the combined result.
*From random effects meta-analysis.

after birth while the mother breastfed was associated and gene-environment interactions will need to be
with an increased risk for atopic rhinitis symptoms in considered in future studies of secondhand smoke
the 12 months before the interview (OR = 1.28 [95 per- exposure in children.
cent CI, 1.07–1.52]). There was also evidence of a dose-
response relationship: nasal symptoms in the previous
12 months increased if household smokers smoked Evidence Synthesis
50 or more cigarettes per day in the home (OR = 2.9
There are multiple mechanisms by which
[95 percent CI, 1.21–6.95]) (Zacharasiewicz et al.
secondhand smoke exposure might alter the risk for
allergic diseases in infants and children. Exposure to
Heterogeneity in the measures of allergic sensi-
tobacco smoke components from maternal smoking
tization across the studies limits comparisons. There
during pregnancy might have lasting effects on lung
are no prospective cohort studies that demonstrate
and systemic immunophenotypes. Exposures after
longitudinal changes in IgE levels associated with
birth might also affect immunophenotype or increase
prenatal and postnatal secondhand smoke exposure.
susceptibility to sensitization by common allergens.
Assessments of parental and sibling symptoms are
The observational evidence across a range of
critical to these studies, as those children predisposed
outcome measures is inconsistent, however. The
to the development of allergic sensitization secondary
inconsistency may partially reflect the limited number
to secondhand smoke exposure may be those most
of studies for any particular outcome and the meth-
genetically predisposed to the development of atopy,
odologic complexities of studies on atopic disorders.

384 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Conclusion track exposures back to the pregnancy. Further stud-

ies on secondhand smoke and atopy in childhood
1. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence are needed, but the studies need to be large enough
or absence of a causal relationship between and need to have sufficient and valid measurements
parental smoking and the risk of immunoglobulin of allergic phenotype. Future studies also need to
E-mediated allergy in their children. address potential genetic determinants of susceptibil-
ity, particularly as they modify the effect of second-
hand smoke.
Studies on secondhand smoke exposure and
atopy need to be prospective in design and should

Lung Growth and Pulmonary Function

Beginning with the 1984 report (USDHHS 1984), function in childhood. As discussed earlier in this chap-
the U.S. Surgeon General’s reports in this series have ter (see “Mechanisms of Health Effects from Second-
covered the adverse effects of exposure to second- hand Tobacco Smoke”), lung maturation and growth
hand smoke, including effects from maternal smok- decrements secondary to exposure are reflected in
ing during pregnancy and effects on lung growth changes in measured pulmonary function.
from exposure during infancy and childhood. Both A 1998 meta-analysis by Cook and colleagues
cross-sectional and cohort studies on this topic have (1998) concluded that maternal smoking was associ-
used lung function level as the primary indicator ated with reduced ventilatory function assessed by
(Table 6.24). The level of lung function achieved at any spirometry. In a quantitative synthesis of 21 cross-
particular age and measured cross-sectionally is an sectional studies, the effects of parental smoking on
indicator of the rate of growth of function up to that lung function were reductions of the FVC by 0.2 per-
age; cohort studies with repeated measurements of cent (95 percent CI, -0.4–0.1), the FEV1 by 0.9 percent
lung function directly estimate the rate of growth. The (95 percent CI, -1.2 to -0.7), the MEFR by 4.8 percent
1986 Surgeon General’s report, The Health Consequences (95 percent CI, -5.4 to -4.3), and the end-expiratory
of Involuntary Smoking, reviewed 18 cross-sectional flow rate (EEFR) by 4.3 percent (95 percent CI, -5.3 to
and cohort studies and concluded that “available data -3.3). The meta-analysis also considered six prospec-
demonstrate that maternal smoking reduced lung tive cohort studies and found only a small effect of
function in young children” (USDHHS 1986, p. 54). current exposure on decreased growth in lung func-
The report further suggests that although this reduc- tion. The researchers attributed most of the decreased
tion is small, with an average of 1 to 5 percent, “some growth to a lasting consequence of in utero exposure
children might be affected to a greater extent, and even from maternal smoking (Cook et al. 1998).
small differences might be important for children who This discussion considers some of the studies
become active cigarette smokers as adults” (USDHHS included in this 1998 meta-analysis in addition to
1986, p. 54). The EPA issued its risk assessment in 1992 studies published subsequently. The studies are both
and concluded that the decline in lung function associ- cross-sectional and cohort in design, include data on
ated with exposure to secondhand smoke represented maternal smoking during pregnancy and after birth,
a causal effect (USEPA 1992). Similar conclusions were and indicate that maternal smoking during pregnancy
reached by the California Environmental Protection has a substantially greater adverse effect. As discussed
Agency (NCI 1999) and WHO (1999). Thus, for nearly above, maternal smoking affects lung development in
two decades the weight of evidence has been suffi- utero perhaps by a direct toxic effect, by gene regu-
cient to conclude that prenatal and postnatal tobacco lation, or by leading to developmental abnormalities.
smoke exposure is associated with a decrease in lung The number of airways in the lung is considered fixed

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 385

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.24 Cross-sectional and cohort studies that used lung function level as the primary indicator of
adverse effects of exposure to secondhand smoke

Study Design/population Measures Findings Comments

Cook et al. 1993 Random • Questionnaire • PFT§ results were Cannot distinguish
population-based • Salivary cotinine negatively associated as an early effect
sample • FEV1* with cotinine
N = 2,511 children • FVC† • FEV1/FVC∆ was not
Aged 5–7.9 years • FEF25‡ correlated with salivary
10 towns in • FEF50 cotinine
England and Wales • FEF75 • FEV1 decreased linearly
with an increase in
salivary cotinine

Rona and Cross-sectional Data were not reported • There was a significant Concluded that
Chinn 1993 national health association between reduced childhood
survey maternal smoking and lung function was
N = 2,756 children decreased FEF25-75¶ and associated with
Aged 6.5–12 years FEF75-85 in boys but not in maternal smoking
Great Britain girls
• The FEV1 decreased
in boys exposed to
maternal secondhand

Cunningham et N = 8,863 children • Questionnaire • FEV75 decreased by 1.8% When adjusted

al. 1994 Aged 8–12 years • FEV1 • FEV1 decreased by 1.4% for prenatal
24 cities • FVC • FEV1/FVC decreased by smoking, effects of
United States • FEV1/FVC 1.3% current smoking
• FEV75 • PEFR decreased by 2.1% decreased; there
• PEFR** • FEF25-75 decreased was no significant
• FEF25-75 by 5.2% (findings association of
• FEF65-75 are unadjusted for secondhand smoke
covariates) exposure with a
decrease in lung
function between
birth and 2 years
of age except in the

Haby et al. N = 2,765 children • FEV1 Dose-related decrease Dose was the
1994 Aged 7–12 years • FVC in FEV1, PEFR, and number of cigarettes
Australia • PEFR FEF25-75 but not in FVC smoked in the home;
• FEF25-75 with secondhand smoke there was no report
exposure on gender difference
in maternal or
paternal smoking

386 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.24 Continued

Study Design/population Measures Findings Comments

Wang et al. N = 8,796 children • Regression splines • Preschool exposure was Early exposure to
1994 Aged 6–18 years to model pulmonary a significant predictor secondhand smoke
Exposure was function as a function of child pulmonary had long-lasting
measured in of secondhand smoke function effects on lung
preschool (first exposure were adjusted • There was no difference growth
5 years of life), for age, weight, city, in effect for boys vs.
cumulative and parental education girls; there was a
exposure from • Current maternal and small but statistically
6 years of age to paternal smoking significant reduction in
1 year before the FEV1/FVC and FEF25-75
exam through adolescence
China • Early maternal smoking
was associated with a
small increase in FVC
(statistically significant
in children aged
11–18 years)
• Children aged
6–10 years exposed
to current maternal
smoking had slower
FVC and FEV1 growth

Cuijpers et al. N = 535 children • FVC • Decreases in FVC, FEV1, None

1995 Aged 6–12 years • FEV1 PEF, and FEF25-75 in boys
Netherlands • PEF were related to lifetime
• FEF25-75 secondhand smoke
• A decrease in FEF25-75
was significant only in

Cunningham et N = 876 children • Secondhand smoke • There was a statistically Current secondhand
al. 1995 Aged 9–11 years exposure was significant decrease in smoke exposure
United States determined by FEF25-75 of -8.1% was not associated
(Pennsylvania) questionnaire (95% confidence interval with lung function
• Pulmonary function [CI], -12.9 to -3.1), and a decrease after
• FEV1 decrease in FEV1/FVC of adjustment for
• FVC -2% (95% CI, -3.0 to -0.9) maternal smoking
• FEV1/FVC with maternal smoking during pregnancy;
• FEF25-75 during pregnancy effect on boys was
• There was no statistically greater than effect
significant decrease in on girls
• There was no decrease in

Goren and Cross-sectional • FVC There was no relationship None

Hellmann 1995 N = 8,259 children • FEV1 between lung volume and
2nd and • PEF secondhand smoke
5th graders • FEV1/FVC
(ages not provided)

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 387

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.24 Continued

Study Design/population Measures Findings Comments

Søyseth et al. N = 573 children • Parental smoking There was a slight (but not None
1995 (out of a birth • Prenatal smoking statistically significant)
cohort of 620) decrease in FEV1/FVC
Aged 7–13 years in relation to maternal
Norway smoking

Richards et al. N = 395 children • FEF25-75 There was no significant None

1996 Aged 14–18 years • FEV1 difference in the FEV1 or
South Africa FEF25-75 in exposed vs.
unexposed adolescents

Behera et al. N = 2,000 children • FEV1 • FVC and FEV1 were None
1998 77 girls, 123 boys • FVC lowest in boys whose
Aged 7–15 years • PEFR households used
Northern India • Maximal MEF†† biomass fuels (p <0.05)
• FEF25 • All parameters were
• FEF50 lower in children
• FEF75 exposed to secondhand
smoke but were not
statistically significant

Bono et al. 1998 Longitudinal • Questionnaire Effect for FEV1 percentage Active and
N = 394 children • Urinary cotinine change as measured for involuntary
Aged 14–16 years • FVC natural log of the mean exposure to tobacco
2 consecutive years • FEV1 cotinine concentration was smoke had a
(1992–1993) • Maximal MEF25 -0.66% (p <0.05) significant effect
Northwest Italy • Maximal MEF50 on lung growth
• PEF‡‡ measured by linear
change in FEV1;
effect was small but

Demissie et al. N = 989 children • Questionnaire • FEV1/FVC decreased Gender difference

1998 Aged 5–13 years • FVC (ß = -2.13 [95% CI, could be attributable
1990–1992 • FEV1 -4.07–0.19], the estimated to the difference in
Canada • FEV1/FVC effect for a household maturation rates of
(Montreal) exposure of 7.25 lungs in girls vs. in
cigarettes/day vs. none) boys
in boys exposed to
secondhand smoke
• Maternal smoking
during pregnancy was
associated with a lower
FEV1 (p = 0.04)
• Maternal smoking was
associated with a lower

Hoo et al. 1998 108 preterm infants • VmaxFRC§§ TPTEF:TE was lower in Measured
United Kingdom • TPTEF:TE∆∆ infants exposed in utero, respiratory function
• Infant urine cotinine p ≤0.02 in preterm infants
• Passive respiratory only; concluded that
compliance an adverse effect was
present and was not
limited to the last
weeks of pregnancy

388 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.24 Continued

Study Design/population Measures Findings Comments

Bek et al. 1999 N = 360 children • Questionnaire • All spirometric indices 79% of fathers
169 girls, 191 boys • Spirometry for were lower in those smoked, suggesting
Aged 9–13 years FEV1/FVC with secondhand smoke that fathers should
Turkey • FEV1/FVC exposure be targeted, although
(Ankara) • PIF¶¶/PEF • Maternal smoking had it may be a sampling
• FEF25-75 no significant effect but issue; there was no
• Vmax25 paternal smoking was significant dose-
• Vmax50 associated with reduced response pattern
• Vmax75 FEF25-75 (p = 0.02), PEF
(p = 0.03), Vmax50
(p = 0.008), and Vmax75
(p = 0.009)
• There was no significant
reduction in peak flow in
children whose mothers
had smoked during

Gilliland et al. Cross-sectional • Questionnaire • In utero exposure In utero exposure to

2000 N = 3,357 children • Current/former • Decreased PEFR: maternal smoking
4th, 7th, and smoking while -3% (95% CI, was independently
10th graders pregnant -4.4% to -1.4%) associated with
United States • PEFR • Decreased maximal decreased lung
(Southern • FVC MEF: -4.6% (95% CI, function in school-
California) • FEV1 -7% to -2.3%) age children,
• FEV1/FVC • Decreased FEF75: especially for small
-6.2% (95% CI, airway flows
-9.1% to -3.1%)
• There was no decrease in

Li et al. 2000 Cross-sectional • Questionnaire • In utero effects Used regression

N = 5,263 children • FVC were independently splines to account
49% boys, • FEV1 associated with lung for nonlinear
51% girls • FEV1/FVC function deficits, which effects; effects of
Aged 7–19 years • Maximal MEF were greater in children secondhand smoke
Two consecutive with asthma depend on gender
years (1992–1993) • Decreased maximal MEF and/or asthma
• Decreased FEV1/FVC status; in utero
exposure leads to
persistent lung
function deficits,
with the greatest
effects in those with

O’Connor et al. N = 2,043 children • Questionnaire • V30M/V30P ratio was not Spirometric indices
2000 Aged 10–11 years • FVC related to asthma or such as FEF25-75/FVC
Boys and girls in • FEV1 maternal smoking are sensitive to
8 U.S. and • FEV1/FVC ratio • V30M/V30P ratio was effects of asthma and
Canadian • V35M slightly higher among secondhand smoke
communities • V30M girls than boys exposure; volume
• V25M • FVC was lower with history has no benefit
a history of asthma or
maternal smoking

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 389

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.24 Continued

Study Design/population Measures Findings Comments

Mannino et al. Cross-sectional • Questionnaire • Children with highest Used cotinine

2001 N = 5,400 children • Serum cotinine cotinine levels had to decrease
Aged 4–16 years (stratified by tertiles) decreased FEV1 (mean = misclassification
NHANES III*** • Spirometry on children -1.8% [95% CI, -3.2% to bias; large sample,
United States aged 8 or more years -0.4%]) but may lack power
• FEV1 • At highest cotinine to detect small
• FVC levels, children were increases in odds
• Maximal MEF more likely to have ratio for some
• FEV1/FVC FEV1/FVC <0.8 (odds outcomes
ratio = 1.8 [95% CI,
• Secondhand smoke
was associated with
decreased lung function
at ages 8–11 years
without prenatal
secondhand smoke
exposure but with
secondhand smoke
exposure during
*FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second during maximal expiratory effort.

FVC = Forced vital capacity or total volume of air expired after a full inspiration.

FEF25 = Amount of air expelled in the first 25% of the total forced vital capacity test. This test is useful when looking for
obstructive diseases.
PFT = Pulmonary function test.

FEV1/FVC = Percentage of the vital capacity that is expired in the first second of maximal expiration.

FEF25-75 = Forced mid-expiratory flow rate. Average rate of airflow between 25% and 75% of the FVC, which is reduced in
both obstructive and restrictive disorders.
**PEFR = Peak expiratory flow rate.
MEF = Mid-expiratory flow.
PEF = Peak expiratory flow or maximum flow achieved after a maximal inhalation and forced exhalation.
VmaxFRC = Maximal forced expiratory flow at functional residual capacity.
TPTEF:TE = The ratio of time to peak tidal expiratory flow to expiratory time.
PIF = Peak inspiratory flow.
***NHANES III = Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

by the time a child is born, but the number of alveoli Neonatal and Infant Lung Function
in the lung increases until four years of age (Dezateux and Growth
and Stocks 1997). The period from gestation to four
years of age thus represents a vulnerable time for lung Evaluating lung function in neonates and infants
growth and development, and exposures during this is challenging because of an inability of the young
time are potentially the most critical for structural and child to cooperate with testing. However, methods
functional lung development and performance. This that do not rely on cooperation from the child have
section reviews the evidence that associates different been developed and standardized to assess pulmonary
phases of lung growth and development with corre- function during this period of ongoing lung develop-
sponding ages. ment. The FRC is the most common measure of lung
volumes performed in infants and is an indicator of
normal lung volume growth. Measures of FRC can

390 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

be completed using gas dilution (nitrogen washout) growth of the child. Because of the longitudinal struc-
techniques or plethysmography, although plethysmo- ture of the data, including lung function assessment
graphic measures are more difficult to perform accu- shortly after birth, the study data could separate the
rately with this age group. Airway resistance can be effects of prenatal and postnatal exposure. The study
measured using plethysmography; lung resistance demonstrated an effect of maternal smoking on the
and compliance can be measured using esophageal FEFR at the FRC, with a multivariate analysis show-
manometry and forced oscillation methods. The par- ing that the effect was secondary to prenatal but not to
tial forced expiratory maneuver can be used to obtain postnatal exposure.
estimates of the forced expiratory flow rate (FEFR). An Australian cohort study that recruited partic-
This maneuver is performed using an inflatable jacket ipants from a prenatal care clinic assessed secondhand
around the thorax of the infant, who is sedated and smoke exposure from a questionnaire and evaluated
in the supine position. A rapid mechanical squeeze of cotinine levels. The researchers tested lung function in
the thorax by the jacket accomplishes the expiratory 461 infants by measuring the TPTEF:TE. Measurements
maneuver. With exhalation data from the FRC, par- at one to six and one-half days of age showed lower
tial expiratory flow maneuvers can be normalized and values in infants whose mothers smoked more than
provide information on lung growth and disease in one-half pack of cigarettes per day (Stick et al. 1996).
infants. These methods have been used both clinically Two studies published since the 1998 meta-
and in research. The relationship of these infant lung analysis (Cook et al. 1998) also assessed the effects of
function tests to standard spirometry, which can be maternal smoking during pregnancy on infants (Hoo
measured reproducibly from around five years of age, et al. 1998; Dezateux et al. 1999). Hoo and colleagues
is still unclear; researchers have published reviews of (1998) measured the VmaxFRC and TPTEF:TE in a cohort
infant lung function measurements (Stocks et al. 2001; of preterm infants born at a mean gestational age of
Davis 2003). 33.5 weeks. Of the 108 infants in the cohort, 40 were
Hanrahan and colleagues (1992) conducted a born to mothers who had smoked during pregnancy.
birth cohort study in east Boston that was designed The TPTEF:TE was lower in infants exposed to second-
to measure the effect of maternal smoking during and hand smoke in utero (mean 0.369, SD 0.109) com-
after pregnancy on infant lung function after birth. pared with unexposed infants (mean 0.426, SD 0.135,
Maternal reports of smoking during pregnancy were p ≤0.024). This was the first study to evaluate preterm
validated against measures of urinary cotinine. In infants, and the investigators found an effect of mater-
80 infants studied at a mean age of 4.2 (±1.9) weeks nal smoking on lung development by the 33rd week
of age, there was a reduced flow in the FRC among of gestation.
infants born to mothers who had smoked during A study by Dezateux and colleagues (1999) inves-
pregnancy (74.3 milliliters [mL] per second) com- tigated the association of postnatal maternal smoking
pared with infants whose mothers had not smoked with measures of specific airway conductance at eight
during pregnancy (150.4 mL per second, p = 0.0007). weeks and at one year of age. The initial cohort con-
The effects were independent of effects from second- sisted of 108 term infants with a lung function assess-
hand smoke on gestational age and birth weight. After ment at eight weeks of age; 100 were available for a
stratification by prenatal exposure, the flow rates were longitudinal follow-up at one year of age. Specific air-
not associated with postnatal exposure. way conductance at end expiration (sGawEE) was used
Tager and colleagues (1995) investigated the as a measure of airway function with a correction for
growth of pulmonary function in 159 infants in the airway size. In multivariate models that included
same east Boston cohort. Infant pulmonary function physician-diagnosed wheeze, a family history of
tests were evaluated at 2 to 6 weeks, 4 to 6 months, asthma, sGawEE measured at eight weeks, and a
9 to 12 months, and 18 months of age using partial maternal history of postnatal smoking, there was a
expiratory flow volume curves and helium dilution decrease of 0.40 seconds per kilopascal (unit of pres-
measures for the FVC to evaluate the effects of pre- sure) (95 percent CI, -0.71 to -0.10, p = 0.01) in sGaw
natal tobacco smoke exposure on lung function among infants of mothers who had smoked in the
growth in the first 18 months of life. Maternal smok- early postnatal period. The authors concluded that
ing during pregnancy was associated with a decrease early postnatal maternal smoking was an important
in the FRC itself (9.4 ± 4.3 mL, p = 0.03) and a decrease cause of altered airway function in the infant, with
in the FRC flow rate (33 ± 12.3 mL per second, implications for lung growth and development.
p = 0.0008); these estimates were adjusted for the

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 391

Surgeon General’s Report

Childhood Lung Function and Growth smoking; the observation that these effects were most
significant on flow measures suggests involvement,
Researchers have conducted multiple studies of likely inflammation and obstruction, of the small air-
older children to characterize the effects of second- ways.
hand smoke exposure on lung growth and develop- Several additional cross-sectional studies have
ment beyond the neonate or infancy stage. Some of been reported since Cunningham and colleagues
these studies evaluated in utero, postnatal, and cur- (1994) conducted their large, cross-sectional analy-
rent tobacco smoke exposures. Although several sis. Gilliland and colleagues (2000) investigated 3,357
large, cross-sectional studies (presented below) have children in 12 southern California communities and
been published since the 1998 meta-analysis (Cook et assessed the effects of maternal prenatal and postnatal
al. 1998), there has been little additional longitudinal smoking on pulmonary function measures in children.
evidence since 1997. Current and past secondhand smoke exposures and
One cross-sectional study was carried out in in utero maternal smoking were assessed from a ques-
24 U.S. and Canadian cities to assess the effects of tionnaire that was completed by parents of fourth-,
air pollution on child respiratory health. Using data seventh-, and tenth-grade students. In utero exposure
from 8,863 children aged 8 to 12 years in 22 of the cit- was associated with reduced flow rates measured
ies, Cunningham and colleagues (1994) found that by spirometry, but not with reductions in the FEV1.
lung function was lower in children whose mothers More specifically, the peak expiratory flow rate was
had smoked during pregnancy. The study recorded reduced by 3 percent (95 percent CI, -4.4 to -1.4 per-
maternal smoking histories and pulmonary func- cent), the mean MEF (closely equivalent to the FEF25-75)
tion measures. Regardless of whether these mothers was reduced by 4.6 percent (95 percent CI, -7.0 to
were still smoking the year before study assessment, -2.3 percent), and the FEF at 75 percent of vital capac-
their children had lower spirometric measures than ity (FEF75) was reduced by 6.2 percent (95 percent CI,
children with no in utero or postnatal exposure to -9.1 to -3.1 percent). Adjustment for confounding
maternal smoking. In comparisons of exposed and factors such as secondhand smoke from the mother,
unexposed children, adjusted findings in exposed father, or other adult household smokers; gender; race;
children included a 5.7 percent reduction (95 percent school grade; income; personal smoking; or parental
CI, -7.7 to -3.6 percent) in the FEF that was between education levels did not significantly alter the effect
65 and 75 percent of the FVC, a 4.9 percent reduction estimate for in utero exposure. The researchers con-
(95 percent CI, -6.5 to -3.2 percent) in the FEF mea- cluded that in utero exposure to maternal secondhand
sured between 25 and 75 percent of the FVC (FEF25-75), smoke was independently associated with a reduc-
and a 1.7 percent reduction (95 percent CI, -2.4 to tion in lung function among school-age children. The
-1.0 percent) in the measure of the FEV during the authors also suggested that the predominant reduc-
first three-fourths of a second of exhalation (FEV0.75). tion in flows may reflect an effect of in utero exposure
Current maternal smoking was not associated with on distal airway maturation and growth during in
spirometric decrements. There were 75 children utero development.
whose mothers had smoked only during the prepar- The Children’s Health Study evaluated the
tum but not in the postpartum phase. These children effects of in utero and postnatal secondhand smoke
had FEF25-75 values that were 11 percent lower (95 per- exposure on lung function in boys and girls with and
cent CI, -16.5 to -5.1, p = 0.0004) than those in children without a history of asthma. In utero exposure from
of mothers who had never smoked. In this cohort, maternal smoking and secondhand smoke exposure
6,508 mothers had not smoked during pregnancy. postnatally (from maternal, paternal, or other adult
Multivariate models that adjusted for gender, height, household members) was associated with a measured
age, parental education, place of residence, and cur- decrease in lung function in 5,263 children (Li et al.
rent tobacco smoke exposure in the home (maternal, 2000). Children exposed to tobacco smoke in utero
paternal, or other smokers in the home) documented from maternal smoking had reductions in maximal
an estimated 2.8 percent decrease (p = 0.026) in the MEF and FEV1/FVC ratios. Specifically, the maxi-
FEF25-75 for postpartum maternal smoking up to two mal MEF decreased by 5.9 percent (95 percent CI,
years of age of the child. This estimate is about half -8.4 to -3.4 percent, p <0.001) in boys and by 3.9 per-
the size of the effect of smoking during pregnancy. cent (95 percent CI, -6.3 to -1.5 percent) in girls (4.2 and
The authors concluded that the decrements in lung 3.0 percent, respectively, when children with asthma
function associated with maternal smoking during were excluded). The FEV1/FVC ratio decreased by
pregnancy were not explained by current maternal

392 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

2.0 percent (95 percent CI, -2.7 to -1.2 percent, p <0.001) studies (published from 1997 to 2000) were identified
in boys and by 1.7 percent (95 percent CI, -2.3 to by using the same search strategy that the 1998 review
-1.0 percent) in girls (1.6 and 1.2 percent, respectively, had used (Cook et al. 1998). Six additional studies
when children with asthma were excluded). In this were identified (Behera et al. 1998; Demissie et al.
study, decreased airflow in children without asthma 1998; Bek et al. 1999; Gilliland et al. 2000; O’Connor et
was significantly associated with current secondhand al. 2000; Mannino et al. 2001). Three of these studies
smoke exposure from two or more current smokers. (Behera et al. 1998; Bek et al. 1999; O’Connor et al. 2000)
The NHANES III included a cross-sectional could not be included in this quantitative synthesis
U.S. national sample of 5,400 children aged 4 through because they did not provide sufficient data to calcu-
16 years (Mannino et al. 2001). The study data late the effect measure of interest (average percent-
included a respiratory symptoms questionnaire, spi- age difference in spirometric index between exposed
rometric measurements, and serum cotinine levels. and unexposed children). The other three papers
Participants were stratified by cotinine levels to assess (Demissie et al. 1998; Gilliland et al. 2000; Mannino
the effects of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure et al. 2001) were included in the following updated
on a variety of health outcomes including lung func- meta-analysis. One additional paper published before
tion. Prenatal secondhand smoke exposure was also the 1998 synthesis (Rona and Chinn 1993) that was
retrospectively assessed in the group of children aged included in the present analysis had not been included
4 to 11 years. Children in the highest cotinine tertile in the 1998 quantitative synthesis—the data needed to
were more likely to have a FEV1/FVC ratio of less than calculate the effect measure of interest were not avail-
0.8 (OR = 1.8 [95 percent CI, 1.3–2.4]). Children able at the time; the data have since become available.
exposed to secondhand smoke had reductions in the The data in this study were presented separately for
FEV1 (-1.8 percent [95 percent CI, -3.2 to -0.4 percent]), girls and boys, and a combined estimate was obtained
the FEV1/FVC ratio (-1.5 percent [95 percent CI, with a random effects method (Egger et al. 2001).
-2.2 to -0.8 percent]), and the maximal MEF (-5.9 percent This analysis used the same effect measure that
[95 percent CI, -8.1 to -3.4 percent]). was used in the 1998 synthesis: the average differ-
ence in spirometric index between the exposed and
unexposed children expressed as a percentage of the
Lung Function level in the unexposed group. Four different spiro-
metric indices were considered: FVC, FEV1, MEFR,
To date, prospective cohort studies have not
and EEFR. Pooled estimates of the percentage differ-
incorporated measurements of lung function along
ences were calculated using both fixed and random
with serial cotinine level measurements. On the other
effects models (Egger et al. 2001).
hand, reports of smoking by key household members
To determine whether the classification of
have high validity and are likely to provide an ade-
exposure influenced the relationship between paren-
quate index of usual exposure to secondhand smoke.
tal smoking and lung function, studies were pooled
One small, prospective cohort study that assessed
within exposure groups: both parents did versus did
the effects of tobacco smoke on lung growth in ado-
not smoke, mother did versus did not smoke, either
lescents used urine cotinine levels as a biomarker for
parent did versus did not smoke, the highest cotinine
active and secondhand tobacco smoke exposure (Bono
category versus the lowest, and high levels of house-
et al. 1998). Questionnaires, urinary cotinine levels,
hold secondhand tobacco smoke versus none. To test
and spirometric measurements were used to evaluate
whether adjusting for variables other than age, gen-
394 schoolchildren aged 14 through 16 years. Approx-
der, and body size affected the relationship, studies
imately one year later, data from 333 adolescents
were pooled separately depending on what adjust-
were reassessed in multiple regression analyses. The
ments were made for other variables. A final assess-
reassessments revealed a trend for reductions in lung
ment was then made as to whether adjustments for
growth suggested by spirometry (FEV1), in associa-
SES measures, such as parental education and social
tion with active and involuntary smoking measured
class, were assessed for possible effects on the pooled
by serum cotinine levels. The effect on FEV1 growth,
although small, demonstrated a dose-related linear
Of the 26 studies included in the updated
trend (Bono et al. 1998).
quantitative synthesis, 4 were not in the 1998 analy-
In a meta-analysis of the cross-sectional evi-
sis. There was significant variability among studies
dence relating parental smoking to spirometric indi-
for all spirometric measures except the EEFR (Fig-
ces in children (Cook et al. 1998), new cross-sectional
ures 6.14–6.17 and Table 6.25). Heterogeneity was

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 393

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 6.14 Percentage difference in the forced vital capacity (FVC) between children of smokers and
children of nonsmokers in studies included in the meta-analysis

Yarnell and St. Leger 1979

Ekwo et al. 1983

Tashkin et al. 1984

Ware et al. 1984

Burchfiel et al. 1986

Teculescu et al. 1986

O'Connor et al. 1987
Stern et al. 1989b

Teculescu et al. 1989

Dijkstra et al. 1990

Strachan et al. 1990

Dold et al. 1992

Martinez et al. 1992

Willers et al. 1992


Cook et al. 1993 B
Cunningham et al. 1994

Haby et al. 1994


Cuijpers et al. 1995


Cunningham et al. 1995


Corbo et al. 1996


Demissie et al. 1998


Gilliland et al. 2000


Mannino et al. 2001


Difference of 0
Pooled fixed effects* Pooled result

Pooled random effects†

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Percentage difference (FVC)
(95% confidence interval)

*Pooled difference is from the fixed effects meta-analysis.

Pooled difference is from the random effects meta-analysis.

394 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 6.15 Percentage difference in the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) between children of
smokers and children of nonsmokers in studies included in the meta-analysis

Yarnell and St. Leger 1979

Ekwo et al. 1983

Tashkin et al. 1984

Ware et al. 1984

Burchfiel et al. 1986

Chen et al. 1986

Teculescu et al. 1986

O'Connor et al. 1987
Stern et al. 1989b

Teculescu et al. 1989

Dijkstra et al. 1990

Strachan et al. 1990

Dold et al. 1992

Martinez et al. 1992

Willers et al. 1992


Cook et al. 1993
Rona and Chinn 1993

Cunningham et al. 1994


Haby et al. 1994


Cuijpers et al. 1995


Cunningham et al. 1995


Corbo et al. 1996


Demissie et al. 1998


Gilliland et al. 2000


Mannino et al. 2001


Difference of 0
Pooled result
Pooled fixed effects*

Pooled random effects†

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Percentage difference (FEV1)
(95% confidence interval)

*Pooled difference is from the fixed effects meta-analysis.

Pooled difference is from the random effects meta-analysis.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 395

Surgeon General’s Report

Figure 6.16 Percentage difference in the mid-expiratory flow rate (MEFR) between children of smokers and
children of nonsmokers in studies included in the meta-analysis

Yarnell and St. Leger 1979


Ekwo et al. 1983


Tashkin et al. 1984

Burchfiel et al. 1986
Chen et al. 1986
Teculescu et al. 1986

O'Connor et al. 1987

Teculescu et al. 1989


Dijkstra et al. 1990

Strachan et al. 1990

Dold et al. 1992

Martinez et al. 1992 B

Cook et al. 1993

Cunningham et al. 1994
Haby et al. 1994
Cuijpers et al. 1995

Cunningham et al. 1995


Corbo et al. 1996



Horstman et al. 1997


Gilliland et al. 2000


Mannino et al. 2001


Pooled fixed effects* Difference of 0

Pooled result

Pooled random effects†

-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10

Percentage difference (MEFR)
(95% confidence interval)

*Pooled difference is from the fixed effects meta-analysis.

Pooled difference is from the random effects meta-analysis.

396 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Figure 6.17 Percentage difference in the end-expiratory flow rate (EEFR) between children of smokers and
children of nonsmokers in studies included in the meta-analysis

Ekwo et al. 1983


Tashkin et al. 1984


Chen et al. 1986


Teculescu et al. 1989

Strachan et al. 1990


Dold et al. 1992


Cook et al. 1993

Cunningham et al. 1994

Corbo et al. 1996

Pooled fixed effects*
Difference of 0
Pooled result
Pooled random effects†

-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10

Percentage difference (EEFR)
(95% confidence interval)

*Pooled difference is from the fixed effects meta-analysis.

Pooled difference is from the random effects meta-analysis.

Table 6.25 Summary of pooled percentage differences in cross-sectional studies of lung function in
children exposed to secondhand smoke compared with unexposed children

Number of % differences, fixed effects % differences, random effects

studies (95% CI*) (95% CI) Q (p value)

FVC† 23 -0.15 (-0.37–0.07) -0.32 (-0.71–0.08) 40.64 (0.009)

FEV1‡ 25 -0.85 (-1.05 to -0.64) -1.15 (-1.56 to -0.75) 50.12 (0.001)

MEFR§ 21 -4.62 (-5.16 to -4.09) -4.76 (-6.34 to -3.18) 129.3 (0.000)

EEFR∆ 9 -4.30 (-5.30 to -3.30) -4.26 (-5.34 to -3.19) 8.49 (0.387)

Note: Q is the chi-square distributed test statistic for the null hypothesis of no heterogeneity between studies. The
corresponding p values indicate significant heterogeneity between studies.
*CI = Confidence interval.

FVC = Forced vital capacity.

FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second.
MEFR = Mid-expiratory flow rate.

EEFR = End-expiratory flow rate.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 397

Surgeon General’s Report

Table 6.26 Pooled percentage differences in lung function according to secondhand smoke exposure
category (random effects results)

% difference % difference % difference % difference

(95% CI∆) n (95% CI) n (95% CI) n (95% CI) n

Both parents or the -0.2 (-0.6–0.3) 13 -1.1 (-1.6 to -0.6) 13 -6.0 (-8.1 to -3.9) 10 -4.0 (-5.8 to -2.2) 4
mother smoked vs.
neither parent smoked

Either parent smoked 1.6 (-5.7–8.9) 1 -1.0 (-2.7 to -0.6) 3 -3.7 (-7.0 to -0.4) 2 -6.3 (-10.7 to -1.9) 2
vs. neither

Cotinine (highest vs. -0.9 (-2.5–0.7) 3 -2.1 (-3.0 to -1.2) 3 -4.8 (-6.5 to -3.1) 3 -3.9 (-6.1 to -1.6) 3
lowest level)

Secondhand smoke -0.2 (-0.9–0.5) 6 -1.0 (-2.0–0.01) 6 -3.3 (-6.6–0.1) 6 Data were not 0
(highest level vs. none) reported

All -0.3 (-0.7–0.0) 23 -1.2 (-1.6 to -0.8) 25 -4.8 (-6.3 to -3.2) 21 -4.3 (-5.3 to -3.2) 9
*FVC = Forced vital capacity.

FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second.

MEFR = Mid-expiratory flow rate.
EEFR = End-expiratory flow rate.

CI = Confidence interval.

to be expected given the variability in secondhand The evidence of associations between second-
smoke exposure classifications. Pooling all of the hand smoke exposure and lung function growth and
studies found statistically significant reductions in development continues to come largely from cross-
three out of the four measures of lung function (FEV1, sectional studies. The resulting data indicate the
MEFR, and EEFR) for children exposed to secondhand level of lung function at only a single age, which at
smoke in their homes compared with unexposed chil- that point is considered indicative of the cumulative
dren. The pooled percentage differences in lung func- consequences of the various factors influencing lung
tion were smallest for FVC (-0.3 percent) and FEV1 function growth, including prenatal and postnatal
(-1.2 percent) and larger for MEFR (-4.8 percent) and maternal smoking. Prospective cohort studies have
EEFR (-4.3 percent). The MEFR and EEFR are more the advantages of directly measuring lung function
sensitive indicators of airways function compared over time and directly estimating the rate of change,
with the FVC and the FEV1. but few have been carried out because of cost and
The association between exposure to second- logistical constraints.
hand smoke and lung function differed according
to the exposure classification, but not in a consis-
tent pattern across the four lung function measures Evidence Synthesis
(Table 6.26). Adjusting for factors in addition to age,
Smoking during pregnancy exposes the develop-
gender, and body size did not significantly affect the
ing lung to a variety of toxins and reduces the delivery
associations between secondhand smoke exposure
of oxygen to the fetus (USDHHS 2001). Animal mod-
and lung function (Table 6.27). Adjusting for social
els indicate structural consequences that may under-
class had little effect on the FVC, FEV1, and MEFR
lie the physiologic effects that are well documented
measures, but nearly doubled the percentage differ-
shortly after birth. Secondhand smoke exposure
ence in the EEFR (Table 6.27).

398 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Table 6.27 Pooled percentage differences in lung function according to confounders adjusted for (random
effects results)

% difference % difference % difference % difference

(95% CI∆) n (95% CI) n (95% CI) n (95% CI) n

Adjusted only for age, -0.7 (-1.8–0.4) 8 -1.2 (-2.2 to -0.2) 8 -4.3 (-7.0 to -1.6) 8 -2.7 (-5.9–0.5) 3
gender, body size

Adjusted for more than -0.3 (-0.6–0.2) 15 -1.2 (-1.6–0.7) 17 -4.9 (-6.8 to -3.0) 13 -4.5 (-5.9 to -3.0) 6
age, gender, body size

Not adjusted for social -0.7 (-1.4–0.1) 14 -1.3 (-2.1 to -0.6) 14 -4.9 (-6.8 to -2.9) 12 -3.1 (-4.5 to -1.7) 6

Adjusted for social -0.1 (-0.5–0.3) 9 -1.1 (-1.6 to -0.6) 11 -4.5 (-7.1 to -2.0) 9 -5.6 (-7.0 to -4.1) 3

All -0.3 (-0.7–0.0) 23 -1.2 (-1.6 to -0.8) 25 -4.8 (-6.3 to -3.2) 21 -4.3 (-5.3 to -3.2) 9
*FVC = Forced vital capacity.

FEV1 = Forced expiratory volume in 1 second.

MEFR = Mid-expiratory flow rate.
EEFR = End-expiratory flow rate.

CI = Confidence interval.

from parents who smoke would be expected to lead In the context of this body of evidence against
to pulmonary inflammation that would be sustained causal criteria, the effects of prenatal and postnatal
across childhood. exposures merit separate consideration because
Thus, there is substantial biologic plausibility they correspond to substantially different phases of
for causation of reduced lung growth by secondhand development and potential susceptibility. For both
smoke exposure. Multiple studies have measured lung exposures, the evidence is substantial and consistent.
function shortly after birth and document the adverse There are multiple bases for biologic plausibility, and
effects on lung function from maternal smoking dur- the temporal relationships of exposures with the out-
ing pregnancy. The pattern of abnormalities is sugges- come measures are appropriate.
tive of a persistent adverse effect on the airways of the
fetus from maternal smoking during pregnancy.
There is also substantial evidence from both Conclusions
cross-sectional and cohort studies of a sustained effect
1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
from in utero exposure, as well as an additional adverse
relationship between maternal smoking during
effect from postnatal exposure. Multiple studies have
pregnancy and persistent adverse effects on lung
shown cumulative consequences of both prenatal and
function across childhood.
postnatal exposures. Across the set of studies, poten-
tially important confounding factors have been given
2. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
consideration and the adverse effects of secondhand
relationship between exposure to secondhand
smoke exposure on lung function cannot be attributed
smoke after birth and a lower level of lung
to other factors.
function during childhood.

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 399

Surgeon General’s Report

Implications although not to a degree (on average) that would

impair individuals. Nonetheless, a reduced peak level
Lung growth continues throughout childhood increases the risk for future chronic lung disease,
and adolescence and is completed by young adult- and there is heterogeneity of the effect so that some
hood, when lung growth peaks and then begins to exposed children may have a much greater reduction
decline as a result of aging, smoking, and other envi- than the mean. In addition, children of smokers are
ronmental factors. The evidence shows that paren- more likely to become smokers and thus face a future
tal smoking reduces the maximum achieved level, risk for impairment from active smoking.


Lower Respiratory Illnesses in Infancy 7. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal

and Early Childhood relationship between parental smoking and ever
having asthma among children of school age.
1. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
relationship between secondhand smoke exposure
Childhood Asthma Onset
from parental smoking and lower respiratory
illnesses in infants and children. 8. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
relationship between secondhand smoke exposure
2. The increased risk for lower respiratory illnesses from parental smoking and the onset of wheeze
is greatest from smoking by the mother. illnesses in early childhood.

Middle Ear Disease and Adenotonsillectomy 9. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient to
infer a causal relationship between secondhand
3. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
smoke exposure from parental smoking and the
relationship between parental smoking and
onset of childhood asthma.
middle ear disease in children, including acute
and recurrent otitis media and chronic middle ear
10. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
4. The evidence is suggestive but not sufficient or absence of a causal relationship between
to infer a causal relationship between parental parental smoking and the risk of immunoglobulin
smoking and the natural history of middle ear E-mediated allergy in their children.
Lung Growth and Pulmonary Function
5. The evidence is inadequate to infer the presence
11. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
or absence of a causal relationship between
relationship between maternal smoking during
parental smoking and an increase in the risk of
pregnancy and persistent adverse effects on lung
adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy among children.
function across childhood.
Respiratory Symptoms and Prevalent Asthma
12. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal
in School-Age Children
relationship between exposure to secondhand
6. The evidence is sufficient to infer a causal rela- smoke after birth and a lower level of lung
tionship between parental smoking and cough, function during childhood.
phlegm, wheeze, and breathlessness among
children of school age.

400 Chapter 6
The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke

Overall Implications

The extensive evidence considered in this chap- smoking and the incidence of wheeze illnesses in
ter causally links parental smoking to adverse health infancy, the prevalence of wheeze and related symp-
effects in children. The association between parental toms among schoolchildren, and the relative severity
smoking and childhood respiratory disease is stron- of disease among children with physician-diagnosed
ger at younger ages, a pattern plausibly explained asthma. These are all important indicators of a
by a higher level of exposure to secondhand smoke substantial and potentially preventable public health
among infants and preschool-age children for any burden.
given level of parental smoking. In general, associa- The evidence related to the wheeze illnesses
tions with maternal smoking are stronger than with can be separated to an extent from that related to a
paternal smoking, but for several outcomes, associa- clearer clinical phenotype of asthma, a chronic condi-
tions were found for smoking by the father in homes tion of variable airflow obstruction with a heightened
where the mother does not smoke. This finding argues susceptibility to environmental triggers of broncho-
strongly for an independent adverse effect of a post- spasm. The evidence is less clear as to whether paren-
natal involuntary (environmental) exposure to second- tal smoking initiates the disease among previously
hand smoke in the home. There may be an additional healthy children. Because the clinical diagnosis of
hazard related to prenatal exposure of the fetus to asthma relies to a large extent upon a history of recur-
maternal smoking during pregnancy (USDHHS 2001, rent wheeze attacks or other chest illnesses, any expo-
2004). The published evidence does not adequately sure (including parental smoking) that increases the
separate the independent effects on childhood respi- incidence of such episodes will tend to be associated
ratory health of prenatal versus postnatal exposure with an apparent increase in the incidence of diag-
to maternal smoking. This unresolved research issue nosed “asthma,” even if secondhand smoke exposure
should not detract from the public health message does not contribute to the incidence directly. Studies
that smoking by either parent is potentially damaging of nonspecific bronchial responsiveness, a surrogate
to the health of children. for the asthma phenotype, offer some insights into the
Interpretation of the evidence is perhaps most long-term susceptibility that underlies chronic asthma.
complex in relation to childhood asthma, which is Secondhand smoke exposure is linked to an increase
a term generally applied to a mixed group of clini- in responsiveness, beginning with in utero exposure.
cal phenotypes. Recurrent wheeze illnesses are com- However, bronchial responsiveness is also nonspecifi-
mon among young children, and there is controversy cally and transiently increased following respiratory
about whether these illnesses should all be classified tract infections. For this reason, the conclusion regard-
as “asthma.” Cohort studies show that symptoms ing parental smoking as a cause of childhood asthma
do not persist for many children beyond the first has been phrased in less definite terms than the con-
few years of life. The balance of evidence strongly clusions relating to asthma prevalence and severity.
supports a causal relationship between parental

Respiratory Effects in Children from Exposure to Secondhand Smoke 401

Surgeon General’s Report


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