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Clarissha Vallerie Widjaja (0340155), Farah Ula Nabilah (0340810), Helena Wiranata
(0338467), Tan ShuYue (0341056)

Culinology, School of Food Studies and Gastronomy, Taylors University, Jalan

Taylors, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia




This report is led with the aim to depict the various microorganisms that happen
in nourishment and to clarify the role of microorganisms in nourishment. 




Popo Fish Muruku is a snack product manufactured by Thien Cheong Sdn. Bhd.
(TCSB) originated from Malaysia since 1975. Murukku itself is a very well-
known snack and has been enjoyed by people all ages from many different parts
of the world, especially in India and Southeast Asia. Murukku is originally from
western and southern Indian cuisine,  made from rice flour as the key ingredient.
Popo Fish Muruku is the next level version of murukku snacks with new flavor
and shape, manufactured for ready-to-eat consumption. (30)
Figure 1. PoPo Fish Muruku Product 

The ingredients for this product are yellow dhall powder, vegetable oil (palm
oil/olein), fish sauce (anchovy extract, salt), sugar, tapioca starch, salt,
monosodium glutamate, chicken curry powder, ammonium bicarbonate, and
sodium bicarbonate. 

Yellow dhall powder as the main ingredient is produced using  mung bean as the
source. It is basically a semi-processed ingredient which is made by cleaning,
roasting and then grinding the mung bean. This flour is widely used in various
Indian and Chinese dishes. (Singh, Jaiswal, Agrahari, 2017)

Besides its usage for frying, vegetable oil is also used in popo fish muruku snacks
as one of the ingredients. Its addition to the food is to enhance the flavor and
improve the taste and texture. This product is using palm oil as vegetable oil.
Palm oil itself is widely produced in Malaysia and has been significantly
increased in production since  the early 1960s. (31)

Popo fish muruku uses fish sauce as its flavoring agent. Fermented fish that have
been coated in salt for two years is the main source of this liquid condiment. It is
used to strengthen the taste of fish in many food products. Its savory umami
flavor has gained popularity worldwide as a seasoning or as a base in dipping
sauces. (Taylor, 2019)

Sugar, salt, and monosodium glutamate are highly used as flavoring agents and
additional ingredients. Other than that, sugar and salt also can act as a food
preservative and have been used for many years. Whereas, another flavoring
agent added is curry powder which is functioning in giving a hint of spiciness and
unique flavor in the food product. It originated from the Indian subcontinent and
is one of the popular spice mixes used around the world.

Tapioca starch is usually sold as white flour and is made from cassava root that
grows in the tropics. Tapioca starch is gluten-free and used as a thickening agent
in many food products. (Whistler & BeMiller, 2009)

Popo fish muruku product uses ammonium bicarbonate and sodium bicarbonate
(baking soda) as  leavening agents because it releases carbon dioxide gas as they
become heated (Vetter, 2003).

Some of these ingredients can trigger microorganism growth if not being

processed properly. Whereas some may act as an inhibitor to prevent the growth
of microorganisms if added in significant amounts enough to inhibit
microorganism growth. 
Preparation Techniques
Popo fish muruku is being processed through several processing methods. The
production is using machinery equipment which is provided by Tsung Hsing
Food Machinery (TSHS).

The schematic diagram for extrusion cooking of foods  (Dubey & Bhattacharya,
2015), (Bhattacharya, 2012) 

Raw material / Ingredients 

Processing of raw material 

Feeding to extruder 

Extrusion cooking 

Cutting/ Sizing/ Grading 

Post extrusion treatment 



Figure 2. Schematic flowchart of an extrusion process

Extrusion technique is a food processing method with technology to produce food

on a large scale which combines various unit processing. This technique is highly
used and expanded in various areas. For food manufacturing, food extrusion is
used. It is a procedure by which a lot of blended fixings are constrained through
an opening in a punctured plate or pass on with a plan explicit to the nourishment
and is then sliced to a predetermined size by sharp edges. The machine which
powers the blend through the bite the dust is an extruder, and the blend is known
as the extrudate. The extruder comprises an enormous, pivoting screw firmly
fitting inside a stationary barrel, toward the finish of which is the bite of the dust. 
As can be seen in Figure 2, the extrusion process is also applied in the production
line of popo fish muruku although not all of the process is used in the production
line. For the popo fish muruku production line, the first crucial step is to mix raw
materials using  raw materials mixer machine by kneading the materials to form
balls. The next step is extrusion molding using an extruder to receive the desired
shape. After going through the extruder, then the fish murukkus are being fried in
a continuous frying machine as the food maturation process. After being fried, the
fried fish murukkus then are sent to a continuous de-oiling machine to remove
excess oil. Fish murukkus then are placed in a cooling conveyor to reduce the
temperature of the product before being sent to the packaging machine. (31)

As per the separation of terms in nibble makers, tidbits can be recognized as 3

ages. The original bites are generally normal/customary items; models
incorporate prepared to-eat nuts, potato chips, and popped popcorn. The second-
age nibble depends on the single fixing bites and basic molded items like corn
tortilla chips and other straightforwardly extended bites. The third era snacks
(likewise called half item or pellets) involve multi-fixing shaped tidbits and
pellets and incorporate cheddar balls, corn twists, corn sticks, etc. (Bhattacharya,




3.1. Factors Triggered Microorganisms Growth and Rendition of Microorganism

3.1.1. Ingredients 
PoPo Fish Muruku product specifications, especially the ingredients
contained to develop the product, are well presented at the packaging.
As a protein-based product it contains Yellow Dhall Powder
approximately 53.32% for its main ingredients. Palm oil (23.47%),
Tapioca Starch (13.13%), Sugar (4.43%), Fish Sauce (2.86%), Salt 
(0.96%), MSG (0.88%), Ammonium Bicarbonate (0.43%), Curry
Powder (Chilli Onion)(0.7%), BHA (0.01%), and BHT (0.01%) are
also take part as ingredients based on their own functions, that the
combination of these may develop high quality of its product. 

In view of the fixings that appear on Popo Fish Muruku, we

discovered a few microorganisms that can develop on every one of
the crude fixings. The first crude fixing is Yellow Dal Powder, which
is a semi-handled fixing as the source is mung bean. As bolstered in
the announcement "Mung Beans are a little, oval kind of green bean
that is high in fiber and when the bean is part down the middle it is
alluded to as moong dal. Moong dal, otherwise called Moong, Green
gram or Brilliant Gram or Pesalu (in Telugu) is the seed of Vigna
Emanate and is local to the Indian subcontinent.'' Generally shape can
develop in Dhal powder. Molds are found in basically every condition
and can be recognized, both inside and outside. Form development is
empowered by warm and muggy conditions. Outside, they can be
found in obscure, soggy territories or spots where leaves or other
vegetation are decaying. Inside, they can be discovered where
mugginess levels are high. It can be concluded also that mold growth
is due to low water activity in the powder itself. Molds structure
spores which, when dry, drift through the air and find appropriate
conditions where they can begin the development cycle once more.
Molds can cause hypersensitivities, even respiratory issues,
additionally some of them produce mycotoxins as toxic substances
discovered essentially in grain and nut crops, including the dhal

Palm Oil, any oil that contains unsaturated or polyunsaturated fats —

that is, fats that permit the oil to be fluid at room temperature — can
go foul. Microbial rancidity alludes to a water-subordinate procedure
in which microorganisms, for example, microscopic organisms or
molds. Molds that can be found in palm oil are Candida sp, Candida
can cause diseases on the off chance that it becomes wild or on the off
chance that it enters profound into the body (for instance, the
circulatory system or inner organs like the kidney, heart, or mind).
Besides, Aspergillus sp. as wellspring of aspergillosis that is a
contamination brought about by a kind of shape (parasite). The
diseases coming about because of aspergillosis contamination for the
most part influence the respiratory framework, however their signs
and seriousness fluctuate enormously. The following likelihood of
organisms types that may ruin palm oil are Mucor sp. Furthermore,
Fusarium sp. In light of the diary discovered said that their outcome
got in their examination indicated that palm oil tests from the
investigation locales have a sensible measure of form delivering
genera. The life forms detached from the palm oil tests incorporate
Aspergillus sp., Candida sp., Fusarium sp., Mucor sp., and
Trichophyton sp. There are signs that these molds can endure the
anaerobic idea of the palm oil through lipase creation and spore
arrangement. These living beings are accepted to help the quick
weakening of palm oil just as poison creation (aflatoxin) which could
cause wellbeing challenges when devoured (Chong, 2012).

The third fixing is tapioca starch 

In fish sauce, the major bacterial gatherings that can be distinguished
were Bacillus species, universal in the earth, are found in soil, water,
residue, and air, the Bacillus spp. beforehand have been considered
nonpathogenic when secluded from clinical specimens. Micrococcus
are aerobic, Gram-positive cocci ranging in size from 0.5 to 2.0 μm in
diameter. They occur in pairs, tetrads or clusters but not in chains.
They are catalase positive and often oxidase positive although this
reaction may be weak. They form pigmented red or yellow colonies
and have an optimum growth temperature of 25 to 37 °C.
Micrococcus are halotolerant and grow in 5% salt., and
Pseudomonas, are thin, rod-shaped, non spore-forming gram-negative
bacilli with a guanine/cytosine content of 57–68 mol%. Some
Pseudomonas spp. (P. fluorescens, P. putida) have the ability to grow
at temperatures as low as 4 °C (39 °F), but most grow between 28 and
42 °C (82 and 108 °F), achieving visible growth within 24–48 hours,
Pseudomonas spp. are strictly aerobic, although in some cases
anaerobic growth is possible if a nitrate source can be utilized. P.
aeruginosa and other clinically relevant Pseudomonas spp. are
oxidase-positive with the exception of P. luteola and P.
oryzihabitans. Pseudomonas spp. can be recovered from clinical and
environmental specimens using standard collection, transport and
storage techniques.. Because of the activity of proteins present in the
fish body and digestive tract the strong fish bit by bit changes over
into fluid where salt goes about as an additive to keep the fish from
spoilage(Faisal, Islami, Islam, Kamal & Khan, 2015).

Salt and sugar can respond as antimicrobial components incorporate

obstruction with a microorganism's chemical action and debilitating
the atomic structure of its DNA. Sugar may likewise give a
roundabout type of protection by serving to quicken the amassing of
antimicrobial mixes from the development of certain different life
forms. Microorganisms contrast broadly in their capacity to oppose
salt-or sugar-instigated decreases of aw. Most malady causing
microbes don't develop beneath 0.94 aw (around 10 percent sodium
chloride fixation), though most shape that ruin nourishments develop
at an aw as low as 0.80, relating to profoundly thought salt or sugar
arrangements. By and by, the utilization of salt and sugar restoring to
forestall microbial development is an old system that remaining parts
significant today for the protection of foods.

Monosodium Glutamate is comprised of various crude materials. It is

comprised of the most normally utilized microorganisms called
Corynebacterium glutamicum, recently known as Micrococcus
glutamicum. Glutamate is an extremely mainstream microscopic
organisms that is utilized in other amino acids. The makers incline
toward sugar to make MSG. Sugar sources, for example, sugar stick
or beet molasses, starch hydrolysates from corn or cassava tubers, and
even custard. The main sugar source accessible is the first to be
utilized. With sugar, smelling salts and ammonium salts are included.
To polish off the procedure nutrients and different supplements are

Curry powder, a few investigations indicated that blends of flavors

were debased with some pathogenic microscopic organisms, for
example, Salmonella spp. Normally, individuals with salmonella
contamination have no manifestations. Others create loose bowels,
fever, and stomach squeezes inside eight to 72 hours. Most solid
individuals recoup inside a couple of days without explicit treatment.
At times, the runs related with salmonella disease can be so getting
dried out as to require brief therapeutic consideration. Escherichia
coli likewise a potential enteric pathogen, E. coli alludes to a wide
scope of microorganisms that can cause different ailments, including
pneumonia, urinary tract diseases, and the runs. The potential
wellsprings of flavor sullying incorporate capacity gear, taking care
of, unhygienic environment, vehicular transmission, barometrical
particles, and air-organisms.

2.1.2. Preparation techniques 

Yellow color and square shape with flat height are well known for
PoPo Fish Muruku Snack. According to the classification of snacks,
this product is appropriate to be considered as second-generation
since it is based on the single ingredient and simple shaped product
with expanded form (Dubey & Bhattacharya, 2015). Expansion on
snack products was affected in various ways, such as moisture
content inside the food and the composition of the starch. As
explained on the expansion of snack pellets that moisture loss stages
started with moisture transforms into steam that causes the dough to
expand, continued with the evaporation of moisture itself. Whereas,
the composition of the starch should reach above 60% to yield more
expansion and result in lighter textures. (Gandhi, Kaur, Kaur, Singh
& Singh, 2016)

The designation of extrusion cooking for PoPo Fish Muruku, in

general, can be divided into several steps as shown in the schematic
diagram in Figure 2. In the first step, preparation of raw material as
well as pre-processing them before feeding to the extruder were done
by opening the packaging of semi-processed ingredients. Based on
Frame, 1994 and Bhattacharya, 2012 the ingredients themselves were
distinguished by their functional roles, for instance, yellow dal
powder or flour as structure-forming materials, tapioca starch serves
as dispersed-phase to show continuous phase of dough viscosity, the
third substance are plasticizers and lubricants, such as palm oil and
water, transforming solid dough into the deformable plastic fluid.
Moreover, sugar and salt make a contribution either as soluble solids
or flavoring agent beside fish sauce and curry powder (chili onion),
while bubble nucleating substance is served by ammonium
bicarbonate to leaven the dough. Coloring substances in this product
are present in natural raw ingredients such as yellow dal powder and
curry powder. By knowing the specific usage of each ingredient,
certain dough rheology can be expected and mechanical energy
saving may also be applied. 

Mixing raw material or ingredients into the mixer drum of THSH

(Tsung Hsing Food Machinery) were done in a bulk session. Proceed
with extrusion molding which is passing the extruded dough into the
cutting and sizing machines. The dough from the mixing section is
pushed through the round/ rectangular millstones by screwing through
the extruder. Automatic cutting in sizing machines is applied to cut
the dough directly to the frying machine. ("Fish Murukku Production
Line", 2020)
The first post-extrusion treatment is applied by deep-frying the
extruded dough into the hot oil. Intense heat and mass transfer
achieved during deep-frying led to the appearance and the physical
properties of the product as the food appears sterile and dry in the
surface, with relatively long shelf-life. The high temperature of frying
eliminates microorganisms from the food piece which is a favor for
microbiological safety (Pedreschi & Enrione, 2015). Heat treatment is
the most effective way to control microbial activity as it may kill the
vegetative form of bacteria, spike endospore, also some toxins that
may cause certain food spoilage and foodborne disease (Ashenafi,
2012). Therefore, the application of high heat in frying could retard
and inhibit the microbial growth of microorganisms. By using a
conveyor and agitating blade the risk of sticked products can be
minimized. Further, the centrifugal deoiling process after frying will
help to reduce excess oil that makes the product more crispy and
appealing. ("Fish Murukku Production Line", 2020)

The conveyor will take the processed product to the next step which
is cooling before the second post-extrusion treatment can be applied
as the last step of processing. Predicted that the temperature of the
final product is approximately 70 C to 80 C, the use of a cooling
0 0

conveyor will effectively reduce the temperature to 40 C to 50 C to

0 0

facilitate the product into the second post-extrusion section. The

second post-extrusion treatment is aimed to give flavor to the product.
Some flavoring techniques may be predicted, such as flavor powder
sprinkle, liquid sprayer, and rotary seasoning drum to attach
seasoning to the final product. The direct packed final product is
expected to reduce contact with strange substances that can promote
microbial growth. (Corporation, 2020)

Figure 3. PoPo Fish Muruku Line Production from mixing and

adding technical substances, feeding into extruders, extrusion
cooking, deoiling, seasoning, cooling, and packaging. 

General extrusion process will maintain the temperature in the

extruder’s cooking zone at range from 80° to 150°C (175° to 302°F)
and barrel temperatures in the forming zone will range from 65° to
90°C (150° to 194°F). Extrusion moisture content will range from
25% to 30% with a residence time of 30 to 90 seconds. (Gandhi,
Kaur, Kaur, Singh & Singh, 2016). Therefore, the natural process of
extrusion technology has inhibited the potential factor for microbial
growth since the food is subjected to high heat treatment, intensive
friction forces or high shear stress, and rapid reduction of pressure
that may cause microorganisms cells destruction ("Performance of
acid casein neutralization process by twin-screw extrusion", 1995).
Even though the effect of using extrusion can inhibit most
microorganisms in vegetative form, yeast, and molds; the condition
under inactive spores is not well comprehended (Guy, 2002).

Additionally, some authors also studied the effect of high shear stress
to the reduction of microbial load, predicting that mechanical force
may cause cells to burst. FRAIHA, FERRAZ & BIAGI, 2011
emphasized that a pre-treatment of Bacillus stearothermophilus
spores in a 99% CO2 modified atmosphere and checked that it did not
affect cell viability during food extrusion, came out that instead of
heat mechanical damage involved as the major factor that affected
cells rupture. Besides, studies also showed that extrusion cooking is
highly effective to eliminate mesophilic bacteria such as Bacillus
cereus, yet similar conditions may not be effective to inhibit  Bacillus
stearothermophilus as thermophilic bacteria (Okelo et al., 2006).
Hence, selecting extrusion process condition in experimental variable
ranges may be an effort to maximize the eradication of thermophilic
spores and bacteria. 

Figure 4. Layout of Extrusion Machinery Process 

3.2. Control Methods 

3.2.1. In Food Product 
Preservatives are chemical agents added to nourishment or created by
the exercises of microorganisms (fermentation) that broaden the
timeframe of the realistic usability of nourishment by killing or
restraining waste life forms and additionally killing pathogens
(Cerqueira, Costa, Rivera, Ramos, & Vicente, 2015). It is possible to
keep away from nourishment decay and inevitable harm brought
about by those responses utilizing various safeguarding methods, the
majority of which act by forestalling or hindering response
rates/microbial development (Cerqueira, Costa, Rivera, Ramos, &
Vicente, 2015). Food preservatives can be accomplished by
advancing a more drawn out time span of usability utilizing
procedures, for example, freezing, chilling, drying, restoring, vacuum
pressing, altered climate bundling, acidifying, maturing, or including
chemical or natural preservatives (Cerqueira, Costa, Rivera, Ramos,
& Vicente, 2015). All additional preservatives must satisfy
government guidelines for the direct option to nourishments 
(Wedzicha, 2003). All preservatives added to nourishments are
GRAS (Wedzicha, 2003). 
Food preservatives that are used in popo fish muruku are BHA
(butylated hydroxytoluene)  and BHT (butylated hydroxyanisole).
BHA is a synthetic antioxidant that is utilized to keep fats in
nourishments from going malodorous and as a defoaming specialist
for yeast (Chameides, 2017). First combined in the late 1940s, the
compound started being utilized as a nourishment additive around
1947 (Chameides, 2017). On the other hand, BHT also balances out
fats and is utilized to retain nourishment smell, shading and flavor
(Chameides, 2017). It also showed up on the engineered synthetic
scene in the late 1940s and was utilized as a nourishment added
substance starting in 1954 (Chameides, 2017). The viability of
butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene
(BHT) in impeding the disintegration of RBD palm olein during static
warming (180°C) and browning activities were evaluated by deciding
the peroxide, anisidine, corrosive and iodine esteems; absorbances at
232 and 268 nm; and the unsaturated fat organization of the oil
(1975). During the static warming of the oil, BHA was seen as a more
powerful cancer prevention agent than BHT though both the cell
reinforcements were moderately incapable of impeding the
weakening of the oil (1975). The loss of BHT from the oil during
static warming surpassed that of BHA (1975). Then again, when the
products were signed in the oil occasionally, a higher loss of BHA
was watched (1975).

Salt also can be one of the natural food preservatives used in this
product. Sodium inside the salt can reduce the growth of pathogens
and organisms spoil products and reduce their shelf life (Fennema,
1996; Potter and Hotchkiss, 1995). The effectiveness of salt as a
preservative is due to its capability of reducing the water activity of
the food item (Fennema, 1996; Potter and Hotchkiss, 1995).  The
water activity itself is the amount of unbound water that can be used
by microorganisms as a place to grow and multiply. Sodium and
chloride ions as salt components can associate with water molecules
which support its ability to decrease water activity of food (Fennema,
1996; Potter and Hotchkiss, 1995). Adding salt inside the food item is
favorable because it can cause microbial cells to undergo osmotic
shock which can cause their death or retarded growth due to loss of
water inside the cell (2020). The rate of growth can be reduced due to
salt capability of limiting oxygen capability, interfere with cellular
enzymes, or power cells to consume vitality to avoid sodium particles
from the cell (2020).

In addition, ammonium bicarbonate hinders organisms in light of the

fact that the bicarbonate anion supplies the alkalinity vital important
to build up an antifungal centralization of free ammonia (DePasquale
& Montville, 1990). However, ammonium bicarbonate has no effect
on the pH of the baked product (Vetter, 2003). In the event that there
is more than about 5% dampness in the heated item, nonetheless, the
alkali gas will break down right now bestow an ammoniacal flavor to
the item( DePasquale & Montville (1990)). Further studies should be
conducted to determine the effectiveness of antifungal effects on food
products, especially snack production. 

3.2.2. In Food Processing Technique

Extrusion Processing - Shear stress effect with combination of high heat


As explained in the preparation techniques, the whole process of

extrusion has already minimize the microbial necessity in
condition and nutrition. Application of high heat with combination
of shear stress has extensively observed and several studies
showed positive results of inhibition on mechanism of microbial
inactivation. As implementation of high pressure triggers several
changes to the cell, yet only some are necessarily lethal (Karwe,
Maldonado & Mahadevan, 2015). 

High shear pressure, occurred during extrusion processing, is due

to the pressure that is given by rotation of the screw inside the
barrel so that the mixed fluid dough can move and come out from
the die (Dubey & Bhattacharya, 2015). The die itself is having a
much smaller diameter compared to the barrel as the friction
between dough and extruders becomes the source of the high
pressure applied. Hence, the general process of shear stress on
extrusion is having slightly similar mechanism and result of
microbial inactivation comparable to High Pressure Processing
(HPP). Moreover, friction is not only giving pressure but also
releases heat. Therefore, the integration from both treatments
expected to have maximum elimination of pathogenic and spoilage

Related studies on High Pressure Processing (HPP) effect could be

contemplated as a reliable source, as numerical simulations of
stress distribution to yeast cells will possibly shatter the cell wall
and disrupt it, yet the interior cell the stresses would be mostly
hydrostatic. However, pressure-resistant microorganism, for
example Listeria innocua, test conducted by different parties
showed that buffering capacity and form of membrane protection
would be cause for this. Several studies also proved that the effect
of high pressure would provoke ATPase inactivation,
macromolecular transformations, ionic dissociation, and pH
changes were listed reasons related to cell death. Nevertheless, the
published studies associated with the effect of high heat and high
pressure to bacterial spores have not given clear results of
resistance cells’ behaviour. Sporulation of Bacillus subtilis
observed by diverse researchers determined the resistance of both
effects (Karwe, Maldonado & Mahadevan, 2015). 
Further, supported by other journals, yeast and molds that seem
more susceptible to the eradication treatment rather than bacteria,
had an exception on Saccharomyces cerevisiae, provided that high
sugar concentration presents in the product (Daher, Le Gourrierec
& Pérez-Lamela, 2017). Meaning that only processing techniques
will not be enough to prevent spoilage as the condition and
nutrition of microorganisms essential requirements still appeared
on the food product. Clearly, more in-depth observation should be
conducted to achieve a better understanding of this phenomenon. 

Moreover, other reason that make extrusion technique effective to

inhibit most bacteria are low water activity in extrusion of snack
production as supported with the statement “Most conventional
extruded products such as snack foods and breakfast cereals are
safe to eat because the water activity of the product is low because
the product is dried to a moisture content of less than five
percent.”(Steel, Leoro, Schmiele, Ferreira & Chang, 2012). In this
case, a similar application is predicted to happen to PoPo Fish
Muruku production, provided that further tests of water activity
and moisture content in PoPo Fish Muruku should be conducted
and result showed the similar requirement of the statement since
no clear sources that present similar trait in various moisture

Packaging (Modified Atmosphere Packaging)

Packaging has an important role in food product storage as its

main usage is protection from any food contamination, other than
enhancing consumer buying interest and also effective information
transmission. Related to the contamination, especially microbial
contaminations, Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) is highly
developed to increase shelf-life by replacing the condition that
may promote microbial growth as it will retard even inhibit them.
However, MAP can not improve the quality of the food product.
Therefore, it is better to make sure the quality of the food product
is the highest. Great hygiene practices and temperature control all
through the chill-chain for short-lived items are required to keep
up the quality advantages and broadened timeframe of realistic
usability of MAP nourishments. From our point of view, we have
an opinion that popo fish muruku uses modified atmosphere
packaging techniques to help food preservation. However, we are
not able to find which type of gases they used inside the packaging
so we estimate which type of gaseous environment is possible to
preserve this product. (Mullan & McDowell, 2003)

The three principal gases utilized in MAP are  O , CO , and N . The

2 2 2

selection of gas is absolutely needy upon the nourishment item

being pressed. Utilized independently or in the blend, these gases
are normally used to adjust a safe shelf life extension with ideal
organoleptic properties of the nourishment. Noble or latent gases,
for example, argon are in business use for products, for example,
coffee and snack products, in any case, the writing on their
application and advantages is restricted. Experimental utilization
of carbon monoxide (CO) and sulfur dioxide (SO ) has additionally

been accounted for. (Mullan & McDowell, 2003)

Oxygen can cause deteriorative reactions in food products, for example, fat
oxidation, browning reaction, and pigment oxidation. However, for longer
food product’s  shelf-life, the gaseous environment must at least have a low
concentration of residual oxygen. (Mullan & McDowell, 2003)

Carbon dioxide (CO ) can be used for food packaging due to its capability to

soluble in lipids and other organic compounds. The lower the temperature, the
higher the solubility of CO . Therefore, the antimicrobial  activity of CO
2 2

worked better at below 10°C than  higher temperatures. (Mullan & McDowell,

Nitrogen (N ) is a moderately unresponsive gas with no smell, taste or shading.


Nitrogen does not bolster the development of vigorous organisms and along
these lines hinders the development of high-impact waste however doesn't
forestall the development of anaerobic microscopic organisms. The low
solubility of N in foods can be utilized to forestall pack breakdown by

incorporating adequate N in the gas blend to adjust the volume decline


because of CO going into arrangement. (Mullan & McDowell, 2003)


Modified Food Packaging also can use noble gases as the gaseous
environment. Helium (He), Argon (Ar), Xenon (Xe), and Neon (Ne) are
included as noble gases family. Noble gases are now used widely in the food
industry as the gas utilized in MAP. However, it is still unknown until now
how effective noble gases could be used as a  preservative and what
advantages does it offer compared to nitrogen gas in food preservation.
(Mullan & McDowell, 2003)

Those gases have the possibility of being used in popo fish muruku
packaging. However, the gaseous composition is completely still
unknown to us since we cannot conduct further research regarding
this matter. 

2.2.3. Other factors

Factory environment

Not only pre-processing procedures that are obtained by the

factory include raw material order and storage on the plant but also
the factory condition, such as humidity, temperature, safety
management, and so on, may also be the microbial contamination
reasons. Hence, process control and premises as GMP (Good
Manufacturing Process) areas should be favorably applied.
(Dudeja & Singh, 2018) We predict that Popo Fish Muruku
applied GMP since we could not find any cases regarding food
poisoning or something related to poor food handling. However,
we are still not sure whether popo fish Muruku applied GMP or

One of the examples of GMP is the location of food manufacturing

units must be away from all dirtied territories and modern
exercises which represent a genuine risk of tainting of
nourishment; harborage of pests and amassing of squanders.
Wherever the unit is found, powerful measures will be taken to
forestall contamination from the neighboring environment. On the
off chance that the encompassing regions of a food manufacturing
unit are unsanitary there should be reproducing of flies, presence
of awful smell and occurrence of vermin. All these in the region
can influence the safety of nourishment in the plant. (Dudeja &
Singh, 2018)

The good manufacturing process also needs to be applied in

equipment to ensure all microorganisms and its wastes are
eliminated or reduced to safe levels or their endurance and
development are successfully controlled. In addition, temperature
and different conditions necessary for sanitation and
appropriateness can be quickly accomplished and kept up.
Equipment will be situated to the point that it licenses sufficient
support and cleaning to forestall cross pollution. It should work as
per its proposed utilize and encourage great cleanliness works on,
including checking. Equipment and containers (other than once-
just use containers and bundling) coming into contact with
nourishment, will be structured and built to guarantee that, where
important, they can be sufficiently cleaned, purified and kept up to
stay away from the sullying of nourishment. Equipment and
containers will be made of materials with no harmful impact on
proposed use. Where important, equipment will be strong and
portable or fit for being dismantled to take into consideration
support, cleaning, sterilization, monitoring and, for instance, to
encourage investigation for pests. (Dudeja & Singh, 2018)

Equipment used to cook, heat treat, cool, store or freeze

nourishment will be intended to accomplish the necessary food
temperatures as quickly as fundamental in light of a legitimate
concern for sanitation and appropriateness, and keep them up
successfully. Such equipment will likewise be intended to permit
temperatures to be monitored and controlled. Where vital, such
equipment will have powerful methods for controlling and
observing stickiness, wind stream and some other trademark prone
to detrimentally affect the security, quality or appropriateness of
nourishment. (Dudeja & Singh, 2018) 


Food Handler

Maintaining Food Handlers is one of the GMP (Good

Manufacturing Process) covered areas as an effort to control the
product quality and consistency, as it includes training, personal
hygiene, clothing, and medical screening. 

Since food handlers are people that have direct contact with food
products, contamination might occur during the production line.
Therefore training is highly important to educate people related to
the nature of the food as well as the processing techniques, manner
of handling the product, storage condition, and length of time
before consumption (Dudeja & Singh, 2018). Thien Cheong SDN.
BHD. as producer PoPo Fish Muruku has HALAL Certification
labeled on its product. Therefore, good knowledge and practice of
HAS (Halal Assurance System) as developed in Malaysia will
surely promote the efficiency of the production line as well as
minimizing and preventing incompatibilities in halal requirements
("Evaluation of knowledge and practices of halal certification
among food processing companies in Sabah, Malaysia", 2019).
HALAL requirements are also responsible for cleanliness
throughout the production line as it indirectly relates to basic
hygiene that may also affect microbial development. 

Personal hygiene such as personal cleanliness and appropriate

protective clothing should be adopted in daily working hours in the
plant system. Further, medical screening includes annual medical
check up and typhoid injection, also the practises of covering any
cuts and wounds with suitable waterproof cover, supported with
basic hygiene in washing, cleaning, and sanitising are highly
advised to conduct in any plant system (Dudeja & Singh, 2018).

However, for both evaluation from the factory environment and food
handlers, GMP and HACCP labels are still unlisted in the food
packaging. Therefore, the factory is strongly motivated to gain this
certification to maintain standardization of product quality as well as
ensure customers safety towards any food-borne diseases caused by
microorganism growth in the food products. In the meantime, MeSTI
certification from Menteri Kesihatan Malaysia is listed together with
Halal and made in Malaysia label. By having this certification, any
procedures and food materials had been fully agreed by the Malaysian
Government. Some of the requirements that fulfill in MeSTI
certification are listed in Table 1 (Md Nor, Jaliabc & Ghani, 2016). 

Table  1. Certification Scheme Requirements of MeSTI

Part Element  Sub-element

Control of Design and facilities Site of location

The layout plan

Equipment and hardware

Water/ Ice/ Steam

Hand wash sinks


Rooms/ dressing area


Food handler Medical examination

Anti-typhoid vaccine injection

Operating practices

Cleanliness operators and


Training Training course for food


Training record

Maintenance and State of the floor

Condition of walls, ceilings,
fans, windows, doors

The lamp condition


Garbage dump

On-premises environment

Cleaning activities

Pest Control

Waste management

Operational  Control of raw Control of raw material

material reception

Receiving areas

Ease of washing raw materials

Process control Control over biological hazard

Control of chemical hazard

Control over physical hazard

Compliance standard

Packaging Control The material covering

The packaging


The storage control Isolation retention

Storage system

Storage method

The storage control The carrier

Temperature carrier

Distribution control training

According to Table 1, MeSTI has stated several requirements that

regulate procedures and any properties condition as to ensure factory
standard procedures as well as ensure safety of public health. Each of
the elements are still divided to detailed points that show serious
government control involved. Therefore, MeSTI Certification has
actually covered the control of the factory management system of
Thien Cheong SDN. BHD. 

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