Around The World in 80 Days

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Author : Jules Verne

Published : 1873

Synopsis :

 The story does take places in London, Egypt, India, Hong Kong, Japan, United States.
 Phileas Fogg is described as a quiet and very calm character. He has extensive knowledge
and likes to correct words and carry out activities at hours that are mathematically
correct. The character of Jean Passepartout is fun and jolly, he also has high loyalty. Fix
is described as someone who has high ambitions. Aouda is described as a beautiful and
good woman.
 Phileas Fpgg accepted the challenge of his friends to go around the world in 80
days. Accompained by his ministry, Passepartout began it’s journey from London on
October 2, 1872 at 2:45 pm and according to agreement, he must arrive back in Lodon on
December 21, 1872 at 8:45 pm. Mr. Fogg had only one final goal, which was at the time
promised at his friends so he could get the promised prize of £ 20.000.
Unfortunately their trip is not as easy as imagined. A detective from Scotland
Yard (London police headquarters) named Mr. Fix, it continues to hamper their journey.
Fix tried to arrest Fogg, because he was suspected of being the perpetrator of the London
Bank robbery. Due to Fix's actions, Fogg and Passepartout got bad luck many times. One
of them, they missed the ship that was about to take them from Hong Kong to Yokohama.
Fogg made it to the Reformed Club before 8:45 pm and here by won a bet of £
20,000. But because the cost of travel is very high, he is only a little profit. Then finally
Fogg married Aouda.
 What's interesting is that at the end of the book there was a discussion after reading the
book. Readers are invited to explore some evocative questions to answer, such as:
“Why do you suppose it is so important to Phileas that everything be exactly as he wants
it? Do you know anyone who acts like this? Is there anything in your lie that always has
to be just right?”
“The idea time plays an important role in the book. How does it affect each of
characters? What role does time play in your lie?”
 This book is a work throughout the masses. Everyone should read such works. Such
reading will enrich knowledge.
This book is suitable for those of you who like adventure stories. A great trip is presented
in this book, an adventure to travel around the world. A big motivation because even a
Phileas Fogg felt sure he could do it at that time. Especially for today, when technology
has been hundreds of times more sophisticated.


1. Farah Shabirah (18320038)

2. Yogi Pratama Putra (18320219)

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