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Name: Dyllesha Bonanza Melika Abadi

Class: XI IPS
No: 09

This text is for questions 1 to 5.

If we can agree that government has a
role to play in our lives, then let us make sure 1. What is the text about?
that it is a positive one. Consider the benefits A. Pollution is caused by cars.
of free, fully-subsidized public transportation. B. Public transportation should be free.
First, it will motivate more people to leave C. Cars are the main cause of traffic
their cars at home. Think of the reduction in jams.
pollution, traffic jam, and insurance costs due D. How to leave our cars at home.
to accidents. Greener cities, safer cities, more E. Subsidized fuel.
livable cities. More room for parks and trees.
2. Whom is the text aimed at?
Think of the money we could all save by
A. Government.
consuming less gas, spending less frequently
B. Car buyers.
on car repairs, and so on. That money would
C. People.
stay in our wallets and we could then turn
D. Drivers.
around and give the economy a boost by
E. The writer’s family.
spending it on other consumer goods or
services. This would create more jobs. 3. What is the purpose of the text?
Secondly, we must consider the health A. To explain about the plan of making
benefits. We would all walk a little more. This free public transportation.
would reduce visits to doctors’ practices and B. To describe the benefits of free
hospitals because we would be healthier. We public transportation.
would have a lower blood pressure, lower C. To ask the government to provide
stress levels and possibly a better complexion. fully-subsidized public
In addition, free transportation would transportation.
encourage us to enjoy the company of our D. To persuade the readers that free
friends and family. Fewer accidents, fewer public transportation is beneficial.
tragedies, lower cost of policing and reduced E. To inform the readers about the plan
court backlogs. The increased public expense of free public transportation.
in transportation should pay off in the form of
reduced health care costs and a safer society.
4. “Consider the b enefits of free.....”
Then, think about some of the other social
(Paragraph 1)
benefits: imagine how much we would learn
The underlined word is similar to .
from each other when we share rides instead
A. improvements
of sitting in isolation in our cars. Talking to the
B. increases
neighbors might come back into fashion. More
C. captures
people would meet and talk and maybe even
D. helps
help each other.
E. advantages
Having someone else drive us would also
give us more time for reading books and 5. “So, park your car and use i t for
newspapers. So, park your car and use it for your dream vacation.” (Paragraph 6)
your dream vacation. The underlined word refers to .
No more fumbling for change, just hop on A. the park
and off the streetcar or bus wherever and B. dream
whenever you like. What a great idea, C. vacation
especially for those who live in crowded, D. your car
polluted cities. It would revitalize life on our E. time
So I can’t agree more with this This text is for questions 6 to 10.
proposition. What about you?
A needle exchange program would only
encourage more people to use drugs, in my
opinion, and many would still share needles or In addition, it may even encourage people, who
reuse needles even if there was a program. have never tried certain types of drugs, to try
Giving needles out for addicts to prevent them because now they will get their needles
the spread of disease will only encourage for free. Do we really want to encourage this
them and others to consume drugs more often. type of behavior? I wouldn’t think so. Moreover,
by giving needles to addicts, we are also 7. Below are the effects of giving needles to
taking away from other programs that are addicts according to the writer, except
already low on funding. The money for needle .
exchange would take away from Medicare A. it will encourage them and others to
programs that are there to help the elderly and do drugs more often
disabled. There have already been enough B. it increases their chances of catching
Medicare cuts without the extra cuts this would an infectious disease
bring about. C. some drug users will keep reusing the
Then, you also have the problem of some needles they already have
who will not use the needles and will keep D. it may encourage people, who have
reusing the needles they’ve already had. Most never tried certain types of drugs, to
addicts are too far gone to worry about try them
whether they reuse a needle or not, and many E. it will be taking away the money spent
do not care about their chances of catching an on other programs that are already
infectious disease. low on funding
In the early 1980’s, insulin and allergy
syringes could be bought in any drugstore 8. Why does giving needles out for addicts
without a prescription, so addicts had no possibly encourage people to try certain
problem obtaining needles if they had the types of drugs?
money. Even though they did not need a A. Because they can reuse the needle.
prescription, they still continued to reuse B. Because they get needles for free.
needles and shared with others. C. Because they can buy syringes
Consequently, it led to the AIDS epidemic. In without prescription.
the early 1990’s, states started requiring that D. Because they now know to prevent
syringes be kept behind the counter in the spread of an infectious disease.
drugstores and prescriptions for syringes were E. Because there is no chance of
needed. This was a way to cut down on illegal catching
drug use and reusing of needles. This was an infectious disease.
also an effort to slow down the AIDS epidemic.
It has not worked either, but the answer to the 9. “This was a way to cut down on illegal
drug problem and the spread of diseases drug use and reusing of needles.”
through used needles is not to equip addicts (Paragraph 4)
with tools with which to continue their illegal What does the word ‘this’ refer to?
activities. A. State regulations about where to
We must spend the money that the needle place and how to get syringes.
exchange program would cost in other areas B. The needles which are only available
to help stop the use of drugs altogether. with
6. What is the purpose of the text? C. The effort to stop the further epidemic
A. To describe the way things are. of AIDS.
B. To amuse or entertain the readers. D. The act of giving needles.
C. To persuade the readers that E. The needle exchange program.
something is the case.
D. To persuade the readers that
something should or should not be 10. “. . . diseases through used needles is not
the case. to equip addicts with tools with which to
E. To describe how something is continue their illegal activities.”
accomplished through a sequence of (Paragraph 4)
actions or steps. The synonym of the word ‘equip’ is
A. fund B. control
C. prevent D. provid
E. prohibit
Your Answers:

1. B

2. C

3. D

4. E

5. E

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. A

10. D

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