Ahmad Fanan Firdaus (17320163) Final Examination Advanced Drama Bs PDF

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Name : Ahmad Fanan Firdaus Subject : Advanced drama

NIM : 17320163 Class : Bs


Mansour Fakih argue that “feminism” is the struggle of women in the framework
of transforming the unjust social system and structure (Fakih, 2007). It means that the
struggle was dedicated to create a justice to men and women. Etymologically, feminist
derived from the word femme (women), means a woman which struggle to fighting for
women’s right as a social class. It means that feminist movement aims to reject everything
that is marginalized, denigrated by a dominant culture, subordinated, in the economic,
political, and other fields in general.

According to the argument of Maggie Humm, he said that feminism is the

ideology of women’s liberation since intrinsic in all its approaches is the belief that
woman suffers injustice because of the sex (Webster, 1995). So, I use perspective of
feminism to analyse the role play in literary works. In brief, the aim of this analysis is to
change the world view women to realize that all of them are valuable people process in
the same privilege and rights as every man.

William Shakespeare’s literary work has been known as the popular and highest
artistic such as; Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet became a famous one in the
worldwide. This literary work has been praised not only in English literature but also in
all of literature of the world. Romeo and Juliet have been performed around 1596. At that
time, this drama adapted as an opera, a ballet, the musical West Side Story, and a dozen
films. This drama tells us about the doomed romance (Romeo and Juliet) from feuding
families is the most famous love story ever written in the historical of literature.

Romeo and Juliet well known as a romantic story. This drama brings the spirit of
feminism because of her (Juliet) was different from any other female character which are
the performance were passive and obedient to men. Juliet is a character who is free to live
a life. The tried to refused the father’s control over her. Besides that, she wants to fight
for her right as a woman. In fighting for their rights, there is a substitute for fighting for
these rights. However, she believes that women have an important role to fight for these


Woman (Juliet) can become an intellectual, member of vanguard of change for


“Juliet. O, bid me leap, rather than marry Paris, from off the battlements
of any tower, or walk in the thievish ways, or bid me a lurk where serpents are;
chain me with roaring bear, or hide me nightly in a charnel house, o’er-cover’d
quite with dead men’s rattling bones, with reeky shanks and yellows chapless
skulls; or bid me into a new made grave, and hide me with a dead man in this
shroud-Things that, to hear them told, have made me tremble.

The context above told us that Juliet persistently refuse the marriage. Her
marriage was planed by her father. Moreover, Julia has another worldview about
marriage. Her thinker is different from other characters in a marriage concept. Her
family hope that she received the marriage and she will provide a luxury and comfort.
Besides that, she did not want lose her freedom. She will be depending on her husband
(County Paris) in a life.

Optimistically, she refused to marry with a person whish she does not love. We
look at the context below;

Lady Capulet … The fish lives in the sea, and ‘tis much pride for
fair without the fair to hide. That book in many’s eyes doth share the glory
that in gold clasps locks in the golden story; so, shall you share all that he
doth prssess, by having him making yourself no less.

The context above told us that all of her family wishes to see County Paris married
with her. They persuaded Juliet to immediately marry the County Paris. Their family said
that he was a clever, honour, and wealth. In brief, she still refuses that man also he was
a perfect person. She prefers to choose husband by herself without any trouble. It shows
us that she braves to has another perspective about marriage with her family. she wants
to show her family that she thinks and defines by herself what a marriage should be.

She is a clever and critical person. It proven by his action that she does not easily
accept what society might accept. So, her criticism is for her lover. Her lover is Romeo.

Romeo said that he will swear by the moon that he loves her.
Afterward, Juliet said that he should not swear by the moon since it
changes every month but sear by his gracious self.

The context above means that Romeo should be responsible for what he is doing.
The symbol of “moon” is used to swear to Imaginate or showing Romeo’s love. In brief,
she gives a clearly meaning of moon that she does not want a love but she wants His love
coming from himself.

Because of her critical and became a brave person, she can affect on of their
family. nurse became an objective people in looking for something else. It is proven by
her conversation with Old Capulet. We can read text below;

CAPULET: Hang thee, young baggage! Disobedient wretch! I tell

thee what – get thee to church a Thursday, or never after look me in the
face. Speak not, reply not, do not answer me; my fingers itch. Wife, we
scare thoughts us blest that God had lent us but this only child but now o
see this one is one to much, and that we have a curse in having her. Out on
her, hilding!

NURSE. God in heaven bless her! You are to blame, my lord, to

rate her so.

Those context shows that nurse tried to braveby interrupt Old Capulet’s speaking.
She began thought that Julia is a curse for the family. Afterward, she always joins or
following Juliet to struggle with her idea. This also the effected of Juliet’s bravery. This
part told us that Julia succeed take effect of others. Besides that, she became a vanguard
of change for women around her family.


This story told us the struggle of Juliet against her society. She fighting with her
brilliant idea. She braves to different opinion with others. In brief, the woman should
become an intellectual person. She should be brave to face anything in our life. Work
toward transform the society around us.

Fakih, M. (2007). Analisis Gender dan Transformasi Sosial. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Webster, M. (1995). Encyclopedia of Literature. Spriengfield: Meriam-webster, Incorporated.

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