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Definition of Electronic Communication

Communication through electronic media is known as electronic communication. In modern era,

people are too much fast. So, the communication pattern is now different. With the technological
development people use the virtual system for communicating others. Internet has created vast
opportunity in communication, in business as well as in their social and personal life.
E-communication allows transmission of message or information using computer systems, fax
machine, e-mail, teleconferencing or video-conferencing and satellite network.
According to L. C. Bovee and Others, "Electronic communication is the transmission of
information using advanced techniques such as computer modems, facsimile machines.
voice-mail, electronic mail, teleconferencing, videocassettes and private television networks".
For this blessing or faster technology, people can easily communicate, like share conversation,

Advantages of Electronic Communication

In the modern era, electronic communication plays an important role in modern business and
society. The modern devices of communication have given it a new dimension. Now-a-days it is
not possible to think a single day without the touch of technology. By dint of information
technology, the business people can make business deals with their counterparts within a
moment. The advantages of electronic communication are given below:
1.Shortest and quickest means of communication: The e-communication is considered as the
shortest and quickest means of communication. With the help of electronic media, one can
express his feelings,
2.Storing, information: The computer technology has enabled us to preserve or store huge
amount of information year after year. That is not possible manually. Floppy, CD, tapes, etc. are
used to store enormous information for longer period of time.
3.Ample coverage: Through electronic communication, can transmit information to many
receivers who are located in different places. With the help of electronic devices like satellite,
people conquered distance and the whole world has now turned into a global village.
4.Less cost: Manual communication media waste valuable time besides electronic
communication saves time and money.
5.Overcoming the distance barrier: The introduction of computer technology has greatly reduced
the distance barrier of communication. Sending a message by e-mail, hardly takes a minute
whereas the same message, if sent by 'post, may take huge time, even a month.
6.Ensuring the instant business decision: With the help of electronic communication, managers
can take instant or quick decision. With a click of computer, they can obtain information at
anytime from anywhere of the world. This helps in making quick decision and ensures better
management in business.
7.Managing operations globally: In modern days, businesses are becoming global. More and
more businesses are dispersing their operations across the globe, with the touch of this e-
8. Easy reproduction of complex data: The reproduction of complex data like huge table, chart,
maps, graphic, etc. is quite impossible normally. Whereas this type of graphical information can
be easily transformed by the use of some computer software.
9. Communication with distinct people: Electronic communication provides the opportunity of
interactive communication with distinct people. For example- video conferencing. It saves travel
cost, time and energy.
10. Feedback: Instant feedback can be got swiftly in electronic communication than manual
communication. For example- getting feedback is easy in e-mail rather than in letter writing.
From the above discussion, it is clear that e-communication has immense contribution in making
our lives easy, especially in the area of communication. So, the importance of e-communication
can never be underscored.
7.4 Disadvantages of Electronic Communication
E-communication not only provides various advantages but als9 creates few problems in the
process of communication. The disadvantages of e-communication are discussed below:
1. Dependency: Victim countries due to day-to-day advancement of technology may become
dependent on the other developed countries. In this regard, electronic communication
creates the discrimination between the developed and developing countries.
2. Attacks of virus: Modern communication devices are not out of risk. Very often the modern
computer systems become attacked by severe virus that may cause loss of important data and
information forever.
3. Victimization: Sometimes the employees of the organization may be the victims of modern
communication technology.
4. Undelivered data: Sometimes important message can't be delivered due to'the system errors
in the technology and for this reason the further tasks relating to that become delayed.
5. Legal status: Any distortion of data or information and the distortion in their meaning may
cause zero value in the eye of law.
6. Leakage of secret information: .Leakage of secret information is another major drawback of
modern communication devices. Sometimes highly secret and confidential information
is leaked out from the computerized system of communication.
7. Heavy investment: Heavy investment requires for installing electronic
communication devices. So, every organization cannot afford the modern devices of electronic
8, Technological obsolescence: Technology makes the creative destruction. The new
technology brings the new way of developments and at the same time makes the existing
technology obsolete overnight. Therefore, devices of electronic communication need
to be replaced at a regular interval.
The above problems can make the heavy negative effect on the straight flow of the healthy e-
communication. So, to make the healthy communication, the above major barriers should be
removed as soon as possible.
Modern communication technology depends upon computer which is a device made up of
Some modern devices of communication are discussed below: ,1
1. Telephone
2. Fax/Facsimile
3. Telex
4. Tele-text
5. Webcam
6. Internet
7. Electronic Mail (E-mail)
8. Multimedia
9. Teleconferencing
10. Video-conferencing
11. Mobile- Technology:
(a) Voice-mail
(b) Voice-SMS
(c) Text- SMS
(d) Web browsing
(e) Welcome tune
(f) Music gift

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