3.19 Passive Voice

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A. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mempelajari Materi Passive Voice peserta didik mampu:

1. Memahami pengertian tentang Passive Voice

2. Membedakan penggunaan Passive Voice

3. Mempergunakan Passive Voice dalam kehidupan sehari- hari.

B. Penjelasan / Uraian Materi

Active Sentences:

Subject + Verb + Object

Passive Sentences:

Subject + to be + Past Participle



Simple Present

They teach English in high schools. English is taught in high schools.

Is English taught in high schools?

English is not taught in high schools.

Present Continuous

They are teaching English this year. English is being taught this year.

Present Perfect

They have taught English for many English has been taught for many years.

Present Perfect Continuous

They have been teaching English for (not used)

many years.

Past Tense

They taught English last year. English was taught last year.

Past Continuous

They were teaching English when I English was being taught when I started
started school. school.

Past Perfect

They had taught English for many years English had been taught for many years
when I started school. when I started school.

Past Perfect Continuous

They had been teaching English for

many years when I started school.
(not used)


They will teach English next year. English will be taught next year.

They are going to teach English next year. English is going to be taught next year.

Future Continuous

They will be teaching English next (not used)


Future Perfect

They will have taught English for three English will have been taught for three
years by next September. years by next September.

Future Perfect Continuous

They will have been teaching English

for three years by next year.
(not used)

C. Contoh Soal



1. Sam has taken an English course.

2. Somebody cleans the room every day.

3. Students are using computers now.

4. My father fixed the car yesterday.

5. The kid has broken the window.

1. Sam has taken an English course.

Passive voice is:

An English course has been taken by Sam.


Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada soal diatas mengacu kepada Present Perfect
Tense (has taken) adalah kata kuncinya, jadi apabila sebuah kalimat aktif
menggunakan Present Perfect Tensemaka anda harus menjawab dengan mengunakan
struktur berikut ini To be (has/have been + V3) anda harus menyesuaikan To
be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu An English Course(singular) oleh sebab itu To
be yang digunakan adalah has been.

2. Somebody cleans the room every day.

Passive voice is:

The room is cleaned by somebody every day.


Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada soal diatas mengacu kepada Simple Present
Tense(Cleans/ Every day) adalah kata kuncinya, jadi apabila sebuah kalimat aktif
menggunakan Simple Present Tense maka anda harus menjawab dengan mengunakan
struktur berikut ini To be (is/am/are + V3) anda harus menyesuaikan To
be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu The room (singular) oleh sebab itu To be yang
digunakan adalah is.

3. Students are using computers now.

Passive voice is:

Computers are being used by students now.


Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada soal diatas mengacu kepada Present Countinuous
Tense (are using/ now) adalah kata kuncinya, jadi apabila sebuah kalimat aktif
menggunakan Present Countinuous Tensemaka anda harus menjawab dengan
mengunakan struktur berikut ini To be (is/am/are being + V3) anda harus
menyesuaikan To be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu The computers (plural) oleh
sebab itu To be yang digunakan adalah are being.

4. My father fixed the car yesterday.

Passive voice is:

The car was fixed by my father yesterday.


Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada soal diatas mengacu kepada Simple Past
Tense (fixed/ yesterday) adalah kata kuncinya, jadi apabila sebuah kalimat aktif
menggunakan Simple Past Tense maka anda harus menjawab dengan mengunakan
struktur berikut ini To be (was/ were + V3) anda harus menyesuaikan To
be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu The Car (singular) oleh sebab itu To be yang
digunakan adalah was.

5. The kid has broken the window.

Passive voice:

The window has been broken by the kid.


Mengapa? Karena kalimat pada soal diatas mengacu kepada Present Perfect
Tense (has broken) adalah kata kuncinya, jadi apabila sebuah kalimat aktif
menggunakan Present Perfect Tensemaka anda harus menjawab dengan mengunakan
struktur berikut ini To be (has/have been + V3) anda harus menyesuaikan To
be dengan Subjek kalimat Pasif yaitu The window (singular) oleh sebab itu To
be yang digunakan adalah has been.

D. Exercises / Latihan

I. Change these active sentences into passive sentences.

1. Rihanna took that book from the desk.

A. The book was take from the desk by Rihanna.

B. The book was taken from the desk by Rihanna.
C. The book were take from the desk by Rihanna.
D. The book were taken from the desk by Rihanna.

2. Charlie will eat the cake.

A. The cake will be eat by Charlie.

B. The cake will be eaten by Charlie.
C. The cake would be eaten by Charlie.
D. The cake would be eat by Charlie.

3. Zendaya has finished the report.

A. The report has been finished by Zendaya.
B. The report has finish by Zendaya.
C. The report have been finished by Zendaya.
D. The report have finish by Zendaya.

4. Ms. Smith will leave the tickets at the box office.

A. The tickets be left at the box office by Ms. Smith.

B. The tickets will be left at the box office by Ms. Smith.
C. The tickets would be left at the box office by Ms. Smith.
D. The tickets would left at the box office by Ms. Smith.

5. The messenger has just left a box of flowers for you.

A. The box of flowers has just being left for you by the messenger.
B. The box of flowers has just been left for you by the messenger.
C. The box of flowers have just been left for you by the messenger.
D. The box of flower have being left for you by the messenger.

6. The police easily captured the thief.

A. The thief were easily captured by the police.

B. The thief was easily captured by the police.
C. The thief were easy captured by the police.
D. The thief were easily capturing by the police.

7. Many people are attending the lecture.

A. The lecture is attending by many people.

B. The lecture is being attended by many people.
C. The lecture are attending by many people.
D. The lecturer are being attended by many people.

8. The movie disappointed us very much.

A. We are very much disappoint by the movie.

B. We were very much disappointed by the movie.
C. We were very much disappointing by the movie.
D. We was very much disappointed by the movie.

9. Mr. Smith manages the export division.

A. The export division is managed by Mr. Smith.

B. The export division has managed by Mr. Smith.
C. The export division have managed by Mr. Smith.
D. The export division are managed by Mr. Smith.

10. John returned the money last night.

A. The money was returned by John last night.

B. The money was returning by John last night.
C. The money were returned by John last night.
D. The money were returning by John last night.

II. Change the following sentences into Passive Voice !

1. They built a big house near the station.
2. Somebody is shutting the window.
3. The policeman puts the criminal into prison.
4. Somebody has stolen the clock on the wall.
5. They will announce the notice from the head master.

III. Fill the blank spaces with Passive Voice !

1. The important letter …………… by him in the drawer last week. (find )
2. Chairs of rattan ………..by people for two days. ( make )
3. The carpet ………….. by mother once a week. ( clean )
4. The test ………… by the student now. ( do )
5. While the letter ……..by me, My sister watched TV. ( write )
6. The important letter …………… by him in the drawer last week. (find )

7. Chairs of rattan ………..by people for two days. ( make )
8. The carpet ………….. by mother once a week. ( clean )
9. The test ………… by the student now. ( do )
10. While the letter ……..by me, My sister watched TV. ( write )

IV. Change these active sentences into passive sentences.

1. The tornado destroys thirty houses.
2. The committee is considering several new proposals.
3. Somebody will call Mr. Watson tonight.
4. The company ordered new equipment.
5. The manager was signing the contract.
6. They built a big house near the station.
7. Somebody is shutting the window.
8. The policeman puts the criminal into prison.
9. Somebody has stolen the clock on the wall.
10. They will announce the notice from the head master.


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