Basic Nuclear Mini Research

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Name : ArisJulianto
Cindi Elvani
Gloris Philip
Class : Bilingual Physics Education 2017
Strata : S-1
Course : Basic Nuclear

Physics Departement
Faculty Of Mathematics And Sciences
State University Of Medan

Praise the presence of God Almighty for all his blessings so that the paper “Mini
Research" can be completed until it is finished. Do not forget the author expressed his
gratitude for the assistance of those who have contributed by contributing both material and
thoughts. And the author hope that this paper can increase knowledge for readers. In the
future, it can improve the form and increase the contents of the paper to make it better.
Because of the limited knowledge and practice of the author, the author believes there is still
a lot of experience in writing this paper. Therefore, the author expects constructive
suggestions and criticisms from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Medan, May 2020

Title :

Application of simulation using phet media in learning radioactivity material

Objective: This simulation aims to show the beta decay process in different nuclei.

Basic theory :

The 'radioactive dice' experiment is a commonly used classroom analogue to model the decay
of radioactive nuclei. However, the value of the half-life obtained from this experiment
differs significantly from that calculated for real nuclei decaying exponentially with the same
decay constant. This article attempts to explain the discrepancy and suggests modifications to
the experiment to minimize this effect.

These dice are removed and the remaining ‘undecayed’ dice are counted. This number of
‘undecayed’ dice is recorded and represents the number of undecayed nuclei remaining after
a certain interval of time. The ‘undecayed’ dice are then thrown and, again, those showing a
six are removed and the remainder counted. This goes on for a number of throws, resulting in
a reduction in the number of ‘undecayed’ dice as time goes by.

Decay constant

First, though, let us be clear what the radioactive decay constant describes—and it is
instructive to realize that it is rather carefully called a decay constant not a decay probability
or a decay proportion. Depending on the units in which it is measured, its value can be less
than, or greater than, one. So let us now consider two sets of radioactive decay: the ‘decay’ of
a thousand ‘radioactive dice’ and the decay of a thousand real radioactive nuclei.
Incidentally, we will henceforth keep the ‘quotation marks’ to a minimum

Methodology :
The method used in this research is quasi experimental research method, while the
research design used is one Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The population in this study were
all students majoring in physics education. While the sample in this study is one class of all
modern physics classes determined by purposive sampling. The instruments in this study
were: a set of conceptual tests covering core structures, core radioactivity, core reactions and
core reaction applications, and virtual simulation media Phet. The following is a sample lab.
virtual interactive for the subject of chain fission reactions and nuclear fission reactors.

Experimental Procedure:

No Experiment Procedure
1 Determine the elements to be used(Mg-12, Ni-28, Ge-32 )
2 Determine the number of dice based on the mass number of the elements. The first
element that will be used is Germanium (Ge-32) so that the number of dice to be used
is 32 pieces.
3 Determine the benchmark value of the dice, the value of the dice to be pegged is 1.
4 Stir the dice, then throw them.
5 Noting that many dice are showing a value of 1, the dice is considered to have
decayed. Write the test data into the test table.
6 Collect dice that don't show value 1. Stir the dice that don't show value 1 and throw it.
7 Repeat steps 5 and 6 until there are no dice left, or all dice have shown value 1 (the
value specified).

8 Analyze the results of an experiment and put it in a graph. Half-life is the number of
times the dice is stirred and spread until it is half left,with each shuffle representing a
certain time interval.
9 Repeat step 2 to step 8 for the other elements (Mg-12, and Ni-28)

1. Radioactive decay of a nucleus occurs within a predetermined time interval in which a

number of radioactive substances decays so that it is reduced by half, according to
simulations performed on the dice that are spread, where when the dice is spread until
it is left half is the time interval.
2. In the simulation, the half-life is determined by half of the number of dice of a
predetermined value appearing, then followed by determining the half-life for the dice
that have not yet decayed in the same way.

Gautereu, Ronald dan William Savin.2006.FISIKA MODERN EDISI
KEDUA.diterjemahkan oleh Soni Astranto.Jakarta. Penerbit:Erlangga

Mulyatno. 2002. FISIKA UMUM 2. Jakarta.Penerbit:Pusat Penerbitan Universitas Terbuka.

Rudiansyah, Dio. PELURUHAN RADIOAKTIF. Http:// diakses

pada tanggal 11 Mei 2017

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