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The study of moisture

Psychrometry : the study of moisture
Psychometric properties relate to the thermodynamic behavior of air-
water-vapor mixture and are of particular importance in temperature
–humidity control .

Why we need to know about the psychrometry ?

1.To comprehend fully the thermodynamic process that

occur in ventilation circuits then variation in humidity
must be taken into account.

2.To know the effect of heat and humidity on the human

body .
Basis of measurement

How to express the quantity of water vapor contained

within a given airstream.

1.Mass basis .
2.Volume basis.
Moisture content of air (Specific Humidity)
Saturation vapor pressure
Q1. An airstream of temperature 20 deg C and
barometric pressure 100 kPa is found to have an actual
vapour pressure of 1.5 kPa. Determine
i. The moisture content of the air.
ii. saturated vapour pressure .
Gas constant and Specific heat of unsaturated air

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