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Innovative pre-treatments to enhance food drying:

a current review
Beatriz Llavata1, José Vicente Garcı́a-Pérez1, Susana Simal2 and
Juan Andrés Cárcel1

The application of pre-treatments before drying represents an Conventionally, the use of different pre-treatments has
alternative to better preserve fresh food properties and reduce been one of the most commonly followed strategies. In
the energy needs. The aim of this review was to analyse the this sense, the blanching of vegetable tissue, one of the
influence of different pre-treatments (ultrasound, pulsed most widely used pre-treatments, implies enzymatic inac-
electric fields, high pressure processing or ethanol) on drying. tivation, intracellular air expulsion, a reduction in colour
For this purpose, the effect on food matrices, drying kinetics and taste loss, as well as an improvement in the drying
and different quality parameters has been addressed through rate [1]. Another conventional pre-treatment is osmotic
the review of the most recent studies. The results can differ dehydration. It consists of the introduction of the food
greatly depending on the type of pre-treatment and the product matrix into a hypertonic solution which entails a partial
considered but, in some cases, an increase in the drying rate loss of water, shortening the subsequent drying time, and
and a better retention of quality can be observed. Even so, it is reducing the gain of solids, which results in products with
necessary to continue studying these pre-treatments to better better organoleptic or functional properties [2].
understand the effect caused.
In recent years, the introduction of emerging technologies
Addresses as drying pre-treatments has come under consideration.
Analysis and Simulation of Agro-food Processes Group, Food The application of ultrasound, pulsed electric fields, high
Technology Department, Universitat Politècnica de València, Camino de
Vera s/n, E46022, Valencia, Spain
pressures or ethanol pre-treatments does not involve high
Department of Chemistry, University of the Balearic Islands, Ctra. temperatures but can shorten the drying time, improve the
Valldemossa, km 7.5, E07122, Palma de Mallorca, Spain final quality of products, and is more environmentally
friendly because of the lower energy consumption.
Corresponding author: Cárcel, Juan Andrés (

The aim of this paper is to review the current findings in

Current Opinion in Food Science 2020, 35:20–26 some of these alternative pre-treatments addressing their
This review comes from a themed issue on Food engineering and effectiveness at drying enhancement as well as the
processing influence on quality parameters, such as the retention
Edited by Pedro ED Augusto
of bioactive compounds, the colour or the texture of the
final product.
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial
Available online 14th December 2019 Pre-treatments
2214-7993/ã 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Ultrasound
Ultrasound (US) consists of mechanical waves with a
frequency greater than 20 kHz. When applied with
enough energy, it produces effects, such as cavitation,
the successive compressions and expansions of the
treated material or an intense microstirring at interfaces,
which facilitate mass transfer (Figure 1a). However, the
Introduction large impedance difference between the generator
Drying is one of the oldest, widely applied food preser- systems and gas media makes the propagation of the
vation operations. It consists of the reduction in the water waves quite difficult [3]. This is the reason why the offer
content slowing down microbial or enzymatic degradation of commercial transducers for liquid systems, where it is
reactions. The quality of the product obtained depends easy to propagate the acoustic waves, is greater than for
largely on the methodology used. Generally, processes gas systems. In this sense, many studies can be found
that involve low temperatures (such as freeze-drying) that deal with the application of ultrasound in hyper or
require long drying times, so high temperature drying hypotonic solutions as pre-treatments before drying.
techniques are more extensive, although this may
compromise the quality. So, the food industry faces the The pre-treatments in hypertonic media (osmotic
challenge of achieving shorter drying times under dehydration, OD) result in water loss (WL) and solid
moderate conditions and maximizing product quality. gain (SG) in the matrix treated. US application during the

Current Opinion in Food Science 2020, 35:20–26

Innovative pre-treatments to enhance food drying: a current review Llavata et al. 21

Figure 1

+ -




Effect Ethanol

High surface
Low surface tension


Current Opinion in Food Science

Main effects induced by the different pre-treatments.

OD process can contribute to enhance the mass flows. be treated. Thus, Wang et al. [15] observed that the
The stress produced by US generates microchannels that kiwifruit treated at 20 kHz and 400 W needed at least
make the water movement inside the solid matrix easier. 20 min to achieve pore formation, while Miano et al. [16]
Moreover, the weakening of the cellular structure and the found that at least 60 min of immersion were required in
creation of microcracks facilitate the penetration of the pre-treatment of potato at 25 kHz and 364 W.
soluble solids into the structure. In this sense, US has
been observed to be effective in mass transfer during OD All these microstructural changes lead to a clear improve-
in blueberries [4] and carrots [5]. Generally, the longer the ment in the mass transfer during subsequent drying. In
pre-treatment time [6–8], the higher the frequencies this way, it has been reported that US pre-treatment
[9,10] and the more ultrasonic power applied [11], the significantly shortens the drying time in processes, such
more significant the effects of US. as freeze-drying [17], hot air drying [18], microwave [19]
or infrared [12]. Generally, the longer the pre-treatment
In the case of US pre-treatment in hypotonic media, the time is, the greater the US effect will be, increasing the
sample can also undergo a series of microstructural effective diffusivity of water during drying [16,20]. Thus,
changes such as the deformation of cell walls that results a drying time reduction of 26% was reported in persim-
in the appearance of microchannels and pores. Some mon fruit [8] when a 20 min pre-treatment was applied,
authors have studied the microstructure of pre-treated but this reduction was 39% when a 30 min pre-treatment
materials as a means of better understanding the US was considered. The US power applied also has a
effect [12,13]. Thus, Wang et al. [14], studying the case significant influence on the drying rate. Thus, in the case
of carrots treated from 360 to 1080 W (30 min, 20 kHz), or of Pakchoi stems [11], a drying time reduction of 25% was
Wu et al. [11] analyzing Pakchoi stems treated from 300 to obtained when applying 300 W, but this was of 32% when
900 W (30 min, 20 kHz), found that the higher the applying 600 W or 42% when it was 900 W; or in bananas
ultrasonic powers is, the greater the effect on cell [21] with a 14% shorter drying time when using 500 W
structures will be. The immersion time needed to achieve and 22% shorter when applying 1000 W. The drying time
the desired effect also depends on the food matrix to is correlated with energy consumption as has been Current Opinion in Food Science 2020, 35:20–26

22 Food engineering and processing

observed during the drying of different products, such as Pulsed electric field
almond [20], walnut [19], or potato [18]. Pulsed electric field (PEF) technology consists of the
application of very short, high voltage, electric pulses to
However, other authors did not find a significant influence the food matrix. Its main effect is electroporation, which
on the drying rate of the US pre-treatment. Thus, Corrêa is the formation of pores (permanent or reversible) in the
et al. [22] attributed the non-effect of the US pre-treatment cell membrane (Figure 1b), facilitating the mass transport
to the non-porous product structure and the high fibre through it. This technology has been studied for different
content. In addition, the use of a highly concentrated sugar applications, such as the intensification of compound
solution can make the US transmission difficult as a result of extraction [30], non-thermal pasteurization [31] or
the energy losses due to viscosity. Mierzwa et al. [5] also the improvement of drying. The cell disintegration
attributed the non-effect of the US pre-treatment to the index (Z-index) has been widely used to quantify the
absorption of solids from the osmotic dehydration that level of electroporation induced by PEF and depends on
could block the pores of the food matrix and thereby worsen variables, such as matrix structure [32], treatment inten-
the water transfer. sity [33,34] or number of pulses [35].

In contrast, the improvement of mass transfer in liquid PEF has been used as a pre-treatment in different drying
pre-treatments brought about by US can lead to an processes, such as osmotic dehydration, vacuum drying,
enhanced loss in bioactive compounds. Thus, vitamin convective drying or freeze-drying. Thus, Yu et al. [36]
C can be diluted in the solution due to its soluble observed that in the osmotic dehydration of blueberries, the
character and facilitated by the microchannels formed PEF pre-treatment (3 kV/cm) can significantly accelerate
in the food. This has been observed in strawberry [9], the WL and SG rates. Some studies [37,38] point to a
kiwifruit [15] or Pakchoi stems [11]. Losses in phenolic more pronounced effect on water diffusivity than solute,
compounds in the osmotic solution have also been probably due to membrane selectivity as well as the greater
reported in persimmon fruit [8], strawberries [9] and molecular weight of solids. The PEF pre-treatment also
pomegranate arils [10]. Nevertheless, the drying time increases the kinetics of vacuum drying. The level of
reduction produced by US pre-treatment involves less sample damage can depend on both the product and the
exposure to the high temperatures during drying. In this conditions. Thus, when working on blueberries, Yu et al.
sense, a greater vitamin C final content has been found in [39] observed that the PEF can increase the proportion of
quince slices [23] and honeyberry fruits [24] and a greater damaged samples due to the pressure gradient generated.
phenolic compound content in quince [23], banana [21] However, when drying basil leaves, Telfser and Gómez-
and sweet potatoes [25]. Galindo [35] found no increase in the amount of damage
done. As regards convective air drying, the PEF pre-
Colour plays a crucial role in the final consumer acceptance treatment of samples can increase the drying velocity
of products. In this sense, the shorter time exposure to [34,40,41]; the greatest effects are found when drying is
drying produced by the US pre-treatment can reduce the carried out at moderate temperatures. For example, 45 C
colour changes with regards to the fresh product for onion (1.07 kV/cm) [33] and blueberries (3 kV/cm) [39],
[15,21,26]. Moreover, when the US propagation is carried 50 C for potatoes (0.6 kV/cm) [42] or 60 C for carrots (0.9
out in hypertonic media there is an uptake of solids and a kV/cm) [32]. In the case of other products, such as parsnips
release of gas from the food, which permit a better (0.9 kV/cm) [32], PEF effects can be more marked when
retention of pigments, as has been observed in plums drying at higher temperatures (70 C). These apparently
[27] or strawberry [28]. On the contrary, in other materials, contradictory effects can be explained by the different
such as carrots [5] or tilapia fillets [29], the uptake of solids interaction of PEF with the initial structure (porosity,
during OD affects the colour negatively. cellular shape and size . . . ) and composition of samples.
The electropermeabilization can also significantly enhance
Texture is another important parameter in terms of freeze-drying processes, as reported by Lammerskitten
product quality. Exposure to US and the subsequent et al. [43] when studying apple. However, the effectiveness
drying results in changes in the tissues. In this sense, does not reach the levels achieved in other drying
the formation of cracks and microchannels caused by processes. Thus, when studying the drying of basil,
sonication softens the structure, producing food with a Telfser and Galindo reported drying time reductions of
lower degree of hardness and elasticity, as observed by 57%, 33% and 25% for convective, vacuum and freeze-
Wang et al. [14] working on carrots or Zhao et al. [12] drying respectively [35].
studying shiitake mushrooms. On the contrary, although
the US pre-treatment in hypertonic media can reduce As concerns the effect of the PEF pre-treatment on the
hardness in the early stages of pre-treatment, there is a retention of the bioactive compound, no clear trend has
subsequent increase due to the progressive uptake of been found. In some cases, it has been reported that the
solids, as was observed in the cases of strawberry [9] use of PEF has not brought about any significant losses in
and pomegranate [10]. antioxidant capacity [36,39]. Moreover, PEF treatments

Current Opinion in Food Science 2020, 35:20–26

Innovative pre-treatments to enhance food drying: a current review Llavata et al. 23

combined with sulphites [40] or multicomponent solu- foods, such as carrots [46] or cranberries [47]. The order of
tions [37] can allow the uptake of components which application of these technologies could be an important
improve the antioxidant activity of products. On the factor. Thus, some authors have found that the application
contrary, other studies reported that the electropermea- of PEF followed by US significantly accelerated the drying
bilization produced a greater migration of water and other process when compared to the samples treated with
compounds, facilitating the degradation activity of US followed by PEF [48]. In addition, the PEF + US
enzymes, which results in a decrease in antioxidant pre-treated samples retained not only the original colour
capacity [36,39]. In this sense, Lammerskitten et al. better, but also polyphenols, anthocyanins or flavonoids.
[44] observed both an antioxidant degradation effect There are, however, still very few studies in this field.
and the formation of new phenolic compounds during
the drying of apple samples pre-treated with PEF. In High pressure processing
contrast, the pre-treatment can affect the antioxidant High-Pressure Processing (HPP) consists of maintaining
compounds, such as carotenoids, in different ways. Thus, food under hydrostatic pressures (100 800 MPa) during a
Huang et al. [40] observed that the PEF pre-treatment led certain period of time (Figure 1c). The liquids may be
to an increase in the b-carotene in dried apricots (45 C) treated directly, but solids have to be previously
due to a better extraction as a consequence of electro- packaged. This technique has been widely studied for
permeabilization. This was not observed by Fratianni enzymatic inactivation [49], non-thermal sterilization
et al. [45] when studying dried carrots (50–70 C), which [50], high pressure assisted thermal processes [51] or
can be attributed to the fact that PEF made these bioactive compound extraction [52]. Its application as a
compounds more sensitive to high temperatures. pre-treatment in drying processes has also been reported.

Samples pre-treated with PEF generally preserve their It is known that HPP causes the modification of the
colour better due to the release of intercellular content cellular structure, reducing the turgor pressure and then
that affects the activity of some enzymes [32,37]. affecting the permeability and mass transfer. In this
However, this depends on the food structure and process sense, Belmiro et al. [53] found a higher drying rate in
conditions. In the case of basil [35] or apricot [40], for beans pre-treated with HPP, especially at high pressures
instance, convective drying after PEF pre-treatment can (600 MPa) and for longer times (10 min). A higher drying
lead to a decrease in luminosity compared to untreated rate due to better effective water diffusivity was also
samples. Nevertheless, when freeze-dying is applied, the found by George et al. [54], who reported a significant
luminosity can increase, this is probably linked to an effect on ginger treated at 400 MPa for 10 min, similarly
increase in product porosity [44]. to Swami Hulle and Rao [55] when working on Aloe vera
samples. These authors found there was a greater effect of
As for the texture, temperature can induce a greater effect on the pressure at moderate temperatures (50/60 C), than at
texture than PEF in the case of convective drying. In this higher ones (70 C). This has been demonstrated by
sense, when working on carrots and parsnips, Lyng et al. [32] means of the microstructural analysis of HPP samples,
found a higher shear stress in samples dried at high tempera- showing a more irregular structure in ginger [54], with
tures (70 C) than at moderate (50/60 C), while no differences the evident separation of cells and thinner walls, and
were found between those samples that had been PEF without the presence of organelles in Aloe vera samples
pre-treated (0.9 kV/cm) and those non-pre-treated at the same [55]. Some of these changes have already been reported
temperature. On the contrary, Tylewicz et al. reported that the by other authors when studying carrots, sweet potatoes
PEF pre-treatment produced a dramatic reduction in and cocoyams [56].
the hardness of osmotically dehydrated strawberries, this
decrease being proportional to the applied electric field Changes in the cellular membrane produced by HPP led
(0.1–0.2–0.4 kV/cm). This was attributed to cellular rupture to an improvement in the phenolic compound content,
and the creation of pores that led to a softening of the samples, due to their better extraction. Thus, George et al. [54]
although in the later stages of the process, a slight increase in found an increase in the 6-gingerol content of samples
hardness could be evidenced as a result of the uptake of solids. pre-treated with 400 MPa for 10 min. Previous studies of
This softening has also been reported when studying freeze- Aloe vera already obtained similar results, observing that
dried apples (1.07 kV/cm) [44]. In any case, it must be the antioxidant capacity remained stable or improved
mentioned the extremely difficult to compare results due during the HPP pre-treatment [55].
not only to the characteristics of the PEF applied, but also to
the subsequent drying process and to highly variable nature of The influence of HPP pre-treatments on the colour of
the products. dried products is quite limited [55], as has been observed
in studies carried out, for example, on potato [57]. In
Recently, some authors have studied the combination of contrast, some of these authors reported a significant
PEF and US. Using both technologies for the pre-treatment decrease in hardness and compressive strength, explained
has obtained a significant shortening in the drying time of by changes produced in the cell wall [53,54]. However, Current Opinion in Food Science 2020, 35:20–26

24 Food engineering and processing

other authors, such as Swami Hulle and Rao [55], found drying time achieved by pre-treating the samples can
an increase in hardness due to the possible inactivation of result in a better preservation of food quality, as well as
pectimethylesterase in treatments of Aloe vera done at significant energy savings. However, the extent of the
pressures above 500 MPa. effects depends on the pre-treatment, the food matrix
considered and the objective followed. Thus, it has also
Ethanol been shown that each pre-treatment has some limitations
The application of ethanol as a pre-treatment is a simple but and can sometimes lead to a loss in the quality of treated
efficient technique that has also been studied for the foods. In addition, further studies are needed to evaluate
purposes of drying intensification. The effect of an ethanol and quantify the effect of pre-treatments, especially in
pre-treatment is based on its ability to dissolve components the case of HPP and ethanol. Very interesting results have
of the cell wall, causing changes in the structure and increas- been obtained through both the combination of these two
ing its permeability [58]. Moreover, the Marangoni effect pre-treatments or via the combination of either of
(Figure d), which is based on the formation of a surface them with other techniques; further research into them,
tension gradient between the ethanol and the food’s water therefore, could be of special interest.
content, can significantly enhance the water transport [59].
Conflict of interest statement
Microstructural analyses have shown that the ethanol pre- Nothing declared.
treated samples have more compact, thin-walled cells as
well as an intracellular air loss [60,61]. As these Acknowledgements
structural modifications in the food matrix permitted a The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support of the
greater extraction of water, significant reductions in National Institute of Research and Agro-Food Technology (INIA), co-
financed with ERDF funds (RTA2015-00060-C04-02 and RTA2015-00060-
the drying time were reported for scallions (25%) [58], C04-03).
potatoes (10%) [59] and pumpkins (49.5%) [61]. Similar
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26 Food engineering and processing

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Current Opinion in Food Science 2020, 35:20–26

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