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SESSION 2020 -21
Subject: Maths L – 10 Money Class: II Div: ______
Name:_________________________ Roll No: _______

Q.1. Solve: (2)

p p

72 55 160 26

+ 32 40 + 158 58

p p

57 35 555 90

- 23 20 - 375 75

Q.2. (a) Add 100 to 55 and 75 p. (2)

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(b) Subtract 305.50 from 553.65. p

Q.3. Word problems. (5)

Cap Eraser Ball Ice cream Cake

15 10 20 20 150
a. Ram buys a cap and cake. How much did he spend?

b. Rita buys a cap, a cake and an ice-cream. If she was carrying 500 with her, how
much money is she left with? Workspace

Ans: ________________________________

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c. If Rushang has 175 and he buys a ball and a cake, then how much more money
does he require to buy an eraser? Workspace

Ans: ________________________________

d. Lucy is shopping for toys. She has notes and coins with her in her purse. She has notes
of Rs. 20, Rs. 10 and coins of Rs. 5 and Rs. 2. Help Lucy find out how many of each of
these notes or coins she must give to the shopkeeper to buy each of these toys.

Q.4. Answer the following. (1)

a. A 200 rupee-note is the same as ____________ 100 rupee-notes or

___________ 50 rupee-notes.

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