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John Lloyd P.

De Vera December 16, 2020

BCE 313 (4691)

In a Nutshell
1. Explain “design flood”. Is this the same as “maximum probable flood”.

The maximum flood that any structure can safely pass is called the design flood and is selected
after consideration of economic and hydrologic factors. The design flood is related to the project
feature; for example, the spillway design flood may be much higher than the flood control
reservoir design flood or the design flood adopted for the temporary coffer dams. It may be
same as maximum probable flood.

2. What are the methods of estimating maximum flood discharge? Give three formulae for
maximum flood estimation.

The catchment area is computed from the contour map and the flood discharge is estimated
from the “Run-off” formula. The rainfall is measured by rain gauges in millimeter. The estimation
of maximum flood discharge shall be based on this maximum recorded rainfall.

Three formulae:

 Empirical Formulae
 Rational Method
 Available Records

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