How Spiritual and Cultural Beliefs Affect An Individual

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Discuss how spiritual and cultural beliefs affect an

individual’s ability to cope with this COVID-19 pandemic
According to Goodman (2020), psychologists’ research show
that some people can find peace during the Covid-19 pandemic
while others may struggle with their faith. An individual’s
spiritual and cultural belief can help them find comfort and cope
with the trauma and distress caused by the pandemic. Kay Bajwa, a
real estate agent in Washington, D.C., described how she spent
her time in quarantine praying five times a day and working
together with her members of her mosque (traditional Muslim place
of worship) to find ways to provide for those in need during this
difficult times. She stated that, “This whole ordeal is bringing
us closer together and closer to Allah, spending time praying and
being with him is comforting.” During this pandemic, a powerful
bond with the Supreme Being has a strong influence in helping
people find solace and peace, especially for our frontliners who
fight the virus head-on.
Cultural beliefs can contribute to the success or failure of
fighting Covid-19. One cultural belief we have here in Bontoc,
Mountain Province is the “Tengaw”. “Tengaw” is a culture we have
in which when it is implemented, people must stay in their
barangays and in their homes. They also must not go to work or in
the rice fields. Although some of the rules are not currently
followed since people need to go to work or outside the barangay
to go to school, this culture helped us cope with the Covid-19
pandemic since we viewed the times we were in lockdown as
“Tengaw”. During that time, people finally stayed in their homes
instead of going out bringing families closer to each other.

2. Cultural competence is one of the signs of high standards in

nursing. DISCUSS why it is important as nurse’s work closely
with patients.
There are various cultures within our country, workplace and
even in our school. Being culturally competent as a nurse is
essential as we interact with patients from different ethnic
groups, races or with different cultures. A nurse must be
educated, aware, skilful, and have the right attitude in giving
care to patients with different cultural beliefs. Being educated
and aware of the customs, communication patterns, roles and
spirituality within a specific culture group will help a nurse
understand better the attitudes of a patient and allows them to
genuinely provide care and concern without stereotyping or
treating them unfairly.
Also having a skill in communicating with patients from
different cultures is important in order for you to understand
the patient and for the patient to understand the care plan.
3. Think of how the public image of the nurse as a health
frontliner can change dramatically during this pandemic.
Originally, nursing was not the career I wanted to pursue
since I am no stranger to the low wage they receive despite the
hard work and effort they contribute in the healthcare setting
and how some people don’t give them respect and only see them as
a caregiver. However during this pandemic, nurses proved that
they are an essential part of the healthcare team and are very
much needed. We witnessed how they sacrificed their safety and
lives for their fellow countrymen despite the fear they have
against the virus, we watched on television their pitiful
conditions in which they are stressed and physically and
mentally tired as they put effort in saving countless lives and
we heard and listened to their stories. Stories that made me
want to be part of a team that dedicate their lives in curing
and helping patients who need them the most. In this pandemic,
nurses are seen as true heroes along with our other frontliners
who risk everything to protect and assist the people of their

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