CAUSON - Assignment No. 1

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CALISON, Emmanuel Fi be Eee 4 Froblom A actorwlr concrete baam is ty carry £7 bin (including Hoon sight) on 4m simple. pam. The offictia opth @) ic to ba ‘hice the width (b).Defermina the dimensions ond required steel oma Pe (in sp mm) 'f cmcerte changth fe ~ 20% MB and eel bu bo used wil by Grde 270 (Fy 240 HR) 6ven! Leer a] [TRE nt a ts 22 MY, eg Lean 267820680.6 mm? = dD? be d+ waa mm sy Hom fe> 200 Wa; use nea eee check compurfod clopth 4 . i Ty = ene Mie (€ade 90) @ ee _ [e320 oo), Rb J Gmey@.s59) fe > Bo PR fr < cade 200 dx709.90 sy to mm olay! Solution Nnox = WUE + | CNA" = 205.990 Lm eam chene fs eehel hear Nosiral Compressive Stongth, fo we oor fe = 0 Me fer oacfe ee «Fem = ered (orm) bd Gre) (70) * ode (20.40) eet = qs Mla i Wd okey be» —D » —t- = oo Ae nt at Seal Pa Ragiemen fe Me fed 2 poke) 238 - oie 243.9% 110% = Re o)(o-87e) (20) oS ° As = 3193.16 rom® e-ghh Anbor bar waded » = (a.a0)(03%) (097) Ty tenn . ; : sas. we + (Ww) (0) = 1s Ne icoss toy I pes check bean sha’ ly tome Wass say Pe We oor fe As o03 sey TP ~ 00a Joe.t0 Tig stm > 0.400 He 23m tay dehomina beam cinencons es y *per wt 2 Clear & Moc * He *-$-fe kjbe! ferred, PTF seo 100 pad, dew TO 6.004 0m zrsw btn 4a) bd omo($)(dy fr 90 mm elon sr Hm), 4 fo 28028 (0d) M6 Hite Ee, 2 Use 4 381m & bar Real height «h he di E(bba) 4 concete cover = F04 Z(s8) 4 40 + Thomm — Say 770 mm tsq 960mm x Fromm with 4-32 wm b both bars 36am ; ; _ omm ‘Temm i | 4 4-20 wa bar 1A. | tet tat

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