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t present, due to the rapid advancement of technology and the importance of data

exchange, computer networks are the key to the survival of organizations and the
consistency of their growth and development path.

Virtualization can be defined as the creation of a virtual version of a server, operating

system, storage device, or network resources.

Network virtualization can also be defined by the capability to create logical, virtual
networks that are used for decoupling of functions by dividing the ISPs (internet service
providers) into InPs (infrastructure providers) and SPs (service providers). The InPs
“manages the physical infrastructure” [1], while the SPs “create virtual networks by
aggregating resources from multiple infrastructure providers and offer end-to-end
network services.” [1]If multiple virtual networks coexisting on the same substrate is
allowed then the networking environments support the virtualization. A virtual network
is a group of virtual links and nodes and it is a subset of the physical network resources.
It is the next step after storage and server virtualization. Different applications to run
one next to other over the same physical network is allowed.

. In information technology, there are three basic bases for virtualization:

 1- Virtualization of the network

 2. Virtualization of space

 3. Server virtualization

Additionally, the virtualization of the operating system is such that an application allows
the partition or part of the drive to perform several activities simultaneously and
simultaneously. The concept of virtualization of the network is not something new and
with the passage of time, it is becoming more modern and state-of-the-art. This
technology has been used in large computers for decades.

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