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CE 335—15: Geotechnical Engineering 2 UNIVERSITY OF THE CORDILLERAS

College of Engineering and Architec-

Requirement 0—Review of CE 322 — 15 Basic principles.
GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. In preparation for the upcoming module on soil total and effective stresses, a thorough review of some princi-
ples discussed in your prior course is due. In line with this, please answer each part of the requirement according to their specific in-

R0P1: A key aspect in the easing the computation of soil stresses is the representation of soil in terms of their mass and weights per unit
volume. List down each equation for soil density and give a detailed explanation for each variable contained in these equations. Pro-
vide all information you can recall about these variables (i.e. how they are related to the other variables in terms of proportionality) as
this will serve as a reflection of how prepared you are for this course. Use Filipino if you are a Filipino and English if you are a foreign stu-
dents. Students are hereby reminded of polices regarding academic honesty.

R0P2: In line with the previous part of this requirement, a thorough review of how soil is treated as a material is also overdue. In line with
this, discuss the figure embedded figure and provide the derivation of the equation for moist unit weight of soil. Again, use Filipino if you
are a Foreign student.
R0P3: As discussed in Module 0, a prerequisite to this subject is
strength of materials. The topics on Mohr’s circle, stresses and
Elasticity are of particular importance. In line with this, provide a
detailed explanation of material stresses using the concept of
pressure and Hooke’s Law.

R0P4: In the core of man’s understanding of how the world

around him works is the substitution of complex systems with
models that can be governed by natural laws (i.e. you soil being
treated as a combination of water, air and the soil particles.
Analysis may stem from existing understanding of the natural
laws governing these three components). In line with this, pro-
vide a short discussion on whether soil is an elastic material or Figure taken from Soil Mechanics and Founda ons by Muni Budhu
not. Provide a discussion on how these affects our computation
treatment of soil later on.
R0P5: This last requirement is more of you learning reading ahead for the upcoming discussions. Provide a discussion of the difference
between total and effective vertical stresses with respect to pore water pressure. Supplement your discussion with a figure you your-
self manually prepared. Do not mention any equation in the discussion you will provide for this part of your requirement.

*For reference as to the expected detail in your discussions, refer to the following example.
Void ratio “e” - is the ratio of void spaces in the soil to the soil solids. With this, one may therefore understand that the value of e is di-
rectly proportional to various properties of the soil in question such as the soil’s degree of compressibility and potential, emphasis on
the word potential, water content.

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