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Plot the variation of total and effective stresses, and pore water pressure ‘with depth for the soil profile shown, ‘SeessorPresue OPe) o 8 mm m wm m0 apes At point (1) 0,=0 , u=O and o'=0 At point (2) 17.8°4=71.2 kNim? 12kNim? (kPa) 12-418.5*2 =108.2 kNim? #9,81=19.62 kim? of =108.2-19.62 88,58 KN/m? (kPa) At point (4) 6, =108.2+419,5= 186.2 kNim? kN 11.3kNim? (KPa) 181.2 kNim? ugh =1199.81=107.9 Nin? 73 4 N/m? (kPa) (265+0.4)*981 04 =18,569*1=18.569 kPa 18.569 kPa 6, = 18,5694 21.372*2=61.313KPa gh $209.81 =19.62 kN/n? = 61.313-19.62= 41.693 kPa ‘AtpoinB , ¢. = 26KNim? For the thown below, calculate th ‘or the system shown below, calculate the =1].2 kNim* effective stress at points (1) and (2) Slt, 1) Immediately after loading, [Test 5 kN? 2) After very long time of loading, | Solution: Nim? 1) Immediately after loading eee At point (L z 7.2*1,5+19.5*2.5 + 26= 100,55 kPa / N= 2.5°9.81+ 26 50,525 kPa = 10055-50,525= 50.025 kPa Atpoint Q) 6, =100.55+19*4=176.55 kPa u=7,h=65"981+26=89.765KPa For the soil profile shown below, calculate and plot the variation of total, effective stresses and pore water pressure with depth, Solution Eactve, Total stress. @ Pore water pressure, tress 2” ‘anime in cia ° ° Immediately (3(165) = 49.5 ° 95 hove the capillary zone Justinside the (5)(165) = 49.5 ~GreN(0) = 38.38 capillary zone ~(66)(.81)() = ~5.88 4 @y065) + @VET6) =671 0 on 7 (G)G6S) + (UT) + 3y,= GN9BI)= 29439437 GYR) = 1288 Example 8): ‘Ona certain site surface layer of silty sand (y= 18.5 kNim') Sm thick ‘and overlies a layer of peaty clay (y = 17.7 kNim) 4m thick, whichis underlain by impermeable rock. Calculate the 6,6" and u with dept for ‘the followinc conditions: Depth | a. kN/m* uw kNim o=oru kNim* ° -2.599.81 = -24.525, 24.525 25 | 2.58185 =46.25 0 46.25 5 S*185=925 | 2509.81 = 24,525 67.975 9 | 92.5+417.7=1633 | 6.5*9.81 = 63,765 99.535 ‘The water table in a certain area is at a depth of 4m below the ground surface. To a depth of 12m, the soil consists of very fine sand having an average void ratio of 0.7. Above the water table the sand has an average degree of saturation of 50%. Calculate the effective stress at a depth of 10m below the ground surface. What will be the increase in the effective sires i the sol gets saturated by capillary upto a height of Im above the ‘water table? Take G, = 2.65. = 2265405 0.1"981 17 314? 1407 (2.6540 0.791" 9-81 19 331k? 1407 2 At3m ° Atm of =2809-1"500=1100 giom? 100-(-1"2*100) =400 giem? 2300: 600 gem? Exampk Calculate the effective stress for a soil clement at depth Sm in a uniform deposit of soil as shown in figure below. — Solution: sm = 0G 0.3827 _ e= Ss 06 135 Unit weight above water table 0 1403 > - HOG, 42.70 81=14.652kN/er 1 Tre T5135 Below water table = oG, 04°27 ees T 1.08 Gey, 274108 09 9) _17.898kNim’ Tre T+1.08 0, = 214.652 + 3417.82 2.788 kPa usy,h=3*9.81=29.43 kPa 2.788-29.43 = $3.358 kPa At3m ° Atm of =2809-1"500=1100 giom? 100-(-1"2*100) =400 giem? 2300: 600 gem? Exampk Calculate the effective stress for a soil clement at depth Sm in a uniform deposit of soil as shown in figure below. — Solution: sm = 0G 0.3827 _ e= Ss 06 135 Unit weight above water table 0 1403 > - HOG, 42.70 81=14.652kN/er 1 Tre T5135 Below water table = oG, 04°27 ees T 1.08 Gey, 274108 09 9) _17.898kNim’ Tre T+1.08 0, = 214.652 + 3417.82 2.788 kPa usy,h=3*9.81=29.43 kPa 2.788-29.43 = $3.358 kPa

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