Budget Assignment-J

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CALM 20 Budget Assignment Name: Ogeller

Purpose: Compare needs, wants and consequences of spending with consideration of personal financial resources.

- Create a balanced budget for yourself
- Go through the choices listed and choose which you want.
- Pay attention to how often a cost is paid – weekly, monthly, annually, etc. and find the total for a monthly cost.
- Total up the costs you have chosen and determine how much you will have to work to pay for your expenses.
- If you choose to live at home, choose that option when listed for various expenses; if it is not listed, you must
total up the options you would like.

Add up your Expenses

What is your wage? (Hourly pay)
Calculate your Income If you have a job, use your
Expenses Monthly Total current wages.
Minimum wage is $15
Wage: $________
A. Living Arrangements What will your Net Monthly income be?
$645.50 Full time is typically
B. Transportation Max 44hrs/week
$100 Part time varies
Students can work ~
C. Groceries Assume 4.3 weeks per

D. Technology

E. Other Costs

F. Saving/Investing goal:

Total of all monthly


Net Income – Expenses:

(This must be a positive $


1 | CALM20 – Budget Assignment

Hours/week: ______ x wage $______ =$______/wk
There are 4.3 wks/mo. x 4.3
Gross monthly wages =$_______
Take off 25% for taxes x 0.75
Net Monthly income =$________

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A. Living Arrangements – Required
Choose one:
Option #1 Option #2 Option #3 Option #4 Option #5

1 bedroom 1 bedroom 2 bedroom 1000sq. ft. 2 bedroom 1100sq. ft. Live at home

750sq. ft. 900sq. ft. (with roommate) (with roommate)

$800 utilities included $800 plus utilities $1000 utilities $1000 plus utilities $250/mo. to
included contribute to the
(water, gas, Laundry in suite Laundry in suite
electricity) (water, gas,

Living arrangement - Option #3 $500

If utilities are extra, calculate the following:

Water - $40/mo. Single $60/mo. Double (/2) $30

Gas - $80/mo. Single $100/mo. Double (/2) $50

Electricity - $75/mo. Single $95/mo. Double (/2) $47.50

If laundry is not included in the living option, you go to the laundromat!

Laundry - $1 per load to wash; $2 to dry $18
- assume 6 loads/month
- add 8 loads per month if you work a job with a uniform

A. Living Arrangements
Monthly total:


3 | CALM20 – Budget Assignment

B. Transportation – Required
Option #1 – Drive your own car
- Car Insurance: If you have a vehicle you must insure it. Choose one of the following. $_______
o Liability – minimum cost for a car you won’t replace if something happens
▪ Ladies - $110/mo. Gents - $120/mo.
o Comprehensive – total coverage for vandalism, theft, collision, liability
▪ Ladies – $160/mo. Gents $170/mo.
o Use your monthly cost if you know it
- Gas Costs: $150/mo. (will vary) $_______
- Vehicle
- If you own a car you will have no payments for ownership $_______
o If you are buying a car from a dealership here are 3 options:
▪ Small sedan/sports car ~$15000 over 6 years @3%
● $110 Bi-weekly ($220/mo.) or $240 monthly pmt.
▪ Small SUV/Crossover ~$20000 over 6 years @3%
● $150 biweekly ($300/mo.) or $320 monthly pmt.
▪ Truck ~$28000
● $205 bi weekly ($410/mo.) or $450 monthly pmt.
o Or you can buy a cheaper used car from a dealership
▪ ~8000 over 5 years @5%
● $75 bi-weekly or $160/mo.
o Buy a used vehicle privately – prices will vary
▪ Look one up on www.autotrader.ca
- Parking - $10 extra per month/vehicle $_______

Total for own vehicle: $________

Option #2 - Transit
- Costs to ride
(Consider: ride twice a day to and from work, plus a few extra times to buy groceries, socialize, etc.)
o Monthly pass - $100/mo.
o Student pass (if enrolled in Post-secondary full-time) - $20/mo. (maximum 20hrs./week of work)
o Single ride - $3.25
o Ten pass booklet - $32.50

Option #3 - Vehicle and transit

- Total insurance + gas $75 + vehicle cost and parking + and include the cost of transit.
- Calculate from above:
o Insurance ________
o Gas $75
o Payment ________
o Parking ________
o Transit ________

B. Transportation

Monthly total:

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C. Groceries - Required
Choose from the table provided based on the information listed on the left.
Choose the option for your age when you graduate.

Prices based on 2007 data

Weekly Cost Thrifty Low-Cost Moderate Liberal

of groceries Plan Plan Cost Plan Plan

Young Adult $45 $56 $68 $84

Young Adult $51 $66 $84 $100

#1 Thrifty plan
- Lots of grains, basic produce and dairy, minimal meat
#2 Low-cost plan
- lots of grains and produce, basic dairy and meat, minimal prepared foods
#3 Moderate plan
- lots of grains, produce and dairy, basic meats and prepared food
#4 Liberal plan
- lots of grains, produce and dairy; lots of meat and prepared food
#5 Live at home plan - $0
- Groceries included as long as you contribute to the household.

Grains include: rice, pasta, bread, cereal, baked goods; will also include corn and beans
Produce includes: fresh, frozen and canned fruits and vegetables
Dairy: Milk, block cheese, yogurt. For cost purposes, eggs will be included with dairy. Fancy cheese, specialty milks, or
other dairy products will bump the cost level up.
Meat includes: beef, chicken, pork, fish, etc. Basic meat will be mostly chicken, ground meats and deli meats. Steak,
roasts, ribs, bacon, shellfish, etc. will bump costs up a level.
Prepared Foods: Most food in the middle aisles: Cereals, frozen meals (pizza, microwave dinners, fries, etc.), sweets and
treats (cookies, ice cream, pop, chips, etc.), prepared foods like Kraft dinner, Side Kicks, Mr. Noodles, etc.

WEEKLY grocery cost: $84 x 4.3 = $361.20/month

C. Groceries
Monthly total:


6 | CALM20 – Budget Assignment

D. Technology – Optional
Cell phone plans are mostly paid based on data, air time for calls (local, national, international), and text messages.
Choose a plan that will best meet your normal usage.

Cell phone plan

Plan #1 - $70 Plan #2 - $85 Plan #3 - $100 Plan #4 - $120
- 200 anytime, - 200 anytime, Cdn. - 300mins local - Unltd. Talk and text
Canadian minutes Mins calling in Can.
- 500MB data - 1GB Data - Unltd. text in Can. - 4GB data
- Unltd. Text in Can. - Unltd. Text in Can. - 2GB data

These are estimates based on real plans. Most cell plans include 3-4 extra costs and monthly fees depending on add-ons
and company policies. If you don’t know how much data you use in a month, use the link below to calculate it. You can
turn off or limit your data use by accessing Wi-Fi for most of your online use.

These are additional monthly costs for mobile plans; these services are not included in the packages above.

Option #3

Add on costs:


Cell phone total:

- Caller-ID - $5/mo.
- Voicemail - $5/mo.
- 100mins international calling – $15
- Data add-on 1GB for $15/mo.
- International text messaging
o 100 messages $5/mo.
o Unlimited $10/mo.
- International calling – $0.25/minute

Internet plan
Plan #1 Plan #2 Plan #3 Plan #4

$35/mo. for 3mo. $40/mo. for 3mo. $45/mo. for 6mo. $50/mo. for 6mo.

$65 After first 3 $75 After first 3 $85 After first 6 $100/mo. After first 6
5Mbps download 15Mbps download 30Mbps download 1505Mbps download

512Kbps upload 512Kpbs upload 5Mbbs upload 15Mbps upload

7 | CALM20 – Budget Assignment

65GB mthly transfer 150GB mthly transfer 300GB mthly transfer 1TB mthly transfer

 5 Mbps or less: Basic Web 10–25 Mbps: Moderate 25–40 Mbps: Heavy HD 40+ Mbps: Constant
surfing and email high-definition (HD) streaming, online gaming, streaming, online gaming,
streaming, online gaming, and downloading, with and downloading, with a
l5–10 Mbps: Web surfing
and downloading files, many connected devices large number of connected
and email, with occasional
shared among several devices
streaming and online
connected devices
gaming, shared among a
few connected devices

Plan #5 Living @ home $0

Option #3

Internet total:

These are typical rates for Alberta. Plans and packages vary by company and location.
How much speed do you need: https://www.highspeedinternet.com/how-much-internet-speed-do-i-need

8 | CALM20 – Budget Assignment

TV - Cable/Movies/Gaming
Cable and TV Subscriptions
Plan #1 Plan #2 Plan #3 Plan #4

$30/mo. for 3mo. $40/mo. for 3mo. $75/mo. For 3mo. Living at
home $0
$46/mo. after $65/mo. after $93/mo. after

Personal TV Popular TV Premier TV

65 channels 137 channels 176 channels

Basic news sports and Wide variety of news sports Widest selection of movies,
entertainment channels and popular TV shows shows, news and sports

Basic - $9.99/mo. Standard - $13.99/mo. Premium - $16.99/mo.

1 screen no HD 2 screens, HD avail. 4 screens, HD and Ultra HD 4K

Other Subscriptions
o Crave TV - $9.99/mo. +Movies+HBO – 19.98
o Hulu - $5.99/mo.
o Xbox Live - $70/yr. ($5.83-$10/mo.)
o Playstation Plus Subscription - $70/yr. ($5.83-11.99/mo.)
o Other subscriptions – search for price, or assume they are $8/mo.

Options (list with $)





Digital Entertainment total:

D. Technology
Cell phone total: $120

Internet total: $45

Digital Entertainment: $11.99

Monthly Total:

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10 | CALM20 – Budget Assignment

E. Other Costs:
Basic expenses: (Required)
- Household needs – cleaning supplies, paper products, cosmetics/toiletries, etc.
- Add $50/mo. or more $50.00 + __________

Clothing: (Required)
- #1 Used (Thrift & consignment): $20/mo.
- #2 New, non-brand: $35/mo.
- #3 Brand name: $80/mo. $35

- Gym membership: $100/month
- Fitness classes: $40/month
- Sports leagues: varies by sport, assume about $30/mo. $ 100

- Movies at the theatre: $20 (w/ snacks $35/person)
- Other expenses will vary, include based on your habits
Eating out
- $100/month (fast food 1/week and 2 sit down meals/mo.)
- $200/ month (fast food up to 3/week, 2 sit down meal/mo.)
o Add $15 if 18+ and you have alcohol with sit down meals $ 100

o ATM access, Transaction fees, Monthly fees – check your actual bank costs and use your total for last
- If you do not know, assume that it is about $15/mo. for bank fees $ __________
- Do you have to pay fees with your bank?

D. Other costs
Monthly total:


F. Savings & Investing

You should always have a balance in your bank account to access in case of an emergency. You should also have
separate accounts used to earn money for the future. Do you have enough money to do this?

11 | CALM20 – Budget Assignment

Savings and Investment Goal: $120/mo.

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