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Julie Marie Bongaos November 16, 2020

BEED – 3A Ms. Clarissa Alban

Philippine Literature 1



1. Explain what the author is saying about Ali’s growing up experience in the story.
Ali’s growing up experiences are horrible and painful which made him easily
believe the things that his brother tells him and wants him to do. Ali’s painful experiences
from childhood to adulthood made him wish for a better and happy life with the women
that he used to love but just turned him down. With all his bitter experiences, he easily
believed on things thinking that those will result and will give him the happy life that he
has always dreamed of since childhood but didn’t stop him on showing who he really was
– a kind, peaceful, and loving Ali,.

2. Describe the pains and pleasures of growing up that Ali experience.

The pains and pleasures of growing up that Ali experiences are somehow the
result of injustice and discrimination in our society with the Moros. A lot of people think
that Moros are terrorists and causes wars which have become a stereotype and surely
affect the innocent Moro people. The women that he loved also brought happiness to Ali
but caused him pain in the end. Ali has experienced all of these since his childhood which
made him who he was on his adulthood.

3. Characterize Ali. What is the difference between him and his brother Omar?
Amidst the bittersweet experiences of Ali, it didn’t stop him from doing what’s
right in the end. Ali was taught to be brave, fight, and kill people because it will please
Allah just like what his brother Omar tells him. Omar is the opposite of Ali, he was
scared yet still continues to kill because he thinks that it is what Allah wants them to do
and will surely promise them a place in heaven. With the experiences that the brothers
have been through, it showed us that Ali has dignity, love, and peace within him which
shows true bravery and respect to Allah while Omar amid being scared still chooses to
kill and cause chaos which shows us how coward he is.


1. Give the significance of the title “The White Horse of Ali”. Could there be a
symbolic meaning of the White Horse.
The White Horse in the story symbolizes the White Horse that a person will ride
while going to heaven seeing all the heads of the person have killed throughout his
lifetime while Allah is waiting for him. The White Horse also symbolizes the piece of
heaven that the young Ali have experienced when he used to ride the wooden horse, it
symbolizes peace and happiness that Ali have always dreamed of having in his life since
his youth until adult years.


1. Write your reflection of the story “The White Horse of Ali”.

The story of “The White Horse of Ali” made me realize that everything that
happen to us are results of our own choices. Yes, life is tough and will try to throw us
anything that will make us question our worth and purpose but our choice of standing in
our own belief and being kind towards the people around us will define us who we really
are. The story made me realize that there is always a reason to choose to do the good and
to believe in humanity amidst the society turning its back on us. No one will ever define
us who we are as a person but only our own self. Stand with pride and dignity, let love
and peace prevail in this bitter and painful world and God will celebrate us in heaven.

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