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Vanny Rahmadani
State University of Medan


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Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika PARADIKMA




Vanny Rahmadani

Mathematics Education Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural

Sciences, Medan State University (UNIMED), 2021 Medan,
North Sumatra, Indonesia

E-mail: vannyrahmadani @ mhs.

Abstract The

purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of online learning during the Covid 19
pandemic, to improve students' mathematical reasoning and understanding during the COVID-19
pandemic in online learning, and to find out how to do this so that online learning is effective to
improve reasoning and students' mathematical understanding. This type of research is a literature study
research with a research library. The research method used is the method of data collection by taking
data from the library, reading, taking notes, and processing the research results. The results of this
study indicate that online learning during the Covid 19 pandemic was effective in improving students'
mathematical reasoning and understanding. There are advantages in online learning compared to
offline learning so that it can cut the spread of the corona virus and can make it more efficient in the
world of education.

Keywords: effectiveness of online learning, students' mathematical reasoning and understanding

INTRODUCTION coronavirus that are known to cause illnesses

that can cause severe symptoms such as Middle
Coronavirus is a large family of viruses
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe
that cause diseases ranging from mild to severe
Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
symptoms. There are at least two types of

Raudatul Husna dkk, Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Komunikasi

Matematika Melalui Pendekatan Matematika Realistik pada Siswa SMP Kelas VII Langsa
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika PARADIKMA

Coronavirus Diseases 2019 (COVID-19) is a The word math comes from the Latin
new type of disease that has never been word mathematics which was originally taken
previously identified in humans. Common signs from the Greek word "mathematike" which
and symptoms of COVID-19 infection include means studying. The word comes from
symptoms of acute respiratory disorders such as "mathema" which means knowledge or
fever, cough and shortness of breath. The knowledge. The word "mathematike" is also
average incubation period is 5- 6 days with the related to other words, namely "mathein" or
longest incubation period of 14 days. (Yurianto, "mathenein" which means learning / thinking.
Ahmad, 2020) So, mathematics can be said to be knowledge
The spread of the corona virus initially had obtained by reasoning or thinking. Mathematics
a huge impact on the economic world which also emphasizes more on reasoning activities,
was starting to decline, but now the impact is not emphasizing experimental results or
also being felt by the world of education. The observations but on processes, ideas and
policies taken by many countries, including reasoning (Ruseffendi, 1998).
Indonesia, by closing all educational activities,
Mathematics learning strives students to
have made the government and related
be able to build their knowledge through a
institutions have to present an alternative
process (Melinda, 2020). According to Affifah,
educational process for students and students
learning mathematics also requires good
who cannot carry out the educational process at
understanding skills in understanding the
educational institutions (Dewi, 2020).
concept so that it can improve mathematics
To prevent the spread of Covid-19, WHO
learning outcomes in students (Melinda, 2020).
has appealed to stop events that can cause
According to Masruroh, the characteristics of
crowds to gather. Therefore, face-to-face
abstract mathematics require high concentration
learning that gathers a large number of students
and seriousness and even take a long time to
in the class is reviewed for implementation.
understand them because there are many
Lectures must be held in a scenario that is able
symbols that are sometimes difficult to
to prevent physical contact between students
understand (Melinda, 2020).
and lecturers and students and students (Firman,
F., & Rahayu, S., 2020). Online is an acronym from within the
Mathematics is a discipline that is taught at network which means connected via computer
every level of education (Melinda, 2020). networks, the internet, and so on. Another
meaning of online is the antonym for luring

Raudatul Husna dkk, Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Komunikasi

Matematika Melalui Pendekatan Matematika Realistik pada Siswa SMP Kelas VII Langsa
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika PARADIKMA

(Online - Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), PROBLEMS

2020). Thus online learning is a learning 1. What was the effectiveness of online
process that is carried out by connecting via the learning during the Covid 19 pandemic?
internet network or online. And in this case, 2. Does it further improve students'
education cannot be separated from the learning mathematical reasoning and
process (Shanley, 2016). understanding during the Covid 19
pandemic with online learning?
According to Isman, online learning is the
3. How can you make online learning
use of internet networks in the learning process.
effective in improving students'
With online learning students have the
mathematical reasoning and
flexibility to study time, can study anytime and
anywhere. Students can interact with the teacher
using several applications such as classroom,
video converence, telephone or live chat, zoom
Type of research is library research, which
or via the WhatsApp group. This learning is an
is a series of research related to the method of
educational innovation to answer the challenges
collecting library data, or research where the
of the availability of varied learning resources
object of research is explored through a variety
(Nakayama M, Yamamoto H, 2007).
of library information (books, encyclopedias,
According to Astuti, the challenge of
scientific journals, newspapers, magazines, and
online learning is the availability of internet
documents). 125 Literature research or literature
services. Some students access the internet using
review is research that critically examines or
cellular services, and a small proportion use
reviews the knowledge, ideas, or findings
WiFi services. When the online learning policy
contained in the academic-oriented literature,
is implemented at Jambi University, students
and formulates theoretical and methodological
return to their hometowns. They experience
contributions to the topic. certain. 126 The focus
cellular signal difficulties when in their
of library research is to find various theories,
respective areas, even if there is a signal they
laws, propositions, principles, or ideas that are
get is very weak. This is a challenge in itself in
used to analyze and solve the research questions
the application of online learning at Jambi
formulated. The nature of this research is
University. Online learning has weaknesses
descriptive analysis, namely the regular
when internet services are weak, and lecturer
decomposition of the data that has been
instructions are poorly understood by students
obtained, then given an understanding and
(Sadikin, 2020).

Raudatul Husna dkk, Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Komunikasi

Matematika Melalui Pendekatan Matematika Realistik pada Siswa SMP Kelas VII Langsa
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika PARADIKMA

explanation so that it can be properly understood The ability to reason and understand concepts is
by the reader. one of the most important goals in learning
mathematics, providing materials that are taught
DISCUSSION to students not only as memorization, but more
In mathematics learning, mathematical than that with reasoning and conceptual
reasoning skills and conceptual understanding understanding students can better understand the
abilities are competency standards that play an concept of the subject matter itself. In learning
important role. With reasoning, students can mathematics, students must understand the
develop thoughts and channel their aspirations meaning and understanding of the concepts,
and opinions in oral and written form. principles, laws, rules, and conclusions obtained.
Meanwhile, with 2 concept understanding This means that reasoning and understanding
abilities, students can apply the material they concepts, which are important abilities in
learn in everyday life. According to Kuswana learning mathematics, need to be possessed by
(2011: 6) reasoning is an activity of thinking to every student.
draw conclusions from premises that have been In online learning there are things that must
previously known and established. Conclusions be considered and done by a teacher, student,
can be drawn in inductive or deductive forms. and also parents. The teacher's duties include 1)
Inductive reasoning is a process of drawing preparing teaching materials to be uploaded or
general (universal) conclusions from a specific distributed to students through the selected
series of events, whereas deductive reasoning is learning media or applications; 2) the teacher
a special conclusion based on laws or general determines the learning media according to the
scientific statements. According to Jihad and student's condition so that learning at home can
Haris (2008: 149) understanding the concept is a run effectively. Several media to choose from,
competence shown by students in understanding among others; Whatsapp groups, email, Google
concepts and in carrying out procedures Clasroom, or other learning media applications
(algorithms) in a flexible, accurate, efficient and recommended by the Ministry of Education and
precise. A student is said to understand Culture; 3) the teacher uploads learning media in
something if he can provide an explanation or the form of modules, tutorials, videos, practice
give a more detailed description of it by using questions, student worksheets to media that have
his own sentence. The ability to reason and been determined or mutually agreed; 4) the
understand mathematical concepts is the basic teacher is obliged to provide an explanation of
ability that every student must have in learning. the questions submitted by students; and 5) the

Raudatul Husna dkk, Peningkatan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah dan Komunikasi

Matematika Melalui Pendekatan Matematika Realistik pada Siswa SMP Kelas VII Langsa
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika PARADIKMA

teacher checks and evaluates the online learning management in regulating the online learning
process or learning at home to get feedback on system. This is done by creating a systematic,
learning outcomes. The student's task is to study structured and simple schedule to facilitate
the material or subject matter uploaded by the communication between parents and schools so
teacher through the agreed media. Students can that their children who are studying at home can
have discussions with the teacher through online be monitored effectively.
media if there are still things that are not clear Thus, online learning as an effective
from the material provided. Parents' duties 1) solution for learning at home to break the chain
ensure students carry out learning activities in of Covid-19 spread, physical distancing
their respective homes and limit permission for (maintaining a safe distance) is also a
activities outside the home; 2) coordinate with consideration for choosing this learning. Good
homeroom teachers, teachers or schools; and 3) cooperation between teachers, students, parents
helping students apply a clean and healthy of students and the school / madrasah is a
lifestyle (PHBS) at home. While the steps that determining factor in making online learning
must be prepared for offline learning are pre- more effective.
learning 1) preparing RPP; 2) prepare teaching
materials, schedules and assignments then send CONCLUSION
them to students / parents / guardians; 3) ensure Based on the above discussion, it can be
that all students have received a schedule and concluded that online learning is effectively

assignment sheet; 4) teachers and parents / used during the pandemic like today, especially

guardians of students meet to submit schedules in terms of education, which can also improve

and assignments are required to carry out Covid- students' mathematical reasoning and

19 prevention safety procedures; 5) learning understanding. Online learning is effectively

schedules and learning assignments are taken by used during a pandemic to break the chain of

the parents / guardians of the students once a covid 19 spread.

week at the end of the week and / or

disseminated through the available REFERENCES
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Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika PARADIKMA

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Matematika Melalui Pendekatan Matematika Realistik pada Siswa SMP Kelas VII Langsa

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