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Class Prophecy

Class of 2020

March 2020
Years ago, I found myself staring at an Instagram post to which says,
Anytime can be the last time.
While it’s all the more true and moving, I haven’t actually taken it into consideration and never
took the quote seriously until it happened to me, until it happened to all of us. It’s funny because
none of us even imagined it to be the end, we constantly expected more; more days to come,
more tests to take, more lessons to learn, more topics to memorize, more memories to make,
more moments to laugh about, and more time to spend. We constantly expected more as if
tomorrow was guaranteed for all of us, even if it wasn’t even guaranteed in the first place.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, I still haven’t finished studying for our Research finals.”
“I’ll see you too! I have so much to cram for tonight.”

No one ever knew that it was the last time. The journey was cut short but indeed, worthwhile. All
of us never would have thought that day would be the last of everything, we never even had the
chance to say our goodbyes.
Anytime can be the last time. Let that sink in.

February 2030
While waiting for my PLE Results, I decided to give myself a break from all the studying and
focusing and eventually decided to go back to the Philippines. If I pass my PLE, I’m going to be
a doctor, I’m going to be an intern and then a resident and then be a surgeon, specializing in
Cardiothoracics, like Dr. Yang and Dr. Burke in Grey’s Anatomy. It was the second time for me
to be in an airplane again, the first was when I decided to move to another country after I
finished and passed my pre-med course to start fresh and to continue medical school. While
boarding and going inside the plane, I noticed a familiar voice that made me really think even
when I was already sitting in my designated seat. I was fixing the things that I have been
carrying when this familiar voice came up to me and said,
“Do you need help with that?”
I turned towards the voice and discovered that it was Kyra Saguban, a classmate of mine when
we were still in high school. We talked for a little while and I learned that she was a flight
attendant, a nurse, has her own cosmetic line, and a Victoria’s Secret model altogether. Talk
about major multitasking, right? Eventually she had to go because the crew needed her. While I
was stuck at my seat, I decided to listen to some music because that’s what I usually do when I
travel, I opened up Apple Music and the first song to play was a good bop and I have been
listening to it ever since but I haven’t even realized that the one who produced the song
wasJames Valencia, also known as his stage name Jago Beats. It couldn’t get all the more
shocking when I learned that the one who sang along with it was Auie Maninantan. Both of
them were my high school classmates and we have been friends ever since, and truthfully, it was
music that bonded us to the point where we’d spontaneously sing and jam with or without
instruments. I also discovered that James was a certified Pharmacist and Producer at the same
time. When we were still in high school, he’d constantly talk about being a producer, he makes
sick beats, has a good voice, and dreamt to be a Pharmacist. While withAuie, we were research
group-mates, I knew that he was a Mechanical Engineer, has a music studio of his own, the
highest paid streamer here in the Philippines, and his songs were constantly top on the charts.
The internet, everybody, it makes it all the more easier to access everything including the lives of
my high school classmates way back then.
While sinking all of what I knew in, the captain of the plane started to talk, I couldn’t hear
everything because of my earphones but I instantly felt like I knew whose voice it was, but I
wasn’t sure if my hunch was ever true or maybe even right. But Kyra went towards my seat and
told me that the captain was Jaico Hamisrani. The first thing that could ever come to my mind
at this moment was me telling myself that I was right all along and I was smart enough to guess
it right all along too. Kyra then went back to the cabin and I was stuck to my seat. In the middle
of the flight, I had this urge in me to search every classmate I had in the Internet to find out what
they became. The first person I searched was the captain of the plane, I learned that Jaico
became a pilot after he had been in service to the Bayawan people as mayor. He also has his own
airline company together with Cebu Pacific, is also a Philippine Military, and became a model
here in the country but still single after all this time.
The flight was awfully long but as the plane started to descend, the air became different, it was
warm and cozy, and the heat was getting in too. New Zealand has been a pretty different
environment for me and I got used to it eventually but going back to the Philippines gave me
major nostalgia as to when I left years ago. I arrived directly at Dumaguete City, had no layovers
whatsoever, it was a direct flight to which I am very thankful. I decided to get some rest first
before heading to Bayawan and I decided to continue searching the lives of my remaining high
school classmates because curiosity constantly gets me like the cat who got curious and was
killed but satisfaction brought it back.
While at the hotel lobby constantly looking at my phone, someone tapped my back and I
instantly turned around only to see that it was Tyra Villamilalong with her friends, familiar faces
keep coming and I realized a little late that the friends that she was with were my high school
classmates too. I asked her how she was but she instantly, with no hesitation, hugged me and
asked me on point if where I was all this time. I eventually told her what happened and she said
she was proud of me but little did she know I was more proud for her. While being at the lobby,
all of us decided to go out somewhere to eat because we were all starving. We were at a
restaurant nearby the hotel when I asked them how all of them were and to that, I discovered a
lot. Like how Tyrabecame an accountant while helping other people, donating towards charities,
and became a Victoria’s Secret model like Kyra, while singing and performing on the side.
While Jeralyn Alimanggo, after passing Nursing School, became the chief nurse outside of the
Philippines. Kayce Tia was also with us and shared the beauty of the sea and how she plans on
evolving the environmental status here in the Philippines with great regard towards the sea, she is
the highest paid marine biologist here in the Philippines, a captain on a submarine she is
currently building, while being a racecar driver altogether. Dresden Daagwas also at our table
laughing with Sweetie Gargar, Joella Zamora, Daryl Sta. Maria, Emmerry Sorrilla, and Ivan
Swandie Zamora. After finishing Nursing School, Dresden Daag became a nurse while being
the highest paid soccer player here in the Philippines. Both Dresden and Swandie are working
together at the same private hospital being nurses. While Swandie, has her own cosmetic line, a
model, and an artist altogether on the side. Joellais happily married to Ace Aguilar and has been
a civil engineer ever since. After being all of that, she decided to go into politics and became a
City Councilor in Bayawan City, she juggled between being the city’s civil engineer and being
the city’s councilor at the same time. While Sweetie Gargar also shared to all of us how she
became a famous make-up artist, has her own make-up line which everybody uses here in the
Philippines and all over the world and being the chief nurse all at the same time. All of us were
having a good time while the evening was getting late and all of us had to rest but I had to ask
them where the others were. All of us went back to our seats for the last time and they told me
what they knew. I learned that Melissa Badiles became one of the top radiology techs here in the
Philippines and is happily married to her husband. And Emmerry Sorrilla, became a civil
engineer but migrated to the States and they haven’t heard of her ever since but all they know is
that she is now happily married with two kids. While Daryl Sta. Maria, is happily engaged and
works at a well-known hospital here in the Philippines while being in the country’s top softball
team altogether.
Everything ended with drinks and all of us went back to the hotel and went into our perspective
rooms. While I was the only one left in the lobby I saw Tyra walking towards me and I asked her
what were they doing all grouped up together but she had a call to take all of a sudden and I
couldn’t wait because my legs already hurt, so I decided to go to my room to sleep and get some
rest before going back to Bayawan City.
After my fourteen-hour sleep and rest at my hotel room, I decided to go to out and buy myself a
car for once because I don’t feel like commuting for three hours at the moment. I got dressed,
went on to grab my shoes and my phone and immediately checked out. While being in NZ, I
basically pass my driver’s test, and got myself a license there too. Hence, I already know how to
drive a car for once in my life after studying and drinking coffee for almost ten years trying to
study for medical school. While waiting for my car, with all the transactions and paperwork, I
somehow ended up looking at the news in my phone and I saw two of my high school classmates
receiving certain awards for leadership here in the Philippines. The first would be
AaronAbrenica, receiving the highest form of service award and is also a leadership awardee for
being a public servant here in the Philippines. As what I have learned, Aaron became a police
and ranked his way up to become a captain, he is also happily married. The next would be
AlejandroAmosin, receiving the same award for the same reasons too. He became the chief of
police at a young age because of his service and hard work and is happily married with two kids.
While I was at it, and while the manager called me and informed me that I was good to go, a
familiar face suddenly came in and I couldn’t help but stare at him until he looked at me. It was
actually my high school classmate and friend, PaulSardovia, I can see that he was busy and he
was headed towards the office but he stopped for a moment and asked me if I had a minute to
wait for him once he gets done. While I was waiting, I looked at my phone and I noticed the
time, it was near lunch and I was getting hungry. I also checked the news once again for a
possibility of a classmate to resurface again which it did and lo behold my eyes, I just learned
that JeanarcEspejowon a Nobel Prize Award for his patent towards medicine, created a vaccine
that would cure all types of sickness and disease, became the Philippines’ youngest scientist to
ever work ahead towards a gaseous planet, he also has a double degree for being a chemical
engineer and computer engineer at the same time. And not just that, BrenttAustinCait was
actually the creator and developer of the world famous game that we, including me are playing.
It became a hit and he received multiple awards for being at the peak of his success towards the
gaming industry. He is also a computer engineer and has been developing apps ever since that
greatly contributed towards this country.
Being shocked and all glued to my phone,Paul called me and I couldn’t wait because I was
hungry already, I treated him for lunch and we talked a lot during lunch about him and everyone,
and what happened to him ever since. The both of us were inside my car and drove towards the
best restaurant he could suggest here in Dumaguete City. We arrived only to find that three of
my classmates were there too, it was kind of weird because people kept showing up all of a
sudden, mostly my classmates, and all I could ever think was how they were all this time.
Towards the table we stopped to find Emmanuel Nacita, Ray Navarro, and Ianne Quisel were
all sitting together for lunch as well? We decided to join in since it was a big table and they
haven’t actually put in their orders yet. All of us were talking and laughing and constantly
reminiscing to the stupid things we did when we were in high school. It was like a moment in
time, like how the past goes towards the present and it somehow makes you feel nostalgic all of a
sudden. While we were at it, the day was starting to descend and I needed to head home already
but all the more I realized and asked myself if when could be the last time we’d see each other
like this, happy and successful.
Paul Mark has been providing the country with all the mechanical equipment and tools needed,
he has his own vulcanizing shop, not just nationwide but worldwide. In fact, he is also a
mechanical engineer, have been successful ever since because of that, and is happily married
with three kids. On the other hand, Emmanuel Nacita, has been continuing the steps of his father
and their store, it did not only reach in many areas in the Philippines but it also reached towards
the world. He became the Philippines’ youngest businessman, is an Industrial engineer to start,
and is happily married with four kids. Ianne Quisel too has made it into hot sport topics because
he became the first Filipino athlete to ever compete in the Olympics for being a badminton god.
He became the country’s top badminton player ever since he competed with a 30 winning streak.
He is also an electrical engineer and is still single after all this time. Ray Angelo became a
computer engineer and afterwards proceeded into his pre-med course and also has plans to
proceed to medical school, he is now a family man, and married to his wife as well. They also
told me that HarbyDagoy became a seaman and is currently ranked as captain, he is also a
certified pilot, and is married with kids. They also told me that Kristoffer Cubid became a
mechanical engineer, became a world-class football player, and seaman all at the same time, and
is happily engaged too. While Lenin Calijan also became a seaman while racing his motorcycles
as his hobby when he has his free time. And John Cluid Duhaylungsod became a mechanical
engineer and migrated to Switzerland and they haven’t heard from him ever since. Jeremy
Gulane also became a navy and has been working outside the country, and is an MMA Fighter
too. And Cliff Dujeno became the city’s top policeman and has been receiving offers outside the
Philippines for being the country’s top electric engineer.
I was driving towards home and I’m halfway en route and I noticed that the sunset was nice and
it looked good with the clouds and the sea and the waves crashing altogether at the farthest part
of Siaton. I decided to stop and take a picture, afterwards I looked at my phone and there it was
when I realized, I haven’t even took a single picture when I was with my classmates when they
were suddenly resurfacing and appearing. Talk about being in the moment and laughing and just
talking. I continued driving and I eventually arrived at my house. I immediately ate, took a
shower, and slept. I never told anyone I knew that I was coming back, but good thing the house
was still there but no one is living in it anymore.
The next morning, I unexpectedly woke up early than usual, talk about how my body clock
instantly changes along with the remaining jet lag and tiredness. I woke up, fixed my bed, and
decided to jog, since the last time I jogged was when I was still in New Zealand, it felt like a
long time but it was only three days ago. After I jogged, I went directly to the market to eat some
puto tsokolate because I have been craving for it ever since I moved to New Zealand. While I
was there, a classmate suddenly appeared and it was Edilbert Boltiador, shaking hands with
everybody he sees there inside the market. I was looking at him and he saw me and walked
towards me and shook my hands too. I asked him why because I had no clue why he was shaking
my hands and everybody’s hands and he told me that after he took business administration, he
proceeded to become a businessman continuing the steps of his family’s fish trade. After all of
that he became Bayawan City’s mayor for two continuous terms. He clearly noticed how
shocked I was while I was eating and he continued to tell me about how John Mark Orquia
became an NBA Coach while being a professor at the same time in the United States. And how
Daryl Tano has his own artist agency outside the country, became an artist, an electrical
engineer, and a bachelor ever since then. And how, John Paul Reyes basically owns most of the
land here in the Philippines and using it for good causes, a millionaire, a haciendero, a model,
and is currently married to one of our classmates too. He also told me how Reynold Rombines
became a teacher, happily married, and is a seaman while being a professional basketball player
at the same time. And how Matt Alexis Quindo became the highest paid model to ever exist in
this world while being a chef at the same time, and he is happily married. And let’s not forget to
talk about Jhunide Legaspi, how he became the country’s top architect.
With all the more talking, the conversation has become all the more interesting. An intense
feeling of being proud swept in and truly my classmates evolved with courage. Unplanned or
planned, they evolved with strength, courage, and compassion as to what they are now.
I went home afterwards because I was planning to go to SAA that afternoon. Maybe I’d get the
chance to see familiar faces there too. I took a nap and I messaged my friends if they were in
town, or maybe even in the country and I’d invite them to go to SAA too and grab food
afterwards. The first friend I had sent a message to be Kaye Mariane, I asked her if she was in
town and if she would be down to go visit SAA, unexpectedly she replied and said yes. I then
messaged Samantha Boncales, and Chastine Baldomero. Unfortunately, Janna Armada wasn’t
around, in town nor in the country.
I arrived at SAA at around 3:00 in the afternoon and I was waiting for the three of them to arrive.
While waiting, I could notice that the school, everything about it, is different. It wasn’t the same
as it was 10 years ago. I could feel a vibrate from my phone and I’m guessing it’s one of them
calling. To my surprise, it was a text from a number I do not know. I could have opened the text
but two people were calling me and I turned towards them and Kaye Mariane, Chastine
Balodmero, and Samantha Boncales were all there, standing in a straight line, opening their
hands for a hug. We hugged it all out, with the yelling, the jumping, the shouting, and maybe a
little bit of crying.
After all of that, we decided to go around the school, since the guards let us, and we reminisced
how many memories we made in each room, each corridor, and basically the whole part of the
school holds certain memories that each of us had. After roaming for about 30 minutes, I could
instantly tell how my friends had succeeded in fulfilling their dreams. Like how Kaye is now a
licensed Pharmacist, has already travelled to South Korea and Thailand, she is also currently
engaged to the love of her life, and has her own Pharmaceutical line here in the Philippines. On
the other hand, Chastine is now an ambassadress here in the Philippines, after she took up
International Relations in Mindanao, she has her own restaurant and also manages it, and is
happily travelling all around the world too. Samantha too fulfilled her dreams on becoming a
civil engineer and is primarily focusing on her career and family more than anything. She just
got back from the States last month and she told us the she’s currently working in a private firm
in Los Angeles. The four of us then decided to eat somewhere because we were getting hungry
and we decided to eat at Handurawan but we weren’t sure if it’s still open but we went there
To our surprise, the building became bigger than what it actually was ten years ago. Now,
Handurawan has a second, air-conditioned floor and is already serving multiple types of coffees
with super-fast Wi-Fi connectivity. While we were waiting for our orders Samantha randomly
asked us if we knew about what our other classmates are doing. And in all honesty, I have been
busy ever since I moved, I studied a lot and I basically even gave up social media. Hence, the
nostalgia and the questions. Samantha told us she knew a few like how Janna Armada, after 10
years of studying, is already a doctor and is specializing in Pediatrics outside the country. How
Fern Ann Tuangco already has multiple foundations for charity all over the world while being
an RMT at the same time and is competing for Miss Universe 2030 as well. She was our Miss
SAA back when we were seniors ten years ago. Not to mention how Katherine Egera became a
licensed Civil Engineer, has been working in the field ever since then and has been included in
the country’s top Engineers since 2027. She is also an outstanding model and happily married to
one of our classmates, but you have to guess who. And Krisha Orcullo, she too became the
country’s top agriculturist and biologist at the same time. She developed her own fertilizers
which were harm free and contributed a lot toward the agricultural and biological growth here in
the Philippines.In the middle of our talking, our orders arrived, same thing ten years ago; chicken
fingers, potato wedges, and even an iced coffee bombon.
To continue, Samantha was saying how amazing it was to be Emelissa Saligan, like how she
became the CEO of YG Entertainment, has a degree on computer engineering, and is also a
KPOP Star at the same time and she also manages a handful of Korean artists too, and she is also
happily married to one of our classmates but you also have to guess who it is again.
The four of us were about to go but suddenly these men came in, all loud and laughing as if they
just saw each other for the first time today ever since then. But then, we realized that these men
laughing, talking out loud, and hugging were our high school classmates when we were seniors
way back ten years ago. We did not realize we were already staring at them for a whole minute
and then one of them stood up and talked to the four of us.
“Wala namo kaila namo? Wa namo kaila sa inyong classmate sauna?”
The one who spoke was Orben Bendijo, a family man and a seaman at the same time, he is soon
to be the captain once he goes back to his ship, he is also happily married and is continuing the
footsteps of their business way back when. Along with him are James Valencia, Auie
Maninantan, Earl Escobar, and Jaico Hamisrani.
We sat with them like it was ten years ago. We laughed, talked, and felt the nostalgia all together
even though we were incomplete. I also learned that Earl Escobar is already a licensed
mechanical engineer and has been in the field outside the country, is happily married to his wife,
and came back to the Philippines from the states about a month ago. They also told me how Earl
Miraflor is now living his dreams as an attorney and as a human right attorney, while being a
professional ML Player at the same time. He is currently engaged and is in a different country
with the love of his life. And on the other hand, Luvimin Villanueva and Carl Segocio are
professional racecar drivers and are participating on winning the NASCAR League. Luvimin is
also a family man, and not only does he race professionally in cars but also participates in drag
races all around the country and hasn’t been defeated ever since. He is married and living
together with the love of his life.
While Carl has been in and out the country because of his motorcycle business which is in the
peaks of its success due to his skills and leadership. While at it, he is also a mechanical and
electrical engineer. And not to mention, Ace Aguilar married his high school sweetheart and they
have been in love and living together ever since. He has become a farm owner in multiple lands
here in the country, has been managing it ever since along with his lovely wife and is an
agriculturist too while being a chief engineer here in the country. He is also the highest paid actor
here in the Philippines too. Imagine juggling all that. While Jesor Carl Bait-it became the top
basketball player here in the Philippines and has been keen on Computer Engineering too, he is
currently married and has his own foundation that helps the young ones in terms of building
computer and technological skills for free. He also has a degree in Industrial Engineering and has
been in the field ever since then in and outside the country.
The day after, I was so tired I had to sleep again in the afternoon. All that talking and hugging,
and socializing drained my social battery and forced me to stay in. The house is empty, people-
empty, the only one here is me. All the things have been moved and it doesn’t feel like a home
anymore. I used to have a lot of memories here in this house, many of which are with my friends,
especially those times ten years ago, when we’d eat lunch at our house together and ended up
being late because we haven’t noticed the time.
Memories, they either stay with you or not. You could remember them but some you’d forget.
And at some point in your life, nostalgia will hit you like a bullet from a simple scent, to a
familiar voice, a familiar face, a certain type of food or drink, and certain words that has been
Maybe that’s why Joseph Nicephore Niepce invented the camera, to preserve a memory so you
won’t forget that it did exist or it ever existed. So that you’d have something to look back when
you grow older or when you grow wiser. Or maybe you’d have the chance to relive a certain
memory with or without the people in them. Or simply just to have something to lean on when
you miss something or someone.
Like I said, anytime can be the last time, and we constantly take it for granted. Life is never
guaranteed tomorrow that’s why you have to live today the best that you can.
And that is why I came up with an idea to contact all of them and gather all of them for a
somewhat reunion or a get together. I wasn’t expecting that all of them would come but heck,
there’s no harm in trying, right?
For the next few days, I have been finding and contacting my classmates the best that I can, and I
even included our ABM Batch-mates as well. But I couldn’t really do it by myself, that’s why I
asked help from my friends with which did their parts the best that they could. To my surprise,
half of them responded that they’d go, I never even actually expected that someone would come
because it was February and we were all dealing with different schedules and timelines. But half
of them responded and that’s already a silver lining.
That night, I created a group chat and handed them the details and itinerary. Good thing that the
mayor was with us and planning it too even from the start. I scheduled everything the same date
as where I’d find out my PLE Results so that I won’t be much nervous about it, taking it was
nerve-racking enough but I really do hope I’d pass.

The Big Day

I woke up early and decided to go and jog myself out of my anxiety.
Today, my PLE Results would be out and today would be our class get together too. After I
jogged, I took a bath and started to get ready. When I checked my phone, to my dismay, many of
my classmates were backing out and they said that they’d be busy today and all other reasons to
more likely believe that this day is going to be a bad day. But, Edilbert, the city’s mayor told me
that the remaining people that would go, should first go straight to the school, which was SAA
and we’d start our way there. I was keen on going eventually because I never really hoped for all
of them to come, we all have different schedules, paces, deadlines, and all of it is understandable.
And I really did want this too, to distract me about my results.
At around 3:00 in the afternoon, they picked me up at my house to go to SAA. While we were
driving towards the school, they already noticed how anxious I was because of my results, I
already told them about it before.
Kaye held my hand and told me that I did good and that I’d totally pass it because I did the very
best that I could to get that and to even take the exam which was nerve-wracking from the start.
She constantly assured me that I did well because I didn’t go this far to only be this far. I mean,
she’s right, I passed my pre-med course, and I struggled and passed medical school, took the
exam, and is now waiting to be a doctor at this very moment.
I was the last one to get off the car and when I came in, in total shock, and in total joy, I could
not believe my eyes to see that everyone was there. I mean, everyone was there, our ABM batch-
mates were even there too.
Like Sherry Vilando is now a businesswoman, a company owner, and a family mother at the
same time. Sol Trinidad, is also a businesswoman too, with kids. IvanFloyd Barte is now an
Accounting Clerk, has his own firms nationwide, and is married. Chastine Baldomero is now a
Foreign Affairs Analyst and is married to her job. While Blue Mayo Carballo is a certified
public accountant and is a newly wedded bride. And how Avril Alys Cuba has been awarded as
one of the outstanding teachers here in the Philippines for three consecutive years, and is single
too. Not to mention how Chantilly Del Castillo is now a bank teller and is married with kids.
How Erhonne Paul Rubi is living his best life by travelling almost all around the world but has
manage to go back to the Philippines for this. While May Justine Diploma is now an accountant
and married with the love of her life and has two beautiful kids. And how Austin Ellema owns
multiple restaurants here in the Philippines and not to mention that the restaurant we have been
eating in Dumaguete when I was there, she actually owns it. Darlene Macabingil is now a chief
nurse at a private hospital while Fathma Napigkit is a bank manager and is married with two
I can see everyone here. Everyone is here, the school has canopies too and there’s food too and
so much drinks. I can’t believe everyone is here. I turned towards Edilbert and I asked him this
was all on him, or that it was because of him that this all worked and how everyone is here. He
told me that he really did plan this a long time ago and I asked him how did he do it and the
simplest answers went out his mouth,
“I have my ways. Mayor baya ko.”
I just stood there and I saw Louie Palma a businesswoman and a teacher at the same time.
While Kristine Dale and Trishamae were talking besides her. Trishamae is now an English
teacher and Kristine Dale is a businesswoman and is married to the love of her life. While
Abighail is married with three kids and is a professional racer. Fiona too is an accountant and is
married and living the best of her life travelling with the love of her life.

I have no words.
The party started at around 7:00 because before that we went for a road trip, we chased the
sunset and we took amazing pictures and just having a good time. When we got back, the school
was full of lights, all of us started to come in and there was a band too with unlimited food for
everybody. And our teachers were there too to celebrate this amazing moment with us.
As soon as I was having fun, I totally forgot about my PLE Results. When I checked my phone,
my med friends were messaging me that the results were already out about an hour ago. I
immediately checked it out and I was shaking the whole time. The site kept loading because my
data connection was being funny.
But then I saw it. The results. My results.
I detached myself from the crowd and then I went up the grandstand where the band was. They
were playing and the environment was becoming noisy but full with fun and dancing and
singing. I took the microphone. Well, I asked permission first. But I took it.
The place went silent for a second and everyone was staring right at me, everyone was looking, I
mean everyone. But I took the mic and shouted,
“Guys, doctor na ko!”
And for a split second all of them were yelling and clapping and some of them even went up to
hug me, but thenI started to cry but my friend wiped my tears and hugged me as tight as I could
possibly imagine, more like a congratulations-doctor-naka-I’m-so-proud-of-you,-I –love- you-
kind of hug.
But you still have to guess who though.
We continued the night by me singing onstage with the band and having the time of our lives,
reliving memories and making new ones altogether.

10 Years Ago
To The Graduating Class of 2020,from introducing our names, battling new subjects, making
new friends, experiencing new endeavors, learning a lot from people to juggling extra-curricular
with academics, studying for exams, having hectic schedules, which led to making a research
paper, experiencing a new semester, having new subjects, having our off-school immersion, our
planned retreat, intramurals, and activities. To passing the requirements, to defending the
research paper, which led us to have our pictorials, to have meetings regarding our graduation, to
a signed clearance, to passing both semesters, and finally, graduating.
Nevertheless, this isn’t the end for all of us but rather the beginning onto fulfilling our dreams.
May we make simple beginnings from our ends, may we never forget what we’ve been through
to get here, may we never forget the people believing in us, and may we never forget the courage
we had that got us here. The journey was cut short but indeed, worthwhile. All of us never
would have thought that day would be the last of everything, we never even had the chance to
say our goodbyes but let us all be reminded that everything has a reason for everything and this
all goes to show that we have not come this far to only come this far. We are destined for greater
things ahead, more than what we could even expect. To the graduating class, I’m not going to
say dream big or soar to the skies but what I am going to say is simply dream with courage, let
courage make something out of you, and let courage make you believe in yourself as it did to me.

Ten years later,

Indeed, we did.

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