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Assignment questions for M.

Sc Second year first Semester Students

Course: Distributed Systems: Submission Date : Jan 29th 2021.
Email-id:, sub:Name/id/M.Sc/tvt/ADS/Assignment-2

1. a) Explain the major differences between Stateful session bean and Stateless session bean

b) What is JMS? How Message Driven Bean (MDB) is useful in application integration
2.What is ORM? How the ORM useful in enterprise level application development? Compare
and contrast the capabilities of different ORM frameworks that are available in the market.

3. What is ESB? Explain the essentiality of the ESB in the applications integration.

4. Explain the significance of SOA in Business process automation using ICT capabilities.

5. How to HTTP is used to transport the SOAP messages?

6. Explain the major differences between SOAP based web services and Restful web services

7. a) What is marshalling and de-marshalling is useful in communication between distributed

b) How the proxy design pattern is helpful in the marshalling and de-marshalling process

8.Explain the different elements and its purpose and linkage between them in WSDL document.

9. Explain the essential elements (Pillars) and its importance in Representation State Transfer
Web services (RESTful Webservice) Implementation.

10. Explain the distributed deadlock detection algorithm with suitable example with neat

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