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Final Exam Paper

Marketing Management

Q1) Explain the difference between consumer and business markets. How the business market
differs from consumer market for the following products: (marks 40)

1) Automobile
2) Furniture
3) ACs / inverters
4) Laptops/computers


Above image is an example of False/Deceptive advertising; discuss in detail what is “Deceptive

Advertising” along with five examples.(marks 40)


Marketing has been criticized because “it makes people buy things they don’t really need”.
Refute or support this accusation in detail. (marks 20)

cussing the Concepts1.Explain how the business market differs from the consumer market
for a product such as automobiles.a
.The business market which is made up of various suppliers wouldbuy the parts, steel, and
other goods it needs, and sell them to themanufacturer that makes the automobile. The
consumer market isbuying the finished automobile from the retailer. The difference isthat
the business market is purchasing goods to sell to themanufacturer, and the consumer is
purchasing the finishedautomobile. Thus, many sets of business purchases like
steel,rubber, and all the other goods needed for making an automobilewe made for only
one set of consumer purchases such as theautomobile itself.

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