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Information system and security:

Mainly, E-Commerce is the distribution, purchase, sales, marketing of goods and services. A
business always tries to design and develop an effective website for e-commerce. There are
approximately 12 to 24 million eCommerce sites are available in the world. ("Ecommerce
Statistics 2020 |", 2020). At present 80% of the internet users in USA usually purchase
online. ("Ecommerce Statistics 2020 |", 2020). It is expected digital buyers will
over 2 billion in the world by 2020. ("Ecommerce Statistics 2020 |", 2020) Even
though E-Commerce has a lot of advantage it has some limitation for example, lack of privacy,
tax issue, labor cost, security risk & server damages etc.

E-Commerce server:

Most of the large companies will not building their own websites, most of the time they use third
party programs to do so. The server responds to request from the web browser through HTTP

Threat that E-Commerce may face in business:

1. Inaccurate management: poor management is one of the major threats for an E-Commerce
business. As most of the companies use third party programs So it’s important to maintain a
strict management policy. Otherwise they will face huge problem.

2. Price manipulation: E-Commerce system often face price manipulation problem. As the
systems are fully automated price manipulation is a common intention to some peoples as a
result, price manipulation occurs.

Database threats of e-commerce:

1. DDoS Attack: it involves on websites server being flooded with request from thousands of
untraceable IP address. Sometimes because of DDoS attack whole server May go to the offline.
2. Credit card fraud: it is the oldest & most common threats for The E-Commerce site. And it's
difficult to trace, for example, sometimes sale of a higher value then what is received (amounts).

3. Malware: it is a piece of software that's been designed by cyber criminals with intention of
gaining access are causing damage throw the internet network. For example, fake identity,
network, Temple with E commerce etc. hackers may install apps or software in your server or
database without knowledge. As a result, this software can transfer and copy data from the
database this system includes spyware, virus, Trojan horse etc.

4. Bad bots: it is designed to cause to harm the business and E-commerce site. In the past year
they've developed to mimick real human workflows across web applications to “behave” like
real users.

5. Monitoring: Sometimes competitors may try to monitor the price & services over the e-
commerce network.

6. phishing: several E-Commerce Business may face this threat. They receive messages or
reports from their customers that customer gets hacked by the hackers while he or she was
shopping or they receive some wrong information and messages by the fake copies of website.

Example: the Eltest of 2017

7. Spam: most commonly used method to do crime. It is one of the biggest threats for The E-
Commerce business. Attackers send link that are infected by using the name of The E-Commerce
business on customers email or social sites. they send forms to collect data of the customers. As
a result, after clicking, that customers will be the next victim by the hackers.

8. Vulnerabilities: attackers may take chance of database vulnerabilities by the SQL injection.
attackers can attack on the forms that customer need to fill up.

9. E-skimming: It is used to steal the client personal details and some other information about
the business and customers payment receipt.

10. Weak Authentication: Attackers get the identity of the database by taking chance of
Solution of database security:

1. Securing server and admin: it's important to secure business from many types of attack. one
thing can do, to secure server and admin that is every time anyone attempts to login, admin panel
will receive a notification.

2. Payment security: after payment it's better not to keep the card number or other sensitive
information of the customer in database.

3. Anti-malware: it is an important part of e-commerce business. It helps to prevent the hacking

or stolen credit cards information.

4. Secure Sockets Layers: it helps to secure files that are required to full filed the transaction.

5. Security plugins: it helps to protect the database server against the bots.

6. Backup data: most commonly used to recover the damage or losses of information in any

7. Train the management: it is important to keep update it the management and staff to secure
the data and businesses strategies. So, they need training.
Ecommerce Statistics 2020 | (2020). Retrieved 18 May 2020, from

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