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LESSON 4 - Exponential and Logarithms

Exponential functions

Functions of the form:

f(x) = ax

are known as exponential functions. The graphs of all such exponential functions pass
through (0, 1).


Logarithms are another way of writing indices.

 If a = bc then c = logba


We know that 102 = 100

Therefore, log10100 = 2
You may often see ln x and log x written, with no base indicated. It is generally
recognised that this is shorthand:

 logex = lnx

 log10x = lgx or logx (on calculators)

Remember that 'e' is the exponential function, equal to 2.71828… (Donot EVER mistake
it for a variable!)

Laws of Logs

The properties of indices can be used to show that the following rules for logarithms

 logax + logay = loga(xy)

 logax – logay = loga(x/y)

 logaxn = nlogax


Simplify: log 2 + 2log 3 - log 6

= log 2 + log 3² - log 6
= log 2 + log 9 - log 6
= log (2 × 9) - log 6
= log 18 - log 6
= log (18/6)
= log 3

NB: In the above example, I have not written what base each of the logarithms is to. This
is because for the laws of logarithms, it doesn"t matter what the base is, as long as all of
the logs are to the same base.

Another important law of logs is as follows. This is a very useful way of changing the
base (in this formula, the base does matter!). Most calculators can only work out ln x and
log10x (usually just written as "log" on the button) so this formula can be very useful.

Calculate, to 3s.f., log35

log35 = log105 = 1.46 (3s.f.)


Solving Equations

Logarithms can be used to help solve equations of the form ax = b by "taking logs of both


Solve 2x = 6

Then log(2x) = log(6) [we are allowed to take logs of both sides like this]

x log(2) = log(6) [using one of the "laws of logs"]

x = log(6)

(= 2.58...)

Notice how I haven't said what the base is. This is because it doesn't matter, as long as
they are both the same. 

Which of the following statements is not correct?
A.log10 10 = 1
B.log (2 + 3) = log (2 x 3)
C.log10 1 = 0
D.log (1 + 2 + 3) = log 1 + log 2 + log 3

Answer: Option B


(a) Since loga a = 1, so log10 10 = 1.

(b) log (2 + 3) = log 5 and log (2 x 3) = log 6 = log 2 + log 3

    log (2 + 3) log (2 x 3)

(c) Since loga 1 = 0, so log10 1 = 0.

(d) log (1 + 2 + 3) = log 6 = log (1 x 2 x 3) = log 1 + log 2 + log 3.

So, (b) is incorrect.

If log 2 = 0.3010 and log 3 = 0.4771, the value of log5 512 is:
A.2.870 B.2.967
C.3.876 D.3.912

Ans : C

If log 27 = 1.431, then the value of log 9 is:
A.0.934 B.0.945
C.0.954 D.0.958

Answer: Option C


log 27 = 1.431

log (33 ) = 1.431

3 log 3 = 1.431

log 3 = 0.477

log 9 = log(32 ) = 2 log 3 = (2 x 0.477) = 0.954.

4.  a b
If log +log = log (a + b), then:
b a
A.a + b = 1 B.a - b = 1
C.a = b D.a2 - b2 = 1

Answer: Option A


a b
log + log = log (a + b)
b a
a b
log (a + b) = log x = log 1.
b a

So, a + b = 1.

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